Microsoft 365 MEA Blueprint – BYOD Access Patterns
Prepared for
MEA Government
Version 1.0 Final
Prepared by
Microsoft MEA
Technical Guide
Prepared for MEA Government
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Technical Guide, Microsoft 365 MEA Blueprint – BYOD Access Patterns, Version 1.0, Final
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Table of Contents
1 Blueprint Summary ............................................................................................................................... 5
2 Blueprint Overview ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Requirements ................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Deployment Scenarios ............................................................................................................................. 10
Office 365 Apps on Android or iOS devices .......................................................... 10
Office 365 Web Application access on PC or Mac................................................. 11
Office 365 desktop client access using a Virtual Desktop client .......................... 12
3 Blueprint Components ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Azure AD ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
Multi-factor Authentication ................................................................................... 14
Identity Protection ................................................................................................. 15
Conditional Access ................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Microsoft Intune ......................................................................................................................................... 18
App Protection Policies .......................................................................................... 18
App Configuration Policies .................................................................................... 19
Device Enrolment Restrictions ............................................................................... 19
3.3 Microsoft Cloud App Security ............................................................................................................... 20
Session Controls ..................................................................................................... 20
Access Controls ...................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Office 365 ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Windows Virtual Desktop ....................................................................................................................... 21
4 Blueprint Design Details ................................................................................................................... 24
4.1 Common Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 24
Azure AD Groups .................................................................................................... 24
Azure MFA .............................................................................................................. 25
Enrolment Restriction Policy .................................................................................. 26
Common scenario definition.................................................................................. 27
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Common Configuration policies ............................................................................ 28
4.2 Good Configuration Design ................................................................................................................... 34
Good scenario definition ....................................................................................... 37
Good Configuration Policies .................................................................................. 39
4.3 Better Configuration Design .................................................................................................................. 54
Better Use Cases .................................................................................................... 54
Better Configuration Policies ................................................................................. 57
4.4 Best Configuration Design ..................................................................................................................... 69
Best scenario definition ......................................................................................... 70
Best Configuration Policies .................................................................................... 73
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1 Blueprint Summary
This document came out of the need to support MEA Public Sector and Commercial
organisations ability to provide additional capabilities to their employees to facilitate remote
working by allowing personal unmanaged devices to connect to Office 365 services in a way that
helps them meet their obligations and leverages the features and capabilities that are present
within the service. It draws on broad experience across government and industry and draws
heavily on already existing “best practice”.
This guidance is not designed to suggest that nothing else is required as “we do not need to do
anything else as we have followed the MOTC and Microsoft’s guidance”. Rather the controls
described in this document are intended to help the reader understand why the specific security
controls are used and provide step by step configuration guidance allowing organisations to
understand how the features and capabilities in Azure AD, Microsoft Intune and Office 365 can
be used to ensure that a common bar has been achieved when allowing Bring Your Own Device
(BYOD) to access their Office 365 tenant.
To support this effort this blueprint has been developed to support the use of Bring Your Own
Device (BYOD) scenarios where organisations are not able to provide corporate laptop or mobile
This blueprint is for configuring end users and not administrative access to Office 365
from BYOD. Administrative accounts should not use BYOD devices to perform
administrative tasks nor should be using O365 productivity applications.
The technical controls that are described in this document have been grouped into three
categories, good, better, and best. The rationale for the groupings is described below:
o Forms the minimum level of configuration that all organisations should meet
o Available with Microsoft 365 E3 license
o Can be implemented using simple configuration tasks
o Browser based access for PC and Mac
o Conditional Access enforced approved apps for Mobile Devices (this is the best
approach for Mobile devices that cannot be managed and is consistent in the
better/best patterns)
o Use of Conditional Access with MFA and Restricted Session Controls in Exchange
Online and SharePoint Online
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o Highest residual risk
o Forms the level that organisations should aspire to
o Available with Microsoft 365 E5
o Might require more complex configuration tasks.
o More flexible and granular control of user policies, session controls using Microsoft
Cloud App Security
o Conditional Access enforced browser-based access for PC and Mac.
o Conditional Access enforced approved apps for Mobile Devices (this is the best
approach for Mobile devices that cannot be managed and is consistent in the
better/best patterns)
o Lower residual risk than Good pattern
o Available with Microsoft 365 E5
o Utilises Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) to provide a service that as closely as
possible matches the experience offered when working in the office on corporate IT,
from any device.
o Conditional Access enforced browser or client app-based access to WVD service from
PC and Mac.
o Conditional Access enforced managed device requirement to access Office 365
services from Office client apps from WVD.
o With good management it significantly reduces the unmanaged PC or Mac attack
surface by providing a virtualised corporate desktop for home workers, whilst
utilising their personal computing device as the access method
o Lowest risk approach compared to Good and Better patterns
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Azure Multi-factor Authentication - Block Legacy Authentication - Device Enrolment Restrictions
Common Controls
Office Web Apps only for
PC and Mac
Approved Client Apps only
for Mobile Devices
Azure AD Conditional
Access with App enforced
restrictions for PC and
Azure AD Conditional
Access with Require
approved client app for
Mobile Devices
Intune App Protection
Intune App Configuration
Good Controls
Office Web Apps only for
PC and Mac
Approved Client Apps only
for Mobile Devices
Azure AD Conditional
Access with Use
Conditional Access App
Control for PC and Mac
Azure AD Conditional
Access with Require
approved client app for
Mobile Devices
Microsoft Cloud App
Security Session Control
Microsoft Cloud App
Security Access policies
Intune App Protection
Policies for Mobile Devices
Intune App Configuration
Policies for Mobile Devices
Azure AD Identity
Protection policies
Better Controls
Windows Virtual
Desktop Office Apps on
Windows Virtual
Azure AD Conditional
Access with MFA to
connect to Windows
Virtual Desktop Service
Azure AD Conditional
Access with Require
Hybrid Azure AD joined
Azure AD Conditional
Access with Require
approved client app for
Mobile Devices
Intune App Protection
Policies for Mobile Devices
Intune App Configuration
Policies for Mobile Devices
Azure AD Identity
Protection policies
Best Controls
Highest Residual
Lower Residual Risk
Lowest Residual
M365 E3 M365 E5 M365 E5
Figure 1: Blueprint components
The decision flow described in Figure 2 below is designed to help organisations determine
which of the patterns described in this document should be used.
For example, if an organisation has M365 E5 licenses then the controls used in the Better or Best
deployment scenarios will provide a lower residual risk and therefore should be used.
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Is M365 E5 Licensing
Which pattern
should I start with
Use Better Pattern
Access Office 365
services from personal
unmanaged devices
Does risk appetite allow
browser access from PC or
Use Good pattern
Use Best Pattern
Does risk appetite allow
browser access from PC or
Figure 2: Pattern decision process
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2 Blueprint Overview
The blueprint covers three primary deployment scenarios that have been identified as meeting
the requirement to allow personal unmanaged devices to access corporate data, these are:
Office 365 Apps on Android or iOS devices
Office 365 Web Application access on PC or Mac
Office 365 desktop client applications access using Windows Virtual Desktop from a PC
or Mac
The following sections describe in more detail how each deployment scenario delivers its
2.1 Requirements
The following are a list of the requirements that the Blueprint has been developed against:
1. Only allow approved apps on personal mobile devices
2. Only allow web apps on personal PC and Mac
3. Require MFA to access Office 365 services.
4. Control of files and attachments
a. Prevent data files from leaving the approved apps (via the share icon - “Share File
b. Prevent other apps from sending data to approved apps.
c. Prevent copy/paste of data from approved apps to non-approved.
