City of Fernie Beautification Committee
The City of Fernie Beautification Committee is a select committee of the City and
functions in an advisory capacity to City Council.
The City of Fernie installs and displays seasonal lighting and decorations, banners and
flowers for festive occasions, to promote the community and cultural events, for tourism
and marketing purposes and to instill community pride and enhance its visual esthetic.
The Committee is responsible for:
1. Developing and recommending on strategies and expenditures for the
beautification of public spaces and commercial and residential neighborhoods
such as landscaping, streetscaping, furnishings, banners, and seasonal decorations;
2. Researching and making recommendations and reports to Council for an overall
vision for the above;
3. Developing and recommending a budget and implementation plan for the above;
4. Developing and recommending an annual operational timeline for the above.
(Amended February 13, 2012)
In formulating its recommendations the Committee shall consider the identified initiatives
and prioritize them within the following framework:
Priority: The importance of the policy or goal to the City;
Support: The support from the community and staff for implementation;
Efficiency: The cost and related human resource requirements; and
Results: The outcomes and benefits to the City.
The members of the Committee shall be appointed by City Council. The Committee shall
be comprised of:
Two (2) members of City Council;
Up to three (3) members of the public; and
Up to two members nominated from the Leisure Services Advisory Board or
alternatively from the Chamber of Commerce, Arts Council, Historical Society or
Tourism Fernie.
(Amended February 28, 2011)
The Mayor is an “ex-officio” member of the Committee and possesses all the rights,
powers, privileges and duties of the other members when present at a meeting of the
Committee. The Mayor is not included for the purposes of determining quorum.
Staff resources to the Committee shall be comprised of:
The Chief Administrative Officer;
The Director of Operational Services; and
The Director of Leisure Services.
Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the
Community Charter and Council Procedure Bylaw, including, but not limited to, the
requirements for notice of meetings, the establishment of a meeting schedule, minute-
taking, quorum, conduct and debate and voting.
The Committee shall select one of its members to serve as Committee chair.
All Committee meetings shall be open to the public except when closure of the meeting is
authorized under section 90 of the Community Charter and the Committee adopts a
resolution in accordance with section 92 of the Charter to close the meeting.
Recommendations made at Committee meetings must be approved by a majority vote of
the members present at a duly constituted Committee meeting. If the votes of the
members at a meeting are equal for and against a motion, the motion is defeated.
Committee Members are to avoid conflicts of interest.
A conflict of interest exists where:
a. A Committee member is a director, member or employee of an organization
seeking a benefit from the City upon which the Committee will make a
recommendation; or
b. The Committee member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the
outcome of Committee deliberations.
A conflict of interest does not exist if:
a. The pecuniary interest of the Committee member is a pecuniary interest in
common with members of the municipality generally; or
b. The pecuniary interest is so remote or insignificant that it cannot reasonably
be regarded as likely to influence the member in relation to the matter.
If a Committee member considers that he or she is not entitled to participate in the
discussion of a matter or to vote on a question in respect of the matter, the member must
declare this and state the general nature of why the member considers this to be the case.
Where a conflict of interest exists, a Committee member:
1. Must not take part in the discussion of the matter and is not entitled to vote on
any question in respect of the matter;
2. Must immediately leave the meeting or that part of the meeting during which the
matter is under consideration; and
3. Must not attempt in any way, whether before, during or after the meeting, to
influence the voting on any question in respect of the matter.
When a declaration of a conflict of interest is made by a Committee member:
1. The Committee secretary recording the minutes of the meeting must record the
member’s declaration, the reasons given for it and the times of the member’s
departure from the meeting room and, if applicable, of the member’s return; and
2. The person presiding at the meeting must ensure that the member is not present at
the meeting at the time of any vote on the matter.
Perceived Conflict of Interest
Where a perceived conflict of interest might exist, the member may note that a perception
of conflict might exist, but need not declare a conflict and exit the meeting if in the
member’s view there is no actual conflict of interest.
Council Review
Where in the opinion of a Committee a member is in a conflict of interest and has not so
declared, the Committee may ask for a review of the matter by the Director of Corporate
Administration Services. The matter, if unresolved, may then be referred to Council for
The Committee and its members will not represent themselves as having any authority
beyond that delegated by Council.
The Committee shall forward a copy of their adopted meeting minutes to the Director of
Corporate Administration Services for certification and inclusion on a Council Agenda
for information purposes.
At least once each year, the Committee shall prepare an Annual Report to Council that
summarizes its activities, achievements and recommendations for the preceding year and
its goals and objectives for the coming year.
The Committee is authorized to communicate with external organizations and agencies to
collect information and make inquiries. Where the Committee wishes to express opinions
or make recommendations to external organizations and agencies, it must first obtain
authorization from City Council in that regard.
Committee meeting guidelines are appended to these Terms of Reference for the
information of the Committee as Appendix A.