A Guide to Pregnancy,
Birth and Babies
Hey Mama!
Welcome and thank you for choosing Boston Medical Center for
care while you are pregnant. Maybe you are pregnant for the first time. Maybe you have
been pregnant before. You will feel different each time you are pregnant. You may have
many new questions, thoughts and feelings. You may want to know how your baby is
growing. And you may want to know how to take care of yourself. You will have many
visits with your provider during your pregnancy. Your provider may be a midwife, a doctor
or a nurse practitioner. Ask lots of questions at your visits. Go to a childbirth education
class. Learn as much as you can.
Part 1:
First Trimester
Taking Care of Yourself while
You Are Pregnant ...................................................................................... 4
Safety in Pregnancy ...............................................................................5
Exercise ..............................................................................................................6
Healthy Eating ............................................................................................. 7
Problems during Pregnancy ...........................................................9
Making Love during Pregnancy ..............................................10
What to Expect at Prenatal Visits ..........................................11
Your Growing Baby .............................................................................13
Changes in Your Body Months 1 to 3 ...............................14
Birth Sisters
Program .....................................................................15
Childbirth Education ..........................................................................16
Second Trimester
Changes in Your Body Months 4 to 6 ...............................17
Third Trimester
Changes in Your Body Months 7 to 9 ...............................19
Getting Ready for Your Baby ....................................................21
Part 2:
This section will answer some of your questions
about labor and birth. Talk to your provider before
you go into labor. Ask questions and learn as much
as you can. Think about what is important to you
and your family during labor and birth.
What Are the Signs of Labor? ....................................................23
Directions to Labor and Delivery ...........................................24
What Should I Expect
When I Get to the Hospital? .........................................................25
What Happens to My Body
in Labor and Birth? .............................................................................26
What Are My Choices?
- Labor Pain without Medication .........................................27
- Labor Pain with Medication ...................................................28
Problems during Birth ......................................................................29
What Should I Know about
Cesarean Birth? .......................................................................................31
What Happens after I Give Birth? ........................................32
Facts about Breastfeeding .............................................................33
When You Leave the Hospital ...................................................35
Part 3:
Congratulations and welcome to your new baby!
The first hours after birth are filled with many
changes. You have been waiting a long time to
meet your baby. And giving birth takes a lot of
energy. You may feel excited as well as tired,
sore and a little nervous about what to expect
when you go home.
Taking Care of Yourself
- Changes in Your Body after Birth .....................................37
- Your Body after Cesarean/
Emotions after Birth .......................................................................39
- Healthy Eating and Exercise ..................................................40
- Family Planning ..................................................................................41
- Methods of Birth Control ..........................................................42
- More Important Tips .......................................................................43
Taking Care of Your Baby
- The Look of Your New Baby ................................................44
- Baby Care: What Should I Know? .................................45
- More Important Tips .....................................................................47
Glossary .........................................................................................................48
Pregnancy 3
Part 1:
Pregnancy 4
While You Are Pregnant
Ten ways to stay healthy while you are pregnant:
1. Go to your prenatal visits (health care while you are pregnant).
2. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day.
3. Eat healthy foods.
4. Exercise.
5. Get plenty of rest.
6. Do not use alcohol, cigarettes or street drugs.
7. Wear your seat belt.
8. Go to a childbirth education group.
9. Learn to relax with deep breathing.
10. Talk about your questions and worries. Ask for help.
Ways Your Support Person Can Help
Your support person may be your partner, the father of the baby, a friend or family
member. Your support person can:
• Be a good listener.
• Go to a childbirth education group
or prenatal visit.
• Ask questions at prenatal visits.
• Help with housework, errands
and cooking.
• Help with childcare.
Pregnancy 5
Safety in Pregnancy
Many women have questions about foods, chemicals, germs or behaviors
they have heard can hurt the baby. Here are some facts:
Alcohol, cigarettes and street drugs:
• Alcohol (beer, wine and liquor) can
hurt your baby’s brain and body.
•Cigarettes can cause your baby to be
born too early or too small.
• Secondhand smoke (the smoke from another
person smoking) can hurt your baby.
• Street drugs can hurt your baby’s brain and cause
labor to begin too early.
Do you need help to stop?
Smoking Cessation Program: 617.414.4847
Addiction and Pregnancy Helpline: 617.414.4165
Chemicals: Avoid breathing strong-smelling
chemicals in your home or workplace.
Chemicals include paint, cleaning fluids
and varnish.
Dirty cat litter: Cat stool (poop) can have a
virus called toxoplasmosis. Getting sick
with this virus could harm your baby.
Have someone else change the cat litter.
Hot tubs or saunas: You may become too hot
in a hot tub or sauna. This can hurt your
baby’s brain and body.
Caffeine: More than 2 drinks with caffeine a day
may affect your pregnancy. Some drinks with
caffeine are coffee, tea and certain sodas.
Fish with mercury: Mercury is a poisonous
metal found in some fish. These
fish include shark, swordfish and
king mackerel. Avoid eating a lot
of fish with mercury.
Foods with germs that could harm your baby:
Raw or under-cooked raw meat, fish,
shellfish and eggs. Unpasteurized cheese,
milk or juice.
Is it safe to take medications while I am
pregnant? Talk to your provider about any
herbs, vitamins or medications you may be
taking or want to take.
Is it safe to travel? Most women can travel up to
the last month of pregnancy. Wear your
seat belt. Take breaks when driving. Get
up and walk around every hour when
flying. Drink plenty of water. Take a copy of your
prenatal records with you.
Pregnancy 6
Exercise helps you to stay healthy while you are pregnant.
Talk to your provider about how to exercise while you are pregnant.
Exercise can help you:
• Have stronger muscles for birth.
• Have more energy.
• Be in a better mood.
• Lower your stress.
• Prevent too much weight gain.
• Ease leg cramps and backaches.
• Help with constipation.
Even a few minutes of stretching each day can
make you feel better and stronger. Try things
like swimming, housecleaning, yard work or a
combination of these activities.
Try to exercise for 30 minutes every day. Drink
plenty of water before and after you exercise.
Stop exercising if you feel:
• Pain.
• Dizziness.
• Shortness of breath.
• Uterine cramps like when you get your period.
• Contractions (your stomach gets tight and hard).
You can take a yoga class or
practice with a yoga video.
You can dance anywhere!
Walk for 30 minutes a day.
You can walk to the park, to
the store or to the bus stop.
Pregnancy 7
Healthy Eating
Foods you need when you are pregnant:
Eat 3 5 servings a day
Have vitamins and minerals that keep
you and your baby healthy.
Meats, Beans and Eggs
Eat 3 4 servings a day
Have protein that helps build your baby’s brain,
muscles, heart, lungs and other organs.
Bread, Rice and Cereal
Eat 6 11 servings a day
Have vitamins, minerals and energy
you need to grow a healthy baby.
Pregnancy 8
Weight Gain During Pregnancy
Gain 28 to 40 pounds if you are underweight.
Gain 25 to 35 pounds if you are average weight.
Gain 15 to 25 pounds if you are overweight.
Talk with your provider about the best
weight gain for your body.
Eat 2 4 servings a day
Have vitamins and minerals that keep you
and your baby healthy.
Milk, Cheese and Yogurt
Eat 3 4 servings a day
Have calcium that helps build your baby’s
bones and teeth.
