About NEH 2
Jefferson Lecture 3
National Humanities Medals 5
Education 8
Preservation and Access 26
Public Programs 48
Research 73
Challenge Grants 114
Federal State Partnership 125
Office of Enterprise 132
Summer Fellows Program 135
Panelists 136
Senior Staff Members 177
National Council 178
Financial Report 179
Grants by State 182
The National Endowment for the Humanities
In order "to promote progress and scholarship in the humanities and the arts in the United
States," Congress enacted the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965.
This act established the National Endowment for the Humanities as an independent grant-making
agency of the federal government to support research, education, and public programs in the
humanities. In fiscal year 2000, grants were made through Federal-State Partnership, four
divisions (Education Programs, Preservation and Access, Public Programs, and Research
Programs) and the Office of Challenge Grants.
The act that established the National Endowment for the Humanities says, "The term 'humanities'
includes, but is not limited to, the study of the following: language, both modern and classical;
linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion;
ethics; the history, criticism, and theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have
humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the
humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage,
traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national
What the Endowment Supports
The National Endowment for the Humanities supports exemplary work to advance and
disseminate knowledge in all the disciplines of the humanities. Endowment support is intended
to complement and assist private and local efforts and to serve as a catalyst to increase
nonfederal support for projects of high quality. To date, NEH matching grants have helped
generate almost $1.64 billion in gift funds. Each application to the Endowment is assessed by
knowledgeable persons outside the agency who are asked to judge about the quality and
significance of the proposals. About 731 scholars, professionals in the humanities, and other
experts served on 154 panels throughout the year.
The Jefferson Lecture
On March 27, 2000, historian James M. McPherson delivered the Jefferson Lecture in the
Humanities at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. In his lecture, "For a Vast Future Also:
Lincoln and the Millennium," McPherson spoke about Lincoln's sense of history as he
envisioned the future for our country and for the world.
McPherson described Lincoln's reverence for the goals of the American Revolution and his
admiration for Thomas Jefferson's inspiring words. McPherson recounted a speech that Lincoln
gave on George Washington's birthday in Pennsylvania, 1861: "Lincoln told them: 'I have never
had a feeling politically that did not spring from the sentiments embodied in the Declaration of
Independence.' The ringing phrases that 'all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness,' said Lincoln, 'gave promise' not just to Americans, but 'hope to the world' that 'in due
time the weights should be lifted from the shoulders of all men, and that all should have an equal
"Lincoln had come a long way in his understanding of history since his boyhood reading of
Weems's biography of George Washington," said McPherson. He said Lincoln saw the Union's
victory in the Civil War as imperative for the survival of democracy in the world. "'Our popular
government has often been called an experiment,' he told a special session of Congress that met
on July 4, 1861. 'Two points in it, our people have already settled--the successful establishing,
and the successful administering of it. One still remains--its successful maintenance against a
formidable internal attempt to overthrow it.' If that attempt succeeded, said Lincoln, the forces of
reaction in Europe would smile in smug satisfaction at this proof of their contention that the
upstart republic launched in 1776 could not last."
McPherson continued, "The American sense of mission invoked by Lincoln--the idea that the
American experiment in democracy was a beacon of liberty and democracy for oppressed people
everywhere is as old as the Mayflower Compact and as new as apparent American victory in the
Cold War."
Born in North Dakota and raised in Minnesota, McPherson's first fascination with the Civil War
began as a graduate student in 1958 under the mentorship of C. Vann Woodward at Johns
Hopkins University. But it was not the war McPherson focused on then. His subjects for study
were the abolitionists whose passions and protests helped put Abraham Lincoln in office and
shape the social reforms brought about by the war. While McPherson studied in Baltimore,
events similar to the abolition movement were taking place all around the country. "I was struck
by all of these parallels between what was a freedom crusade of the 1860s and a freedom crusade
of the 1960s. My first entrée in Civil War scholarship focused on that very theme," says
McPherson. His dissertation about the abolition movement went on to be published in 1964 as
The Struggle for Equality: Abolitionists and the Negro in the Civil War and Reconstruction.
He has since written several books about abolition, the war, Abraham Lincoln, and
Reconstruction. His latest work, which won the Lincoln Prize for 1998, For Cause and
Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War, delves into the hearts and minds of the three
million soldiers that fought on both sides of the war. A decade earlier, his book Battle Cry of
Freedom: The Civil War Era broke ground in combining the complexities of the war while
maintaining the narrative that made it appealing to the American public. Battle Cry of Freedom
went on to win the Pulitzer Prize and has since sold more than six hundred thousand copies. The
book helped launch an unprecedented national renaissance of interest in the Civil War. Because
of it and other books, followed closely by Ken Burns's documentary, now thousands of
Americans every year choose to visit historic battlefields and homes of Civil War generals and
leaders. New histories, biographies, miniseries, novels, and reenactments continue to capture the
American imagination about the turbulent years between 1861 and 1865, partly because, as
McPherson explains, the issues that caused the war are still with us. "Even though the war
resolved the issues of Union and slavery, it didn't entirely resolve the issues that underlay those
two questions," McPherson said. "These issues are still important in American society today:
regionalism, resentment of centralized government, debates about how powerful the national
government ought to be and what role it ought to play in people's lives. The continuing relevance
of those issues, I think, is one reason for the continuing fascination with the Civil War."
McPherson has taught at Princeton University since 1962 and is the George Henry Davis '86
Professor of American History. He lives in New Jersey with his wife Patricia.
National Humanities Medal
In December 2000, President Clinton awarded twelve Americans the National Humanities Medal
for their outstanding efforts to deepen public awareness of the humanities.
Robert Bellah is a sociologist, philosopher, and interpreter of contemporary American society.
In his book Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life, Bellah
compared how Americans believe they ought to live with how they actually conduct their lives.
Beginning his career with a focus on Eastern religion and Far Eastern languages, Bellah taught
Islamic studies at McGill University in Canada and at Harvard before joining the faculty at the
University of California, Berkeley. Bellah retired in 1997 and is Elliot Professor of Sociology
Emeritus at Berkeley.
Will Davis Campbell is a Southern preacher whose ideas and actions crossed color lines during
the Civil Rights movement. After being ordained in the Baptist church at the age of seventeen,
Campbell went on to study at Yale Divinity School. During the 1950s and 60s, he was at the
center of the Civil Rights movement, as a troubleshooter on race relations for the National
Council of Churches and then as director of the Committee of Southern Churchmen. He helped
escort nine African American students through mobs opposed to desegregation at Central High
School in Little Rock, Arkansas, and was the only white minister asked by Martin Luther King
Jr. to attend the creation of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Campbell is the
author of sixteen books and has received the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Tennessee
American Civil Liberties Union.
Television producer Judy Crichton believes that "history is filled with magnificent stories," and
as the founder of the American Experience series on PBS has worked to bring history to
television. During her tenure with the series she produced the documentaries Andrew Carnegie:
The Richest Man in the World, The Donner Party, and Lindbergh. She and the American
Experience have won four George Foster Peabody awards, two Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia
Journalism awards, and seven Emmys. Crichton's early television career took off when she
became the first woman writer and producer for CBS Reports in 1974. She went on to become a
writer and producer for ABC's Closeup documentary unit. She told NEH Chairman William R.
Ferris, "Among the things I am most proud of is working on projects that had enough time to be
achieve a piece of work in a thoughtful way."
David C. Driskell is an art collector, educator, and curator who has devoted himself to
preserving cultural traditions by collecting African American art and artifacts from the era of
slave ships to modern times. By buying and preserving pieces outside the "quality canon,"
Driskell has helped change art collecting trends in collections around the world. He was a teacher
and curator at the University of Maryland for more than twenty years. He has curated numerous
exhibitions, lectured throughout the country, and taught around the globe including Abafemi
Awolowo University in Nigeria. Driskell is the recipient three Rockefeller Foundation
The novels of Ernest J. Gaines evoke the essence of small-town southern Louisiana in the early
part of the twentieth century. He is renowned for his tales about Bayonne, Louisiana, based on
Pointe Coupee Parish, where Gaines spent his childhood and early adolescence. He gained fame
for his book The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, based on a fictional, hundred-year-old
former slave. His most recent work, A Lesson Before Dying, takes place in the 1940s, and depicts
the struggle of an educated black man whose highest achievement is limited to being a school
teacher. Gaines has been author-in-residence at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette since
As the director of the Guam Humanities Council since 1992, Herman T. Guerrero has worked
to reclaim the islands' colonial history and the legacy of the Chamorro people. One of his and the
council's efforts is the Genealogy Project, which is being conducted with the help of the
University of Guam's Micronesian Area Research Center. Another project he helped create with
the Northern Mariana Island Museum of History is called "Spain in the Marianas: First Contact
and Aftermath." Guerrero says, "The humanities and humanities education allows the indigenous
people of the Northern Mariana Island Archipelago a rediscovery and an affirmation of native
Through a career that spans fifty years of arranging, writing, and performing American music,
Quincy Jones has been a champion for African American artists and a voice for humanitarian
causes. He has written scores for thirty-three motion pictures and co-produced the film version of
Alice Walker's The Color Purple. "Everything starts with a story or a song," says Jones. "Once
you have a great story, you look for the elements you need to make a piece of art." Jones has
received twenty-six Grammy Awards and one Emmy, produced NetAid concerts, and founded
Listen Up, which has brought youth from South Central Los Angeles to build houses in South
Africa. Jones serves as a member of the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities.
Barbara Kingsolver sees literature as a way of spreading awareness of injustices in the world
through the telling of a good story. Her 1998 novel, Poisonwood Bible, is the story of a
missionary family caught in the turmoil of the Belgian Congo in 1959. On one level it is the
story of the dissolution of a family, while on another it deals head-on with themes of colonialism,
religion, and racism. Kingsolver's belief in the power of literature led her establish the
Bellwether Prize for Fiction, awarded biannually for a first novel that represents outstanding
literary quality and a commitment to social change.
Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison says "All my life I have been teaching books, writing books,
or reading books." Her own novels tackle difficult subjects: in Beloved she tells the story of a
runaway slave who chose to kill her own child instead of letting her spend a life in bondage; in
The Bluest Eye she depicts a black adolescent impregnated by her father. Morrison has been
inspired to write nonfiction about controversial subjects of our times especially when they
broach issues of power, race, and gender, such the O.J. Simpson trial and the Clarence Thomas
hearings. As the Robert F. Coheen Professor in the Council of Humanities at Princeton
University, Morrison has taught students how to look beyond the surface for the true human
story embedded in history.
Historian Edmund S. Morgan has written and edited eighteen books on the intellectual
foundations of early American life. In his latest work, The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in
England and America, Morgan says that the popular control of governm
ent is a largely fictional
concept, but a belief essential to our system of government. At eighty-four, he is the Sterling
Professor of History at Yale University. He also taught at the University of Chicago and Brown
University before arriving at Yale in 1955. His topics of research have ranged from the Puritans
in New England to the slave-owners in the colonial South. "In the end," Morgan says, "history
can't get too far from questions of power, who has power and how they wield it."
Earl Shorris believes that understanding the words of Socrates and Plato helps the poor more
than learning the skills for a technical job. As a result, in 1995 Shorris created a program of study
known as the Clemente Course to bring the humanities to residents of impoverished inner-city
neighborhoods. The program, run by Bard College in New York City, has spread to fourteen
different courses-on political philosophy, American history, classics, and others--around the
country. "The humanities have a great appeal to give people a sense of self, to see the world and
themselves differently," he says.
For thirty years Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve has written children's books with the intention of
dispelling stereotypes and negative images of American Indians. Her books include Jimmy
Yellow Hawk, published in 1972, and more recently The Trickster and the Troll, which combines
Lakota and Norwegian folklore. "I write from my own experience and about Native Americans
I've known all my life," she says. Sneve is the daughter of an Episcopal priest and Lakota Sioux
mother. She grew up on the Rosebud Reservation of South Dakota and was an English teacher
and counselor in Rapid City public schools and at the Flandreau Indian School for forty years.
Division of Education Programs
The Division of Education Programs provides national leadership for formal humanities
education, from elementary through graduate school. Six programs help teachers bring their
knowledge into the classroom.
Two programs fall under Education Development and Demonstration. The first, National
Education Projects, supports the development of educational materials of national significance.
In collaboration with high school and college faculty and regional museum educators, North
Shore Community College in Massachusetts will develop and beta-test an interactive website for
teaching about the life and work of nineteenth-century American author Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The website includes documents, art work, photographs, and artifacts to support the study of
Hawthorne in literature, history, and American studies courses in high schools and colleges. The
second program, Humanities Focus Grants, promotes learning among groups of teachers working
together in the same or neighboring institutions. The Rochelle Lee Fund, a nonprofit educational
agency, will conduct a series of reading and discussion sessions for twenty Chicago public
school faculty members about children's and adult literature with the theme of life's "Journey."
At the end of their study, participants will receive a voucher for quality paperback children's
books for use in the classroom.
The Schools for a New Millennium program enables elementary and secondary schoolteachers to
learn to use technology in their studying and teaching of the humanities. Rice University
received support for a project at Hogg Middle School, a diverse inner city school in Houston, to
examine their community through its history, and its state, national, and global contexts. As a
part of the project, students learn about World War II by using videotape and digital technology
to interview veterans and neighbors about their experiences during the war. The project is the
outcome of an earlier NEH planning grant that involved the school, the university, the Texas
State Historical Association, and other community partners. The project will link the curriculum
and website development to the state teaching and learning standards at each grade level.
Seminars and Institutes support faculty development projects each summer at colleges,
universities, and research centers. During the summer of 2001, Michael Bachem of Miami
University in Ohio will conduct a four-week seminar for kindergarten through ninth-grade
teachers on the tales collected by brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This seminar looks at the
universality of folk and fairy tales, describes the details of the historical background of the
Grimm tales, and makes participants aware of research tools and scholarship of folklore studies.
The seminar will give teachers classroom strategies for teaching the subject.
The division conducted a special competition in FY 2000 called Humanities Scholars in
Residence. This program was for states that have received a disproportionately low share of
funds from the Endowment and for schools that have not benefited from our regular grant
programs. These small consultant grants enable elementary and secondary schools to work with
expert humanities scholars to lay the foundation for improvements of school curricula. Montana's
Corvallis School District Number 1 received support for a mentored program of study with a
prominent scholar of Western history on Montana history and literature, focusing on the
recurring historical displacement of people in the area and the battle for resources. The school
has encouraged students to interview inhabitants of the Bitterroot Valley, to conduct related
research on the history of the area, and to bring the results of their inquiry back to a virtual
museum online.
Finally, in collaboration with the NEH Office of Enterprise, WorldCom, and the Council of the
Great City Schools, the Division of Education Programs sponsors EDSITEment
(edsitement.neh.gov), a popular online resource for humanities educators. EDSITEment
comprises seventy-one individual humanities websites, each nominated by a peer review panel
for its content, interactive design, and usefulness in the classroom. EDSITEment has received
national recognition, including an education award in the Smithsonian Computerworld
competition. The site currently logs an average of forty thousand user sessions a month, and
includes a search engine, lesson plans for grades six through twelve, and take-home activities for
students. EDSITEment training sessions have been held in 973 schools in forty-one school
districts. In the future, EDSITEment will expand to include more websites and new lesson plans
for kindergarten through sixth-grade.
Candace Katz
Division of Education Programs
Education Development and Demonstration
Academy of American Poets
New York, NY Kelleen Zubick
$120,000 The Online Poetry Classroom
American Councils of International Education
Washington, DC Maria Lekic
$35,000 Regional Russia, Culture and Diversity: Language-Learning Modules
American Historical Association
Washington, DC Noralee Frankel
$1,000* Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age: Reconceptualizing the Introductory Survey
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ Roger L. Bedard
$100,000 Navajo Exemplary Humanities Project
Assumption College
Worcester, MA John F. McClymer
$160,000 American History and Culture on the Web
Beaufort County School District
Beaufort, SC Margaret D. Rushton
$100,000 Creating a Sense of Place
Boston Latin Academy
Boston, MA Robert Largess
$22,332 A Comparative Study of the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Brooklyn, NY Deborah F. Schwartz
$91,000 Brooklyn Community Collaborations
Brown University
Providence, RI Edward J. Ahearn
$75,000* Texts and Teachers: The Interdisciplinary Challenge
California State University
Fresno, CA Vida Samiian
$180,000 Crossing Academic Borders: Integrating Technology with Interdisciplinary Learning
Carleton College
Northfield, MN Dana Strand
$25,000 Individual and Community: A Faculty Seminar at Carleton College
City School District of New Rochelle
New Rochelle, NY Senta F. Stich
$25,000 Humanities for the New Millennium
Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
Chicago, IL Nisan Chavkin
$10,000 The American Jury: Bulwark of Democracy
Education Development Center, Inc.
Newton, MA Ronald W. Bailey
$5,000* Nubianet: A Network and Internet Resource for Ancient African and World
Education Development Center, Inc.
Newton, MA William Tally
$230,000 Picturing Modern America: Historical Inquiry through Primary Sources
Ferrum College
Ferrum, VA Bettina L. Hanlon
$24,996 Teaching Appalachian Literature
Five Colleges, Inc.
Amherst, MA Robert Schwartzwald
$25,000 Rethinking the Americas: Creating a Transdisciplinary Foundational Course at the Five
Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute
Hyde Park, NY Thomas J. Thurston
$4,700* The New Deal Network: An Online Teaching Resource on the Public Works and Arts
Projects of the New Deal
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA Roy A. Rosenzweig
$245,000 History Matters: The U.S. History Survey on the Web
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Atlanta, GA Gregory A. VanHoosier-Carey
$5,000 Griffith in Context: A Multimedia Exploration of The Birth of a Nation
Greensboro College
Greensboro, NC Nancy M. McElveen
$24,994 Faculty Development in Women's Studies
Grinnell College
Grinnell, IA Tyler T. Roberts
$25,000 Revisioning the Introduction to Religious Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN Phyllis R. Klotman
$170,000 African Americans in Cinema: The First Half Century
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN Douglas R. Parks
$5,000* Teaching Native American Language through History and Culture: The Arikara Model
Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture
Santa Fe, NM Wade Chambers
$100,000 The Native Eyes Project: Indian Perspectives on Knowledge and Culture
Kennesaw State College
Kennesaw, GA Sarah R. Robbins
$223,000 Keeping and Creating American Communities
Los Angeles Unified School District
Los Angeles, CA Teresa M. Hudock
$115,000 World History and Literature Using Web Conferencing
Macalester College
St. Paul, MN James von Geldern
$150,000 Digital Sourcebook of Soviet Russian History
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI James A. Marten
$170,000 Children in Urban America Project: A Digital Archive
Memphis City Schools
Memphis, TN Elsie Lewis Bailey
$160,000 The Memphis Civil Rights Movement: Exploring Its History, Assessing Its Impact
Miami University
Oxford, OH Stephen A. Nimis
$5,000* The VRoma Project: A Virtual Community for the Teaching of Classics
Millersville University
Millersville, PA Tracey Weis
$166,509 Underground Railroad Text and Context: Researching, Teaching and Interpreting the
Underground Railroad
Modern Language Association of America
New York, NY Phyllis Franklin
$30,000** Staffing in Undergraduate Humanities Programs
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ Fawzia Afzal-Khan
$24,089 Integrating Cultural Studies into the Public Teaching University Curriculum
Motheread, Inc.
Raleigh, NC Nancye B. Gaj
$60,000 HomeWork: A Motheread/Fatheread Curriculum for Working Parents
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA Margaret L. Switten
$6,613* Teaching Medieval Lyric with Modern Technology: New Windows on the Medieval
Museum of the City of New York
New York, NY Kathy Benson
$25,000 Community of Many Worlds: Arab Americans in New York City
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
Trenton, NJ Elissa A. Greenwald
$25,000 Women and the Holocaust
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL James R. Akerman
$240,000 Historic Maps in K-12 Classrooms
North Carolina Humanities Council
Greensboro, NC Lynn Wright-Kernodle
$25,000 Voices of Democracy and Dissent
North Shore Community College
Danvers, MA Terri L. Whitney
$247,600 Nathaniel Hawthorne in the Museum and the Classroom: A Collaboration of Salem
Museums and English Instructors
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH Francis Abiola Irele
$155,000 CD-ROM of Oral Literature: Southern African Praise Poetry
Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Association
Deerfield, MA Timothy C. Neumann
$175,000 Teaching American History Utilizing Digital Resources in a Rural Middle/High School
Primary Source
Watertown, MA Anna Roelofs
$29,600* Teaching Resources on African
American Intellectual History and Democratic Leadership
Rice University
Houston, TX Leslie M. Miller
$175,000 Community in History: A Middle School Implementation
Rochelle Lee Fund
Chicago, IL Michelle R. Rosenthal
$25,000 Developing Readers: Teachers and Their Students II
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY Wade L. Robison
$24,552 Philosophy in Technology
SUNY Research Foundation/College at Cortland
Cortland, NY Jean W. LeLoup
$10,000* FL Teach: Communication
Technologies for Professional Development and Foreign Language Instruction
SUNY Research Foundation./College at Purchase
Albany, NY John R. Howard
$25,000 Integrating African American Arts into Social Studies Curricula
Sealaska Heritage Foundation
Juneau, AK Rosita F. Worl
$90,000 Teaching Indigenous Humanities Traditions and Technology and Knowledge through
Modern Technology-based Curriculum
Smith College
Northhampton, MA Dana Leibsohn
$180,000 Vistas: Colonial Latin American Visual Culture, 1520-1820
Supreme Court Historical Society
Washington, DC Maeva Marcus
$175,000 Institute for Constitutional Studies
Unified School District #497
Lawrence, KS Karen D. Vespestad
$140,000 Community Connections: Celebrating Diversity, Promoting Pluralism
University of California
Irvine, CA Robert G. Moeller
$25,000 World History in the Schools
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA Alan Y. Liu
$1,800* Transcriptions: Literature and the Culture of Information Project
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA Lauren H. Rabinovitz
$175,819 Yesterday's Wonderlands: Introducing Modernism to America
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Catherine W. Ingold
$175,000 Building a Web-based Infrastructure for Teaching Spanish Language and US Latino
Cultures to Heritage Students
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Adele Seeff
$150,000 Jubilee: In Pursuit of the American Dream of Equality
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI Jonathan Smith
$24,370 Science and Technology Studies of the Automobile
University of Michigan
Dearborn, MI Camron M. Amin
$222,396 Modern Middle East Sourcebook Project
University of Pennsylvania
Philadephia, PA Joseph A. Farrell
$10,000* The Vergil Project
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY Linda Ware
$24,998 A Collaboration Inquiry on Understanding Disability
University of Southern Maine
Portland, ME Janice L. Thompson
$25,000 Course Development in the Honors Program at the University of Southern Maine
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Steven M. Nadler
$24,975 Expanding the Humanities: University and High School Workshops
University of Wisconsin
River Falls, WI Geoffrey W. Scheurman
$180,245 Still Searching for America: Conversations on National Identity
Utah Valley State College
Orem, UT G. Eugene England
$25,000 Enriching Humanities Curricula: Mormon Studies
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI Gwen A. Gorzelsky
$24,998 English Studies Internship Exchanges: Teaching Language and Literature in Diverse
World History Association
Philadelphia, PA Heidi S. Roupp
$250,000 Developing a New Teaching Field: World History for the 21st Century
Humanities Scholar in Residence
Alta Vista Charter School
Kansas City, MO Cynthia C. Gusman
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Burlington City High School
Burlington, NJ Kathy DeCristofaro
$10,000*** Integrating the Study of International Relations and World History into the Social
Studies Curriculum
Corvallis School District #1
Corvallis, MT Tava I. Smathers
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Green Valley High School
Henderson, NV Donna J. Servello
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Howard M. Phifer Middle School
Pennsauken, NJ Curt R. Wrzeszczynski
$10,000*** The Story of Us
Hyde Park Middle School
Las Vegas, NV Sandra L. Ransel
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Idaho Humanities Council
Boise, ID Terri Schorzman
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Ponce Campus
Mercedita, PR Hector Alvarez-Trujillo
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
James Caldwell High School
West Caldwell, NJ Sarah Van Gunten
$10,000*** Exploring the Rights of Children in China and India
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA John P. Travis
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Mainland Regional High School
Linwood, NJ Judith C. Perkins
$10,000*** Recreational Reading Environments and the High School Language Arts Curriculum
Maureeen and Mike Mansfield Foundation
Missoula, MT Jennifer Copley
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Maywood Middle School
Renton, WA Alice E. Finch
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Owasso Seventh Grade Center
Owasso, OK Yvette J. King
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Rickards High School
Tallahassee, FL Elisa A. Scherff
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Ridgewood Public Schools
Ridgewood, NJ Jane M. Blakely
$10,000*** Realigning the Ninth Grade English and World History Curriculum
Seminole High School
Seminole, FL Donald J. Peet
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Snohomish School District
Snohomish, WA Diana J. Plumis
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Spring Creek High School
Spring Creek, NV Joe D. de Braga
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Storey County School District
Virginia City, NV Craig J. Rock
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
West Geauga High School
Chesterland, OH JoAnn G. Houser
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Westlake High School
Austin, TX Bill D. Martin
$10,000 Humanities Scholar in Residence
Humanities Teacher Leadership Awards
Mary P. Clark
Upper Montclair, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Ellen R. Davila
Pennington, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Robert G. Evans
Elmer, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Joseph P. Fanning
Glen Ridge, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Roslyn Z. Gerken
Somerset, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Marc J. Gold
Sleepy Hollow, NY
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Douglas E. Golde
New York, NY
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Wende L. Greenberg
Piermont, NY
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Susan R. Jones
Mt. Lakes, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Susan E. Kearney
Palmyra, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Anne D. Mackintosh
Westmont, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Christopher C. Marchetti
Hopewell, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Diane E. Neal
Belle Mead, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Dominick V. Pisa
Livingston, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Daniel J. Ward
Bayonne, NJ
$2,000*** Humanities Teacher Leadership Program
Seminars and Institutes
American Academy in Rome
New York, NY Elizabeth Bartman
$92,785 Topographies of Collecting
American Academy in Rome
New York, NY Richard J. Talbert
$12,147 Representing Geography and Communities in the World of Imperial Rome
Amherst College
Amherst, MA Austin D. Sarat
$107,370 Punishment, Politics, and Culture
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT John R. Rosenberg
$75,574 Four Hundred Years of Spanish History through the Theater of Antonio Buero Vallejo
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
New York, NY Joel H. Rosenthal
$138,757 Moral Choices: Ethics and Supranationalism
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH Colin S. McLarty
$80,354 Proofs and Refutations Today
Center for Applied Linguistics
Washington, DC Joy K. Peyton
$20,000 Building the Knowledge and Expertise of Teachers of Spanish to Heritage Spanish
China Institute in America, Inc.
New York, NY Marleen Kassel
$150,210 China and the World
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO Jane E. Kneller
$169,717 Nature, Art, and Politics after Kant: Re-evaluating Early German Romanticism
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Valerie J. Bunce
$89,383 The Postcommunist Experience: The First Decade
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Robert G. Calkins
$137,609 The Gothic Cathedral as a Mirror of Medieval Culture
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH Elisabeth I. Perry
$1,600 Feminist Classics in American Culture
Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, PA Albert C. Labriola
$81,631 Paradise Lost and the Contemporary Reader
East-West Center
Honolulu, HI Elizabeth B. Buck
$178,061 Continuities and Crises: The Interplay of Religion and Politics in China
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Kathleen A. Lynch
$158,895 Experience and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Gonzaga University
Spokane, WA Robert C. Carriker
$72,089 Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition: From the Pacific Ocean to St. Louis
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
$224,000 Teaching the History of the Civil Rights Movement
Illinois State University
Normal, IL Ron Fortune
$170,570 Literary Study in a Manuscript Culture: Keats, Dickinson, and Eliot
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
New York, NY Alan Mintz
$89,978 Cultural Responses to the Holocaust in America and Abroad
Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus
Brookville, NY Katherine C. Hill-Miller
$7,018 Virginia Woolf: The Major Novels
Madonna University
Livonia, MI Richard Sax
$140,974 Forging the 20th Century Urban Identity
Miami University
Oxford, OH Michael Bachem
$75,715 The History, Uses, and Reverberations of the Tales Collected by the Brothers Grimm
New Bedford Whaling Museum
New Bedford, MA Laurie J. Robertson-Lorant
$154,217 Melville and Multiculturalism: Teaching and Learning about Literature amid Historic
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL James R. Akerman
$175,288 Popular Cartography and Society
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL Jeremy D. Popkin
$91,932 Revolution and the Making of Identities: France, 1787-1799
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ James B. Fitzmaurice
$152,320 Laying Claim: American Indian Literature and Narrative, Traditions and Legacies in
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH Lucia H. Costigan
$177,000 The Invisible Giant: The Place of Brazil in Latin American Studies
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH John N. King
$113,105 Foxe's Book of Martyrs: A Paradigm for Early Modern English Print Culture
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus
University Park, PA Daniel C. Beaver
$147,247 Space and Society in the Past: Landscape, Power, and Identity in the Early Modern
Atlantic World
Pennsylvania State University, Main Campus
University Park, PA John J. Stuhr
$96,387 American Pragmatism and Culture: Art and Society
Rice University
Houston, TX Maria-Regina J. Kecht
$136,434 The People of Vienna in a Century of Turmoil, 1848-1955
SUNY Res. Fdn./College at Geneseo
Geneseo, NY William R. Cook
$105,401 The 13th-Century "Lives" of St. Francis of Assisi
Saint Mary's College of California
Moraga, CA Carl J. Guarneri
$75,344 Major American Utopias
San Diego State University Foundation
San Diego, CA Charles D. Hamilton
$102,064 Greek Values in Crisis: Thucydides, Sophocles, Plato
Social Science Education Consortium
Boulder, CO Barbara A. Miller
$155,000 Perceiving the American West: Expectations and Outcomes
Society for Values in Higher Education
Portland, OR Albert Rabil
$155,380 A Literature of their Own? Women Writing-Venice, London, Paris-1550-1700
Society for Values in Higher Education
Portland, OR Albert Rabil, Jr.
