Process Engineering Laboratory II
Crystallization is a separation process, widely applied in the chemical and pharmaceutical indus-
try. The principle of crystallization is based on the limited solubility of a compound in a solvent
at a certain temperature, pressure, etc. A change of these conditions to a state where the solu-
bility is lower will lead to the formation of a crystalline solid. Although crystallization has been
applied for thousands of years in the production of salt and sugar, many phenomena occuring
during crystallization are still poorly understood. Especially the mechanisms of nucleation and
crystal growth and the complex behavior of industrial crystallizers remain elusive.
One of the reasons for this is the lack of appropriate tools to measure and monitor crystallization
processes. On the other hand, demands for consistent product quality (purity, crystal size, etc.)
are ever increasing, thus creating a large interest in crystallization research.
The aim of this practicum is to refresh your theoretical knowledge on crystallization and to
demonstrate the problems and challenges commonly occuring in crystallization. One of the goals
of this practicum is also to write a good report which contains physically correct explanations
for the phenomena you observed. In the following sections an outline of the theoretical concepts
is presented, the experimental setup is explained and the practical tasks are discussed. The
final section is about the report you are expected to hand in to pass the practicum. The report
is an important part of the practicum as it trains your ability to present results in a scientific way.
The practicum will be conducted according to the timetable shown below.
Phase: Duration: Activities:
1 30 min
Presenting the setup and equipment
Heating up of the crystallizer
2 15 min
Heating up to start temperature
Start of temperature control program
Addition of seed crystals
3 70 min
While crystallization is running:
Review of theory with the assistant
4 30 min
Switching off the equipment
Filtration of the suspension
Drying of the crystals
Cleaning the equipment
5 after practicum
Measurement with Coulter Multisizer
Writing of report
Process Engineering Laboratory II Spring 2018
Figure 1: Solubility diagram and typical de-supersaturation profile of an unseeded crystallization.
Theoretical background
Crystallization is the process of forming a crystalline material from a liquid, gas or amorphous
solid. The crystals thus formed have highly regular internal structure, the basis of which is
called the crystal lattice. Since the formation of such a highly ordered structure prohibits
foreign molecules from being incorporated into the lattice, a solid product of high purity is
obtained. The simultaneous formation and purification of a solid product makes crystallization
an important operation in the process industry.
All crystallization processes are aimed at creating a supersaturated solution or melt. The su-
persaturation is the driving force under whose influence new crystals are formed and present
crystals grow. This is illustrated in figure 1 where a typical cooling crystallization experiment
in shown together with the solubility line.
For most substances, the solubility increases with increasing temperature, with sodium chloride
being a notable exception. Suppose we start at point A in the diagram, which is undersaturated.
Any crystals added to a solution in this region would dissolve. If we now cool to a point between
A and B, we enter the meta stable region where existing crystals will grow, but no new crystals
are formed. Cooling further we obtain a labile solution at point B where spontaneous formation
of new crystals, i.e. nucleation, takes place. This dramatically decreases the concentration
and point C will be reached. Cooling further, the crystals formed between B and C grow and
consume whatever supersaturation we create by cooling, so we stay in the meta stable region
until we reach the end of the crystallization at point D.
The important phenomena that occur during crystallization can be described by the following
the nucleation rate B [#/(m
s)]; the number of new crystals formed per unit time and
volume of suspension
the growth rate G [m/s]; the rate at which the size of the crystals increases
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Figure 2: Growth and nucleation rates of potassium sulphate in water as a function of supersaturation [1].
both B and G are influenced by the supersaturation S [-], where S = c/c
, with c [kmol/m
the current solute concentration and c
the equilibrium concentration at the same temper-
For potassium sulphate, the dependence of B and G on S is shown in figure 2.
A further differentiation of nucleation can be made by the way new crystals are formed. Sec-
ondary nucleation can take place at low supersaturations when crystals are already present.
Small parts of the existing crystals are washed off and form new nuclei that can grow. As such,
secondary nucleation is severely affected by the stirring rate. Primary nucleation usually takes
place in the absence of previously formed crystals (though this is not a necessity) when solute
molecules meet and form clusters that can grow further to form crystals. This is a stochastic
process, and as such, nucleation can be somewhat unpredictable.
The formation of stable nuclei only happens if the increase in interfacial energy resulting from
the formation of a solid–liquid interface is offset by a decrease in energy released by the formation
of a (thermodynamically favored) solid. At low supersaturations, the energy required to form a
solid–liquid interface is bigger than the energy released upon formation of a cluster which are
consequently unstable resulting in a very low nucleation rate. Only when the supersaturation
is high enough, i.e. when we enter the labile region, stable solid particles will form. This is
generally a very sharp transition, which can also be seen from the steep increase in nucleation
rate for a certain supersaturation in figure 2.
