U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
NUMBER 3300.03
May 8, 2017
Approved: Thomas R. Kane
Acting Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons
This Program Statement covers a broad range of areas related to employment with the Federal
Bureau of Prisons.
a. Summary of Changes.
Policy Rescinded
P3300.02 Employment (3/25/16)
Added Chapter 4, Details for Training, and new associated forms.
Section 5, Examining of Chaplains, changed the assessment method from category rating to a
numerical rating procedure and added concurrence of the Assistant Director, Reentry Services
Division, for selections.
Section 19, Staff Uniforms and Uniform Allowances, clarified the authorized uniform for Health
Services staff.
b. Program Objectives. The expected results of this program are:
The Bureau of Prisons will maintain a competent and representative workforce.
Through various human resource employment programs, employees will have opportunities
for personal growth, professional development, and upward mobility potential consistent with
Merit System Principles.
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Human Resources staff responsibilities relating to employment programs will be defined.
c. Institution Supplement. None required. Should local facilities make any changes outside
the required changes in the national policy or establish any additional local procedures to
implement the national policy, the local Union may invoke to negotiate procedures or appropriate
Program Statements
Standards of Employee Conduct (12/6/13)
Physical and Medical Standards for Newly Hired Correctional Employees (2/24/17)
Employee Development Manual (4/30/15)
Chaplains’ Employment, Responsibilities, and Endorsements (10/26/01)
Property Management Manual (3/13/15)
Correctional Services Procedures Manual (8/1/16)
ACA Standards (see Program Statement Directives Management Manual, sections 2.5 and 10.3.)
American Correctional Association Standards for Adult Correctional Institutions, 4th Edition:
4-4041; 4-4048; 4-4050; 4-4053; 4-4058; 4-4062; 4-4063; 4-4064; 4-4066.
American Correctional Association Performance Based Standards for Adult Local Detention
Facilities, 4th Edition: 4-ALDF-2A-14; 4-ALDF-7B-04; 4-ALDF-7B-05; 4-ALDF-7B-09;
4-ALDF-7C-01; 4-ALDF-7C-03; 4-ALDF-7D-14; 4-ALDF-7E-01, 4-ALDF-7F-05.
American Correctional Association Standards for Administration of Correctional Agencies,
Edition: 2-CO-1A-13; 2-CO-1C-02; 2-CO-1C-06; 2-CO-1C-07; 2-CO-1C-08;
2-CO-1C-09; 2-CO-1C-09-1; 2-CO-1C-13; 2-CO-1C-19; 2-CO-1C-20; 2-CO-1C-21;
2-CO-1C-05; 2-CO-1C-01; 2-CO-1D-02.
BOP Forms
Employee Notification of Federal Prison System Training Requirements (Law
Enforcement Officer Applicants Only)
BP-A0156 Detail for Training Announcement
BP-A0159 Detail for Training Certification
Authorization to Receive Uniform Allowance
Qualifications Rating Form
BP-A0520 Detail for Training Ranking Form
Applicant Notification of Federal Bureau of Prisons Requirement to Maintain a
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Accelerated Promotion/Training Agreement
Pathways Program Participant Agreement
Priority Placement Program Form
Confidential Reference Check form
Schedule A Hiring Applicant Review/Recommendations
Student Volunteer Program Service Agreement
Certification of Completion of Training for Accelerated Promotion for Physician
Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, or Nurse
BP-A1102 Training Agreement: Detail for Training
Records Retention
Requirements and retention guidance for records and information applicable to this program are
available in the Records and Information Disposition Schedule (RIDS) on Sallyport.
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Section 1. Acknowledgement of Requirement To Maintain a Telephone ....................................... 5
Section 2. Category Rating for Competitive Service Positions ...................................................... 6
Section 3. Category Rating for Excepted Service Positions .........................................................11
Section 4. Details for Training..................................................................................................16
Section 5. Examining of Chaplains .................................................................................................. 21
Section 6. Exit Survey Program
Section 7. Job Element Examining Plan For Federal Wage Schedule Positions (FWS) .............. 24
Section 8. Management Selection System ....................................................................................27
Section 9. Merit Promotion Plan ..................................................................................................31
Section 10. Modifying Qualifications Standards For Inservice Placement .................................... 43
Section 11. Pass/Fail System For Introduction to Correctional Techniques .................................45
Section 12. Pathways Program
Section 13. Priority Placement and Reemployment Program .......................................................55
Section 14. Probationary Period For Supervisory and Managerial Positions ...............................59
Section 15. Qualification Standards For Administrative Positions
............................................... 60
Section 16.
Reference Checking
...................................................................................................... 62
Section 17. Schedule A Hiring .....................................................................................................65
Section 18. Services of Student Volunteers
..................................................................................... 68
Section 19. Staff Uniforms and Uniform Allowances
.................................................................... 71
Section 20. Staff Vacancy Rate
Section 21. Training Agreements
..................................................................................................... 78
Section 22. Upward Mobility Program ........................................................................................79
Attachment A. Contractor Risk Designation Chart
Attachment B. Rating Panel Scoring Instructions
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Section 1. Acknowledgement of Requirement To Maintain a Telephone
All employees of the Federal Bureau of Prisons are required by the Program Statement Standards
of Employee Conduct to be responsive to the needs of the institution.
Human Resources will notify applicants at the time of the interview that, as a condition of
employment, they will be required to have and maintain a telephone and to keep the institution
informed of their current telephone number throughout their employment with the Bureau of
Prisons. Applicants will acknowledge this requirement in writing on form BP-A0596, Applicant
Notification of Federal Bureau of Prisons Requirement to Maintain a Telephone.
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Section 2. Category Rating For Competitive Service Positions
This guidance implements 5 U.S.C. 3319, which authorizes Federal agencies to use alternative
procedures in assessing applicants for employment using category rating and selection procedures.
The Bureau shall use category rating to rate candidates for competitive service positions, including
wage grade and temporary/term positions.
Effective November 1, 2010, in accordance with the Presidential Memorandum “Improving the
Federal Recruitment and Hiring Process,” dated May 11, 2010, all DOJ components are required
to use category rating for Delegated Examining in the competitive service.
DOJ Category Rating Plan revised September 30, 2010
5 USC 3319
5 CFR 337, subpart C
OPM’s Delegated Examining Operations Handbook
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures located at 28 CFR § 50.14
5 CFR part 300
5 CFR part 332
Category Rating. An optional, alternative ranking and selection procedure used to assess
applicants for positions filled through the competitive examining process. Under category rating,
applicants are evaluated based on job-related criteria and placed into predefined quality categories
with individuals who possess similar levels of job-related competencies or knowledge, skills, and
abilities (KSAs).
Quality Categories. Groupings of candidates with similar levels of job-related competencies/
KSAs. Qualified applicants will be placed into one of three quality categories: (1) Best
Qualified, (2) Highly Qualified, or (3) Qualified.
Qualification Standards. Standards used to rate an applicant or determine whether an applicant
is qualified for the position announced.
All supervisors, managers, and human resource staff involved in the hiring process must be trained
in administration and selection under the category rating process. This training is a web-based
course located on BOP-Learn.
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The Workforce Systems and Evaluation Section, in conjunction with Subject Matter Experts, will
develop job competencies based on job analysis as a basis to define the criteria for each category
definition. Job analysis must conform to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
Procedures (28 CFR Sec. 50.14 and 5 CFR part 300).
Applicants will be evaluated using an automated system for Category Rating. Based on an
applicant’s response to the assessment questions, he/she will be grouped in one of the following
categories: Best Qualified, Highly Qualified or Qualified. The Consolidated Staffing Unit
(CSU) will validate the experience of candidates to be referred to the selecting official.
Vacancy announcements will include the following information:
A statement informing applicants that category rating selection procedures will be used.
A statement describing the quality categories. This statement may be as simple as identifying
the categories as “Best Qualified, Highly Qualified, and Qualified.”
A description of how veterans’ preference is applied under category rating procedures.
If applicable, CSU will include a highlighted statement in the job announcement informing
applicants that an application limitation will be used.
CSU may utilize Application Limitation for vacancy announcements when warranted based upon
historical data related to similar or like positions and/or locations. Application Limitation is an
alternate method of public notice used to define an open period that is based on either a specific
date or a specific number of applications to be received. Once the application limitation is met,
USAJOBS automatically closes the announcement at 11:59, E.S.T., at which time all applicants
who have applied will be considered regardless of the number stated as the limitation on the
vacancy announcement. Once the limitation is reached, the announcement is removed from the
CSU will apply veterans’ preference as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. Section 3319(b) and (c)(2) and as
referenced below:
Within each quality category, veterans’ preference eligibles shall be listed ahead of
non-preference eligibles.
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For positions other than professional and scientific at the GS/GL-09 level or higher, qualified
preference eligibles with a compensable service-connected disability of 10 percent or more
(i.e., 30 Percent Compensable Disability Preference [CPS] and Compensable Disability
Preference [CP]) are placed at the top of the Best Qualified category.
For professional and scientific at the GS-09 level or higher, qualified preference eligibles with
a compensable service-connected disability of 10 percent or more (i.e., CPS and CP) are placed
at the top of the appropriate quality category for which they qualify. Exceptions are noted
in the Appendix of OPM’s Delegated Examining Operations Handbook.
Preference eligibles do not receive points under category rating procedures.
Objections to preference eligible shall be processed in accordance with the procedures outlined
within OPM’s Delegated Examining Operations Handbook, and DOJ guidance as outlined
CSU will refer eligible candidates by following one of the certification options listed below:
Option 1. Refer all candidates in the highest quality category, listing veteran preference
eligibles ahead of non-veteran preference eligibles. Eligible candidates within preference
groups (i.e., preference eligibles and non-veterans) must be listed in alphabetical order within
their respective preference groups).
Option 2. Refer only the veteran preference eligibles in the highest quality category when it
appears likely that non-veteran preference eligibles will not be within reach for selection.
Eligibles will be listed in alphabetical order.
Merging quality categories is optional. If there are fewer than three candidates in the Best
Qualified category, the two highest categories (Best Qualified and Highly Qualified) may be
merged. The newly merged category becomes the new highest quality category. All preference
eligibles in the merged category must be placed ahead of non-preference eligibles.
The Hiring Official cannot pass over a preference eligible to select a non-preference eligible unless
a written Pass Over objection is submitted and sustained.
Any veterans’ preference eligible in the highest quality category may be selected regardless of the
type of preference to which he/she is entitled.
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To request an approval of an objection or a pass over, the selecting official must document his/her
reasons and submit the request to CSU. Reasons for passing over a preference eligible to select a
non-preference eligible must be based on more than the belief that the non-veteran is “better”
qualified. Reasons must relate directly to the preference eligible’s qualifications, conduct and/or
medical fitness for employment. The local Human Resource Office must provide reasons for
passing over the preference eligible if the preference eligible requests this information.
The OPM Delegated Examining Operations Handbook and 5 C.F.R. 332 contain additional
instructions and guidance for objection and pass over requests.
OPM retains exclusive authority to:
Make medical qualification determinations pertaining to preference eligibles (5 C.F.R.
339.306), including review of a proposed disqualification of a 30 percent or more compensable
disabled veteran (CPS) on the basis of physical disability under 5 U.S.C. 3312(b).
Make suitability determinations and take suitability actions involving material, intentional
false statement or deception or fraud in examination or appointment, or refusal to furnish
testimony as required by 5 CFR 5.4 (5 C.F.R. 731.103(a)).
Grant or deny an agency’s pass over request of a preference eligible with a compensable
service-connected disability of 30 percent or more (5 U.S.C. 3318)
Objections and pass over requests that require OPM approval must be signed by the Chief of the
Human Resource Servicing Center (HRSC) or his/her Deputy Chief and forwarded to the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM).
The BOP has been delegated the authority from OPM to adjudicate objections and pass-over
requests to include making suitability determinations.
The following procedures are applicable specifically to the BOP:
The local Human Resource office will submit all objections to CSU for review, adjudication
and, if applicable, submission to OPM. Medical objections will be forwarded to OPM for
final adjudication.
CSU has been delegated the authority to grant or deny:
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Objections and pass over requests of non-preference eligibles.
Objections and pass over requests of a non-medical nature on the following: a compensable
service-connected eligible with a disability of 10 percent or more but less than 30 percent
(CP); a 10-point disabled preference eligible (XP); a 10-point derived preference eligible
(XP); a sole survivor preference eligible (SSP); and a tentative preference eligible (TP).
Category rating oversight will be conducted via existing OPM and DOJ compliance activities to
ensure proper implementation. This includes:
Delegated examining evaluations.
DOJ-led HR reviews.
OPM-led evaluations.
CSU will maintain documentation in accordance with the requirements of DOJ and OPM’s
Delegated Examining Operations Handbook.
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Section 3. Category Rating For Excepted Service Positions
This guidance implements 5 U.S.C. 3319, which authorizes Federal agencies to use alternative
procedures in assessing applicants for employment using category rating and selection procedures.
The Bureau shall use category rating to rate candidates for excepted service positions, with the
exception of Chaplains.
DOJ Category Rating Plan, revised September 30, 2010
5 USC 3319
5 CFR 302
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures located at 28 CFR § 50.14
5 CFR part 300
5 CFR part 332
Category Rating. An optional, alternative ranking and selection procedures used to assess
applicants for positions filled through the excepted examining process. Under category rating,
applicants are evaluated based on job-related criteria and placed into predefined quality categories
with individuals who possess similar levels of job-related competencies or knowledge, skills, and
abilities (KSAs).
Quality Categories. Groupings of candidates with similar levels of job-related competencies/
KSAs. Qualified applicants will be placed into one of three quality categories: (1) Best
Qualified, (2) Highly Qualified; or (3) Qualified.
Qualification Standards. Standards used to rate an applicant or determine whether an applicant
is qualified for the position announced.
All supervisors, managers, and human resource staff involved in the hiring process must be trained
in the administration and selection under the category rating process. This training is a web-
based course located on BOP-Learn.
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The Workforce Systems and Evaluation Section, in conjunction with Subject Matter Experts, will
develop job competencies based on job analysis as a basis to define the criteria for each category
definition. Job analysis must conform to the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection
Procedures (28 CFR Sec. 50.14 and 5 CFR part 300).
Applicants will be evaluated using an automated system for Category Rating. Based on an
applicant’s response to the assessment questions, he/she will be grouped in one of the three quality
categories: Best Qualified, Highly Qualified, or Qualified. The Consolidated Staffing Unit
(CSU) will validate the experience of candidates to be considered in one of the three categories
(Best Qualified, Highly Qualified, or Qualified).
Vacancy announcements will include the following information:
A statement informing applicants that category rating selection procedures will be used.
A statement describing the quality categories. This statement may be as simple as identifying
the categories as “Best Qualified, Highly Qualified, and Qualified.”
A description of how veterans’ preference is applied under category rating procedures.
If applicable, CSU will include a highlighted statement in the job announcement informing
applicants that an application limitation will be used.
CSU may utilize Application Limitation for vacancy announcements when warranted, based upon
historical data related to similar or like position and/or location. Application Limitation is an
alternate method of public notice used to define an open period that is based on either a specific
date or a specific number of applications to be received. Once the application limitation is met,
USAJOBS automatically closes the announcement at 11:59, E.S.T., at which time all applicants
who have applied will be considered regardless of the number stated as the limitation on the
vacancy announcement. Once the limitation is reached, the announcement is removed from the
CSU will apply veterans’ preference as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. Section 3319(b) and (c)(2) and as
referenced below:
Within each quality category, veterans’ preference eligibles shall be listed ahead of
non-preference eligibles.
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For positions other than professional and scientific at the GS/GL-09 level or higher, qualified
preference eligibles with a compensable service-connected disability of 10% or more (i.e., 30
Percent Compensable Disability Preference [CPS] and Compensable Disability Preference
[CP]) are placed at the top of the Best Qualified category.
Preference eligibles do not receive points under category rating procedures.
Objections to preference eligible shall be processed in accordance with DOJ guidance as
outlined below.
