Report to t lw Chai man, Comui t t ee OII
Finance, U.S. Senate, and the
Chairman, Committee on Ways and
Means, House of Representatives
January 1990
Tax Treatment of Life
Insurance and Annuity
Accrued Interest
GAO/GGD-90-3 1
General Government Division
January 29,199O
The Honorable Lloyd Bentsen
Chairman, Committee
United States Senate
The Honorable Dan Rostenkowski
Chairman, Committee on Ways and Means
House of Representatives
This report is in response to Section 5014 of the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of
1988. Section 5014 calls for
to report on (1) the effectiveness of the revised tax
treatment of life insurance products in preventing the sale of life insurance primarily for
investment purposes; and (2) the policy justification for, and the practical implications of,
the present treatment of earnings on the cash surrender value of life insurance and annuity
contracts in light of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. There is a recommendation to the Congress
in chapter 4.
As arranged with you, unless you publicly announce the contents of this report earlier, we
plan no further distribution until 2 days from the date of the report.
Major contributors to this report are listed in appendix II. If you have any questions, please
call me on 275-6407.
Jennie S. Stathis
Director, Tax Policy and
Administration Issues
Executive Summ~
The interest that is earned on life insurance policies and deferred annu-
ity contracts, commonly referred to as “inside buildup,” is not taxed as
long as it accumulates within the contract. By choosing not to tax the
interest as it is earned, the federal government forgoes an estimated $5
billion in tax revenue each year.
In the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, Congress
to examine the policy justification for, and practical implica-
tions of, this tax treatment. Congress also asked
to study how effec-
tively the revised definition of life insurance contained in the new law
restricted the sale of investment-oriented life insurance products.
Inside buildup is not a form of income unique to life insurance or annu-
ity products. It is another name for unrealized or accrued income-
income earned but not yet received by an investor. Other examples of
investments with accrued earnings are certificates of deposit, individual
retirement accounts, 401(k) plans, original issue discount bonds, stocks,
bonds, and real estate.
In general, inside buildup earned on life insurance and deferred life
annuities is not taxed as long as it remains inside the policy. Since the
buildup grows faster than it would if it were taxed, buyers pay lower
prices for these products.
Interest that remains inside a life insurance policy accumulates as long
as the policy is in force. The amount accumulated benefits the policy-
holder because it helps pay the increasing cost of insurance coverage as
the policyholder ages and it becomes an increasing part of the policy’s
death benefit. The inside buildup is not subject to income tax if it is
received as death benefits by the policy’s beneficiary. Inside buildup is
taxed if the policyholder surrenders the policy, but not if the policy-
holder merely borrows the inside buildup.
Inside buildup accumulates in life annuities only between the time the
annuity is purchased and the time payments from the annuity begin.
Unlike life insurance, funds borrowed from an annuity are taxed and a
penalty tax is imposed. Once payments from the annuity begin, the pre-
viously untaxed inside buildup is paid out over the term of the annuity
as part of the payment. The inside buildup received with each payment
is then subject to taxation.
P8ge 2
GAO/GGD4031 Turrtlon of Indde Buildup
Executive Summiuy
Results in Brief
After examining the major arguments for the current tax preference,
found only one to have potential merit-without this preference,
people may not provide their dependents with adequate insurance pro-
tection or themselves with sufficient retirement income. However,
believes that inside buildup is accrued income that could be taxed.
Accordingly, Congress may want to reconsider whether the social bene-
fits of not taxing the inside buildup are worth the tax revenue forgone.
If Congress decides not to tax inside buildup,
believes that amounts
borrowed from life insurance inside buildup should be taxed. Since bor-
rowing the inside buildup reduces death benefits by the amount bor-
rowed, such borrowing is not consistent with the goal of the tax
preference, which is to foster insurance protection. In addition, an
unlimited right to borrow the inside buildup allows policyholders access
to tax-free income and is inconsistent with the tax treatment of borrow-
ing from other tax-preferred products, such as annuities. Repayment of
previously taxed amounts borrowed should be tax deductible, because
repayment restores the death benefit.
Congress has narrowed the tax definition of life insurance, but that defi-
nition is likely to remain an issue as long as preferential tax treatment is
granted to life insurance products. The 1988 restrictions appear to have
reduced substantially the sale of a particular type of investment-ori-
ented product-that involving a single premium paid upfront. Whether
these restrictions have affected the sale of other investment-oriented
life insurance products is more difficult to evaluate.
GAO Analysis
The Inside Buildup Debate
Opponents of taxing inside buildup argue that it is not income and
should not be taxed because it does not usually generate cash to the
owner unless the product is surrendered or liquidated. Instances exist,
however, under present law where income is taxed without cash pay-
ment. For example, the annualized return on original issue discount
bonds is taxed as it accrues even though no cash may be received until
some time in the future. (See pp. 38 and 39.)
Alternatively, there are instances under current law where income is not
taxed until cash is realized. For example, accrued capital gains are not
taxed, even though they could be considered income. There are two
Page 3
GAO/CiGDMl Taxation of Inside Buildup
Executive Summmy
basic arguments for taxing capital gains only when the underlying
assets are sold. First, it would be difficult to value many assets that
have accrued capital gains, especially if they have not been sold in
years. Second, asset prices can fluctuate substantially from year to year.
Thus, taxing accrued capital gains could result in the forced sale of an
asset to pay the tax.
believes that the payment of cash is not a necessary condition for
income to exist and to be taxed.
also believes that the arguments for
not taxing accrued capital gains do not apply to inside buildup on life
insurance or annuity products. Inside buildup is an amount that can be
readily computed, and the tax on it wiII not likely be large enough to
force even a partial surrender of the policy. Thus, the arguments for not
taxing inside buildup must be based on other factors. (See p. 39.)
found one argument for not taxing inside buildup to have merit. The
argument is that taxing it may reduce the amount of insurance coverage
purchased and the amount of income available to retirees and benefi-
ciaries. The tax preference on inside buildup is less costly, it is argued,
than direct government provision of protection.
Adequate coverage for low-income people is largely provided through
the Social Security System, which provides both insurance and annuity
protection. The tax preference given life insurance and deferred life
annuities mainly benefits middle- and high-income people. Empirical
studies on the adequacy of life insurance protection are not conclusive.
Even if, under the existing tax treatment, the level of protection is ade-
has no way to determine if it would remain so if inside
buildup were taxed. (See pp. 41 to 43.)
Inside buildup has never been treated as taxable income. However, the
tax preference has created incentives to construct products that take
advantage of the preference. Accordingly, Congress may want to period-
ically reconsider the policy decision to forgo taxing inside buildup. The
central issue, as always, is whether the benefit of the increased protec-
tion to the insured’s beneficiaries is worth the tax revenues forgone.
(See pp. 44 to 46.)
Policy Loans Defeat
The purpose of life insurance is to replace income lost as a result of the
Purpose of Life Insurance
death of the insured. Borrowing the accumulated inside buildup of a pol-
icy, however, reduces the value of death benefits and, therefore, defeats
the purpose of having life insurance. (See pp. 43 to 44.)
J%xecutive Summmy
In 1982, Congress decided to treat borrowing from annuities as taxable
and imposed an additional penalty to offset the advantage of accruing
interest tax free and only paying tax when funds are withdrawn. In
1988, Congress limited borrowing on certain life insurance policies by
narrowing the tax definition of life insurance. One intent underlying
both of these tax law changes was to reduce investor incentives to use
borrowing as a source of tax-free income. (See p. 43.)
In keeping with that intent as well as to make the tax treatment of bor-
rowing against life insurance more consistent with that of other invest-
ment products, borrowing from life insurance should be considered a
realization of income and should be taxed. To offset the advantage of
accruing tax-free interest income before its withdrawal, a penalty-sim-
ilar to that imposed on borrowing from annuities-should be added to
the tax. Since repayment of borrowed amounts restores the death bene-
fit, any amount that was included in taxable income when borrowed
should be deductible when repaid. (See p. 46.)
The staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation has estimated that a tax
on borrowing the inside buildup from life insurance policies would raise,
on average, over $200 million per year. (See p. 36.)
Recent Changes in Law
Have Affected Product
Because of concern about the growth of single premium life insurance
policies, Congress narrowed the tax definition of life insurance in The
Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988. Single premium poli-
ties, which involve a large initial payment, allow significant and rapid
accumulation of inside buildup. The effect of the tax law change has
been to reduce the number of single premium policies sold. The effect of
this change in the law on other investment-oriented life insurance poli-
cies is more difficult to evaluate. (See pp. 32-33.)
Purchases of deferred annuities fell after borrowing from these prod-
ucts was taxed. Growth has since resumed and, in fact, increased after
the Tax Reform Act of 1986 put limits on competitive tax-preferred
products, such as Individual Retirement Accounts. (See pp. 36-37.)
The type of products offered as well as who buys those products can
change. As a result, Congress may want to reconsider periodically its
policy decision to grant preferential tax treatment to inside buildup,
weighing the social benefits against the revenue forgone.
Page 5 GA0/GGD!30-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Executive Summary
If Congress decides not to tax inside buildup, then
recommends that
Congress eliminate tax-free borrowing of life insurance proceeds. Any
borrowing of these proceeds should be considered a distribution of inter-
est income. To offset the advantages of accruing interest income without
tax, a penalty provision needs to be added. Since repayment of the
restores the death benefit, any amount that is taxed
when it is borrowed should be tax deductible if subsequently repaid.
obtained oral comments
from industry representatives
on this
report. According to them, the current tax treatment of inside buildup is
justified. They believe that recent changes in the tax laws have elimi-
nated serious abuses. In their view, loans are a legitimate part of the life
insurance product and are generally used to serve important social
goals, such as financing a
or paying tuition.
