Defense Acquisition Regulations System, DOD 252.223–7004
(i) The Contractor’s personnel and prop-
(ii) The Government’s personnel and prop-
erty; or
(iii) The general public.
(2) Nothing in this clause shall relieve the
Contractor of its responsibility for com-
plying with applicable Federal, State, and
local laws, ordinances, codes, and regula-
tions (including those requiring the obtain-
ing of licenses and permits) in connection
with the performance of this contract.
(f) Contractor responsibility for contract per-
formance. (1) Neither the number or fre-
quency of inspections performed by the Gov-
ernment, nor the degree of surveillance exer-
cised by the Government, relieve the Con-
tractor of its responsibility for contract per-
(2) If the Government acts or fails to act in
surveillance or enforcement of the safety re-
quirements of this contract, this does not
impose or add to any liability of the Govern-
(g) Subcontractors. (1) The Contractor shall
insert this clause, including this paragraph
(g), in every subcontract that involves am-
munition or explosives.
(i) The clause shall include a provision al-
lowing authorized Government safety rep-
resentatives to evaluate subcontractor safe-
ty programs, implementation, and facilities
as the Government determines necessary.
(ii) N
: The Government Contracting Of-
ficer or authorized representative shall no-
tify the prime Contractor of all findings con-
cerning subcontractor safety and compliance
with the manual. The Contracting Officer or
authorized representative may furnish copies
to the subcontractor. The Contractor in turn
shall communicate directly with the subcon-
tractor, substituting its name for references
to ‘‘the Government’’. The Contractor and
higher tier subcontractors shall also include
provisions to allow direction to cease per-
formance of the subcontract if a serious un-
corrected or recurring safety deficiency po-
tentially causes an imminent hazard to DoD
personnel, property, or contract perform-
(2) The Contractor agrees to ensure that
the subcontractor complies with all contract
safety requirements. The Contractor will de-
termine the best method for verifying the
adequacy of the subcontractor’s compliance.
(3) The Contractor shall ensure that the
subcontractor understands and agrees to the
Government’s right to access to the sub-
contractor’s facilities, personnel, and safety
program documentation to perform safety
surveys. The Government performs these
safety surveys of subcontractor facilities
solely to prevent the occurrence of any mis-
hap which would endanger the safety of DoD
personnel or otherwise adversely impact
upon the Government’s contractual inter-
(4) The Contractor shall notify the Con-
tracting Officer or authorized representative
before issuing any subcontract when it in-
volves ammunition or explosives. If the pro-
posed subcontract represents a change in the
place of performance, the Contractor shall
request approval for such change in accord-
ance with the clause of this contract entitled
‘‘Change in Place of Performance—Ammuni-
tion and Explosives’’.
(End of clause)
[56 FR 36479, July 31, 1991, as amended at 59
FR 27675, May 27, 1994]
252.223–7003 Change in place of per-
formance—ammunition and explo-
As prescribed in 223.370–5, use the fol-
lowing clause:
(DEC 1991)
(a) The Offeror shall identify, in the ‘‘Place
of Performance’’ provision of this solicita-
tion, the place of performance of all ammu-
nition and explosives work covered by the
Safety Precautions for Ammunition and Ex-
plosives clause of this solicitation. Failure
to furnish this information with the offer
may result in rejection of the offer.
(b) The Offeror agrees not to change the
place of performance of any portion of the
offer covered by the Safety Precautions for
Ammunition and Explosives clause con-
tained in this solicitation after the date set
for receipt of offers without the written ap-
proval of the Contracting Officer. The Con-
tracting Officer shall grant approval only if
there is enough time for the Government to
perform the necessary safety reviews on the
new proposed place of performance.
(c) If a contract results from this offer, the
Contractor agrees not to change any place of
performance previously cited without the ad-
vance written approval of the Contracting
(End of clause)
252.223–7004 Drug-free work force.
As prescribed in 223.570–2, use the fol-
lowing clause:
(SEP 1988)
(a) Definitions. (1) Employee in a sensitive po-
sition, as used in this clause, means an em-
ployee who has been granted access to classi-
fied information; or employees in other posi-
tions that the Contractor determines involve
national security, health or safety, or func-
tions other than the foregoing requiring a
high degree of trust and confidence.
