Moto Documentation
Steve Pulec
Feb 26, 2022
1 Getting Started 3
2 Additional Resources 5
2.1 Getting Started with Moto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Non-Python SDK’s / Server Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 IAM-like Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.5 AWS Config Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.6 Implemented Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.7 Contributing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
2.8 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
2.9 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
2.10 New Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
2.11 PR Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.12 FAQ for Developers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
2.13 Development Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
2.14 Intercepting URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
2.15 Writing tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
2.16 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Index 195
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A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure.
Moto Documentation, Release
If you’ve never used moto before, you should read the Getting Started with Moto guide to get familiar with moto and
its usage.
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4 Chapter 1. Getting Started
Moto Source Repository
Moto Issue Tracker
2.1 Getting Started with Moto
2.1.1 Installing Moto
You can use pip to install the latest released version of moto, and specify which service(s) you will use:
pip install moto[ec2,s3,..]
This will install Moto, and the dependencies required for that specific service.
If you dont care about the number of dependencies, or if you want to mock many AWS services:
pip install moto[all]
If you want to install moto from source:
git clone git://
cd moto
python install
2.1.2 Moto usage
For example, we have the following code we want to test:
import boto3
class MyModel(object):
def __init__(self, name, value): = name
self.value = value
def save(self):
s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
s3.put_object(Bucket='mybucket',, Body=self.value)
There are several ways to verify that the value will be persisted successfully.
Moto Documentation, Release
With a decorator wrapping, all the calls to S3 are automatically mocked out.
import boto3
from moto import mock_s3
from mymodule import MyModel
def test_my_model_save():
conn = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
# We need to create the bucket since this is all in Moto's 'virtual' AWS account
model_instance = MyModel('steve', 'is awesome')
body = conn.Object('mybucket', 'steve').get()[
assert body == 'is awesome'
Context manager
Same as the Decorator, every call inside the with statement is mocked out.
def test_my_model_save():
with mock_s3():
conn = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
model_instance = MyModel('steve', 'is awesome')
body = conn.Object('mybucket', 'steve').get()[
assert body == 'is awesome'
You can also start and stop the mocking manually.
def test_my_model_save():
mock = mock_s3()
conn = boto3.resource('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
model_instance = MyModel('steve', 'is awesome')
(continues on next page)
6 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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(continued from previous page)
body = conn.Object('mybucket', 'steve').get()[
assert body == 'is awesome'
Unittest usage
If you use unittest to run tests, and you want to use moto inside setUp, you can do it with .start() and .stop() like:
import unittest
from moto import mock_s3
import boto3
def func_to_test(bucket_name, key, content):
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object(bucket_name, key)
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
mock_s3 = mock_s3()
bucket_name = 'test-bucket'
def setUp(self):
# you can use boto3.client('s3') if you prefer
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket(self.bucket_name)
def tearDown(self):
def test(self):
content = b"abc"
key = '/path/to/obj'
# run the file which uploads to S3
func_to_test(self.bucket_name, key, content)
# check the file was uploaded as expected
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
object = s3.Object(self.bucket_name, key)
actual = object.get()['Body'].read()
self.assertEqual(actual, content)
2.1. Getting Started with Moto 7
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Class Decorator
It is also possible to use decorators on the class-level.
The decorator is effective for every test-method inside your class. State is not shared across test-methods.
class TestMockClassLevel(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
s3 = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1")
def test_creating_a_bucket(self):
# 'mybucket', created in setUp, is accessible in this test
# Other clients can be created at will
s3 = boto3.client("s3", region_name="us-east-1")
def test_accessing_a_bucket(self):
# The state has been reset before this method has started
# 'mybucket' is recreated as part of the setUp-method
# 'bucket_inside' however, created inside the other test, no longer exists
Note: A tearDown-method can be used to destroy any buckets/state, but because state is automatically destroyed before
a test-method start, this is not strictly necessary.
Stand-alone server mode
Moto also comes with a stand-alone server allowing you to mock out an AWS HTTP endpoint. For testing purposes,
its extremely useful even if you dont use Python.
$ moto_server -p3000
* Running on
However, this method isnt encouraged if you’re using boto3, the best solution would be to use a decorator method.
See Non-Python SDK’s / Server Mode for more information.
2.1.3 Recommended Usage
There are some important caveats to be aware of when using moto:
8 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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How do I avoid tests from mutating my real infrastructure
You need to ensure that the mocks are actually in place.
1. Ensure that your tests have dummy environment variables set up:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='testing'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='testing'
export AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN='testing'
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN='testing'
2. VERY IMPORTANT: ensure that you have your mocks set up BEFORE your boto3 client is established. This
can typically happen if you import a module that has a boto3 client instantiated outside of a function. See the
pesky imports section below on how to work around this.
Example on usage
If you are a user of pytest, you can leverage pytest fixtures to help set up your mocks and other AWS resources that you
would need.
Here is an example:
def aws_credentials():
"""Mocked AWS Credentials for moto."""
os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = 'testing'
os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'testing'
os.environ['AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN'] = 'testing'
os.environ['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] = 'testing'
os.environ['AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'] = 'us-east-1'
def s3(aws_credentials):
with mock_s3():
yield boto3.client('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
In the code sample above, all of the AWS/mocked fixtures take in a parameter of aws_credentials, which sets the
proper fake environment variables. The fake environment variables are used so that botocore doesnt try to locate real
credentials on your system.
Next, once you need to do anything with the mocked AWS environment, do something like:
def test_create_bucket(s3):
# s3 is a fixture defined above that yields a boto3 s3 client.
# Feel free to instantiate another boto3 S3 client -- Keep note of the region though.
result = s3.list_buckets()
assert len(result['Buckets']) == 1
assert result['Buckets'][0]['Name'] == 'somebucket'
2.1. Getting Started with Moto 9
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What about those pesky imports
Recall earlier, it was mentioned that mocks should be established __BEFORE__ the clients are set up. One way to
avoid import issues is to make use of local Python imports i.e. import the module inside of the unit test you want to
run vs. importing at the top of the file.
def test_something(s3):
from some.package.that.does.something.with.s3 import some_func # <-- Local import
˓for unit test
# ^^ Importing here ensures that the mock has been established.
some_func() # The mock has been established from the "s3" pytest fixture, so this
˓function that uses
# a package-level S3 client will properly use the mock and not reach
˓out to AWS.
Patching the client or resource
If it is not possible to rearrange imports, we can patch the boto3-client or resource after the mock has started. See the
following code sample:
# The client can come from an import, an __init__-file, wherever..
client = boto3.client("s3")
s3 = boto3.resource("s3")
def test_mock_works_with_client_or_resource_created_outside():
from moto.core import patch_client, patch_resource
assert client.list_buckets()["Buckets"] == []
assert list(s3.buckets.all()) == []
This will ensure that the boto3 requests are still mocked.
Other caveats
For Tox, Travis CI, and other build systems, you might need to also perform a touch ~/.aws/credentials command before
running the tests. As long as that file is present (empty preferably) and the environment variables above are set, you
should be good to go.
10 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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2.2 Non-Python SDK’s / Server Mode
Moto has a stand-alone server mode. This allows you to use Moto with any of the official AWS SDK’s.
2.2.1 Installation
Install the required dependencies using:
pip install moto[server]
You can then start it like this:
$ moto_server
You can also pass the port:
$ moto_server -p3000
* Running on
If you want to be able to use the server externally you can pass an IP address to bind to as a hostname or allow any of
your external interfaces with
$ moto_server -H
* Running on
Please be aware this might allow other network users to access your server.
2.2.2 Run using Docker
You could also use the official Docker image from
docker run motoserver/moto:latest
2.2.3 Example Usage
To use Moto in your tests, pass the endpoint_url-parameter to the SDK of your choice.
In Python:
In Java:
AmazonSQS sqs = new AmazonSQSClient();
In Scala:
2.2. Non-Python SDK’s / Server Mode 11
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val region = Region.getRegion(Regions.US_WEST_2).getName
val serviceEndpoint = "http://localhost:5000"
val config = new AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(serviceEndpoint, region)
val amazonSqs = AmazonSQSClientBuilder.standard().withEndpointConfiguration(config).
In Terraform:
provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"
skip_credentials_validation = true
skip_metadata_api_check = true
skip_requesting_account_id = true
s3_force_path_style = true
endpoints {
lambda = "http://localhost:5000"
See the Terraform Docs for more information.
Other languages:
2.2.4 Use ServerMode using the decorators
It is possible to call the MotoServer for tests that were written using decorators. The following environment variables
can be set to achieve this:
Whenever a mock-decorator starts, Moto will:
1. Send a reset-request to http://localhost:5000, removing all state that was kept
2. Add the endpoint_url parameter to boto3, so that all requests will be made to http://localhost:5000.
Optionally, the http://localhost:5000 endpoint can be overridden by:
This can be used for example in case of docker-compose configuration that runs Moto server in a separate service
Calling the reset-API ensures the same behaviour as normal decorators, where the complete state is removed. It is
possible to keep the state in between tests, using this environment variable:
12 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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2.2.5 Dashboard
Moto comes with a dashboard to view the current state of the system:
2.2.6 Reset API
An internal API endpoint is provided to reset the state of all of the backends. This will remove all S3 buckets, EC2
servers, etc.:"")
2.2.7 Install with Homebrew
Moto is also available to install using Homebrew, which makes it much easier to manage if you’re not using Python as
your primary development language.
Once Homebrew is installed, you can install Moto by running:
brew install moto
To make the Moto server start up automatically when you log into your computer, you can run:
brew services start moto
2.2.8 Caveats
The standalone server has some caveats with some services. The following services require that you update your hosts
file for your code to work properly:
1. s3-control
For the above services, this is required because the hostname is in the form of AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.localhost. As a
result, you need to add that entry to your host file for your tests to function properly.
2.3 FAQ
2.3.1 Is Moto concurrency safe?
No. Moto is not designed for multithreaded access/multiprocessing.
2.3. FAQ 13
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2.3.2 Why am I getting RUST errors when installing Moto?
Moto has a dependency on the pip-module cryptography. As of Cryptography >= 3.4, this module requires Rust as a
dependency. Most OS/platforms will support the installation of Rust, but if you’re getting any errors related to this, see
the cryptography documentation for more information:
2.3.3 Can I mock the default AWS region?
By default, Moto only allows valid regions, supporting the same regions that AWS supports.
If you want to mock the default region, as an additional layer of protection against accidentally touching your real AWS
environment, you can disable this validation:
os.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = "antarctica"
2.4 IAM-like Access Control
Moto also has the ability to authenticate and authorize actions, just like it’s done by IAM in AWS. This function-
ality can be enabled by either setting the INITIAL_NO_AUTH_ACTION_COUNT environment variable or using the
set_initial_no_auth_action_count decorator. Note that the current implementation is very basic, see the source code
for more information.
If this environment variable is set, moto will skip performing any authentication as many times as the variable’s value,
and only starts authenticating requests afterwards. If it is not set, it defaults to infinity, thus moto will never perform
any authentication at all.
2.4.2 set_initial_no_auth_action_count
This is a decorator that works similarly to the environment variable, but the settings are only valid in the function’s
scope. When the function returns, everything is restored.
def test_describe_instances_allowed():
policy_document = {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ec2:Describe*",
"Resource": "*"
access_key = ...
# create access key for an IAM user/assumed role that has the policy above.
(continues on next page)
14 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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(continued from previous page)
# this part should call __exactly__ 4 AWS actions, so that authentication and
˓authorization starts exactly after this
client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='us-east-1',
# if the IAM principal whose access key is used, does not have the permission to
˓describe instances, this will fail
instances = client.describe_instances()['Reservations'][0]['Instances']
assert len(instances) == 0
See the related test suite for more examples.
2.5 AWS Config Support
An experimental feature for AWS Config has been developed to provide AWS Config capabilities in your unit tests.
This feature is experimental as there are many services that are not yet supported and will require the community to
add them in over time. This page details how the feature works and how you can use it.
2.5.1 What is this and why would I use this?
AWS Config is an AWS service that describes your AWS resource types and can track their changes over time. At
this time, moto does not have support for handling the configuration history changes, but it does have a few methods
mocked out that can be immensely useful for unit testing.
If you are developing automation that needs to pull against AWS Config, then this will help you write tests that can
simulate your code in production.
2.5.2 How does this work?
The AWS Config capabilities in moto work by examining the state of resources that are created within moto, and then
returning that data in the way that AWS Config would return it (sans history). This will work by querying all of the
moto backends (regions) for a given resource type.
However, this will only work on resource types that have this enabled.
Current enabled resource types
1. S3 (all)
2. IAM (Role, Policy)
2.5. AWS Config Support 15
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2.5.3 Developer Guide
There are several pieces to this for adding new capabilities to moto:
1. Listing resources
2. Describing resources
For both, there are a number of pre-requisites:
Base Components
In the moto/core/ file is a class named ConfigQueryModel. This is a base class that keeps track of all the
resource type backends.
At a minimum, resource types that have this enabled will have:
1. A file that will import the resource type backends (from the
2. In the resource’s, an implementation of the ConfigQueryModel class with logic unique to the resource
3. An instantiation of the ConfigQueryModel
4. In the moto/config/ file, import the ConfigQueryModel instantiation, and update RESOURCE_MAP to
have a mapping of the AWS Config resource type to the instantiation on the previous step (just imported).
An example of the above is implemented for S3. You can see that by looking at:
1. moto/s3/
2. moto/config/
For each resource type, you will need to test write tests for a few separate areas:
Test the backend queries to ensure discovered resources come back (ie for IAM::Policy, write
tests.tests_iam.test_policy_list_config_discovered_resources). For writing these tests, you must not make
use of boto to create resources. You will need to use the backend model methods to provision the resources.
This is to make tests compatible with the moto server. You must make tests for the resource type to test listing
and object fetching.
Test the config dict for all scenarios (ie for IAM::Policy, write tests.tests_iam.test_policy_config_dict). For writ-
ing this test, you’ll need to create resources in the same way as the first test (without using boto), in every
meaningful configuration that would produce a different config dict. Then, query the backend and ensure each
of the dicts are as you expect.
Test that everything works end to end with the boto clients. (ie for
IAM::Policy, write tests.tests_iam.test_policy_config_client). The main two
items to test will be the boto.client(‘config’).list_discovered_resources(),
boto.client(‘config’).list_aggregate_discovered_resources(), moto.client(‘config’).batch_get_resource_config(),
and moto.client(‘config’).batch_aggregate_get_resource_config(). This test doesn’t have to be super thorough,
but it basically tests that the front end and backend logic all works together and returns correct resources. Beware
the aggregate methods all have capital first letters (ie Limit), while non-aggregate methods have lowercase first
letters (ie limit)
16 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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S3 is currently the model implementation, but it also odd in that S3 is a global resource type with regional resource
But for most resource types the following is true:
1. There are regional backends with their own sets of data
2. Config aggregation can pull data from any backend region we assume that everything lives in the same account
Implementing the listing capability will be different for each resource type. At a minimum, you will need to return a
List of Dict that look like this:
'type': 'AWS::The AWS Config data type',
'name': 'The name of the resource',
'id': 'The ID of the resource',
'region': 'The region of the resource -- if global, then you may want to have the
˓calling logic pass in the
aggregator region in for the resource region -- or just us-east-1 :P'
, ...
Its recommended to read the comment for the ConfigQueryModels list_config_service_resources function in [base
class here](moto/core/
^^ The AWS Config code will see this and format it correct for both aggregated and non-aggregated calls.
General implementation tips
The aggregation and non-aggregation querying can and should just use the same overall logic. The differences are:
1. Non-aggregated listing will specify the region-name of the resource backend backend_region 1. Aggregated listing
will need to be able to list resource types across ALL backends and filter optionally by passing in resource_region.
An example of a working implementation of this is S3.
Pagination should generally be able to pull out the resource across any region so should be sharded by region-item-name
not done for S3 because S3 has a globally unique name space.
Describing Resources
Fetching a resources configuration has some similarities to listing resources, but it requires more work (to implement).
Due to the various ways that a resource can be configured, some work will need to be done to ensure that the Config
dict returned is correct.
For most resource types the following is true:
1. There are regional backends with their own sets of data 1. Config aggregation can pull data from any backend region
we assume that everything lives in the same account
The current implementation is for S3. S3 is very complex and depending on how the bucket is configured will depend
on what Config will return for it.
When implementing resource config fetching, you will need to return at a minimum None if the resource is not found,
or a dict that looks like what AWS Config would return.
2.5. AWS Config Support 17
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Its recommended to read the comment for the ConfigQueryModel ‘s get_config_resource function in the base class.
2.6 Implemented Services
Please see a list of all currently supported services. Each service will have a list of the endpoints that are implemented.
Each service will also have an example on how to mock an individual service.
Note that you can mock multiple services at the same time:
def test_both_s3_and_sqs():
def test_all_supported_services_at_the_same_time():
2.6.1 acm
Example usage
def test_acm_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_tags_to_certificate
[X] delete_certificate
[ ] describe_certificate
[X] export_certificate
[ ] get_account_configuration
[X] get_certificate
[ ] import_certificate
[ ] list_certificates
[ ] list_tags_for_certificate
[ ] put_account_configuration
[X] remove_tags_from_certificate
[ ] renew_certificate
[X] request_certificate
[ ] resend_validation_email
[ ] update_certificate_options
18 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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2.6.2 apigateway
class moto.apigateway.models.APIGatewayBackend(region_name)
API Gateway mock.
The public URLs of an API integration are mocked as well, i.e. the following would be supported in Moto:
deploy_url = f"https://{api_id}"
requests.get(deploy_url).content.should.equal(b"a fake response")
Integrations of type HTTP are supported
Integrations of type AWS with service DynamoDB are supported
Other types (AWS_PROXY, MOCK, etc) are ignored
Other services are not yet supported
The BasePath of an API is ignored
TemplateMapping is not yet supported for requests/responses
This only works when using the decorators, not in ServerMode
Example usage
def test_apigateway_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_api_key
[X] create_authorizer
[X] create_base_path_mapping
[X] create_deployment
[ ] create_documentation_part
[ ] create_documentation_version
[X] create_domain_name
[X] create_model
[X] create_request_validator
[X] create_resource
[X] create_rest_api
[X] create_stage
2.6. Implemented Services 19
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[X] create_usage_plan
[X] create_usage_plan_key
[X] create_vpc_link
[X] delete_api_key
[X] delete_authorizer
[X] delete_base_path_mapping
[ ] delete_client_certificate
[X] delete_deployment
[ ] delete_documentation_part
[ ] delete_documentation_version
[X] delete_domain_name
[X] delete_gateway_response
[X] delete_integration
[X] delete_integration_response
[X] delete_method
[X] delete_method_response
[ ] delete_model
[X] delete_request_validator
[X] delete_resource
[X] delete_rest_api
[X] delete_stage
[X] delete_usage_plan
[X] delete_usage_plan_key
[X] delete_vpc_link
[ ] flush_stage_authorizers_cache
[ ] flush_stage_cache
[ ] generate_client_certificate
[ ] get_account
[X] get_api_key
[X] get_api_keys
[X] get_authorizer
[X] get_authorizers
[X] get_base_path_mapping
[X] get_base_path_mappings
[ ] get_client_certificate
[ ] get_client_certificates
20 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
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[X] get_deployment
[X] get_deployments
[ ] get_documentation_part
[ ] get_documentation_parts
[ ] get_documentation_version
[ ] get_documentation_versions
[X] get_domain_name
[X] get_domain_names
[ ] get_export
[X] get_gateway_response
[X] get_gateway_responses
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] get_integration
[X] get_integration_response
[X] get_method
[X] get_method_response
[X] get_model
[ ] get_model_template
[X] get_models
[X] get_request_validator
[X] get_request_validators
[X] get_resource
[ ] get_resources
[X] get_rest_api
[ ] get_rest_apis
[ ] get_sdk
[ ] get_sdk_type
[ ] get_sdk_types
[X] get_stage
[X] get_stages
[ ] get_tags
[ ] get_usage
[X] get_usage_plan
[X] get_usage_plan_key
[X] get_usage_plan_keys
[X] get_usage_plans
2.6. Implemented Services 21
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[X] get_vpc_link
[X] get_vpc_links
Pagination has not yet been implemented
[ ] import_api_keys
[ ] import_documentation_parts
[ ] import_rest_api
[X] put_gateway_response
[X] put_integration
[X] put_integration_response
[X] put_method
[X] put_method_response
[ ] put_rest_api
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] test_invoke_authorizer
[ ] test_invoke_method
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_account
[X] update_api_key
[X] update_authorizer
[X] update_base_path_mapping
[ ] update_client_certificate
[ ] update_deployment
[ ] update_documentation_part
[ ] update_documentation_version
[X] update_domain_name
[ ] update_gateway_response
[ ] update_integration
[ ] update_integration_response
[X] update_method
[X] update_method_response
[ ] update_model
[X] update_request_validator
[ ] update_resource
[X] update_rest_api
[X] update_stage
[ ] update_usage
22 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] update_usage_plan
[ ] update_vpc_link
2.6.3 apigatewayv2
Example usage
def test_apigatewayv2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_api
The following parameters are not yet implemented: CredentialsArn, RouteKey, Tags, Target
[ ] create_api_mapping
[X] create_authorizer
[ ] create_deployment
[ ] create_domain_name
[X] create_integration
[X] create_integration_response
[X] create_model
[X] create_route
[X] create_route_response
The following parameters are not yet implemented: ResponseModels, ResponseParameters
[ ] create_stage
[X] create_vpc_link
[ ] delete_access_log_settings
[X] delete_api
[ ] delete_api_mapping
[X] delete_authorizer
[X] delete_cors_configuration
[ ] delete_deployment
[ ] delete_domain_name
[X] delete_integration
[X] delete_integration_response
[X] delete_model
[X] delete_route
[X] delete_route_request_parameter
2.6. Implemented Services 23
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_route_response
[ ] delete_route_settings
[ ] delete_stage
[X] delete_vpc_link
[ ] export_api
[X] get_api
[ ] get_api_mapping
[ ] get_api_mappings
[X] get_apis
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] get_authorizer
[ ] get_authorizers
[ ] get_deployment
[ ] get_deployments
[ ] get_domain_name
[ ] get_domain_names
[X] get_integration
[X] get_integration_response
[X] get_integration_responses
[X] get_integrations
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] get_model
[ ] get_model_template
[ ] get_models
[X] get_route
[X] get_route_response
[ ] get_route_responses
[X] get_routes
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] get_stage
[ ] get_stages
[X] get_tags
[X] get_vpc_link
[X] get_vpc_links
[ ] import_api
[X] reimport_api
24 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
Only YAML is supported at the moment. Full OpenAPI-support is not guaranteed. Only limited
validation is implemented
[ ] reset_authorizers_cache
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_api
The following parameters have not yet been implemented: CredentialsArn, RouteKey, Target
[ ] update_api_mapping
[X] update_authorizer
[ ] update_deployment
[ ] update_domain_name
[X] update_integration
[X] update_integration_response
[X] update_model
[X] update_route
[ ] update_route_response
[ ] update_stage
[X] update_vpc_link
2.6.4 application-autoscaling
Example usage
def test_applicationautoscaling_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] delete_scaling_policy
[ ] delete_scheduled_action
[X] deregister_scalable_target Registers or updates a scalable target.
[X] describe_scalable_targets Describe scalable targets.
[ ] describe_scaling_activities
[X] describe_scaling_policies
[ ] describe_scheduled_actions
[X] put_scaling_policy
[ ] put_scheduled_action
[X] register_scalable_target Registers or updates a scalable target.
2.6. Implemented Services 25
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.5 appsync
class moto.appsync.models.AppSyncBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of AppSync APIs.
Example usage
def test_appsync_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_api
[ ] create_api_cache
[X] create_api_key
[ ] create_data_source
[ ] create_domain_name
[ ] create_function
[X] create_graphql_api
[ ] create_resolver
[ ] create_type
[ ] delete_api_cache
[X] delete_api_key
[ ] delete_data_source
[ ] delete_domain_name
[ ] delete_function
[X] delete_graphql_api
[ ] delete_resolver
[ ] delete_type
[ ] disassociate_api
[ ] flush_api_cache
[ ] get_api_association
[ ] get_api_cache
[ ] get_data_source
[ ] get_domain_name
[ ] get_function
[X] get_graphql_api
[ ] get_introspection_schema
[ ] get_resolver
26 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] get_schema_creation_status
[X] get_type
[X] list_api_keys
Pagination or the maxResults-parameter have not yet been implemented.
[ ] list_data_sources
[ ] list_domain_names
[ ] list_functions
[X] list_graphql_apis
Pagination or the maxResults-parameter have not yet been implemented.
