Accessing Grade Rosters
You may access myCommNet for grade rosters at: http://my.commnet.edu
1. Enter NetID (ex: 12[email protected]) and Password, Click Login
2. Click on Banner Student & Faculty Self-Service (top right hand box).
3. If prompted, Select Capital Community College
4. Click on Faculty/Advisor Services.
5. Click on Grading Students Box.
6. Click on Enter Final Grades.
7. Select a Term and click Submit
8. Select CRN number and click Submit.
9. Input grades and click submit.
If you are a new faculty member, your NetID is your Banner ID without the “@” followed by:
@ccc.commnet.edu. Your Banner ID is printed on your contract or can be obtained from the
Academic Dean’s Office.
If you have questions about these procedures, please contact our office:
Argelio Marrero at 906-5125 or [email protected]
Waynette Arnum at 906-5124 or [email protected]
Libby Daniels at 906-5123 or [email protected]
MEMO from the Registrar’s
Updated Grading System
(The “N” grade is obsolete
and a new grade of “UF”)
Beginning in Fall 2015 the “N” grade is obsolete. Professors and the Registrar’s Office
will not be able to give or input a student an “N” grade. Please read below for an
explanation of the new “UF” grade. If you are planning to give a student a “UF” grade
you will need to put in a Last Day of Participation. The date has to be in
MM/DD/YYYY format. When you are ready to grade your students the only grades
you will be able to give are the letter grades below (A F), an “I” and UF”. Students
will never see the “UF” on their transcripts. The “UF” grade will roll to an “F” which is
what will appear on the transcript.
Grading System
All Community Colleges will use the same grading system as defined below:
Grade Quality Points
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0
Effective Spring 2001, the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA) shall be to two
decimal places truncated.
The letter grades shown above, with an additional designator, shall also be used for grades
awarded to students in developmental courses. The current practice is that a # symbol shall
be added immediately following the grade.
Posting of “F” Grades
The online grading process requires additional information whenever a grade of F is
assigned. To record a failing grade, the instructor is asked to select one of the following
F: This grade is reserved for students who have, in the judgment of the instructor,
completed assignments and/or course activities throughout the term sufficient to
make a normal evaluation of academic performance possible, but who have failed to
meet course objectives.
UF (unearned F): This notation is awarded to students who were enrolled in a
course, did not officially withdraw, but who failed to participate in course activities
through the end of the term. It is used when, in the judgment of the instructor,
completed assignments and/or course activities were insufficient to make normal
evaluation of academic performance possible. Students who receive this notation
will have reported on their behalf a “last date of participation” by the assigning faculty
member. When saved on the grade roster, this notation will immediately
convert to a regular grade of F on the student’s transcript. It will be punitive
and count in the GPA. The UF notation is used for internal reporting and will not
appear on the student’s transcript.
In order to enter and save the UF grade notation, the instructor will be required to
provide the last date of participation in the course. The date has to be in
MM/DD/YYYY format.
A student is considered to have participated in a course if ANY of the following
scenarios apply:
The student submitted an academic assignment.
The student submitted an exam.
There is a documented record of the student participating in an interactive tutorial
or computer-assisted instruction.
There is a documented posting by the student showing the student’s participation
in an online study group that was assigned as part of the course.
There is a documented posting by the student in a discussion forum showing the
student’s participation in an online discussion about academic matters.
There exists an e-mail from the student or other documentation showing that the
student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the
academic subject studied in the course.
Note: A Blackboard login (recorded as “Last Access” in the Blackboard Grade Center)
is NOT a valid “last date of participation” in any course including courses offered entirely
online through Distance Education.
Using the criteria listed above, the faculty member must assess whether or not
the student participated in the course for a portion of the term.
If “yes”, the UF notation must be entered with the date on which the most recent
instance of participation occurred.
If “no”, the UF notation must be entered using the date of the day prior to the term
start date. For example, the Fall 2017 term begins on August 29, please enter
In instances where the notation of UF is assigned, the college must be able to document
the student’s participation as recorded by the instructor via the use of any of the records
listed above. Instructors are not expected to take extraordinary efforts to document
participation, but should draw on the records they customarily use in evaluating course
work, such as gradebook posting, participation in a group activity, test grades or any
other means ordinarily used by the instructor to document student performance.
Administrative Transcript Notations Letters other than A-F
AU - Audit
An administrative transcript notation for students auditing a course. This status will allow
them to participate in class activities without being required to meet the examination
requirements of the course. A student who wishes to change from credit to audit status
must request this within the first four weeks of the course, using such forms and procedures
as the college may prescribe. Students auditing a course may not change to credit status.
I - Incomplete
A temporary grade assigned by the faculty member when course work is missing and the
student agrees to complete the requirements. The use and management of this grade is
prescribed in Board of Trustees policy 3.5.1Granting of an Incomplete, adopted July 23,
M# - Maintaining Progress
An administrative transcript notation used for developmental courses only to indicate that
the student is maintaining progress. It may be given to a student for a course only twice.
P - Pass
An administrative transcript notation for successful completion of courses taken on a
pass/fail basis. Students failing will receive a grade of “F”.
W Withdrawal
An administrative transcript notation used to indicate that a student is withdrawn from a
course in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the college.
May 3, 2017