Breasts 2 pounds
Blood 3 pounds
Uterus 2 pounds
Placenta 1.5 pounds
Baby 7.5 pounds
Fat 1.5 pounds
Amniotic Fluid 1.5 pounds
Other Fluids 1.5 pounds
Helpful Hints
• Water is good for you. Drink 8 or more
glasses of fluid every day.
• Avoid foods like cookies, chips, french fries,
donuts and soda. They fill you up but do not
give you the vitamins and minerals you need
to grow a healthy baby.
• Eat small servings of food every 2 to 3 hours.
A small amount is 1 cup of cooked rice,
1 piece of fruit, 1 slice of cheese or a piece of
meat the size of the palm of your hand.
• Get folic acid early in pregnancy from leafy
green vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, whole
grain breads and cereals. Folic acid lowers the
chance of problems with your baby’s spine.
• Eat food with iron such as red meat, leafy
green vegetables, beans and cereal. Iron helps
your blood carry oxygen to you and your baby.
Pregnancy 9
Warning Signs in Pregnancy
Call your clinic during office hours.
After office hours call 617.414.2000 or the
number given to you by your provider for:
• Very bad nausea with vomiting that
won’t go away.
• Pain or burning when you pass urine.
• Very bad stomach pain.
• Sharp blow or trauma to your stomach.
• Chills or fever greater than 100.4° F.
• Your baby is not moving as much as before.
• Very bad headache that won’t go away.
• You feel dizzy.
• Your vision is blurry.
• Bleeding.
Preterm Labor (labor before 37 weeks)
Some signs may be:
• Contractions (your stomach gets hard)
more than 4 times in an hour.
• Stomach cramps like when you get
your period.
• Low, dull backache.
• Blood or fluid from your vagina.
Depression while You Are Pregnant
Some women feel sad or depressed when they are pregnant. Maybe you felt this way before you were
pregnant. Maybe this is the first time you have felt this way. You may wonder why you feel sad when others
tell you that you should feel happy to be pregnant. Pregnancy is a time of change, and change can be
stressful. Too much stress can make you feel depressed, worried or unsure.
Some signs of depression include:
• Feeling sad.
• Sleeping all day or having trouble sleeping.
• Changes in eating (eating too much or too little).
• Feeling anxious or worried.
• Feeling grumpy or irritable.
It is not your fault that you are depressed. With help, you can feel better. Talk to your provider to learn
more about treatment.
Problems at Home
In some families, people hurt each other by hitting or using mean or hurtful words. Does this happen in
your family? Being pregnant can make the hurting worse. Here are some ways to get help for
yourself and your children:
• Talk with your provider.
• Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline: 800.799.SAFE (7233)
Problems during Pregnancy
Pregnancy 10
Your feelings about sex may change during pregnancy. You may find
sex very exciting. Or you may not enjoy sex as much as before. You or
your partner may worry sex will hurt your baby.
It may not be easy for you to talk with your partner about your feelings. Or you may feel like your partner
will not understand. Pick a time to talk when you are not making love. Try new positions. Find other ways to
please each other.
Here are some facts about sex when you are pregnant:
• Gentle lovemaking will not hurt your baby.
• You can get an infection in your vagina from having sex with a partner who has HIV,
hepatitis B & C, herpes, warts (HPV), chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis.
• Infections may cause problems for your baby.
• Infections in your vagina may cause your labor to begin too soon.
• Using a condom will lower your chance of infection.
• Sex with one faithful partner will lower your chance of infection.
Making Love during Pregnancy
Pregnancy 10
Pregnancy 11
Why do I need prenatal visits?
Prenatal visits help you and your
provider to:
• Make sure your baby is growing well.
• Check you for problems in pregnancy
such as high blood pressure, diabetes,
infections or anemia.
• Talk about questions or worries you may have.
How often will I have
prenatal visits?
Expect 1 prenatal visit a month until you are 7
months. Then you will have a visit every 2 weeks
until the last month. You will have a visit every
week in the last month. Your provider may ask you
to come more often for any problems you may have.
What happens at my first
prenatal visit?
You will see a provider on your first visit. The
provider may be a midwife, obstetrician, family
medicine doctor or nurse practitioner. Expect
your provider to:
• Ask questions about your health history.
• Check your weight, blood pressure, heart, lungs,
thyroid and breasts.
• Check your uterus and cervix.
• Decide your baby’s due date.
Your provider will also order some tests.
These might be:
• A Pap test to check for cancer of your cervix.
• A test for infections in your vagina.
• A blood test to check for anemia, your blood
type and signs of infection.
• A urine test to check for protein, sugar or
• A test for tuberculosis (an infection in your lungs).
• HIV counseling and the choice to take an HIV test.
Will I have an ultrasound or other
tests for my baby?
Your provider will talk to you about an ultra-
sound to check for problems in your baby. Your
provider may ask you to talk with a genetic
counselor. A genetic counselor will talk to you
about the chance of your baby having a genetic
problem like Down Syndrome.
What to Expect at Prenatal Visits
Pregnancy 12
Here are some facts about some
tests for your baby:
Ultrasound: An ultrasound uses sound waves to
make a picture of your baby. Ultrasound can be
used to check the:
• Age of your baby.
• Heartbeat.
• Growth of your baby’s heart, brain, spine,
kidneys and other organs.
• Position and size of your baby.
First trimester or 3-month screen test: You
may have this test when you are in month 3. This
test is an ultrasound and a blood test that tells the
chance of some birth defects.
Quadruple screen test: The quadruple screen
is a blood test. It looks at 4 substances in your
blood that may be related to some genetic prob-
lems or problems with your baby’s spine.
Sickle cell test: This is a blood test for you, and
sometimes for the baby’s father, to tell the chance
of your baby having sickle cell disease. You can
inherit (get it from your mother or father) sickle
cell disease. Sickle cell disease is more common
in people of African ancestry.
Cystic fibrosis test: This is a blood test for you,
and sometimes for the baby’s father, to tell the
chance of your baby having cystic fibrosis. You can
inherit (get it from your mother or father) cystic
fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is more common in people
of Northern European ancestry.
What other tests will I have?
Tests at 6 months:
• Diabetes test or 1-hour glucola test. This is a
blood test to check for diabetes you can get
when you are pregnant.
• A blood test to check for anemia.
Tests at 9 months:
• Group B Strep (GBS) test. GBS is bacteria
(germ) in your vagina that can make your
baby sick. Women with GBS need antibiotics
(medicine) during labor to lessen the chance
that the baby will get sick.
• Another HIV test.
Pregnancy 13
At 4 weeks
• Your baby is the size of a pea and the
heart is beating.
At 6 weeks
• Your baby’s face, eyes, ears and mouth
are forming.
At 8 weeks
• Your baby is a little less than 1 inch long.
At 12 weeks
• Your baby is about 2 ½ inches long and weighs
about 1 ounce—about as much as a slice of
cheese. You may hear your baby’s heartbeat
at your prenatal visit. The placenta is fully
formed. The placenta carries oxygen and
nutrients to the baby.
At 16 weeks
• Your baby is about 5 inches long and now
weighs 5 ounces or a little more than
a quarter of a pound.
At 20 weeks
• Your baby is about 6 inches long and weighs ½
to 1 pound. Your baby can suck its thumb. Your
baby’s eyes can open and close. Your baby can
turn a full circle and kick.
At 24 weeks
• Your baby is about 8 inches long and
weighs 1 to 1 ½ pounds.
At 32 weeks
• Your baby is about 10 inches long and
weighs 2 to 3 ½ pounds.
At 40 weeks
• Your baby is almost 19 inches long and weighs
about 7 pounds.