$1,000 Worlds of the Renaissance
Southern Oregon University
Ashland, OR Alan R. Armstrong
$152,253 Shakespeare in Ashland: Teaching from Performance
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA Miles Orvell
$94,062 American Ethnic Autobiography: Identity, Language, and Culture
University of Alaska
Anchorage, AK James A. Liszka
$173,533 Environmental Ethics and Issues: Alaska as a Case Study
University of California
Irvine, CA Alexander Gelley
$99,265 Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project, Commodity Fetishism, and the Aesthetics of the
University of California
Los Angeles, CA Katherine N. Hayles
$98,729 Literature in Transition: The Impact of Information Technologies
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA Stefan Tanaka
$99,171 Foreigners Perceived: Travelers and Meiji Japan
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL Gladstone L. Yearwood
$138,000 Black Film Studies: Integrating African American Cinema into the Arts and
Humanities Curriculum
University of Dayton
Dayton, OH Richard P. Benedum
$86,934 Mozart: The Man, His Music and His Vienna
University of Delaware
Newark, DE Jay L. Halio
$104,534 Shakespeare: Enacting the Text
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS Janet Sharistanian
$68,703 American Women as Writers: Wharton and Cather
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, MA Gerard M. Koot
$3,350 Historical Interpretations of the Industrial Revolution
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO Marvin A. Lewis
$167,154 Teaching the African Diaspora: An Afro-Romance Approach
University of North Carolina
Asheville, NC Robert F. Yeager
$84,398 Beowulf and the Heroic Age
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC John R. McGowan
$103,917 Literature and Values
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC Siegfried E. Mews
$3,945 Berlin 2000: Literature, Culture and Politics from Zero Hour to the Berlin Republic
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN Christopher Fox
$100,444 Anglo-Irish Identities, 1600-1800
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA Roger M. Allen
$80,162 The Arabic Novel in Translation
University of Texas
San Antonio, TX Ellen R. Clark
$170,000 Derrumbando Fronteras/Breaking Boundaries: Integrating Mexican American and
Latino Literatures in Secondary Curriculum
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT William A. Stephany
$1,618* Dante's Commedia
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT William A. Stephany
$131,394 Dante's Commedia
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA William G. Thomas, III
$80,439 Jamestown and the Formation of an American Culture: Natives and Newcomers in Text,
Image, and Artifact
University of Wisconsin
River Falls, WI Carole J. Gerster
$141,439 Picturing America: Cinematic Representations of America's Ethnic Diversity
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Charlottesville, VA Joseph C. Miller
$162,754 Roots 2001: The African Dimension of Early American History and Culture (Through
the Transatlantic Slave Trade)
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI Paul E. Szarmach
$128,007 Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts and Texts
Yale University
New Haven, CT R. Howard Bloch
$3,801 The Arthurian Illuminated Manuscript and the Culture of the High Middle Ages
Yale University
New Haven, CT Lee W. Patterson
$126,615 The Canterbury Tales and Medieval Culture
* Federal Matching Funds
** Chairman's/Emergency Awards
*** Denotes grants funded in whole or part by external sources
Division of Preservation and Access
The Division of Preservation and Access provides leadership and support to preserve humanities
collections in America's libraries, museums, archives, and historical organizations. The Division
also helps ensure intellectual access to these collections for research, education, and public
programming in the humanities. Grants support the creation of major reference works--
dictionaries, atlases, encyclopedias, and databases--that document the history and culture of the
United States and the world.
In fiscal year 2000, the division completed the twelfth year of an initiative for the preservation of
brittle books and serials. When the thirty-six microfilming projects (eight funded this year) at
libraries are finished, the intellectual content of approximately 992,300 embrittled volumes and
435,000 pages of foreign newsprint will be preserved.
Newspapers chronicle the daily life of America's citizens across the country. They document the
civic, legal, historical, and cultural events that have occurred in every region of the nation during
the past three hundred years. All fifty states, two U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia
are now involved in the Endowment's United States Newspaper Program, a national initiative to
catalog and preserve on microfilm the country's newspapers on a state-by-state basis. At the
conclusion of currently funded NEH newspaper projects, more than 146,800 newspaper titles
will be available in a national database and approximately 60.5 million deteriorating newspaper
pages will have been transferred onto microfilm.
Grants made in fiscal year 2000 also preserve, stabilize, and provide intellectual access to a
variety of museum, archival, and other collections that are important for the study of American
cultural, social, economic, ethnic, military, and political history; African and African American
history and culture; native Alaskan history; Jewish history and culture; the history of art,
architecture, and music; and the history of colonial Spanish America. The collections represent a
range of formats including architectural drawings; textiles; historic wallpaper; rare books and
pamphlets; correspondence, manuscripts, and other documents; maps; photographs, glass plate
negatives and moving images; musical scores; sound recordings; and artifacts. The grants
provide preservation and access activities at 151 institutions in forty-seven states, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico.
Among the research tools and reference works that received support this year are projects to
create historical dictionaries, including the Dictionary of Old English, the Comprehensive
Aramaic Lexicon, and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary. A grant to the University of
Chicago provided support to produce the final volumes of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.
Support went for two multivolume, international encyclopedias-the Encyclopædia Iranica and
the Encyclopedia of Islam. The Encyclopedia of Islam will be completed with this grant. Among
the bibliographical works supported are the English Short Title Catalog, Black African Literature
in English, 1997-1999, and the Répertoire International de la Presse Musicale (RIPM). By
supporting the updating of existing databases to current standards, the Division will broaden the
use of important electronic resources. The PhiloBiblon Project will make available via the World
Wide Web a bio-bibliographical database of Iberian medieval and early modern culture; the
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae will adopt new text encoding formats and develop software for
network distribution of its extensive database of Greek literature, currently available on CD-
ROM. In addition, the Forest History Society will expand and update a bibliographical database
of more than twenty-five thousand entries on environmental history, making it available on the
World Wide Web for the benefit of researchers and students seeking to explore humans'
relationship to nature.
To foster the next generation of libraries, the NEH joined other federal agencies in sponsoring
the Digital Library Initiative, conducted by the National Science Foundation. In fiscal year 2000,
the Endowment's participation in this initiative supported five projects for the preservation and
accessibility of humanities resources in digital form. These projects directly relate to the creation
and use of humanities resources for the study of American history, classical music, philosophy,
ancient Sumerian culture, and Chinese language and philosophy.
A new grant category, Preservation Assistance Grants, began in 2000 to reach organizations that
do not usually compete for NEH funding. Awards of up to $5,000 support preservation
assessments, consultations, training, and supplies and equipment. In this first year, the awards
went to 132 institutions in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. One example is
the Old Mission State Park, Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, in Cataloo, which
received a grant of $3,916 to hire a conservator who will conduct an on-site assessment and help
draft a long-range plan to preserve the park's collections. The Skokomish Indian Tribe in
Shelton, Washington received a grant of $5,000 to consult with a conservator, who will help the
staff create a plan for the storage of the tribal center's collections. The University of South
Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, received a $5,000 grant to identify the preservation needs of the
university's archives.
George F. Farr, Jr.
Division of Preservation and Access
Preservation and Access
Arizona Department of Libraries, Archives and Public Records
Phoenix, AZ Ray Tevis
$336,000* Arizona Newspaper Project: Cataloging and Microfilming
Abbe Museum
Bar Harbor, ME Rebecca J. Cole-Will
$114,785 Purchasing Storage Furniture and Rehousing Material Culture Collections
Ackley Heritage Center
Ackley, IA Beverly J. Ryken
$4,320 Preservation Assessment
Adirondack Museum
Blue Mountain Lake, NY Tracy N. Meehan
$269,536 Purchasing Storage Furniture and Rehousing Material Culture Collections
Africa-America Institute
New York, NY Fiona M. Dunne
$2,165 Preservation Assessment of Archival Collections
African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas
Philadelphia, PA Aurelia B. Waters
$3,180 Preservation Assessment of Archival Collections
American Antiquarian Society
Worcester, MA Alan N. Degutis
$240,331 Create a Union Catalog of North American Imprints, 1801-1820
American Film Institute
Los Angeles, CA Patricia K. Hanson
$190,000* AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1951-60
American Film Institute
Los Angeles, CA Patricia K. Hanson
$66,000 AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1951-1960 and 1971-1980
American Folklore Society
Harrisburg, PA Peggy A. Bulger
$25,000** Folklife Collections in Crisis: Assessment and Recommendations
American Philological Association
Philadelphia, PA Lisa D. Carson
$173,180 Bibliographical Research, American Office of L'Annee Philologique
American Textile History Museum
Lowell, MA Clare M. Sheridan
$4,500 Storage Supplies for Rare Book Collection
American Theological Library Association
Evanston, IL Dennis A. Norlin
$574,977 Preservation Microfilming of Journals in Religion, 1850-1950
Amigos de Calle del Cristo 255, Inc.
San Juan, PR Maria Teresa Arraras
$4,406 Storage Supplies and Furniture for Graphics and Maps Collection
Anacortes Museum
Anacortes, WA Karen M. Marshall
$1,512 Preservation Assessment and Supplies for Photograph Collection
Appalshop, Inc.
Whitesburg, KY Richard Kirby
$2,950 Preservation Assessment of Film, Video, Audiotape, and Photography Collections
Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, IL Calvert W. Audrain
$451,350 Improving Environment and Storage for Architecture Collection
Austin History Center
Austin, TX Margaret L. Schlankey
$1,410 Supplies for Rehousing Slide Library
Balboa Art Conservation Center
San Diego, CA Janet Ruggles
$202,317 Regional Preservation Field Services in the West
Bass Museum of Art
Miami Beach, FL Rachel T. Garick
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Works on Paper and Photographs
Big Horn County Library
Basin, WY Sandra D. Munger
$5,000 Preservation Assessment and Training
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Birmingham, AL Wayne Coleman
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Archives
Bismarck Junior College
Bismarck, ND Carolyn H. Twingley
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Archives
Bostonian Society
Boston, MA Nancy Richard
$5,000 Supplies for Rehousing Photograph Collection
Boulder Museum of History
Boulder, CO Terri Schindel
$4,969 Storage Supplies for Costumes and Textiles
Bowne House Historical Society
Flushing, NY Evangeline T. Egglezos
$4,948 Preservation Assessment of Textile Collection
Braintree Historical Society
Braintree, MA Robert H. Downey, Jr.
$4,960 Preservation Assessment of Textiles
Buffalo Bill Museum
Golden, CO Carey I. Southwell
$3,900 Preservation Assessment
Butler County Historical Society
Butler, PA Rebekah A. Sheeler
$4,998 Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Collection Storage Supplies
CUNY Research Foundation/Graduate School and University Center
New York, NY Dee L. Clayman
$32,800* Database of Classical Bibliography
CUNY Research Foundation/Queens College
Flushing, NY Michael Cogswell
$300,000 Repair and Restoration of the Louis Armstrong House
Cameron J. Jarvis
Troup, TX Dee S. Brock
$1,990 Preservation Training and Consultation
Canterbury Shaker Village, Inc.
Canterbury, NH Sheryl N. Hack
$144,660 Documenting the Domestic Life Collection of the Canterbury Shaker Village
Carson Valley Historical Society
Gardnerville, NV Cecile J. Brown
$4,976 Purchase of Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Storage Supplies
Center for Research Libraries
Chicago, IL Beverly Lynch
$365,915 Preserving and Creating Access to Foreign Newspapers in United States Repositories
Centro Alameda, Inc.
San Antonio, TX Henry Estrada
$2,075 Preservation Assessment of Oral History Collections
Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum
Cheyenne, WY John W. Gavin
$5,000 Preservation Assessment and Training Project
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago, IL Linda Evans
$210,367* Illinois Newspaper Project: Cataloging
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati, OH Scott L. Gampfer
$5,000 Storage Supplies for Archival Collections
Clark County Museum
Henderson, NV Mark Ryzdynski
$4,920 Preservation Assessment
Cleveland Police Historical Society
Cleveland, OH David C. Holcombe
$5,000 Photograph and Archival Collections Storage Project
Columbia University
New York, NY Roger S. Bagnall
$10,000* Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS), Phase II
Columbia University
New York, NY Janet E. Gertz
$241,414 Reformatting Audiotapes of the Language and Culture of Ashkenazic Jewry
Columbia University
New York, NY Angela Giral
$20,000 Conversion to Machine-Readable Form of the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals,
Columbia University
New York, NY Robert A. Wolven
$464,026 Preservation Microfilming of Slavic Culture and History
Columbia University
New York, NY Ehsan O. Yarshater
$374,750* Encyclopaedia Iranica
Connecticut Daughters of the Amer. Revolution
West Simsbury, CT Nancy Pexa
$3,214 Preservation Assessment of Library Collections
Connecticut Historical Society
Hartford, CT Susan Schoelwer
$175,865 Documentation of Connecticut Historical Society's Costume Collection
Connecticut State Library
Hartford, CT Lynne H. Newell
$330,000* Connecticut Newspaper Project: Microfilming
Conservation Center for Art & Hist. Artifacts
Philadelphia, PA Virgilia Rawnsley
$210,000 Regional Preservation Field Services in the Mid-Atlantic States
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Ellen B. Avril
$148,680 Improving Storage for Collections of Asian Art
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY John F. Dean
$331,000 Anti-Slavery Conservation and Digitization
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY Mary Ochs
$865,845 Consortial Preservation Microfilming of Agricultural Literature, 1820 to1945, Phase
Duke University
Durham, NC Ellen G. Gartrell
$171,291 Arranging, Describing, Rehousing, and Enhancing Access to Collections Related to
Outdoor Advertising
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN Jean Haskell
$30,000** Encyclopedia of Appalachia
Estes Park Area Historical Museum
Estes Park, CO Betty A. Kilsdonk
$4,294 Storage Supplies and Furniture for Archives and Textiles
Evans Memorial Library
Aberdeen, MS Kathy A. Bailey
$4,330 Preservation Training: Collection Care Workshops
Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium
St. Johnsbury, VT Ann Lawless
$3,693 Preservation Assessment and Rehousing of Photograph Collection
Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Library
Fairbanks, AK Maurine Canarsky
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Paintings
Fairchild Tropical Garden
Miami, FL Thomas T. Rogero
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Fairchild Archives
Foundation of American Inst. for Conservation
Washington, DC Elizabeth F. Jones
$195,019 Workshops on Disaster Response for Cultural Property
Forest Hills Educational Trust
Boston, MA Trina A. Purcell
$4,730 Storage Supplies for Archival Collections
Forest History Society
Durham, NC Steven Anderson
$126,119 Creating an Annotated Bibliography of Environmental History
Fort Berthold Community College
New Town, ND Quincee D. Baker
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Oral History Collections
Fort Bridger State Historic Site
Fort Bridger, WY Cecil D. Sanderson
$4,999 Environmental Monitoring Equipment
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA W. Bede Mitchell
$5,000 Preservation Assessment
Grand Forks County Historical Society
Grand Forks, ND Leah R. Byzewski
$3,700 Storage Supplies for Material Culture Collections
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Sault Ste Marie, MI Thomas L. Farnquist
$4,017 Preservation Assessment of Photograph Collections
Harriet Beecher Stowe Center
Hartford, CT Katherine D. Kane
$3,940 Preservation Consultation to Plan Collections Storage
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Wolfhart P. Heinrichs
$87,497 Completing the Encyclopedia of Islam
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Susan Ware
$119,475 Preparation of Volume 5 of Notable American Women
Heart of Dixie Railroad Museum
Birmingham, AL William A. Boone
$5,000 Preservation Needs Assessment
Hebrew Union College
Cincinnati, OH Stephen A. Kaufman
$22,500* The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
Hebrew Union College
Cincinnati, OH Stephen A. Kaufman
$186,815 The Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon
Hennepin History Museum
Minneapolis, MN Susan Larson-Fleming
$4,000 Purchase of Preservation Supplies
Henry B. Plant Museum
Tampa, FL Susan Carter
$2,820 Storage Supplies for Archives and Preservation Training
Henry Morrison Flagler Museum
Palm Beach, FL Sandra Barghini
$5,000 Storage Furniture for Rehousing Lace and Textile Collection
Heritage Preservation
Washington, DC Jane S. Long
$52,000 Spanish Language Emergency Response and Salvage Wheel
Hibbing Public Library
Hibbing, MN Enid R. Costley
$4,315 Preservation Assessment
Historic Bethlehem Partnership, Inc.
Bethlehem, PA Jan S. Ballard
$3,017 Preservation Assessment of Library and Archival Collections
Historic Huntsville Foundation
Huntsville, AL Patricia H. Ryan
$5,000 Preservation of Harrison Brothers Hardware Store Materials
Historic Southwest Ohio, Inc.
Cincinnati, OH Kathleen M. Luhn
$2,444 Storage Supplies for Museum's Collections
Historical Museum of Southern Florida
Miami, FL Rebecca A. Smith
$1,710 Storage Supplies for Manuscript Collections
History Museum for Springfield-Greene County
Springfield, MO Julie M. March
$2,703 Storage Supplies for Archival Collections
Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation
Challis, ID Kathleen Durfee
$4,998 Preservation Assessment of Material Culture Collections
Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation
Boise, ID Bill L. Scudder
$3,916 Preservation Assessment
Idaho State Historical Museum
Boise, ID Jody H. Ochoa
$4,975 Preservation Assessment and Storage Planning
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN John E. Bodnar
$81,856 Creating a Finding Aid and Developing an Online Index of Audiotapes of Oral History
Isle of Wight Country Museum Foundation, Inc.
Smithfield, VA Dinah M. Everett
$4,625 Storage Furniture for Archival Collections
Jackson County Historical Society
Independence, MO Kelly M. Chambers
$3,611 Storage Supplies for Oversize Materials and Training
Jamestown College
Jamestown, ND Phyllis K. Bratton
$4,918 Storage Shelving for Archives Collections
Joachim Museum
Dickinson, ND Patricia M. Grantier
$3,260 Preservation Assessment of Archives
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, RI Norman Fiering
$182,834 Cataloging Colonial Spanish-American Imprints
King College
Bristol, TN Daniel J. Bowell
$1,600 Preservation Assessment
Law Library of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA Carol D. Billings
$5,000 Preservation Assessment and Supplies for Special Collections
LeMoyne-Owen College
Memphis, TN Juanita Bass
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Archival Collections
Lee College
Cleveland, TN David G. Roebuck
$4,927 Preservation Training
Lehigh County Historical Society
Allentown, PA Morgan T. McMillan
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Painting Collection
Lightner Museum
St. Augustine, FL Barry W. Myers, Jr.
$3,100 Assessment of Museum Security Needs
Lindsey Wilson College
Columbia, KY Charles P. Hanna
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Library Collections
Livingston Depot Foundation
Livingston, MT Diana L. Seider
$5,000 Preservation Assessment
Lycoming County Historical Museum
Williamsport, PA Priscilla M. Norris
$3,017 Preservation Assessment of Archival Collections
Madison Art Center
Madison, WI Doug Fath
$1,050 Preservation Training: Care of Works of Art on Paper
Magnolia Mound Plantation
Baton Rouge, LA Mary E. Brantley
$5,000 Environmental Monitoring and Storage Supplies
Maitland Historical Society
Maitland, FL Dannie Helm
$3,470 Environmental Monitoring Equipment
Manhattanville College
Purchase, NY Elizabeth F. Gallagher
$3,787 Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Storage Supplies
Maryhill Museum of Art
Goldendale, WA Betty J. Long
$5,000 Improved Storage of Paintings Collection
Maryland Historical Society
Baltimore, MD Nancy Davis
$181,082 Paper-based National Icons at the Maryland Historical Society
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA William M. Fowler
$55,624 Preservation of Coolidge Collection of Thomas Jefferson Papers
McLean County Historical Society
Bloomington, IL Susan K. Hartzold
$5,000 Preservation Consultation and Storage Furniture for Material Culture Collections
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI Mark L. Kornbluh
$9,998 Creating the Quilt Index, an Online Database
Milligan College
Milligan College, TN Steven L. Preston
$5,000 Library and Archives Preservation Assessment
Milwaukee County Historical Society
Milwaukee, WI Robert T. Teske
$4,004 Preservation Assessment
Minot State University
Minot, ND Carol L. Fielhaber
$4,795 Preservation Assessment and Training
Moffatt-Ladd House and Garden
Portsmouth, NH Barbara M. Ward
$4,164 Light Control Study for the Moffett-Ladd House
Montgomery County Historical Society
Dayton, OH Claudia L. Watson
$4,645 Preservation Assessment of Motion Picture Film, Images, and Paper-based Items
Mount Gulian Society
Beacon, NY Elaine Hayes
$2,047 Preservation Assessment of Textiles
Museum of International Folk Art
Santa Fe, NM Rebecca D. Rich-Wulfmeyer
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Library Collections
NYC Department of Records and Information Services
New York, NY Kenneth R. Cobb
$97,600 Preservation Microfilming of New York City Mayors' Papers, 1877 to 1933
National Cowboy Hall of Fame
Oklahoma City, OK Charles E. Rand
$66,696 Rehousing, Digitizing, and Providing Access to the Ralph R. Doubleday Rodeo
Photographic Collection, 1915 to 1955
National Museum of Wildlife Art
Jackson, WY Ann S. Foster
$4,954 Protecting Collections from Light Damage
National Museum of Women in the Arts
Washington, DC Stacey L. Bender
$5,000 Storage Supplies for Archival Collections
Nebraska State Historical Society
Lincoln, NE Julie A. Reilly
$24,400** National Tribal Preservation Meeting
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kansas City, MO Susan M. Moon
$4,998 Storage Supplies for Library and Archival Collections
Nevada Historical Society
Reno, NV Andrea M. Mugnier
$4,655 Environmental Monitoring Equipment
Nevada Museum of Art
Reno, NV Diane Deming
$4,980 Storage Materials Purchase
Nevada State Library and Archives
Carson City, NV Jeffrey M. Kintop
$4,800 Storage Supplies for Blueprints, Maps, and Drawings
Nevada State Museum
Carson City, NV Sue Ann Monteleone
$3,866 Preservation Training: Basic Collection Care
New York Public Library
New York, NY Alice C. Hudson
$127,796 Creating Access to Early Maps of the Middle Atlantic Seaboard, 1660 to 1850
New York State Education Department
Albany, NY Christine W. Ward
$79,025 Dutch Colonial Papers, 1638-1670
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL James R. Grossman
$250,000* The Encyclopedia of Chicago History
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL John H. Long
$306,830* Compiling a Multivolume Reference Work: The Atlas of Historical County
North Carolina Dept. of Cultural Resources
Raleigh, NC Jesse R. Lankford, Jr.
$98,245 Improving Access to Black Mountain College Materials in the North Carolina State
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA Steve Dalton
$102,481 National Education Program on Digitization and Microfilming
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA Ann E. Russell
$90,754* Regional Preservation Field Services in the Northeast
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, MA Ann E. Russell
$390,100 Regional Preservation Field Services in the Northeast
Ohio State University, Main Campus
Columbus, OH Susan L. Huntington
$194,357 Cataloging and Digitizing Photographic Materials Related to Buddhist Art
Oneida Nation Museum
Oneida, WI Karen S. Brockman
$4,989 Preservation Consultation to Plan Collection Storage
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
Canyon, TX Susan G. Denney
$3,999 Storage Supplies for Historic and Ethnographic Collections
Pavek Museum of Broadcasting
St. Louis Park, MN Stephen N. Raymer
$2,346 Storage Supplies, Environmental Monitoring Equipment, and Light-filtering Supplies
Philadelphia Folklore Project
Philadelphia, PA Deborah Kodish
$3,700 Rehousing the Crawford Collection
Portsmouth Public Library
Portsmouth, OH Shannon L. Lawson
$4,971 Preservation Assessment of Archival Collections
Price Towers Arts Center
Bartlesville, OK Carol R. Wofford
$1,350 Preservation Assessment of Film Collection
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ Robert J. Milevski
$50,000 F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton Cnty
Cincinnati, OH Keith C. Kuhn
$5,000 Preservation Assessment
RIPM Consortium Ltd.
Baltimore, MD H. Robert Cohen
$309,212 Compilation of the Repertoire International De La Presse Musicale
Railroad Museum of Minot
Minot, ND Julie A. Hornstein
$4,645 Preservation Assessment of Railroad Collection
Redwood Library and Athenaeum
Newport, RI Maris S. Humphreys
$4,789 Preservation Assessment of Special Collections
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, NY James M. Reilly
$355,450 Creating a Computerized System to Document the Effects of Environmental
Conditions on the Preservation of Collections
Rosenbach Museum and Library
Philadelphia, PA Judith M. Guston
$5,000 Storage Unit for Silver Objects
Rutgers University, Newark
Piscataway, NJ James T. Hershorn
$164,595 Arranging, Describing, Rehousing, and Making Accessible the Mary Lou Williams
Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center
Fremont, OH Thomas J. Culbertson
$5,000 Assessment of Decorative Arts Collection
Sahuaro Ranch Foundation
Glendale, AZ Carolyn A. Harrold
$5,000 Archival Storage Supplies and Conservation Training
Saint Louis County Historical Society
Duluth, MN Chad P. Roberts
$4,914 Eastman Johnson Preservation Assessment
Sandusky Library Follett House Museum
Sandusky, OH Maggie Marconi
$1,546 Environmental Monitoring Equipment
Santa Monica Historical Society Museum
Santa Monica, CA Jane T. ten Brink
$5,000 Storage Supplies for Historic Photo Collection
Senator Howard W. Cannon Aviation Museum
Henderson, NV Mark Hall-Patton
$4,340 Preservation Assessment
Shaker Heights Public Library
Shaker Heights, OH Kristen J. Pool
$1,727 Storage Supplies for Scrapbooks and Albums
Skokomish Indian Tribe
Shelton, WA Genny L. Rogers
$5,000 Consultation and Storage Furniture for Collections
Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
Boston, MA Melinda Linderer
$144,459 Documenting the Society's Wallpaper Collection
South Carolina State University
Orangeburg, SC Aimee R. Berry
$2,631 Storage Supplies for the Materials Component of the Thomas Crawford Collection
South Pass City State Historic Site
South Pass City, WY Scott S. Goetz
$5,000 Environmental Monitoring Equipment and Assessment
Southeastern Library Network, Inc.
Atlanta, GA Julie Arnott
$555,000 Regional Preservation Field Services for the Southeastern United States
Southeastern Library Network, Inc.
Atlanta, GA Julie Arnott
$869,228 Preservation Microfilming of American Southern History and Culture Collections
Spelman College
Atlanta, GA Beverly G. Sheftall
$261,359 Archival Education and Training Program for Historically Black Colleges and
St. Augustine Lighthouse and Museum, Inc.
St. Augustine, FL Celeste M. Halsema
$2,424 Storage Furniture and Supplies for Collection Relocation
St. Thomas Seminary
Bloomfield, CT Karen C. Hubbard
$3,079 Preservation Assessment of Rare Book Collection
Stockbridge Library Association
Stockbridge, MA Barbara Allen
$5,000 Assessment of Environmental Conditions and Systems
Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
Pendelton, OR Marjorie Wahenaka
$1,444 Storage Supplies for the Vert Collection
Texas A&M University at Kingsville
Kingsville, TX Cecilia A. Hunter
$5,000 Library and Archives Preservation Training
Texas Maritime Museum
Rockport, TX Stephanie K. Judjahn
$4,998 Storage Supplies and Furniture for Maritime Collections
Tinker Swiss Cottage, Inc.