CSU will refer eligible candidates by following one of the certification options listed below:
Option 1. Refer all candidates in the highest quality category, listing veteran preference
eligibles ahead of non-veteran preference eligibles. Eligible candidates within preference
groups (i.e., preference eligibles and non-veterans) must be listed in alphabetical order within
their respective preference groups).
Option 2. Refer only the veteran preference eligibles in the highest quality category when it
appears likely that non-veteran preference eligibles will not be within reach for selection.
Eligibles will be listed in alphabetical order.
Merging quality categories is optional. If there are fewer than three candidates in the Best
Qualified category, the two highest categories (Best Qualified and Highly Qualified) may be
merged. The newly merged category becomes the new highest quality category. All preference
eligible in the merged category must be placed ahead of non-preference eligible.
The Hiring Official cannot pass over a preference eligible to select a non-preference eligible unless
a written pass over objection is submitted and sustained.
Any veterans’ preference eligible in the highest quality category may be selected regardless of the
type of preference to which they are entitled.
To request an approval of an objection or a pass over, the selecting official must document his/her
reasons and submit the request to CSU. Reasons for passing over a preference eligible to select a
non-preference eligible must be based on more than the belief that the non-veteran is “better”
qualified. Reasons must relate directly to the preference eligible’s qualifications and/or fitness
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for employment. The local Human Resource Office must provide reasons for passing over the
preference eligible if the preference eligible requests this information.
5 C.F.R. 302.401 contains additional instructions and guidance for objection and pass over
OPM retains exclusive authority to:
Make medical qualification determinations pertaining to preference eligibles (5 C.F.R.
339.306), including review of a proposed disqualification of a 30 percent or more compensable
disabled veteran (CPS) on the basis of physical disability under 5 U.S.C. 3312(b).
Make suitability determinations and take suitability actions involving material, intentional
false statement or deception or fraud in examination or appointment, or refusal to furnish
testimony as required by 5 CFR 5.4 (5 C.F.R. 731.103(a)).
Grant or deny an agency’s pass over request of a preference eligible with a compensable
service-connected disability of 30 percent or more (5 U.S.C. 3318).
Objections and pass over requests that require OPM approval must be signed by the Chief of the
Human Resource Servicing Center (HRSC) or his/her Deputy Chief and forwarded to the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM).
The BOP has been delegated the authority from OPM to adjudicate objections and pass over
requests to include making suitability determinations.
The following procedures are applicable specifically to the BOP:
The local Human Resource office will submit all objections to CSU for review, adjudication
and, if applicable, submission to OPM. Medical objections will be forwarded to OPM for
final adjudication.
CSU has been delegated the authority to grant or deny:
Objection and pass over requests of non-preference eligibles.
Objections and pass over requests of a non-medical nature on the following: a compensable
service-connected eligible with a disability of 10 percent or more but less than 30 percent
(CP); a 10-point disabled preference eligible (XP); a 10-point derived preference eligible
(XP); a sole survivor preference eligible (SSP); and a tentative preference eligible (TP).
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Category rating oversight will be conducted via existing OPM and DOJ compliance activities to
ensure proper implementation. This includes:
DOJ-led HR reviews.
OPM-led evaluations.
CSU will maintain documentation in accordance with requirements of 5 C.F.R. 302 and DOJ.
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Section 4. Details for Training
The Bureau of Prisons endorses the concept of filling some positions through a Detail for
Training Program only when there is a lack of qualified internal candidates. Detail for
Training allows a position to be filled by competitive detail while the selected employee
acquires the necessary skills, knowledge, and abilities to qualify for the position based upon on-
the-job training.
Staffing procedures for positions under the Detail for Training Program are as follows:
1. A detail for training for periods of 120 days up to a period of one year, to the position, will be
competitively announced and filled.
2. Positions with selective factors (e.g., Drug Treatment Specialist, Vocational Training
Instructor) and supervisory positions are excluded from the Detail for Training Program.
3. The supervisor of the position will develop a detailed, written training program to be
accomplished by the selectee within 12 months or less. (This program is not intended for trades
that have a lengthy apprenticeship.) The supervisor is responsible for monitoring and
documenting completion of the training plan. The Human Resource Manager provides
assistance in the development of the training plan.
4. The individual selected and the supervisor with oversight of the Detail for Training position
are required to sign the Training Agreement: Detail for Training (BP-A1102).
5. Upon completion of the training program and time-in-grade requirements, the detailee may
be promoted to the position without further competition after CTAP is cleared.
6. The crediting plan established for Detail for Training positions will be used in filling these
details for training.
7. The details will be for periods of 120 days up to a period of one year. The detailee is retained
in his/her current series and grade. The detail is documented on a SF-52, Request for Personnel
Action Form, with the remarks: “Detailed for training to a [insert position title] position” and
“The incumbent may be promoted to the target position without further competition upon
successful completion of the training program and time-in-grade requirements.”
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8. The detailee remains eligible for step increases and career promotions based on the current
position of record.
Detail for training vacancy announcements will be posted utilizing BP-A0156, Detail for
Training Announcement. The announcement must, at a minimum, contain the following
information prior to issuance:
Announcement Number.
Number of vacancies.
Opening and Closing Date. The closing date must be at least 15 working days after the issue
Title (including Detail for Training annotated).
Location of the detail for training position.
Area of consideration.
Brief description of the duties.
A statement indicating the detail may be terminated at any time prior to the expiration date of
the detail.
A statement indicating there is no guarantee of promotion on completion of the program.
A statement indicating the incumbent may be promoted to the target position without further
competition upon successful completion of the training program and time-in-grade
A statement indicating failure to successfully complete the training plan, or non-selection to the
target position, will result in the trainee being returned to the position from which detailed.
A statement indicating the selectee will remain in his/her current grade and bargaining unit
status during the training period.
Brief statement of the qualification standard for the position.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) or competencies listed in the applicable crediting plan
(GS or WS).
A statement indicating a signed training agreement is required for the position.
Instructions on how to apply and what documents are required.
A statement indicating whether the position is included in or excluded from the bargaining unit.
HR offices will document the applicant’s experience on the Qualifications Rating Form (BP- A0508).
Applicants do not have to meet the qualifications requirements for the position to which detailed unless
there is a minimum OPM education, licensure, and certification requirement (e.g., Case Manager). For
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these details, HR offices will document the review of the applicant’s accredited education, licensure,
and/or certification on the Qualifications Rating Form.
Applicants will be assessed based on their responses to the assessment, performance, and awards
a. KSAs or Competencies. Applicants’ responses to the KSAs or Competencies will be rated
by a rating panel.
1. Rating Panel. A rating panel consists of two members: two subject matter experts (SMEs) or
supervisors of the detail to be filled; or a combination of one SME/supervisor and a human
resource representative. The SMEs must be at least equal in grade to the position, and the
supervisors must have a working knowledge of the position. A human resource representative, if
not a rater, must be present to provide technical assistance with the crediting plan.
2. Job Element Rating. The raters review the KSAs or Competencies of each qualified
applicant and use the crediting plan to determine a rating for each element. Points may be
assigned only at the levels indicated on the crediting plan (1, 3, and 5). Credit must be given to
the highest level possible, based on any single accomplishment that satisfies the level definition.
The task examples provided under each level definition serve as a point of reference when
crediting an applicant’s experience, education, and training.
These examples are only to be used as benchmarks; an applicant is not required to satisfy any
specific example, but must demonstrate training or experience that satisfies the level definition.
If an applicant fails to satisfy the lowest rating level of an element or fails to submit the written
response to the element, a score of zero (0) is assigned. Each rater will record element scores
for applicants on the Qualifications Rating Form (BP-A0508).
Individual job element scores assigned by the raters are compared to ensure a difference of more
than 2 points does not exist between like elements. If a difference of more than 2 points exists,
the raters shall mutually agree to change one or both rater’s score(s) for the affected element(s).
Both raters must sign and date the BP-A0508. The total scores for both raters are recorded under
the “Job Element Rating” columns on the Detail for Training Ranking Form (BP-A0520).
b. Performance. Based on the vacancy closing date, the performance evaluation considered
must be the most recent rating of record. If the applicant does not have a performance rating,
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this factor is presumed to be “Successful” or “Achieved Results.” If the applicant is absent due
to being on active military duty or OWCP, the last rating of record will be used.
c. Awards. Quality Step Increase (QSI) and Sustained Superior Performance (SSP) awards, as
well as cash awards (including Time Off awards), letters of commendation, and suggestion
awards received within the last five years are credited.
A human resource representative scores each candidate’s performance and awards using the
Rating Panel Scoring Instructions (Attachment B).
The assigned scores shall be recorded on the Detail for Training Ranking Form (BP-A0520).
The best qualified (BQ) applicants are those whose composite score exceeds the average score of
qualified competitive applicants. The BQ average is not used if there are five or fewer applicants
in the competitive group. In this case, all qualified applicants are referred for consideration.
Those assessed as best qualified applicants are placed on the Detail for Training Certification
(BP-A0159) in alphabetical order.
If an employee already competed for the highest grade level of the GS detail, the employee is
placed on a separate list for the selecting official and does not have to compete.
A Detail for Training Certificate (BP-A0159) is valid for 90 calendar days after the date the
promotion board met.
a. Vacancy Announcements. Each HR office will ensure that employees have ready access to
detail for training vacancy announcement information.
b. Selection Notification. Within 30 days after the date of selection (or decision not to fill the
detail), the HR office will notify all applicants of the following:
The name of the selectee.
Whether the applicant was qualified and included in the best qualified group.
If the applicant was not qualified, the basis for the disqualification.
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HR offices will maintain records for two years, unless a longer period is required by law or an
outside entity. Records must be sufficient to allow reconstruction of the actions taken, including
documentation on how candidates were assessed.
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Section 5. Examining of Chaplains
The Bureau’s ministry will be enhanced and made more effective by support from faith
communities that represent the diverse religious needs of the inmate population. The following
information outlines hiring procedures and defines responsibilities and duties of the Regional
Human Resources Department, Consolidated Staffing Unit, and Central Office Chaplaincy
Services (COCS).
Program Statement Chaplains’ Employment, Responsibilities, and Endorsements
BOP Qualifications Standards Chaplain GS-0060-11 and 12
Process to Announce and Select a Chaplain (BOP Developed Procedures)
DOJ Order 1200.1, Part 1, Maximum Entry Age for Law Enforcement Positions
Identifying and recruiting Chaplains is a shared responsibility among administrators, human
resource staff, and COCS.
For initial appointment, applicants for Staff Chaplain will be assessed according to the following
basic qualifications.
Bachelor’s Degree (any discipline).
Ordained clergy.
Ecclesiastical endorsement.
2 years of Ministry leadership experience.
A minimum two-year association with the endorsing body of the faith tradition must be recognized
for an Ecclesiastical Endorsement.
Other factors considered for initial appointment include:
Initial appointment must be made prior to the applicant’s 37th birthday. If the applicant
exceeds the age of 37, a maximum entry age waiver may be requested. For chaplains in Catholic,
Islamic, and Jewish faith traditions, the Department of Justice has granted an exemption to the age
requirement for qualified candidates who do not meet the maximum entry age provision of Title 5
U.S.C. § 3307 and Public Law 100-238.
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Religious Credentials. Applicants will be ordained clergy or members of ecclesiastically
recognized religious institutes of vowed men or women. In lieu of professional ordination
credentials, adequate documentation of the applicants recognized religious and ministerial roles
in their respective faith communities is required.
Hiring Procedures. All vacant positions for Staff Chaplains are announced on USAJOBS via
the Consolidated Staffing Unit (CSU). Applicants meeting the minimum requirements are
assessed using a numerical rating procedure with scores 70-100. Veterans who are entitled to
preference get either 5 or 10 additional points. Announcement procedures include:
Requesting sites will generate a SF-52 and a Vacancy Announcement Information Form
(VAIF), and forward to the Regional Office. The Regional Office will obtain signatures and
forward to CSU for processing.
Once the announcement closes, CSU will conduct an assessment of applicants. CSU will
verify qualifications, education, and ordination.
Upon completion of applicant assessments, CSU will send the eligible candidates to COCS for
credentialing and verification. If an applicant’s credentials have been previously verified by
Central Office, there is no need to resubmit for verification. Credentialing verification is valid for
one year from the date of approval.
Upon completion of initial verification and credentialing, Central Office will submit the results to
CSU for certificate generation. CSU will then send the generated certificate to the Regional
Human Resource Office for interviewing and selection.
The Regional Human Resource Office and COCS will coordinate interview(s) with the institution.
Institutions are responsible for completing and forwarding the SF-52, conditional offer, and the
interview packet to the Regional Office for selection and final approval.
COCS and the institution will coordinate the applicant selection process. Selection for Chaplain
requires final approval from the Regional Director, with concurrence of the Assistant Director,
Reentry Services Division.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 23
Section 6. Exit Survey Program
This section establishes procedures for effecting an exit interview/survey program. Management
is constantly seeking ways to analyze and improve operations Information from employees who
have decided to leave the service can be particularly valuable in helping to identify issues that
affect employee morale, satisfaction, and retention.
As part of the clearance process, Human Resources staff will provide each separating employee
with a confidential exit survey. The process begins with Human Resources staff using the Exit
Survey website to enter the names of local separating staff. After a name is submitted, the
employee is sent an email to his/her BOP email address, explaining the exit survey process and
providing a link to the web-based survey.
Except in unusual circumstances, such as when an employee quits without notice, employees
should complete the survey before leaving the facility. Employees will be given the opportunity
to complete the survey prior to their departure from the BOP. If an employee is not able to
complete the survey before leaving, Human Resources staff should use the website to generate a
printed survey with a cover memo, provide the survey and a business reply envelope to the
departing employee, and encourage them to complete it and mail it. The business reply envelope
is addressed to:
Bureau of Prisons
Human Resource Management Division
Workforce Systems and Evaluation Section
320 First Street, N.W., Rm. 770
Washington, D.C. 20534
P3300.03 5/8/2017 24
Section 7. Job Element Examining Plan For Federal Wage Schedule Positions
This section describes the procedures to be used in determining whether an applicant for a FWS
position meets the minimum qualification requirements. The automated online application
system will rate candidates based on their responses to the application questions. Applicants are
given a series of answer choices that describe the skills and abilities required by the position.
Job Qualification System for Trades and Labor Occupations
Bureau of Prisons Crediting Plans
With the exception of Detail for Training positions, applicants will use the automated online
application system to answer vacancy-specific questions necessary to evaluate qualifications for a
The job elements for each type of position are shown in the Job Qualification System for Trades
and Labor Occupations and in the BOP crediting plan for the trade (occupation). The approved
elements for each type of position include the following screen-out elements:
For non-supervisory FWS positions and WG positions, the screen-out element is #1, “Ability
to do the work of the position without more than normal supervision.”
For Wage Leader (WL) and Wage Supervisor (WS) positions, the screen-out element is #73,
“Ability to lead or supervise.”
For General Foreman positions, the screen-out element is
#73-A, Ability to supervise through
subordinate supervisors.”
Additionally, all trade and craft positions located in Federal Bureau Of Prisons institutions will
have the screen-out element #100-C, “Aptitude for work with inmates.” The approved elements
for apprentice and general foremen level positions are found in the Job Qualification System for
Trades and Labor Occupations.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 25
Crediting plans have been developed for the trades and crafts positions commonly found in BOP
institutions. Should new or additional crediting plans be necessary, they will be developed by the
Workforce Systems Evaluation Section and Subject Matter Experts in accordance with
instructions in the Job Qualification System for Trades and Labor Occupations and in a similar
manner and style to those now existing. The approved sets of job elements for each job family,
along with the element “Aptitude for work with inmates” (#100-C), are included in each crediting
plan, along with descriptions and point values for various levels of acceptable experience and
The Consolidated Staffing Unit will advertise Federal Wage System job announcements and will
use crediting plans that include the screen-out element #100-C, “Aptitude for work with inmates,”
in any such announcement and crediting plan. Applicants who do not demonstrate an aptitude for
work with inmates will be found not qualified for the position.