Page 6
Taxation of bide Buildup
Page 7 GAO/GGD90-31 Taxation of hide Buildup
Executive Summary
Chapter 1
Objectives, Scope, and Methodology
Chapter 2
What Is Inside
Life Insurance and Inside Buildup
Life Annuities and Inside Buildup
Chapter 3
Favorable Tax
Life Insurance and-Annuity Inside Buildup Are Taxed the
Treatment of Inside
Same Inside but Differently Once Outside of the
Buildup Encourages
Comparison of Tax Treatment of Life Insurance and
Deferred Annuities With Other Investments
Implications of Tax Preferences on Life Insurance and
Annuity Products
Chapter 4
The Inside Buildup
Inside Buildup Is Income
Tax Preference May Encourage Saving Through Life
Insurance Companies but Has Little Effect on Total
Tax Preference Increases Long-Term Capital Formation
Financed by the Insurance Sector but Not for the
Entire Economy
Insufficient Provision for Beneficiaries’ Future Needs
Provides Primary Support for Tax Preference
Policy Loans Defeat Purpose of Life Insurance and Should
Be Taxed
Appendix I: Calculation of Excess Premiums on Whole
Life Insurance
Appendix II: Major Contributors to This Report
Page 8
GAO/GGDWl Taxation of bide Buildup
Table 2.1: Annual Premiums on $100,000 Life Insurance
Table 2.2: Excess Premiums, Inside Buildup, Cash Value,
and Actual Insurance Coverage for a $100,000
Annual Premium Whole Life Policy
Table 2.3: Excess Premiums, Inside Buildup, Cash Value,
and Actual Insurance Coverage for a $100,000 Single
Premium Whole Life Policy
Table 2.4: Premiums on a $10,000 Life Annuity Beginning
at Age 60
Table 3.1: Premiums for $100,000 Whole Life Insurance
Policies When Inside Buildup Is Taxed and Not Taxed
Table 3.2: Premiums for Deferred Annuity of $10,000
Annually When Inside Buildup Is Taxed and Not
Table 3.3: Taxable Income, After Annuitization, on a
$10,000 Annualized Deferred Annuity Computed
Under IRS Formula and Actuarially
Table 3.4: Taxation of Instruments With Accrued Gains
Table 3.5: Premiums Earned on Single Premium and Other
Ordinary Life Insurance
Table 3.6: Sales of Individual Annuities
Table I. 1: Calculation of Yearly and Cumulative Excess
Premiums on a $100,000 Annual Premium Whole Life
Figure 2.1: Cumulative Inside Buildup Earned on a
$10,000 Deferred Life Annuity
American Council of Life Insurance
Certificates of Deposit
first in, first out
Individual Retirement Accounts
Internal Revenue Service
last in, first out
Life Insurance and Marketing Research Association
Page 9
GAO/GGDWl Taxation of Inside Buildup
Chapter 1
Certain life insurance and annuity products have historically been
granted preferential treatment under the Internal Revenue Code. During
the 198Os, many of these same products and the methods of marketing
them changed significantly. Concerned about the potential for misuse of
the preferential tax treatment, Congress has placed limits on these prod-
ucts by narrowing the definition of life insurance and by penalizing bor-
rowing against annuities.
Whole life insurance policies are usually paid for with annual premiums
spread over the life of the insured or over a specified number of years.
In the early years of the policy, the premiums more than cover the cost
of insurance. The excess is invested to provide for later years when the
cost of insurance rises. Deferred life annuities pay benefits after a speci-
fied time has elapsed. They may be paid for with either a single pre-
mium or with a series of premiums that stop before or at the end of the
period of deferral.
Both whole life insurance and deferred annuities offer forms of protec-
tion to the purchaser, but they are also used for savings. The basic tax
advantage common to both is that the interest earned on the savings
element is not taxed as it accumulates. For life insurance, the savings
element plus interest earned is used in later years to supplement pre-
mium payments when mortality costs are higher and to pay a part of the
promised death benefits. If the insured dies, the interest accumulation is
paid to the beneficiary and is not subject to income tax. If the insured
surrenders the policy, the interest accumulation will be subject to tax as
long as the cash value plus the sum of dividends previously paid out to
the policyholder is greater than the sum of premiums paid by the policy-
holder. No tax is levied on borrowing the inside buildup. For annuities,
the savings plus interest earned pay a part of the annuity benefits. No
tax is levied on accumulated interest until the annuity benefits are actu-
ally paid out. However, any amount borrowed or withdrawn during the
period of deferral is taxable. Because the interest is not taxed as it is
earned, both the surrender of life insurance policies and the cashing in
of deferred annuities involve postponement of tax.
The exclusion from taxation of most interest income earned on life
insurance and annuity contracts is estimated to cost the federal
ment over $5 billion a year, according to the Joint Committee on Taxa-
tion. If just the interest income on new life insurance policies were
taxed, revenue would reach about $900 million a year in 5 years, accord-
ing to the Congressional Budget Office.
Page 10
GAO/GGD9041 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 1
In the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Congress
decided to treat borrowing from deferred annuities as a taxable distribu-
tion. Except for a limited set of circumstances, an additional penalty tax
was imposed on the amount borrowed to offset the benefits policyhold-
ers gained from tax deferral. Concerned about an increasing number of
investment-oriented life insurance products, Congress, for the first time,
explicitly defined a life insurance policy for tax purposes in the Deficit
Reduction Act of 1984. With a rapid increase in the sale of single pre-
mium life insurance products, Congress further narrowed the tax defini-
tion of life insurance in the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of
1988. To be considered life insurance for tax purposes, a policy must
involve at least seven annual premiums. A policy with fewer than seven
annual premiums is called a “modified endowment policy” and has very
restrictive borrowing privileges, much like those of annuities.
Objectives, Scope, and
The Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of
directed that we
examine the policy justification for the current tax treatment of inside
buildup in life insurance and annuity products, as well as analyze the
practical implications of that treatment. In addition, we were to study
how effectively the law’s revised definition of life insurance prevented
the sale of life insurance products primarily for investment purposes.
To examine the justification for, and policy implications of, the current
tax treatment, we examined accounting, actuarial, economic, and insur-
ance journals and periodicals. In addition, we studied statements and
testimony of industry representatives and economic, legal, and insur-
ance experts. From our literature search, we extracted what we believe
to be the primary arguments for and against the current tax treatment
of inside buildup. Chapter 4 discusses these arguments and evaluates
their strengths and weaknesses.
We examined trends in the industry to determine the policy implications
of the tax treatment of inside buildup and the effects of the new defini-
tion of life insurance. Our primary sources of data used to examine
these trends were the 1988 Life Insurance Fact Rook and the 1989 Life
Insurance Fact Book Update, both of which were published by the
American Council of Life Insurance; and various reports and pamphlets
published by the Life Insurance and Marketing Research Association,
Inc. (LIMRA). To gain a fuller understanding of the products that are
available and their relative importance, as well as to discuss the most
recent trends in the industry, we visited the offices of LIMRA and inter-
viewed LIMRA officials.
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GAO/GGD90-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 1
We received informal oral comments from representatives of the life
insurance industry. Since they believe the current tax treatment is
proper, they disagreed with our position. Our work was done between
April and September 1989, primarily in Washington D.C. and in accord-
ance with generally accepted government auditing standards.
Page 12
GAO/GGD!W21 Taxation of Inside Buildup
What Is Inside Buildup?
The interest that accumulated on life insurance policies and deferred
annuities was an estimated $45 billion in 1986. Each year policyholders
and future annuitants accumulate an amount of this magnitude on a tax-
free or tax-deferred basis. In deciding whether inside buildup is to
remain tax-preferred or to be considered a source of tax revenue, it is
necessary to understand what it is and the purpose it serves.
‘Inside buildup” refers to the growth of interest income within life
insurance policies and deferred annuities. Inside buildup is not a unique
form of income: it is simply another name for unrealized income or
gains- income that has been earned but not received by an investor.
Unrealized income or gains occur with many kinds of investments.
These investments include certificates of deposit (CDS); individual retire-
ment arrangements (IRAS); 401(k) plans; original issue discount bonds,
such as zero coupon bonds; stocks and bonds (capital gains); and real
estate. For instance,
earn interest income as they are maturing, but
investors have the option of not receiving the income until the CD has
matured. Stocks and bonds, even though they pay a periodic income as
dividends or coupon interest, may appreciate in value. This appreciation
or capital gain is earned by investors but is not received until the stock
or bond is sold.
Life Insurance and
Inside Buildup
Life insurance enables individuals to reduce the risk of financial loss to
their families or other parties in the event of the policyholder’s death.
Risks are reduced by pooling the risks (i.e., the probability of death) of
many individuals. If the risks are small, the cost to each individual will
also be small. For example, if 10,000 people wished to provide $10,000
to their families if they died in the next year, and the insurance com-
pany estimated that only 10 of the 10,000 people would die during the
year, the cost of the insurance would be $10 per person ($100,000 bene-
fits paid / 10,000 policyholders
= $10 per policyholder). However, if the
insurance company estimated that 5,000 people would die, the cost
would jump to $5,000 per person1
This example illustrates the fundamental nature of life insurance: as the
probability of death increases the cost of insurance also increases. While
the nature of insurance remains the same, the industry has developed a
multitude of insurance products, such as universal life and variable life
‘This example disregards what are called “loading charges.” These costs are included in life insur-
ance premiums so that insurance companies can cover their casts of doing business.
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GAO/GGD90-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 2
What Ia Inside Buildup?
insurance, to meet the varied needs of people. However, all the policies
offered are essentially variations on the two basic types of insurance:
term (temporary) insurance and whole life (permanent) insurance.
Term Insurance
Term insurance pays the beneficiary of a policy the promised death ben-
efits if the insured dies within a certain period of time (usually 1 year).
A l-year term policy involves almost no savings; it is often termed
“pure” insurance.
The premium for a given amount of term insurance increases with the
age of the insured because the insured’s probability of death increases.
With a greater number of people dying each year as a given group of
people grows older, insurance companies must charge higher and higher
premiums to cover the promised death benefits. Thus, a given amount of
term insurance that costs people hundreds of dollars a year
are in their 20s may cost them thousands of dollars a year
are in their 60s. For example, a $100,000 l-year term policy that costs a
person $169 at age 25 would cost $2,421 by age 65. If a person age 25
lived to age 99 and purchased a $100,000 l-year term policy each year,
total premiums paid over
years would equal $636,187.”
The increasing cost of term insurance is a major drawback in holding
this type of insurance. As people age, their incomes may not increase as
fast as the insurance premiums. The premiums may take a larger and
larger portion of their income over time. This problem is solved with
whole life (permanent) insurance.
Whole Life Insurance
Under a whole life insurance policy, coverage of $100,000 a year from
age 25 to 99 could be purchased for 75 annual premiums of $676, or a
total of $50,700. Whole life insurance pays the beneficiary of a policy
the promised death benefits (face value of the policy) whenever the
insured dies. It does
through a combination of decreasing term
insurance and increasing accumulated savings. The sum of these always
equals the face value of the policy.
‘The premiums, which do not include loading costs, are calculated using the 1980 Commissioners’
Standard Ordinary Mortality Table for males, with an interest rate of 5 percent. This example, and
othen throughout the report, are not intended to represent actual policies sold by the insurance
industry. They are used only to describe the relationship between premiums, cash values, and death
for various kinds of policies.
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GAO/GGDBOCSl Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 2
What LB Inside Buildup?
The premiums for whole life may be spread over the life of the insured.
However, unlike term insurance, whole life premiums do not increase
with the age of the insured. The “excess” premiums are invested by
insurance companies and earn interest income for policyholders. For
whole life premiums to pay the increasing cost of mortality (the increas-
ing costs of term insurance as the insured ages), they must be greater
than the premiums for term insurance in the early years of the policy.
The difference between the whole life premiums and the cost of the
actual term insurance provided in the early years of a policy represents
the savings element of life insurance. The “excess” premiums are
invested by insurance companies and earn interest income for policy-
holders. The accumulation of interest income in an insurance policy is
the inside buildup.