Your Growing Baby
12 weeks 24 weeks 40 weeks
Pregnancy 14
Changes What will I notice? What can I do?
Nausea (feeling like you
want to vomit)
You may wake up with nausea. Or you may have
nausea all day. Notice smells more than before.
Feel like you need to spit.
Eat some crackers or dry cereal before lifting
your head off the pillow in the morning. Keep
some food in your stomach at all times. Eat every
2 to 3 hours. Eat plain foods not greasy or fried
foods. Drink fluids between meals instead
of with your food.
Breast changes
Your breasts get larger and may feel heavy and
tender. Your nipples get darker and bigger. Your
breasts get ready to make milk. You may leak
some early milk (colostrum).
Wear a bigger bra that gives you good support.
Feeling tired
You may feel very tired, like you want to
sleep all day.
Take naps if you can. Go to bed earlier.
Need to urinate (pee)
more often
Your growing uterus or womb presses on your
bladder. You may feel like you need to urinate
more often.
Avoid drinks with caffeine that make you urinate
more. These drinks include coffee, tea and soda.
Some women get headaches. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day.
Eat healthy food every 2 to 3 hours.
Mood changes
You may have feelings that change quickly from
happy and excited to unsure or worried.
Talk about your feelings. Decide what you need
and ask for help.
Months 1 to 3
Pregnancy 15
Birth Sisters
Birth Sisters are women from the communities around Boston
who are specially trained to give you support during pregnancy,
birth and after the baby comes.
They speak your language, listen to your needs and help you talk with your providers
about your questions or concerns. They will:
• Meet with you before the baby comes.
• Stay with you through labor and birth.
• Support you at home after the baby comes.
• Help you with breastfeeding.
To learn more, call: 617.414.5168
I love my Birth Sister. She has become my friend. She
has been at the birth of my three children! I especially
remember when I gave birth to my first child. My Birth
Sister was making me laugh so much that I pushed my
baby out while I was laughing very hard!
*Birth Sisters is a registered service mark of Urban Midwife Associates and is used with permission.
Pregnancy 16
Come to a childbirth education class. Maybe this is your first baby.
Maybe you have had a baby before. Anyone can come to this group.
You can also bring your support person.
In the group you can:
• Talk about being pregnant with other pregnant women.
• Learn about how your body works and how your baby is growing.
• Talk about birth. Learn the signs of labor and what to expect during birth.
• Learn about breastfeeding.
• Talk about parenting.
• Find support. You may need a safe place to ask questions or talk about worries.
To learn more, talk to your provider or call 617.414.3875.
The CenteringPregnancy
Program at Boston Medical Center offers you prenatal visits in a group
with 8 to 12 other pregnant women and a midwife or doctor. During your visits you will talk about
how to have a healthy pregnancy, get to know other mothers and have your check-up. Women say they
love CenteringPregnancy
because the group offers:
• Unhurried time with the midwife or doctor.
• Pre-scheduled visits for the whole pregnancy and no waiting the day of appointment.
• Support from other women going through the same changes at the same time.
Childbirth Education
Changes What will I notice? What can I do?
Your uterus grows bigger
You start to look pregnant. Wear loose-fitting clothes or maternity clothes.
Avoid very high-heeled shoes as they can cause
your lower back to hurt.
You can feel your baby move
You will feel your baby move at about month 5.
This feels like a flutter at first. The moves will feel
stronger as your baby grows.
Learn when your baby is most active and when
your baby rests. Enjoy feeling your baby move!
More energy, less nausea
You may feel less tired and less nauseated. Enjoy it!
Skin changes
You may have brown marks on your face or a dark
line down your stomach. The skin around your
nipples gets darker and bigger. You may get stretch
marks on your stomach, hips and breasts. These
are brown or dark red lines that come from your
skin stretching.
Dark areas on your skin go away after pregnancy.
Stretch marks get lighter after pregnancy.
Stuffed-up nose
Pregnancy hormones may make your nose feel
stuffed up like you have a cold.
Use saline drops (Ocean
spray drops)
to clear your nose.
Bleeding gums
Pregnancy hormones can make your gums
bleed more easily.
Use a soft toothbrush and floss every day.
Go to a dentist for a cleaning.
Months 4 to 6
Pregnancy 17
Pregnancy 18
Changes What will I notice? What can I do?
Your growing baby and uterus put pressure on
your stomach. Pregnancy hormones relax the
opening to your stomach. Acid from your stomach
can burn your esophagus (the tube from your
mouth to your stomach).
Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours. Sit up
after meals. Eat plain food not spicy or greasy
foods. Talk to your provider about medicine
to help heartburn.
Sharp pulling feeling on the
side of your uterus
You may feel a sharp cramp or pulling feeling on
the side of your uterus. This is called round
ligament pain. This happens when the
ligaments on the sides of your uterus stretch.
Change your position. This might be sitting
instead of standing or turning onto your other
side if you are lying down.
Pregnancy hormones slow digestion. This may
cause constipation. Your stool (poop) or bowel
movement may be hard and painful to pass. You
may not pass stool as often as before.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Eat
vegetables, fruit and whole grains to make
softer stools.
Many women get hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
They feel sore and may bleed when you pass stool.
They may itch as they heal.
Use witch hazel pads (Tucks
) or hemorrhoid
cream prescribed by your provider.
You may feel:
•Happy to feel less tired and less nauseated.
•Excited to feel your baby move.
•A sense of well-being.
Enjoy this exciting time in your pregnancy!
Months 4 to 6
Pregnancy 19
Changes What will I notice? What can I do?
Aches and pains
You may have a backache, pain under the
ribs, pain in the groin, pain over the pubic
bone or leg cramps.
Change your position. Avoid standing for a long
time. Sleep with a pillow behind your back and
between your knees. Try stretching. Call your
provider about any pain that does not go away.
Braxton Hick’s contractions
You may feel your stomach get hard. This is
not painful. These contractions do not come at
regular times.
Rest when you need to. Drink 8 to 10 glasses
of fluids a day. Call your provider for more than
4 Braxton Hick’s contractions in an hour.
Swollen feet, ankles and
Your feet, ankles and hands may look swollen or
puffy. Your shoes or rings may not fit.
Raise your legs when you sit or lie down.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluids a day.
Swimming helps.
Vaginal discharge
You may have more white or yellow discharge.
This is normal. Discharge keeps your vagina
clean and healthy.
Wear cotton underwear. Do not wash inside your
vagina or douche. Call your provider if you have
discharge that is red, green, smelly or itchy.
Varicose veins
The veins in your legs may stick out
or seem bigger.
Raise your legs when you sit or lie down. Try not
to sit, stand or cross your legs for a long time.
Ask your provider about support stockings.
You may feel:
•Tired of being pregnant.
•Excited and scared about birth.
•Eager to get everything done.
Talk to your support person about
your feelings.
Months 7 to 9
Pregnancy 19
Pregnancy 20
Months 7 to 9
umbilical cord
pubic bone
mucus plug
Pregnancy 21
Picking a provider for your baby
A provider for your baby may be a doctor
(pediatrician or family medicine doctor) or
a nurse practitioner. You will have many visits
with your baby’s provider. You may want to
meet this person before your baby is born.
Pick a provider who:
• Answers your questions.
• Listens.
• Knows about breastfeeding.
• Has an office close to your home.
Circumcision for boy babies
Circumcision removes the foreskin from the penis.
Some people decide to do this. Others do not. Talk
to your provider to learn more.
