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Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene
Araseli Saldivar
The initial crime scene investigation is critical since it is the
primary step in the investigative process; therefore, individuals
assigned to process a scene should be highly educated.
Improperly educated (or uneducated) crime scene investigators
(CSIs) can mishandle evidence during an investigation, affecting
the outcome of cases. The minimum education requirement for
CSIs should transition from a high school diplomathe current
requirementtoward a bachelor’s degree. The importance of
acquiring a college-level education is observed in a study
conducted on crime scene examiners in Australia. To determine
the educational requirement for CSIs in the United States,
information was gathered electronically from numerous law
enforcement departments. The most common entry-level
education was a high school diploma, followed by an associate’s
degree, and lastly, a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree, with
coursework specifically intended for individuals not wanting to
work in a laboratory, will ensure CSIs are well equipped to
correctly perform their duties.
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
Interest in forensic science grew during the late 20
early 21
century, primarily because of the development of DNA
typing techniques, such as PCR, and shows like CSI. As a result
of these shows’ popularity, the crime scene investigator
profession became extremely popular. Numerous personnel,
including law enforcement, emergency personnel, crime scene
investigators, forensic scientists, and specialized personnel, if
necessary, are involved throughout the extensive process of an
investigation after a major crime has occurred. All of these
professionals are important to achieve a successful investigation,
particularly the crime scene investigator (CSI)—also referred to
as crime scene examiners (CSEs), crime scene/forensic
technicians, evidence technicians, and forensic specialists. The
CSI is responsible for searching, detecting, collecting,
documenting, and preserving any physical evidence at a crime
scene. This investigative process requires very adept
professionals. Unqualified individuals, such as police officers,
can overlook, contaminate, or improperly collect the evidence.
As a result, the evidence is of no use, regardless of the amount
and extent of the forensic examinations (Stanley & Horswell,
Currently, the minimum education, or common set of
entry requirement, for a CSI is a high school diploma. Without a
proper education, a CSI can commit numerous errors in a crime
scene investigation, which can jeopardize the strength and
integrity of the case. A higher education will allow CSIs to
obtain the necessary skills and attributes to conduct their job
correctly. A bachelor’s degree with coursework that includes
crime scene investigation, forensic science, photography,
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
fingerprints, and biological hazards should be mandated for
crime scene investigators, as well as certification.
Literature Review
Historically, only a police officer could be a CSI.
Officers received training for crime scene investigations in
conjunction with the customary training during the police
academy (Stanley & Horswell, 2004). Reports from the early
1980s indicated the forensic science training police officers
received was inadequate (Ludwig & Fraser, 2013) because it did
not provide CSIs with the required job skills to process an entire
crime scene (Capsambelis, 2002). Some CSIs state that being a
police officer prior to becoming a CSI does assist in the
development of a few skills, albeit not skills necessary to process
a crime scene (Kelty, 2011). For example, CSIs will be more
adept at communicating with other personnel to establish control
of crime scenes and they will also be better at handling gruesome
cases, since they will have previous exposure to accidents
investigated during their careers as officers. However, even
though training has improved since the 1980s, police officers
still do not completely comprehend forensic science (Ludwig &
Fraser, 2013). Possessing limited forensic knowledge hinders the
investigative process. Not understanding the importance of the
collection of certain evidence, or lack thereof, can affect the
direction of an investigation, and potentially the outcome of a
case (Kelty, Julian, & Robertson, 2011). In 2000, Her Majesty’s
Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), an agency in the United
Kingdom, found that despite the advancement in forensic science
training, investigating officers usually learned how to conduct a
crime scene investigation “through trial and error from first-hand
experiences” or from information they gathered from their
coworkers, (Ludwig & Fraser, 2013, p. 84). Potentially
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
inadequate and ill-prepared crime scene investigators were
directly dealing with evidence without having the proper
background knowledgeessentially experimenting during real-
life crime scene investigations in order to learn what to do, or
what not to do, for future investigations. As a result of many
police officers’ inability to properly and successfully investigate
a crime scene for valuable information, numerous agencies made
the decision to hire civilians specifically trained in crime scene
Following the civilianization of the position, those who
sought to become CSIs were able to do so without first becoming
a police officer. The educational requirement, however,
remained the same. Crime scene investigators, like law
enforcement, were not required to possess academic degrees
(Gaensslen, 2003); throughout the United States, the position has
usually required a minimum education requirement of a high
school diploma and on-the-job training, as well as occasional
refresher courses (Capsambelis, 2002). Despite the fact that
civilians were trained specifically to conduct crime scene
investigations, Horvath and Meesig (1996) found that they were
receiving occasional, unplanned, and disorganized training (as
cited in Ludwig & Fraser, 2013).
