General Complaint Form
I Want to File a Complaint
As a customer of a natural gas or electric utility company, if you object to an action of a regulated utility
company you have the right to file a formal complaint. You should first contact the company and work with
them to resolve the problem. However, if you continue to disagree with the company’s decision, you may
contact the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) staff for help through an informal complaint process.
How to Contact the Public Service Commission
800-292-9555 (in Michigan) or
517-284-8100 (outside of Michigan)
Fax: 517-284-8185
Formal Complaint Process
If you are still unable to resolve your complaint, you may file a formal complaint with the Public Service
Commission, for violation of a rule. A copy of the rules is included in this package. Even if a formal hearing is
scheduled, both you and the company can still choose to negotiate a settlement rather than go to a formal
hearing. If you and the Company do agree to settle, you must notify the Commission as soon as possible in
writing that you no longer want to pursue your complaint.
ATTENTION: If the customer is a business or an organization that is incorporated or a partnership, it must
be represented by an attorney at the formal hearing before the Commission. An individual can represent
herself/himself in a formal hearing or hire an attorney to assist.
If you file a formal complaint, the Commission will follow the hearing process, described in the
Administrative Hearing Rules.
What to Expect
After you file a formal complaint, an attorney from the Commission will review the complaint and any
attachments to determine whether it states facts that would permit the Commission to grant the requested
relief and complies with all requirements. If your complaint is approved to proceed to a hearing (referred to
as “prima facie”), the Commission will mail you a notice with the time and date of your formal hearing. If the
complaint is not “prima facie,” a letter of explanation will be mailed to you and no hearing will be scheduled.
For prima facie complaints, the hearing will be held at the Commission's offices in Lansing, before an
administrative law judge (ALJ). The formal hearing is similar to a court hearing, but not as strict. A court
reporter will record what is said. The ALJ will consider the testimony and evidence presented. You have the
burden to prove the merits of your complaint. The ALJ will make a decision, based upon the evidence
presented. If you do not agree with ALJ's determination, you may object by filing exceptions. Thereafter, the
Commission will review the evidence and arguments and make a decision.
You have the job of presenting the evidence to support your complaint and your requested relief.
Remember -- All documentation that you intend to rely upon at the hearing must be filed with the
complaint. When filing a formal complaint, you acknowledge and agree that all data, including
personally identifiable information, which have been provided in the Complaint may be released
by the Michigan Public Service Commission to the utility and to the utility’s representatives in order
to investigate and process my Complaint.
Also, you and the company can choose to negotiate a settlement for your complaint so that you do not
have to go to the hearing.
Filling Out the Formal Complaint Form
Describe your complaint. State what unlawful or unreasonable acts or failure to act occurred. This can be a
simple chronology or a list of events and your contacts with the company in question. State what rule or
statute you believe was violated.
Provide details on your complaint and the requested relief or resolution in the space provided. The
Commission does not have the authority to award compensation for pain and suffering, inconvenience, or
Attach documents, photos, letters, notices and other materials, to support your case. Include additional
sheets if necessary. Anything you intend to use at the formal hearing must be included in your complaint.
Sign and date your formal complaint form. Please make three (3) copies for submission to the Commission
and return this form to:
Michigan Public Service Commission
Executive Secretary
7109 W. Saginaw Hwy.
Lansing, MI 48917
NOTE: For your further information, copies of the following documents can be downloaded from the MPSC
website. To access them, go to michigan.gov/mpsc, then click on Regulatory Information tab on the right-hand
side of the screen and then click on Administrative Rules / Laws on the left hand of the screen. These
guidelines, rules, laws, acts, standards and tariffs will help you with your hearing.
Michigan Public Service Commission
7109 W. Saginaw Hwy. -- P.O. Box 30221
Lansing, Michigan 48909
In the matter of the complaint of Case Number:
(Leave Blank)
(Complaining customer's name)
(Company name)
(State your name and if a business or organization, state your position)
brings this Formal Complaint against:
(State the Company Name, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code)
for violation of ______________________________________________. I request that a
contested case be conducted against this party, including a hearing before an administrative
law judge.
This complaint involves my:
Please specify:
Please provide a detailed description of your complaint. Also, include your contacts with the
company and their response or resolution to the complaint. Attach any needed documents
and/or extra sheets to this complaint form. This information can be typed or neatly handwritten.
Please state what you want the Commission to do. What do you want to happen and/or to
receive from the Company, as a result of this complaint? This information can be typed or
neatly handwritten.
I acknowledge and agree that all data, including personally identifiable
information, which I have provided in my Complaint may be released by the
Michigan Public Service Commission to the utility and to the utility’s
representatives in order to investigate and process my Complaint.
I attest that the facts stated in this complaint are true to the best of my knowledge.
Your Signature
Street Address
Day Time Phone Number
Fax Number
E-mail address
NOTE: You must attach to this complaint copies of all documents or other evidence that you
intend to rely upon at hearing. Failure to do so will subject your complaint to delay or