[ ] list_resolvers
[ ] list_resolvers_by_function
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_types
[X] start_schema_creation
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_api_cache
[X] update_api_key
[ ] update_data_source
[ ] update_domain_name
[ ] update_function
[X] update_graphql_api
[ ] update_resolver
[ ] update_type
2.6.6 athena
Example usage
def test_athena_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_get_named_query
[ ] batch_get_query_execution
[X] create_data_catalog
[X] create_named_query
2.6. Implemented Services 27
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_prepared_statement
[X] create_work_group
[ ] delete_data_catalog
[ ] delete_named_query
[ ] delete_prepared_statement
[ ] delete_work_group
[X] get_data_catalog
[ ] get_database
[X] get_named_query
[ ] get_prepared_statement
[ ] get_query_execution
[ ] get_query_results
[ ] get_table_metadata
[X] get_work_group
[X] list_data_catalogs
[ ] list_databases
[ ] list_engine_versions
[ ] list_named_queries
[ ] list_prepared_statements
[ ] list_query_executions
[ ] list_table_metadata
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_work_groups
[X] start_query_execution
[X] stop_query_execution
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_data_catalog
[ ] update_prepared_statement
[ ] update_work_group
28 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.7 autoscaling
Example usage
def test_autoscaling_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] attach_instances
[X] attach_load_balancer_target_groups
[X] attach_load_balancers
[ ] batch_delete_scheduled_action
[ ] batch_put_scheduled_update_group_action
[ ] cancel_instance_refresh
[ ] complete_lifecycle_action
[X] create_auto_scaling_group
[X] create_launch_configuration
[X] create_or_update_tags
[X] delete_auto_scaling_group
[X] delete_launch_configuration
[X] delete_lifecycle_hook
[ ] delete_notification_configuration
[X] delete_policy
[ ] delete_scheduled_action
[X] delete_tags
[ ] delete_warm_pool
[ ] describe_account_limits
[ ] describe_adjustment_types
[X] describe_auto_scaling_groups
[X] describe_auto_scaling_instances
[ ] describe_auto_scaling_notification_types
[ ] describe_instance_refreshes
[X] describe_launch_configurations
[ ] describe_lifecycle_hook_types
[X] describe_lifecycle_hooks
[X] describe_load_balancer_target_groups
[X] describe_load_balancers
2.6. Implemented Services 29
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_metric_collection_types
[ ] describe_notification_configurations
[X] describe_policies
[ ] describe_scaling_activities
[ ] describe_scaling_process_types
[ ] describe_scheduled_actions
[X] describe_tags
Pagination is not yet implemented. Only the auto-scaling-group and propagate-at-launch filters are
[ ] describe_termination_policy_types
[ ] describe_warm_pool
[X] detach_instances
[X] detach_load_balancer_target_groups
[X] detach_load_balancers
[ ] disable_metrics_collection
[ ] enable_metrics_collection
[ ] enter_standby
[X] execute_policy
[ ] exit_standby
[ ] get_predictive_scaling_forecast
[ ] put_lifecycle_hook
[ ] put_notification_configuration
[ ] put_scaling_policy
[ ] put_scheduled_update_group_action
[ ] put_warm_pool
[ ] record_lifecycle_action_heartbeat
[X] resume_processes
[X] set_desired_capacity
[X] set_instance_health
[X] set_instance_protection
[ ] start_instance_refresh
[X] suspend_processes
[ ] terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group
[X] update_auto_scaling_group
30 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.8 batch
Example usage
def test_batch_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] cancel_job
[X] create_compute_environment
[X] create_job_queue
Create a job queue
param queue_name Queue name
type queue_name str
param priority Queue priority
type priority int
param state Queue state
type state string
param compute_env_order Compute environment list
type compute_env_order list of dict
return Tuple of Name, ARN
rtype tuple of str
[ ] create_scheduling_policy
[X] delete_compute_environment
[X] delete_job_queue
[ ] delete_scheduling_policy
[X] deregister_job_definition
[X] describe_compute_environments
[X] describe_job_definitions
[X] describe_job_queues
[X] describe_jobs
[ ] describe_scheduling_policies
[X] list_jobs
[ ] list_scheduling_policies
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] register_job_definition
[X] submit_job
2.6. Implemented Services 31
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] tag_resource
[X] terminate_job
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_compute_environment
[X] update_job_queue
Update a job queue
param queue_name Queue name
type queue_name str
param priority Queue priority
type priority int
param state Queue state
type state string
param compute_env_order Compute environment list
type compute_env_order list of dict
return Tuple of Name, ARN
rtype tuple of str
[ ] update_scheduling_policy
2.6.9 budgets
class moto.budgets.models.BudgetsBackend
Implementation of Budgets APIs.
Example usage
def test_budgets_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_budget
[ ] create_budget_action
[X] create_notification
[ ] create_subscriber
[X] delete_budget
[ ] delete_budget_action
[X] delete_notification
[ ] delete_subscriber
[X] describe_budget
[ ] describe_budget_action
32 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_budget_action_histories
[ ] describe_budget_actions_for_account
[ ] describe_budget_actions_for_budget
[ ] describe_budget_notifications_for_account
[ ] describe_budget_performance_history
[X] describe_budgets
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] describe_notifications_for_budget
Pagination has not yet been implemented
[ ] describe_subscribers_for_notification
[ ] execute_budget_action
[ ] update_budget
[ ] update_budget_action
[ ] update_notification
[ ] update_subscriber
2.6.10 cloudformation
Example usage
def test_cloudformation_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] activate_type
[ ] batch_describe_type_configurations
[ ] cancel_update_stack
[ ] continue_update_rollback
[X] create_change_set
[X] create_stack
[X] create_stack_instances
[X] create_stack_set
[ ] deactivate_type
[X] delete_change_set
[X] delete_stack
[X] delete_stack_instances
[X] delete_stack_set
2.6. Implemented Services 33
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] deregister_type
[ ] describe_account_limits
[X] describe_change_set
[ ] describe_change_set_hooks
[ ] describe_publisher
[ ] describe_stack_drift_detection_status
[ ] describe_stack_events
[ ] describe_stack_instance
[ ] describe_stack_resource
[ ] describe_stack_resource_drifts
[ ] describe_stack_resources
[ ] describe_stack_set
[ ] describe_stack_set_operation
[X] describe_stacks
[ ] describe_type
[ ] describe_type_registration
[ ] detect_stack_drift
[ ] detect_stack_resource_drift
[ ] detect_stack_set_drift
[ ] estimate_template_cost
[X] execute_change_set
[X] get_stack_policy
[ ] get_template
[ ] get_template_summary
[ ] import_stacks_to_stack_set
[X] list_change_sets
[X] list_exports
[ ] list_imports
[ ] list_stack_instances
[X] list_stack_resources
[ ] list_stack_set_operation_results
[ ] list_stack_set_operations
[ ] list_stack_sets
[X] list_stacks
[ ] list_type_registrations
[ ] list_type_versions
34 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_types
[ ] publish_type
[ ] record_handler_progress
[ ] register_publisher
[ ] register_type
[ ] rollback_stack
[X] set_stack_policy
Note that Moto does no validation/parsing/enforcement of this policy - we simply persist it.
[ ] set_type_configuration
[ ] set_type_default_version
[ ] signal_resource
[ ] stop_stack_set_operation
[ ] test_type
[X] update_stack
[ ] update_stack_instances
[X] update_stack_set
[ ] update_termination_protection
[X] validate_template
2.6.11 cloudfront
Example usage
def test_cloudfront_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_alias
[ ] create_cache_policy
[ ] create_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[X] create_distribution
This has been tested against an S3-distribution with the simplest possible configuration. Please raise
an issue if we’re not persisting/returning the correct attributes for your use-case.
[ ] create_distribution_with_tags
[ ] create_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] create_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] create_function
[ ] create_invalidation
2.6. Implemented Services 35
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_key_group
[ ] create_monitoring_subscription
[ ] create_origin_request_policy
[ ] create_public_key
[ ] create_realtime_log_config
[ ] create_response_headers_policy
[ ] create_streaming_distribution
[ ] create_streaming_distribution_with_tags
[ ] delete_cache_policy
[ ] delete_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[X] delete_distribution
The IfMatch-value is ignored - any value is considered valid. Calling this function without a value is
invalid, per AWS’ behaviour
[ ] delete_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] delete_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] delete_function
[ ] delete_key_group
[ ] delete_monitoring_subscription
[ ] delete_origin_request_policy
[ ] delete_public_key
[ ] delete_realtime_log_config
[ ] delete_response_headers_policy
[ ] delete_streaming_distribution
[ ] describe_function
[ ] get_cache_policy
[ ] get_cache_policy_config
[ ] get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] get_cloud_front_origin_access_identity_config
[X] get_distribution
[ ] get_distribution_config
[ ] get_field_level_encryption
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] get_field_level_encryption_profile_config
[ ] get_function
[ ] get_invalidation
36 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_key_group
[ ] get_key_group_config
[ ] get_monitoring_subscription
[ ] get_origin_request_policy
[ ] get_origin_request_policy_config
[ ] get_public_key
[ ] get_public_key_config
[ ] get_realtime_log_config
[ ] get_response_headers_policy
[ ] get_response_headers_policy_config
[ ] get_streaming_distribution
[ ] get_streaming_distribution_config
[ ] list_cache_policies
[ ] list_cloud_front_origin_access_identities
[ ] list_conflicting_aliases
[X] list_distributions
Pagination is not supported yet.
[ ] list_distributions_by_cache_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_key_group
[ ] list_distributions_by_origin_request_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_realtime_log_config
[ ] list_distributions_by_response_headers_policy_id
[ ] list_distributions_by_web_acl_id
[ ] list_field_level_encryption_configs
[ ] list_field_level_encryption_profiles
[ ] list_functions
[ ] list_invalidations
[ ] list_key_groups
[ ] list_origin_request_policies
[ ] list_public_keys
[ ] list_realtime_log_configs
[ ] list_response_headers_policies
[ ] list_streaming_distributions
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] publish_function
[ ] tag_resource
2.6. Implemented Services 37
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] test_function
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_cache_policy
[ ] update_cloud_front_origin_access_identity
[ ] update_distribution
[ ] update_field_level_encryption_config
[ ] update_field_level_encryption_profile
[ ] update_function
[ ] update_key_group
[ ] update_origin_request_policy
[ ] update_public_key
[ ] update_realtime_log_config
[ ] update_response_headers_policy
[ ] update_streaming_distribution
2.6.12 cloudtrail
class moto.cloudtrail.models.CloudTrailBackend(region_name)
Implementation of CloudTrail APIs.
Example usage
def test_cloudtrail_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_tags
[ ] cancel_query
[ ] create_event_data_store
[X] create_trail
[ ] delete_event_data_store
[X] delete_trail
[ ] describe_query
[X] describe_trails
[ ] get_event_data_store
[X] get_event_selectors
[X] get_insight_selectors
[ ] get_query_results
[X] get_trail
38 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] get_trail_status
[ ] list_event_data_stores
[ ] list_public_keys
[ ] list_queries
[X] list_tags
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_trails
[ ] lookup_events
[X] put_event_selectors
[X] put_insight_selectors
[X] remove_tags
[ ] restore_event_data_store
[X] start_logging
[ ] start_query
[X] stop_logging
[ ] update_event_data_store
[X] update_trail
2.6.13 cloudwatch
Example usage
def test_cloudwatch_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] delete_alarms
[ ] delete_anomaly_detector
[X] delete_dashboards
[ ] delete_insight_rules
[ ] delete_metric_stream
[ ] describe_alarm_history
[ ] describe_alarms
[ ] describe_alarms_for_metric
[ ] describe_anomaly_detectors
[ ] describe_insight_rules
[ ] disable_alarm_actions
2.6. Implemented Services 39
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] disable_insight_rules
[ ] enable_alarm_actions
[ ] enable_insight_rules
[X] get_dashboard
[ ] get_insight_rule_report
[X] get_metric_data
[X] get_metric_statistics
[ ] get_metric_stream
[ ] get_metric_widget_image
[X] list_dashboards
[ ] list_metric_streams
[X] list_metrics
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] put_anomaly_detector
[ ] put_composite_alarm
[X] put_dashboard
[ ] put_insight_rule
[X] put_metric_alarm
[X] put_metric_data
[ ] put_metric_stream
[X] set_alarm_state
[ ] start_metric_streams
[ ] stop_metric_streams
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
2.6.14 codecommit
Example usage
def test_codecommit_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_approval_rule_template_with_repository
[ ] batch_associate_approval_rule_template_with_repositories
[ ] batch_describe_merge_conflicts
40 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] batch_disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repositories
[ ] batch_get_commits
[ ] batch_get_repositories
[ ] create_approval_rule_template
[ ] create_branch
[ ] create_commit
[ ] create_pull_request
[ ] create_pull_request_approval_rule
[X] create_repository
[ ] create_unreferenced_merge_commit
[ ] delete_approval_rule_template
[ ] delete_branch
[ ] delete_comment_content
[ ] delete_file
[ ] delete_pull_request_approval_rule
[X] delete_repository
[ ] describe_merge_conflicts
[ ] describe_pull_request_events
[ ] disassociate_approval_rule_template_from_repository
[ ] evaluate_pull_request_approval_rules
[ ] get_approval_rule_template
[ ] get_blob
[ ] get_branch
[ ] get_comment
[ ] get_comment_reactions
[ ] get_comments_for_compared_commit
[ ] get_comments_for_pull_request
[ ] get_commit
[ ] get_differences
[ ] get_file
[ ] get_folder
[ ] get_merge_commit
[ ] get_merge_conflicts
[ ] get_merge_options
[ ] get_pull_request
[ ] get_pull_request_approval_states
2.6. Implemented Services 41
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_pull_request_override_state
[X] get_repository
[ ] get_repository_triggers
[ ] list_approval_rule_templates
[ ] list_associated_approval_rule_templates_for_repository
[ ] list_branches
[ ] list_pull_requests
[ ] list_repositories
[ ] list_repositories_for_approval_rule_template
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] merge_branches_by_fast_forward
[ ] merge_branches_by_squash
[ ] merge_branches_by_three_way
[ ] merge_pull_request_by_fast_forward
[ ] merge_pull_request_by_squash
[ ] merge_pull_request_by_three_way
[ ] override_pull_request_approval_rules
[ ] post_comment_for_compared_commit
[ ] post_comment_for_pull_request
[ ] post_comment_reply
[ ] put_comment_reaction
[ ] put_file
[ ] put_repository_triggers
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] test_repository_triggers
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_approval_rule_template_content
[ ] update_approval_rule_template_description
[ ] update_approval_rule_template_name
[ ] update_comment
[ ] update_default_branch
[ ] update_pull_request_approval_rule_content
[ ] update_pull_request_approval_state
[ ] update_pull_request_description
[ ] update_pull_request_status
[ ] update_pull_request_title
42 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_repository_description
[ ] update_repository_name
2.6.15 codepipeline
Example usage
def test_codepipeline_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] acknowledge_job
[ ] acknowledge_third_party_job
[ ] create_custom_action_type
[X] create_pipeline
[ ] delete_custom_action_type
[X] delete_pipeline
[ ] delete_webhook
[ ] deregister_webhook_with_third_party
[ ] disable_stage_transition
[ ] enable_stage_transition
[ ] get_action_type
[ ] get_job_details
[X] get_pipeline
[ ] get_pipeline_execution
[ ] get_pipeline_state
[ ] get_third_party_job_details
[ ] list_action_executions
[ ] list_action_types
[ ] list_pipeline_executions
[X] list_pipelines
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_webhooks
[ ] poll_for_jobs
[ ] poll_for_third_party_jobs
[ ] put_action_revision
[ ] put_approval_result
2.6. Implemented Services 43
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] put_job_failure_result
[ ] put_job_success_result
[ ] put_third_party_job_failure_result
[ ] put_third_party_job_success_result
[ ] put_webhook
[ ] register_webhook_with_third_party
[ ] retry_stage_execution
[ ] start_pipeline_execution
[ ] stop_pipeline_execution
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_action_type
[X] update_pipeline
2.6.16 cognito-identity
Example usage
def test_cognitoidentity_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_identity_pool
[ ] delete_identities
[ ] delete_identity_pool
[ ] describe_identity
[X] describe_identity_pool
[X] get_credentials_for_identity
[X] get_id
[ ] get_identity_pool_roles
[X] get_open_id_token
[X] get_open_id_token_for_developer_identity
[ ] get_principal_tag_attribute_map
[X] list_identities
[ ] list_identity_pools
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] lookup_developer_identity
44 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] merge_developer_identities
[ ] set_identity_pool_roles
[ ] set_principal_tag_attribute_map
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] unlink_developer_identity
[ ] unlink_identity
[ ] untag_resource
[X] update_identity_pool
2.6.17 cognito-idp
Example usage
def test_cognitoidp_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_custom_attributes
[X] admin_add_user_to_group
[X] admin_confirm_sign_up
[X] admin_create_user
[X] admin_delete_user
[X] admin_delete_user_attributes
[ ] admin_disable_provider_for_user
[X] admin_disable_user
[X] admin_enable_user
[ ] admin_forget_device
[ ] admin_get_device
[X] admin_get_user
[X] admin_initiate_auth
[ ] admin_link_provider_for_user
[ ] admin_list_devices
[X] admin_list_groups_for_user
[ ] admin_list_user_auth_events
[X] admin_remove_user_from_group
[X] admin_reset_user_password
[ ] admin_respond_to_auth_challenge
2.6. Implemented Services 45
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] admin_set_user_mfa_preference
[X] admin_set_user_password
[ ] admin_set_user_settings
[ ] admin_update_auth_event_feedback
[ ] admin_update_device_status
[X] admin_update_user_attributes
[X] admin_user_global_sign_out
[X] associate_software_token
[X] change_password
[ ] confirm_device
[X] confirm_forgot_password
[X] confirm_sign_up
[X] create_group
[X] create_identity_provider
[X] create_resource_server
[ ] create_user_import_job
[X] create_user_pool
[X] create_user_pool_client
[X] create_user_pool_domain
[X] delete_group
[X] delete_identity_provider
[ ] delete_resource_server
[ ] delete_user
[ ] delete_user_attributes
[X] delete_user_pool
[X] delete_user_pool_client
[X] delete_user_pool_domain
[X] describe_identity_provider
[ ] describe_resource_server
[ ] describe_risk_configuration
[ ] describe_user_import_job
[X] describe_user_pool
[X] describe_user_pool_client
[X] describe_user_pool_domain
[ ] forget_device
46 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] forgot_password The ForgotPassword operation is partially broken in AWS. If the input is 100% correct it
works fine.
Otherwise you get semi-random garbage and HTTP 200 OK, for example: - recovery for username
which is not registered in any cognito pool - recovery for username belonging to a different user
pool than the client id is registered to - phone-based recovery for a user without phone_number /
phone_number_verified attributes - same as above, but email / email_verified
[ ] get_csv_header
[ ] get_device
[X] get_group
[ ] get_identity_provider_by_identifier
[ ] get_signing_certificate
[ ] get_ui_customization
[X] get_user
[ ] get_user_attribute_verification_code
[X] get_user_pool_mfa_config
[ ] global_sign_out
[X] initiate_auth
[ ] list_devices
[X] list_groups
[X] list_identity_providers
[ ] list_resource_servers
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_user_import_jobs
[X] list_user_pool_clients
[X] list_user_pools
[X] list_users
[X] list_users_in_group
[ ] resend_confirmation_code
[X] respond_to_auth_challenge
[ ] revoke_token
[ ] set_risk_configuration
[ ] set_ui_customization
[X] set_user_mfa_preference
[X] set_user_pool_mfa_config
[ ] set_user_settings
[X] sign_up
[ ] start_user_import_job
2.6. Implemented Services 47
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] stop_user_import_job
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_auth_event_feedback
[ ] update_device_status
[ ] update_group
[X] update_identity_provider
[ ] update_resource_server
[ ] update_user_attributes
[X] update_user_pool
[X] update_user_pool_client
[X] update_user_pool_domain
[X] verify_software_token
[ ] verify_user_attribute
2.6.18 config
Example usage
def test_config_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] batch_get_aggregate_resource_config Returns configuration of resource for current regional backend.
Item is returned in AWS Config format.
As far a moto goes the only real difference between this function and the batch_get_resource_config
function is that this will require a Config Aggregator be set up a priori and can search based on resource
Note: moto will IGNORE the resource account ID in the search query.
[X] batch_get_resource_config Returns configuration of resource for the current regional backend.
Item is returned in AWS Config format.
param resource_keys
param backend_region
[X] delete_aggregation_authorization
[X] delete_config_rule Delete config rule used for evaluating resource compliance.
[X] delete_configuration_aggregator
[X] delete_configuration_recorder
[ ] delete_conformance_pack
48 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_delivery_channel
[ ] delete_evaluation_results
[ ] delete_organization_config_rule
[X] delete_organization_conformance_pack
[ ] delete_pending_aggregation_request
[ ] delete_remediation_configuration
[ ] delete_remediation_exceptions
[ ] delete_resource_config
[ ] delete_retention_configuration
[ ] delete_stored_query
[ ] deliver_config_snapshot
[ ] describe_aggregate_compliance_by_config_rules
[ ] describe_aggregate_compliance_by_conformance_packs
[X] describe_aggregation_authorizations
[ ] describe_compliance_by_config_rule
[ ] describe_compliance_by_resource
[ ] describe_config_rule_evaluation_status
[X] describe_config_rules Return details for the given ConfigRule names or for all rules.
[ ] describe_configuration_aggregator_sources_status
[X] describe_configuration_aggregators
[X] describe_configuration_recorder_status
[X] describe_configuration_recorders
[ ] describe_conformance_pack_compliance
[ ] describe_conformance_pack_status
[ ] describe_conformance_packs
[ ] describe_delivery_channel_status
[X] describe_delivery_channels
[ ] describe_organization_config_rule_statuses
[ ] describe_organization_config_rules
[X] describe_organization_conformance_pack_statuses
[X] describe_organization_conformance_packs
[ ] describe_pending_aggregation_requests
[ ] describe_remediation_configurations
[ ] describe_remediation_exceptions
[ ] describe_remediation_execution_status
[ ] describe_retention_configurations
2.6. Implemented Services 49
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_aggregate_compliance_details_by_config_rule
[ ] get_aggregate_config_rule_compliance_summary
[ ] get_aggregate_conformance_pack_compliance_summary
[ ] get_aggregate_discovered_resource_counts
[ ] get_aggregate_resource_config
[ ] get_compliance_details_by_config_rule
[ ] get_compliance_details_by_resource
[ ] get_compliance_summary_by_config_rule
[ ] get_compliance_summary_by_resource_type
[ ] get_conformance_pack_compliance_details
[ ] get_conformance_pack_compliance_summary
[ ] get_discovered_resource_counts
[ ] get_organization_config_rule_detailed_status
[X] get_organization_conformance_pack_detailed_status
[X] get_resource_config_history Returns configuration of resource for the current regional backend.
Item returned in AWS Config format.
NOTE: This is –NOT– returning history as it is not supported in moto at this time. (PR’s welcome!)
As such, the later_time, earlier_time, limit, and next_token are ignored as this will only return 1 item.
(If no items, it raises an exception).
[ ] get_stored_query
[X] list_aggregate_discovered_resources Queries AWS Config listing function that must exist for resource back-
As far a moto goes the only real difference between this function and the list_discovered_resources
function is that this will require a Config Aggregator be set up a priori and can search based on resource
param aggregator_name
param resource_type
param filters
param limit
param next_token
[X] list_discovered_resources Queries against AWS Config (non-aggregated) listing function.
The listing function must exist for the resource backend.
param resource_type
param backend_region
param ids
param name
50 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
param limit
param next_token
[ ] list_stored_queries
[X] list_tags_for_resource Return list of tags for AWS Config resource.
[X] put_aggregation_authorization
[X] put_config_rule Add/Update config rule for evaluating resource compliance.
TBD - Only the “accounting” of config rules are handled at the moment. No events are created or
triggered. There is no interaction with the config recorder.
[X] put_configuration_aggregator
[X] put_configuration_recorder
[ ] put_conformance_pack
[X] put_delivery_channel
[X] put_evaluations
[ ] put_external_evaluation
[ ] put_organization_config_rule
[X] put_organization_conformance_pack
[ ] put_remediation_configurations
[ ] put_remediation_exceptions
[ ] put_resource_config
[ ] put_retention_configuration
[ ] put_stored_query
[ ] select_aggregate_resource_config
[ ] select_resource_config
[ ] start_config_rules_evaluation
[X] start_configuration_recorder
[ ] start_remediation_execution
[X] stop_configuration_recorder
[X] tag_resource Add tags in config with a matching ARN.
[X] untag_resource Remove tags in config with a matching ARN.
If the tags in the tag_keys dont match any keys for that ARN, they’re just ignored.
