CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Prerequisite: CHE 133; CHE 134 or CHE 154. Pre- or Corequisite: CHE 321 or 331. 2 credits
Course Description: This is a one-semester, that provides an organic laboratory experience. It includes
techniques of isolating and handling organic substances, as well as biological materials.
Course Learning Objectives and Assessments
The objective of this course is for students to learn different techniques for isolating and analyzing pure organic
compounds in relatively high yield while adhering to safety protocols and maintaining scientific record.
Students will be able to follow standard safety protocols of chemical handling and laboratory etiquette. This
learning objective is evaluated by assessing the lab etiquette.
Students will learn the skill of recording observations and data. This learning objective is evaluated by ELN
observation evaluation.
Students will perform experiments involving standard synthetic laboratory techniques such as small-scale
crystallization, large scale crystallization, melting point, solid-liquid extraction, rotary evaporation, liquid-liquid
extraction, TLC, microcolumn chromatography, reflux, and distillation. This learning objective is evaluated by
assessing the quality of products (both yield and purity) submitted by the students.
Students will be able to analyze the purity of products, calculate retention factors, and calculate percent
recovery/yield with accuracy. This learning objective is evaluated by assessing lab reports, lecture quizzes,
and theory quizzes.
Instructor: Dr. Sajjad Hossain
Office hours: TBA, Chemistry Rm 511
Teaching Assistants: TBA
Stockroom Manager: Ms. Yenhui Kuan
Lectures: Pre-recorded videos
Meeting times for Lab Sections L11 and L12: Tu/Th: 8:30 am-12:23 pm - Meet in front of Chemistry Rm 344
Meeting times for Lab Sections L13 and L14: Tu/Th: 1:00- 4:53 pm - Meet in front of Chemistry Rm 344
Prior to each experiment, you will be required to read sections of the lab manual including experimental
procedure and view prerecorded lecture videos. You will then come into the lab on the day your group is
scheduled to perform the experiment. During the lab, while performing the experiment, you will be required to
record your data and observation on specified electronic notebook page/s. This notebook page will open when
your session starts and close ten minutes before the end of the lab. After completion of each lab, you will be
required to submit a short post lab report on your ELN. Besides the lab work, there will be two in-person theory
quizzes on Wed, June 5
and Wed, Jun 26
from 12:00 12:50 PM.
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Regular announcements/updates will be delivered via Brightspace. These updates will encompass any
changes to your electronic lab manual and other crucial course-related information as well as grades. It is your
responsibility to consistently check these announcements on Brightspace to stay informed. Your Stony Brook
University email is the designated channel for all University-related communications. When sending emails,
include your name, semester, course, and lab section in the subject line. Emails without this information on the
subject may not receive a response. All instructor correspondence will be directed to your SBU email account.
Access Stony Brook Google Mail at using your NetID and password. Please
anticipate a 24-48 hour response time for emails, with potentially longer delays over weekends and holidays.
CHE 327 Electronic Lab Manual. This will be purchased electronically from, which comes as
a bundle of an Electronic Laboratory Manual and Notebook (ELN). Use your stony brook email address
and stony brook student ID to sign up for the ELN. When prompted enter your three-character lab section.
Once you receive access to your ELN, you must purchase it to use the ELN.
A. Labflow Account - Creation or Log-In
1. Go to
Click on CREATE ACCOUNT and enter the following information:
2. Username - Enter your university email address.
3. Password - Something you will remember (entered twice)
4. Name - First and last (format however you want your instructor to see your name)
5. Student ID number - This may be REQUIRED for enrollment, so enter now.
6. Location - City, Country, and Timezone (make sure it matches your institution’s).
7. If you already have an account, enter your credentials and log in. If you have an account but forgot your
username or password, click on the FORGOT PASSWORD? button.
B. Enrolling in a Section
1. Search for your course (titled “Stony Brook - CHEM 327 - Summer 2024).
2. You will be prompted to enter an enrollment code. Your enrollment code corresponds to
your specific lab section (L##), which is the letter L followed by two numbers.
3. Click Continue.
4. Confirm your section details by choosing the first day of the week that your lab section
5. Click COMPLETE ENROLLMENT. (See Brightspace content for a detailed enrollment guide)
ELN Support: If you need technical assistant with your electronic lab manual/notebook contact labflow
support directly ([email protected])
Labeling marker: Black or Blue ink fine tip sharpie.