The transition from sworn to civilianized personnel was
imposed to reduce costs. This established the need for trained
civilians to process a crime scene, since most police officers
would no longer be responsible for collecting and preserving
evidence. However, if they do not receive adequate training, and
are not expected to obtain the proper educational background
received by the completion of a bachelor’s degree, there is no
guarantee CSIs will conduct their duties correctly. Nevertheless,
whether the crime scene investigator is a sworn officer or a
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
civilian, they must have the necessary knowledge and abilities to
search for, collect, and preserve evidence traces, which are
essential for successful investigations.
Success in any profession is a result of several
significant skill sets, such as critical thinking, and exceptional
written and verbal communication. The acquisition and
development of these attributes are extremely crucial for the
crime scene investigator. Kelty and colleagues (2011) list seven
attributes a high-performing crime scene examiner (CSE)
demonstrates. These key characteristics include knowledge,
cognitive abilities, communication skills, work orientation, life
experience, professionalism, and approach to life. In their study
of 74 participants from police departments in Australia, Kelty
and colleagues (2011) found that of those participants, only
eighteen were qualified and regarded by their peers as high-
performing CSEs. Additionally, Kelty and colleagues determined
that of the 18 CSEs, 12 (67%) of them had a bachelor’s degree,
mostly in a science field, whereas the remaining 6 (22%) had a
master’s degree or higher (Kelty et al., 2011). Additionally, the
more advanced education the CSE receives, the more their
colleagues tend to value and respect their conclusions, in contrast
to their lower-educated peers (Kelty et al., 2011). A bachelor’s
degree instills confidence within an investigative unit because
the other personnel believe that the CSE has received extensive
knowledge beyond what is provided during training, which
anyone with a high school diploma can receive.
Cognitive skill development throughout a higher
education career allows CSIs to produce fast decisions regarding
the relevance of evidence recognized at real crime scenes
(Wyatt, 2014). They are more adept at knowing which evidence
can or cannot potentially assist an investigation. While it is
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
preferable during the investigative process that CSIs conduct a
search for evidence at their own pace, they need to determine
whether that evidence is relevant to the crime committed, in
order to collect and preserve it as quickly as possible to prevent
any contamination or destruction (Kelty et al., 2011).
Determining whether or not to collect certain evidence can create
unexpected consequences. As Kelty and colleagues (2011)
learned, high-performing CSEs considered the outcome their
actions will have later on during the investigative process, not
just in the foreseeable future.
Excellent communication skills are exceedingly
important in the profession for crime scene investigators (Kelty
et al., 2011). CSIs need to have mastered the ability to
communicate effectively because throughout their careers they
will need to talk to various people involved before, during, and
after any given crime scene investigation. Kelty and colleagues
found that high-performing CSEs “have highly developed
interpersonal and communication skills” (Kelty et al., 2011, p.
181). These particular CSEs are assertive, capable of testifying
well in court, and able to negotiate with emergency personnel.
Additionally, the authors of this study found that these specific
CSEs were regarded as high-performing in this attribute because
they could easily explain to their law enforcement counterparts
the pertinence of specific physical evidence (Kelty et al., 2011).
The above stated attributes are displayed by high-
performing CSIs in comparison to their colleagues. Studies
conducted in the United States and the United Kingdom report
that crime scene investigators who possess these seven attributes
perform better than their coworkers, resulting in more solved
cases (Kelty et al., 2011). While education is only one of the
seven attributes, Kelty and colleagues (2011) study demonstrates
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
that with the proper education, CSIs can drastically affect the
overall outcome of criminal cases since they are able to collect
evidence that is more pertinent to a case.