The sum of the accumulated excess premiums and interest income
equals the cash value of a policy. The cash value of a whole life policy is
available to policyholders during their lives through surrender of the
policy or through borrowing. As the cash value of a policy grows, the
amount of actual insurance coverage that needs to be provided to main-
tain the face value or death benefits of a policy decreases. However, the
cash value plus the actual insurance coverage always equals the face
value of a policy.
As the insured ages, the cost of insurance coverage begins to exceed the
annual premiums. At this time, the accumulated excess premiums and
inside buildup (accumulated interest income) are used to supplement the
annual premiums. In effect, interest income earned for policyholders by
the insurance company is used so that policyholders may pay the
increasing cost of their insurance coverage and, as will be shown, is used
to supplement the decreasing level of actual insurance protection pro-
vided by the company.
The savings aspect of whole life insurance may be increased by paying
larger and fewer premiums early in the policy. If premiums are paid
early, inside buildup accumulates in greater amounts. For instance, it
was common to pay premiums for whole life insurance over 20 years
instead of over the life of the insured. At the end of 20 years, the inside
buildup and accumulated excess premiums were sufficient to pay the
costs of insurance coverage for the rest of the insured’s life. The savings
element of whole life is taken to the extreme when it is paid for with a
single premium; such a policy provides the greatest accumulation of
Page 16
GAO/GGIMO31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
what t lndde Buildup?
interest income. Another type of policy, universal life, allows policy-
holders to vary, within certain limits, the amount of death benefits and
the timing and amount of premiums. This policy allows them to deter-
mine how much of their premiums is saved and how the interest income
is used.
One incentive to purchase whole life rather than term insurance is that,
unlike comparable investments, interest income built up within the pol-
icy is not taxed as it is earned. This incentive will vary depending on
how interest rates paid on the savings aspect of life insurance compare
with the rates offered on other taxable investments.
Inside Buildup Illustrated
Table 2.1 shows the annual premiums for l-year term, annual premium,
and single premium life insurance for a $100,000 policy purchased
beginning at age 25. For about the first 25 years, the premiums on l-
year term insurance are lower than those on annual premium whole life.
The difference between the two policies is approximately equal to the
excess premiums that are saved and invested for the whole life policy-
holder.3 For the single premium policy, virtually the entire premium is
saved and invested. The premium plus inside buildup on a single pre-
mium policy is enough to pay the cost of actual insurance coverage over
the life of the insured.
Table 2.1: Annual Premiums on $100,000
Life Insurance Policies
Type ot Policy
1 -Year
25 $169
35 201
676 .
45 433 676 .
55 997 676 .
65 2,421 676 .
75 6.113 676 .
Note: Premiums were computed ustng the 1980 Commissioners’ Standard Ordinary Mortality Table for
males and an interest rate of 5 percent. The premiums do not Include loading costs.
?he difference ia only approximate because under the l-year term policy the insurance coverage
stays at d 100,000 while under the whole life policy the
lnsursnce coverage, not the face value of
policy, decreases as the
policyholder ages and the cash value builds up. The cost of insurance cover-
age under a whole life policy is therefore less than under the l-year term policy.
Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 2
What h lnaide Buildup?
As the cash value (excess premiums and interest income) builds up
within a whole life policy, the amount of actual insurance coverage pro-
vided decreases. If a person reaches the maximum age in a mortality
table, the actual insurance coverage for the last year is zero. The death
benefits are then totally provided for out of the inside buildup. Tables
2.2 and 2.3, based on the premiums used in table 2.1, show the relation-
ships between the excess premiums, inside buildup, cash value, and
actual insurance coverage for the whole life and single premium poli-
cies.4 For l-year term insurance there are no excess premiums, inside
buildup, or cash value.
Table 2.2: Excess Premiums, inside
Buildup, Cash Value, and Actual
Insurance Covemge for a $loO,OCM
Annual Premium Whole Life Policy
excess Inside insurance
builduo Cash value covemae Face value
$508 $26 $534
2,010 7,619 92,381 100,000
45 9,699 8,207
17,905 82,095 100,000
55 11,326
20,165 31,906 68,509 100,000
65 8.335 39.321 47.656 52344 100,000
66,410 64,241 35,759 100,000
85 (22,936) 100,693 77,757 22,243 100,000
95 (51,258) 140,540 89,283 10,717 100,000
99 E8.557) 158.557 100.000 0 100.000
Table 2.3: Excess Premiums, Inside
Buildup, Cash Value, and Actual
Insurance Coverage for a $1 W,ooO
Single Premium Whole Life Policy
Inside insurance
buildup Cash value coveraae
Face value
$12,899 $87,101 $100,000
35 10,832 8,271 19,103 80,897 100,000
45 8,493 19,618 28,111 71,889
55 3.998 36.010
40.008 59.992 100.000
54.163 45.837
75 (19,659) 88,346 68,687 31,313 100,000
85 (43,764) 124,287 80,523 19,477
95 (74,484) 165,099 90,615 9,385 100,000
99 au.2441 183.244 100.000 0 100.000
The cash value (excess premiums plus inside buildup) plus actual insur-
ance coverage equals the face value of the policy, $100,000. The excess
4The calculation of excess premiums is presented in appendix I.
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GAO/GGD90-21 Taxation of Inside Buildup
What b Inside Buildup?
premiums in the early years are positive when they are saved and earn
interest income. By ages 65 and 75 in these examples, the excess premi-
ums become negative; at this time, the inside buildup begins to supple-
ment the annual premium to pay the cost of the actual insurance
coverage. For the single premium policy, the inside buildup pays the
entire cost of the actual insurance coverage. The remainder of the inside
buildup supplements the actual insurance coverage so that the value of
the death benefits remains constant. By age 99, the highest age used in
the mortality table, the inside buildup has grown to equal the death ben-
efits; the actual insurance coverage at this age is zero.
As can be seen from tables 2.2 and 2.3, the inside buildup on the single
premium policy for each year is greater than that for the annual pre-
mium policy, because the excess premiums invested in the policy in the
beginning are much greater in the single premium policy.
In summary, inside buildup on life insurance is unrealized income to pol-
icyholders, income that is used to help pay the increasing costs of their
actual insurance and to pay an increasing p&t of their death benefits. It
is income that, when realized, may never be taxed.5
Life Annuities and
Inside Buildup
Life annuities are, in a sense, the opposite of life
While life
insurance pays a benefit when the insured dies, life annuities pay bene-
fits (usuaIIy annually or monthly) as long as the insured lives or for a
specified period of time if living. Life annuities are used as a source of
retirement income. For instance, people may invest their IRA savings in
life annuities and begin drawing benefits when they retire.
Life annuities may be either immediate or deferred. An immediate annu-
ity is purchased with a single premium and begins to pay benefits right
away. The premium is invested and earns interest income. The interest
income, along with a part of the premium, is paid out as it is earned, and
thus constitutes the annuity’s benefits. When the insured dies, any pre-
mium remaining helps pay the benefits of other annuitants. These
amounts are called “survivorship benefits.” Because the interest income
under an immediate annuity is paid out as it is earned, no inside buildup
accrues in such a policy.
‘See chap. 3 for a discussion of the tax treatment of inside buildup.
Page 18 GAO/GGB904 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 2
What b Innide Bufldop?
Deferred life annuities pay benefits after a specified time has elapsed or
a certain age is attained. They may be paid for with either a single pre-
mium or with a series of premiums that stop before or at the end of the
period of deferment. Like immediate annuities, deferred annuities earn
interest income; unlike immediate annuities, the interest income earned
builds up within the policy during the period of deferment and is availa-
ble to pay annuity benefits. As with life insurance, the sooner the premi-
ums are paid, the greater the amount of inside buildup.
If the interest rates offered on life annuities are competitive, one reason
for buying a deferred life annuity now rather than an immediate life
annuity later is that the inside buildup accumulated during the period of
deferment is not taxed as it is earned. The same annuity may therefore
be purchased with a smaller after-tax premium, measured in present
value terms. For example, a $10,000 immediate annuity may be pur-
chased for a $116,855 premium at age 60. If the insurance company
guarantees an interest rate of 6 percent, the same annuity may be pur-
chased for a $13,403 premium at age 25. However, if people wanted to
save the money themselves to pay the premium at age 60, they would
have to invest $26,594 at age 25, assuming a 6-percent return in a tax-
able investment. Their cost would be almost 100 percent greater.”
Inside Buildup Illustrated
In the same manner as permanent life insurance, inside buildup is
earned but not realized on deferred life annuities. Once annuity benefits
begin, however, interest income stops building up within the annuity.
When part of the accumulated interest income is included in the annuity
benefits, the inside buildup paid out is realized as income.
The inside buildup on deferred life annuities plus the premiums paid
(plus survivor-ship benefits) must equal the single premium on an imme-
diate life annuity of the same amount. This equality can be seen by con-
sidering the premiums and inside buildup on representative immediate,
deferred, and single premium deferred life annuities.
The premiums on a $10,000 life annuity beginning at age 60 and ending
at the death of the annuitant are presented in table 2.4. The premium at
age 60 is $116,855. The same annuity may be purchased at age 25 for 35
annual premiums of only $886 for a total of $21,020; it may also be
purchased for a single premium of $13,403 at age 25. Since the reserves
6There are taxdeferred alternatives to purchasing a deferred annuity. For instance, people may save
through IRAs and buy an immediate annuity when they retire.
Page 19
GAO/GGD99-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 2
What Ls Inside Buildup?
(the amount of funds in a policyholder’s account) on both deferred
annuities must equal $116,885 by age 60 if they are to pay the same
benefits, the differences between the premiums are made up with inside
buildup (plus survivorship benefits).
Table 2.4: Premiums on a $10,000 Life
Annuity Beginning at Age 60
Type of annuity
. 886
. 886
Note: Premiums were computed using the 1971 Male Annuity Mortaltty Table with an Interest rate of 6
percent The premiums do not include loading costs
Figure 2.1 shows the cumulative inside buildup on the annual premium
and single premium deferred annuities. The amount of inside buildup on
the ‘annual premium deferred annuity is about $78,000 at age 60. This
interest income plus the premiums paid, $31,010 ($886 x 35) almost
equals the cost of the immediate annuity.’
The single premium deferred annuity earns a greater inside buildup. By
age 60, when the annuity begins, the inside buildup totals about
$95,000. This buildup is almost 22 percent more than under the annual
premium deferred annuity. In both cases, the inside buildup accumu-
lates tax-free, to the benefit of the policyholder. Only when the annuity
begins is the inside buildup taxed.8
7The difference is made up from the reserves (premiums, interest income,
survivorship benefits)
of those annuitanta who died during the period of deferment. Those reserves are allocated to
accounts of the living.