A web-enabled device (not required but strongly recommended). You will be viewing the lectures online
and taking lab notes directly to your electronic lab notebook. Based on prior semesters, we observed that
most students brought their laptops or pad. The stockroom will provide equipment if you need it.
Chemical Splash Proof Safety goggles that follow the latest Z87.1 Standard for Occupational and
Educational Eye and Face Protection established by ANSI. Be sure you purchase chemical splash
goggles and not a less effective kind of eye protection. Example: Link1, Link 2.
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Heavy-duty gloves. Lab Safety Supply Neoprene Gloves are recommended as they resist a broad range of
organic and inorganic chemicals. Playtex Living Gloves are also satisfactory and probably the cheapest
available. They can be found at a grocery store or home improvement store. Example: Link.
Nitrile gloves (not required but recommended). Disposable gloves to keep your hands clean when
conducting experiments. They can be found at any superstore or home improvement store. Example: Link.
Combination padlock. This will be used to lock your lab drawer. A padlock requiring a key to open it will
not be accepted. Example: Link.
Appropriate clothing for the lab. You should wear clothing and shoes that will cover your entire body. You
will be provided a lab coat during check-in, which you will be required to wear during lab. Failure to adhere
to the personal protection safety rules will result in an automatic absence and/or grade penalty to removal
from the course.
This course uses brightspace for facilitation of communication between faculty and students, and for posting
grades. The Brightspace course site can be accessed at
If you are unsure of your NetID, visit for more
information. You are responsible for having a reliable computer and Internet connection throughout the term.
Technical Assistance:
If you need technical assistance at any time during the course or to report a problem with brightspace you can:
Phone: 631-632-9800 (client support, Wi-Fi, software, and hardware)
Submit a help request ticket:
If you are on campus, visit the Walk-Up Tech Support Station in the Educational Communications Center
(ECC) building.
You will be graded relative to other students. We will not have a curve. Generally, you can expect the
following cutoffs with minor adjustments made based on the class average.
A ≥ 360, A- ≥ 340, B+ ≥ 320, B ≥ 300, B- ≥ 280, C+ ≥ 260, C ≥ 240, C- ≥ 220, D+ ≥200, D ≥ 180, D- ≥ 160
Theory Quizzes (100 points, 25%): There will be two 50-minute-long quizzes covering both theory and practice
on Wed June 5
and Wed June 26
from 12:00-12:50 PM. In the event of a missed theory quiz with an
acceptable excuse, a cumulative makeup theory quiz will be provided on June 28
from 12:00 – 12: 50 PM. The
exact locations for the quizzes will be announced on the Brightspace when the rooms are assigned. Students
are allowed to make up only one missed theory quiz. Missing two theory quizzes will result in a zero for the other
missed quiz.
Lab Notebook Checks (100 points, 25%): Your note-taking proficiency will be evaluated through periodic
notebook checks. Additional details are available in the background reading. Ensure that your notebook entries
are submitted before the conclusion of your lab period, as you will be automatically locked out of your electronic
lab notebook ten minutes before end of the lab session.
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Products (80 points, 20%): For almost every experiment, you'll be required to submit a product (or TLC plate)
for evaluation. Ensure timely submission on the specified due date from the schedule or as announced by your
instructors/TAs. In situations where a decision between greater purity and greater yield arises, prioritize purity,
as it holds more value in point allocation. A unique case pertains to obtaining a refill from the stockroom, where
a yield grade of zero will be assigned. The decision to proceed with existing materials or start anew is yours;
however, consider taking the yield penalty if a refill presents an opportunity for a significantly purer product.
Post-Lab Assignments (90 points, 22.5%): Following each experiment, you'll find a post-lab assignment
featuring a few questions to be completed on the Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN). Strictly adhere to the policy
as no late submissions will be allowed. Ensure timely completion to stay aligned with the course
Lab Etiquette (30 points, 7.5%): Your commitment to lab etiquette is essential for a positive and safe laboratory
environment. Ensure the following: arrive on time to the lab, work independently, and prepare thoroughly, show
concern for safety, consideration for others, and exhibit good laboratory practices. It is mandatory to clean up
your bench area before leaving the lab. Ten minutes before the end of each lab session, halt all lab work to allow
time for cleanup. A detailed breakdown of the lab etiquette score is available in your Electronic Lab Notebook
(ELN). Your TA will observe and assign a grade based on their observations during each lab. However, lab
etiquette grades may not be disclosed until the end of the semester.