A CSI participant in Wyatt’s (2014) study stated that
anyone, regardless of their educational background, is capable of
lifting prints. The participant asserts that anyone can grab a
brush, dip it into black powder, distribute it on a surface, such as
a window, and obtain a fingerprint (Wyatt, 2014). Despite
possessing the ability to lift prints, the knowledge required to
determine what equipment to use on different surfaces, where to
search for prints at a crime scene, and how to correctly lift a
legible print, is not information that the average person possesses
(Ludwig, Fraser, & Williams, 2012).
Crime scene processing is more than a sequence of
techniques (Ribaux et al., 2009). It is a process that requires
investigators to be “equipped with multitasking, critical thinking,
and problem-solving skills” (Baker, 2009, p. 53). These skills
take much longer to acquire than the allotted time for training,
meaning that only receiving training for a couple of months is
not a sufficient measure of educating CSIs in the complexity of
crime scene processing (Crispino, Rossy, Ribaux, & Roux,
2015). Having an education within a classroom setting, along
with investigative experience, allows the CSI to limit their search
for pertinent evidence to particular areas of examination (Wyatt,
Classroom setting courses and learning objectives assist future
CSIs to employ their knowledge during investigations, rather
than experimenting while at an actual crime scene (Baker, 2009).
Additionally, college courses allow students to apply their
acquired knowledge during exercises, strengthening certain
skills. For example, moot court simulations allow an individual
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
to experience a realistic role that enhances their critical thinking
(Baker, 2009) and communication skills by requiring them to
present their results (Fradella, Owen, & Burke, 2007). Criminal
investigation courses teach individuals the appropriate methods
for collecting and preserving evidence to reduce their chances of
contaminating the evidence (Fradella et al., 2007). Courses
involving other content not specifically meant for CSIs can also
provide necessary skills. A class focused on death recognition,
which is normally meant for medical examiners, can teach CSIs
how to detect important evidence from a victim’s body
(Capsambelis, 2002).
CSIs who acquire extensive knowledge by going to
college, or a university, are usually accelerated through their
training (Ribaux et al., 2010), in order for them to begin working
in crime scenes sooner. CSIs with a college education receive
less on-the-job training, saving the agency money and resources
(Stanley & Horswell, 2004). Furthermore, as demonstrated by
Kelty and colleagues’ (2011) study, CSEs that obtain a
bachelor’s degree or higher, minimize the use of resources and
the forensic lab’s staff time since they are capable of detecting
and collecting evidence that is more pertinent to the case than
their lower educated peers. Acquiring a bachelor’s degree does
not only meet the requirements of the job description for a CSI,
but also the requirements of Federal Rule 702. The Federal Rules
of Evidence require that any expert witness is “qualified as an
expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education…”
(Fed. R. Evid. 702, 1975). By mandating that future CSIs obtain
a bachelor’s degree with courses relevant to the profession, the
knowledge and education aspect of Federal Rule 702 are met.
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
To determine the minimum educational requirement for
CSIs, an electronic search from 110 police departments and
county sheriff’s offices throughout the United States was
conducted. The data gathered was predominantly from large
metropolitan areas, such as Denver, San Diego, and Omaha.
Information was obtained from the job descriptions of
individuals who are assigned to detect, collect, and preserve
evidence; in some instances, these individuals were also
responsible for conducting forensic examinations on the
evidence or conducting investigations following the search of the
crime scene. Additionally, phone calls were made to the agencies
to determine the duration of the CSIs’ on-the-job training.
The analysis of the data determined that 42% of the
agencies required a high school diploma, 36% required an
associate’s degree, and 22% required a bachelor’s degree (see
Figure 1). Additionally, 44% of CSIs received training for more
than a year, 34% for less than six months, 14% based on their
experience, and 8% based on other circumstances (see Figure 2).
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
Figure 1. Minimum education requirement for CSIs in the
United States.
Figure 2. Duration of on-the-job training for CSIs in the
United States.
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
The data from the departments surveyed demonstrate
there is no consistent educational requirement for CSIs. Forty-six
departments required a high school diploma, 40 needed an
associate’s degree, and only 24 required a bachelor’s degree.
