Question Answer(s)
Please clarify what a CCLI membership might not
include with today’s practice of live streaming services.
CCLI coverage does not include pre-recorded commercial audio. The org
must have an active Copyright License & Stream license to stream their
worship service online; this permits them to broadcast their worship team
playing the music -- without the addition of backing tracks.
Can musical concerts by church performance groups
(choirs, bell choirs, etc.) be live streamed under CCLI?
It is in a relgious setting by not in reality a worship
If it is a performance that does not invite congregational singing and/or no
words are displayed during the performance, this would not be covered. If,
however, performance encourages congregational singing and/or provides
lyrics to sing along with, then yes, that is covered.
If scenario A is being used, the church should seek out a Performance
License from CCS or one of the PRO's.
I've reached out to many publishers and haven't heard
back from any. Our church live streams but also puts
that recording on their website for folks who missed the
service. Can we use music we've purchased or do we
need to get pub's permission first (which, since we're
not hearing back, means we can't perform anything
we've purchased)
If the song the church is streaming is covered by CCLI, they are allowed to
archive the service for later viewing. If the song is not covered by CCLI, they
must have permission from the publisher before streaming.
If we record the sections of a lesson Carols worship
service for a podcast and using music licensed from CCLI
and Onlicense with no recorded music then as I
understand it we do not need a synchronized license or
performance license
As long as the song is covered by CCLI, they can podcast their worship
service without a sync license. (They must have an active CCLI & streaming
license). CCLI cannot speak for what One License covers since we are
separate companies.
Do CCLI and OneLicense cover (copyright license and
streaming) different things, requiring purchase of both
CCLI & One License are separate companies. There are publishers that we
cover that they don't & vice versa. Often Catholic churches will use both
CCLI & One License so that they have coverage for our list of publishers +
OCP & GIA (two pubs that are not covered by CCLI.)
When you say CCLI doesn't cover outside a worship
service, what about a ladies event, VBS, etc., for printing
or displaying lyrics?
If the ladies event, VBS, etc includes a worship service and is part of the
church that holds CCLI's Copyright license, then this would be covered.
Live streaming a live performance of an arrangement of
a copyrighted song (or a public domain song). As long
as the song itself is covered by the CCLI copyright, the
particular arrangement does not require a CCLI license,
The arrangement must also be covered by CCLI. We have contracts with
Song Owners. If the arrangement is owned by a Song Owner we do not
have agreements with, we cannot cover their arrangement.
Does the streaming license cover radio broadcasting of
the worship service?
CCLI's Stream license does not cover radio; you must purchase a Broadcast
what is needed if I play piano pieces at home and
upload them to the church for streaming?
If the piano pieces are part of the worship service (which includes
congregational singing), then the church who is hosting the service must
obtain a CCL & Stream license. CCLI's licenses are not for personal use.
Does our streaming license cover weddings and
funerals? These are not "worship services" as defined
earlier. But in these days of Covid, we have been
streaming these events for those who are not allowed
to attend in person.
As long as the participants are invited to sing and/or lyrics are provided to
sing along with, then yes, weddings and funerals are covered.
If you have a video license through CVLI, can you stream
video clips during your service that will then go on
No, the video clips cannot be included in your live stream to YouTube.
Copyright for Virtual Worship Services - What you Can and Cannot Do
We have a CCLI license for streaming and a One License
for streaming as well and yet I keep running into the
problem where even though the publisher is listed,
sometimes the music is not covered and it is hard to tell
what is and what is not covered. If we are trying to do
due diligence, this becomes a full time job figuring out
what is covered and what is not and becomes very
If we cover the publisher, we cover the music. However, if you cannot find
a particular song or arrangement in our database, please email
so that we can request that the publisher register the song.
If we have 2 streaming licenses and are using a piece
that is covered by both companies, do we report the
piece twice?
CCLI cannot speak for the other company. But if your organization is in a
report period, you would report your activity.
What is needed for the solo organ and piano music
played as prelude, postlude, and all? My church has
permissions to have hymns on screen and to do a
podcast, but what else is needed to post the service on
CCLI's Stream license covers you to post your worship service on YouTube
& other platforms. However, please consult YouTube's Terms of Agreement
to ensure you are abiding by their guidelines.
CCLI Can lyrics be displayed in a recorded service?
Yes, displaying lyrics during your stream is covered under CCLI's Stream
Does CCLI cover the performance of any material during
a service that might not be considered traditionally
It must be a song that we cover, and it must be for the purpose of
congregational singing. Please review what we cover on
Can a copywritten piece of piano music be live
streamed and archived during a church service. Ex. - I
play a Marilynn Ham arrangement for the offertory.
If the piece is covered by CCLI, your pianist can play the music during the
live stream for the offertory.
if my church plays both contemporary and traditional
music (i.e.,praise band, choir, soloists, etc) need both
CCLI and One License?
It depends on what publishers you need coverage for. If there are songs
not covered by One License, then you would want to get a license with
CCLI Is Hal Leonard covered by CCLI Yes
Please talk about preservice music and copyright needs.
As long as the pre-service music is not pre-recorded audio -- and is rather
your worship team member playing music covered by CCLI, then the org
would be covered with our licensing.
These print licenses are for congressional singing, NOT
for choir only singing, correct? Or as our praise band
calls it, "performance music"?
Yes, the Copyright License covers duplicating songs for the purpose of
congregational singing.
For live music which is covered under a streaming
license what kind of reporting is required?
If the org is in a reporting period, they will report their streaming activity on So, 1 "recording/stream credit" for each song used + 1 digital
credit if words are displayed during the stream.
How are licensing fees determined...flat fee for all or by
church size?
By church size.
Does CCLI or OneLicense cover all religious music or just
certain publishers? Where do we find what pieces CCLI
or OneLicense covers?
CCLI only covers songs from publishers with which they have contracts.
Please review our Authorized Catalog List at and/or by searching
our SongSelect database at CCLI covers over 500,000
songs, but there are times when churches must double up on licensing to
cover their needs.
CCLI Do the streaming licenses cover handbells? Yes. Handbell works are registered by our affiliated owners.
