2021 Cycle Application
Health Professional Schools
Let’s go,
I. Housekeeping
II.Application services
III.Application components
IV.Composite letters & process
V. The portal
VI.What happens after?
Two overall goals tonight
1. Inform you about the application process to
health professional schools and our composite
letter process
2. Use this information to gauge whether you truly
feel ready to apply to health professional schools
this cycle
I. Housekeeping
ListServ/Weekly newsletter
Email us and request to be added
Main place for 2021 cycle information
I. Housekeeping
II. Application services
Web platforms
AMCAS: primary app for MD schools
CAS: primary apps for AACOMAS, AADSAS,
TMDSAS: primary app for Texas public
med/dent/vet schools
II. Application services
MD schools (allopathic medicine)
AAMC: Association of American Medical
Colleges (also administers the MCAT)
AMCAS: American Medical College
Application Service
2020 Cycle AMCAS Applicant Guide (2021
Guide not yet available)
II. Application services
MD schools (allopathic medicine)
2021 cycle dates:
5/4/20 primary app opens
5/28/20 submission button available
6/26/20 first day verified apps sent to
individual schools
Schools begin to notify applicants of acceptances on 10/15 and continue until
their classes are full.
II. Application services
MD schools (allopathic medicine)
2020 cycle fees:
AMCAS application fee (one school
included): $170
Each additional school: $40
II. Application services
Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR)
1-year subscription: $28
2-year subscription: $36
II. Application services
II. Application services
II. Application services
DO schools (osteopathic medicine)
AACOM: American Association of Colleges
of Osteopathic Medicine
AACOMAS: American Association of
Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
Application Service
AACOMAS Applicant Help Center
II. Application services
DO schools (osteopathic medicine)
2020 cycle dates:
5/2/19 primary app opened for
6/14/19 first day verified apps sent to
individual schools
II. Application services
DO schools (osteopathic medicine)
2020 cycle fees:
AACOMAS application fee (one school
included): $195
Each additional school: $45
II. Application services
Choose DO Explorer
Student Guide to Osteopathic Medical Colleges
Information Book
II. Application services
II. Application services
II. Application services
Dental schools
ADEA: American Dental Education
AADSAS: Associated American Dental
Schools Application Service
AADSAS Applicant Help Center
II. Application services
Dental schools
2021 cycle dates:
5/12/20 primary app opens
6/2/20 submission button available
Schools begin to notify applicants of acceptances on
12/1 and continue until their classes are full.
II. Application services
Dental schools
2020 cycle fees:
AADSAS application fee (one school
included): $251
Each additional school: $108
II. Application services
ADEA Dental School Explorer: $25 (1 year)
ADEA Official Guide to Dental Schools: $40
Bundle: $50
II. Application services
II. Application services
II. Application services
II. Application services
Texas Medical & Dental Schools
Texas Health Education Service
TMDSAS: Texas Medical & Dental Schools
Application Service
Application Handbook EY 2020 (2021
Handbook not yet available)
II. Application services
Texas Medical & Dental Schools
2020 cycle dates: 5/1/19 primary app
opened for submission
II. Application services
Texas Medical & Dental Schools
2020 cycle fees: $185 TMDSAS
application fee (flat fee for all schools)
II. Application services
II. Application services
PA schools
PAEA: Physician Assistant Education
CASPA: Central Application Service for
Physician Assistants
CASPA Applicant Help Center
II. Application services
PA schools
2020 cycle dates:
4/25/19 primary app opened for
II. Application services
PA schools
2020 cycle fees:
CASPA application fee (one school
included): $179
Each additional school: $55
II. Application services
PAEA Program Directory
II. Application services
Optometry schools
ASCO: Association of Schools and Colleges
of Optometry
OPTOMCAS: Optometry Centralized
Application Service
OPTOMCAS Applicant Help Center
II. Application services
Optometry schools
2020 cycle dates:
6/27/19 primary app opened for
II. Application services
Optometry schools
2020 cycle fees:
OPTOMCAS application fee (one school
included): $180
Each additional school: $70
II. Application services
Podiatry schools
AACPM: American Association of Colleges
of Podiatric Medicine
AACPMAS: Optometry Centralized
Application Service
AACPMAS Applicant Help Center
II. Application services
Podiatry schools
2020 cycle dates:
8/7/19 primary app opened for
II. Application services
Podiatry schools
2020 cycle fees:
OPTOMCAS application fee (one school
included): $185
Each additional school: $50
III. Application components
1. Primary application
2. Secondary application
3. Test scores
4. Composite [committee] letter
III. Application components
A school does not typically touch any part
of your application until all 4 components
are received.
Our submission of the composite letter is
completely independent of your
submission of the primary and secondary
applications as well as test scores.