5. Block access from Jailbroken / Rooted devices
6. Only allow devices running an OS after a certain version
7. Wipe corporate data command if phone is lost or PIN entered wrongly [how many
This document intentionally does not cover controls available to you when devices are
enrolled into Intune as managed devices; it focuses on the controls that are available for
personal unmanaged devices. This document also does not cover Android Enterprise
work profiles.
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2.2 Deployment Scenarios
Office 365 Apps on Android or iOS devices
This capability will allow users to have access to Office 365 mobile applications on their personal
unmanaged Mobile Devices
For the Good Pattern, this capability leverages a combination of Microsoft Azure Active
Directory - Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and Conditional Access - policies, and Microsoft
Intune - Application Protection Policies
The outcome will allow the end user to:
Access Exchange Online email using Outlook on their personal Mobile Device.
Access Skype for Business and/or Teams on their personal Mobile Device
Access OneDrive for Business on their personal Mobile Device
Access SharePoint Online on their personal Mobile Device
Use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint (and potentially other Office 365 approved client
applications if required), refer to
app for details of these apps.
All access will be from within approved applications published by Microsoft to either the Apple
AppStore or Google Play Store only. The deployment scenario will enforce a policy on the
application to secure corporate data. The device will not be managed by the organisation, only
the approved Applications will be managed by the organisations.
Organisations will need to provide guidance to their employees on installing the Office
Mobile Apps from Apple AppStore or Google Play store onto their mobile devices.
To protect the data in the event that a device is lost or stolen or if the employee leaves the
organisation, the Selective Wipe capability in Intune allows any organisational app data and the
apps themselves to be removed. Refer to How to wipe only corporate data from Intune-
managed apps for more details.
For the Better Pattern, Azure AD Identity Protection will be utilised.
Azure AD Identity Protection will be added as condition to the Conditional Access policies to
assist with protecting user identities from being utilised in an unsecure manner. Based on
Smart Phones and Tablets running Apple iOS or Android Operating Systems
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Medium or High-risk levels being detected, Azure AD Identity Protection will block access to the
service until the defined action such as requiring a user the change their password or by forcing
multi-factor authentication, has been completed.
For more detailed information on Azure AD Identity Protection refer to
Office 365 Web Application access on PC or Mac
This capability will allow users to have access to Office 365 applications in a Web Browser from
their personal PC or Mac devices.
For the Good pattern, this capability will leverage a combination of Microsoft Azure Active
Directory, Multifactor Authentication (MFA), Conditional Access policies and Office 365
application configuration policies to prevent downloading of files or attachments.
The outcome will allow the end user to:
Access Exchange Online email using Outlook Web Access using a web browser on their
personal PC or Mac Device.
Access Skype for Business and/or Teams web applications using a web browser on their
personal PC or Mac Device
Access OneDrive for Business using a web browser on their personal PC or Mac Device
Access SharePoint Online using a web browser on their personal PC or Mac Device
Use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint Web Apps (and potentially other Office 365 web apps.
For the Better Pattern, two additional capabilities are utilised:
1. Microsoft Cloud App Security and
2. Azure AD Identity Protection.
Microsoft Cloud App Security service which will enforce certain session controls such as
Copy/Paste, Download and Upload in as user’s session to prevent work data from being able to
be downloaded onto a personal device. The end user device will not be managed by the
organisation. The deployment scenario will also restrict access to Internet Browsers only and
detect and reject out of date Operating Systems and Browsers
Azure AD Identity Protection will be added as condition to the Conditional Access policies to
assist with protecting user identities from being utilised in an unsecure manner. Based on
Medium or High-risk levels being detected, Azure AD Identity Protection will block access to the
Microsoft Intelligence have not published the list of supported OS or Browsers yet
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service until the defined action such as requiring a user the change their password or by forcing
multi-factor authentication, has been completed.
For more detailed information on Azure AD Identity Protection refer to
Office 365 desktop client access using a Virtual Desktop client
This Best Pattern will allow users to have access to Office 365 applications that are hosted on a
Windows Virtual Desktop instance using either a Web Browser or the Virtual Desktop client app
from their personal PC or Mac devices.
Virtual desktops provide greater security to organisations as company data can be safely
accessed when employees are working remotely. This also means employee productivity is
increased as workers are empowered to access data and apps as if they were on their end user
device from anywhere, at any time.
Despite the benefits of VDI, previous virtualisation host options left organisations with two
choices over the type of virtual machines that they can deploy to deliver desktops.
1. Deploying a Windows Server Desktop experience to achieve the cost savings of multi-
2. Deploying single session in Windows 10.
Windows Virtual Desktop utilises Windows 10 multi-session, with optimisations specifically for
Office 365 Apps for enterprise, allowing support for either pooled multi-session or personal
(persistent) desktops or individual published remote apps, and simplified virtual desktop
Windows Virtual Desktop allows organisations to provide a secure remote working capability
where employees are no longer constrained to physical hardware or their location. Once they
request access to a pooled multi-session virtual desktop or request that a personal desktop is
provisioned, it can be quickly delivered and administered based on their profile and specific use
case. Access to individual pooled apps provides a simple mechanism to provide access to only
the applications that a user needs rather than a complete desktop.
Windows Virtual Desktop leverages Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) as the identity provider,
allowing additional security controls like conditional access to require multi-factor
authentication (MFA) to access the Windows Virtual Desktop service or that the Windows Virtual
Desktop is Hybrid Azure AD joined when accessing the Office 365 services from the desktop
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The outcome will allow the end user to:
Access Windows Virtual Desktop instances using a HTML5 application in a web browser
on their PC or Mac device
Access Windows Virtual Desktop instances using the WVD Remote Desktop client
application on their PC or Mac device
Access Exchange Online email using Outlook desktop application or Outlook Web Access
from the Windows Virtual Desktop instance.
Access Skype for Business and/or Teams using the desktop client or web applications
from the Windows Virtual Desktop instance
Access OneDrive using the desktop client or web applications from the Windows Virtual
Desktop instance
Access SharePoint Online using a web browser from the Windows Virtual Desktop
Use Edge to browse the internet whilst using your organisations outbound proxy and/or
web content filtering system.
Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint desktop or web applications on the Windows Virtual
Desktop instance.
This pattern provides the lowest risk approach as the personal unmanaged device is only used
to connect to the presentation interface of the virtual desktop all the access to documents, web
browsing is performed form a managed device that has security policies, in the form of Group
Policy, applied that align with the organisation’s current policy.
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3 Blueprint Components
The components that make up the BYOD Blueprint design are illustrated in Figure 3 (below)
Figure 3: BYOD Blueprint components
3.1 Azure AD
The following components of Azure AD are used in the BYOD Blueprint.
Multi-factor Authentication
Multi-factor Authentication is used in all three profiles. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a
process where a user is prompted during the sign-in process for an additional form of
identification, such as to enter a code on their mobile phone or to provide a fingerprint scan.
The Blueprint design for MFA comprises a set of configurations made in Azure AD, and a
conditional access policy driven deployment approach, i.e. Azure AD Conditional Access requires
MFA before access to the application is granted. The user is forced to register in-line within the
authentication experience if they are not already registered for MFA, the in-line registration
experience is the easiest and most efficient way of forcing registration and widely deploying the
service. MFA is an acknowledged approach to reduce the risk of credential stuffing
password spray
Definition of Credential Stuffing,
Definition of Password Spray,
Devices Azure AD Microsoft Intune
Microsoft Cloud App
Office 365
Windows 10
Conditional Access
App Protection Policies
App Configuration
Device Enrolment
Session Policy
Access Policy
Activity Alerts
Exchange Online
Skype for Business Online
SharePoint Online
OneDrive for Business
Microsoft Teams
Access Layer Control Layer
Data Layer
Windows Virtual Desktop
Pooled Desktop
Personal Desktop
Remote AppIdentity Protection
Client Web Apps
Client Desktop Apps
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Identity Protection
Identity Protection is used in the Better and Best profiles as it has an Azure AD P2 requirement
which is included in M365 E5.
