Planning Performance Agreement
This agreement is dated [ ] between:
Cheshire West and Chester Borough Council (“CWaC”)
[ ] (“the Developer”)
In respect of the following proposed development:
[ ]
At the following site:
[ ]
Reference number:
[ ]
1. Introduction
1.1 CWaC is the Local Planning Authority for the area in which the proposed
development as described above is located.
1.2 The Developer has commenced pre-application discussions with CWaC with
the intention of submitting a planning application for the proposed
development. As the proposed development falls within the Major category as
defined by DCLG, a PPA has been deemed as a necessary requirement
under the terms of CWaC’s Performance Agreements protocol.
1.3 CWaC and the Developer have agreed to enter into this PPA, covering the
handling of the four key parts of the process as described below:
i. Inception - To agree the process prior to the submission of the
application, including EIA scoping/screening, identification of key
issues, identification of key persons for both CWaC and the Developer,
identification of external bodies and organisations and contact if
required pre-submission, the nature and scope of community
consultation pre-submission, s106 requirements and the documents
and fee to be submitted with the subsequent planning application.
ii. Application consideration - To agree general performance standards
and key dates once the application has been submitted, including
validation, formal consultation, update meetings, projected Planning
Committee date and period for referral (if required),
iii. Post Committee - Period for completion of s106 formalities (if
required), final date for Decision Notice to be issued and the discharge
of conditions (if required).
iv. Unexpected events - To agree a process for dealing with unexpected
issues that may arise through the life of the application, for example if
additional information or amendment is required, which may result in
the need for re-consultation.
1.4 Nothing in this agreement shall restrict or inhibit CWaC from properly
exercising its role as the Local Planning Authority. Nothing within this
agreement should be taken as guaranteeing the grant of planning permission.
The subsequent planning application will be considered and determined on its
own merits, against adopted planning policy and guidance and any other
material considerations in the same manner as an application without such an
agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to remove the uncertainty that
can be associated with the consideration of large and complex planning
applications and agree standards with respect to the mechanics of the
process only, with no reference to outcome whatsoever.
1.5 Nothing in this agreement shall restrict or inhibit the Developer from
exercising their right of appeal under Section 78 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990 (or as subsequently amended).
2 Term of agreement
2.1 This agreement shall have effect from the date first appearing above until the
Decision Notice issue date specified in this agreement.
2.2 The Term will be subject to review as may be agreed between the CWaC and
the Developer.
2.3 The agreement will be terminated where:
i. The Developer submits an appeal in relation to the planning application(s)
under Section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended);
ii. The planning application(s) is (are) called in by the Secretary of State under
Article 77 or a holding direction is issued under Article 14, of the Town and
Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).
3 Timescales and obligations
3.1 Both parties will act with fairness and in good faith in respect of all matters
related to the handling of the planning (and related) application(s) and will
work jointly in complying with their respective obligations under this
3.2 Both parties will address expeditiously any requests for clarification and/or
further information.
3.3 Both parties undertake to meet and/or discuss matters by telephone or e-mail
in a spirit of co-operation and where necessary seek early resolution of any
areas of misunderstanding or dispute.
3.4 CWaC and the Developer will use their reasonable endeavours to adhere to
the timetable for the project.
3.5 The timetable will be reviewed between both parties and amended as
necessary to take account of any relevant but unforeseen matters that might
3.6 In terms of the four key parts of the process as described in paragraph 1.3
above, the timetable shall be as follows:
The Developer will contact CWaC and request a preliminary pre-application
discussion, in order to establish a planning point of contact and to discuss the
general scope of the development proposals and the information that will be
necessary to commence the formal pre-application process. Once contact has
been established, the Developer will be referred to the council’s pre-application
policy and advised to submit a formal pre-application submission with the
appropriate fee (for large-scale Major proposals, the separate fee for the PPA will
be discussed during pre-application discussions). The Developer will also be
advised that the submission of an application without a formal pre-application
discussion will restrict the ability to engage with the planning department and
influence the stages of the process once the application is under consideration
and that statutory time limits will be adhered to.
Once the formal pre-application submission has been submitted, the designated
Case Officer will make contact with the Developer within [ ] days.
The following Officers from CWaC will be key contacts through the life of the
The following people on behalf of the Developer will be key contacts through the
life of the agreement:
The following documents will need to be submitted with the application:
S106 draft Heads of Terms
(Plus other documents / information to be discussed and agreed)
The following community consultation is to be carried out by the Developer prior
to the submission of a planning application (if applicable):
The following fee will be submitted with the planning application (subject to any
subsequent amendment to the fee regulations):
The following additional resources, to be funded by the Developer, will be
required through the application process:
Item Cost
[ ] £
Total: £
The above total sum will be paid in full / in instalments / by the following date(s):
[ ]
The above-quoted figures may be estimates and the final figure for each item
may not be know until after an invoice is issued to CWaC. At that point, CWaC
will issue an invoice to the Developer in respect of the final full cost of every
agreed item as detailed above.
