Suggested Questions for Law Fair Attendees
When speaking with law school representatives, consider asking some of the questions below. They're designed to help
you evaluate the academic programs at each school you're interested in attending, and to help you determine your best
fit for law school.
Feel free to ask only the questions most applicable to your situation.
Campus and Community Environment
What is special about the character and ambience of your school?
How would you describe the student interaction at your school?
What do students like most about your school? Least?
Describe the physical location of the school (big city, small town).
Describe the on- and off-campus housing opportunities for students.
What opportunities are available for prospective or admitted students to visit your campus?
Employment of Graduates
What percentage of graduating students find full-time, long-term employment where a JD/bar passage is
either required or preferred? What kinds of jobs do your graduates take after law school?
What are the bar passage rates in the state(s) in which most of your graduates take the bar exam?
What career services are offered to students and graduates? How many students find summer or part-time
employment through your law school?
What percentage of graduates practice in the region around your school?
How do you help students and graduates find jobs outside the region?
How would you describe faculty-student relationships at your school?
What type of academic support does your institution provide to students? Is it open to all students or only to
students who are in academic jeopardy?
What clinical opportunities are offered at your school?
Do you offer law school study-abroad programs and, if so, in what countries?
Describe areas of specialization in your course offerings. What joint-degree programs are offered?
Please describe the application process.
How are students selected for law journals or law review?
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The Admission Process
How does your law school review applications?
What do you look for in a personal statement?
Does your school accept addenda such as optional essays or diversity or grade-explanation statements?
How do I submit these documents?
What kinds of recommendations are most helpful? Do you require use of LSAC’s Letter of Recommendation Service?
Is there an advantage in applying early?
Does your school have “early action” or “early decision”?
How important is it for students to have a law-related internship or job before law school?
What does diversity mean at your law school?
What part should my diverse background play in my personal statement? And, if your law school has an optional
diversity statement, how do I highlight my diversity?
What is the law school experience like for diverse students?
What should I know about writing a diversity statement versus a personal statement?
Does your law school have active student organizations that support diverse students?
What is the diversity of your law school’s faculty members?
Does your law school offer any courses primarily focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender legal issues?
Does diversity include life experience, special talents, skills, and other factors?
How does diversity translate into your classrooms?
I’m an older student—am I a “diverse” or “nontraditional” student? What is the average age of first-year law stu-
dents? How does your law school offer support, or community, for “nontraditional” students?
If I need accommodations, how should I approach your law school for assistance and support?
Costs/Financial Aid
Do you offer merit or need-based scholarships or grants? If so, what criteria do you use?
Is the continuation of a merit scholarship contingent upon academic performance in law school?
What is the required median GPA?
What is the estimated cost of attendance at your school and do you anticipate a tuition increase?
Do you have a loan repayment assistance program for graduates who go into public interest law?
What are the criteria and procedures for obtaining state residency status while in law school
(state-supported schools)?