To combat against stolen credentials, Microsoft developed a solution called Azure AD Identity
Protection that will assist with protecting user identities from being utilized in an unsecure
manner. Based on the risk level, Azure AD Identity Protection will take appropriate action (based
on a risk profile) such as requiring a user the change their password or by forcing multi-factor
As a result of the focus on identities it is important that organisations:
Protect all identities regardless of their privilege level.
Proactively prevent compromised identities from being abused.
Discovering compromised identities is no easy task. Azure Active Directory uses, amongst other
inputs, adaptive machine learning algorithms and heuristics to detect anomalies and suspicious
incidents that indicate potentially compromised identities. Using this data, Identity Protection
generates reports and alerts that enable you to evaluate the detected issues and take
appropriate mitigation or remediation actions.
Based on the gathered data in Azure AD Identity Protection generates the following types of risk
events are described in Table 1 below:
Table 1: Risk event categories
Risk event type Explanation
Leaked credentials Typically, when a breach occurs, credentials are sold or
accessed on the dark web and used in attempt to access
services. Leaked credential detection is only supported
for organisations using Password Hash Synchronisation
Impossible travel to atypical locations Multiple sign-ins from different locations across the globe.
This risk detection type identifies two sign-ins originating
from geographically distant locations, where at least one of
the locations may also be atypical for the user, given past
behaviour. Among several other factors, this machine
learning algorithm takes into account the time between the
two sign-ins and the time it would have taken for the user to
travel from the first location to the second, indicating that a
different user is using the same credentials.
Sign-ins from infected devices Device infected with malware that communicate with a bot
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Risk event type Explanation
Sign-ins from anonymous IP addresses Typically done by proxying, for example using Tor browser.
Sign-ins from IP addresses with suspicious activity IPs which a high number of failed sign-in attempts occurred.
Sign-ins from unfamiliar locations Uses past sign-in locations to determine unfamiliar location.
Lockout events
Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is more than a monitoring and reporting tool. To
protect your organisation's identities, you can configure risk-based policies that automatically
respond to detected issues when a specified risk level has been reached.
For the Better profile these policies, in addition to other inputs, are used as signals in conditional
access controls provided by Azure AD Conditional Access policies. The policy is configured to
block access until the remediation actions including password resets and multi-factor
authentication enforcement have been satisfied.
If a sign-in risk is detected they refer to the following link for information on how to remediate
the risks and unblock users,
Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) will be required to allow users to reset their password
in the event of a sign-in risk event being triggered. refer to
howitworks and
directory/authentication/tutorial-enable-sspr for more details.
Read more about risk events here:
For more detailed information on Azure AD Identity Protection refer to
Conditional Access
Conditional Access is used in all three patterns and forms the basis for the control to the Office
365 services being accessed.
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Conditional Access is at the heart of Zero Trust Architecture and forms the base of the BYOD
Blueprint. Conditional Access is the feature used to bring signals together, to make decisions,
and enforce organisational policies. Think of Conditional Access as a coarse-grained
authorisation engine that grants or denies access to applications based on signals provided and
then allows the application to make the fine-grained authorisation decision of what the user can
Conditional Access policies at their simplest are if-then statements, if a user wants to access a
resource, then they must complete an action. For example: A payroll manager wants to access
their email from their Mac they are required to perform multi-factor authentication to access it
and will only be able to use Outlook Web Access not the Outlook client for MacOS or the native
email client on a Mac.
By using Conditional Access policies, the right access controls can be applied when needed to
keep organisations secure and stay out of your user's way when not needed.
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Figure 4 Conditional Access components and flow
Conditional Access policies are enforced after the first-factor authentication has been
completed. Conditional Access is not intended as an organisation's first line of defence
for scenarios like denial-of-service (DoS) attacks but can use signals from these events to
determine access.
3.2 Microsoft Intune
The following components of Microsoft Intune are used in the BYOD Blueprint.
App Protection Policies
App Protection Policies are used in Good, Better and Best mobile device profiles. This blueprint
requires that an access attempt to the selected cloud apps, for example, Exchange Online needs
to be made from an approved client app such as Outlook for iOS or Android. These approved
client apps support Intune app protection policies independent of any mobile-device
management (MDM) solution
To utilise this grant control, Conditional Access requires that the device be registered in Azure
Active Directory which requires the use of a broker app. The broker app can be either the
Microsoft Authenticator for iOS, or the Microsoft Company portal for Android devices. If a
broker app is not installed on the device when the user attempts to authenticate, the user gets
redirected to the app store to install the broker app.
This setting applies to the following iOS and Android apps:
Microsoft Azure Information Protection Microsoft Bookings
Microsoft Cortana Microsoft Dynamics 365
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Flow Microsoft Edge browser
Microsoft Intune Managed Browser Microsoft Invoicing
Microsoft Kaizala Microsoft Launcher
Microsoft Office Microsoft OneDrive
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Microsoft OneNote Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Planner Microsoft PowerApps
Microsoft Power BI Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Skype for Business
Microsoft StaffHub Microsoft Stream
Microsoft Teams Microsoft To-Do
Microsoft Visio Microsoft Word
Microsoft Whiteboard Microsoft Yammer
App Configuration Policies
App Configuration Policies are used in all three mobile device patterns.
App configuration policies help eliminate app setup problems by letting you assign
configuration settings to a policy that is assigned to end-users before they run the app. The
settings are then supplied automatically when the app is configured on the end-user’s device,
and end-users don't need to act. The configuration settings are unique for each app.
The BYOD Blueprint App Protection policies for iOS / iPadOS and Android are configured to use
Edge when opening hyperlinks in emails or links in Teams chats.
Device Enrolment Restrictions
Device Enrolment Restrictions are used in all three mobile device patterns. Device Enrolment
Restrictions create and manage enrolment restrictions that define what devices can enrol into
management with Intune.
The specific enrolment restrictions that you can create include:
Maximum number of enrolled devices.
Device platforms that can enrol:
o Android device administrator
o Android Enterprise work profile
o iOS/iPadOS
o macOS
o Windows
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o Windows Mobile
Platform operating system version for iOS/iPadOS, Android device administrator,
Android Enterprise work profile, Windows, and Windows Mobile. (Only Windows 10
versions can be used. Leave this blank if Windows 8.1 is allowed.)
o Minimum version.
o Maximum version.
Restrict personally owned devices (iOS, Android device administrator, Android Enterprise
work profile, macOS, Windows, and Windows Mobile only).
The Blueprint includes an exemplar Device Restriction policy that should be adapted to meet
your organisation’s needs.
3.3 Microsoft Cloud App Security
Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) is used in the Better Scenario as it is part of Microsoft 365
The following components of Microsoft Cloud App Security are used in the BYOD Blueprint.
Session Controls
Microsoft Cloud App Security provides capabilities that will restrict access to only authorised
platforms and device types and implement the necessary session controls to minimise the risk of
data loss. More information on MCAS session control can be found here,
MCAS Session Control is invoked by configuring Conditional Access policies to use Conditional
Access App Control which then offloads the enforcement of the control to MCAS.
Access Controls
Many organisations that choose to use session controls for cloud apps to control in-session
activities, also apply access controls to block the same set of native mobile and desktop client
apps, thereby providing comprehensive security for the apps.
You can block access to native mobile and desktop client apps with access policies, by setting
the Client app filter to Mobile and desktop. Some native client apps can be individually
recognised, whilst others, that are part of a suite of apps, can only be identified as their top-level
app, for example apps like SharePoint Online can only be recognised by creating an access
policy applied to Office 365 apps.