Penalties: Points may be deducted from your overall course total for not having safety goggles or heavy-duty
gloves, arriving with inappropriate clothing, forgetting to bring a padlock or forgetting its combination more than
once. It is important to adhere to course requirements to avoid any deductions.
Grade Adjustment Policy: No grades will be dropped. Instead, the value of your lowest post-lab and product
grade for the first six experiments will be adjusted at the end of the course. Your final grade is reflective of your
earned performance. Final grades are non-negotiable, and additional extra-credit assignments will not be
provided to alter your grade. Please be mindful of your performance throughout the course to achieve the
desired outcome.
Lab Attendance Requirement: Successful completion of all lab hours is a prerequisite to receiving a grade in
this course. If you are unable to attend a lab, promptly notify both your TA and the instructors.
Makeup Labs: A makeup lab, distinct from the missed one, will be arranged for students with an acceptable
excuse for missing one of the first six labs (EXP1 - EXP 6). For those who miss a portion of the ester lab or the
lidocaine lab, catch up during subsequent scheduled lab sessions. Failure to complete the makeup lab due to
an absence will result in an incomplete grade, provided you have a passing grade in the course. Missing more
than one lab will lead to an automatic F grade.
Makeup Cumulative Theory Quiz: A makeup cumulative theory quiz is available exclusively for students with
acceptable excuses. Regardless of the specific theory quiz missed, all students who miss a quiz will be offered
the same cumulative makeup theory quiz.
Late Submissions Policy: No late submissions will be accepted for assignments, projects, or assessments. It
is the responsibility of each student to ensure that all work is submitted by the specified deadlines. Late
submissions will not be considered, and any work received after the due date will receive a grade of zero. Please
plan accordingly and communicate any potential issues or concerns with deadlines in advance. Exceptions to
this policy will only be made in cases of documented emergencies or extenuating circumstances, and approval
must be obtained from the instructor prior to the deadline.
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Lab Cleanup Policy: To maintain a safe and organized laboratory environment, all students are required to
participate in a thorough cleanup of their workspace. Ten minutes before the scheduled end of each lab session,
students must begin the cleanup process. This includes properly storing equipment, disposing of materials as
instructed, and leaving the workspace in a tidy condition. Failure to adhere to the lab cleanup policy may result
in penalties, including point deductions or restrictions on future lab participation. It is essential that all students
cooperate in maintaining a clean and safe laboratory for everyone's benefit. Your commitment to timely cleanup
is appreciated and contributes to a positive learning environment. If you have any questions or concerns about
the lab cleanup process, please feel free to discuss them with the instructors during office hours or through other
communication channels provided.
Stockroom Policy: Equipment you borrow should be returned to the stockroom as soon as practical during the
same lab period. Keep in mind that the stockroom closes fifteen minutes before the scheduled end of the
lab period. The stockroom reserves the right to open your drawer anytime during the semester. If the stockroom
is closed so that you cannot return borrowed equipment, you should lock it in your drawer. If another student
needs the equipment, the stockroom staff will have to retrieve it and you may be charged a fee. If the equipment
is still in your drawer the next period, be sure to return it promptly.
Recommendation Letters Policy: The instructors do not provide recommendation letters for students in this
course due to limited day-to-day interactions. Recommendation letters are exclusively available to students
selected as teaching assistants. If you require one, kindly approach the Teaching Assistant (TA) responsible for
the lab sessions, as they have a more comprehensive understanding of your performance. A letter written by a
teaching assistant will not be co-signed by the instructor. For questions or concerns, feel free to discuss during
office hours or through provided communication channels.
Extra Credit Policy: No extra credit opportunities will be offered in this course. It is important for all students to
focus on completing assigned coursework, participating in class activities, and meeting established
requirements. Please plan your time and resources accordingly, as there will be no additional opportunities for
extra credit assignments or projects. The emphasis will be on mastering the content covered in regular
assessments and activities. If you have any questions or concerns about your performance in the course, I
encourage you to discuss them with me during office hours or scheduled appointments.
