UC Berkeley
Perspectives in Medical Humanities
Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Stripling, Mahala Yates
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
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Bioethics and Medical Issues
in Literature
Perspectives in Medical Humanities
Perspectives in Medical Humanities publishes peer reviewed scholarship produced or
reviewed under the auspices of the University of California Medical Humanities Consortium,
a multi-campus collaborative of faculty, students, and trainees in the humanities, medicine,
and health sciences. Our series invites scholars from the humanities and health care
professions to share narratives and analysis on health, healing, and the contexts of our
beliefs and practices that impact biomedical inquiry.
General Editor
Brian Dolan, PhD, Professor of Social Medicine and Medical Humanities,
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Recent Titles
Clowns and Jokers Can Heal Us: Comedy and Medicine
By Albert Howard Carter III (Fall 2011)
The Remarkables: Endocrine Abnormalities in Art
By Carol Clark and Orlo Clark (Winter 2011)
Health Citizenship: Essays in Social Medicine and Biomedical Politics
By Dorothy Porter (Winter 2011)
What to Read on Love, Not Sex: Freud, Fiction, and the
Articulation of Truth in Modern Psychological Science
By Edison Miyawaki, MD, Foreword by Harold Bloom (Fall 2012)
Patient Poets: Illness from Inside Out
Marilyn Chandler McEntyre (Fall 2012) (Pedagogy in Medical Humanities series)
This series is made possible by the generous support of the Dean of the School of Medicine at
UCSF, the Center for Humanities and Health Sciences at UCSF, and a Multicampus Research
Program Grant from the University of California Ofce of the President.
Bioethics and Medical Issues
in Literature
Mahala Yates Stripling, PhD
First published in 2013
by University of California Medical Humanities Press
in partnership with eScholarship | University of California
© 2013 by Mahala Yates Stripling
University of California
Medical Humanities Consortium
3333 California Street, Suite 485
San Francisco, CA 94143-0850
Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature, by Mahala Yates Stripling, was originally published in hard cover by
Greenwood Publishing Group, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara, CA. Copyright © 2005 by
Mahala Yates Stripling. Abridged paperback edition by arrangement with ABC-CLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara,
CA. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or
mechanical including photocopying, reprinting, or on any information storage or retrieval system, without
permission in writing from ABC-CLIO, LLC.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2013946796
ISBN: 978-0-9889865-2-7
Printed in USA
Design by Bink, Inc.
Preface vii
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and
Science ix
1. Technology’s Creature: An Analysis of Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s
“Rappaccini’s Daughter” 1
2. A Brave New World: An Analysis of Aldous Huxley’s
Brave New World and Robin Cook’s Coma 24
3. Contagions/Isolations: An Analysis of Albert Camus’
The Plague and David Feldshuh’s Miss Evers’ Boys 47
4. Illness and Culture: An Analysis of Ken Kesey’s One Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret
of Joy 72
5. End of Life—Disease and Death: An Analysis of
John Updike’s Rabbit at Rest and Margaret Edson’s Wit 101
Glossaryof Terms:Literary,Medical,andScientic 127
Index 148
Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature, in the Pedagogy in Medical Humanities
rstcentury.Itdrawsonthedisciplineof bioethics(foundedinthelate1960s)
andtheeldof literatureandmedicine(establishedinthemid-1970s).Readers
will study both the technical and human side of science while gaining a respect
for diversity and the art of medicine. Although there are historical references
all the way back to ancient times, the selections span a 200-year period from
the birth of modern medicine in the early nineteenth century to the present.
The10worksof accessiblectioninvethematicchapterscanberead
alone or in chronological order because each successive work builds on concepts
that precede it. For example, in chapter 1, “Technology’s Creature,” Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
describe science taking precedence over individual human rights. It is not a
great leap into chapter 2, “A Brave New World,” to discuss Aldous Huxley’s
description of dispassionate eugenics in Brave New World and Robin Cook’s
imagined commercial avarice in the human transplant industry in Coma.
In chapter 3, “Contagions/Isolations,” Albert Camus’ The Plague reveals
the unrelenting nature of plague, initiating philosophical discussions about
mans morality in an atmosphere of every-man-for-himself. David Feldshuh’s
Miss Evers’ Boys describes a baseline syphilis study on blacks, without their in-
formed consent, who were denied the standard of care for whites. The main
theme in chapter 4, “Illness and Culture,” as described in Ken Kesey’s One
Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy, is that
tions change throughout the years. At last, chapter 5, “End of Life—Disease
and Death,” shows in John Updike’s Rabbit at Rest and Margaret Edsons Wit,
how, respectively, a self-indulgent man shortens his life and a cancer-stricken
woman deals with psychic and physical pain as she nears the end of hers.
Thereisavastrangeof topics,includingscienticrivalry,mentalillness,cul-
viii Preface
tural rituals, obesity, bioterrorism, and stem cell research, listed in the compre-
hensive index.
Each selection is placed in an historical context and has a plot synopsis
and literary analysis. A glossary givesclear denitions of literary, scientic,
and medical terms, providing easy access to the non-specialist. The chronol-
ogy is a useful timeline of events. Suggestions are provided to provoke lively
discussions and to stimulate further reading. In a skills-across-the-curriculum
approach, this book puts a human face on medicine as science forges ahead.
What science cannot explain, literature explores.
A running theme throughout Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature is the
Hippocratic need to be useful, and in this vein I thank Linda Lucas for her
careful proofreading and Dr. Brian Dolan for his help in developing this second
edition, offering a way to understand how to balance advancing technology
with individual human rights as well as responsibilities.
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and
These Western medicine selections relate to the works included here. This is
not a comprehensive timeline, but to provide context some unrelated historical
events are shown.
c. 4500 Sumerian and Egyptian Cultures begin.
c. 3000 Writing invented.
c. 450 Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote Corpus Hippocrates,
of a doctor’s position and role in society is incorporated into his
Hippocratic Oath, central to medicine today.
129 Birth of Galen Pergamum, Greek physician called the Father of
of medical knowledge and gave an account of the skeleton and
the muscles that move it.
476-1000Fallof WesternRomanEmpire;theDarkAgesbeginwhen
classical learning and literacy decline.
c.750-1485—The Middle Ages
1037 Deathof IbnSina(Avicenna),authorof Canon of Medicine.
1137 St. Bartholomew’s Hospital founded in London.
1270 Invention of spectacles in Venice.
1336-1453 Hundred Years War.
1340 End of the Plague of Justinian, following trade routes to France
and Italy, killing 70,000.
in1348-49,killing40percentof thepopulation;inwestern
x Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science
Europeone-thirdof thepopulation(20millionpeople)died.
1440-50 Printing invented, spreading medical knowledge.
c.1455 Gutenberg’sBibleprintedatMainz.
1485-1660—The Renaissance
1492 Discovery of America by Columbus.
1494 Syphilis appears in Europe.
1493-1541 Paraclesus, German alchemist and physician called the Father of
Pharmaceuticals, introduces remedies derived from chemicals
but stressed that nature heals.
1505 Royal College of Surgeons established in Edinburgh.
1510-90 The great surgeon Ambroise Paré writes about his work.
1519-22 Magellan circumnavigates the world, a voyage plagued by scurvy.
1532 London bills of mortality become our present-day death
1543 NicolausCopernicuswritesof asun-centeredplanetarysystem;
Andreas Vesalius publishes his great work on human anatomy,
De Humani Corporis Fabrica.
1605 Champlaindenesscurvyduringanautopsy.
1610 Galileoistherstpersontoapplythetelescopetothestudyof
the skies and makes a series of astronomical discoveries.
1628 William Harvey publishes on the circulation of blood, De Motu
1665 TheGreatPlagueof Londonkills17,400people;reendedthe
1677 Cinchonabark(fromwhichquinineisobtained)islistedin
London Pharmacopoeia as a fever treatment.
1683 AntonvanLeeuwenhoek,withamicroscope,identiesand
sketches bacteria.
Eighteenth Century—The Age of Enlightenment in Europe
(Reason and Individualism)
1714 Gabriel Fahrenheit constructs the mercury thermometer.
1717 GiovanniLancisisuggestsmosquitoestransmitmalaria.
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science xi
1747 James Lind discovers citrus fruits cure scurvy.
1753 Linnaeus, Swedish botanist, physician, and taxonomist,
published Species plantarum, an attempt to classify all known
1756 BenjaminFranklinhelpsfoundtheoldestAmericanhospitalin
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1759 CasparWolff showsspecializedorgansdevelopoutof
1766 Albrecht von Haller proves nerve stimulation controls muscular
1770s The Industrial Revolution begins in Europe.
1770 William Hunter established a school of anatomy in London.
1773 Therstmentalinstitution,aholdingfacility,isestablishedin
1774 JosephPriestlydiscoversoxygen;FranzMesmerusesmedical
1776 The American Revolution(TheDeclarationof Independence,
1780 BenjaminFranklininventsbifocallenses.
1785 WilliamWitheringintroducesdigitalis(fromfoxglove)tocure
1789 The French Revolution(stormingof theBastilleonJuly14).
1794-96 Erasmus Darwin writes Zoonomia, or The Laws of Organic Life;
Psychiatry, performs revolutionary, but cruel, treatments to cure
1796 Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccination is based on evidence that
dairy maids exposed to cowpox never caught it.
1798 Thomas Malthus’s An Essay on the Principle of Population is
a cornerstone to Darwin’s views on the theory of natural
1800 Marie-François Xavier Bichat’s A Treatise on Membranes provides
an understanding of tissues as basic building blocks and prime
xii Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science
properties of nitrous oxide, changing surgical procedures
Nineteenth Century—The Age of Modern Medicine
1811 Massachusetts General Hospital is founded in Boston.
1815 Waterloo(NapoleonicWars).
1816 René Laennec invents the stethoscope, beginning the age of
modern medicine.
1818 Mary Shelley publishes Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus.
1820s Homeopathy gains popularity in Canada and the United
States when in the late eighteenth century German physician
and chemist Samuel Hanemann developed the system from
1832 Hodgkin describes cancer of the lymph nodes.
1843 Chloroform is discovered and used as a painkiller.
1843 Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes writes The Contagiousness of Puerperal
1844 HoraceWellsusesnitrousoxidetopullhisowntoothpainlessly;
Hawthorne publishes “Rappaccini’s Daughter.
1846 Boston dentist William T.G. Morton uses ether during surgery,
ending indescribable pain and overwhelming dread associated
1847 IgnazPhilipSemmelweis,theFatherof InfectionControl,links
unwashed hands to puerperal fever in a Vienna lying-in hospital.
1860 Florence Nightingale establishes St. Thomas Hospital nurses’
training program.
1858 Rudolf Virchow in Cellularpathologie demonstrates every cell is
the product of another cell, concluding that diseases result from
disturbances in cellular structures.
1859 Publication of Charles Darwins On the Origin of the Species by
Means of Natural Selection.
1863 T.H. Huxley, Aldous Huxley’s grandfather and “Darwin’s
Bulldog,” publishes Evidence as to Man’s Place in Nature, extending
Darwins Origin of the Species to human evolution.
1867 Joseph Lister introduces antiseptic surgery.
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science xiii
1869 Friedrich Miesher discovers nucleic acid.
1874 LouisPasteurboilsinstrumentsinwatertosterilizethem.
1876 RobertKochidentiesanthraxbacillus.
1881 Louis Pasteur creates a vaccine for anthrax bacillus.
1895 WilhelmRoentgendiscoversX-rays;H.G.Wells,theFatherof
Modern Science Fiction, publishes The Time Machine, a dystopia
with a divided humanity.
1896 AntoineBecquereldiscoversradiation.
1897 Ronald Ross locates the malaria parasite in the Anopheles
1900 Sigmund Freud publishes The Interpretation of Dreams.
Twentieth Century—The Age of Global War
1904 IvanPavlovwinstheNobelPrizeinphysiologyforresearchon
1905 GermanbacteriologistRobertKochwinstheNobelPrizefor
tuberculosis research, presenting an airtight case that a single
bacterium caused the condition.
1906 First corneal transplant by Austrian ophthalmologist Dr. Edward
1909 Oslo study begins on autopsied white males to report natural
history of untreated syphilis.
1912 The Titanic sinks on its maiden voyage.
1914 World War I (precipitatedbytheassassinationof Archduke
1917 The Russian Revolution(CzarNicholasII,lastof the
1918 Spanishinuenzakillsatleast30millionpeople;rstblood
1920s Jean Piaget begins work on describing the stages of cognitive
1928 AlexanderFlemingdiscoverspenicillininamold;Harvey
1830 Cholera epidemics.
1932 In Brave New World Aldous Huxley predicts a controlled world in
xiv Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science
which art, science, and religion are banned.
1933 Horrendous concentration camp medical experiments take place
whenNazisseizecontrolof theGermangovernment.
1935 TheMayoClinicestablishestherstbloodbank.
1936 Dr.WalterFreemanperformstherstlobotomyintheUnited
1938 B.F. Skinner publishes The Behavior of Organisms(operant
1939-45 World War II
1943 Waksman discovers the antibiotic streptomycin.
1946 French philosopher Albert Camus publishes La Peste(The Plague).
1947 The birth of bioethics, facilitated by World War II when science
Nuremberg Code is signed.
1949 Establishmentof theU.S.NavyTissueBank;theNational
Instituteof MentalHealthcreated,recognizingtheneedto
diagnose and to treat the mentally ill.
1952 JonasSalkdevelopsrstpoliovaccine;BriggsandKingclone
tadpoles from cells.
1953 James Watson and Francis Crick describe the double-helix
structureof DNA;RosalineFranklinsearlierworkinspired
1957 AlbertSabindevelopsalivepoliovaccine;Thorazine,“the
the psychopharmaceutical revolution in mental healthcare.
1960 The birth control pill is approved for general use.
1962 MurrayandHumeperformtherstsuccessfulcadaverickidney
transplant;KenKesey’sOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest takes
another look at electroshock therapy.
1963 Dr.ThomasStarzlperformstherstlivertransplant;avaccine
Dream”speechmobilizessupportersof civilrights.
1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964 is signed into law by President Johnson.
1966 Star Trek TV series, created by Gene Roddenberry, debuts
1967 SouthAfrica’sDr.ChristianBernardperformstherstheart
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science xv
late1960s Birthof thedisciplineof bioethics(SeeDr.AlbertR.Jonsens
The Birth of Bioethics.N.Y.:OxfordUniversityPress,1998).
1968 Braindeathcriteriaestablished;TheUniformAnatomicalGift
Act allows the gift of organs.
1969 LunarmoduleEaglelandsonthemoon,July20;astronautsNeil
President John F. Kennedy’s 1961 commitment.
1970 The American Lung Association begins its “Kick the Habit”
antibiotic vancomycin, regarded as the so-called silver bullet
against Staphylococcus aureusisintroduced;theFDAapproves
1972 The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act’s Uniform Organ Donor
Card is a legal document in all 50 states making it possible for
national news blows the whistle on the U.S. government-
sponsored Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
1974 Phelps,Hoffman,andPogossianinventtherstPETscanner.
1975 Thebirthof theeldof literatureandmedicine(SeeHealing
Arts in Dialogue: Medicine and Literature. Ed. Joanne Trautmann.
1976 PresidentFordordersmassvaccinationagainstswineu;an
1977 Robin Cook’s Coma predicts a world in which organ harvesting
has run amok.
1978 LouiseBrown,thersttest-tubebaby,isborn(Edwardsand
1979 TheWorldHealthOrganizationcertiessmallpoxaseradicated,
a great accomplishment in a world devastated by the disease for
3,000 years.
1981 The Commission for Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine
and Biomedical Research expands the criteria establishing brain
xvi Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science
1982 BarneyClarkreceivestherstpermanentarticialheartatthe
University of Utah.
1983 FDA-approved cyclosporine becomes the most successful anti-
1984 Baby Fae receives a baboon heart at Loma Linda University
Act establishes a nationwide computer registry, the United
or sale of organs.
1985 Rock Hudson, popular Hollywood leading man, dies of AIDS at
the age of 59, forcing a reevaluation of stereotypes and making
AIDS a household word.
1987 Prozacisintroducedasatreatmentfordepression.
1990 Dr.JosephMurray,whoperformedtherstkidneytransplant,is
who pioneered bone marrow transplants in 1956 as a cure
Feldshuh’s Miss Evers’ BoysdramatizestheTuskegeeSyphilis
Study;JohnUpdikewritesthelastinhisseries,Rabbit at Rest.
1991 A cyclone strikes Bangladesh killing 138,000 people.
1992 Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy exposes a horrendous
tribal ritual.
1996 Dollythesheepisclonedusingsomaticcellnucleartransfer;
June President Clinton, with National Bioethics Advisory
federal funds for human cloning research.
1998 TherstsuccessfulhandtransplantledbyAustralianDr.Earl
Owen and Frenchman Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard in a 13-hour
long operation in Lyon, France.
1999 The National Institutes of Health establishes the Human
2000 Celera Genomics announces it has mapped 99 percent of
announces it has mapped 97 percent of the genome, of which
Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science xvii
biomedical discoveries soon follow.
Twenty-First Century—The Age of Cloning
2001 Neo-Enlightenment and Biotechnical Revolution
several die.
2002 The President’s Council on Bioethics cannot reach a consensus
ontheethicsof humanstemcelluse;scientistsgrowtissuefrom
approves a 20-minute HIV test.
2003 TheU.S.Houseof Representativesvotestocriminalizeany
completethemapof thehumangeneticcode;onMarch19,
President Bush, fearing continuing homeland terrorism, takes
2004 NASArovertouchesdownonMarsandsignalsEarth;South
Korean scientists falsely report they have cloned a human
develop drugs such as human insulin to treat diabetes, growth
hormones for underdeveloped children, and interferon for
cancerpatients;RonaldReagan,40thPresidentof theUnited
disease, bringing attention to stem cell research.
2005 TherstsuccessfulpartialfacetransplantledbyDr.Bernard
Devauchelle and Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard in Amiens, France.
2006 Therstvaccineisdevelopedtotargetcancer;therstHPV
xviii Chronology of Events in Literature, Medicine, and Science
2008 LaurentLantieriperformstherstfullfacetransplantinSpain.
2011 The White House hails the ruling by a divided appeals court
to permit federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. At
issue is whether President Barack Obama’s policy violates a 1996
congressional ban.
2013 Therstbabyiscuredof HIVintheU.S.;therstkidney
is grown in vitrointheU.S.;CongresspassestheViolence
Philadelphia girl gets a double-lung transplant from an adult
a former employee of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency,
reported that it had been spying on foreign countries, becoming
patented because they are naturally occurring DNA, the product
of nature.
Chapter One
Technology’s Creature: An Analysis of Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s
Rappaccini’s Daughter
Mary Shelley wrote her famous monster story as a reaction against medical
treatments that did more harm than good. She also tapped into the fear that
rapidly advancing nineteenth-century technologies were turning her agrarian
society into an urban technocracy. In fact, to bring her monster to life Shelley
used the technologies of her time such as Luigi Galvani’s discovery of the
electrostatic spark. To imbue her monster with the need to survive, she also
incorporated the revolutionary social thoughts of Erasmus Darwin.
Shelley’s Victor Frankenstein, a modern Prometheus, sutured dead parts
helping mankind, he opened a Pandora’s boxlledwithethicalandspiritual
concernsthatsocietynowweighsagainsttheadvancementof newscientic
discoveries. Another key issue developed in Frankensteinishow“theend’s”
horricappearanceandlackof nurturingledtohumanprejudiceagainsthim,
causing the creature to turn on his creator. The idea that the technology we
create may in the end destroy us is termed Frankenscience, which today relates to
fears of bioterrorism, xenotransplantation, and cloning.
Hawthorne’s “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” like Shelley’s Frankenstein, comes
from the Romantic Gothic tradition of literature. Both stories evoke a time
when science seemed to promise perfection but in which people grew wary
when things went terribly wrong. In particular, “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
characterizesthepolarizedschoolsof thoughtof thetraditionalistsandthe
empirics. Scientic rivalry drives the plot. The empiric Dr. Rappaccini has
thrust his own innocent daughter into a life of isolation as an experiment, and
2 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
at issue is understanding the type of detached intellect that allows a father to
obstructs Rappaccini, who demonstrates that even a father’s love can be con-
of the heart, also known as head versus heart. Of interest is the importance
of strikingabalancebetweenhumanneedsandscienticprogress.Thestory
implicitlyplaysoutthethemeinmodernmedicineof thevalueof sacricing
the one for the many.
Steady advances in technology since the nineteenth century make the
application of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rap-
paccini’s Daughter” pertinent to the changing nature of bioethical and medical
issues. Both stories encapsulate the Romantic vision of distrusting science and
are based on the Faustian theme that man’s unchecked search for knowledge
paccini’s daughter are technology’s creatures, and their stories continue to fuel
To mould me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?
—John Miltons Paradise Lost
Frankenstein’s title page epigraph
Historical Context
In 1816 during the Romantic English Literature era, the 19-year-old Mary
Godwin(1797-1851)wroteFrankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus. It is a famous
Gothic novel with graveyards and corpses, but the specters of natural and
scienticpowerreplacethetraditionalghosts.Asaprecursorof thescience
a cautionary and prophetic tale that has led to a whole horror genre.
Technology’s Creature 3
Mary Godwin Shelley was the only child of famous literary parents: Mary
Wollstonecraft, who wrote the 1792 feminist manifesto A Vindication of the
Rights of Women,probablydiedof childbedfever; and William Godwin who
was a novelist and philosopher. Because her mother died in childbirth, Mary
expressedherdeep-seatedfearsabouttheinadequaciesof nineteenth-century
medicine in Frankenstein.
Whenshewasjust16,sheranoff withPercyByssheShelley,amarried
was three, he became deathly ill after a doctor gave him excessive purgatives
for worms. He later died from malaria. Births and sudden deaths were com-
monplace, and nineteenth-century medicine provided few remedies. By today’s
standards, medical doctors did more harm than good using crude methods
(bleeding, blistering, purging), and it is not surprising that Mary’s growing
awarenessof nineteenth-centurymedicine’sinadequaciesarereectedinher
novel’s cautionary theme.
It was also a period of dramatic change partly caused by the many shifting
polaritiesof revolution.Thefailureof theFrenchRevolution(1789)revealed
a crisis in humanism, and in the early nineteenth-century England was in tur-
moil as the Napoleonic Wars consumed its economy, leading to civil unrest. In
their homeland, which highlights the new times brought on by the Enlight-
enment, an eighteenth-century philosophical movement. A few Enlighten-
ment,orAgeof Reason,ideasthatinuencedShelley’sthinkingasshewrote
withtheirchildren;andpeopleshouldrejectthePuritanicalbelief thatmisery
resulted from original sin. Frankenstein’s monster, in particular, embodies the
Enlightenment view that his horrendous behavior is the product of his social
environment rather than his innate capacity for evil.