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3.4 Office 365
All Office 365 services that are covered by the Office 365 App type in Conditional Access are
included in the patterns.
The key applications that are included in the Office 365 client app are:
Microsoft Flow
Microsoft Forms
Microsoft Stream
Microsoft To-Do
Microsoft Teams
Exchange Online
SharePoint Online
Microsoft 365 Search Service
Office Delve
Office Online
Skype for Business Online
3.5 Windows Virtual Desktop
Windows Virtual Desktop is Microsoft’s desktop and application virtualisation service that runs
on Azure. It allows you to virtualise a full Windows 10 or Windows Server operating system with
scalability, virtualise Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (formerly called “Office 365 ProPlus”) and
optimize it to run in multi-user virtual scenarios, as well as virtualize other applications.
High-level service architecture
Can connect to on-premises resources via ExpressRoute or VPN.
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Initial user authentication using Azure Active Directory identities (a domain account is
required for local authentication).
Integrates with Systems Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune
Supports devices running non-Windows operating systems with Linux thin-client SDK
and other tools.
Figure 5 (below) describes the Windows Virtual Desktop service architecture it has also been
annotated with the connection flows when a user initiates a connection to a Virtual Desktop.
Note that number 0 is an outbound connection, the reverse connect eliminates the need to
open inbound ports, reducing the attack surface. The WVD service uses outbound connectivity
to connect WVD clients to resources.
Figure 5: Windows Virtual Desktop Service Architecture and connection flow
User connection flow:
1. User launches RD client which connects to Azure AD, user signs in, and Azure AD returns
2. RD client presents token to Web Access, Broker queries DB to determine resources
authorised for user.
3. User selects resource, RD client connects to Gateway.
4. Broker orchestrates connection from host agent to Gateway.
5. RDP traffic now flowing between RD client and session host VM over WebSocket
connections 3 and 4.
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Figure 6: Reverse connect.
The reverse connect approach used by Windows Virtual Desktop has the following benefits:
1. Reduced exposure to attacks
2. Less time monitoring inbound ports.
3. Focus alerts on access and identity-based attacks.
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4 Blueprint Design Details
This section addresses any major design considerations for the component that are not already
documented publicly. This content will be most useful during the preparation of the design and
plan. Not all notes will apply to every scenario, so read carefully and exercise good judgement
when determining when to apply this guidance.
4.1 Common Configuration
The Common configuration components include the Conditional Access policies that should be
used across all three configuration baselines.
Azure AD Groups
The following groups are used in this document to assign the appropriate policies and
configuration settings to the appropriate deployment scenario.
Table 2: Azure AD Groups used in Blueprint deployment scenarios and definitions.
Group Name Purpose
BYOD-Good-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Good configuration policies to users’ mobile devices
and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile device
BYOD-Good-PC-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Good configuration policies to users’ PC or Mac
devices and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile
BYOD-Good-Exclude Mobile Device-Users This group is used to exclude Good configuration policies being applied to users’
mobile devices. This might be because they have a corporately issued mobile
device but not a laptop device.
BYOD-Good-Exclude PC-Users This group is used to exclude Good configuration policies being applied to users’
PC or Mac devices. This might be because they have a laptop device but not a
mobile device.
BYOD-Better-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Better configuration policies to users’ mobile devices
and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile device
BYOD-Better-PC-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Better configuration policies to users’ PC or Mac
devices and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile
BYOD-Better-Exclude Mobile Device-Users This group is used to exclude Better configuration policies being applied to users’
mobile devices. This might be because they have a corporately issued mobile
device but not a laptop device.
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Group Name Purpose
BYOD-Better-Exclude PC-Users This group is used to exclude Better configuration policies being applied to users’
PC or Mac devices. This might be because they have a laptop device but not a
mobile device.
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Best configuration policies to users’ mobile devices
and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile device
BYOD-Best-PC-Users–Enabled This group is used to apply Best configuration policies to users’ PC or Mac
devices and place the appropriate configuration controls onto the user’s mobile
BYOD-Best-Exclude Mobile Device-Users This group is used to exclude Best configuration policies being applied to users’
mobile devices. This might be because they have a corporately issued mobile
device but not a laptop device.
BYOD-Best-Exclude PC-Users This group is used to exclude Best configuration policies being applied to users’
PC or Mac devices. This might be because they have a laptop device but not a
mobile device.
Azure MFA
Table 3 (below) describes the MFA configuration settings that are recommended for the BYOD
All options are configured via the Azure MFA Service Settings:
Azure Portal | Azure Active Directory | Security | Multi-Factor Authentication | Getting
Started under Configure – Additional cloud-based MFA settings.
Table 3: MFA configuration settings
Section Option Configuration
App passwords Allow users to create app passwords to sign-
in to non-browser apps.
Do not allow users to create app passwords
to sign-in to non-browser apps
Do not allow users to create app
passwords to sign-in to non-
browser apps
Trusted IPs Skip MFA from Trusted IPs
Skip multi-factor authentication for requests
from following range of IP address subnets:
<Add CIDR subnets>
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Section Option Configuration
Methods available to users:
Call to phone
Text message to phone
Notification through mobile app
Verification code from mobile app
Notification through mobile app
Verification code from mobile app
Call to phone
Text message to phone
Allow users to remember multi-factor
authentication on devices they trust
Days before a device must re-authenticate (1-
It is important that users are registered for MFA before they access Office 365 services.
Microsoft’s recommended approach for MFA registration may not be possible under
current remote working constraints, refer to
It is therefore recommended that out of band processes are developed to control the
MFA registration process, for example, user calls helpdesk and is then added to a group
that allows them to register for MFA. Once the registration has been validated, they are
then added to the group that allows them access to the Office 365 Services.
Enrolment Restriction Policy
Table 4 (below) describes the recommended configuration for Enrolment Restriction policy. This
policy will prevent personal devices from being able to join Azure AD and be managed by
Microsoft Intune.
Use only when user is unable or unwilling to use Authenticator application on Mobile Device.
Use only when user is unable or unwilling to use Authenticator application on Mobile Device.
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If an organisation decides that they are going to ask their employees to enrol their
personal devices into Intune for management then this policy will need to be updated to
allow personal iOS / iPadOS or Android devices to be enrolled into Intune
Table 4: Intune Enrolment Restriction Policy
Policy Setting Value
Name CONTOSO-Personal Device Enrolment-Restriction
Description Disable Device Enrolment for Personal Devices
Platform Settings All device platforms blocked.
Personally Owned All device platforms blocked
Included groups Contoso-Intune-DeviceEnrolment-RestrictPersonal
Excluded groups --
Common scenario definition
The following table details common scenarios, segregated by application /workload that are
applicable across the three deployment scenarios:
1. Prevent use of Legacy Authentication protocols that use basic authentication. Typically,
these protocols cannot enforce any type of second factor authentication.
2. Block Unapproved client app use on all platforms, i.e. block all apps except for Microsoft
Intune, Office 365 (Preview), Microsoft Search in Bing, and Microsoft Intune Enrolment.
this will prevent those users that can use personal devices to access Office 365 services.
Table 5: Common configuration Conditional Access use cases
App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Browser access to
apps using legacy
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
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App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Access Approved
client app using
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Block use of
Browser access to
unapproved web
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Unapproved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Browser access to
approved web apps
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allowed with
Configuration Baseline
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allowed with
Configuration Baseline
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allowed with
Configuration Baseline
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allowed with
Configuration Baseline
Common Configuration policies
This section describes the configuration tasks and settings that are required to configure the
Common profile
Conditional Access
Table 6 (below) provides the key to all of the Conditional Access policies that are used in this
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Table 6: Key to Conditional Access tables
Key Definition
Strikethrough text Used to indicate that the policy setting is not selected in the policy
Bold Used to indicate that the policy setting is selected and if needed describe
what value has been selected, e.g. Office 365 (Preview) from Cloud apps
Approved Client apps
With Conditional Access, organisations can restrict access to approved
(modern authentication capable) client apps.