‘See chap. 3 for
discussion of the tax treatment of inside buildup
deferred annuities
Page 20
GAO/GGIMO-31 Taxation of hside
chapter 2
What la lnaide Buildup?
Figure 2.1: Cumulative Inside Buildup
Earned on a $10,000 Deferred Life
Thousands of Ddlan
35 40 45
56 so
Annual Premium Policy
Single Premium Policy
Page 2 1
GAO/GGD9041 Taxation of Inside
Favorable Tax Treament of Inside Buildup
Encourages Investment-Oriented Products
The inside buildup on life insurance and deferred annuities is treated
similarly under current tax law as long as the funds remain in the prod-
uct. However, tax law treats funds
are withdrawn or borrowed
from a life insurance policy more favorably than funds withdrawn or
borrowed from an annuity.
Tax treatment of investments does not always resemble that of life
insurance and annuities. The tax treatment of interest accumulating in
whole life insurance and deferred annuities resembles
tax treatment
of interest accumulating on other forms of deferred compensation, such
as individual retirement accounts. There are, however, important differ-
ences. Unlike these other deferred compensation products, there are no
legal limits
on how
much can be invested in life insurance and annuity
products. In addition, no tax consequences result from borrowing from a
life insurance policy. The only borrowing limit is the cash value of the
policy. The tax treatment of life insurance products closely parallels the
tax treatment of capital gains income. However, it is
inside buildup
accrued capital gains have as much in
common as
their respective tax treatments would indicate.
The tax preference granted to inside buildup increased the variety of
investment-oriented life insurance products and the amounts invested in
products. Some of these products have led to concerns that the tax
preference generates products that are geared more to investment pur-
poses than to life insurance purposes. There are different ways of allevi-
ating those concerns. Changing the definition of life insurance is one of
those ways.
To restrict the ability of investors to put large amounts of money in poli-
cies that were more oriented toward generating tax-preferred invest-
ment returns (inside buildup) and less oriented toward life insurance
protection, Congress defined life insurance for tax purposes in the Defi-
cit Reduction Act of 1984. Because of the rapid increase in the sales of
single premium life insurance policies in the mid-1980s, Congress nar-
rowed the definition further in the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue
Act of 1988.1 The sales of a specific product, the single premium policy,
appear to have fallen as a result of this 1988 tax law. However, it is
more difficult to evaluate how these changes in definition have affected
sale of investment-oriented life insurance policies in general.
‘These policies allowed for a large and rapid accumulation of inside buildup. in addition. they often
provided very liberal loan provisions For a more detailed discussion, see Tax Policy: Taxation of
Single Premium Life Insurance (GAO/GQD-88-SBR), October 16,1987.
Page 22
GAO/GGDWl Taxation of Inside Buildup
clupter 3
Favomble Tax Treatment of Inside wlildap
EncouragesI.nveatme nt43rient.d Pnnhcta
More direct approaches exist to achieve the goals of reducing the invest-
ment-orientation of life insurance and of keeping policyholders from
gaining easy access to tax-preferred funds. If the concern is that inves-
tors have the ability to shelter large amounts of income from tax, a tax
on inside buildup or limits on the amount of life insurance that is
granted tax-preferred status might more effectively deal with that con-
cern. If the concern is the ready access to tax-preferred funds through
borrowing, then limiting or taxing borrowing may be a better approach
than altering the definition of life insurance.
Life Insurance and
Annuity Inside
Buildup Are Taxed the
Same Inside but
Differently Once
Outside of the Product
As funds remain inside a life insurance or deferred annuity product,
they generate interest that is credited to the product’s owner. If these
funds remain in the policy or annuity, the interest accumulation is not
taxed. Once the funds are realized (i.e., taken out of the policy or annu-
ity), the tax treatment accorded annuities differs greatly from that of
life insurance. Inside buildup on a life insurance policy may be realized
by the policyholder or beneficiary through (1) death benefits, (2) policy
loans, (3) surrender of the policy, or (4) policy dividends. For annuities,
inside buildup can be realized through (1) liquidation-when payment
of funds into the annuity stops and payment of funds out of the annuity
begins-, (2) loans against the annuity, (3) cashing in the annuity-if
this is allowed-, or (4) policy dividends. In the following sections, we
will describe how each of these forms of realization are taxed under cur-
rent law.
Unrealized Inside Buildup
The inside buildup and, in some types of policies, the policyholder divi-
Not Taxed for Annuities or
dends generated by funds on deposit in a life insurance policy accumu-
Life Insurance
late without current taxation.2 As a result, the inside buildup grows
faster than it would if it were subject to current taxation. The faster the
buildup of interest inside a policy, the lower the premiums insurance
companies will charge for the same coverage. Table 3.1 shows the dif-
ference in premiums on a $100,000 whole life policy under the current
tax treatment-that is, with no tax on inside buildup and with a hypo-
thetical tax of 28 percent on the interest accumulation. Lower premiums
obviously benefit both insurance companies and their policyholders.
‘In certain
a current tax is generated by the accumulation of policyholder dividends 111 a
policy. See the section on policyholder dividends.
Page 23
GAO/GGEMO41 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Chapter 3
Favorable Tax Treatment of Inside Buildup
Encourages Investment4Mented Products
Table 3.1: Premiums for $100,000 Whole
Life Insurance Policies When Inside
Buildup Is Taxed and Not Taxed
Inside buildup not If buildup were
Type of policy
Annual premium
Single premium
$20 742
Note Premiums based on a poky purchased by a 25.year-old male usmg 1980 Commlssloners Sland
ard Ordmary Mortality Table for males with an Interest rate of 5 percent and a marginal tax rare of 28
percent Premiums do not Include loadmg costs
From the insurance companies’ standpoint, lower premiums mean they
can sell more policies or more insurance per policy. Lower premiums are
possible because the inside buildup grows at a faster rate when not
taxed and can eventually pay a greater portion of the promised death
benefits. From the policyholders’ standpoint, the amount paid for a
given amount of insurance is lower and the amount invested in the pol-
icy (i.e., the unused premiums) earns interest income at a higher rate
than if it were taxed. The cash value of the policy (unused premiums
plus accumulated interest income) is available to policyholders through
borrowing or upon surrender of the policy in whole or in part. i
Inside buildup on deferred annuities is given the same tax treatment
accorded unrealized interest income earned on life insurance. -4s premi-
ums’ are paid into a deferred annuity but before any amount is actually
received by the annuitant, the interest income earned accumulates with-
out any current tax. The owner’s wealth increases with the interest
accumulation and at a faster rate than if the interest accumulation were
subject to current taxation. Table 3.2 shows the difference in premiums
on a $10,000 deferred annuity with no tax and with a hypothetical tax
of 28 percent on the inside buildup. From the standpoint of the annuity
owner, fewer resources or out-of-pocket costs are needed to provide
income for retirement, for example, or for
other purpose.
Table 3.2: Premiums for
Deferred Annuity
of $10,000 Annually When Inside Buildup
lo Taxed and Not Taxed
Inside buildup not
If buildup were
Type of policy
Annual premtum
Single premium
Note: Premiums based on a deferred annuity purchased by a 25.year-old male to begin at age 60 using
the 1971 Male Ann&y Mortality Table and an Interest rate of 6 percent Premiums do not include loading
3Surrendering a life insurance policy means exchanging the policy for all or part of its
cash value.
Page 24
GAO/GGD90-31 Taxation of
chapter 3
Fmorable Tu ktanent
Inside Buildup Not Taxed
The basic purpose of life insurance is to provide protection against
When Realized on Death of
income loss to beneficiaries who are often dependents of the insured.
Insured but Taxed When
The death of the insured terminates the whole life insurance policy. The
Realized as Annuity
accumulated interest
or inside buildup in a life insurance policy
is not taxed when paid to the beneficiary on the death of the insured.
Death benefits have been exempt from federal income tax on welfare
and humanitarian grounds because they are usually paid to a family
that has suffered the loss of the primary earner.4
Liquidation of a deferred annuity terminates the deferral period. Pay-
ment of funds into the annuity has ceased and payment of funds out of
the annuity begins with liquidation. Unlike the accumulated inside
buildup included in life insurance death benefits, the interest accumu-
lated in annuities is taxed when it is paid out as annuity benefits.
quently, the inside buildup on deferred life annuities is only tax-
deferred, not tax-free as in the case of death benefits from life
The tax law contains a formula that separates the part of an annuity
payment that is interest, and therefore taxable, from the part that is a
return of principal and not taxable. The IRS formula is easier to use than
actuarial tables, but the result obtained from the formula is only an
approximation. It slightly understates taxable income in the early years
and overstates taxable income in the later years. As a result, in the early
years, there is some additional deferral of tax
annuities. Table 3.3
compares taxable income computed under the IRS formula with taxable
income computed using an actuarial table on an annuity that pays
$10,000 a year. For the first 24 years, taxable income is understated by
about $600 a year and then overstated by about $500 a year thereafter.
Table 3.3: Taxable Income, After
Annuitiration, on a $10,000 Annualized
Deferred Annuity Computed Under IRS
Formula and Actuarially
IRS formula
Actuarial formula
First 24 yean Subsequent years
9,254 9,514
Note: Computations based on a $10,000 annualized deferred annuity beginning at age 60 and pur-
chased at age 25 with 35 annual premiums. The 1971 Male Annuity Mortality Table was used with an
interest rate of 6 percent.
4These death benefita may not totally escape taxation since they are
included in the tax base of
federal estate tax and may be subject to state
income or estate taxes. The
current tax credit for the
federal estate tax, however, is equivalent to about a $600,000 exemption so that the applicability of
Page 26
GAO/GGIHO-31 Taxation oP Inside Buildup
Chapter 3
Favorable Tax Treatment of Inaide Buildup
Jhcourages Investment4h4ented Pmdnrts
Surrendering a Life
The cash value received by a policyholder upon the surrender of a life
Insurance Policy or Taking
insurance policy is subject to income tax to the extent that cash value
a Distribution From an
plus any policy dividends previously received is greater than the sum of
Annuity Is Taxable but the
premiums paid. Thus, the taxation of a full or partial surrender of a life
Treatment Is Different
insurance policy assumes that the principal is recovered first and the
interest is recovered afterwards (often termed FIFO for “first-in-first-
out”). That is, any receipt of cash value is deemed to be first a return of
premiums paid and only then a return of interest income earned. As a
result, partial surrenders need not lead to any payment of tax until the
total amount received is greater than the amount paid.
Not only is the interest income taxed after the principal has been recov-
ered, but the amount that is considered principal for tax purposes is
overstated. The calculation of taxable income uses total premiums paid
as a measure of principal. However, part of the premium in each year is
used to purchase insurance coverage, and the remainder accumulates as
part of the policy’s cash value. As a result, the current method of deter-
mining taxable income, which ignores the cost of insurance, overstates
the amount of principal on which the inside buildup was earned. Since
the principal amount is overstated, the amount of inside buildup taxed
is less than the actual amount earned. A more correct basis for calculat-
ing the taxable interest accumulation would therefore be the sum of pre-
miums paid less the cost of insurance coverage, since it is only excess
premiums that are invested at a return and therefore properly consid-
ered principal.