In Shelley’s novel the monster is “born” without much fanfare, unlike
the riveting scene in the movies. More signicantly, though, Mary Shelley
4 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
No father had watched my infant days, no mother had blessed me
withsmilesandcaresses;orif theyhad,allmypastlifewasnow
a blot, a blind vacancy in which I distinguished nothing. From my
earliest remembrances I had been as I then was in height and pro-
portion. I had never yet seen a being resembling me or who claimed
The intelligent and sensitive monster, with no links to the past, feels he has no
hope for the future. Because society failed to nurture him, his being scorned
Walton underscore the view that his experiment might not have failed if the
creature had appeared more loveable.
Another factor incorporated into Frankenstein’s modern theme was the
turmoil of the Industrial Revolution(1780-1830). Peoplefeared thatin the
long run new technology that changed their society from agrarian to urban
these new fears about technology, which were reported in the popular press as
theLudditemovement.Hernovelalsoembodieselementsof newscientic
discoveries such as Galvanism: the Italian physician Luigi Galvani in the 1790s
ing nerve impulses. Shelley also ingeniously combined the new sciences of
chemistry and electricity with the older Renaissance tradition of the alchemists’
searchfortheelixirof lifetoconjureupthepossibilityof reanimatingdead
bodies. She imaginatively envisioned how, shocked with electrical impulses, her
by physician-naturalist Erasmus Darwins Zoonomia, or, The Laws of Organic Life
(1794). Darwinswasoneoftherstformaltheoriesonevolution.
Besidesscienticdiscoveries,Frankenstein incorporates medical advances
Are we trying to play God? A vast number of discoveries—from vaccinations
to a new understanding of tissues, disease, and death brought about by the use
of the microscope—pointed toward a powerful but frightening new medical
age that included the reanimation of dead tissue that Galvanism suggested.
Would the end of disease and death, formerly in God’s province, be far behind?
At the time she wrote Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley
Technology’s Creature 5
theme and subtitle, “The Modern Prometheus,” from Ovid’s Metamorphoses
(c.AD8), a series of tales in Latin verse. She also used John Miltons epic
poem Paradise Lost(1667),whichisaretellingof thestoryof AdamandEve,
to shape her theme. Frankensteins opening epigraph comes from Paradise Lost
andsetsthetoneof theentirestory:“DidIrequestthee,Maker,frommyclay
to mould me man? Did I solicit thee, from darkness to promote me?” That is,
clay but sutured together from graveyard corpses and slaughterhouse parts
and then sparked to life. Unlike Miltons Adam, Frankensteins monster is a
his creature—suffer for it.
Synopsis of the Novel
Much of the plot of Frankenstein unfolds through letters a young Artic explorer
writes to his sister in England. Captain Walton, who is searching for a north-
west passage to the New World, tells her about coming upon the mortally ill
for the monster he created and talks about his obsession to learn the secret
of life.HetellsCaptainWaltonabouthisfamilyinGeneva,Switzerland:his
childhood friend is Henry Clerval, the well-read, gentle son of a merchant.
In his youth Victor marveled at the natural world and desired to divine its
He read the works of Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and Albertus Magnus.
Seeinglightningstrikeanoldoak,itsstreamof reinterestedhiminthelaws
of electricity. In learning about the natural sciences, Victor dreamt of eradicat-
ing human disease.
At 17 Victor left home to study chemistry and anatomy at the University
of Ingoldstadt. From Professor Waldman he learned about the new discov-
eries of blood circulation and of the nature of air. Clearly, Victor thought,
6 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
was struck with scarlet fever. Victor’s mother nursed her through it but soon
woulddieherself.Onherdeathbed,shejoinedthehandsof Elizabethand
Victor who became betrothed.
At the university Victor’s interests turned with renewed vigor toward
examining the processes of life and death. Might he, in time, bring life to
laboratory with dissected human and animal parts, all of which disgusted him.
But he knew that from them he would create a perfect man and that this new
species would “bless” him for it. With a singleness of purpose, Frankenstein
devoted himself to his task for over two years, absenting himself from family
and friends until his work was complete.
On a dreary November night the exhausted Victor Frankenstein sparked
life into his sutured corpse, and the superiorly designed eight-foot creature
openedits dullyelloweyes,breathed hard,andailed itslimbs.Whilepro-
portional, the features Frankenstein had selected for his creation were not
beautiful: yellow, taut skin scarcely covered muscles and arteries; lustrous
eyessetinto dun-whitesockets;andstraightblacklipstraversedashriveled
complexion. Frankenstein’s beautiful dream vanished at the sight of his hor-
prescientdreamsof Elizabethmorphingintohismother’swormycorpse.All
at once the monster startled him from his sleep, and Victor escaped to the
lower courtyard. He remained there for the night, listening for the “demonia-
cal corpse.
Suddenly Clerval, who arrived to attend the university, surprised Victor
with a visit. They returned to the laboratory only to discover the monster had
him for several months, disbelieving his ranting as the product of a wild
with news and entreating him to write. Feeling some normalcy again, Victor
abandoned his former work, holding his terrible secret inside.
At the university he introduced Clerval to his professors, but hearing
their praise of his work Victor writhed at their words. He turned away from
scienticendeavorstowardClerval’sstudiesof languageandliterature.Then
one day Victor received a letter from his father with the cruel news that his
brother William had been murdered. Victor went home to Geneva to visit
Technology’s Creature 7
thespotWilliamdied,andagurenotof humanshapepassedhim.Itwas
the creature. Victor did not tell the authorities and cause immediate pursuit
since they would only consider it the ranting of a lunatic. His silence exacted
a terrible price.
Few felt relief when the servant girl Justine was accused of the crime on cir-
cumstantial evidence—the picture William wore around his neck was found in
Roman Catholic Justine confessed to the crime to obtain absolution, Victor
knew himself to be “the true murderer” but did not speak up. Thus, William
and Justine becamethe rst hapless victimsof Frankensteins “unhallowed
arts.” Feelings of remorse and guilt preyed upon Victor’s health, and he and
his family retreated to their house at Belrive. A sense of impending doom
followed them.
While hiking in the Alps one day, Victor saw the monster who entreated
him to remember that he was his creation, but now was irrevocably excluded
existence in hiding, except for time spent near a cottage in Germany where the
De Lacey family lived. They consisted of an old blind peasant and his daugh-
ter, his son, and his son’s girlfriend. Compared to the monster’s forlorn state,
they were blissful, having found asylum from horrendous events in Paris. He
observed them clandestinely and gained speech and an understanding of love.
day, he found a book, John Miltons Paradise Lost, and he slowly learned to read.
Born intelligent and sensitive, the monster’s emotions were profoundly stirred
from reading the book as he compared his situation to Adam’s. But God had
alone. Feeling more like the fallen angel Satan, the creature envied the family’s
happiness. Finding the courage to meet them, he saw only how frightening he
On his travels he saved a child’s life, but contacts with other fearful humans
added to his growing despair and sense of isolation. By the time he ran into
Frankenstein in the Alps, he was despondent and depressed. He demanded
Frankenstein make another hideous creature like himself—but of another
sex. “We shall be monsters, cut off from all the world,” but closer therefore,
he argued. Happiness may not always be theirs, but having each other would
8 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
keep them misery-free and harmless to others. “Let me see that I excite the
sympathyof someexistingthing;donotdenymemyrequest,”heimploredhis
creator. Because normal society would not embrace him, his mate must also
be deformed and horrible. The creature Frankenstein abandoned as ugly and
unnatural now sought his creator, yearning for love and for acceptance.
AtrstFrankensteinconsideredtheimplicationsof addingtothisnew
species, but then he consented. He traveled to Scotland with Clerval, leaving
him to withdraw to a lonely Orkney Island to undertake his dreadful task. But
then Frankenstein thought of the curse he might bring on future generations
by producing “a race of devils” and destroyed the work he had begun. With no
mate forthcoming, the monster, who had followed Frankenstein to Scotland,
vowed to kill all those Frankenstein loved.
The monster killed Clerval in Ireland—Frankenstein was accused but
acquittedof thecrime.BackinSwitzerland,Elizabethwasmurderedonher
bridal bed. Frankenstein swore he would destroy the monster and pursued him
to the Arctic where Captain Walton encountered him. Broken from months of
vengeful pursuit, Frankenstein entreated the Captain, who like himself was on
Frankenstein died. As Captain Walton prepared to leave for home, the monster
his unspeakable torments while he longed only for happiness. Expressing
lost in the darkness. The tragic tale of Victor Frankenstein ended.
Literary Analysis
The focus of this analysis is to reveal pertinent bioethical and medical
issues in Frankenstein, supported by the discussion of science. In this third
millennium Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein taps into aspectrumof specicissues
and is a cautionary tale that asks: What happens when technology runs amok?
TechnologyisdenedintheOxford American Dictionaryas“thescienticstudy
of mechanical arts and applied science.” In applying his technical knowledge,
VictorFrankensteinsrstintentionswerebenevolent: to ”banish disease from
the human frame and render man invulnerable to any but a violent death”
(Frankenstein 40).Butlater,scientichubrisaddstothemix,andnowhemust
create a superhuman species with “happy and excellent natures”—but they
willowetheirexistencetohimandwill“bless”him(Frankenstein 52).He’sthe
Technology’s Creature 9
is repulsive in appearance, becomes isolated, and is continually rejected by
The novel was written 200 years ago. In the tradition of Romantic litera-
ture, the theme is often revealed through a series of letters, which is called
theepistolarynoveltechnique. Today’s sophisticated reader needs to suspend
disbelief while certain aspects of the plot unfold. For example, although the
monster is “born” fully grown, at birth his emotional and intellectual age is
that of an infant. Nonetheless, given an adult brain, he teaches himself to talk
Miltons Paradise Lost. Putting Miltons epic poem in his hands, as such, helps
develop Shelley’s theme, that her monster is God’s creature, an Adam looking
for love and acceptance from a mate. Shelley’s early nineteenth-century narra-
tive seems awkward at times, and inconsistencies in description pop up. More
and images createdby James Whale’s classic1931 lm starring Boris Karl-
off, which spawned generations of pop culture. First, Mary Shelley’s Victor
Frankenstein is a 17-year-old science student, not the more mature Dr. Henry
Frankenstein of the movies. Popular culture also has planted in our heads that
Frankenstein is the monster’s name, when in fact the monster is a nameless
What is of utmost importance in Frankenstein, however, is that Mary Shel-
ley gives us the viewpoints of both creator and creature. She aligns the relative
humanitiesof VictorFrankensteinandhis“end”sothatreaderscandecide
for themselves on the humanness of each. Yale Literature Professor Harold
Bloom states in the Afterword:
The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary
Shelley’s novel is that the monster is more human than his creator.
This nameless being, as much a modern Adam as his creator is a
modern Prometheus, is more lovable than his creator and more
hateful, more to be pitied and more to be feared, and above all able
to give the attentive reader that shock of added consciousness in
whichaestheticrecognitioncompelsaheightenedrealizationof the
self (Frankenstein 215).
10 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
That is, when readers immerse themselves in the story, their connection with,
or sense of empathy for, the monster should heighten.
Victor Frankenstein, the detached scientist, keeps a safe emotional dis-
tance between himself and the monster. He abandons him immediately with
no interest in observing or understanding the monster’s feelings and thoughts.
It would take empathy for Frankenstein to bond psychologically with his cre-
ation and to understand and to nurture him. Near the end of Shelley’s Chapter
10, the monster in his need for companionship and understanding confronts
his creator, but his rational attempt to connect is thwarted. In frustration he
threatens his creator. Right up until the time Frankenstein takes his last breath
onWaltonsship,histragicaw does not arise from his Promethean ambition
to create life, but rather in his mistreatment of, or lack of empathy for, the
Other social issues emerge from Frankenstein, including how science and
sive appearance leads to desolation and striking out; and even, in feminist
terms, how the male scientist is seen metaphorically as raping natural resources
perceived as feminine. Nonetheless, the most relevant bioethical theme centers
on the Prometheus syndrome of creating technology without thinking ahead
of theconsequences.Frankenscience, a term coined by the popular press, warns
us about the inherent dangers of technology going awry and the potential for
chaos in mainstream science.
Frankenscience. The creature warns Victor Frankenstein: “Remember that I
have power . . . I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful
released a monster—called Frankenscience—that has the power to destroy
ourcivilization?VictorFrankensteinwantedtoeradicatedisease anddeath,
become famous. At the end, he even warned his rescuer, Captain Walton, who
isonaquestof hisown,tolearnfromhimaboutthedangersof acquired
knowledge.Whilethebenetsof technology,suchaslife-savingvaccines,are
clear, is it prudent to be constantly vigilant about the downside of technology?
In recent times, examples of Frankenscience include splitting the atom, which
led to nuclear bombs, and using computers, which some say may dehuman-
ize oursociety and have great potentialto harm us(Y2K millennium bug,
Technology’s Creature 11
follows are more examples of Frankenscience, or the possibility of technology
running amok.
Xenotransplantation. From xenos, the Greek word for stranger or guest, a
xenograft is an organ or tissue transplant from one species to another. With
new biomedical technology, patients condemned to early death might live
longer with baboon hearts, pig livers, or other animal organs. Oftentimes the
health risks of these xenotransplantations are unknown, and animal viruses
pass to humans. Mary Shelley’s book adds to the debate, warning of the dan-
gers of usurping the natural order. In 1984, for example, the infant known as
Baby Fae received a baboon heart transplant. She lived only 20 days with it.
After a two-year effort for FDA permission, in 1996 AIDS patient Jeff Getty
received baboon bone marrow, intended to boost his immune system. This is
called the “facilitator” cell approach. Animal parts successfully transplanted
into people may end serious maladies such as diabetes but often the long-term
consequencesof cross-speciestransplantationareunknown.
sheep, was cloned from a cell of an adult animal by Scottish researchers at
but also there was considerable speculation about the downside of this tech-
nology. Were we aware of the risks? What kind of restraint would we put on
thistypeof scienticpower?Becauseof intensepublicityontheissueinall
broadcast media, President Bill Clinton issued a moratorium on human clon-
ing pending a National Bioethics Advisory Commission investigation.
While Victor Frankenstein completed his research in secret, scientists
today have more governmental oversight of their plans and procedures, espe-
cially if federal money is used. As a nation, we also have to decide how much
followed, with those on humans remaining elusive and controversial. But the
genie has left the bottle, making the age of cloning a reality. With the post-
modern Frankensteinian ability to create life, public policy and laws must now
address the social issues incumbent in reshaping our world.
Bioterrorism.Oneof thesemajorissuesis bioterrorism because terrorists
have the ability to use recent advances in technology to disseminate disease, to
theColumbiaRiver.Followersof theIndianguruBhagwanShreeRajneesh
12 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
spiked salad bars with salmonella at 10 restaurants and sickened about 750
people. Fear was widespread in the area as many residents thought cult mem-
bers would try to spread the AIDS virus and to contaminate the water supply.
Scared people would not go out alone, becoming prisoners in their own homes.
The cult’s motivation was to keep voters from the polls so that their candidates
would win county elections. This incident received little national attention
University Professor Gary Perlstein’s Perspectives on Terrorism(1991).
Fears on a national and even global scale, however, include the World
natelethalquantitiesof smallpoxoranthraxtokillmillionsof people.The
Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta (CDC) advises local governments
on how to combat germ warfare, which at times has led to grounding crop-
dusting planes. A small number of people in a large city could be infected with
smallpox, spreading it to many more before it is detected. U.N. treaties ban
biological and chemical weapons stockpiled during the Cold War.
On September 11, 2001, terrorists proved their technical capability by
hijackingfourcommercialjetairliners:twohitthetwintowersof theWorld
Pittsburg, killing all aboard. The United States had not experienced a home-
land attack since the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
With thehigh-jackingterrorists identied asreligious fundamentalistsfrom
several countries, American men, women, and children were talking about the
meaning of good and evil and how to rebuild a moral world shattered by
Amonthlateradozenpeopleinveareasof thecountrywereinfected
were successfully treated with antibiotics. The CDC routinely issues warnings
for food poisoning and deadly viruses like Ebola.
Frankensciencetakesonapejorativemeaning,butexamplesof favorableout-
comesincludeTheVisibleHumanProject sponsored by the National Library
of Medicine.Itcontainsphotographedanddigitizedslidesof ahumandis-
sectionthatteachanatomyandsurgicaltechniques.In the case of the Human
Technology’s Creature 13
medical cures, the National Institutes of Health has opened its databases. The
potent knowledge embodied in the international decoding of human DNA
could be abused if kept secret. In Shelley’s Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein
monster’sescape (eventhough he’sawareof hisbrother’smurder),making
him complicit, or a participant in, the monster’s crime. Frankenstein is a pre-
scient warning of the stealth of science in developing gene therapy, cloning,
and cyborgs.
Alone in his laboratory Victor Frankenstein created a monster who was
unleashedontohumanity.Today’ssociety,too,weighsthebenetsof medical
discoveries against ethical and spiritual concerns. But how do we impose a
In 1818 Mary Shelley could not have imagined how strongly Frankenstein
would relate toearlytwenty-rstcenturyheadlinesdeclaringscienticbreak-
throughs. For two centuries her monster story has permeated our culture,
spawningsciencectionandhorrorlms.Its themes have given shape to plays,
Given all of Frankenstein’sinuenceonpopculture,intheendthisclassictale
continues to throw a cautionary light upon the rampant advances in technol-
ogy and how humans use them to penetrate the secrets of nature. In chapter
2, “A Brave New World,” ideas gleaned from Frankenstein will be extended into
discussions of eugenics, transplantation, and cloning.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• How did the Enlightenment’s views on individual happiness, the
Industrial Revolution, and barbaric medical procedures inuence
Shelley’s thinking as she was writing Frankenstein?
• Whatscientic discoveriesandsocial viewsdid Shelleyincorporate
into her novel?
• How does Shelley’s use of Milton’s Paradise Lost relate to Frankenstein’s
• Is Victor Frankenstein’s obsession to create life a sin against God or
• Thinking about the complex relationship between Frankenstein and
his creature, how do we decide what is human and nonhuman?
• Howcan society balance the benets of new medical discoveries/
14 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
technologiesagainst theethical orspiritualquestions theiruse may
• DeneFrankenscience and give several examples.
• What are Victor’s and Justine’s respective misunderstandings and
misuses of science and religion, and how do they contribute to their
• SocietyrejectsFrankensteinsintelligent,kind,andarticulatecreature
because of his scary appearance. If the aliens described in science
reaction to them?
• Relate Frankensteins ability to create life to the ethics of human
Milton, John. Paradise Lost. Complete Poems and Major Prose. Ed. Merritt Y.
Hughes. New York: Macmillan, 1957: 173-454. A Garden of Eden tale
of good and evil.
Perlstein, Gary, and Harold Vetter. Perspectives on Terrorism. Belmont, Cal.:
Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1991.
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein or, The Modern Prometheus. New York: New
American Library, 1965.
Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. New York:
Norton, 1975.
Suggested Further Reading
Bear, Greg. Darwin’s Radio. New York: Ballentine, 2000. A cautionary tale
describing a human species that only survives by mutating beyond what
is acceptably human.
Bulgakov, Mikhail. “Heart of a Dog.” Trans. Mirra Ginsburg. New York:
Grove P, 1968. Creature turns creator’s life into a nightmare.
Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood’s End. New York: Harcourt, 1953. After many
Ehrenreich, Barbara et al. Witches, Midwives, and Nurses. Old Westbury:
Feminist, 1973.
Keyes, Daniel. “Flowers for Algernon.” Science Fiction Hall of Fame 1. Ed.
Robert Silverberg. New York: Avon, 1970: 605-35. A brain operation
Technology’s Creature 15
triples Charlie’s intelligence.
Seymour, Miranda. Mary Shelley. New York: Grove, 2001.
Stapledon, Olaf. Sirius. New York: Penguin Books, 1973. A lonely dog has the
mind of a man.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886). The
Complete Short Stories 2. Edinburgh: Mainstream, 1993. Split personality.
Rappaccini! Rappaccini!
And this is the upshot of your experiment?
- Signor Pietro Baglioni in “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
Historical Context
As Shelley did in Frankenstein, Hawthorne drew from his background to cre-
ate a supernatural tale in “Rappaccini’s Daughter.” Born in 1804 in Salem,
Massachusetts, Hawthorne descended from Puritan immigrants. When he was
justfour,hisseacaptainfatherdiedof yellowfever,leavingbehindhiswife
and three children. All his aunts and uncles helped raise him, and he attended
Bowdin College where he befriended the poet Longfellow. He returned home
to write but was not immediately successful, so he worked in the Custom
left in a huff. As a nonconformist, Hawthorne’s commune experience might
Dante’s inferno than romantic idealism.
Hawthorne married Sophia Peabody. They moved to Concord,
Massachusetts, where they raised several children. Sophia’s upbringing directly
purplewildower,Solanum dulcamara, in his Salem garden, using it for tooth
pain relief. From her early childhood Sophia kept records on the garden. Her
father, despite his homeopathic tendencies, made her the object of some
experiments, as Dr. Rappaccini did with Beatrice. He dosed her with paregoric
16 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
necessary to cure his wife of these addictions.
Another incident central to Hawthorne’s theme was the bitter medical
rivalry between two famous regional doctors, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and
Dr. Robert Wesselhoeft. In 1842 at the prestigious Boston Society for the Dif-
fusionof UsefulKnowledge,HolmesaccusedWesselhoeftof quackeryand
ranhimoutof town,denouncinghisdelusionaluseof homeopathy(awater
cure) and calling him an empiric with fantastic theories. In addition, Wes-
selhoeft’s brother, William, used experimental hypnosis on the young Sophia
Peabody, which Hawthorne viewed as a violation. Hawthorne reconstructs the
bitter Holmes-Wesselhoeft rivalry into the heart of “Rappaccini’s Daughter.”
Other well-known Hawthorne works, The Scarlet Letter, The House of the
Seven Gables, and The Blithedale Romance, visit the theme of how good fends off
evil.TheyreectAmerica’sAgeof Romanticism,aliterarymovementdrawn
from European literature to invent the Gothic terror genre, a gloomy, dense,
and dark style that aroused in readers a sense of the supernatural. Nathaniel
Hawthorne and his contemporaries Edgar Allan Poe and Herman Melville
used Puritan legends to create mysterious and evil characters.
Two other Romantic authors who inuenced Hawthorne were Henry
David Thoreau(Walden),whousedthescienticmethodtoobserveandrecord
natural phenomena, and Ralph Waldo Emerson(Nature),whobelievedGod
created nature and held dominion over everything, including science. Tho-
which like nineteenth-century Enlightenment caused a cultural awakening. In
theirourishingutopiancommunalsocietiestheycastoff theideathatSatan
caused illness and disease to punish man. Instead, they held the belief that man
was innately good and that by using his intuition, alone, he could arrive at a
deeper truth than experience offered.
Transcendental views helped to spread democracy and social reform, such
school attendance was enacted into law, a more literate population spread
progressive ideas that set the cornerstone for medical reform. As in Europe,
the United States was changing into an industrial and urban society. In fact, in
1829 the term technology was coined to describe new inventions: the cotton gin,
the sewing machine, and the telegraph.
It is important to note that “Rappaccini’s Daughter” is set in Renaissance
Padua, Italy, where at Padua University, a thriving medical center, a sixteenth-
Technology’s Creature 17
were practiced based on the Roman-era views of Galen of Pergamum(130-201
atorialsurgeonwhosynthesizedallthatwasthenknownof medicalpractice.