Rockford, IL Laura M. Bachelder
$1,811 Museum Collections Storage Furniture
Tri-State University
Angola, IN Veronica A. Kane
$5,000 Storage Supplies
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK Susan L. Grigg
$60,207 Arranging, Describing, Reformatting, and Making Accessible Moving Images of Alaska
University of Arkansas
Little Rock, AR Kathryn C. Fitzhugh
$4,715 Arkansas Supreme Court Briefs and Records: A Preservation Assessment Project
University of California
Berkeley, CA Charles B. Faulhaber
$63,000 Enhancing Database Software to Create Greater Access to Sources Related to History
and Culture of Iberian Peninsula
University of California
Los Angeles, CA Doran H. Ross
$217,087 Documentation and Digital Imaging of Materials in the West African, Indian, and
Native and Latin American Collections
University of California
Riverside, CA Henry L. Snyder
$243,000* The English Short Title Catalog: Wing V
University of California
Riverside, CA Henry L. Snyder
$498,360 California Newspaper Project: Cataloging
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL Martha T. Roth
$370,000 The Chicago Assyrian Dictionary
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL John E. Ingram
$381,220 Preservation Microfilming and Cataloging of American and British Children's
Literature, 1850-1869
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL Sharon A. Hogan
$92,876 Saving the Jane Addams/Hull-House Photograph Collection at the University of Illinois
at Chicago
University of Illinois, Urbana
Champaign, IL Thomas A. Peters
$884,965 CIC Coordinated Preservation Microfilming Project, 2000-2002
University of Judaism
Los Angeles, CA Richard Burke
$5,000 Condition Survey and Preservation Plan for Rare Bibles and Judaica
University of Maine
Orono, ME James H. Moreira
$5,000 Improving Environmental Conditions
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Ruth M. Alvarez
$53,000 Preservation Microfilming of the Papers of Djuna Barnes
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI John W. Price-Wilkin
$50,000* Middle English Compendium
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH Burt Feintuch
$30,000* Encyclopedia of New England Culture
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA Florence M. Jumonville
$4,270 Supplies for Preserving the Louisiana Supreme Court Archives
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC Patricia B. Dominguez
$20,000* Digitizing North American Slave Narratives, Beginnings to 1920
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA Nancy M. Shawcross
$15,000 Arranging and Describing the Leopold Stokowski Collection, 1909-77
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA Ake W. Sjoberg
$185,353 Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL Michael R.V. Thomason
$5,000 Preservation Assessment of Archives
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN James B. Lloyd
$300,000* Tennessee Newspaper Project: Cataloging
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX Harold W. Billings
$191,436 Preservation Microfilming of Rare, Early 20th-Century Mexican Newspapers
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX Don E. Carleton
$3,000 Center for American History: Assessment of Photographs
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX David B. Gracy II
$3,165 Graduate Training for Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archives Materials
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX David B. Gracy, II
$441,600 Graduate Training for Preservation and Conservation of Library and Archives
University of Toronto
Ontario, Canada Antonette Healey
$100,000* Dictionary of Old English
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Edward F. Gaynor
$250,000 Creating a Union Database of Encoded Finding Aids to Archival Collections in
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA David F. Germano
$225,478 Cataloging and Creating Electronic Access to Buddhist Literary Texts
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA John M. Unsworth
$233,824 Completion of the William Blake Electronic Archive
University of Washington
Seattle, WA Gary L. Menges
$5,000 Preservation Training
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Alger N. Doane
$230,250* Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Joan H. Hall
$120,000 Dictionary of American Regional English
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI David Woodward
$114,795* History of Cartography
University of the State of New York
Albany, NY GladysAnn Wells
$785,000* New York State Newspaper Project: Cataloging and Microfilming
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Mary A. Ide
$96,494 Preservation and Access to Moving Images and Related Materials in the Say Brother
Walt Whitman Birthplace Association
Huntington Station, NY Barbara M. Bart
$4,430 Purchase Conservation Supplies for Archives
Washington County Historical Society
Stillwater, MN Arlene M. Fults
$4,192 Collection Preservation Supplies
Washington State Archives
Olympia, WA Wayne I. Lawson
$4,322 Preservation Training
West Baton Rouge Historical Association
Port Allen, LA Roddey L. Peebles, Jr.
$1,735 Purchase of Supplies and Furniture for the Collection Storage
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Buckhannon, WV Kathleen A. Parker
$4,000 Preservation Assessment
Western Folklife Center
Elko, NV Stephen Green
$5,000 Storage Furniture and Equipment for Sound Recordings
Witte Museum
San Antonio, TX Rebecca Huffstutler
$4,994 Supplies and Environmental Monitoring Equipment for Photograph Collection
Woodstock Historical Society
Woodstock, VT Marie McAndrew-Taylor
$4,443 Storage Supplies for Historical Photograph Collection
Wyoming State Archives
Cheyenne, WY Curtis M. Greubel
$3,320 Preservation Assessment
Bernth O. Lindfors
Austin, TX
$50,000 Bibliography of Literary Criticism on Anglophone Black African Literature, 1997-1999
* Federal Matching Funds
** Chairman's/Emergency Awards
*** Denotes grants funded in whole or part by external sources
Division of Public Programs
The Division of Public Programs expands understanding of the humanities through engaging and
substantive projects that encourage lifelong learning. The projects include interpretive
exhibitions and catalogs, radio and television programs, reading and film discussion groups,
symposia, conferences, and interactive multimedia. The Division encourages projects that forge
partnerships among cultural institutions and community-based groups, use innovative and
accessible technology, explore ideas with regional or national significance, and reach new
Museum exhibitions funded in fiscal year 2000 range in topic from ancient Greece to space
travel, from Papua New Guinea to the Rocky Mountains, from fishing and boating to the legacy
of Michelangelo, from manor houses to wax museums. The Mint Museum in Charlotte, North
Carolina, received a grant to mount a traveling exhibition called The Sport of Life and Death:
The Mesoamerican Ballgame. The show will explore a fundamental feature of ancient
Mesoamerican cultural history--a popular team sport that inspired ancient artists to create great
works glorifying the sport and its athletes. An accompanying website will feature virtual tours of
archaeological sites, an interactive ballgame, and images of works in the exhibition. An online
guide for teachers, with suggested classroom activities and student worksheets, will also be
Library programs funded by the Division in 2000 include reading and film discussion programs,
panel exhibitions, a web-based exhibition, and a radio call-in program. The American Library
Association's "StoryLines America: A Radio/Library Partnership Exploring Our Regional
Literature" consists of thirteen one-hour radio call-in programs on books related to the Midwest.
Broadcast throughout the region, each program focuses on a book selected by scholars and
features discussions with historians, storytellers, literary critics, and other guests. All programs
are taped and made available to libraries and individuals. Four earlier series were produced on
the literature of the Northwest, Southwest, California, and the coastal Southeast.
A grant initiative was available for libraries to take advantage of two proven programs. Building
on the success of the American Library Association's first "Let's Talk About It" reading and
discussion programs, twenty libraries throughout the country received direct grants to host the
next generation of these programs. Grants went to forty libraries nationwide to host a traveling
version of a larger exhibition, "The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American
Republic." The exhibition is accompanied by curriculum guides, an interpretive catalog, CD-
ROM and website downloads, brochures, and training for library staff members. Based on the
resources of the Huntington Library and the Morgan Library, the exhibition examines
Washington's career, from the early years through his relinquishing of power.
In fiscal year 2000, the Jewish Women's Archive received a Special Projects grant to plan for
community-based oral history projects in three cities. It will incorporate an interactive website
and online archive of Jewish women's stories. Topics include domestic culture, life cycle and
family roles, friendships and social networks, and Jewish culture and religion. The oral history
projects will result in local exhibitions in the year 2004, the 350th anniversary of the first Jewish
community on North American shores.
Radio and film projects funded in fiscal year 2000 will explore such topics as the history of
religion in America, the international anti-apartheid movement, the golden age of Yiddish radio,
and the lives of Benjamin Franklin and F. Scott Fitzgerald. One grant went to the Capital of
Texas Public Telecommunications Council to produce a four-hour documentary film series on
the development and use of the English language in contemporary America. The series will
explore how Americans use their language and what it tells us about our culture. The producers
plan to develop a companion book, an interactive website, and outreach programs.
As the convergence of television and the Internet becomes a reality, a new digital television
initiative was launched to ensure that the humanities are integrated into programs with enhanced
digital content. This initiative was jointly supported with the Corporation for Public
Broadcasting and marks the first time that the two organizations have collaborated on humanities
programming. The Division made four prototype development grants for films on topics such as
Woodrow Wilson's presidency and the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Division's newest grant
category, Consultation Grants, expanded its funding to institutions in states earmarked by the
NEH-wide Extending the Reach initiative. The fifty projects receiving these $10,000 awards
include a radio series on American dialects, an exhibition on Caribbean music, and a website on
Nancy Rogers
Division of Public Programs
Consultation Grants
Bainbridge Island Historical Society
Bainbridge Island, WA Joan B. Piper
$10,000 KinderHistory
Bevill State Community College
Jasper, AL Betsy Lavanna
$10,000 Interpretation of the Life of Carl Elliott for Display of His Home as a Public Museum
Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
Birmingham, AL Wayne Coleman
$10,000 Place, Space and Protest in America
Black World History Wax Museum
St. Louis, MO Lois D. Conley
$10,000 Black World History Wax Museum/Missouri's Black Heritage
Camera News, Inc./Third World Newsreel
New York, NY Orlando N. Bagwell
$9,950 Martin Luther King
Cincinnati Museum Center
Cincinnati, OH Sandra Shipley
$10,000 Civil War Exhibit at Cincinnati Museum Center
Comstock Historic District Commission
Reno, NV Kelly J. Dixon
$4,720 An African American Community: Planning for Interpretation
Cultural Heritage and Education Institute
Fairbanks, AK Robert Charlie
$10,000 Cultural Atlas of the Minto Athabascan Homeland: Consultations
Desert Research Institute
Las Vegas, NV Colleen Beck
$10,000 Colloquium: Integrating the Humanities into the Nevada Atomic Testing History
H. Earl Clack Museum
Havre, MT Donna McGregor
$10,000 Photography: An Image of Each Other
Hebrew Union College
Cincinnati, OH Gary P. Zola
$9,970 The Teaching of American Jewish History: A Consultation for Scholars and Practitioners
John P. Parker Historical Society
Cincinnati, OH Charles B. Nuckolls
$9,190 Plan for Interpretive Program
Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Association
Mansfield, MO Jean C. Coday
$10,000 Return to Rocky Ridge: Planning the Restoration of the Wilder Farmstead
Missouri Botanical Garden
St. Louis, MO Larry E. DeBuhr
$9,800 A Revised Interpretation Plan for an Historical House
Mobile Museum of Art
Mobile, AL Joseph B. Schenk
$10,000 Exploring a 300-Year Legacy of Diversity
Oklahoma Historical Society
Oklahoma City, OK William B. Lees
$9,990 Red River Steamboat Wreck Curriculum Project
Railroad Museum of Minot
Minot, ND Julie Hornstein
$10,000 Interpretive Focus Consultation
Sealaska Heritage Foundation
Juneau, AK Rosita F. Worl
$10,000 Council of Traditional Scholars
Shawnee State University
Portsmouth, OH Jerry G. Holt
$10,000 Waters of Renewal: Rediscovering Communities Along the River
Squaxin Island Tribe
Shelton, WA Dale R. Clark
$10,000 Exhibit and Interpretive Planning
TDX Foundation
Anchorage, AK Julie R. Shane
$10,000 Oral History and Museum Project for Aleut Community of Saint Paul
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL Tom Rieland
$10,000 Voices From Slavery
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL Sandra J. Dickson
$9,858 Good Morning Revolution: History of African Americans and Communism
Uvalde Historic Commission, Inc.
Uvalde, TX Nancy H. Feely
$9,800 Conceptual Planning and Design for a New Southwest Texas Regional Museum
Wing Luke Memorial Foundation
Seattle, WA Ron A. Chew
$10,000 New Northwest Legacies: Unearthing the Chinese American Past
Humanities Projects in Libraries and Archives
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Susan E. Brandehoff
$245,000 StoryLines America: A Radio/Library Partnership Exploring Our Regional Literature
(Part III: The Midwest)
American Library Association
Chicago, IL Deborah Robertson
$81,375*** Millennium Project for Public Libraries
Anaheim Public Library
Anaheim, CA Cynthia S. Hicks
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Anderson Public Library
Anderson, IN Susan G. Akers
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Ann Arbor District Library
Ann Arbor, MI Jane E. Conway
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Arlington County Public Library
Arlington, VA Jayne W. McQuade
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Athens-Clarke County Library
Athens, GA Susan C. Colegrove
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Beardstown Public Library
Beardstown, IL Alice L. Schnake
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Beatrice Public Library
Beatrice, NE Laureen F. Riedesel
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Brigham City Library
Brigham City, UT Susan H. Hill
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Brunswick-Glynn County Regional Library
Brunswick, GA Cary M. Knapp
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Camden County Library
Voorhees, NJ J udith G. Ingis
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Central Arkansas Library System
Little Rock, AR Laurie A. Ross
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library
Clarksburg, WV Regina C. Hardman
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Clinton Macomb Public Library
Clinton Township, MI Kathleen E. Champieux
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Delaware County District Library
Delaware, OH Mary Jane Santos
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Desmond-Fish Library
Garrison, NY Carol H. Donick
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Elgin Public Library
Elgin, IA Beverly A. Strong
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Baltimore, MD Rachel Kubie
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Fairfax County Public Library
Fairfax, VA Katie Strotman
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Forsyth County Public Library
Winston-Salem, NC John E. Via
$1,000 he Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Friends of the Pasco County Library System
Hudson, FL Amy S. Cobb
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Guilderland Public Library
Guilderland, NY Barbara L. Nichols Randall
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Hall County Library System
Gainesville, GA Judy McMahan
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Hearst Free Library
Anaconda, MT Honore D. Bray
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Howard County Library
Columbia, MD Patricia L. Bates
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Human Pursuits: Western Humanities Concern
Salt Lake City, UT Michael P. Christensen
$10,000 The American West: Crossroads of Culture, Geography, and History
Human Pursuits: Western Humanities Concern
Salt Lake City, UT Helen A. Cox
$200,000 Bilingual Reading and Discussion Programs
Huntington Library
San Marino, CA David C. Zeidberg
$35,000 The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic
Idaho Falls Public Library
Idaho Falls, ID Paul Holland
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Ilion Free Public Library
Ilion, NY Christine Lozoski
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Illinois State Library
Springfield, IL Mike Ragen
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Indian Trails Public Library District
Wheeling, IL Michelle Shapiro
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Jefferson Parish Library
Metairie, LA Jamie L. Elston
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Jemez Springs Library
Jemez Springs, NM Judith A. Isaacs
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Jervis Public Library Association
Rome, NY Lori E. Chien
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Kirkwood Public Library
Kirkwood, MO Todd H. Christine
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Kirkwood Public Library
Kirkwood, MO Wicky Sleight
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Knox County Public Library
Vincennes, IN Emily C. Bunyan
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library
Eau Claire, WI Mildred N. Larson
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Lawrence Public Library
Lawrence, KS Sandra S. Wiechert
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Lee County Library
Leesburg, GA Claire L. Miller
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Lewis and Clark Library
Helena, MT Candice Morris
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Library Foundation of Martin County
Stuart, FL Judi A. Snyder
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Library of America
New York, NY Cheryl Hurley
$225,675*** Millennium Project for Public Libraries
Library of Hattiesburg, Petal and Forrest County
Hattiesburg, MS Pamela J. Pridgen
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Lincoln Public Library
Lincoln, NH Carol Ann Riley
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Linebaugh Public Library
Murfreesboro, TN Carol S. Kersey
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Lisle Library District
Lisle, IL Susan O. Emmons-Kroeger
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Liverpool Public Library
Liverpool, NY Elizabeth J. Dailey
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Loudonville Public Library
Loudonville, OH Colleen C. Sandusky
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Loudoun County Public Library
Leesburg, VA Linda Holtslander
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
New Orleans, LA Dianne Brady
$230,000 Prime Time Family Reading Time: National Outreach
Mansfield/Richland County Public Library
Mansfield, OH Jean M. Ruark
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Marathon County Public Library
Wausau, WI Gary L. Gisselman
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Martinsburg-Berkeley County Public Library
Martinsburg, WV Jane Levitan
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
McMillan Memorial Library
Wisconsin Rapids, WI Ronald B. McCabe
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Mead Public Library
Sheboygan, WI Sandra A. Loth
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Mercantile Library of New York
New York, NY Harold Augenbraum
$39,026 Bard of the People: John Steinbeck and His World
Miami-Dade Public Library System
Miami, FL William Urbizu
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Middletown Thrall Library
Middletown, NY Barbara Chumard
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Montclair Public Library
Montclair, NJ Janet M. Doerge
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Montgomery County
Norristown, PA Asha Verma
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Morris County Library
Whippany, NJ Linda Swackhamer
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Morton-James Public Library
Nebraska City, NE Darleen L. Mayer
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
New Brunswick Free Public Library
New Brunswick, NJ Jo Ann Maddalena
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL Carla Zecher
$40,561 Elizabeth I: The Growth of a Legend
Newburgh Free Library
Newburgh, NY Charles R. Thomas
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Newport News Public Library System
Newport News, VA Judith S. Condra
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Newport News Public Library System
Newport News, VA Sherin A. Henderson
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
North Suburban Library
Loves Park, IL Ann M. Powell
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Parmly Billings Library
Billings, MT Dee Ann F. Redman
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Plano Public Library System
Plano, TX Cheri A. Gross
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Roosevelt University
Chicago, IL Mary Beth Riedner
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
San Antonio Public Library
San Antonio, TX Jimi C. Davis
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
San Antonio Public Library
San Antonio, TX Cammie Gunter
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
San Diego Public Library
San Diego, CA Lynn Whitehouse
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
San Diego Public Library
San Diego, CA Lynn K. Whitehouse
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Sandusky Library
Sandusky, OH Terri S. Estel
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Sheppard Memorial Library
Greenville, NC Tammy J. Fulcher
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Southwest State University
Marshall, MN John M. Bowden
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
St. Louis Public Library
St. Louis, MO Kathleen J. Smith
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Thomas Ford Memorial Library
Western Springs, IL Anne K. Van de Ven
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Tilden Public Library
Tilden, NE Dixie Lee Kucera
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Upshur County Public Library
Buckhannon, WV Richard Meldrom
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
White Plains Public Library
White Plains, NY Timothy A. Baird
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Wilbraham Public Library
Wilbraham, MA Karen M. Demers
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Williamsburg Regional Library
Williamsburg, VA Patrick S. Golden
$1,000 Let's Talk About It: The Next Generation
Williamsburg Regional Library
Williamsburg, VA Patrick S. Golden
$1,000 The Great Experiment, a Traveling Exhibition
Humanities Projects in Media
Boulder Community Broadcast Association
Boulder, CO Samuel A. Fuqua
$9,950 Water in the West: Thirst for Meaning
Center for Independent Documentary
Norfolk, MA Eric Stange
$480,676 The Murder of Dr. Parkman
Community Television of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Mitch Aiken
$50,000 Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century
Community Television of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA Joyce B. Campbell
$100,000 Woodrow Wilson and the Birth of the American Century
CultureWorks, Ltd.
Philadelphia, PA Steven S. Rowland
$128,000 Leonard Bernstein: An American Life
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
New York, NY Susan Lacy
$150,000 Alfred Stieglitz and the Making of Modern America
Educational Broadcasting Corporation
New York, NY Susan Lacy
$725,000 F. Scott Fitzgerald: Winter Dreams
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Marlo Bendau
$30,000 One Nation Under God: Religion in America
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Katrina C. Browne
$10,000 Traces of the Trade: A Documentary on the History and Legacy of New England's Role
in the Slave Trade
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Frank G. Christopher
$800,000 Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Michael Fried
$30,000 Sing It, Tell It, Stories of America's Musical Civil Rights Pioneers
Film Arts Foundation
San Francisco, CA Stanley Nelson
$30,000 I Will Be Heard: The Abolitionists and the Fight to End Slavery in America
Filmmakers Collaborative
Waltham, MA Kathryn P. Dietz
$15,000* Eleanor Roosevelt
Filmmakers Collaborative
Waltham, MA Nancy Porter
$30,000 Typhoid Mary: Captive to the Public's Health
Greater New Orleans Educational TV Foundation
New Orleans, LA Brian S. Cohen
$7,625 Regulating Morality in Turn-of-the-Century America
History Institute for Education and Media, Inc.
Charlotte, VT Lisa Ades
$700,000 There She Is: A History of Miss America
Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc.
Littleton, MA Dean Cappello
$30,000 The Ganges
KOCE-TV Foundation
Huntington Beach, CA Severo Perez
$10,000 Mexican Independence from Spain
KQED, Inc.
San Francisco, CA Sally M. Eisele
$10,000 Word of Mouth
Long Bow Group, Inc.
Brookline, MA Richard Gordon
$49,636 Morning Sun
Maryland Public Broadcasting Foundation
Owings Mills, MD Daniel Alpert
$10,000 A History of God
Media Working Group
Covington, KY Rachel Liebling
$10,000 Craft: The Art of the Country Song
Moving Image
New York, NY Calvin L. Skaggs
$9,972 The Art of Marriage: Robert Penn Warren and Eleanor Clark
New Images Productions, Inc.
Berkeley, CA Avon Kirkland
$30,000 Blues: A Documentary History
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY Yanna K. Brandt
$50,000 Crucible of the Millennium
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY Joseph A. Dorman
$9,951 After the Revolution
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY Carleen L. Hsu
$10,000 Minik
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY John J. Valadez
$30,000 The Head of Joaquin Murrieta
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Portland, OR Bonni Cohen
$30,000 The Rape of Europa: The Fate of Europe's Art Treasures during the Second World War
Paradigm Productions, Inc.
Berkeley, CA Rick Tejada-Flores
$29,750 Orozco, The Prometheus of Mexican Painting
Rattlesnake Productions, Inc.
Bozeman, MT Pamela R. Roberts
$10,000 From Their Labors: The Saga of America's Greatest Mining Town
Saint Thomas Foundation
Nashville, TN Andrea R. Kalin
$49,998 Partners of the Heart
Sound Portraits Productions, Inc.
New York, NY David A. Isay
$175,000 The Yiddish Radio Project
SoundVision Productions
Berkeley, CA Barinetta Scott
$29,995 Science and the Search for Meaning in the 21st Century
Stone Lantern Films, Inc.
Glen Echo, MD Sarah Mondale
$40,000* School: A Social History of American Public Education
Twin Cities Public Television, Inc.
St. Paul, MN Catherine M. Allan
$825,000 Benjamin Franklin
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI James A. Standifer
$20,276** Porgy and Bess: Distribution Rights
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM David K. Dunaway
$9,920 Across the Tracks: The Route 66 Story
University of Texas
San Antonio, TX Guy Bailey
$10,000 Honky Tonks: Social History of Rural Music
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Peter McGhee
$200,000 The American Experience: Grant
Western New York Public Broadcasting Assn.
Buffalo, NY David Rotterman
$9,979 The Pan-American Exposition, 1901-2001
Western New York Public Broadcasting Assn.
Buffalo, NY David C. Rotterman
$9,982 The Inland Voyage: The Story of the Erie Canal
Women Make Movies, Inc.
New York, NY Barbara Attie
$30,000 Maggie Kuhn: Being Old in America
Women Make Movies, Inc.
New York, NY Joanna Kiernan
$60,000 Cabinet of Spells: Cinderella
Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organizations
Adler Planetarium
Chicago, IL Phyllis B. Pitluga
$40,561 Bringing the Heavens to Earth: Cultural Astronomies Around the World
Albany Civil Rights Movement Museum
Albany, GA Angela M. Whitmal
$10,000 Interpreting the Albany and Southwest Georgia Civil Rights Movements
Albany Institute of History and Art
Albany, NY Wesley G. Balla
$10,000 Colonial Albany and the Foundations of American Urban Society
Alutiiq Heritage Foundation
Kodiak, AK Amy F. Steffian
$50,000 Looking Both Ways: Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People
American Museum of Natural History
New York, NY Laurel Kendall
$40,413 Vietnam: Journeys of Body, Mind, and Spirit
Amon Carter Museum
Fort Worth, TX John B. Rohrbach
$40,648 Eliot Porter: The Color of Wildness
Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, IL John Zukowsky
$210,000 2001: Building for Space Travel
Asia Society
New York, NY Vishakha Desai
$300,402 Monks and Merchants: Silk Road Treasures from Northwest China, 4th to 7th Century
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA Forrest McGill
$51,242 Installation of the Permanent Collections Galleries at the Asian Art Museum
Baltimore Museum of Art
Baltimore, MD Susan Dackerman
$33,775 Painted Prints: Renaissance and Baroque Hand-Colored Engravings, Etchings, and
Bay Area Discovery Museum
Sausalito, CA Bonnie L. Pitman
$10,000 My Place by the Bay
Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum
Bisbee, AZ Carrie Gustavson
$40,984 Digging In: Bisbee's Mineral Heritage
Bostonian Society
Boston, MA Grey Osterud
$9,846 Taking Boston's History to its Public through Interpretive Programming
Bowers Museum of Cultural Art
Santa Ana, CA Armand J. Labbe
$41,226 Pacific Odyssey: Art, Culture, and the Peopling of Oceania
California Afro-American Museum Foundation
Los Angeles, CA John T. Riddle
$40,848 Deconstructing Apartheid: The Photographs of Peter Magulane, 1955-1998
Children's Museum Lowell
Lowell, MA Nancy C. Stice
$10,000 Common Threads: A Cultural Gallery
Children's Museum of Boston
Boston, MA Leslie Swartz
$40,797 Boston Black
Children's Museum of Manhattan
New York, NY Deborah F. Schwartz
$10,000 Step into ART
Children's Museum of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT Karey L. Rawitscher
$7,000 Nine Mile Canyon Under Construction Multimedia Project
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills, MI Michael D. Stafford
$10,000 Great Lakes Native American Educational Programs
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH Juliette M. Bianco
$30,390 Coaxing the Spirits to Dance: Art and Culture in the Papuan Gulf
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH Margaret Dyer Chamberlain
$39,568 Coming of Age in Ancient Greece
Detroit Institute of Arts Founders Society
Detroit, MI Alan P. Darr
$100,000 The Legacy of Michelangelo: Renaissance Art in Florence from Cosimo I de'Medici to
Cosimo II de'Medici,1537-1621
Dubuque County Historical Society
Dubuque, IA Jerry A. Enzler
$100,530 River Discovery
Duke University
Durham, NC Iris Tillman-Hill
$10,000 Behind the Veil: Documenting African American Life in the Jim Crow South: A
Historical Exhibition
Eastern Washington State Historical Society
Spokane, WA Lynn Pankonin $242,947 The People of the Rivers: Lifeways of the Northern
Farmers' Museum, Inc.
Cooperstown, NY Lesley L. Humphreys
$10,000 Dairy Farming at The Crossroads
Friends of Mount Auburn Cemetery
Cambridge, MA Janet L. Heywood
$50,000* Mount Auburn Cemetery: A New American Landscape
Friends of Photography
San Francisco, CA Deborah Klochko
$10,000 Capturing Eden: A Photographic Study of Gardens
Givens Foundation for African American Literature
Minneapolis, MN Deidre Hamlar
$10,000 Say It Loud: American Culture and the Black Arts Movement, 1960-1975
Glessner House Museum
Chicago, IL Donna Magnani
$10,000 Interpretive Roundtable Consultation Session
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA Deborah M. Kao
$15,000* Ben Shahn's New York: The Photography of Social Conscience
Historic Hudson Valley
Tarrytown, NY Kate Johnson
$300,008 Reinterpretation of Philipsburg Manor
Hudson Valley Children's Museum
Nyack, NY Elizabeth Egbert
$10,000 Global Caravan
Japanese American National Museum
Los Angeles, CA Sojin Kim
$40,848 Boyle Heights: Neighborhood Sites and Insights
Jewish Museum
New York, NY Ruth Beesch
$250,367 Entertaining America: Jewish Roles in Film, Radio, and Television
Jewish Museum of Maryland
Baltimore, M Avi Y. Decter
$8,700 Small Town Jews
Longmont Museum
Longmont, CO Erik A. Mason
$10,000 Boundary Lines: The World of the Rocky Mountain Front Range
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
New York, NY Kate Fermoile
$197,553 "The Sweatshop" Apartment
Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center
Mashantucket, CT Jack Campisi
$9,866 Inventing the Indian: Native American Images in Advertising
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Kansas City, MO Mary K. McCabe
$3,200 Feasibility Study on Small Traveling Exhibits
Mint Museum of Art
Charlotte, NC E. Michael Whittington
$300,000 The Sport of Life and Death: The Mesoamerican Ballgame
Mississippi Department of Archives and History
Jackson, MS Marilynn Jones
$10,000 Manship House Museum Kitchen Planning and Servant Life Interpretation
Montgomery County Historical Society
Rockville, MD Mary Kay Harper
$10,000 Interpretive Plan for the Beall-Dawson House
Northern Forest Center, Inc.
Concord, NH Michael W. Wilson
$10,000 Northern Forest Heritage Exhibition
Oakland Museum/Museum of California Fnd.
Oakland, CA Carey T. Caldwell $40,991 Next Stop Vietnam
Parrish Art Museum
Southampton, NY Alicia G. Longwell
$8,622 Issues Framing a Collection Exhibition
Philipse Manor Hall State Historical Site
Yonkers, NY Jennifer Anderson-Lawrence
$9,824 Historic Reinterpretation of Philipse Manor Hall
Putnam Museum
Davenport, IA Eunice J. Schlichting
$9,300 Bix Beiderbecke Exhibition Consultation Project
Sanford L. Ziff Jewish Museum of Florida
Miami Beach, FL Annette B. Fromm
$10,000 The Peoples that Nobody Wanted
Scurry County Museum
Snyder, TX Charlene Akers
$10,000 Changes to Challenge: Reviewing, Evaluating, and Refocusing Exhibits and Programs
at Scurry County Museum
St. Louis County Historical Society
Duluth, MN Evelyn M. Tanner
$10,000 American Indian Exhibit
St. Lucie County Historical Museum
Fort Pierce, FL Iva J. Maddox
$10,000 Reflections of Florida's Fishing and Boating Heritage
Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
Pendleton, OR Roberta L. Conner
$5,320 Homeland Heritage Loop
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Charlottesville, VA Susan R. Stein
$40,529 Domestic Life and the Plantation Community at Jefferson's Monticello
Tioga County Historical Society
Owego, NY Joann K. Lindstrom Llewellyn
$6,428 New York State's Route 17 Exhibit Project
Toledo Museum of Art
Toledo, OH Davira S. Taragin
$197,780 The Alliance of Art and Industry: Toledo Designs
Tryon Palace Restoration Complex
New Bern, NC Patricia M. Samford
$5,171 The Other History: Recollections of North Carolina's Slavery Days
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC Lynn Robertson
$50,000* Pledging Allegiance: Three Centuries of Jewish Life in South Carolina
Walters Art Gallery
Baltimore, MD Gary K. Vikan
$75,000 The Walters Art Gallery Reinstallation of the Medieval Collection
Worcester Art Museum
Worcester, MA Christine Kondoleon
$200,000 Antioch: The Lost Ancient City
Model Humanities Projects
Alabama Humanities Foundation
Birmingham, AL Ann M. Boozer
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Alaska Humanities Forum
Anchorage, AK Stephen Haycox
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Florida Humanities Council
St. Petersburg, FL Lloyd W. Chapin
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Idaho Humanities Council
Boise, ID Kurt Olsson
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
New Orleans, LA Rosemary U. Ewing
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Missouri Humanities Council
St. Louis, MO Randolph Maness
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Montana Committee for the Humanities
Missoula, MT Frederick Skinner
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Nevada Humanities Committee
Reno, NV Barbara Cloud
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
North Dakota Humanities Council
Bismarck, ND Carol Cashman
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Ohio Humanities Council
Columbus, OH Alexander Hays, IV
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Oklahoma City, OK David W. Levy
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Texas Council for the Humanities
Austin, TX Wright Lassiter, Jr.
