To: The U.S. Election Assistance Commission
From: Rebecca Mercuri, Ph.D. 609/587-1886 [email protected]
Subject: Comment on the 2009 Draft VVSG
Date: September 28, 2009
This document is provided in response to the public call for comment for the draft
revisions to the 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines.
By means of introduction, I am a computer scientist/engineer who has researched,
written, and testified on the subject of electronic voting since 1989. My testimony on this
topic includes appearances before the U.S. House Science Committee, the U.S. Election
Assistance Commission, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the U.K. Cabinet, various
State Legislative Committees (in CT, MD, PA, VA, NY and NC), and court proceedings
(in NJ, FL, OH, CA and MI). I have directly influenced the wording of Federal, State and
international election legislation, especially as it pertains to voter verified ballots and
independent auditing of election results, and have provided comment to the EAC and
FEC on the earlier 2002, 2005 (draft) and 2007 (draft) VVSGs, as well as participated in
the IEEE voting standards work that was consulted during the construction of the 2005
and 2007 (draft) VVSG.
The 2007 (draft) Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) represented a significant
departure from earlier Federal voting system guidelines (2005 EAC, 2002 and 1990
FEC), while still retaining much of the certification framework that had been increasingly
demonstrated to be problematic. Among other changes, that version attempted to
recognize earlier shortcomings of the certification process (especially in the areas of voter
verification, transparency, auditability and security) by introducing an innovation class
that allowed for the submission of novel voting system paradigms for certification, and
provided for the (somewhat related) adoption of a software independence requirement.
Unfortunately, these concepts fell short of their intended purpose and instead provided a
fast-track backdoor whereby a new generation of experimental, unproven, electronic
voting systems could be foisted on the voting public, without thorough examination.
Although this 2009 (draft) VVSG appears to have eliminated the use of the earlier
Orwellian phrase “software independence,” which was an impossibility, since there is no
way to assure that a system that uses software can somehow be, in part, independent of it.
Yet this “independence” concept still persists in the 2009 draft, this time under the name
“Independent Verification” (IV). Unfortunately, the description of an IV system given in
Volume 1, Section 7.8 is incorrect in many respects, far too numerous to detail here (I
would offer to visit to elucidate further, please contact me at your earliest convenience to
arrange a meeting). Briefly, there is nothing secure about duplicate cast vote records, not
even if one set is copied to unalterable storage media. That “both records are not under
the control of the same system processes” does NOT make them independently verifiable
BY THE VOTER (since the voter cannot directly read the electronic records).
R. T. Mercuri – Comment on the EAC 2009 draft VVSG page 2
There is also a very dismaying corruption of the phrase and concept of “Voter Verifiable
Paper Audit Trail” (VVPAT), which alters its application and intention. The ballots that
voters cast are just that, ballots, NOT an audit trail. For there to be an audit trail, there
would have to be an end-to-end record of all transactions on the voting system throughout
the election, and the need for privacy precludes this implementation. The phrase should
be “Voter Verified Paper Ballot” (VVPB), which would recognize the legal status of any
paper artifact that the voter VERIFIED as the actual BALLOT OF RECORD. There must
be a casting action that is performed by the voter that is used to signify that they have
indeed VERIFIED the ballot as correct. Without a true verification requirement, it is
insufficient to have an audit trail that may or may not have been verified, since then, in a
duplicate recording system, the audit trail will always necessarily be deemed unreliable.
Along this vein in this draft, cryptographic voting now appears to be increasingly relied
upon to ensure “independence.” Yet the status of cryptographic voting is completely
dubious at this time, as it is a concept in its infancy, being promoted well beyond the
capabilities that have been proven thus far by certain over-zealous scientists. Among its
many flaws is the fact that none of the extensive literature on this subject has properly
addressed the provability of IMPLEMENTATIONS of cryptographic voting algorithms,
which is a daunting task, as yet unsolved. Nor does waving of the cryptographic wand
over certain aspects of the system provide any assurance to the voter that the
implementation in place on the system is actually the version that was certified for
correctness (this is actually true, as I have commented before, of all software in voting
systems). In fact, the necessity for the concept of “trustees” in many of the cryptographic
voting systems proposed to date, provides an area of unresolvable uncertainty. Here
again, special interests appear to have prevailed to create a climate favorable to a method
that has not yet been demonstrated to be viable in voting systems. In short, touchscreen
voting again, just in the new cryptographic version thereof. The public will not deem this
Another of the troubling perpetuations in this draft is the exemption for unmodified
COTS components from certain portions of system certification testing. It is universally
agreed in the computer science community that there is nothing about a COTS product
(including card readers, printers, personal computers, operating systems, programming
language compilers, and database management systems) that inherently makes it secure
or even ensures that it is functioning properly or appropriately. As I (along with Vince
Lipsio and Beth Feehan) wrote in “COTS and Other Electronic Voting Backdoors”
(Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, November 2006):
In other critical computer-based devices (e.g., medical electronics or aviation)
COTS components may be unit tested a single time for use in multiple products,
with COTS software typically integration tested and its source code required for
review. In contrast, for voting equipment, this blanket inspection exemption
persists, despite having strenuously been protested by numerous scientists,
especially in the construction of guidelines authorized by the Help America Vote
Act (HAVA). Nevertheless, special interests have prevailed in perpetuating this
R. T. Mercuri – Comment on the EAC 2009 draft VVSG page 3
serious backdoor in the advisory documents used for the nation’s voting system
testing and certification programs.
That uninspected COTS has caused other serious voting equipment problems to
go undetected, even without tampering, was reported in 2001 to the U.S. House
Science Committee by Douglas Jones, when he related a 1998 example of "an
interesting and obscure failing [with the Fidlar and Chambers EV 2000] that was
directly due to a combination of this exemption and a recent upgrade to the
version of Windows being used by the vendor ... the machine always subtly but
reliably revealed the previous voter's vote to the next voter."
Although the 2009 draft appears to clear up a number of prior vagaries pertaining to what
is or isn’t COTS, unfortunately the EAC, TGDC, and NIST have continued, in this draft,
to fail to recognize the strong vulnerabilities that exist through the blanket exemption for
unmodified COTS. Without end-to-end examination, voting systems will remain at risk.
I was heartened to see that, finally, a more appropriate definition of reliability has finally
been proposed (Vol. 1, Section 4.3.3). But the stated failure rates in the table on page 119
seem to me to be rather peculiar, since the numbers given are unexplained, and have
different orders of magnitude (hence imposing different levels of accuracy). The effects
of these collective failure rates, independently and in combination, needs to be more
appropriately addressed. I suspect that the given numbers still fall short of the desired
intention, that voters shall not have their ballots lost or be electronically disenfranchised.
My overall comment is that this 2009 draft VVSG continues to perpetuate seriously
erroneous concepts that do not actually improve or assure the reliability, accuracy, and
integrity of the voting system, while the draft also continues to shun the necessity of end-
to-end security, entirely independent verification by the voter of the ballot of record, and
true transparency of the ballot creation, casting and counting process. With the
consolidation of the two largest US voting system vendors into one single entity, now
serving over 80% of the country, the need for these goals to be properly instantiated in
the VVSG has dramatically increased. The fact that these guidelines remain inappropriate
is unacceptable to the American public. I hope that this will someday change, but the
time has apparently not yet come. Again, I offer my willingness to assist in elucidating
these issues further. Please feel free to contact me for further information.