His framework for explaining the body and its diseases included numerous
anatomical and physiological discoveries about heart-muscle action, kidney
secretion, respiration, and nervous-system function. Primarily, he believed in
the balance of four body humors: blood, phlegm, and yellow and black bile.
Debates ensued when Paracelsus(1493-1541),aSwissalchemistandphysician
considered the Father of Pharmaceuticals, broke with the long-held traditions
of Galentorevolutionizemedicalpractice.
Paracelsus observed plants and minerals like sulphur, iron, and copper
sulfate, and he conducted experiments with their active ingredients. He taught
that the activities of the human body are chemical, with health depending on
theproperchemicalcompositionof theorgansanduids,whatarenowcalled
pharmaceuticals. Paracelsus encouraged research into the nature of poisonous
substances, proving that if they were given in small doses they could often cure
the disease they caused. It was the principle of “like can cure like,” relating to
present-day inoculations. “Rappaccini’s Daughter” introduces the Paracelsian
idea of an antidote based on the principle that what makes a person ill may
also be the cure. Unfortunately, in the plot’s denouement, or outcome, when
Rappaccini’s daughter grabs the antidote from Giovanni’s hand and swallows
it, she dies in a Romeo and Juliet twist of fate. However, rather than two
families being at odds over their star-crossed lovers, Hawthorne reenacts the
bitter rivalry between the Galenic whole-body approach and Paracelsian phar-
maceutical advances, or the traditionalists and the empirics.
The idea of “like can cure like” is a forerunner to today’s homeopathy,
which stresses looking at the symptoms of each individual patient for clues to
practitioners identify cellular abnormalities that hinder the body’s ability to
remove toxins, and they introduce pharmaceuticals to augment the body’s
natural healing process.
Another term used to identify a Paracelsian approach is holistic. That is,
Paracelsus believed that a physician should be an alchemist, astrologer, and
theologian in order to tend the body, soul, and spirit. He also gave us the best
denitionof syphilisuptothattime,and,althoughnowknowntobetoxic,
18 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
invented a mercury treatment for its cure. Hawthorne, who understood the
Galen-Paracelsusdebate,characterizedDr.Rappaccini asa Paracelsianwho
observes nature and experiments. In fact, Rappaccini’s archenemy, Baglioni,
tells Giovanni that Rappaccini is a “vile empiric” who does not respect “the
good old rules of the medical profession.” On the other hand, Baglioni, as
Rappaccini’s counterpart, is more of a Galenist, a traditional academic.
Carol Marie Bensick offers another interesting interpretation of “Rappac-
cini’s Daughter” in La Nouvelle Beatrice: Renaissance and Romance in “Rappaccini’s
Daughter.” Reconstructing the historical Padua setting to be the site of syphilis
research and drawing on the Galen-Paracelsian controversy, she diagnoses the
main characters with syphilis. She says descriptions in the story of fever and
strange bursts of energy support her supposition. In her view, Beatrice inher-
vial carrying the antidote was made by Benvenuto Cellini, a known syphilitic,
and she points out that in the sixteenth-century the common term for syphilis
was poison.
Medical topics arising from Hawthorne’s story include cures for syphilis
and theories of inoculation, the premise being that today’s lethal toxin may
contain tomorrow’s lifesaving drug. Primarily, however, Hawthorne pits the
conservatives who endorse the tried and true ways against the innovators who
endeavor to advance new and sometimes more radical treatments. While sci-
dinosaurs, studying DNA and stem cells, and exploring the stars—the nature
of scienticrivalryisalwaystwo-fold.Onamultinationallevelscientistscom-
Rappaccini’s Daughter.
Synopsis of the Short Story
“Rappaccini’s Daughter” opens with Hawthorne mocking himself as its
allegory-lovingauthor,M. del’Aubepine(FrenchforHawthorne).Thenhe
gets right into the sixteenth-century story of Giovanni Guasconti, an impres-
medical school at the University of Padua. Giovanni’s room overlooks a garden
where the eccentric Dr. Rappaccini, a genius but an outcast from the medical
Technology’s Creature 19
establishment, cultivates plants for medicinal purposes. One day Giovanni is
sametimehe ispuzzledwhenRappaccini carefullyinspectsapurpleshrub
without touching it, while Beatrice embraces it.
Signor Pietro Baglioni tells Giovanni more about the mysterious Dr.
Rappaccini and his daughter, but his view is tainted by years of professional
jealousy, saying that Dr. Rappaccini cultivated poisons for their medicinal
brilliant Baglioni fears that Rappaccini is grooming Beatrice to unseat him
from his professorship and that he may be taking over his promising young
protégée, Giovanni.
Besides having Baglioni’s skewed point of view—unreliable and slander-
ous—we draw conclusions about Beatrice and Rappaccini out of Giovanni’s
own paranoia and lust. In fact, most of what he and the reader think they
know of this daughter-father duo comes from these two sources. In the key
gardensceneinwhichGiovanni“sees”proof of Beatrice’spoison—alizard
come from Baglioni. Giovanni is drunk, according to his own admission, and
almost everything he suspects is undermined by the author.
in through his viewpoint, fed again by paranoia and lust. The ever-scheming
Baglioni has warned Giovanni that Rappaccini is a “vile empiric” who plans
to use him in one of his experiments, and he gives him a silver vial containing
but, inspecting them in his room, they wilt in his hands. In a scene in which
he turns on her, Giovanni rushes into the garden to meet Beatrice. He offers
showing her to be innocent and of a loving heart—not poisonous—she grabs
the vial from his hands and drinks the antidote. What she says rings true:
more literally sexual—ultimately related to our humanness and mortality?
Rappaccini then enters the garden and tells Beatrice that Giovanni was to
20 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
horrible pain on her, he believed he had given her a great gift: she was invin-
cible to any power and could defeat any enemy. Declaring that love would be
was a poison to her. In the last line of the story, our suspicion of Baglioni’s
professionaljealousyandhisviewof Rappacciniasanevilexperimenterare
conrmedwhen,afterseeingBeatricedieasaresultof hisantidote,hediaboli-
cally gloats “in a tone of triumph mixed with horror”: “Rappaccini! Rappac-
cini! And this is the upshot of your experiment?”
Literary Analysis
ScienticrivalrydrivesHawthorne’sfamoussupernaturaltaleof poisonand
intrigue. It reconstructs an Italian Renaissance setting at Padua University
when two camps were at war: the traditional Galenists and experimental Para-
celsians. Paracelsus was an empiric, the Faust of Renaissance medicine, whose
new science of medical chemistry transcended tradition. He opposed the
orthodox Galen, who until that time was regarded as an indisputable source.
Andreas Vesalius, professor of anatomy at Padua University, a famous center
formedicaltraining,wasanothercentralgureof Renaissancemedicinesup-
porting Paracelsian reform. In 1543 his famous anatomical text, The Fabric of
the Human Body, was published, based on stolen criminal bodies because the
observations, which had been based largely on animal observations. Vesalius
also helped establish surgery as a separate medical profession.
Paracelsus’s and Vesalius’s remarkable convergence of ideas with Renais-
sance humanism was the beginning of the great transformation from archaic
medicine to modern technology. Their medical breakthroughs, along with Wil-
liam Harvey’s discoveries on blood circulation, contradicted the old ways, which
led to suspicions and bitter rivalries. Likewise, in “Rappaccini’s Daughter” the
traditionalist Baglioni opposes the experimentalist Rappaccini, a Faustian char-
acterinsearchof knowledgeorperfection.Inascienticresearchscenario
replayed many times over the years, archrival Baglioni uses his apprentice
Giovanni as a pawn against Rappaccini. And, at a time when Victorian views
of sexuality caused doctors to examine women with their clothes on, Beatrice’s
sexuality motivates all three men: Rappaccini must control her, Giovanni must
dominate her, and Baglioni fears her.
Great literature is often perceived in many different ways, with “Rap-
Technology’s Creature 21
paccini’s Daughter” included in anthologies of the best nineteenth-century
science ction; great American love stories; famous poison stories; and
Garden of Edenstories.Italwaysevokesastronglypolarizedandviscerally
emotional female-male response in discussions on the nature of Beatrice’s and
Giovanni’s romantic love. In literary analysis, however, Hawthorne’s Garden
of Eden allegory pits good against evil using literary allusion and devices such
as symbolism and ambiguity. In addition, he plays out the romantic themes
of nineteenth-century science seeking perfection and, when things go terribly
wrong, the scientist’s unpardonable sin for not asking for forgiveness. Dr. Rap-
paccini, who uses his daughter in an experiment, is the hubristic scientist play-
ingGod.Heshowshistragicawbyexaltingthemindattheexpenseof the
A hotly discussed issue today is the need to balance clinical medicine
with human rights. When Rappaccini thrusts his innocent daughter into a life
of isolation, herationalizesthat shewill becomeinvincibleand thankhim.
Through no fault of her own, she turns deadly. But she is ignorant of her
poisonous nature because her only companions have been her father and her
“sister,” a poisonous purple bush that mocks her beauty and is symbolically
rooted in evil. In fact, the duality of nature, also seen in the gardens broken
fountain, is expressed throughout “Dr. Rappaccini’s Daughter” as a major
theme. Ultimately, Dr. Rappaccini’s unconscionable plan extends into “infect-
ing” Giovanni, an intended bridegroom who is excited by a beautiful young
Hawthorne repeatedly shows Beatrice’s and Giovanni’s inner feelings, and
he has taken on her poison. In the end Rappaccini’s detached intellect allows
addtohis“heapof knowledge.”Indeed,thethemeof sacricingtheonefor
the many is often played out in modern medicine. Dr. Rappaccini’s “fatal love
of science”envelopsBeatriceandGiovanniintoaninescapablesituation;only
death will liberate them. Rappaccini’s fate is ambiguous. Baglioni’s conserva-
tiveviewisthatRappaccini’sawisnothavinga“sounderviewof thehealing
whosescienticmethodisexaltedoverhumanlife is the main focus of this
Forallof thereasonshighlightedinthethemesof scientichubrisandof
22 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
the stealth of research, today’shumanresearchsubjectguidelinesarestrictly
monitored.Furthermore,thestory’smajorthemeinthecontextof scientic
rivalry is the importance of striking a balance between human needs and sci-
enticprogress, a concern many medical professionals and bioethicists face.
In the end, “Rappaccini’s Daughter,” like Shelley’s Frankenstein, reminds us of
what happens when unsupervised scientic experiments go terribly wrong,
decide what is acceptable.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• WhatItalianRenaissanceadvancesimprovedthescienticmethodin
studying medicine?
• Relate the 16th-century Galen-Paracelsus debate to Baglioni’s and
Rappaccini’s rivalry. Who does Hawthorne cast as the villain?
• Deneandrelatethehomeopathicprinciple,“likecancurelike,”to
the story.
• Discuss the theory of inoculations.
• Deneandapplytothestory:“vileempiric,”detachedintellect;and
head versus heart.
• How did Peracelsus’ and Vesalius’ works transform medicine from
archaic to modern?
• Was Rappaccini’s experiment a rational and/or unconscionable action?
• RelatethestorytotheRomanticviewof scientichubrisandbeing
wary of seeking perfection. Then attribute the characteristics of good
and evil to the four main characters.
• Apply the main theme in “Rappaccini’s Daughter”—striking a bal-
ance between human needs and scientic progress—to arguments
recommending a ban on human reproductive cloning.
• Who should decide what is acceptable research?
Bensick, Carol Marie. La Nouvelle Beatrice: Renaissance and Romance in
“Rappaccini’s Daughter.” New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers UP, 1985.
Genesis: 2 and 3. The Holy Bible. King James Version. New York: The
American Bible Society, 1816. Garden of Eden story.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Rappaccini’s Daughter.The Complete Novels and
Technology’s Creature 23
Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Ed. Norman Holmes Pearson. New
York: Random House, 1937: 1043-65. Also e-text.
Transcendentalists: http://www.transcendentalists.com/index.htm
Suggested Further Reading
Carlson, Laurie Winn. A Fever in Salem. Chicago, Ill.: Ivan R. Dee, Inc., 1999.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. “The Adventure of the Copper Beeches.” E-text.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “The Birth-mark.” E-text. A doctor renders his bride
Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar,” “The Fall of the
House of Usher,” “The Black Cat,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Complete
Tales and Poems. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1992. Anti-utopian themes.
Selzer,Richard.“Imelda.”The Doctor Stories. New York: Picador, 1998: 83-97.
A story about a doctor’s obsession and personal growth.
Turner, Arlin. Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography. Oxford UP, 1980.
Chapter Two
A Brave New World: An Analysis of Aldous
Huxleys Brave New World and Robin Cooks Coma
Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New Worldtoshowhowindividualityissacriced
when the government controls and conditions its people with science and
technology. It casts a cautionary light on the inherent dangers from genetically
determining a society where pharmaceuticals and psychological conditioning
try to keep everyone healthy, happy, and conformed until it is their time to
die. The novel is timely as we enter a brave new world of genetic engineering
and cloning, highlighting the issue that our technical ability to create and to
manipulate human life runs well ahead of public policy. While other countries
boldly advance biotechnology promising perfected, disease-free humans, in
2001 President George W. Bush said he was deeply troubled and remarked:
“We have arrived at that brave new world that seemed so distant in 1932 when
Aldous Huxley wrote about human beings created in test tubes in what he
called a hatchery.
Indeed,manyelementsof Huxley’ssciencectiondystopia have come
advanceinthelatetwentiethcenturyof mappingandsequencingthegenetic
patternformostorganisms,calledtheHumanGenomeProject, means we can
advancing biotechnologies give rise to hope and fear, putting legal, religious,
and scientic communitiesat odds overour sometimes unchecked faith in
technology. Advocates favor government funding for National Institute of
argue that the technology involved in genetically altering life is moving far
A Brave New World 25
ahead of a necessary ethical and regulatory framework.
Similarly, Robin Cook said his medical thriller themes in Coma are not only
He puts the organ transplant industry under a microscope, giving a Hippo-
cratic“rst,donoharm”warningtodoctors.Cook’shorricplotof turning
the lower and upper worlds of the hospital hierarchy. He shows the problem
of drugged doctorsand thedehumanization of patients, and how weaken-
ing the doctor-patient relationship contributes to medical mistakes. Research
advanced in secret is also a problem.
The key issues in Coma are the safe procurement and the fair dissemina-
tionof humanorgansandthedenitionof “braindeath,” which continues
to undergo medical, religious, and cultural interpretations. At present, organ
harvesting gives back life and adds to its quality; its protocol is fairly well
established. However, Cook said there is a problem when the black market in
human organs sells a rare commodity to the highest bidder. In addition, with
technical advances 30 years after Coma was published, some fear scientists are
bending the rules of nature and heredity by cloning transgenic or cross-species
transplant organs. Stem-cell derived organs or those cloned from our own
applied from other mammals to humans.
Inthistwenty-rstcenturybravenewworldof scienticandtechnologi-
cal advances into the secrets of life, we will all need to understand the new
Brave New World and Robin Cook’s Coma highlight important bioethical and
medical issues that stimulate discussion.
26 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
The theme of Brave New World is not the advancement of
scienceassuch;itistheadvancementof scienceasitaffects
human individuals.
Historical Context
ries, poetry, and screenplays. Brave New World is his best-known work. As is the
case with every author, Huxley’s background shaped his work. He was born in
Surrey, England, on July 26, 1894, the third of four children. His father, Dr.
Leonard Huxley, was an author, and his mother, Julia Arnold Huxley, was a
girls’ school founder. Tragedy befell the household when his mother died of
cancer. The 16-year-old Aldous attended Eton but left a year later with the
serious eye disease keratitis punctata. He was blind for more than a year, which
of becoming a medical doctor like his famous grandfather T.H. Huxley.
Instead of a medical career, he received a degree in English Literature
After Maria died in 1955, he married another writer, Laura Archera. Huxley’s
literary ancestors include a novelist aunt and great-uncle Matthew Arnold
who wrote the famous poem “Dover Beach.” Aldous’ brother, Julian, was
a respected biologist. An element clearly present in Huxley’s novels is the
indomitable human spirit, an ideal that tested the family when one of Aldous’
brothers committed suicide. Huxley moved to the United States in 1937, and
in 1959 the American Academy of Arts and Letters gave him the Award of
Merit for the Novel. He died of cancer on November 22, 1963.
Brave New World,writteninthepost-WorldWarIperiodof industrializa-
tion and the rise of fascism, derived from Huxley’s fascination with science,
medicine, and technology, as well as from his concern for problems arising
from their unchecked advances.Huxleydrewfromseveralinuencesandpro-
of hisoutspokengrandfather,T.H.Huxley(1825-95), abiologist,educator,
A Brave New World 27
and medical doctor, who was called “Darwins Bulldog” because his Evidence
as to Man’s Place in Nature(1863)daredtoembraceCharlesDarwinsunpopular
theory of natural selection. Inspired by his grandfather, Huxley asserted in
Brave New World that our individual freedoms must be carefully guarded, even
if the stance we take is unpopular.
(1822-1911),theFatherof EugenicsandDarwin’scousin,whobelievedsci-
ence could increase human happiness through improving breeding patterns.
over nurture). Galtonsinuence is clearin Huxley’sgenetically determined
caste system.
(1766-1834), whose work fueled Darwins theory and inuenced Huxley’s
economy-driven, population-controlled brave new world by describing how
plants and animals naturally produce more offspring than can possibly survive.
Malthus blamed nineteenth-century England’s decline on too few resources
for the increasing population and on an irresponsible lower class. He believed
that only curtailing reproduction would prevent a global famine, a natural phe-
Lastly, Aldous Huxley’s concept of life-long Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning
in Brave New World stems from behavior scientist Ivan Pavlov’s 1880s work in
human behavior. Russian chemist and physiologist Pavlov studied the diges-
tive system, drawing a link between salivation and the stomach’s action in his
stimulus-response theory. He rang a bell at the same time he offered food to
Drawing from these forbearers, T.H. Huxley, Francis Galton, Thomas
cially reproduce humans and to condition them to be content with their pre-
determined lots. Writing Brave New World was his way to address a fear that
the world was becoming spiritually bankrupt and settling into an abhorrent
conformity. In his economy-driven population, physical and psychological
control is essential.
In 1996 Brave New World was evoked when Dr. Ian Wilmut of the Roslin
Institute in Scotland cloned Dolly the sheep through somatic cell nuclear
28 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
specter of Frankenscience. As an embryologist, Dr. Wilmut said his primary
objective was therapeutic (to help mankind); subsequently, he produced a
human protein in Dolly’s milk, creating transgenic or cross-species organisms
from cloned genes. In 2005, the British government granted Wilmut a license
to clone human embryonic stem cells for therapeutic use in research on motor
neuron diseases like Lou Gehrig’s disease. Pro-life activists condemn the
can be applied readily to humans. Lay, religious, legal, and science communities
cloning of human beings:
• Is it morally justiable to clone a dead child to fulll his/her lost
• Couples using in vitro fertilization can choosethe desiredsex from
their collection of eight-cell embryos and then discard the rest. Is
this preimplantation genetic diagnosis sex selection, sex discrimina-
tion, when sperm-sorting effects the same result? During the embryo
selection method horrendous diseases are genetically screened, but
how does it affect humanity when other characteristics such as eye
color and intelligence are isolated?
• Parents have procreated a child to provide tissues, organs, and bone
marrow transplants for another child. Is there anything wrong with
cloning the donor child for a perfect match?
• If you cloned yourself, who would that be?
Incredible advances in genetic engineering help infertile couples and eliminate
inherited disorders such as Tay-sach’s disease, sickle cell anemia, and Downs
syndrome. The ability to clone, or to duplicate, humans, almost as described
in Brave New World, is here. With biotechnological advances begun when Wat-
son and Crickidentiedthemolecularcodeof DNAandcontinuedwiththe
theNazi’seugenics-driven genocide?
While Brave New World was published in 1932, the themes in Huxley’s
novel take us into the debate over human cloning, with the technical ability
A Brave New World 29
to create and genetically manipulate human life running well ahead of public
policy. Stem cells are found in human embryos, umbilical cords, and placentas
and, when divided, can become any kind of body cell. When terminated at
theve-daystage,thein vitrofertilizationprocessyieldsembryonicstemcell
lines that can grow into 200 cell types, potentially repairing or even replacing
damaged body parts. Proponents argue that the value of therapeutic clon-
so-called activated cells are terminated. Opponents of therapeutic cloning fear
the precedent set for experimenting on life, born or unborn, and believe no
way exists to bar reproductive cloning once therapeutic cloning is legal and
government-funded. The National Academy of Sciences opposes reproduc-
tive cloning. Other private and governmental bodies concur, asserting that
once we have designer children and clones, the brave new world will have
arrived. Individual states, like California, have passed legislation to fund state-
wide embryonic stem cell research, attracting world-wide talent to what has
been termed the stem cell gold rush.
but some fear its power to lead the human race down a slippery slope, mak-
ingit vitally important foreveryone—notjustscientists andtheclergy—to
understand this new knowledge and to decide how we want to use it.
Synopsis of the Novel
TheWorldState’sbravenewworldof 632A.F.(AfterFord)isautopiaHuxley
imagined in 1932 and set 600 years into the future. An autocracy of 10 Con-
unemotional death. Everything is done for the welfare of the human collective.
Instead of old-fashioned two-parent reproduction (viviparation), maternal
have an inescapable destiny.
Neo-Pavlovian behavior conditioning controls the population who are
taught that books and roses have no value. In place of religion, society wor-
Repetitive subliminal messages inculcate propaganda. All games are designed
to increase economic consumption and promote promiscuity. The word family
30 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
is vulgar. Everyone pops the pleasure-enhancing drug soma, which has no side
effects and masks discontent.
The Controllers decide what is best for the common good, but from time
to time things go wrong. The Alpha-Plus psychologist Bernard, a loner who
Hatcheries and Conditioning will ban him for his non-conformity. Bernard
and the lower-class woman he likes, Lenina, go on a vacation to an Indian
Linda, was abandoned there by the Director while they were on vacation.
tion. Disease and deathare visible,in contrastto thecivilized World State.
John. John, like Bernard, feels trapped between two cultures.
Bernard takes the two savages back to the World State, thinking he will
have some leverage against the Director, who he fears will ban him for his
unorthodox ways. To all in the World State, Bernard presented the savage John
gust. But all are curious about the savages.
John, who learns his mother is dying, is grief-stricken, a strange emotion in
Linda cannot communicate, making John fearful he is losing his one human
Linda. Their modern medicine is able to give even a moribund sexagenarian
a girlish appearance. When his mother dies, Johns grief is palpable, upsetting
he must make this slave-world free again.
Mond, one of the Controllers, at last bans the insubordinate Bernard for
causing instability. He explains the World State to John in a declaration of
Huxley’s core Brave New World ideology. Science, art, and religion were sacri-
are subversive and outlawed. High art is banned, too, because it stimulates
individuality and blocks conformity. Religion in a youthful and prosperous
society, when people are safe, well, and not afraid to die, is unnecessary. “God
ness. You must make your choice,” the Controller says. They lived in a utopia
where security and happiness replace desire for beauty and truth.
