eBook Series
BERNINA Embroidery Software
Artwork Canvas
Written by:
Debbi Lashbrook, BERNINA Educator, Software Specialist
A Tour of the ArtWork Canvas Icons
and Tools
of America, Inc.
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If the Hint Docker is not visi-
ble, go to Windows> Dockers
and make sure there is a
check mark by Hints.
CorelDRAW Essentials X6
CorelDRAW Essentials X6 is part of BERNINA Embroidery software and
gives users many tools for creating high quality vector illustrations, which
can be converted to embroidery. In addition, the program offers additional
opportunities for creating printed materials and for editing photos.
There are three components included with Corel: CorelDRAW Essentials
X6, Corel PHOTO-PAINT Essentials X6, and Corel CONNECT. This
EBook will focus on the first component of Corel.
When a tool is selected in CorelDRAW Essentials, hints will help you learn
how to use the selected tool. If you need additional information about the
selected tool, you can click on the help button in the upper-right corner of
the Hints docker and you will be taken to the appropriate page in the Help
In addition, you can use the back and forth buttons in the lower right corner
of the Hints docker box to scroll through more information.
There are also short videos that can help you learn CorelDRAW Essen-
Just click on the Video tab and click on the video you wish to view. You
may need to minimize the software to view the video. The videos were re-
corded for the full version of Corel, so the screen will look different than
what you see in CorelDRAW Essentials, but the written information will
give you good instructions on what to do.
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Title Bar: Located at the top of the screen, this bar displays the title of the current file.
Menu Bar: This area contains the pull-down menu options.
Canvas Toolbar: These icons are used to change to Embroidery Canvas or Hoop Canvas,
hide the embroidery, or convert a picture into stitches.
Toolbar: These icons perform general commands.
Property Bar: These icons relate to the active tool or object. This bar changes with each
tool selected.
Rulers: Horizontal and vertical rulers can be used to determine the position and size of the
objects in the drawing.
Toolbox: The two columns of tools are used for creating and modifying the objects on the
drawing page.
Drawing Page: The drawing page shows you the printable area of the design.
Document Palette: This area will show the colors that are used in the drawing.
Status Bar: Located at the bottom of the screen, the status bar will display information
about the properties of the design as well as the position coordinates.
Dockers: This window on the right side of the screen includes commands and settings rele-
vant to the specific tool. Dockers are displayed by going to Windows> Dockers and checking
the ones you wish to display. The inactive Dockers appear as tabs on the side of the win-
Navigator: The button at the lower right hand corner of the Drawing Page opens a smaller
display to help you move around the Drawing Page. To see the smaller display, click and
hold on the icon.
Color Palette: A dockable bar that contains color swatches. A right click on the color chip
affects the outline; while a left click affects the fill of a selected object. The current colors of
the fill and outline are shown in the status bar at the far right.
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Commands are accessible through the menu bar, toolbars, property bar, and dockers. The
property bar and dockers relate to the active tool. Not all the tools are active.
New: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Open: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Save: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Print: Prints what is displayed in the Drawing Page.
Cut: Cuts the selected objects to the Clipboard.
Copy: Copies the selected objects to the Clipboard.
Paste: Pastes the Clipboard contents to the drawing.
Undo: Used to undo an action.
Redo: Restores the action that was undone.
Corel Connect: Displays the Connect docker so that you can search for clipart, photos, fonts.
Import: Imports a drawing.
Export: Exports a drawing.
Welcome Screen: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Zoom Level: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Enable or disable automatic alignment: This tool is not active in Artwork Canvas.
Options: This opens the Options dialog box so that you can set options for Artwork Canvas.
Not all the options are available in CorelDRAW Essentials.
The toolbox contains tools for drawing and editing images. Some of the tools are always visi-
ble, while others are grouped together in flyouts. Flyouts open by clicking and holding your cur-
sor on the visible icon to show the set of related CorelDRAW tools. The flyout toolbars can be
moved from the toolbox by clicking and dragging on the title bar. Clicking on the X in the upper
right hand corner returns the flyout to its original position. Once another tool
is selected from the flyout menu, the default tool is replaced by the new tool
Select Artwork Object: This tool lets you select objects, which can then be sized, skewed,
and rotated.
Zoom Tool: You can zoom in or out of the drawing page by left clicking (zooms in ) or by right
clicking (zooms out). In addition, you can draw a bounding box around any area of the design
to zoom in. F4 is the short cut key to show all of the design.
Pan: Housed with the Zoom tool, the Pan tool allows you to move the design on the screen
without changing the level of the zoom or the position of the object.
Reshape Vector Object: This tool lets you edit the shape of objects by clicking and dragging
on a node or on the control handles (arrows that appear when a node is selected on objects
converted to curves).
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Freehand Draw: This tool is used to draw single line segments and
curves by clicking and dragging on the screen.
Artistic Media: This tool gives you access to the Brush, Sprayer, Calli-
graphic, and Pressure tools. These create special effects that sometimes
can be converted into embroidery.
Pen: This tool lets you draw lines one segment at a time. A straight line
can be drawn by clicking, releasing your mouse, and dragging to a new
area to click again. To draw a curved line, click and drag your mouse with-
out releasing it, click again. Press the space bar to end the line.