Tests for new babies
Hearing test: Your baby will have a hearing test
after birth. Talk more with your provider or your
baby’s provider about this test.
Newborn screening test: This is a blood test to
check your baby for diseases that can be treated. To
learn more, talk to your provider.
Health care proxy
All people who go to a hospital are offered a health
care proxy. This is a person who can decide about
your care if you are not able to make decisions due
to a physical or mental problem (such as being
unconscious). Read the health care proxy form.
Think about whom you trust to decide for you. You
can fill out the form and give it to your provider.
What to pack when you
go to the hospital
• Lip balm and hair ties.
• Pajamas, robe, slippers.
• Several sets of spare underwear.
• A change of clothes to wear home.
• Comfortable support bra or nursing bra.
• Toothbrush, deodorant, soap and lotion.
• Clothes for your baby.
• A camera if you want to take pictures.
• A car seat.
Getting Ready for Your Baby
Pregnancy 22
Ways to learn more:
www.cfsan.fda.gov (for mercury in seafood)
Help lines:
Smoking Cessation: 617.414.4847
Depression: 617.414.5245 or 866.472.1897
Domestic Violence: 800.799.SAFE (7233)
Childbirth Education: 617.414.3875
Birth Sisters
Program: 617.414.5168
Addiction and Pregnancy Helpline:
Breastfeeding help:
BMC Warmline: 617.414.MILK (6455)
Birth Sisters
Program: 617.414.5168
LaLeche League: 877.4.LALECHE
(877.452.5324) or www.lllusa.org
Nursing Mothers Council: 617.244.5102
Main WIC Office: 800.WIC.1007
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
781.647.5327 extension 1968
Department of Health and Human
Services - Women’s Health 800.994.9662
or www.womenshealth.gov
Birth 23
Part 2:
What Are the Signs of Labor?
What to do about early labor:
• During the night, stay in bed and rest as much
as you can.
• During the day, go for a walk or talk to friends.
• Drink plenty of water and eat meals and snacks
at regular times.
• For pain relief, try a warm bath or shower massage
or a hot water bottle.
• Ask for help from your partner, Birth Sister or other
support person.
• Call your provider before you come to the hospital.
• Leave valuables like jewelry at home.
Many changes happen in your body before labor begins.
You may have some of these signs before you go into labor:
• A small amount of light pink or brownish mucus from your vagina.
• Your baby moves down into your pelvis. You may feel less pressure on your stomach
and more pressure on your bladder.
• Diarrhea.
• Cramps or mild contractions. These feel like when you get your period.
• Lower back pain.
• Your bag of water may break. You might have a gush or a trickle of fluid from your vagina.
(You can be in labor without breaking your water.)
When do I call my provider?
Call your clinic during office hours. After office hours, call 617.414.2000 or the number
your provider gives you if:
• Your bag of water breaks. Call even if you do not have contractions.
• You have regular, painful contractions.
• You have bleeding from your vagina.
• Your baby is not moving as much as before.
Birth 23
Birth 24
A postpartum room at BMC
Directions to Labor and Delivery
Getting to Labor and
Delivery at BMC
• You can park your car in the garage
at 710 Albany St.
• Go to Labor and Delivery on the 3rd
floor of the Menino Pavilion.
• After 11 p.m., you can use the Albany St.
door at the Emergency Room.
For a tour, call 617.414.5875
Entrance Parking Garage Valet Parking
Emergency Department
Birth 25
When I Get to the Hospital?
At the hospital
• In the Labor and Delivery Unit, a nurse will
check your vital signs (your blood pressure and
temperature), your baby’s heartbeat and your
• A provider will see you. The provider may do a
vaginal exam to check your cervix.
• You will move to a private birthing room if you
stay in the hospital.
• The nurse will put an IV (intravenous needle) in
your arm. You can get extra fluids and medicines
through your IV if you need to during labor.
• The nurse will take some blood to check for
anemia and your blood type.
• A provider will talk to you about the risks of
labor and birth and ask you to sign a consent
form to care for you during labor and birth.
Is it really labor?
You may have contractions that do not open your
cervix. Your provider may ask you to drink water and
walk for 1 or 2 hours. Your contractions may stop or
get stronger. The provider will check your cervix
again and decide if you should stay or go home.
Can I have visitors?
Support people are very important during labor.
You may have up to 3 support people during your
labor and birth. For safety reasons, your support
person may be asked to leave the room during a
procedure, like getting an epidural. You may have
one support person for a cesarean birth if you are
awake. Your support person will need to wait for
you outside of the operating room if you are asleep
for a cesarean birth. (To learn more, see Cesarean
Birth on page 31.) Talk to your provider about
having a sibling attend the birth before you are
admitted in labor. Children must be with an adult
at all times.
Birth 26
What Happens to My Body
in Labor and Birth?
Early Labor
(5 – 24 hours)
Rest, eat and drink lightly.
Breathe slowly through
contractions and relax.
Active Labor
(3 – 6 hours)
Change your position.
This may be taking a shower,
sitting in a chair or rocking
on your hands and knees.
(10 – 60 minutes)
This is a very intense part
of labor but does not last
very long. You may need
extra support during this
part of labor.
Pushing and Birth
(5 minutes – 3 hours)
Push in a comfortable position.
Blow or pant when your
baby’s head is crowning.
This helps to prevent tears
to your vagina.
Birth of the Placenta
(5 minutes – 3 hours)
Contractions feel very mild.
Your vagina may feel sore.
You may be shaky and cold.
Your placenta moves
out of your uterus,
through your vagina and
out of your body.
Cervix opens
0 – 4 centimeters.
Cervix opens
4 – 8 centimeters.
Cervix opens
8 – 10 centimeters.
Your baby moves out
of your uterus, through
your vagina and out
of your body.
Birth 27
Labor Pain without Medication
Each woman deals with her labor pain in her own way. Understanding how your body works and feeling
relaxed, loved and supported will help you to deal with labor.
You can also:
• Breathe through your contractions.
• Take a shower to help with pain.
• Use warm packs or ice packs where it hurts.
• Walk if you can.
• Choose a support person who can help you
through the contractions.
• Change your position when it is hard to cope.
Positions that can help are...
Birth 28
Labor Pain with Medication
Some women choose pain medication to deal with labor pain. There are two types of medications:
narcotic medication and anesthesia medication.
Narcotic medication
This is medication given through your
IV or by shot. Narcotic medication helps to:
• Take away some of the pain.
• Make you feel more relaxed.
• Sleep in between contractions.
Narcotic medication may:
• Not take all of the pain away.
• Make your baby sleepy and have a harder
time breathing if you get the medicine too
close to giving birth.
• Cause an allergic reaction in some women.
This is rare.
Anesthesia medication
This is a medication given by an anesthesiologist
(a doctor specially trained to give anesthesia
medicine) to numb labor pain. During labor or a
cesarean section, anesthesia can be given in 3 ways:
1. Epidural anesthesia
The anesthesiologist places a small catheter or tube
in your back. Pain medication goes through the
tube to numb your labor pain. You can get more
pain medication through the tube as you need it
during your labor. It takes about 20 minutes for the
pain to stop. An epidural is the most common way
to give anesthesia pain medication.
2. Spinal anesthesia
The anesthesiologist gives you a shot of pain
medication in your back. Spinal anesthesia numbs
labor pain in a short amount of time and is more
often used for a cesarean section.
Epidural and spinal anesthesia help to:
• Numb most of your labor pain.
• Make you feel more relaxed.
Epidural and spinal anesthesia may:
• Slow the pace of your contractions and make
pushing time longer.