After a vacancy announcement closes, CSU will review the applicant’s vacancy-specific questions
for qualifications utilizing OPM’s Qualification Standards. Qualification Standards can be
found on OPM’s website at
tions/. The automated online application system provides scoring values of the candidates
according to pre-established criteria associated with KSAs, awards, and performance. The best
qualified candidates are identified and forwarded to selecting officials through electronically
generated certificates.
Applicants for positions at all levels (apprentice/trainee or journeyman) may be found qualified if
the following conditions are met:
Applicants score at least two points on each screen-out element. The points may be based on
the applicant’s demonstrated ability or potential ability.
The total number of points an applicant scores on all elements must be at least two times the
number of elements.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 26
If the position to be filled is at the apprentice or trainee level, points credited for potential
ability in the remaining elements (those that are not screen-out elements) may be counted in the
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Section 8. Management Selection System
This section prescribes the procedures to be used in the identification and selection of applicants
for the positions of Warden and Associate Warden. Procedures have been designed to parallel the
current merit promotion system used by the Bureau of Prisons.
5 CFR 335.103
DOJ Order 1335.1B
This selection system is designed to:
Provide an effective, fair method of evaluating and selecting employees for promotion.
Give the Executive Staff a choice from among the best-qualified candidates.
Ensure consideration is given to each qualified applicant without regard to political, religious,
or labor organization affiliation or nonaffiliation, marital status, race, color, sex, age, national
origin, genetic information, parental status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or non-
disqualifying physical or mental disability.
Establish procedures for evaluating candidates for promotion.
Establish clear procedures to ensure compliance with merit principles.
This selection system applies to the promotion of any employee to the positions of Warden,
GS-006-15, and Associate Warden, GS-006-14.
For positions advertised at GS-14 and above, the Bureau Personnel Director has been delegated
personnel authority to make exceptions to the Department-wide minimum area of consideration
requirement. An exception may be granted if a sufficient number of highly qualified candidates
(3 or more) are available for selection within the Bureau of Prisons. With this in mind, vacancy
announcements for these positions will limit the area of consideration to Bureau of Prisons
employees only.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 28
A nationwide online vacancy announcement will be issued bi-annually in the spring and winter of
each year. Applicants will access the vacancy announcement and application via the Office of
Personnel Management’s USAJOBS. Completion of the application will include: responses to
the required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA) elements, performance evaluation, and
awards information. Designation of preferred locations will be made by the applicant through
his/her Management Preference Profile. Although candidates list location preferences,
submission of an application indicates willingness to be selected at any location. Applicants must
apply during each announcement period in order to receive consideration.
Late Applications. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the online vacancy
announcement application and any supporting documentation is submitted through USAJOBS by
the closing date of the vacancy announcement. No late applications will be accepted for this
selection system.
Applicants are considered eligible for the position applied for if they meet or will meet minimum
OPM qualification standards, time-in-grade requirements, and law enforcement officer/age
qualifications by the closing date of the vacancy announcement. Questions concerning the above
areas will be contained in the online application and will be self-reported by the applicants.
If an applicant responds negatively to any of the basic qualification questions, the applicant will be
ineligible for consideration for the current vacancy announcement period. If the announcing
office reviews an application and makes the determination that the applicant does not meet
minimum qualification requirements, notification of this determination will be provided to the
Instead of the traditional process of a promotion board rating and ranking candidates to determine
the “best qualified” (BQ) list, this system breaks this procedure into two distinct components:
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSA), the candidates’ performance evaluation ratings, and
awards information will be compiled and rated through electronic means.
The scores from above will be combined to determine individual ratings. A national BQ list
will be derived based on these scores. Scores for the KSAs are derived through the use of
validated crediting plans.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 29
Candidates’ performance evaluation ratings will be verified through the current payroll system
database. The performance evaluation used in scoring must be the most recent rating of record.
If an applicant does not have a current performance rating, this factor will be presumed as
“Achieved Results.”
Points will be given for awards received within the past five years and are based on the candidate’s
Based on the computer-generated top scores, a national BQ list is identified by using vacancy rates
and promotion trends multiplied by a reasonable number of candidates per vacancy, using
statistical methods. The entire BQ group is considered for each vacancy and location preferences
are noted, but not binding.
Applicants scoring below the BQ list “cut-off score are ineligible for promotion (to these
positions) during the current consideration period.
Reassignment candidates for Warden and Associate Warden must apply to the online vacancy
announcement. These applications comprise a supplemental list for selection consideration along
with the promotion list. It should be noted, however, any employee is subject to reassignment in
order to meet the needs of the Bureau, whether or not an application is submitted.
Summarized work histories of each BQ list applicant and reassignment candidate will be available
for review. Vacancies will be filled at Executive Staff meetings or teleconferences, with final
selections made by the Director.
a. Personnel Changes During the Annual Consideration Period. The receipt of new awards
or performance evaluations during the year will have no impact until the applicant reapplies under
the new vacancy announcement application period. A candidate promoted during the current
consideration period to Warden or Associate Warden, or an equivalent position, is eliminated from
consideration and must reapply during the next open period.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 30
b. Recordkeeping. This selection system will have an electronic archive, allowing for
replication of the rating, ranking, and selection process if necessary.
Selections made utilizing the Management Selection System will be posted in the Personnel
Selections section of Sallyport.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 31
Section 9. Merit Promotion Plan
This section describes the procedures to be used to implement the Bureau of Prisons’ merit
promotion policy in the competitive service.
DOJ Order 1335.1B
5 U.S.C. § 3307
5 CFR 335
Master Agreement
This Merit Promotion Plan is designed to:
Provide an effective, fair method of evaluating and selecting employees for promotion and for
selecting employees for training programs that may lead to promotion consistent with Merit
System Principles.
Give selecting officials a choice from among the best qualified candidates.
Ensure that consideration is given to each qualified applicant without regard to political,
religious, or labor organization affiliation or non-affiliation, marital status, parental status,
race, color, genetic information, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin,
non-disqualifying physical disability, or age.
Note. The Attorney General has established the date that immediately precedes an
individual’s 37
birthday as the maximum age for initial entry into a primary law
enforcement position. Qualified preference eligibles can apply and be considered for
vacancies regardless of whether they meet the maximum age requirements identified in 5
U.S.C. 3307. If applicable, an age waiver must be requested and approved prior to entering
on duty.
Establish procedures for evaluating candidates for promotion.
Provide incentives for self-improvement of employees.
Provide training, career counseling, and assistance to employees that will enable them to make
the best use of their capabilities and take full advantage of promotional opportunities.
Establish clear procedures for operation of the merit promotion program.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 32
This plan applies to the promotion of any Federal competitive service employee in the Bureau. It
also covers the following placement actions:
Filling a position with known promotion potential by reassignment, promotion, transfer,
change to lower grade, detail, or reinstatement (e.g., apprentice, initial positions in a career
ladder, or trainee positions filled below the established or anticipated grade).
Selections for details of more than 120 days to a higher graded position or to a position with
known promotion potential.
Reinstatement of employees to positions at a higher grade or with more promotion potential
than a position previously held by the candidate on a permanent basis in the competitive
Transfer of employees to positions at a higher grade or with more promotion potential than a
position previously held by the candidate on a permanent basis in the competitive service.
Temporary promotions to higher graded positions for more than 120 days. Short-term
assignments should not be used to avoid temporary promotions.
Selections for training required for promotion.
This plan does not cover any other type of placement action, such as reassignment with no known
promotion potential, selections from Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or Delegated
Examining Unit (DEU) certificates of eligibles, other permissible internal actions contained in the
DOJ Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP) regulations, or any other placement action not
specifically covered in Section 2.
If qualifications are met, these actions may be made without merit promotion competition under
any of the following circumstances:
Promotion of an employee who occupies a position with known promotion potential, and the
initial selection for the position was made under competitive procedures or from an OPM or
DEU certificate. Examples of such positions include career-ladder positions; apprentice,
trainee, or understudy positions; or positions covered by an OPM-approved training
Promotion when an employee’s position is reclassified at a higher grade as a result of accretion
of new duties and responsibilities or to correct an error in position classification.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 33
Reinstatement, reassignment, transfer, promotion, demotion, or detail of an employee to a
position having promotion potential no greater than that of a position currently or previously
held on a permanent basis under a career or career-conditional appointment; and the employee
was not demoted or separated from that grade due to deficiencies in performance or “for cause”
Promotion occurring during a reduction-in-force (RIF) when a slightly higher pay rate is
attained, resulting technically in a promotion.
Temporary promotion of 120 days or less.
Detail to a higher graded position for 120 days or less.
Promotion of employees who are within reach on an OPM or DEU certificate of eligibles.
A bargaining unit employee who is assigned to a higher graded position for three full weeks or
more and who is qualified will be temporarily promoted without competition and will receive the
rate of pay for the higher graded position effective the first day of the first full pay period of the
assignment. Temporary promotions will not be made for less than three full weeks. The
selecting official will make a selection for temporary promotion in excess of 120 days in
accordance with this plan. This does not apply to positions when rotation among assignments is
part of a career development program. When competitive procedures are used and when a
temporary promotion is expected to last one year or less, the area of consideration will be
normally limited to the Bureau location where the position exists.
Temporary promotions will be made at the level where the promotion opportunity exists.
Many positions are normally filled by current Bureau employees. The area of consideration for
filling any position covered by this plan is the geographical area in which an intensive search is
made to locate eligible candidates. When determining the area of consideration for a vacancy
announcement, careful assessment must be made of the availability of likely candidates. To
ensure fair and equitable treatment of all applicants, only individuals inside the area of
consideration are considered for the vacancy.
a. Minimum Area of Consideration. The minimum area of consideration is the geographic
area where one can reasonably be expected to commute between a residence and duty station on a
daily basis. It is expected that sufficient best-qualified applicants will be located within this area
to fill the position. No minimum area of consideration may be smaller than the local commuting
area, and it must include all DOJ Career Transition Assistance Program (CTAP) eligible surplus or
displaced employees.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 34
Nothing in this plan precludes widening the area of consideration if past experience indicates this
will be necessary to solicit sufficient applicants.
For positions at grade level GS-14 and above, the minimum area of consideration is Department-
wide unless an exception is granted by the Bureau Personnel Director.
b. Outside Applicants. If appropriate, qualified applicants who are within the area of
consideration and eligible for transfer or reinstatement from outside the Bureau of Prisons are
evaluated against the same criteria as candidates from within the Bureau of Prisons.
c. Consideration Requirements: Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP) and
Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan (ICTAP). Competitive actions such as merit
promotion, reassignment, or demotion to a position with more promotion potential than a position
previously held are permissible while there are no well-qualified CTAP candidates in the local
commuting area. Well-qualified is defined as satisfying all qualification requirements for the
vacant position and scoring at least half of the total possible points for the vacancy KSAs or
If the minimum area of consideration is used, well-qualified Bureau CTAP employees must be
selected unless the selection would cause another employee to be separated by RIF or the eligible
surplus and displaced employees in the local commuting area do not meet all application criteria.
If the vacancy is announced to applicants outside DOJ’s permanent competitive service workforce,
a candidate cannot be selected if there is an available qualified ICTAP candidate. However,
there are exceptions to the selection when there are available qualified candidates meeting RPL,
CTAP, PPL, etc. requirements.
If the area of consideration is outside DOJ, the order of consideration for selection is as follows:
Employees eligible under the Bureau’s Priority Placement List.
Current or former DOJ employees eligible under the DOJ Reemployment Priority List.
Surplus and displaced agency employees eligible through the CTAP.
At the agency’s option, any other displaced DOJ employee.
Displaced employees eligible through the ICTAP.
Qualified applicants, status or non-status.
Eligible surplus and displaced employees in the local commuting area must meet all application
criteria and conditions of employment (age requirement, panel interview, physical, reference
checking, etc.).
P3300.03 5/8/2017 35
The primary method of locating candidates is through a vacancy announcement that must be
advertised on OPM’s USAJOBS website. Typically, positions are announced at no more than
two grades; however, with the concurrence of the Assistant Director, HRMD, selecting officials
may elect to announce positions at more than two grades. Nothing in this plan is to be construed
as limiting supervisors’ rights and obligations to counsel and encourage employees to apply for
announced vacancies.
Upon request, the Consolidated Staffing Unit will post the vacancy announcement on OPM’s
USAJOBS website. Vacancy announcements will, at a minimum, contain the following
information prior to issuance:
a. Announcement number.
b. Number of vacancies.
c. Opening date.
d. Title, series, grade, and salary range of the position.
e. Location of the position.
f. Closing date for acceptance of applications. The closing date must be at least 15 working
days after the issue date. Applications must be received by 11:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
(EST) of the closing date.
g. Area of Consideration.
h. Brief description of the duties.
i. Brief statement of the qualification standards for the position, clearly stating the requirements
of the position. Examples of specialized experience will be listed for positions announced at
multiple grades.
j. Quality ranking factors or selective placement factors, if any.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 36
k. Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) or competencies required for each grade level
l. If the position has known promotion potential, a statement to that effect, including the potential
m. Instructions on how to apply and what to file.
n. A statement indicating whether travel and transportation are authorized. Local vacancy
announcements will be advertised without travel and transportation reimbursement. Nationwide
announcements may exclude travel and transportation reimbursement.
o. A statement indicating whether the position is included in or excluded from the bargaining
p. If the position is a secondary law enforcement position, a statement that individuals selected
who are under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and who have not had three
years of “primary” law enforcement retirement coverage will not be covered by law enforcement
retirement while in this position. To regain coverage, individuals must return to a position with
“primary” coverage.
q. If the position is with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC), or is a non-institution clerical
or administrative support position (one-grade interval) [Exception: 963 Series, Legal Instruments
Examining], a statement that employees who transfer to these positions will lose law enforcement
coverage and will need to return to a position with “primary” law enforcement coverage to regain
r. For positions that require mobility (i.e., trainee positions), it must be stated in the
announcement. The applicant must acknowledge this requirement as part of the online vacancy
application process.
s. If the position to be filled is located within a Bureau institution, all applicants not currently
working in an institution will be required to complete a qualification inquiry regarding convictions
of misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence.
t. If the announcement will be distributed outside the Bureau, the following statements will be
included if the position is located within an institution:
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 3307, the maximum entry age of 36 has been established for
initial appointment to a position in a Bureau of Prisons institution.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 37
Initial appointment to a position in a Bureau institution is subject to satisfactory completion of
the Introduction to Correctional Techniques course at Glynco, Georgia.
u. Applicants for initial appointment to a position in the Bureau of Prisons are subject to a
urinalysis test for drug detection.
v. All applicants will be instructed to apply online and upload all required documentation through
OPM’s USAJOBS website.
w. A statement detailing the requirement of successful completion of a supervisory/managerial
probation period, if it is a requirement for the position.
x. A statement indicating eligible external applicants must meet all application criteria and
conditions of employment (submit all required documentation, age requirement, pre-employment
interview, panel interview, physical, reference checking, etc.).
y. If applicable, a statement identifying the position as test-designated and subject to urinalysis
testing under the BOP Drug Free Workplace Plan.
z. A statement indicating the addresses listed on the applicant’s USAJOBS account/resume must
be the applicant’s primary residence at the time of application. The applicant may be required
to provide proof of residence.
Vacancies resulting in no selections may be reannounced at the discretion of the selecting official
as follows:
When a Merit Promotion certificate contains less than five names, the position may be
reannounced upon request.
When a merit promotion certificate contains five or more applicants per vacancy, the position
can be reannounced 90 days after a certificate has expired. Any reannouncement prior to the
90-day period requires a waiver approved by the Assistant Director, HRMD.
Vacancies for activating institutions are exempt from these criteria.
Applicants are responsible for following all instructions in the vacancy announcement.