A Brave New World 31
In the end, John, hopelessly between two worlds, faces a bleak future. He
isolates himself in an old lighthouse to purify himself from the contamination
of civilizedlife.Inold-worldtradition,heagellateshimself,callingonGod
his pain fascinating and invade his privacy. Giving John the pleasure-inducing
drug, soma, they all engage in an orgy of pain. John hangs himself. He cannot
bring freedom and love to a world convincing him it was pointless to live, and
he cannot return to his savage roots.
Literary Analysis
Brave New Worldcontinuestocastacautionarylighton twenty-rstcentury
bioethical questions on genetic engineering, especially with technology far
with us, and should this even include cloning a new and better species that is
smarter, more beautiful, and more talented? In Huxley’s World State, a tech-
nocraticgovernmentanditsscienticelitemakedecisionsforthegoodof the
Stability. In the previous era, anthrax bombs had threatened the war-torn
economy during the Nine Years’ War. The government’s response to anthrax
threats,whichrelatestoourowntwenty-rstcenturyfearsof bioterrorismin
the United States, was to create a one-world state and to fortify the economy
by controlling the population. In order to maintain a stable community, indi-
vidual identity was forsaken. The most interesting aspect to the plot is that,
rather than exercising military control, biotechnologies took over. Humans
were mass-produced, then physically and psychologically conditioned into a
tasks to keep the economy running.
Huxley’s imagined ectostatic(outsideof thewomb)methodof creating
human life by placing fertilized eggs into bottles eerily comes close to the
now common practice of in vitrofertilizationandthearticialwombcreated
in 1997. Moralists fear Huxley’s imagined world in which two parents are no
longerrequiredtomakeababy,andthewordfamily is vulgar. Huxley’s idea that
in conformity, highlights the hot contemporary debate in cloning. Geneticists
32 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
argue that cloned humans have 100 percent identical DNA but that transfer
of genetic material is not the transfer of consciousness. In fact, it would be
no different from naturally conceived identical twins who maintain unique
personalities.Butpsychologistsnowtheorizethatasmuchas50percentof a
by genes.
With some changes in terminology, the human condition in Huxley’s
century. Instead of the pleasure-inducing drug soma to control thoughts and
therapy and Viagra. Instead of the Neo-Pavlovian conditioning and hypno-
paedia, some say our subliminal governmental and commercial messages cause
conformity in what we want to have and to be.
Huxley’s human babies are manufactured, and a medical procedure called
a pregnancy substitute gives women the psychological experience of having
speedsuptheripeningof embryosforextraction;wehavefollicle-stimulating
drugsto extractova.Instead of Malthusianbeltstodiscourageunsterilized
women from having sex and getting pregnant, we have the birth control pill,
fallopian tube-tying, andmale sterilization. In Huxley’s World State, imper-
abort within the limits of the law. Both manipulate reproduction. Huxley’s
nated embryos into sow peritoneum-lined bottles for maturation, at which
glassdish(in vitrofertilization)andimplanttheminasurrogatehumanwomb
Underscoring Huxley’s one-world utopia is the Malthusian philosophy of
achieving a reproduction-consumption balance in a world without disease and
fear of death. Our contemporary view is a desire for human perfection by
eliminating disease, all the while consuming however much we want. In the
end we wish for a painless morphine-induced death.
Hence,muchof whatisgoingoninbiotechnologytodayisreectedin
Huxley’s cautionary theme, and, in particular, that we must control the rapid
advances in biotechnology before they control us and our individuality. His
A Brave New World 33
Brave New World, in which economic stability supersedes art, science, and
religion, was written in the early 1930s before the beginning of the totalitar-
ianNazi state, the communistSovietregime,and World WarII.Incredibly,
however, the criticism of Huxley’s World State parallels that which fell on
eugenicswhen theNazi governmentsanctionedDr.Josef Mengele’sWorld
War II medical research atrocities.
In his 1976 novel, Boys from Brazil, Ira Levin imagines how Mengele plans
to clone a new generation of Hitlers. Levin used the twentieth-century tech-
nology to turn skin cells salvaged from Hitler into his clones who are then
placed into preselected homes to mimic Hitler’s youthful environment. That
is, the cloned babies are environmentally nurtured to become a new race of
1930s theories, stored cells collected even from the dead could be cloned into a
describing what can go terribly wrong when biotechnical scientists are left to
their own devices.
In essence, Brave New World’s reproductive methods derive from the Mal-
thusian idea that anything not contributing to the economy, for the greater
good, should be forbidden. In Huxley’s dystopian vision, the family unit is
obsolete because reproductive sexual intercourse would be too genetically risky
andwouldrelinquish thegovernment’scontrol. Instead, eggs areharvested
from women taking Hormone Stimulate Surrogate, which releases the eggs
and diminishes any maternal impulse. To continue a comparison of Huxley’s
surrogate(paidornot),herwombavailabletohostthefertilizedeggof two
donor parents.
Because the World State requires conformity, it creates conditions it
believes are only good for the community as a whole. Subliminal propaganda
called hypnopaedia inculcates early prejudices. Soma drugs, a chemical called
Violent Passion Surrogate, and multisensory movies called feelies promote
sexual promiscuity and a sense of well-being. The Controllers have decided
what is best for all. Unfortunately, Huxley’s imagined social engineering, taking
drugs to numb a harsher existence and having few family bonds, is not foreign
to today’s reality.
The Controllers use neo-Pavlovian stimulus-response to condition their
34 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
people to relate death to something pleasant. Critics say today’s American
wayof isolatinganddruggingdyingpeopletendstosanitizedeath.Inalike
manner, the World State conditions its people to not fear death, and, when
faced with it, they are repulsed. Furthermore, the contrast between Huxley’s
imagined future world and ours today shows what might go wrong when the
government controls art, science, and religion. The World State discourages
literature because it might cause discontent in people thinking about the old
ways. Science not contributing directly to the overall plan is outlawed, and
religion has no place in a world without disease and fear of death.
In his plotline, Huxley contrasts his main characters, the nonconform-
ist upper-class Bernard with the highly conditioned lower-class Lenina con-
but relegated to an Indian reservation life, with her savage son John, who
is caught between worlds and cannot be happy where there is no hope and
love. Huxley’s characters set into the contrasting worlds, the World Society
and the Indian reservation, show how class discontent begins to unravel the
arejoined byJohn,aromantic savage, todestabilize society. Passages from
Shakespeare run throughout the book, signaling notions of romantic love.
Achieving stability through conformity and induced states of happiness, not
individual romances, are key ingredients in the brave new world. But John the
savage can neverbe happy there because itscivilization has poisoned him.
doingsobecauseheisstilltheobjectof anexperimenttoamalgamatehim
into the culture.
In Huxley’s 1946 foreword to Brave New World, the author states that he
erred in not giving John the savage a third choice in addition to either a primi-
tive reservation life or insanity in utopia. He could choose to live in sanity on
the borders of the reservation within a “society composed of freely cooper-
atingindividualsdevotedtothepursuitof sanity,”wheretheloftyquestion
posed is, “How will this thought or action contribute to, or interfere with, the
achievement, by me and the greatest possible number of other individuals, of
mans Final End?”
Related to today, Huxley’s brave new world of genetically engineered
humans shows us what might happen when measures are taken to control
A Brave New World 35
While presented as a utopia without disease and warfare, free will is lacking.
Consumption of goods that boost the economy, promiscuous sexual interplay
thatkeepsemotionalattachmentsfromforming,andtheredenitionof reli-
gion and the banning of history and art are all elements that keep the totalitar-
ian society intact.
Huxley’snovelpredicts theeugenicsissues wecurrently face,rst with
test-tube babies and now with human cloning. Fears center on the possibility
of cloning worker and controller types as well as stagnating gene pools. In
summary, Huxley’s caste system includes manufactured, conditioned, and con-
formed human beings. By contrast, our natural, so-called brute-force evolu-
tion drops genetic traits into an organism hoping for the best. There are many
failures and surprises. In the end, we must all wonder how biotechnological
intervention in the genetic process, such as the probability of human cloning,
will interfere with evolution itself and affect the human race.
Given the legal, ethical, and social backdrop of Huxley’s cautionary Brave New
• Because scientists and the biotech industry have vested interests in
research, will our legislatures pass effective laws to prevent genetic
• What would happen if our world’s gene pool became controlled by
• What is the present administration’s stand on approving the creation
of new stem cell lines for therapeutic use and/or reproductive cloning?
In our brave new world, which is a phrase spoken by Miranda in Shakespeare’s
The Tempest, wemustalldecide—notjustthescientists,philosophers,lawyers,
and clergy—where we want biotechnology to lead us as a human race.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• What scientic, behaviorist, and psychological theories inuenced
Huxley and how?
• Describe Galtons eugenics and relate it to twentieth-century U.S. steril-
• How does Huxley’s totalitarian society control its people through art,
science, and religion?
36 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
• How,specically,doesthebirth-to-deathBokanovkyProcesscreate
the class system?
• Unlike Huxley’s brave new world, our democracy gives power and
responsibility to each of us to decide where we want technology to
take us. If we were genetically determined through science and tech-
nology, rather than born freely through natural selection, how might
that change our society?
• What imaginable problems might arise from using biotechnology to
restore prehistoric DNA?
• Describe the ethical issues surrounding human cloning. Could it ever
• ReadGleick’s“chaostheory”(seebelow)anddescribetheinherent
dangers in gene manipulation, especially as they are set into our non-
linear world, where random, unpredictable and chaotic events over-
ride whatever type of order we try to impose.
• With each new administration, the president forms a bioethics council
for guidance. What are the current views on creating new stem cell
• Relate Huxley’s totalitarian state to the U.S. government’s increasing
control over its people since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
on the United States.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper, 1989.
Levin, Ira. The Boys from Brazil. New York: Random, 1976.
Suggested Further Reading
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Houghton, 1985. A
Cook, Robin. Shock. New York: Signet, 2001. A fertility industry exposé.
Crichton, Michael. Jurassic Park. New York: Ballentine, 1990.
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
Groopman, Jerome. The New Yorker(January28,2002).http://www.
Kass, Leon R. “Why We Should Ban Human Cloning: Preventing a Brave
A Brave New World 37
New World.The New Republic(17May2001).
Lem, Stanislaus. Solaris. New York: Harcourt, 1987. Understanding what lies
within us might be the key to understanding the universe around us.
McHugh, Maureen F. Nekropolis. New York: Morrow, 2001. The poor
voluntarily sell themselves into servitude, altering their brains to love
their masters.
Michison, Naomi. Solution Three. New York: Feminist P, CUNY, 1995. All
futurecouplesarehomosexual;reproductionisbyin vitrofertilization
and surrogacy.
Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Signet, 1950. Relates to whistleblower’s
claims that the U.S. government is using widespread illegal surveillance
This novel was conceived as an entertainment, but it is not
perhaps even probable.
Historical Context
Robin Cook, master of the medical thriller, was born in Brooklyn, New York,
in 1940. He received an M.D. from Columbia University and did post-graduate
work at Harvard Medical School. Since 1970 Cook has written about hot issues
intheevolvingmedicaleld.HisnovelsincludeOutbreak(1987),Vital Signs
(1991),andToxin (1998).Cook’s1999novelVector about a bioterrorist anthrax
attack on New York City foreshadowed the real-life event in 2001. He has a
knack for anticipating public debate on controversial topics, as in Shock(2001),
which describes the fertility industry and controversy over federal funding of
stem cell research. Each novel is compelling and informing, while also exacer-
bating the public’s fear.
38 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Theorgantransplantindustryisthesubjectof Coma. Each day in 2012
an average of 80 people inthe UnitedStates received anorgan transplant;
another 18 on the waiting list died because organs were unavailable. Driver’s
family members of their wishes in advance. Living donors cannot donate if
it is life-threatening, with uncoerced, voluntary informed consent required.
Then there are brain dead donors whose cessation of brain stem function
is indicated from an EEG test. Because the brain makes a person breathe,
organ vitality is sustained by cardio-pulmonary machines. Ethical concerns
arise when harvesting from brain dead donors because brain death is a process
without a distinctly pronounceable event like cardiac death. Hospice profes-
and administering narcotics to a patient with auditory and visual responses.
In a recent development, doctors who felt there was only a small window
of opportunity for harvesting most transplant organs, now look to a 2002 Uni-
versity Hospital Zurich study that shows transplant success in even harvesting
older organs from cardiac death donors. This goes beyond the conventional
wisdom that only a few organs such as corneas and kidneys remain viable
for a time in cadavers. In heart transplantation, brain death as a criterion is
distinctly different from cardiac death because only a recently beating heart
heart can be transplanted. Bioengineering a human heart from stem cells trig-
gered to become cardiac cells is decades and billions of dollars away. Existing
stem cell lines declined when President George W. Bush placed a moratorium
on cloning to reap human parts. But each new administration forms policy
with the help of its bioethics council.
While most industrialized nations legitimize brain death as a condition
for organ harvesting, there are many cultural differences. In 1968 Dr. Juro
donor and was heralded as a hero and condemned as a murderer. China’s pri-
mary source of transplantable organs comes from executed prisoners without
their consent. Transplant proponents argue that fear and ignorance are great
barriers to collecting transplant organs. Most major U.S. religions consider
donation the ultimate act of charity and condone it. Other views prohibiting
donation include the religious belief the body must remain intact in order to
A Brave New World 39
beresurrected in toto;the belief that organ harvestingfrom aviable body
equateswithabortion;andthebelief thatthesoulstillresidesinthebodywith
a beating heart.
Because transplant organs are hard to get, there is a current debate over
the donor’s motivation or the commodication of tissues. The U.S.Organ
Procurement and Transplantation Act makes it illegal to buy and to sell human
organs. Because of the great gap between supply and demand, wealthy recipi-
medical and funeral expenses are paid, so an American Medical Association
ethics group suggested a small payment of $300-500 or tax credits to increase
Crimesof thetwenty-rstcenturyinclude organtrafcking,andglobal
bioethics initiatives are underway to identify the foreign countries where poor
people are waylaid, drugged, and surgically relieved of their organs. Advertise-
ments appear from time to time offering a kidney for sale from $1-10,000.
Pirated organs may be a rarity, however, because complex donor-recipient
abound, such as therecipientacquiresthedonor’sdesires(likingcertainfoods,
for instance), the donor is limited by age (minors need guardian consent),
donation mutilates the body prohibiting open casket funerals, and the donor’s
estate pays the medical costs.
Potential donors may be afraid that indicating their wishes to donate
will forestall efforts to save their lives, but safeguards are in place because
the donor’s medical team and the transplant team are two separate entities.
is determined. Kidneys and corneas are the most transplanted organs, largely
becauseof progressivesurgicalskillsandfewerrejectionfactors.Otherorgans
and tissues transplanted are the heart and heart valves, liver, pancreas, lungs,
intestines, eyes, skin, bone and bone marrow, and tendons. A national organ
donation network matches donors and recipients for blood type, medical
urgency, geographical location, and time on waiting list.
Because many people die waiting for a suitable organ, recent develop-
ments in transgenic cloningaremakingitmorefeasibletotransplantmodied
Dr. Anthony Atala of Harvard Medical School took a donor steer’s skin cells
40 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
and created functioning tissues that were transplanted into the donor steer.
Three months later the implanted tissues remained healthy and were perform-
ing their respective functions. In the case of humans these same principles
apply to growing body parts using a persons own DNA, or body parts may
derive from human embryonic stem cells, an issue mired in abortion politics.
Public opinion is sharply divided on creating new stem cell lines for therapeu-
tic versus reproductive cloning.
Regeneration technology is here. A decade later, Dr. Atala is incubating
replacement human bladders in his lab. There may be no limit to the kinds of
organs and body parts that can be created from scratch, taking a skin cell to
grow a heart valve or kidney, for instance. Until then, we still need to address
the nations ctirical organ donation shortage.
Synopsis of the Novel
Coma is written in suspenseful daily and hourly entries over several weeks. It
begins at Boston Memorial Hospital with Nancy Greenly’s minor D and C
procedure for excessive uterine bleeding. All seems to be going well when
suddenly Greenly’s heart beats erratically. She lapses into coma. The doctors
electrolyte balance and ability to ward off infection are critical. Homeostasis,
orabalanceof herbody’sfunctions,isdifculttomaintain.
On her rst day as a third year medical student, the beautiful Susan
Wheeler enters surgical clinical rotation on the ICU ward, and she connects
with Greenly, also 23. She sees the comatose Greenly as “a casualty of medi-
cine, a victim of technology” and wants to understand what went wrong. In
her second encounter with a patient, Susan starts the I.V. on Sean Berman,
an athletic architect in for knee surgery. They make a date, but, like Greenly,
he falls into an irreversible coma. Later in the ICU, Susans superior, surgical
resident Dr. Mark Bellows, draws the comatose Bermans blood for analysis
while the contentious Susan Wheeler grills Chief of Anesthesia Robert Harris
about the hospital’s high risk statistics. She decides to look into the problem,
but the realist, career-driven Mark Bellows bows out.
A Brave New World 41
physical exam. Trained in the scientic method, her extensive research
continues in the medical school library on “anesthetic complications followed
by prolonged coma.” She discovers a long list of possible causative agents
for coma or disrupted brain function, and that her hospital had 100 times
morecaseslikeGreenly’sandBermansthantherestof thecountry(or11
deathsin25,000surgeries).Half ofthecaseswereneverreviewedbyamedical
examiner. Susan watches an autopsy and learns of the hospital’s high number
of unexplained respiratory arrests and resuscitation failures.
Susan tells Dr. Nelson, the chief of medicine, and Dr. Harris, chief of
anesthesiology, about her ndings and requests their help. One conscates
her research data, and the other physically threatens her. Both show her the
door, close it, and immediately make a phone call. Chief of Surgery Dr. Stark
seems more sympathetic to Susan, acknowledging that Dr. Donald McLeary,
a neurology professor, has signed out all the patients’ charts. When Susan tells
Mark Bellows about her encounters and her strong intuition of foul play, he
admits problems but asks for a possible motive. He sees no conspiracy, saying
he is more concerned with the cache of drugs found in his old OR locker.
Mark worries about Susan’s delusional crusade, but their relationship takes
another turn during a romantic date.
The next day Dr. McLeary advises Hospital Director Oren how disruptive
Susan has become, and Dean of Students Dr. James Chapman switches her
surgical rotation to the V.A. hospital. On her way home from the hospital, she
runs in panic from someone following her. Later that evening, the same man
accosts her at home and threatens her family if she continues her investigation.
After regrouping, Susan reviews her research and sneaks into Dr. McLeary’s
ofcetogetthecomapatients’charts.ShetellsMarkof theconspiracyshe
suspects involving Harris, Nelson, McLeary, and Oren. Mark informs her of
carbon monoxide gas line running from a hidden boiler room tank connecting
to the oxygen line in OR8. Hoping to get some respite in her dorm room, she
In the meantime, Berman was transferred to the private Jefferson Institute
in South Boston, a state-of-the-art government-built facility for chronic care
42 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
comatosepatients. Itis alarge rectangularbuilding withno rst-oorwin-
with the city and goes disguised as a nurse for a tour. The facility has advanced
computer technology that keeps 132 naked coma patients in homeostasis,
eerily suspended by wires four feet above the oor in a climate-controlled
atmosphere. As the tension builds, Susan goes exploring on her own in the
becomes clear: “The Jefferson Institute was a clearinghouse for black-market
human organs!” She is discovered but escapes. She calls Dr. Stark, telling him
the secret of the Jefferson Institute. Carefully typed surgical patients have had
carbon monoxide added to their anesthesia. In addition, they have received
shots of succinylcholine in their IVs, causing brain hypoxia, all of which was
undetected in the ICU. A secret corporation has masterminded how to keep
After drugging her, he talks about his three-year plan to create the Jeffer-
son Institute. The sale of its product helped rebuild Memorial Hospital, he
rationalizes.Thedrug-addictedDr.Walterswithacacheof narcoticsinhis
ORlockerwasnotapartof theorganization;hissuicidewasfakedonlyso
the police would not investigate the hospital. Dr. Stark’s transplant work, he
argues,will benetmankind,helping tolearnthe secretsof immunological
mechanisms and to advance the transplanting of all human organs. Like Leon-
ardo Da Vinci, who secretly dug up corpses for dissection, he believes the
Jefferson Institute is also beyond the law. Sometimes secrecy is needed because
the common man would not understand the immense gain to be had for the
greater good.
Stark schedules the drugged Susan Wheeler for an emergency appen-
dectomy, administering the anesthesia in OR8. Dr. Bellows remembers what
Susan had said about the mysterious valved line and investigates, reaching the
rationale for transplant research.
Literary Analysis
In Coma, Robin Cook, a trained medical doctor turned writer, describes the
carefullycontrolledchaosof amajorurbanteachinghospital.Hetakesusall
A Brave New World 43
over the hospital—from the dingy basement to the lofty Grand Rounds—put-
ting the American transplant industry under a microscope. The novel’s central
themerevealsthecontroversysurroundingoursearchtodenebrain death and
the way transplant organs are procured and disseminated. In his author’s note
Cook says he intends to entertain, but Comaisdenitelynotsciencection.
Hisbelief,whichcontradicts theU.S.transplant industry’sofcial stance, is
that scarce organs are pirated and sold to the highest bidder every day.
At the time he wrote Comain1977,healsosawasunacceptablethedeni-
tion of brain death, which, as noted earlier, is contrasted with cardiac death.
trying to improve legislation to effect a greater number of donors by offer-
ingnancial and moralisticincentives,by educatingthe publicon theneed
for donor organs, and by dispelling myths and misconceptions. However, the
signicantproblemremainsof legallyobtainingthedonor’sandthefamily’s
timely permission to harvest organs. The revised Uniform Anatomical Gift
Act, promulgated in 1987, increased donor awareness but has not solved the
problem of providing enough transplant organs.
The way Cook describes the hospital hierarchy is important to weaving
Coma’s sinister plot. The viewpoint is mostly third-year medical student Susan
four others are on the bottom professional rung. Doing scut work—and often
learning from the more competent nurses—they do not have much credibil-
imposters. Small accomplishments, like successfully inserting an IV needle into
mon happening. The bright and beautiful Susan Wheeler feels panicked, like
the rest: Could she make the life and death decisions expected of her?
resident Mark Bellows, who is responsible for her learning and for her actions.
for. Bellows does not want to make waves when the spirited Susan Wheeler
tellshimof ahorrichospitalconspiracytoturnhealthypatientsintoprot-
able organ donors. Her investigation shows a high incidence of prolonged
coma resulting from anesthetic complications in surgery. But, one by one, as
44 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
shenaivelyapproacheshersuperiors forhelp,they try toquash herefforts
with a patronizing response.In the patriarchal system of Susans time,her
aggression makes her “a castrating bitch.” Conversely, if she had taken a pas-
sive, more compliant stance in her daily duties, she would be told that she
cannot compete. The hospital’s lower and upper worlds collide, all within the
terror of a conspiracy, and Susans life is threatened.