On the other hand, distributions from an annuity that are over and
above the regular annuity payments are taxed as if they were interest
income first, at least until all of the interest accumulation has been
received. Distributions from annuities are thus said to be taxed on a LIFO,
or last-in-first-out basis. That is, any receipt of funds is deemed to be
first a return of interest income earned-which is taxable-and only
then a return of premiums paid-which is not taxable. In addition, if the
annuitant has not yet reached the age of 59-l/2 or fulfilled certain other
conditions, an additional penalty tax of 10 percent is assessed on the
Page 20
GAO/GGD-30-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
aupter 3
Favorable Tu Treatment of Inside Buildup
Enamqp3 Inve8tmentollenti Producb
Borrowing Against Inside
Buildup Is Tax-Free for
Life Insurance but Taxable
With a Penalty for
If a policyholder borrows the inside buildup from his or her life insur-
ance policy, the amount borrowed is considered a transfer of capital, not
a realization of income, and, therefore, is not subject to taxation. This
reasoning is in accord with tax policy on other types of loans, such as
consumer loans or home mortgages. These loans are merely transfers of
capital or savings from one person to another through a financial inter-
mediary. The ability to borrow against a life insurance policy means
that the interest income that is supposed to be building up to fund death
benefits can instead be a source of untaxed current income. If the loans
are not repaid, the inside buildup will never be taxed; death benefits will
simply be reduced by the amount of the loan. Thus, policyholders have
the use of tax-free income for purposes other than insurance at the
expense of reduced death benefits for their beneficiaries.5
The 1982 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act treats a loan from an
annuity as a distribution of annuity proceeds for tax purposes. The
amount borrowed is considered a distribution of interest income first
and is subject to tax. The purpose of this treatment is to discourage the
use of annuities for short-term investment and tax deferral purposes,
while maintaining the tax benefits for long-term investment and retire-
ment uses. Taxing amounts borrowed reduces the incentive to realize
income on a current basis from what is meant to be deferred compensa-
tion or savings for retirement. If the annuitant has not yet reached the
age of 59-l/2 or fulfilled certain other conditions, a penalty tax of 10
percent is also assessed on the amount distributed. Due to the time value
of money, it always pays to postpone paying a tax rather than to pay it
currently, unless there is some expectation of a significant increase in
tax rates in the future. As a result, a penalty is imposed to offset the
benefits of deferring the tax on interest income.
Taxation of Policyholder
Dividends Paid on Life
Insurance Differs From
That of Dividends Paid on
Roth life insurance and annuities can pay dividends to policyholders to
the extent that investment performance is better than a stated or guar-
anteed rate of return or to the extent that mortality experience turns
out to be better than expected. Part of the investment income on life
insurance policies and annuities can be guaranteed, much like a bond or
some savings accounts, while part of the investment income can depend
on performance and is paid at the discretion of the company, as in cer-
tain money market or equity instruments. Investment income paid at the
5Similarly, homeowners may borrow againat the untaxed equity appreciation in their homes and not
pay an income tax on the funds received. However, the interest paid
a home equity loan is tax-
deductible, while the interest paid on a life insurance policy loan is not tax-deductible.
Page 27
GAO/GGD!bO41 Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 3
Pavorable Tu
EIKmuaga hlv atment~tedRodaetr
discretion of the company is considered a dividend. If such dividends
are reinvested and left to accumulate inside a whole life insurance pol-
icy, the interest earned on them is taxable. In addition, the dividends
themselves are taxable to the extent that the sum of dividends accumu-
lated over the life of the policy is greater than the sum of premiums paid
by the policyholder.
Policy dividends paid on annuities, however, are usually taxable. If
earned after the annuity starting date, the dividends are included in the
policyholder’s gross taxable income. If earned before the annuity start-
ing date, they are taxed unless retained by the insurer as a premium or
other consideration paid for the anr~.Gty.~
Comparison of Tax
Treatment of Life
Insurance and
Deferred Annuities
With Other
There are both similarities and differences between the tax treatment of
life insurance and deferred annuities and the tax treatment of certain
alternative investment vehicles.
In one comparison, the tax treatment of 401(k) and deductible IRA con-
tributions is, in effect, the same as the tax treatment of life insurance
death benefits.’ F’unds deposited in 401(k) and deductible contributions
made to IRA plans are tax-deductible. These funds and any accumulated
interest are taxable without penalty when withdrawn from the account
after age 69-l/2. F’unds used to purchase life insurance are not tax-
deductible, but death benefits-including the accumulated interest
income or inside buildup-are not taxed. These two approaches are
equivalent in present value terms if tax rates are the same when funds
are received as when funds are deposited.8
Another comparison showing similar tax treatment is that between non-
deductible contributions to IRAS and life insurance policies that are sur-
rendered. In both cases, the interest income or inside buildup is not
taxed as it is earned, but it is taxed when realized-when funds are
6Ccmaideradons are the amounta paid lnto annuitlex They are the equivalent of premiums on life
insurance pollcles.
‘Deductible IRA contributions are those taken by individuals (single) without a qualified employer-
sponsored pension fund or, up to a limit of $2,000, by those with incomes below $25,000. Nondeduct-
ible IRA contributions are those taken by everyone else. while the
amount conhibuted to such an IRA
is not deductible, the interest income is not subject to tax until the IRA ls cashed ln at retirement.
*Ekcause the amount paid into a 401(k) or deductible IRA la not taxed, the principal invested is larger
by the tax not paid. If this untaxed amount accumulates with interest until withdrawn, the tax on the
amount withdrawn will have the same present value as would a tax on the original amount.
Page 23
GAO/GGD-@O-31 Taxation
Lnside Buildup
Ch8pter 3
Favorable Tu Treatment of Inside Builbp
Encores lnveetment-orlellted Froducta
withdrawn from an IRA at retirement or when the life insurance policy
is surrendered.
Another useful comparison is the similarity in tax treatment of capital
gains, which represent an increase in wealth, and the tax treatment of
accrued interest. Capital gains are not subject to income tax as they
accumulate (or accrue) but are taxable when the underlying asset is sold
and the capital gain is “realized.” This treatment closely parallels the
surrender of life insurance policies because the interest accumulation is
not taxed as it accrues but becomes taxable upon surrender to the extent
that the surrender value exceeds the sum of all premiums paid into the
The treatment of capital gains at death also resembles the treatment of
life insurance death benefits. Neither is included in the income of the
deceased, and the basis for determining capital gains is adjusted for the
beneficiary, effectively removing any tax liability for capital gains that
occurred from the time of purchase through the time of death. Death
benefits paid from a life insurance policy are also not taxable as income
to the beneficiary.
In contrast, some investments are taxed differently. Interest that
accumulates on certificates of deposit is taxable on a current basis even
though the interest may not be realized by the investor until the certifi-
cate matures. Original issue discount bonds are those with low or zero
coupon or explicit interest rates. These bonds, however, have a differ-
ence between the issue price and the value of the bond at maturity. A
set of rules specified in the tax code imputes annual interest amounts on
these bonds, rather than ahowing taxes to be deferred until cash is
received when the bond matures or is sold. In both these cases, interest
is taxed even though no cash is received. The way that income accrues
on original issue discount bonds most closely parallels the way that
inside buildup accrues in life insurance and annuity products.
Table 3.4 summarizes the tax treatment of these alternative forms of
savings, showing the similarities and differences in tax treatment.
Page 29
GAO/GGIMXil Taxation of Inside Buildup
Favorable Tu htment of h&de
Table 3.4: Taxation of Instruments Wfth
Accrued Gains
Contribution is
$cx\yd gain is Realization of gain
is taxed
Life insurance
Deferred annuities
Nondeductible IRA
Deductible IRA
401 (k) plans
no, but amount
no, but amount
yes, principal and
yes, principal and
Certificates of
Original issue
discount bonds
Capital gains
no yes/nob
%ealized accrued garn
not taxed when received as death benefits; it is taxed when received on
surrender of the policy.
bAccrueci capital gains are not taxed under the income
when the owner dies; on the
of the
owner’s death. the asset’s value becomes the benefbary’s new basis for subsequent taxation.
The two aspects in which the tax treatment of deferred compensation
instruments differs most substantially are in “premature” distributions
and borrowing. Premature distribution is the withdrawal of funds from
a retirement instrument before the holder is 59-l/2 years of age, or from
a life insurance policy before the death of the policyholder. Borrowing
from these instruments involves withdrawing funds without forfeiting
benefits if the funds are repaid.
Distributions from IRAS and 401(k) plans before age 59-l/2 involve a tax,
including a lo-percent penalty, on the full amount withdrawn except in
very special circumstances, such as the disability of the owner. If the
owner of a deferred annuity takes a distribution during the deferral
period, the amount is taxed with a lo-percent penalty as well. Early
withdrawals from a life insurance policy are usually made by surrender-
ing part or all of the policy. As discussed earlier, early withdrawals can
be taxed.
Borrowing from
is not allowed. Borrowing from 401(k) plans is lim-
ited to one-half of the employee’s accrued benefit in the retirement plan
Page 30
GAO/GGIWS31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Favonble Tu Trutment of Inaide holdup
Emmmgea hwstment0riented Produti
up to a limit of $50,000.g Borrowing from annuities is treated as a distri-
bution from the annuity and is taxed with a penalty. No tax conse-
quences result from borrowing from a life insurance policy, and the only
limits are the cash value of the policy.
Implications of Tax
Preferences on Life
Insurance and
Annuity Products
Different tax treatment of similar investments creates the incentive to
take advantage of those differences. One of the issues in the recent dis-
cussions of leveraged buyouts is the extent to which tax considerations
might influence those buyouts. Since interest paid on debt is deductible
from corporate income and dividends paid to equity holders are not,
incentives may exist to refinance some of a company’s equity with debt.
Incentives can be set up to use financial instruments having many of the
characteristics of equity, but which are treated as debt instruments for
tax purposes.
These incentives have also been an ongoing problem in the area of capi-
tal gains taxation. Due to the favored tax treatment, it always paid to
get income declared as a capital gain rather than as regular income.
Even after the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which rescinded the favored
tax treatment of realized capital gains, the favored tax treatment of
accrued capital gains remains.
The tax preference granted to many forms of pensions and deferred
compensation sets up incentives to take income in that form and to dis-
guise current compensation as deferred compensation. These incentives
require very complicated rules to ensure that what is supposed to be
deferred compensation actually is used for that purpose. Complicated
rules have been established in the tax code, for example, on distribu-
tions from funds and trusts set up to finance deferred compensation or
on loans that use deferred compensation as collateral.