Smart Drawing: This tool converts your lines and shapes to smoother
lines and shapes.
Rectangle: This tool creates rectangles and squares. To draw a square,
hold the Ctrl key and click and drag. Release your mouse before you re-
lease the Ctrl key.
Ellipse: This tool draws ellipses and circles. To draw a circle, hold the Ctrl
key and click and drag. Release your mouse before you release the Ctrl
Polygon: The Polygon tool lets you draw polygons. You select the num-
ber of sides for your shape in the Property Bar.
Star: The star tool will draw stars.
Graph Paper: This tool will draw a grid of lines similar to those found on
graph paper. You can adjust the number of vertical and horizontal lines.
Spiral: The Spiral tool lets you draw symmetrical and logarithmic spirals.
Basic Vector Shapes: The Basic Shapes tool lets you choose from sev-
eral shapes, including a smiley face, a right triangle, and a heart.
Arrow Shapes: The Arrow shapes tool draws arrows of various shapes,
direction, and number of arrows.
Banner Shapes: The Banner tool draws ribbon objects and explosion
Callout Shapes: This tool can be used to draw callouts.
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Vector Lettering Tool: Words can be typed directly on the screen either
as artistic or paragraph text.
Crop Tool: The Crop tool lets you remove unwanted areas in objects by
drawing a bounding box around the area you wish to keep and double
Eraser Tool: The Eraser tool removes areas of your drawing by dragging
across the unwanted areas. You can adjust the size and the shape of the
eraser. To erase a straight line through an object, click to outside the ob-
ject, hold the Shift key down, and drag across the object, and click again.
Theses next tools are part of the Interactive Tool Flyout:
Blend Tool: The Blend tool lets you blend two objects. Both the shape
and the color can be blended and either a straight path or curved path can
be applied. To create a curved path, hold the Alt key as you draw from one
object to another.
Contour Tool: This tool will add layers of color to an object. An outside or
inside contour can be added. The number of layers and the offset (affects
the sizes of the layers) can also be adjusted.
Distort Tool: With this tool, a Push or Pull distortion, a Zipper distortion,
or a Twister distortion can be applied to an object.
Envelope Tool: This tool lets you shape an object by dragging the nodes
of the envelope. It is similar to the Morphing tool in the Embroidery Can-
Extrude Tool: This tool lets you apply the illusion of depth to objects.
Interactive Fill: This tool lets you apply various types of fills to an object.
You can quickly access the dialog boxes for the various fill types by click-
ing on the Fill icon (paint bucket), the last icon in the first column of tools.
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Drop Shadow: This tool applies a shadow to an object. This is an effect
that cannot be converted to embroidery.
Transparency: This tool applies transparencies to objects. It is another
effect that cannot be converted to embroidery.
Color Eyedropper: The Color Eyedropper tool lets you select and copy a
color from an object in the drawing window.
Paint Bucket: The Paint Bucket applies the selected color to an object.
These tools are part of the Outline Flyout:
Outline Pen: This tool opens a flyout that gives you quick access to the
Outline Color, size of the outline, and the Color Docker Window icons.
Outline Color: This icon opens the Outline Color dialog box. You can
choose a new color from this dialog box.
Outline Properties: This series of icons let you change the thickness of
the outline.
Color Docker Window: This icon is in both the Outline and the Fill Flyout.
It opens the Color Docker window so that you can choose a new color for
the outline or the fill by clicking on the appropriate button.
These tools are part of the Fill Flyout:
Uniform Fill: This icon opens the Uniform Fill dialog box. You can change
the color of the fill in this dialog box to one color. Only the Uniform Fill con-
verts to embroidery.
Fountain Fill: This icon opens the Fountain Fill dialog box and is used to
impart two-color fills. The type of Fountain Fill can be chosen from Linear,
Radial, Conical, or Square.
Pattern Fill: This icon opens the Pattern Fill dialog box and you can
choose among several built-in patterns. In addition, you can create your
own pattern. While these patterns do not convert to embroidery, they can
be used for printing and also as backgrounds for digitizing.
Texture Fill: This tool opens the Texture Fill dialog box and you can
choose among several textures. In addition, different colors can be applied
to the various textures.
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Some of the Property Bars
have been divided in half so
the icons will be larger.
The second column of tools in the Toolbox contains icons that access dif-
ferent functions of Artwork Canvas.
Load Artwork: This icon is used to import either bitmap or vector artwork
into Artwork Canvas.
Scan Bitmap: This icon lets you scan directly into BERNINA Embroidery
Software from a TWAIN-compatible scanner.
Touch Up Bitmap: This icon loads a bitmap image into Corel PHOTO-
PAINT. The bitmap can be then be edited.
Save Artwork: This icon will open a dialog box so that an adjusted or cre-
ated image can be saved.
The Property Bar is interactive; in other words, it changes with each new
icon selected. Let’s look next at the Property bars for each of the tools in
the Toolbox to learn about what each icon has available.
Select Artwork Object Property Bar
When this tool is selected, but nothing is selected on the drawing page,
the Property Bar Shows These icons:
Paper Type: This is deactivated in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Paper Size: You can change the width and the height of the paper to
know if the design will fit within a certain size. If you wish to hide the page
border, go to View> Show and uncheck Page Border.