Because the book was written in 1977, time has changed the system some-
what. For example, Susan Wheeler describes the “paradoxical loneliness” of
being the only woman on her rotation, among all-male superiors: “She felt she
Now, however, more women are entering medical school than men, but the
hospital hierarchy Cook describes is still in effect today.
As would be expected, Cook describes the antagonism existing between
medicine and disease. He also gives enough technical descriptions of opera-
tions and details of diseases and autopsies to satisfy pre-med students. Real-
istic accounts of the intricacies of applying anesthesia and of the drama of
performing surgeries add to the growing terror. Surgeons are seen as the con-
today’s students appreciate what is currently available.
Interwoven into the high tension of a covert hospital conspiracy, Cook
portrays the problem of drug-addicted doctors, the dehumanization in the
medicaleld,andthedoctor-patientrelationship.Forinstance,ahoardof nar-
cotic drugs is found in an attending surgeon’s hospital locker once assigned to
Mark Bellows. The hospital wants the investigation kept internal and private,
a conspiracy of silence. The story puts a spotlight on the medical professions
efforts to deal with stressed-out doctors whose narcotic licenses make it too
easy to self-medicate. Now programs help with recovery to return valuable
medical professionals to their work.
Also as shown in Coma,doctors’dehumanizingpatientsleadstoerrorsin
any human connection with their coma victims, avarice and greed being chief
motivators. In fact, generations of doctors were taught to have “detached
concern” and not to get too close to a patient. But now having empathy is
linked with communication for better doctoring. An unnatural distance also
creates a level of dissatisfaction in the doctor-patient relationship and eventu-
ally physician burnout. Susan Wheeler’s human connection with her two coma
A Brave New World 45
patients, in particular, and her attention to detail sustained her investigation
all throughout Coma. To borrow from legendary humanist doctor Sir William
Osler, with patients as texts, the best teaching during clinical rounds is done by
the patients, themselves.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• When,if ever,isitjustiabletosacricethefew,medicallyspeaking,
• Whatculturalandreligiousdifferencesinuenceorgandonation?
• What motivated Dr. Stark and others to create coma patients?
• Whilemoststudentsontheirrstclinicalrotationfeelinsecureand
like imposters, what special problems does Susan Wheeler have being
the only woman “in a male club”?
• Howdoesadoctor’slackof communication(orempathy)contribute
to medical mistakes?
• How can potential organ donors indicate, in advance, their wishes?
• What is the different between “brain death” and “cardiac death” in
harvesting organs?
• Howwillthecommodicationof organschangewhentheycanbe
grown from cells?
• What are the problems with xenotransplantation?
• How do the differences in the hospital hierarchy contribute to Cook’s
Atala, Anthony. “Regenerative Medicine’s Promising Future.” July 10, 2011.
TED 20 March Conference. http://www.cnn.com/2011/
opinion/07/10/atala.grow.kidney/index.html. Around the globe research
is ongoing into the new frontier of regenerative medicine, curing disease.
Dr. Atala, now the director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative
Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, explains how he “prints”
replacement organs like kidneys.
Cook, Robin. Coma. New York: Signet, 1977.
46 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Suggested Further Reading
Ash, Karin T. “Accident.Sutured Words and Articulations. Ed. Jon Mukand.
Brookline, MA: Aviva Press, 1987. A nursing perspective on caring for a
patient in a persistent vegetative state.
Gawande, Atul. Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science. New
York: Holt, 2002. Medical mistakes, trends, and mysteries.
Hilker,David.“Mistakes.”On Doctoring. Ed. Richard Reynolds and John
Stone. New York: Simon, 1991: 371-82
Selzer,Richard.“BrainDeath:AHesitation.”The Exact Location of the Soul.
New York: Picador, 2001: 110-20. A surgeon looks at “brain death” and
— “Whither Thou Goest.The Doctor Stories. New York: Picador, 1998: 64-2.
A Christian fundamentalist donates her husband’s heart and must listen
to it one last time to go on with her life. Also readers’ theatre.
Shem, Samuel. The House of God. New York: Dell, 1995. A cynic looks at
Williams, William Carlos. “Old Doc Rivers.” The Doctor Stories. New York:
New Directions, 1984: 13-41. A beloved old-timey doctor self-medicates.
Chapter Three
Contagions/Isolations: An Analysis of Albert
Camus The Plague and David Feldshuhs
Miss Evers Boys
Camus,aWorldWarIIFrenchResistanceghter,wroteThe Plague, intending
“plague” torepresent all imprisonments. It characterizesthe despair felt in
almostdestroyedit.Aworkof greatliteraryimagination,itemphasizesthe
re-emergent nature of all contagions, shedding light on contemporary plagues
such as AIDS. At issue is how the government and medical personnel in the
unsuspecting town of Oran, Algeria, fail to enforce in a timely manner the
city medical code by identifying the scourge, putting a vaccine into use, and
media responsibilities in a medical crisis, illustrating how desperate people fall
the outside world and deprived of not only food but love, teaching us lessons
about its importance to wellbeing and to happiness.
InOranscollectivedestinyoneself-sacricingdoctorworkswithin the
community’s changing dynamics, highlighting political, social, economic, and
religious issues. In the unrelenting nature of plague his medical ethics are
challenged, provoking philosophical discussions about mans morality in an
atmosphere of every-man-for-himself. The label heroismisalsoscrutinizedasa
ticsof thespiritualleaderarescrutinizedwhen,ratherthanprovidingcomfort,
punishment. In the end, people die off, and the government and priests seem
ineffectual,leavingthereadertoappreciatethevalueof aselessdoctorand
to contemplate his warning that literature teaches the plague never disappears
for good.
48 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Just as in early views of plague, sexually transmitted diseases carry sig-
nicantstigmaasdeservedpunishment.Theprimaryissuein Miss Evers’ Boys,
however, is how the U.S. Public Health Service conducted clinical experiments
during the Tuskegee Syphilis Study(TSS)from1932-1972,andhowdoctors,
A brief look back at racial discrimination helps to put Miss Evers’ Boys in
1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment’s abolition of slavery. Segregation during
the next decades of the so-called Jim Crow Era kept stereotypes of African-
Americans intact, hurting them economically, politically, and educationally.
Only with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, shepherded in by President Lyndon
Johnson, did racial segregation and discrimination become illegal in all of the
For the 40 years of the TSS in a climate of segregation, the U.S. Public
Health Service looked on as 399 syphilitic black men suffered and infected
others.Thesubjectsreceivedthestandardof careinthebeginningbutwere
denied the silver bullet treatment, penicillin, until a whistleblower exposed the
calling them “a living link to a time . . . many Americans would prefer not to
remember, but we dare not forget.” Calling the study a betrayal by medical
people who should have offered care and a cure but instead lied and denied
help, he continued: “What was done cannot be undone. But we can end the
silence. . . . What the United States government did was shameful, and I am
sorry.“ The National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care has
future ethical lapses in minority studies.
there is a legacy of distrust in the African-American experience, how do you
get subjects in research that benets them? And what lessons have public
health bioethicists learned from the TSS for reviewing protocol in current
infectious disease research studies?
Contagions/Isolations 49
As he listened to the cries of joy rising from the town, Rieux
that the plague bacillus never dies or disappears for good. . . .
—Albert Camus, The Plague
Historical Context
The Algerian-born French philosopher Albert Camus(1913-60)wasanovel-
ist, dramatist, andjournalist. His father waskilled in World War I, andhis
illiterate and deaf mother raised him and a brother in poverty, making for a
very unhappy childhood. He studied philosophy at the University of Algiers,
Camusheldavarietyof jobsandjoinedandquittheCommunistparty.He
livedinpovertymostof hislife,andbeingafictedwithtuberculosismoti-
vated him to write about contagion and isolation. He moved to Paris in 1940.
During World War II he became a member of the French Resistance. He
wrote political essays, but his most famous work is The Plague. Camus viewed
mans condition as absurd and meaningless, which aligned him with the exis-
tentialists;however,inThe Plague he describes how courageous humans can be
when faced with increasing alienation in an indifferent world. In 1957 Camus
1960 at the age of 46.
Literary views of plague, besides appearing in Greek mythology, are
described in the Bible’s Exodus: God brought 10 plagues upon the Egyptians
until the Pharaoh let the Israelites go. Ever since it has been seen as a deserved
punishment. For the next 800 years plague, which could be bubonic plague,
smallpox, or gonorrhea, descended upon unsuspecting populations, brought
by trade routes and war. It drastically reduced populations and brought famine.
Western Europe was relatively disease-free from 800 until the fourteenth cen-
hit Europe, killing more than 25 million people, both peasants and gentry,
bringing a great recession to Europe. Sienese chronicler Agnolo di Tura wrote,
50 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
“No one wept for the dead because everyone expected death himself.
The bubonic plague (Greek boubon, meaning“groin”), a disease caused
by the bacterium Yersinia pestis,spreadsfrominfectedrodent’seasthatbite
humans, causing their lymph glands to swell. In advanced cases the skin turns
black, hence the alternate name, the Black Death. The plagues had high mor-
tality rates. Up to two-thirds of the population died in each epidemic. When
the attacks lessened, so did the immunities, and populations became vulner-
ableagain.OnlyarecouldcontaintheGreatPlagueof Londonof 1665.
garbage disposal decreased European plague epidemics. But in 1894—to show
the global nature of contagion—plague killed 100,000 in Hong Kong. Plagues,
exacerbated by famine and warfare, change the political, social, economic, and
religious dynamics of a country forever.
Contrary to popular belief, the bubonic plague is not a thing of the past,
although it is an extremely rare, sporadic event. About 20 cases appear in the
U.S. each year in endemic areas of the rural West. For people treated with
by recalling the Black Death that had devastated medieval Europe. Plague, a
naturally occurring bacteria and generally not a public health threat, is pre-
ventable by washing hands with soap and water and being wary of handling,
keep yards clean, and properly dispose of garbage that attracts rats. Ironically,
the second-century Greek physician Galen announced that poisonous swamp
vapors spread plague, so people did not wash, believing opened pores in skin
would let it in.
Other epidemics of inuenza, smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis have
killed millions of people. So-called modern plagues, such as HIV, the human
immunodeciencyvirus,thatprogresses intoAIDS,acquiredimmune de-
ciencysyndrome,havebeenidentiedacrosstheworldinallstrataof human
arapidlyglobalizedworldwith everyoneinclosecontact,and immigration,
Pasteur’s observation, “The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything.”
Synopsis of the Novel
Camus’ The Plague, divided into ve parts, chronicles the yearlong story of
Contagions/Isolations 51
the 1940s Dr. Bernard Rieux, a 35-year old physician preoccupied with sending
his ailing wife to an out-of-town sanitarium, steps on a dead rat. Police mag-
interviews Rieux for a story about lack of sanitation in the Arab population,
but because the publication will compromise the truth, Rieux steers him to the
dead rat story instead. Rieux’s friend, Jean Tarrou, tells him about seeing more
convulsing, dying rats. All but the doctor’s mother, who comes to keep house
war, depression, and a husband’s death.
Deadrats beginappearing by thethousands.Thenjust whena sudden
drop in the numbers causes the town to feel hopeful, the concierge M. Michel
make the diagnosis, and only his old asthmatic patient who survived the 1812
Spanishurecognizeditastherstphaseof anepidemic.Withincreasing
deaths,Rieux realizesthe plaguehas takentheir ordinarytown by surprise,
it as a problem of bad hygiene and sanitation. It takes too long to apply the
municipal medical code. Dr. Castel, who had seen plague in France and China,
develops a vaccine, but there is only a limited supply. Three months into the
plaguethereare700deathsaweek.Withoutquarantine, the epidemic rages out
of control,andthegatesof Oranarenallyclosed.
Rieux’s medical duties never end as he connects with the isolated towns-
people.Forexample,thebureaucrat JosephGrandcondesinhimthathis
failed marriage resulted from his working too much. He did not make his wife
feel loved or offer her hope for a better future. He remains commerce-driven
lover. Rieux, taking a moralistic stance, cannot oblige. Sending patients into
cause Rieux to harden his heart.
at the end of a Week of Prayer. Citing Exodus in the Bible, he preaches that
had brought plagues down on Egypt “to strike down the enemies of God” and
to “humble the proud of heart.” It will separate out evildoers, or the wheat
52 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
from the chaff. Salvation, he concludes, only comes to repentant sinners who
embrace God’s teachings. Paneloux’s sermon creates widespread panic among
the “condemned,” especially when a new form of bacillus, pneumonic plague,
causes terrible suffering and seems vaccine-resistant. Adding to the pressure,
supplies dwindle, and dogs and cats are killed as possible carriers of plague.
Newspapers warn of long imprisonment for breaking rules. A new paper, The
Plague Chronicle, publishes the progress or recession of the plague, but is prone
Some people scramble after the latest amulet, while others pore their
hearts out into recovery efforts, causing Dr. Rieux to make observations about
heroism. He cautions against “attributing over importance to praiseworthy
actions,”whichmaypandertotheworsesideof humannature;thatis,heroes
should not be coined from acts of normal human decency. To Rieux, Grand,
who volunteers torecord plague statistics, embodies quiet courage because
he does so with the “large-heartedness that was second nature with him.
Grand believes he is simply taking a stand. Rambert is another matter. Rieux
the woman he loves.
Mostcitizensof Oranareslackers,resignedtobeingplaguevictims,and
by mid-summer plague reaches crisis levels. Martial law and curfews help con-
tain areas of town cordoned off, but panic strikes. Townspeople, hoping to
killplaguebyburning their homes,setres thatoftenrageout of control.
In a holocaustof connement and of deprivation, “No longer were there
individualdestinies;onlyacollectivedestiny,madeof plagueandtheemotions
shared by all.” With mass burials, there are no more individual death rites. Iso-
latedpeoplefeelthegnawingpainof separationandnowfaceanunagging
adversary that kills off the capacity for both love and friendship.
In the fall the “town lay prostrate, at the mercy of the plague.” Survivors,
gripped by fear, carry on, sometimes reecting sentimentally on what had
been. At a performance of Gluck’s opera Orpheus, the plague-stricken tenor
collapses on stage. Meanwhile, the godless Rambert still plans his escape,
whelmed by shame, he has a change of heart, deciding the plague is everyone’s
ght. The battle gets particularly poignant when the new Castel vaccine is
rsttriedonM.OthonsyoungsonPhilippe.Inthenalstageof thedisease,
Contagions/Isolations 53
Philippe’s vaccination is ineffective, and, after great suffering, he dies. The inci-
an all-powerful God can allow little, innocent children to suffer. Something
changes in Paneloux after he sees Philippe die. It causes his second sermon to
reectonthenatureof goodandevilandtosuggestthat“thechild’ssuffer-
ings would be compensated for by an eternity of bliss awaiting him.
These are extraordinary times, Paneloux warns, and God is testing every-
of escape in time of plague,” echoes of fatalism ring throughout the church.
For Paneloux everything is in God’s hands. Later when his temperature spikes
and he coughs up blood, he declares that it is illogical for a plague-stricken but
faithful priest to call in a doctor. With this resolve, he dies. Then the epidemic
reaches its high watermark with people scrambling to purchase waterproof
the new pneumonic form of plague spreading, fatalities increase across town.
Toward the end, Tarrou has a heart-to-heart talk with Rieux about the
plague within all of them. His father, a public prosecutor, was a kindly man,
although an adulterer. But one day Tarrou learned his father prosecuted a
young criminal condemned to die. From that day on, he considered his father a
murderer. He left home, becoming an advocate against the death penalty. After
a long talk, Tarrou and Rieux take a symbolic swim together. As Christmas
approaches, they all have become weary in the prison of plague. For Rieux,
facing death and despair every day has taken its toll on him. He concludes that
“a loveless world is a dead world.
Then one day, Rieux notices that rats have not been seen for a while, and
the human death toll is subsiding. With hope restored, the authorities open the
gates. The new serum is working, and it seems “the plague had been hounded
down and cornered, and its sudden weakness lent new strength to the blunted
weapons so far used against it.” Rieux even dares to envision a reunion with
his long-absent wife when Tarrou is stricken and dies, the victim of two types
of plague. Rieux had been unable to help.
While lamenting the loss of a friend, Rieux gets a telegram stating his wife
has died of tuberculosis, which he has been powerless to cure. He has lost the
human love of a friend and of his wife, but there is no time to grieve. While
54 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
listeningtothetownspeople’scriesof joyatanticipatingtheendof plague,
for the bane and the enlightening of men, it would rouse up its rats again and
send them forth to die in a happy city.
Literary Analysis
This analysis focuses on the social, political, economic, and religious aspects
of the plague’s effect upon the North African coastal town of Oran, Algeria,
he wrote The Plague.Itsallegoricalsignicancebeginswiththeepigraph,setting
thetonefortheplaguetosymbolizethescourgeof Nazismandtorepresent
occupied France during the 1940s as well as all imprisonments, past, present or
from history and the literature that encapsulates it.
In an atmosphere of unrelenting gloom, his riveting novel asks us to con-
siderthevalueof humanlife.Itdescribesthecourseof adiseaseatitsrst
effects of plague on Oran. In the unattractive seaport the people are so habitu-
ally intent on commerce that the town even faces away from the life-enhancing
waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
Existential viewsof ndingmeaningindailyaccomplishmentsandaccept-
destiny where death is wide-scale, one man, Dr. Bernard Rieux, stands out for
changing dynamics, showing the unrelenting nature of plague and provoking
philosophical discussions about mans moral duty to preserve life. Every day
the suffering he witnesses causes him to confront loneliness, and during non-
stop medical rounds only minor victories bring triumph over universal despair.
Ironies abound in the novel, starting with the medical authorities’ failure
run newspapers give daily tallies of dying rats, but they omit human deaths.
Contagions/Isolations 55
Relying on faulty statistics, Rieux is slow in identifying the scourge. There is
a standoff between Rieux, who simply wants to convince the authorities to
take proper medical measures to save lives, and the politicians, who are afraid
of losingtheirpositionsshouldtheyerrinjudgment.Thesituationgenerates
an atmosphere of every-man-for-himself, except for Dr. Rieux who ministers
to all. The government’s ineffectual response provides a study in bureaucratic
reaction to infectious disease, where martial law and curfews cause panic and
attempts to vaccinate are often too little, too late.
Although Dr. Rieux urges isolation, medical association president Dr.
Richard balks. Only Dr. Castel, who has seen plague in China and France,
takes a stand. He invents a vaccine that is immediately in short supply and then
becomes obsolete when a new pneumonic plague emerges. The authorities
have the newspapers report a false optimism no one believes. In desperation,
peoplefallvictimtomedicalquackery, from believing a winery’s slogan that
consuminglargequantitiesof winecreatesimmunity,toanewPlague Chronicle’s
ads for “infallible antidotes.
The Plague is a good character study as well, showing how various people
ity with Dr. Rieux to battle their common enemy. In particular, Rieux’s pro-
fessional ethicsare apparentwhen heasks theParisianjournalistRaymond
Rambert to write the whole truth of their situation in Oran. Then, later, when
Rambert,whondshimself inthewrongplaceatthewrongtime,begsRieux
to certify him plague-free so he can return to a lover he calls his wife, Rieux
cannot, for “the law was the law.” All live in a state of constant fear, and their
vulnerability is brought home to them when even during Gluck’s opera Orpheus
the tenor collapses on stage. The opera’s theme evokes Rambert’s attempt
to reunite with his loved one; however, when weighingpersonal happiness
Rieux’s friend, the newcomer Jean Tarrou, symbolizes the resistance
even if he’s the lone survivor who remains to wash dead bodies. His moralistic
age upon the victim. His black-and-white morality took hold when, as a youth,
he witnessed his prosecutor father cause a young criminal to die. Tarrou’s swim
in the sea with the young healer, Rieux, binds their friendship, until a whirlpool
56 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
forces them to shore. Tarrou is the counterpart to Cottard, the symbolic col-
laborator, a criminal who attempted suicide, but once the authorities became
preoccupied, he turned to smuggling.
In another criticism of bureaucracy, Camus portrays the municipal clerk
Joseph Grand as a daily plodder so absorbed in work he does not know his
neighbor. He represents the townspeople of Oran who with their noses to the
grindstoneletthesmalldetailsof dailylivingoverwhelmitslargersignicance.
Grand’s wife leaves because he cannot show her affection and cannot promise
hope for the future, but he persists in trying to write a great novel. Finding the
acting as the novel’s leitmotiv to represent the indomitable human spirit.
Rieux contrasts Grand’s ingrained work habits, overlaid by routine vol-
Thiscauseshimtoreectonthenatureof morality, or acting well in a given
man not to respond, and therefore it is inappropriate to make him a hero. That
is,tofreethemselvesasprisonersof plaguerequirescommondecency,simply
cal, Rieux sees Grand as the closest to a hero for maintaining a business-as-
usual sanity. Grand has no illusions about the dire situation. He acts well in it,
exemplifying ingrained integrity, which reminds us that standards to measure
geration and abuse.
Each in his own way faces the plaguesdesolation,reectingthecondi-
tions of World War II prisoner-of-war camps. Lacking freedom and at times
Paneloux’sre-and-brimstonesermonendingtheWeekof Prayerstrikesfear
into the hearts of the people. He does not hold out God’s love for their salva-
tion but rather uses Christian doctrine as a threat to bring the commerce-driven
townspeoplebackintohisfold.HerstpreachesfromExodus that God sent
plague down on Oran to separate the wheat from the chaff, the believers and
nonbelievers, and that He was punishing them into becoming better people.
A small child dying a horrible death after receiving a vaccination prompts an
orthodox religious discussion. Rieux cannot understand how God would let an
innocent child suffer so, but Father Paneloux says humans cannot understand
“what is meant by ‘grace.’” The incident causes Paneloux to soften the tone of
Contagions/Isolations 57
his next sermon.
Suffering increases as the pneumonic vaccine-resistant plague takes hold,
and so do discussions of religion. Father Paneloux, Rieux feels, is theoretical,
not attuned to human suffering, and cannot possibly know the truth of their
dire situation as does he who takes the bedside vigil. How can plague have a
good side by helping “men to rise above themselves”? Life is sacred, period,
and Rieux, even if seen as prideful, must relieve suffering and pain through
whatever means available. A thinning congregation now wears prophylactic
St. Roch medals, and superstition has usurped the place of religion. Priests,
like government, become ineffectual as people die, and mass burials take the
place of religious rites. The priest Paneloux succumbs to the plague and dies,
believing until the end that his faith, only, would protect him, and that he had
no need of a doctor.
Dr. Rieux is seen as a true healer, a saint, for whom there is no rest. With
mastime, the death toll is subsiding so the town plans to open its gate. Grand
seems infected and burns his manuscript, then recovers to renew his efforts.
Unpredictably, the valiant Tarrou contracts the plague and succumbs about the
same time Rieux receives word that his wife has died.
In the end, Rieux, whose exhaustion might leave him prey to crippling
emotions, understands “No resource was left him but to tighten the strangle-
hold on his feeling and harden his heart protectively.” For him, the relief he
needed to maintain sanity, in his wife’s absence, must come from his mother’s
unconditional love. With the disease lessening, Cottard’s fears return, and he
what he hopes will be a literary masterpiece. Dr. Rieux, who we learn is the
narrator, focuses on nishing his plaguechronicle to providea lesson that
plague can strike the strong and weak at any time.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• Denebubonicplagueanddiscussitshistory,symptoms,andrem-
• Whatistheallegoricalsignicanceof The Plague?
