Academic Excellence &
Development Program (AEDP)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Certificate Requirements
What is the Academic Excellence and Development Program?
The Academic Excellence and Development Program (AEDP) is the premier Faculty Development program offered by
the Office of Faculty Affairs and Development in the School of Medicine. Offerings are sorted into 4 pillars, which
ensure robust, comprehensive professional development opportunities for faculty throughout their careers.
What are the requirements for the AEDP Certificate?
Participants who complete these four components will receive an AEDP Certificate (detailed information about each
component is on the last page of this document.):
Four Components
Time Commitment
1. Core Workshop
~4 Consecutive Hours
2. One Elective Per Pillar (4 Total)
~ 4 Hours Total
3. Peer Observation
~ 3 Hours Total
4. Educational Project Plan
~ 3-5 Hours Total
Our estimated time commitment is approximately 15-17 hours total, although that may vary depending on how long a
participant spends writing an Educational Project Plan.
How long do I have to complete the AEDP Certificate?
We encourage faculty to complete the certificate within 18 months. Extensions are available. Once a certificate is
awarded, faculty are asked to “maintain certification” on an annual basis.
How do I maintain AEDP Certification?
Participants who receive the AEDP Certificate are asked to “maintain certification” by taking at least 1 elective from
each pillar annually. We have an ever-expanding, comprehensive library of electives spanning an array of topics. The
electives we offer change each year, so there will always be new skills to sharpen, and new ideas and methods to
Maintaining the certificate has a nominal time commitment of about 4 hours annually.
Is the AEDP Certificate useful?
Yes. The AEDP Certificate is the premier Faculty Development program at KUMC SOM. The pillar framework ensures
that the program is versatile, comprehensive, and well-balanced. The certificate is a tangible indicator of a participant’s
commitment not only to professional development but to teaching development in particular.
Should I put the AEDP Electives or Certificate on my CV?
Absolutely! Participants should note all the electives they take, and the Certificate if one is awarded. The FAD Office
maintains participation records. If you’re unsure about which electives you took in a given year, you can always ask us!
How do I put the AEDP Certificate on my CV?
Participants who complete the certificate and maintain certification should note it on their CV. Here’s an example of
how to do this:
10/2022 Awarded AEDP Certificate
2023 to 2026 AEDP Certification Maintained
2028 to 2029 AEDP Certification Maintained
Who can participate in the AED Program?
SOM Faculty are invited to participate in events and training sessions, even if they are not pursuing the AEDP
Certificate. Our programming is focused on the needs and interests of SOM Faculty, but SON and SHP faculty can
participate, as well as KUMC staff.
Can I present a lecture or seminar for the AED Program?
Yes! The vast majority of our programming is presented by KUMC faculty and staff. If there’s a topic you have the
expertise to share with other faculty, please do! Reach out to the Program Manager, Heather Rissler, PhD, to discuss
your topic.
Can I suggest a topic that I’m interested in learning about?
Yes! We strive to make our programming suit our faculty’s needs. Chances are if you’re interested in learning about
something, so are others. Please email the Program Manager, Heather Rissler, PhD, with suggestions and we’ll discuss
how to make it happen.
Is this the same as the Classroom & Clinical Teaching Development Program
Not exactly. The four required components for each certificate are largely the same, but the AED Program utilizes the
Pillar framework. This change was intentional so that we could provide more programming focused on IDEAS, and so
that faculty would be encouraged to participate in electives spanning a broad range of subjects. IDEAS stands for
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Social Justice.
The AED Program replaces the Classroom & Clinical Teaching Development Program (CCTD).
I’m still working on my CCTD Certificate. Does this mean I have to start over?
No, you do not need to start over. Anyone working towards a CCTD Certificate will automatically be transferred into
the AEDP. All CCTD credits will be transferred.
How do I find out what I still need to do to complete the CCTD Certificate?
Email the Program Manager, Heather Rissler, PhD, and she will let you know what you’ve accomplished and what
Certificate Requirements
1. Core Workshop
Time Commitment
~ 4 Consecutive Hours
Fall and Spring Semesters
2. One Elective Per Pillar
Time Commitment
~ 4 Hours Total
Attend or present in electives (4 Total). Electives have been categorized into 4 pillars: Teaching, Leading, Designing,
& IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Anti-Racism, and Social Justice). Many electives belong to multiple pillars,
but participants can only receive credit in one pillar. Participants may receive credit for watching a recorded event
only if it includes an assessment component (e.g., a quiz at the end).
Example of How to Meet the Electives Requirement
Classroom Technology Tools
Using Affirming Language in the Clinical Space
Bystander Intervention Training
Introduction to Flipped Classroom
*Events that are not sponsored by Faculty Affairs and Development may still be creditable. For instance, if you attend a
departmental training that relates to faculty development, it could be deemed an “alternative qualifying event” for which you could
receive credit. If you attend such an event, please email the Program Manager, Heather Rissler, PhD, for a determination as to
whether or not it meets the AEDP’s purpose and objectives.
3. Peer Observation
Time Commitment
~ 3 Hours Total
AEDP core workshop participants take a survey to be paired to observe one another’s teaching. The observer
completes a POP form and reviews their comments with their partner. Participants switch roles so that each can be
observed and be an observer. POP forms are provided by the FAD Office. Participants can observe a live lecture in
person or via Zoom, or through a recorded lecture. POP is not the same as the AME Teaching Observation Program
(TOP). If POP partners need assistance coordinating schedules for observations, please contact the Program Manager,
Heather Rissler, PhD.
4. Educational Project Plan
Time Commitment
~ 3-5 Hours Total
Complete an approved Educational Project Plan (EPP). Develop a project plan with a specific goal or aim that relates to
educating students or training faculty. The plan must have specific learning objectives, an educational format or
strategy, a learner assessment, and a proposed implementation timeline. Implementing or completing the Educational
Project is not required. Educational Project Plans are approved by the Program Manager, Heather Rissler, PhD. The
EPP template is provided by the FAD Office. Examples of approved EPPs can be provided upon request