International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 4, pp 3040-3042, April 2023
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews
Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421
Car Rental Management System
Date Prathemesh
, Pawar Om
, Thorat Rupesh
, Pokharkar Sangram
, Prof. Ms. Karad
Student of Computer Engg. From Samarth Polytechnic, Belhe, Pune 412410, India
Prof & Guide of Project, From Samarth Polytechnic, Belhe, Pune 412410, India
Online cab booking is widely done nowadays. But there are few online services available to the customer for car rental. Keeping this in mind we have designed this
system so that the interaction between the customer and the user will increase and the customer can rent a car at their convenience
Keywords: Car Hire, Car Rental, Rent A Car, Hire A Car, Car For Prom
1. Introduction
Transportation is an important part of our life. But not all people are in a position to own their own car. Some people rent a car. We are making this
system for such customers. This system will work like online banking & shopping. So that the relationship between customer and user increases
1.1 Needs of car rental system
A car rental system is essential. Online car rental is now available, which is very beneficial to the users. A rental service is such that the customer does
not have to pay any tax. Customer can rent a car as per their convenience. This provides a lot of convenience to the customer.Please do not alter the
formatting and style layouts which have been set up in this template document. As indicated in the template, papers should be prepared in double column
format suitable for direct printing onto paper with trim size 210 x 280 mm. Do not number pages on the front, as page numbers will be added separately
for the preprints and the Proceedings. Leave a line clear between paragraphs. All the required style templates are provided in the file “MS Word Template”
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1.2 Objective of car rental system
The aim of the project is to provide car rental. So that customers don't have to waste time in calling and waiting. The system is designed to convert the
manual car rental process into a digital car rental system Construction of references
1.3 Procedure
The database was design on PHPMYADMIN backend was developed in simple PHP. Software techniques are concerned with the process of developing
software, not important with the specialized component as with the organizational anyone. Since the dawn of information technology, a variety of software
development methodologies have been employed.
1.4 Tools use
ii. Apache Server
iii. MySQL Server
iv. VS Code
v. Web Browser
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 4, pp 3040-3042 April 2023 3041
A literature survey in a project report is that chapter which appear the various synthesize and research made in the field of your interest and the results
already published, taking into account the various parameters of the project and the limit of the project. Literature survey helps to decide our direction
for research. Literature survey helps to set a goal for your analysis hence it giving you your problem statement.
When you write a literature survey in respect of your project, you have to write the researches made by various analysts those are already published - &
their methodology (which is basically their abstract) and the conclusions they have arrived at.
3. Problem Statement
The manual car rental system was limited. But since car rental is done online nowadays, there is no time limit. The customer who wants to rent a car has
to do his registration first. Only then can he rent as he pleases.
4. Existing System
Until now, in the online car rental system, the customer and admin had login at the same place, and if the customer wants to cancel the booking, they had
to send a message in the existing system, but in this system we have put a separate query form so that the customer can cancel the booking. Admin to do
Supports and separate login for customer and admin.
Design of Car Rental
Management System for
Organization, Customers and
Car Owners
Article in International
Journal of Engineering Trends
and Technology · April 2016
April 2016
Transportation is necessary thing in our
life. Everyone is not in the position to use
the own car. Even though the person
having own car, they are. using rental car
for long drive so that the rental carsystem
is unavoidable. Some kind of people not
interested to maintain the own car because
of maintenance problem, road tax, vehicle
insurance etc. for this type people also
preferring rental car. So in the human life
rental car service is unavoidable.
© August 2021| IJIRT |
Volume 8 Issue 3 | ISSN:
2349-6002 IJIRT 152529
Online Car Rental System
The main aim of this publication is to
present the growing demand for online cab
service bookings through a web based
application and develop an information
management system for car rental
industries. The procedure of booking a
vehicle for the rental reason is manual. It
requires physical undertakings in booking
a vehicle and is monotonous and over the
top. Likewise, as far as the benefit is
concerned, it has fewer recipients and in
the long run, decreases the normal results.
Online cab booking is widely done
nowadays. But there are few online
services available to the customer for car
rental. Keeping this in mind we have
designed this system so that the interaction
between the customer and the user will
increase and the customer can rent a car at
their convenience.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 4, pp 3040-3042 April 2023 3042
5. Proposed System
In online car rental system customer can book the car rental they need. And for that he has to make a profile of himself. If the customer wants to cancel
the booking, he can inform the admin by sending a query.
In this system admin can manage all system. Approve booking otherwise can cancel. Admin performs its operation according to customer's query
6. Experimental Result
7. Conclusion
When every exertion related to the vehicle reimbursement business was confined to a physical place alone, the auto reimbursement assiduity has surfaced
with new delicacy. Indeed if the physical position has not been fully excluded, the internet's power has altered the nature of functions and how these tasks
are fulfilled. Clients may now bespeak vehicles online, rent cars online, and have the car delivered to their home if they're a registered member, or they
can tour to the office to pick up the car