An Android-Based Covert Channel
Framework on Wearables Using Status
Bar Notifications
Kyle Denney, A. Selcuk Uluagac, Hidayet Aksu, and Kemal Akkaya
Abstract Covert channels circumvent security measures to steal sensitive data
undetectable to an onlooker. Traditionally, covert channels utilize global system
resources or settings to send hidden messages. This chapter introduces covert
channels and focuses on a novel covert channel on Android-based Internet of
Things (IoT) devices. Particularly, we were able to make a covert channel using
notifications a user gets from everyday applications. The chapter will also present
this covert channel by discussing the framework, evaluating the performance, and
demonstrating the functionality and flexibility of the proposed model.
1 Introduction
By 2020, it is estimated that there will be 50 to 100 billion devices connected to
the Internet [8, 9, 18]. All of these devices traditionally communicate overtly using
established communication protocols (i.e., TCP/IP), but it is possible to have these
devices communicate covertly without detection.
Covert communication is the art of using typical communication standards and
transforming them into a way that only two parties are aware of the message.
This is different from encryption where the message is disguised in a way where
an onlooker cannot discern the meaning. With covert channels, the onlooker is
completely unaware the message exists in the first place.
This chapter will discuss how covert channels occur in computer systems. We
start with a general overview of covert channels in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we discuss
the timeline of covert channels and how they developed into their current state.
Section 4 highlights a covert channel model we introduce that works on Android-
based IoT systems, written in a way to show how covert channels may be developed
in any computer system. Section 5 discusses the results of our proposed covert
K. Denney () · A. S. Uluagac · H. Aksu · K. Akkaya
College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Florida International Univeristy, Miami, FL,
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
M. Conti et al. (eds.), Versatile Cybersecurity, Advances in Information
Security 72,
2 K. Denney et al.
channel on a live testbed. We discuss possible ways to eliminate our covert channel
in Sect. 6. Finally, Sect. 7 discusses where future development in covert channels
may be headed–discussing both future attack models and future defenses to covert
2 Background
Covert channels [2, 4, 16] are a way to steal sensitive information in manners
undetectable to a third-party onlooker. Essentially, these channels abuse freely-
available resources in a system to create novel means of communications. For
instance, a storage covert channel [16] can alter values of a system resource using
a predetermined codebook. A seperate process, knowing the codebook, can detect
these changes and interpret the encoded message. This allows processes to work
together to send messages surreptitiously within the system. The rest of this section
will describe the history and traditional methodology behind covert channels.
2.1 Traditional Threat Model
Covert channels were first described by Lampson [13] to show how processes
that were not intended for communication can be used to send hidden messages.
Over time, various forms of covert channels were introduced [14, 16, 20]. This
subsection introduces the concept of covert channel and describes how the different
types of channels may be used by attackers in networks.
The process introduced by Simmons is a model we still use today to describe
covert channels [19]. He describes a process similar to prisoners attempting to
escape a prison. In this model, as shown in Fig. 1, Alice and Bob are two prisoners
that plan to escape their confinement under the watch of a warden, Wendy. Alice and
Bob must come up with a way to communicate without Wendy finding out. If Wendy
discovers their communication, Alice and Bob are thrown into solitary confinement.
In order to escape prison, Alice and Bob must communicate with messages that look
innocent to Wendy, but actually contains information about escaping.
Fig. 1 Covert channel conceptual model [16]
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 3
This analogy can be translated to how covert channels work. Two applications
must be able to send hidden information between each other without the warden,
generally a firewall or antivirus software, discovering the communication. To hide
the communication, covert channels generally use resources that are universally
given to processes to use at will. Traditionally, there are two ways to communicate
using these resources: timing-based or storage-based.
2.2 Types of Covert Channels
Timing-based covert channels communicate by using the time to send messages. A
covert mechanism commonly used in these channels is the systematic delaying of
packets being sent across the network. One covert sender will send packets across
the network and delay them intentionally. The amount of the delay corresponds to
a symbol that is part of the message. The covert receiver will detect these symbols
and interpret the message.
On the other hand, storage-based covert channels work by altering values
in system resources. Storage-based channels operate in intervals that are known
between the two processes typically a time with the least chance of user-
interference. When the channel is operating, the covert sender process will change
the value of a resource, like the volume setting, to correspond to a symbol in
the message. The covert receiver process will read the changes in the values and
interpret the message from there.
2.3 Motivations for Using Covert Channels
As with most security concepts, covert channels can be used offensively and
defensively. For example, an attacker may establish a covert channel on a system
in order to steal data undetected to the system administrators. Imagine the attacker
implanting a covert channel on a military base: once established, he can use
this covert channel to steal military secrets from the base without high-command
knowing his presence.
On the other hand, covert channels are very important for defensive purposes.
Take a military unit lost in enemy lands, for instance. Their entire mission can be
compromised once the enemy knows of their presence. If the unit uses traditional
communication methods to relay information, the enemy would be able to uncover
their existence. Even if the unit uses encryption, the enemy could infer the intentions
of their messages and detect the unit. However, through the use of covert channels,
the unit will be able to remain undetected to the enemy while gaining crucial
information from their commanders.
4 K. Denney et al.
The fact that covert channels can be used for either purpose makes it especially
important for research to be done in creating new covert channels and uncovering
ways to mitigate existing covert channels.
3 Use Cases of Covert Channels
Covert channels are used throughout computer networks to send messages surrep-
titiously. Typically, if a system can connect to a network, a covert channel can
be developed. In this section, we look at the fields that can be affected by covert
channels and examples for each field. We start with the first covert channels and
work our way up the timeline to covert channels on today’s systems.
As mentioned before, covert channels were first introduced by Lampson in 1973
[13]. His work, A Note on the Confinement Problem” focused on monolithic
systems. He noted that it was possible to obtain information on who called an indi-
vidual program by utilizing resources and system calls not designed for information
sending. At the time, Lampson’s work only defined covert channels operating on
a single system or mainframe; using the channel to uncover information that was
privileged and inaccessible to users. However, it quickly became understood that
these covert channels could be used across multiple networked devices.
Once computer systems became networked together, covert channels increased
their potential [20]. Researchers examined that it was possible to hide information in
packet headers to discretely send information. The first instance of a timing channel
was introduced by Girling [12] where he noted it was possible to systematically
delay packets to hide information. From there, it quickly became realized that it is
possible to create a covert channel on practically any networking protocol as one can
either: (1) create a timing channel by systematically delaying the protocol packets
or (2) create a storage channel by hiding information in the protocol packet headers.
Since a covert channel can be introduced on practically any networked device,
they can have a potentially massive impact on the world. With 50 to 100 billion
devices connected to the Internet in the near future [8, 9], the amount of data
transferred in covert channels will be massive. For instance, the covert channel
showcased in this chapter uses the notification class on Android used to notify
a user of an incoming message from an application. Since notifications are used
universally on all Android devices, this covert channel impacts the full spectrum of
Android devices including IoT devices that utilize the Android Wear operating
system. As of May 2017, Google announced it has over 2 billion active Android
devices running in the world [15]. This means the covert channel we discuss has a
high potential to affect millions of users.
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 5
4 A Novel Covert Channel over Android-Based Notifications
In this section we introduce our proposed covert channel model. We show how it is
possible to create a covert channel using the notifications that show on an Android
system when one receives an SMS message or email.
Starting with an introduction to the Android operating system, we then move on
to how the notifications themselves are created on an Android device. We showcase
how one can manipulate these notifications to create both a timing and storage
channel. Going step-by-step through the creation of both models, we also show how
a covert channel may be developed on any system or protocol.
4.1 Android OS
The Android operating system is based on Linux, with much of the security designs
and features being extensions of Linux. The main Android platform is a Java Virtual
Machine running on top of the Linux kernel. What makes Android different from
Linux is that each application running on Android is awarded the same privilege
level meaning that every application, including Google applications, have the same
limitations and privileges.
When an application is running, it is given a unique user ID with unique
privileges it can access from the system (these are awarded by the user in the form
of permissions). For instance, applications that are given the Wi-Fi permission are
allowed to use the phone’s Internet connection all others are barred from this
Since each application is its own user on the device, applications are not allowed
to talk to each other directly. This technique is called sandboxing and is a typical
way to increase the security of a device. Essentially, sandboxing works by giving
each application a unique user ID. That user ID is then paired with its own set of
permissions and system resources and then applications are not allowed to share
information between each other. To get around this, additional permissions must
be granted based on the type of communication the two applications would like to
Covert channels can attempt to subvert these sandboxing methods [10, 11].
Applications may form either a timing-based or a storage-based covert channel
with each other in order to share their own privileged information. One application
can write information by altering a system resource while the second application
can read that information as the resource is changed. Since system resources are
universally given to applications, these attacks circumvent the security measures
Android employs.
6 K. Denney et al.
4.1.1 Android Notifications and Android Wear
The covert channel framework that is presented in this paper uses the notification
mechanism available on Android-based wearables. Notifications are messages that
are displayed to the user to give information about an application that is running.
Examples of notifications would be a new SMS message, notice that a file finished
downloading, or information about a new system update for the device itself. In
this sub-section, the structure of a notification is described and the functionality of
notifications across devices is introduced as it is an important concept to understand
the covert channel technique introduced in this paper.
Traditionally, the status bar holds all of the notifications that appear on an
Android smart phone. When an application needs to tell the user of something
important, it creates a notification and displays it on the status bar. The basic
structure of a notification includes a notification ID which is used by the smart
device to distinguish different notifications, a title that displays at the top of a
notification, and the text that gives more information to the user.
Starting in Android 4.3, support for Android wearables was introduced [5]. Using
the Android Wear application, a smartphone can sync with a smartwatch. The two
devices can then share information such as notifications between each other and
make a more user-friendly experience by being more integrated with the user’s life.
In order for notifications to be pushed from the phone to the wearable (or vice
versa), a notification listening service on the wearable needs to be implemented.
When the user gives the BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE permis-
sion to an application, the application is allowed to access information about every
notification that appears on the status bar. If the user has a wearable device synced
with their smart device, the permission allows for all notifications across both
devices to be read. Since all notifications appear on both devices, it does not matter
which device the application is installed on for it to read the notifications.
Note that many applications on the Android marketplace today utilize this
permission. Applications can sync with many devices and send notifications from
a phone to other personal devices such as a computer or tablet. Moreover, with
a simple search for ‘notification reader’ application on the Google Play Store, a
myriad of applications appear that advertise a more user-friendly experience by
sharing notifications across devices. Unfortunately, when an application advertises
that devices can work together, the user is more inclined to give permissions such
4.2 Threat Model
With this information in mind, we can use these notifications in Android systems to
develop a covert channel. First, we must establish the threat model we will be using
for this covert channel. Imagine a rogue employee at a company who wishes to steal
company secrets. He can sync his Android watch to his work tablet and establish
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 7
a covert sending application on the tablet and a covert receiving application on the
watch. From there, he can make a covert channel that sends messages by hiding the
data in notifications. The tablet can create notifications and the watch will read these
notifications and infer the hidden data from within. Below we will describe methods
to create this covert channel.
4.3 Covert Channel Framework
The covert channel that is introduced in this paper uses Android Wearable notifica-
tions to send information between applications on the same device, or even across
multiple devices. We first describe the general framework, then introduce how we
use the framework to make both storage-based and timing-based covert channels.
The first application we make is the covert sending application. The covert sender
is responsible for creating notifications that will be used for the covert channel. It
creates notifications with specific notification ID values that have pre-established
The second application, the covert receiver, is responsible for reading these
notifications and determining the hidden message. This receiving application is
assumed to have the BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE permission
enabled, allowing it to read notifications on the Android system. The receiver can
read the notification ID values and infer the hidden message by comparing it to the
pre-established codebook.
Below we describe how this can be done using both a timing-based and a storage-
based covert channel methodology.
4.3.1 Previous Work
We have previously published works with this covert channel framework [6, 7]. In
past works, our framework was only a storage channel framework. In this chapter,
we expand on the framework to function as both a timing and storage channel.
Additionally, we improve on the storage channel model to have a higher throughput,
which we will analyze in later sections.
4.3.2 Timing-Based Framework
Here we describe how a timing-based covert channel can be achieved using
In the timing-based framework, the sending and receiving applications first have
to establish a timing codebook. For our purposes, we established the receiver to
look for a notification at every t intervals. We also created 3 notification ID values
to be read: start, stop, and message. These ID values are arbitrary as long as both
applications know what the corresponding values are.
8 K. Denney et al.
To establish the covert communication, the sending application creates a notifica-
tion with the start value. When the notification is read by the receiving application,
it starts a timer that reads for notifications every t intervals.
The sender, with a timer of its own, then takes the message it wants to send and
converts it into its hexadecimal data. The sender then reads the current data value
in the stream and waits for the appropriate t intervals (e.g., if the data value is A,
the sender waits 10 t intervals; the sender also waits a full 16 t intervals if the data
value is 0). When the sender has waited the appropriate time, it creates a notification
with the message value and then moves on to the next data value in the stream and
repeats the process.
When the receiving application reads the start notification, the application starts
looking for notifications with the message value every t intervals. If the application
does not detect a notification, it increases a counter. This counter counts up until
either a notification is finally read or the counter counts up to 16. The value of the
counter whenever it is reset is added to the receiving application’s message stream.
When the message is complete, the sending application creates a notification with
the stop value. The receiving application reads this notification and stops its timer
and counter. The receiver then stores the entire message it collected and the covert
message is complete.
Figure 2 describes the covert channel model for the timing channel framework.
The sending application creates notifications with specific time intervals in between.
Then, the receiving application reads these altering timing values to interpret the
hidden message.
4.3.3 Storage-Based Framework
The framework for a storage-based covert channel is similar to the timing-based
framework. Here, we again use a start and stop notification to initialize and termi-
nate the covert message respectively. However, this time, the message notification
varies in value.
Fig. 2 Design of the timing-based covert channel
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 9
Fig. 3 Design of the storage-based covert channel
Once the covert message has started, the covert sender reads the current value in
the message stream and inputs that value directly into the message ID value. The
receiver then reads the value of the notification and adds it to its message stream.
Figure 3 describes the covert channel model for the storage channel framework.
The sending application creates notifications with ID values corresponding to the
predetermined codebook. Then, the receiving application reads these altering ID
values to interpret the hidden message.
5 Success of the Covert Channel
In this section, we demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of the novel
wearable covert channel framework and evaluate its performance on real wearable
devices focusing on the two covert channel techniques introduced in the framework.
In our model, a rogue employee (Bob) may use this covert channel set up to steal
sensitive data from a work phone by using a paired smart watch. Bob can install
the covert sender on his company phone and the covert receiver on the watch. Bob
can use the covert sender to encode the sensitive data into either notification-based
model–creating notifications on his work phone. The Android Wear application will
then send any notifications made on Bob’s work phone to his paired smart watch.
The smart watch will then receive any notifications sent from the Android Wear
By installing the covert receiver on the smart watch, it is possible for Bob to
listen to all the incoming notifications on the smart watch. The covert receiver then
picks up the message originating from the covert sender on the work phone, storing
the sensitive data on the smart watch without the company’s knowledge.
To test the functionality and the feasibility of this covert channel model, a
Samsung Galaxy S5 was used as the work phone and a Sony SmartWatch 3 was
used as a wearable device. The Galaxy phone holds a 2.5 GHz quad-core processor
with 2 GB of RAM and the watch a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and 512 MB of
RAM. The devices used in our testbed are shown in Fig. 4.
10 K. Denney et al.
Fig. 4 First covert channel
technique testbed (left:
Samsung Galaxy S5; right:
Sony SmartWatch 3)
5.1 Throughput Analysis
In this subsection, we analyze the throughput of each covert channel model. By
calculating how quickly notifications can be sent, we will be able to calculate how
much data can be sent by both models. From there, we can determine which model
has a higher throughput by comparing the two results.
5.1.1 Timing-Based Throughput
To have a high throughput, we need as low of a time interval between notifications
sent as possible. To measure this, we first need to calculate how quickly the phone
can make notifications as well as how fast the watch can read incoming notifications.
From there, we can calculate the shortest time interval notifications can be sent at
where the message is still discernible.
First, we measured how quickly the phone can make new notifications. We
found that our phone could make about 19 notifications per second. To test how
quickly the watch could read notifications, we had the phone repeatedly send
notifications as quickly as it could (19 notifications per second) for an extended
period. On the watch end, we simply made a counter that incremented every time
it processed a notification from the phone. The ratio of how many notifications the
watch processed to how many notifications were actually made gives us how many
notifications per second the watch is capable of receiving. In our case, we found
the watch was able to process just over 6 notifications per second, which we round
down to 6 to ensure every notification is read during transmission.