Similar problems arise.with life insurance and, to a lesser extent, with
annuity products. Because of the tax-favored nature of life insurance,
there are incentives to develop a product that looks like life insurance or
can be defined as life insurance for tax purposes. Yet this practice
allows people to shelter income from taxation and may, in fact, allow
use of that sheltered income on a current basis. To deal with this prob-
lem, Congress set up two tests to define life insurance. These tests were
established first, on a provisional basis, in the Tax Equity and Fiscal
‘These loans must be repaid within 5 years, unk~ they are wed to finance the borrowing employee’s
principal residence.
Page 31 GAO/GGIMO431 Taxation of Inside
clmpter 3
Fwomble Tax Treatment of hide
t4Mentd pfmdncu
Responsibility Act of 1982 and then, on a more permanent basis, in the
Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.
Under the law, a contract is considered life insurance if it satisfies either
of two alternative tests. Under the cash value accumulation test, a life
insurance contract’s cash value cannot exceed the net single premium
needed to pay all future benefits. Under the guideline premium limita-
tion and cash value corridor test, the premiums cannot exceed certain
guideline levels, and the death benefit cannot be less than a set propor-
tion of the policy’s cash value based on the age of the insured.
These tests may or may not have had the desired effect on life insurance
products that involve more than one large upfront premium, but they
did not appear to effectively limit the use of single premium life insur-
ance products for investment p~rposes.~~ As a result, Congress further
narrowed the definition of life insurance in the Technical and Miscella-
neous Revenue Act of 1988. The act created a new category of products
called “modified endowment contracts”-any policy funded at a more
rapid rate than seven annual premiums. The act required that loans or
other amounts received from these contracts would be taxable to the
extent of the interest that had built up inside the policies. Thus, single
premium policies would be classified as modified endowment contracts,
and loans from them would be taxable.
This restriction appears, at least for the present, to have cut into the
sales of single premium life insurance. Table 3.5 presents the premiums
earned on single premium and other ordinary life insurance from 1984
through 1988. As a percentage of disposable income, premiums on single
premium insurance rose substantially from 1984 to 1987 but fell by over
50 percent in 1988 compared with 1987.
“For a more detailed discusion of the use of single
premium policies to get
around the defuritional
/GGD88-9BR, Oct. 16, 1987,)
ce Should Be Restricted (GAO/
Pyle 33
GAO/GGDWb31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Favorable Tax Tmatment of Inaide Buildup
Eneoumgealnvastmen toriented Pmduetd
3.5: Premiums Earned on Single
Premium and Other Ordinary Life
Dollars in millions
Single premium insurance
Other ordinary insurance
Percent of Percent of
disposable disposable
1984 $1,032 0.04% $37,593
1 41°-
1985 2,470 0.09 43,626 1.54
1986 5,013 0.17 46,605 154
1987 9.436 0.29 52.698 164
Preliminary data from the Life Insurance and Marketing Research Asso-
ciation (LIMRA) that are based on a sample of companies
single premium policy premiums have fallen in the first three-quarters
of 1989 to less than 30 percent of their value for a similar period in
1988. Recently, however, several new products
that com-
ply with the 1988 act but
not be in the spirit of
that act.
It is more difficult to analyze whether other investment-oriented life
insurance products are growing and at what rate. Data exist on
of variable life insurance, universal life insurance, and universal varia-
ble life insurance.ll Other than the legal definition, no criteria exist for
which of these types of policies
be “too investment-
oriented*’ from those that are not. As a result, we cannot precisely eval-
uate the implications of the preferred tax treatment
any investment-
oriented policies that satisfy current law.
New Products and New
Uses of Traditional
The life insurance industry has become a major competitor in the finan-
cial services industry. As a result, new products and new uses of stand-
ard products are constantly appearing. One example of a new product
would be what is called a “combination plan.” This includes an immedi-
ate annuity with a life insurance policy involving 10 annual premiums.
The annuity pays the 10 premiums, but the policy qualifies as a life
insurance product even under the new restrictions and, as a result,
allows borrowing.
‘lVariablelifeinammce iaaformofinaumwe
that allows the policyholder to invest his or her cash
value in a mutual fund, with the cash value retkcting the earning experience of that fund. Universal
life insurance allows the policyholder to change the
death benefit and the
premium payments. These
policies also explicitly
mortality charges and interest rates that affect the policyholder’s
account. Universal variable
the policyholder
a choice of
funds for investing the cash value, as
well as a flexible payment schedule.
Page 33
GAO/GGD9Ml Taxation of Inside Buildup
Favorable Tax Treatment of hide Buildup
Another new product that especially interested Congress is a policy
insures two lives, only pays after the second death, and involves seven
annual premiums (the minimum required under the 1988 law). This
product also features a substantial reduction in
death benefit in the
eighth year. The high initial death benefit allows
policy to qualify as
life insurance, but the reduction in death benefits after the seventh y_ear
frees up more funds for investment purposes.
Both of these products appear to be attempts to comply with the 1988
act while keeping
main features of single premium policies that the
law intended to curb. Congress dealt with the second product, the 7-year
joint policy, in the recently passed Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989. As a result of this change, any reduction in the death benefit
below what ruled over the first 7 years of
the policy
requires a recalcu-
lation to see if the policy still qualifies as life insurance under the
Examples of new uses of traditional products include “living benefits”
policies and corporate-owned life insurance. Policies that involve living
benefits pay out some designated part of
death benefit while
insured is still alive, if certain specified conditions are
These condi-
tions can include the onset of some specific illness, the certification of a
terminal illness, or the entrance into a qualified nursing home. While
there is little difference between borrowing against a policy and taking a
living benefit, the conditions on the latter are much stricter and
amounts limited although funds are available sooner.
Many companies insure themselves against the loss of key individuals
death would be costly to the company). Recently, a
new type of corporate-owned life insurance has appeared that involves
smaller amounts of insurance but for larger numbers of employees. The
available data on this phenomenon are quite limited. Currently, only a
few companies sell these policies, so the sample size is quite small. As a
result, the amounts fluctuate from year to year and conclusions are dif-
ficult to draw. For example, LIMRA reports that for a sample of compa-
rues, the number of corporate-owned policies rose by about 70 percent,
while the average face value of these policies actually fell from about
$129,000 to about $57,000 per policy
1987 and 1988. Compar-
ing the first three quarters of 1989 with a similar period in 1988 but for
different samples shows a 33percent increase in the number of
policies, while the average face value rose from $65,000 to $249,000 per
policy. These policies do not appear to be purchased for
employee or
Page 34 GAO/GGKMMXU Taxation of Inside Buildup
Favorable Tax ‘lkestment of Inside hildnp
the dependents of the employee. The company is generally the benefici-
ary named in the policies; in many states, the employees may not even
know that they are insured.
While key person life insurance policies were used in the past, policies
that involve large numbers of employees do not appear to insure against
the loss of particular persons and the economic loss that would be suf-
fered by the company with their deaths. Rather, the companies appear
to be using the tax-deferred inside buildup and the death benefits to
shelter income needed to finance currently unfunded liabilities, such as
those incurred for future health benefits. This practice may be, in part,
a response to a new set of accounting rules promulgated by the Financial
Accounting Standards Board that would require the costs of future lia-
bilities on retiree health benefits to be accounted for on a current basis.
In addition, the borrowing privileges allow use of the funds to finance
current activities. At present, this type of policy appears to be limited to
a few companies. Because health benefits for retirees are projected to
grow very rapidly, this method of funding could become more
Implications of Not Taxing
Life Insurance Borrowing
Single premium life insurance policies were a source of concern not only
because of the rapid buildup of interest inside the policy, but because
they offered the potential for significant future borrowing against that
inside buildup. As was discussed earlier, the policy loan is the one aspect
of a life insurance policy whose tax treatment differs substantially from
that of other deferred compensation items.
If the interest rate charged on a policy loan is low compared to market
interest rates, a simple and profitable opportunity exists for the policy-
holder to borrow the inside buildup at the lower policy rate and reinvest
it in something that earns a higher rate. No tax is assessed on such a
transaction. Something like this appears to have occurred in the United
States between 1965 and 1982. In 1965, policy loans outstanding were
about $7.7 billion (less than 5 percent of life insurance industry assets).
In 1982, policy loans were $53 billion (about 9 percent of industry
In recent years, the difference between the interest rate charged on pol-
icy loans and rates that can be earned on investments has narrowed. As
a result, outstanding policy loans have not increased, and as a propor-
tion of assets, they have decreased to about 5 percent. However, each
year an amount in the range of $9 to $12 billion is borrowed from life
Page 35
GAO/GGIMO-31 Taxation of hside Buildup
insurance policies. In addition, the stock of outstanding policy loans still
represents about 20 percent of the industry’s ordinary life insurance
One aspect of certain single premium policies that drew attention was
that they offered zero net-cost policy loans. The companies offered these
loans by crediting to the policy an interest rate that was the same as
that charged on the loan. This practice allowed policyholders the option
of borrowing the interest accumulation without tax and without any
requirement to pay back the loan. The concern generated by investment-
oriented life insurance products in general, and single premium policies
in particular, led to the introduction of the Stark-Grad&m bill in 1987.
The bill would have taxed loans from life insurance policies as distribu-
tions in a manner that parallels the treatment of deferred annuities. The
staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that this would have
raised about $700 milhon over a 3-year period.
Rather than enact the Stark-Gradison biIl, which would have affected a
broad range of policies, Congress chose to restrict its attention to single
premium policies. Under the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act,
by defining a class of product that was not considered life insurance
for tax purposes. This definition excluded any policies that involved
fewer than seven annual level premiums. As noted earlier, new policies
are being developed that may get around these rules. This circumven-
tion is one of the we- of the definitional approach. If sales of
these new products become substantial or if the amount of borrowing
from existing policies grows significantly, Congress may find it neces-
sary to tackle the issue of borrowing more directly.
Past Changes in Tax Law
As a rest& of changes enacted in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibil-
Hurt but Recent Changes
ity Act of 1982, borrowing against deferred annuities is presently con-
May Have Helped Sales of
sidered a taxable distribution. In addition, if that borrowing comes
Deferred Annuities
before the policyholder is age 59-l/2 or does not meet certain other con-
ditions, a penalty tax of 10 percent is added. As we can see from table
3.6, this change may have led to a small drop in annuity sales between
1982 and 1983. However, since then, these sales have resumed their
upward trend. Over the g-year period covered by table 3.6, the sale of
individual annuities increased substantially faster than after-tax
income, whi.Ie the premiums
individual life insurance rose at about
the same rate. There are many possible reasons for this increase in
annuity sales. Since the Tax Reform Act of 1986 narrowed the limits on
Page 36
Favorable Tu Treata~~~t of Ix&de Buildup
t4hlent.d Pmlucta
IRAS and other tax-preferred deferred compensation items, annuities
become more attractive. An additional source of funds moving into
deferred annuities may be funds that would have gone into single pre-
mium life insurance before the limitations were enacted.