Does CCLI cover only music with congregational singing
and participation or does it cover anthems/solos
without the intention of congregational joioining?
No, it must be music for the purpose of congregational singing.
CCS Does CCS cover streaming concerts?
Yes, Christian Copyright Solutions has a "WORSHIPCast" streaming license,
but the performance must be within the confines of the church's facilities.
CCS Would Perform include weddings and funeral services?
Christian Copyright Solutions has two licenses that may fit your needs: (1)
The WORSHIPCast license allows for the streaming of those special services,
whereas (2) the "PERFORMmusic" allows for the public performance of
music outside of a regularly scheduled worship service, but IS NOT a
streaming license.
I have OneLicense and CCLI. Do I need CCS to
livestream? Why would I need CCS?
You would need the WORSHIPCast streaming license if you wanted to use
songs that are not represented under either CCLI or One License streaming
licenses. Otherwise, you would be covered by the two that you already
CCLI and OneLicense seem most popular. Is there any
input on the difference the Worshipcast offers?
Christian Copyright Solutions has two licenses that may fit your needs: (1)
The WORSHIPCast license allows for the streaming of those special services,
whereas (2) the "PERFORMmusic" allows for the public performance of
music outside of a regularly scheduled worship service, but IS NOT a
streaming license.
How can we play music from a service like Apple Music
to be used for a prelude or postlude -- especially while
we're now streaming services via Zoom?
The problem that you're presented with is the fact that you're streaming a
copyrighted sound recording. You cannot stream a sound recording of this
nature without the expressed written permission of the owner of that
sound recording. Otherwise, that portion of your service in which the
stream of the recording is used may be deleted; and in the case of
YouTube, you may have a strike placed against your account in trying to do
so without a license. Probably your best option is to not include that song
from Apple Music during your live stream.
How do we obtain permission for music that is not
strictly "Christian" music, for example: recordings of
organ music by Bach, etc.?
The problem that you're presented with is the fact that you're streaming a
copyrighted sound recording, even if it is a recording of a public domain
song (e.g. Bach). You cannot stream a sound recording of this nature
without the expressed written permission of the owner of that sound
recording. Otherwise, that portion of your service may be deleted from
your stream, and in the case of YouTube, you may have a strike placed
against your account in trying to do so without a license. Probably your
best option is to not include that recording from your live stream, or played
Does the CCS license cover the same thing as the CCLI
add-on license, or do we need both to stream online or
do online services?
Christian Copyright Solutions has two licenses that may fit your needs: (1)
The WORSHIPCast license allows for the streaming of those special services,
whereas (2) the "PERFORMmusic" allows for the public performance of
music outside of a regularly scheduled worship service, but IS NOT a
streaming license.
We use Christian Copyright Solutions for webcasting. Do
that service cover ALL music or only certain publishers?
CCS' licenses cover all 28+ million songs included in the repertory
controlled by ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC.
Will there ever be a license for choirs to perform
arrangements by major composers/arrangers? I have
great vocal ensembles but we can’t be a part of
streamed services because getting individual rights for
every arranger we love to sing is not always possible.
We’d buy a license to stream our rendition of
Hayes/McDonald/Larson in a heartbeat!
The streaming of a performance of a choral piece performed with live
musicians, in the confines of your worship service, is completely covered
under a CCLI or One License Streaming License. You need no other
permission. Also, provided that you have not altered, or re-arranged the
published choral piece in any fashion other than how it is printed, then
your Streaming License will again suffice. With that said, if you perform to
an accompaniment track, you will need a Master Use license directly from
the print publisher of that choral piece who will likely own the sound
recording of that accompaniment track.
Please clarify, ALL octavos are covered by my streaming
license of my worship services? Or songs found in CCLI
octavos are covered by my streaming license?
It is NOT the choral publication that is being licensed under a CCLI or One
License Streaming License - it IS the song itself. So, whether the song is a
choral arrangement, or a worship song, or a modern hymn, or an
instrumental piece, or otherwise, IT IS THE SONG THAT IS COVERED UNDER
YOUR STREAMING LICENSE. So, in this case, look to find if the owner of the
copyright to the underlying song is represented, then your Streaming
License will cover you. In this case, it doesn't matter who the choral
publication publisher is.
If I purchase choral music, have my choir learn it, sing it
during church service and it is live streamed and
recorded on YouTube or social media, what licenses
would I need?
As long as the performance is a live recording - and not recorded to an
accompaniment track - then your Streaming License has you covered.
Do you have to have a rehearsal license in order to have
the choir perform a song in their live stream
No. If you have further questions on this, you would be wise to consult
CCLI or One License for your specific situation.
Is there one easy place to find and request rights for
anthems from choral publishers that aren’t just
Christian publishers (Brekenhorst Press, Heritage,
No, you will have to seek out these other publishers.
what about handbell music in a live stream?
As long as it is a live performance, the streaming of the song itself is
covered under your Streaming License.
If we had bought the number of hard copies needed for
our choir, do we need another license to put them on
our website?
Yes. You would need a synchronization license to make the video and also
a performance license to post it on your website. This is beyond the
exemption covered during a worship service.
If our church bell choirs present a concert for the
community once every 5 years, what is needed to do
this concert?
Unless the concert is ticketed, or held at a venue other than your church,
you will need no licenses to publicly perform the songs.
What permission is necessary for a praise team to play
Christmas music and record it on a CD to distribute
without cost to the congregation in lieu of a Christmas
If a song is recorded on a CD, whether it is sold, given away, exchanged for
any other benefit or otherwise, it will be necessary to secure a mechanical
license directly from the publisher/owner/administrator of each respective
song. You will likely be required to pay the statutory mechanical rate for
each song, for each CD manufactured - the current rate is 9.1 cents per
song, per CD manufactured.
What permissions do we need if we offer a virtual
concert on Youtube?
If your virtual concert is performed and broadcast live as a part of your
church's regularly scheduled worship service, then your Streaming License
alone will suffice. However, if the concert pieces are recorded separately
and compiled into your stream, then you will need a Synchronization
License directly from the publisher(s) of each respective song before such
piece can be included in your church's streaming service.
what if the Christmas Cantata or Children's musical
happens in the middle of a service?