Specifically, applications (resume and application responses) for the position must be entered on
P3300.03 5/8/2017 38
OPM’s USAJOBS website by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the closing date of the
An employee who is absent from duty while on any type of leave, active military duty, or on detail
to another post or agency, and who does not reasonably have access to vacancy announcements, is
entitled to be considered for vacancies if he/she so requests. Prior to an employee’s absence,
he/she must inform the local Human Resource Office of any positions for which he/she would like
to receive consideration. The local HR office will obtain the necessary application materials
(e.g., assessment questions) from the Consolidated Staffing Unit and provide to the staff in
question. The staff will then complete all application materials (hardcopy) for the desired
positions and return to the local HR office, which in turn will forward to the Consolidated
Staffing Unit when one of the identified positions is announced.
Applicants are considered eligible for the position if they meet or will meet minimum OPM
qualification standards, time-in-grade requirements, and any specified selective placement factors
by the closing date of the announcement. Qualification Standards can be found on OPM’s
website at
tions/ or
Applicants will be assessed based on their responses to the assessment, performance, and awards
questions. When a position is announced at multiple grade levels, applicants will be assessed
with other candidates at the same grade level. Rating factors include:
a. Assessment Questions. Applicants will select a response; the response will be scored
electronically in comparison with the online computerized crediting plan.
b. Performance. Based on the vacancy closing date, the performance evaluation considered
must be the most recent rating of record. If the applicant does not have a performance rating, this
factor is presumed to be “Successful” or “Achieved Results.” However, if the applicant is absent
due to being on active military duty or OWCP, the last rating of record will be used.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 39
c. Awards. Quality Step Increase (QSI) and Sustained Superior Performance (SSP) awards, as
well as cash awards (including Time-Off awards), letters of commendation, and suggestion awards
received within the last five years are credited.
The best qualified (BQ) applicants are those whose composite score exceeds the average score of
qualified competitive applicants. The BQ average is not used if there are five or fewer
applicants in the competitive group. In this case, all qualified applicants are referred for
Those assessed as best qualified applicants will be placed on the Merit Promotion Certificate.
a. Certificate. The merit promotion file, which includes a certificate of the names and
applications of all applicants found to be best qualified, will be forwarded electronically to the
announcing office. If the vacancy is announced at multiple grades, the selecting official will
generally select an applicant from the highest graded best qualified group from which the selectee
is present. In addition:
Best qualified applicants will be listed on the certificate in alphabetical order.
If the position has been announced at more than one grade level, the best qualified applicants
will be grouped by all grades for which they applied and are eligible. If there is only one
applicant found qualified at a particular grade level, that individual will automatically be
placed on the best qualified list.
b. Noncompetitive Applicants. Applicants eligible for noncompetitive appointments and/or
conversion, reassignment, change to lower grade, or reinstatement will be submitted to the
selecting official on a separate certificate.
c. Re-promotions. At times, positions are announced at less than the full performance level.
When this occurs, re-promotions to a grade previously held in a non-temporary position in the
competitive service, from which the employee was changed to a lower grade without personal
cause, will generally occur one pay period after selection if the selectee is qualified for re-
d. Expiration of Certificates. A certificate is valid for 90 days after the date it is generated and
sent electronically to the announcing office. There are no extension requests granted for Merit
P3300.03 5/8/2017 40
e. Promotion Certificates. If using the BQ average does not yield a sufficient number of
applicants, the position can be reannounced.
f. Action by the Selecting Official. No sooner than five working days from the receipt of a
certificate, the selecting official may:
Select any best qualified applicant.
Fill the position through some other type of placement action.
Decide not to fill the position.
If additional vacancies occur prior to the expiration of the certificate, the selecting official may
make additional selections from the best qualified or the non-competitive certificates. However,
if the number of selections made is more or less than the number of positions advertised in the
vacancy announcement, the Selecting Official must provide a written explanation. The signed
explanation must be returned with the certificate.
g. Interviews. Selecting officials or designees may interview best qualified applicants.
However, for bargaining unit positions, if any applicant on the certificate is interviewed, all
applicants on the certificate must be interviewed. For non-bargaining unit positions, the selecting
official has the discretion to interview all, some, or none.
h. Effective Date. Normally, personnel actions resulting from the use of a certificate will be
effective when the selectee assumes the new position. The effective date must be the beginning
of a pay period. Travel for relocation will normally begin after the effective date, when the
selectee is on the gaining institution’s or office’s rolls.
i. Union Requests. Upon request, the local HRM or Consolidated Staffing Unit (CSU) will
give the local Union President or his/her designee the status of any bargaining unit announcement.
a. Vacancy Announcements. Each HR Office will ensure that employees have ready access to
vacancy announcement information. The CSU will post all vacancy announcements for which a
Vacancy Announcement Information Form (VAIF) is submitted to OPM’s USAJOBS. Local
HRO’s will be responsible for ensuring local announcements are posted in a manner consistent
with fair and open competition, and consistent with local supplemental agreements.
b. Applicant Notification. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application through
USAJOBS in the following order:
P3300.03 5/8/2017 41
Application Received.
Application Assessed for Qualification.
Applicant Referral to Selecting Official.
Selection Notification.
c. Selection Notification. Typically, within 20 days after the date of selection (or decision not
to fill the position), applicants will be sent correspondence to the e-mail address identified in their
USAJOBS account. The following information from CSU will be provided:
Name, grade, title, and location of the selectee(s).
Information as to whether reference checking was conducted.
d. Selection Announcement. Selections made from vacancy announcements will be posted on
Sallyport as follows:
CSU will post all selections for nationwide announcements with relocation.
Local HR Offices will post all selections made from all other announcements.
a. General. An employee who has a question, concern, or complaint about the general
application of the promotion plan or a specific promotion action should attempt to resolve the
matter informally by obtaining information from the HR Office or CSU.
b. Grievance Procedures. If the employee believes the matter has not been resolved
informally, he/she may file a grievance under the procedures contained in the Master Agreement
(bargaining unit) or the agency grievance procedure (non-bargaining unit).
c. Matters Not Appropriate for Consideration as a Grievance.
Non-selection from a group of properly ranked and certified applicants.
An action required to be taken by the Bureau under provisions of statute or instructions of the
Office of Personnel Management.
d. Access to Information. The grievant and his/her representative, if any, are entitled to access
all relevant information concerning the grievant only. Additionally, the grievant’s representative
may examine the merit promotion file on behalf of the grievant in accordance with the Privacy Act
and DOJ’s Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Requirements. CSU will forward the
requested documents to the local HR office to coordinate the review. However, the representative
must maintain the confidentiality of the promotion file. The representative may not disclose any
information that would tend to identify any applicant other than the grievant.
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e. Procedural Error. If an error has been identified, all parties involved will be notified and
appropriate resolution will occur.
CSU will maintain records for two years unless a longer period is required by law or an outside
entity. Records maintained must be sufficient to allow reconstruction of the actions taken,
including documentation on how candidates were assessed.
Any official found to have committed a prohibited personnel practice, operated outside of merit
systems principles, or improperly discriminated on the basis of an employee’s race, color, religion,
sex, gender identity, genetic information, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation,
marital status, parental status, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, labor organization
affiliation or non-affiliation, personal favoritism, or any other non-merit factors, in the assessment
or selection of an employee, may be subject to disciplinary action as circumstances warrant.
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Section 10. Modifying Qualifications Standards For Inservice Placement
The Office of Personnel Management has authorized agencies to modify experience requirements
for certain inservice placement actions. To ensure the authority is used appropriately and that
applicants are given fair consideration, the following policies, guidelines, and procedures in this
section will be used when modifying qualification standards.
Office of Personnel Management, General Schedule Qualifications Policies, Application of
Qualifications Standards
The normal experience requirements may be modified when the applicant’s background includes
related experience that demonstrates the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities/Competencies necessary
for successful performance in the new position. Either the general experience requirement or the
specialized experience requirement or both may be modified.
Selective factors, minimum education, and licensure or certification requirements may not be
Experience requirements may be modified only if the applicant is being considered for
reassignment, voluntary change to lower grade, or transfer or reinstatement to the same or lower
grade than that currently or previously held. Experience requirements may be modified for
reassignment, change to lower grade, transfer, or reinstatement to a position with greater
promotion potential than the current position under merit promotion procedures. Applicants for
immediate promotion must meet the full experience requirements described in the qualification
Two of the objectives of the Bureau of Prisons’ merit promotion plan are to provide an effective,
fair method of evaluating applicants and to give the selecting official a choice from among the
best-qualified applicants for a position. Normally, the process involves making an initial
determination about the applicant’s qualifications by comparing the experience with the
qualification standard. Occasionally, it may be decided that applicants who do not meet all of the
experience requirements in the standard can still be expected to perform successfully in the new
position because they have closely related experience. On these occasions, it is appropriate to
modify the experience requirements. Placement in Details, trainee, or upward mobility positions
P3300.03 5/8/2017 44
are appropriate uses of modified standards. The authority to use modified standards should be
used sparingly.
Before deciding to use a modified standard, the HR Manager, in consultation with the HRSC, will
determine whether the normal experience requirements can be modified and what the modified
requirements should be. Modified experience requirements must demonstrate the applicant
gained the necessary KSAs/Competencies through related experience.
a. Vacancy Announcement. When a modified standard is used, the vacancy announcement
must identify the modified requirements to be met. The following language will be noted on the
vacancy announcement:
In accordance with the OPM instructions contained in the General Schedule Qualifications
Policies, Application of Qualifications Standards, experience requirements may be modified.
Applicants may qualify on the basis of related experience that provided evidence of (list
b. SF-52 and SF-50. When a selectee qualifies under a modified standard, the SF-52 and the
SF-50 documenting the selection will include a remark that the selectee qualified based on a
modified standard.
c. Subsequent Promotions. Selectees whose placement in a position was based on a modified
standard are eligible for subsequent promotions based on the add-on rule. Qualifications rating
sheets for subsequent promotions will document that the applicant qualifies under the add-on rule.
Further discussion of the add-on rule can be found in the General Schedule Qualifications Policies
under Application of Qualifications Standards, (8) Special Inservice Placement Provisions.
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Section 11. Pass/Fail System For Introduction to Correctional Techniques
It is essential that all staff working in a correctional environment be at least minimally proficient in
the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) needed for correctional work. Validation research
has identified these critical KSAs. Therefore, the attainment of proficiency in these areas,
operationally defined as the successful completion of the Introduction to Correctional Techniques
Program (ICTP), is a condition of employment for all staff in correctional institutions.
In order to obtain the necessary KSAs, all covered employees must successfully complete the
ICTP. Successful completion is defined by the attainment of an acceptable level of performance,
as defined by the Staff Training Academy, in three areas; firearms, physical abilities, and a written
test of job knowledge. Physicians and dentists may elect to waive, and chaplains and PHS staff
do not participate in, the firearms portion; however, the other evaluative areas are applicable.
(Physicians and dentists electing to waive firearms, chaplains, and PHS staff will be required to
complete the Correctional Services Cross Development Course or the Program Review Cross
Development Course if the latter was already completed, in place of the firearms requirement.)
Students must perform at an acceptable level in all three areas.
Program Statement Physical and Medical Standards for Newly Hired Correctional
Program Statement Employee Development Manual
All employees appointed after December 31, 1983, to positions defined as primary law
enforcement positions and whose appointments meet the following conditions are covered:
Career and career-conditional appointments, including reinstatements and transfers.
Excepted service appointments exceeding one year and temporary appointments for which
there is an expectation of conversion to a permanent appointment.
Reinstatements of former Bureau of Prisons employees whose break in service (from the
Bureau of Prisons) exceeds three years.
Public Health Service employees and officers stationed in a correctional facility are also
covered by these pass/fail requirements.
The pass/fail requirement for the physical abilities testing component of the ICTP is in effect for
staff entering on duty after January 1, 1997.
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Any employee appointed to a non-law enforcement position after December 31, 1983, and who
attends the ICTP, but does not satisfactorily complete the training, is not eligible to be assigned to
a primary law enforcement position. Selection of a non-law enforcement employee for a law
enforcement position in which the employee did not have the opportunity to successfully complete
the ICTP is considered tentative. Only upon successful completion of the ICTP may the selection
be finalized and the employee allowed to begin the relocation process.
Requests for certificates of eligibles and vacancy announcements will include a notice that
successful completion of the ICTP is a condition of employment.
Prospective employees for law enforcement positions will be notified of the requirement to
successfully complete the ICTP at the time of the panel interview or prior to selection, if currently
employed with the Bureau. Non-law enforcement employees will acknowledge the requirement
to successfully complete the ICTP before selection into a law enforcement position. Applicants
and employees initially assuming a law enforcement position will acknowledge this requirement
by signing BP-A0138, Employee Notification of Federal Prison System Training Requirements
(Law Enforcement Officer Applicants Only).
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Section 12. Pathways Program
The objective of the Pathways Program is to provide internships and meaningful training and
career development opportunities within the Federal Bureau of Prisons to students. The
following information outlines regulations and procedures to administer the Pathways Student
Internship programs.
5 CFR 362
OPM Pathways Transition and Implementation Guidance
DOJ Policy Statement 1200.01
DOJ Pathways Internship Program Memorandum Of Understanding (between DOJ and the BOP)
The Bureau of Prisons must enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the
Department of Justice establishing governing requirements for the Pathways program. The MOU
must be signed prior to Intern appointments within the Bureau, and renewed every two years.
The Pathways Program is comprised of three program areas, each subject to its own eligibility
requirements and terms of appointment:
Student Internship Program. Provides students (including summer positions) with paid
opportunities to work and explore Federal careers while still in school.
Recent Graduates Program. Provides opportunities for recent graduates to explore Federal
civil service employment, and engage in a 1-year career development program.
President Management Fellows Program. A leadership development program for
advanced degree candidates.
a. Eligibility. Students must have been accepted for enrollment or be enrolled and seeking a
degree (diploma or certificate) in a qualifying educational institution on a full- or half-time basis.
An overall Grade Point Average of 2.5 is required and must be maintained throughout the duration
of the internship.
b. Appointment Authority: Schedule D: 213.3402(A). Student Internships are subject to one
of two appointments: Temporary NTE (appointment not to exceed 1 year), or EXC Appointment
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(appointment more than 1 year). An end date for either appointment must be specified in the
Participant Agreement with the Intern.
c. Conversion to Competitive Service. A Student Intern may be non-competitively converted
from the Internship Program to a term or permanent position in the competitive service.
However, conversion is not mandatory or guaranteed. Eligibility must be based on all terms in
Section 5 CFR 362.204, including:
U.S. citizenship.
Successful completion of educational requirements.
Minimum completion of 640 hours of work experience while enrolled as a full- or half-time
degree-seeking student.
Meeting OPM qualification standards for the position to which the intern will be converted.
Maintaining acceptable performance under the Performance Appraisal system.
A favorable recommendation for conversion from a supervisor.
Waiver up to 320 hours may be considered credited and applied to the 640 hours for certain
non-Federal career-related internship program experience, volunteer service, or active duty
military service.
d. Student Schedules. Interns may be appointed at any time during the year, and may work a
full-time or part-time schedule based on the Participant Agreement. The Human Resource Office
is responsible for establishing work schedules for Interns in accordance with 5 CFR 610.121. The
Human Resource Office and the student should agree on a formally arranged schedule of school
and work that does not interfere with the student’s academic schedule or performance, supports
completion of the educational program, and ensures the Internship program is accomplished in a
reasonable timeframe.
e. Break in Program. Interns must provide, in writing, a request for a break in program to the
Supervisor and Human Resource Office immediately. The written statement must include a
justification and an expected date of return. The request must be forwarded to the Human
Resource Regional Office for approval. Requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
f. Separation. A student intern may be separated for the following reasons:
Misconduct, poor performance, or suitability.
Failure to maintain eligibility to participate.
Expiration of appointment.
Reduction in Force.
Budgetary constraints.
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Lack of work.
Interns may resign or withdraw voluntarily at any time during the program.
g. Termination. An Intern appointment expires 120 days after completion of the designated
course of study, unless the participant is selected for noncompetitive conversion under 5 CFR
362.204, or expiration of the temporary Internship appointment.
a. Eligibility. Applicants must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion,
except for veterans precluded from doing so due to their military service obligation, who have up
to six years after degree or certificate completion. Successful individuals are placed in a
dynamic, two-year career development program.
b. Appointment Authority: Schedule D: 213.3402(b) Initial appointments may be made up
GS-9 (or equivalent).