Paper Orientation: You can choose between portrait and landscape ori-
entation for your paper size.
Page Layout: The first icon applies the page size to all pages; the sec-
ond icon applies the page size to only the current page.
Units of Measurements: You can choose among many measurement
Nudge Offset: This sets the amount a design will move when using the
arrow keys.
Duplicate Offset: When you duplicate an object (not copy/paste), you can
specify the distance between the original and the duplicate for the X and Y
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If you wish to change the size
of the object, if Lock Ratio is
unlocked, you can change ei-
ther the Width or the Height
independently of the other. If
Lock Ratio is locked, changing
the width will change the
height proportionally or vice
The Bitmap is listed as a jpg in
this example; the Vector is the
group of 163 Objects. To de-
lete the Bitmap, click on it and
press Delete.
In Resampling, you can
change the image size or
resolution or both. If you make
an image larger without
changing the resolution, the
image may lose detail be-
cause the number of pixels
cover a larger area. By Re-
sampling, you may add pixels
to preserve the detail. Resiz-
ing an image will maintain the
same number of pixels in the
new area. Upsampling adds
pixels. Downsampling de-
creases the resolution of a
Wrap Text:
If an object or bitmap image is selected:
This first group of icons will be displayed when objects or bitmaps
are selected.
Object Position on X; Y Axis: Shows the position of the object.
Object Size: Shows the object size in the selected unit of measurement.
Scale Factor of Object: You can resize an object specifying a percent-
Lock Ratio: If locked, both dimensions are changed proportionally by ei-
ther a specified size or by percentage.
Angle: You can rotate a selected object by a certain degree.
Mirror Horizontally: Mirrors an object left/right.
Mirror Vertically: Mirrors an object up/down.
This group of icons appear when a bitmap is selected:
Edit Bitmap: Opens the bitmap in Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
Quick Trace: Creates a vector image from the bitmap image. The bitmap
has to be deleted to get rid of it entirely. Use Object Manager Docker to
delete the bitmap. To open Object Manager, go to Windows> Dockers and
make sure a check mark is placed by Object Manager.
Crop Bitmap: Inactive icon, but the Crop icon in Toolbox can be used.
Resample Bitmap: Opens a dialog box where an image size and resolu-
tion can be changed.
Wrap Text: Choose a style for wrapping paragraph text around an image.
Select the bitmap, click on the icon to choose your style for wrapping, se-
lect the Vector Lettering icon and click and drag around the bitmap. Text
boxes will appear of the wrapping style you chose.
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If one object is selected:
The icons that appear depend on what tool was used to create the object.
If more than one object is selected:
Additional icons appear when more than one object is selected on screen.
Combine: This combines objects into a single object with common prop-
erties. A combined object can be broken apart. The combination takes on
the properties of the last selected object.
Group: Group preserves the attributes of the objects, but treats the
grouped objects as a unit.
These icons become activated when a grouped object is selected.
Ungroup All: If two grouped objects are grouped with another
object, Ungroup All will make each of the objects individual ob-
Weld: Weld combines the two shapes and the last one selected will be the
one that dictates the properties of the other.
Trim: With Trim, one object cuts the other object. The last one selected
will be the object that is trimmed.
Intersect: Intersect forms a new object from the overlapping of multiple
objects. The new object takes on the properties of the last selected object.
Simplify: Simplify trims overlapping areas among objects.
Front Minus Back: Removes the back object
from the front.
Back Minus Front: Removes the front object
from the back.
These both differ from Trim because with Trim,
you still have both objects; one will be trimmed,
but the other remains.
Align & Distribute: Opens the Align & Distribute Docker. You can align
and space horizontally, vertically, to the left, center, or right.
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See page 8 for a description of
these icons.
Zoom Property Bar
These are the icons displayed when Zoom is the selected tool.
Zoom Level: You can specify your level of zoom by selecting one of the
selections from the drop-down menu or by highlighting the amount and en-
tering a new amount. Pressing Enter activates the change.
Zoom In: Click this icon to zoom into the page.
Zoom Out: Click this icon to zoom out from the page.
Zoom to Selected: This icon is only highlighted when an object is se-
Zoom to All Objects: This icon lets you see all objects on the drawing
Zoom to Page/Page Width/Page Height: These icons are nonfunctional.
Pan: When pan is selected, the icons in the Property Bar are the zoom
Shapes Tools Property Bar
This Property Bar is displayed if the tool is selected or if the object drawn
with that tool is selected. The first part of the bar is the same as when a
picture is selected and appears for all the shape tools except Graph and
Spiral Tools.
The middle part of the bar changes with the type of object that is selected
or which type of shape tool is selected.
Rectangle Property Bar
Round Corner: By selecting this; then using the up arrows next to the ap-
propriate corner, you can round the corners of a square or rectangle.
Scallop Corner: This icon changes the corner to a scallop.
Chamfered Corner: This icon changes the corner to a flat edge.
Edit Corners Together: When locked, all corners will be changed. When
unlocked, each corner can be changed independently of the others.
Relative Corner Scaling: Scale the corners relative to the size of the rec-
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Ellipse Property Bar
Ellipse: When this shape is activated with the Ellipse tool, an oval or circle
will be drawn. It is the default shape for the Ellipse tool.