2.6. Implemented Services 51
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.19 datapipeline
Example usage
def test_datapipeline_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] activate_pipeline
[ ] add_tags
[X] create_pipeline
[ ] deactivate_pipeline
[X] delete_pipeline
[X] describe_objects
[X] describe_pipelines
[ ] evaluate_expression
[X] get_pipeline_definition
[X] list_pipelines
[ ] poll_for_task
[X] put_pipeline_definition
[ ] query_objects
[ ] remove_tags
[ ] report_task_progress
[ ] report_task_runner_heartbeat
[ ] set_status
[ ] set_task_status
[ ] validate_pipeline_definition
2.6.20 datasync
Example usage
def test_datasync_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] cancel_task_execution
[ ] create_agent
52 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_location_efs
[ ] create_location_fsx_lustre
[ ] create_location_fsx_windows
[ ] create_location_hdfs
[ ] create_location_nfs
[ ] create_location_object_storage
[ ] create_location_s3
[ ] create_location_smb
[X] create_task
[ ] delete_agent
[X] delete_location
[X] delete_task
[ ] describe_agent
[ ] describe_location_efs
[ ] describe_location_fsx_lustre
[ ] describe_location_fsx_windows
[ ] describe_location_hdfs
[ ] describe_location_nfs
[ ] describe_location_object_storage
[ ] describe_location_s3
[ ] describe_location_smb
[ ] describe_task
[ ] describe_task_execution
[ ] list_agents
[ ] list_locations
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_task_executions
[ ] list_tasks
[X] start_task_execution
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_agent
[ ] update_location_hdfs
[ ] update_location_nfs
[ ] update_location_object_storage
[ ] update_location_smb
2.6. Implemented Services 53
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] update_task
[ ] update_task_execution
2.6.21 dax
Example usage
def test_dax_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_cluster
The following parameters are not yet processed: AvailabilityZones, SubnetGroupNames, Security-
Groups, PreferredMaintenanceWindow, NotificationTopicArn, ParameterGroupName, ClusterEnd-
[ ] create_parameter_group
[ ] create_subnet_group
[X] decrease_replication_factor
The AvailabilityZones-parameter is not yet implemented
[X] delete_cluster
[ ] delete_parameter_group
[ ] delete_subnet_group
[X] describe_clusters
[ ] describe_default_parameters
[ ] describe_events
[ ] describe_parameter_groups
[ ] describe_parameters
[ ] describe_subnet_groups
[X] increase_replication_factor
[X] list_tags
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] reboot_node
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_cluster
[ ] update_parameter_group
[ ] update_subnet_group
54 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.22 dms
Example usage
def test_dms_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_tags_to_resource
[ ] apply_pending_maintenance_action
[ ] cancel_replication_task_assessment_run
[ ] create_endpoint
[ ] create_event_subscription
[ ] create_replication_instance
[ ] create_replication_subnet_group
[X] create_replication_task
[ ] delete_certificate
[ ] delete_connection
[ ] delete_endpoint
[ ] delete_event_subscription
[ ] delete_replication_instance
[ ] delete_replication_subnet_group
[X] delete_replication_task
[ ] delete_replication_task_assessment_run
[ ] describe_account_attributes
[ ] describe_applicable_individual_assessments
[ ] describe_certificates
[ ] describe_connections
[ ] describe_endpoint_settings
[ ] describe_endpoint_types
[ ] describe_endpoints
[ ] describe_event_categories
[ ] describe_event_subscriptions
[ ] describe_events
[ ] describe_orderable_replication_instances
[ ] describe_pending_maintenance_actions
[ ] describe_refresh_schemas_status
2.6. Implemented Services 55
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_replication_instance_task_logs
[ ] describe_replication_instances
[ ] describe_replication_subnet_groups
[ ] describe_replication_task_assessment_results
[ ] describe_replication_task_assessment_runs
[ ] describe_replication_task_individual_assessments
[X] describe_replication_tasks
[ ] describe_schemas
[ ] describe_table_statistics
[ ] import_certificate
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] modify_endpoint
[ ] modify_event_subscription
[ ] modify_replication_instance
[ ] modify_replication_subnet_group
[ ] modify_replication_task
[ ] move_replication_task
[ ] reboot_replication_instance
[ ] refresh_schemas
[ ] reload_tables
[ ] remove_tags_from_resource
[X] start_replication_task
[ ] start_replication_task_assessment
[ ] start_replication_task_assessment_run
[X] stop_replication_task
[ ] test_connection
2.6.23 ds
class moto.ds.models.DirectoryServiceBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of DirectoryService APIs.
Example usage
def test_ds_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_shared_directory
56 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] add_ip_routes
[ ] add_region
[X] add_tags_to_resource Add or overwrite one or more tags for specified directory.
[ ] cancel_schema_extension
[X] connect_directory Create a fake AD Connector.
[X] create_alias Create and assign an alias to a directory.
[ ] create_computer
[ ] create_conditional_forwarder
[X] create_directory Create a fake Simple Ad Directory.
[ ] create_log_subscription
[X] create_microsoft_ad Create a fake Microsoft Ad Directory.
[ ] create_snapshot
[ ] create_trust
[ ] delete_conditional_forwarder
[X] delete_directory Delete directory with the matching ID.
[ ] delete_log_subscription
[ ] delete_snapshot
[ ] delete_trust
[ ] deregister_certificate
[ ] deregister_event_topic
[ ] describe_certificate
[ ] describe_client_authentication_settings
[ ] describe_conditional_forwarders
[X] describe_directories Return info on all directories or directories with matching IDs.
[ ] describe_domain_controllers
[ ] describe_event_topics
[ ] describe_ldaps_settings
[ ] describe_regions
[ ] describe_shared_directories
[ ] describe_snapshots
[ ] describe_trusts
[ ] disable_client_authentication
[ ] disable_ldaps
[ ] disable_radius
[X] disable_sso Disable single-sign on for a directory.
[ ] enable_client_authentication
2.6. Implemented Services 57
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] enable_ldaps
[ ] enable_radius
[X] enable_sso Enable single-sign on for a directory.
[X] get_directory_limits Return hard-coded limits for the directories.
[ ] get_snapshot_limits
[ ] list_certificates
[ ] list_ip_routes
[ ] list_log_subscriptions
[ ] list_schema_extensions
[X] list_tags_for_resource List all tags on a directory.
[ ] register_certificate
[ ] register_event_topic
[ ] reject_shared_directory
[ ] remove_ip_routes
[ ] remove_region
[X] remove_tags_from_resource Removes tags from a directory.
[ ] reset_user_password
[ ] restore_from_snapshot
[ ] share_directory
[ ] start_schema_extension
[ ] unshare_directory
[ ] update_conditional_forwarder
[ ] update_number_of_domain_controllers
[ ] update_radius
[ ] update_trust
[ ] verify_trust
2.6.24 dynamodb
Example usage
def test_dynamodb2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_execute_statement
[X] batch_get_item
58 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] batch_write_item
[X] create_backup
[ ] create_global_table
[X] create_table
[X] delete_backup
[X] delete_item
[X] delete_table
[X] describe_backup
[X] describe_continuous_backups
[ ] describe_contributor_insights
[X] describe_endpoints
[ ] describe_export
[ ] describe_global_table
[ ] describe_global_table_settings
[ ] describe_kinesis_streaming_destination
[ ] describe_limits
[X] describe_table
[ ] describe_table_replica_auto_scaling
[X] describe_time_to_live
[ ] disable_kinesis_streaming_destination
[ ] enable_kinesis_streaming_destination
[ ] execute_statement
[ ] execute_transaction
[ ] export_table_to_point_in_time
[X] get_item
[X] list_backups
[ ] list_contributor_insights
[ ] list_exports
[ ] list_global_tables
[X] list_tables
[X] list_tags_of_resource
[X] put_item
[X] query
[X] restore_table_from_backup
[X] restore_table_to_point_in_time
2.6. Implemented Services 59
Moto Documentation, Release
Currently this only accepts the source and target table elements, and will copy all items from the
source without respect to other arguments.
[X] scan
[X] tag_resource
[X] transact_get_items
[X] transact_write_items
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_continuous_backups
[ ] update_contributor_insights
[ ] update_global_table
[ ] update_global_table_settings
[X] update_item
[X] update_table
[ ] update_table_replica_auto_scaling
[X] update_time_to_live
2.6.25 dynamodbstreams
Example usage
def test_dynamodbstreams_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] describe_stream
[X] get_records
[X] get_shard_iterator
[X] list_streams
2.6.26 ec2
class moto.ec2.models.EC2Backend(region_name)
Implementation of the AWS EC2 endpoint.
moto includes a limited set of AMIs in moto/ec2/resources/amis.json. If you require specific AMIs to be
available during your tests, you can provide your own AMI definitions by setting the environment variable
MOTO_AMIS_PATH to point to a JSON file containing definitions of the required AMIs.
To create such a file, refer to scripts/
Note: You must set MOTO_AMIS_PATH before importing moto.
60 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
Example usage
def test_ec2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_reserved_instances_exchange_quote
[ ] accept_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associations
[X] accept_transit_gateway_peering_attachment
[ ] accept_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
[ ] accept_vpc_endpoint_connections
[X] accept_vpc_peering_connection
[ ] advertise_byoip_cidr
[X] allocate_address
[ ] allocate_hosts
[ ] allocate_ipam_pool_cidr
[ ] apply_security_groups_to_client_vpn_target_network
[X] assign_ipv6_addresses
[X] assign_private_ip_addresses
[X] associate_address
[ ] associate_client_vpn_target_network
[X] associate_dhcp_options
[ ] associate_enclave_certificate_iam_role
[X] associate_iam_instance_profile
[ ] associate_instance_event_window
[X] associate_route_table
[X] associate_subnet_cidr_block
[ ] associate_transit_gateway_multicast_domain
[X] associate_transit_gateway_route_table
[ ] associate_trunk_interface
[X] associate_vpc_cidr_block
[ ] attach_classic_link_vpc
[X] attach_internet_gateway
[X] attach_network_interface
[X] attach_volume
[X] attach_vpn_gateway
[ ] authorize_client_vpn_ingress
2.6. Implemented Services 61
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] authorize_security_group_egress
[X] authorize_security_group_ingress
[ ] bundle_instance
[ ] cancel_bundle_task
[ ] cancel_capacity_reservation
[ ] cancel_capacity_reservation_fleets
[ ] cancel_conversion_task
[ ] cancel_export_task
[ ] cancel_import_task
[ ] cancel_reserved_instances_listing
[X] cancel_spot_fleet_requests
[X] cancel_spot_instance_requests
[ ] confirm_product_instance
[ ] copy_fpga_image
[X] copy_image
[X] copy_snapshot
[ ] create_capacity_reservation
[ ] create_capacity_reservation_fleet
[X] create_carrier_gateway
[ ] create_client_vpn_endpoint
[ ] create_client_vpn_route
[X] create_customer_gateway
[ ] create_default_subnet
[ ] create_default_vpc
[X] create_dhcp_options
[X] create_egress_only_internet_gateway
[ ] create_fleet
[X] create_flow_logs
[ ] create_fpga_image
[X] create_image
[ ] create_instance_event_window
[ ] create_instance_export_task
[X] create_internet_gateway
[ ] create_ipam
[ ] create_ipam_pool
[ ] create_ipam_scope
62 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_key_pair
[X] create_launch_template
[ ] create_launch_template_version
[ ] create_local_gateway_route
[ ] create_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_association
[X] create_managed_prefix_list
[X] create_nat_gateway
[X] create_network_acl
[X] create_network_acl_entry
[ ] create_network_insights_access_scope
[ ] create_network_insights_path
[X] create_network_interface
[ ] create_network_interface_permission
[ ] create_placement_group
[ ] create_public_ipv4_pool
[ ] create_replace_root_volume_task
[ ] create_reserved_instances_listing
[ ] create_restore_image_task
[X] create_route
[X] create_route_table
[X] create_security_group
[X] create_snapshot
[X] create_snapshots
The CopyTagsFromSource-parameter is not yet implemented.
[ ] create_spot_datafeed_subscription
[ ] create_store_image_task
[X] create_subnet
[ ] create_subnet_cidr_reservation
[X] create_tags
[ ] create_traffic_mirror_filter
[ ] create_traffic_mirror_filter_rule
[ ] create_traffic_mirror_session
[ ] create_traffic_mirror_target
[X] create_transit_gateway
[ ] create_transit_gateway_connect
[ ] create_transit_gateway_connect_peer
2.6. Implemented Services 63
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_transit_gateway_multicast_domain
[X] create_transit_gateway_peering_attachment
[ ] create_transit_gateway_prefix_list_reference
[X] create_transit_gateway_route
[X] create_transit_gateway_route_table
[X] create_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
[X] create_volume
[X] create_vpc
[X] create_vpc_endpoint
[ ] create_vpc_endpoint_connection_notification
[X] create_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration
[X] create_vpc_peering_connection
[X] create_vpn_connection
[ ] create_vpn_connection_route
[X] create_vpn_gateway
[X] delete_carrier_gateway
[ ] delete_client_vpn_endpoint
[ ] delete_client_vpn_route
[X] delete_customer_gateway
[ ] delete_dhcp_options
[X] delete_egress_only_internet_gateway
[ ] delete_fleets
[X] delete_flow_logs
[ ] delete_fpga_image
[ ] delete_instance_event_window
[X] delete_internet_gateway
[ ] delete_ipam
[ ] delete_ipam_pool
[ ] delete_ipam_scope
[X] delete_key_pair
[ ] delete_launch_template
[ ] delete_launch_template_versions
[ ] delete_local_gateway_route
[ ] delete_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_association
[X] delete_managed_prefix_list
[X] delete_nat_gateway
64 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_network_acl
[X] delete_network_acl_entry
[ ] delete_network_insights_access_scope
[ ] delete_network_insights_access_scope_analysis
[ ] delete_network_insights_analysis
[ ] delete_network_insights_path
[X] delete_network_interface
[ ] delete_network_interface_permission
[ ] delete_placement_group
[ ] delete_public_ipv4_pool
[ ] delete_queued_reserved_instances
[X] delete_route
[X] delete_route_table
[X] delete_security_group
[X] delete_snapshot
[ ] delete_spot_datafeed_subscription
[X] delete_subnet
[ ] delete_subnet_cidr_reservation
[X] delete_tags
[ ] delete_traffic_mirror_filter
[ ] delete_traffic_mirror_filter_rule
[ ] delete_traffic_mirror_session
[ ] delete_traffic_mirror_target
[X] delete_transit_gateway
[ ] delete_transit_gateway_connect
[ ] delete_transit_gateway_connect_peer
[ ] delete_transit_gateway_multicast_domain
[X] delete_transit_gateway_peering_attachment
[ ] delete_transit_gateway_prefix_list_reference
[X] delete_transit_gateway_route
[X] delete_transit_gateway_route_table
[X] delete_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
[X] delete_volume
[X] delete_vpc
[ ] delete_vpc_endpoint_connection_notifications
[X] delete_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations
2.6. Implemented Services 65
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_vpc_endpoints
[X] delete_vpc_peering_connection
[X] delete_vpn_connection
[ ] delete_vpn_connection_route
[X] delete_vpn_gateway
[ ] deprovision_byoip_cidr
[ ] deprovision_ipam_pool_cidr
[ ] deprovision_public_ipv4_pool_cidr
[X] deregister_image
[ ] deregister_instance_event_notification_attributes
[ ] deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_members
[ ] deregister_transit_gateway_multicast_group_sources
[ ] describe_account_attributes
[X] describe_addresses
[ ] describe_addresses_attribute
[ ] describe_aggregate_id_format
[X] describe_availability_zones
[ ] describe_bundle_tasks
[ ] describe_byoip_cidrs
[ ] describe_capacity_reservation_fleets
[ ] describe_capacity_reservations
[X] describe_carrier_gateways
[ ] describe_classic_link_instances
[ ] describe_client_vpn_authorization_rules
[ ] describe_client_vpn_connections
[ ] describe_client_vpn_endpoints
[ ] describe_client_vpn_routes
[ ] describe_client_vpn_target_networks
[ ] describe_coip_pools
[ ] describe_conversion_tasks
[ ] describe_customer_gateways
[X] describe_dhcp_options
[X] describe_egress_only_internet_gateways
The Filters-argument is not yet supported
[ ] describe_elastic_gpus
[ ] describe_export_image_tasks
66 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_export_tasks
[ ] describe_fast_launch_images
[ ] describe_fast_snapshot_restores
[ ] describe_fleet_history
[ ] describe_fleet_instances
[ ] describe_fleets
[X] describe_flow_logs
[ ] describe_fpga_image_attribute
[ ] describe_fpga_images
[ ] describe_host_reservation_offerings
[ ] describe_host_reservations
[ ] describe_hosts
[X] describe_iam_instance_profile_associations
[ ] describe_id_format
[ ] describe_identity_id_format
[ ] describe_image_attribute
[X] describe_images
[ ] describe_import_image_tasks
[ ] describe_import_snapshot_tasks
[X] describe_instance_attribute
[X] describe_instance_credit_specifications
[ ] describe_instance_event_notification_attributes
[ ] describe_instance_event_windows
[X] describe_instance_status
[X] describe_instance_type_offerings
[X] describe_instance_types
[X] describe_instances
[X] describe_internet_gateways
[ ] describe_ipam_pools
[ ] describe_ipam_scopes
[ ] describe_ipams
[ ] describe_ipv6_pools
[X] describe_key_pairs
[ ] describe_launch_template_versions
[X] describe_launch_templates
[ ] describe_local_gateway_route_table_virtual_interface_group_associations
2.6. Implemented Services 67
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_local_gateway_route_table_vpc_associations
[ ] describe_local_gateway_route_tables
[ ] describe_local_gateway_virtual_interface_groups
[ ] describe_local_gateway_virtual_interfaces
[ ] describe_local_gateways
[X] describe_managed_prefix_lists
[ ] describe_moving_addresses
[X] describe_nat_gateways
[X] describe_network_acls
[ ] describe_network_insights_access_scope_analyses
[ ] describe_network_insights_access_scopes
[ ] describe_network_insights_analyses
[ ] describe_network_insights_paths
[ ] describe_network_interface_attribute
[ ] describe_network_interface_permissions
[X] describe_network_interfaces
[ ] describe_placement_groups
[ ] describe_prefix_lists
[ ] describe_principal_id_format
[ ] describe_public_ipv4_pools
[X] describe_regions
[ ] describe_replace_root_volume_tasks
[ ] describe_reserved_instances
[ ] describe_reserved_instances_listings
[ ] describe_reserved_instances_modifications
[ ] describe_reserved_instances_offerings
[X] describe_route_tables
[ ] describe_scheduled_instance_availability
[ ] describe_scheduled_instances
[ ] describe_security_group_references
[ ] describe_security_group_rules
[X] describe_security_groups
[ ] describe_snapshot_attribute
[ ] describe_snapshot_tier_status
[X] describe_snapshots
[ ] describe_spot_datafeed_subscription
68 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] describe_spot_fleet_instances
[ ] describe_spot_fleet_request_history
[X] describe_spot_fleet_requests
[X] describe_spot_instance_requests
[X] describe_spot_price_history
[ ] describe_stale_security_groups
[ ] describe_store_image_tasks
[ ] describe_subnets
[X] describe_tags
[ ] describe_traffic_mirror_filters
[ ] describe_traffic_mirror_sessions
[ ] describe_traffic_mirror_targets
[X] describe_transit_gateway_attachments
[ ] describe_transit_gateway_connect_peers
[ ] describe_transit_gateway_connects
[ ] describe_transit_gateway_multicast_domains
[X] describe_transit_gateway_peering_attachments
[ ] describe_transit_gateway_route_tables
[X] describe_transit_gateway_vpc_attachments
[X] describe_transit_gateways
[ ] describe_trunk_interface_associations
[ ] describe_volume_attribute
[ ] describe_volume_status
[X] describe_volumes
[ ] describe_volumes_modifications
[X] describe_vpc_attribute
[ ] describe_vpc_classic_link
[ ] describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
[ ] describe_vpc_endpoint_connection_notifications
[ ] describe_vpc_endpoint_connections
[X] describe_vpc_endpoint_service_configurations
The Filters, MaxResults, NextToken parameters are not yet implemented
[X] describe_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions
The Filters, MaxResults, NextToken parameters are not yet implemented
[X] describe_vpc_endpoint_services Return info on services to which you can create a VPC endpoint.
2.6. Implemented Services 69
Moto Documentation, Release
Currently only the default endpoing services are returned. When cre-
ate_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration() is implemented, a list of those private endpoints
would be kept and when this API is invoked, those private endpoints would be added to the list of
default endpoint services.
The DryRun parameter is ignored.
[X] describe_vpc_endpoints
[X] describe_vpc_peering_connections
[X] describe_vpcs
[X] describe_vpn_connections
[X] describe_vpn_gateways
[ ] detach_classic_link_vpc
[X] detach_internet_gateway
[X] detach_network_interface
[X] detach_volume
[X] detach_vpn_gateway
[X] disable_ebs_encryption_by_default
[ ] disable_fast_launch
[ ] disable_fast_snapshot_restores
[ ] disable_image_deprecation
[ ] disable_ipam_organization_admin_account
[ ] disable_serial_console_access
[X] disable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation
[ ] disable_vgw_route_propagation
[X] disable_vpc_classic_link
[X] disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
[X] disassociate_address
[ ] disassociate_client_vpn_target_network
[ ] disassociate_enclave_certificate_iam_role
[X] disassociate_iam_instance_profile
[ ] disassociate_instance_event_window
[X] disassociate_route_table
[X] disassociate_subnet_cidr_block
[ ] disassociate_transit_gateway_multicast_domain
[X] disassociate_transit_gateway_route_table
[ ] disassociate_trunk_interface
[X] disassociate_vpc_cidr_block
[X] enable_ebs_encryption_by_default
70 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] enable_fast_launch
[ ] enable_fast_snapshot_restores
[ ] enable_image_deprecation
[ ] enable_ipam_organization_admin_account
[ ] enable_serial_console_access
[X] enable_transit_gateway_route_table_propagation
[ ] enable_vgw_route_propagation
[ ] enable_volume_io
[X] enable_vpc_classic_link
[X] enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
[ ] export_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_list
[ ] export_client_vpn_client_configuration
[ ] export_image
[ ] export_transit_gateway_routes
[ ] get_associated_enclave_certificate_iam_roles
[ ] get_associated_ipv6_pool_cidrs
[ ] get_capacity_reservation_usage
[ ] get_coip_pool_usage
[ ] get_console_output
[ ] get_console_screenshot
[ ] get_default_credit_specification
[ ] get_ebs_default_kms_key_id
[X] get_ebs_encryption_by_default
[ ] get_flow_logs_integration_template
[ ] get_groups_for_capacity_reservation
[ ] get_host_reservation_purchase_preview
[ ] get_instance_types_from_instance_requirements
[ ] get_ipam_address_history
[ ] get_ipam_pool_allocations
[ ] get_ipam_pool_cidrs
[ ] get_ipam_resource_cidrs
[ ] get_launch_template_data
[ ] get_managed_prefix_list_associations
[X] get_managed_prefix_list_entries
[ ] get_network_insights_access_scope_analysis_findings
[ ] get_network_insights_access_scope_content
2.6. Implemented Services 71
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_password_data
[ ] get_reserved_instances_exchange_quote
[ ] get_serial_console_access_status
[ ] get_spot_placement_scores
[ ] get_subnet_cidr_reservations
[ ] get_transit_gateway_attachment_propagations
[ ] get_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associations
[ ] get_transit_gateway_prefix_list_references
[ ] get_transit_gateway_route_table_associations
[ ] get_transit_gateway_route_table_propagations
[ ] get_vpn_connection_device_sample_configuration
[ ] get_vpn_connection_device_types
[ ] import_client_vpn_client_certificate_revocation_list
[ ] import_image
[ ] import_instance
[X] import_key_pair
[ ] import_snapshot
[ ] import_volume
[ ] list_images_in_recycle_bin
[ ] list_snapshots_in_recycle_bin
[ ] modify_address_attribute
[ ] modify_availability_zone_group
[ ] modify_capacity_reservation
[ ] modify_capacity_reservation_fleet
[ ] modify_client_vpn_endpoint
[ ] modify_default_credit_specification
[ ] modify_ebs_default_kms_key_id
[ ] modify_fleet
[ ] modify_fpga_image_attribute
[ ] modify_hosts
[ ] modify_id_format
[ ] modify_identity_id_format
[ ] modify_image_attribute
[X] modify_instance_attribute
[ ] modify_instance_capacity_reservation_attributes
[ ] modify_instance_credit_specification
72 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] modify_instance_event_start_time
[ ] modify_instance_event_window
[ ] modify_instance_metadata_options
[ ] modify_instance_placement
[ ] modify_ipam
[ ] modify_ipam_pool
[ ] modify_ipam_resource_cidr
[ ] modify_ipam_scope
[ ] modify_launch_template
[X] modify_managed_prefix_list
[X] modify_network_interface_attribute
[ ] modify_private_dns_name_options
[ ] modify_reserved_instances
[ ] modify_security_group_rules
[ ] modify_snapshot_attribute
[ ] modify_snapshot_tier
[X] modify_spot_fleet_request
[X] modify_subnet_attribute
[ ] modify_traffic_mirror_filter_network_services
[ ] modify_traffic_mirror_filter_rule
[ ] modify_traffic_mirror_session
[X] modify_transit_gateway
[ ] modify_transit_gateway_prefix_list_reference
[X] modify_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
[ ] modify_volume
[ ] modify_volume_attribute
[X] modify_vpc_attribute
[ ] modify_vpc_endpoint
[ ] modify_vpc_endpoint_connection_notification
[X] modify_vpc_endpoint_service_configuration
The following parameters are not yet implemented: RemovePrivateDnsName
[ ] modify_vpc_endpoint_service_payer_responsibility
[X] modify_vpc_endpoint_service_permissions
[X] modify_vpc_peering_connection_options
[X] modify_vpc_tenancy
[ ] modify_vpn_connection
2.6. Implemented Services 73
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] modify_vpn_connection_options
[ ] modify_vpn_tunnel_certificate
[ ] modify_vpn_tunnel_options
[ ] monitor_instances
[ ] move_address_to_vpc
[ ] move_byoip_cidr_to_ipam
[ ] provision_byoip_cidr
[ ] provision_ipam_pool_cidr
[ ] provision_public_ipv4_pool_cidr
[ ] purchase_host_reservation
[ ] purchase_reserved_instances_offering
[ ] purchase_scheduled_instances
[X] reboot_instances
[X] register_image
[ ] register_instance_event_notification_attributes
[ ] register_transit_gateway_multicast_group_members
[ ] register_transit_gateway_multicast_group_sources
[ ] reject_transit_gateway_multicast_domain_associations
[X] reject_transit_gateway_peering_attachment
[ ] reject_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
[ ] reject_vpc_endpoint_connections
[X] reject_vpc_peering_connection
[X] release_address
[ ] release_hosts
[ ] release_ipam_pool_allocation
[X] replace_iam_instance_profile_association
[X] replace_network_acl_association
[X] replace_network_acl_entry
[X] replace_route
[X] replace_route_table_association
[ ] replace_transit_gateway_route
[ ] report_instance_status
[X] request_spot_fleet
[X] request_spot_instances
[ ] reset_address_attribute
[ ] reset_ebs_default_kms_key_id
74 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] reset_fpga_image_attribute
[ ] reset_image_attribute
[ ] reset_instance_attribute
[ ] reset_network_interface_attribute
[ ] reset_snapshot_attribute
[ ] restore_address_to_classic
[ ] restore_image_from_recycle_bin
[ ] restore_managed_prefix_list_version
[ ] restore_snapshot_from_recycle_bin
[ ] restore_snapshot_tier
[ ] revoke_client_vpn_ingress
[X] revoke_security_group_egress
[X] revoke_security_group_ingress
[X] run_instances
[ ] run_scheduled_instances
[ ] search_local_gateway_routes
[ ] search_transit_gateway_multicast_groups
[X] search_transit_gateway_routes
[ ] send_diagnostic_interrupt
[X] start_instances
[ ] start_network_insights_access_scope_analysis
[ ] start_network_insights_analysis
[ ] start_vpc_endpoint_service_private_dns_verification
[X] stop_instances
[ ] terminate_client_vpn_connections
[X] terminate_instances
[X] unassign_ipv6_addresses
[X] unassign_private_ip_addresses
[ ] unmonitor_instances
[X] update_security_group_rule_descriptions_egress
[X] update_security_group_rule_descriptions_ingress
[ ] withdraw_byoip_cidr
2.6. Implemented Services 75
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.27 ec2-instance-connect
Example usage
def test_ec2instanceconnect_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] send_serial_console_ssh_public_key
[X] send_ssh_public_key
2.6.28 ecr
Example usage
def test_ecr_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_check_layer_availability
[X] batch_delete_image
[X] batch_get_image
[ ] batch_get_repository_scanning_configuration
[ ] complete_layer_upload
[ ] create_pull_through_cache_rule
[X] create_repository
[X] delete_lifecycle_policy
[ ] delete_pull_through_cache_rule
[X] delete_registry_policy
[X] delete_repository
[X] delete_repository_policy
[ ] describe_image_replication_status
[X] describe_image_scan_findings
[X] describe_images
[ ] describe_pull_through_cache_rules
[X] describe_registry
[X] describe_repositories
maxResults and nextToken not implemented
76 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_authorization_token
[ ] get_download_url_for_layer
[X] get_lifecycle_policy
[ ] get_lifecycle_policy_preview
[X] get_registry_policy
[ ] get_registry_scanning_configuration
[X] get_repository_policy
[ ] initiate_layer_upload
[X] list_images
maxResults and filtering not implemented
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] put_image
[X] put_image_scanning_configuration
[X] put_image_tag_mutability
[X] put_lifecycle_policy
[X] put_registry_policy
[ ] put_registry_scanning_configuration
[X] put_replication_configuration
[X] set_repository_policy
[X] start_image_scan
[ ] start_lifecycle_policy_preview
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] upload_layer_part
2.6.29 ecs
class moto.ecs.models.EC2ContainerServiceBackend(region_name)
ECS resources use the new ARN format by default. Use the following environment variable to revert back to the
old/short ARN format: MOTO_ECS_NEW_ARN=false
AWS reference:
Example usage
def test_ecs_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_capacity_provider
2.6. Implemented Services 77
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_cluster
[X] create_service
[X] create_task_set
[X] delete_account_setting
[X] delete_attributes
[ ] delete_capacity_provider
[X] delete_cluster
[X] delete_service
[X] delete_task_set
[X] deregister_container_instance
[X] deregister_task_definition
[ ] describe_capacity_providers
[X] describe_clusters
Only include=TAGS is currently supported.