GS-11 (or equivalent). For candidates with degrees in the STEM fields (science, technology,
engineering, and math), if the individual possesses a Ph.D or equivalent degree from a
qualifying institution directly related to the position being filled.
GS-12 (or equivalent). For candidates who possess a Ph.D or equivalent degree directly
related to the position being filled.
c. Conversion to Competitive Service. A Recent Graduate may be noncompetitively
converted to a term or permanent position in the competitive service. To be eligible for
conversion, a Recent Graduate must:
Be a U.S. citizen.
Successfully complete all requirements of the program.
Maintain acceptable performance under the Performance Appraisal system.
Meet OPM qualification standards for the position to which the intern will be converted.
Recent Graduates converted to term positions may later be noncompetitively converted to
permanent positions. Once appointed to a career or career conditional position, time spent on the
Recent Graduates appointment may be credited toward completion of the probationary period.
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The noncompetitive conversion must occur upon successful completion of the 1-year program
period or at the end of the 120-day approved extension. Under no circumstances can a
Recent Graduate appointment exceed 2 years, plus a 120-day extension.
If participants are not converted on the date of their service requirement, or at the end of the
120-day extension, their appointments must be terminated.
d. Movement Within the Bureau of Prisons. Recent Graduate interns may apply for and
accept a new Recent Graduate appointment provided it meets all of the requirements for
participating in the Recent Graduates Program. To move to a new appointment, a Recent
Graduate must separate from the current appointment and be appointed to a position without a
break in service. Requirements for the position and noncompetitive conversion eligibility must
be identified at the time of the new appointment. Time spent under the initial appointment will be
credited toward meeting the program requirements under the new appointment.
a. Eligibility. The program provides employment opportunities for individuals who have
received a qualifying advanced degree within the 2-year period preceding the PMF program
announcement, or a student currently attending a qualifying educational institution who expects to
complete the advanced degree by August 31 of the academic year in which the competition is held.
b. Appointment Authority: Schedule D: 213.3402(c). The appointment eligibility period for
PMF finalists is determined by OPM. A Fellow may be appointed for a period of 2 years.
Appointments can be made at the GS-9, GS-11, or GS-12 level or equivalent, depending on
qualifications. A Fellow’s appointment may be extended for up to 120 days in rare or unusual
circumstances or situations.
c. Training and Development. Training and Development activities and requirements
Participate in the OPM-sponsored orientation program.
Create an Individual Development Plan (IDP).
Obtain a mentor within the first 90 days of appointment.
Undertake at least one 4- to 6-month rotational or developmental assignment consistent with
the employee’s IDP.
Pursue a short-term (1- to 6-month) rotational assignment.
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For a Pathways position, the requesting institution agrees to meet all requirements set forth in the
Pathways Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Participant Agreement. An institution
that wishes to establish a Pathways position must submit a request to the Regional Human
Resource Office. At the time of request, the institution must determine if the position will be a
NTE Appointment (not eligible for noncompetitive conversion into permanent service) or an EXC
Appointment (eligible for noncompetitive conversion into permanent service). All intern
positions will be approved on a Fiscal Year basis.
a. Regional Review. The Regional Human Resource Office will evaluate the request, and, if
approved, will forward the request to the Staffing and Employee Relations Section (SERS),
Central Office, for processing and approval.
b. Central Office Review and Processing. SERS will initiate the SF-52 to be signed by the
Personnel Director, Assistant Director, HRMD, and the Assistant Director, Administration.
The Bureau Personnel Director and the HRMD Assistant Director sign agreements on behalf of the
Bureau of Prisons covering positions controlled and funded by Central Office. Once Pathways
positions have been established by HRMD for the fiscal year, institutions will be informed of their
available positions through the Regional Office.
c. Announcing a Position. All positions are announced on USAJOBS via the Consolidated
Staffing Unit (CSU) in accordance with public notification requirements consistent with the
Delegated Examining Unit procedures. The local Human Resource Office will prepare and
submit a Vacancy Announcement Information Form (VAIF). When submitting a VAIF, specify
the type of employment (i.e., Temp NTE “Pathways”), conversion eligibility, and any other
conditions of employment (background, physical, part-time or full-time, etc.).
Vacancy announcements at a minimum must include:
Opening date.
Position title, series, grade, salary range of the position.
Geographic location of the position.
How to apply or express interest.
All nationwide announcements are distributed via e-mail.
d. Rating Procedures. Applicants for Pathways positions will be assessed using Quality
Category Ratings, to include: determining minimum qualifications, evaluating applicants
P3300.03 5/8/2017 52
competencies based on Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities responses, and adjudicating Veterans’
Appointment to each program is under the Excepted Service, Schedule D appointing authority, and
will be made in accordance with provisions of 5 CFR 302. Appointments are subject to the same
requirements governing term, career, or career-conditional employment. Normal applicant
suitability and qualification requirements must be followed prior to appointment. Applicants are
only appointed to positions for which they have applied. Appointments will be documented with
the appropriate codes and remarks from OPM’s Guide to Processing Personnel Actions.
a. Length of Appointments. Student Internships are either temporary (not to exceed one year),
or for an initial period to last more than one year. The Pathways Participant Agreement must
specify the ending date with the Intern. For appointments of more than one year, the Participant
Agreement with the Intern is generally the projected graduation date. Recent Graduate and PMF
appointments under this authority may not exceed two years, plus any agency-approved extension
up to 120 days. If participants are not converted on the date of their service requirement, or at the
end of the 120-day extension, their appointments must be terminated.
Service in a Pathways Program confers no right to further employment in either the competitive or
excepted service.
b. Break in Program. A break in program is defined as an intern who is not attending classes
and is unable to work, or is able to work but is unable to attend classes. In these instances, interns
must provide, in writing, a request for a break in program to the Supervisor and Human Resource
Office immediately. The written statement must include a justification and an expected date of
return. The request must be forwarded to SERS, Central Office, for approval. Requests will be
reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
c. Participant Agreement. Upon entry on duty, a Participant Agreement must be signed by the
Intern, Supervisor, and a human resource official. The agreement includes: Appointment Date
(including program completion date); Intern, Supervisor, and Human Resource Office
responsibilities; work assignments; evaluation procedures; work schedules; and minimum
eligibility requirements for conversion to term or permanent positions in the competitive service.
The Participant Agreement (BP-A1078) is filed in the Student’s OPF/eOPF throughout the
duration of the internship.
d. Training and Development. Formal training and development must be pursuant to the
established performance goals and standards set forth in the Participant Agreement. Progress will
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be evaluated and documented in a performance plan and placed in the eOPF throughout the
duration of the internship. For students employed less than 90 days, no formalized training is
required except that necessary to work in a correctional environment.
e. Employment of Relatives. There is no prohibition against a Pathways Program participant
working in the same agency as a relative, as long as there is no direct reporting relationship and the
relative is not in a position to influence the participant’s appointment, employment, promotion, or
advancement within the Bureau.
f. Citizenship. The Bureau may appoint a non-citizen, provided that he/she is lawfully admitted
to the United States as a permanent resident or is otherwise authorized to be employed. DOJ is
authorized to pay aliens under its annual appropriations or other applicable laws. Program
participants must be U.S. citizens to be eligible for noncompetitive conversion to the competitive
g. Benefits. Travel and transportation expenses for relocation will not be authorized for
students. A participant in these programs is eligible for health benefits and life insurance if
his/her appointment will exceed one year. Participation in the retirement system is automatic if
the appointment exceeds one year. If the appointment is for less than one year, the student will be
covered by FICA. A student accrues leave based on his/her work schedule and in accordance
with applicable leave regulations for full- or part-time employees.
h. Tenure Groups For Reduction in Force (RIF). An intern serving under a temporary
appointment (NTE date) is in excepted service Tenure Group III, provided he/she completed at
least 1 year of current continuous service. If not, the Intern is Tenure Group 0. Recent
Graduates and Presidential Management Fellow participants are in excepted service Tenure group
i. Transition Assistance. The provisions of the Reemployment Priority List (RPL), Career
Transition Assistance (CTAP) Program, and Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan
(ICTAP) do not apply to the initial appointment or conversions of Pathways Programs participants
to the Competitive Service.
The Bureau is required to provide various reports throughout the year. All participants in the
Pathways Program will be required to submit reports to SERS, Central Office. Reports include:
a. Semi-Annual Report. No later than the end of April and the end of September of each year,
Human Resource Offices and Supervisors of Legal and Psychology interns must submit the
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following information for each Pathways participant: Name, Sex, Race, Hire Date, Separation
Date (if applicable), Facility, Official Title, Grade, Salary, and Name of School Attended.
b. Annual Report. The Bureau is required to provide an annual report to OPM addressing
Human Capital planning. The following information must be submitted by each Regional Human
Resource Office:
Occupations for which the Pathways Program will be used to fill entry-levels positions during
the coming year.
The percentage of positions to be filled under the Internship, Recent Graduates, and PMF
Programs, respectively, expected during the coming year; and for the previous year.
The number of participants initially appointed under each Pathways Program.
The percentage of the component’s overall hires made from each Pathways Program.
The number of Pathways Program participants converted to the competitive service for each
Pathways Program.
The number of Pathways Program participants who were separated for each Pathways
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Section 13. Priority Placement and Reemployment Program
It is the policy of the Bureau of Prisons to give priority placement to employees who are
involuntarily reduced in grade, not for cause, and to operate a sound Priority Placement Program
under guidelines developed by the Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Justice,
and the Bureau of Prisons. The purpose of the Priority Placement Program is to offer positions
and facilitate placement of covered employees in the shortest possible time.
5 CFR 330.201
Master Agreement
The following categories of competitive status employees, after being certified by their servicing
Human Resource Office, are eligible for coverage under the Priority Placement Program:
Employees being reduced in grade as a result of Reduction in Force.
Employees being reduced in grade as a result of an erroneous classification.
Employees granted pay or grade retention in writing by the Assistant Director, Human
Resource Management Division, or the Director, Bureau of Prisons.
Employees granted priority placement as a result of an EEO complaint, grievance, or appeal.
Employees whose positions have been targeted to be abolished within 90 days.
Competitive personnel actions such as selection through merit promotion procedures or selection
from an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) or Delegated Examining Operations (DEO)
register, may not be made until the procedures for considering applicants on the Priority Placement
List (PPL) and the Reemployment Priority List (RPL) have been followed. Career promotions,
detail to a higher graded position for 120 days or less, temporary promotion for 120 days or less,
and other exceptions described under 5 CFR 330.211 are permitted without a review of the PPL
and RPL.
Employees who are eligible for the Priority Placement Program will receive written notification of
their eligibility along with the SF-50, Notice of Personnel Action, effecting the action, or written
documentation as part of a notice of decision or settlement agreement. The employee must be
advised in writing that election not to enroll significantly reduces the chances for placement into a
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position at the former grade and may result in a reduction in grade and loss of future earnings upon
expiration of grade and/or pay retention.
Covered employees who wish to register for the PPL will complete a Priority Placement Program
form (BP-A1075) for positions and grades for which they wish placement, and submit it to their
servicing HRM office along with a current resume. Use of the Priority Placement Program form
allows the employee to choose more than one location for each type of position.
The servicing HR office will complete a Qualifications Rating Form (BP-A0508) for each series
and grade applied for, certifying that the employee meets the minimum qualification requirements
for that position and grade level.
The servicing HR office will forward a copy of the application, Priority Placement Program Form
(BP-A1075), Qualifications Rating Form (BP-A0508), decision or notice that makes the employee
eligible for the PPL, and SF-50 Notice of Personnel Action (if applicable), to the Staffing and
Employee Relations Section (SERS), Central Office. The servicing HR office will retain a copy
of these documents, along with the employee’s OF-612 or resume, for future requests from HR
offices that are considering the registered employee under the PPL for filling their vacancies.
Employees may submit for inclusion any additional education or experience to their application
after their initial submission.
Upon acceptance and verification of all required information, SERS will provide notification to
the employee regarding position qualification and duration of eligibility.
Employees will remain on the PPL for three years from the effective date of the action that resulted
in their loss of grade unless they are deleted under Paragraph 7 below or lose eligibility for
noncompetitive selection. Employees given priority placement as a result of a grievance, appeal,
or EEO settlement or decision will remain on the PPL until they have either been placed or
received the consideration granted in the decision or settlement.
SERS is responsible for maintaining and publishing the PPL. SERS will forward a copy of the
PPL to all HR offices as changes occur and maintain a current list on Sallyport.
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Before a vacancy may be announced, the HR office with delegated selection authority for the
position will review the PPL or RPL. If there are no candidates on the PPL or RPL for the
vacancy, the VAIF/SF-39 will be forwarded to CSU. CSU will verify there are no applicants on
the PPL/RPL prior to announcing the vacancy through normal procedures. A copy of the
PPL/RPL is included in the announcement file.
If the PPL includes an employee for the vacancy, the announcing HR office will secure from the
applicant’s servicing HR office a current Qualifications Rating Form (BP-0508), OF-612, or
resume and performance appraisal. These documents will be reviewed by the selecting official.
The selecting official will consider the employee’s performance and compare his/her experience to
the requirements of the position being filled.
SERS will notify RPL applicants who do not meet the age requirements of their ineligibility for
consideration. The announcing HR office will secure from SERS a copy of the RPL applicant’s
application, and will obtain a copy of the applicant’s most recent SF-50 and performance
appraisal. These documents will be reviewed by the selecting official. The selecting official
will consider the applicant’s performance and compare his/her experience to the requirements of
the position being filled.
If the selecting official decides not to select the PPL/RPL candidate, the reasons for the
non-selection will be made in writing and signed by the selecting official. A copy of the
justification for non-selection will be filed in the announcement file and a copy will be sent to the
PPL/RPL applicants.
Once the selecting official has reviewed and not selected any PPL/RPL applicants, the vacancy
may be announced.
SERS will remove an employee from the PPL upon his/her:
Written request to be removed from consideration.
Selection through any procedure that places the employee back into the grade from which
Declination of a valid offer for a position from the employee’s Priority Placement Program
Expiration of the three-year eligibility period.
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Receiving priority placement as specified in a grievance, appeal, or complaint settlement or
Servicing HR offices will notify SERS and the employee immediately when an employee is to be
deleted from the PPL.
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Section 14. Probationary Period for Supervisory and Managerial Positions
This section describes the requirements for new supervisors, managers, and Senior Executive
Service (SES) staff.
DOJ Order 1200.1 Probationary Period for Supervisors and Managers in the Competitive Service
5 CFR 315, Subpart I
5 CFR 317
5 USC 3321
5 USC 3393
Supervisors and managers who do not perform satisfactorily during their probationary period will
be assigned to a position of no lower grade and pay than the one the employee left to accept the
supervisory/managerial position. If this action occurs, the employee has no appeal rights unless it
is felt the action was based on partisan political affiliation or marital status. An appeal of this
nature would be filed with the Merit Systems Protection Board. The SF-50 placing an employee
in one of these positions will include a remark noting the individual is serving a probationary
a. Supervisor. Upon initial placement in a supervisory position, an employee is required to
complete a one-year probationary period. A position is supervisory if it meets the definition of a
supervisor as described in the General Schedule Supervisory Guide.
In addition to the supervisory probationary period, upon initial placement in a
managerial position, an employee must also serve a one-year probationary period, except for
individuals who, through demonstrated performance and experience, previously satisfactorily
completed the probationary period in a supervisory position. A managerial position is one that
meets or exceeds the definition of managerial in the General Schedule Supervisory Guide.
c. SES. Initial appointment as a SES career appointee becomes final only after the individual
has served a one-year probationary period as a career appointee.
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Section 15. Qualification Standards For Administrative Positions
This section establishes and defines qualification standards for administrative positions. All
employees in Federal correctional facilities have a primary responsibility for the detention,
direction, supervision, inspection, training, employment, care, and transportation of inmates
incarcerated in these facilities. Therefore, they are covered by the special retirement provisions
for law enforcement officers as defined in Chapters 83 and 84 of Title 5, United States Code.