Pie: When this shape is activated with the Ellipse tool, a pie shape will be
drawn. If an oval or circle or arc is selected; then this icon is activated, the
shape will change to a pie shape.
Arc: When this shape is activated with the Ellipse tool, an arc shape will
be drawn. If an oval or circle or pie shape is selected; then this icon is acti-
vated, the shape will change to an arc shape.
Starting & Ending Angles: These values can be manipulated to get dif-
ferent shapes for arcs and pie shapes.
Change Direction: This creates the missing piece (the opposite from the
original) of the pie or arc shape.
Polygon Property Bar
You can specify the number of points or sides of the polygon. You can
specify the number either before or after you draw the shape.
Stars Property Bar
Points or Sides: Sets the number of points or sides of the star.
Sharpness: Adjusts the corner sharpness of the star.
The later part of the bar is the same for each of the above shape tools.
Wrap Text: Described earlier.
Outline Width: Adjusts the width of the outline around an object.
Hairline, .5, .75, and 1 pt will convert to a single outline
in embroidery. Other widths will convert to a satin fill.
Front of Layer: Sends the selected object of a stack of
objects to the front of the stack.
Back of Layer: Sends the selected object of a stack of
objects to the back of the layer.
Convert to Curves: Changes the drawn shape to an
object that has control handles and nodes. You can manipulate the nodes
and control handles to change the object’s shape.
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Graph Paper Property Bar
Columns & Rows: Specify the number of rows and columns in your
graph. Values must be specified before drawing the graph. This will con-
vert to embroidery.
Spiral Property Bar
Spiral Revolutions: Set the number of full circle revolutions in the spiral.
Symmetric Spiral: Spiral has even revolutions.
Logarithmic Spiral: Spiral has tighter revolutions in the center.
Spiral Expansion Factor: Changes the rate that the spiral changes as it
is drawn. A higher number places the revolutions further apart. This is only
active for Logarithmic spirals.
Perfect Shapes Property Bar
The first part of the Property Bar is the same as when a picture or object
shape is selected.
The last part of the Property Bar is the
same as when an object shape is selected.
The only part that is different is the middle section. The middle section will
change based on which vector shape is selected, but the tool shown will
function the sameit allows you to select the type of shape.
Perfect Shape: Click on this icon to select from an assort-
ment of shapes to draw. Just drag your cursor to select the
desired shape. Click on the screen once to activate; then
click and drag to draw.
Line Style: Choose from various built-in types of lines.
When you click on More, you can edit a selected line.
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For icons that have been de-
scribed earlier, there is no de-
scription of what the icon
does, but they are listed by
name for identifying the icon.
Curve Flyouts Property Bar
For the Freehand Draw Tool and the Pen Tool, the first part of the Property
Bar is the same as for Shapes Tools.
Freehand Draw Tool:
Break Apart: This icon is not active unless two objects have been com-
bined; then selected.
Start Arrowhead: You can add an arrowhead to the beginning of a
drawn line or preselect it; then draw the line. Use the scroll bar to find
even more shapes.
Line Style
End Arrowhead: This will add an arrowhead to the end of a line.
Close Curve: Join the ends of the nodes so that a line creates an en-
closed shape.
Wrap Text
Outline Width
Freehand Smoothing: Adjusts the smoothness of the Freehand Draw
tool. A higher number creates fewer nodes as you draw a line.
Bounding Box: When activated, the black selection boxes are hidden
when you draw with the Freehand tool.
Pen Tool Property Bar
The Pen Tool shares the same Arrowhead and Line Style Lines, as well as
Close Curve, Outline Width, Wrap Text, and Bounding Box.
The two new icons specific to the Pen Tool are:
Preview Mode: Preview Mode lets you see the line segment as you are
drawing it. When it is off, the line is drawn without a preview.
Auto Add/Delete: After the line is drawn, you can use this icon to add or
delete nodes. If the icon is highlighted, point to an existing node and click
and it will be deleted or click on the line to add a node.
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Artistic Media
The Property Bar changes depending on the type of Artistic Media you
have selected. There are five types of Artistic Media.
Preset: You can draw a curve choosing among various presets.
Brush: Draw a curve that resembles a paint brush stroke.
Spray: Draw by spraying a set of preset images.
Calligraphy: Draw a curve by that resembles a calligraphy pen stroke.
Pressure: Mimic the effect of drawing with a pressure sensitive pen.
Preset Property Bar
Freehand Smoothing
Artistic Media Tool Width: This icon adjusts the
stroke width.
Preset Stroke List: Choose from many different
types of preset strokes.
Scale Stroke With Object: Activate this when
rescaling an object so that the width of the line
will change proportionally.
Bounding Box
Brush Property Bar
Freehand Smoothing
Stroke Width: Adjusts the width of the object.
Category: Choose a category; then choose from an assortment
of brush types. Have fun creating! These do convert to embroi-
dery, but some editing may be necessary.
Brush Stroke: Choose the type of brush stroke from a drop-
down menu. All sorts of fun objects are included that convert to
Browse: Used to browse to your custom strokes.
Save: Used to save custom strokes.
Delete: Used to delete custom strokes.