[X] describe_container_instances
[X] describe_services
[X] describe_task_definition
[X] describe_task_sets
[X] describe_tasks
[ ] discover_poll_endpoint
[ ] execute_command
[X] list_account_settings
[X] list_attributes
[X] list_clusters
maxSize and pagination not implemented
[X] list_container_instances
[X] list_services
[X] list_tags_for_resource Currently implemented only for task definitions and services
[X] list_task_definition_families
[X] list_task_definitions
[X] list_tasks
[X] put_account_setting
[ ] put_account_setting_default
[X] put_attributes
[ ] put_cluster_capacity_providers
[X] register_container_instance
78 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] register_task_definition
[X] run_task
[X] start_task
[X] stop_task
[ ] submit_attachment_state_changes
[ ] submit_container_state_change
[ ] submit_task_state_change
[X] tag_resource Currently implemented only for services
[X] untag_resource Currently implemented only for services
[ ] update_capacity_provider
[ ] update_cluster
[ ] update_cluster_settings
[ ] update_container_agent
[X] update_container_instances_state
[X] update_service
[X] update_service_primary_task_set Updates task sets be PRIMARY or ACTIVE for given cluster:service task
[X] update_task_set
2.6.30 efs
class moto.efs.models.EFSBackend(region_name=None)
The backend manager of EFS resources.
This is the state-machine for each region, tracking the file systems, mount targets, and eventually access points
that are deployed. Creating, updating, and destroying such resources should always go through this class.
Example usage
def test_efs_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_access_point
[X] create_file_system Create a new EFS File System Volume.
[X] create_mount_target Create a new EFS Mount Target for a given File System to a given subnet.
Note that you can only create one mount target for each availability zone (which is implied by the
subnet ID).
[ ] create_replication_configuration
2.6. Implemented Services 79
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_tags
[ ] delete_access_point
[X] delete_file_system Delete the file system specified by the given file_system_id.
Note that mount targets must be deleted first.
[ ] delete_file_system_policy
[X] delete_mount_target Delete a mount target specified by the given mount_target_id.
Note that this will also delete a network interface.
[ ] delete_replication_configuration
[ ] delete_tags
[ ] describe_access_points
[ ] describe_account_preferences
[X] describe_backup_policy
[ ] describe_file_system_policy
[X] describe_file_systems Describe all the EFS File Systems, or specific File Systems.
[ ] describe_lifecycle_configuration
[ ] describe_mount_target_security_groups
[X] describe_mount_targets Describe the mount targets given a mount target ID or a file system ID.
Note that as of this writing access points, and thus access point IDs are not supported.
[ ] describe_replication_configurations
[ ] describe_tags
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] modify_mount_target_security_groups
[ ] put_account_preferences
[ ] put_backup_policy
[ ] put_file_system_policy
[ ] put_lifecycle_configuration
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_file_system
80 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.31 eks
Example usage
def test_eks_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_encryption_config
[ ] associate_identity_provider_config
[ ] create_addon
[X] create_cluster
[X] create_fargate_profile
[X] create_nodegroup
[ ] delete_addon
[X] delete_cluster
[X] delete_fargate_profile
[X] delete_nodegroup
[ ] deregister_cluster
[ ] describe_addon
[ ] describe_addon_versions
[X] describe_cluster
[X] describe_fargate_profile
[ ] describe_identity_provider_config
[X] describe_nodegroup
[ ] describe_update
[ ] disassociate_identity_provider_config
[ ] list_addons
[X] list_clusters
[X] list_fargate_profiles
[ ] list_identity_provider_configs
[X] list_nodegroups
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_updates
[ ] register_cluster
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
2.6. Implemented Services 81
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_addon
[ ] update_cluster_config
[ ] update_cluster_version
[ ] update_nodegroup_config
[ ] update_nodegroup_version
2.6.32 elasticache
class moto.elasticache.models.ElastiCacheBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of ElastiCache APIs.
Example usage
def test_elasticache_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_tags_to_resource
[ ] authorize_cache_security_group_ingress
[ ] batch_apply_update_action
[ ] batch_stop_update_action
[ ] complete_migration
[ ] copy_snapshot
[ ] create_cache_cluster
[ ] create_cache_parameter_group
[ ] create_cache_security_group
[ ] create_cache_subnet_group
[ ] create_global_replication_group
[ ] create_replication_group
[ ] create_snapshot
[X] create_user
[ ] create_user_group
[ ] decrease_node_groups_in_global_replication_group
[ ] decrease_replica_count
[ ] delete_cache_cluster
[ ] delete_cache_parameter_group
[ ] delete_cache_security_group
[ ] delete_cache_subnet_group
[ ] delete_global_replication_group
82 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] delete_replication_group
[ ] delete_snapshot
[X] delete_user
[ ] delete_user_group
[ ] describe_cache_clusters
[ ] describe_cache_engine_versions
[ ] describe_cache_parameter_groups
[ ] describe_cache_parameters
[ ] describe_cache_security_groups
[ ] describe_cache_subnet_groups
[ ] describe_engine_default_parameters
[ ] describe_events
[ ] describe_global_replication_groups
[ ] describe_replication_groups
[ ] describe_reserved_cache_nodes
[ ] describe_reserved_cache_nodes_offerings
[ ] describe_service_updates
[ ] describe_snapshots
[ ] describe_update_actions
[ ] describe_user_groups
[X] describe_users
Only the user_id parameter is currently supported. Pagination is not yet implemented.
[ ] disassociate_global_replication_group
[ ] failover_global_replication_group
[ ] increase_node_groups_in_global_replication_group
[ ] increase_replica_count
[ ] list_allowed_node_type_modifications
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] modify_cache_cluster
[ ] modify_cache_parameter_group
[ ] modify_cache_subnet_group
[ ] modify_global_replication_group
[ ] modify_replication_group
[ ] modify_replication_group_shard_configuration
[ ] modify_user
[ ] modify_user_group
2.6. Implemented Services 83
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] purchase_reserved_cache_nodes_offering
[ ] rebalance_slots_in_global_replication_group
[ ] reboot_cache_cluster
[ ] remove_tags_from_resource
[ ] reset_cache_parameter_group
[ ] revoke_cache_security_group_ingress
[ ] start_migration
[ ] test_failover
2.6.33 elasticbeanstalk
Example usage
def test_elasticbeanstalk_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] abort_environment_update
[ ] apply_environment_managed_action
[ ] associate_environment_operations_role
[ ] check_dns_availability
[ ] compose_environments
[X] create_application
[ ] create_application_version
[ ] create_configuration_template
[X] create_environment
[ ] create_platform_version
[ ] create_storage_location
[ ] delete_application
[ ] delete_application_version
[ ] delete_configuration_template
[ ] delete_environment_configuration
[ ] delete_platform_version
[ ] describe_account_attributes
[ ] describe_application_versions
[ ] describe_applications
[ ] describe_configuration_options
84 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_configuration_settings
[ ] describe_environment_health
[ ] describe_environment_managed_action_history
[ ] describe_environment_managed_actions
[ ] describe_environment_resources
[X] describe_environments
[ ] describe_events
[ ] describe_instances_health
[ ] describe_platform_version
[ ] disassociate_environment_operations_role
[X] list_available_solution_stacks
[ ] list_platform_branches
[ ] list_platform_versions
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] rebuild_environment
[ ] request_environment_info
[ ] restart_app_server
[ ] retrieve_environment_info
[ ] swap_environment_cnames
[ ] terminate_environment
[ ] update_application
[ ] update_application_resource_lifecycle
[ ] update_application_version
[ ] update_configuration_template
[ ] update_environment
[X] update_tags_for_resource
[ ] validate_configuration_settings
2.6.34 elastictranscoder
Example usage
def test_elastictranscoder_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] cancel_job
2.6. Implemented Services 85
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_job
[X] create_pipeline
[ ] create_preset
[X] delete_pipeline
[ ] delete_preset
[ ] list_jobs_by_pipeline
[ ] list_jobs_by_status
[X] list_pipelines
[ ] list_presets
[ ] read_job
[X] read_pipeline
[ ] read_preset
[ ] test_role
[X] update_pipeline
[ ] update_pipeline_notifications
[ ] update_pipeline_status
2.6.35 elb
Example usage
def test_elb_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_tags
[X] apply_security_groups_to_load_balancer
[ ] attach_load_balancer_to_subnets
[X] configure_health_check
[X] create_app_cookie_stickiness_policy
[X] create_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy
[X] create_load_balancer
[X] create_load_balancer_listeners
[ ] create_load_balancer_policy
[X] delete_load_balancer
[X] delete_load_balancer_listeners
[ ] delete_load_balancer_policy
86 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] deregister_instances_from_load_balancer
[ ] describe_account_limits
[ ] describe_instance_health
[ ] describe_load_balancer_attributes
[ ] describe_load_balancer_policies
[ ] describe_load_balancer_policy_types
[X] describe_load_balancers
[ ] describe_tags
[ ] detach_load_balancer_from_subnets
[ ] disable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer
[ ] enable_availability_zones_for_load_balancer
[X] modify_load_balancer_attributes
[ ] register_instances_with_load_balancer
[ ] remove_tags
[X] set_load_balancer_listener_ssl_certificate
[ ] set_load_balancer_policies_for_backend_server
[X] set_load_balancer_policies_of_listener
2.6.36 elbv2
Example usage
def test_elbv2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_listener_certificates
[ ] add_tags
[X] create_listener
[X] create_load_balancer
[X] create_rule
[X] create_target_group
[X] delete_listener
[X] delete_load_balancer
[X] delete_rule
[X] delete_target_group
[X] deregister_targets
2.6. Implemented Services 87
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_account_limits
[ ] describe_listener_certificates
[X] describe_listeners
[X] describe_load_balancer_attributes
[X] describe_load_balancers
[X] describe_rules
[ ] describe_ssl_policies
[ ] describe_tags
[ ] describe_target_group_attributes
[X] describe_target_groups
[X] describe_target_health
[X] modify_listener
[X] modify_load_balancer_attributes
[X] modify_rule
[X] modify_target_group
[X] modify_target_group_attributes
[X] register_targets
[ ] remove_listener_certificates
[ ] remove_tags
[X] set_ip_address_type
[X] set_rule_priorities
[X] set_security_groups
[X] set_subnets
2.6.37 emr
Example usage
def test_emr_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_instance_fleet
[X] add_instance_groups
[X] add_job_flow_steps
[X] add_tags
[ ] cancel_steps
88 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_security_configuration
[ ] create_studio
[ ] create_studio_session_mapping
[X] delete_security_configuration
[ ] delete_studio
[ ] delete_studio_session_mapping
[X] describe_cluster
[X] describe_job_flows
[ ] describe_notebook_execution
[ ] describe_release_label
[ ] describe_security_configuration
[X] describe_step
[ ] describe_studio
[ ] get_auto_termination_policy
[ ] get_block_public_access_configuration
[ ] get_managed_scaling_policy
[ ] get_studio_session_mapping
[X] list_bootstrap_actions
[X] list_clusters
[ ] list_instance_fleets
[X] list_instance_groups
[X] list_instances
[ ] list_notebook_executions
[ ] list_release_labels
[ ] list_security_configurations
[X] list_steps
[ ] list_studio_session_mappings
[ ] list_studios
[X] modify_cluster
[ ] modify_instance_fleet
[X] modify_instance_groups
[X] put_auto_scaling_policy
[ ] put_auto_termination_policy
[ ] put_block_public_access_configuration
[ ] put_managed_scaling_policy
[X] remove_auto_scaling_policy
2.6. Implemented Services 89
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] remove_auto_termination_policy
[ ] remove_managed_scaling_policy
[X] remove_tags
[X] run_job_flow
[X] set_termination_protection
[X] set_visible_to_all_users
[ ] start_notebook_execution
[ ] stop_notebook_execution
[X] terminate_job_flows
[ ] update_studio
[ ] update_studio_session_mapping
2.6.38 emr-containers
class moto.emrcontainers.models.EMRContainersBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of EMRContainers APIs.
Example usage
def test_emrcontainers_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] cancel_job_run
[ ] create_managed_endpoint
[X] create_virtual_cluster
[ ] delete_managed_endpoint
[X] delete_virtual_cluster
[X] describe_job_run
[ ] describe_managed_endpoint
[X] describe_virtual_cluster
[X] list_job_runs
[ ] list_managed_endpoints
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_virtual_clusters
[X] start_job_run
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
90 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.39 es
Implementation of ElasticsearchService APIs.
Example usage
def test_es_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_inbound_cross_cluster_search_connection
[ ] add_tags
[ ] associate_package
[ ] cancel_elasticsearch_service_software_update
[X] create_elasticsearch_domain
[ ] create_outbound_cross_cluster_search_connection
[ ] create_package
[X] delete_elasticsearch_domain
[ ] delete_elasticsearch_service_role
[ ] delete_inbound_cross_cluster_search_connection
[ ] delete_outbound_cross_cluster_search_connection
[ ] delete_package
[ ] describe_domain_auto_tunes
[ ] describe_domain_change_progress
[X] describe_elasticsearch_domain
[ ] describe_elasticsearch_domain_config
[ ] describe_elasticsearch_domains
[ ] describe_elasticsearch_instance_type_limits
[ ] describe_inbound_cross_cluster_search_connections
[ ] describe_outbound_cross_cluster_search_connections
[ ] describe_packages
[ ] describe_reserved_elasticsearch_instance_offerings
[ ] describe_reserved_elasticsearch_instances
[ ] dissociate_package
[ ] get_compatible_elasticsearch_versions
[ ] get_package_version_history
[ ] get_upgrade_history
2.6. Implemented Services 91
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_upgrade_status
[X] list_domain_names
The engine-type parameter is not yet supported. Pagination is not yet implemented.
[ ] list_domains_for_package
[ ] list_elasticsearch_instance_types
[ ] list_elasticsearch_versions
[ ] list_packages_for_domain
[ ] list_tags
[ ] purchase_reserved_elasticsearch_instance_offering
[ ] reject_inbound_cross_cluster_search_connection
[ ] remove_tags
[ ] start_elasticsearch_service_software_update
[ ] update_elasticsearch_domain_config
[ ] update_package
[ ] upgrade_elasticsearch_domain
2.6.40 events
Example usage
def test_events_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] activate_event_source
[X] cancel_replay
[X] create_api_destination
Creates an API destination, which is an HTTP invocation endpoint configured as a target for events.
Returns: dict
[X] create_archive
[X] create_connection
[X] create_event_bus
[ ] create_partner_event_source
[ ] deactivate_event_source
[ ] deauthorize_connection
92 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_api_destination
Deletes the specified API destination. Docs:
Args: name: The name of the destination to delete.
Raises: ResourceNotFoundException: When the destination is not present.
Returns: dict
[X] delete_archive
[X] delete_connection
Deletes a connection. Docs:
Args: name: The name of the connection to delete.
Raises: ResourceNotFoundException: When the connection is not present.
Returns: dict
[X] delete_event_bus
[ ] delete_partner_event_source
[X] delete_rule
[X] describe_api_destination
Retrieves details about an API destination. Docs:
Args: name: The name of the API destination to retrieve.
Returns: dict
[X] describe_archive
[X] describe_connection
Retrieves details about a connection. Docs:
Args: name: The name of the connection to retrieve.
Raises: ResourceNotFoundException: When the connection is not present.
Returns: dict
[X] describe_event_bus
[ ] describe_event_source
[ ] describe_partner_event_source
[X] describe_replay
[X] describe_rule
2.6. Implemented Services 93
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] disable_rule
[X] enable_rule
[X] list_api_destinations
[X] list_archives
[X] list_connections
[X] list_event_buses
[ ] list_event_sources
[ ] list_partner_event_source_accounts
[ ] list_partner_event_sources
[X] list_replays
[X] list_rule_names_by_target
[X] list_rules
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_targets_by_rule
[X] put_events
[ ] put_partner_events
[X] put_permission
[X] put_rule
[X] put_targets
[X] remove_permission
[X] remove_targets
[X] start_replay
[X] tag_resource
[X] test_event_pattern
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_api_destination
Creates an API destination, which is an HTTP invocation endpoint configured as a target for events.
Returns: dict
[X] update_archive
[X] update_connection
94 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.41 firehose
class moto.firehose.models.FirehoseBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of Firehose APIs.
Example usage
def test_firehose_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_delivery_stream Create a Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream.
[X] delete_delivery_stream Delete a delivery stream and its data.
AllowForceDelete option is ignored as we only superficially apply state.
[X] describe_delivery_stream Return description of specified delivery stream and its status.
Note: the ‘limit and ‘exclusive_start_destination_id’ parameters are not currently pro-
[X] list_delivery_streams Return list of delivery streams in alphabetic order of names.
[X] list_tags_for_delivery_stream Return list of tags.
[X] put_record Write a single data record into a Kinesis Data firehose stream.
[X] put_record_batch Write multiple data records into a Kinesis Data firehose stream.
[ ] start_delivery_stream_encryption
[ ] stop_delivery_stream_encryption
[X] tag_delivery_stream Add/update tags for specified delivery stream.
[X] untag_delivery_stream Removes tags from specified delivery stream.
[X] update_destination Updates specified destination of specified delivery stream.