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Washington Commission for the Humanities
Seattle, WA Grace M. Ott
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Wyoming Council for the Humanities
Laramie, WY Lokey Lytjen
$20,000 Model Humanities Project
Special Projects
Arizona Humanities Council
Phoenix, AZ Dan Shilling
$295,483 Colorado River: Moving Waters in the Arid West
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO David T. Konig
$35,676 Lewis and Clark: A Journey Across American Space and Time
Barnes-Jewish Hospital
St. Louis, MO Max J. Okenfuss
$25,000* The Peoples of Russia and China
Callipeplon Society
Sausalito, CA Jacquelynn Baas
$10,000 Awake: Art and Buddhism in America
City Lore: NY Center for Urban Folk Culture
New York, NY Marci Reaven
$50,413 Place Matters Website: Creating Online Dialogs about Historical and Cultural
Community College Humanities Association
Newark, NJ David A. Berry
$280,367 Faces of America: Photographs and Memory -- Connecting the American Past and the
Great Plains Chautauqua Society, Inc.
Bismarck, ND Everett C. Albers
$44,100* Behold Our New Century: Early 20th-Century Visions of America
Chicago, IL Julieanna L. Richardson
$10,000 Online First Person Historical Narratives
Iowa Central Community College
Fort Dodge, IA Mary Sula Linney
$9,996 A Community's Return to the River Project
Jewish Women's Archive
Brookline, MA Jayne K. Guberman
$40,797 Weaving Women's Words
National 4-H Council
Chevy Chase, MD Kashyap N. Choksi
$50,000 Youth: Catalysts for Change in 20th-Century America
National Council on Public History
Indianapolis, IN Robert Weible
$7,316 Consultation Grant for Symposium on History and Journalism at "Contested Places"
National Foundation for Jewish Culture
New York, NY Jerome Chanes
$96,413 Image and Identity: Jewish Self-Representation
Pocahontas Communications Cooperative
Dunmore, WV Gibbs Kinderman
$6,000 The Last Forest
Savannah College of Art and Design
Savannah, GA Robin B. Williams
$50,270 Virtual Historic Savannah Project
University of Guam
Mangilao, GU Daniel R. Hildenbrandt
$10,000 Estorian Guahan Siha/Stories of Guam Oral History Project
WGBH Educational Foundation
Boston, MA Peter S. McGhee
$200,000 The Time of the Lincolns
* Federal Matching Funds
** Chairman's/Emergency Awards
*** Denotes grants funded in whole or part by external sources
The Jefferson Lecture
James M. McPherson
Princeton, NJ
$10,000 2000 Jefferson Lecture-"For a Vast Future Also: Lincoln and the Millennium"
Division of Research Programs
The Division of Research Programs helps advance knowledge and understanding of human
history, language, and culture. The Division funds individual research for up to a year of full-
time study through three programs: NEH Fellowships, Extending the Reach Faculty Research
Awards, and Summer Stipends. Through Fellowship Programs at Independent Research
Institutions, scholars gain access to valuable research collections, such as those of the Folger
Library and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, or insight into foreign or
ancient cultures through organizations such as the International Research and Exchanges Board
(IREX). Through the Collaborative Research program, the Division funds long-term projects,
including a number of prominent scholarly editions--such as the presidential papers of George
Washington and Dwight D. Eisenhower--and projects that explore large issues in the humanities.
As an example of the latter, the College of Charleston received $50,000 to support a conference
on the practice of releasing slaves in several colonial empires of the Atlantic world. As one NEH
peer evaluator commented, this topic is of supreme importance because "as a means by which
the enslaved gained freedom, manumission has been neglected in comparison with escape,
revolt, and general emancipation." The four-day conference, held in October 2000, drew scholars
from the United States, Canada, England, Latin American, the Netherlands, and South Africa. To
facilitate discussion, participants mounted their papers in advance on the Web. A volume of
selected papers will be published by the University of South Carolina Press.
The School of American Research, a center for advanced study in anthropology and related
disciplines in Santa Fe, New Mexico, supports scholars studying human culture and society and
serves as a resource for American Indian artists. During the last ten years NEH-supported
fellows have come to the School of American Research from public and private institutions in
sixteen states. The 2000 NEH fellows' topics included studying the differences between the
eastern and western pueblos of the Rio Grande valley, observing economic and cultural
influences on the intergenerational transmission of weaving patterns among the Maya, and
researching Andean cosmology in the Inca Empire.
The vigorous, multifaceted nature of individual humanities research is apparent in one scholar's
efforts to connect local and regional stories to world themes. Gregory H. Maddox of Texas
Southern University received an Extending the Reach Faculty Research Award to look at how
oral narrative and written texts of the Gogo people exist in dialog with each other and with meta-
narratives about Tanzania and even all of Africa. The study promises to show the balance of
community with nationality, and of history with the way people remember events.
Humanities researchers often try to illuminate current issues by tracing the origin and
development of related practices and beliefs. Stephen Harnett of the University of Illinois, for
example, received a Summer Stipend for a project that asks, first, how did antebellum Americans
debate the relationships among crime, justice, and capital punishment; and second, what do their
rhetorical strategies tell us about democracy itself? Harnett's research will culminate in Executing
Democracy: The Enlightenment and the Death Penalty in America, 1750-1846, to be published
by Duke University Press. Another project of an NEH fellow, John Kincaid of Lafayette College,
focuses on the fifty U.S. state constitutions as they reflect "changing conceptions of democratic
governance and applications of democratic beliefs." This project is designed to include state
court rulings on constitutional issues, rulings that reveal the operative theories of democratic
government on the state level. The significance of Kincaid's study is enhanced by the fact that
the US state constitutions have often served as models for democratic constitution-making
James Herbert
Division of Research Programs
Fellowships and Stipends
Henry Abramson
Boca Raton, FL
$4,000 Translation of Hasidic Discourses Written during the Holocaust
Mark B. Adams
Philadelphia, PA
$30,000 Nature and Nurture in the U.S.S.R.: The Science and Politics of Human Heredity in
20th-century Russia
Timothy L. Alborn
Bronx, NY
$24,000 Regulated Lives: Life Insurance and British Society, 1840-1920
Leslie D. Alldritt
Ashland, WI
$4,000 The Influence of Japanese Religion on the Contemporary Situation of Japan's Burakumin
Ann T. Allen
Louisville, KY
$30,000 Motherhood and Citizenship in Western Europe, 1890-1960
Robert C. Allen
Durham, NC
$24,000 The Movie on the Lunch Box: Demographics, Technology, and the Transformation of
Hollywood since the 1970s
Janet G. Altman
Iowa City, IA
$30,000 Letter Books in France, 1539-1900: The Cultural History of a Genre
Joseph P. Amar
Notre Dame, IN
$24,000 The Treatise of Dionysius Bar Salibi, In Response to Muslims: Introduction, Syriac
Edition, and English Translation
Ann S. Anagnost
Seattle, WA
$30,000 The Child as a Figure of Modern National Identity in China
Andrew H. Apter
Chicago, IL
$30,000 The Pan-African Nation: Oil and the Spectacle of Culture in 20th-Century Nigeria
Raul Aranovich
San Antonio, TX
$4,000 The Semantics of Split Intransitivity and Perfect Auxiliary Selection in the History of
Paul M. Baepler
Minneapolis, MN
$4,000 Captured by Africans: The American Barbary Captivity Narrative in the 17th Century
James A. Baer
Fairfax, VA
$24,000 Birds of Passage: Anarchy and Immigration in Spain and Argentina, 1880-1940
Edward E. Baptist
Coral Gables, FL
$24,000 Stony the Road They Trod: African American Migration in the Antebellum South
Sarah E. Bassett
Detroit, MI
$24,000 Harvesting the Past: The Reuse of Antiquities in the Urban Decoration of
Ian B. Baucom
Durham, NC
$4,000 Capital, Memory, and the Novel: Narratives of the 1781 Slave Massacre Aboard the
HMS Zong
Brian S. Bauer
Chicago, IL
$30,000 The Prehistory of the Cusco Valley: The Development of the Inca State and the Social
Organization of the Inca Heartland
Daniel Beller-McKenna
Durham, NH
$4,000 Spirituality and Nationalism in the Music of Johannes Brahms
Marc S. Bernstein
Ann Arbor, MI
$4,000 The Story of Our Master Moses: Judeo-Arabic Midrash and Cross-Cultural Exchange
Raoul Birnbaum
Santa Cruz, CA
$30,000 Monastic Practice in Buddhist China
Marc J. Blecher
Oberlin, OH
$4,000 A World to Lose: Workers' Politics and the Chinese State
Suzanne P. Blier
Cambridge, MA
$30,000 Imaging Amazons: The Art of Dahomey Women Warriors, (17th - 19th Centuries)
Elizabeth S. Bolman
Philadelphia, PA
$24,000 Monastic Visions: Medieval Wall Paintings from the Monastery of St. Antony in Egypt
Edward L. Bond
Natchez, MS
$24,000 James Blair and the Idea of America: Religion, Race, and Power in Early Virginia
Beverly J. Bossler
Davis, CA
$30,000 Gender Role Transitions in Song and Yuan China, 960-1368
Terry Bouton
Rock Hill, SC
$4,000 Tying-Up the Revolution: The Narrowing of Democracy in Revolutionary Pennsylvania
Jeffrey A. Bowman
Gambier, OH
$4,000 Women Administering Justice in Medieval Europe
David R. Brackett
Binghamton, NY
$4,000 Crossover Dreams: The Politics of Style and Identity in 20th-Century Popular Music
Anne L. Brannen
Pittsburgh, PA
$24,000 The Records of Early English Drama to 1642: Cambridgeshire
Rachel F. Brenner
Madison, WI
$24,000 Domination and Dissent: Responses to Zionism in Israeli Jewish and Arab Literature
Nicholas B. Breyfogle
Columbus, OH
$24,000 Heretics and Colonizers: Religious Dissent and Russian Empire-Building in
Transcaucasia, 1830-1900
Alexandra K. Brown
Palm Beach Garde, FL
$4,000 On the Vanguard of Civilization: Violence, Slavery, and State Formation in 19th-Century
Helen Burke
Tallahassee, FL
$24,000 Riotous Performances on the Dublin Stage, 1712-1784
Katharine P. Burnett
Davis, CA
$4,000 The Strange and the Wonderful: Late Ming Visual Arts Reconsidered (1368-1644)
Bruce R. Burningham
Los Angeles, CA
4,000 Reinventing Thespis: Jongleur Performance on the Spanish Stage during the Golden Age
Rose Marie Burwell
Oak Park, IL
$4,000 The Last Mrs. Hemingway (Mary Welsh)
Victoria E. Bynum
San Marcos, TX
$24,000 Mississippi's Longest Civil War: Memory, Community, and the "Free State of Jones"
Charles C. Calhoun
Boston, MA
$30,000 Longfellow: A Life
Cheshire Calhoun
Waterville, ME
$4,000 On Being a Moral Agent in Social Context: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Moral
J. Camargo
Columbia, MO
$24,000 Critical Edition and Translation of a Major Rhetorical Treatise from Medieval Oxford:
The Tria Sunt (13th-14th centuries)
Robert W. Cape, Jr.
Sherman, TX
$30,000 Oratory and Roman Society
Joseph C. Carter
Austin, TX
$24,000 The Archaeology of the Ancient Countryside: Southern Italy and the Black Sea, 3000
B.C. to 700 A.D.
John C. Chasteen
Chapel Hill, NC
$24,000 National Rhythms: Dance and Identity in 19th-Century Latin America
Suzanne Chavez-Silverman
Claremont, CA
$30,000 Readings in Argentine Women's Poetry from Alejandra Pizarnik to the Millennium
Wah K. Cheng
Oakland, CA
$4,000 The Chinese Periodical Press in the Late Ming Period, 1872-1911
Maribeth Clark
Sarasota, FL
$4,000 Dance and the Popularization of French Grand Opera
William W. Clark
New Haven, CT
$4,000 Power, Patronage, and Memory in the 12th Century: Queen Adelaide and the Nuns
Church on Montmartre
Patricia A. Cleary
Long Beach, CA
$4,000 Buying and Selling on the Frontier: Consumption and Identity in 18th-Century St. Louis
Edith W. Clowes
Lawrence, KS
$24,000 The Displaced Discourse: Modern Russian Writing Culture and the Integration of
Kenton J. Clymer
El Paso, TX
$30,000 The United States and Cambodia: A History
Jean L. Cohen
New York, NY
$4,000 Sex, Privacy and the Constitution: Narrative Dilemmas in Regulating Intimacy
Gail Alexandra Cook
New Zealand
$30,000 Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Botanical Writings
Frederick C. Corney
Gainesville, FL
$30,000 Writing October: Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1927
Theron E. Corse
Fayetteville, NC
$24,000 American Missionary Churches in Castro's Cuba, 1959-1975
Ingrid E. Creppell
Washington, DC
$24,000 Toleration and Identity in Early Modern Europe
Stephen E. Criswell
Columbia, SC
$24,000 An Analysis of African American Family Reunion Traditions in the South
Emilye J. Crosby
Mt. Morris, NY
$30,000 Common Courtesy: The Civil Rights Movement in Port Gibson, Claiborne County,
Robert T. Crossley
Brighton, MA
$24,000 Imagining Mars: A Cultural History of Literary and Scientific Imaginations
Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.
Greencastle, IN
$30,000 The Genre of Science Fiction and Its Relationship to Technological Culture
Robert J. Culp
Annandale, NY
$4,000 Schooling and the Social Body: Shaping Citizens in China's Lower Yangzi Region
Schools, 1911-1937
Thomas M. Curley
Bridgewater, MA
$30,000 The Most Successful Forgery in Literary History: Johnson, Ossian, and the Modern
Gaelic Literary Renaissance
Laurie V. Dahlberg
Red Hook, NY
$4,000 The Picture of Privacy: Early Domestic Photography in the 19th Century
James Darsey
Atlanta, GA
$30,000 Cosmopolitan Conscience: Displacement, Moral Discourse, and American Identity
Colin J. Davis
Birmingham, AL
$30,000 Revolt on the Waterfront: Dockworkers in New York City and London during the Post-
World War II Years
Janet M. Davis
Austin, TX
$4,000 The Human Menagerie: The Circus and American Culture at the Turn of the Century
Pablo De Greiff
Buffalo, NY
$30,000 Violations of Human Rights: Redeeming the Claims of Justice in Transitions to
Jennifer L. DeLapp
College Park, MD
$4,000 Aaron Copland in the Fifties: Music and Ideology in the McCarthy Era
Susan Deans-Smith
Leander, TX
$30,000 Artists, Artisans, and the Royal Academy of San Carlos: Culture, Politics, and Power in
Mexico City, 1681-1821
Peter R. Dear
Ithaca, NY
$30,000 Making Sense in Science: The Historical Variability of Criteria
Sara A. Dickey
Brunswick, ME
$30,000 The Nature and Significance of Class in Urban South India: An Ethnographic Study
Angela D. Dillard
New York, NY
$4,000 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Now?: Multicultural Conservatism in America
John Dittmer
Greencastle, IN
$30,000 The Good Doctors: The Medical Committee for Human Rights and the Politics of
Health Care in Mississippi
John M. Doris
Princeton, NJ
$30,000 Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior
Prasenjit Duara
Chicago, IL
$24,000 Identity Formation in Manchukuo and Modern East Asian Culture, 1932-1945
Jennifer L. Eichstedt
Arcata, CA
$30,000 Representations of Slavery in Plantation-Museums: Public Memory in Virginia and
Michael S. Eldridge
Arcata, CA
$4,000 "Calypso Crazes," Race and American Cultural Identity
Joseph F. Eska
Blacksburg, VA
$4,000 A Linguistic Analysis of the Gaulish Inscription from Chateaubleau
Catriona R. Esquibel
Las Cruces, NM
$24,000 With Her Machete in Her Hand: Chicana Fiction
Charles Stephen Evans
Grand Rapids, MI
$30,000 God as the Ground of Morality: A Kierkegaardian Account
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi
Santa Barbara, CA
$30,000 Conceptualizing the Sacred: Politics, Culture, Society, and France's College de
Sociologie, 1937-1939
Andrea V. Feeser
Honolulu, HI
$4,000 Incorporating Picasso: French Heroism and New Masculinities after World War II
Seth Fein
Atlanta, GA
$4,000 The Revolution Will Not Be Televised: Broadcasting the Alliance for Progress in the
Ada Ferrer
New York, NY
$30,000 The Influence of the Haitian Revolution in Cuba, 1791-1804
Tracy Fessenden
Phoenix, AZ
$30,000 Veiled Power: The Sisters of the Holy Family and the Black Presence in American
Les W. Field
Albuquerque, NM
$24,000 The Abalone Zone: California Indian Life and Symbolism
Stephanie A. Finley-Croswhite
Norfolk, VA
$4,000 Living at the End of Time: A History of the French Catholic League, 1584-98
Lacy K. Ford
Columbia, SC
$30,000 Making Southern Conservatism: Political Thought in the Jacksonian South
Richard W. Fox
Chestnut Hill, MA
$4,000 American Jesus: A Cultural History of Jesus in America
Kari Frederickson
Tuscaloosa, AL
$4,000 The Cold War in Dixie: Defense Spending and the Transformation of the South, 1945-
Roger A. Freitas
Rochester, NY
$30,000 The Life of Atto Melani: Music and Society in the 17th Century
Steven M. Friedson
Denton, TX
$4,000 Musical Experience in Ewe Healing (Ghana)
Ginger S. Frost
Birmingham, AL
$4,000 As Husband and Wife: Cohabitation in 19th-Century England
Marilyn S. Gaull
New York, NY
$30,000 To Imagine What We Know: British Narrative Science and the Romantic Imagination,
Kyra D. Gaunt
Charlottesville, VA
$24,000 The Articulation of Identity in Black Cultural Performance
Philip R. Gavitt
St. Louis, MO
$4,000 The Memorie Fiorentine of Francesco Settimanni, 1681-1763: A Critical Edition and
David P. Geggus
Gainesville, FL
$30,000 The Saint Domingue Slave Revolt (1791-1804) and the Rise of Toussaint Louverture
Paula Ruth Gilbert
Fairfax, VA
$30,000 Violence and the Female Imagination: Quebec Women Writers Confront Gendered
Cheryl Glenn
University Park, PA
$4,000 Unspoken: A Rhetoric of Silence
Lawrence B. Glickman
Columbia, SC
$24,000 The Political Culture of Consumer Activism in the US during the 1930s and 1940s
Michel Gobat
Iowa City, IA
$30,000 "Against the Bourgeois Spirit": The Nicaraguan Elite during the United States
Intervention of 1910-1933
Christine Goldberg
Los Angeles, CA
$30,000 Outwitting the Ogre: A Comparative Analysis of Ogre Tales
Alvin I. Goldman
Tucson, AZ
$24,000 Mind Understanding Mind: Detecting and Classifying Mental States
Warren J. Goldstein
Amherst, MA
$24,000 A Holy Impatience: The Life and Times of William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Lisa M. Gordis
Potomac, MD
$4,000 "Beyond What Words Can Utter": The Power and Limits of Language for Early Quakers
K. Ian Grandison
Ann Arbor, MI
$30,000 Landscapes from the Bottoms: The Black College Campus as Cultural History
Christina R. Greene
Temple Terrace, FL
$4,000 Our Separate Ways: Women and the Black Freedom Movement in Durham, North
Carolina, 1940-1970
Joan E. Grenier-Winther
Pullman, WA
$4,000 An Electronic Edition (CD-ROM and Website) of the Poems in the Cycle of Alain
Chartier's "La Belle dame sans mercy"
Anne Griffin
New York, NY
$4,000 The Belgian Resistance, 1940-1945: Individual Narrative and Collective Memory
Robert J. Griffin
$30,000 Anonymity and Authorship from the 17th to the 20th Century
Peter F. Guardino
Bloomington, IN
$30,000 From Children of the Village to Republican Citizens: Popular Political Culture in
Oaxaca, Mexico, 1750-1850
Jan L. Hagens
Notre Dame, IN
$30,000 The Drama of Reconciliation: Principles of Genre Theory and Particularities of
Dorothy I. Haines
Rome, GA
$4,000 Sunday Observance and the "Sunday Letter" in Anglo-Saxon England
Peter B. Hales
Chicago, IL
$30,000 The Changing American Cultural Landscape, 1945-1999
Janet E. Halley
Cambridge, MA
$24,000 Lawyers and the Ethics of Representation: Essays on the Legal Politics of the Self
Hal E. Hansen
Quincy, MA
$4,000 Industrialization and the Rise of Mass Secondary Education in the US and Germany
Julie Hardwick
Fort Worth, TX
$4,000 Domestic Dramas: Litigation and Urban Life in Early Modern France
Craig E. Harline
Provo, UT
$30,000 A Cultural History of Miracles: Five Studies from the Spanish Netherlands
Anne F. Harris
Crawfordsville, IN
$4,000 Stained Glass Windows and the Commercial and Spiritual Economies of Saint-Julien-du-
Sault in the 13th Century
Stephen J. Hartnett
Urbana, IL
$4,000 Executing Democracy: The Rhetoric of Crime, Justice, and Capital Punishment in
Antebellum America
Tobias O. Hecht
Claremont, CA
$30,000 Childhood in the History and Cultural Politics of Latin America
Laura E. Hein
Chicago, IL
$30,000 Living Social Science: Inventing and Commemorating Economic Achievement in
Postwar Japan
Steven Heine
Miami, FL
$30,000 Paradoxes of the Zen Masters: Supernaturalism and the Marvelous in Buddhist Koans
Christine Henseler
Fredonia, NY
$4,000 Gender on Display: Marketing the Body of Contemporary Spanish Women's Narrative
Ordelle G. Hill
Richmond, KY
$30,000 Henry Grosmont and the Gawain Poet: Chivalric Reputation and Literary Achievement
in 14th-Century England and Wales
David Hinton
East Calais, VT
$4,000 The Selected Poems of Hsieh Ling-Yun , 385-443 AD
Maria D. Hoehn
Poughkeepsie, NY
$4,000 American GIs and the Transformation of German Conceptions of Race, 1945-1991
Lynn T. Hoggard
Wichita Falls, TX
$24,000 Marie d'Agoult's Nelida, 1846: A Translation
Robert L. Hohlfelder
Boulder, CO
$4,000 An Underwater Survey of Aperlae in Ancient Lycia, Turkey
David M. Holley
Hattiesburg, MS
$4,000 Sidgwick and the Practical Reasoning of Ordinary People
Bruce W. Holsinger
Boulder, CO
$30,000 Liturgical Culture and Vernacular Writing in England, 1200-1550
Sarah W. Holtman
Minneapolis, MN
$4,000 Justice, Civic Virtue and Social Grace: Toward Kantian Community
Patrick D. Hopkins
Jackson, MS
$4,000 On the Value of Simulated Worlds and Experience Machines
Jyoti Hosagrahar
Eugene, OR
$4,000 Real Estate and Moral Reform: Investigation of Planned Residential Communities in
New Delhi, 1911-1947
Kevin Howley
Boston, MA
$4,000 Taking It to the Streets: Downtown Community T.V.
Elizabeth Hyde
Branchburg, NJ
$30,000 A Cultural History of Flowers in Early Modern France
Randall M. Ingram
Davidson, NC
$4,000 The Material Spaces of 17th-Century Poetry
Larry W. Isaac
Tallahassee, FL
$4,000 The Formation and Career of Paramilitary Counter-Organizations in Late 19th-Century
Sandy M. Isenstadt
Lexington, KY
$30,000 Spaciousness and Middle-Class Identity in American Architecture
Jeffrey H. Jackson
Rochester, NY
$4,000 Making Jazz French: Music and Cosmopolitanism in Interwar Paris
Timothy L. Jackson
Denton, TX
$4,000 The New Teaching: Heinrich Schenker's Compositional and Analytical Work
James H. Jackson, Jr.
San Diego, CA
$30,000 Social Mobility and Industrialization in the Ruhr Valley, 1835-1900
Margaret D. Jacobs
Las Cruces, NM
$24,000 Mother Knows Best: White Maternalist Ideology and Indigenous Women and Children
in the US and Australia, 1850-1980
Nils P. Jacobsen
Urbana, IL
$24,000 Peru in Revolution: The Civil War of 1894-1895 and the Formation of Modern Political
Mary L. Jacobus
Ithaca, NY
$24,000 The Poetics of Psychoanalysis: British Literary Aesthetics between the 1930s and the
M. Sherry Johnson
Miami, FL
$24,000 The Historic Consequences of Hurricanes in the Caribbean, 1763-1804
Amelia G. Jones
Los Angeles, CA
$24,000 Sex, War, and Urban Life: New York Dada, 1915-1922
Amy Robin Jones
Santa Fe, NM
$24,000 Voices at Work: Native American Women Writers
Victoria Kahn
Berkeley, CA
$24,000 The Romance of Contract: Fictions of Political Obligation in England, 1640-1674
Daniel H. Kaiser
Grinnell, IA
$30,000 Family Life in Early Modern Russia
Ikumi Kaminishi
Somerville, MA
$24,000 Deciphering Buddhist Images: Paintings as Visual Exegeses of Buddhist Doctrine
Thomas Kaminski
Chicago, IL
$30,000 An Edition of Samuel Johnson's Debates in Parliment, 1741-1744
Sydney J. Kaplan
Seattle, WA
$30,000 Circulating Genius: Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, T.S. Eliot, John Middleton
Murry, and British Literary Modernism
Thomas P. Kasulis
Columbus, OH
$30,000 A History of Japanese Philosophy: 1100-1960
Joel B. Kaye
New York, NY
$24,000 The Iconography of Balance: New Models of Equality and Equilibrium within European
Medieval Thought, circa 1200-1400
Steven G. Kellman
San Antonio, TX
$24,000 A Biography of Henry Roth , 1906-1995
Sean A. Kelsey
Los Angeles, CA
$4,000 An Argument of Plato's Republic, Book Five
William H. Kenney
Hudson, OH
$30,000 Jazz on the River: A Cultural History, 1900-1945
Lloyd E. Kermode
Ithaca, NY
$4,000 English Provincial Theater in Theory and Practice, 1450-1650
Mary Louise Kete
Burlington, VT
$4,000 Slavery's Shadows: The Telling Lives of Harriet Wilson and James Bryant
Adeeb Khalid
Northfield, MN
$4,000 The Making of Soviet Central Asia, 1918-1929
Ann L. Kibbie
Brunswick, ME
$4,000 Capital and Selfhood in Early Modern English Literature
Alexandre Kimenyi
Sacramento, CA
$30,000 An English-Kinyarwanda Dictionary
John Kincaid
Easton, PA
$30,000 The Democratic Political Thought of the American People
Louise W. Knight
Evanston, IL
$30,000 Jane Addams: The Growth of a Civic Self, 1860-1899
Susan E. Kollin
Bozeman, MT
$4,000 A Literary Analysis of Anti-western Novels in American Literature
Dorinne K. Kondo
Los Angeles, CA
$24,000 (Re)visions of History, (Re)visions of Race: The Cultural Politics of Performance in
Contemporary US Theater
Frank J. Korom
Boston, MA
$4,000 Hosay Trinidad: Muharram Performances in a Caribbean Context
Craig M. Koslofsky
Urbana, IL
$30,000 Pleasure and Power: Experiencing the Night in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1800
Peter M. Krentz
Davidson, NC
$30,000 The Storm of War: Warfare in Archaic and Classical Greece
Richard W. Kroll
Irvine, CA
$30,000 Politics, Restoration Drama, and the Revision of Value in Late-17th-Century England
Arnold Krupat
Bronxville, NY
$4,000 Introduction to Native American Drama
J. Roger Kurtz
Brockport, NY
$24,000 The Life and Writings of Kenyan Poet and Novelist Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye
Joseph F. LaPorte
Holland, MI
$30,000 Natural Kinds from Chemistry and Biology: Reference, Theory Change, Meaning
Change, and the Discovery of Essence
Earle G. Labor
Shreveport, LA
$24,000 Jack London: An American Life
David E. Latane, Jr.