Scale Stroke With Object
Bounding Box
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Spray Property Bar
The Spray Property Bar is shown in two parts.
Size of Object to be Sprayed:
The upper box resizes objects uniformly as percentage of
their original size. The lower box resizes each object as a
percentage of the preceding object.
Incremental Spraying: Must be in the locked position to
change the size of the lower box.
Category: Choose a category; then choose among the op-
tions in the spray list. These do convert to embroidery, but will usually need
some editing.
Spray Pattern: Choose from the drop-down menu.
Save: Sprays can be created and saved; then deleted.
Spray Order: Sprays can be arranged randomly, sequentially, or by direc-
Add to Spray List: After a new object is created, if selected, it can be
added to a spray list.
Spray List Options: After a spray is created, it can be edited by clicking
on this icon. You can add, remove, or rearrange. A dialog box opens up to
assist you in editing.
Images per Dab & Image Options: The upper box sets the number of
images per dab. The lower box adjusts the distance between dabs along
the length of each stroke.
Rotation: You can rotate the objects within the Spray.
Offset: You can offset the objects within the Spray and select different
types of patterns; alternating, left, right, and random.
Scale Stroke with Object
Reset Values: This resets a spray list to its saved settings.
Bounding Box
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Artistic text is created by se-
lecting the Vector Lettering
tool and clicking on the draw-
ing page and typing.
Paragraph text is created by
selecting the Vector Lettering
tool and drawing a bounding
box; then typing.
Calligraphy Property Bar
Freehand Smoothing
Stroke Width
Calligraphic Angle: Changing the angle of the line will change the shape
of the line much like when you draw with a Calligraphy pen.
Scale Stroke With Object
Bounding Box
Pressure Property Bar
Freehand Smoothing
Stroke Width
Scale Stroke With Object
Bounding Box
Smart Drawing Tool Property Bar
Shape Recognition Level: There are six levels that can be set to detect
the shape you draw with the tool.
Smart Smoothing Level: There are six levels of smoothing that can be
set before you draw the shape.
Outline Width: You can preselect or change the width of the outline.
Vector Lettering Property Bar
The first part of the Property Bar is the same as for the Shapes Tools.
Font: Choose from all your True Type and Open Type installed fonts on
your computer.
Size: Size of the lettering, measured in points. 72 points equals 1”.
Bold/ Italics/ Underline: Underlining does not convert to embroidery
unless the lettering is first converted to curves.
Horizontal Alignment: Chose from None, Left, Center, Right, Full Justify,
or Force Justify.
Bulleted List: This only works with Paragraph Text
Drop Cap: A large capital letter is added at the beginning of paragraph
Text Properties: Opens the Text Properties docker window.
Edit Text: Opens a Text Editor dialog box to edit the text.
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Reshape Property Bar
When a circular or rectangular shape is selected for reshape, the Property
Bar shows the same icons that are displayed when that shape is selected.
When a curve is selected, which can be a shape that has been converted
to curves or a shape drawn with the spiral tool or curve tools, a different set
of icons appear. These icons allow you to adjust the shape or the line in
many ways.
Selection Mode: You can choose between Rectangular Selection Mode
and Freehand Selection Mode (like a lasso).
Add Node: You can add a node (reshape point) by right clicking on the
selected object after Reshape is selected and select Add. A node can also
be added by clicking on the line where you wish to add the node and then
click on the Add Node icon. Double clicking on the line in Reshape Mode
will also add a node.
Delete Node: If you wish to delete a node, select the node and click on
the Delete Node icon or right click on the node and select Delete or select
the node and press Delete.
Join Two Nodes: This icon will join a line by selecting the two end nodes
while holding the Shift key; then clicking on the icon.
Break Curve: This icon is used to break a closed object into an open ob-
ject at the selected node. Select the node, then click on the icon. You can
then move the nodes to separate the object.
Convert to Line: Converts a curved segment to a straight line.
Convert to Curve: To convert a line to curve, select the node and click on
this icon. A control handle appears at the node and you can click and drag
on the control handle to change the shape of the line.
Cusp: Creates a sharp angle at the node. Each control
handle can be moved independently of the other. Think left
click in digitizing.
Smooth: These nodes form a curve. The control
handles are opposite one another, but can be dif-
ferent distances from the node.
Symmetrical: These nodes also form a curve,
but the control handles are equally distance from
the node and give you a symmetrical curve.
To change the type of node, select it and select the
new type of node.
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Reshape Property Bar Continued
Reverse Direction: Reverse Direction will change the start and end
points of a line.
Extend Curve to Close: Joins the end nodes of a curve with a straight
Extract Sub-path: Extract a selected sub-path from an object, thus creat-
ing two objects. This is not active in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Close Curve: Close Curve joins the end nodes of a curve.
Stretch & Scale Nodes: This icon will add selection boxes around a se-
lected node rather than around an entire object. The node can be stretched
either vertically or horizontally or scaled proportionately.
Rotate or Skew Nodes: This icon lets you rotate or skew a single node,
rather than an object. The corner arrows rotate; the horizontal arrows
Align Nodes: By selecting two or more nodes with the Shift key and click-
ing on this icon, you can align nodes horizontally, vertically, or align control
points. A dialog box opens and you make your selection from the dialog
Reflect Nodes Horizontally: This icon lets you select two nodes and mir-
ror their positions as you move them. This reflection can be both horizontal
and vertical if you have both icons active.