2.6.42 forecast
Example usage
def test_forecast_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_auto_predictor
[ ] create_dataset
[X] create_dataset_group
[ ] create_dataset_import_job
[ ] create_explainability
2.6. Implemented Services 95
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_explainability_export
[ ] create_forecast
[ ] create_forecast_export_job
[ ] create_predictor
[ ] create_predictor_backtest_export_job
[ ] delete_dataset
[X] delete_dataset_group
[ ] delete_dataset_import_job
[ ] delete_explainability
[ ] delete_explainability_export
[ ] delete_forecast
[ ] delete_forecast_export_job
[ ] delete_predictor
[ ] delete_predictor_backtest_export_job
[ ] delete_resource_tree
[ ] describe_auto_predictor
[ ] describe_dataset
[X] describe_dataset_group
[ ] describe_dataset_import_job
[ ] describe_explainability
[ ] describe_explainability_export
[ ] describe_forecast
[ ] describe_forecast_export_job
[ ] describe_predictor
[ ] describe_predictor_backtest_export_job
[ ] get_accuracy_metrics
[X] list_dataset_groups
[ ] list_dataset_import_jobs
[ ] list_datasets
[ ] list_explainabilities
[ ] list_explainability_exports
[ ] list_forecast_export_jobs
[ ] list_forecasts
[ ] list_predictor_backtest_export_jobs
[ ] list_predictors
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
96 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] stop_resource
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[X] update_dataset_group
2.6.43 glacier
Example usage
def test_glacier_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] abort_multipart_upload
[ ] abort_vault_lock
[ ] add_tags_to_vault
[ ] complete_multipart_upload
[ ] complete_vault_lock
[X] create_vault
[ ] delete_archive
[X] delete_vault
[ ] delete_vault_access_policy
[ ] delete_vault_notifications
[X] describe_job
[ ] describe_vault
[ ] get_data_retrieval_policy
[X] get_job_output
[ ] get_vault_access_policy
[ ] get_vault_lock
[ ] get_vault_notifications
[X] initiate_job
[ ] initiate_multipart_upload
[ ] initiate_vault_lock
[X] list_jobs
[ ] list_multipart_uploads
[ ] list_parts
[ ] list_provisioned_capacity
2.6. Implemented Services 97
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_tags_for_vault
[X] list_vaults
[ ] purchase_provisioned_capacity
[ ] remove_tags_from_vault
[ ] set_data_retrieval_policy
[ ] set_vault_access_policy
[ ] set_vault_notifications
[X] upload_archive
[ ] upload_multipart_part
2.6.44 glue
Example usage
def test_glue_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_create_partition
[ ] batch_delete_connection
[ ] batch_delete_partition
[ ] batch_delete_table
[ ] batch_delete_table_version
[ ] batch_get_blueprints
[ ] batch_get_crawlers
[ ] batch_get_dev_endpoints
[ ] batch_get_jobs
[ ] batch_get_partition
[ ] batch_get_triggers
[ ] batch_get_workflows
[ ] batch_stop_job_run
[ ] batch_update_partition
[ ] cancel_ml_task_run
[ ] check_schema_version_validity
[ ] create_blueprint
[ ] create_classifier
[ ] create_connection
98 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_crawler
[X] create_database
[ ] create_dev_endpoint
[X] create_job
[ ] create_ml_transform
[ ] create_partition
[ ] create_partition_index
[ ] create_registry
[ ] create_schema
[ ] create_script
[ ] create_security_configuration
[X] create_table
[ ] create_trigger
[ ] create_user_defined_function
[ ] create_workflow
[ ] delete_blueprint
[ ] delete_classifier
[ ] delete_column_statistics_for_partition
[ ] delete_column_statistics_for_table
[ ] delete_connection
[X] delete_crawler
[X] delete_database
[ ] delete_dev_endpoint
[ ] delete_job
[ ] delete_ml_transform
[ ] delete_partition
[ ] delete_partition_index
[ ] delete_registry
[ ] delete_resource_policy
[ ] delete_schema
[ ] delete_schema_versions
[ ] delete_security_configuration
[X] delete_table
[ ] delete_table_version
[ ] delete_trigger
[ ] delete_user_defined_function
2.6. Implemented Services 99
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] delete_workflow
[ ] get_blueprint
[ ] get_blueprint_run
[ ] get_blueprint_runs
[ ] get_catalog_import_status
[ ] get_classifier
[ ] get_classifiers
[ ] get_column_statistics_for_partition
[ ] get_column_statistics_for_table
[ ] get_connection
[ ] get_connections
[X] get_crawler
[ ] get_crawler_metrics
[X] get_crawlers
[ ] get_data_catalog_encryption_settings
[X] get_database
[X] get_databases
[ ] get_dataflow_graph
[ ] get_dev_endpoint
[ ] get_dev_endpoints
[ ] get_job
[ ] get_job_bookmark
[ ] get_job_run
[ ] get_job_runs
[ ] get_jobs
[ ] get_mapping
[ ] get_ml_task_run
[ ] get_ml_task_runs
[ ] get_ml_transform
[ ] get_ml_transforms
[ ] get_partition
[ ] get_partition_indexes
[ ] get_partitions
[ ] get_plan
[ ] get_registry
[ ] get_resource_policies
100 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_resource_policy
[ ] get_schema
[ ] get_schema_by_definition
[ ] get_schema_version
[ ] get_schema_versions_diff
[ ] get_security_configuration
[ ] get_security_configurations
[X] get_table
[ ] get_table_version
[ ] get_table_versions
[X] get_tables
[ ] get_tags
[ ] get_trigger
[ ] get_triggers
[ ] get_unfiltered_partition_metadata
[ ] get_unfiltered_partitions_metadata
[ ] get_unfiltered_table_metadata
[ ] get_user_defined_function
[ ] get_user_defined_functions
[ ] get_workflow
[ ] get_workflow_run
[ ] get_workflow_run_properties
[ ] get_workflow_runs
[ ] import_catalog_to_glue
[ ] list_blueprints
[ ] list_crawlers
[ ] list_dev_endpoints
[X] list_jobs
[ ] list_ml_transforms
[ ] list_registries
[ ] list_schema_versions
[ ] list_schemas
[ ] list_triggers
[ ] list_workflows
[ ] put_data_catalog_encryption_settings
[ ] put_resource_policy
2.6. Implemented Services 101
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] put_schema_version_metadata
[ ] put_workflow_run_properties
[ ] query_schema_version_metadata
[ ] register_schema_version
[ ] remove_schema_version_metadata
[ ] reset_job_bookmark
[ ] resume_workflow_run
[ ] search_tables
[ ] start_blueprint_run
[X] start_crawler
[ ] start_crawler_schedule
[ ] start_export_labels_task_run
[ ] start_import_labels_task_run
[ ] start_job_run
[ ] start_ml_evaluation_task_run
[ ] start_ml_labeling_set_generation_task_run
[ ] start_trigger
[ ] start_workflow_run
[X] stop_crawler
[ ] stop_crawler_schedule
[ ] stop_trigger
[ ] stop_workflow_run
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_blueprint
[ ] update_classifier
[ ] update_column_statistics_for_partition
[ ] update_column_statistics_for_table
[ ] update_connection
[ ] update_crawler
[ ] update_crawler_schedule
[ ] update_database
[ ] update_dev_endpoint
[ ] update_job
[ ] update_ml_transform
[ ] update_partition
102 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_registry
[ ] update_schema
[ ] update_table
[ ] update_trigger
[ ] update_user_defined_function
[ ] update_workflow
2.6.45 guardduty
Example usage
def test_guardduty_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_invitation
[ ] archive_findings
[X] create_detector
[ ] create_filter
[ ] create_ip_set
[ ] create_members
[ ] create_publishing_destination
[ ] create_sample_findings
[ ] create_threat_intel_set
[ ] decline_invitations
[ ] delete_detector
[ ] delete_filter
[ ] delete_invitations
[ ] delete_ip_set
[ ] delete_members
[ ] delete_publishing_destination
[ ] delete_threat_intel_set
[ ] describe_organization_configuration
[ ] describe_publishing_destination
[ ] disable_organization_admin_account
[ ] disassociate_from_master_account
[ ] disassociate_members
2.6. Implemented Services 103
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] enable_organization_admin_account
[ ] get_detector
[ ] get_filter
[ ] get_findings
[ ] get_findings_statistics
[ ] get_invitations_count
[ ] get_ip_set
[ ] get_master_account
[ ] get_member_detectors
[ ] get_members
[ ] get_threat_intel_set
[ ] get_usage_statistics
[ ] invite_members
[X] list_detectors
The MaxResults and NextToken-parameter have not yet been implemented.
[ ] list_filters
[ ] list_findings
[ ] list_invitations
[ ] list_ip_sets
[ ] list_members
[ ] list_organization_admin_accounts
[ ] list_publishing_destinations
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_threat_intel_sets
[ ] start_monitoring_members
[ ] stop_monitoring_members
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] unarchive_findings
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_detector
[ ] update_filter
[ ] update_findings_feedback
[ ] update_ip_set
[ ] update_member_detectors
[ ] update_organization_configuration
[ ] update_publishing_destination
104 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_threat_intel_set
2.6.46 iam
Example usage
def test_iam_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_client_id_to_open_id_connect_provider
[X] add_role_to_instance_profile
[X] add_user_to_group
[X] attach_group_policy
[X] attach_role_policy
[X] attach_user_policy
[ ] change_password
[X] create_access_key
[X] create_account_alias
[X] create_group
[X] create_instance_profile
[X] create_login_profile
[X] create_open_id_connect_provider
[X] create_policy
[X] create_policy_version
[X] create_role
[X] create_saml_provider
[ ] create_service_linked_role
[ ] create_service_specific_credential
[X] create_user
[X] create_virtual_mfa_device
[X] deactivate_mfa_device Deactivate and detach MFA Device from user if device exists.
[X] delete_access_key
[X] delete_account_alias
[X] delete_account_password_policy
[X] delete_group
[X] delete_group_policy
2.6. Implemented Services 105
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] delete_instance_profile
[X] delete_login_profile
[X] delete_open_id_connect_provider
[X] delete_policy
[X] delete_policy_version
[X] delete_role
[X] delete_role_permissions_boundary
[X] delete_role_policy
[X] delete_saml_provider
[X] delete_server_certificate
[ ] delete_service_linked_role
[ ] delete_service_specific_credential
[X] delete_signing_certificate
[X] delete_ssh_public_key
[X] delete_user
[ ] delete_user_permissions_boundary
[X] delete_user_policy
[X] delete_virtual_mfa_device
[X] detach_group_policy
[X] detach_role_policy
[X] detach_user_policy
[X] enable_mfa_device Enable MFA Device for user.
[ ] generate_credential_report
[ ] generate_organizations_access_report
[ ] generate_service_last_accessed_details
[X] get_access_key_last_used
[X] get_account_authorization_details
[X] get_account_password_policy
[X] get_account_summary
[ ] get_context_keys_for_custom_policy
[ ] get_context_keys_for_principal_policy
[X] get_credential_report
[X] get_group
[X] get_group_policy
[X] get_instance_profile
[X] get_login_profile
106 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] get_open_id_connect_provider
[ ] get_organizations_access_report
[X] get_policy
[X] get_policy_version
[X] get_role
[X] get_role_policy
[X] get_saml_provider
[X] get_server_certificate
[ ] get_service_last_accessed_details
[ ] get_service_last_accessed_details_with_entities
[ ] get_service_linked_role_deletion_status
[X] get_ssh_public_key
[X] get_user
[X] get_user_policy
[ ] list_access_keys
[X] list_account_aliases
[X] list_attached_group_policies
[X] list_attached_role_policies
[X] list_attached_user_policies
[ ] list_entities_for_policy
[X] list_group_policies
[X] list_groups
[ ] list_groups_for_user
[ ] list_instance_profile_tags
[ ] list_instance_profiles
[ ] list_instance_profiles_for_role
[ ] list_mfa_device_tags
[X] list_mfa_devices
[X] list_open_id_connect_provider_tags
[X] list_open_id_connect_providers
[X] list_policies
[ ] list_policies_granting_service_access
[X] list_policy_tags
[X] list_policy_versions
[X] list_role_policies
[X] list_role_tags
2.6. Implemented Services 107
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] list_roles
[ ] list_saml_provider_tags
[X] list_saml_providers
[ ] list_server_certificate_tags
[ ] list_server_certificates
[ ] list_service_specific_credentials
[X] list_signing_certificates
[ ] list_ssh_public_keys
[X] list_user_policies
[X] list_user_tags
[X] list_users
[X] list_virtual_mfa_devices
[X] put_group_policy
[X] put_role_permissions_boundary
[X] put_role_policy
[ ] put_user_permissions_boundary
[X] put_user_policy
[ ] remove_client_id_from_open_id_connect_provider
[X] remove_role_from_instance_profile
[X] remove_user_from_group
[ ] reset_service_specific_credential
[ ] resync_mfa_device
[X] set_default_policy_version
[ ] set_security_token_service_preferences
[ ] simulate_custom_policy
[ ] simulate_principal_policy
[ ] tag_instance_profile
[ ] tag_mfa_device
[X] tag_open_id_connect_provider
[X] tag_policy
[X] tag_role
[ ] tag_saml_provider
[ ] tag_server_certificate
[X] tag_user
[ ] untag_instance_profile
[ ] untag_mfa_device
108 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] untag_open_id_connect_provider
[X] untag_policy
[X] untag_role
[ ] untag_saml_provider
[ ] untag_server_certificate
[X] untag_user
[X] update_access_key
[X] update_account_password_policy
[ ] update_assume_role_policy
[X] update_group
[X] update_login_profile
[X] update_open_id_connect_provider_thumbprint
[X] update_role
[X] update_role_description
[X] update_saml_provider
[ ] update_server_certificate
[ ] update_service_specific_credential
[X] update_signing_certificate
[X] update_ssh_public_key
[X] update_user
[X] upload_server_certificate
[X] upload_signing_certificate
[X] upload_ssh_public_key
2.6.47 iot
Example usage
def test_iot_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_certificate_transfer
[ ] add_thing_to_billing_group
[X] add_thing_to_thing_group
[ ] associate_targets_with_job
[X] attach_policy
2.6. Implemented Services 109
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] attach_principal_policy
[ ] attach_security_profile
[X] attach_thing_principal
[ ] cancel_audit_mitigation_actions_task
[ ] cancel_audit_task
[ ] cancel_certificate_transfer
[ ] cancel_detect_mitigation_actions_task
[X] cancel_job
[X] cancel_job_execution
[ ] clear_default_authorizer
[ ] confirm_topic_rule_destination
[ ] create_audit_suppression
[ ] create_authorizer
[ ] create_billing_group
[X] create_certificate_from_csr
[ ] create_custom_metric
[ ] create_dimension
[X] create_domain_configuration
[ ] create_dynamic_thing_group
[ ] create_fleet_metric
[X] create_job
[ ] create_job_template
[X] create_keys_and_certificate
[ ] create_mitigation_action
[ ] create_ota_update
[X] create_policy
[X] create_policy_version
[ ] create_provisioning_claim
[ ] create_provisioning_template
[ ] create_provisioning_template_version
[ ] create_role_alias
[ ] create_scheduled_audit
[ ] create_security_profile
[ ] create_stream
[X] create_thing
[X] create_thing_group
110 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_thing_type
[X] create_topic_rule
[ ] create_topic_rule_destination
[ ] delete_account_audit_configuration
[ ] delete_audit_suppression
[ ] delete_authorizer
[ ] delete_billing_group
[X] delete_ca_certificate
[X] delete_certificate
[ ] delete_custom_metric
[ ] delete_dimension
[X] delete_domain_configuration
[ ] delete_dynamic_thing_group
[ ] delete_fleet_metric
[X] delete_job
[X] delete_job_execution
[ ] delete_job_template
[ ] delete_mitigation_action
[ ] delete_ota_update
[X] delete_policy
[X] delete_policy_version
[ ] delete_provisioning_template
[ ] delete_provisioning_template_version
[ ] delete_registration_code
[ ] delete_role_alias
[ ] delete_scheduled_audit
[ ] delete_security_profile
[ ] delete_stream
[X] delete_thing
[X] delete_thing_group
[X] delete_thing_type
[X] delete_topic_rule
[ ] delete_topic_rule_destination
[ ] delete_v2_logging_level
[X] deprecate_thing_type
[ ] describe_account_audit_configuration
2.6. Implemented Services 111
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_audit_finding
[ ] describe_audit_mitigation_actions_task
[ ] describe_audit_suppression
[ ] describe_audit_task
[ ] describe_authorizer
[ ] describe_billing_group
[X] describe_ca_certificate
[X] describe_certificate
[ ] describe_custom_metric
[ ] describe_default_authorizer
[ ] describe_detect_mitigation_actions_task
[ ] describe_dimension
[X] describe_domain_configuration
[X] describe_endpoint
[ ] describe_event_configurations
[ ] describe_fleet_metric
[ ] describe_index
[X] describe_job
[X] describe_job_execution
[ ] describe_job_template
[ ] describe_managed_job_template
[ ] describe_mitigation_action
[ ] describe_provisioning_template
[ ] describe_provisioning_template_version
[ ] describe_role_alias
[ ] describe_scheduled_audit
[ ] describe_security_profile
[ ] describe_stream
[X] describe_thing
[X] describe_thing_group
[ ] describe_thing_registration_task
[X] describe_thing_type
[X] detach_policy
[X] detach_principal_policy
[ ] detach_security_profile
[X] detach_thing_principal
112 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] disable_topic_rule
[X] enable_topic_rule
[ ] get_behavior_model_training_summaries
[ ] get_buckets_aggregation
[ ] get_cardinality
[ ] get_effective_policies
[ ] get_indexing_configuration
[X] get_job_document
[ ] get_logging_options
[ ] get_ota_update
[ ] get_percentiles
[X] get_policy
[X] get_policy_version
[X] get_registration_code
[ ] get_statistics
[X] get_topic_rule
[ ] get_topic_rule_destination
[ ] get_v2_logging_options
[ ] list_active_violations
[X] list_attached_policies
[ ] list_audit_findings
[ ] list_audit_mitigation_actions_executions
[ ] list_audit_mitigation_actions_tasks
[ ] list_audit_suppressions
[ ] list_audit_tasks
[ ] list_authorizers
[ ] list_billing_groups
[ ] list_ca_certificates
[X] list_certificates
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_certificates_by_ca
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] list_custom_metrics
[ ] list_detect_mitigation_actions_executions
[ ] list_detect_mitigation_actions_tasks
[ ] list_dimensions
2.6. Implemented Services 113
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] list_domain_configurations
[ ] list_fleet_metrics
[ ] list_indices
[X] list_job_executions_for_job
[X] list_job_executions_for_thing
[ ] list_job_templates
[X] list_jobs
[ ] list_managed_job_templates
[ ] list_mitigation_actions
[ ] list_ota_updates
[ ] list_outgoing_certificates
[X] list_policies
[X] list_policy_principals
[X] list_policy_versions
[X] list_principal_policies
[X] list_principal_things
[ ] list_provisioning_template_versions
[ ] list_provisioning_templates
[ ] list_role_aliases
[ ] list_scheduled_audits
[ ] list_security_profiles
[ ] list_security_profiles_for_target
[ ] list_streams
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_targets_for_policy
[ ] list_targets_for_security_profile
[X] list_thing_groups
[X] list_thing_groups_for_thing
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_thing_principals
[ ] list_thing_registration_task_reports
[ ] list_thing_registration_tasks
[X] list_thing_types
[X] list_things
[ ] list_things_in_billing_group
[X] list_things_in_thing_group
114 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
The recursive-parameter is not yet implemented
[ ] list_topic_rule_destinations
[X] list_topic_rules
[ ] list_v2_logging_levels
[ ] list_violation_events
[ ] put_verification_state_on_violation
[X] register_ca_certificate
[X] register_certificate
[X] register_certificate_without_ca
[ ] register_thing
[ ] reject_certificate_transfer
[ ] remove_thing_from_billing_group
[X] remove_thing_from_thing_group
[X] replace_topic_rule
[X] search_index
Pagination is not yet implemented. Only basic search queries are supported for now.
[ ] set_default_authorizer
[X] set_default_policy_version
[ ] set_logging_options
[ ] set_v2_logging_level
[ ] set_v2_logging_options
[ ] start_audit_mitigation_actions_task
[ ] start_detect_mitigation_actions_task
[ ] start_on_demand_audit_task
[ ] start_thing_registration_task
[ ] stop_thing_registration_task
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] test_authorization
[ ] test_invoke_authorizer
[ ] transfer_certificate
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_account_audit_configuration
[ ] update_audit_suppression
[ ] update_authorizer
[ ] update_billing_group
[X] update_ca_certificate
2.6. Implemented Services 115
Moto Documentation, Release
The newAutoRegistrationStatus and removeAutoRegistration-parameters are not yet implemented
[X] update_certificate
[ ] update_custom_metric
[ ] update_dimension
[X] update_domain_configuration
[ ] update_dynamic_thing_group
[ ] update_event_configurations
[ ] update_fleet_metric
[ ] update_indexing_configuration
[ ] update_job
[ ] update_mitigation_action
[ ] update_provisioning_template
[ ] update_role_alias
[ ] update_scheduled_audit
[ ] update_security_profile
[ ] update_stream
[X] update_thing
[X] update_thing_group
[X] update_thing_groups_for_thing
[ ] update_topic_rule_destination
[ ] validate_security_profile_behaviors
2.6.48 iot-data
Example usage
def test_iotdata_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] delete_thing_shadow after deleting, get_thing_shadow will raise ResourceNotFound.
But version of the shadow keep increasing. . .
[ ] get_retained_message
[X] get_thing_shadow
[ ] list_named_shadows_for_thing
[ ] list_retained_messages
[X] publish
116 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] update_thing_shadow
spec of payload:
need node state
state node must be an Object
State contains an invalid node: ‘foo
2.6.49 kinesis
Example usage
def test_kinesis_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_tags_to_stream
[X] create_stream
[X] decrease_stream_retention_period
[X] delete_stream
[X] deregister_stream_consumer
[ ] describe_limits
[X] describe_stream
[X] describe_stream_consumer
[X] describe_stream_summary
[X] disable_enhanced_monitoring
[X] enable_enhanced_monitoring
[X] get_records
[X] get_shard_iterator
[X] increase_stream_retention_period
[X] list_shards
[X] list_stream_consumers
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_streams
[X] list_tags_for_stream
[X] merge_shards
[X] put_record
[X] put_records
[X] register_stream_consumer
2.6. Implemented Services 117
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] remove_tags_from_stream
[X] split_shard
[X] start_stream_encryption
[X] stop_stream_encryption
[ ] subscribe_to_shard
[X] update_shard_count
[ ] update_stream_mode
2.6.50 kinesis-video-archived-media
Example usage
def test_kinesisvideoarchivedmedia_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] get_clip
[X] get_dash_streaming_session_url
[X] get_hls_streaming_session_url
[ ] get_media_for_fragment_list
[ ] list_fragments
2.6.51 kinesisvideo
Example usage
def test_kinesisvideo_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_signaling_channel
[X] create_stream
[ ] delete_signaling_channel
[X] delete_stream
[ ] describe_signaling_channel
[X] describe_stream
[X] get_data_endpoint
[ ] get_signaling_channel_endpoint
[ ] list_signaling_channels
118 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] list_streams
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_tags_for_stream
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] tag_stream
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] untag_stream
[ ] update_data_retention
[ ] update_signaling_channel
[ ] update_stream
2.6.52 kms
Example usage
def test_kms_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] cancel_key_deletion
[ ] connect_custom_key_store
[ ] create_alias
[ ] create_custom_key_store
[ ] create_grant
[X] create_key
[X] decrypt
[X] delete_alias Delete the alias.
[ ] delete_custom_key_store
[ ] delete_imported_key_material
[ ] describe_custom_key_stores
[X] describe_key
[X] disable_key
[X] disable_key_rotation
[ ] disconnect_custom_key_store
[X] enable_key
[X] enable_key_rotation
[X] encrypt
2.6. Implemented Services 119
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] generate_data_key
[ ] generate_data_key_pair
[ ] generate_data_key_pair_without_plaintext
[ ] generate_data_key_without_plaintext
[ ] generate_random
[X] get_key_policy
[X] get_key_rotation_status
[ ] get_parameters_for_import
[ ] get_public_key
[ ] import_key_material
[ ] list_aliases
[ ] list_grants
[ ] list_key_policies
[X] list_keys
[X] list_resource_tags
[ ] list_retirable_grants
[X] put_key_policy
[X] re_encrypt
[ ] replicate_key
[ ] retire_grant
[ ] revoke_grant
[X] schedule_key_deletion
[ ] sign
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_alias
[ ] update_custom_key_store
[X] update_key_description
[ ] update_primary_region
[ ] verify
120 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.53 lambda
class moto.awslambda.models.LambdaBackend(region_name)
Implementation of the AWS Lambda endpoint. Invoking functions is supported - they will run inside a Docker
container, emulating the real AWS behaviour as closely as possible.
It is possible to connect from AWS Lambdas to other services, as long as you are running Moto in ServerMode.
The Lambda has access to environment variables MOTO_HOST and MOTO_PORT, which can be used to build
the url that MotoServer runs on:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
host = os.environ.get("MOTO_HOST")
port = os.environ.get("MOTO_PORT")
url = host + ":" + port
ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='us-west-2', endpoint_url=url)
# Or even simpler:
full_url = os.environ.get("MOTO_HTTP_ENDPOINT")
ec2 = boto3.client("ec2", region_name="eu-west-1", endpoint_url=full_url)
Moto will run on port 5000 by default. This can be overwritten by setting an environment variable when starting
# This env var will be propagated to the Docker container running the Lambda
MOTO_PORT=5000 moto_server
The Docker container uses the default network mode, bridge. The following environment variables are available
for fine-grained control over the Docker connection options:
# Provide the name of a custom network to connect to
MOTO_DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME=mycustomnetwork moto_server
# Override the network mode
# For example, network_mode=host would use the network of the host machine
# Note that this option will be ignored if MOTO_DOCKER_NETWORK_NAME is also set
The Docker images used by Moto are taken from the lambci/lambda-repo by default. Use the following environ-
ment variable to configure a different repo:
Note: When using the decorators, a Docker container cannot reach Moto, as it does not run as a server. Any
boto3-invocations used within your Lambda will try to connect to AWS.
Example usage
def test_lambda_behaviour:
(continues on next page)
2.6. Implemented Services 121
Moto Documentation, Release
(continued from previous page)
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_layer_version_permission
[X] add_permission
[ ] create_alias
[ ] create_code_signing_config
[X] create_event_source_mapping
[X] create_function
[ ] delete_alias
[ ] delete_code_signing_config
[X] delete_event_source_mapping
[X] delete_function
[ ] delete_function_code_signing_config
[X] delete_function_concurrency
[ ] delete_function_event_invoke_config
[ ] delete_layer_version
[ ] delete_provisioned_concurrency_config
[ ] get_account_settings
[ ] get_alias
[X] get_code_signing_config
[X] get_event_source_mapping
[X] get_function
[ ] get_function_code_signing_config
[X] get_function_concurrency
[ ] get_function_configuration
[ ] get_function_event_invoke_config
[ ] get_layer_version
[ ] get_layer_version_by_arn
[ ] get_layer_version_policy
[X] get_policy
[ ] get_provisioned_concurrency_config
[X] invoke
[ ] invoke_async
[ ] list_aliases
122 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_code_signing_configs
[X] list_event_source_mappings
[ ] list_function_event_invoke_configs
[X] list_functions
[ ] list_functions_by_code_signing_config
[ ] list_layer_versions
[X] list_layers
[ ] list_provisioned_concurrency_configs
[X] list_tags
[X] list_versions_by_function
[X] publish_layer_version
[ ] publish_version
[ ] put_function_code_signing_config
[X] put_function_concurrency
[ ] put_function_event_invoke_config
[ ] put_provisioned_concurrency_config
[ ] remove_layer_version_permission
[X] remove_permission
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_alias
[ ] update_code_signing_config
[X] update_event_source_mapping
[X] update_function_code
[X] update_function_configuration
[ ] update_function_event_invoke_config
2.6.54 logs
Example usage
def test_logs_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_kms_key
[ ] cancel_export_task
2.6. Implemented Services 123
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_export_task
[X] create_log_group
[X] create_log_stream
[ ] delete_destination
[X] delete_log_group
[X] delete_log_stream
[X] delete_metric_filter
[ ] delete_query_definition
[X] delete_resource_policy Remove resource policy with a policy name matching given name.