Richmond, VA
$30,000 William Maginn ,1794-1842, and the Denial of Authorship
Thomas M. Lekan
Columbia, SC
$4,000 Imagining the Nation in Nature: Landscape Preservation and German Identity, 1945-1970
Madeline G. Levine
Chapel Hill, NC
$24,000 A Translation of a Polish Novel: Eliza Orzeszkowa's Cham (The Boor, 1888)
Stephen E. Lewis
Chico, CA
$4,000 Revolution and the Rural Schoolhouse: Forging State and Nation in Chiapas, Mexico,
Lisa A. Lindsay
Durham, NC
$24,000 Wage Labor, Gender, and Social Change in Colonial Nigeria
Joseph F. Loewenstein
St. Louis, MO
$4,000 Ben Jonson's The Staple of News: An Edition with Commentary
Robert B. Louden
Portland, ME
$4,000 The World We Want: A Defense of the Moral Ideals of the Enlightenment
Natalia Lozovsky
Longmont, CO
$4,000 Geographical Studies in Early Medieval Europe: Manuscript Transmission of Latin Texts
and Commentaries
Deidre S. Lynch
Buffalo, NY
$4,000 The Meaning of Love in 18th-Century English Literature
Aaron L. Mackler
Pittsburgh, PA
$4,000 Jewish and Roman Catholic Approaches to Bioethics
Gregory H. Maddox
Houston, TX
$24,000 Writing the Gogo: An Intellectual History
Jeffrey S. Magee
Bloomington, IN
$4,000 Fletcher Henderson and Big Band Jazz
Jodi Magness
Somerville, MA
$30,000 The Archaeology of Qumran
Shirley Mangini
Signal Hill, CA
$24,000 The Female Moderns of Madrid, 1923-1936: A Social, Political, and Cultural History
Robert B. Marks
Whittier, CA
$30,000 China: An Environmental History
Arthur F. Marotti
Huntington Woods, MI
$30,000 Catholic and Anti-Catholic Discourses in England, 1580-1680
Lori J. Marso
Niskayuna, NY
$30,000 Women's Autobiographical Writings on the Margins of Political Thought
Kathleen J. Martin
Canoga Park, CA
$4,000 The Appropriation and Use of American Symbols in the Catholic Church
Kelly J. Mays
Las Cruces, NM
$24,000 The Subjects of Literacy: Reading, Subjectivity, and Community in 19th-Century
John C. McCall
Carbondale, IL
$4,000 Mediators of Modernity: Emerging Practices of Indigenous Healers in Nigeria
Bryan D. McCann
Fayetteville, AR
$4,000 Radio and Regional Culture in Sao Paulo, 1930-1955
John D. McCannon
Port Washington, NY
$4,000 Nicholas Roerich: The Life and Work of a Russian Artist, 1874-1947
James H. McDonald
San Antonio, TX
$24,000 The Milk Pearl: The Rise and Fall of Commercial Family Farmers in Central Mexico
Peter J. McDonough
Tempe, AZ
$24,000 Diversity without Democracy: The Transformation of the Jesuits in the US since
Vatican II, 1962-1965
Mary McGee
New York, NY
$24,000 Translation of and Introduction to the Yajnavalkya smrti, a Classical Treatise on Hindu
Law and Custom
Michael R. McGrade
Willimastown, MA
$4,000 Liturgical Music and the Politics of Remembrance in the Holy Roman Empire, circa
Joanne P. Melish
Wakefield, RI
$30,000 Real Indians: Race, Culture, and the Narragansett of Rhode Island, 1780-1980
Adriana Mendez Rodenas
Iowa City, IA
$4,000 Under the Volcano and Beside the Pyramid: Adel Brenton's Mexico and the Gaze of
Rebecca M. Messbarger
St. Louis, MO
$30,000 Anna Morandi Manzolini's Anatomical Wax Sculptures in 18th-Century Bologna
Stephen Meyer
Milwaukee, WI
$30,000 Bearing Manliness: The Gendered Cultures of American Automobile Workers, 1900-
Paula A. Michaels
Iowa City, IA
$30,000 Medicine and Politics in Soviet Kazakstan, 1917-53
Marla R. Miller
Hadley, MA
$30,000 My Daily Bread Depends upon My Labor: Women, Work, and Community in Early
America, 1760-1815
Ann Lesley Milroy
Ann Arbor, MI
$30,000 Dialect Leveling as Language Changes in 20th-century England: Women as Innovators
and Norm Creators
Charlene Mires
Philadelphia, PA
$4,000 Independence Hall in American History and Memory
E. William Monter
Wilmette, IL
$30,000 The Bewitched Duchy: Lorraine, 1580-1635
Silvia Montiglio
Madison, WI
$4,000 The Figure of the Wanderer in Ancient Greece
Margaret S. Mook
Ames, IA
$4,000 The Late Minoan IIIC through Orientalizing Pottery from the Excavations on the Kastro,
Mildred P. Mortimer
Boulder, CO
$30,000 Writing from the Hearth: Public, Domestic, Imaginative Space in Francophone
Women's Fiction of Africa and the Caribbean
Maria E. Mudrovicic
East Lansing, MI
$4,000 The Spanish American Literary Memoir (1975-1999) John P. Murphy
Macomb, IL
$30,000 The Interplay of Local and Global Music in Northeast Brazil: An Ethnographic Study
David E. Narrett
Arlington, TX
$4,000 Borderland Republics: Vermont, West Florida, Texas, and the Politics of Union
Julie L. Novkov
Eugene, OR
$4,000 Racial Construction: The Legal Regulation of Miscegenation
Patricia A. O'Hara
Strasburg, PA
$4,000 Hodge and His Historians: Chronicling Rural Labor in Late-Victorian England
Julian Olivares
Houston, TX
$30,000 Women's Lyric Poetry of the Spanish Golden Age
Stuart D. Olson
Minneapolis, MN
$30,000 A New Text and Commentary on Aristophanes' Acharnians, 425 BC
Lena C. Orlin
Bethesda, MD
$30,000 Private Life in Shakespeare's England
John B. Owens
Pocatello, ID
$4,000 The "Villena Cartel": Organized Crime and International Smuggling in Philip II's Spain
Chester J. Pach, Jr.
Athens, OH
$4,000 The First Television War: TV News, the White House, and Vietnam
Annette C. Palmer
Baltimore, MD
$24,000 Merikins: African American Refugees in Trinidad
Angela C. Pao
Bloomington, IN
$30,000 Recasting Cultural Identities: Non-traditional Theatrical Casting and Theories of Race,
Ethnicity, and Nationality
Malin Pereira
Charlotte, NC
$4,000 Rita Dove: The Cultural Mulatto and the New Black Aesthetic
Carla G. Pestana
Columbus, OH
$4,000 Anglo America during the English Revolution, 1640-1661
John A. Peterson
El Paso, TX
$24,000 Interdisciplinary History Study of the Rio Grande Borderlands
Leila Stott Philip
Hamilton, NY
$30,000 The Place: Three Centuries of Legacy and Identity on One Family's Farm
William R. Pinch
Middletown, CT
$24,000 Martial Asceticism in Indian History, 1567 to the Present
Kymberly N. Pinder
Chicago, IL
$4,000 Murals in African American Churches in Chicago
Karen L. Piper
Columbia, MO
$4,000 The Celluloid West: Hollywood, Owens Valley, and the Production of the "Frontier"
Stephen Polcari
New York, NY
$30,000 Jackson Pollock: The Design of Change
Allyson M. Poska
Fredericksburg, VA
$30,000 Men Are Nothing Where We Women Are: The Catholic Reformation in Northwestern
Pamela M. Potter
Wannakee, WI
$24,000 Musical Life in Berlin, 1900-1961: Politics, Patronage, and the Cultivation of Popular
and Serious Music
David A. Powell
Valley Stream, NY
$4,000 Musical Resonances in Verlaine's Poetry
John S. Powell
Tulsa, OK
$24,000 A Modern Critical-Performing Edition of Psyche
Frances Pritchett
New York, NY
$24,000 A Commentary on the Divan of Ghalib (Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, 1797-1869)
Philip Pulsiano
Villanova, PA
$4,000 Old English Glossed Psalters: Pss. 51-100
Nanxiu Qian
Houston, TX
$4,000 Chronicling China's Reform: The Late Qing Woman Writer Xue Shaohui, 1866-1911
Mary Quinlan-McGrath
Chicago, IL
$4,000 A Papal View of Destiny: The Frescoed Horoscope of Leo X in the Vatican's Sala dei
Rudolph A. Quiroz
Corpus Christi, TX
$24,000 Claiming Citizenship: Mexican Americans' Struggles for Citizenship
Leslie W. Rabine
Santa Ana, CA
$4,000 Global Suitcase: The Transnational Circulation of African Fashion
Jennifer H. Radden
Boston, MA
$4,000 Psychiatry, Gender and Ethics
Joanne Rappaport
Washington, DC
$30,000 Alphabetic and Visual Literacy in the Colonial Andes
Daniel T. Reff
Columbus, OH
$30,000 The Relevance of Early Christian Literature to Jesuit Missionaries in Colonial Latin
Elizabeth S. Reis
Eugene, OR
$4,000 Heaven Help Us: Angels, Gender, and American Religions
Jose L. Renique
Weehawken, NJ
$24,000 The Long March: Radical Tradition in Peru, 1883-1992
Irven M. Resnick
Chattanooga, TN
$4,000 Racial Stereotypes of Jews in the Middle Ages
Annelise Riles
Chicago, IL
$4,000 Formalism and Its Critics: An Ethnography of Legal Knowledge Practices in the US and
Martha K. Risser
Hartford, CT
$4,000 Archaic and Classical Pottery from the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia (Greece)
Gretchen Ritter
Austin, TX
$30,000 Gender and Citizenship in American Political Development
Albert J. Rivero
Milwaukee, WI
$30,000 Duplicitous Representations: Fashioning English Fiction from Behn to Burney (1684-
Kellie P. Robertson
Pittsburgh, PA
$4,000 Chaucer at Work: Labor and Language in The Canterbury Tales
Susan Rodgers
Worcester, MA
$30,000 Turi-Turian: Chants in Print in Colonial and Postcolonial Sumatra
Sarah L. Roff
Princeton, NJ
$4,000 Ernst Juenger's Das Abenteurliche Herz: Translation and Critical Introduction
Carl E. Rollyson
Cape May Court House, NJ
$30,000 The Role of Biography in Contemporary Literary Study
Marina Roseman
Bloomington, IN
$30,000 Engaging the Spirits of Modernity: Dream Songs and Ceremonies of the Temiars of
Peninsular Malaysia
Karin A. Rosemblatt
Washington, DC
$4,000 Neoliberal Reform in Chile: Professionals, Popular Classes, and the State, 1960-1998
Patricia A. Rosenmeyer
Madison, WI
$4,000 Greek Poetry of the Imperial Age
Jay Ruby
Mifflintown, PA
$4,000 An Ethnohistorical Study of Oak Park, Illinois
Mark E. Rush
Lexington, VA
$4,000 From the Ground Up: Voters and the Changing Political Context of Western
Thomas E. Russo
Springfield, MO
$30,000 The Romanesque Sculpture of Lincolnshire County, England: A Searchable Database
M. Anne Sa'adah
Hanover, NH
$30,000 Victims or Citizens: The Construction of Democratic Identities
Lawrence A. Schenbeck
Avondale Estates, GA
$24,000 History and Influence of Racial Uplift Ideology on African Americans in Classical
Morten Schlutter
Ripon, WI
$30,000 Monks, Monasteries, and Society in Southern-Song China, 1127-1279
Christel M. Schmidt
Washington, DC
$30,000 The Legacy of Mary Pickford, 1893-1979: A Filmography
R. Keith Schoppa
Valparaiso, IN
$30,000 The Many Faces of Shaoxing: The Construction of Native Place Identities, 1905-1990
Linda K. Schott
San Antonio, TX
$24,000 Benevolence, Education, and Pan Americanism: Florence Terry Griswold and the Pan
American Round Table, 1916-1941
Robert M. Schwartz
South Hadley, MA
$4,000 Villagers and Citizens: Rural Communities and Political Culture in 18th- and 19th-
Century Burgundy
Kenneth P. Serbin
San Diego, CA
$4,000 Alex: A Student Against a Dictatorship in Brazil
George A. Sher
Houston, TX
$30,000 Character and Morality
William H. Sherman
College Park, MD
$4,000 An Edition of Ben Jonson's The Alchemist
Eric Kline Silverman
Bloomington, IN
$30,000 Ritual, Myth, and Religion: An Anthropological, Psychoanalytical, and Folkloric Study
of Jewish Circumcision
Daniel L. Smail
Bronx, NY
$24,000 Making the Law in Mediterranean Europe: Marseille, 13th-15th Centuries
Kathryn A. Smith
New York, NY
$30,000 Three Women Patrons and Their Books of Hours: Art and Devotion in Early 14th-
Century England
Mitchell Snay
Columbus, OH
$4,000 Ethnic Nationalism in the Era of Reconstruction
Susan Sperling
Berkeley, CA
$4,000 The Intellectual Life History of Ashley Montagu: An Annotated Bibliography of
Unpublished Correspondence
David J. Steinberg
Williamsburg, VA
$30,000 Styles of Esteem: Charles Wilson Peale and Portraiture in a Revolutionary Era
Kristine Stiles
Durham, NC
$4,000 Remembering Invisibility: Documentary Photography of the Nuclear Age
Martha Stoddard Holmes
Norwich, VT
$24,000 Melodramatic Medicine: Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, and the Victorian Discourse
on Physical Disability
Edward R. Sunshine
Miami Shores, FL
$24,000 Anti-Slavery Documents from the 17th Century by Churchmen in Cuba
Michael Supancic
San Marcos, TX
$30,000 Crime Control and Self-government Initiative in Texas Oil Communities and Field
Camps, 1896-1926: A People's History
Daniel E. Sutherland
Fayetteville, AR
$4,000 Social Impact of the Guerrilla War, 1861-1865
Lealan N. Swanson
Brandon, MS
$24,000 Three Medieval Cities: Sana'a, Fes, and Timbuktu
Patricia A. Taylor
Laramie, WY
$4,000 Historical Changes in Scientists' Definition of "The Atmosphere"
Gail S. Terry
Muncie, IN
$30,000 Family Empires: Migration and the Making of an Elite in America, 1740-1820
Mariam G. Thalos
Buffalo, NY
$24,000 Units of Decision-Making: The Place of the Collective
Ashley C. Thompson
Cambridge, MA
$30,000 Text and Temple: A Translation and Critical Edition of The Poem of Ankgor Wat
Heather Ann Thompson
Charlotte, NC
$30,000 Testing Tolerance: School Desegregation and Busing in the Urban North and South
after Brown v. Board of Education
David K. Thomson
Lancaster, PA
$24,000 Indians in the Custom-House: Revising American Studies in the Light of Native/Puritan
Rosemarie G. Thomson
Reston, VA
$30,000 Different Stories: Contemporary Writers Reimagine Disability
Beth Fowkes Tobin
Honolulu, HI
$30,000 Colonizing Nature: The Tropics in 18th-Century British Arts and Letters
Kyoko Tokuno
Eugene, OR
$30,000 Buried Scriptures as Relics of Buddha in Medieval Japan: A Study in the Buddhist Cult
of the Scripture
Jeanne M. Toungara
Silver Spring, MD
$24,000 Ideology of Conquest: The Making of Kabasarana, a 19th-Century Malinke Kindom
Eleanor R. Townsley
South Hadley, MA
$4,000 Representing Knowledge in the Age of Social Science
Trysh A. Travis
Dallas, TX
$4,000 Reading Matters: Books, Book Men, and the American Century
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Rochester, NY
$4,000 A Sense of Wonder: The Postmodern Literary Projects of Samuel R. Delany
Jennifer G. Tucker
Middletown, CT
$4,000 Photography of the Invisible: Gender, Visual Technology, and the Making of the Modern
Scientific Public, 1850-1900
Mark Tucker
Williamsburg, VA
$30,000 The Music of Thelonious Monk, 1917-1982
Thomas A. Tweed
Chapel Hill, NC
$4,000 Locating Religion: A Spatial Interpretation of Religion in the US
N. Frank Ukadike
New Orleans, LA
$30,000 The New African Cinema: The History, Narratology, and Aesthetics of African Films of
the 1990s
Hugh B. Urban
Columbus, OH
$24,000 The Extreme Orient: Imagining "Tantrism" in the History of Indian Religions
Gary Urton
Earlville, NY
$30,000 The Khipus and Documents of Colonial Chachapoyas, Peru
Patricia D. Valenti
Fayetteville, NC
$30,000 Sophia and Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Domestic Politics of Authorship
Peter L. Valenti
Fayetteville, NC
$24,000 The Complex Landscapes of Charles W. Chesnutt
Anne M. Valk
St Louis, MO
$4,000 Separatism and Sisterhood: Identity, Ideology, and Women's Grassroots Activism, 1963-
David L. Vander Meulen
Charlottesville, VA
$4,000 A Publishing History of Alexander Pope's An Essay on Man, 1743-51
Mary S. Vasquez
Davidson, NC
$4,000 The Fiction of Cuban-American Writer Roberto G. Fernandez
Mary Kay Vaughan
Chicago, IL
$30,000 Citizenship and Schools: The Mexican Generation of 1968
Evelyn B. Vitz
New York, NY
$4,000 The French Medieval Lyric and the Liturgy
Lynn M. Voskuil
Houston, TX
$4,000 Acting Naturally: Victorian Theatricality and Authenticity
Anne Walthall
Irvine, CA
$30,000 Palace Women and Court Life in Tokugawa Japan (1600-1868)
Ban Wang
Stony Brook, NY
$30,000 Trauma, Memory, and History: Visions of the Past and Global Culture in Modern China
J. Christopher Warner
East Liverpool, OH
$4,000 A Renaissance Reader of Christian Epic: Bartolomeo Botta's 1569 Commentary on ida's
William Waters
Brookline, MA
$30,000 Poetic Address: "Addressivity" in the Lyric Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke
Eric Watkins
Blacksburg, VA
$30,000 Kant's Metaphysical Physics
Kenneth R. Westphal
Durham, NH
$4,000 "Knowledge by Acquaintance" in Modern and Recent Philosophy
Rachel M. Wheeler
Portland, OR
$30,000 Poised between Two Worlds: The Journeys of a Mahican Family, 1740-1806
Neil L. Whitehead
Madison, WI
$24,000 Cultures of Violence and the Violence of Culture: A Hermeneutic Approach to Ethnic
Conflict and Warfare
Jennifer E. Whiting
Trumansburg, NY
$30,000 The Varieties of Subjective Experience
Nancy L. Wicker
Mankato, MN
$4,000 Goldsmiths, Patrons, and Women: Scandinavian Jewelry in 5th-6th Century AD
Daniel H. Williams
Winfield, IL
Hilary of Poitier's Commentarium in Matthaeum: A Translation and Introduction (4th century)
Samuel M. Wilson
Austin, TX
$30,000 A New Vision of Caribbean Prehistory
John Timothy Wixted
Tempe, AZ
$30,000 A Poetic Biography of Yuan Haowen, 1190-1257
Anand A. Yang
Salt Lake City, UT
$4,000 Empire of Convicts: Colonial Rule and Colonial Subjects in South and Southeast Asia
Xiaoshan Yang
Notre Dame, IN
30,000 Metamorphosis of the Private Sphere: The Urban Garden in Tang-Song Poetry
Tomiko Yoda
Durham, NC
$30,000 Heian Literature and Japanese Modernity: Gender, Nation, and History
Marica A. Yonemoto
Boulder, CO
$4,000 The Life and Writing of Tadano Makuzu (1762-1825)
Susan L. Youens
South Bend, IN
$30,000 The Late Songs of Franz Schubert, 1797-1828
Jeffrey R. Young
Stateboro, GA
$4,000 The Founding Fathers' Family Values
Abby E. Zanger
Cambridge, MA
$30,000 Passages to Print Culture in Early Modern France
Julian E. Zelizer
Albany, NY
$4,000 Making Democracy Work? Congressional Reform, 1958-1999
Susan Zimmerman
Washington, DC
$24,000 "Idolatrous Illusion": Representations of the Dead in Jacobean Tragedy and
Judith P. Zinsser
Oxford, OH
$30,000 La Dame d'Esprit: The Daring Life, Tragic Death, and Loss to History of the Marquise
du Chatelet (1706-1749)
Andrei A. Znamenski
Montgomery, AL
$24,000 Shaping Indigenous Christianity: Dena'ina Indians and the Russian Orthodox Church
Collaborative Research
Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
Jerusalem, Israel Seymour Gitin
$70,000 Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at the W.F. Albright Institute
American Academy in Rome
New York, NY Lester K. Little
$30,834* NEH Postdoctoral Fellowships at American Academy in Rome
American Academy in Rome
New York, NY Lester K. Little
$105,000 NEH Postdoctoral Fellowships at the American Academy in Rome
American Center of Oriental Research
Boston, MA Pierre M. Bikai
$48,977 Fellowships in the Humanities
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Donna Heiland
$239,576* ACLS/SSRC Postdoctoral Humanities Fellowships in International and Foreign Area
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY John J. McDermott
$25,000 The Correspondence of William James
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Jason H. Parker
$98,486* American Research in the Humanities in the People's Republic of China
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY Duncan M. Porter
$85,500 The Correspondence of Charles Darwin
American Institute of Indian Studies
Chicago, IL Frederick M. Asher
$195,000 Research Fellowships for Senior Humanists to Work in India
American Philological Association
New York, NY Patrick Sinclair
$4,741* Fellowships at the Thesaurus Institute in Munich
American Research Institute in Turkey
Philadelphia, PA G. Kenneth Sams
$97,950 Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities for Research in Turkey
American University
Washington, DC Charles E. Beveridge
$75,000 The Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX Laurence B. McCullough
$15,750 A History of Medical Ethics
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA Wilfried Sieg
$47,000 Paul Bernays and the Philosophy of Mathematics
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH Melvyn C. Goldstein
$170,000 A Political and Social History of the Cultural Revolution in Tibet, 1966-1976
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC Timothy B. Noone
$22,500 Duns Scotus: Critical Edition of Quaestiones Super Libros De Anima Aristotelis
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC Rosemary A. Brana-Shute
$50,000 Manumission in the Atlantic World, An International Conference
Columbia University
New York, NY Jean W. Ashton
$150,000 The Papers of John Jay: An Image Database
Cyprus American Archaeological Research Inst.
Nicosia, Cyprus Robert S. Merrillees
$27,652 NEH Senior Fellowships at CAARI
Duke University
Durham, NC David R. Sorensen
$150,000 The Carlyle Letters Project
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
East Stroudsburg, PA Theodore J. Crackel
$50,000 Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800
Florida State University
Talahassee, FL Joseph R. McElrath
$33,000 The Letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1906-1932
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC Werner L. Gundersheimer
$195,000 Long-term Residential Fellowships at the Folger Library
Huntington Library
San Marino, CA Robert C. Ritchie
$182,250 NEH Fellowship Program
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ Phillip A. Griffiths
$42,000 Research in the Social Sciences and the Humanities
Institute for Advanced Study
Princeton, NJ Phillip A. Griffiths
$42,000 School of Historical Studies Memberships
Institute of Early American History and Culture
Williamsburg, VA Ronald Hoffman
$96,000 Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and
International Research & Exchanges Board
Washington, DC Mark G. Pomar
$90,000 IREX Advanced Research Programs in the Humanities
International Research & Exchanges Board
Washington, DC Mark G. Pomar
$156,640* IREX Advanced Research Programs in the Humanities
John Carter Brown Library
Providence, RI Norman Fiering
$100,000 Long-term Fellowships at a Center for Advanced Study Specializing in the History of
the Americas before circa 1825
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Louis P. Galambos
$183,231* The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD Louis P. Galambos
$150,000 The Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles, CA Timothy Benson
$75,000 Central European Avant-Garde Documents Volume
Mary Washington College
Fredericksburg, VA Barbara D. Palmer
$37,303* Records of Early English Drama
Massachusetts Historical Society
Boston, MA Richard A. Ryerson
$48,000 The Adams Papers
Morehouse College
Atlanta, GA Haile M. Larebo
$85,000 Translation and Annotation of The Chronicle of Susenyos, Emperor of Ethiopia, 1607-
National Humanities Center
Res. Tri. Park, NC W. Robert Connor
$90,000* Fellowships at the National Humanities Center
Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum
Kansas City, MO Doris M. Srinivasan
49,648 On the Cusp of an Era: Art in the Pre-Kushan World, a Symposium
New York Public Library
New York, NY Howard 0. Dodson
$5,000 Schomburg Center for Research on Black Culture, Postdoctoral Scholars in Residence
New York University
New York, NY Martin Chusid
$39,719 Verdi Congress 2001: Verdi in Retrospect and Today
New York University
New York, NY Esther Katz
$5,430* The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger
New York University
New York, NY Esther Katz
$75,000 The Selected Papers of Margaret Sanger
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL James R. Grossman
$165,000 NEH Fellowships at the Newberry Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL Judy Ledgerwood
$110,000 Suffering and the Prophetic Past and Future in Cambodian Religion and Society: A
Study of the Buddh Damnay
Ohio State University Research Foundation
Columbus, OH Francis A. Irele
$50,000 CD-ROM of Oral Literature: Southern African Praise Poetry
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ Nell I. Painter
$40,000 Imitations of Life Conference: Race, Gender and Censorship in the Entertainment
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ Willard J. Peterson
$150,000 Volumes 2, 4, 5A-5B, 9A-9B of the Cambridge History of China
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ Ann D. Gordon
$30,000* Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ Ann D. Gordon
$100,000 Papers of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ Robert A. Rosenberg
$198,000 Thomas A. Edison Papers
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL Larry A. Hickman
$150,000 The John Dewey Correspondence
Stanford University
Stanford, CA Rega Wood
$150,000 Richard Rufus of Cornwall Project
Texas A&M Research Foundation
College Station, TX George F. Bass
$50,000 Excavation of 5th-Century BC Shipwreck
University of California
Berkeley, CA Robert H. Hirst
$124,74 Mark Twain Project
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL Philip Gossett
$45,000* Critical Edition of the Works of Giuseppe Verdi
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH Jack L. Davis
$50,000 Mallakastra, Albania, Regional Archaeological Project
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL Burton R. Andersen
$189,000 Ancient Mesopotamian Medical Therapies
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA Ed Folsom
$125,000 The Walt Whitman Hypertext Archive
University of Maryland
College Park, MD Peter Albert
$10,000 The Samuel Gompers Papers
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI Sharon C. Herbert
$9,000 Excavations at Kedesh in Israel
University of Mississippi, Main Campus
University, MS Jay K. Johnson
$75,000 The Chickasaws: Economics, Politics, and Social Organization in the Early 18th
University of North Carolina
Asheville, NC Gordon A. Wilson
$72,000 Completion of a Critical Edition of Henry of Ghent's Summa, Articles 1-5
University of North Carolina
Greensboro, NC Loren L. Schweninger
$31,500 Race and Slavery Petitions Project
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN Eugene C. Ulrich
$45,000 The Publication of Four Volumes of Dead Sea Scrolls
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK Ross Hassig
$50,000 Aztec Codex Aubin Translation Project
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA Richard L. Zettler
$50,000 The Topography and Structure of Early Northern Mesopotamian Cities: Excavation at
Tell es-Sweyhat in North Syria
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA M. Alison 0. Stones
$125,000 Computer-Based Study of Arthurian Romance
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA Peter H. Greenfield
$50,000 Records of Early English Drama: Editorial Support
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC David R. Chesnutt
$8,000* The Papers of Henry Laurens
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC Joel A. Myerson
$61,000 The Correspondence of Charles Chauncy Emerson, Edward Bliss Emerson, Ralph
Waldo Emerson, and William Emerson
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Philander D. Chase
$99,004* The Papers of George Washington
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Hoyt N. Duggan
$23,000* The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Hoyt N. Duggan
$100,000 The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA Benjamin C. Ray
$100,000 The Salem Witchcraft Papers: Transcription and Archival Project
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA John C. Stagg
$27,850 The Papers of James Madison
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI John P. Kaminski
$74,538* The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI John P. Kaminski
$100,000 The Documentary History of the Ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI Jonathan M. Kenoyer
$22,500* The Development of Urbanism and the Indus Script at Harappa, Pakistan
University of the State of New York
Albany, NY Charles T. Gehring
$65,000* Translation and Editing of New Netherland Archives
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC William L. Anderson
$100,000 Editing and Annotating Payne-Butrick Manuscripts on the Cherokee
Winterthur Museum
Winterthur, DE Gretchen T. Buggeln
$105,000 Advanced Fellowships in American Material Culture
Yale University
New Haven, CT Ellen R. Cohn
$72,000 The Papers of Benjamin Franklin
Yale University
New Haven, CT John C. Darnell
$150,000 Theban Desert Road Survey
Mimi S. Daitz
New York, NY
$16,600 Translation and Edition of Estonian Texts for Ancient Song Recovered: The Music of
Veljo Tormis
* Federal Matching Funds
** Chairman's/Emergency Awards
*** Denotes grants funded in whole or part by external sources
Office of Challenge Grants
The programs for institutional development administered through the NEH Office of Challenge
Grants contribute to the strength of the humanities throughout the nation. The title program,
Challenge Grants, encourages nonfederal support for the humanities to assist cultural
organizations and academic institutions in strengthening their humanities resources over the long
term. These grants involve three types of challenges. Applicants are challenged to engage in
long-term strategic planning for improved research, teaching, preservation, and public
programming in the humanities. Grantees are also challenged to raise, in nonfederal
contributions, three or four times the amount of federal funds offered. Finally, potential donors
are challenged to recognize and support excellent humanities activities crucial to the educational
and cultural life of their communities and the nation.