• Discuss Camus’ views in The Plague of suffering, death, and religion.
• What do Dr. Rieux’s relationships with Tarrou, Grand, and Rambert
reveal about his morality?
58 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
• Howarethemajorthemesof isolationandsolidarity,sufferingand
the value of human life, and hope and despair played out in the novel?
• What roles do women play in the novel, especially Dr. Rieux’s sup-
• What lessons should we learn from Camus’ description of the
increasingly complex and symbiotic relationship between the media
and medicine?
• Relate The Plague’sdescriptionofwavesof plague,ebbingandowing,
to a recent newspaper account of a viral outbreak in your community.
• In light of Dr. Riuex’s views on heroism, who, in your estimation, is
a true-life hero?
• How does AIDS, a modern global disease challenge, shatter the illu-
Camus, Albert. The Plague. Trans. Stuart Gilbert. New York: Random-Modern
Library, 1948.
Suggested Further Reading
Cook, Robin. Outbreak.NewYork:Berkeley,1988.Auepidemicsweepsthe
Crichton, Michael. Andromeda Strain. New York: Ballentine, 1969.
Defoe, Daniel. Journal of the Plague Year. New York: Modern Library Classics,
2001.Anaccountof theGreatPlagueof London(1664-65)rst
published in 1722.
King, Stephen. The Stand. New York: Doubleday, 1991.
Maugham, Somerset W. Of Human Bondage. New York: Penguin, 1992.
Selzer,Richard.“AMaskontheFaceof Death.”The Exact Location of the
Soul. New York: Picador, 2001: 121-133. AIDS in Haiti.
Contagions/Isolations 59
By too much frolickin’ you can get a dangerous sore down below on
your private parts and through that sore a bug can crawl inside you
and you won’t even know it. And then that bug goes to sleep for
twenty or thirty years so it’s not hurting anybody but you. Because
when it wakes up, you cant walk, you cant breathe, you can’t think.
That’s bad blood. That’s what you got.
—Nurse Evers in Miss Evers’ Boys
Historical Context
Syphilis is a chronic, contagious systemic disease caused by the microscopic
bacterial spirochete Treponema pallidum. It cannot survive for long outside
the body and enters through mucous membranes or skin, typically sexually
ally when, in the sexually transmitted kind, a chancre or lesion appears on the
genitals within four to six weeks of infection. If untreated, the secondary stage
from six to 12 weeks after infection includes headache, fever, nausea, swollen
lymph nodes, rashes, sore throat, and fatigue. Lesions may persist, and grayish
patches with red areolae may occur in the mucous membranes of the mouth
After three months, symptoms may come and go but the whole body is
now infected as bacteria invade vital organs, bone marrow, and the central
nervous system. During a period of latency, from a few years to the end of
eye disorders. But one-third of untreated infections develop into the dreaded
tumors. By this time, the bones are eaten away, and an infected brain and heart
lead to insanity and then death. Syphilis is contagious until its latent stage. In
developed countries antibiotics given for other indications may cure undiag-
nosed syphilis, and aggressive public health education helps contain its spread.
Christopher Columbus, who exposed vulnerable American Indians to
pathogens such as smallpox and measles, is commonly blamed for bringing
60 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
syphilis back from the New World to the Old World. However, new forensic
research might prove syphilis existed in Europe before 1493. What is known
isthatattheendof thefteenthcenturyagreatsyphilis epidemic hit Europe,
with the rate of infection in French soldiers so horrendous it stopped a planned
invasion of Italy. Since then, syphilis has been called the French Disease. Early
treatments included mercury ointments, oral applications, and vapor baths that
usually did more harm than good. Often “sinful” syphilitics were isolated in
leper colonies or hospitals. Later in the 1800s potassium iodide was an effec-
tive treatment.
The breakthrough came in 1905 when German microbiologists Schmudinn
the Wasserman test for detecting syphilis and in 1908 to Paul Ehrlich’s arsenic
treatment, Salvarson(meaning“Isave”).Salvarsonwasalandmarksilverbullet
Ironically, with the advent of Salvarson came a strange backlash. Elements of
society believed giving a cure to the sinful intervened in God’s punishment of
them and promoted promiscuity. Nonetheless, only one in 100 treated patients
recovered until, in 1929, British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming ushered in
the antibiotic era with his accidental discovery of penicillin. Although not
widely used for 15 years, it is still used today, even though bacteria continually
evolve into penicillin-resistant strains.
In Macon County, Alabama, in 1932, the U.S. Public Health Service began
the Tuskegee Syphilis Study(TSS)among600poorAfrican-Americanmen,
who were later excluded from new penicillin treatments. Researchers, who
believed syphilis developed differently in blacks, wanted to study the popula-
tion to improve health conditions in the rural South. For the next 40 years,
group received free meals, general medical care, the Surgeon General’s signed
certicateof appreciation,anda$50burialstipend.Evenaftertherewaswide-
spread knowledge that penicillin could cure syphilis, only protiodide, iron, and
ing, with aspirin the only analgesic.
In a simultaneous assault on humanity vastly more extensive in scope,
the Angel of Death, used concentration camp victims as human guinea pigs
Contagions/Isolations 61
inatrocious experimentsincluding freezing,burning, andvivisection.In an
effort to accomplish “racial hygiene” to build a master race, there were forced
abortions,sterilizations,and euthanasia. Campinmates deliberately infected
with bacteria or malaria had various drugs tested on them to determine effec-
tiveness. In twin studies, if one purposefully infected twin died, the other was
Hitler’sdoctors killedmillions,inictingpain andsuffering inthe nameof
After World War II, a second syphilis epidemic occurred in 1947, with
106,000 cases reported in the United States. Public health measures were taken
sexual revolution caused an increase in cases. Meanwhile, in 1972 a whistle-
blower, alarmed that men in the TSS were not offered penicillin, caused the
study to stop. Because syphilis can pass through placentas into unborn babies,
many of the children had syphilis, and in 1974 the U.S. government paid an
out-of-court settlement of $10 million to the few survivors or the heirs of the
Not until 1997, however, did the government, through President Clin-
ton, ofcially apologize to the surviving men and their families. Likewise,
sixdecadesaftertheatrocious Naziexperiments,leadingGermanscientists
every moral boundary of humanity.’’ Public health epidemiologists continue
to study syphilis within populations. It gives important data for tracking syphi-
lis around the world and for targeting public education preventive measures,
leading to lower rates of infection. Routine STD testing, here and abroad,
helps stop widespread infections.
The history of Western medical ethics goes back to 400 B.C. when Hip-
pocrates, the Father of Medicine, promulgated guidelines for ethical medical
conduct referred to as the Hippocratic Oath, simply put: “to be useful, but,
when English doctor Thomas Percival published rules for morality and service.
Code of Ethics in 1846.Recentrevisionsemphasizepublichealtheducation.
Theall-importantNurembergCode(1947)derivedfromthetrialof 23
62 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
ies for moral, ethical, and legal practices in approved medical experiments,
speakingtotheprimacyof humanworthoveranyscienticvalues,nomat-
ter how worthy. The 10 principles of the Nuremberg Code, used worldwide,
greater than the study’s humanitarian importance; requiring it be based on
mentalandphysicalsuffering;requiringapreliminaryinvestigationof thefacts
and that the investigators be scientically qualied; and giving the human
subjecttherighttoterminatetheexperimentif physicalormentalconditions
warrant it.
Subsequentcodicationsaddressingcrimesof scienceincludetheDec-
laration of Geneva (1948), which mentions the importance of maintaining
dignityinthe art of medicineandavoidingprejudices; andtheDeclaration
of Helsinki (1964), which, as modied in 2000, states “the well-being of
thehumansubject shouldtakeprecedence overtheinterestof science and
monitor ongoing trials, especially regarding use of placebos, funding details,
andconictsof interest.
BesidesIRBs,theU.S.Ofceof HumanResearchProtectionsischarged
with overseeing human research volunteers. At present, with technologies
rapidly evolving from the Human Genome Project, medical ethics (known
to individuals. Unfortunately, unconscionable experiment protocols are not a
thing of the past, continually challenging IRBs to interpret research data and
Synopsis of the Play
Feldshuh’s seven-character, two-act play is set mainly in the sparsely fur-
nished Possom Hollow Schoolhouse in rural Macon County near the town
of Tuskegee, Alabama. A 1972 Senate subcommittee investigation is ongoing
in spotlighted testimony areas. In the prologue Nurse Eunice Evers gives her
professionaloathof faithfulness,condentiality,loyalty,anddevotion.Inact
I (1932-Contagion), shetalks about her motivation to be a nurseand how
she has become a PHS nurse-liaison to four tenant farmers, Hodman, Willie,
Contagions/Isolations 63
Caleb, and Ben, who are variously dgety, superstitious, and deant, while
being tested for “bad blood.
Hodman, 37, believes in magic cures like putting a knife under the bed
to cut pain. Willie, 19, wants to win a gillee dancing contest and move North.
The analytical Caleb, 25, is the most literate. At 57 compliant Ben writes his
name with an “X” on the blackboard, but not wanting “to rile nobody,” hastily
erases it. Evers gains their trust and entices them into the TSS with promises
of hot food and “free doctorin’.” The men are afraid that blood-drawing to see
if theywerebittenbya“parakeet”(misunderstandingfor“spirochete”)will
cause impotence. They also suspect the government is lining them up for mili-
tary induction. But Evers sells the idea of government interest in their welfare
and that waiting for testing might be too late, leading to insanity and death. She
gives them a ride to the gillee contest, which they enter as Miss Evers’ Boys.
In scenes 2 through 5, the black Dr. Eugene Brodus, a 34-year-old U.S.
PHSeldphysicianwhoismoreof aresearch-orientedmedicaldoctorthana
congenial people person, does a trial workup on the four men. He asks Evers
“bad blood.” Brodus tries to connect with the men on a musical and dance
two-yearcourseof treatmentwithmercurysalvesandarsenicinjectionsthat
is55 percenteffective—“if it didnt killyourst.” Theyare treatedfor six
months until government money runs out.
The Tuskegee Memorial Hospital administrator, Dr. Douglas, confers
with Brodus and Evers, convincing them to keep the federal government’s
attention by studying untreated syphilis for six months, to acquire facts to
differentiate the disease along racial lines, and to set new PHS priorities for
to a 1909 Oslo study of 300 white syphilitics, with the hope the government
would stop saying, “Dont throw white money after a colored mans disease.”
The plan, revealed in the play’s exposition, is for Douglas to examine
the men periodically, coordinate data, and be the liaison between Washing-
ton, D.C., and Macon County. He would be both physician and scientist, an
drawn blood, and spinal taps for neurological tests, then money would become
available for treatment. The men must not suspect protocol change, Douglas
warns. Brodus agrees, desiring recognition for Tuskegee, but Evers knows the
64 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
men are only getting heat liniment treatment and will infect others. Douglas
entices each man to stay in the study with $50 for a decent burial, and Evers
ment becomes available.
In scene 6 at the schoolhouse, Evers helps Douglas give a searingly painful
spinal tap to Caleb, who does not tell the others, fearing they will be deprived
of government care. As Evers helps Douglas with the procedure, she recalls
trained nurse. Caleb trusts them to help him get healthy.
Three days later, in scene 7, Evers delivers the spinal tap report to Dr.
Brodus, admitting she hated lying to the boys about the taps’ importance to
of being both a caring nurse and a detached scientist.
In scene 8, one week later at the schoolhouse, the boys practice for the
gillee contest that evening. Evers teaches Ben to write his name on the black-
board, and he tries to convince her they need her. While they wait for the car
to arrive to take them to the contest, they talk about how a life insurance policy
for an autopsy. The gillee contest is spirited.
Inact 2(1946-Progression),scene 1,theaudience learns that penicillin
has been introduced as a treatment for syphilis in all but the Tuskegee study
group. Evers has been close with the men for 14 years. They seem pain free
and appear healthy. But such a hidden, unpredictable disease can catch you
by surprise. Besides, treatment is dangerous and no money is available. Then
came the silver bullet, penicillin, which offered a cure for her men, who were
and their gillee group. They demand some “new doctorin’.” Drs. Brodus and
Douglas tell Evers her boys are too far gone for penicillin to help, and, in
fact,itmightkillthemwiththeHerxheimerallergicreaction;or,if penicillin
kills the spirochete embedded in a heart muscle, it could cause the heart to
disintegrate—or to explode.
center to get a penicillin hip shot, but she talks Willie out of it, telling him
Contagions/Isolations 65
Brodus and Douglas examine him, revealing a “slight slurring” of his right
foot, indicating progressive syphilis, but he feels special, like he’s “riding in
the front of the train.” Evers privately urges the doctors to tell Willie about
of unprofessional behavior and too much patient attachment. Douglas says
penicillin is a small risk to Willie, but there is greater danger because if he gets
it and dies anyway, then all 6,000 untreated syphilitics in the county will resist
treatment and spread the disease. Brodus stresses to Evers that continuing the
study is a chance to do something special, pushing “past the hate, past the idea
of difference.” Willie comes back to the room and apologetically asks them
if he needs new “doctorin’.” Brodus’ half-truth response is that new research
science will not help every single person, but “more people are helped than
hurt.” Evers offers him hope, and that day the U.S. government gives each
studyparticipantacerticateof appreciationand$14,oneforeachyear.
In scene 4, outside the schoolhouse, the superstitious Hodman tries an
old May tea and moonlight cure on Willie. But Caleb knows that all over the
county penicillin is the new cure. Douglas convinces Brodus he will never
get future funding if he wavers in this study, but Brodus says the equality
of penicillins response to the disease on whites and blacks has already been
proved. Douglas argues they need to foster a sense of fear in order to get more
or more is at stake. But to Evers these men are her friends and neighbors, and
her doubts multiply.
In scene 5 at the schoolhouse three months later, Caleb tells Evers peni-
cillin has helped him but the moon cure has not helped Willie. Evers repeats
that the government will not let her give Willie penicillin, but she must stay
there to help her people. Caleb invites Evers to go with him but then leaves,
saying he must use his brain and mouth.
In scene 6, four months later at Memorial Hospital, Ben is in a wheelchair
getting breathing instructions. Evers offers him $50 for burial if he’ll sign an
autopsy permission, but he resists, thinking he will look cut up in his open cas-
ket. She convinces him it is okay, and that he is part of something important
He has been practicing for 14 years and signs his name “Ben Washington.” He
thanks Evers for caring for him and for doing all she could to make him well.
66 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Besides, he loved riding in the government car. As a nurse she was following
the doctors’ orders, she told him, and cries remorsefully when Ben tells her he
knows she will always do right by him.
In scene 7, two months later, Dr. Brodus tells Dr. Douglas penicillin would
be too late, but Brodus argues it has helped others no matter what stage they’re
in.Douglassaystheyaredifferentasstudysubjectsbecause14yearsof work
validatingthefacts byautopsy.He rationalizesonly thebest studypossible
will“unravelthesecretsof thisdisease”andhonorthemenssacrices“for
something greater than they’ll ever understand.
ised. She repeats her nurse’s oath before God “not to harm my patients.” Dr.
Douglas orders Evers to call every doctor in the Tuskegee area and tell them
they are not to treat study participants with penicillin. Evers begins cracking
from carrying too heavy a burden, but Dr. Brodus convinces her they each
serve their race in different ways and have trade-offs. In scene 8, two days
later, Evers gives penicillin to Hodman, whose eyes are being affected by the
disease. Having gone insane, he drinks poison and dies. Evers wonders if the
penicillin had given him Herxheimer reaction from which he died. She gives
Willie hip shots as well.
In the 1972 epilogue, the Senate committee hears the evidence. A whistle-
blowerinformednewspapersthe subjects werehuman guineapigs watched
to see what bad blood would do. Willie received a course of penicillin out of
the county and partly recovered. Caleb also left, was treated, and recovered.
Evers told the men the disease “had three parts: you get it, you forget it , and
then you regret it 20 years later when it comes back to haunt you.” And that
is how it was with her study participation as well. She continues reporting on
theremainingsubjects.Calebuseshiscerticateof appreciationasevidenceto
that the study proved blacks and whites were affected the same, but Brodus
counters they were not given a choice. And what about Nurse Evers who
pulled Willie out of the treatment line in Birmingham? She loved her boys but,
bluntly put, got some of them buried.
In the end, Feldshuh tells us that Evers, even with her tarnished nursing
ideals, was left with “little blame” compared to the government and its doctors
who held “the big blame.
Contagions/Isolations 67
Literary Analysis
David Feldshuh’s Miss Evers’ Boys derived from James H. Jones’ Bad Blood: The
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment aswellasfrommedicalarticles,1930sAlabamaeld
interviews, and Senate testimony. In two acts set in the Possom Hollow School
Houseoutsideof thetownof Tuskegee,Alabama,theplayctionallyportrays
howtheU.S.PublicHealthService(PHS)experimentedonagroupof black
set up the Tuskegee Syphilis Study (TSS) to nd better ways to treat poor
syphilitic southern blacks. Presuming there would be great value in studying
syphilis in different races, they were eager to compare their results with the
1909 Oslo studyanalyzingautopsiesof whitemaleswithuntreatedsyphilis.
In an unprecedented partnership, trained black medical staff worked
alongsidewhitemedicalprofessionalswhothought theirsubjectscouldnot
understand the research and would not consent to it without enticements.
Throughout the play the nurse liaison, Miss Eunice Evers, who was assigned
to foster trust and cooperation, gives us her views on the nontherapeutic study
and on her two doctors, U.S. PHS Dr. Eugene Brodus and Tuskegee Memorial
Hospital head Dr. John Douglas, the only white character. The action begins
in 1932 before penicillin was widely used, and it ends in 1972 after a public
health whistleblower closed the study down 25 years after the Nuremberg
some say a complicit PHS, which lacked a master protocol and was severely
it was a different time.
Evers, a pivotal character in Feldshuh’s play, speaks intermittently to the
1972 Senate subcommittee investigators, in scenes set up as testimony areas,
to give us a retrospective sense of the time period. Watching her father die
from untreatable pneumonia motivated her to become a nurse, and she takes
her professional oath seriously. Evers has sworn to maintain high standards
by practicing faithfully, condentially, and without administering harmful
medicine.Hertruedilemmacomeswiththesecondpartof theoath,ndingit
impossible to be both loyal to her physicians’ work and devoted to her patients’
welfare. Incredibly, the study is set up so that Evers’ duties simultaneously
68 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
a detached scientist who withholds lifesaving medicine, a duplicity that cannot
consent by enticing them into the study with incentives of free meals, health
burial. Although the 1947 Nuremberg Code’s standard informed consent rules
were not in effect, Evers withholds a great deal of information to gain their
trust. For example, when therapeutic mercury and arsenic treatment is stopped
after six months due to lack of funds, she does not tell them the study is
continuing on them as untreated syphilitics. Instead, they are promised, when
Drs. Brodus and Douglas have slightly different motivations for continu-
ing the TSS. Douglas wants to differentiate racial response to syphilis, believing
the humanitarian importance of the research to society outweighs the gravity
of thesubjects’deaths.Healsowantstokeepthefearlevelhighsothatmore
government funds will be forthcoming. Brodus initially wants to stop the study
once penicillin has been proved a silver bullet cure, but then he compromises
his integrity by going along with Douglas. Neither medical professional seems
to be able to perceive the difference between his doctor and scientist duties.
disability and then death would occur in the study group.
What is most unconscionable, however, is that the PHS medical profes-
sionals watched the men unnecessarily suffer unbelievable mental and physi-
cal pain. For this reason, as the study progressed into the 14th year, lying to
her boys became a burden for Evers, especially when their suspicions caused
the study’s protocol and died, proud that he had earned a government cer-
ticate and a proper burial. The superstitious Hodman went mad, drank a
magic potion, and died from the poison. Caleb, the most literate, learned about
penicillin and was treated in time. Evers took dancing Willie, the youngest, out
of a treatment line, convinced by Douglas that penicillin in Willie’s late-stage
syphilis, with improbability of cure, might set off an allergic reaction or kill
off spirochetes, causing his heart to explode. He suffered the crippling effects
of the disease. Today, with a known cure available, it would be considered a
Contagions/Isolations 69
the doctors continued the delusion to keep the study viable for comparison
if the study participants were given penicillin but died, then the thousands
of untreated syphilitics in the country would refuse treatment. The doctors
convinced Evers that her part in the study is a chance to do something special.
Thestudywentbeyondtheperiodof aknowncureandaprovenequality
in black-white response because Douglas believed extending the fear would get
the few for the greater good and argued against invalidating 14 years of work.
Taking their study “to the end point” meant to autopsy, and he ordered Evers
to advise all Tuskegee doctors to refuse treatment to study participants. Ironi-
cally, once penicillin was found to successfully treat syphilis, it made the study
marginally relevant. The big issue is that Evers’ boys, mostly illiterate men who
did not read the news, were lied to. They were told that diagnostic spinal taps
were therapeutic, and that penicillin could kill them. The enticements of food
and medicine negated any possibility of voluntary consent. Evers’ burden is
heavy especially because she watched two of her friends, the study’s human
on the nursing ideals that had guided her life.
were on trial for research crimes on humans. Like Nuremberg, a legacy of dis-
trust follows the TSS, especially the rumor that participants were intentionally
infected with syphilis, promulgating notions of genocide. TSS folklore—scien-
generations explains the distrust of white medicine, creating a healthcare gap.
In 2011 a new government initiative, Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities
in Health, helps to end the practice of lower minority medical standards in six
priority areas. They are infant mortality, cancer screening and management,
tion, which in 1997, the National Minority AIDS Council reported, infected
one in 50 black men. The catch-22isthatitisdifculttoobtainmoreblack
subjectsinclinicaltrialswithsuchanengrainedlegacyof distrust,including
the notion that the statistics are a hoax.
More than 30 years later, what lessons have we learned from the TSS,
a metaphor for research abuse? To begin with, it is necessary for studies to
applyacarefuldenitionof voluntary,informedconsentandtohavespecic
70 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
institutional review boards monitor research protocol to preserve the rights
of human subjects. Furthermore, scientists devising study protocols must
entlyinferior,andtheymustbewaryof puttingtoogreatasignicanceinthe
biological and social difference in race. And, lastly, researchers must see their
study participants as people like themselves.
permeates the results. The fact is that medicine still relies on the 40-year TSS as
a valuable source of information on diagnosing and treating syphilis. Clearly,
in teaching this medical history on the potential for immorality in research
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• What did the legacy of the Jim Crow Era contribute to the Tuskegee
SyphilisStudyandhowspecicallydidtheCivilRightsActof 1964
change the potential for racial segregation and discrimination?
• How did British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming’s 1929 accidental
discoveryof penicillininuencethehistoryof syphilis?
• Denesyphilisanddescribeitsearlytreatments.Whatdotheterms
“bad blood” and “back shots” mean?
• Is Nurse Evers a traitor for using powerful incentives to entice her
• In what way has the TSS’s legacy of distrust permeated the black
community, and how did President Clinton attempt to regain trust?