Employees in administrative positions (as defined below) will be covered under these law
enforcement retirement provisions if experience as a law enforcement officer is a basic
qualification requirement for the administrative position and they have three years of primary law
enforcement experience.
5 USC, Chapters 84 and 85
An administrative position is defined as a position in the Central Office, Regional Offices, Grand
Prairie, and training centers that requires the incumbent to develop policies, provide expert advice
in an area of correctional specialty, or provide guidance, direction, supervision, advice, or
evaluation for a program or programs in correctional facilities. Examples of such programs
include, but are not limited to:
Case Management
Federal Prison Industries
Correctional Services Food Service
Correctional Systems Health Services
Education Legal Administration
Human Resource Management Research/Program Development
Financial Management Residential Reentry
Facilities Operations Psychology Services
Computer Services
Religious Services
Safety Administration
Central Office, Regional Office, Grand Prairie, and training center staff must have experience in
correctional facilities if they are to be effective in the primary responsibilities of directing and
evaluating these operating programs in field institutions. Therefore, it is the policy of the Bureau
of Prisons that every effort will be made to find qualified applicants with correctional experience
for administrative positions. Individuals selected for administrative positions who have not had
P3300.03 5/8/2017 61
experience in a correctional facility will receive orientation and training in various correctional
subjects, in accordance with established policy, to enhance their understanding of the correctional
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Section 16.
Reference Checking
This section establishes procedures to enable selecting officials to check the references of
candidates in the best qualified and non-competitive group.
5 C.F.R. part 731
5 U.S.C. 1302, 3301
The selecting official or designee is authorized to conduct reference checking.
Three categories of references may be checked:
Individuals in the applicant’s current or past chain of command.
For technical positions, individuals expected to have knowledge of the applicant’s technical
skills (i.e., institutional, regional, or Central Office counterparts).
Personal and professional references provided by the applicant.
Multiple reference checks should be annotated on the same form.
Candidates whose applications are forwarded to the selecting official (i.e., best qualified
candidates and those in the non-competitive group) may be reference checked.
For non-bargaining unit positions (regardless of the bargaining unit status of the applicants),
one has the option of conducting checks on all, some, or none of the candidates.
For bargaining unit positions (regardless of the bargaining unit status of the applicants), one has
the option of conducting checks on all or none of the candidates.
In addition, in the case of bargaining unit positions, the decision to reference check candidates on
one list (e.g., the best qualified list or non-competitive list) requires that all of the candidates on
that list be checked. It does not, however, require that the candidates on the other list be
checked as well, unless the selecting official so desires. For example, the decision to reference
P3300.03 5/8/2017 63
check the best qualified list requires that all of the best qualified candidates are checked, but the
non-competitive applicants need not be checked unless the selecting official wishes to reference
check that list, and vice versa. However, once the decision is made to reference check anyone on
a list, all candidates on that list must be checked.
If the decision is made to reference check, the all or none” requirement applies to the first level of
checks only. Should the selecting official or other designees decide to do subsequent reference
checks on any of the candidates, the subsequent reference checking need not be performed on all of
the candidates.
Applicants will be notified as to whether reference checking was conducted for the vacancy after
the selection is made.
The Confidential Reference Check form (BP-A1076) will be used for all reference checks. The
questions outlined on the form are required; follow-up questions for clarification purposes are
In addition, should the reference checker determine additional job-related questions are necessary,
those questions are to be added to the BP-A1076 and asked of all applicants who are reference
checked for that vacancy.
The reference checker is authorized to verify the information the applicant submitted.
The form will be used to record the results of the reference checking, ensuring that specific ratings
are not directly linked to specific references. Checks may be used to distinguish each reference
received in the appropriate boxes. Additional forms may be used if more than three references are
Inquiries are to be related to the employee’s job performance and knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Inquiries must not address any of the following topics:
Marital status.
Country of origin.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 64
Religious practices.
Sexual orientation.
Medical history.
Prescription drug use.
Disability or other physical condition.
Workers’ Compensation claims.
Authorized use of leave.
Labor union participation.
Parental status.
Military service.
Genetic information.
Participation in EEO activity.
Any investigation.
For non-bargaining unit staff, the reference check form will be confidential and maintained in
the Merit Promotion File in accordance with established procedures for file retention.
For bargaining unit staff, the applicant’s reference check form will be accessible to the applicant
after a selection has been made or the Merit Promotion File is otherwise closed. The reference
check forms will be maintained in the Merit Promotion File in accordance with established
procedures for file retention.
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Section 17. Schedule A Hiring
This section establishes procedures for the recruitment and hiring of persons with disabilities
under the Schedule A Appointing authority.
5 C.F.R. 213.3102 (u), Appointment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, Severe Physical
Disabilities, and Psychiatric Disabilities.
Department of Justice Schedule A Section, (u) Hiring Plan for Persons with Targeted Disabilities.
Americans With Disabilities Act.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Applicants with disabilities must:
Meet the required qualifications for the position, with or without reasonable accommodation.
Provide proof that he/she is an individual with permanent severe intellectual disability,
physical disability, or psychiatric disability.
Proof of an individual’s disability may be appropriate documentation (records, statements, or other
appropriate information) issued from a licensed medical professional (e.g., a physician or other
medical professional duly certified by a state, the District of Columbia, or U.S. territory to practice
medicine); a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (state or private); or any Federal agency,
state agency, or other agency of the District of Columbia or U.S. territory that issues or provide
disability benefits.
Under the provisions of 5 CFR 213.3102(u), agencies may appoint, on a permanent, time-limited,
or temporary basis, a person with intellectual disability, severe physical disability, or psychiatric
a. Competitively. Prior to advertising the vacancy, a search will be conducted of the Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) Shared List of People with Disabilities (“Bender Registry”).
OPM has partnered with Bender Consulting Services to provide a list of candidates with
disabilities who are eligible to be hired through the Schedule A hiring authority (213.3102 (u)).
This service is free to all Federal agencies. The OPM Shared List of People with Disabilities can
be accessed by creating a MAX ID and password via www.MAX.gov.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 66
If a qualified applicant is certified for consideration for a Schedule A appointment, the local
Human Resource Manager will select up to three, but not less than one, qualified applicant with a
targeted disability for interview.
Law enforcement officer positions that are subject to medical standards and physical requirements
are exempt from the requirement to interview candidates with targeted disabilities prior to
advertising the vacancy.
After the Bender Registry is cleared, if applicable, jobs are advertised through USAJOBS. Job
announcements may include instructions on how to apply under Schedule A procedures.
b. Non-competitively. Applicants with intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities, or
psychiatric disabilities who have documentation from a licensed medical professional (e.g., a
physician or other medical professional certified by a state, the District of Columbia, or a U.S.
territory to practice medicine); a licensed vocational rehabilitation specialist (state or private); or
any Federal agency, state agency, or agency of the District of Columbia or a U.S. territory that
issues or provides disability benefits may apply for non-competitive appointment through the
Schedule A hiring authority. Applicants with documentation may apply directly to the Bureau’s
Selective Placement Coordinator (SPC) to be considered for jobs. Applicants must send a resume
plus the pertinent documentation to the Bureau’s SPC.
Schedule A applicants may apply utilizing competitive or non-competitive application procedures.
Applications received by Human Resource offices or the Consolidated Staffing Unit (CSU) may
be forwarded to the Bureau’s SPC for review and approval of eligibility for a Schedule A
The application package will include a letter of introduction, a form for comments BP-A1077,
reviews, and recommendations to be completed by the SPC.
The SPC will review all supporting disability documentation within 5 working days to determine if
the applicant meets all requirements for proof of disability. The SPC will also identify the
applicant’s job interest based on information in the application.
If the applicant meets the requirements for disability, the SPC will submit documentation of
his/her assessment to the requesting HR office or CSU by fax or e-mail.
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The receiving office will assess the applicant’s resume and make a qualification determination on
the applicant’s eligibility for the identified vacancy.
If the HR office determines the applicant is qualified, the packet will be routed to the selecting
official for consideration. However, if the receiving office is CSU and the applicant is rated
qualified, CSU will issue a Schedule A certificate.
After considering all of the applicants, the selecting official may select the candidate best suited
for the position.
The local Human Resource Office is responsible for completing the SF-52 for a Schedule A
Applicants hired are appointed under 5 CFR 213.3102 (u), an excepted service authority. After
the employee has completed two years of non-temporary service, he/she may be
non-competitively converted to a career-conditional appointment in the competitive service.
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Section 18. Services of Student Volunteers
The Federal Bureau of Prisons and any of its facilities may, as appropriate, enter into agreements
with recognized educational institutions to provide opportunities for students to obtain
educationally related and meaningful work experience consistent with the mission and needs of the
Bureau of Prisons, provided that in no circumstances will such services be used to displace any
employee or to staff any vacancy that is a normal part of the workforce.
5 USC 3111
5 CFR 308
Current Guide to Processing Personnel, Chapter 33: Documentation of Volunteer Service.
DOJ 1200.01: Part I. Employment, Chapter 3: Student Volunteer Service.
Volunteer or Voluntary Service. This service is to be performed by a student without
compensation and with the agreement of the educational institution at which the student is
enrolled. Such service may be accepted for an initial period not to exceed six months, on a
full-time or substantially full-time basis. Additional periods of full-time service may be accepted
for similar periods of time, provided the volunteer work service remains consistent with the
student’s educational experience, and the student demonstrates continued eligibility as an enrolled
student. This limitation does not apply to a student simultaneously working and attending school
on at least a half-time basis.
Student. A student is defined as an individual who is enrolled not less than half-time in a high
school, trade school, technical or vocational institute, junior college, college, university, or
comparable recognized educational institution. An individual is deemed a student during an
interim period between school years if that interim period is not more than five months, and if the
student demonstrates to the satisfaction of the appointing officer that he/she has a firm intention of
continuing to pursue a course of study or training in the same or different educational institution
during the school semester (or other period into which the school year is divided) immediately
after the interim period.
Half-Time Student. Half-time status is defined as a student enrolled in and carrying any
combination of courses, research projects, or special studies that meets one-half of the minimum
full-time academic workload standards and practices of the educational institution in which the
student is enrolled. Written certification from the educational institution may be accepted as
proof of half-time status if there is any doubt the student meets this requirement.
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Recognized Educational Institution. A recognized educational institution must be accredited
by an appropriate organization or be an institution with an accredited curriculum. This
requirement is met when a public or private secondary or vocational school is accredited by a local
board of education, a technical or professional association, or by any other recognized accrediting
organization. The same criteria apply to accreditation of institutions of higher learning.
Correspondence courses, courses being audited without credit, or short-term non-accredited
programs are not acceptable. Students must generally be enrolled in and attending the school
on a
residential basis.
Volunteer service must be in accord with appropriate Federal, state, and local laws regarding the
employment of minors. Normally, the minimum age is 18 years; however, when all of the
conditions for voluntary service as stated in this section are met, the minimum age is 16 years.
Any employment certificates or work permits required by state or local authorities must be
obtained. Students must be in good academic standing and eligible to continue as an enrolled
student in their educational institution. If a background investigation is required, it must be
initiated before the student is accepted for volunteer service (see Attachment A).
Students in this program are not considered to be Federal employees other than for the purposes of
Title 5 USC, Chapter 81, related to workers’ compensation, and Title 28 USC, Sections 2671
through 2680, related to tort claims. Volunteer service is creditable toward meeting qualification
requirements for competitive examining and, later, competitive or non-competitive in-service
placement. A student who has participated in uncompensated volunteer service is subject to all
applicable Federal and agency employment regulations and procedures upon future application for
compensated employment.
Student volunteers should receive appropriate orientation to the mission and operations of the
Bureau of Prisons and the facility to which assigned. Student volunteers do not attend
Introduction to Correctional Techniques.
Under the law, the permission of the educational institution is prerequisite to the acceptance of
voluntary service. Accordingly, a written agreement (BP-A1078) is entered into between the
employing organization and the educational institution. The agreement should describe the
relative responsibilities of the school, the student, and the employing organization; the general
nature and purpose of the work to be assigned; whether such work is to be creditable for
P3300.03 5/8/2017 70
educational purposes; any reports or evaluations required by the school; a work schedule; the
probable duration of the service; and some method of timekeeping. To comply with the law, the
agreement must stipulate the service is with the permission of the school; is limited by statute to a
student enrolled in school; is without compensation; is not creditable for leave accrual or any
employee benefits; and that the student is not considered to be a Federal employee for any
purposes other than injury compensation and laws related to the Tort Claims Act.
Volunteer service must be documented with a Service Agreement and signed by the educational
institution, the student volunteer, and a Human Resource official. This agreement is to be filed
and maintained in the Volunteer File. Position descriptions are not required; however, each
agreement should detail work to be performed by the volunteer.
Since the student volunteer is not considered to be an employee, an appointment affidavit is not
As reports for volunteers may be requested by OPM or DOJ, Human Resource Offices must
maintain and have available the following data for each volunteer: Academic level (high school,
college, etc.), academic discipline, facility, gender, race, and ethnic background.
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Section 19. Staff Uniforms and Uniform Allowances
Title 5, U.S.C., Section 5901 authorizes agencies to issue a uniform allowance to those employees
who are required by the agency to wear a prescribed uniform. The Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) is responsible for issuing regulations pursuant to this authority. The BOP
currently limits the allowance for each prescribed uniform to no less than $600 per year per
uniformed employee. OPM may from time to time adjust the maximum allowance by regulation.
The allowance for each prescribed uniform must be negotiated with the Union up to the maximum
allowed by law or regulation. Any agreed-upon exceptions or changes in clothing allowance
amount will be provided to institutions through Operations Memoranda.
Title 5, U.S.C., Section 105
Title 5, C.F.R., Section 591.103
Title 5, C.F.R., Section 591.104
Program Statement Correctional Services Procedures Manual
Program Statement Property Management Manual
The Director retains authority for prescribing a uniform requirement, authorizing a uniform
allowance, and specifying uniform items. A Bureau of Prisons Staff Uniform Committee will
convene as directed by the Chairperson to review proposals and formulate recommendations to the
Each Warden is delegated the authority, consistent with this policy and the Program Statement
Property Management Manual, to prescribe protective clothing. Local procedures will be
developed in accordance with the Master Agreement.
A uniform requirement not currently authorized by this policy for non-uniformed positions can be
requested by submitting (through the local CEO) a proposal to the Assistant Director over the
affected discipline. If approved by the Assistant Director, the proposal will be directed to the
Committee to formulate a recommendation for the prescribed uniform clothing items. The
recommendation, including a statement of funds availability signed by the Assistant Director,
Administration Division, will be forwarded to the Director for final approval. If requested by the
Council of Prison Locals, committee recommendations approved by the Director will be subject to
bargaining on impact and implementation.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 72
a. Membership. Standing Committee membership is:
Deputy Assistant Director, Human Resource Management Division (Chairperson).
Chief, Labor Relations Office, Coordinator.
Procurement Executive.
Correctional Services Administrator.
Controller, UNICOR.
President, Council of Prison Locals (or designee).
Ad-hoc members may be appointed by the Chairperson after consultation with the President,
Council of Prison Locals.
b. Committee Functions. The Committee will:
Conduct research in reference to the Committee’s agenda.
Review requests and proposals for changes to current staff uniform policies and allowances,
and develop recommendations for the Director.
Review proposals and formulate recommendations to the Director concerning uniform
clothing items and allowances for new positions.
Recommend and review staff surveys and questionnaires pertaining to uniforms and make
recommendations based on survey results.
Seek solutions to problems and concerns submitted to the Committee.
Complete other assignments as referred by the Director, the Executive Staff, the HRM
Wardens’ Advisory Group, or the Committee Chairperson.
c. Committee Chairperson Functions. The Chairperson will:
Receive suggestions, proposals, and concerns as submitted by management or Union officials
for direct response or processing through the committee, as appropriate.
Convene and conduct Committee meetings at least annually, unless it is mutually agreed to
cancel the meeting.
Monitor Committee actions and conduct follow-up activities.