[X] delete_retention_policy
[X] delete_subscription_filter
[ ] describe_destinations
[ ] describe_export_tasks
[X] describe_log_groups
[X] describe_log_streams
[X] describe_metric_filters
[ ] describe_queries
[ ] describe_query_definitions
[X] describe_resource_policies Return list of resource policies.
The next_token and limit arguments are ignored. The maximum number of resource policies per
region is a small number (less than 50), so pagination isn’t needed.
[X] describe_subscription_filters
[ ] disassociate_kms_key
[X] filter_log_events
[X] get_log_events
[ ] get_log_group_fields
[ ] get_log_record
[ ] get_query_results
[X] list_tags_log_group
[ ] put_destination
[ ] put_destination_policy
[X] put_log_events
[X] put_metric_filter
[ ] put_query_definition
[X] put_resource_policy Creates/updates resource policy and return policy object
[X] put_retention_policy
124 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] put_subscription_filter
[X] start_query
[ ] stop_query
[X] tag_log_group
[ ] test_metric_filter
[X] untag_log_group
2.6.55 managedblockchain
Example usage
def test_managedblockchain_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_member
[X] create_network
[X] create_node
[X] create_proposal
[X] delete_member
[X] delete_node
[X] get_member
[X] get_network
[X] get_node
[X] get_proposal
[X] list_invitations
[X] list_members
[X] list_networks
[X] list_nodes
[X] list_proposal_votes
[X] list_proposals
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[X] reject_invitation
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[X] update_member
[X] update_node
2.6. Implemented Services 125
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] vote_on_proposal
2.6.56 mediaconnect
Example usage
def test_mediaconnect_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_flow_media_streams
[X] add_flow_outputs
[ ] add_flow_sources
[X] add_flow_vpc_interfaces
[X] create_flow
[X] delete_flow
[X] describe_flow
[ ] describe_offering
[ ] describe_reservation
[ ] grant_flow_entitlements
[ ] list_entitlements
[X] list_flows
[ ] list_offerings
[ ] list_reservations
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] purchase_offering
[ ] remove_flow_media_stream
[X] remove_flow_output
[ ] remove_flow_source
[X] remove_flow_vpc_interface
[ ] revoke_flow_entitlement
[X] start_flow
[X] stop_flow
[X] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_flow
[ ] update_flow_entitlement
126 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_flow_media_stream
[ ] update_flow_output
[ ] update_flow_source
2.6.57 medialive
Example usage
def test_medialive_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_input_device_transfer
[ ] batch_delete
[ ] batch_start
[ ] batch_stop
[ ] batch_update_schedule
[ ] cancel_input_device_transfer
[ ] claim_device
[X] create_channel
[X] create_input
[ ] create_input_security_group
[ ] create_multiplex
[ ] create_multiplex_program
[ ] create_partner_input
[ ] create_tags
[X] delete_channel
[X] delete_input
[ ] delete_input_security_group
[ ] delete_multiplex
[ ] delete_multiplex_program
[ ] delete_reservation
[ ] delete_schedule
[ ] delete_tags
[X] describe_channel
[X] describe_input
[ ] describe_input_device
2.6. Implemented Services 127
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_input_device_thumbnail
[ ] describe_input_security_group
[ ] describe_multiplex
[ ] describe_multiplex_program
[ ] describe_offering
[ ] describe_reservation
[ ] describe_schedule
[X] list_channels
[ ] list_input_device_transfers
[ ] list_input_devices
[ ] list_input_security_groups
[X] list_inputs
[ ] list_multiplex_programs
[ ] list_multiplexes
[ ] list_offerings
[ ] list_reservations
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] purchase_offering
[ ] reject_input_device_transfer
[X] start_channel
[ ] start_multiplex
[X] stop_channel
[ ] stop_multiplex
[ ] transfer_input_device
[X] update_channel
[ ] update_channel_class
[X] update_input
[ ] update_input_device
[ ] update_input_security_group
[ ] update_multiplex
[ ] update_multiplex_program
[ ] update_reservation
128 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.58 mediapackage
Example usage
def test_mediapackage_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] configure_logs
[X] create_channel
[ ] create_harvest_job
[X] create_origin_endpoint
[X] delete_channel
[X] delete_origin_endpoint
[X] describe_channel
[ ] describe_harvest_job
[X] describe_origin_endpoint
[X] list_channels
[ ] list_harvest_jobs
[X] list_origin_endpoints
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] rotate_channel_credentials
[ ] rotate_ingest_endpoint_credentials
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_channel
[X] update_origin_endpoint
2.6.59 mediastore
Example usage
def test_mediastore_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_container
[X] delete_container
2.6. Implemented Services 129
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] delete_container_policy
[ ] delete_cors_policy
[ ] delete_lifecycle_policy
[ ] delete_metric_policy
[X] describe_container
[X] get_container_policy
[ ] get_cors_policy
[X] get_lifecycle_policy
[X] get_metric_policy
[X] list_containers
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] put_container_policy
[ ] put_cors_policy
[X] put_lifecycle_policy
[X] put_metric_policy
[ ] start_access_logging
[ ] stop_access_logging
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
2.6.60 mediastore-data
Example usage
def test_mediastoredata_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] delete_object
[ ] describe_object
[X] get_object
The Range-parameter is not yet supported.
[X] list_items
The Path- and MaxResults-parameters are not yet supported.
[X] put_object
130 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.61 mq
No EC2 integration exists yet - subnet ID’s and security group values are not validated. Default values may not
Example usage
def test_mq_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_broker
[X] create_configuration
[X] create_tags
[X] create_user
[X] delete_broker
[X] delete_tags
[X] delete_user
[X] describe_broker
[ ] describe_broker_engine_types
[ ] describe_broker_instance_options
[X] describe_configuration
[X] describe_configuration_revision
[X] describe_user
[X] list_brokers
Pagination is not yet implemented
[ ] list_configuration_revisions
[X] list_configurations
Pagination has not yet been implemented.
[X] list_tags
[X] list_users
[X] reboot_broker
[X] update_broker
[X] update_configuration
No validation occurs on the provided XML. The authenticationStrategy may be changed depending
on the provided configuration.
[X] update_user
2.6. Implemented Services 131
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.62 opsworks
Example usage
def test_opsworks_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] assign_instance
[ ] assign_volume
[ ] associate_elastic_ip
[ ] attach_elastic_load_balancer
[ ] clone_stack
[X] create_app
[ ] create_deployment
[X] create_instance
[X] create_layer
[X] create_stack
[ ] create_user_profile
[ ] delete_app
[ ] delete_instance
[ ] delete_layer
[ ] delete_stack
[ ] delete_user_profile
[ ] deregister_ecs_cluster
[ ] deregister_elastic_ip
[ ] deregister_instance
[ ] deregister_rds_db_instance
[ ] deregister_volume
[ ] describe_agent_versions
[X] describe_apps
[ ] describe_commands
[ ] describe_deployments
[ ] describe_ecs_clusters
[ ] describe_elastic_ips
[ ] describe_elastic_load_balancers
[X] describe_instances
132 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] describe_layers
[ ] describe_load_based_auto_scaling
[ ] describe_my_user_profile
[ ] describe_operating_systems
[ ] describe_permissions
[ ] describe_raid_arrays
[ ] describe_rds_db_instances
[ ] describe_service_errors
[ ] describe_stack_provisioning_parameters
[ ] describe_stack_summary
[X] describe_stacks
[ ] describe_time_based_auto_scaling
[ ] describe_user_profiles
[ ] describe_volumes
[ ] detach_elastic_load_balancer
[ ] disassociate_elastic_ip
[ ] get_hostname_suggestion
[ ] grant_access
[ ] list_tags
[ ] reboot_instance
[ ] register_ecs_cluster
[ ] register_elastic_ip
[ ] register_instance
[ ] register_rds_db_instance
[ ] register_volume
[ ] set_load_based_auto_scaling
[ ] set_permission
[ ] set_time_based_auto_scaling
[X] start_instance
[ ] start_stack
[ ] stop_instance
[ ] stop_stack
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] unassign_instance
[ ] unassign_volume
[ ] untag_resource
2.6. Implemented Services 133
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_app
[ ] update_elastic_ip
[ ] update_instance
[ ] update_layer
[ ] update_my_user_profile
[ ] update_rds_db_instance
[ ] update_stack
[ ] update_user_profile
[ ] update_volume
2.6.63 organizations
Example usage
def test_organizations_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_handshake
[X] attach_policy
[ ] cancel_handshake
[X] create_account
[ ] create_gov_cloud_account
[X] create_organization
[X] create_organizational_unit
[X] create_policy
[ ] decline_handshake
[X] delete_organization
[ ] delete_organizational_unit
[X] delete_policy
[X] deregister_delegated_administrator
[X] describe_account
[X] describe_create_account_status
[ ] describe_effective_policy
[ ] describe_handshake
[X] describe_organization
[X] describe_organizational_unit
134 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] describe_policy
[X] detach_policy
[X] disable_aws_service_access
[X] disable_policy_type
[ ] enable_all_features
[X] enable_aws_service_access
[X] enable_policy_type
[ ] invite_account_to_organization
[ ] leave_organization
[X] list_accounts
[X] list_accounts_for_parent
[X] list_aws_service_access_for_organization
[X] list_children
[X] list_create_account_status
[X] list_delegated_administrators
[X] list_delegated_services_for_account
[ ] list_handshakes_for_account
[ ] list_handshakes_for_organization
[X] list_organizational_units_for_parent
[X] list_parents
[X] list_policies
[X] list_policies_for_target
[X] list_roots
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_targets_for_policy
[X] move_account
[X] register_delegated_administrator
[X] remove_account_from_organization
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_organizational_unit
[X] update_policy
2.6. Implemented Services 135
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.64 polly
Example usage
def test_polly_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] delete_lexicon
[X] describe_voices
[X] get_lexicon
[ ] get_speech_synthesis_task
[X] list_lexicons
[ ] list_speech_synthesis_tasks
[X] put_lexicon
[ ] start_speech_synthesis_task
[ ] synthesize_speech
2.6.65 ram
Example usage
def test_ram_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_resource_share_invitation
[ ] associate_resource_share
[ ] associate_resource_share_permission
[X] create_resource_share
[X] delete_resource_share
[ ] disassociate_resource_share
[ ] disassociate_resource_share_permission
[X] enable_sharing_with_aws_organization
[ ] get_permission
[ ] get_resource_policies
[ ] get_resource_share_associations
[ ] get_resource_share_invitations
136 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] get_resource_shares
[ ] list_pending_invitation_resources
[ ] list_permission_versions
[ ] list_permissions
[ ] list_principals
[ ] list_resource_share_permissions
[ ] list_resource_types
[ ] list_resources
[ ] promote_resource_share_created_from_policy
[ ] reject_resource_share_invitation
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[X] update_resource_share
2.6.66 rds
Example usage
def test_rds2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_role_to_db_cluster
[ ] add_role_to_db_instance
[ ] add_source_identifier_to_subscription
[X] add_tags_to_resource
[ ] apply_pending_maintenance_action
[ ] authorize_db_security_group_ingress
[ ] backtrack_db_cluster
[X] cancel_export_task
[ ] copy_db_cluster_parameter_group
[ ] copy_db_cluster_snapshot
[ ] copy_db_parameter_group
[ ] copy_db_snapshot
[ ] copy_option_group
[ ] create_custom_availability_zone
[ ] create_custom_db_engine_version
2.6. Implemented Services 137
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_db_cluster
[ ] create_db_cluster_endpoint
[ ] create_db_cluster_parameter_group
[X] create_db_cluster_snapshot
[ ] create_db_instance
[ ] create_db_instance_read_replica
[X] create_db_parameter_group
[ ] create_db_proxy
[ ] create_db_proxy_endpoint
[ ] create_db_security_group
[ ] create_db_snapshot
[ ] create_db_subnet_group
[X] create_event_subscription
[ ] create_global_cluster
[X] create_option_group
[ ] delete_custom_availability_zone
[ ] delete_custom_db_engine_version
[X] delete_db_cluster
[ ] delete_db_cluster_endpoint
[ ] delete_db_cluster_parameter_group
[X] delete_db_cluster_snapshot
[ ] delete_db_instance
[ ] delete_db_instance_automated_backup
[X] delete_db_parameter_group
[ ] delete_db_proxy
[ ] delete_db_proxy_endpoint
[ ] delete_db_security_group
[ ] delete_db_snapshot
[ ] delete_db_subnet_group
[X] delete_event_subscription
[ ] delete_global_cluster
[ ] delete_installation_media
[X] delete_option_group
[ ] deregister_db_proxy_targets
[ ] describe_account_attributes
[ ] describe_certificates
138 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_custom_availability_zones
[ ] describe_db_cluster_backtracks
[ ] describe_db_cluster_endpoints
[ ] describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups
[ ] describe_db_cluster_parameters
[ ] describe_db_cluster_snapshot_attributes
[X] describe_db_cluster_snapshots
[X] describe_db_clusters
[ ] describe_db_engine_versions
[ ] describe_db_instance_automated_backups
[ ] describe_db_instances
[ ] describe_db_log_files
[X] describe_db_parameter_groups
[ ] describe_db_parameters
[ ] describe_db_proxies
[ ] describe_db_proxy_endpoints
[ ] describe_db_proxy_target_groups
[ ] describe_db_proxy_targets
[ ] describe_db_security_groups
[ ] describe_db_snapshot_attributes
[ ] describe_db_snapshots
[ ] describe_db_subnet_groups
[ ] describe_engine_default_cluster_parameters
[ ] describe_engine_default_parameters
[ ] describe_event_categories
[X] describe_event_subscriptions
[ ] describe_events
[X] describe_export_tasks
[ ] describe_global_clusters
[ ] describe_installation_media
[X] describe_option_group_options
[X] describe_option_groups
[ ] describe_orderable_db_instance_options
[ ] describe_pending_maintenance_actions
[ ] describe_reserved_db_instances
[ ] describe_reserved_db_instances_offerings
2.6. Implemented Services 139
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_source_regions
[ ] describe_valid_db_instance_modifications
[ ] download_db_log_file_portion
[ ] failover_db_cluster
[ ] failover_global_cluster
[ ] import_installation_media
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] modify_certificates
[ ] modify_current_db_cluster_capacity
[ ] modify_custom_db_engine_version
[ ] modify_db_cluster
[ ] modify_db_cluster_endpoint
[ ] modify_db_cluster_parameter_group
[ ] modify_db_cluster_snapshot_attribute
[ ] modify_db_instance
[X] modify_db_parameter_group
[ ] modify_db_proxy
[ ] modify_db_proxy_endpoint
[ ] modify_db_proxy_target_group
[ ] modify_db_snapshot
[ ] modify_db_snapshot_attribute
[X] modify_db_subnet_group
[ ] modify_event_subscription
[ ] modify_global_cluster
[X] modify_option_group
[ ] promote_read_replica
[ ] promote_read_replica_db_cluster
[ ] purchase_reserved_db_instances_offering
[ ] reboot_db_cluster
[X] reboot_db_instance
[ ] register_db_proxy_targets
[ ] remove_from_global_cluster
[ ] remove_role_from_db_cluster
[ ] remove_role_from_db_instance
[ ] remove_source_identifier_from_subscription
[X] remove_tags_from_resource
140 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] reset_db_cluster_parameter_group
[ ] reset_db_parameter_group
[ ] restore_db_cluster_from_s3
[X] restore_db_cluster_from_snapshot
[ ] restore_db_cluster_to_point_in_time
[X] restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot
[ ] restore_db_instance_from_s3
[ ] restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time
[ ] revoke_db_security_group_ingress
[ ] start_activity_stream
[X] start_db_cluster
[ ] start_db_instance
[ ] start_db_instance_automated_backups_replication
[X] start_export_task
[ ] stop_activity_stream
[X] stop_db_cluster
[ ] stop_db_instance
[ ] stop_db_instance_automated_backups_replication
2.6.67 redshift
Example usage
def test_redshift_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] accept_reserved_node_exchange
[ ] add_partner
[ ] associate_data_share_consumer
[X] authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress
[ ] authorize_data_share
[ ] authorize_endpoint_access
[ ] authorize_snapshot_access
[ ] batch_delete_cluster_snapshots
[ ] batch_modify_cluster_snapshots
[ ] cancel_resize
2.6. Implemented Services 141
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] copy_cluster_snapshot
[ ] create_authentication_profile
[X] create_cluster
[X] create_cluster_parameter_group
[X] create_cluster_security_group
[X] create_cluster_snapshot
[X] create_cluster_subnet_group
[ ] create_endpoint_access
[ ] create_event_subscription
[ ] create_hsm_client_certificate
[ ] create_hsm_configuration
[ ] create_scheduled_action
[X] create_snapshot_copy_grant
[ ] create_snapshot_schedule
[X] create_tags
[ ] create_usage_limit
[ ] deauthorize_data_share
[ ] delete_authentication_profile
[X] delete_cluster
[X] delete_cluster_parameter_group
[X] delete_cluster_security_group
[X] delete_cluster_snapshot
[X] delete_cluster_subnet_group
[ ] delete_endpoint_access
[ ] delete_event_subscription
[ ] delete_hsm_client_certificate
[ ] delete_hsm_configuration
[ ] delete_partner
[ ] delete_scheduled_action
[X] delete_snapshot_copy_grant
[ ] delete_snapshot_schedule
[X] delete_tags
[ ] delete_usage_limit
[ ] describe_account_attributes
[ ] describe_authentication_profiles
[ ] describe_cluster_db_revisions
142 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] describe_cluster_parameter_groups
[ ] describe_cluster_parameters
[X] describe_cluster_security_groups
[X] describe_cluster_snapshots
[X] describe_cluster_subnet_groups
[ ] describe_cluster_tracks
[ ] describe_cluster_versions
[X] describe_clusters
[ ] describe_data_shares
[ ] describe_data_shares_for_consumer
[ ] describe_data_shares_for_producer
[ ] describe_default_cluster_parameters
[ ] describe_endpoint_access
[ ] describe_endpoint_authorization
[ ] describe_event_categories
[ ] describe_event_subscriptions
[ ] describe_events
[ ] describe_hsm_client_certificates
[ ] describe_hsm_configurations
[ ] describe_logging_status
[ ] describe_node_configuration_options
[ ] describe_orderable_cluster_options
[ ] describe_partners
[ ] describe_reserved_node_exchange_status
[ ] describe_reserved_node_offerings
[ ] describe_reserved_nodes
[ ] describe_resize
[ ] describe_scheduled_actions
[X] describe_snapshot_copy_grants
[ ] describe_snapshot_schedules
[ ] describe_storage
[ ] describe_table_restore_status
[X] describe_tags
[ ] describe_usage_limits
[ ] disable_logging
[X] disable_snapshot_copy
2.6. Implemented Services 143
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] disassociate_data_share_consumer
[ ] enable_logging
[X] enable_snapshot_copy
[X] get_cluster_credentials
[ ] get_reserved_node_exchange_configuration_options
[ ] get_reserved_node_exchange_offerings
[ ] modify_aqua_configuration
[ ] modify_authentication_profile
[X] modify_cluster
[ ] modify_cluster_db_revision
[ ] modify_cluster_iam_roles
[ ] modify_cluster_maintenance
[ ] modify_cluster_parameter_group
[ ] modify_cluster_snapshot
[ ] modify_cluster_snapshot_schedule
[ ] modify_cluster_subnet_group
[ ] modify_endpoint_access
[ ] modify_event_subscription
[ ] modify_scheduled_action
[X] modify_snapshot_copy_retention_period
[ ] modify_snapshot_schedule
[ ] modify_usage_limit
[X] pause_cluster
[ ] purchase_reserved_node_offering
[ ] reboot_cluster
[ ] reject_data_share
[ ] reset_cluster_parameter_group
[ ] resize_cluster
[X] restore_from_cluster_snapshot
[ ] restore_table_from_cluster_snapshot
[X] resume_cluster
[ ] revoke_cluster_security_group_ingress
[ ] revoke_endpoint_access
[ ] revoke_snapshot_access
[ ] rotate_encryption_key
[ ] update_partner_status
144 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.68 redshift-data
Example usage
def test_redshiftdata_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_execute_statement
[X] cancel_statement
[X] describe_statement
[ ] describe_table
[X] execute_statement
Runs an SQL statement Validation of parameters is very limited because there is no redshift integration
[X] get_statement_result
Return static statement result StatementResult is the result of the SQL query “sql” passed as parameter
when calling “execute_statement” As such, it cannot be mocked
[ ] list_databases
[ ] list_schemas
[ ] list_statements
[ ] list_tables
2.6.69 resource-groups
Example usage
def test_resourcegroups_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_group
[X] delete_group
[X] get_group
[X] get_group_configuration
[ ] get_group_query
[X] get_tags
[ ] group_resources
[ ] list_group_resources
[X] list_groups
2.6. Implemented Services 145
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] put_group_configuration
[ ] search_resources
[X] tag
[ ] ungroup_resources
[X] untag
[X] update_group
[X] update_group_query
2.6.70 resourcegroupstaggingapi
Example usage
def test_resourcegroupstaggingapi_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] describe_report_creation
[ ] get_compliance_summary
[X] get_resources
[X] get_tag_keys
[X] get_tag_values
[ ] start_report_creation
[ ] tag_resources
[ ] untag_resources
2.6.71 route53
Example usage
def test_route53_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] activate_key_signing_key
[ ] associate_vpc_with_hosted_zone
[X] change_resource_record_sets
[X] change_tags_for_resource
[X] create_health_check
[X] create_hosted_zone
146 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_key_signing_key
[X] create_query_logging_config Process the create_query_logging_config request.
[X] create_reusable_delegation_set
[ ] create_traffic_policy
[ ] create_traffic_policy_instance
[ ] create_traffic_policy_version
[ ] create_vpc_association_authorization
[ ] deactivate_key_signing_key
[X] delete_health_check
[X] delete_hosted_zone
[ ] delete_key_signing_key
[X] delete_query_logging_config Delete query logging config, if it exists.
[X] delete_reusable_delegation_set
[ ] delete_traffic_policy
[ ] delete_traffic_policy_instance
[ ] delete_vpc_association_authorization
[ ] disable_hosted_zone_dnssec
[ ] disassociate_vpc_from_hosted_zone
[ ] enable_hosted_zone_dnssec
[ ] get_account_limit
[ ] get_change
[ ] get_checker_ip_ranges
[ ] get_dnssec
[ ] get_geo_location
[ ] get_health_check
[ ] get_health_check_count
[ ] get_health_check_last_failure_reason
[ ] get_health_check_status
[X] get_hosted_zone
[X] get_hosted_zone_count
[ ] get_hosted_zone_limit
[X] get_query_logging_config Return query logging config, if it exists.
[X] get_reusable_delegation_set
[ ] get_reusable_delegation_set_limit
[ ] get_traffic_policy
[ ] get_traffic_policy_instance
2.6. Implemented Services 147
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_traffic_policy_instance_count
[ ] list_geo_locations
[X] list_health_checks
[X] list_hosted_zones
[X] list_hosted_zones_by_name
[X] list_hosted_zones_by_vpc
[X] list_query_logging_configs Return a list of query logging configs.
[X] list_resource_record_sets
The StartRecordIdentifier-parameter is not yet implemented
[X] list_reusable_delegation_sets
Pagination is not yet implemented
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_tags_for_resources
[ ] list_traffic_policies
[ ] list_traffic_policy_instances
[ ] list_traffic_policy_instances_by_hosted_zone
[ ] list_traffic_policy_instances_by_policy
[ ] list_traffic_policy_versions
[ ] list_vpc_association_authorizations
[ ] test_dns_answer
[ ] update_health_check
[ ] update_hosted_zone_comment
[ ] update_traffic_policy_comment
[ ] update_traffic_policy_instance
2.6.72 route53resolver
class moto.route53resolver.models.Route53ResolverBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of Route53Resolver APIs.
Example usage
def test_route53resolver_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_firewall_rule_group
[ ] associate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address
[ ] associate_resolver_query_log_config
148 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] associate_resolver_rule Return description for a newly created resolver rule association.
[ ] create_firewall_domain_list
[ ] create_firewall_rule
[ ] create_firewall_rule_group
[X] create_resolver_endpoint Return description for a newly created resolver endpoint.
NOTE: IPv6 IPs are currently not being filtered when calculating the create_resolver_endpoint()
[ ] create_resolver_query_log_config
[X] create_resolver_rule Return description for a newly created resolver rule.
[ ] delete_firewall_domain_list
[ ] delete_firewall_rule
[ ] delete_firewall_rule_group
[X] delete_resolver_endpoint Delete a resolver endpoint.
[ ] delete_resolver_query_log_config
[X] delete_resolver_rule Delete a resolver rule.
[ ] disassociate_firewall_rule_group
[ ] disassociate_resolver_endpoint_ip_address
[ ] disassociate_resolver_query_log_config
[X] disassociate_resolver_rule Removes association between a resolver rule and a VPC.