NEH Challenge Grants are most commonly used to establish new or augment existing
endowments, which will support humanities needs permanently. For example, Oglala Lakota
College in South Dakota received in fiscal year 2000 the first installment of its $500,000
challenge (matching $1.5 million in nonfederal donations) to establish an endowment that will
fund professorships in Lakota studies and Lakota language. This tribal college prepares Lakota
language teachers for twenty-two schools on Lakota/Dakota reservations. Another project at the
Center for History and New Media at George Mason University in Fairfax,Virginia, explores
ways new technology can enhance teaching and research in history. Its grant of $500,000 with its
matching $1.5 million in nonfederal funds will create an endowment of $2 million to support
postdoctoral, graduate, and faculty fellowships as well as software acquisitions and upgrades.
Another endowment began when Alabama State University received this year the first $83,000
of its $500,000 Challenge Grant to endow a Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African
American Culture. The endowment income will enable the center to preserve manuscripts and
artifacts and gather oral histories documenting the contributions of African American activists,
churches, benevolent societies, and other organizations central to the Civil Rights Movement.
Grantees use challenge funds for acquisitions, construction and renovation, and technological
enhancement when the need is related to long-term improvements in the humanities. For
example, the Peter White Public Library in Marquette, Michigan, received in FY 2000 the first of
three installments of its $300,000 challenge grant (to match $900,000 in nonfederal donations)
for construction and furnishing of a new wing for the library, the largest on Michigan's Upper
Peninsula. These improvements to the 1904 facility will help the library meet increased demand
for service and new technology as well as restore historic portions of the building to their
original appearance. Direct expenditures are often combined with endowments, as in the case of
Canterbury Shaker Village in New Hampshire. It received a challenge offer of $500,000,
matching $2 million in nonfederal funds, to endow humanities programming, construct a visitor
education center, and help restore the Shakerd dwelling house.
The Office of Challenge Grants also administers the grant competition to establish ten Regional
Humanities Centers across the nation. Through programs of regional studies in collaboration
with other humanities organizations in the region--such as state humanities councils, museums,
libraries, and schools--each center will serve as a locus for understanding regional culture and
history and their place in American and world culture. Two planning grants of $50,000 were
awarded in each of ten regions in fiscal year 2000. From these, one will be selected in each
region for an implementation award requiring a three-to-one match; the award will provide
permanent support for the center's activities.
A new program in the Office of Challenge Grants began, with the first awards to be given in
2001. Extending the Reach Institutional Grants will help strengthen the humanities at
Historically Black, Hispanic-Serving, and Tribal Colleges and Universities by providing outright
grants of up to $25,000. Like other programs in the Office of Challenge Grants, these awards
will contribute to the enduring strength of institutions vital to the overall health of the humanities
throughout the nation.
Stephen M. Ross
Office of Challenge Grants
Challenge Grants
Abbe Museum
Bar Harbor, ME
$125,000* Endowment for Humanities Programmer/Educator and Capital Construction of
Facility for Expanded Humanities Programming
Alabama State University
Montgomery, AL
$83,000* Center for the Study of Civil Rights and African American Culture
Alaska Native Heritage Center, Inc.
Anchorage, AK
$50,000* Construction of Welcome House and Education Endowment
Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
$150,000* Centennial Campaign: Endowment for the Director and Library
Amarillo College Foundation, Inc.
Amarillo, TX
$20,000* Humanities Endowment for Students, Faculty, and Community Enrichment
American Antiquarian Society
Worcester, MA
$150,000* Building Endowment for Acquisitions
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY
$167,000* Endowment Campaign for ACLS Fellowship Program
American School of Classical Studies
Princeton, NJ
$30,000** Emergency Grant for Repair of Earthquake Damage to American School of Classical
Athens-Clarke County Library
Athens, GA
$30,000* Legacy for the Future: Humanities Programming Endowment
Berea College
Berea, KY
$150,000* Endowment of Appalachian Studies at Berea College
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
$175,000* Library Initiative to Enhance the Humanities Curriculum through Information
Brooklyn Public Library
Brooklyn, NY
$75,000* BPL Humanities Endowment Fund
California State University
Long Beach, CA
$150,000* Heritage Language and Culture Program
California State University
Los Angeles, CA
$64,500* Educational Program in Identity and American Community
Canterbury Shaker Village, Inc.
Canterbury, NH
$500,000* Endowment and Capital Improvements to Support Humanities Programs
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
St. Michaels, MD
$167,000* Endowment for the Center for Chesapeake Studies
Clear Lake Public Library
Clear Lake, IA
$200,000* Library Expansion and Renovation to Increase Services and Create History Archives
Columbia College Center for Black Music Research
Chicago, IL
$50,000* Endowment to Support a Humanities Technology Specialist and a Library and
Archives Cataloger
Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation
New York, NY
$167,000* Encyclopedia Iranica
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington, DC
$200,000* Capital Campaign for the Education Center
Fort Ligonier Association
Ligonier, PA
$75,000* The Fort Ligonier Archeology Endowment Program
Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library
Saint Paul, MN
$50,000* Creation of a New Humanities Programming Endowment for the Saint Paul Public
Furman University
Greenville, SC
$100,000* The Humanities in the Digital Era
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
$275,000* Center for History and New Media
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Dearborn, MI
$200,000* A Comprehensive Renewal of the Museum's Infrastructure
Heritage Harbor Museum
Providence, RI
$208,000* Base Building Construction for Heritage Harbor Museum
Honolulu Academy of Arts
Honolulu, HI
$125,000* Endowment for Education Programs, Humanities Scholars and Education Staff
Hood College
Frederick, MD
$100,000* Endowing the Hood College Center for the Humanities
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Boston, MA
$200,000* Endowment to Support Curatorial and Conservation Programs in the Humanities
Kona Historical Society
Captain Cook, HI
$100,000* Challenge Grant for Historic Uchida Coffee Farm
Library Company of Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
$334,000* Creating a Center for Advanced Study in Early American History and Culture
Library Foundation, Inc.
Portland, OR
$100,000* Creation of a new Humanities Programming Endowment for the Multnomah County
Library System
Loras College
Dubuque, IA
$114,000* Interactive Learning in the Humanities for First Year Students
Maine Humanities Council
Portland, ME
$120,000* A Home for the Maine Center for the Book
Minnesota Historical Society
St. Paul, MN
$125,000* Construction of St. Anthony Falls Heritage Center
Montgomery College
Rockville, MD
$150,000* Montgomery College Humanities Institute
Museum of the Cherokee Indian
Cherokee, NC
$63,461* Education Department, Museum of the Cherokee Indian
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Washington, DC
$229,000* Establishment of the Historic Sites Interpretation and Education Endowment
Nevada Public Radio Corporation/KNPR
Las Vegas, NV
$125,000* Future Fund Endowment Challenge Grant
New Britain Public Library
New Britain, CT
$18,000* Humanities Programming Endowment
New Hampshire Humanities Council
Concord, NH
$50,000* New Choices for Teachers: A Humanities Education Initiative
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM
$150,000* Southwest and Border Cultures Institute
New York Public Library
New York, NY
$200,000* Enriching the Collections of the New York Public Library's Center for the
Newark Public Library
Newark, NJ
$27,175* Endowment for Public Humanities Programming
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL
$250,000* Securing the Future of Public Humanities Programming at the Newberry Library
Oglala Lakota College
Kyle, SD
$200,000* Woonpse Okolakiciye (The Knowledge Team)
Ohio State University, Main Campus
Columbus, OH
$42,000* The World Media and Culture Center: Transforming Language and Culture Studies
Peter White Public Library
Marquette, MI
$100,000* Peter White Public Library Renovation/Expansion Project
Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg Center
Charlotte, NC
$100,000* Establishment of PLCMC Humanities Endowment
Queens Library Foundation
Jamaica, NY
$50,000* Endowment of Program "Literature, History and Memory"
Rice University
Houston, TX
$120,000* Endowing new Fellowship Programs at Rice University's Center for the Study of
Rockland Memorial Library Foundation
Rockland, MA
$7,000* Rockland Memorial Library Foundation Humanities Endowment
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
$125,000* Endowing the Jewish Studies Program at San Francisco State University.
Sandwich Glass Museum
Sandwich, MA
$90,000* Renovation/Expansion and Endowment for Humanities Interpreter.
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA
$167,000* Endowment for Humanities Advisers, Teacher Resource Center, Education Staff, and
Technology Initiative
Seattle Public Library Foundation
Seattle, WA
$200,000* Establishment of Humanities Endowment.
Society of Architectural Historians
Chicago, IL
$25,000* Buildings of the United States
Staten Island Botanical Garden, Inc.
Staten Island, NY
$75,000* Endowment for the New York Chinese Scholar's Garden
Studio Museum in Harlem
New York, NY
$100,000* Challenge Grant for Endowment
Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library
Topeka, KS
$75,000* Humanities Endowment for Acquisitions and Programming
University of California
Oakland, CA
$100,000* Building Endowment for Fellowships
University of California
Riverside, CA
$175,000* English Short Title Catalog: Past, Present, Future
University of Dayton
Dayton, OH
$100,000* Humanities Fellows Program
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
$150,000* Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities
University of Nebraska Foundation
Lincoln, NE
$150,000* Endowing the International Quilt Study Center
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
$131,999* Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN
$150,000* Building Medieval and Irish Studies at the University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
$167,000* Humanities Project 2001: Rare Books, Manuscripts and Other Original Sources on
the Web
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX
$150,000* Residential Faculty Seminar Program in the Medical Humanities
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
$25,000* Electronic Text Center Endowment
Walters Art Gallery
Baltimore, MD
$200,000* Endowment for Curatorial Position in Ancient Art, and Renovation of the Ancient Art
Exhibition Galleries
West Virginia Humanities Council
Charleston, WV
$50,000* Hubbard House Humanities Center
Western Carolina University
Cullowhee, NC
$125,000* Endowing the Sequoyah Professor of Cherokee Studies
Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian
Santa Fe, NM
$150,000* Endowment for Humanities Programming
Wichita Public Library Foundation, Inc.
Wichita, KS
$114,490* Establishment of Humanities Endowment
Williamsburg Public Libraries
Williamsburg, MA
$50,000* Williamsburg Libraries Construction and Endowment Challenge Grant
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Princeton, NJ
$150,000* Endowing the Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Grants in Women's Studies and the
Humanities Initiatives Fund
Regional Centers Planning Grants
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Brown University
Providence, RI
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
North Dakota State University, Main Campus
Fargo, ND
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Ohio University
Athens, OH
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
Tulane University of Louisiana
New Orleans, LA
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of California
Davis, CA
$50,000 Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Mississippi, Main Campus
University, MS
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
$50,000*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
$49,115*** Planning Grant for Regional Humanities Center
* Federal Matching Funds
** Chairman's/Emergency Awards
*** Denotes grants funded in whole or part by external sources
Federal State Partnership
Through the Office of Federal/State Partnership, NEH and the fifty-six state humanities councils
work to enable all of the nation's citizens, wherever they live, to benefit from locally designed
humanities programs on their particular concerns, interests, and needs. The partnership of NEH
and the state humanities councils increases the public's awareness of and participation in the
State humanities councils are nonprofit organizations that operate in all fifty states, the District
of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, American Samoa, and Guam. Through the Partnership, NEH funds are given annually to
the councils to support locally initiated programs on a competitive basis. Councils also design
and conduct initiatives themselves to bring excellent humanities programs and services
throughout each state and territory. In all their activities, state humanities councils sponsor and
support the pursuit and enjoyment of education and lifelong learning.
In 2000, councils supported thousands of programs that reached millions of Americans: among
them were 1,920 Chautauqua-type performances; 1,800 exhibitions; 4,000 film, television, or
radio programs; 4,500 speakers bureau presentations; 360 cultural tourism projects; 2,000
literacy programs; 5,000 reading and discussion programs; and 2,000 teacher institutes and
workshops. More than 20,000 scholars were involved in council projects and council grants.
Encouraging reading is characteristic of state humanities councils. Sponsorship of large-scale
book festivals is the public side of this commitment. Literacy, reading, and literature programs
are the personal side, cultivating and nurturing individual readers. Many councils feature literacy
and reading programs at the core of their programming. In 2000, the Vermont Council on the
Humanities supported grassroots literacy efforts in twenty-nine communities with book mobiles,
a literacy fair, and a weekly children's-literacy radio program. The Prime Time Family Reading
Time program of the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities introduces families to children's
books and encourages the participants to become comfortable in libraries. It won a "Coming Up
Taller" award in 2000 from the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. Since its
inception, twenty-eight councils have adopted Prime Time programs.
Councils are important engines of civic discourse. Through its New Books for New Readers
program, the Kentucky Humanities Council published Ronald W. Eades's Fights for Rights. The
book has special value for adults learning English and working to acquire US citizenship. The
Utah Humanities Council's Front Porch Discussion Series addresses issues of diversity, the good
society, and growth. The civic culture initiative of the Montana Committee for the Humanities,
which helped plan the 2000 Governor's Conference on Civic Engagement, has developed a
website (www.civicmontana.org) of resources on civil society and democratic renewal. "Parallel
and Crossover Lives" is the Texas Humanities Council's community-based oral history and
cultural-preservation project that examines Texas history and culture before and after public
school desegregation. The archive of historical information it began creating in 2000 will be used
for research and public programming, and to foster discussion among disparate community
Councils place a high priority on improving the statewide quality of humanities teaching and
learning in the elementary and secondary grades. The Georgia Humanities Council's Center for
Character Education responded to the Georgia General Assembly's curriculum requirement by
providing character education concepts, resources, and practices from its humanities collections
for educators, policy makers, parents, and communities. The councils in Georgia, Hawai'i,
Maryland, Nevada, and New Mexico sponsor their state's History Day program and competition,
which fosters academic achievement and intellectual growth in sixth to twelfth graders. Twenty-
seven winners of New Mexico History Day competed with more than twenty-one hundred
students from all over the United States at the National History Day competition at the
University of Maryland, College Park.
Making humanities education and lifelong learning a hallmark of American life is a pillar of the
partnership between NEH and the state humanities councils. The sponsorship of the Bard
College Clemente Course in the Humanities by councils in Alaska, Florida, Illinois,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Washington provides topflight educational
opportunities to disadvantaged adults. A member of one of the Washington Commission for the
Humanities' Clemente classes confirms that, "Being in this class and learning about Plato--just to
begin thinking about those things--really opens me up mentally to places I wouldn't have gone by
myself. It enriches my life on a daily basis."
As they pursue their goal of engaging all Americans in study, reflection, and discussion of the
humanities, state humanities councils continue to strengthen their organizational structures and to
build partnerships in order to expand their resources and audiences. Last year councils were
successful in obtaining more than $20 million from state legislatures, individuals, corporations,
foundations, and other sources.
Edythe Manza
Federal/State Partnership
Federal State Partnership
Alabama Humanities Foundation
1100 Ireland Way, Suite 101
Birmingham, AL 35205-7001
(205) 558-3980
Michael E. Malone, Chairman
Robert Stewart, Executive Director
Alaska Humanities Forum
421 West 1st Street
Suite 300
Anchorage, AK 99501
(907) 272-5341
Stephen, Ph.D. Haycox, Chairman
Elizabeth Forrer, Executive Director
Amerika Samoa Humanities Council
P.O. Box 5800
Pago Pago, AS 96799
(684) 633-4870
Lui Tuitele, Chairman
Niualama Taifane, Executive Director
Arizona Humanities Council
The Ellis-Shackelford House
1242 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1887
(602) 257-0335
Suzanne Pfister, Chairman
Dan Shilling, Executive Director
Arkansas Humanities Council
10800 Financial Centre Parkway
Suite 465
Little Rock, AR 72211-0000
(501) 221-0091
Paul Austin, Chairman
Robert E. Bailey, Executive Director
California Council for the Humanities
312 Sutter Street, Suite 601
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 391-1474
Mary Curtin, Chairman
James Quay, Executive Director
Colorado Endowment for the Humanities
1490 Lafayette Street,
Suite 101
Denver, CO 80218
(303) 894-7951
Phyllis S. Alexander, Chairman
Margaret A. Coval, Executive Director
Connecticut Humanities Council
955 South Main Street
Suite E
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 685-2260
Helen Higgins, Chairman
Bruce Fraser, Executive Director
Delaware Humanities Forum
100 W. 10th Street
Suite 1009
Wilmington, DE 19801
(302) 657-0650
Jeffrey Mask, Chairman
Charlotte D. Staelin, Executive Director
Florida Humanities Council
599 2nd Street S
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 553-3800
Frank Helsom, Chairman
Fran Cary, Executive Director
Fundación Puertorriqueña de las
Box 9023920
109 San Jose St.,3rd Floor
Corner of Luna Street
San Juan, PR 00902-3920
(787) 721-2087
Ana Helvia Quintero, Chairman
Juan M. Gonzalez Lamela, Executive
Georgia Humanities Council
50 Hurt Plaza SE, Suite 1565
Atlanta, GA 30303-2915
(404) 523-6220
Thomas E. Dasher, Chairman
Jamil Zainaldin, Executive Director
Guam Humanities Council
426 Chalan San Antonio
Center Pointe Bldg. Ste. 101
Tamuning, GU 96911
(671) 646-4461
Anthony A. Leon Guerrero, Chairman
Jillette Leon Guerrero, Executive Director
Hawai'i Council for the Humanities
First Hawaiian Bank Building
3599 Waialae Avenue, Room 23
Honolulu, HI 96816
(808) 732-5402
Mitch Yamasaki, Chairman
Annette M. Lew, Executive Director
Humanities Council of Washington, D.C.
925 U Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 347-1732 EXT.1
Joann Stevens, Chairman
Joy Austin, Executive Director
Humanities Iowa
100 Oakdale Campus, Northlawn
Iowa City, IA 52242-5000
(319) 335-4153
David Vikurek, Chairman
Christopher Rossi, Executive Director
Idaho Humanities Council
217 West State Street
Boise, ID 83702
(208) 345-5346
Marc Johnson, Chairman
Richard Ardinger, Executive Director
Illinois Humanities Council
203 N. Wabash Avenue
Suite 2020
Chicago, IL 60601-2417
(312) 422-5580
J. Paul Hunter, Chairman
Kristina Valaitis, Executive Director
Indiana Humanities Council
1500 North Delaware Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 638-1500
Thomas Wilhelmus, Chairman
Scott T. Massey, Executive Director
Kansas Humanities Council
112 S.W. 6th Avenue, Suite 210
Topeka, KS 66603
(785) 357-0359
Warren Hixson, Chairman
Marion Cott, Executive Director
Kentucky Humanities Council
206 E. Maxwell Street
Lexington, KY 40508
(606) 257-5932
Roger J. Wolford, Chairman
Virginia Smith, Executive Director
Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities
225 Baronne Street, Suite 1414
New Orleans, LA 70112
(504) 523-4352
Neil T. Erwin, Chairman
Michael Sartisky, Executive Director
Maine Humanities Council
674 Brighton Avenue
Portland, ME 04102-1012
(207) 773-5051
Geoffrey Gratwick, Chairman
Dorothy Schwartz, Executive Director
Maryland Humanities Council
11350 McCormick Road
Suite 503
Hunt Valley, MD 21031-1002
(410) 771-0650
Rhoda Dorsey, Chairman
Barbara Wells Sarudy, Executive Director
Massachusetts Foundation for the
One Woodbridge Street
South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 536-1385
David Lionel Smith, Chairman
David A. Tebaldi, Executive Director
Michigan Humanities Council
119 Pere Marquette Drive
Suite 3B
Lansing, MI 48912-1270
(517) 372-7770
Stephen R. Williams, Chairman
Rick Knupfer, Executive Director
Minnesota Humanities Commission
987 E Ivy Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55106-2046
(651) 774-0105
W. Andrew Boss, Chairman
Cheryl Dickson, Executive Director
Mississippi Humanities Council
3825 Ridgewood Road, Rm. 311
Jackson, MS 39211
(601) 432-6752
Gemma Douglas Beckley, Chairman
Barbara Carpenter, Executive Director
Missouri Humanities Council
543 Hanley Industrial Court
Suite 201
St. Louis, MO 63144-1905
(314) 781-9660
Randolph Maness, Chairman
Michael Bouman, Executive Director
Montana Committee for the Humanities
311 Brantly Hall
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812-8214
(406) 243-6022
Eileen Sansom, Chairman
Mark Sherouse, Executive Director
NMI Council for the Humanities
AAA-3394, Box 10001
Saipan, MP 96950
(670) 235-4785
Isamu Abraham, Chairman
Isaac Magofna, Executive Director
Nebraska Humanities Council
Lincoln Center Building
Suite 225
215 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68508
(402) 474-2131
Pamela Snow, Chairman
Jane Renner Hood, Executive Director
Nevada Humanities Committee
1034 North Sierra Street
Reno, NV 89507
(775) 784-6587
Barbara Cloud, Chairman
Judith K. Winzeler, Executive Director
New Hampshire Humanities Council
19 Pillsbury Street
PO Box 2228
Concord, NH 03302-2228
(603) 224-4071
Richard L. Kremer, Chairman
Charles G. Bickford, Executive Director
New Jersey Council for the Humanities
28 West State Street
6th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608
(609) 695-4838
Michael J. Bzdak, Chairman
Jane Rutkoff, Executive Director
New Mexico Endowment for the
209 Onate Hall
University of New Mexico
Corner of Campus & Girard St.
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-3705
Ned Miller, Chairman
Craig Newbill, Executive Director
New York Council for the Humanities
150 Broadway, Suite 1700
New York, NY 10038
(212) 233-1131
Samuel D. Waksal, Chairman
David Cronin, Executive Director
North Carolina Humanities Council
200 South Elm Street, Ste. 403
Greensboro, NC 27401
(336) 334-5325
Elizabeth K. Minnich, Chairman
Alice Barkley, Executive Director
North Dakota Humanities Council
2900 Broadway, Suite 3
P. O. Box 2191
Bismarck, ND 58502
(701) 255-3360
John Ettling, Chairman
Everett Albers, Executive Director
Ohio Humanities Council
695 Bryden Road
PO Box 06354
Columbus, OH 43206-0354
(614) 461-7802
George R. Garrison, Chairman
Gale E. Peterson, Executive Director
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Festival Plaza, Suite 270
428 West California
Oklahoma, OK 73102
(405) 235-0280
David Levy, Chairman
Anita May, Executive Director
Oregon Council for the Humanities
812 SW Washington Street
Suite 225
Portland, OR 97205
(503) 241-0543
Charles Walker, Chairman
Christopher Zinn, Executive Director
Pennsylvania Humanities Council
325 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-2607
(215) 925-1005
James E. Douthat, Chairman
Joseph J. Kelly, Executive Director
Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities
60 Ship Street
Providence, RI 02903
(401) 273-250
Galen A. Johnson, Chairman
M. Drake Patten, Executive Director
South Carolina Humanities Council
1308 Columbia College Drive
PO Box 5287
Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 691-4100
S.C. McMeekin, Jr., Chairman
Randy L. Akers, Executive Director
South Dakota Humanities Council
Box 7050, University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
(605) 688-6113
Sidney Goss, Chairman
Michael F. Haug, Executive Director
Tennessee Humanities Council
1003 18th Avenue South
PO Box 24767
Nashville, TN 37212
(615) 320-7001 EXT.1 Linda Darmon
Caldwell, Chairman
Robert Cheatham, Executive Director
Texas Council for the Humanities
Banister Place A
3809 South Second Street
Austin, TX 78704
(512) 440-1991 EXT.1
Wright L. Lassiter, Jr., Chairman
Monte K. Youngs, Executive Director
Utah Humanities Council
202 West 300 North
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
(801) 359-9670
France A. Davis, Chairman
Cynthia Buckingham, Executive Director
Vermont Council on the Humanities
200 Park Street
RR1, Box 7285
Morrisville, VT 05661-0058
(802) 888-3183
Charles R. Putney, Chairman
Victor R. Swenson, Executive Director
Virgin Islands Humanities Council
5-6 Kongens Gade, Corbiere
Complex, Suite 200B-201B
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 776-4044
Tregenza Roach, Chairman
Magda Smith, Executive Director
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
145 Ednam Drive
Charlottesville , VA 22903-4629
(804) 924-3296
Wyndham B. Blanton, Jr., Chairman
Robert C. Vaughan, Executive Director
Washington Commission for the Humanities
615 Second Avenue, Suite 300
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 682-1770
Jack Faris, Chairman
Margaret Ann Bollmeier, Executive Director
West Virginia Humanities Council
723 Kanawha Boulevard, East
Suite 800
Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 346-8500
Nancy Bulla, Chairman
Kenneth Sullivan, Executive Director
Wisconsin Humanities Council
222 South Bedford Street
Suite F
Madison, WI 53703-3688
(608) 262-0706
Susan Brewer, Chairman
Max Harris, Executive Director
Wyoming Council for the Humanities
PO Box 3643
University Station
Laramie, WY 82071-3643
(307) 766-6496
Barbara Allen Bogart, Chairman
Robert G. Young, Executive Director
*federal matching funds
Office of Enterprise
The Office of Enterprise strengthens the Endowment's leadership in the humanities, advances its
programs, and supports special initiatives by forging strategic partnerships with state and federal
agencies, private organizations, and philanthropic individuals. Under authority granted by
Congress, the Enterprise Office focused its 2000 efforts on supplementing the NEH's annual
federal appropriation with charitable contributions, grants, and corporate partnerships to help
bring the humanities to people of all backgrounds across the nation.
Throughout the year, the Enterprise Office worked closely with NEH's Office of Public Affairs
to promote My History Is America's History, developed in partnership with the White House
Millennium Council with principal support from Genealogy.com and launched in November
1999. My History encourages Americans to discover, preserve, and share their family stories as
integral parts of the nation's history. Educational and outreach tools created for the project
include a website (www.myhistory.org) and a printed guidebook, subtitled 15 Things You Can
Do To Save America's Stories. During the course of the year, people learned about My History
through features in major newspapers--from the Los Angeles Times to the Atlanta Journal-
Constitution--and on radio and television programs--from the Antiques Roadshow on PBS to
Heritage Hunt on ABC affiliates across the nation. More than 450,000 visited the My History
website, while nearly one thousand other websites created links to My History, as a resource for
elementary and secondary education and other purposes. MyHistory.org was named the New
York Times "Site of the Day"; the "Too Cool School Site of the Week" by WorldVillage; and one
of "The Web's Best Sites" by Britannica Online. The My History guidebook was awarded a
Distinguished Achievement Award from the Association of Educational Publishers and first
prize for a soft-cover publication from the National Association of Government Communicators.
NEH worked with its partners--including the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the National
Council of Negro Women's Black Family Reunion, National History Day, the Community
College Humanities Association, 4-H clubs, and state humanities councils--to distribute eighty-
five thousand guidebooks, including two copies to each of the nation's 16,227 libraries, to make
the materials available in every American community.
On other fronts during 2000, the Enterprise Office worked with the NEH's Division of Public
Programs to secure a $1 million grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York for The
Millennium Project for Public Libraries. These funds support a partnership of NEH, The Library
of America, and the American Library Association helping eight hundred small libraries build
their collection of American writing and expand opportunities for educational programs. The
libraries will be awarded fifty recently published volumes in The Library of America, the
distinguished series of the nation's foremost writers, with support for public programs using the
volumes. The project represents the first time NEH has administered a program entirely via the
Internet, with applications both accepted and reviewed online.
Together the Enterprise Office and the NEH Division of Education secured a renewed
commitment totaling $700,000 from the WorldCom Foundation to fund an additional three years
of EDSITEment (edsitement.neh.gov), the educational website launched in 1997 by NEH, MCI
WorldCom, and the Council of the Great City Schools. The renewed funding will allow the
number of websites that are part of this portal for teachers and students to double, from one
hundred to two hundred, and will provide for development of lesson plans for kindergarten
through fifth grade.
The Office of Enterprise also worked with NEH's Division of Education to secure a renewed
commitment of $50,000 from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation to expand a pilot program
aimed at strengthening middle- and high-school teaching of the humanities. The Humanities
Scholar in Residence Program brings outside humanities educators into selected New Jersey
schools to serve as consultants for improving the schools' humanities curriculum. The grant will
support efforts to increase the impact and sustainability of the program in additional New Jersey
Throughout 2000, the Enterprise Office continued its work with the NEH Chairman and Office
of Challenge Grants to develop support for the NEH Regional Humanities Centers Initiative,
which will create a network of major centers across the nation for research and public education
about the diverse characteristics of each region, such as local history, people, cultures, language,
landscape, and architecture. These efforts build upon NEH's success during 1999 in raising
$1,000,000 from sources external to the agency, including private donors and one independent
federal agency, the Appalachian Regional Commission.
A joint project between the NEH and Mount Rushmore National Memorial, NEH's first
permanent partnership with a National Park Service site, was completed in 2000 with the
installation and dedication of four exhibits on the Presidential Trail. These exhibits provide
historical information about the Mount Rushmore presidents, George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt, and feature images and quotations from
the presidents as well as quotations from Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor of Mount Rushmore. The
South Dakota Humanities Council helped fund this project, intended to reach the 3.25 million
annual visitors to Mount Rushmore.