Reflect Nodes Vertically
Elastic Mode: This icon shapes a curve as though stretching an elastic
Select All Nodes: Selects all nodes in an object.
Reduce Nodes: This icon increases the smoothness of a curve by delet-
ing nodes within the selection. In Reshape, drag a bounding box around
the nodes; then click on the bar by the 0. This opens a slider bar. Click and
drag the slider bar to reduce the nodes.
Bounding Box
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Crop Tool Property Bar
The Crop tool property bar has only one unique displaythat is Clear Crop
You can change the position or size of the crop and rotate the crop.
If you start to crop an object by clicking and dragging a bounding box
around that object, Clear Crop Marquee will escape from the crop.
Eraser Tool Property Bar
Keep as One Object: This is not active in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Auto-Close On Cut: This is not active in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Eraser Thickness: Changes the size of the Eraser Tool.
Reduce Nodes: The number of nodes produced by erasing is kept to a
minimum when this icon is activated.
Eraser Shape: A round or square eraser can be chosen.
By clicking on an object after the Eraser Tool is selected; then moving to a
new location through the object and clicking again, a straight eraser line
will be drawn. Holding the Ctrl key down as you drag will constrain the line
to a certain angle.
Interactive Tool Property Bars
Blending Property Bar
Presets: Choose from a drop-down selection of blend presets.
X/Y Position and Dimension of Blend
Number of Blend Steps: The number of steps between each object. Use
the up/down arrows or highlight the number, enter and new number and
press Enter.
Offset of Blend: This cannot be changed in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Blend Direction: Set the angle that the blend will rotate between the two
objects. Creates a spiral effect.
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Blend Property Bar Continued
Loop Blend: This icon activates if you have changed the blend direction.
The nodes of the two blended objects form a curved path. The larger the
angle, the greater the curve of the path.
The next three icons change the type of blend, which will change the color
appearance of the blend.
Direct Blend: Sets a direct color progression for the blend. The loop
blend shown is a Direct Blend.
Clockwise Blend: Sets the color progression clockwise through the color
Counterclockwise Blend: Sets the color progression counterclockwise
through the color spectrum.
Object & Color Acceleration: Adjusts the rate
at which objects & colors appear in the blend.
The control starts in the middle and the two can
be locked to adjust together or unlocked to be
adjusted separately.
Size Acceleration: Adjusts the rate that the size in the blend changes.
When the icon is activated, an arrow appears on the blend that can be
clicked and dragged from one end to another of the blend.
More Blend Options:
Map Nodes: Select the blend; then click on
More Blend Options and select Map Nodes.
Click on one of the nodes of the start object and
one of the nodes of the end object to change
the shape of the blend.
Split Blend: Select the blend; then click on
More Blend Options and select Split Nodes.
Click on the intermediate object where you
want the blend to split. When that intermediate
object is moved, the blend changes shape.
Starting & Ending Objects: This icon will let you change the start or the
end of a blend by clicking on an object outside the blend that you want to
use as a new start or end.
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If you receive an error mes-
sage that the Offset is too
large, you can adjust the size
of the offset or the type of con-
Blend Property Bar Continued
Path Properties: This allows you to move the blend to a new path. To
change to a new path, draw a new path with the Freehand Draw Tool; then
select the blend, select New Path, and click on the new path.
Copy Blend Properties: When two blends have been created, the Copy
Blend Properties becomes highlighted. Select the blend you wish to
change; click on the icon; then click the on the blend you want to copy.
This does not affect the colors or shapes in the blend, only the number of
steps in a blend.
Clear Blend: Removes the blend from the two objects.
Contour Property Bar
Presets: You can choose between two preset options
for the contourflow inward and flow outward.
Object Position/ Size: These icons change the position or size of
the contour object.
Contour to Center: This icon applies a contour that fills the object.
Contour to Inside: This icon applies a contour to the inside of an object.
Contour to Outside: This icon applies a contour to the outside of an ob-
Contour Steps: This icon adjusts the number of steps in the contour.
Contour Offset: This icon adjusts the spacing between the contours of
the object.
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Contour Property Bar Continued
Contour Corners: Not functional in CorelDRAW
Essentials X6.
Contour Colors: Sets a color progression through
the color spectrumlinear, clockwise, or counter-
Outline Color: Choose the outline color for the contour.
Fill Color: Choose the fill color for the contour.
Last Fill Color: Is highlighted and active with Fountain Fills.
Object & Color Acceleration: Adjusts the rate that the size and color
change within the contour. They can be adjusted together or independ-
Copy Contour Properties: When there are two contours created, select
the contour object you wish to change; click on the icon; then click on the
contour you wish to copy.
Clear Contour: Removes the contour from the object.
Distort Property Bar
Preset Selection: You can choose among five types of preset distor-
tionspull corners, push corners, twister, stamp, and zipper. Each selec-
tion will change the property bar icons slightly.
You can manually distort an object by choosing one of next three icons.
Just select the object, select the icon, and click on the object, drag, and
release. There is a reshape bar that appears on the object so that you can
make additional adjustments.