If the performance is performed and broadcast live as a part of your
church's regularly scheduled worship service, then your Streaming License
alone with suffice. However, if the choir performs to an accompaniment
track, a separate Master Use License will need to be secured from the
owner of the sound recording, who is likely to be the publisher who sold
the printed publication.
What Licenses are needed to perform a concert of
music and then stream later
If that performance was recorded originally during your regularly
scheduled worship service, and then archived to be streamed at another
time, then your Streaming License will suffice. However, if the choir
performs to an accompaniment track, a separate Master Use License will
need to be secured from the owner of the sound recording, who is likely to
be the publisher who sold the printed publication.
Copyright 101
Are we talking original song or arrangement by another
The owner of the original song is also the owner of the derivative work of
that song, meaning an arrangement. So, if you're seeking permission for
the use of either the original song, or an arrangement of that song,
permission must be secured from the owner of the song. Sometimes
another print publisher will create an arrangement of a song that they do
not own; however that print publisher does not own the copyright in and
to the arrangement that they created. However, they have likely secured
the right to create that arrangement under a license with the owner of the
original song. Secondly, that print publisher would not have the right to
assign or transfer a license to you for the use of their arrangement, as that
is reserved to the owner of the original song.
Copyright 101
If a piece of music was written hundreds of years ago,
does it become public domain? If so, do we need a
license to include it in worship service (and post it on
our YouTube channel)
You can create your own arrangement to a song that is in the public
domain. Legally, you would then own the copyright in and to your
arrangement. Generally speaking, if a song copyrighted in the US has an
original copyright date before 1923, then it may likely be in the public
Copyright 101 Synch license? What does this cover?
A synchronization license allows for the synchronizing of a visual image(s)
with a song. Thus, it combines the video with the audio of a given song.
Sync licenses are commonly used when a song is on television, in a movie,
in a video presentation, on YouTube, etc. A sync license is not a 'statutory'
license, and thereby needs the licensed permission from the copyright
Copyright 101
Does a license permit my arranging a 4-part anthem for
my 2- or 3-part choir of 7 singers?
You would have to secure a print license directly from the publisher of the
song, or their respective copyright administrator. However, you would not
retain the ownership of your arrangement, as it would become the
property of the owner(s) of the original copyright.
Copyright 101
if the composer is deceased (10 or 20 years ago), and
the publisher is defunct, and no search of a current
copyright owner has been found, can the music be used
(reprinted for congregation and streamed live in a
Legally speaking, the answer to your question is "no". Just because you've
been unable to locate the owner of the song does not give you the right to
assume that you can do with it as you please. There may be heirs who
possibly now own the song, or the song may have been assigned to
someone else or to another publisher.
Copyright 101
what about liturgical music that is part of the Public
The Copyright Law shows no regard for the type or genre of music. The law
applies equally, regardless of the style or genre of music.
Copyright 101 How many years does a copyright last?
The term of copyright for a given work is determined from the original date
of copyright. See the attached link for further information:
Copyright 101 What about pieces in public domain?
They are not covered by copyright law, as their copyrights have expired.
Therefore, you do not need additional licenses.
Copyright 101
Are there any limitations on including a live-performed
published instrumental arrangement (i.e. piano; no
singing) of (a) a PD hymn or (b) a copyrighted song in a
streamed/posted service?
There are no limitations on the live performance of a song, whether it is in
the public domain or still under copyright protection, provided that you
have a Streaming License from CCLI, One License, or Christian Copyright
Solutions. You should refer back to the webinar to determine which
Streaming License is appropriate for your needs.
Copyright 101
Are public domain hymns exempt from these licensing
requirements, if the livestreams or recordings are made
in house?
Yes, they are exempt......UNLESS, you are performing an arrangement of a
public domain work in which the PD arrangement has been copyrighted.
Copyright 101
If I have purchased music from JW Pepper, like octavos
for my choir, do I need to purchase a license to perform
it live in my church for a special service? Like for
No, you do not need any license to publicly perform music within a worship
service, as that public performance falls under the Religious Service
Exemption in the US Copyright Law.
Copyright 101
Is it legal to use copied choral music for rehearsal--for
markup--as long as you have purchased copies and use
the originals for your performance?
Generally, most publishers allow this type of activity, provided that you
destroy all additional copies of the music after their use. But you do need
to make sure that you have purchased the total number of copies that you
need for your choir.
Copyright 101
If photocopying is not covered by license, what about
scan into IPad?
Provided that you have purchased a sufficient quantity of the printed music
from which a scan might have been made, the pdf can be used; however
the pdf must be destroyed or deleted once the performance has been
Can I play hymns from a hymnal, or my own
arrangements of those hymns? We have license to
stream (CCLI and One License), etc. But are hymns or
the tunes in hymnals under copyright? If the UMC
obtained permission to print them in the hymnal, can
we play them in our arrangement on our streamed
Hymns or hymn tunes included in a hymnal may still be under copyright
protection. However, as long as you have a bonafide Streaming License
from CCLI, One License, or Christian Copyright Solutions, then you should
be covered to include them in the streaming of your worship service.
Could you briefly address using hymns in Public Domain
found in church hymnal on streamed virtual church
Most uses of public domain songs in a hymnal are not copyrighted by the
publisher of that hymnal. However, if some reharmonization, or some
arrangement technique has been used on that public domain song, then
that particular arrangment may be copyrighted by the publisher or that
hymnal. Otherwise, one is free to play and stream that hymn with no need
for a license.
permission for showing pages from the church hymnal
during zoom services that are uploaded to youtube
The right to do this is covered under CCLI's Streaming License, and One
Licenses' "Podcast/Streaming License Bundle". So, as long as you have
either of those two licenses, your use would be covered.
We use short range FM streaming to members in our
parking lot and close area. How does this affect our use
of hymns in our hymnal?
There is no need for any further license if you have CCLI's or One License's
streaming licenses.
What are the copyright concerns when we use music
from our hymnal for a live worship service that is also
being livestreamed and saved on the church website?
The right to do this is covered under CCLI's Streaming License, and One
Licenses' "Podcast/Streaming License Bundle". So, as long as you have
either of those two licenses, your use would be covered.