[ ] get_firewall_config
[ ] get_firewall_domain_list
[ ] get_firewall_rule_group
[ ] get_firewall_rule_group_association
[ ] get_firewall_rule_group_policy
[ ] get_resolver_config
[ ] get_resolver_dnssec_config
[X] get_resolver_endpoint Return info for specified resolver endpoint.
[ ] get_resolver_query_log_config
[ ] get_resolver_query_log_config_association
[ ] get_resolver_query_log_config_policy
[X] get_resolver_rule Return info for specified resolver rule.
[X] get_resolver_rule_association Return info for specified resolver rule association.
[ ] get_resolver_rule_policy
[ ] import_firewall_domains
[ ] list_firewall_configs
[ ] list_firewall_domain_lists
2.6. Implemented Services 149
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_firewall_domains
[ ] list_firewall_rule_group_associations
[ ] list_firewall_rule_groups
[ ] list_firewall_rules
[ ] list_resolver_configs
[ ] list_resolver_dnssec_configs
[X] list_resolver_endpoint_ip_addresses List IP endresses for specified resolver endpoint.
[X] list_resolver_endpoints List all resolver endpoints, using filters if specified.
[ ] list_resolver_query_log_config_associations
[ ] list_resolver_query_log_configs
[X] list_resolver_rule_associations List all resolver rule associations, using filters if specified.
[X] list_resolver_rules List all resolver rules, using filters if specified.
[X] list_tags_for_resource List all tags for the given resource.
[ ] put_firewall_rule_group_policy
[ ] put_resolver_query_log_config_policy
[ ] put_resolver_rule_policy
[X] tag_resource Add or overwrite one or more tags for specified resource.
[X] untag_resource Removes tags from a resource.
[ ] update_firewall_config
[ ] update_firewall_domains
[ ] update_firewall_rule
[ ] update_firewall_rule_group_association
[ ] update_resolver_config
[ ] update_resolver_dnssec_config
[X] update_resolver_endpoint Update name of Resolver endpoint.
[ ] update_resolver_rule
2.6.73 s3
class moto.s3.models.S3Backend
Moto implementation for S3.
Custom S3 endpoints are supported, if you are using a S3-compatible storage solution like Ceph. Example usage:
os.environ["MOTO_S3_CUSTOM_ENDPOINTS"] = "http://custom.internal.endpoint,http://
def test_my_custom_endpoint():
boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url="http://custom.internal.endpoint")
150 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
Note that this only works if the environment variable is set before the mock is initialized.
Example usage
def test_s3_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] abort_multipart_upload
[X] complete_multipart_upload
[X] copy_object
[X] create_bucket
[X] create_multipart_upload
[X] delete_bucket
[ ] delete_bucket_analytics_configuration
[X] delete_bucket_cors
[X] delete_bucket_encryption
[ ] delete_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configuration
[ ] delete_bucket_inventory_configuration
[X] delete_bucket_lifecycle
[ ] delete_bucket_metrics_configuration
[ ] delete_bucket_ownership_controls
[X] delete_bucket_policy
[X] delete_bucket_replication
[X] delete_bucket_tagging
[X] delete_bucket_website
[X] delete_object
[X] delete_object_tagging
[X] delete_objects
[X] delete_public_access_block
[ ] get_bucket_accelerate_configuration
[X] get_bucket_acl
[ ] get_bucket_analytics_configuration
[X] get_bucket_cors
[X] get_bucket_encryption
[ ] get_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configuration
[ ] get_bucket_inventory_configuration
[X] get_bucket_lifecycle
2.6. Implemented Services 151
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration
[X] get_bucket_location
[X] get_bucket_logging
[ ] get_bucket_metrics_configuration
[ ] get_bucket_notification
[X] get_bucket_notification_configuration
[ ] get_bucket_ownership_controls
[X] get_bucket_policy
[ ] get_bucket_policy_status
[X] get_bucket_replication
[ ] get_bucket_request_payment
[X] get_bucket_tagging
[X] get_bucket_versioning
[ ] get_bucket_website
[X] get_object
[X] get_object_acl
[ ] get_object_attributes
[X] get_object_legal_hold
[X] get_object_lock_configuration
[ ] get_object_retention
[X] get_object_tagging
[ ] get_object_torrent
[X] get_public_access_block
[X] head_bucket
[X] head_object
[ ] list_bucket_analytics_configurations
[ ] list_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configurations
[ ] list_bucket_inventory_configurations
[ ] list_bucket_metrics_configurations
[X] list_buckets
[ ] list_multipart_uploads
[X] list_object_versions
[X] list_objects
[X] list_objects_v2
[X] list_parts
[X] put_bucket_accelerate_configuration
152 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] put_bucket_acl
[ ] put_bucket_analytics_configuration
[X] put_bucket_cors
[X] put_bucket_encryption
[ ] put_bucket_intelligent_tiering_configuration
[ ] put_bucket_inventory_configuration
[X] put_bucket_lifecycle
[ ] put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration
[X] put_bucket_logging
[ ] put_bucket_metrics_configuration
[ ] put_bucket_notification
[X] put_bucket_notification_configuration
[ ] put_bucket_ownership_controls
[X] put_bucket_policy
[X] put_bucket_replication
[ ] put_bucket_request_payment
[X] put_bucket_tagging
[ ] put_bucket_versioning
[ ] put_bucket_website
[X] put_object
[X] put_object_acl
[X] put_object_legal_hold
[X] put_object_lock_configuration
[X] put_object_retention
[ ] put_object_tagging
[ ] put_public_access_block
[ ] restore_object
[ ] select_object_content
[X] upload_part
[ ] upload_part_copy
[ ] write_get_object_response
2.6. Implemented Services 153
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.74 s3control
Example usage
def test_s3control_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_access_point
[ ] create_access_point_for_object_lambda
[ ] create_bucket
[ ] create_job
[ ] create_multi_region_access_point
[X] delete_access_point
[ ] delete_access_point_for_object_lambda
[X] delete_access_point_policy
[ ] delete_access_point_policy_for_object_lambda
[ ] delete_bucket
[ ] delete_bucket_lifecycle_configuration
[ ] delete_bucket_policy
[ ] delete_bucket_tagging
[ ] delete_job_tagging
[ ] delete_multi_region_access_point
[X] delete_public_access_block
[ ] delete_storage_lens_configuration
[ ] delete_storage_lens_configuration_tagging
[ ] describe_job
[ ] describe_multi_region_access_point_operation
[X] get_access_point
[ ] get_access_point_configuration_for_object_lambda
[ ] get_access_point_for_object_lambda
[X] get_access_point_policy
[ ] get_access_point_policy_for_object_lambda
[X] get_access_point_policy_status
We assume the policy status is always public
[ ] get_access_point_policy_status_for_object_lambda
[ ] get_bucket
154 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration
[ ] get_bucket_policy
[ ] get_bucket_tagging
[ ] get_job_tagging
[ ] get_multi_region_access_point
[ ] get_multi_region_access_point_policy
[ ] get_multi_region_access_point_policy_status
[X] get_public_access_block
[ ] get_storage_lens_configuration
[ ] get_storage_lens_configuration_tagging
[ ] list_access_points
[ ] list_access_points_for_object_lambda
[ ] list_jobs
[ ] list_multi_region_access_points
[ ] list_regional_buckets
[ ] list_storage_lens_configurations
[ ] put_access_point_configuration_for_object_lambda
[ ] put_access_point_policy
[ ] put_access_point_policy_for_object_lambda
[ ] put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration
[ ] put_bucket_policy
[ ] put_bucket_tagging
[ ] put_job_tagging
[ ] put_multi_region_access_point_policy
[X] put_public_access_block
[ ] put_storage_lens_configuration
[ ] put_storage_lens_configuration_tagging
[ ] update_job_priority
[ ] update_job_status
2.6. Implemented Services 155
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.75 sagemaker
Example usage
def test_sagemaker_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_association
[ ] add_tags
[X] associate_trial_component
[ ] batch_describe_model_package
[ ] create_action
[ ] create_algorithm
[ ] create_app
[ ] create_app_image_config
[ ] create_artifact
[ ] create_auto_ml_job
[ ] create_code_repository
[ ] create_compilation_job
[ ] create_context
[ ] create_data_quality_job_definition
[ ] create_device_fleet
[ ] create_domain
[ ] create_edge_packaging_job
[X] create_endpoint
[X] create_endpoint_config
[X] create_experiment
[ ] create_feature_group
[ ] create_flow_definition
[ ] create_human_task_ui
[ ] create_hyper_parameter_tuning_job
[ ] create_image
[ ] create_image_version
[ ] create_inference_recommendations_job
[ ] create_labeling_job
[X] create_model
156 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] create_model_bias_job_definition
[ ] create_model_explainability_job_definition
[ ] create_model_package
[ ] create_model_package_group
[ ] create_model_quality_job_definition
[ ] create_monitoring_schedule
[X] create_notebook_instance
[X] create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
[ ] create_pipeline
[ ] create_presigned_domain_url
[ ] create_presigned_notebook_instance_url
[X] create_processing_job
[ ] create_project
[ ] create_studio_lifecycle_config
[X] create_training_job
[ ] create_transform_job
[X] create_trial
[X] create_trial_component
[ ] create_user_profile
[ ] create_workforce
[ ] create_workteam
[ ] delete_action
[ ] delete_algorithm
[ ] delete_app
[ ] delete_app_image_config
[ ] delete_artifact
[ ] delete_association
[ ] delete_code_repository
[ ] delete_context
[ ] delete_data_quality_job_definition
[ ] delete_device_fleet
[ ] delete_domain
[X] delete_endpoint
[X] delete_endpoint_config
[X] delete_experiment
[ ] delete_feature_group
2.6. Implemented Services 157
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] delete_flow_definition
[ ] delete_human_task_ui
[ ] delete_image
[ ] delete_image_version
[X] delete_model
[ ] delete_model_bias_job_definition
[ ] delete_model_explainability_job_definition
[ ] delete_model_package
[ ] delete_model_package_group
[ ] delete_model_package_group_policy
[ ] delete_model_quality_job_definition
[ ] delete_monitoring_schedule
[X] delete_notebook_instance
[X] delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
[ ] delete_pipeline
[ ] delete_project
[ ] delete_studio_lifecycle_config
[ ] delete_tags
[X] delete_trial
[X] delete_trial_component
[ ] delete_user_profile
[ ] delete_workforce
[ ] delete_workteam
[ ] deregister_devices
[ ] describe_action
[ ] describe_algorithm
[ ] describe_app
[ ] describe_app_image_config
[ ] describe_artifact
[ ] describe_auto_ml_job
[ ] describe_code_repository
[ ] describe_compilation_job
[ ] describe_context
[ ] describe_data_quality_job_definition
[ ] describe_device
[ ] describe_device_fleet
158 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_domain
[ ] describe_edge_packaging_job
[X] describe_endpoint
[X] describe_endpoint_config
[X] describe_experiment
[ ] describe_feature_group
[ ] describe_flow_definition
[ ] describe_human_task_ui
[ ] describe_hyper_parameter_tuning_job
[ ] describe_image
[ ] describe_image_version
[ ] describe_inference_recommendations_job
[ ] describe_labeling_job
[ ] describe_lineage_group
[X] describe_model
[ ] describe_model_bias_job_definition
[ ] describe_model_explainability_job_definition
[ ] describe_model_package
[ ] describe_model_package_group
[ ] describe_model_quality_job_definition
[ ] describe_monitoring_schedule
[ ] describe_notebook_instance
[X] describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
[ ] describe_pipeline
[ ] describe_pipeline_definition_for_execution
[ ] describe_pipeline_execution
[X] describe_processing_job
[ ] describe_project
[ ] describe_studio_lifecycle_config
[ ] describe_subscribed_workteam
[X] describe_training_job
[ ] describe_transform_job
[X] describe_trial
[X] describe_trial_component
[ ] describe_user_profile
[ ] describe_workforce
2.6. Implemented Services 159
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_workteam
[ ] disable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio
[X] disassociate_trial_component
[ ] enable_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio
[ ] get_device_fleet_report
[ ] get_lineage_group_policy
[ ] get_model_package_group_policy
[ ] get_sagemaker_servicecatalog_portfolio_status
[ ] get_search_suggestions
[ ] list_actions
[ ] list_algorithms
[ ] list_app_image_configs
[ ] list_apps
[ ] list_artifacts
[ ] list_associations
[ ] list_auto_ml_jobs
[ ] list_candidates_for_auto_ml_job
[ ] list_code_repositories
[ ] list_compilation_jobs
[ ] list_contexts
[ ] list_data_quality_job_definitions
[ ] list_device_fleets
[ ] list_devices
[ ] list_domains
[ ] list_edge_packaging_jobs
[ ] list_endpoint_configs
[ ] list_endpoints
[X] list_experiments
[ ] list_feature_groups
[ ] list_flow_definitions
[ ] list_human_task_uis
[ ] list_hyper_parameter_tuning_jobs
[ ] list_image_versions
[ ] list_images
[ ] list_inference_recommendations_jobs
[ ] list_labeling_jobs
160 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_labeling_jobs_for_workteam
[ ] list_lineage_groups
[ ] list_model_bias_job_definitions
[ ] list_model_explainability_job_definitions
[ ] list_model_metadata
[ ] list_model_package_groups
[ ] list_model_packages
[ ] list_model_quality_job_definitions
[X] list_models
[ ] list_monitoring_executions
[ ] list_monitoring_schedules
[ ] list_notebook_instance_lifecycle_configs
[ ] list_notebook_instances
[ ] list_pipeline_execution_steps
[ ] list_pipeline_executions
[ ] list_pipeline_parameters_for_execution
[ ] list_pipelines
[X] list_processing_jobs
[ ] list_projects
[ ] list_studio_lifecycle_configs
[ ] list_subscribed_workteams
[ ] list_tags
[X] list_training_jobs
[ ] list_training_jobs_for_hyper_parameter_tuning_job
[ ] list_transform_jobs
[X] list_trial_components
[X] list_trials
[ ] list_user_profiles
[ ] list_workforces
[ ] list_workteams
[ ] put_model_package_group_policy
[ ] query_lineage
[ ] register_devices
[ ] render_ui_template
[ ] retry_pipeline_execution
[X] search
2.6. Implemented Services 161
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] send_pipeline_execution_step_failure
[ ] send_pipeline_execution_step_success
[ ] start_monitoring_schedule
[X] start_notebook_instance
[ ] start_pipeline_execution
[ ] stop_auto_ml_job
[ ] stop_compilation_job
[ ] stop_edge_packaging_job
[ ] stop_hyper_parameter_tuning_job
[ ] stop_inference_recommendations_job
[ ] stop_labeling_job
[ ] stop_monitoring_schedule
[X] stop_notebook_instance
[ ] stop_pipeline_execution
[ ] stop_processing_job
[ ] stop_training_job
[ ] stop_transform_job
[ ] update_action
[ ] update_app_image_config
[ ] update_artifact
[ ] update_code_repository
[ ] update_context
[ ] update_device_fleet
[ ] update_devices
[ ] update_domain
[ ] update_endpoint
[ ] update_endpoint_weights_and_capacities
[ ] update_experiment
[ ] update_image
[ ] update_model_package
[ ] update_monitoring_schedule
[ ] update_notebook_instance
[ ] update_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
[ ] update_pipeline
[ ] update_pipeline_execution
[ ] update_project
162 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_training_job
[ ] update_trial
[ ] update_trial_component
[ ] update_user_profile
[ ] update_workforce
[ ] update_workteam
2.6.76 sdb
Example usage
def test_sdb_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] batch_delete_attributes
[ ] batch_put_attributes
[X] create_domain
[ ] delete_attributes
[X] delete_domain
[ ] domain_metadata
[X] get_attributes
Behaviour for the consistent_read-attribute is not yet implemented
[X] list_domains
The max_number_of_domains and next_token parameter have not been implemented yet - we simply
return all domains.
[X] put_attributes
Behaviour for the expected-attribute is not yet implemented.
[ ] select
2.6.77 secretsmanager
Example usage
def test_secretsmanager_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] cancel_rotate_secret
2.6. Implemented Services 163
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_secret
[ ] delete_resource_policy
[X] delete_secret
[X] describe_secret
[X] get_random_password
[X] get_resource_policy
[X] get_secret_value
[X] list_secret_version_ids
[X] list_secrets
Returns secrets from secretsmanager. The result is paginated and page items depends on the token
value, because token contains start element number of secret list. Response example: {
SecretList: [
{ ARN: ‘arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:1234567890:secret:test1-gEcah, Name:
‘test1’, . . .
}, {
ARN: ‘arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:1234567890:secret:test2-KZwml’,
Name: ‘test2’, . . .
], NextToken: ‘2’
param filters (List) Filter parameters.
param max_results (int) Max number of results per page.
param next_token (str) Page token.
return (Tuple[List,str]) Returns result list and next token.
[ ] put_resource_policy
[X] put_secret_value
[ ] remove_regions_from_replication
[ ] replicate_secret_to_regions
[X] restore_secret
[X] rotate_secret
[ ] stop_replication_to_replica
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_secret
[X] update_secret_version_stage
[ ] validate_resource_policy
164 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.78 servicediscovery
class moto.servicediscovery.models.ServiceDiscoveryBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of ServiceDiscovery APIs.
Example usage
def test_servicediscovery_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_http_namespace
[X] create_private_dns_namespace
[X] create_public_dns_namespace
[X] create_service
[X] delete_namespace
[X] delete_service
[ ] deregister_instance
[ ] discover_instances
[ ] get_instance
[ ] get_instances_health_status
[X] get_namespace
[X] get_operation
[X] get_service
[ ] list_instances
[X] list_namespaces
Pagination or the Filters-parameter is not yet implemented
[X] list_operations
Pagination or the Filters-argument is not yet implemented
[X] list_services
Pagination or the Filters-argument is not yet implemented
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] register_instance
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[ ] update_http_namespace
[ ] update_instance_custom_health_status
[ ] update_private_dns_namespace
2.6. Implemented Services 165
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_public_dns_namespace
[X] update_service
2.6.79 ses
Example usage
def test_ses_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] clone_receipt_rule_set
[X] create_configuration_set
[X] create_configuration_set_event_destination
[ ] create_configuration_set_tracking_options
[ ] create_custom_verification_email_template
[ ] create_receipt_filter
[X] create_receipt_rule
[X] create_receipt_rule_set
[ ] create_template
[ ] delete_configuration_set
[ ] delete_configuration_set_event_destination
[ ] delete_configuration_set_tracking_options
[ ] delete_custom_verification_email_template
[X] delete_identity
[ ] delete_identity_policy
[ ] delete_receipt_filter
[ ] delete_receipt_rule
[ ] delete_receipt_rule_set
[ ] delete_template
[ ] delete_verified_email_address
[ ] describe_active_receipt_rule_set
[ ] describe_configuration_set
[X] describe_receipt_rule
[X] describe_receipt_rule_set
[ ] get_account_sending_enabled
[ ] get_custom_verification_email_template
166 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_identity_dkim_attributes
[X] get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes
[X] get_identity_notification_attributes
[ ] get_identity_policies
[ ] get_identity_verification_attributes
[X] get_send_quota
[X] get_send_statistics
[X] get_template
[ ] list_configuration_sets
[ ] list_custom_verification_email_templates
[X] list_identities
[ ] list_identity_policies
[ ] list_receipt_filters
[ ] list_receipt_rule_sets
[X] list_templates
[X] list_verified_email_addresses
[ ] put_configuration_set_delivery_options
[ ] put_identity_policy
[ ] reorder_receipt_rule_set
[ ] send_bounce
[ ] send_bulk_templated_email
[ ] send_custom_verification_email
[X] send_email
[X] send_raw_email
[X] send_templated_email
[ ] set_active_receipt_rule_set
[ ] set_identity_dkim_enabled
[X] set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled
[ ] set_identity_headers_in_notifications_enabled
[X] set_identity_mail_from_domain
[X] set_identity_notification_topic
[ ] set_receipt_rule_position
[ ] test_render_template
[ ] update_account_sending_enabled
[ ] update_configuration_set_event_destination
[ ] update_configuration_set_reputation_metrics_enabled
2.6. Implemented Services 167
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] update_configuration_set_sending_enabled
[ ] update_configuration_set_tracking_options
[ ] update_custom_verification_email_template
[X] update_receipt_rule
[X] update_template
[ ] verify_domain_dkim
[ ] verify_domain_identity
[X] verify_email_address
[X] verify_email_identity
2.6.80 sns
class moto.sns.models.SNSBackend(region_name)
Responsible for mocking calls to SNS. Integration with SQS/HTTP/etc is supported.
Messages published to a topic are persisted in the backend. If you need to verify that a message was published
successfully, you can use the internal API to check the message was published successfully:
from moto.sns import sns_backend
all_send_notifications = sns_backend.topics[topic_arn].sent_notifications
Note that, as this is an internal API, the exact format may differ per versions.
Example usage
def test_sns_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_permission
[ ] check_if_phone_number_is_opted_out
[ ] confirm_subscription
[X] create_platform_application
[X] create_platform_endpoint
[ ] create_sms_sandbox_phone_number
[X] create_topic
[X] delete_endpoint
[X] delete_platform_application
[ ] delete_sms_sandbox_phone_number
[X] delete_topic
[ ] get_endpoint_attributes
[ ] get_platform_application_attributes
168 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_sms_attributes
[ ] get_sms_sandbox_account_status
[X] get_subscription_attributes
[ ] get_topic_attributes
[X] list_endpoints_by_platform_application
[ ] list_origination_numbers
[ ] list_phone_numbers_opted_out
[X] list_platform_applications
[ ] list_sms_sandbox_phone_numbers
[X] list_subscriptions
[ ] list_subscriptions_by_topic
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_topics
[ ] opt_in_phone_number
[X] publish
[X] publish_batch
The MessageStructure and MessageDeduplicationId-parameters have not yet been implemented.
[X] remove_permission
[X] set_endpoint_attributes
[ ] set_platform_application_attributes
[ ] set_sms_attributes
[X] set_subscription_attributes
[ ] set_topic_attributes
[X] subscribe
[X] tag_resource
[X] unsubscribe
[X] untag_resource
[ ] verify_sms_sandbox_phone_number
2.6.81 sqs
Example usage
def test_sqs_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
2.6. Implemented Services 169
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] add_permission
[X] change_message_visibility
[ ] change_message_visibility_batch
[X] create_queue
[X] delete_message
[ ] delete_message_batch
[X] delete_queue
[X] get_queue_attributes
[X] get_queue_url
[X] list_dead_letter_source_queues
[X] list_queue_tags
[X] list_queues
[X] purge_queue
[ ] receive_message
[X] remove_permission
[X] send_message
[X] send_message_batch
[X] set_queue_attributes
[X] tag_queue
[X] untag_queue
2.6.82 ssm
Example usage
def test_ssm_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] add_tags_to_resource
[ ] associate_ops_item_related_item
[ ] cancel_command
[ ] cancel_maintenance_window_execution
[ ] create_activation
[ ] create_association
[ ] create_association_batch
[X] create_document
170 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] create_maintenance_window
Creates a maintenance window. No error handling or input validation has been implemented yet.
[ ] create_ops_item
[ ] create_ops_metadata
[ ] create_patch_baseline
[ ] create_resource_data_sync
[ ] delete_activation
[ ] delete_association
[X] delete_document
[ ] delete_inventory
[X] delete_maintenance_window
Assumes the provided WindowId exists. No error handling has been implemented yet.
[ ] delete_ops_metadata
[X] delete_parameter
[X] delete_parameters
[ ] delete_patch_baseline
[ ] delete_resource_data_sync
[ ] deregister_managed_instance
[ ] deregister_patch_baseline_for_patch_group
[ ] deregister_target_from_maintenance_window
[ ] deregister_task_from_maintenance_window
[ ] describe_activations
[ ] describe_association
[ ] describe_association_execution_targets
[ ] describe_association_executions
[ ] describe_automation_executions
[ ] describe_automation_step_executions
[ ] describe_available_patches
[X] describe_document
[X] describe_document_permission
[ ] describe_effective_instance_associations
[ ] describe_effective_patches_for_patch_baseline
[ ] describe_instance_associations_status
[ ] describe_instance_information
[ ] describe_instance_patch_states
[ ] describe_instance_patch_states_for_patch_group
2.6. Implemented Services 171
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] describe_instance_patches
[ ] describe_inventory_deletions
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_execution_task_invocations
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_execution_tasks
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_executions
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_schedule
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_targets
[ ] describe_maintenance_window_tasks
[X] describe_maintenance_windows
Returns all windows. No pagination has been implemented yet. Only filtering for Name is supported.
The NextExecutionTime-field is not returned.
[ ] describe_maintenance_windows_for_target
[ ] describe_ops_items
[X] describe_parameters
[ ] describe_patch_baselines
[ ] describe_patch_group_state
[ ] describe_patch_groups
[ ] describe_patch_properties
[ ] describe_sessions
[ ] disassociate_ops_item_related_item
[ ] get_automation_execution
[ ] get_calendar_state
[X] get_command_invocation
[ ] get_connection_status
[ ] get_default_patch_baseline
[ ] get_deployable_patch_snapshot_for_instance
[X] get_document
[ ] get_inventory
[ ] get_inventory_schema
[X] get_maintenance_window
The window is assumed to exist - no error handling has been implemented yet. The
NextExecutionTime-field is not returned.