Even though a bachelor’s degree alone makes up about a third of
the minimum education requirement for CSIs, when both the
associate’s and bachelor’s degrees are considered together, a
transition from a high school diploma to a requirement of some
college education is observed (see Figure 1). Furthermore, the
data gathered demonstrate that police departments in the US are
employing civilians to conduct crime scene investigations. Only
six agencies, of the 110, required their CSIs to be police officers
first. The data contradict statements made in the NAS report
indicating that CSI units continue to be predominantly comprised
of police officers, rather than civilians (National Research
Council, 2009).
Initially, it was assumed that CSIs who only needed to
have a high school diploma would train for extended periods of
timesix months or longerand those who obtained a
bachelor’s degree would train for shorter periods--between four
to six months. However, there appears to be no correlation
between the type of degree a CSI obtains and the length of time
they receive on-the-job training. For instance, of the CSIs who
received training for more than a year, three departments
required them to have a bachelor’s degree, whereas one
department required an associate’s, and two agencies required a
high school diploma. Of the 50 police departments that provided
information regarding the training for their CSIs, 22 departments
train them for six months or longer, while CSIs in 17
departments received six months or less of training. Seven
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
departments provided training based on the experience of the
CSI (see Figure 2). Even though the duration of training is
inconsistent throughout the U.S., training CSIs based on their
experience seems like an appropriate option, instead of having a
standardized duration of training, because some CSIs are
required to have experience prior to applying for the position;
therefore, an extended period of training when it is not needed
can result in the waste of resources. In addition to training,
numerous CSIs also receive continuous education while
employed, if resources permit it. For instance, they can either
enroll in classes, on topics such as fingerprints or bloodstain
pattern analysis, or they can attend conferences.
College is more than a vocation; it assists in the
development of skills critical for a CSI. CSIs require a strong
comprehension of the scientific method; a bachelor’s degree will
ensure CSIs are able to conduct investigations with scientific
understanding and skills (Stanley & Horswell, 2004). Although
anyone has the capacity to lift prints (Wyatt, 2014), in order to
obtain the necessary knowledge to determine where to search for
fingerprints and how to correctly lift legible prints of off various
surfaces, CSIs should be mandated to enroll in a fingerprint
course. Crime scene investigation courses, in addition to
teaching future CSIs the appropriate procedures in collecting and
preserving evidence, also educate CSIs about their role in the
overall process of an investigation. If they do not properly
conduct their duties, they can overlook or contaminate the
evidence, resulting in the forensic scientists not having useful
evidence to conduct examinations. Classroom oriented courses
provide mock court and simulated crime scenes for CSIs to
practice their crime scene processing techniques, so they do not
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
practice while investigating a real crime scene. Kelty and
colleagues (2011) study demonstrates that the most successful
CSEs obtained a minimum education of at least a bachelor’s
degree. High-performing CSEs were better able to communicate
with personnel during a crime scene investigation and with the
judicial system; they also had more advanced cognitive skills
than their lower educated peers (Kelty et al., 2011). The
development, or enhancement, of these skills can be acquired by
completing coursework that includes crime scene investigation,
forensic science, photography and fingerprints. The minimum
education requirement should, therefore, transition from a high
school diploma toward a bachelor’s degree to ensure CSIs are as
highly educated as possible.
Beyond acquiring a bachelor’s degree to properly
conduct their duties and to meet the requirement to qualify as an
expert witness, a higher education will also increase the
credibility of this position (Capsambelis, 2002). Additionally,
certification will ensure CSIs are qualified to conduct crime
scene investigations, not simply to testify in court, since this
process verifies that individuals possess certain knowledge and
skills, which allows them to be regarded as professionals within
a designated field. However, if the academic programs needed to
successfully educate future CSIs are not developed and
mandatory certification is not enforced, problems in the
profession will continue. Currently, the University of Teesside in
the United Kingdom offers a degree in crime scene science
(Mennell, 2006) and Jacksonville State University provides a
bachelor’s degree in crime scene investigation specifically for
individuals who wish to become CSIs (Fradella et al., 2007).
These programs lack many of the scientific courses required in
forensic science degrees, since most CSIs do not intend to work
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
in a laboratory setting. The lack of science-based courses allows
future CSIs to focus on aspects that are more important during
crime scene processing, instead of on the forensic examinations
conducted on evidence after it has been collected.