Finally, an Enterprise grant made to the Historical Society of Washington, D.C., in 1998 bore
fruit during the year in the publication of a map titled "Washington, D.C. Beyond the
Monuments." The map is a tool to encourage Washington's twenty million annual visitors to
participate in the city's rich cultural resources. It is being distributed by the Washington Area
Metropolitan Transit Authority ( WMATA) along with eleven complementary brochures of
Washington D.C.'s neighborhood cultural resources. The project is part of a city-wide heritage
tourism and economic development partnership of NEH, the Historical Society, the WMATA,
the Washington Convention Center Authority, and the D.C. Heritage Tourism Coalition.
Nancy Sturm
Office of Enterprise
Enterprise Grants
Historical Society of Washington, D.C.
Washington, DC Barbara A. Franco
$5,000** Metro Poster Campaign
Private Contributors and Public Partners
The National Endowment for the Humanities is pleased to acknowledge the private contributors
and public partners that have donated $1,000 and more in funds or in-kind services directly to the
NEH during 2000 or have joined forces with the NEH to support its humanities initiatives.
American Library Association
America's Promise
Appalachian Regional Commission
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Chamber of Commerce of Washington, DC
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Council of the Great City Schools
The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation Foundation
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Diane and Charles Frankel
The Gazette
The Howard Gilman Foundation
Grocery Manufacturers of America
Heritage Preservation
Houghton Mifflin Company
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Lyn and Norman Lear Foundation
James Annenberg Levee Charitable Trust
Polly Annenberg Levee Charitable Trust
The Library of America
Sandra and Chuck Lyons
Marlene Meyerson
Bobby Muller and Solange MacArthur
National Science Foundation
National Trust for the Humanities
John N. Palmer Foundation
Dion Peterson Foundation, Inc.
President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
PSINet Inc.
Sara Lee Corporation
U.S. Department of the Interior
Washington Convention Center
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
White House Millennium Council
WorldCom Foundation
(1) Anonymous
NEH Summer Fellows Program
The purpose of the NEH Summer Fellows Program is to acquaint promising college students in
the humanities with the policies, programs, and operations of the National Endowment for the
Humanities. Under the guidance of the agency's professional staff, fellows participated in the
work of the Endowment for eleven weeks during the summer of 2000. Each fellow was assigned
to one program division or office of the agency to assist in daily work and to undertake a special
project. Summer Fellows also had opportunities to learn about the work of similar federal
agencies and cultural institutions. Each of the fellows received a $4,000 grant.
Thomas J. Beyl
Washington CH, OH
Jaclyn F. DeLamatre
Providence, RI
Amma Y. Ghartey-Tagoe
Manhattan, KS
Medina Haeri
Falls Church, VA
Andrea L. Irwin
Lewiston, ME
Tara Mikkilineni
Berkeley, CA
Cameron B. Richardson
Columbus, MS
Laura M. Scanlan
New Berlin, WI
Panelists in Fiscal Year 2000
Abe, Stanley K.
Department of Art and Art History
Duke University
Durham, NC
Abrash, Barbara
Center for Media Culture and History
New York University
New York, NY
Adams, Frederick R.
Department of Philosophy
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Adomanis, James F.
Social Studies Educator (Retired)
Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Annapolis, MD
Agosto-Otero, Milagros
Department of Humanistic Studies
Inter American University of Puerto Rico
Arecibo, PR
Ahl, Diane Cole
Department of Art
Lafayette College
Easton, PA
Akers, Charlene
Scurry County Museum
Western Texas College
Snyder, TX
Akin, David
Independent Scholar
Ann Arbor, MI
Albers, Everett C.
Executive Director
North Dakota Humanities Council
Bismarck, ND
Albright, Daniel
Department of English
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Albright, Gary E.
George Eastman House
Rochester, NY
Allen, Austin
Communication Department
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, OH
Allen, Jr., Calvin H.
Center for International Programs and
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Alswang, Hope
Shelburne Museum, Inc.
Shelburne, VT
Ambler, Charles H.
Department of History
University of Texas
El Paso, TX
Andaya, Leonard Y.
Department of History
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI
Anderson, Juanita
Independent Producer
Legacy Productions, Inc.
Roxbury, MA
Anyinefa, Koffi
Department of French
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Arno, Katherine
Television Services
Maine Public Television
Lewiston, ME
Ashburn, Frances
North Carolina Center for the Book
Raleigh, NC
Assey, Joan
Technology Adviser
Office of the Governor
Columbia, SC
Atkins, Leah Rawls
Dean Emeritus
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Atkins, Terry L.
Department of Reading and Language Arts
Crayton Middle School
Columbia, SC
Bach, Claudia Lee
Superintendent of Schools
Andover School District
Andover, MA
Bacon, Jacqueline
Independent Scholar
San Diego, CA
Bailey, Stephen
Department of History and Office of the
Knox College
Galesburg, IL
Banner, Lois W.
Department of History
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Bannister, Robert C.
Department of History
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Barkley Brown, Elsa
Departments of History and Women's
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Barnett, Suzanne Wilson
Department of History
University of Puget Sound
Tacoma, WA
Barrett, Carole
Division of Social and Behavioral Science/
American Indian Studies Program
University of Mary
Bismark, ND
Barron, Hal S.
Department of Humanities and Social
Harvey Mudd College
Department of History
Claremont Graduate University
Claremont, CA
Baumlin, Tita F.
Department of English
Southwest Missouri State University
Springfield, MO
Bean, Susan S.
Curator of Asian, Oceanic, and African Arts
and Cultures
Peabody Essex Museum
Salem, MA
Beard, Carla J.
English Department
Connersville High School
Connersville, IN
Beavers, Herman
Department of English
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Bechtel, William
Department of Philosophy
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Beck, Lois
Department of Anthropology
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Beckwith, Karen L.
Department of Political Science
The College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
Beeman, Richard R.
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Behler, Diana I.
Department of Germanics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Bennett, Herman Lee
Department of History
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Benson, B. Foley
Department of Behavioral Science
Santa Rosa Junior College
Santa Rosa, CA
Benson, Lillian
Freelance Editor
Montana Edit
Santa Monica, CA
Bergman, Sherrie S.
Hawthorne-Longfellow Library
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME
Berry, Alice F.
Department of Foreign Languages
Illinois State University
Normal, IL
Berry, Hal
Department of History and Theater
St. Charles County Community College
St. Peters, MO
Bezuidenhout, Anne L.
Department of Philosophy
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Bibby, Michael
Department of English
Shippensburg University
Shippensburg, PA
Bieber, Judy
Department of History
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Biehl, James W.
Department of Humanities - Classics
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH
Blake, Corinne
Department of History
Rowan University
Glassboro, NJ
Bledsoe, Robert
Department of English
University of Texas
El Paso, TX
Blondell, Ruby W.
Department of Classics
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Bogardus, Ralph F.
Department of American Studies
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Bonefas, Suzanne
Associated Colleges of the South
Technology Center
Southwestern University
Georgetown, GA
Boomgaarden, Wesley L.
Preservation Officer
Ohio State University Libraries
Columbus, OH
Booth, Marilyn L.
Department of Comparative Literature
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Borges, Dain E.
Department of History
University of California
San Diego, CA
Borges, Richard C.
Executive Director
Upper Midwest Conservation Association
Minneapolis, MN
Bossenga, Gail M.
Department of History
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Boswell, Mary Rose
Belknapp Mill Society
Laconia, NH
Bouche, Nicole L.
Beinecke Library
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Boyce-Davies, Carole
African New World Studies
Florida International University
Miami, FL
Boyer, Paul S.
Department of History
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Brady, Erika
Program in Folk Studies
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, KY
Brain, David
Division of Social Sciences
New College / University of South Florida
Sarasota, FL
Brako, Jeanne
Collections Manager/ Conservator
Colorado Historical Society
Denver, CO
Brattain, Michelle L.
Department of History
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Breitborde, Lawrence B.
Department of Anthropology
Knox College
Galesburg, IL
Brill, Lesley
Department of English
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Brinkmeyer, Robert H.
Department of English
University of Mississippi
University, MS
Britz, Kevin
Vice President for Programs
High Desert Museum
Bend, OR
Brooks, Barbara
Department of History
City University of New York-City College
New York, NY
Brown, Howard G.
Department of History
State University of New York
Binghampton, NY
Brown, JoAnne
Department of History and Associate Dean
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
Brown-Guillory, Elisabeth
Department of English
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Bruce, Marcus Coleman
Department of Religion and Philosophy
Bates College
Lewiston, ME
Brundage, James A.
Department of History
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Buccini, Stefania
Department of French and Italian
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Buckingham, Cynthia
Associate Director
Utah Humanities Council
Salt Lake City, UT
Buenger, Barbara C.
Department of Art History
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI
Buker, Eloise
Department of Women's Studies
Denison University
Granville, OH
Burgard, Timothy A.
Edrah Root Curator of American Art
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Burt, Elizabeth V.
Department of Communications
University of Hartford
Hartford, CT
Butler, Johnnella
The Graduate School
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Butler, Jon
Department of History
Yale University
New Haven, CT
Bye, John
Institute for Regional Studies
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND
Byrne, Sherry
Preservation Librarian
University of Chicago Library
Chicago, IL
Callahan, Leslie A.
Department of Medieval Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Campbell, Janet B.
Johnson County Museum
Shawnee, KS
Campbell, Joyce B.
Executive Producer
Los Angeles, CA
Campbell, Jr., Edward D. C.
Collection Management Services
Library of Virginia
Richmond, VA
Campo, Juan
Department of Religious Studies
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
Candau, Antonio
Department of Modern Languages
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX
Carbone, June
School of Law
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Carr, David W.
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina
Chapell Hill, NC
Casalino, Lawrence
Independent Scholar
San Francisco, CA
Cashin, Joan E.
Department of History
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Cave, Alfred
Department of History
University of Toledo
Toledo, OH
Chaffin, Scott
Director of Broadcasting
Salt Lake City, UT
Chaney, Michael P.
Executive Director
Celebrate New Hampshire Culture
Concord, NH
Chang, Claudia 5.
Department of Anthropology
Sweet Briar College
Seww Briar, VA
Chapman, Anthony
Channel Thirteen/WNET
New York, NY
Charlip, Susan
Department of English
Albany High School
Albany, CA
Cheek, Timothy C.
Department of History
Colorado College
Colorado Springs, CO
Cherny, Robert W.
Department of History
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
Chester, Timothy J.
Director and CEO
Public Museum of Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids, MI
Chew, Ron
Executive Director
Wing Luke Asian Museum
Seattle, WA
Cheyfitz, Eric
Department of English
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Chong, Alan
Norma Jean Calderwood
Curator of the Collection
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Boston, MA
Christian, Gail
Independent Producer
Santa Monica, CA
Chung, Sue F.
Department of History
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Churchill, Edwin A.
Chief Curator
Maine State Museum
Augusta, ME
Clark, Michael J.
Department of English
Portland State University
Portland, OR
Clayton, Lawrence A.
Department of History
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Clow, Richmond L.
Native American Studies Department
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Coale, Samuel C.
Department of English
Wheaton College
Norton, MA
Cochran, Robert B.
Center for Arkansas and Regional Studies
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
Cohen, Sharon C.
Department of History
Walter Johnson High School
Bethesda, MD
Coldiron, Anne E. B.
Department of English
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA
Cole, Juan R. I.
Department of History
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Compston, Christine L.
Independent Scholar, History
Bellingham, WA
Conard, Rebecca A.
Department of History
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN
Conforti, Joseph A.
New England Studies Program
University of Southern Maine
Portland, ME
Conklin, Beth A.
Department of Anthropology
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Conklin, Jennifer
Department of English
Immaculate Heart High School
Los Angeles, CA
Conlon, Sandy
Department of English
Steamboat Springs High School
Steamboat Springs, CO
Connolly, Julian W.
Department of Slavic Languages and
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Contiguglia, Georgianna
President and CEO
State Historical Society of Colorado
Denver, CO
Cook, Charles P.
Department of English
Northern Valley Regional High School
Old Tappan, NJ
Cooper, Judith C.
Public Relations and Programs
Enoch Pratt Free Library
Baltimore, MD
Copeland, Rebecca J.
Department of Asian and Near Eastern
Languages and Literatures
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Corn, Wanda M.
Department of Art and Art History
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Cornell, George L.
Native American Institute
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Courtright, Paul B.
Department of Religion
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Craddock, Patricia B.
Department of English
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Crapanzano, Vincent
Program in Comparative Literature
City University of New York Graduate
School and University Center
New York, NY
Crockett, Brian
Independent Consultant,
Public Humanities Programming
Salt Lake City, UT
Crown, Patricia L.
Department of Anthropology
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Cruz, Nelly V.
Former Chief Archivist
General Archives of Puerto Rico
San Juan, PR
Curran, Stuart A.
Department of English
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Curry, David Park
Curator of American Art
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Richmond, VA
Curry, Lynne E.
Department of History
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL
Curtis, Susan
Department of History
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Cutler, Janet K.
Department of English
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, NJ
Cybulski, Walter T.
Preservation and Collection Management
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD
D'Alleva, Anne
Department of Art and Art History
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Danforth, Pauline Brunette
American Indian Studies
Metropolitan State University
Minneapolis, MN
Darnell, Polly
Archivist and Librarian
Shelburne Museum
Shelburne, VT
Davis, James R.
Department of History
Mt. San Jacinto College
Menifee, CA
Davis, Michael T.
Department of Art
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA
Davis, Nancy E.
Deputy Director of Collections
Maryland Historical Society
Baltimore, MD
Davis, Tracy C.
Department of Theater
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Dear, Peter R.
Department of Science and Technology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Deeds, Susan M.
Department of History
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
DeLacy, Margaret E.
Independent Scholar
Portland, OR
de la Pena McCook, Kathleen
School of Library and Information Science
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL
de la Torre, David
Associate Director
Honolulu Academy of Arts
Honolulu, HI
Demaree, Bruce
Department of Social Studies
Circle High School
Towanda, KS
Demas, Samuel G.
College Librarian and Senior Lecturer
Carleton College
Carleton, MN
De Pastino, Todd A.
Department of History
Waynesboro College
Pittsburgh, PA
de Ramirez, Lori Langer
Herricks Public Schools
New Hyde Park, NY
de Sherbinin, Julie
Department of German and Russian
Colby College
Waterville, ME
Dettmar, Kevin J. H.
Department of English
Clemson University
Clemson, SC
Deutsch, Nathaniel
Department of Religion
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Dietz, Kathryn P.
Ambrica Productions
Needham, MA
Dietz, Steve
New Media Initiatives
Walker Art Center
Minneapolis, MN
Dill, Christopher L.
City of Greeley Museums
Greeley, CO
Diner, Hasia R.
Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies
and Department of History
New York University
New York, NY
Dintenfass, Michael
Department of History
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Doan, Ruth Alden
Department of History
Hollins University
Roanoke, VA
Dodson, Danita
Department of English
Hancock County High School
Sneedville, TN
Donato, Clorinda
Department of Romance, German, and
Russian Languages and Literatures
California State University
Long Beach, CA
Doreski, Carole K.
Independent Scholar
Peterborough, NH
Doswell, Raymond
Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
Kansas City, MO
Driver, Julia
Department of Philosophy
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
DuBois, Ellen C.
Department of History
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Duncan, Charles F.
Department of English
Clark Atlanta University
Atlanta, GA
Dunn, Richard S.
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Ebrey, Patricia B.
Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington
Seattle, WA
Eckhardt, Caroline D.
Department of Comparative Literature
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Eder, James F.
Department of Anthropology
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Edison, Robert E.
Department of Social Studies
James Madison High School
Dallas, TX
Edwards, Kathryn A.
Department of History
University of Southern Mississippi
Hattiesburg, MS
Eke, Maureen N.
English Department
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI
Ellis, Robert
Department of Spanish and French Literary
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA
Emmerich, Lisa E.
Department of History
California State University
Chico, CA
Emmerson, Richard K.
Executive Director/Editor
Medieval Academy of America
Cambridge, MA
Enzler, Jerome A.
Executive Director
Mississippi River Museum
Dubuque, IA
Epstein, James A.
Department of History
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Eriksen, Lisa
Museum Program Coordinator
California Council for the Humanities
San Francisco, CA
Erro-Peralta, Nora
Department of Language and Linguistics
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL
Espinosa, Paul T.
Senior Producer
Espinosa Productions
San Diego, CA
Evans, Debra
Legion of Honour
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Ewell, Judith
History Department
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Fabian, Ann
Independent Scholar
Larchmont, NY
Faires, Nora H.
Department of History
University of Michigan
Flint, MI
Farago, Claire
Department of Fine Arts
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Farnsworth, Susan
Department of History
Trinity College
Washington, DC
Farrell, Dianne E.
Department of History
Moorhead State University
Moorhead, MN
Faust, Jennifer
Department of Philosophy
California State University
Los Angeles, CA
Feinstein, Stephen
Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Felch, Susan
Department of English
Calvin College
Grand Rapids, MI
Feldman, Stephen M.
School of Law
University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK
Feldman, Susan M.
Department of Philosophy
Dickinson College
Carlisle, PA
Fendt, Kurt E.
Department of Foreign Languages and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Ferguson, Priscilla P.
Department of Modern Languages
Columbia University
New York, NY
Fernandez, Mark F.
Department of History
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA
Fernandez, Salvador C.
Department of Spanish and French
Literature Studies
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA
Ferraro, Thomas J.
Department of English
Duke University
Durham, NC
Fetz, Gerald A.
Davidson Honors College
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Finlay, Robert
Department of History
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
Fischer, Lucy R.
Film Studies Program
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Fishbein, Jeffrey M.
Teacher of History
Williamsburg Middle School
Arlington, VA
Fiss, Karen
Independent Scholar
Oakland, CA
Flaster, Michael
San Diego, CA
Fleckner, John A.
National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Flores, Juan
Department of Black and Puerto Rican
City University of New York/Hunter
New York, NY
Flores, Richard R.
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Flores, Stephan
Department of English
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Foley, John M.
Department of Classical Studies
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Forni, Pier M.
Department of Romance Languages and
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Foster, Kathleen A.
Indiana University Art Museum
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Fowler, Loretta
Department of Anthropology
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Frankle, Barbara
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Lemoyne-Owen College
Memphis, TN
Franklin, Janice R.
University Library
Alabama State University
Montgomery, AL
Fredell, Joel W.
Department of English
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hammond, LA
Frisch, Michael H.
Department of History
State University of New York
Buffalo, NY
Fromm, Annette B.
Director of Education and Public Programs
Sanford Ziff Jewish Museum of Florida
Miami Beach, FL
Furman-Adams, Wendy A.
Department of English
Whittier College
Whittier, CA
Gabaccia, Donna R.
Department of History
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC
Gallman, J. Matthew
Department of History and
Interdepartmental Studies
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA
Garafola, Lynn
Independent Scholar
New York, NY
Garcia, Maria Christina
Department of History
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Gardner, Jared
Department of English
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Garner, Shirley
Department of English
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN
Garrison, Ellen B.
University Libraries
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL
Gatewood, Joan
Preservation Division
New York Public Library
New York, NY
Gerber, David A.
Department of History
State University of New York
Buffalo, NY
Gerstle, Gary
Department of History
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Gibson, Donald
Museum and Media Consultant
New Paltz, NY
Gibson, Donald B.
Department of English
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Gilje, Paul A.
Department of History
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Gill, Glenda E.
Humanities Department
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI
Gittleman, Sol
Office of the Provost
Tufts University
Medford, MA
Godow, Jr., Rew A.
College of Charleston North
North Charleston, SC
Goggin, Jacqueline A.
Graduate School of Design
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Goings, Kenneth W.
Department of History
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Golden, Peter B.
Department of History
Rutgers University
Newark, NJ
Goldenberg, Myrna
Director, Humanities Institute
Montgomery College
Rockville, MD
Goldsmith, Elizabeth
Department of Modern Foreign Languages
Boston University
Boston, MA
Goldstein, Leslie
Department of Political Science
University of Delaware
Newark, DE
Goodman, Dena
Women's Studies Program
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Goodman, Elise
Department of Art History
Raymond Walters College
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH
Gordon, Edmund T.
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Gorlinski, Virginia K.
School of Music
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Gorn, Elliott J.
Department of History
Purdue University
W. LaFayette, IN
Gotchy, Joseph
Social Studies Teacher
Thomas Jefferson High School
Auburn, WA
Graham, M. Allison
Department of Communications
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Graham, Peter S.
University Librarian
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Greaves, William G.
William Greaves Productions, Inc.
New York, NY
Green, Alicia C.
Principal (Retired)
Design and Architecture
Senior High School
Miami, FL
Greenwood, Janette T.
Department of History
Clark University
Worcester, MA
Greider, Brett
Department of Philosophy and Religious
University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire, WI
Griffith, Donna M.
Social Studies Department
William Mason High School
Mason, OH
Grigg, Susan
Elmer E. Rasmuson Library
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK
Grillo, Laura
Coleman African Studies Center
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Griset, Suzanne
Arizona State Museum
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Griswold, Wendy
Department of Sociology
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Groft, Tammis
Chief Curator
Albany Institute of History and Art
Albany, NY
Grossman, James R.
Dr. William M. Scholl Center for Family
and Community History
Newberry Library
Chicago, IL
Guthrie, Patricia
Department of Human Development
California State University
Hayward, CA
Haas, Mari B.
Department of Arts and Humanities
Teachers College
Columbia University
New York, NY
Hahn, Peter L.
Department of History
Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
Hall, Robert L.
Department of African American Studies
Northeastern University
Boston, MA
Halpern, Rhyena
Independent Producer
Berkeley, CA
Handler, Richard
Department of Anthropology
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Hardcastle, Valerie G.
Department of Philosophy
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Blacksburg, VA
Harkin, Michael
Department of Anthropology
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Harms, Gary D.
Assistant Superintendent
Aberdeen Public Schools
Aberdeen, SD
Harnik, Tema
Lower Hudson Conference
Hudson, NY
Harrington, Dana
The Writing Program
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY
Harris-Warrick, Rebecca L.
Department of Music
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Hart, Andrew S.
Academic Affairs Library
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Hart, John M.
Department of History
University of Houston, Downtown
Houston, TX
Hary, Benjamim
Department of Middle Eastern Studies and
The Program in Linguistics
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Hast, Adele
Historical Encyclopedia of Chicago Women
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, IL
Hayden, Sara
Department of Communication Studies
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Hayman, Lynne M.
Davidson Library
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA
Heise, Ursula K.
Department of English and Comparative
Columbia University
New York, NY
Henderson, Brian R.
Department of Media Study
State University of New York
Buffalo, NY
Hendricks, Wanda A.
Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Henriksen, Margot
Department of History
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI
Hensen, Steven L.
Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special
Collections Library
Duke University
Durham, NC
Herron, Kristin
Museum Program Associate
New York State Council on the Arts
New York, NY
Hetrick, Barbara
Vice President, Academic Affairs
College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
Heywood, Linda
Department of History
Howard University
Washington, DC
Higdon, David L.
Department of English
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX
Hilke, D. D.
Director of Exhibits
Denver Museum of Natural History
Denver, CO
Hoffman, Robert
Education Technology Department
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA
Holbrook, Sue Ellen
Department of English
Southern Connecticut State University
New Haven, CT
Holder, Heidi J.
Department of English
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI
Holly, Michael Ann
Research and Academic Programs
Clark Art Institute
Williamstown, MA
Holt, Michael F.
Department of History
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Hoppes, Karen E.
Social Studies Department
Lakeridge High School
Lake Oswego, OR
Horowitz, Helen L.
American Studies Program
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Hoxie, Frederick E.
Department of History
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Hoy, James F.
Department of English
Emporia State University
Emporia, KS
Hoyer, Timothy P.
The Bancroft Library
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Hudspeth, Robert N.
Department of English
University of Redlands
Redlands, CA
Hughes, Linda K.
Department of English
Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, TX
Hull, Ronald
Special Advisor for Nebraska Educational
Television and Professor of Broadcasting
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Hutchison, John P.
African Studies Center
Boston University
Boston, MA
Hyman, Larry M.
Department of Linguistics
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Irwin, Terence H.
Sage School of Philosophy
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Iverson, Peter J.
Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Jackson, Travis A.
Department of Music
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Jacob, Kathryn Allamong
Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Jefferson, Karen L.
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Atlanta University Center
Atlanta, GA
Jeffrey, Robert A.
History Department
Grinnell High School
Grinnell, IA
Jimenez-Wagenheim, Olga
Department of History
Rutgers University
Newark, NJ
Johns, Amy Tartaglia
Curator of Collections and Exhibits
Fort Bend Museum
Richmond, TX
Johnson, Violet M.
Department of History and African Studies
Agnes Scott College
Decatur, GA
Jonaitis, Aldona
University of Alaska Museum
Fairbanks, AK
Jones, Dale
Senior Associate
Institute for Learning Innovation
Annapolis, MD
Jones, James H.
Department of History
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AK
Jones, Janice Suzi
Deputy Director
Anchorage Museum of History and Art
Anchorage, AK
Jordan, David P.
Department of History
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL
Joshi, Priya
Department of English
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Judson, Pieter
Department of History
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Kamp, Kathryn
Department of Anthropology
Grinnell College
Grinnell, IA
Kasachkoff, Tziporah S.
Department of Philosophy
Borough of Manhattan Community College
New York, NY
Kastan, David S.
Department of English
Columbia University
New York, NY
Katzman, David M.
American Studies Department
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Kaye, Frances
Department of English
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE
Keck, George R.
Department of Music History and Literature
Ouachita Baptist University
Arkadelphia, AR
Kellerman, Lydia Suzanne
Pattee Library
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Kelley, David E.
Department of History
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Kellum, Barbara
Department of Art
Smith College
Northampton, MA
Kerr, Lucille
Department of Hispanic Studies
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Kerschner, Richard
Director of Collections Preservation
Shelburne Museum
Shelburne, VT
Kidner, Terry
Department of English
Kent Place School
Summit, NJ
Kidwell, Clara Sue
Department of Native American Studies
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
King, George
Independent Producer
Atlanta, GA
King, Lyndel I.
Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Kinney, Clare R.
Department of English
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Kirk, Andrew G.
Department of History
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Kirkland, Avon
New Images Productions, Inc.
Berkeley, CA
Klein, Larry A.
Unicorn Projects, Inc.
Washington, DC
Klein, Lawrence
Department of History
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Klineberg, Stephen L.
Department of Sociology
Rice University
Houston, TX
Knittel, Kristin M.
Department of Art and Music
Seton Hall University
South Orange, NJ
Knox, Peter E.
Department of Classics
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Knupfer, Peter B.
Department of History
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Koelb, Clayton
Department of Germanic Languages
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Komanecky, Michael K.
Curatorial Division
Phoenix Art Museum
Phoenix, AZ
Komatsu, Sylvia
Vice President TV Production
KERA-TV/Channel 13
Dallas, TX
Kornblith, Gary J.
Department of History
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Kotei, Ebenezer
Objects Conservator
Hagley Museum and Library
Wilmington, DE
Koven, Seth
Department of History
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Krahnke, Steven
Radio and Television Center
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Kremer, Richard L.
Department of History
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Kupperman, Joel J.
Department of Philosophy
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT
Lachman, Charles
Department of Art History
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR
Lane, Barbara Miller
Art, Archaeology and Cities Office
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA
Lang, William L.
Department of History/Center for Columbia
River History
Portland State University
Portland, OR
Larson, Deborah
Department of Political Science
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Lastra, James F.
Department of English
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Lathers, Marie H.
Department of Foreign Languages and
Iowa State University
Ames, IA
Lawson, Jennifer
Executive Producer
Magic Box Mediaworks, Inc.
Washington, DC
LeLoup, Jean W.
International Communications and Culture
State University of New York
Cortland, NY
Lee, Leslie E.
Independent Scriptwriter
Dramatist and Dramatic Writing Program
New York University
New York, NY
Lefferts, Jr., H. Leedom
Department of Anthropology
Drew University
Madison, NJ
Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A.
Department of History
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, OH
Lehmann, Stephen
Van Pelt Library
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Leja, Michael
Department of Architecture
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Leon, Luis
Department of Religious Studies
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Leppert, Richard D.
Department of Cultural Studies and
Comparative Literature
University of Minnesota- Twin Cities
Minneapolis, MN
Lesses, Glenn
Department of Philosophy and Religious
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
Levine, Daniel H.
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Levy, David W.
Department of History
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Lewis, Russell L.
Andrew W. Mellon Director for Collections
and Research
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago, IL
Lewis, Theodore J.
Department of Religion
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Limon, Jose E.
Department of English
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Lincoln, Evelyn
Department of History of Art and
Brown University
Providence, RI
Lindemann, Mary
Department of History
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Lingeman, Richard R.
Independent Scholar
New York, NY
Lipkes, Jeffrey Michael
Department of History
Eckerd College
St. Petersburg, FL
Liskin-Gasparro, Judith
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA
Littlefield, Daniel C.
Department of History
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Locke, Nancy E.
Department of Art History
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI
Loether, Christopher
Department of Anthropology
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Lomahaftewa, Gloria
Native American Relations
Heard Museum
Phoenix, AZ
Lomax, Georgia
Covington Library
Covington, WA
Lomax, Michael
Dillard University
Atlanta, GA
Long, Richard A.
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Long, Sheri Spaine
Department of Foreign Languages and
University of Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Longfellow, David
Department of History
Baylor University
Waco, TX
Lopez-Morillas, Consuelo
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Lubin, David
Department of Art
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC
Lucas, George R.