This blueprint requires that an access attempt to the selected cloud apps,
e.g. Exchange Online needs to be made from an approved client app, e.g.
Outlook for iOS or Android. These approved client apps support Intune
app protection policies independent of any mobile-device management
(MDM) solution. Refer to Section 0
App protection policies (MAM-WE) below for the specific App protection
policy configuration
The following tables detail each Conditional Access policy required to achieve the desired results
described in the preceding use cases for the Common configuration.
Block Legacy Authentication
Legacy authentication refers to protocols that use basic authentication. Typically, these
protocols cannot enforce any type of second factor authentication. Examples for apps that are
based on legacy authentication are:
Older Microsoft Office apps
Apps using mail protocols like POP, IMAP, and SMTP
Single factor authentication (for example, username and password) is not enough these days.
This policy setting is used to prevent a user from being able to connect to Office 365 services
using only their username and password rather than requiring MFA as well.
Refer to the following link for more details on Legacy authentication protocols
Table 7 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to block legacy authentication use.
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Table 7: BYOD – Common - Block Legacy Authentication
BYOD-Common-Block Legacy Authentication
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-Mobile
Cloud apps or actions Include All Apps
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Any Device
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
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BYOD-Common-Block Legacy Authentication
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
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Block unapproved apps
Table 8 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to only allow BYOD devices to access
Office 365 and Bing approved app services.
The Block Unapproved apps Conditional Access policy will need to be modified for the
Best Configuration to include the Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows Virtual
Desktop Client in the Excluded list of Cloud Apps or Actions to allow users to connect to
these service endpoints.
Table 8: BYOD – Common - Block unapproved apps
BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-Mobile
Cloud apps or actions Include All Apps
Exclude Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Any Device
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BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
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BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
Block unapproved Sign-in location
Table 8 (above) describes the Conditional Access policy to only allow BYOD devices to access
Office 365 and Bing approved app services from approved countries only.
Block unapproved countries except approved countries Conditional Access policy will
need to be modified to allow users to access Office 365 from other countries.
Create a Named Locations policy that based on Countries location, refer to Countries and
Regions for more information.
Table 9: BYOD – Common - Block unapproved apps
BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-Mobile
Cloud apps or actions Include All Apps
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BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Locations Include Selected Locations
BYOD Blocked Countries
(Allow Approved
Countries Only)
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
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BYOD-Common-Block unapproved apps
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
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4.2 Good Configuration Design
The Good Configuration uses only components that are available with a Microsoft 365 (M365)
E3 license.
The Good uses the following components:
Azure Multi-factor Authentication
Azure AD Conditional Access
Intune App Protection policies
Intune App Configuration policies
Device Enrolment Restriction policies
Good scenario definition
The Good Use Case also includes the Common User Cases for Blocking Legacy Authentication
and Blocking Unapproved Apps, refer to Section 4.1 Common Configuration above for details of
the use cases and configuration policies.
The following table details each use case, segregated by application/workload. The client type is
broken into two scenarios:
1. Browser-based on PC or Mac, i.e. the web browser on the device, e.g. Microsoft Edge,
Chrome, Safari.
2. Approved client app on iOS or Android, i.e. apps developed for the platform, e.g.
Microsoft Outlook for Android and iOS/iPadOS, Microsoft Teams for Android and
iOS/iPadOS, Office Apps for Android, and iOS/iPadOS.
Table 10: Good configuration Conditional Access use cases
Use case/client Desired result
Browser access to
Outlook on the
Web (OWA)
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Allow with MFA and
Use App enforced restrictions
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Use case/client Desired result
Access via Outlook
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and Require
approved client app
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Access via OS
native mail client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Teams and/or
Skype for
Browser access to
web apps
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and Use
Conditional Access App Control
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and Use
Conditional Access App Control
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
OneDrive for
Browser access to
web apps
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and App
Enforced Restrictions
Approved client
app access
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and Require
approved client app
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA
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Use case/client Desired result
Browser access to
web app
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and App
Enforced Restrictions
Approved client
app (OneDrive
Managed desktop client Blocked
Enrolled and compliant
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and Require
approved client app
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Good Configuration Policies
This section describes the configuration tasks and settings that are required to configure the
Good profile
Exchange Online
To support the desired behaviour for the Good Configuration it is necessary to perform some
configuration tasks in Exchange Online, refer to
Outlook Web App supports the configuration of Conditional Access policies which restrict the
ability for users to download attachments from email to a local machine when the devices are
not compliant. With the power of the Office Web Apps, users can continue to view and edit
these files safely, without leaking data to a personal machine.
There is no UI option to configure the conditional access policy for the OWA Mailbox Property
the only option is use PowerShell to perform this.
To configure the policy setting use the following PowerShell
For the default OWA Mailbox Policy
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default -ConditionalAccessPolicy ReadOnly
For a new OWA Mailbox Policy
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New-OwaMailboxPolicy -Name "Restricted Download Access"
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity "Restricted Download Access" -ConditionalAccessPolicy ReadOnly
The Conditional Access policy setting that is used to enforce this behaviour is “Use app
enforced restrictions” under Session in the UI
SharePoint Online
To support the desired behaviour for the Good Configuration it is necessary to perform some
configuration tasks in SharePoint Online.
Controlling the download of documents from SharePoint Online document libraries and
OneDrive for Business is important because other Office 365 applications like Microsoft
Teams, Planner and Office 365 Groups all use SharePoint behind the scenes to store
SharePoint exposes the application setting for conditional access in both the UI and in
PowerShell. The UI policy is found in the Access control section of the SharePoint Online Admin
Figure 7: SharePoint Online Conditional Access policy configuration
Click Unmanaged Devices and then select “Allow limited, web-only access”
To set this policy using PowerShell use the Set-SPOTenant cmdlet.
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Set-SPOTenant -ConditionalAccessPolicy AllowLimitedAccess
The SharePoint Online policy setting creates two Conditional Access policies, [SharePoint
admin center] Block access from apps on unmanaged devices and [SharePoint admin
center] Use app-enforced Restrictions for browser access. These polices are applied to
All Users with no exclusions.
The Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only on PC and Mac Conditional Access
policy implements equivalent settings so the two policy settings created automatically
should be unassigned.
Conditional Access
The following tables detail each Conditional Access policy required to achieve the desired results
described in the preceding use cases for the Good configuration.
The Approved Client Apps policy is defined in Section 0
App protection policies (MAM-WE) Table 14 for iOS and iPadOS and Table 15 for Android later
in this document.
iOS and iPadOS
Table 11 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow iOS and iPadOS devices to
connect to Office 365 applications and Bing using MFA and approved apps.
Table 11: BYOD - Good - Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Client Apps on iOS
BYOD–Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on iOS
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-Mobile
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BYOD–Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on iOS
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include iOS
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
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BYOD–Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on iOS
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
Android Devices
Table 12 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow Android devices to connect to
Office 365 applications and Bing using MFA and approved apps
Table 12: BYOD - Good - Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on Android
BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on Android
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-Mobile
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Android
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BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on Android
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
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BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 and Bing using Approved Apps on Android
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
PC or Mac Devices
Table 13 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow PC and Mac devices to
connect to Office 365 applications and Bing using MFA and a web browser.
Table 13: BYOD - Good - Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only on PC or Mac
BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only on PC or Mac
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Good-PC-Users
Exclude BYOD-Better-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Any Device
Exclude iOS
Locations Include
The scope for Any device will include Linux desktops and Windows Phone devices and has been used to
be more inclusive for the Blueprint. Changing the Device platforms to Windows and macOS will change
the policy to only those platforms.