Each student is responsible for knowing all procedures and course expectations detailed: in this document, the
Electronic Lab Manual (ELN), on the Brightspace, or those announced in the online lectures or during the lab.
In order to receive the most recent email notice and/or announcement through Brightspace you must check your email address. There will be lectures to watch before each lab. Failure to view the online lectures
is not an excuse for not knowing what was presented or announced. It is your responsibility to find out about all
the course information.
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Due to the condensed schedule of the SUMMER session, some changes in the course structure and policies
were made from the normal CHE 327 course provided during the fall and spring semesters.
Any classes that are canceled by the University will be rescheduled and announced on the Brightspace. You
would be required to attend lab on that day if such an incident occurs. This could shift the remaining schedule
so your schedule should allow for you to come into the lab on ANY designated class (even those
specified for the other group) or makeup day.
Tu 5/21/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
Th 5/23/2024
Due on your ELN
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Tu 05/28/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
Th 05/30/2024
Lecture Videos
EXP 3: Myristic Acid Synthesis. HEAVY DUTY GLOVES REQUIRED & Finish EXP 2.
Part C.
In-Lab ELN Activities: Record your Data/Observation on the ELN Pages listed below:
1. E3N. Lab Activity: Notebook - Myristic Acid Synthesis Part A and B [10 points]
2. E2P. Lab Activity: Notebook - Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg Part C [10 points]
à Submit trimyristin product before leaving the lab.
ELN Post Lab
Submit trimyristin post lab assignment at home.
E2R. Post Lab Report - Extraction of Trimyristin from Nutmeg [10 points]
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Tu 06/04/2024
EXP 4: Simple Distillation
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
We 06/05/2024
12:00 12:50 PM
Th 06/06/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Tu 06/11/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
Th 06/13/2024
EXP 7: Ester Synthesis
Lecture Videos
Lab (Mo-We)
ELN Post Lab
Tu 06/18/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Th 06/20/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
Tu 06/25/2024
Lecture Videos
ELN Post Lab
We 06/26/2024
12:00 12:50 PM
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Th 06/27/2024
ELN Post Lab
Fr 06/28/2024
12:00 12: 50 PM
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Student Accessibility Support Center Statement:
If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please
contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, 128 ECC Building, (631) 632-6748, or at
[email protected]. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All
information and documentation is confidential.
Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their
professors and the Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following
physical-disabilities and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.
Academic Integrity Statement:
Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted
work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty is required to report any
suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center
(School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine
are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic
integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at
Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will be reported to the
Academic Judiciary.
Critical Incident Management:
Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty
are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts
their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.
Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures.
Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate
Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.
Understand When You May Drop This Course:
It is the student’s responsibility to understand when they need to consider withdrawing from a course. Refer to
the Stony Brook Academic Schedule for dates and deadlines for registration:
Undergraduate Course Load and Course Withdrawal Policy
Graduate Course Changes Policy
CHE 327. SUMMER 2024
Academic and Major Advising (undergraduate only): Have questions about choosing the right course? Contact
an advisor today. Phone and emails vary-please see website for additional contact information; website:
Academic Success and Tutoring Center (undergraduate only):
Amazon @ Stony Brook: Order your books before classes begin. Phone: 631-632-9828; email:; website: bookstore/
Bursar: For help with billing and payment. Phone: 631-632-9316; email: [email protected]; website:
Career Center: The Career Center’s mission is to support the academic mission of Stony Brook University by
educating students about the career decision-making process, helping them plan and attain their career goals,
and assisting with their smooth transition to the workplace or further education. Phone: 631-6326810; email:
[email protected]; website: Counseling and
Psychological Services: CAPS staff are available by phone, day or night.
Ombuds Office: The Stony Brook University Ombuds Office provides an alternative channel for confidential,
impartial, independent and informal dispute resolution services for the entire University community. We provide
a safe place to voice your concerns and explore options for productive conflict management and resolution. The
Ombuds Office is a source of confidential advice and information about University policies and procedures and
helps individuals and groups address university-related conflicts and concerns.
Registrar: Having a registration issue? Let them know. Phone: 631-632-6175; email:
[email protected];
SBU Libraries: access to and help in using databases, ebooks, and other sources for your research.
Research Guides and Tutorials:
Getting Help:
Support for Online Learning: