This is a guide to sustainability, of moving theory into pracce. It is about follow
on planning from delivering the 2 Day Foundaon training.
When planning your Solihull Approach training, whether it is for 10 colleagues or 3,000 practitioners,
the most value will be gained from your investment if you put in place a plan for moving theory into
This guide will cover:
Moving theory into pracce.
Set up work discussion groups.
Set up Solihull Approach Advanced Training seminars
Set up an annual Solihull Approach shared learning event
Set up a Trainers’ learning group
Set up an annual Trainers Day
Set up support for Parenng Facilitators
Moving theory into practice is always
crucial, but it is also a challenge! Training
can be a waste of time and money if there
is no thought as to how it applies outside
the training room.
Practitioners evidently enjoy the training
and report that it is very useful, but if the learning stays in the training room then what good is it?
» Set up work discussion groups
» Set up Solihull Approach Advanced Training seminars
» Set up an annual Solihull Approach shared learning event
» Set up awareness sessions for managers and/or the Solihull Approach to Management training
If you have or plan to have in-house Solihull Approach Trainers
cascading the training:
» Set up a Trainers’ learning group
» Set up an annual Trainers Day
If you have or plan to have Solihull Approach Parenng
» Set up a Parenng Facilitators’ learning group
» Set up a Parenng Facilitators’ network meeng (2-3 mes a year)
Moving Theory into Practice
Ways of supporting theory into practice is a constant consideration in the Solihull Approach team.
Often the actions are not complicated, but they require planning to operationalise them.
Set Up Work Discussion Groups
Kent, in its large roll out, included work discussion sessions after the 2 Day Foundation training and
generally areas now build in mandatory attendance at four to six work discussion sessions into their
plan for roll outs.
Northern Ireland developed a toolkit to support the provision of these
sessions, as did North Lanarkshire and they have generously made these
available for download on the Solihull Approach website:
Key Factors:
Decide whether praconers should parcipate in 4 groups post training or 6 groups.
Decide whether they will receive a cercate aer the training or aer the training plus work
discussion groups.
Decide whether they should then aend a certain number of work discussion groups per year.
In many areas and for many professional groups, having a reflective space to think about work is not
yet built into the culture of the workplace. The Solihull Approach can be used to begin or strengthen
the process, as the model is all about relationships and having a space to think.
There is a Solihull Approach
Trainers’ Manual on:
Reecve Supervision
applying the model to
Set Up Solihull Approach Advanced Training Seminars
Set up Solihull Approach Advanced Training seminars for practitioners who
have completed the 2 Day Foundation training.
This will deepen both their knowledge and the application of the model to
important areas such as trauma.
The seminars also contribute to practitioners’ ongoing CPD (Continued Professional Development)
Key Factors:
Decide whether praconers should aend at least one per year.
Decide whether you want to oer these as face to face seminars (maximum of 40 parcipants) or as
online courses or both.
Current face to face seminars are cascadable by your trainers or can be commissioned
from the Solihull Approach team.
The seminars are:
* The 1 day Brain Development seminar
* The 1 day Aachment seminar
* The 1 day Understanding Trauma seminar
The seminars are also available online. These can be purchased in bulk with a discount, but best
value is usually via a Mul User Licence which is unlimited within an area.
The seminars act as a quick refresh for understanding the
model and then introduce new information on the topic,
followed by a recent relevant area of research and time
for reflection to integrate this new knowledge with the
Solihull Approach model.
Set Up an Annual Solihull Approach Shared Learning Event
The main aim of this event is to provide the opportunity for practitioners to showcase their work
using the Solihull Approach to each other.
This both shares learning and celebrates achievement.
It supports practitioners to move theory into practice. Practitioners see how other people are
applying the model. The shared learning event sets up a reflective space amidst busy work days to
have time to think further about how the Solihull Approach applies to practice.
The Solihull Approach office can share ideas from other areas for this day.
Key Factors:
Decide on when to set up the rst annual Solihull Approach shared learning event.
Set Up Awareness Sessions for Managers and/or
the Solihull Approach to Management Training
There is a free Powerpoint available to run a 2 hour awareness session
for managers.
For managers who have already completed a 2 Day Foundation Training,
there is a 1 day training on the Solihull Approach to Management. This
applies the model to management.