• Cause a headache that can last several days.
3. General anesthesia
The anesthesiologist gives you medicine to make
you go to sleep during surgery. You will have a tube
down your throat to help you breathe while you are
asleep. General anesthesia is not used very often.
Birth 29
Problem What treatments will help?
What else should I know
about the treatments?
What if my labor needs
to be induced?
Misoprostol and oxytocin (pitocin).
These are medicines to ripen your cervix
and start contractions.
Misoprostol and pitocin can make contractions too
strong. Your baby may have a hard time with strong
contractions. Your provider can change your
medicine should you or your baby have a problem.
What if my labor
slows down?
Position changes, rest or extra fluid through your IV
Amniotomy. This is when your provider breaks your bag of water with a small hook, like a crochet needle.
This does not hurt. This may shorten your labor.
Oxytocin (pitocin). This is a medication that can make contractions stronger. (To learn more, see
What if my labor needs to be induced?)
Intrauterine pressure catheter. This is a small tube your provider puts inside your uterus. It shows
how strong your contractions are.
Cesarean birth. You may need a cesarean birth because other treatments did not help.
(To learn more, see Cesarean Birth on page 31.)
What if there’s a problem
with my baby’s heartbeat?
Position changes.
Extra oxygen for you to breathe.
Fetal Scalp Electrode (FSE). This is a small monitor your provider puts on your baby’s head.
It gives more information about your baby’s heartbeat.
Problems during Birth
While most labor and births go normally, sometimes problems develop. This section will answer
some of your questions about the most common problems.
Birth 30
Problem What treatments will help?
What else should I know
about the treatments?
What if my baby needs help
coming out quickly?
Forceps or a vacuum cup.
Episiotomy. This is a small cut in your vagina.
Most women do not need an episiotomy.
Cesarean birth. (To learn more, see Cesarean Birth
on page 31.)
Most babies do fine with forceps or a vacuum
cup. Forceps may bruise your baby’s skin or
very rarely hurt a nerve in your baby’s face. The
vacuum cup may cause swelling on your baby’s
scalp or very rarely hurt blood vessels in your
baby’s head. Forceps or a vacuum may increase
the risk of hurting the muscles in your pelvis.
Episiotomies can increase the risk of deep tears
in the vagina. Tears into the rectum can cause
problems with holding gas or bowel movements.
What if I get a fever
during labor?
Antibiotics. An infection in your uterus may cause
a fever. Your provider may give you antibiotics
through your IV.
Your baby may also need IV antibiotics after birth.
What if my vagina tears
during birth?
Sometimes your vagina can tear during birth. Your provider will check your vagina for tears after your
baby is born. You may need stitches to heal the tear. A cold pack helps with soreness on the first day.
What if I bleed a lot?
Massage. Your provider may massage your uterus to help it to contract.
Oxytocin and other medicines. These medicines can stop your uterus from bleeding.
Dilation and Curettage. This is surgery to take out any tissue left in your uterus after birth.
It can help to stop the bleeding. Dilation and Curettage may increase your risk of infection
and damage to your uterus, bladder or intestines.
Blood transfusion. This is when you get new blood to replace the blood you lost.
Hysterectomy. This is when your doctor removes your uterus to stop the bleeding.
Very few women need a hysterectomy.
Shoulder dystocia
This is when the baby’s head is born but the shoulder gets stuck behind your pubic bone. This is an
emergency. This happens in 2 out of every 100 births. Your provider may ask you to change your
position. They might cut an episiotomy. Your baby’s collar bone could break during birth. Mostly this
gets better quickly. Sometimes pressure on the baby’s shoulder can hurt a nerve in your baby’s arm.
Mostly the nerve gets better with physical therapy. Although rare, brain damage or death
can happen to a baby stuck for a long time.
Birth 31
Cesarean Birth?
Cesarean birth means your doctor makes a cut through your skin and uterus to deliver your baby.
You may need to have a cesarean
birth because:
• Your baby has a problem in pregnancy or in labor.
• Your labor stops.
• You had a cesarean birth before.
• Your baby is not in the right position.
• You have a medical problem.
What problems can a cesarean birth cause?
• Blood loss.
• Infection.
• Pain after cesarean.
• Scar tissue. This can make other abdominal
surgeries harder to do.
Some rare problems might be:
• Damage to your bladder, intestines
or blood vessels.
• A small cut on your baby.
• Hysterectomy (surgery to remove your uterus).
• Death.
Can I have a vaginal birth after
a cesarean birth?
Maybe. Although rare, the scar on your uterus can
tear in labor. You are more likely to tear if you have
had more than one cesarean. Your midwife or doctor
will talk to you about the chance of having problems
in your next pregnancy.
Your provider will talk to you about cesarean
birth and ask you to sign a consent form. Your
support person can be with you in the operating
room. After the cesarean, you, your support person
and your baby stay in a recovery room. A nurse
will take care of you.
Birth 32
What Happens after I Give Birth?
Enjoy the special time after your baby is born. Your baby is awake for the first hour after birth. This is a good
time to breastfeed your baby for the first time. Your provider, nurse or Birth Sister can help you and your
baby to breastfeed. Expect to stay in your labor room for 1 to 2 hours after you give birth.
Your nurse will:
• Check your baby’s weight.
• Put erythromycin, an antibiotic ointment, in your
baby’s eyes. The ointment prevents infections that
can pass from you to your baby during birth.
• Give your baby a shot of vitamin K.
Vitamin K helps to prevent problems with
bleeding in your baby.
• Check your bleeding and vital signs.
• To learn more, see Your Stay at Boston Medical
Center After Birth.
Keeping your baby safe:
• The nurse will put a security band around your
baby’s ankle. Taking your baby out of the
postpartum area will set off an alarm. This is
to keep your baby safe.
• You will have many visitors during your stay.
These visitors may be nurses, doctors, midwives
and other hospital workers. Anyone who comes
into your room should wear a hospital ID badge.
• Your baby may go to the nursery during your stay.
Make sure the person taking your baby to the
nursery is wearing a hospital badge.
• Do not leave your baby alone. Ask your nurse for
help as you need to.
• Do not leave your baby alone on an open surface,
like the edge of your bed. Put your baby in the
bassinet (plastic crib).
Birth 33
Breast milk is healthier for babies than formula. Here are some reasons why:
Why is breastfeeding good for my baby?
Babies who breastfeed have:
• Fewer ear infections, colds and diarrhea.
• Fewer allergies.
Less chance of diabetes.
• Less chance of being overweight as children.
Less tooth decay.
• Less chance of some cancers.
Why is breastfeeding good for me?
For moms, breastfeeding helps to:
• Make your uterus smaller after birth.
• Lose pregnancy weight.
• Feel closer to your baby.
• Lower the chance of breast or ovarian cancer.
• Lower the chance of diabetes.
How does breastfeeding work?
• You and your baby work together as a
breastfeeding team.
• Your breasts start to make some milk while you
are pregnant. This early milk is called colostrum.
• Your baby’s sucking helps your body to
release milk.
• Each time your baby takes milk from your
breast, your body will make a little more milk.
• It is normal for your baby to breastfeed many
times in the first few days.
Why is colostrum good for newborn babies?
Colostrum is special milk for your newborn baby.
You can see it by gently squeezing your nipple.
It may be yellow, clear, dark or pink. Colostrum:
• Fills your baby’s small stomach.
• Is easy to digest.
• Helps your baby to fight colds, diarrhea
and other viruses.