Respond to questions, concerns, and recommendations that do not warrant a full Committee
meeting for discussion and review.
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d. Committee Coordinator Functions. The Committee Coordinator will:
Schedule meetings at the call of the Chairperson, make arrangements for the meeting site, and
notify all members.
Prepare and distribute agendas and minutes to the committee members.
Coordinate pre-meeting and follow-up activities.
a. Amount. Each employee who occupies a position for which there is a prescribed uniform
will be issued an annual allowance of $600.
Servicing HRM offices will authorize a uniform allowance for each eligible
employee using the Authorization to Receive Uniform Allowance form (BP-A0374), or other form
created locally, when eligibility is established. The servicing HRM office will certify the
employee’s eligibility date annually.
Any employee who changes from one uniformed position to another that requires a different
uniform will be given the full authorized amount for the new uniform. The effective date of the
change becomes the new anniversary date for issuance of the uniform allowance. Pro rata
repayment of the initial allowance is not required.
Any employee detailed to another institution for an extended period due to an emergency situation,
in a position requiring a uniform or a different uniform than the employee usually wears, is entitled
to a minimum of one-half of the uniform allowance for the detailed position. Any determination
of a reasonable allowance over the minimum is to be made on a case-by-case basis.
Employees detailed in non-emergency situations to positions requiring a different uniform are
entitled to an appropriate uniform allowance for the new uniform. For example, an employee
who is detailed for a period of six months or less may receive an allowance no more than half of the
annual authorized amount.
The Staff Uniform Committee is responsible for the selection of vendor(s) to provide uniform
clothing items that meet established specifications. Employees must purchase authorized
uniform items from the list of approved vendors. Institutions are responsible for providing
employees with specifications for authorized uniform items and information (such as brochures,
order forms, and price lists) from the approved vendors.
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Protective clothing and safety shoes/boots are not considered uniform items and will be issued and
controlled in accordance with the Program Statement Property Management Manual and the
Master Agreement.
All employees performing duties in the services described below are required to wear the approved
uniform while performing official duties. Supervisors/HR staff will ensure employees are aware
of the prescribed uniform. With the exception of the optional sweater and windbreaker, uniform
clothing should generally not be worn off duty, and may not be worn in a manner or situation that
negatively impacts the agency or gives the appearance of representing the agency without
authorization. Department heads are not authorized to wear a uniform. To the extent it does not
conflict with the principles and policy of this section, the wearing of uniforms may be further
addressed in other Bureau policy manuals for particular disciplines.
a. Dress Uniform. The dress uniform is authorized for Correctional Systems employees,
Correctional Counselors, and certain Correctional Services employees in high-visibility/public
contact posts (normally front lobby, visiting room, and some escort trips, including Special
Investigative Agents at the joint discretion of the Warden and Regional Director).
Correctional Services employees who normally wear the work uniform may be required to wear
the dress uniform while performing certain services. Wardens may exempt administrative staff in
Correctional Systems and Correctional Services (e.g., Administrative Clerk, Secretary, or
Receptionist) from wearing the dress uniform. The uniform consists of a white dress shirt, navy
blue pants with no leg pockets, skirt, plain black belt, navy blazer, and navy tie.
b. Work Uniform. The work uniform is authorized for all other Correctional Services posts
and departments (Food Services, Facilities, UNICOR Foremen [including the Assistant Food
Service Administrator, General Foremen, and Project Foremen], Warehouse Workers [including
Commissary, Laundry/Clothing Room, and UNICOR], Farm employees, V.T. Instructors,
Recycling Technicians, Environmental Compliance Specialists, and Safety Compliance
Specialists located at institutions with a recycling operation.
Wardens may exempt Assistant Food Service Administrators, General Foremen, Project Foremen,
Engineering Technicians, and V.T. Instructors. Upon the employee’s request, Wardens may
exempt administrative staff in Food Services and Facilities (e.g., Food Service Assistant,
Secretary, or Facilities Assistant) from this requirement. Employees exempted from this
requirement will not receive a uniform allowance. Safety shoes/boots are authorized on
P3300.03 5/8/2017 75
assignments that are defined as foot hazard areas by the institution’s local supplements. The
uniform consists of navy pants with leg pockets, plain black belt, blue utility shirt, or the
optional approved polo shirt.
Recreation Staff will wear the polo shirt, navy recreation shorts with BOP logo on the left leg, or
the long navy pants with leg pockets.
Staff Training Academy (STA) instructors’ required attire is listed under a memorandum signed
by the Director of the STA.
Health Services staff performing clinical duties (patient care-related duties) will wear uniforms
consistent with community standards, taking into consideration the correctional aspect of the
duties and security level. Uniform types and colors will be determined locally (excluding inmate
uniform, camouflage, or SORT colors). Approved uniform types are as follows:
Scrubs type tops and pants (usually worn by Nurses, Central Supply Technicians, Nursing
Assistants, Medication Technicians, Dental Assistants, etc.).
Polo shirts (plain or with approved bop emblem) and pants (cargo type with multi-pockets and
belt loops; usually worn by EMTs and Paramedics).
Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dental Officers, and Medical Officers can opt out of
wearing an approved uniform by completing and submitting a BP-A0374 to Human Resources,
and wear the lab coats provided by the BOP over their own clothing of choice. No uniform
allowance will be provided to those clinical staff who elect not to wear the required uniform.
c. Optional Items - All Uniforms. Where appropriate for health and comfort reasons, and in
conformance with local policy and procedures, any uniformed employee may wear a navy blue
long-sleeved monogrammed (with BOP seal) sweater or navy blue monogrammed (with BOP
seal) windbreaker with the uniform.
Bureau of Prisons emblems or lettering may not be sewn, embroidered, or printed on any item of
clothing unless it is herein approved for that clothing item or specifically approved by the Director.
Unless expressly authorized by the Director, protective clothing or uniform items must not display
slogans, printing, or lettering other than that identifying the Bureau of Prisons and the official
name of the institution. Any protective clothing or uniform item that includes the Bureau of
Prisons emblem or lettering must be purchased from an approved vendor.
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Personal clothing items that may be authorized to be worn with the uniform may not display any
emblem, slogan, printing, or lettering.
Name tags, approved by the Director, will be provided by the institution to all employees.
Supervisors, managers, and uniformed staff are required to wear the provided name tag while in
official duty status. All other staff will be encouraged to wear the provided name tag.
Monogrammed names are included on uniformed staff uniforms.
In the interest of professionalism, uniformed employees will not wear jewelry that detracts from
the overall professional appearance of the uniform while on duty. As a matter of professionalism,
personal safety, or institution security, specific items of jewelry or other adornment may be
prohibited altogether, consistent with the Master Agreement.
Adornments denoting any agency or organization other than the Bureau of Prisons, or any cause or
belief, must not be worn on or with the uniform unless specifically authorized by the Director or in
accordance with the Master Agreement.
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Section 20. Staff Vacancy Rate
It is Bureau policy that the vacancy rate of staff positions that work directly with inmates will not
exceed 10 percent during any 18-month period. Vacancies kept open by legislative or fiscal
controls imposed from outside the institution will not be considered in computing the vacancy rate.
If unusual conditions cause an excessive number of vacancies, the Chief Executive Officer will
document the reasons and notify the Regional Director in writing of the number of vacancies
compared to authorized positions and the potential impact on institutional operations.
Chief Executive Officers at non-institution locations will exercise individual discretion based on
workload requirements and funding levels when determining positions to be filled.
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Section 21. Training Agreements
This section describes the Bureau’s training agreements.
5 CFR 300.603
5 CFR 410.307;
OPM Qualifications Standards for General Schedule Positions
The Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Justice have approved an accelerated
promotion program through the use of training agreements for Physician Assistant, Nurse, and
Nurse Practitioner positions. Under the terms of these agreements, a Physician Assistant or Nurse
Practitioner may be promoted from GS-7 to GS-9 or from GS-9 to GS-11 after satisfactory
completion of the required six-month training agreement. Registered Nurses may be promoted
from the GS-4 to the GS-5, or from the GS-5 to the GS-7, or from the GS-7 to the GS-9, or from
the GS-9 to the GS-10 after satisfactory completion of the required six-month training agreement.
Any other approved training agreements by OPM/DOJ will follow the approved guidelines in the
agreement. Employees serving on temporary appointments are not eligible for accelerated
Satisfactory completion of the training program will be certified by the Health Services
Administrator and the Human Resource Manager on the Training Agreement Completion Form
(BP-A1073) before the employee is promoted to the next grade level. The Human Resource
Office will then key the completed training into BOP-Learn, where it will be reflected on the
employee’s training record. A copy of the certification will then be forwarded to CPU for
inclusion as a temporary document in the employee’s eOPF. Accelerated promotions based on
training agreements will be documented on the SF-50 with the remark code E37, showing the
employee satisfactorily completed training prescribed under an OPM-approved training
Employees who have received an accelerated promotion based on a training agreement are eligible
for subsequent promotions based on the “add-on rule” described in the OPM Operating Manual
for Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions. Qualifications rating sheets for
subsequent promotions following an accelerated promotion will include a remark to document the
employee’s eligibility for promotion based on the “add-on rule.”
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Section 22. Upward Mobility Program
This section establishes objectives of the Upward Mobility Program. This program is a systematic
management effort to develop career opportunities for lower-level employees who are in
positions or occupational series that do not enable them to realize their full employment potential.
5 CFR 536.301.
Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Policies and Instructions for the Qualification Standards
Operating Manual.
Master Agreement
The following are the objectives of the Upward Mobility Program:
To assist employees in identifying and fulfilling their career goals.
To provide a system that enables employees and managers to better utilize the knowledge,
skills, and abilities of employees.
To provide training and developmental opportunities for employees to better enable them to
meet the current and future mission of the Bureau of Prisons.
To enable the Bureau to meet current and future staffing needs by preparing employees to meet
those needs and increasing the number of qualified applicants.
To motivate employees to achieve their full potential, enhancing morale and employee
To implement merit principles and affirmative action goals.
a. The Assistant Director, Human Resource Management Division, is responsible for the
development and implementation of the Upward Mobility Program throughout the Bureau.
b. Chief Executive Officers at all levels of the organization are responsible for fostering a
climate in which employees are encouraged to achieve their full potential through training and
developmental opportunities.
c. Human Resource Managers are responsible for developing and implementing the elements
of an upward mobility program at their facilities in accordance with Article 4 of the Master
Agreement. This includes counseling employees interested in participating in upward mobility,
explaining the nature of the program, determining career interest, and planning activities.
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d. Employees are responsible for identifying their career goals, taking advantage of training and
developmental opportunities to assist in achieving their goals, and seeking advice and assistance
from their supervisors, Human Resource Managers, and others who can help them achieve their
full employment potential. Employees are ultimately responsible for their own careers.
a. Employees Covered. Permanent employees with one year of BOP service in a single
increment series GS-1 through GS-8 position may participate. Any Federal Wage System
employee may also participate, provided he/she has completed one year of BOP service.
Supervisory employees are excluded from participation in the Upward Mobility Program unless
occupying a one-grade interval series position below the GS-9 grade level.
b. Positions Covered. General Schedule positions that follow a two-grade interval pattern may
be identified as target or bridge position (e.g., human resource specialist to human resource
manager) in the Upward Mobility Program. Positions for which OPM’s General Schedule
Qualification Policies describe a positive education requirement are excluded from the Upward
Mobility Program.
The objectives of upward mobility can be met through a variety of existing human resource
management programs, such as:
a. Workforce Utilization Planning. Through the regular activities of workforce utilization
committees, institutions identify projected vacancies, turnover data, anticipated workload or
mission changes, and other factors that affect the ability to meet staffing and mission needs. The
assessment of these factors often reveals opportunities to restructure or fill positions below the full
performance level, or identify training needs, all of which can lead to upward mobility
opportunities for staff.
b. Detail for Training. In order to take advantage of the correctional skills of Bureau staff, the
concept of competitive training is encouraged.
These details are announced under merit promotion procedures and afford all employees an
opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to move into a target position.
Details for training also allow an employee to “try on” a new line of work before committing
themselves to a different career path.
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c. Filling Positions Below the Full Performance Level. It is common practice in the BOP to
announce vacancies under merit promotion procedures at multiple grade levels. This practice
benefits management by increasing the applicant pool and benefits employees by enabling them to
qualify for career ladder positions for which they would otherwise not be eligible.
d. Modifying Qualification Requirements. As described in OPM’s General Schedule
Qualification Policies, general and specialized experience requirements may be modified to allow
placement of applicants who have closely related experience. Use of this element must be in
accordance with Section 9, Modifying Qualifications Standards for Inservice Placement.
e. Career Development Program. OPM’s General Schedule Qualification Policies require
qualifications to be met, unless modified. Career development programs are designed to help
employees identify career goals. Employees have an opportunity to achieve their goals through
preparation of Position Development Plans (for their current position), including formal training,
developmental assignments, cross-development courses, self-study courses, counseling, and
Each year, as part of the Annual Staffing Plan developed by the Workforce Utilization Committee,
each institution will identify positions or types of positions that will be filled through the upward
mobility process described above. The identification of upward mobility positions should be
based on an assessment of anticipated vacancies, the availability of potential applicants, and the
impact on the organization; that is, whether positions can be restructured or filled at a lower level,
qualifications modification, or other actions taken without a negative effect on the operation of the
institution. The fact that a particular position is not identified in the Annual Staffing Plan as an
upward mobility position does not prevent the institution from using any or all of the procedures in
this policy to fill a vacancy.
Pay retention is mandatory for an employee receiving pay higher than the maximum rate of the
grade in which he/she is placed under a formal upward mobility or apprenticeship program if the
general requirements for program participation are met.
To document the employee’s eligibility for pay retention, the vacancy announcement for any
position or detail for training that is covered by the Upward Mobility Program must identify it as
an upward mobility opportunity. Further, the SF-50 must reflect the employee’s participation in
the program.
P3300.03 5/8/2017 82
Risk Designation: HIGH RISK
Description of Services Performed:
Services that have the potential for exceptionally
serious impact, involving duties especially critical to
the BOP mission with a broad scope of policy or
program authority.
MINIMUM investigative Requirements
for High Risk
Initial: Bl
Reinvestigation: PRI
Law Enforcement Personnel.
Policy development or implementation.
Higher level management assignment.
Independent spokespersons or non-management positions with
authority for independent action.
Significant fiduciary and procurement authority and responsibilities
(BOP funds).
ADP-computer positions responsible for the planning, direction, and
implementation of a computer security program; the direction,
planning, and design of a computer system, including the hardware
and software; or accessing a system during the operation or
maintenance in such a way, with relatively HIGH Risk to cause grave
damage or realizing significant personal gain.
Services involving direct contact with Witness Security inmates;
related sensitive information/data; and/or any material that may
provide disclosure of a Witness Security inmate’s identity.
Risk Designation: MODERATE RISK
Description of Services Performed:
Services that have the potential for moderate to
serious impact involving duties very important to the
BOP mission, with significant program
responsibilities and delivery of customer services to
the public.
MINIMUM Investigative Requirements
for Moderate Risk
Initial: MBI
Reinvestigations: NACLC
Assistance to policy development and implementation.
Mid-level management assignments.
Non-management services with authority for independent or
semi-independent action.
Delivery of services that demand public confidence or trust.
ADP-computer positions of a lesser degree or risk than required for
High Risk positions.
Services involving FOIA/PA duties.
Services that require Grand Jury information.
* Services that require access to sensitive information.
Risk Designation: LOW RISK
Description of Services Performed:
Non-sensitive services that do not fall into any of the
above categories and include those positions with
potential for impact involving duties of limited relation
to the BOP’s mission.
Long Term Contractors must have a minimum of a
NACI (a NACI would only apply to Low Risk, as
Moderate Risk and High Risk require higher level
investigations as noted above).
MINIMUM Investigative Requirements
for Low Risk
Initial: NACI (Long Term)
Reinvestigations: NACI (Long Term)
Services performed during the construction phase of an institution,
prior to the arrival of inmates.