III. Application components
1. Primary application
“Common app” for each type of school
Fee assistance programs:
III. Application components
III. Application components
III. Application components
III. Application components
III. Application components
2. Secondary application
“Supplementals” for each individual school
CASPer exam
Secondary essay prompts database
III. Application components
3. Test scores: MCAT
7 hours, 30 minutes
The MCAT Essentials for Testing Year 2020
How to Create a Study Plan for the MCAT Exam
Registration for the July-September testing dates is
now open!
III. Application components
3. Test scores: MCAT
We strongly recommend that you take the
MCAT no later than mid/late July.
You can submit your primary application
before you’ve even sat for the MCAT!
III. Application components
3. Test scores: MCAT
You can take the MCAT...
up to 3 times in a single testing year
up to 4 times in 2 consecutive years
up to 7 times in a lifetime
You can reschedule 48 hours after testing
III. Application components
III. Application components
III. Application components
III. Application components
3. Test scores: DAT
5 hours, 15 minutes
DAT 2020 Program Guide
You can retake the DAT up to 3 times
You must wait 90 days between sittings
III. Application components
III. Application components
3. Test scores: OAT
5 hours, 5 minutes
OAT 2020 Candidate Guide
You can retake the OAT up to 3 times
You must wait 90 days between sittings
III. Application components
III. Application components
Holistic admissions
“Holistic review is an admissions process that
considers each applicant individually by balancing
their academic metrics with experiences and
attributes.” (AAMC)
III. Application components
Holistic admissions
“Holistic review—a flexible, individualized applicant
assessment toolprovides admissions committees a
balanced means of considering candidates’ personal
experiences, attributes and academic credentials,
along with qualities and characteristics that would
prove valuable in both dental school and the oral
health profession.” (ADEA)
III. Application components
AAMC’s 15 Core Competencies
Service orientation Capacity for improvement
Social skills Critical thinking
Cultural competence Quantitative reasoning
Teamwork Scientific inquiry
Oral communication Written communication
Ethical responsibility to self and others Living systems
Reliability and dependability Human behavior
Resilience and adaptability
IV. Composite letters & process
What is a composite [committee] letter?
“A letter authored by a pre-health committee or pre-
health advisor and intended to represent your
institution’s evaluation of you. A Committee Letter
may or may not include additional letters written in
support of your application. This is sometimes called a
Composite Letter.” (AAMC)
IV. Composite letters & process
During the 2020 cycle, our office submitted...
225 composites to AMCAS
111 composites to AACOMAS
44 composites to AADSAS
8 composites to CASPA
8 composites to TMDSAS
2 composites to OPTOMCAS
27 composites to international schools
IV. Composite letters & process
IV. Composite letters & process
If at any point in the application cycle you
decide to defer your application until the
2022 cycle, please contact our office as
soon as you arrive at that decision.
IV. Composite letters & process
How is a composite letter different from a
letter packet or individual letters of
recommendation, and is it necessary?
Most comprehensive model--at UConn, we do
include individual LOR within it.
Yes and no...
IV. Composite letters & process
IV. Composite letters & process
Who writes my composite letter?
Pre-med & other composites: written jointly
by Drs. Sanford & Albert
Pre-dent composites: written by Dr. Abbott
IV. Composite letters & process
Who assembles and submits my composite
Office staff
Assembly line process with much coordination
between people
IV. Composite letters & process
Pre-Medical composite timeline
IV. Composite letters & process
IV. Composite letters & process
Pre-Dental composite timeline
IV. Composite letters & process
1. Office receives notification that all LOR are in → office staff
insert individual LOR then pass file off to advisors for drafting
2. File passed between relevant advisors, then back to office staff
3. When office staff deems file is ready (including no issues with
individual LOR), pass back to advisors for final check
4. [All but pre-dent]
a. If waiting on test scores → hold composite until released
b. If not waiting on test scores → submit composite!
IV. Composite letters & process
What does a composite interview entail?
We do NOT usually conduct interviews for pre-dentals
Part I: with Krista (logistics, gathering key information)
Part II: with Dr. Albert OR Dr. Sanford (more interview-y
Each part is 20 minutes long
Part II is scheduled together at the conclusions of Part I
IV. Composite letters & process
Do I have to dress up for my composite
No! Regular student dress is fine.
IV. Composite letters & process
From whom should I request my individual
letters of recommendation?
Based on what some schools require, we recommend:
2 science faculty LOR (MCB/PNB/EEB, CHEM, PHYS)
1 non-science faculty LOR
1 physician LOR (some DO schools require a DO LOR)
1 research PI LOR
1-2 character references
IV. Composite letters & process
Schools are very finicky about formatting these
days. We have had LOR be explicitly rejected.