How will I know my baby is getting
enough milk?
• Count the number of wet and stool (poopy)
diapers your baby makes. Your baby should make
6 to 8 wet diapers and 3 stools a day after you go
home. The stools should change to a yellow color
when the baby is 3 or 4 days old.
• Count how many times your baby breastfeeds in
24 hours. Most new babies want to breastfeed 8
to 12 times in 24 hours. Your baby has a small
stomach for the first few days after birth. So lots
of breastfeeding is normal.
• Watch and hear your baby swallow.
• Go to your baby’s doctor visits for a weight
check. Most babies lose some weight the first
2 to 3 days after birth. Your baby should be back
to his or her birthweight by 2 weeks after birth.
Many new babies breastfeed for a long time, fall
asleep and wake a short time later wanting to
feed again. Babies sometimes breastfeed 3 or 4
times in 2 hours. This is called cluster feeding.
Babies may cluster feed during a growth spurt or
in the early evening hours.
What helps sore nipples?
• Sore nipples may come from your baby having
only the nipple and not enough breast in her
mouth. Ask for help to make sure your baby is
in a good position.
• Ask your provider or lactation consultant
(a person specially trained to help with breast-
feeding) about treatments to help sore nipples.
Babies who cannot breastfeed right after birth
Some babies cannot breastfeed after birth. The baby
may be born too early or may need special care.
Some babies need more time to learn how to
breastfeed well. You can use a breast pump to
Facts about Breastfeeding
Birth 34
remove milk from your breast. You can give this
milk to your baby or store it for later. Ask your
nurse for more help.
Can I breastfeed and bottle feed my baby?
The more time you wait to give your baby
a bottle, the more time your baby has to learn
to breastfeed. Waiting 4 weeks to give your
baby a bottle helps:
Build your milk supply.
Teach your baby to breastfeed.
Prevent sore nipples.
Can I breastfeed my baby when I go back
to work or school?
Yes, you can! You can pump and store your milk for
when you are away.
Can I breastfeed and take birth control
pills or other medicines?
Many medications and some birth control pills
are safe to take. Talk to your provider first. The
pharmacy at Boston Medical Center can tell you
what medications are safe for breastfeeding.
Can I breastfeed and drink alcohol?
• 1 drink or fewer each day does not seem to
hurt your baby.
• Drinking a lot of alcohol every day (2 drinks or
more) may hurt your baby’s growth over time.
Can I breastfeed and smoke?
Smoking can cause many health problems for you
and the people who breathe your smoke. You and
your family will be healthier if you quit or cut down.
Some women cannot stop smoking when they are
breastfeeding. It is still healthier for your baby to
breastfeed. Here are some tips to keep your baby
as healthy as possible:
• Avoid smoking right before you breastfeed.
• Do not smoke around your baby.
• Do not let anyone smoke around your baby.
Can I breastfeed and give my baby a pacifier?
A pacifier may make it harder for your baby
to learn to breastfeed. Avoid a pacifier for the
first 4 weeks.
Birth 35
• Plan to leave between 10 a.m. and noon on
the day you go home.
• Have a car seat for your baby.
• Your nurse will make a visit time with your
provider between 1 and 6 weeks after birth.
• Your nurse will make a visit time with your
baby’s provider about 1 week after birth.
My midwife or doctor
Telephone number
Visit date
My baby’s doctor or nurse practitioner
Telephone number
Visit date
When You Leave the Hospital
Birth 36
Babies 37
Part 3:
Changes What will I notice? What helps?
Feeling tired
You may feel very tired after giving
birth. This is not surprising. Giving
birth is hard work. Your baby will
also wake you every 1 to 3 hours to
feed during the night.
Rest as much as you can. Sleep when
your baby sleeps. Ask for help with
housework and care of other children.
Your breasts fill
with milk
Your breasts will fill with milk
between days 2 and 4 after birth.
Your breasts may get swollen, sore
and hard.
Breastfeed your baby often. Cold packs
and Tylenol
can help women who do
not breastfeed.
Your uterus
gets smaller
Your uterus contracts or tightens
to get smaller. You may feel cramps
like when you get your period. You
may feel more cramps when you
Empty your bladder often. A full
bladder may cause more cramps.
Your provider can prescribe Tylenol or
to help with cramps.
Sweating is your body’s way of
getting rid of extra fluid. You may
notice sweating more at night.
Change your clothes or take a shower
for comfort. Sweating goes away after
a few days.
Many women get hemorrhoids
during pregnancy. They feel sore and
may bleed when you pass stool. They
may itch as they heal.
Use witch hazel pads (Tucks
) or
hemorrhoid cream prescribed by your
Changes in Your Body after Birth
Babies 37
Babies 38
Changes What will I notice? What can I do?
Bleeding (lochia)
Bleeding from your vagina starts as a heavy red
flow like your period. You may have a few small
clots of blood. Bleeding gets lighter in color and
lessens over a week. Expect bleeding to last from
2 to 8 weeks.
Wear thick sanitary pads. Avoid putting
anything in your vagina until the bleeding stops
(about 6 weeks). Call your provider if you soak
more than 2 pads in an hour.
Weight loss
You may feel like you still look pregnant after you
have your baby. For most women, it takes 6 months
to a year to lose all of the pregnancy weight.
Exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week.
Eat healthy foods.
You may not pass stool for several days after
giving birth. This is normal. You may also feel
nervous about passing stool with stitches or a sore
perineum (place between the opening of your
vagina and your anus).
Drink lots of water and eat vegetables, fruit and
whole grains to make soft stool. Support your
perineum with a clean pad or folded toilet paper
while you pass stool.
For a day or so after giving birth, you may not
feel the need to pass urine even when your bladder
is full. Urinating may burn your perineum while
it is healing.
Make sure to pass urine every 2 hours. Drink
8 10 glasses of water a day. Spray your perineum
with water in a spray bottle while you are urinating.
Sore perineum
Your perineum (place between the opening of your
vagina and your anus) may be swollen and sore.
You may have stitches from a tear or an episiotomy.
Use a cold pack on your perineum on the first day.
Take warm baths or sitz baths (a small tub of
warm water) on the other days. Warm water helps
to clean and heal the area. Ask your nurse for help
with a sitz bath. Use a spray bottle to clean
yourself after urinating or passing stool. Wash
your perineum gently when you shower. Do not
wash inside of your vagina. Use a mild soap like
. Pat the area dry. Wear cotton underwear.
Change your sanitary pad often. Your stitches will
dissolve in 1 2 weeks.
Sore muscles
You may have sore muscles in your legs and back
from giving birth. You may also feel a little achy
all over.
This is normal. Heat or massage on the sore area
can help. Avoid lifting anything heavier than your
baby for 2 weeks. Talk to your provider about
problems with walking or pain that does not go
away after a few days.
Babies 39
Blues and Postpartum Depression
Your hormones change after giving birth. You may be tired from being awake with your
baby at night. Caring for your new baby can be stressful. At times you may feel moody,
sad or depressed.
Blues often start on day 3 after giving birth. The
blues may come and go for 10 days to 2 weeks.
Common signs of the blues:
• Crying without knowing why.
• Feeling grumpy.
• Worrying about your baby or being
a good mother.
• Having trouble sleeping.
Postpartum depression
Signs of postpartum depression may be the
same as the blues. But the signs last longer than
2 weeks and get worse.
Common signs of postpartum depression:
• Feeling very sad or badly about yourself.
• Sleeping all day or having trouble sleeping.
• Not wanting to eat.