Department of Leadership, Ethics, and Law
United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD
Luckman, Charles W.
Department of Languages and Literatures
Skagit Valley College
Mount Vernon, WA
Lyell, William A.
Department of Asian Languages
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Lynch, Kathryn L.
Department of English
Wellesley College
Wellesley, MA
MacLean, Nancy
Department of History
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
Mack, Deborah L.
Director of Public Programs
National Underground Railroad Freedom
Cincinnati, OH
Madrid, Arturo
Department of Modern Languages and
Trinity University
San Antonio, TX
Mahoney, Olivia
Director of Historical Documentation
Chicago Historical Society
Chicago, IL
Mailloux, Steven J.
Department of English and Comparative
University of California
Irvine, CA
Malatia, Torey
President and General
Chicago, IL
Mandala, Elias C.
Department of History
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Mandrell, James
Department of Romance and Comparative
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA
Manheimer, Ronald J.
Center for Creative Retirement
University of North Carolina
Asheville, NC
Marcum, Deanna B.
Council on Library and Information
Washington, DC
Markie, Peter
Department of Philosophy
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Martin, Robert S.
Department of Library Science
Texas Woman's University
Denton, TX
Martin, Russell L.
Curator of Newspapers
American Antiquarian Society
Worcester, MA
Martin, Jr., Waldo E.
Department of History
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Martinson, Tom L.
Department of Geography
Auburn University
Auburn, AL
Masich, Andrew E.
President and CEO
Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, PA
Mason, Jr., Theodore O.
African and African American Studies and
Department of English
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Matthews, Glenna
Independent Scholar
Berkeley, CA
May, Anita R.
Executive Director
Oklahoma Humanities Council
Oklahoma City, OK
May-Machunda, Phyllis M.
Humanities and Multicultural Studies
Moorhead State University
Moorhead, MN
Mayer, Thomas F.
Department of History
Augustana College
Rock Island, IL
Mazzone, Marian
Department of Art History
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC
McBride, Dwight A.
Department of English
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL
McCabe, Katie
Freelance Scriptwriter
Bethesda, MD
McCarthy, John A.
Department of Germanic and Slavic
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
McCarthy, Thomas A.
Department of Philosophy
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
McCurry, Stephanie
Department of History
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL
McEwan, Bonnie G.
Director of Archaeology
Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research
Tallahassee, FL
McGee, Micki
Humanities Program Consultant
Girls Dig It, Girls, Inc.
New York, NY
McGovern, Charles F.
National Museum of American History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
McInerney, Daniel J.
Department of History
Utah State University
Logan, UT
McKinney, Gordon B.
Appalachian Center
Berea College
Berea, KY
McKiven, Jr., Henry M.
Department of History
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL
McKnight, Brian
Department of East Asian Studies
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
McLeod, Susan M.
Chippewa Valley Museum
Eau Claire, WI
McLoud, Melissa
Center for Chesapeake Studies
Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum
St. Michaels, MD
McWilliams, Wilson Carey
Department of Political Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Meagher, Timothy J.
Archives and Museum Director
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Medine, Peter E.
Department of English
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Melchert, H. Craig
Department of Linguistics
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Melendez, A. Gabriel
Department of American Studies
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Mellowes, Marilyn
Boston, MA
Merritt, Russell L.
Film Studies Program
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Meyer, Marion L.
Middlemarch Films, Inc.
New York, NY
Michalove, Sharon D.
History Department
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL
Miller, Beverly D.
Department of English
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville, NC
Miller, Danny B.
Executive Producer
Philadelphia, PA
Miller, James A.
Department of English
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Miller, Thomas P.
Department of English
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ
Milner, II, Clyde A.
Mountain West Center for Regional Studies
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Minnich, Elizabeth A.
The Graduate School of Interdisciplinary
Arts and Sciences
The Union Institute
Cincinnati, OH
Mitcham, Carl
Division of Liberal Arts and International
Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO
Mitchell, Larry
Department of English
Texas A & M University
College Station, TX
Moline, Julio
TV Writer/Producer
Sombras Productions
Glendale, CA
Monkhouse, Christopher
Department of Decorative Arts
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Minneapolis, MN
Monshipouri, Mahmood
Department of Political Science
Quinnipiac College
Hamden, CT
Monson, Craig A.
Department of Music
Washington University
St. Louis, MO
Montgomery, Susan J.
Independent Scholar,
American History
Andover, MA
Moore, Charles B.
Division of Fine Arts and Humanities
Lemoyne-Owen College
Memphis, TN
Moore, Deborah Dash
Department of Religion and Program in
American Culture
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY
Morain, Thomas J.
State Historical Society of Iowa
Des Moines, IA
Morales, Maria H.
Department of Philosophy
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Morales, Sylvia
Sylvan Productions
Los Angeles, CA
Morawski, Jill G.
Department of Psychology
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT
Morgan, Ann Lee
Independent Scholar
Princeton, NJ
Morrissey, Melinda
Senior Program Coordinator
Chicago Teachers' Center
Chicago, IL
Mosby, Dewey F.
The Picker Art Gallery
Colgate University
Hamilton, NY
Muller, Jerry Z.
Department of History
Catholic University of America
Washington, DC
Munley, Mary Ellen
Director of Education
Field Museum of Natural History
Chicago, IL
Murphy, Russell E.
Department of English
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Little Rock, AR
Murray, Alice Yang
Department of History
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA
Murray, Andrea
Arts/Culture Producer
Arlington, VA
Murray, Janet H.
Laboratory for Advanced Computing
Georgia Institute for Technology
Atlanta, GA
Nadal, Antonio O.
Department of Puerto Rican Studies
City University of New York/Brooklyn
Brooklyn, NY
Nanney, Lisa
Department of English
North Carolina School of Science and
Durham, NC
Nardi, Patricia
Department of Social Studies
George W. Hewlett High School
Woodmere, NY
Near, Susan R.
Director of Museum Services
Montana Historical Society
Helena, MT
Nelson, Claudia
Department of English
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX
Nelson-Mayson, Lin
Minnesota Museum of American Art
St. Paul, MN
Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
Department of Archives
Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Chicago, IL
Newberry, Patricia Casserly
English Department
Hutchison School
Memphis, TN
Nicandri, David L.
Washington State Historical Society
Tacoma, WA
Nichols, Ronnie A.
Nichols Consulting
Little Rock, AR
Nickerson, Catherine
Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Nicklaus, Carol
Department of Humanities
Amarillo College
Amarillo, TX
Nielsen, Donald A.
Department of Sociology
State University of New York
Oneonta, NY
Nodes, Daniel J.
Humanities Division
Hamline University
St. Paul, MN
Norris, Andrea S.
Spencer Museum of Art
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Nuxoll, Elizabeth M.
The Papers of Robert Morris
City University of New York/Queens
Flushing, NY
O'Neill, Patricia
Department of English
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY
O'Rourke, Michael
Department of Philosophy
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID
Oettinger, Jr., Marion
Senior Curator and Curator of Latin
American Art
San Antonio Museum of Art
San Antonio, TX
Olivares, Julian
Department of Modern and Classical
University of Houston
Houston, TX
Olson, Craig
Sioux City Public Museum
Sioux City, IA
Orvell, Miles
American Studies Program
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
Osa, Osayimwense
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA
Osler, Margaret J.
Department of History
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta
Ott, Katherine
National Museum of Amercian History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Owen, Wendy E.
Director of Admission
The Park School of Baltimore
Brooklandville, MD
Owens, Jessie Ann
Department of Music
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA
Palka, Joel W.
Department of Anthropology
University of Illinois
Chicago, IL
Paquette, Robert L.
Department of History
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY
Parker, Carolyn H.
Department of History
Alabama A & M University
Normal, AL
Parr, Leslie
Department of Communications
Loyola University
New Orleans, LA
Patton, Sarah
Stone Lantern Films
Glen Echo, MD
Pauly, John J.
Department of Communication
Saint Louis University
Saint Louis, MO
Pavich, Linda
Department of English
Troy High School
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Pearl, Nancy
Collection Development and Washington
Center for the Book
Seattle Public Library
Seattle, WA
Peck, Allan C.
Clairemont High School
San Diego, CA
Peebles, Patrick A.
Department of History
University of Missouri
Kansas City, MO
Pemberton, Gayle
Department of English and Program of
African American Studies
Wesleyan University
Middletown, CT
Perez, Nelida
Center for Puerto Rican Studies
City University of New York/Hunter
New York, NY
Peterson, F. Ross
Department of History
Utah State University
Logan, UT
Peterson, Jacqueline L.
Department of History
Washington State University
Vancouver, WA
Peterson, Nancy J.
Department of English
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Petruso, Karl M.
Department of Sociology and Office of
Research and Graduate Studies
University of Texas
Arlington, TX
Phayer, J. Michael
Department of History
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
Phillips, June K.
College of Arts and Humanities
Weber State University
Ogden, UT
Pierce, Ranae
Sweet Branch Library
Salt Lake City Public Library
Salt Lake City, UT
Pierce, Robert
Department of Comparative Literature
Oberlin College
Oberlin, OH
Pigg, Daniel
Department of English
University of Tennessee
Martin, TN
Piggott, Jill
Department of English and Humanities
York County Technical College
Wells, ME
Pilliod, Elizabeth
Department of Art History
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
Pollard, Frances
Library Division
Virginia Historical Society
Richmond, VA
Pomeroy, Sarah B.
Department of Classics
City University of New York/Hunter
New York, NY
Posadas, Barbara M.
Department of History
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Poster, Amy G.
Department of Asian Art
Brooklyn Museum of Art
Brooklyn, NY
Powers-Beck, Jeffrey P.
Department of English
East Tennessee State University
Johnson City, TN
Pretzer, William S.
Senior Leader for Education Strategy
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Dearborn, MI
Preus, Anthony
Department of Philosophy
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY
Prosterman, Leslie
American Studies Dept.
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Baltimore, MD
Pulido, Alberto
Department of American Studies
Arizona State University West
Phoenix, AZ
Radcliffe, Elizabeth S.
Department of Philosophy
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Ramage, Nancy H.
Art History Department
Ithaca College
Ithaca, NY
Ramirez, Jan S.
Curatorial Affairs
Museum of the City of New York
New York, NY
Rapf, Joanna E.
Department of English
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK
Rasch, William
Department of Germanic Studies
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Rauch, Alan
School of Literature, Communication, and
Ivan Allen College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
Redmount, Carol A.
Department of Near Eastern Studies
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
Reidy, Joseph P.
Department of History
Howard University
Washington, DC
Reiff, Janice L.
Department of History
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Rettig, James R.
Boatwright Memorial Library
University of Richmond
Richmond, VA
Rice, John A.
Independent Scholar
Houston, TX
Rice, Kym S.
Museums Studies Department
George Washington University
Washington, DC
Rickard, David
Director of Native American Programs
Farmer's Museum, Inc
Cooperstown, NY
Rieder, Jonathan
Department of Sociology
Barnard College
New York, NY
Righter, Robert W.
Professor of History, Emeritus
University of Texas
El Paso, TX
Research Professor of History
South Methodist University
Dallas, TX
Rivas, Daniel
School of Humanities and Languages
Irvine Valley College
Irvine, CA
Rivera, Paul R.
Edison Community College
Fort Myers, FL
Roberts, Katherine A.
Exhibit Curator
Minnesota Historical Society
St Paul, MN
Roberts, Pam
Rattlesnake Productions
Bozeman, MT
Roberts, Patricia
Convivial Design
Abiquiu, NM
Robertson, Donna V.
College of Architecture
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL
Robinson, Bunice C.
Department of English
Mumford High School
Detroit, MI
Robinson, Forrest G.
Department of American Studies
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA
Robinson, Joanne Maguire
Department of Religious Studies
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC
Rodriguez-Luis, Julio J.
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI
Rodriquez, Sarita
Executive Producer
The National Faculty - Austin
Austin, TX
Rollings, Willard H.
Department of History
University of Nevada
Las Vegas, NV
Roosa, Mark S.
Conservation Division
Library of Congress
Washington, DC
Rose, Carolyn L.
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Rosenthal, Bernice G.
Department of History
Fordham University
Bronx, NY
Ross, Mary Ellen
Department of Religion
Trinity University
San Antonio, TX
Ross, Steven J.
Department of Communications
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN
Rothman, Ellen
Associate Director
Massachusetts Foundation for the
Watertown, MA
Rouse, John S.
Department of Theater
University of California-San Diego
LaJolla, CA
Rowland, Leslie S.
Editor, Freedmen and Southern Society
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Rubin, Anne
Department of History
American University
Washington, DC
Ruf, Gregory
Department of Anthropology
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY
Rullkoetter, Jill
Kaylor Skinner Director of Education and
Public Programs
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle, WA
Russell, Ann E.
Northeast Document
Conservation Center
Andover, MA
Rutkoff, Peter M.
Department of History
Kenyon College
Gambier, OH
Ryan, Michael T.
University Library
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Rydell, Robert W.
Department of History and Philosophy
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
Sabo, III, George
Department of Anthropology
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
Sachatello-Sawyer, Bonnie
Project WET (Watercourse Education for
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT
Sagastume, Gustavo
General Manager
WLRN, Channel 17
Miami, FL
Saidenberg, Susan
Director of Exhibitions and Programs
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American
New York, NY
Sainsbury, Alison K.
Department of English
Illinois Wesleyan University
Bloomington, IL
Saller, Richard P.
Division of the Social Sciences
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Salvador, Mari Lyn C.
Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Sandage, Scott A.
Department of History
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA
Sandeen, Eric
Program in American Studies
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Sandler, Stephanie
Department of Russian
Amherst College
Amherst, MA
Satchell, Mary
Department of English
East Bay High School
Gibonston, FL
Savage, Barbara D.
Department of History
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Saxonhouse, Arlene W.
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Schaeper, Thomas J.
Department of History
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY
Scharnhorst, Gary
Department of English
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Scher, Steven P.
Department of German Studies
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH
Schiffer, James
Department of English
Hampden-Sydney College
Hampden-Sydney, VA
Schlutter, Morten
Department of Religious Studies
Ripon College
Ripon, WI
Schneider, Beth B.
Director of Art Education
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Houston, TX
Schor, Esther H.
Department of English
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Schrager, Sam
Culture, Text, and Language - Folklorist
Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA
Schulzinger, Robert D.
Department of History
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Schwartz, Nina
J. D. Hardy Elementary School
Wellesley, MA
Scotese, Joseph
English Department
Whitney-Young Magnet High School
Chicago, IL
Scott, Mary E.
Humanities Department
San Francisco State University
San Francisco, CA
Scranton, Philip B.
Department of History
Rutgers University
Camden, NJ
Scully, Pamela F.
Department of History
Denison University
Granville, OH
Seddig, Robert
Department of Political Science
Allegheny College
Meadville, PA
Seger, Joe D.
Cobb Institute of Archaeology
Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, MS
Seidman, Robert J.
Independent Screenwriter
New York, NY
Selig, Ruth O.
National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
Senkewicz, Robert M.
Department of History
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Sensibar, Judith L.
Department of English
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Sepper, Dennis L.
Department of Philosophy
University of Dallas
Irving, TX
Serwer, Jacquelyn
Chief Curator
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Washington, DC
Sethia, Tara
Department of History
California State Polytechnic
Pomona, CA
Shane, III, Orrin C.
Curator of Anthropology
Science Museum of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN
Shealy, Daniel L.
Department of English
University of North Carolina
Charlotte, NC
Sheftall, Beverly Guy
Women's Studies/English Department
Spelman College
Atlanta, GA
Sherow, James E.
Department of History
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Shifflett, Crandall A.
Department of History
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Blacksburg, VA
Shogren, Samuel W.
Executive Director
Aspen Historical Society
Aspen, CO
Sicilia, David B.
Department of History
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Sieber, Sharon L.
Department of Foreign Languages
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID
Siener, William
Executive Director
Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society
Buffalo, NY
Simon, Janice
Department of Art History
University of Georgia
Athens, GA
Sims, Lowery Stokes
The Studio Museum in Harlem
New York, NY
Singleton, John
School of Education
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Smith, Elizabeth H.
Preservation and Conservation
Joyner Library
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC
Smith, Gary N.
Executive Director
Old City Park: The Historical Village of
Dallas, TX
Smith, Patricia
Department of Philosophy
Baruch College, City
University of New York
New York, NY
Smith, Robin A.
Department of Philosophy
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX
Smith, Suzanne
Department of Art and Art History
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA
Smock, William
Independent Filmmaker
Berkeley, CA
Sparacino, Elizabeth
Department of Social Studies
Adlai Stevenson High School
Lincolnshire, IL
Spencer, Taronda
Spellman College
Atlanta, GA
Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael
Laboratory for Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Spodek, Howard
Department of History
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
Staples, Thornton
Digital Library Research and Development
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Steinberg, Mark D.
Department of History
University of Illinois
Urbana, IL
Steiner, Linda
Department of Journalism and Mass Media
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ
Steinhauser, Kenneth B.
Department of Theological Studies
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, MO
Stephens, A. T.
Museum Consultant
Washington, DC
Stephens, Delores
Department of English
Morehouse College
Atlanta, GA
Stodola, Zabelle
Department of English
University of Arkansas
Little Rock, AR
Stott, William M.
Department of American Studies
University of Texas
Austin, TX
Struever, Nancy S.
Humanities Center
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Swank, Scott T.
Canterbury Shaker Village
Canterbury, NH
Swidler, Ann
Department of Sociology
University of California
Berkeley, CA
Szabo, Joyce
Department of Art and Art History
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Tang, Xiaobing
Department of East Asian Languages and
University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Tavares, Joseph A.
Independent Producer
Boston, MA
Taylor, Beverly
Department of English
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Taylor-Thompson, Betty E.
Department of English
Texas Southern University
Houston, TX
Telles, Ray
Paradigm Productions
San Francisco, CA
Teverow, Paul
Department of Social Science
Missouri Southern State College
Joplin, MO
Thomas, William G.
Virginia Center for Digital History
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA
Thomason, Sarah G.
Program of Linguistics
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Thompson, Jennifer Jeffries
Helena, MT
Thurber, Barton D.
Department of English
University of San Diego
San Diego, CA
Thurman, Suzanne R.
Department of History
University of Alabama
Huntsville, AL
Tichi, Cecelia
Department of English
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
Tiryakian, Edward A.
Department of Sociology
Duke University
Durham, NC
Torres, Sasha
Department of English
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Transou, Carol G.
Teacher/American History (Retired)
Science Hill High School
Johnson City, TN
Troyansky, David G.
Department of History
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX
Truxes, Thomas M.
Department of History and English
Westbrook High School and Department of
Trinity College
Hartford, CT
Tullos, Allen E.
Department of American Studies
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Turk, Eleanor L.
Department of History
Indiana University East
Richmond, IN
Ulrich, David L.
Social Studies Department
Amherst High School
Amherst, NY
Velasquez, Eduardo A.
Department of Politics
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA
Vexler, Jill
Museum Consultant
New York, NY
Vicchio, Stephen J.
Department of Philosophy
College of Notre Dame of Maryland
Baltimore, MD
Vikor, Desider L.
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland
College Park, MD
Vogel, Susan
Independent Specialist in African Art
New York, NY
Wagner, Paul
Film Producer/Director
Paul Wagner Productions
Charlottesville, VA
Walker, Anna L.
Program Coordinator
Mississippi Humanities Council
Jackson, MS
Wall, John N.
Department of English
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC
Wallach, Alan
Department of Art and Art History
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Wallach, William K.
Bentley Historical Library
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Walter, Katherine L.
Archives/Special Collections Department
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Lincoln, NE
Ward, Christine W.
Chief Archivist
New York State Archives
Albany, NY
Ward, Jr., Jerry W.
Department of English
Tougaloo College
Tougaloo, MS
Ware, Susan
The Schlesinger Library,
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Watkins, Christopher
Department of English
Baylor School
Chattanooga, TN
Watt, John R.
John King Fairbank Center
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Webb, Elizabeth A.
Curator of Collections
Pratt Museum
Homer, AK
Weinstein, David
Department of Politics
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, NC
Weiss, Susan Forscher
Peabody Conservatory of Music
John Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Wells, Donna M.
Moorland-Spingarn Research Center
Howard University
Washington, DC
Wenner, Lisa E.
The Public Libraries of Williamsburg
Williamsburg, MA
Westermark, Victoria
Montana Tech at the University of Montana
Butte, MT
Wheatley, Steven C.
Director of Programs
American Council of Learned Societies
Mountainside, NJ
Whittenburg, James P.
Department of History
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA
Whittington, Stephen
Hudson Museum
University of Maine
Orono, ME
Wiegand, Wayne A.
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Madison, WI
Wigen, Karen E.
Department of History
Duke University
Durham, NC
Wigger, John H.
Department of History
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO
Wilder, Craig Steven
Department of History
Williams College
Williamstown, MA
Williams, Lou F.
Department of History
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS
Williams, Peter W.
Department of Comparative Religion
Miami University
Oxford, OH
Williams, Ray
Ackland Art Museum
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC
Willis, Eliza J.
Department of Political Science
Grinnell College
Grinnell, IA
Wilson, Thomas A.
Department of History
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY
Wintz, Cary D.
Department of History
Texas Southern University
Houston, TX
Witek, John W.
Department of History
Georgetown University
Washington, DC
Witkowski, Linda
Conservation Department
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Indianapolis, IN
Wittenberg, Judith B.
Associate Director
New England Association of Schools and
Bedford, MA
Woestman, Kelly A.
Department of History
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg, KS
Woldu, Gail H.
Department of Music
Trinity College
Hartford, CT
Wolf, Arthur
High Desert Museum
Bend, OR
Woloch, Nancy
Department of History
Barnard College
New York, NY
Woolfolk, Alan N.
Department of Sociology
Oglethorpe University
Atlanta, GA
Worobec, Christine
Department of History
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL
Wright, Josephine R.
Department of Music
College of Wooster
Wooster, OH
Wyatt-Brown, Bertram
Department of History
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL
Yans-McLaughlin, Virginia
Department of History
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
New Brunswick, NJ
Yogi, Stan
Director of Planned Giving and Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
San Francisco, CA
Young-Sanchez, Margaret A.
Curator, Pre-Columbian Art
Denver Art Museum
Denver, CO
Zaki, Hoda M.
Department of History and Political Science
Hood College
Frederick, MD
Zamora, Juan C.
Department of Spanish and Portuguese
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA
Zaniello, Thomas A.
Department of Literature and Language
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY
Zaret, David R.
Department of Sociology
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN
Zboray, Ronald J.
Department of History
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA
Zebrowski, Martha
Independent Scholar
New York, NY
Zhang, Aiping
Department of English and American
California State University
Chico, CA
Senior Staff Members of the Endowment
William R. Ferris
Deputy Chairman
John Roberts
Chief of Staff
Ann S. Young Orr
General Counsel
Virginia Canter
Director of Governmental Affairs
Michael Bagley
Director of Publications
Mary Lou Beatty
Director of Public Affairs
Ashley Carr
Director of Strategic Planning
Jeffrey Thomas
Director of Federal-State Partnership
Edythe Manza
Director of Enterprise
Nancy Sturm
Assistant Director of the Office of
Governmental Affairs
Marna Gettleman
Division of Education Programs
Candace Katz
Division of Preservation and Access
George F. Farr, Jr.
Division of Public Programs
Nancy Rogers
Division of Research
James Herbert
Office of Challenge Grants
Stephen M. Ross
Accounting Office
Anthony A. Banko
Administrative Services Office
Barry Maynes
Equal Employment Opportunity
Willie McGhee
Grants Office
David J. Wallace
Human Resources Office
Timothy G. Connelly
Chief Information Officer Information
Resources Management
Brett Bobley
Inspector General
Sheldon L. Bernstein
Enayet Rahim
The National Council on the Humanities
William Ferris
Vice Chairman
Darryl J. Gless
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Linda Lee Aaker
Austin, Texas
Edward L. Ayers
Charlottesville, Virginia
Ira Berlin
Washington, D.C.
Arthur Blaustein
Berkeley, California
Pedro G. Castillo
Watsonville, California
Margaret P. Duckett
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Evelyn Edson
Scottsville, Virginia
David Finn
New York, New York
Lorraine Weiss Frank
Phoenix, Arizona
Ramón A. Gutiérrez
San Diego, California
Theodore Hamerow
Madison, Wisconsin
Nathan O. Hatch
South Bend, Indiana
Charles Patrick Henry
Berkeley, California
Doris B. Holleb
Chicago, Illinois
Martha C. Howell
New York, New York
Peggy Whitman Prenshaw
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Robert I. Rotberg
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Theodore W. Striggles
New York, New York
Harold K. Skramstad, Jr.
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Susan E. Trees
Washington, D.C.
Susan Ford Wiltshire
Nashville, Tennessee
National Endowment for the Humanities
Summary of Grants and Awards, FY 2000
Division/Program Number
Federal/StatePartnership 58 $29,249,468 $1,346,685
Education Programs
Education Development
and Demonstration
Seminars and Institutes
PreservationandAccess 223 19,698,179 1,047,515
255 10,618,744 1,208,373
Research Programs
Fellowships and Stipends
Collaborative Research
Office of Challenge
Challenge Grants
Regional Centers Planning
HumanitiesFellows 8 32,000 ‐‐‐
2 10,995 ‐‐‐
Total 1,230 $84,717,290 $15,297,094
FundsAvailable ($in
Totalfiscalyear2000appropriationforhumanities 115,700
Unobligatedbalance fromfiscalyear1999 3,898
Fundstransferredfromotherfederalagencies 1,526
Totalfundsavailable $122,143
Totalobligations $117,374
1/ New grants, supplemental awards on previous years' grants, transfers to other
agencies, and program contracts.
2/ Totals include obligations for new grants, supplemental grants, program contracts,
and other program-related purposes. Included are awards that are (a) made by NEH
using appropriated funds, (b) made by other federal agencies using appropriated
funds transferred from NEH (with each such transfer counted as one award), (c)
made by NEH using program funds transferred to the Endowment by other federal
agencies, and (d) made by NEH using funds contributed by nonfederal entities. (FY
2000 obligations of $100.0 million equal FY 2000 program appropriations totalling
$97.8 million, plus $3.2 million in prior-year funds carried over into FY 2000, plus
$1.2 million in prior- year deobligations, plus $1.2 million in funds provided by the
U.S. Park Service and the Appalachian Regional Commission, plus $1.2 million in
non-federal contributions to NEH programs, minus $4.6 million in funds carried over
into FY 2001.)
3/ Totals include definite program funds used to match gifts.
ote: Detail may not add to totals due to rounding.
Grants by State
Total Grants: 15
Amount: $759,034
Total Grants: 11
Amount: $1,001,864
Total Grants: 12
Amount: $1,611,571
Total Grants: 5
Amount: $500,597
Total Grants: 82
Amount: $6,894,775
Total Grants: 13
Amount: $942,670
Total Grants: 16
Amount: $1,437,928
Total Grants: 3
Amount: $641,612
District of Columbia
Total Grants: 30
Amount: $3,499,044
Total Grants: 33
Amount: $1697,758
Total Grants: 20
Amount: $2,779,467
Total Grants: 6
Amount: $937,597
Total Grants: 8
Amount: $492,997
Total Grants: 61
Amount: $7,277,182
Total Grants: 25
Amount: $1,513,452
Total Grants: 17
Amount: $1,388,137
Total Grants: 8
Amount: $913,929
Total Grants: 8
Amount: $978,862
Total Grants: 13
Amount: $927,518
Total Grants: 12
Amount: $1,059,661
Total Grants: 12
Amount: $2,855,540
Total Grants: 72
Amount: $5,880,267
Total Grants: 26
Amount: $1,985,658
Total Grants: 19
Amount: $1,812,839
Total Grants: 11
Amount: $689,624
Total Grants: 24
Amount: $1,020,678
Total Grants: 12
Amount: $558,952
Total Grants: 7
Amount: $687,812
Total Grants: 17
Amount: $687,097
New Hampshire
Total Grants: 15
Amount: $1,344,638
New Jersey
Total Grants: 43
Amount: $2,212,614
New Mexico
Total Grants: 13
Amount: $1,125,076
New York
Total Grants: 140
Amount: $12,012,886
North Carolina
Total Grants: 40
Amount: $2,674,639
North Dakota
Total Grants: 12
Amount: $596,714
Total Grants: 50
Amount: $2,821,510
Total Grants: 10
Amount: $686,699
Total Grants: 13
Amount: $1,016,207
Total Grants: 45
Amount: $3,692,993
Rhode Island
Total Grants: 9
Amount: $1,096,719
South Carolina
Total Grants: 14
Amount: $1,025,487
South Dakota
Total Grants: 2
Amount: $632,964
Total Grants: 11
Amount: $1,121,433
Total Grants: 58
Amount: $3,173,869
Total Grants: 10
Amount: $867,310
Total Grants: 9
Amount: $1,302,176
Total Grants: 41
Amount: $2,990,783
Total Grants: 21
Amount: $1,456,062
West Virginia
Total Grants: 7
Amount: $533,716
Total Grants: 29
Amount: $1,979,499
Total Grants: 9
Amount: $478,127
American Samoa
Total Grants: 1
Amount: $227,545
Total Grants: 2
Amount: $262,448
Northern Marianas
Total Grants: 1
Amount: $243,828
Puerto Rico
Total Grants: 3
Amount: $542,106
Virgin Islands
Total Grants: 1
Amount: $252,563
Total Grants: 6
Amount: $407,652
*Awards to American citizens resident