The data obtained from the conducted study
demonstrates that a transition to a requirement of a bachelor’s
degree is gradually increasing throughout law enforcement
agencies in the United States. The most common duration of on-
the-job training was determined to be less than six months. This
is not a sufficient amount of time to adequately train CSIs who
are only required to have a high school diploma. Much of the
coursework suggested that CSIs should enroll in goes beyond
what is provided to them during training. Courses at a university
roughly take several months to complete, which in some
instances is longer than the provided time for training. Further
research should determine if the education of CSIs significantly
affects the outcome of investigations in the US. For instance, if
cases involving lower educated CSIs affect conviction rates in
contrast to those CSIs who obtain a higher education of at least a
bachelor’s degree. Additionally, a study similar to Kelty and
colleagues (2011) should be conducted in the US to determine if
the same seven characteristics can be se observed in high-
performing CSIs in the US. Research should also be gathered to
determine if the implementation of a school specifically designed
to educate CSIs, such as the National Policing Agency in the
United Kingdom, can assist in the standardization of this
profession, along with establishing a defined set of
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
Baber, C. & Butler, M. (2012). Expertise in crime scene
examination: Comparing search strategies of expert and
novice crime scene examiners in simulated crime scenes.
Human Factors, 54(3), 413-424.
Baker, T. E. (2009). Police criminalistics: Learning modalities
and evaluation. The Forensic Examiner, 18(3), 50-55.
Capsambelis, C. R. (2002). So your student wants to be a crime
scene technician? Journal of Criminal Justice
Education, 13(1), 113-127.
Crispino, F., Rossy, Q., Ribaux, O., & Raux, C.
(2015).Education and training in forensic intelligence: A
new challenge. Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences,
47(1), 49-60.
Federal Rules of Evidence. (1975). Pub. L. 93-595.
Fradella, H. F., Owen, S. S., & Burke, T. W. (2007). Building
bridges between criminal justice and the forensic
sciences to create forensic studies programs. Journal of
Criminal Justice Education, 18(2), 261-282.
Gaensslen, R. E. (2005). How do I become a forensic scientist?
Educational pathways to forensic science careers.
Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry, 376(8), 1151-
Kelty, S. F., Julian, R., & Roberston, J. (2011). Professionalism
in crime scene examination: The seven key attributes of
top crime scene examiners. Forensic Science Policy &
Management: An International Journal, 2(4), 175-186.
Ludwig, A., Fraser, J., & Williams, R. (2012). Crime scene
investigations: An empirical study of perception and
practice. Forensic Science Policy & Management: An
International Journal, 3(2), 53-61.
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017
Ludwig, A., & Fraser, J. (2013). Effective use of forensic science
in volume crime investigations: Identifying recurring
themes in the literature. Science and Justice, 54, 81-88.
Mennell, J. (2005). The future and crime scene science: Part II.
A UK perspective on forensic science education.
Forensic Science International, 157, S13-S20.
National Research Council. (2009). Strengthening forensic
science in the United States: A path forward.
Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Ribaux, O., Baylon, A., Lock, E., Delemont, O., Roux, C.,
Zingg, C., & Margot, P. (2010).
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part II: Intelligence and
crime scene examination. Forensic Science
International, 199, 63-71.
Ribaux, O., Baylon, A., Roux, C., Delemont, O., Lock, E.,
Zingg, C., & Margot, P. (2009).
Intelligence-led crime scene processing. Part I: Forensic
intelligence. Forensic Science International, 195, 1-3.
Stanley, S. & Horswell, J. (2004). The education and training of
crime scene investigators: An
Australian perspective. The practice of crime scene
investigation. (pp. 57-66). Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Wyatt, D. (2014). Practising crime scene investigation: Trace
and contamination in routine work. Policing and Society,
24(4), 443–458.
Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, Vol. 5 [2017], Art. 10
DOI: 10.31979/THEMIS.2017.0510
Araseli Saldivar graduated with her bachelor's degree in
Forensic Science with an emphasis in Biology, and a minor in
Chemistry from San Jose State University in 2016. She will be
pursuing her master's degree in Forensic Science at UC Davis in
the fall of 2017. Following graduation, Araseli plans to pursue a
career at a local crime laboratory, and hopes to work for a
federal agency.
Saldivar: Minimum Education Requirements for Crime Scene Investigators
Published by SJSU ScholarWorks, 2017