The unpredictable nature of nucleation, coupled with its dramatic effect on the crystal size
distribution, indicate that this a process we can poorly control. As such, in industrial crys-
tallization, we mostly add small, previously produced crystals. These crystals will consume
whatever supersaturation we create by growing, thus ensuring we stay within the meta stable
region. This is called seeded crystallization, a technique often applied if a consistent product
quality is important.
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In cooling crystallization, the supersaturation is created by a decrease in temperature. De-
pending on how the solution is cooled, a different end product is obtained. The simplest way
of performing a cooling crystallization is to let a warm solution cool to the surrounding room
temperature (curve i in figure 3(a)). Obviously, the cooling rate will be highest in the beginning,
when there is a large temperature difference between the solution and its surroundings, and it
will be lowest at the end of the crystallization. The seed crystals will not be able to grow fast
enough to consume the supersaturation created in the beginning. As a consequence, we are
likely to shoot into the labile region and have nucleation. Therefore, we can expect our end
product have a rather wide distribution of crystal sizes.
Alternatively, we can cool linearly with the help of a thermostat (curve ii in figure 3(a)). This will
reduce the initial supersaturation, but since the solubility curve is steepest at high temperature,
we will still create the highest supersaturation in the beginning we therefore still risk having
A more sophisticated cooling would ensure that the supersaturation remains constant throughout
the whole crystallization. This requires knowledge on the growth rate, the nucleation rate, the
solubility and the seed crystals, but with some mathematical effort, it is possible to compute a
cooling curve that results in a constant supersaturation.
In figure 3(b), the evolution of the supersaturation for each of these cooling strategies is shown.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Different cooling curves (a) and the resulting evolution of the supersaturation as a function of
process time (b).
To calculate the cooling curve for constant supersaturation, the following assumptions are made:
we perform a batch crystallization
the supersaturation S is constant throughout the whole process
the supersaturation S is small enough to prevent nucleation from happening
the seed crystals are mono disperse, i.e. all seed crystals have the same size
The balance equation for such a process is as follows:
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= r k
where c = c c
is the difference between actual and saturation concentration (sometimes
called supersaturation as well) and r is the increase in the supersaturation due to the decreasing
temperature. The second term of the right hand side is the decrease of the supersaturation due
to crystal growth and the third term is the decrease due to nucleation.
The crystal area per unit mass of solvent can, if nucleation is neglected (k
=0), be calculated
as follows:
A(t) = βNL(t)
where β is an area shape factor and L(t) is the crystal size:
L(t) = L
G(θ(t), L(t))dt (3)
N is the number of seed crystals:
N =
is the mass of seed crystals per unit mass solvent and α is a volume shape factor. The crystal
growth rate can be described as follows:
G(θ(t), L(t)) =
Since for r, we can write:
r =
the balance equation can be simplified by assuming
= 0.
G(θ(t), L(t))
1 +
G(θ(t), L(t))dt
This general equation can now be applied to the potassium sulphate system. This requires
certain substance specific data to be known. The measurement of these is often very difficult
and extremely time consuming. For potassium sulphate, a well known substance, these data can
be found in literature [2].
= 1.01 × 10
= 0.1 + 3.25 × 10
θ(t) + 5 × 10
(θ) = 3.294 × 10
+ 2.044 × 10
θ + 7.11 × 10
n = 2
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Substituting the above in equation 7, we obtain a differential equation that cannot be solved
explicitly. With the help of some software, we can however solve the equation numerically.
Using the following parameters: W
= 1.5 × 10
kg seed crystals per kg solvent, L
113 × 10
m, T
= 70
C, T
= 30
C and δc = 4 × 10
kg/kg a simulation can be per-
formed in MATLAB to obtain the ideal cooling profile. The syntax for the program temp.m is:
Description of the crystallization setup
The crystallization is conducted in a thermostated, 250 ml jacketed glass reactor (see figure 4(a))
equipped with a stirrer. A thermostat pumps a mixture of glycol and water through the jacket
and uses a Pt100 thermocouple positioned in the reactor to control the reactor temperature.
We will use a so called Coulter Multisizer to measure the particle size distribution of the crystals.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Schematic drawing of the crystallizer (a). The crystals are analyzed by a Coulter Multisizer which
measures the change in impedance as a crystal enters the aperture tube and displaces a small volume of liquid
The principle of the Coulter Multisizer is explained in figure 4(b). A small sample of the crystals
obtained at the end of the experiment is added to a particle-free, saturated solution. In this
solution, an electrode is positioned as well as a small glass tube which has a small opening or
aperture on the side. A pump inside the device will create a low pressure which will cause the
suspension to flow through this small opening in the glass tube to another tank. In this tank, a
second electrode is positioned to which an AC-current is applied. If a particle passes through the
aperture, the impedance of this circuit momentarily changes. This change is registered by the
machine. Since this change is proportional to the particle volume, the impedance fluctuations
can be converted to a particle volume distribution.