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BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only on PC or Mac
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
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BYOD-Good-Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only on PC or Mac
Enable policy On
App protection policies (MAM-WE)
iOS and iPadOS
Table 14 (below) describes the app protection policy for iOS and iPadOS devices.
Table 14, iOS App Protection Policy
Policy Setting Value
Name Contoso_Apple_AppProtectionPolicy
Platform iOS/iPadOS
Target Apps on all device types Yes
Public Apps Microsoft Dynamics CRM on iPad
Microsoft Dynamics CRM on iPhone
Skype for Business
Office Hub
Microsoft Planner
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Flow
Microsoft SharePoint
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Policy Setting Value
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Stream
Microsoft To-Do
Microsoft Vision Viewer
Custom Apps
Data Protection
Prevent Backups Block
Send org data to other apps Policy managed apps with Open-In/Share filtering
Select apps to exempt
Save copies of org data Block
Allow user to save copies to selected services OneDrive for Business
Transfer telecommunications data to Any dialler app
Receive data from other apps Policy managed apps
Restrict cut, copy, and paste between other apps Policy managed apps with paste in
Cut and copy character limit for any app 0
Third party keyboards SwiftKey Keyboard: com.touchtype.swiftkey
Sync app with native contacts app Block
Printing org data Block
Restrict web content transfer with other apps Microsoft Edge
Unmanaged browser protocol --
Org data notifications Allow
Access Requirements
PIN for access Require
PIN type Numeric
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Policy Setting Value
Simple PIN Block
Select minimum PIN length 4
Touch ID instead of PIN for access (iOS 8+/iPadOS) Allow
Override biometrics with PIN after timeout Require
Timeout (minutes of inactivity) 30
Face ID instead of PIN for access (iOS 11+/iPadOS) Allow
PIN reset after number of days No
Number of days 0
App PIN when device PIN is set Require
Work or school account credentials for access No required
Recheck the access requirements after (minutes of inactivity) 10
Conditional Launch
Max PIN attempts 5 – Reset PIN
Offline grace period 720 - Block access (minutes)
Offline grace period 90 – Wipe data (days)
Jailbroken/rooted devices Block access
Min OS Version 13.0
Disabled Account Block
Included Groups BYOD-Good-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
BYOD-Better-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
Excluded Groups
Table 15 (above) describes the app protection policy for Android devices.
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Table 15, Android App Protection Policy
Policy Setting Value
Name Contoso-Android-AppProtectionPolicy
Description Android MAM Policy for Office Applications and BYOD
Platform Android
Target Apps on all device types Yes
Public Apps Dynamics CRM for Phones
Dynamics CRM for Tablets
Skype for Business
Office Hub
Office Hub [HL]
Office Hub [ROW]
Microsoft Planner
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Flow
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Stream
Microsoft To-Do
Custom Apps
Data Protection
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Policy Setting Value
Prevent Backups Block
Send org data to other apps Policy managed apps
Select apps to exempt --
Save copies of org data Block
Allow user to save copies to selected services OneDrive for Business
Transfer telecommunications data to Any dialer app
Receive data from other apps All apps
Restrict cut, copy, and paste between other apps Policy managed apps with paste in
Cut and copy character limit for any app 0
Screen capture and Google Assistant Disable
Approved keyboards Require
Select keyboards to approve Gboard - the Google Keyboard:
SwiftKey Keyboard: com.touchtype.swiftkey
Samsung Keyboard:
Google Indic Keyboard:
Google Pinyin Input:
Google Japanese Input:
Google Korean Input:
Google Handwriting Input:
Google voice typing
Samsung voice input:
Encrypt org data Require
Encrypt org data on enrolled devices Require
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Policy Setting Value
Sync app with native contacts app Block
Printing org data Block
Restrict web content transfer with other apps Microsoft Edge
Unmanaged Browser ID --
Unmanaged Browser Name --
Org data notifications Allow
Access Requirements
PIN for access Require
PIN type Numeric
Simple PIN Block
Select minimum PIN length 4
Fingerprint instead of PIN for access (Android 6.0+) Allow
Override fingerprint with PIN after timeout Require
Timeout (minutes of inactivity) 30
PIN reset after number of days No
Number of days 0
Select number of previous PIN values to maintain 0
App PIN when device PIN is set Require
Work or school account credentials for access No required
Recheck the access requirements after (minutes of inactivity) 10
Conditional Launch
Max PIN attempts 5 – Reset PIN
Offline grace period 720 - Block access (minutes)
Offline grace period 90 – Wipe data (days)
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Policy Setting Value
Jailbroken/rooted devices Block access
Min OS Version 8.0
SafetyNet device attestation Basic integrity and certified devices
Disabled Account Block
Included Groups BYOD-Good-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
BYOD-Better-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
Excluded Groups
App configuration polices
Microsoft Edge
Assign this policy to BYOD-Good-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled, BYOD-Better-Mobile Device-
Users–Enabled, BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
Table 16 (below) describes the recommended configuration for the BYOD Blueprint. For
additional Edge specific configuration controls refer to
Assign this policy to BYOD-Good-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled, BYOD-Better-Mobile Device-
Users–Enabled, BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-Users–Enabled
Table 16: Application configuration for Microsoft Edge on Mobile
Name Value true true true True
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4.3 Better Configuration Design
The Better Configuration uses components that are available with a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
The Better configuration uses the following components:
Azure Multi-factor Authentication
Azure AD Conditional Access
Intune App Protection policies
Intune App Configuration policies
Intune Device Enrolment Restriction policies
Microsoft Cloud App Security Session Control policies
Microsoft Cloud App Security Access policies
Azure AD Identity Protection policies
The Better configuration includes:
Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) application session controls to provide more
granular control of user actions such as block printing of documents, block uploading
Azure AD Identity Protection sign-in risk controls in Conditional Access.
The Better configuration does not require the configuration of Exchange Online or
SharePoint Online to prevent the download of attachments or items that are described in
Sections Exchange Online and SharePoint Online above.
The Better configuration design is described in the following sections.
Better Use Cases
The Better Use Case also includes the Common User Cases for Blocking Legacy Authentication
and Blocking Unapproved Apps, refer to Section 4.1 Common Configuration above for details of
the use cases and configuration policies.
The Better Use Case also uses the Conditional Access policies for iOS / iPadOS and Android
mobile devices described in the Good Configuration Policies for iOS and iPadOS and Android
Devices. Refer to Section Conditional Access for the configuration details.
For the Better use case the browser session to Office 365 applications is protected using MCAS
session control, this allows more granular control of the actions that a user can perform, block
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printing, block upload as well as blocking download that was controlled in the Good scenario
which was provided using configuration of EXO and SPO.
The Better use case also includes Azure AD Identity Protection to provide additional protections
to user identities when they access Office 365 services, a Conditional Access policy uses these
signals to block High and Medium Sign-in risk events. The Conditional Access policy will also
apply to Mobile Device users to provide risk-based identity protection.
The following table details each use case, segregated by application/workload. The client type is
broken into two scenarios:
1. Approved client app on iOS or Android, i.e. apps developed for the platform, e.g.
Microsoft Outlook for Android and iOS/iPadOS, Microsoft Teams for Android and
iOS/iPadOS, Office Apps for Android, and iOS/iPadOS.