Additional external organisations / bodies that will require notification and / or
consultation by the Developer prior to the submission of the application:
Application consideration
Once the application with all necessary documents and fee (as agreed at
inception stage) has been submitted, CWaC will validate the application within
[ ] working days and will commence the consultation process within [ ]
working days. The final date for consultation responses will be communicated in
writing to the Developer immediately following commencement of the
consultation process.
Progress meetings involving CWaC and the Developer will be held at [ ]
intervals following the commencement of the consultation process, with
attendees and the venue to be discussed and agreed in advance. For all
applications, CWaC and the applicant should make regular contact to ensure that
the dates specified in this agreement are to be met.
Both parties agree that it would be beneficial for work to commence on any
Section 106 agreement(s) as soon as possible after the validation of the
application(s); CWaC will instruct the Council’s Head of Legal and Democratic
Service to progress the draft S106 Agreement in association with the Developer’s
legal representative within four weeks of validation of the application(s), unless
both parties agree otherwise. The relevant legal contacts for the s106 agreement
will be as follows:
The Developer:
The application will be presented to the (Strategic) Planning Committee on the
[ ]. If there is any reason why this date cannot be kept, CWaC will contact the
Developer as soon as possible / the matter will be discussed at the next progress
meeting (whichever is the sooner) to explain the reasons why and negotiate a
new date as soon after as possible.
Should the item be deferred by Planning Committee, CWaC will contact the
Developer within [ ] days of the meeting to discuss the reasons for deferral and
to achieve written agreement of a timescale for the submission of additional
details, any additional consultation requirements and the date of the soonest
available Planning Committee. The Developer will forward any agreed additional
/ revised information within [ ] days of the date of agreement. CWaC will carry
out any necessary re-consultation within [ ] days. A revised final date for the
issue of the Decision Notice will also be discussed and formally agreed.
Post Committee
Following Committee, the application will be referred to the Secretary of State /
HSE/ other statutory body (if required) within [ ] days of the Committee date. In
such an instance, the final date for the issue of the decision (see below) will be
amended to take account of the deadline advised by the SoS / HSE / other
statutory body in the subsequent acknowledgement letter.
Any s106 agreement deemed as necessary at pre-application stage, or as
discussed and agreed following submission, will be finalised and completed by
both parties within [ ] days/weeks of the date of the Planning Committee
The final Decision Notice will be issued by the [ ].
Should the application be subject to conditions requiring discharge, the
Developer should contact the Case Officer to discuss requirements prior to the
submission of a formal discharge application.
Unexpected events
Undertaking detailed and meaningful pre-application discussions should reduce
the possibility of unforeseen events arising that may place the dates in this
agreement in danger of not being met. Should unforeseen issues arise for either
CWaC or the Developer, it is essential for contact to be made to the other party
as soon as possible to discuss the implications and whether it is possible to
resolve the matter within the confines of the existing agreement. If this is not
possible, then both parties should discuss a plan to overcome the issue and
agree a fresh timescale. There is no compulsion on the part of the Developer to
agree to any new timeframe, but in the absence of such a revised agreement, it
must be understood that a decision will be issued within the originally-agreed
timeframe on the basis of the information already submitted.
Should any disputes arise during the life of the agreement, including fee
disputes, the party raising the dispute shall put the details of the dispute and the
desired outcome in writing to the other party as soon as practicable and shall
allow 14 days for the other party to respond. The response shall include whether
the other party agrees that the dispute requires resolution and full reasons for
this consideration. If both parties agree to resolution, then a meeting shall be
organised if necessary as soon as practicable for the matter to be discussed and
resolved. If possible, the matter should be resolved by exchange of
correspondence. In any event, any revised agreement shall be signed by both
parties within 14 days of the date of the reply by the party responding to the
dispute. If these time periods would mean a resolution beyond the end date of
the agreement, then both parties shall agree to a minor time extension in writing
to allow the dispute to be resolved. If any party refuses such an extension, then
the dispute will not be entertained by the other party and the application will be
determined accordingly.
No disputes will be entertained if submitted after the agreement has expired.
Signatures (one signed copy for each party)
Signed by the parties or their duly authorised representatives:
The Developer [ ]
Signed [ ]
and duly authorised [ ]
for and on behalf of [ ]
Cheshire West and Chester [ ]
Borough Council