Can you address international copyright implications for
the church?
Copyright laws vary from country to country. You should seek out an
attorney for the country in which you're interested.
How about us lowly people up in Canada? How do
these apply to Canadian sites.
CCLI and One License have licenses for Canada, and you should inquire
about those directly from those two companies.
Jewish Music what service provides Jewish music?
We are not aware of any licensing program, such as CCLI or One License,
that represents the catalogs of Jewish publishers. If you are looking to
stream your service, which incorporates Jewish music, then you probably
should consider the WORSHIPCast license from Christian Copyright
Solutions, in that it allows for the streaming of all songs represented by
ASCAP, BMI and SESAC....and the Jewish songs you reference would most
likely be covered under those companies.
timing Must I get permission before or after performance. Before.
Live service
vs. concert
Is there a difference between running music in a
worship service vs. a church concert?
The music in the church service is covered by the religious services
exemption, so you don't need additional licenses. A church concert
technically needs performance licenses because it is not happening during
a service - but if your church or concert facility has an annual ASCAP, BMI,
or SESAC license for music played in non-worship situations, you would
most likely be covered.
Live service
vs. streaming
What are the differences between (a) performing music
at a worship service in our building and (b) performing
the same music on a Zoom worship service?
Presuming both of these instances are the worship service for your church,
and you are interested in streaming the service, then there is no licensing
difference in these two situations. Your streaming license from CCLI, One
License and/or CCS should apply.
A master license is needed for each and every recording
track that is played? So you cannot purchase a master
license to cover a number of recorded tracks?
That is correct. A Master Use license needs to be secured separately for
each respective master recording. There is no service that offers bulk
licensing for master use licenses.
when streaming services, would tracks and choir
specials with tracks be covered under the streaming
Streaming licenses are for the use of songs/musical compositions only.
Master Use licenses are a separate matter, in that it relates to the use of a
sound recording/accompaniment track, and needs to be secured directly
from the owner of that sound recording. Look to find the (p) to determine
who that owner is.
Can I use tracks for our special music streaming on
You may do so, ONLY if you've obtained a Master Use license from the
owner of the sound recording.
I was able to quickly get permission to use a song with a
track for our live stream. However, it came with a bill
for $100.00. Is this typical?? I was under the
impression that all I needed to do was get permission
and there was nothing mentioned about fees. Are there
other options?
Most likely, the fee you paid was a Master Use license for the use of the
sound recording. The range of fees for the use of the sound recording is at
the sole discretion of the owner of the sound recording.
If I perform a solo and use a purchased accompaniment
CD do I also need permission to use the CD?
Yes, the accompaniment CD is a copyrighted sound recording. Thus a
Master Use license should be secured from the owner of the sound
recording, as indicated by the (p) symbol.
I just bought a backing track by Tom Fettke from JWP
for our christmans Cantata. It will be performed by two
people on our regular youtube service. Do I need extra
license for this?
Yes, you will need to secure a Master Use license to stream the recording
performed to that accompaniment track. The copyright to the song will be
covered by your Streaming License with CCLI, One License, or CCS.
Movie Clips
Can we show movie clips on our livestream if we have a
CVLI license? Or is it only in house?
CCLI needs to answer this question directly. Please contact them.
One License
How is the OneLicense Practice-Track License related to
motion pictures and movie scenes? It sounds like it
should address part-prominent and accompaniment
recordings to be shared with musicians for rehearsal
Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of ONE LICENSE: The
Practice-Track License and a license for motion pictures and movie scenes
are entirely different. Our Practice-Track License is intended for rehearsal
purposes for cantors and choirs from our catalog of titles, only. A
mechanical license would need to be requested from the copyright holder
for motion pictures, as our service is strictly non-commercial.
One License
Our mainline church holds the following licenses: (CCLI)
Church Copyright License, Church Reheasal License,
Church Streaming License, SongSelect, (CCS)
PERFORMmusic License, and Christian Video License.
My question is whether, as a more traditional (and
sometimes "blended") style music ministry, do we need
to add OneLicense? (I often cannot find the traditional
pieces in CCLI.) Thank you!
There is a great chance that you may need one or more licenses from One
License as well, because there are several catalogs from some Mainline and
Liturgical publishers that are represented only by One License and not by
CCLI. You should review the list of Member Publishers on the Home Page
of One License's website to see what publishers are included, and do
likewise with CCLI. Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of
ONE LICENSE: I agree with this answer.
One License
Does streaming license from OneLicense allow
broadcast of service on public access tv?
Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of ONE LICENSE: Our
service does not cover television or radio broadcast. The station should
seek licensure from ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, etc. for this purpose.
One License
What about songs published in a collection by a
member publisher covered by, but they
published it in their collection by special permission.?
Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of ONE LICENSE: I would
need additional context to answer this question, and advise that they
contact [email protected]et for additional help.
One License
We have CCLI license with streaming extension. Would
there be a compelling reason to change to OneLicense?
The reason to consider either or both services is because of the list of
Member Publishers whose catalogs are represented by either company.
You should consult their websites to review this list of Member Publishers.
It has to do with content. CCLI covers contemporary, One License is more
traditional/liturgical. Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of
ONE LICENSE: I agree with my colleague's replies. The Member Publishers
and copyright holders on the respective services are different. While there
is some crossover, the church/organization would want to contact the
licensing agency that covers the work they are specifically looking for.
One License
Does the OneLicense Podcast licensing cover pre-
recorded worship services that are available via link on
Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of ONE LICENSE: I
recommend they contact us directly at [email protected], as there is
likely more nuance to this question than the customer provided here.
One License
I do mainly traditional services. Traditional classical
choral, vocal solo, and organ music is often not covered
by a CCLI license. What is the best single source to
license streaming of traditional choral, organ, vocal, and
instrumental works?
The reason to consider either or both services is because of the list of
Member Publishers whose catalogs are represented by either company.
You should consult their websites to review this list of Member Publishers.
Answer from Brenna C. Cronin, General Manager of ONE LICENSE: I agree
with my colleagues. It's likely ONE LICENSE, but they would want to check
to ensure that their specific copyrights are covered. ONE LICENSE tends to
lean more liturgical in nature.