Services without access to sensitive information.
Any contract employee who is issued an HSPD-12 Personal Identity
Verification (PIV) Card must have had, at a minimum, a National
Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) background investigation
initiated (obtained schedule number and date).
P3300.03 5/8/2017 83
Attachment B. Rating Panel Scoring Instructions
The following scores will be used for all detail for training positions, Wage Grade and
General Schedule, when determining total points for applicants in the detail for training
process. These scores will be recorded on a Detail for Training Ranking Form (BP-A0520).
Job Element Rating
Enter the scores (derived from the detail for training crediting plan) from the job element rating
portion of the Qualification Rating Form (BP-508(33)).
Performance 15 points maximum
15 pts
Exceeds/Excellent 10 pts
Fully Successful/ Achieved Results 5 pts
Minimally Satisfactory 0 pts
Unacceptable 0 pts
Awards 6 points maximum
Awards are credited if received within the last five years.
Each QSI or SSP 4 pts
Each Cash Award (Special Act, Time-Off) 2 pts
Letter of Commendation (from CEO or higher) or Suggestion 1 pt
Announcement Number
Number of Vacancies
Date Issue
Closing Date
There will be no discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including
pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital
status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation,
parental status, military service, or other non -merit factor.
Prescribed by P3300
(Replaces BP-A0156 of JUN 10)
DEC 16
Position Title: __________________________________________________ Series: ________________________
Location: ______________________________________________________ Announcement: _________________
Qualifications Standards Used: _____________________________________________________________________
In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Prison System Merit Promotion Plan, the following applicants were found to be Best
Qualified for the above position by the Detail for Training Promotion Board, which met on __________________________________.
The life of this certificate must not exceed ninety (90) days from the date Detail for Training Promotion Board met.
Detail for Training Board members:
Action by the selecting official:
From the candidates listed above, is selected.
Other action directed:
Date: Signature:
Above candidates notified in accordance with the Federal Prison System Merit Promotion Plan on .
Prescribed by
Replaces BP-A0159 of JUN 10
DEC 16
INSTRUCTIONS: Each member of the detail for training board reviews total scores entered.
Job Element Rating
Rater #1
Job Element Rating
Rater #2
Detail for Training Board Number
Position Title
BQ Average
Board Members' Signature
PDF Prescribed by P3300 (Replaces BP-A0520 of JUN 10)
BP-A1102 TRAINING AGREEMENT: Detail for Training
It is understood that selection for and participation in this detail for training does not guarantee promotion to the full
performance level of the position upon completion of the detail. It is further understood, while this detail for training is
structured not to exceed one year, ordinarily it will not be terminated prior to its expiration date. Failure to successfully
complete the training plan or non-selection for the target position will result in the trainee being returned to the position from
which detailed or to a position at the same grade level.
_________________________________ ________________
Signature, supervisor of the position to which Date
_______________________________________ ___________________
Signature, employee selected for detail for Date
Distribution: eOPF
Human Resource Manager (with copy of training plan)
Prescribed by P3300
BP-A0138 Employee Notification of Federal Prison System Training
MAR 16
Requirements (Law Enforcement Officer Applicants Only) CDFRM
I understand that as a condition of my employment, I must attend and successfully complete
the three-week Introduction to Correctional Techniques training course. Failure to
achieve satisfactory scores in any of the three areas which include, firearms, physical
abilities test, or the written test of job knowledge, will result in the termination of my
Signature of Applicant Date
I understand that as a condition of my tentative selection into a law enforcement
position, I must attend and successfully complete the three-week Introduction to
Correctional Techniques training course. Failure to achieve satisfactory scores in any of
the three areas which include, firearms, physical abilities test, or the written test of
job knowledge, will result no further consideration for the position.
Only after successful completion of the ICTP may the relocation process begin which would
include a house hunting trip, if applicable.
Signature of Applicant Date
PDF Prescribed by P3300
(Replaces BP-A0138 of JUN 10)
MAR 16
Authorization To Receive Uniform Allowance
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Identifying Data
Authorization of Entitlement
I, the undersigned, have determined that the above named employee is entitled to receive a uniform allowance in accordance with Federal Prison
System policy. I acknowledge that I am the authorized agency official responsible for making such a determination.
Certification of Issuance
I certify that the above named employee received a uniform allowance, in the amount indicated on
Month, Day, Year
Schedule no. Dated:
PDF Prescribed by P3300 (Replaces BP-A0374 of JUN 10)
Name (Last, First, MI)
Type of Position
Effective Date of Allowance
City, State, Zip Code
Social Security Number
Signature and title
Signature and title of issuing official
Prescribed by P3300
(Replaces BP-A0508
of JUN 10)
MAR 16
A. NAME: Vacancy Ann. #
Current Title, Series and Grade- (if Wage Schedule, include hourly rate):
Current Promotion Potential:
(What is the highest grade you can be promoted to in your current position?)
Title, Series and Grade of position applied for:
Lowest grade you are willing to accept:
B. Performance Rating: Date
(Include a copy of your most recent performance evaluation dated within the last 13 months.)
(Title, Series, Grade, Location)
From To
All experience credited here should be detailed in your application.
D. EDUCATION: (Include college/university, degree, date, major subject areas. (A copy of your transcipt if applicable.)
E. List any awards you have received within the last five years. Include the date and type of award.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all information
Signature Date
provided is true and correct.
F. Annoucing Office Review
Qualified Not Qualified
Under Operating Manual of Qualification Standards
Signature of Application
G. TIG Restrictions Met?
No N/A
H. Proposed Nature of Action:
Prescribed by P3300
(Replaces BP-A0508 of JUN 10)
I. Job Element Rating:
Applicant's Name
General Schedule
Wage Schedule
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Personal
Characteristics Needed in the Job to be Filled
(see crediting plan for instructions and elements).
I '
5 3
1 4 3 2 3 2 1 0 1.5
Total Points for KSA's
First Rater's Signature & Title Date
(Both boxes must be checked.)
At least 2 points on the
screen-out element
Total score = ½ the number
of possible points. (Possible
points = 4 x number of
Less than 2 points on
the screen-out element
Total score less than
2 x number of elements.
Second Rater's Signature & Title
MAR 16
(To be read, signed and dated by all applicants at the time of the initial interview).
understand that as a condition of my employment, I must at all times during my
employment with the Bureau of Prisons, maintain a telephone and provide my current telephone number to the
Captain and/or Human Resources Department or other designated office.
Print Name:
Social Security Number:
Date Signed:
Form will be filed on the right side of the eOPF
Prescribed by P3300 Replaces BP-A0596 of JUN 10
MAR 16
Accelerated Promotion/Training Agreement
It is understood that selection for and participation in this detail for training does not guarantee promotion to the full performance
level of the position upon completion of the detail. It is further understood, while this detail for training is structured not to exceed
one year, ordinarily, it will not be terminated prior to its expiration date. Failure to successfully complete the training plan or non-
selection for the target position will result in the trainee being returned to the position from which detailed or to a position at the
same grade level.
Signature, Supervisor of the Position Date
to Which Detailed
Signature, Employee Selected Date
for Detail for Training
Distribution: eOPF
Human Resource Manager (with copy of training plan)
Prescribed by P3300
MAR 16
Internship Program Participant Agreement &
Individual Development Plan
Appointee’s Full Name:
Type of Appointment (EXC APPT or NTE):
Does this position offer noncompetitive conversion to the competitive service?
Appointment Date(s):
Work Schedule: (Insert Hours or NA” as applicable)
Entrance on Duty (EOD) Date:
Program Not To Exceed (NTE) Date (Internship Completion Date):
If NTE APPT, the program will be completed in (must circle one):
3 months or less 6 months 1 year
Position Title, Series, and Grade/Step:
Intern’s Responsibilities:
Human Resource Office/Supervisor’s Responsibilities:
Provide proof of enrollment.
Notify the BOP (in writing) of any change in enrollment status and/or
work schedule.
Maintain a GPA of 2.5 and above with no grade below a “C” or
equivalent during the internship.
Maintain at least a half-time course load as defined by the educational
Adhere to an established work schedule.
Adhere to the Intern Program requirements.
Participate in required training classes or programs.
Successfully perform the assigned duties listed in the position
Observe all workplace rules.
Complete a Participant Agreement with each Intern.
Verify enrollment and eligibility for continued participation in the
Provide the Intern with program requirement information.
Ensure any special training requirements are met.
Identify job duties and responsibilities.
Identify performance goals and evaluation criteria.
Establish a mutually agreeable work schedule that does not interfere
with the Intern’s academic schedule.
Supervise daily work activities of the Intern.
If the position offers conversion to the competitive service, identify the
eligibility requirements for conversion and ensure Intern is converted
within the applicable timeframe (120 days from completion of all
academic requirements).
Interns on NTE 1 year agreements are eligible for renewal in 1 year
Work Assignments (Provide a brief description of duties or attach a position description)
Training Requirements Administered and Acquired (As described in the Memorandum Of Understanding)
Evaluation Procedures (Summarize Performance Appraisal process and discuss elements to be rated)
Program Requirements (For continuation and successful completion of the Pathways Internship Program)
The student intern has successfully completed all program requirements for the Pathways Student Internship?
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Noncompetitive Conversion:
To be eligible for conversion to the competitive service, an Intern must:
Be a U.S. citizen.
Successfully complete academic course of study.
Complete a minimum of 640 hours of work experience under the Internship Program.
Meet the OPM Qualification Standard for the position the Intern may be converted to.
Maintain acceptable performance under the Performance Appraisal system.
Receive favorable recommendation for conversion from Supervisor.
**It is important to remember that eligibility for conversion does not guarantee placement into a permanent position.
The student intern has successfully completed all program requirements for Noncompetitive Conversion? Yes
Print Name Signature Date
Print Name Signature Date
Human Resource Approving Official:
Print Name Signature Date
Regional Human Resource Representative (If applicable):
Print Name
Prescribed by P3300
BP-A1075 Priority Placement Program Form
MAR 16
Current Title, Series and Grade:
In order to receive consideration for the Priority Placement List (PPL), please provide information on the position(s)
that you wish consideration for on the PPL. If PPL consideration is being requested for more than one grade level for
the same position, please list each individually by grade level. If additional space is needed, please use another copy
of this form.
Position Title
Grade Level
Please include the following documentation applicable to your request, prior to submitting the PPL package to your
local Human Resource Office:
Current Optional Application for Federal Employment (OF-612) or
resume (mandatory).
Copy of Notice of Personnel Action (SF-50), if applicable.
Copy of memo notifying applicant of personnel action taken and
eligibility of PPL, if applicable.
Copy of any other written documentation indicating the employee’s
eligibility for PPL, if applicable.
Human Resource Representative: Date:
Prescribed by P3300
MAR 16
Applicant: Vacancy Announcement:
Title/Location of Vacancy:
As noted in the Human Resource Management Manual (CN ***), selecting officials, or their designee, may elect to check the references of Best
Qualified or non-competitive applicants for a vacancy. The questions outlined below are required when references are checked and follow-up
questions for clarification purposes are permissible. Additionally, should the reference-checker determine that additional job-related questions are
necessary for a specific vacancy, those questions are to be added to this form and asked of all applicants who are referenced checked for that
vacancy. Care should be taken in framing questions so information being solicited would not indicate an applicant's race, color, sex, religion,
national origin, age, disability, sexual preference, genetic information, or participation in EEO activity.
A summary of the reference-checking results for each applicant is to be recorded on this form and retained in the applicable promotion
file. Results are not to be directly linked to the reference contacted.
Current Skill/Ability Level
Administrative Skills (e.g., establishes plans, develops systems and processes, prioritizes and
organizes work)
Oral Communications Skills (e.g., fosters open communications, listens, delivers presentations,
interpersonal skills, builds relationships, diplomacy)
Written Communications Skills
Technical Expertise
Responsiveness (e.g., commitment to quality, meets expectations and deadlines)
Analytical Ability (e.g., problem solving abilities, sound judgment, ability to analyze issues)
Additional Job Related Questions/comments
Additional Job Related Questions/comments
Disciplinary Actions within last two years, if known:
Would you employ the individual in this position? Yes/No
Supervisory Positions Only: Leadership Skills (e.g., provides direction, fosters teamwork,
motivates staff, values diversity, promotes agency mission, ability to train subordinates)
Supervisory Positions Only: Is applicable mobile?
References: (Name)
(Name) (Title)
Form completed by: (Name) (Title): (Date): ______________ _______________ ____________ ___________ _____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ________
PDF Prescribed by P3300
MAR 16
Applicant Review/Recommendations
Applicant’s Name:
Position of Interest/Request:
Announcement Number (if applicable):
Geographical Request:
Proof of Disability Documentation (Please check all that are applicable)
Statement or letter on a physician’s/medical professional’s letterhead stationary
Statements, records or letters from a Federal Government agency that issues or provides
disability benefits
Statements, records or letters from a State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency counselor
Certification from a private Vocational Rehabilitation or other Counselor that issues or
provides disability benefits
Other (applicable documentation)
REVIEW/RECOMMENDATIONS: (SPC Assessment; Job Recommendations, if applicable; Concerns)
SPC Signature: Date:
Prescribed byP3300
Prescribed by P3300
Page 1 of 3
Student Volunteer Program Service Agreement
MAR 16
Educational Institution:
Volunteer’s Name:
Academic Level:
The student will be given academic credit for the volunteer service.
_ Yes _
Appointment Date(s):
Work Schedule: (Insert Hours or “NA” as applicable)
Entrance on Duty (EOD) Date:
of Service:
of Duty:
Work Assignments (Provide a brief description of the student’s work assignments)
Prescribed by P3300
Page 2 of 3
Educational Institution Responsibilities
The educational institution understands and agrees to:
Work performed is with the permission of the educational institution and relates to the Student’s educational experience.
Designate a representative to work with the agency liaison officer.
Inform all likely student candidates of the volunteer service opportunity.
Refer all interested and qualified candidates to the agency without discrimination.
Furnish the agency with requested information about the student's field of study and academic standing.
Hours scheduled and duties performed are approved as appropriate for the course of study or training he/she is pursuing.
Volunteers must maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 or the equivalent, a grade C or above in all major fields of
study at all times and a record that is in all ways predictive of graduation.
Inform the agency of any change in a student's status, including termination of study, change from full-time to part-time enrollment, shifts
to other major areas of study and failure to maintain required standards of the educational institution or the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
Receive a record of attendance and a written evaluation of the student’s performance to the student and the educational institution at the
end of the assignment.
Student Responsibilities
The student understands and agrees to:
Work performed is with the permission of the educational institution and relates to the Student’s educational experience.
Be enrolled in a curriculum on a substantially full-time or half-time basis and be pursuing a major field of study closely related to the work
Follow the Federal Bureau of Prisons Standards of Employee Conduct and Responsibility.
Adhere to a work schedule mutually agreed upon by the agency and the student.
Maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 or the equivalent, a grade C or above in all major fields of study at all times
and a record that is in all ways predictive of graduation.
Be fully aware that he/she is an uncompensated volunteer.
Be fully aware that he/she is not a Federal employee for any purposes other than injury compensation and laws related to the Tort Claims
Receive a record of attendance and a written evaluation of the student’s performance to the student and the educational institution at the
end of the assignment.
Human Resource Responsibilities
The Human Resource Office understands and agrees to:
Supervision of the student volunteer.
Volunteer services performed by the student, as outlined in the Volunteer Service agreement will not displace any employee.
Provide a record of attendance and a written evaluation of the student’s performance to the student and the educational institution at the
end of the assignment.
Prescribed by P3300
Page 3 of 3
Educational Institution Approving Official:
Print Name Signature Date
Student Volunteer:
Print Name Date
Human Resource Approving Official:
Print Name Signature Date
I hereby certify that this trainee has satisfactorily completed all aspects of the training program, is
performing at or above a fully successful level and is eligible and recommended for an accelerated
promotion consistent with provisions contained in the Training Agreement Section of the Employment Policy
and 5 CFR 603.
Health Systems Administrator Date
Human Resource Manager Date
Prescribed by P3300