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Experimental Tasks
Fill the reactor with 150 gr of particle-free de-ionized water and add 29 gr of potassium
sulphate to the water.
Prepare 1.5 gr of seed crystals with a size between 90 and 125 µm.
Use a sensible stirring speed during the crystallization. Usually the stirrer is rotated at a
speed which just suffices to keep all crystals suspended. In this experiment, around 450
rpm is recommended.
Heat the reactor up such that the reactor medium is at 70
C and that all crystals are
dissolved. Ensure the thermostat medium does not heat up beyond 100
Once the reactor is heated up, start the temperature-control program. The program
ensures the system first goes to the correct start temperature and then follows the ideal
cooling curve, i.e. the cooling curve resulting in a constant supersaturation.
The current reactor temperature is shown in the display on the thermostat. Once a
temperature of 70
C has been reached and all the solid has dissolved, the solution has
obtained the required supersaturation and the seed crystals can safely be added using a
glass funnel.
The crystallization will now run automatically to the end temperature of 30
At the end of the experiment the stirrer should be stopped and the suspension should
carefully be drained through the bottom valve of the reactor.
Using a B¨uchner-funnel, the suspension is vacuum-filtrated and the crystals are dried in
an oven.
Meanwhile, the setup should be flushed thoroughly with de-ionized water.
After drying the crystals, the total crystal mass should be weighed and its particle size
distribution should be measured using the Coulter Multisizer.
A report has to be written containing all the important information of the experiments carried
out. The report should include, but is not limited to, the following items: Remember: quality
is important, not quantity. Limit your report to 5 pages of text.
title page: the title page includes a title (obviously), your names, your email addresses,
the date you handed the report in and a small abstract (max. 20 lines).
introduction: a small introduction that explains what experiment you are doing and what
insight you want to gain.
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theory section: the theory section includes all the equations you are going to use to inter-
pret your results. Derivations do not have to be included, but you should shortly state
the principle behind the equations used. If assumptions have to be made for an equation
to be valid, they have to be stated.
theory section: Explain the differences between linear, natural and controlled cooling and
qualitatively draw the final particle size distribution for each of these cases, for a seeded
theory section: As was mentioned before, not all substances can be crystallized by cooling
crystallization. Can you come up with 2 different ways of crystallizing a substance from
experimental part which includes what you did, why you did it and how you did it.
results and discussion: in this part your results are included. Your measurement results
have to be explicitly given, so that any calculations are reproducible. The following plots,
tables and discussions are the minimum required:
1. The exact masses of water, potassium sulphate (both what you added and what you
obtained) and seed crystals must be listed, so that you calculations can be verified.
2. How does the difference between the amount of potassium sulphate you added in the
beginning and that what you obtained in the end relate to the solubility data? Is it
what you expected?
3. Calculate the number-based particle size distribution q
and the volume-based particle
sized distribution q
of the seed and of the final particles as well as the cumulative
distributions Q
and Q
. Determine the median of both the number and the volume-
based distributions, i.e. the L
and the L
. The distributions are defined as
= lim
= lim
(L) =
(L) dL (11)
with N
being the number of particles per size interval ∆L
. q
and q
are normalised,
which means that Q
) = 1.
4. Plot the volume-based particle size distribution q
of both the seed crystals and the
final particles. Discuss and explain the results: has there been nucleation and did the
distribution widen during the process? What could be the causes of this?
5. Compare the setpoint and the actual temperature during the experiment. Is the
supersaturation constant throughout the crystallization process?
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6. Determine the effect of seed crystal mass and size on process time and final particle
size using MATLAB programme temp.m.
This part also includes the discussion of your results. In the discussion you state if the
results you obtained were expected. If they were not expected, give explanations why
they are not what you expect. This section is the most important section of your report
because it gives the indication if you understood what you were doing. All the figures you
are implementing in the report have to be commented (what can be seen and why do you
think it is important to show?). Reports that give no or physically impossible explanations
for the observed phenomena will be rejected or have to be corrected.
You have three weeks time to hand in a report that meets these standards, which
includes possible corrections you have to make. Therefore, it is recommended to hand in
the first version of the report earlier, so that you have time to correct possible mistakes. The
time the assistant takes to correct your report is not included in the three weeks. The report
can be handed in either digitally or as hard copy directly at the assistant’s office.
Luca Bosetti
ML G16
Johannes Tiefenthaler
ML G16
[1] Mullin, J.W., Gaska, C.: ”The growth and dissolution of potassium sulphate crystals in a fluidized
bed crystallizer”, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 47 (1969) 47, 483-489.
[2] Jones, A. G., Mullin, J.W.: ”Programmed cooling crystallization of potassium sulphate solutions”,
Chem. Eng. Sci. 29 (1974) 1, 105-118.
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