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In the Matter of the Marriage or Registered Domestic Partnership (RDP) of:
Case No: ___________________
Unmarried children 18, 19, or 20 years old (full names)
This document was presented to the court:
On the motion and declaration of Petitioner, the default of Respondent having been found
and Respondent being represented by a guardian ad litem or other person described in
Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 27
On the stipulation of the parties, as shown by the signatures at the end of this Judgment
After a hearing held (date), at which the following persons were present:
Petitioner Petitioner’s attorney
Respondent Respondent’s attorney
Children 18, 19, or 20 Years of Age
Waived further appearance in these proceedings: (names)
Fully participated in the proceedings and are bound by the terms of this judgment:
Signed and stipulated to the terms of this judgment as shown by the signatures below
A. The court considered the Declaration Stipulations Evidence presented and finds
that: (Check all that apply)
I. Irreconcilable differences have caused the irremediable breakdown of this marriage or
registered domestic partnership
II. At the time the Petition was filed:
Marriage Only: At least one spouse lived in Oregon and that same spouse had lived in
Oregon continuously for 6 months prior to the filing of the Petition. At least one spouse
lived in the county in which the Petition was filed.
Registered Domestic Partnership Only:
At least one partner lived in Oregon and that same partner had lived in Oregon
continuously for 6 months prior to the filing of the Petition. At least one partner lived
in the county in which the Petition was filed.
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neither partner lived in Oregon and the Petition was filed in the county where
{ Petitioner Respondent} last resided
B. Party and Marriage/RDP Information:
Date of Marriage or registration of RDP:
Place of Marriage or registration of RDP: (County, State)
Current age of parties: Petitioner Respondent
C. Children of the Parties (Children conceived, born, or adopted during or prior to the
marriage/RDP and any children otherwise legally recognized as children of both parties)
Name Year of Birth Age
Additional page attached titled “Findings C – Children of the parties
Petitioner Respondent is not the father of, or paternity has not been established for, the
children: (names)
Neither party is now pregnant (or)
Petitioner Respondent is now pregnant
The other party is not the parent of the child due (date)
D. Child Custody Jurisdiction
Oregon has jurisdiction under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
(UCCJEA) to decide custody and parenting time matters because:
Oregon is the children’s home state (all of the minor children have lived here
continuously for the six month period immediately before this case was filed)
Oregon does not have jurisdiction under the UCCJEA because:
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The court grants judgment as follows:
The marriage or RDP is legally dissolved as of the date this Judgment is signed. The terms of
this judgment are effective upon entry in the court register.
The terms of child support and parenting time (visitation) are designed for the child’s benefit
and not the parents’ benefit. You must pay support even if you are not receiving parenting time.
You must comply with parenting time and visitation orders even if you are not receiving child
Violation of child support orders and visitation or parenting time orders may result in fines,
imprisonment, or other penalties.
Help may be available to establish, enforce, and modify child support orders. Paternity
establishment services are also available. Contact your local district attorney, the domestic
relations court clerk, or the Department of Justice at 1.800.850.0228 or 503.378.5567 for
Help may be available to establish, enforce, and modify parenting time or visitation orders.
Forms are available to enforce parenting time or visitation orders. Contact your local court for
1. Custody and Parenting Time
Custody of the children is awarded as follows:
Petitioner and Respondent have joint custody of the following children:
Petitioner is awarded sole custody of the following children (names):
Respondent is awarded sole custody of the following children (names):
Parenting time is awarded
as described in the attached Parenting Plan, labeled Exhibit or
to Petitioner Respondent as follows
Parenting time will be supervised by
Any cost of supervision must be paid by Petitioner Respondent
Petitioner Respondent is not awarded parenting time because it would
endanger the health and safety of the children
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Neither parent may move more than 60 miles further distant from the other parent
without giving the other parent reasonable notice of the change of residence and
providing a copy of such notice to the court, or
The requirement of ORS 107.159 regarding notice of relocation is suspended for good
Contact Information
Petitioner and Respondent must each provide contact addresses and contact
telephone numbers to the other and notify each other of any emergencies or substantial
changes in the children’s health
Good cause exists to suspend the obligation of the parties to provide contact
information to each other
Parental Authority
The non-custodial parent’s authority under ORS 107.154 is suspended for good cause
2. Child and Medical Support and Life Insurance for Children
A. Child Support
Existing Child Support Obligation
list court/agency, case number, and date of prior child support orders and judgments:
_________________________ ______________________________
No action is taken by this judgment regarding any prior child support order or judgment
This judgment does not replace any existing child support order or judgment. Payment
amount and schedule remain as ordered on (date of order or judgment):_______________
any arrears accumulated under the continued order or judgment remain due
This judgment replaces the existing child support obligation because the existing orders
and judgments were issued by an Oregon court or agency, one of the parents or children
receiving support still resides in Oregon, and circumstances have changed since the orders were
entered. Support is due as detailed in the “Support Order” section below.
any arrears accumulated under the continued order or judgment remain due
Presumed Inability To Pay Under ORS 25.245
The parent who would pay support is presumed to be unable to pay because that parent:
receives cash payments from a public assistance program including TANF or SSI
is (or is expected to be) incarcerated (in jail or prison for at least 6 months)
The presumption has not been rebutted and no child support (including cash medical
support) is ordered
The presumption has been rebutted, and support is ordered as detailed in the “Support
Order” section below for the following reasons:
_______ ______________________________
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Support Order
No support is ordered for reasons other than the presumption of inability to pay or continuation
of an existing order or judgment
Support must be paid:
Petitioner Respondent
On the first day of each month
The total monthly amount due is: $ ___ ___ (Child Support Worksheets are attached
and incorporated, labeled Exhibit )
This amount is:
the amount presumed to be appropriate under the support guidelines
different from the presumed appropriate amount of $ because the presumed
amount is unjust or inappropriate (explain):
B. Medical Support
Medical support has already been ordered in another case as listed in Section 2A
above or from county. The court case # is
and the Child Support Program (CSP) # is
The existing order is not changed
The existing order is terminated. Medical support is ordered as follows
i. Health Insurance Coverage
Petitioner Respondent is ordered to keep insurance throughout the period
of the child support obligation
ii. Cash Medical Support
Cash Medical Support is ordered in the amount of $ per month
because health insurance is not available. Cash Medical Support is payable by the
parent ordered to pay child support on the same schedule.
The paying parent is ordered to provide Cash Medical Support only when
not providing health insurance
for the children
Cash Medical Support is not ordered because:
Support is presumed to be unavailable for the reason marked above and the
presumption has not been sufficiently rebutted
The parent paying child support has income at or below Oregon’s minimum
wage for full-time employment, so cash medical support should not be ordered
The children’s medical needs will be met by the Uninsured Medical
Expenses provision below
Other (explain):
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iii. Uninsured Medical Expenses
Uninsured medical expenses are not awarded
Petitioner must pay % and Respondent must pay % of the
unreimbursed costs of the children’s reasonable medical, dental, and vision
care. This does not include ordinary nonprescription expenses like
vitamins, and copays for regular checkups, which the parents must provide for
the children in proportion to their parenting time. This obligation is in addition
to any child support and will be offset by any cash medical support ordered
This obligation is in addition to any child support and cash medical
support ordered above
C. Payment
Income withholding is not ordered at this time because there is no support
arrearage and
The parents (or the State, if support rights are assigned) have agreed in writing to
an alternative arrangement which is approved by the court; or
Good cause not to require withholding is found because there is proof of timely
payment of previously ordered support and income withholding would not be in the
best interests of the child
In all cases, select one of the following:
All support payments must be made to the Department of Justice, Child Support
Accounting Unit, P.O. Box 14506, Salem, Oregon, 97309
An exception to income withholding applies as noted above. All support payments
must be deposited to the recipients checking or savings account. The receiving parent is
ordered to provide the paying parent with current deposit slips or bank name, account
name, and account number.
Other (explain)
This child support order is enforceable by income withholding under ORS 25.378 to 25.390,
25.414 to 25.372, and 25.375. Withholding shall occur immediately whenever there is an
arrearage at least equal to the support payment for one month, whenever the obligated
parent requests such withholding, or whenever the obligee requests withholding for good
cause. The District Attorney or, as appropriate, the Division of Child Support of the
Department of Justice, will assist in securing such withholding. Exceptions may apply in
some circumstances.
Both the payor and the recipient of child support must notify the Division of Child
Support (DCS) in writing of any change in the availability of health insurance within
10 days of the change if collection services are provided by DCS.
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Adult Child Attending School
The Division of Child Support will pay support for an adult child attending school
directly to the child unless good cause exists for payment to be made another way
GOOD CAUSE exists not to pay support directly to a child attending school.
Payments must be made to
Petitioner Respondent in the amount of
$ per month
D. Length of Child Support
Support ends when the last child becomes self-supporting, emancipated, or married
or (check one):
reaches age 18, or if the child qualifies as a child attending school under ORS
107.108, age 21
reaches age 18
E. Tax Dependents
Parties are advised that this judgment is not binding on the IRS and will not provide a
defense if the parties fail to comply with IRS regulations in any given tax year
As between the parties, Petitioner Respondent may claim the following
children as dependents for tax purposes beginning with the tax year this judgment is
entered. The other parent must complete any IRS waivers or forms necessary to
accomplish this judgment in each tax year and must not file contradictory tax
List names:
Other (specify):
F. Life Insurance Coverage for Children
The party paying support must carry life insurance for the benefit of the parties’
children throughout the period of the support obligation if he or she is insurable.