• What is the U.S. Public Health Service and how do their epidemiolo-
gists educate the public?
• WhatareInstitutionalReviewBoards(IRBs)anduponwhatcode(s)
do they base their human research protocols?
• Describe the ethical principles that would make it illegal and uncon-
scionable today for PHS doctors to engage in subterfuge in order to
entice participants into a study.
• How do you divide PHS blame in the TSS among Evers, Douglas,
and Brodus?
Contagions/Isolations 71
• Whatspecictenetsof theNurembergCodedidtheTSSviolateafter
Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health. A government initiative.
Feldshuh, David. Miss Evers’ Boys. New York: Theatre Communications
Group, 1990.
National Center for Bioethics in Research and Health Care, Tuskegee
University. http://www.tuskegee.edu/about_us/centers_of_excellence/
“Syphilis.The Merck Manual. http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/
Tuskegee’s Truths: Rethinking the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Ed. Susan M. Reverby.
Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2000.
Suggested Further Reading
Benedek,ThomasG.;Erlen,Jonathan.“TheScienticEnvironmentof the
Tuskegee Study of Syphilis, 1920-1960.Perspectives in Biology and Medicine,
Hurston, Zora Neale. “My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience.On
Doctoring. Ed. Richard Reynolds and John Stone. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1995: 121-2. Racist medical treatment.
Jones, James H. Bad Blood: The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. New York: Free
Press, 1993.
Klass, Perri. “Invasions.” On Doctoring. Ed. Richard Reynolds and John Stone.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995: 407-10. Insensitive residents’
responses upon learning an elderly man has syphilis.
“Lasting Legacy: An Apology 65 Years Late.The News Hours with Jim Lehrer
Lederer, Susan. Subjected to Science: Human Experimentation in America Before
the Second World War. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Williams, William Carlos. “Use of Force.The Doctor Stories. Ed. Robert Coles.
New York: New Directions, 1984. A young diphtheria patient rebels.
Chapter Four
Illness and Culture: An Analysis of Ken Kesey’s
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Alice Walker’s
Possessing the Secret of Joy
Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest embodies the rebellious energy of
the psychedelic 1960s, a prosperous time following World War II when drugs
were rampant and the counterculture challenged authority. A classic descrip-
tion of mental illness, Cuckoo’s Nest encapsulates Kesey’s experimentation with
alternative forms of perception, while highlighting ethical issues.
The setting is a mental institution where a power struggle exists between
thestaff andthepatientsafictedwithmanytypesof mentalillness.Paradoxi-
cally, reading this important novel feels liberating while it asks the disturbing
The United States has gone through a slow and arduous process to learn
how to identify and to treat mental disorders. Finally, in 1946 the National
Institute of Mental Healthwascreated,recognizingtheneedtodiagnoseand
to help the mentally ill. With the advent of mental institutions came radical
therapies such as electroshock treatment and lobotomy. Today these contro-
versial approaches are often replaced by psychotherapy, the so-called talking
cure, and by drug regimens. With today’s brain scans and DNA analysis some
mental disorders are more readily detected and easily treated. Other topics
Cuckoo’s Nestdevelopsconcernsexualityandinstitutionalization;humorand
Kesey’s Cuckoo’s Nestcontinuestoinuencetwenty-rstcenturymedical
issues and ethics as does Walker’s Possessing by describing the cultural origins
of mental illness.Thefemalegenitalmutilation(FGM)ritualWalkerdescribes
in a certain African culture illustrates how society constructs practices that
Illness and Culture 73
viewed as sane in one culture, is judged unethical and criminally insane in
others, linking health and human rights. Increasing immigration brings the
surgical ritual, once commonplace in Puritan times, back to the United States.
In addition, worldwide awareness causes petitioners seeking asylum based on
Possessing the Secret of Joy also teaches morality lessons and shows the im-
portance of the mother-child relationship all within the context of cultural
relativism and Social Darwinism. The main issue, however, of global concern
is how human rights violations perpetuate womens mental and physical health
problems. In the Western world the long history in which women were seen as
thinking was at the heart of early Greek medical practices such as female cir-
sal Declaration of Human Rights states that human rights are inalienable: “No
Both Kesey and Walker show how illness derives from culture as well as
from disease and that our views on normalcy depend on the culture and the
time in which we live. While Possessing the Secret of Joy projectsissuesthatfor
150 million women worldwide who have undergone FGM, Walker has crafted
a book of literary importance.
74 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
The ward door opened, and the black boys wheeled in this
gurney with a chart at the bottom that said in heavy black letters,
was written in ink, LOBOTOMY.
—Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Historical Context
Ken Kesey (1935-2001), born in Colorado and reared in Oregon, appreci-
ated nature and loved wrestling. He received a degree in speech and com-
munication from the University of Oregon. Then, with a Woodrow Wilson
Scholarship, he enrolled in the Stanford University Creative Writing program.
While a graduate student, he participated in life-altering psychology depart-
ment research involving psilocybin, mescaline, amphetamine, and LSD. For
expanding drugs. Later, as a Veterans Administration psychiatric ward orderly
on the night shift, he observed that many of the patients, rather than being
Broom,hisschizophrenicnarratorinOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
His novel was an immediate success, allowing Kesey and his wife Faye to
menting with drugs, believing altered mental states could improve society. Be-
cause Kesey’s parties were notorious for illegal drug use, he was soon arrested
attentionof NealCassady(heroof JackKerouac’sOn the Road)andothers,and
soon the hippie-aesthetic, antiwar group the Merry Pranksters was formed,
exploding into the psychedelic era.
In 1964 the notorious Pranksters drove cross-country in a Day-Glo bus,
obstensively to see the New York World’s Fair, but it became instead a creative
adventure. Cassady drove the bus, and its riders dropped acid and smoked
a metaphor for “living your art,” and the saying, “You’re either on the bus or
you’re off the bus,” was Beat Generation lingo for creative tripping.
Illness and Culture 75
Kesey wrote other novels, but none achieved the success of Cuckoo’s Nest,
tions. Late in life, Kesey, the pied piper of the psychedelic era, took drugs only
forhisdiabetesandhepatitisC,ndingthepureadrenalineof experiencing
nature enough. He died November 10, 2001, in Pleasant Hill, Oregon, follow-
ing surgery for liver cancer.
Cuckoo’s Nest continues to be a prototypical depiction of mental illness by
describing various mental disabilities as well as the legal and ethical issues aris-
ing from them. The novel’s publication brought to the American conscious-
ness what a slow and arduous process it has been to dene and to devise
treatment for mental disorders. In Colonial times, before the proper diagnosis
of the mentally ill and retarded, madmen roamed free. Alternatively, shamed
families cruelly locked abnormal relatives in an attic or chained them to a wall.
inherent in the mentally ill.
The very rst mental institutions were small, primitive nontherapeutic
holding facilities. Before then, troublesome individuals, including the poor,
were incarcerated with criminals or sent to the poorhouse. Over time, demonic
criminals from the mentally ill who are often involuntarily committed upon
proof they would be a danger to themselves or others.
A shameful past includes the 1920s eugenics movement, a practice of
sterilizingthe feeblemindedand otherswith conditionssuchas alcoholism,
promiscuity, epilepsy, and even running away from home. In the 1930s an-
other procedure performed for the greater good was neuropsychiatrist Dr.
Walter Freemans icepick psychosurgery. Also known as lobotomy, it partially
destroyedoneof thebrainsfrontallobes,causinggreatdisguration.Psycho-
surgery relieves suffering—their anxious and fearful personalities—Freeman
explains, “without the long, painful process of developing insight in the pa-
tients.” Going back to their homes, they can “survive in the very environment
case studies, the postoperative realities sound grim. Patients were described
as slothful, irritable, and angry. With the relationship between the brain and
the mind being continually studied, the idea of operating on the brain to cure
madness seems reasonable. Adverse publicity arising from Cuckoo’s Nest, how-
76 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
ever, caused lobotomy to be largely replaced with antipsychotic drugs, but suc-
cessful psychosurgeries like cingulotomy relieve severe compulsive neuroses
and depression.
The use of electroconvulsive therapy(ECT),whichisalsocalledelectro-
shock therapy, is a central theme in Cuckoo’s Nest. In 1938, after an earlier sci-
Italian scientists Cereletti and Bini devised ECT as a way to manage uncon-
trollable patients. Today, a severely depressed patient receiving ECT, adminis-
tered in a series of treatments, has an intravenous relaxant administered and
a mouth guard inserted before an anesthetic renders him unconscious. The
temples. Electric current comparable to a 60-watt bulb shoots through the
utes later, confused and disoriented, with a headache and short-term memory
loss. But complications from possible fractures and dislocations caused by
muscle contractions are a thing of the past. In essence, ECT helps disturbed
patients regain the control necessary to enter into a therapeutic relationship.
For generations Kesey‘s Cuckoo’s Nest inamedthepublicconsciousness
by depicting ECT as a means to punish misbehaving patients, easily associating
it with electrocution. Over the years attempts to pass state laws banning ECT
be an effective treatment for severely depressed and suicidal patients, espe-
cially after psychotherapy and slow-acting, cyclical drug regimens fail.
brain disease often detectable on a PET scan that indicates receptor chem-
istry abnormality. It affects millions of Americans who often feel ashamed
they cannot pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Hence, they often fail to
seek help. New electromagnetic brain treatments, easily applied and without
side effects, are proving effective, and recent NIH DNA studies indicate a 50
percent to 80 percent genetic component. In 2003 scientists, after working
decades, documented a clear link between a gene controlling serotonin levels
in the brain and depression, leading to possible new drugs. Linking genes with
behavior, scientists say depression has roots in both genetics and personal his-
tory. For better or worse, drug regimens—even with their side effects—often
replace lengthy patient-oriented talk sessions as the standard of care.
ThesearejustafewwaystoilluminatespecicissuesinCuckoo’s Nest. As
Illness and Culture 77
explained earlier, over the centuries attempts to treat madness have, from our
diagnosis may lie in constant revelations arising from brain imaging and the
deciphered genome, with the promise of targeted treatments. Nonetheless,
even with vast knowledge of the human body, Edward Shorter adds: “Science
wandersastrayeasilyintheworldof quotidiananxietyandsadness,intheob-
sessivetraitsof behaviorandthemisringpersonalitytypesthatarethelotof
humankind. Here the genetic trail grows dim and the neurotransmitters evapo-
rate.Biologycountsforlittle,cultureandsocializationforlots”(A History of
Psychiatry 288).Thenatureversusnurturedebate is very much alive.
Synopsis of the Novel
An Oregon state mental institution in the 1960s is the scene for a contest of
wills between the staff and the inmates. The catatonic Native American Indian
Chief (theBigChief orChief Broom)narratesOne Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
even though he appears deaf and mute. Diagnosed with delusional paranoia,
while in a fog and feeling helpless, he fears the Combine controls everything.
The driving force in the mental institution is the militaristic Nurse Ratched
(theBigNurse),whowieldsher authorityseverelyovereveryone,including
the professional medical staff, the black boy aides, and the patients. The new
prisoner, has feigned insanity to be transferred from Pendleton Work Farm. In
his cocky, in-your-face manner, he introduces himself as “a gambling fool” to
other asylum inmates. Using his charm, he craftily sets them up as pigeons to
pluck in card games.
The patients are divided into the incurable Chronics like the big half-breed
Chief,whoisaawedproductof theCombine,andthecurableAcuteswho
Nurse Ratched eggs on, attacking them where they are most vulnerable. A
patient may come in as an Acute and then be turned into a robotic Chronic
electroshock or psychosurgery. Threats with these therapies enforce coopera-
tion while keeping the two groups separated. Ratched has already assessed
Mack as a troublemaker who will manipulate the system and disrupt the ward.
She runs a tight ship, shunning outside disturbances to keep the precision asy-
78 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
tells us, has been handpicked and after years of training modeled to suit her
needs, staying “in contact on a high-voltage wavelength of hate.” She taught
them her way to get inmates into shape was to patiently “wait for a little advan-
tage . . . then twist the rope and keep the pressure steady.
Throughthefogof hisschizophreniatheChief keenlywatchesthenew
admission, McMurphy, in the group psychotherapy session. Ratched begins
the discussion from a topic logged in the ward book having to do with patient
Dale Harding’s promiscuous, well-endowed young wife, his feelings of inferi-
ority, and the resultant sexual dysfunction. He is a probable case of situational
madness resulting from his wife’s emasculating nature.
Mack had initially challenged Harding, the effeminate, college-educated
president of the Patients’ Council, for the role of the Bull Goose Loony or the
Alpha male, but they soon become friendly when Harding proves a valuable
source of information. Mack garners the most interest in the meeting, how-
ever, when Ratched introduces him as a recipient of the Distinguished Service
was dishonorably discharged for insubordination and later arrested for drunk-
enness, gambling, assault and battery, and statutory rape. Mack refutes only
the latter. Dr. Spivey, the ward doctor, misaddresses him as “Mr. McMurry”—
Ratched’s attempt to demoralize Mack by mispronouncing his name—and
looksintohisle,readingthediagnosis:“repeatedoutbreaksof passionthat
suggest the possible diagnosis of psychopath.” In retaliation, Mack tries to
intimidate Ratched.
Dr. Spivey explains the group meeting protocol and why a democratic
therapeutic community, as a prototype of the outside world, requires con-
formity that will allow them to return to the outside. The patients in group
therapy are encouraged to discuss and confess, revealing the secrets of the
subconscious. Rather than being Freud-inspired talk therapy, though, it turns
out to be a Ratched-led pecking party, and this time Harding is unmercifully
grilled and shamed. Hearing all this and watching an agitated patient receive a
subduing hip shot, Mack, in the end, thinks it might be smart to carefully as-
sess the situation before he makes any kind of play. He enters into a lengthy
dialogue with Harding and others about Ratched’s role in emasculating them,
culminating in a bet that he will “get her goat” within a week.
Mack’s rebellious nature takes over as he begins rallying the patients and
Illness and Culture 79
gaining hero status by challenging Ratched’s authority and by procuring special
favors for them. For example, in the shower room Mack complains to a black
orderly about the ward policy that he can brush his teeth at only a certain time,
and when Ratched comes in, he tells her his clothes were taken and threat-
ens to drop his towel. Ratched angrily calls for new clothes. Further taunting
Ratched, Mack complains about loud ward music overriding his conversation
hearing older patients. Mack then presses to move his game to the old tub
room, no longer in use because drugs have replaced hydrotherapy. She refuses,
but Mack persuades Dr. Spivey to change the venue. Mack continues to break
the rules by using real money, not cigarettes, to play Monopoly. He takes bets
on the World Series. In a key vote to watch the World Series, Mack gets the
Chief to raise his hand. Ratched balks at the schedule change, and the Acutes
do a sit-in protest in front of the TV set. With each loss of authority Ratched
patiently, coldly waits: “She has all the power of the Combine behind her.
In Part 2 Ratched is suspicious of the Chief s new cognitive responsive-
lifting.Ina staff meeting, thequestionariseswhetherMackisaclevercon
man or a violent psychopath. Ratched convinces others that sending Mack to
keeping him in the general population where, before long, he will show his
is an extraordinary man, capable of resisting the Combine. Noting aberrant
staff actions,however,hequestionswhointhementalinstitutioniscomplete-
ly sane. Mack’s leadership continues to embolden the Acutes. He has given
rationingcigarettes.ThenMack,inacatch-22,backsoff whenherealizes,as
an involuntarily committed patient, that Ratched decides if he is cured or not
other patients, possibly leading to patient Cheswick’s suicide. Ward privileges
are revoked, and therapy sessions return to silence.
Mack witnesses an epileptic seizure, learning about the side effects of
the drug that may prevent it, as well as the staff wielding its power through
usingECT(“brainburning”),which,ironically,isactuallytheinductionof a
voluntarily committed themselves, are free to leave at any time. It is only their
80 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
fears of the outside world that keep them there. Ratched, feeling her control
returned, smugly informs the men that they must have the privilege of using
the tub room for card playing taken away as punishment for their insurrections
andthathavingasenseof orderanddisciplinewillhelpthemadjusttosocietal
rulesintheoutside world.Convincedshehad thenal victoryandcontrol
over Mack, Ratched is startled to see him plunge his hand through the glass
window of the nurses’ station, extracting one of his own cigarettes. She does
not retaliate but bides her time.
In Part 3 sports are introduced, causing the men to renew their muscle-
hand through Ratched’s glass window. Tension builds as Mack’s rebelliousness
increases. At this time, he recruits the patients to go on a supervised deep-sea
shingtrip,butRatchedfrightensthemen.TheChief reallywantstogobut
knows he will blow his cover by indicating so. Acting deaf has allowed him to
hear. It started as a child when outside people who saw an American Indian as
electric dam, the government had his white mother, instead of his father, sign
the deal. The Chief begins to emerge from his silence one night when Mack
offers him some gum, and he replies, “Thank you.” A conversation ensues,
and Mack works on the Chief s ego to convince him to throw the tub room
control panel out of the window for escape.
Mackpushestoarrangeadeep-seashingtrip,signinguptheChief asthe
only Chronic going. With great effort, because Ratched had tried to “damp
themanoutof them,”Mackgetsthequotaneededforthetrip.But,when
only one chaperone shows up, the prostitute Candy Starr, Dr. Spivey must
step forward as the second chaperone. All the way to the dock, the men show
bravado and courage, and instinctively manliness once derailed returns. They
surpass manyobstacles on theirroad trip tothe sea;in the end,without a
to formerly emasculated men. The laughter “started slow and pumped itself
full, swelling the men bigger and bigger.” Mack watches as the men appear to
slowly take back their lives. Billy and Candy become smitten, and Mack invites
her to the mental institution on Saturday.
At the mental institution in Part 4, Ratched plots to discredit Mack by
disclosing to the patients how much money he is making on them from gam-
Illness and Culture 81
bling and arranging games and trips. Her ploy seems to be working, until Mack
andtheChief defendGeorgeSorensoninastghtwiththeblackorderlies.
As punishment, they receive ECT in the Disturbed Ward, which Mack com-
pares to electrocution. Because he will not relent, but rather acts heroically,
Ratched orders more ECT for Mack. When he begins to attain legendary sta-
tus, Ratched brings him back to her ward where she works on making him
appear weak.
Still rebellious, Mack arranges for Billy to lose his virginity to Candy dur-
ing a drunken night on the ward. The other patients urge Mack to escape, rath-
er than face further repercussion from Ratched. But, drugged and drunk, he
falls asleep. In the morning, Ratched takes it all in and threatens to tell Billy’s
mother about his encounter with Candy. After Billy cuts his own throat, Mack
attacksRatched.Inretaliation,shehashimlobotomized.TheChief humanely
releases Mack from his vegetative state by suffocating him, and then escapes
back out into his life.
Literary Analysis
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,oneof themostinuentialnovelsof thetwen-
tieth century, derives from Ken Kesey’s observations at a mental institution.
Although it is a popular myth that Cuckoo’s Nest sprung full-blown from Ke-
sey’s drug-induced state, he admits only some of it was inspired that way. Writ-
ten during the post-World War II era of the psychedelic 1960s, when the U.S.
faced a Communist threat, he wanted his black satire’s good versus evil plot,
rich with symbols, literary allusions, and bioethical and medical issues, to show
government control. As a prototypical depiction of mental illness, Cuckoo’s
Nest describes how the mentally ill were treated, and this analysis focuses on
the effects of the therapies applied at the time.
The Chief s observations as narrator make him the most important char-
acter in the novel. The “deaf and dumb” American Indian, who has seen his
lands taken away to build a hydroelectric dam and his family destroyed, tells
thestory,at rstin a ashback sequenceand then inhallucinatory visions.
It is possible to trace throughout the novel his passage out of the fog of
schizophrenia.Theactioncentersonthefree-spiritedRandle P.McMurphy
come out of the sky to save us from the Combine,” the Chief believes. Mack
82 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
facesoff againstNurseRatched,whopersoniesgovernmentalauthorityand
The Combine includes Ratched’s network of hand-picked and personally
in feigning mental illness to leave a prison work farm. However much of a
con man he appears to be, though, in setting up gambling opportunities, his
antiauthoritarian rebelliousness makes him an imperfect antihero. Because he
has been involuntarily committed by the prison, Ratched has absolute power
to hold him until she deems him cured. But most of the other Acute patients
who are deemed hardcore and seek institutional discipline can release them-
acockycomicbookgure.Regardlessof theimpurityof Mack’sself-serving
patients to be liberated. Considering the complexity of mental states, it is am-
biguouswhether heextendedhis stay (breakingthenurses’station window
twice)forhisgreedorforsolidaritywithpatients.Ishethevictimof anill-
conceived plan or a martyr?
WhileMack“walksoutof step;hearsanotherdrum,”aliteraryreference
to Henry David Thoreau that is a leitmotif symbolizing individualism, the
Chief stands for the vanishing American Indian, an invisible man diminished
by white society. Kesey goes into great detail about how the Chief s disinte-
andsporadiclossof reality.TheChief hasbeenonthewardthelongest;Mac
is the new patient. Each is putting on an act: the Chiefs hallucinatory in-
agitates or rallies patients by challenging Ratched’s matriarchal authority. Con-
trasting the Chief and Mack is interesting, with the ingenious part of the novel
mentalprowessandphysicalsize,theChief inhismind’seyeappearstogrow
In an example of the complexity of Mack’s motives, he uses the Chief to lift
the control room panel as the basis of a bet, but at the same time it empowers
the Chief.
The mental institution culture in Cuckoo’s Nest reveals how the lines be-
Illness and Culture 83
tween sanity and insanity are often blurred. It describes many types of illness,
divided between the Acutes and the Chronics, and includes the obsessive-
compulsive disorder(OCD)patientwhocannotgetdirty,twoepilepticswith
opposing drug administration problems, cowering depressives, self-mutilating
passive-aggressives,hallucinatingschizophrenics, and troublemaking psycho-
paths. In a group therapy meeting Mack sets out to challenge authority by
persuading most of the patients to vote to watch the World Series during
their work detail. Although a democratic vote is taken—modeling the type of
behavior needed on the outside—Ratched wields her authority and cuts the
power to the set. The patients then gather in front of it in a rebellious sit-in.
The Chief tacitlyobservestheywouldallappear crazytoan outsider.Talk
therapies based on ward log entries are run like confrontational pecking par-
ties, with the patients acting like scared rabbits. Harding and others both fear
Ratched, viewed as a surrogate wife and mother, and want her to keep them in
their place. Throughout the novel women are mostly portrayed as dominating
“ballcutters” or submissive pleasure-givers.
DaleHarding, symbolizingthevoiceof reason aspresidentof the Pa-
tients’ Council, explains the system and treatments like ECT and lobotomy.
What may be inexplicable, though, are the therapeutic roles of nature and the
healing power of laughter seen throughout the novel. In a classic road litera-
turescenario,Mackandthe otherpatientson a shingtrip learnandgrow
along the way as they face challenges and overcome obstacles. Mack laughs at
shingtripmishaps,theChief tellsus:
tokeepyourself inbalance,justtokeeptheworldfromrunning
youplumb crazy. He knows there’sa painfulside; he knowsmy
thumb smarts and his girlfriend has a bruised breast and the doctor
is losing his glasses, but he wont let the pain blot out the humor no
more’n he’ll let the humor blot out the pain.