• Worrying so much that you cannot think of
anything else.
• Not wanting to care for yourself or your baby.
• Having panic attacks (heart beats quickly, throat
feels tight, sweaty palms, shortness of breath).
• Feeling like you want to hurt yourself
or your baby.
• Rarely, seeing or hearing things that are not
there (psychosis).
It is not your fault that you feel depressed. Changing
hormones after giving birth cause depression in
some women. Counseling and medicine can help
postpartum depression. Talk to your provider
to learn more about treatment. With help, you
will feel better.
What to Expect after
a Cesarean Birth
You will go through many of the same
changes in your body and your emotions
as a woman who had a vaginal birth.
But the first days after a cesarean may
be hard. You may also:
• Feel pain at the site of the surgery.
• Feel pain when you change position, cough
or hold your baby.
• Have gas pains or become constipated.
• As the site heals, you will have a scar. Some
women have numbness at the incision site.
The skin may be itchy and dry.
To help with healing:
• Avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby
for 8 weeks after giving birth.
• Avoid driving your car for 2 weeks
after giving birth.
• Take short walks around the hospital and your
home every 2 to 3 hours for the first week after
giving birth.
• Drink 8 10 glasses of water a day and empty
your bladder every 2 hours.
Your Body after a Cesarean/
Emotions after Birth
Babies 40
Eating Healthy Food after Giving Birth
Eating healthy food after birth matters as much as when you were pregnant. Breastfeeding women need
500 calories more every day. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains and foods with protein and iron like meat,
chicken and fish. Take your prenatal vitamins for extra iron.
Exercise: What Can I Do? How Does it Help?
Ask your provider when you can start exercising. Start slowly. As little as 20 minutes 3 times a week
makes you healthier. Work up to 30 minutes most days of the week. Here are some exercises you can do:
Walking Go for a walk every day! Take your baby with you. You will have more energy. Walking
calms a crying baby. Babies need fresh air. Walking also helps a bad mood.
Sit-ups Sit-ups make your muscles stronger and your stomach flatter. Strong stomach muscles help
your back to be strong.
Kegel exercises Squeeze the muscles inside your vagina. Can you stop the flow of urine?
You have used the right muscles. Squeeze the muscles for 5 10 seconds. Relax. Do this exercise
10 times each day. Kegel exercises make the muscles in your pelvis stronger. You will have
fewer problems with leaking urine.
Healthy Eating and Exercise
Babies 40
Babies 41
Making Love after
Giving Birth
You may or may not feel like having sex for a while
after giving birth. Many women do not. This is
normal. You may feel tired, out of shape or just not
in the mood. When you do decide to have sex:
• Wait to have sex until your bleeding stops and
your perineum heals.
• Use birth control. You can get pregnant
2 weeks after birth.
• Breastfeeding does not stop pregnancy.
• You can get pregnant without getting your period.
• Your vagina may be dry. Use a lubricant like
• Talk with your partner about your feelings.
Maybe you do not want to have sex but your
partner does.
• Find other ways to be intimate. This may be
hugging, touching or talking.
Planning or Preventing
Another Baby
Your body needs time to recover after having a
baby. It may be healthier to wait 1 to 2 years to
have another baby. Here are some questions
to ask yourself and your partner:
• Do you want to have another baby?
• When do you want to have another baby?
• Is birth control important to you?
• What kind of birth control is right for you?
Family Planning
Babies 42
Here is some information about different methods of birth control. Talk to your provider about
what type of birth control is right for you.
Fits over the man’s penis. Catches sperm.
A shot of hormones you get every 3 months.
A small rod with hormones that goes under your skin. Works for 3 years.
Covers the cervix. Prevents sperm from going into your uterus.
January 2008
Foam, Suppositories and Film
Made of chemicals that kill sperm.
Intrauterine Device (IUD)
A small device your provider puts in your uterus. Stops sperm from joining egg.
January 2008
Pill, Patch and Vaginal Ring
Hormones that stop ovaries from making an egg.
January 2008
Natural Family Planning
Learn fertile days. Avoid sex on fertile days.
Makes you unable to have a baby. Permanent.
Methods of Birth Control
Babies 43
When to Call Your Provider
• Fever higher than 100.4° F.
• Pain when you pass urine.
• Heavy bleeding (soak more than 2 pads in 1 hour).
• Very bad stomach or back pain.
• Sore or red area on your breast or leg.
• You feel short of breath.
• You feel very dizzy or you faint.
• Bad-smelling bleeding from your vagina.
• You feel like you want to hurt yourself or your baby; or you feel
like you cannot take care of yourself or your baby.
Staying Healthy between Babies
The better your health, the better the health of your next baby.
Before you get pregnant again, you can:
• Lose the weight you gained when you were pregnant
by exercising and eating healthy foods.
• Get treatment for medical problems.
• Stop smoking.
• Stop using street drugs.
• Take folic acid.
• See your provider for regular check-ups, and as
soon as you know you are pregnant again.
Emergency Contraception
What do I do if I had sex and...
• The condom broke or slipped?
• I didn’t start my pills on time?
• I missed my depo shot?
• I didn’t use any birth control?
You have the option to take emergency
contraception, or Plan B. This is two
pills of a hormone called progesterone.
Here are some facts about Plan B:
• The sooner you use it after you have sex,
the better it works.
• Plan B is very safe.
• Some women may feel a little nausea
(feeling like you need to vomit).
• Plan B will not end a pregnancy if you
are already pregnant.
• Your provider can give you a prescription
for Plan B.
• For women forced to have sex, the emergency
room at any hospital in Massachusetts
will give Plan B. It’s the law.
More Important Tips
Babies 44
New babies have a special look. Your new baby may have:
Ver ni x A white, creamy coating that protects your babys skin during pregnancy.
Molding A long, cone-shaped head that comes from fitting through your pelvis.
This goes away after a day or so.
Swollen nipples and genitals This will go away after several days.
Vaginal discharge or bleeding (girl babies) This is normal and goes away by itself
in a few days.
All babies also have:
Fontanels Two soft spaces on your babys head. There is a small one on the back of the
head and a larger one on the top of the head. The back fontanel closes when your baby
is 6 to 8 weeks old. The top fontanel closes when your baby is 15 months old.
Dark gray eyes They will change to their final color in several months. Your baby can
see about 12 inches.
The same sense of hearing and smelling as you. Loud noises will startle your baby.
The Look of Your New Baby
Babies 45
Baby Care: What Should I Know?
Umbilical cord care Your baby’s umbilical cord will dry up and fall off in 1 to 2 weeks. Keep the area
around the cord clean and dry. Fold the diaper below the cord. Check for redness or pus around the cord.
Call your baby’s provider if you see these signs.
Bathing You can bathe your baby after birth. Your nurse can help you with the first bath.
Diaper care Change your baby’s diaper often to prevent diaper rash. Clean your baby’s bottom with water
or baby wipes. Wipe a girl baby from front to back so that stool does not get in her vagina. Use diaper
cream for a rash.
Circumcision care Change your baby’s diaper often. Use warm water to clean the penis. Let the penis
dry. Put A+D
ointment on the tip of the penis each time you change the diaper. Expect the tip of the penis
to be red. The penis may bleed a little bit.
Clothing Dress your baby as warmly as you dress yourself. Put a hat on your baby in cool weather.
Do not overdress your baby. Babies can get hot.
Feeding To learn more about breastfeeding, see Facts About Breastfeeding, page 33.