Push-Pull Distortion:
Zipper Distortion:
Twister Distortion:
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Distort Property Bar Continued
Push Pull
The above Property Bars are displayed with each of the selected Distort
Tools. First, let’s look at the common icons.
Add New Distortion: This icon is only highlighted when an object has a
distortion applied to it. You can click and drag on control points to add addi-
tional effects.
Center Distortion: This distorts the object from its center.
Convert to Curves: This converts the object to a curve so that
the nodes can be reshaped.
Copy Distortion: When two distortions are present, you can
copy the properties of the distortion from one to the other.
Clear Distortion: This icon clears the distortion from the object.
Additional Icons For Push Pull:
Push Pull Amplitude: Adjusts the inflation or deflation of the object. This
can be adjusted numerically or with the control handles.
Additional Icons for Zipper
Zipper Amplitude: Adjusts the height of the teeth in the sawtooth effect.
Zipper Frequency: Adjust the number of teeth in the sawtooth effect.
Random Distortion: Makes the effects in the distortion random.
Smooth Distortion: Smoothes the nodes in the distortion.
Localize Distortion: Reduces the effects as the distortion progresses.
Additional Icons for Twister
These first directional icons apply the direction of rotation:
Clockwise Rotation
Counterclockwise Rotation
Complete Rotations: Sets the number of complete rota-
tions for a distortion.
Additional Degrees: Set the number of degrees beyond a
complete rotation.
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Envelope Property Bar
Envelopes will let you shape objects and text to a particular shape. You
can also edit these shapes. The first icons in the property bar should look
familiar to some of the Reshape icons.
Presets: Like other Interactive Tools, you can choose among a list of
Selection Mode
Add Node
Delete Node
Convert Curve to Line
Convert Line to Curve
Cusp Node
Smooth Node
Symmetrical Node
Convert to Curves
The rest of the Envelope Property Bar looks like this:
Straight Line Mode: Applies an envelope of straight lines.
Single Arc Mode: Apply an envelope to produce an arc shape.
Double Arc Mode: Apply an envelope to produce an S shape
Unconstrained Mode: Apply a free-form shape that allows
changes to node properties.
Add New Envelope: Apply a new envelope to an object that al-
ready has an envelope.
Mapping Mode: Choose how the object fits within the
envelope. There are four choices of modes.
Keep Lines: Preserves straight lines when applying an envelope.
Copy Envelope Properties: When two envelopes are present, you
can copy the envelope properties from one envelope to the other.
Create Envelope From: Create an envelope based on the shape of an-
other one.
Clear Envelope: Clear the envelope from the object.
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Extrude Property Bar
Extrusions make objects appear three-dimensional. Most
of these effects are for printing and not for embroidery.
Extrude Presets: There are six extrude presets.
Extruded Object Position: Shows the position of the ex-
truded object.
Extrusion Type: Choose among six extru-
sion types to apply to an object.
Extrusion Depth: Adjusts the depth of the
extrusion for the object.
Vanishing Point Coordinates: You can set the X & Y coordinates for the
vanishing point that creates the perspective.
Vanishing Point Properties: Select different ways to set the vanishing
Page or Object Vanishing Point: Locks the location of the vanishing
point to a page or object.
Extrude Rotation: Lets you visually rotate the extruded object to change
the vanishing point.
Extrusion Color: Lets you apply a uniform color to the entire object or a
contrast solid color to the extrusion or a shaded color to the extrusion.
Extrusion Bevels: Adds sloped bevels to the extrusion.
Extrusion Lighting: You can change the position of lighting effects.
Copy Properties of Extrusion: With two extruded objects, you can copy
the properties of one to another.
Clear Extrusion: Clears the extrusion from the object.
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Interactive Fill Property Bar
When you select the Interactive Fill, the Property Bar will change to one of
those shown below depending on the type of fill you select from the Fill
Type. These fills, other than uniform fills, are for printing and will not trans-
late to embroidery.
Uniform Fill Property Bar
Uniform fills are solid colors that you can choose from the color chips or
create from the Fill dialog box which opens when you click on the icon
shown to the left.
Edit Fill icon: Opens the dialog box to edit the fill.
Fill Type (first bar): Lets you choose from various types of fills.
Uniform Fill Type (second bar): Choose a color model for the fill. Choos-
ing a type from the drop-down choices will change the icons that are visible.
Uniform Fill Palette (third bar): Choose a color palette for the fill.
Uniform Fill Color Palette: Choose a color from the drop down choices.
Color Tint: Adjust the intensity of the color with a slider or by a percent-
Copy Fill Properties: When two fill types are used, you can copy the fill
properties of one filled object to another.
Fountain Fill Property Bar
The Fountain Fill is a smooth progression of two or more colors. These
types of fills are also known as gradient fills. There are four types of Foun-
tain fills: linear, radial, conical, and square.
Linear Fills Property Bar
Edit Fill icon
Fill Type
Color Boxes: Choose two colors to use for the Fountain Fill.
Fill Midpoint: Adjusts where the color will split.
Angle & Edge Pad: Sets the direction and the distance from the edge for
a Fountain Fill. You can change the angle mathematically in the Property
Bar or visually by clicking and dragging on the boxes at either end of the
The Edge Pad changes the amount of fading of the colors. A higher per-
centage makes the colors more definitive.