The coverage must be at least $ .
The party paying support must
provide to the party receiving support a true copy of the policy. The party paying
support must also provide to the party receiving support written notice of any action
that will reduce the benefits or change the designation of the beneficiaries under the
Neither party is ordered to carry life insurance for the benefit of the parties
G. Additional Provisions
Additional page attached titled “Section 2G
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3. Spousal or Partner Support and Life Insurance
There is an existing Limited Judgment for temporary spousal/partner support. Temporary
support under the limited judgment ends as of the date of entry of the General Judgment, but
any arrears accrued under the Limited Judgment remain enforceable under the Limited
A. Support
No spousal/partner support or life insurance for the benefit of either party is ordered
in this case or
Spousal support must be paid by Petitioner to Respondent (or) Respondent to
Type: Terms: Factors:
monthly payments beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this Petition
or ______________________
Or lump sum payable by
(date): _____________
monthly payments beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this Petition
or ______________________
Or lump sum payable by
(date): _____________
monthly payments beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this Petition
or ______________________
Or lump sum payable by
(date): _____________
All payments end on the death of either party unless an earlier event is specified
If you are receiving child support services through the Department of Justice, either parent may
request that the Department of Justice/Division of Child Support review the amount of support
ordered after 3 years from the date the order took effect or at any time upon a substantial change
of circumstances.
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All payments of spousal/partner support must be made:
To the Department of Justice, Child Support Accounting Unit, P.O. Box 14506,
Salem, Oregon, 97309. Petitioner requests that collection, accounting, disbursement,
and enforcement services be provided through the Department of Justice.
Directly into ’s bank account. The paying
spouse/partner should keep a receipt of deposit as proof of payment. The person
receiving support must provide the person paying support with current deposit slips or
bank name, account name, and account number.
B. Withholding
If enforcement services are provided through the State of Oregon’s Department of
Justice, the support order is enforceable by income withholding under ORS 25.311
C. Life Insurance
The party paying support must carry life insurance for the benefit of the other party
throughout the period of the support obligation if he or she is insurable. The coverage
must be at least $ .
The party paying support must provide to the
party receiving support a true copy of the policy. The party paying support must also
provide to the party receiving support written notice of any action that will reduce the
benefits or change the designation of the beneficiaries under the policy.
Neither party is ordered to carry life insurance for the benefit of the other party
4. Real Property
Neither party has any interest in any real property in Oregon or any other place
Both parties have or { Petitioner Respondent has} an interest in real property at:
This property is awarded as follows:
Additional page titled “Section 4 Real Property” attached
The legal description of the property is attached as Exhibit and incorporated
into this Judgment
Petitioner Respondent is responsible for preparing, signing, and recording a deed
transferring the real property as required by this judgment
5. Personal Property
The Petitioner and Respondent have divided between them all personal property that they
own separately or together, and each is awarded those items now in their possession
except that:
A. The Petitioner is awarded the following personal property:
Additional page attached titled Section 5A-Petitioner’s Personal Property”
The Petitioner is awarded all retirement benefits, pension plans, profit-sharing plans,
deferred compensation plans, and stock options held by Petitioner’s current and past
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employers, free of any interest by the Respondent
B. The Respondent is awarded the following personal property:
Additional page attached labeledSection 5B-Respondent’s Personal Property”
The Respondent is awarded all retirement benefits, pension plans, profit-sharing
plans, deferred compensation plans, and stock options held by Respondent’s current and
past employers, free of any interest by the Petitioner
6. Distribution of Debts The debts will be paid as follows:
Name of creditor (who
money is owed to)
What the debt is for Amount
Who pays (Petitioner
or Respondent)
Additional page attached titled Section 6-Distribution of Debts”
Unless otherwise specified above, each party is responsible for the payment of all debts
incurred by him or her individually since the date of separation, all debts distributed to him or
her by the court, and all debts which are secured by property distributed to that party. If any
creditor asks the party not responsible for a debt to pay any portion of it, and he or she does so,
the party responsible for that debt must reimburse the paying party for any amount paid to the
creditor after the date this judgment is entered.
Debts are divided between the parties as of (date):
Transfer of Property and Debts
Within thirty (30) days of the date of this judgment, each party must execute, acknowledge,
and deliver whatever documents are necessary to accomplish the distribution of debts and
property ordered by the court. This judgment operates to convey title to the party awarded
the property if the other party fails to comply with this requirement.