Parking Lot
We started broadcasting our services to our parking lot
using a short-range FM transmitter for people who
listen in their cars. Do we need a special license for
You should look into securing a PERFORMMusic License from Christian
Copyright Solutions.
Isn't archived streaming and podcasting basically the
same thing?
podcast IS podcast verses archived considered the same thing? Yes.
If you have emailed the publisher multiple times or
followed their licensing instructions and have not heard
back from them, is there another way you can stream or
post a video of the song?
You may not legally proceed without a license. However, sometimes they
are not responding because they simply have not been able to find the
time to reply to your request, and then there may be the situation where
they're not replying because they do not intend to grant the permission
you are requesting. It is hard to speculate which one of those situations
may be applicable to your request.
Can a performer give a video recording to a church for
their stream?
This is a very complex question - one in which the answer would likely lead
to one or more follow up questions. But at its most basic level, the answer
is yes - a performer could give a video recording to a church for their
stream, and the church would be allowed to use it accordingly. However,
there are several questions that you would need to confirm before you
proceed to using it in your stream. (1) Does the performer own the rights
in and to the video master, and possibly the underlying audio portion of
that video master? If not, the church may have to secure a Master Use
License. (2) Does the owner of the audio and video have the proper
synchronization license(s) from the owner of the song to have even made
the video in the first place? If not, the church may have to secure a
Synchronization License from the publisher. (3) Is the performer's rights to
the video transferable to you to use in your church's stream? (4) Does the
church need to have any licenses of its own from the owner(s) of the audio
master, video master, or the song to be able to broadcast the video on its
stream? If all of these answers are cleared, then you are likely safe to
proceed with broadcasting the video in your church's stream.
How does a parking lot choir work with licensing if you
are recording and using for both a live worship service
and the virtual worship service?
This situation is subject to a couple of different perspectives. But my
opinion is that if the choir's performance was recorded in the parking lot
for social-distancing purposes, but was intended primarily for use in the
worship service had they been able to perform it there, then the streaming
of that performance is covered under the CCLI or One License Streaming
licenses. However, it may be best to seek the consent to this opinion from
the publisher(s) of the song before proceeding, or possibly consult CCLI and
One License.
So if bell choirs are pre-recording their piece to be put
into a church service several weeks later, what license
do they need? It sounds like we need a mechanical
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
Can we use in our streaming service a recorded choir
piece (our choir) that is recorded on a CD from a
worship service (a mechanical license was already
secured when the recording was done)
Yes. From your explanation of the circumstances, no other permissions
would be required.
If we have a wedding in our church and they hire a
videographer to capture the ceremony and the music is
in their recording, who is responsible for the license
requirements being met? The church or the bride?
Presuming that the church is not broadcasting or duplicating this video of
the wedding, the bridal party would be responsible to secure any copyright
permissions needed to create and distribute this video.
During COVID-19 we have to record our bell choir pieces
because there is NO room in our sanctuary to socially
distance our entire bell choir. We then enbed the
recording in our Sunday morning service. Do we need
separate licensing. We have CCLI & OneLicense for both
podcasting and hymns.
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
My flute choir has virtually performed a flute choir
piece. Can we offer this to our various churches? There
is no money being exchanged for this, and the music
was purchased. What is the difference between us
performing in person, and providing the performance
via video?
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
If our pianist records a hymn for use in a service but she
does it from home and sends it in because of the
pandemic, do we need a special license?
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
Does including a virtual choir//pre-recorded recording
by the church choir and musicians require a master use
license? Or, is that covered by the standard live-worship
livestream/podcast license?
A Master Use license is needed only if you are recording your choir to an
accompaniment track that is not created by your own musicians.
Otherwise, you might consult more information about virtual choir
recordings at one location that provides further information - see the link
We have archived recordings of our choir singing music
for our Advent Vespers service from the last 10 years.
All of the songs are by publishers covered by
OneLicense. Can we curate those and put together a
Virtual Advent Vespers Service for this year to put on
Facebook or our YouTube page? Do we "own" the
Master License for these recordings or do we need to
do something else to use them legally?
Provided that your choir's recordings are performed to live musicians, and
do not use an accompaniment track owned by the publisher, then you
would be cleared to use these recordings in your church's stream, if such
performances would have been done within the parameters of a regularly
scheduled worship service.
I write songs for our praise band. we want to record
them for play at virtual services. Do we need a license
for that?
You do not need any licenses to record your own music, provided that you
are fine with allowing the church to use your songs on a gratis basis.
However, I would urge you to register your songs with CCLI or One License
in the event that the performance of your songs are logged in their
reporting process.
If you play a snippet from a song during a sermon, is
there any copyright concern?
There would be no concern if the 'snippet' falls within the parameters of
what is consider Fair Use. You should review this section of the U.S.
Copyright Law to verify how this snippet can be used.
If we pull a particularly well done performance of a bell
choir piece from our livestream worship and put it up
on YouTube on a seperate "Music Ministry YouTube
channel" of the church do I need additional permissions
from the individual publishers if I credit them when I
publish the piece on our music YouTube Channel?
You would need a Synchronization License for this use, since it falls outside
of the Streaming License requirement of being a worship service broadcast.
So a previously recorded anthem from my choir can’t be
inserted in a current livestreamed service? Without a
mechanical license?
If the original recording was made and archived in a stream of a previously
recorded worship service, my opinion would be that it would not require
any additional licenses other than your church's Streaming License.
However, if the recording was made separately, apart from a worship
service, you would need (1) a Mechanical License if an audio recording was
done, or (2) a Synchronization License if a video recording was done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
We're asking members to record themselves performing
a song at home and send us their videos for us to post
on FB and our YT channel. What licenses do we need?
You would need to consider securing a 'virtual choir recording' license,
which has recently evolved from publishers based on the social-distancing
needs created by COVID-19. This usually includes either/both the
mechanical and video synchronization licenses.
Can I record an audio of our school kids singing a song
covered by CCLI and include it in our livestreamed
worship service?
