*Conviction of a crime will not necessarily be a bar to employment. Factors such as age at the time of the offense, type of offense, remoteness of the offense in time, and rehabilitation
will be taken into account in determining effect on suitability for employment.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony (do not list those sealed by the court or expunged)? * If yes, please explain below.
If hired, can you provide documentation demonstrating your legal right to work in the United States? Yes No
Name & Location
Major/Subject Studied
Did you graduate?
High School:
Other (Specify):
Have you served, or are currently serving, in the U.S. Armed Forces? Yes No
Alameda Theatre & Cineplex
Application For Employment
Alameda Theatres & Cineplex is an equal opportunity employer.
Name: ___________________________________________
Date of Application: _______________________
Current Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Street, City, State, Zip)
Permanent Address (if different from above):
(Street, City, State, Zip)
Home Phone: ______________________
Cell Phone: _______________________
Email: ___________________________
Are you 21 years of age or older?
Yes No
If not 18, can you provide a work permit?
Yes No
Character & Entertainment Department
Alameda Theatre & Cineplex is now casting roles for upcoming
blockbuster films. This is a "Non-Pay" position; however,
employees of this department get to enjoy all theatre staff
privileges/perks, and are considered first when Part-Time &
Seasonal Paid Positions become available. Aspiring actors,
entertainers, artists and all applicants are encouraged to apply!
Military Service:
Branch of Service Rank or Grade at discharge (or current) Dates of Service
Theater Position: _____________________
Date you can start: _____________________
Desired Salary: _____________________
Are you currently employed? Yes No
May we contact your current employer? Yes No
*We are always looking for new talent. For prompt consideration,
you may Apply for both positions by checking this box:
Other Information:
Please list the last 3 movies you have seen:
What is your favorite movie?
Work Availability: Please indicate the times you are available to work each day:
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Are you available to work on holidays? _______________________
Previous Employment: List the last three employers, starting with the most recent.
Start Date: Name and address of Employer: Phone #: Position:
End Date:
Name of Supervisor: Pay rate: Reason for leaving: May we Contact?
Start Date: Name and address of Employer: Phone #: Position:
End Date:
Name of Supervisor: Pay rate: Reason for leaving: May we Contact?
Start Date: Name and address of Employer: Phone #: Position:
End Date:
Name of Supervisor: Pay rate: Reason for leaving: May we Contact?
References: Give the names of three persons not related to you whom you have known at least one year.
Name: A ddress: Occupation: Telephone #: Years Known:
1) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Information:
Name: ___________________________ Relationship to you: ______________________________
Address: _______________________________________ Telephone number: ______________________
Acknowledgement of reference check and employment at will policy:
I hereby authorize and request any and all of my former employers and any other person, firm or corporation to furnish any and all information concerning any credit-
worthiness and personal background and I hereby release each such employer or other person, firm or corporation from any and all liability by reasons of furnishing
the requested information. I understand that if employed any misrepresentation or omission of facts requested is cause for dismissal.
I understand that if hired, I will be an employee at will and that both I and Alameda Theatre & Cineplex will have the right to terminate my employment at any time,
with or without advance notice and with or without cause. This is called "employment at will" and no one other than the managing partner of Alameda Entertainment
Associates (and only if in writing, signed by the managing partner and me) has the authority to alter this agreement, to enter into any written agreement for employ-
ment for a specified time, or to make any written or oral agreement contrary to this policy.
Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: ______________________
ApplicantPlease do not write below this line
Interviewed by: Date:
________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________
Hired?: Position: Rate: Start Date:
________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________
Application for EmploymentRevised 08/08 Previous editions not to be used.