Babies 46
Comforting Your Crying Baby
Many new babies have a fussy time each day. Your
baby may cry because he or she is tired, hungry,
wet, in pain, sick or just wants to be held. You will
learn about your baby’s different cries. Here are
some ways to comfort your baby:
• Feed your baby.
• Change your baby’s diaper.
• Wrap or swaddle your baby in a blanket.
• Gently rock your baby in your arms, a chair or in
a swing.
• Walk your baby in a sling, front carrier or stroller.
• Sing to your baby or repeat a sound like “shhh,
shhh, shhh” again and again.
Colic Some babies have colic, crying hard for
many hours. Often you cannot comfort a baby with
colic. Most babies cry less after 3 or 4 months.
Talk to your provider to learn more about colic and
ways to cope with your baby’s crying.
Shaken Baby Syndrome
A crying baby can make you feel tense and angry.
Do not shake your baby. This can hurt your baby’s
head, neck or spine. Put your baby down in the crib
if you feel tense and angry. Ask someone to care for
your baby while you take a break. Warn others
about the danger of shaking a baby.
Keeping Your Baby Safe
• Wash your hands and ask others to wash their
hands before holding or touching your baby.
• Use a car seat every time you are in the car.
• Put your baby on his back to sleep to stop SIDS,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
• Support your baby’s neck.
• Put your baby in the crib or bassinet when you
are not holding her.
• Do not leave your baby alone on the changing
table, couch or bed. Your baby could roll over
and fall.
• Do not put pillows, stuffed animals or large
blankets in your baby’s crib. Your baby could
Older children may need extra love when a
new baby joins the family. Spend some time
alone with your older child each day. Some
ways you can do this are to read a book, take
a walk, listen or play with your child.
Babies 47
When to Call Your
Baby’s Provider
• You count fewer than 6 wet diapers in 24 hours.
• Your baby looks yellow or tanned.
• Your baby has rectal temperature greater
than 100.4° F.
• Your baby vomits a whole feeding with force.
• The area around the umbilical cord is red,
swollen and has yellow or green pus.
• Your baby will not eat or has diarrhea.
• Your baby seems more tired or more restless
than before.
• Your baby is having a hard time breathing
or turns blue.
Circumcision Warning Signs
Some reasons to call your baby’s provider might be:
• Swelling around the penis.
• Yellow or green pus.
• Bleeding more than the size of a quarter.
• Fever greater than 100.4° F.
• No wet diaper in 8 hours.
Ways Your Support Person
Can Help
Babies need many people to give them love. And
mothers need many people to help. Maybe your
support person is your partner, the father of the
baby, a friend or a family member. As the support
person, you can:
• Hold, bathe or change the baby.
• Take care of the baby while mom takes a nap.
• Help with housework, cooking and errands.
• Help with the other children in the family.
Children need lots of love and support when a
new baby joins the family.
• Support the breastfeeding mother. Tell her she is
doing a good job. Get her a snack and a glass of
water when she breastfeeds.
• Go to the baby’s provider visits when you can.
Ask questions.
• Be understanding. Having a new baby can be a
stressful and tiring time.
Babies 47
More Important Tips
Glossary 48
Amniotomy Breaking the bag of water around
your baby with a special plastic hook.
Anemia Low levels of hemoglobin (see Hemoglobin)
in your red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the part of
your red blood cells that carries oxygen to your
body and your baby’s body. Anemia can be caused
by low iron or a disease.
Anesthesiologist A doctor specially trained to
give anesthesia pain medication during surgery
or when you are in labor.
Antibiotics Medicine to treat infection caused
by bacteria.
Areola The pink or brown skin around your
Braxton Hick’s Contractions Your uterus gets
hard without pain.
Cervix The opening of your uterus or womb.
Cesarean Birth Surgery to remove your baby
from your uterus. Also called C Section.
Circumcision Removing the foreskin from
a baby boy’s penis.
Colostrum Early milk in your breasts during
pregnancy and at birth.
Constipation You are not able to pass stool at
regular times. Your stool may be hard and painful
to pass.
Contraction Your uterus gets tight. Contractions
can be strong and regular or mild and not regular.
Strong, regular contractions can open your cervix.
Dilation & Curettage Surgery to take out any
tissue left in your uterus after giving birth. Also
called D & C.
Epidural Anesthesia Anesthesia pain medication
by an anesthesiologist through a tube or catheter in
your back.
Episiotomy A small cut in your vagina and
perineum (see Perineum) to help your baby to be
born more quickly.
Esophagus The tube from your mouth to your
Express Milk To remove milk from your breast
with your hand or a breast pump.
Family Medicine Doctor A doctor who gives
care to all people. This includes prenatal, labor and
delivery and newborn care.
Fetal Scalp Electrode A small monitor that
attaches to your baby’s head to measure the baby’s
Group B Strep or GBS A type of bacteria or
germ that can be found in your vagina.
Heartburn A burning feeling in your stomach
caused by stomach acid in your esophagus (see
Hemoglobin The part of your red blood cells that
carries oxygen to your body and your baby’s body.
Hemorrhoids Swollen blood vessels around your
anus that may bleed and feel sore.
Hysterectomy Surgery to remove your uterus.
Intrauterine Pressure Catheter A small tube
put into your vagina and uterus to measure the
strength of your contractions.
Lochia Bleeding from your vagina after giving
Mercury A poisonous metal found in some fish.
Nausea Feeling like you want to vomit.
Glossary 49
Nurse-Midwife A provider specially trained to
give clinical care, support and education to women
during normal pregnancy, labor and birth.
Nutrients Vitamins and minerals found in food.
Obstetrician A doctor specially trained to provide
medical care during pregnancy and birth.
Oxytocin (Pitocin) Medicine given through your
IV that causes contractions. Pitocin may be used to
induce labor or to stop bleeding after birth.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner A nurse with
extra training in caring for babies and children.
Pediatrician A doctor who is specially trained to
care for babies and children.
Perineum The tissue between the opening of your
vagina and your anus.
Placenta A red, fleshy organ that grows with your
baby inside your uterus. Oxygen and nutrients cross
through the placenta to your baby by the umbilical
cord (see Umbilical Cord).
Provider This may be a midwife, a doctor or a
nurse practitioner.
Round Ligament Pain Sharp cramp or pulling
feeling on the side of the uterus as the ligaments
Secondhand Smoke Smoke from another person
Spinal Anesthesia Anesthesia pain medication
given by an anesthesiologist as a shot in your back.
Toxoplasmosis A virus found in cat stool. Getting
sick with this virus could harm your baby.
Ultrasound A test that uses sound waves to make
a picture of your baby.
Umbilical Cord Blood vessels that carry oxygen
and nutrients from the placenta to your baby (see
Uterus Your womb or the part of your body where
your baby grows.
Varicose Veins Blood vessels in your legs that get
bigger and stick out.
Vernix White creamy coating on your baby’s skin.
Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner A nurse
with extra training to give clinical care, support and
education to pregnant and non-pregnant women.
Glossary 4
The initial concept for this project was created by
students at the Massachusetts College of Art and
Design, under the direction of Associate Professor
of Graphic Design Lisa Rosowsky.
Written by:
Carolyn Fox, CNM, MSN
Boston Medical Center Childbirth Education Program
© 2010 Boston Medical Center
© 2010 Boston Medical Center. All rights reserved.
Boston Medical Center is the primary teaching affiliate
of the Boston University School of Medicine.
One Boston Medical Center Place, Boston, MA 02118
617.414.2000 I www.bmc.org/obgyn