For managers who have not completed the 2 Day Foundation Training,
there is a 2 day training which introduces the Solihull Approach model and
then applies it to the tasks of management.
Have your managers already
completed a 2 Day Foundaon
If not,
Decide on the delivery of the 2 hour
awareness session for managers.
Decide whether or when to apply the Solihull
Approach to the tasks of management.
Set Up a Trainers’ Learning Group
Whether you have a small or large group of trainers you can support them by creating time for the
group to meet to share learning.
Key Factors:
Decide on who is the co-ordinator to make this happen.
Decide on how oen the group should meet and for how long.
For example, it may be helpful for trainers to meet more often at the beginning of a roll
out, moving to quarterly later on.
It provides me to:
* Revisit the model
* Share ps for working with groups
* Solve any training provision dicules
Cascade training in itself usually moves praconers into a greater understanding of the model,
both because of the further training and because they really have to understand the model in
order to explain it to others.
Set Up an Annual Trainers’ Day
It provides the opportunity to highlight:
New research papers on the Solihull Approach.
Relevant new iniaves from the Solihull Approach.
Relevant new local strategic iniaves and how these t with the Solihull Approach i.e. how the
Solihull Approach model can be applied to new iniaves.
Relevant new UK iniaves and how these t with the Solihull Approach.
If you are cascading the training to large numbers of practitioners and have a large number of
trainers, you could hold an annual Trainers’ Day for your Solihull Approach cascade trainers.
A Trainers’ Day supports your trainers through sharing practice and celebrating their work.
» Set up a Parenng Facilitators’ learning group
» Set up a mentoring system for Parenng Facilitators
» Set up a Parenng Facilitators’ network meeng (e.g. 2 to 3 mes a year)
If you are training practitioners in the 2 Day Foundation Training with a view to training facilitators
for the Solihull Approach parenting courses (antenatal, postnatal, ‘Understanding your child’s
behaviour’) or foster carers’ course, then they require a system to support delivery of groups for
parents. You may already have this in place.
Set up support for Parenting Facilitators
© 2020 Solihull Approach
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 6TT
Published by Solihull Approach Publishing.,
Bishop Wilson Clinic, 8 Craig Croft, Chelmsley Wood, Birmingham B37 7TR
First published 2020
All rights reserved. Except where explicitly stated for handouts and leaflets, no part of this
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any
means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of
the publishers.
Copies of the Resource Pack are available from:
Solihull Approach Team, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Email:
Website: www.solihullapproachparenting.com
Other publications in this series:
Solihull Approach Resource Pack: The First Five Years
For care professionals who work with children aged 0-5 years
Published 2001, Revised 2006, Reprinted 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2014, Revised 2017, Reprinted 2018, 2019
Solihull Approach Trainers’ Manual
For training care professionals working with infants, children and young people Published 2002,
Revised 2005, 2006, 2008, Reprinted 2009, Revised 2014, Reprinted
2015, 2017, Revised 2019
Solihull Approach Resource Pack: The School Years
For care professionals who work with school-aged children, young people and their parents
Published 2004, Reprinted 2007, Updated 2008, Reprinted 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014,
Revised 2017, Reprinted 2018, 2019
Solihull Approach Group for Parents: Supporting parent/child relationships
Facilitators’ manual
Published 2006, Revised 2010, 2012
Solihull Approach Group for Parents: Supporting parent/child relationships
Training the group facilitators: a training course manual
Published 2006
Early Years Foundation Stage: Solihull Approach Trainers’ Manual
Published 2008, Reprinted 2010
Solihull Approach Resource Pack: The Journey to Parenthood
For midwives and others working in antenatal and newborn services
Published 2010, Reprinted 2013, Revised 2017, Reprinted 2019
Solihull Approach Course for Foster Carers: Understanding your foster child’s behaviour
Published 2011, Reprinted 2012
Solihull Approach Whole School Training ‘Understanding your pupil’s behaviour’ Trainers’ manual
Solihull Approach Advanced Trainings
Solihull Approach Attachment Seminar Trainers’ Manual Solihull Approach Brain Seminar Trainers’
Solihull Approach Workshop for Parents of Young School Children Trainers Manual
Solihull Approach Workshop for Parents of Adolescents Trainers’ Manual
© 2020 Solihull Approach