2. Browser-based on PC or Mac, i.e. the web browser on the device, e.g. Microsoft Edge,
Chrome, Safari to Office 365 and Bing for Business
3. Blocking access to Office 365 and Bing for Business from web browsers on PC or Mac or
approved client apps on mobile devices if the sign-in risk is Medium or High in Identity
Table 17: Good configuration Conditional Access use cases
App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Exchange Online Browser access
to OWA
Personal Unenrolled Mobile
Personal Unenrolled PC / Mac Allow with MFA and
Conditional Access App
Control Custom Policy
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Access via
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and
Require approved client
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
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App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Access via OS
mail client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Teams and/or
Skype for
Browser access
to web apps
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and
Condition Access App
Control Custom Policy
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and
Require approved client
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
OneDrive for
Browser access
to web apps
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and App
Enforced Restrictions
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and
Condition Access App
Control Custom Policy
Approved client
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and
Require approved client
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
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App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
SharePoint Online Browser access
to web app
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and
Require approved client
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Allow with MFA and
Condition Access App
Control Custom Policy
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Approved client
app (OneDrive
Unenrolled Mobile Device Allow with MFA and
Require approved client
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Better Configuration Policies
Conditional Access
The following tables detail the two Conditional Access policies required to achieve the desired
results described in the preceding use cases for the Better configuration.
All Platforms - Block High or Medium Sign-in Risk
Table 18 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to Block access to Office 365
applications and Bing from all platforms a PC or Mac and Mobile Devices when the users Sign-
in Risk is High or Medium.
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Table 18: BYOD - Better - Block access to Office 365 using Browser and Modern Apps with Sign-in Risk Medium and
High for all platforms
BYOD-Better-Block access to Office 365 with Sign-in Risk Medium and High on all
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Better-PC-Users–
Exclude BYOD-Good-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk High
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
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BYOD-Better-Block access to Office 365 with Sign-in Risk Medium and High on all
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Use custom policy
1 Hour
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
PC or Mac Devices - Browser Only with Session Control
Table 19 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow PC and Mac devices to
connect to Office 365 applications and Bing using MFA and MCAS Session Control using a web
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Table 19: BYOD - Better - Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only with Session Control on PC or Mac
BYOD-Better-Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only with Session Control
on PC or Mac
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Better-PC-Users–
Exclude BYOD-Good-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
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BYOD-Better-Require MFA for Office 365 using Browser Only with Session Control
on PC or Mac
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Use custom policy
1 Hour
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS)
MCAS Copy/Paste Session Control
Table 20 (below) describes the MCAS Session Control policy to prevent Copy/Paste.
Table 20, MCAS Copy/Paste Session Control Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Template Block cut/copy and paste based on real time content inspection
Policy Name CONTOSO-Block-CopyPaste
Sign-in frequency can be modified to balance security and usability if feedback is that having to sign-in
and MFA every hour is too much
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Policy Setting Value
Description Block Copy/Cut and Paste functionality
Policy Severity Low
Category DLP
Session Control Type Block Activities
Activity Filters Activity type equals (Cut/Copy Item OR Paste Item)
Content Inspection False
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
Customize block message Copy and Paste functionality has been disabled when accessing from
personal devices
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
MCAS Print Session Control
Table 21 (below) describes the MCAS Session Control policy to prevent Printing
Table 21, MCAS Print Session Control Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Template Block Print functionality
Policy Name Contoso-Block-Print
Description Block Print functionality
Policy Severity Low
Category DLP
Session Control Type Block Activities
Activity Filters Activity type equals (Print)
Content Inspection False
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
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Policy Setting Value
Customize block message Printing has been disabled when accessing from personal devices’
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
MCAS File Download Session Control
Table 22 (below) describes the MCAS Session Control policy to prevent File Downloads.
Table 22, MCAS File Download Session Control Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Template Block download based on real-time content inspection
Policy Name CONTOSO-Block-FileDownload
Description Block File Download functionality
Policy Severity Low
Category DLP
Session Control Type Control file download (with DLP)
Activity Filters None
Inspection Method None
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
Customize block message File Download functionality has been disabled when accessing from
personal devices
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
MCAS File Upload Session Control
Table 23 (below) describes the MCAS Session Control policy to prevent File Uploads.
Table 23, MCAS File Upload Session Control Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Template Block upload based on real-time content inspection
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Policy Setting Value
Policy Name Contoso-Block-File-Upload
Description Block File Upload functionality
Policy Severity Low
Category DLP
Session Control Type Control file upload (with DLP)
Activity Filters None
Inspection Method None
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
Customize block message File upload functionality has been disabled when accessing from
personal devices
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
MCAS Non-Mobile Not-Browser Access Control
Table 24 (below) describes the MCAS Session Control policy to prevent NonMobile-NotBrowser
Table 24, MCAS Outdated OS Access Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Name Contoso-Block-Access-NonMobile-NotBrowser
Description Block access to Office 365 if the client application is not a Browser
and the device is not a Mobile or Tablet
Policy Severity Medium
Category Access Control
Activity Filters Device Type Does Not Equal Mobile OR Tablet
Client App Equals Mobile and Desktop
App Equals Office 365
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
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Policy Setting Value
Customize block message Access from this application is not supported when using a personal
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity True
Send alert as email TBA
MCAS Outdated OS Access Control
Table 25 (below) describes the MCAS Access Control policy to block Outdated OS
Table 25, MCAS Outdated OS Access Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Name Contoso-Block-Outdated-OS
Description Block Access for Outdated Operating Systems
Policy Severity Low
Category Access Control
Activity Filters User Agent Tag Equals Outdated Operating System
App Equals Office 365
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
Customize block message Access to CONTOSO systems is prohibited from your operating
system version’
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
MCAS Outdated Browser Access Control
Table 26 (below) describes the MCAS Access Control policy to block Outdated Browser
Table 26, MCAS Outdated Browser Access Policy
Policy Setting Value
Policy Name Contoso-Block-Outdated-Browser
Description Block Access for Outdated Browsers
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Policy Setting Value
Policy Severity Low
Category Access Control
Activity Filters User Agent Tag Equals Outdated Browser
App Equals Office 365
Actions Block
Also notify user by email False
Customize block message Access to CONTOSO systems is prohibited from your Internet
Browser version’
Create an alert matching event with the policy’s severity False
Azure AD Identity Protection (AAD IdP)
AAD IdP User Risk Policy
Table 27 (above) describes the Identity Protection policy for User Risk Policy
Table 27: IdP – User Risk Policy
Assignments Users Include BYOD-Better-Mobile
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-
Conditions User Risk Medium and above
Controls Access Block access
Allow access Require password change
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AAD IdP Sign-in Risk Policy
Table 28 (above) describes the Identity Protection policy for Sign-in Risk Policy
Table 28: Identity Protection – Sign-in Risk Policy
Assignments Users Include BYOD-Better-Mobile
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-
Conditions Sign-in Risk Medium and above
Controls Access Block access
Allow access Require multi-factor
AAD IdP MFA Registration Policy
Table 29 (above) describes the Identity Protection policy for MFA Registration Policy
Table 29: Identity Protection – MFA Registration policy
Assignments Users Include BYOD-Better-Mobile
BYOD-Best-Mobile Device-
Controls Access Allow access Require Azure MFA
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4.4 Best Configuration Design
The Best Configuration uses components that are available with a Microsoft 365 E5 license.
The Best configuration uses the following components:
Azure Multi-factor Authentication
Azure AD Conditional Access
Intune App Protection policies
Intune App Configuration policies
Intune Device Enrolment Restriction policies
Microsoft Cloud App Security Session Control policies (if Web Apps used)
Microsoft Cloud App Security Access policies ((if Web Apps used)
Azure AD Identity Protection policies
Windows Virtual Desktop
The Best configuration includes:
Windows Virtual Desktop to provide a fully managed desktop experience that allows
users to work as if they were on their normal office machine. This allows users to choose
between the Office Web Apps or Desktop Applications when accessing Office 365.