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
Our services are pre-recorded. The hymns, anthems,
and keyboard or instrumental music are all recorded
ahead of time and assembled and edited by a media
specialist. It is then a Vimeo recording which members
can access through our website. So which licenses do
we need?
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording. You may also need a performance
license, as we are unsure if Vimeo has a blanket license like Facebook or
For the individuals and singing groups that are not
allowed yet to perform live at retirement facilities,
hospice, etc., what are the licenses to record and sell
CD/DVD's to provide these facilities with entertainment.
(Individual songs from musicals, 20's to 50's songs,
country, etc.)
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done - a
license for each song recorded. You would need a Synchronization License
if a video recording is done - a license for each song recorded. These must
be secured directly from the publisher(s) of the song(s). CCLI and One
License is not authorized to handle this type of licensing.
is the only way to share music between churches in a
denomination, performed and recorded under a CCLI or
One License by a church in the denomination, to be
used in virtual worship by other churches, through
master license by song from the publisher.
This is a complex situation, and would be subject to various opinions if you
asked different publishers. On the one hand, your original recording could
be subject to a Mechanical or Sync License, by the mere process of
'duplicating' it for the other church. However their broadcasting of it in
their stream would likely fall under their Streaming License. However, you
might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the song to see if they
would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync license, considering
that you recorded it originally under your own church's Streaming License.
Do we need permission to play a recorded song during
our church service? We have permission to sing the
song, and it's one we recorded ourselves playing the
No, you would not need any additional licenses to play the song in your
May our church use an anthem that another church has
recorded with their permission?
This is a complex situation, and would be subject to various opinions if you
asked different publishers. On the one hand, the other church's original
recording could be subject to a Mechanical or Sync License, by the mere
process of 'duplicating' it your church. However, your broadcasting of it in
your stream would likely fall under your Streaming License. However, you
might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the song to see if they
would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync license to the church
who made the original recording, considering that they recorded it
originally under their own church's Streaming License.
If your accompanist records the music to be used by a
soloist, you would need a master license in order to do
that, yes???
No, at most you might need to secure a Mechanical License to have
recorded and duplicated the track created by your accompanist. Check
with the publisher of the music you are recording.
Choral octavo must be prerecorded due to Covid and is
then played in the midst of our service. Then available
after on our website (we use YouTube). Our live
musicians only. Do we only need a streaming license?
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done. You
would need a Synchronization License is a video recording is done.
However, you might consider speaking with the publisher/owner of the
song to see if they would consider allowing a gratis Mechanical or Sync
licensing, considering that you have a CCLI or One License Streaming
License for the use of that recording.
If a streaming license is a combination of a mechanical
and performance license, then why wouldn't a
recording for livestreaming be covered?
Because live streaming usually incorporates a video process that is above
and beyond the audio and performance aspect.
If we have an outdoor service with only one vocalist
with no hard copies of a bulletin, are we required to put
the copyright information on the church website?
You would only have to post the copyright information only if that
performance were broadcast on a live or archived stream.
Any issues with recording a worship service, with choir
anthem, and posting on Church website for those not
able to attend in
There are no issues if (1) the performance incorporated only live musicians,
and (2) you had secured the appropriate Streaming License for your
worship service.
If a handful of solo songs are performed in a recital
format, are licenses required for these songs if recorded
on CD that would not be sold.
You would need a Mechanical License if an audio recording is done - a
license for each song recorded. It makes no difference whether the
recording is sold, given away, or exchanged for some other value. The
mere process of duplicating the songs onto a CD gives reason for the
Mechanical License to be obtained. These must be secured directly from
the publisher(s) of the song(s). CCLI and One License is not authorized to
handle this type of licensing.
in pre- recording services, there will be recording parts
from 4 - people singing like quartet. they are singing a
piece. would it be okay
In general, publishers would consider this to be a gratis use.
Rehearsal CD
If I buy a rehearsal recording (w/parts, etc.) from
wjpepper do I still have to have a license to share it with
my choir?
Yes. Any duplication of a rehearsal track is in essence a duplication of both
(1) a copyrighted sound recording, and (2) a copyrighted song. Thus, both
a Master Use license and a Mechanical License must be secured. However,
many of these rehearsal recordings come with wording that allows you to
share it with your choir members - check the product before you purchase
to be sure.
Specifically, how would you go about keeping within the
exemption for religious services?
The exemption is actually very limited. There are two qualifiers: (1) the
song can be publicly performed (sung or played), and the song can be
displayed (the act of making it visible - i.e. projecting), and (2) these two
uses must be in the course of services at a place of worship or other
religious assembly. All other uses outside of these two qualifications
requires a license from either the publisher directly or through a bulk
licensing service like CCLI, One License, or CCS.
so, can I play an artist's recording in a service that is not
Yes, the public performance of an existing sound recording can be played
during a worship service. However, that portion of the service cannot be
streamed without a separate Master Use license.
...regarding the Religious exemption from 1976... so if
we project song lyrics during our worship service we
don’t need a License, but if we print song lyrics on a
paper worship aid ( only to be used AT the service). We
DO need a license?
The projection of the lyrics during a worship service falls clearly under the
Religious Service Exemption ("RSE"). However, if the lyric is captured or
copied in some printed or electronic form, then the 'reprint' of the lyric in
either of those two formats requires a 'Print License' and is not exempt
under the RSE. The lyric capture, storage and reprint is covered under
one's CCLI or One License agreements.
Our church livestreams ONLY on a password -protected
webcast to our own members (shut-ins). The stream is
not available to the public. Would the religious service
exeption apply in this circumstance??
No, the Religious Service Exemption would not apply in this situation. What
you are doing is still a 'stream', and whether or not it is made available
publicly or privately, it still requires a streaming license.
This is NOT a music question but a copyright one: if
someone reads a story during children’s time, what
license does that require?
The reading of the story, in this case, would be a public performance; and
thereby it would fall under the Religious Service Exemption.
The religious services exemption says use and
projection of song. The CCLI Copyright License says you
have to have a license to project the lyrics. Would you
clarify please?
You should speak with CCLI directly regarding their interpretation of what
projecting the lyric would mean under the Religious Service Exemption.