Table 3.6: Salea of lndlvidual AnnultIer
Dollars in millions
conalderatlonr as
lndlvldual insurance
Individual annuity
portent of a$---;
premiums as percent
of after-tax income
1 .54%
1981 10,290 0.48 1.62
1983 14,003 0.58
1984 15.706 0.59 1.45
1986 26,117 0.86
1.05 194
1983 43,784
Preliminary indications from LIMRA, based on a sample of companies,
suggest that sales of annuities have continued to rise in 1989, though at
a slower rate than in recent
Page 37 GAO/GGD9O-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Chapter 4
The Inside Buildup Debate
The issue of how to treat the inside buildup of life insurance and annu-
ity products has been debated for decades. One argument for keeping
the present tax treatment is that there is no special treatment because
no personal income is truly available in an ongoing life insurance policy.
Other arguments acknowledge the income but suggest that there are
good policy reasons for granting special treatment.
To those who favor full taxation, the fundamental issue is that inside
buildup is income that should be taxed on a similar basis as other earned
income. Other arguments in favor of taxing inside buildup generally
point to evenhanded treatment across financial instruments and institu-
tions or the idea that particular social goals can be better achieved with
more careful targeting of tax preferences or government spending.
Inside Buildup Is
Economic income for a household is defined as the sum of its consump-
tion spending plus the change in its net worth over a period of time.
According to this definition, the interest that accumulates on a life
insurance policy is income-though income that may not be received in
cash. As interest accumulates on a life insurance policy, other income is
not needed to provide for future needs, thus freeing up these other
resources for current use.
Unless some or all of the policy is surrendered or an annuity or loan
received, no cash income is available to the policyholder. One reason for
not taxing the accrual is that no actual cash flows to the policyholder or
annuitant in the absence of some realization, such as surrendering a pol-
icy. Someone may be subject to a tax without having sufficient funds to
pay the tax. This issue arises in the related context of taxing accrued
capital gains. Taxpayers might incur such large capital gains and subse-
quent taxes that they would be forced to sell the assets to pay the taxes.
A related argument of life insurance companies is that they are trustees
for their policyholders, and thus, the interest that builds up is not really
owned by the policyholder or annuitant. While certain charges are
imposed on early surrender, the policyholder has access to the funds
through (1) fully or partially surrendering the policy or (2) borrowing
the funds. The annuitant can take funds out of the annuity, borrow
funds from the annuity, or liquidate the annuity. Even if the policy-
holder or annuitant does not exercise the option of gaining cash, this
does not mean that the interest accrual is not income, only that it is not
cash income.
Page 38
GAO/GGD-WI Taxation
Inside Buildup
‘he Inside Buildup Debate
Taxing the interest accruing on whole life insurance policies or annuities
would be similar to the current taxation of interest accruing on certifi-
cates of deposit (when the interest is reinvested in the certificate) and
original issue discount bonds. In both cases, the income is taxed even
though no cash is received to pay the tax. Inside buildup is more like
accrued interest than it is like accrued capital gains. Measuring accrued
capital gains, in the absence of a sale of the asset or similar assets, may
be a problem. In addition, capital gains are much more volatile and can
increase or decrease substantially from year to year. Inside buildup is a
steady, measurable increment each year.
Similarly, the prospects for taxpayers not having enough cash to pay a
tax on accrued inside buildup should not be greater than currently
exists for the tax on accumulating interest income. In both cases, funds
may be withdrawn, if necessary, to pay the tax. In addition, inside
buildup is unlikely to generate such a large taxable amount that an indi-
vidual would be forced to surrender a policy to pay the tax. For exam-
ple, a 45year-old with a $100,000 life insurance policy that was
purchased at age 25 and is accumulating interest at 5 percent would
generate interest income of about $850 in that year. In 1984, Treasury
estimated that the average annual inside buildup, for those with cash-
value life insurance policies, was about $365 per family in 1983.
We believe that inside buildup is income and could be taxed without any
more hardship than that imposed by the tax on other forms of interest
Tax Preference May
Because inside buildup is not subject to current taxation, the rate of
Encourage Saving
return to saving through the life insurance policy or deferred annuity is
likely to be higher than if this interest were subject to tax. Whether the
Through Life
rate of return is higher or lower than the after-tax return provided by
Insurance Companies
other savings alternatives is uncertain. Because part of the premium
but Has Little Effect
goes toward purchasing insurance protection, the rate of return for life
insurance is not as high as it would be if alI of the resources were accu-
on Total Saving
mulated. As a pure investment vehicle, standard whole life policies are
not very attractive. However, since they provide insurance protection
along with the investment potential, they can be quite attractive.
If inside buildup were subject to current taxation and this, in turn,
reduced the rate of return on life insurance and annuity products, the
amount saved through the life insurance industry would probably be
reduced. However, total saving is not likely to be affected very much.
Page 39
GAO/GGD9031 Taxation
Inside Buildup
clmpter 4
The Jmdde Buildup Lkbate
The effect on total saving would depend upon whether the funds that
moved out of the life insurance industry were spent or saved elsewhere.
Alternative savings instruments are available other than whole life
insurance or deferred annuities to provide for dependents or for one’s
own retirement. While some funds may be consumed, it is likely that a
substantial part will remain as savings.
One last argument for saving through life insurance is the so-called
“forced saving” argument. People may know that they would like to
save a particular amount or a particular proportion of their income.
However, they may also believe that if they make decisions on how
much to save or consume on a monthly basis, they will always consume
more than they “should.” As a result, they might lock themselves into a
savings plan that will require them to save some amount each pay
period or, at least, make it very difficult to not save some amount each
period. If this forced saving component is important and no alternative
vehicles exist for forced saving, moving funds out of the life insurance
sector could reduce total savings.
Since it is very difficult to quantify the extent to which life insurance
saving is “forced,” it is difficult to evaluate the importance of the
“forced saving” argument. In addition, other ways are available that
allow‘people to force themselves to save, such as retirement plans and
payroll deduction devices. The net effect on total savings of reducing
forced saving through life insurance is, therefore, unclear.
Tax Preference
As a major financial intermediary, the life insurance industry provides a
Increases Long-Term
service by lending for a longer time than it borrows. It provides long-
term financing to those who borrow funds from the industry. At the
Panital lTqm&-on
same time it provides insurance or annuities along with a certain
r mancea by the
amount of liquidity to its lenders who are the policyholders and annuity
owners. This liquidity allows these lenders to receive cash, should they
Insurance Sector but
need it, without being forced to sell other assets and potentially suffer a
Not for the Entire
substantial capital loss.
However, other financial institutions provide similar fiiancial services.
To argue for special tax treatment for the life insurance industry rela-
tive to other financial institutions, it is necessary to argue that the
insurance industry is better at allocating invested funds from society’s
standpoint than are these other institutions. If the insurance industry
were more efficient and profitable, ensuing returns would reflect this
and the market would provide more funds to the industry without a
P8ge 40 GAO/GGDBO-31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
ChApter 4
The Inside Buildup Debate
need for subsidy or tax preference. If the benefit to society is that the
life insurance industry takes a long-term perspective or that its invest-
ments generate extra returns to society, there would be no reason to
restrict the tax preference to whole life insurance policies or deferred
annuities. The argument for some form of tax preference would also
hold for term insurance, immediate annuities, or any other product sold
by the life insurance industry. The purpose of the tax preference would
be to get more funds into the hands of more efficient investors and not
to limit the preference to only a subset of products.
Overall, no evidence suggests that investment by the life insurance
industry is in any way more socially beneficial than the investment of
other financial intermediaries. Because inside buildup is not taxed as
current income, life insurance companies attract more funds for invest-
ment at the expense of other financial institutions whose interest pay-
ments are taxable to the depositor. Since there does not appear to be any
clear evidence that life insurance companies are more efficient investors
than other institutions, too many resources may be invested in life insur-
ance companies and too few in other institutions.
Insufficient Provision
The primary purpose of life insurance is to replace income lost due to
for Beneficiaries’
the death of the insured. There are a number of reasons why the amount
of insurance purchased may not be adequate for the purpose. If a family
Future Needs Provides
has a low income, for example, it may be very difficult for the family to
Primary Support for
put money aside to provide protection for dependents in case the pri-
mary earner dies. Families with below average income might
Tax Preference
under-purchase life insurance, and dependents in these families could, as
a result, be under-protected. However, this does not appear to be the
In the ownership study done by LIMRA for 1984,69 percent of house-
holds with incomes under $15,000 owned life insurance compared with
81 percent of households at all income levels. While the percentage of
low-income households covered was below average, the amount of cov-
erage by those households with insurance was above average. House-
holds with incomes below $15,000 had coverage that was about 2.8
times annual income, while the average for all households was about 2.5
times income. While fewer low-income families purchase life insurance,
the amounts they purchase- in relation to their income-tend to be
Page 41
GAO/GGDgo31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
In order for the special tax treatment of inside buildup to provide lower
cost insurance to low-income households, the individual involved must
at least be a potential taxpayer. If the individual’s income is low enough,
there will be no tax liability and, therefore, the tax break will be useless.
The greatest benefit from this tax break would go to those in the highest
marginal tax brackets, and these are not low income households. For
example, Treasury reports that in 1983 fewer than 25 percent of fami-
lies with incomes of $15,000 per year or less had life insurance of the
type involving inside buildup.1 This compares with 42 percent of fami-
lies at all income levels who owned this type of insurance.
In addition, a major source of replacement for the lost income of low-
income groups comes in the form of survivors’ benefits paid by the
Social Security Administration. As is true of all Social Security benefits,
lower income groups get a better return for their contributions than do
higher income groups. Some evidence shows that these benefits have
reduced the amount of life insurance in force (the total face value of
existing life insurance policies), though how much effect it has had on
low-income groups is unclear.
Other concerns about the adequacy of life insurance protection have less
to do .with household income. One important concern is that people do
not have sufficient foresight to plan for the contingencies of the future.
It is difficult to know how much income one will have in the future, and
how many people will be dependent on that income. While additional
insurance can usually be purchased, it is generally more expensive the
longer the delay. It may be difficult to know how much insurance is
required to allow dependents to maintain a particular standard of living
due to changes in inflation rates and other macroeconomic changes.
Also, since most life insurance is purchased by the insured rather than
by the potential beneficiary, dependents may find that the amount of
insurance purchased is insufficient for their needs.
Although a number of studies have been done on the adequacy of life
insurance coverage, the evidence regarding the adequacy of this cover-
age is inconclusive. One study indicated that low-income groups had
adequate protection-at least as defined by the study and for the period
examined-as a result of both purchases of life insurance and the Social
‘Tax Reform For F alrness,
&ember 1964, p. 262.