7. Former Name
Petitioner’s Respondent’s former name of
is restored (use FULL name first, middle, last)
8. Additional Provisions
Additional page attached titledSection 8 - Additional Provisions”
9. Court Costs and Fees, Whether Paid Or Deferred
Each party is responsible for paying his or her own court costs and service fees
Petitioner Respondent will reimburse the other party $ for costs and fees
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Judgment is awarded to the State of Oregon for deferred costs or fees of $
10. Information Required by ORS 25.020 and 107.085
As required by UTCR 2.130, a Confidential Information Form has been completed for each
party and filed with the court. The CIF contains all information required by ORS 25.020 and
107.085 that is identified as confidential by UTCR 2.130.
Both parties must inform the Court and the Department of Justice (P.O. Box 14506, Salem,
Oregon 97309) in writing of any change in the information within ten (10) days of such change.
The Department of Justice or the District Attorney may not disclose the information in the CIF
to the other party.
Support obligation included and child support must be paid to Dept. of Justice
Full Name
Contact Address
Year of Birth
Social Security # (last 4 digits)
Driver License # (last 4
digits) and State
Lawyer Name, Address,
Phone #
NOTE: a party RECEIVING a money award is the JUDGMENT CREDITOR; a party PAYING a money
award is the JUDGMENT DEBTOR
If an adult child is awarded support to be paid directly to the child AND there is no
support awarded for minor children of the parties, or if the judge tells you that the
adult child is a Judgment Creditor, fill out this box:
The adult child named (full name and contact address)
is a judgment creditor on this judgment
Adult child’s lawyer’s name, address, phone #:
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The following information must be provided by any party entitled to receive a
money award as listed in this Judgment
The following person or public body is known to be entitled to a portion of
a payment made on the judgment (other than payee’s lawyer):
None or Name: ______________________________
None or Name: ______________________________
Adult Child
Name: ______________
None or Name: ______________________________
Type of
Amount Beginning / Ending
Child Support WHO PAYS
per month for cash
medical support
per month for child
Beginning the first day of the
following entry of this
the date of service of the
Other _____________
and due on the first day of
each month thereafter
Adult Child
Ending when the last child
18 or 21 (if the
child remains a Child
Attending School)
Spousal/ Partner
per month
Payable on the first of every
month beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this
or: ________________
or due in full by:
(date): __________
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Type of
Amount Beginning / Ending
per month
Payable on the first of every
month beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this
or: ________________
or due in full by:
per month
Payable on the first of every
month beginning the month
entry of this judgment or
the date of service of this
or: ________________
or due in full by:
All payments end on the death of either party unless an earlier event is
$ ___
per month until a
total of $
is paid
Beginning the (day)
of the month following entry
of judgment
A lump sum of
Paid by (date):
% per year simple
interest on the unpaid
balance of the total
judgment amoun
t of
Interest accrues from the date
the judgment is entered and
continues until
the judgment is
fully paid
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Court Costs and
Service Fees
already paid
Checked party reimburses the other party’s costs and
fees of:
Directly to the awarded party
Deferred Court
Costs and Service
Checked party must pay deferred costs and fees of:
To the State of Oregon through this court
Judge Signature:
Certificate of Readiness
This proposed judgment is ready for judicial signature because (check all that apply):
Service is not required under UTCR 5.100. The other party has been found in default or an
order of default is being requested with this proposed judgment;
this judgment is submitted ex
parte as allowed by statute or rule; or
this judgment is being submitted in open court with all
parties present.
Each party affected by this judgment has stipulated to or approved the judgment, as shown by
the signatures on the judgment.
I have served a copy of this judgment and written notice of the 7-day objection period set out in
UTCR 5.100 on all parties entitled to service (complete service information below). And:
No objection has been served on me within that time frame.
I received objections that I could not resolve with the other party despite reasonable efforts
to do so. I have filed with the court a copy of the objections I received and indicated which
objections remain unresolved.
After conferring about objections, the other party agreed to file any remaining objection
with the court.
Certificate of Service under UTCR 5.100
I certify that on (date): I placed a true and complete copy of
this proposed Judgment in the United States mail to (name)
at (address)
Submitted by: Petitioner Respondent
Signature Print Name
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I understand that I am subject to penalty for perjury for giving false information to
the court. All factual information in this Judgment is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I agree to the terms of this Judgment. I understand that
this Judgment is enforceable by the court.
Date Petitioner Signature
Print Name
Contact Address City, State, Zip Contact Phone
Respondent stipulates (agrees) to the terms of this judgment
Date Respondent Signature
Print Name
Contact Address City, State, Zip Contact Phone
Child 18, 19, or 20 years of age, stipulates to the terms of this judgment
Date Adult Child Signature
Print Name
Contact Address City, State, Zip Contact Phone
By signing below, I apply for child support services, including enforcement, from the
Child Support Program (CSP). If you never received TANF, tribal TANF or AFDC in any
state, an annual $35 fee will apply if over $550 is collected and distributed to the family
each year.
Petitioner Signature Date
Respondent Signature Date
Adult Child Signature Date