The Best configuration does not require the configuration of Exchange Online or
SharePoint Online to prevent the download of attachments or items that used in the
Good Configuration Policies Sections Exchange Online and SharePoint
Online above as this functionality is provided by MCAS as well as the other scenarios like
block printing and block upload of files.
Figure 8: Windows Virtual Desktop access flow
The flow illustrated in Figure 8 above described in Table 30 below.
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Table 30: Windows Virtual Desktop connection flow
Step Description
1 From their PC or Mac device the user connects to the Windows Virtual Desktop service either using HTML5 browser or
Remote Desktop client app.
User needs to satisfy that MFA was used as part of Conditional Access policy to connect to the Windows Virtual
Desktop service
2 From the Windows Virtual Desktop landing page, the user then selects the type of resource, Pooled Desktop, Personal
Desktop, Published App, that they wish to use and connects to that resource
3 From the Windows Virtual Desktop, the user then launches the Office 365 application as required
4 The Office 365 application is launched
This connection is subject to a Conditional Access rule that requires that the connection to Office 365 services is made
from a Hybrid Azure AD joined device
The Best configuration design is described in the following sections.
Best scenario definition
The Best scenario also includes the Common User Cases for Blocking Legacy Authentication and
Blocking Unapproved Apps, refer to Section 4.1 Common Configuration above for details of the
use cases and configuration policies.
The Best scenario also uses the Conditional Access policies for iOS / iPadOS and Android mobile
devices described in the Good Configuration Policies for iOS and iPadOS and Android Devices.
Refer to Section Conditional Access for the configuration details.
The Best configuration adds an additional use case where access to the Windows Virtual
Desktop service is made from an unmanaged BYOD PC or Mac device.
Two conditional access policies are used to control access to the WVD service. Access to the
virtual desktop device itself is allowed using a HTML5 compliant browser or client app is
controlled with a conditional access policy which requires MFA, once the connection to the
domain joined virtual desktop is established access to Office 365 services and the internet
(Microsoft Edge, Outlook, Teams and other Office 365 client apps) is controlled using a
conditional access policy that requires that the virtual desktop device is Hybrid Azure AD joined.
Table 31 details each use case, segregated by application / workload. The client type is broken
into four scenarios:
1. Approved client app on iOS or Android, i.e. apps developed for the platform, e.g.
Microsoft Outlook for Android and iOS/iPadOS, Microsoft Teams for Android and
iOS/iPadOS, Office Apps for Android, and iOS/iPadOS.
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2. Browser-based on PC or Mac, i.e. the web browser on the device, e.g. Microsoft Edge,
Chrome, Safari to the Windows Virtual Desktop HTML5 web client.
3. Approved client app on PC or Mac, e.g. Windows Virtual Desktop client.
4. Access from Hybrid Azure Joined Windows Virtual Desktop device to Microsoft Outlook
for PC or Mac, Microsoft Teams for PC or Mac, Office Apps for PC or Mac.
Table 31: Best configuration: Conditional Access use cases
App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Windows Virtual
Desktop (WVD)
Browser access
to WVD
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Allow with MFA
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Access via WVD
client app
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Allow with MFA
Block access if Sign-in
Risk is Medium or High
Internet Access Browser access
to Internet
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Exchange Online Browser access
to OWA
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Access via
Approved client
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
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App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Access via OS
mail client
Enrolled and compliant device Blocked
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Blocked
Teams and/or
Skype for
Browser access
to web apps
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Approved client
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
OneDrive for
Browser access
to web apps
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
OneDrive client
app access
Managed desktop client Blocked
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
SharePoint Online Browser access
to web app
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
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App/ workload Use case/client Desired result
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Approved client
app (Word,
Enrolled and compliant device Allow with Hybrid Azure
AD joined device
Unenrolled Mobile Device Blocked
Unenrolled PC / Mac Device Blocked
Best Configuration Policies
Conditional Access
The following tables detail the Conditional Access policies required to achieve the desired
results described in the preceding use cases for the Best configuration.
All Platforms - Block High or Medium Sign-in Risk
Table 32 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to Block access to Office 365
applications and Bing from a PC or Mac and Mobile Devices (iOS, iPadOS and Android) when
the user Sign-in Risk is High or Medium.
The Windows Virtual Desktop and Windows Virtual Desktop Client apps have been
added to the included Cloud Apps defined in the policy.
Table 32: BYOD – Best - Block access to Windows Virtual Desktop and Office 365 using Browser or Modern Apps with
Risk Medium and High on all platforms
BYOD-Best-Block access to Windows Virtual Desktop and Office 365 using Browser
or Modern Apps with Sign-in Risk Medium and High on all platforms
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Best-PC-Users–
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BYOD-Best-Block access to Windows Virtual Desktop and Office 365 using Browser
or Modern Apps with Sign-in Risk Medium and High on all platforms
Exclude BYOD-Good-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Windows Virtual Desktop
Windows Virtual Desktop
Conditions Sign-in Risk High
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
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BYOD-Best-Block access to Windows Virtual Desktop and Office 365 using Browser
or Modern Apps with Sign-in Risk Medium and High on all platforms
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Use custom policy
1 Hour
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
PC or Mac Devices
Table 33(below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow PC and Mac devices to connect
to Windows Virtual Desktop service using either the Windows Virtual Desktop Client or HTML5
web browser client.
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Table 33: BYOD – Best - Require MFA for Windows Virtual Desktop using Browser to Client App on PC or Mac
BYOD–BEST-Require MFA for Windows Virtual Desktop using Browser to Client App
on PC or Mac
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Best-PC-Users–
Exclude BYOD-Good-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Windows Virtual Desktop
Windows Virtual Desktop
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Any Device
Exclude iOS
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
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BYOD–BEST-Require MFA for Windows Virtual Desktop using Browser to Client App
on PC or Mac
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
Windows Virtual Desktop domain joined devices.
Table 34 (below) describes the Conditional Access policy to allow WVD devices to connect to
Office 365 applications and the internet by requiring “Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)”
condition to be satisfied.
Hybrid Azure AD join must be enabled in Azure AD Connect, please refer to the following
articles Hybrid Azure AD join for Federated domains and Hybrid Azure AD join Managed
domains. Please note that this is not supported if using Azure AD Directory Services for
WVD domain authentication.
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Table 34: BYOD – Best - Require Hybrid Azure AD joined device for WVD access to Office 365 on PC or Mac
BYOD–Best-Require Hybrid Azure AD joined device for WVD access to Office 365 on
PC or Mac
Assignments Users and groups Include BYOD-Best-PC-Users–
Exclude BYOD-Good-PC-Users–
Cloud apps or actions Include Office 365 (Preview)
Microsoft Search in Bing
Conditions Sign-in Risk
Include Any Device
Exclude iOS
Locations Include
Client apps Include Browser
Mobile apps and desktop
Modern Authentication
Exchange ActiveSync clients
Other clients
Device State Include
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BYOD–Best-Require Hybrid Azure AD joined device for WVD access to Office 365 on
PC or Mac
Access controls Grant Block Access
Grant Access Require multi-factor authentication
Require device to be marked as compliant
Require domain joined (Hybrid Azure AD)
Require approved client app
Require app protection policy
For multiple
Require one of the selected controls
Require all the selected methods
Session Use app enforced restrictions
Use Conditional Access App Control
Persistent browser session
Enable policy On
Windows Virtual Desktop policies
Refer to for
recommended security configuration for Windows Virtual Desktop.
For the BYOD Blueprint the policy defined in RDP Session controls see the settings described in
the following section.
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RDP Session Controls
Figure 9 (below) illustrates the recommended RDP settings for Windows Virtual Desktop
sessions. They are designed to prevent users being able to copy data out of the desktop session
and prevent printing.
Figure 9: Windows Virtual Desktop RDP settings