Terms of Reference
Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee 1
Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference
Purpose of this Committee:
To serve as an advisory committee to Council on the implementation process of the
Municipality of Callander Official Plan, Strategic Plan, Parks and Recreation Master Plan,
and other long-term plans, as necessary.
Monitor the progress in achieving the strategic directions and annual objectives of the
To assist in beautifying the Municipality of Callander for its residents by providing input
on plants, planters, park and municipal infrastructure, and any other initiative that is
approved by Council.
To recommend to, and support, Responsible Staff in implementing tasks related to
beautification and enhancement of aesthetics within the community in alliance with the
Plans and Strategies, such as the Official Plan, Strategic Plan, Downtown and Waterfront
Revitalization Plan, and Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
To encourage the beautification of Callander and promote citizen pride in our
community by collaborating with the Manager of Operations and Parks and Facilities
Supervisor, along with other municipal staff, as necessary, to plan for the yearly budget
allocated to beautification.
Council will appoint five (5) members, who must be residents of the Municipality of Callander.
Members should, although not required, have some knowledge and understanding of
beautification and plan implementation.
The term of the Committee is concurrent with the Term of Council. Replacement members shall
be appointed by Council Resolution as required. Appointed members shall not be employees of
the Municipality.
There is one member of Council on the Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee
(IBAC) that is considered a voting member on the Committee. This member cannot be
appointed as the Chair of the Committee.
A majority of the members constitutes quorum for transacting the Committee’s business.
Replacement members shall be appointed by Council Resolution, as required. If there is
difficulty recruiting five (5) members for this Committee, the remaining vacancies can be filled
Terms of Reference
Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee 2
by Council representatives. At no time shall an elected member of Council be appointed as
Chair of the Committee.
Committee Responsibilities:
Committee Members must have the ability to understand the Plans and Strategies and be an
advocate for the Vision that Council has established, in collaboration with the residents of
Callander. They must remain impartial with their recommendations to Council.
Committee Members must:
Monitor the progress in the implementation of projects and the Work Plan as outlined
in various municipal plans
Put Council’s vision and strategic objectives at the forefront of their recommendations
and decision-making.
Encourage participation in broad public engagement opportunities relevant to the
implementation of the Plans
Examining from time to time the development of project proposals, including
landscaping and design work, more notably in the downtown and waterfront area, and
make recommendations to Council on the implementation of such proposals
Assist in defining the yearly budget and prioritization of projects for beautification of
Assist with project selection during budget deliberations and the development of 10-
year capital implementation plans
Advise, as necessary, on proposals for changes to the aesthetics of Callander to ensure
they remain in line with the Plans
Work collaboratively with volunteers and other volunteer groups
Perform duties in a manner that maintains and enhances public confidence in the
integrity, objectivity, and impartiality of the Municipality
Maintain confidentiality when necessary, and ensure personal information controlled
by the Municipality is used or disclosed in compliance with the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Attend, and prepare for meetings by reading agendas and any background information
supplied and by actively participating in the discussion and decision-making process
To follow the Terms of Reference for this Committee and maintain proper decorum at
meetings and in public, when representing the Municipality of Callander
Committee Position Roles:
The Committee Chair will be responsible for ensuring the effective operation of the Committee
and its roles in accordance with the Municipality’s meeting procedures and this Terms of
Reference. Specifically, the Chair shall be responsible for:
Calling meetings to order
Scheduling additional meetings, as necessary
Terms of Reference
Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee 3
The Secretary shall be is responsible for preparing the agenda and motions, prescribing notice,
and taking minutes at all Committee meetings. The Secretary will also ensure the notice of
meeting, agenda and minutes are posted within the meeting portal, and circulated to all
committee members as well as the Municipal Clerk. The Secretary shall keep on file all official
business of the Committee. The Secretary shall be a member of staff.
Council Representative Responsibilities:
The Council representative is a voting member and is responsible for updating Council and the
public on pertinent information regarding the Implementation and Beautification Advisory
Committee (IBAC).
Staff Representative Responsibilities:
As a non-voting member, the staff representative of the Implementation and Beautification
Advisory Committee will provide guidance and advice while remaining impartial during
discussions of committee matters with all members. The staff representative will also ensure
that they inform the Chair of any proposed procedural issues that may contradict this Terms of
Reference. The staff representative shall be appointed by the Committee as the Secretary.
The staff representative is also responsible for ensuring the notice of meeting, agenda and
minutes are posted on the meeting portal, and circulated to all members. The information must
also be forwarded to the Clerk’s office for inclusion on the next scheduled Council agenda as
correspondence received.
Meeting Structure
The Committee will be called to order for a mandatory training session at the beginning of the
term. At the first meeting of the term, the Committee must also elect a Committee Chair.
Meetings will be scheduled at a regular interval at the first meeting, however, it is understood
that additional meetings may be called, if needed. Meetings are recommended to take place at
quarterly intervals.
If a member is unable to attend a meeting, they should inform the Chair or Secretary. If a
member of the Committee is absent from the meeting for three consecutive meetings without
being excused, Council may consider this the member’s resignation and terminate the
appointment and may by resolution appoint a new member to fill the vacancy.
If the Chair is absent from any meeting, the committee shall appoint an Acting Chair for that
meeting. While presiding, the Acting Chair shall have all the powers and rights of the Chair.
Public Access
All Committee meetings shall be fully accessible to the general public.
Terms of Reference
Implementation and Beautification Advisory Committee 4
Rules of Procedure to be Followed by this Committee:
The Committee shall follow the Municipality’s Procedural By-law when it comes to notice of
meeting, agenda, minutes, motions, and adjournment.