Fountain Steps: Adjusts the number of steps in the Fountain Fill. To
change this amount, you must first activate the Lock icon.
Copy Fill Properties
To add a third color to the Fountain Fill, click and drag on a color chip to the
slotted bar on the dotted line.
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Radial Fills Property Bar
Radial Fills radiate color from the center out. The icons are the same as for
Linear Fills.
Conical Fills Property Bar
Conical Fills create the illusion of light hitting a conical shape. The icons
are the same as for Linear and Radial Fills
Square Fills Property Bar
In a Square Fill, the color radiates in a square from the center out. The
icons are the same as for Linear, Radial, and Conical Fills.
Pattern Fills Property Bar
There are three types of Pattern Fillstwo-color, full-color, and bitmap pat-
tern fills.
A Two-Color Pattern Fill is composed of the two colors you choose.
A Full-Color Pattern is a more complex vector graphic fill.
A Bitmap Pattern Fill is composed of a bitmap.
There are preset pattern fills, but you can also create your own from ob-
jects that you draw or import.
Edit Fill
Fill Type
Pattern Selection: Click on this to choose among preset patterns.
Front Color/Back Color: Choose the colors for your pattern.
Size of Tilesm, med, lg: Choose the size of the pattern.
Editing: Adjust the height and width of the tiles.
Transform with Object: You can skew the orientation of the pattern or
edit the size by making changes to the object shape that appears when the
object is selected.
Mirror Fill Tiles: Alternating tiles will be mirrors of each other.
Create Pattern: Use this icon to create your own pattern.
Copy Properties
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Drop shadows simulate light
falling on an object.
Texture Fills Property Bar
There are preset textures and each texture can be changedthe tile size,
resolution, offset, rotation, and center point can all be adjusted in the Tex-
ture Dialog Box.
Edit Fill
Fill Type
Texture Library: Choose from different samples of textures.
First Fill or Pattern: Chose the first color or the pattern of the fill.
Transform with Object
Mirror Fill Tiles
Regenerate Texture: Applies the new look to the texture.
Texture Options: Modify texture fill properties, such as resolution and
maximum tile width. When this icon is selected, a dialog box opens so that
adjustments can be made.
Copy Properties
Shadow Tool Property Bars
Presets: Choose from the Preset options shown at the right.
Drop Shadow Offset: This sets the distance between the object and the
drop shadow.
Drop Shadow Angle: Not functional in CorelDRAW Essentials X6.
Drop Shadow Opacity: Adjust the transparency of the drop shadow.
Shadow Feathering: Sharpen or soften the edges of the shadow.
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The Presets will automatically adjust the angle of the shadow, but you can
change the angle if you wish by dragging the arrow when the object is se-
For Opacity, the lower the number, the lighter the shadow.
For Feathering, the higher the number the more disperse the
The remainder of the Property Bar has these icons:
Drop Shadow Feathering Direction: This icon will open a list of
Feather Edge: This icon opens a list of choices.
Shadow Fade: Not functional in CorelDraw Essentials X6.
Shadow Stretch: Not functional in CorelDraw Essentials X6.
Transparency Operation: This affects how the color of the drop
Shadow blends with the object. Choose among several types.
Shadow Color: Choose the color of the shadow.
Copy Shadow Properties
Clear Shadow Properties
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Transparency Property Bar
When you apply transparencies to an object, objects beneath it become
Edit Transparency: This icon opens a property bar so that you can edit
the transparency.
Transparency Type: Choose the type of fill from the drop-down list.
Transparency Operation: Choose how the color of the transparency
blends with the underlying object.
Starting Transparency: Set the opacity of the starting color.
Transparency Target: Apply the transparency to the fill, the outline, or
Freeze Transparency: Freezes the view of the object through the trans-
parency so that the view does not change when the object is moved.
Copy Transparency: When two transparencies are applied, you can copy
the properties from one to another.
Remove Transparency: Remove the transparency from the object.
The Property Bar will change slightly for the different types of fills selected.
Eyedropper/Bucket Property Bar
Select Color: Select a color from the document window.
Apply Color: Apply the selected color to an object.
Sample from Desktop: Sample a color from outside the software.
1 x 1: Sample the color of a single pixel.
2 x 2: Sample the average color value in a 2 x 2 area.
5 x 5: Sample the average color value in a 5 x 5 area.
Selected Color: Shows the selected color.
Add to Palette: Choose the color palette for the selected color.
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Dockers are found on the right side of the design screen. At the right, you
will see a list of all the dockers that can be opened in CorelDRAW Essen-
tials X6.
Dockers provide quick access to editing functions that are available
through icons or dialog boxes that open in the software.
To make the docker visible, go to Window> Dockers and place a
check mark by those that you wish to have available. Only one
docker will show at a time. The rest will show as tabs along the
side of the Docker Window.
This concludes the tour of Artwork Canvas. This is only a beginning guide
to understanding this powerful part of our BERNINA Embroidery Software.
It is necessary to first understand the tools available along with a brief idea
of what the different tools do. Don’t be afraid to jump in and play and dis-
cover what else can be created!