By inverting our ratio of 6 notifications per second, we find that the lowest time
interval between two notifications being processed is 1/6th of a second. That means
our t value for transmission is also 1/6th of a second.
To calculate our final throughput, we assume the slowest possible message sent
(a series of straight zeros) making new data being sent every 2.6 s. Dividing the
amount of data sent (16 bits) by the maximum sending rate (2.6 s) gives us our final
throughput of 6.15 bps. As Claudio et al. discuss [14], even a low bit rate covert
channel is enough to share “reasonable amounts of data on the smartphone. Given
the timing channels they analyze are 3.70 and 4.88 bps, we can conclude that ours
at 6.15 bps is also sufficient.
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 11
5.1.2 Storage-Based Throughput
The throughput of the storage-based model is much easier to calculate. Here, we
had to simply take how quickly notifications are being sent by how much data can
be sent per notification.
We have our speed of 6 notifications per second from analyzing the throughput
of the timing-based model before, so we only have to determine how much data
can be sent per notification. Notification ID values use the unsigned integer type,
making each notification sent worth 4 bytes of data. This gives us around 24 bytes
per second (192 bps) for the throughput of the storage-based model; exponentially
faster than the timing-based model.
5.2 Covert Analysis
In this subsection, we discuss how covert each model actually is. We do this by
analyzing how much system resources each model takes up as well as having a
brief discussion on how easily an onlooker may uncover the communication through
simple observation.
5.2.1 Pattern Recognition
To hide the communication occurring in our proposed covert channel, we use
the cancel() function provided to notification creation. This function allows an
application to remove a notification it created from the status bar of Android device.
We call this function immediately after the covert sender makes a notification for
transmission to ensure that an onlooker cannot physically see the notifications
appear on the smart device. However, if one looks at the system logs, all the
notifications still appear and communication can continue unaltered.
Since the notifications are still present on the system, it is still possible for a
warden-type application to detect the covert communication by analyzing incoming
notifications on the smart device.
To counter this warden, we can implement measures to mask the patterns one can
discern from the covert communications. For instance, instead of the storage model
sending notifications at a set pace, we can randomize the time between notifications
as that will have no impact on the transmission. For the timing model, we can
randomize the time interval after every transmission. Essentially, any measure that
can change the transmission pattern without affecting the actual transmission can be
introduced to our model to prevent a warden from recognizing the communication
12 K. Denney et al.
Fig. 5 CPU readings of (a) Timing and (b) Storage covert channel models
5.2.2 CPU Usage
We set up a simple test to see if there is any noticeable CPU usage from the
covert sender. We monitored the CPU usage on our Galaxy device from the covert
sender while the sender relayed a message to the covert receiver. Figure 5 has the
CPU percentages of the covert sending application for both the timing and storage
channel models (with A referring to the timing model and B referring to the storage
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 13
Table 1 Analysis summary
of storage and timing
Timing Storage
Throughput 6.15 bps 192 bps
Data per notification 1bit 4 bytes
CPU usage (average) 1.75% 1.85%
model, respectively). For simplicity’s sake, we set the notification rate to 1/5th of a
second and set the length of the test over 5 s to read the patterns more clearly.
As expected, the CPU usage spikes whenever a notification is created. This can
be clearly seen in the timing model, as there is a heartbeat pattern whenever a
notification is created: a large spike for the creation of the notification and a smaller
spike for when the cancel() function is called to wipe the notification from the
phone. While not as clear, this is still present in the storage model.
5.3 Analysis Summary
To conclude the analysis portion of our work, we include a table to compare and
contrast the efficacy of both the timing and storage channel frameworks. Table 1
compares the two frameworks in their throughput, amount of data encapsulated in
each notification, and average CPU usage respectively.
6 Discussion and Prevention
In this section, we discuss the pros and cons of both covert channel models. We also
discuss methods to prevent the proposed covert channels and how effective these
prevention models can be.
6.1 Prevention
In fact, there are no current solutions to prevent this proposed covert channel.
However, this chapter proposes solutions that diminish, or stop entirely, the success
of this covert channel.