However, if the lyric is captured or copied in some printed or electronic
form, then the 'reprint' or projection of the lyric from either of those two
formats is the act that requires a license from CCLI or One License.
In the exemption clause, is the phrase "in the course of
services" limited to a worship service specifically, such
as what happens at 10am on Sunday morning? Or is it
reflective of the multiple ways places of worship offer
services, which can take place throughout the week?
The general interpretation of this held by publishers and CCLI suggests that
their license covers the use of the song in a regular worship service. Those
worship services can be held at different times and locations within the
confines of a church. However, it is generally interpreted that any use
outside of a regularly scheduled worship service (i.e. concert performed on
church property) falls outside the parameters of a CCLI license.
Does the religious service exemption cover services off-
site, such as at a park?
My experience would suggest to me that it would not be covered.
However, in these days and times, we know that worship services are being
held in outside parks, and would reasonably be considered a regularly
scheduled worship service.
Do projecting words in the service fall under the
The projection of the lyrics during a worship service falls clearly under the
Religious Service Exemption ("RSE"). However, if the lyric is captured or
copied in some printed or electronic form, then the 'reprint' of the lyric in
either of those two formats requires a 'Print License' and is not exempt
under the RSE. The lyric capture, storage and reprint is covered under
one's CCLI or One License agreements.
If my church records their service to stream on Sundays,
but then also shows part of that in an in-person service
on campus, does CCLI streaming and copyright cover all
Yes, your Streaming License would cover this use. Both CCLI and One
License's streaming licenses includes live and archived streams.
Can you briefly address the importance of reporting
usage to CCLI, OneLicense, etc?
This question should be answered directly by CCLI and One License
Social Media Define non-rrevenue basis
In the context of a Streaming License, the rights are granted provided that
the church creating the stream is not trying to monetize, or generate ad
revenue, or otherwise, from the streaming of their service. This would
include any podcasts created from the stream that could be sold for a fee,
or in exchange for placing ads next to the podcast. Both CCLI and One
License are very strict about this matter. However, it is understood and
generally accepted that a church may solicit an offering during the stream
to be given to the church as an act of tithing.
Social Media
Do the licences cover meetings, like a Youth Group
meeting, when you are using Youtube to just play music
or sing to?
This is a gray area, and your question should be directed to CCLI or One
License respectively. The question is whether or not the Youth Group
meeting is considered a regularly scheduled worship service.
Social Media
fblive has silenced our videos during VBS. I've
wondered what we can show and if we need a license
to show videos that don't belong to us. Where do we
get the license?
The assumption that FB is making is that the sound recordings or videos
that are being displayed through FB may have copyrighted content that is
not owned by the church. Thereby, they are deleting these sections from
your streaming feed. You would have to have secured a Master Use license
for the recordings or videos that you are displaying in your stream, and be
able to provide evidence of that Master Use license to FB. You should
consult the FAQ or Customer Service at FB to inquire how to make certain
when and/or if you have such Master Use license, because their default
assumption will be that you do not have such permission.
Social Media
Facebook seems to have an automatic flag. They will
restore it but as soon as they "hear"/suspect you are
using it illegally they silence it.
There are digital codes that are embedded in sound recordings, which FB is
capable of decoding as a sound recording is played. If they detect that
such a recording is being used, their default assumption will be that you do
not have a Master Use license to be able to stream that content.
Social Media
If we don't show a song but put the link in the bulletin,
can we do that or would we need a license?
You would be able to put the URL link in the bulletin, or embedded in your
streaming broadcast, provided that the recording is not automatically
Social Media
Is YouTube a non revenue generating streaming
service? This is how we stream our services.
YouTube can be a non-revenue generating transmission, provided that it
has been instructed to not place ads alongside one's broadcast.
Social Media
We purchased some music videos from Worship House
Media that included a Web license. Can we livestream
those without getting tagged by YouTube or Facebook?
You should ask this directly from Worship House Media. Chances are they
have dealt with this matter before, and know the ins and outs of what
content from their videos may be broadcast on your church's stream.
Social Media
How do we deal with YouTube and SoundCloud claiming
infringement of Public Domain music?
This is a question you will have to direct to YouTube.
Social Media
We have gotten flagged for songs pulled from Song
Select and performed live (have all CCLI licenses) and
have been flagged.
This is a question you should probably direct to CCLI, and see if they have a
way to address this problem.
Social Media
We've talked about Facebook and YouTube but what
about Google Meet or Google they possibly
have a performance rights license like the other two?
You would want to contact Google directly - that is not something we were
able to research for this webinar.
Social Media
Will you address Facebook's new requirement to post
copyright and license information for each piece of
music that is not public domain. Is posting all of this in
the comments at the end acceptable?
This is a question you will have to direct to Facebook.
Social Media
In our experience at our church, there is much flagging
of tunes we are using which are public domain. The title
*might* match at copyrighted work, but we are using
public domain material. How can we stop the flagging?
I am sorry to say that you are going to have to deal with this on a song by
song, case by case basis.
Social Media
Does “non-revenue generating” includes offerings
requested during concerts? Or “you may give online
In the context of a Streaming License, the rights are granted provided that
the church creating the stream is not trying to monetize, or generate ad
revenue, or otherwise, from the streaming of their service. This would
include any podcasts created from the stream that could be sold for a fee,
or in exchange for placing ads next to the podcast. Both CCLI and One
License are very strict about this matter. However, it is understood and
generally accepted that a church may solicit an offering during the stream
to be given to the church as an act of tithing.
video synch
Who do you get the video sync license from???
If the use is for the streaming of your worship service, then your licenses
with CCLI and One License will suffice. However, for any other audio/video
use that requires a synchronization license, such will need to be secured
directly from the publisher/owner of the song, or their respective
video synch
For songs/anthems NOT on CCLI or OneLicense, do you
know what it costs to get permission to use in podcasts?
Seems that many anthems are not found on CCLI nor
The fees will range from publisher to publisher, but a license will need to
be secured directly from the publisher/owner of the song, or their
respective administrator.
virtual choir
What licenses do I need to livestream/archive a virtual
choir performance recording? And to share it to
You will need a video synchronization license to create the compilation
video. You may also need a mechanical license to create the original audio
track to record to. Facebook covers the performance license, so you won't
need an additional license for posting it there. Contact the song's copyright
holder to find out what they require.
virtual choir
If you are using public domain hymns in a virtual choir,
do you need all those 3 licences?