Individual LOR formatting:
Hand signature (electronic version of hand
signature OK)
IV. Composite letters & process
I’m applying to some master’s programs
and/or international schools that don’t use
the above “common” application services.
Can you send them my composite letter?
Absolutely--send us a cover message listing the names of ALL
programs that you’re applying to and submission instructions
for each program (email or physical address or electronic link)
Please avoid multiple emails!
IV. Composite letters & process
What are the two IDs you need to submit my
composite letter to AMCAS?
AAMC ID: 8-digit number unique to each applicant
(yours for life)
AMCAS Letter ID: 7-digit number unique to each
letter you request in the system
IV. Composite letters & process
Whose contact information should I use
when I’m filling out my committee letter
request in the CAS application services?
Please use Drs. Sanford, Albert, or Abbott’s names
but [email protected] for the email.
IV. Composite letters & process
FAQ 10
Can you forward my official transcript to my
relevant application services?
No, only the UConn Registrar can do that. Fill out
the appropriate transcript request form (found
within your primary app) and forward to them.
IV. Composite letters & process
A message from Dr. Abbott regarding:
Composite interviews
4 letters of recommendation minimum
I need ALL
individual letters of
before I can draft
your composite
IV. Composite letters & process
Remember to send your individual LOR
writers a thank you message. It takes
several hours to draft an excellent letter
and some of them write dozens of LOR!
Also, keep them updated throughout the
application cycle.
IV. Composite letters & process
Reapplicants & Previous Cycle Deferrals
2018 cycle and before applicants:
You no longer have access to the old portal (but
our staff does)
Don’t worry because we still have your
individual letters of recommendation.
Upcoming uniform cover sheet for all reapplicants
& previous cycle deferrals--hang tight
V. The portal
1. What is the portal?
2. Old portal vs. new portal
3. Navigating the portal
V. The portal
IMPORTANT: References page
V. The portal
V. The portal
What if one of my letter writers contacts me
to say that they’re having trouble submitting
their letter through the portal?
They can email it to [email protected]
or fax it to 860-486-0222.
Do NOT have them send it directly to any advisor.
We CANNOT accept any LOR directly from you.
V. The portal
How do I know if my individual letters of
recommendation have correct formatting?
When the office staff are inserting your individual LOR,
we will automatically reach out to you to let you know
if we find any issues.
This is the most time-consuming task for the office
VI. What happens after?
VI. What happens after?
Familiarize yourself with your application
service’s “traffic rules”
Application and Acceptance Protocols
for Applicants
Choose Your Medical School tool (opens
in February)
VI. What happens after?
VI. What happens after?
VI. What happens after?
VI. What happens after?
Use caution when sending updates/letters of
interest to schools: not all want them
We are here to counsel you on ways to improve
your application and/or enrichment year plans
“I'm a former medical school admissions committee member, and at our school, there was no intrinsic disadvantage to
being a re-applicant; a significant percentage of our entering medical school classes each year were students who applied
more than once. When our committee evaluated a second application from an applicant, the key question was: How much
and in what ways has this application changed since we saw it last? It was pretty common that applicants would submit
essentially the same application as before, on a second (or third) attempt. If there weren't any substantive changes in the
application, the applicant wouldn't be invited for an interview and would be rejected. However, when a re-applicant made
the effort to identify the weaknesses in the first application and then worked on doing what was needed to strengthen
those parts of the application, our admissions committee was positively impressed by the applicant's persistence and
willingness to work hard to improve the application. In general, I think it's a mistake for an aspiring physician to submit
the AMCAS application if the applicant knows there are areas of weakness in it (such as lower-than-competitive MCAT
score). It's a sure thing that if the applicant and the advisor can see a major weakness in an application, the medical school
admissions committees will also see that weakness. In my experience, the strategy of ‘I'll go ahead and submit my
application, because I might get lucky and they might overlook my MCAT score because I'm a really nice person and I really
want to be admitted to medical school’ rarely succeeds.”
(Adjunct Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
VI. What happens after?
VII. Resources
UConn Pre-Med/Dent Center workshops:
All will be recorded and uploaded to
VII. Resources
Center for Career Development (CCD)
Personal statement review (also Writing Center)
Alumni networking: Husky Mentor Network
Navigating the Healthcare Admissions Interview
(summer webinar and fall workshop)
VII. Resources
AMCAS: 202-828-0600 / amcas@aamc.org
AACOMAS: 617-612-2889 / aacomasin[email protected]
AADSAS: 617-612-2045 / [email protected]
TMDSAS: 512-499-4785 / info@tmdsas.com
CASPA: 617-612-2080 / [email protected]
OPTOMCAS: 617-612-2888 / optomcasinfo@optomcas.org
AACPMAS: 617-612-2900 / [email protected]
Applicants at the end of this presentation:
Any last questions?
Thank you!