A simple way to stop the proposed storage channel is to change the way the
notification class handles notification ID values. Instead of allowing an application
to create its own ID value for a notification, Android OS should randomly assign an
ID value to every created notification. The new notification would still be attributed
to the appropriate application, but it prevents this covert channel from operating
14 K. Denney et al.
However, this does not stop the timing channel from operating. Another solution
to prevent both models is through simple intrusion detection. An antimalware
software installed on an Android device could be programmed to detect newly
created notifications. If one application is creating an unreasonable number of
notifications, it would be flagged as a rogue application and proper authorities would
be notified.
6.2 Comparison
Overall, the proposed storage channel model is a more well-rounded model
compared to the timing channel. Below, we discuss the various criteria we used
to come to this conclusion.
In our throughput analysis, we established that the storage channel is capable of
sending more information at once. At its maximum throughput, the timing channel
was only capable of 6.15 b/s, which is minuscule compared to the storage channel
at 20 B/s. From the CPU usage section above, we established that it is simple to spot
the pattern of an application sending repeated notifications over time. The timing
channel model especially falls prey to this pattern recognition as there is no simple
way to break up a system dependent on time. For the storage channel, we can simply
send the notifications over a longer span of time, thereby making it harder for an
onlooker to discern a pattern. However, the timing channel has more potential for
longevity. It is rather simple for Google to shutdown the capability for the storage
channel to operate by forcing notifications to have randomized ID values. There
is no similar option for Google to take to stop the timing channel, as notifications
will always have to be sent at times specified by the calling application. Therefore,
the operability of the timing channel is practically ensured in all future Android
7 Trends and Future Work
Since covert channels can exist on practically any computer system, we need to
know what new technologies can be used to establish covert channels and what we
can do to prevent them from occurring. This section will look at what new research
in covert channels may look like in the near future.
An Android-Based Covert Channel Framework on Wearables Using Status Bar... 15
7.1 Imminent Threats
As noted, practically any new technology that can be networked can be used to
create covert channels. However, we note that current popular technology trends
will have the most focus for covert channel development.
The covert channel we showcase only works on Android devices at the moment,
but notifications exist on practically all modern devices from smart phones, to
personal computers, to IoT devices. In order to improve this covert channel, one
would need to develop a universal system that allows the covert channel to work on
notifications from all of these devices.
As the case with our covert channel model, more covert channels will be
introduced in IoT technologies. Similarly, we believe that covert channels in Cyber-
Physical Systems (CPS) will be especially popular due to the nature of a CPS
(e.g., stealing information about the energy grid undetected would be especially
Another research area especially with its increased popularity in recent
months is uncovering covert channels in Bitcoin and other altcoins. Due to the
history of Bitcoin, it is likely that covert channels are currently well-established to
communicate in the criminal undergrounds. Research here would be done to prove
how these covert channels can operate in order to work on the harder problem:
detecting and diminishing the covert channel.
7.2 Future Defenses
Typically, once a covert channel is detected, it is very simple to stop it from occur-
ring. One can simply add a detection system that flags when covert communications
are likely happening and stop the process that is operating on the covert channel.
However, future research can be done to help automate the detection instead of
relying on manual eradication.
As mentioned earlier, covert channels are likely well-established in the Bitcoin
network. The real challenge would be detecting and eradicating covert channels
currently in place. Due to the nature of Bitcoin and how anonymous each transaction
is, it would be more difficult than a traditional network to detect a covert channel
in place. Research in this area would be finding ways to determine patterns in
blockchain transactions in order to detect possible storage or timing channels in
the blockchain network.
Neural networks and machine learning techniques can be used to determine
typical covert channel patterns and then implemented on computer systems to
automatically flag potential covert channels. Work on this concept was introduced
by Shrestha et al. [17] to automatically detect timing channels, but this idea may be
extended to include storage channels.
16 K. Denney et al.
8 Conclusion
Covert channels are an effective means to send information undetected. They have
widespread use throughout the Internet and can be used in a variety of ways. As
more and more technologies are introduced, the need to understand how covert
channels operate is important in order to prevent information from being stolen in
these new technologies.
This chapter introduced covert channels and how they are traditionally imple-
mented. We then showcased a model for a timing and storage channel in Android-
based IoT systems that work on real and current implementations. We conclude
this chapter with discussing where future trends in covert channel development and
prevention are headed.
Acknowledgements This work is partially supported by the US National Science Foundation
(Awards: NSF-CAREER-CNS-1453647, NSF-1663051, REU-CNS-1461119). The views in this
document are of the authors, not of the funding agencies.
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