No - if the title is in the public domain, it is not protected by copyright law.
You do not need a license.
virtual choir
What if the song is a hymn from a hymnal? Can a virtual
choir be created from that?
You will need to check with the publisher of the hymnal series to see what
their requirements are. Not all hymns are in the public domain.
virtual choir
So a virtual choir video, *only* included within the
livestream/podcast of a worship service, is *not*
covered by the OneLicense Livestream/Podcast license?
One License covers recorded music used for congregational participation
only. You should contact the publisher of the virtual choir piece to
determine which additional licenses you may need.
virtual choir
Our virtual choir is audio only, no video, how does that
change things?
You would need a mechanical license at the least to cover the audio
recording. You can get this from the publisher of the music you are
virtual choir
If a virtual choir piece , for example, has been posted on
YouTube, do you need permission from anyone to use
that video in your LiveStreamed worship service?
Contact the person who posted the video to get permission before sharing
it in your service.
virtual choir
What if the accompaniment that you send to the virtual
choir is not a recording, but your musician playing the
piece? Do you need a license?
You would need a mechanical license to cover the audio recording made by
your pianist. Check with One License and/or CCLI to determine if one of
their licenses may cover this.
virtual choir
Podcasting a Virtual Choir piece is OK under CCLI
Streaming License if not using a prerecorded track (all
singing & playing recorded by participants)? (Supply
copyright notice as instructed.)
No - CCLI license and streaming add-on only covers recording LIVE worship
situations. Not playing of pre-recorded videos not originally created in a
live situation (like a virtual choir). Contact the song's publisher to get a
virtual choir
If your virtual choir only uses public domain music, then
no licenses required?
Vocal solo How do we get permission to stream vocal solos?
If your solo is performed live during the stream, then a Streaming License
will suffice. However, if your solo is performed to an accompaniment track,
a Master Use license will need to be secured from the owner of the sound
recording, as indicated by the (p) copyright notice.
If you show a YouTube video during your worship
service, is it legal to then stream it?
You will need to inquire about this directly from YouTube. It may be that
you will be required to provide the YouTube URL link to the respective
video that you want to stream, and force your listener to view it separately
from your stream.
If I have the performer or producer's permission to use
a recorded music video in a church service, is there any
way to clear that with YouTube so they won't take the
entire church service video recording down from
You will need to inquire about this directly from YouTube.
Our church is currently playing youtube recordings of
hymns in it's live stream services. Since the hymns are
public domain, they think it's okay. Is it?
You will need to inquire about this directly from YouTube.
YouTube What is a copyright claim? Is that a strike? You will need to inquire about this directly from YouTube.
Can a CDC video PSA on YouTube be incorporated into a
recorded service?
You will need to inquire about this directly from YouTube.
If there is an offering taken, is that still a non-revenue
In the context of a Streaming License, the rights are granted provided that
the church creating the stream is not trying to monetize, or generate ad
revenue, or otherwise, from the streaming of their service. This would
include any podcasts created from the stream that could be sold for a fee,
or in exchange for placing ads next to the podcast. Both CCLI and One
License are very strict about this matter. However, it is understood and
generally accepted that a church may solicit an offering during the stream
to be given to the church as an act of tithing.
With CCLI license and video license why do we get
copyright notices from youtube?
Likely, YouTube is detecting that you are streaming a recording that is
owned by another content provider (i.e. record label), and they have
restricted further use of their recording that is not coming from their own
content site.
YouTube What do you need to put your service on youtube. You would need a streaming license.
I have been told by ASCAP that youtube has its own
licenses. Are we covered by their license if we stream a
service on their site only?
No. If it is a stream of your worship service, you will also need a Streaming
License from CCLI, One License and/or CCS.
Are the rules for Zoom (just to the members of our
church) the same as the rules for livestream?
so needed for the zoom meetings, you would need to
treat it like a normal church service?
You would need the regular licenses you have for "normal" worship, but
also a streaming license to cover the Zoom platform.
Do we need licences for private Zoom rehearsal, not
recording the session. But, to show music and lyrics and
play recordings.
Technically it is still a livestream. I would check with One LIcense and / or
CCLI - whomever you have licenses with - to find out what they
What about using youtube videos on a private ZOOM
You would want to check with the person who posted the original videos
on YouTube to get permission to share it in your broadcast.
We do not put our service online for everyone at
anytime. We do a zoom meeting that is only available
at 11:00 live. You do need a password to participate.
Do the same rules apply to us?
Yes - streaming is streaming, regardless of who sees it when. It is outside of
your regular worship environment.
We host monthly "Hymn Sings" on Zoom, advertised to
our congregation. I can report the hymns from our
hymnal. Can we also share a YouTube video during that
Zoom meeting?
You would want to check with the person who posted the original videos
on YouTube to get permission to share it in your broadcast.
My church has Zoom devices with prerecorded
segments, which is hymn singing for the church
members. Also in the Zoom services, we put the lyrics
on the screen. Please let me know what licenses we
You would need both an Annual License and a streaming license from One
License or CCLI to cover the lyrics and the streaming.
If music is used in a closed situation(not available to the
general public, but within a private group of people),
how does the copyright/streaming license work?
It's no different. Streaming is streaming, regardless of who sees it when. It
is outside of your regular worship environment.
Zoom What about a Zoom service that is not recorded? You would still need a streaming license to stream it online.
Do you need a streaming license just for Zoom if the
church is not livestreaming to another platform?
Yes. Streaming is streaming, regardless of who sees it when. It is outside
of your regular worship environment.
If I play a hymn arrangement for organ by a
contemporary composer, am I under obligation to
report copyright information?
Yes, because that arrangement is likely to be copyrighted by the publisher
or writer of that arrangement.
What about a recording made by the arranger of a
public domain hymn? Choir members submitted their
participation to the arranger. He owns the copyright of
the arrangement
If the owner of the copyright gives you written permission, then you should
be fine.