Simplicity, and Economic Growth, Vol. 2 Department of the Treasury,
Page 42
GAO/GGDfXMl Taxation of Inside Buildup
chapter 4
The Inside Buildup Debate
Security system and that higher income groups also had sufficient pro-
tection. A broad range of middle-income people, however, did not appear
adequate coverage.
According to an ownership study by
Life Insurance Marketing
Research Association, middle-income families with life insurance had
protection that averaged about 2.4 times their annual income. This ratio
is less than the coverage ratio recommended by some industry authori-
ties, which was 4 to 5 times annual income. In addition, since about 90
percent of middle-income households had life insurance, for all middle-
income families, the ratio of life insurance coverage to annual income
was closer to 2. A more recent study indicates that coverage may be
adequate when the costs and benefits of insurance are carefully com-
puted. If the adequacy of existing coverage is difficult to evaluate, it
would be even more difficult to estimate
taxing inside
buildup would have on life insurance coverage.
Policy Loans Defeat
Purpose of Life
Insurance and Should
Be Taxed
Outstanding policy loans reduce the value of a life insurance policy’s
death benefit; thus, loans not paid back before
death of
defeat the purpose of life insurance. Because the company cannot force
the policyholder to repay the loan-it is after all
money-loans could be restricted or considered realizations of income
first and considered principal second. This practice would make the tax
treatment of life insurance consistent with that of other forms of
deferred compensation, including annuities. However, restricting the
ability to borrow against policies may reduce the demand for those poli-
cies. If existing life insurance coverage is inadequate, this could make
that coverage even less adequate.
In 1988, Congress restricted borrowing on certain types of life insurance
policies. One purpose of these restrictions was to limit the potential for
borrowing on single premium life insurance policies at zero or very low
rates. Congress imposed the restrictions not by explicitly limiting the
ability to borrow against life insurance but by altering
definition of
what constitutes life insurance. The effect was to create a type of policy
with very restrictive borrowing privileges, much like those of annuities.
While these changes limited borrowing on policies with fewer than
seven annual premiums, they did not directly deal with
problem of borrowing against the cash value of any whole life policy.
This borrowing is the one tax advantage that life insurance retains over
other forms of deferred compensation. In
this way,
the life insurance
Page 43
GAO/GGDW31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
The Indde Buildup Debate
industry could be said to have a tax advantage over other industries
offering deferred compensation instruments.
ties, the federal government forgoes $6 billion a year in potential tax
revenue. While imposing a tax on the inside buildup could pose cash
flow problems for some taxpayers because they will be taxed on income
that they
have not yet received in cash, the buildup is income and there-
fore could be part of the income tax base.
The only reason for not taxing inside buildup that we found to have
merit is that doing so would reduce the amount of life insurance cover-
age that some people buy. Protecting survivors against income loss is a
goal that society has traditionally supported. The primary question then
is whether the increased revenue generated from taxing inside buildup
would outweigh the costs to society of reduced insurance protection,
including the possibility of direct government provision of income pro-
tection for dependents. Because patterns of life insurance ownership
and the types of products available can change, Congress may wish to
periodically reexamine its policy decision to forgo taxing inside buildup,
weighing the social benefits against the revenue loss.
It may be preferable to give the tax advantage to those who would sub-
stantially reduce their coverage in the absence of the tax advantage, and
not give the advantage to those who would purchase sufficient insur-
ance even without the incentive. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to
provide a targeted incentive for something that would not have occurred
without the incentive and not to provide incentives for activities that
would have occurred anyway.
High-income people would probably be able to protect their dependents
without any tax preference and lower income groups are usually pro-
tected by Social Security benefits. In Tax Reform for Fairness, Simplic-
ity, and Economic Growth, the Treasury Department proposed a way of
limiting the tax preference for inside buildup by including the cash
value of life insurance within the IRA ceiling. others have proposed lim-
iting the amount of tax-deferred interest that a taxpayer may claim.
Restrictions such as these, though possibly cumbersome and difficult
administer, are feasible and would probably save the federal govem-
ment some revenue. We have not done any analysis of the relative costs
and benefits of such restrictions and, as a result, cannot evaluate
proposals. Congress may wish to examine this area if it chooses to
Page 44
GAO/GGDWl Taxation
Inside Buildup
‘he Inside Buildup Debate
revisit the policy decision to grant preferential tax treatment to inside
The effect of this special tax treatment on the national savings rate is
ambiguous. While the after-tax rate of return on funds invested in life
insurance and annuity products is probably higher than it would be if
taxable, it is not clear that it is higher than after-tax rates on taxable
instruments that do not provide insurance or annuity protection. Even
so, the effect of after-tax rates of return on saving is, in general, not
clear. Only if a substantial amount of the saving is “forced” is there
likely to be much in the way of additional saving. No evidence shows
that the life insurance industry is any better than any other segment of
the financial sector at making efficient investment decisions.
The inside buildup on life insurance and deferred annuities is treated
similarly, under current tax law, as long as the funds remain in the
product. However, tax law treats funds that are withdrawn or borrowed
from a life insurance policy differently from funds withdrawn or bor-
rowed from an annuity. The proceeds of a life insurance policy can be
borrowed unconditionally and without tax, while the proceeds of
deferred annuities can only be borrowed if a tax and a penalty are paid.
Other deferred compensation instruments allow borrowing without tax-
ation only under certain stringent conditions, otherwise a tax and pen-
alty are imposed.
Until now, Congress has chosen to deal with concerns about potential
misuse of the tax preference associated with inside buildup by narrow-
ing the definition of what qualifies as life insurance. The definitional
approach involves two dangers. F’irst, the definition may not be narrow
enough. Policies may qualify that are primarily oriented toward produc-
ing investment returns rather than insurance protection. Second, the
definition could be too narrow. Products serving a legitimate life insur-
ance need may be disqualified.
An alternative to the definitional approach would deal with the con-
cerns more directly. Taxing the accumulated interest would remove the
need for defining life insurance in the tax code, since there would no
longer be any advantage to qualifying as insurance. The effect of this
would be an extreme version of the overly strict definitional approach-
that is, the tax preference would not be available for products that
serve a legitimate life insurance purpose. An alternative would be to
limit or eliminate the ability of policyholders to gain access to their
Plrge 45 GAO/GGD!XMl Taxation of Inaide Buildup
The hide Ekdldnp Debate
inside buildup without paying a tax. Taxing or placing limits on borrow-
ing is a way of achieving these goals.
The ability to borrow against a life insurance policy is an attractive fea-
ture. Limitations on that feature may cause some buyers to reconsider
the amount of life insurance that they wish to purchase. Unlimited bor-
rowing allows the policyholder access to income without paying any tax
and reduces the death benefit. Thus, we believe that borrowing against
life insurance proceeds should be considered a realization of income sub-
ject to tax. The buildup is no longer inside the policy, and the basis for
tax deferral no longer exists. If this serves to reduce borrowing, death
benefits will be protected against what could be perceived as shortsight-
edness on the part of the policy owner. If it does not reduce borrowing,
income will be taxed as it is realized. An added advantage of taxing life
insurance borrowing is that it would reduce the incentive to construct
life insurance policies, like single premium life policies that were
designed for investment and not insurance purposes. Since repayment of
borrowed amounts restores the death benefits, any amount that was
included in taxable income when borrowed should be deductible if and
when repaid.
Because the pattern of policy usage as well as the type of products
offered can change, Congress may want to periodically reconsider its
policy decision to grant preferential tax treatment to inside buildup,
weighing the social benefits against the revenue forgone.
If Congress decides not to tax inside buildup, then
recommends that
Congress eliminate tax-free borrowing of life insurance proceeds. Any
borrowing of these proceeds should be considered a distribution of inter-
est income. To offset the advantages of accruing interest income without
tax, a penalty provision needs to be added to the regular tax. Since
repayment of the amount borrowed restores the death benefits, any
amount that is taxed when it is borrowed should be tax deductible if
subsequently repaid.
obtained oral comments from industry representatives on this
report. Industry representatives stated that in their opinion, the current
tax treatment of inside buildup is justified. They believe that recent
changes in the tax laws have remedied serious abuses. They said that
traditional life insurance products are not overly investment-oriented,
although some of the single premium policies may have been. The
Page 48
Taxation of hide Buildup
Tlte hide
changes made in 1988, however, effectively closed any loopholes. In
their view, loans are a legitimate part of the life insurance product and
are generally used to serve important social goals, such as financing a
home or paying college tuition. Therefore, there is no need to place any
restrictions on these loans.
Page 47
GAO/GGIWO31 Taxation
Inaide Buildup
Cakulation of Excess Premiums on Whole
Life Insurance
Excess premiums arise in the early years of a whole life insurance policy
because the annual premium is greater than the cost of the actual insur-
ance coverage. As shown in chapter 2, the excess premiums are invested
by the insurance company and earn interest income for the policyholder;
the sum of the excess premiums and interest income built up is a policy’s
cash value. The face value less the cash value is the amount of actual
insurance coverage provided by the policy for that year. The premium
paid less the cost of the actual insurance coverage for a given year
equals the excess premium for that year. The cost of the actual insur-
ance coverage for a given year is the premium that would have to be
paid for a l-year term policy giving the same coverage. Table I.1 shows
how the excess premiums grow in the early years of a policy, when the
cost of the actual insurance coverage is less than the premium, and then
become negative as the cost of the actual insurance coverage becomes
greater than the premium. The calculations are based on the $100,000
annual premium whole life policy presented in chapter 2.
Table 1.1: Calculation of Yearly and
Cumulative Excess Premiums on a
$1 W,ooO Annual Premium Whole Life
cost ot
Annual Cumulative
premium premiums
$508 $508
490 5,609
320 9,699
(7) 11,326
(515) 8.335
75 676 35,759 2,186 (1,510) (2,169)
85 676 22,243 3,240 (2,564) (22.936)
95 676 10,717 3,368 (2,692) (51,258)
99 676 0 0 0 (58.557)
The annual excess premium begins at $508 at age 25 and declines gradu-
ally over the years until it turns negative at age 55. At this age, the
cumulative excess premiums reach a maximum of $11,326. After age 55,
the cost of the actual insurance coverage is greater than the annual pre-
mium, and the annual excess premium turns negative. At this time, the
cumulative excess premiums are used to supplement the annual pre-
mium. By age 75, however, the cumulative excess premiums are used
up; the inside buildup (interest income) is then used to supplement the
annual premium in order to cover the cost of the actual insurance
Page 40
GAO/GGD9%31 Taxation of Inside Buildup
Appendix II
Major Contributors to This Report
General Government
Paul L. Posner, Associate Director, Tax Policy and Administration Issues
Natwar Gandhi, Assistant Director
Division, Washington,
Larry Korb, Assignment Manager
Tom McCool, Economist-in-Charge
MacDonald R. Phillips, Economist
Bill Simpson, Actuary
Page 49 GAO/GGD9031 Taxation of inside Buildup
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