[ ] get_maintenance_window_execution
[ ] get_maintenance_window_execution_task
[ ] get_maintenance_window_execution_task_invocation
172 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] get_maintenance_window_task
[ ] get_ops_item
[ ] get_ops_metadata
[ ] get_ops_summary
[X] get_parameter
[X] get_parameter_history
[X] get_parameters
[X] get_parameters_by_path Implement the get-parameters-by-path-API in the backend.
[ ] get_patch_baseline
[ ] get_patch_baseline_for_patch_group
[ ] get_service_setting
[X] label_parameter_version
[ ] list_association_versions
[ ] list_associations
[ ] list_command_invocations
[X] list_commands
[ ] list_compliance_items
[ ] list_compliance_summaries
[ ] list_document_metadata_history
[ ] list_document_versions
[X] list_documents
[ ] list_inventory_entries
[ ] list_ops_item_events
[ ] list_ops_item_related_items
[ ] list_ops_metadata
[ ] list_resource_compliance_summaries
[ ] list_resource_data_sync
[X] list_tags_for_resource
[X] modify_document_permission
[ ] put_compliance_items
[ ] put_inventory
[X] put_parameter
[ ] register_default_patch_baseline
[ ] register_patch_baseline_for_patch_group
[ ] register_target_with_maintenance_window
2.6. Implemented Services 173
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] register_task_with_maintenance_window
[X] remove_tags_from_resource
[ ] reset_service_setting
[ ] resume_session
[ ] send_automation_signal
[X] send_command
[ ] start_associations_once
[ ] start_automation_execution
[ ] start_change_request_execution
[ ] start_session
[ ] stop_automation_execution
[ ] terminate_session
[ ] unlabel_parameter_version
[ ] update_association
[ ] update_association_status
[X] update_document
[X] update_document_default_version
[ ] update_document_metadata
[ ] update_maintenance_window
[ ] update_maintenance_window_target
[ ] update_maintenance_window_task
[ ] update_managed_instance_role
[ ] update_ops_item
[ ] update_ops_metadata
[ ] update_patch_baseline
[ ] update_resource_data_sync
[ ] update_service_setting
2.6.83 sso-admin
class moto.ssoadmin.models.SSOAdminBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of SSOAdmin APIs.
Example usage
def test_ssoadmin_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
174 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] attach_managed_policy_to_permission_set
[X] create_account_assignment
[ ] create_instance_access_control_attribute_configuration
[ ] create_permission_set
[X] delete_account_assignment
[ ] delete_inline_policy_from_permission_set
[ ] delete_instance_access_control_attribute_configuration
[ ] delete_permission_set
[ ] describe_account_assignment_creation_status
[ ] describe_account_assignment_deletion_status
[ ] describe_instance_access_control_attribute_configuration
[ ] describe_permission_set
[ ] describe_permission_set_provisioning_status
[ ] detach_managed_policy_from_permission_set
[ ] get_inline_policy_for_permission_set
[ ] list_account_assignment_creation_status
[ ] list_account_assignment_deletion_status
[X] list_account_assignments
Pagination has not yet been implemented
[ ] list_accounts_for_provisioned_permission_set
[ ] list_instances
[ ] list_managed_policies_in_permission_set
[ ] list_permission_set_provisioning_status
[ ] list_permission_sets
[ ] list_permission_sets_provisioned_to_account
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] provision_permission_set
[ ] put_inline_policy_to_permission_set
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_instance_access_control_attribute_configuration
[ ] update_permission_set
2.6. Implemented Services 175
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.84 stepfunctions
Example usage
def test_stepfunctions_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_activity
[X] create_state_machine
[ ] delete_activity
[X] delete_state_machine
[ ] describe_activity
[X] describe_execution
[X] describe_state_machine
[ ] describe_state_machine_for_execution
[ ] get_activity_task
[X] get_execution_history
[ ] list_activities
[X] list_executions
[X] list_state_machines
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] send_task_failure
[ ] send_task_heartbeat
[ ] send_task_success
[X] start_execution
[ ] start_sync_execution
[X] stop_execution
[X] tag_resource
[X] untag_resource
[X] update_state_machine
176 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.85 sts
Example usage
def test_sts_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] assume_role
[X] assume_role_with_saml
[X] assume_role_with_web_identity
[ ] decode_authorization_message
[ ] get_access_key_info
[X] get_caller_identity
[X] get_federation_token
[X] get_session_token
2.6.86 support
Example usage
def test_support_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] add_attachments_to_set
[ ] add_communication_to_case
[X] create_case
[ ] describe_attachment
[X] describe_cases
[ ] describe_communications
[ ] describe_services
[ ] describe_severity_levels
[ ] describe_trusted_advisor_check_refresh_statuses
[ ] describe_trusted_advisor_check_result
[ ] describe_trusted_advisor_check_summaries
[X] describe_trusted_advisor_checks
[X] refresh_trusted_advisor_check
2.6. Implemented Services 177
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] resolve_case
2.6.87 swf
Example usage
def test_swf_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] count_closed_workflow_executions
[ ] count_open_workflow_executions
[X] count_pending_activity_tasks
[X] count_pending_decision_tasks
[ ] deprecate_activity_type
[X] deprecate_domain
[ ] deprecate_workflow_type
[ ] describe_activity_type
[X] describe_domain
[X] describe_workflow_execution
[ ] describe_workflow_type
[ ] get_workflow_execution_history
[ ] list_activity_types
[X] list_closed_workflow_executions
[X] list_domains
[X] list_open_workflow_executions
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] list_workflow_types
[X] poll_for_activity_task
[X] poll_for_decision_task
[X] record_activity_task_heartbeat
[ ] register_activity_type
[X] register_domain
[ ] register_workflow_type
[ ] request_cancel_workflow_execution
[ ] respond_activity_task_canceled
[X] respond_activity_task_completed
178 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[X] respond_activity_task_failed
[X] respond_decision_task_completed
[X] signal_workflow_execution
[X] start_workflow_execution
[ ] tag_resource
[X] terminate_workflow_execution
[ ] undeprecate_activity_type
[X] undeprecate_domain
[ ] undeprecate_workflow_type
[ ] untag_resource
2.6.88 textract
class moto.textract.models.TextractBackend(region_name=None)
Implementation of Textract APIs.
Example usage
def test_textract_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] analyze_document
[ ] analyze_expense
[ ] analyze_id
[ ] detect_document_text
[ ] get_document_analysis
[X] get_document_text_detection
[ ] get_expense_analysis
[ ] start_document_analysis
[X] start_document_text_detection
[ ] start_expense_analysis
2.6. Implemented Services 179
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.89 timestream-write
Example usage
def test_timestreamwrite_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[X] create_database
[X] create_table
[X] delete_database
[X] delete_table
[X] describe_database
[X] describe_endpoints
[X] describe_table
[X] list_databases
[X] list_tables
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[X] update_database
[X] update_table
[X] write_records
2.6.90 transcribe
Example usage
def test_transcribe_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] create_call_analytics_category
[ ] create_language_model
[X] create_medical_vocabulary
[X] create_vocabulary
[ ] create_vocabulary_filter
[ ] delete_call_analytics_category
180 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] delete_call_analytics_job
[ ] delete_language_model
[X] delete_medical_transcription_job
[X] delete_medical_vocabulary
[X] delete_transcription_job
[X] delete_vocabulary
[ ] delete_vocabulary_filter
[ ] describe_language_model
[ ] get_call_analytics_category
[ ] get_call_analytics_job
[X] get_medical_transcription_job
[X] get_medical_vocabulary
[X] get_transcription_job
[X] get_vocabulary
[ ] get_vocabulary_filter
[ ] list_call_analytics_categories
[ ] list_call_analytics_jobs
[ ] list_language_models
[X] list_medical_transcription_jobs
[X] list_medical_vocabularies
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_transcription_jobs
[X] list_vocabularies
[ ] list_vocabulary_filters
[ ] start_call_analytics_job
[X] start_medical_transcription_job
[X] start_transcription_job
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_call_analytics_category
[ ] update_medical_vocabulary
[ ] update_vocabulary
[ ] update_vocabulary_filter
2.6. Implemented Services 181
Moto Documentation, Release
2.6.91 wafv2
class moto.wafv2.models.WAFV2Backend(region_name=None)
Example usage
def test_wafv2_behaviour:
Implemented features for this service
[ ] associate_web_acl
[ ] check_capacity
[ ] create_ip_set
[ ] create_regex_pattern_set
[ ] create_rule_group
[X] create_web_acl
[ ] delete_firewall_manager_rule_groups
[ ] delete_ip_set
[ ] delete_logging_configuration
[ ] delete_permission_policy
[ ] delete_regex_pattern_set
[ ] delete_rule_group
[ ] delete_web_acl
[ ] describe_managed_rule_group
[ ] disassociate_web_acl
[ ] generate_mobile_sdk_release_url
[ ] get_ip_set
[ ] get_logging_configuration
[ ] get_managed_rule_set
[ ] get_mobile_sdk_release
[ ] get_permission_policy
[ ] get_rate_based_statement_managed_keys
[ ] get_regex_pattern_set
[ ] get_rule_group
[ ] get_sampled_requests
[ ] get_web_acl
[ ] get_web_acl_for_resource
182 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
[ ] list_available_managed_rule_group_versions
[ ] list_available_managed_rule_groups
[ ] list_ip_sets
[ ] list_logging_configurations
[ ] list_managed_rule_sets
[ ] list_mobile_sdk_releases
[ ] list_regex_pattern_sets
[ ] list_resources_for_web_acl
[ ] list_rule_groups
[ ] list_tags_for_resource
[X] list_web_acls
[ ] put_logging_configuration
[ ] put_managed_rule_set_versions
[ ] put_permission_policy
[ ] tag_resource
[ ] untag_resource
[ ] update_ip_set
[ ] update_managed_rule_set_version_expiry_date
[ ] update_regex_pattern_set
[ ] update_rule_group
[ ] update_web_acl
2.7 Contributing
Want to contribute to Moto? Yes please! The aim is to mock as many services and features as possible. With AWS
releasing new services almost daily, that is for sure a moving target! So any help is welcome.
Check our Installation guide on how to install Moto locally. The Architecture page can be useful or interesting if you
want to dive deeper in Moto’s guts, but feel free to skip this page if you’re not interested.
Want to add some new features, or improving the behaviour of existing ones? New Features is for you.
We also have a collection of Development Tips to give some guidance.
Finally, the FAQ page may have some questions to your burning answers that popped up while reading this saga.
2.7. Contributing 183
Moto Documentation, Release
2.8 Installation
This is a guide how to install Moto for contributors.
The following software is assumed to be present:
Python 3.x
It is recommended to work from some kind of virtual environment, i.e. virtualenv, to prevent cross-contamination with
other projects. From within such a virtualenv, run the following command to install all required dependencies:
make init
With all dependencies installed, run the following command to run all the tests and verify your environment is ready:
make test
Note that this may take awhile - there are many services, and each service will have a boatload of tests.
To verify all tests pass for a specific service, for example for s3, run these commands manually:
flake8 moto/s3
black --check moto/s3 tests/test_s3
pylint tests/test_s3
pytest -sv tests/test_s3
If black fails, you can run the following command to automatically format the offending files:
make format
If any of these steps fail, please see our FAQ or open an issue on Github.
2.9 Architecture
If you’re interested in the inner workings of Moto, or are trying to hunt down some tricky bug, the below sections will
help you learn more about how Moto works.
2.9.1 Decorator Architecture
When using decorators, Moto works by intercepting the HTTP request that is send out by boto3. This has multiple
boto3 keeps the responsibility of any initial parameter validation
boto3 keeps the responsibility of any post-processing of the response
Other SDK’s can also be used against Moto, as all SDK’s use the HTTP API to talk to AWS in the end.
Botocore utilizes an event-based architecture. Events such as creating-client-class and before-send are emitted for all
When the decorator starts, Moto registers a hook into the before-send-event that allows us to intercept the HTTP-request
that was about to be send. For every intercepted request, Moto figures out which service/feature is called based on the
HTTP request prepared by boto3, and calls our own stub instead.
184 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.9.2 Determining which service/feature is called
There are multiple ways for Moto to determine which request was called. For each request we need to know two things:
1. Which service is this request for?
2. Which feature is called?
When using one ore more decorators, Moto will load all urls from {service}/ Incoming requests are
matched against those to figure out which service the request has to go to. After that, we try to find right feature by
looking at:
1. The Action-parameter in the querystring or body, or
2. The x-amz-target-header, or
3. The full URI. Boto3 has a model for each service that maps the HTTP method and URI to a feature. Note that this
only works if the Responses-class has an attribute SERVICE_NAME, as Moto needs to know which boto3-client
has this model.
When using Moto in ServerMode, all incoming requests will be made to http://localhost, or wherever the MotoServer
is hosted, so we can no longer use the request URI to figure out which service to talk to. In order to still know which
service the request was intended for, Moto will check:
1. The authorization header first (HTTP_AUTHORIZATION)
2. The target header next (HTTP_X_AMZ_TARGET)
3. Or the path header (PATH_INFO)
4. If all else fails, we assume S3 as the default
Now that we have determined the service, we can rebuild the original host this request was send to. With the combination
of the restored host and path we can match against the url_bases and url_paths in {service}/ to determine which
Moto-method is responsible for handling the incoming request.
2.9.3 File Architecture
To keep a logical separation between services, each one is located into a separate folder. Each service follows the same
file structure.
The below table explains the purpose of each file:
File Responsibility Initializes the decorator to be used by developers List of the URLs that should be intercepted
Requests are redirected here first. Responsible for extracting parameters and determining the re-
sponse format Responsible for the data storage and logic required.
Not required - this would contain any custom exceptions, if your code throws any
2.9. Architecture 185
Moto Documentation, Release
2.10 New Features
Moto has a script that can automatically provide the scaffolding for a new service, and for adding new features to an
existing service. This script does all the heavy lifting of generating template code, by looking up the API specification
of a given boto3 method and adding the necessary code to mock it.
Please try it out by running:
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-east-2"
python scripts/
The script uses the click-module to assists with autocompletion.
Use Tab to auto-complete the first suggest service, or
Use the up and down-arrows on the keyboard to select something from the dropdown
Press enter to continue
An example interaction:
$ python scripts/
Select service: codedeploy
==Current Implementation Status==
[ ] add_tags_to_on_premises_instances
[ ] create_deployment
[ ] update_deployment_group
Select Operation: create_deployment
Initializing service codedeploy
creating moto/codedeploy
creating moto/codedeploy/
creating moto/codedeploy/
creating moto/codedeploy/
creating moto/codedeploy/
creating moto/codedeploy/
creating tests/test_codedeploy
creating tests/test_codedeploy/
creating tests/test_codedeploy/
inserting code moto/codedeploy/
inserting code moto/codedeploy/
Remaining steps after development is complete:
- Run scripts/,
- Run scripts/
Note: The implementation coverage script is used to automatically update the full list of supported services.
186 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
Warning: In order to speed up the performance of MotoServer, all AWS URLs that need intercepting are in-
dexed. When adding/replacing any URLs in {service}/, please run python scripts/
to update this index.
2.11 PR Checklist
Ready to open a new PR? Great. Please have a quick look at this checklist to make sure that you’re ready:
[ ] Feature is added
[ ] The linter is happy
[ ] Tests are added
[ ] All tests pass, existing and new
Cant quite get it working? Create the PR anyway! Seeing the code can help others figure out what’s wrong.
Halfway through and too busy to finish? Create the PR anyway! Others can use your work and build on it to finish the
Note: You can indicate a PR that’s not quite ready with the needs-help-label.
Are you not sure on what you want to implement, or want some advice on how to approach things? Feel free to open a
new issue on Github:
2.12 FAQ for Developers
2.12.1 When running the linter. . .
Why does black give different results?
Different versions of black produce different results. To ensure that our CI passes, please format the code using
2.12.2 When running a test. . .
Why does it take ages to run a single test?
There are a few reasons why this could happen. If the test uses Docker, it could take a while to:
Download the appropriate Docker image
Run the image
Wait for the logs to appear
2.11. PR Checklist 187
Moto Documentation, Release
Why are my tests failing in ServerMode?
Make sure that the correct url paths are present in
Make sure that you’ve run scripts/ afterwards, to let MotoServer know the urls
have changed.
2.12.3 What . . .
Does ServerMode refer to?
ServerMode refers to Moto running as a stand-alone server. This can be useful to:
Test non-Python SDK’s
Have a semi-permanent, local AWS-like server running that multiple applications can talk to
Types of tests are there?
There are three types of tests:
1. decorator tests
2. ServerMode tests
3. server tests (located in
The decorator tests refer to the normal unit tests that are run against an in-memory Moto instance.
The ServerMode tests refer to the same set of tests - but run against an external MotoServer instance. When running tests
in ServerMode, each boto3-client and boto3-resource are intercepted, and enriched with the endpoint_url="http:/
/localhost:5000" argument. This allows us to run the same test twice, and verify that Moto behaves the same when
using decorators, and in ServerMode.
The last ‘server’ tests are low-level tests that can be used to verify that Moto behaves exactly like the AWS HTTP API.
Each test will spin up the MotoServer in memory, and run HTTP requests directly against that server. This allows the
developer to test things like HTTP headers, the exact response/request format, etc.
Alternatives are there?
The best alternative would be LocalStack.
LocalStack is Moto’s bigger brother with more advanced features, such as EC2 VM’s that you can SSH into and
Dockerized RDS-installations that you can connect to.
2.12.4 Why am I getting errors. . .
That my new module could not be found when using the scaffold-script?
File "scripts/", line 499, in insert_codes
insert_code_to_class(responses_path, BaseResponse, func_in_responses)
File "scripts/", line 424, in insert_code_to_class
mod = importlib.import_module(mod_path)
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/importlib/", line 127, in import_module
(continues on next page)
188 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
(continued from previous page)
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'moto.kafka'
This will happen if you’ve ran pip install . prior to running scripts/
Instead, install Moto as an editable module instead:
pip uninstall moto
pip install -e .
Related to Docker when running tests?
AWSLambda and Batch services use Docker to execute the code provided to the system, which means that Docker
needs to be installed on your system in order for these tests to run.
Installing Moto using ZSH on MacOS?
When using pip install on ZSH, you might see the following: zsh: no matches found. This is because ZSH
requires the full module to be in quotes.
pip install "moto[ssm]"
2.13 Development Tips
Below you can find some tips that might help during development.
2.13.1 Naming Conventions
Lets say you want to implement the import_certificate feature for the ACM service.
Implementing the feature itself can be done by creating a method called import_certificate in moto/acm/
Its considered good practice to deal with input/output formatting and validation in, and create a method
import_certificate in moto/acm/ that handles the actual import logic.
When writing tests, you’ll want to add a new method called def test_import_certificate to
tests/test_acm/ Additional tests should also have names indicate of what’s happening, i.e. def
test_import_certificate_fails_without_name, def test_import_existing_certificate, etc.
Partial Implementations
If a service is only partially implemented, a warning can be used to inform the user:
import warnings
warnings.warn("The Filters-parameter is not yet implemented for client.method()")
2.13. Development Tips 189
Moto Documentation, Release
2.14 Intercepting URLs
2.14.1 Determining which URLs to intercept
In order for Moto to know which requests to intercept, Moto needs to know which URLs to intercept. But how do we
know which URL’s should be intercepted? There are a few ways of doing it:
For an existing service, copy/paste the url-path for an existing feature and cross your fingers and toes
Use the service model that is used by botocore:
Look for the requestUri-field in the services.json file.
Make a call to AWS itself, and intercept the request using a proxy. This gives you all information you could need,
including the URL, parameters, request and response format.
Intercepting AWS requests
Download and install a proxy such MITMProxy.
With the proxy running, the easiest way of proxying requests to AWS is probably via the CLI.
export HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:8080
export HTTPS_PROXY=http://localhost:8080
aws ses describe-rule-set --no-verify-ssl
from botocore.config import Config
proxy_config = Config(proxies={'http': 'localhost:8080', 'https': 'localhost:8080'})
boto3.client("ses", config=proxy_config, use_ssl=False, verify=False)
2.15 Writing tests
One test should only verify a single feature/method. I.e., one test for create_resource(), another for update_resource(),
2.15.1 Negative tests
When writing negative tests, try to use the following format:
with pytest.raises(botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as exc:
err = exc.value.response["Error"]
# These assertions use the 'sure' library, but any assertion style is accepted
This is the best way to ensure that exceptions are dealt with correctly by Moto.
190 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
2.15.2 ServerMode tests
Our CI runs all tests twice - one normal run, and one run in ServerMode. In ServerMode, Moto is started as a stand-
alone Flask server, and all tests are run against this Flask-instance.
To verify whether your tests pass in ServerMode, you can run the following commands:
TEST_SERVER_MODE=true pytest -sv tests/test_service/..
2.15.3 Parallel tests
To speed up our CI, the ServerMode tests for the awslambda, batch, ec2 and sqs services will run in parallel. This
means the following:
Make sure you use unique names for functions/queues/etc
Calls to describe_reservations()/list_queues()/etc might return resources from other tests
2.16 Utilities
2.16.1 Tagging Service
A dedicated TaggingService exists in moto.utilities, to help with storing/retrieving tags for resources.
Not all services use it yet, but contributors are encouraged to use the TaggingService for all new features.
2.16.2 Paginator
When requesting a list of resources, almost all AWS services use pagination to stagger the response. Moto provides a
utility class to automatically paginate a response, without having to manually write the logic.
There are three components that make this work:
1. The Responses-method will call the backend with a max_result/next_token parameter
2. The backend-method has a plain method that’s decorated with @paginate
3. A configuration model is supplied to the decorator that contains all the details.
See the below example how it works in practice:
class MyResponse(BaseResponse):
# The Response-class looks like any other - read the input parameters, and call the
˓backend to retrieve the resources
def list_resources():
max_results = 100
next_token = self._get_param("NextToken")
# Note that we're getting both the results and the next_token
# The decorator in the backend returns this tuple
paged_results, next_token = self.backend.list_resources(
max_results=max_results, next_token=next_token
(continues on next page)
2.16. Utilities 191
Moto Documentation, Release
(continued from previous page)
from moto.utilities.paginator import paginate
class MyBackend(BaseBackend):
# The model that contains the configuration required for the paginator
# key = name of the method in the backend
"list_resources": {
# name of the kwarg that contains the next token, which should be passed to
˓the backend
# backend.list_resources(next_token=..)
"input_token": "next_token",
# name of the kwarg that contains the max number of results, which should be
˓passed to the backend
"limit_key": "max_results",
# The default limit of the above parameter is not provided
"limit_default": 100,
# One or more attributes that guarantee uniqueness for a given resource.
# For most resources it will just be an ID, or ARN, which is always unique.
# An encoded version of these attributes is used as the NextToken.
"unique_attribute": "arn",
# Provide a list if only a combination of attributes is guaranteed to be
"unique_attribute": ["start_date", "execution_arn"],
# By default, an exception will be thrown if the user-provided next_token is
"fail_on_invalid_token": True # Default value - no need to specify this
# This can be customized to:
# - silently fail, and just return an empty list
"fail_on_invalid_token": False,
# - throw a custom exception, by providing an exception class
# The paginator will `raise CustomException()` or `raise
"fail_on_invalid_token": CustomException
# another method that will use different configuration options
"list_other_things": {
# The decorator with the pagination logic
# Note that this method does not have the 'next_token'/'max_results'-arguments
def list_resources(self):
# Note that we simply return all resources - the decorator takes care of all
˓pagination magic
(continues on next page)
192 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
Moto Documentation, Release
(continued from previous page)
return self.full_list_of_resources
# If we do need the 'next_token'/'max_results'-arguments, just add them to the function
# The decorator will only pass them along if required
def list_other_things(self, max_results=None):
if max_results == "42":
# Custom validation magic
return self.full_list_of_resources
2.16. Utilities 193
Moto Documentation, Release
194 Chapter 2. Additional Resources
APIGatewayBackend (class in moto.apigateway.models),
AppSyncBackend (class in moto.appsync.models), 26
BudgetsBackend (class in moto.budgets.models), 32
CloudTrailBackend (class in moto.cloudtrail.models),
DirectoryServiceBackend (class in moto.ds.models),
EC2Backend (class in moto.ec2.models), 60
EC2ContainerServiceBackend (class in
moto.ecs.models), 77
EFSBackend (class in moto.efs.models), 79
ElastiCacheBackend (class in
moto.elasticache.models), 82
ElasticsearchServiceBackend (class in, 91
EMRContainersBackend (class in
moto.emrcontainers.models), 90
FirehoseBackend (class in moto.firehose.models), 95
LambdaBackend (class in moto.awslambda.models), 121
MQBackend (class in, 131
Route53ResolverBackend (class in
moto.route53resolver.models), 148
S3Backend (class in moto.s3.models), 150
ServiceDiscoveryBackend (class in
moto.servicediscovery.models), 165
SNSBackend (class in moto.sns.models), 168
SSOAdminBackend (class in moto.ssoadmin.models), 174
TextractBackend (class in moto.textract.models), 179
WAFV2Backend (class in moto.wafv2.models), 182