Photographs and Videos Featuring People
You need a person’s consent (or parental consent for those under 18) when they are clearly
recognisable in an image or video that you wish to share with a third party, post online or include in a
hardcopy publication. Note this also applies to historical photographs where the person is still living.
Consent is particularly important in the following circumstances:
When dealing with children and minors under 18 years of age.
Where circulation has a very wide reach and the potential for unauthorised reuse. Social
media is a good example of this.
Where a person or persons are the focus of an image or video e.g. posed photographs.
Consent can take the form of a simple announcement that you are about to take a photograph or
video and giving people the option to step aside if they do not want to be included. However, there are
certain circumstances when written consent will be required.
Photographing and filming individuals or small groups
Written consent should always be obtained from people whose images are the focus of the
photograph or video. This also applies where a video or photograph incidentally captures passers-by
in the background who are clearly identifiable.
To ensure compliance with GDPR:
Ensure all those involved are aware/happy to be photographed or filmed.
Obtain written permission from everyone involved.
Obtain written permission from the parent/guardian of children or minors under 18 years of
age. See Appendix A for consent form template.
Signed consent forms must be retained and given to the Data Protection Officer.
Photographing and filming at a conference/seminar/event
To ensure compliance with GDPR:
At the booking stage, inform attendees that photography/filming will be taken for social media
and/or other purposes. This also applies to zoom recordings where the audience is visible.
At sign-in or booking stage include tick box to obtain consent for photography/filming.
Always display a warning notice alerting delegates/attendees that photography or filming is
going to take place. A template is provided in the appendices.
Always verbally announce to those present that you will be photographing or filming, before
starting to do so, so that those who have opted out may leave, move our of camera shot or
move to the back of the room.
Always offer those present the opportunity to sit somewhere they will not be photographed or
Always inform those present of the purpose and use(s) to which images and recordings will
be put.
When children or minors are present at an event, it’s highly recommended to use brightly
coloured stickers to identify those who have not consented and ensure they are not
inadvertently photographed or filmed.
Signed consent forms are an extremely important record and must be retained safely and
Photographing and filming large groups at a public event
If you are photographing or filming at a public event attended by large crowds, this is regarded as a
public area so you do not need to get the permission of everyone in a crowd shot. People in the
foreground of a crowd shot are also considered to be in a public area but you need to inform them of
the fact and give them the option to step out of the photograph/video.
The Appendices below contain
a template consent form for filming and photography.
a template consent form for filming/photography location warning notice
Appendix A
Template Consent Form for Filming and
(Your org name/Logo)
Consent Form for Filming and Photography
Photographer/Videographer Information
Photo/Shoot Title:
Photographed/Recorded Person’s Information
Are you over 18?:
Terms and Conditions of Use
§ I hereby consent to the unrestricted use by (Your organisation name) and those acting with its permission to use
any images of me captured in video footage and/or photographs created today in any media (whether now known
or hereafter devised), throughout the world, and for any purpose (excluding defamation) which may include,
among others, advertising, promotion and marketing.
§ I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished footage, imagery, advertising copy, text, or other printed
matter that may be used in conjunction therewith.
§ My image(s) will be held in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
§ Images of me captured in video footage/photographs will be the copyright of (Your organisation name)l and any
other intellectual property which arises in the recordings will also belong to (Your Organisation name)
Photographed/Recorded Person’s Signature: ______________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian if Person is under
18 years of age: ______________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian if Person is
under 18 years of age: _______________________________
Appendix B
Filming/ Photography Location Warning
Your oganisation name/Logo
Location Warning Notice
Filming/Photography Taking Place Here
Please be advised that filming and/or photography will be taking place here in
this area between the hours of [insert hours] on [insert date]
If you do not wish to be appear in any images captured, please
[Avoid this area at these times] *
[Sit at the back of the room] *
[Step out of the camera view] *
[Tell us so we can take appropriate steps to ensure you are not included] *
The photographs/film will be used by (Your oganisation) for [insert details].
They may also be used by (Your oganisation name) for promotional and
communication purposes e.g. social media, publications, website, etc.
[Insert other purpose as applicable] **
* please choose the appropriate sentence and delete the others
** please delete/complete as appropriate