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48 CFR Ch. 2 (10–1–10 Edition) 252.223–7005
(2) Illegal drugs, as used in this clause,
means controlled substances included in
Schedules I and II, as defined by section
802(6) of title 21 of the United States Code,
the possession of which is unlawful under
chapter 13 of that title. The term ‘‘illegal
drugs’’ does not mean the use of a controlled
substance pursuant to a valid prescription or
other uses authorized by law.
(b) The Contractor agrees to institute and
maintain a program for achieving the objec-
tive of a drug-free work force. While this
clause defines criteria for such a program,
contractors are encouraged to implement al-
ternative approaches comparable to the cri-
teria in paragraph (c) that are designed to
achieve the objectives of this clause.
(c) Contractor programs shall include the
following, or appropriate alternatives:
(1) Employee assistance programs empha-
sizing high level direction, education, coun-
seling, rehabilitation, and coordination with
available community resources;
(2) Supervisory training to assist in identi-
fying and addressing illegal drug use by Con-
tractor employees;
(3) Provision for self-referrals as well as su-
pervisory referrals to treatment with max-
imum respect for individual confidentiality
consistent with safety and security issues;
(4) Provision for identifying illegal drug
users, including testing on a controlled and
carefully monitored basis. Employee drug
testing programs shall be established taking
account of the following:
(i) The Contractor shall establish a pro-
gram that provides for testing for the use of
illegal drugs by employees in sensitive posi-
tions. The extent of and criteria for such
testing shall be determined by the Con-
tractor based on considerations that include
the nature of the work being performed
under the contract, the employee’s duties,
the efficient use of Contractor resources, and
the risks to health, safety, or national secu-
rity that could result from the failure of an
employee adequately to discharge his or her
(ii) In addition, the Contractor may estab-
lish a program for employee drug testing—
(A) When there is a reasonable suspicion
that an employee uses illegal drugs; or
(B) When an employee has been involved in
an accident or unsafe practice;
(C) As part of or as a follow-up to coun-
seling or rehabilitation for illegal drug use;
(D) As part of a voluntary employee drug
testing program.
(iii) The Contractor may establish a pro-
gram to test applicants for employment for
illegal drug use.
(iv) For the purpose of administering this
clause, testing for illegal drugs may be lim-
ited to those substances for which testing is
prescribed by section 2.1 of subpart B of the
‘‘Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Work-
place Drug Testing Programs’’ (53 FR 11980
(April 11 1988)), issued by the Department of
Health and Human Services.
(d) Contractors shall adopt appropriate
personnel procedures to deal with employees
who are found to be using drugs illegally.
Contractors shall not allow any employee to
remain on duty or perform in a sensitive po-
sition who is found to use illegal drugs until
such times as the Contractor, in accordance
with procedures established by the Con-
tractor, determines that the employee may
perform in such a position.
(e) The provisions of this clause pertaining
to drug testing program shall not apply to
the extent they are inconsistent with state
or local law, or with an existing collective
bargaining agreement; provided that with re-
spect to the latter, the Contractor agrees
that those issues that are in conflict will be
a subject of negotiation at the next collec-
tive bargaining session.
(End of clause)
[57 FR 32737, July 23, 1992, as amended at 70
FR 73151, Dec. 9, 2005]
252.223–7005 [Reserved]
252.223–7006 Prohibition on storage
and disposal of toxic and hazardous
As prescribed in 223.7103(a), use the
following clause:
(APR 1993)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
(1) Storage means a non-transitory, semi-
permanent or permanent holding, placement,
or leaving of material. It does not include a
temporary accumulation of a limited quan-
tity of a material used in or a waste gen-
erated or resulting from authorized activi-
ties, such as servicing, maintenance, or re-
pair of Department of Defense (DoD) items,
equipment, or facilities.
(2) Toxic or hazardous materials means:
(i) Materials referred to in section 101(14)
of the Comprehensive Environmental Re-
sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA) of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9601(14)) and ma-
terials designated under section 102 of
CERCLA (42 U.S.C. 9602) (40 CFR part 302);
(ii) Materials that are of an explosive,
flammable, or pyrotechnic nature; or
(iii) Materials otherwise identified by the
Secretary of Defense as specified in DoD reg-
(b) In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2692, the
Contractor is prohibited from storing or dis-
posing of non-DoD-owned toxic or hazardous
materials on a DoD installation, except to
the extent authorized by a statutory excep-
tion to 10 U.S.C. 2692 or as authorized by the
Secretary of Defense or his designee.
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