The contagious laughter pumped the men up, as it “rang out on the water in
ever-widening circles.” Laughter, as a proponent of the mind-body-spirit ap-
proach to health and healing, may relieve pain and renew hope. As referenced
in the literature of alternative therapies, it gives back control to life.
Mack’s therapeutic role—if it can be called such—demonstrates the im-
84 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
portance of levity as well as of maintaining some self-respect in institutional
ways belittle all men, including Dr. Spivey. Contrary to today’s conventional
wisdom, she controls the population by diminishing the mens self-esteem.
She also administers drugs daily. Her threats of using electroshock therapy
and lobotomy as punishment would now be seen as unethical, at the least.
Mackprogressivelybuilds up the mens masculine condence.But then he
lets them down, until in one last hurrah he puts his personal interests aside
whenheandtheChief protectGeorgeinastghtwiththeblackaideswho
try to give him an enema. Although Ratched gives Mack a chance to get out
of ECT as punishment by admitting he has been wrong, in a pivotal show of
“plot to overthrow the government.” As he undergoes a series of ECT in the
Disturbed Ward, his bravado creates a heroic legendary status that Ratched
fears. In a psychological ploy to regain control, she brings him back to the
ward where she can watch him—and plot.
Sexuality is a part of life—even in an institution. Mack arranges for Billy
Bibbit, 31 but mentally an adolescent controlled by his mother, to lose his
virginity to a smuggled-in prostitute during a drunken evening on the ward.
Mack’s attempt to restore a manly independence in the men may release some
from psychosomatic illness; however, for Billy, things are not that simple.
guilt.Fearfulof hismother,hecommitssuicide.Atthispoint,KeseyllsCuck-
oo Nest’s with rich literary references to Melville’s Billy Budd’s in a suggestion of
the stuttering, innocent protagonist, as well as imbuing it with the good versus
evil overtones in Moby Dick.
Applying Darwinian reasoning to the pecking order of the mental ward,
Ratched’s “ballcutting” approach mandates that only the ttest survive. So
redemption: Mack is the martyred Christ who has compromised authority and
released the patients from The Combine’s control of them. In fact, Cuckoo’s
psychosurgery underground.
In the end, the Chief s releasing Mack from his vegetative state and es-
Illness and Culture 85
caping out into a new life show the healing power of individuals. Nonetheless,
life is messy, and Kesey’s ambiguous conclusion causes speculation that The
Combine, bigger than Nurse Ratched and her mental institution, cannot be so
easily defeated.
The allegorical title, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, comes from a nursery
rhyme the Chief recites in Part 4:
hens, puts ‘em inna pens . . . wire blier, limber lock, three geese inna
nest . . . O-U-T spells out . . . goose swoops down and plucks you
The cuckoo’s nest is the mental hospital; Ratched “tremble toes” pecks at
Mack’s spirit as he makes his hopeful escape into the moonlight.
Kesey’s cautionary tale, a metaphor for how society socially constructs
tal illness derives from culture as well as from disease. What is more clearly
understood, however, is that views of insanity change generationally in our
culture, and that therapies go in and out of fashion. We are left to wonder
how we should balance mental healthcare’s need to control and conform with
maintaining individual rights. In Kesey’s novel, the psychiatric staff are not
always the good guys, and the patients are often more complicated than they
rstappear.Itmakesitnecessarytoask,bywhoseideaof normalshouldwe
be measured?
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• What roledidthe rebelliousMerry Prankstershavein deningthe
counterculture into which Cuckoo’s Nest is set?
• What psychological characteristics make the Chief an effective
• How does the individual versus the Combine encapsulate the book’s
• Throughsceneanalysisdeneincidentsof insanityaswellasgender
and racial bias.
86 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
• Howistheshingtriptherapeuticforthepatients?
• As seen through the eyes of the Chief, whose mental illness may de-
rive from a cultural schism, relate Christian imagery to Mack as he
• Describe Ratched’s ward in totalitarian terms, incorporating a discus-
sion of her authoritarian ways and the patients’ loss of civil liberties.
• Discuss the psychological effect of domineering women in Cuckoo’s
• As described in Cuckoo’s Nest, would the ECT and lobotomy adminis-
tered as therapy and/or punishment be ethical now?
• Throughoutthenovel,traceMack’sinuenceontheChief spassage
outof thefogof schizophrenia.
Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. New York: Viking, 1957.
Kesey, Ken. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. (40thAnniversaryEdition).New
York, Viking, 2002.
Robinson, Mary Frances and Walter Freeman. “Glimpses of Postlobotomy
Personalties.Psychosurgery and the Self. New York: Grune, 1954: 15-32.
Shorter, Edward. A History of Psychiatry. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Suggested Further Reading
Chekhov, Anton. “Ward Number Six.” Ward Number Six and Other Stories.
Trans. Ronald Hingley. New York: Oxford UP, 1974. Written in 1892,
of psychiatric history.
Green, Hannah. I Never Promised You a Rose Garden. New York: Holt, Rinehart,
andWinston,1964.Theanguishandhope,fromtherstperson,of a
Kesey, Ken. The Further Inquiry. New York: Viking, 1990. Screenplay on 1964
bus “voyage.
Jamison,KayRedeld.An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness.
New York: 1995. A clinical psychologist suffers from manic-depression.
Night Falls Fast: Understanding Suicide. New York, Vintage, 1999.
Sheehan, Susan. Is there No Place on Earth for Me? Boston:HoughtonMifin,
1982.Arst-handaccountof lifeasaschizophrenic.
Illness and Culture 87
Styron, William. Darkness, Visible: A Memoir of Madness. New York: Vintage,
1992. First-person account of severe depression.
Wolfe, Tom. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. New York: Farrar, 1968.
There are those who believe Black people possess the secret
of joyandthatitisthisthatwillsustainthemthroughanyspiritual
or moral or physical devastation.
—Alice Walker, Possessing the Secret of Joy
Historical Context
While Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Walker’s Possessing the Secret of
Joy are both cultural representations of mental and physical illnesses, they are
asdiverseintime,setting,andcharacterizationas thebackgroundsof their
authors. Alice Walker(b.1944),therstblackwomantowinboththePulitzer
PrizeandtheAmericanBookAward,forThe Color Purple (1983),wasbornin
Eatonton, Georgia, the last child of eight to poor sharecropper parents. Her
mother’s grandmother was mostly Cherokee Indian. At the age of nine, Walker
playing cowboys and Indians with her brothers. She retreated into books.
Walker excelled despite the partial loss of eyesight, and at her high school
graduation in 1961 she was valedictorian and prom queen. She received a
scholarship at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, but before she left her
mother wisely gave her three gifts: “asewingmachineforself-sufciency,a
suitcase for independence, and a typewriter for creativity.” While in Atlanta,
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. invited her to his home, and later Walker attended
the Youth World Peace Festival in Helsinki, Finland. These two events im-
mersed her in the Civil Rights Movement and gave her greater understanding
of other cultures. In 1963 Walker took part in the March on Washington for
Jobs and Freedom where she heard Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
After two years at Spelman, Walker received a scholarship to attend the
88 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
prestigious Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York. During her senior
and depression. She pored her feelings out into poetry and a short story, “To
Hell with Dying,” which was published with the endorsement of the famous
poet Langston Hughes. With the help of classmates, Walker arranged to safely
abort the pregnancy, which was illegal at the time. Following college gradu-
ation in 1965, Walker increased her civil rights activism by the door-to-door
registering of poor voters in Georgia. She married Mel Leventhal, a Jewish law
student in New York City, who later worked for the NAACP. They moved to
Mississippi where threats of violence tested their interracial marriage. Walker
became pregnant again, but lost the baby during the frenetic time following
King’s assassination. She later delivered a healthy daughter. After receiving a
number of grants and fellowships, Walker taught at Wellesley College, one
of thecollegesthatinthenineteenthcenturychampionedwomensrights(a
movementbornoutof abolition),includingvotingandpropertyrights,educa-
tion,andhealthreform.Whilethere,Walkercreatedoneof therstwomens
studies courses. In the mid-1970s she divorced Leventhal.
AfterWalkernishedhermostfamouswork,The Color Purple, she trav-
eled to Africa to research the oppressive practice of female genital mutila-
tion(FGM),whichalsooccursintheMiddleEastandinpartof theWestern
Hemisphere. Her work turned into Possessing the Secret of Joy, which focuses
on one woman’s traumatic experience with FGM. Later with collaborator
Pratibha Parmarshelmedadocumentarywithacompanionbook,Warrior
Marks (1993). Walker draws from a deep reservoir of personal experiences
to write realistically about many issues in her novels and poetry. For instance,
she cares very much about poverty, racism, and the health issues that emanate
women, in particular, and lately have addressed bisexual and father-daughter
relationships. As a former teacher, she hopes to educate her readers on the
brutalityof misogyny;thedangersof silenttaboos;andtheeffectsof rituals.
Her activism, which started during her college days at Spelman, now addresses
other causes such as protecting indigenous cultures in their natural environ-
ments. Walker, a California resident, continues to write and to lecture.
The main topic Walker addresses in Possessing is how the female genital
its bicultural protagonist, her family, and her countries. It is important to note
Illness and Culture 89
that Walker’s literary representation of FGM applies to only a small percentage
of African tribes, and that the surgical ritual is conducted in many different
ways, in hospitals as well as in huts, for many different reasons. For these pur-
because, by degree, it ranges from a slight ceremonial nicking of the clitoris
todrawbloodtothemoreradicalexcision(removingsomeorallof theouter
proud youth who has experienced a spiritual initiation into adulthood and el-
A woman who has had the more radical procedure often has very painful
intercourse and child delivery. Even the newborn may be harmed mentally
and physically from passing through the narrow opening. After childbirth, the
The origin of FGC goes back as far as Aristotle’s thinking that women
needed altering. It is believed Queen Cleopatra of Egypt had undergone phara-
onic circumcision to, theoretically, ensure a union that could extend her realm’s
interests. Historically, only a virgin who could protect the paternal bloodline
was marriageable, and therefore FGC (euphemistically “having a bath” or
their experience as spiritual ecstasy, prove their bravery by transcending physi-
cal pain and have more control over their tribal lives. It became a mother’s duty
to keep her daughter pure until marriage, and therefore a prospective bride’s
excised and inbulated vagina became aestheticallydesirable. Inaddition, a
desexed girl was more likely to keep chaste until and during marriage. Thus,
African mothers who force FGC on their daughters help maintain their status
and that of their daughters’. In a few tribes, the tradition includes boys who
vie for leadership by a test of their courage. They must be stoic while, without
anesthesia, their penises are circumcised and ritually mutilated.
Anthropologists and missionaries have known about FGC for many cen-
turies. Christian missionaries were trying to eradicate FGC in Africa at the
same time Puritan moralists in America believed clitoridectomy was a neces-
sary surgery to control nymphomania and masturbation and to cure hysteria
and melancholia. While some argue that there is no sound medical reason for
90 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
male circumcision, in the Western world and elsewhere it is still done both
for hygienic purposes and as a powerful religious ritual. However, for males,
circumcision(theremovalof theforeskin)isrelativelytrivial—unlessitgoes
awry—compared to its female counterpart (clitoridectomy, at its worst), in
which sexual pleasure is replaced by pain.
Putting FGC into a cultural context is helpful. Historically, menstruation
and menopause myths declaring women unclean or undesirable, respectively,
bled women into a helpless desirability, while recent headlines report female
infanticide where sons are desirable. Whether these practices are considered
heinous or not is a matter of perspective, though, since to many around the
worldtheAmericandeathpenalty(anancientformof justicestemmingfrom
FGC was brought to the popular consciousness in a 1980 Ms. Magazine
article by Gloria Steinem and Robin Morgan titled “The International Crime
of Genital Mutilation.” Later Representative Patricia Schroeder of Colorado
shocked Congress with the reality of FGM, and eventually it passed the Fed-
eral Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act in 1996, making it a federal
the issue in Possessing, and others who wrote about their private ordeals have
horried Americans.What followed these revelationswas aWestern media
blitztendingtowardsensationalism and polemics. Can we claim moral superi-
ority in a country where increasing incidents of rape, sexual assault, wife bat-
tering, and sexual harassment against women made it necessary for us to pass
the Violence Against Women Act in 1994?
Whether or not First World countries can claim moral superiority, it is go-
ing to take the hard work of an international community, including the support
of Amnesty International, the World Health Organization, and the United
Nations, as well as local and international human rights and womens organi-
zations,todebatetheviolationof humanrightsandhealthissues.Thepolar
positionstakenare:1)extremeculturalrelativism—FGC practiced on girls is
Thedireconsequencesof FGCstirthepublicconscience,causingtheworld
community to become involved, as it has been in trying to eradicate slavery,
genocide, and infanticide. The two million girls each year who undergo FGC,
Illness and Culture 91
andespeciallyinbulation,riskamyriadof mentalandphysicalhealthprob-
three generations to eradicate FGC.
Part of the world feels it is contentious to call their venerable female cir-
cumcision rite “mutilation”;nevertheless, for most Americans Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright put it best: “When people are mutilated, it is criminal,
not cultural.
Synopsis of the Novel
In Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy there are seven main characters, and ev-
ery few pages the viewpoint changes with each new speaker. Tashi, who is a
peripheral character in The Color Purple, has shown allegiance to her Olinkan
people by having the tribal marks cut onto her face and by having the female
the parable of the panthers, Tashi sets the tone for the whole book, and she
moves the plot along by intermittently telling myths and stories.
Raised in Olinki, Tashi’s sister, Dura, died after a ceremonial genital cutting
ritual. The African-American missionary’s children, Olivia and Adam, befriend
Tashi. Adam becomes her lover, breaking tribal taboos. Adam also meets Li-
sette, a white French Algerian missionary, with whom he shares stories of
the Olinkan culture. Tashi, in the name of Olinkan pride, has the circumciser
M’Lissaexciseandinbulateher,abovetheprotestsof herChristianmother,
women. She sees them as strong and invincible African women.
Days after the operation, Tashi is told to sit up and walk a few steps—
urinate now. Her menstrual cramps last half the month because it is nearly
go;sotheodorof souredbloodfollowsheraround.Tashi’sfriendOliviaob-
serves, “That her soul had been dealt a mortal blow was plain for anyone who
dared look into her eyes.
Adam marries his friend, the once proud and lively Tashi, who is now
92 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
heartbreakingly slowed by pain, and takes her back to the United States. Living
biculturally, Tashi cannot rationalize the emotional anguish sheexperiences
daily in the name of her tribal leader’s call for Olinkan pride, so she sees sever-
they can never bring themselves to blame their mothers.” Tashi still thinks of
herself as an African woman, not an American Negro. Another psychiatrist,
her husband. When the Old Man dies, the black feminist Raye becomes her
Tashi explains to Raye how her African leader mandated FGM from one
generation to the next through a sacred tribal code, there being a strong cul-
tural taboo against speaking of it to outsiders. The act was designed to keep
the female body pure by cutting out the dual female soul that interferes with
male domination. If a woman is not circumcised, the myth goes, her unclean
parts will grow long and touch her thighs. Unremedied, warn the elders, who
act as if they have recently witnessed this evil, no man can enter this mascu-
line woman, who arouses herself. The circumcised women do not remember
because the old ways must be kept. Tashi, who had been a young orgasmic girl
with Adam, gave up her sexuality to preserve the old ways.
In America, Adam and Tashi have a son, Benny, born retarded from pass-
ing through the birth canal narrowed by FGM. Unable to bear further pain,
with the free-spirited Lisette, and they become lovers, seeing each other on his
biannual visits to Paris. Together they have a child, Pierre, which enrages the
American Literature and decides to go to school in America. His mother has
died, and he wants to become closer to his father. Tashi feels threatened and
attacks Pierre.
Tashi returns to Olinka when she reads about M’Lissa’s becoming a vener-
ated symbol of Olinkan pride. In an elaborate scheme, the tortured Tashi, now
in advanced middle age, plots her revenge. She seeks an audience with the ven-
erated circumciser M’Lissa, and over a period of several weeks they talk. Tashi
ritually washes her intended victim, who taunts her for foolishly submitting to
Illness and Culture 93
circumcision. M’Lissa is prepared to become a martyr, and Tashi smothers her
with a pillow as she attends her. She is indicted for murder.
Tashi is imprisoned in Olinka and put on trial for killing M’Lissa. Her fam-
nessedhiswife’shellonearth.Theprisonalsohousesawholeoorof AIDS
patients waiting to die. Many believe they contracted AIDS in an experiment,
like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, when scientists vaccinated them for polio.
In the end, Tashi grows weary of the plodding trial and confesses to the
ing someone who, many years ago, killed me.” Adam, Olivia, Benny, Pierre,
Raye, and Mbati, their friend, hold a banner: resistance is the secret of joy!
Literary Analysis
In PossessingtheblackliberalfeministAliceWalkerdramatizeshowhermain
character, Tashi, in an act of tribal allegiance, gets facial scarring and circum-
cision“becausesherecognizeditastheonlyremaining denitivestampof
Olinka tradition.” The tribe’s leader, who is compared to Nelson Mandela and
even Jesus Christ, has instructed the people “not to neglect ancient customs.”
He has been imprisoned by the white regime. Walker explores the effects of
FGMinadazzling stylethat simultaneouslyseemsto contrastand totran-
scend cultural differences. The various viewpoints are artfully integrated into
dialogue and ashbacks, intermixed with myths, symbols, and psychology.
Walker uses the narrative device of renaming Tashi relative to her changing
culturalandpsychologicalstateof mind;forexample,whenreferringtoher
evolving American self she is “Tashi-Evelyn.” In this way, Walker conveys the
essenceof Tashi’sjourney.
Tashi is not a sympathetic character, however, because she was circum-
cised against the wishes of her Christian mother whose other daughter died as
a result from FGM. Furthermore, because Tashi was sexually responsive with
Adam, she knows the operation will result in a loss of pleasure. Even after
her, and she emigrates with him to America. Only then does she understand
her physical and emotional loss and explode into rage. This analysis, in particu-
lar, shows how Walker creates in Possessing a bicultural lens through which we
can examine Tashi’s African soul and warring American consciousness.
94 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
The title, Possessing the Secret of Joy,reectedintherstepigraph,derives
more fully from a passage in Mirella Ricciardi’s 1982 memoir African Saga. Ric-
ciardi was a French-Italian woman born and raised on a farm in Kenya, then
a colony of British East Africa, who wrote, “Black people are natural, they
possessthesecretof joy,whichiswhytheycansurvivethesufferingandhu-
makes them easy to live with. What I had not yet learned to deal with was
The condescending tone of Ricciardi’s colonial remembrance highlights how
nationalistic backlash plays into Tashi’s mindset when she undergoes FGM.
In Possessing’s scenario,aFirstWorldorganization’sattemptstochangeaThird
Walker’s second epigraph/proverb further sets the story into its bicultural
context, prophesying Tashi’s state of being torn apart from within: “When the
axe came into the forest, the trees said the handle is one of us.” Walker’s plot
borrows further from Ngugi wa Thiong’o’s novel The River Between(1965),in
which two lovers living across the river from each other play out the drama
of Christian converts clashing with African traditionalists. Like River, Walker’s
theme in Possessing argues that female circumcision destroys not only individual
women but their country as well. Tashi endures pain to prove her devotion to
and keeping the old ways.
Possessing is a vehicle for Walker’s own feminist agenda. By putting Tashi
into a particular context, Walker is able to develop her human rights and health
issues as well as argue for political change. Tashi’s story becomes part of Walk-
er’s own. For instance, the autobiographical elements are clear when Walker
refers to FGM as “sexual blinding,” a reference to her brothers shooting her
in the eye and swearing her to silence. Both Walker and her character Tashi
aborted a pregnancy and bridged cultures in search of an identity. They are
storytellerswhosemythsteachlessons,llingthenovelwithstoriesof repres-
sion,of struggles,andeventuallyof self-actualization.
is an altruistic white woman who, as the voice of reason, contrasts with the
emotional Tashi. As a youth Lisette had visited Olinka with a church youth
group, and her family members were colonists in Algeria. As an adult she is a
Illness and Culture 95
high school French teacher in Paris who studies her ”co-wife” Tashi from afar.
The novel’s opening parable of the panther foreshadows the Tashi-Adam-Li-
sette love triangle and even foretells the outcome. Adam’s child with Tashi, the
American-born retarded Benny, during his birth becomes a painful sideshow
the result of a natural, orgasmic home birth. The autonomous Lisette starkly
contrasts with the fractured Tashi.
After Lisette dies from cancer, Pierre “continues to untangle the threads
of mystery that kept his stepmother Tashi enmeshed.” He reports that FGM
may have been a reaction to “the Hottentot apron,” or, as described by early
European anthropologists, the unusually elongated labia on uncircumcised
Khoisan women with enlarged buttocks (steatopygia). The bisexual and
biracial Harvard-educated Pierre explains how some tribes eventually decided
a woman’s dual genitalia needed modifying because she could not perform
both female and male roles.
The interesting parade of “shrinks” that try to help Tashi begins with a
white “son of Freud” couch analyst who gawks at her as a publishable case
history. He simplistically declares that healing is impossible because Africans
cannot blame their mothers. Tashi’s next analyst is Lisette’s uncle, the Old Man
orMzee.Clearly, as Walker references in her afterword, her Old Man charac-
ter is Carl Jung(1875-1961),theSwissanalyticalpsychologistwhoopposed
even expressed in the way Jung, unlike Freud’s couch analysis, sat in a chair
opposite his patient to actively engage in dialogue.
Applying the Old Mans Jungian psychology to the bicultural/divided
Tashi, she must reconcile her conscious ego with her unconscious, repressed
experiences through interpreting her dreams, stories, and art. For example,
eredcreature”),shefeltshewas“seeingthecauseof heranxietyitself forthe
rsttime,exactlyasitwas.”Itwasabeast-sizedindicationof herpsychosis,
the “emotions that had frightened her insane.” All at once Tashi remembered
hiding in the grass and witnessing her sister’s murder: “No longer would my
weeping be separate from what I knew.” The insidious tribal taboo demanding
silence and repression had subverted her childhood memory.
That Walker, herself, underwent Jungian analysis is evident in how she
96 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
develops its tenets in Possessing.Jung’sarchetypalelementsof theego(central
consciousness), shadow (unpleasant unconscious—Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde),
animus(Tashi’smasculineunconsciousmind),andSelf (wholeregulatingcen-
ter of the psyche, transcending theego) help identifyTashi’s psychological
process toward wholeness or individuation. Simplyput,WalkerequatesJung’s
psychic ideal—harmonizing the conscious and unconscious; decentralizing
terms with her past, at last bringing her discovered Self spiritual peace. Even
Tashi’s fragmented mental state is at last reconciled.
After the Old Man dies, Tashi’s new analyst, the black American feminist
Raye, only understands Tashi’s physical pain after having her own periodontal
surgery. Tashi opens up to her, breaking her silence and referencing her shad-
dream of being the Queen termite with broken wings imprisoned in a dark
ing. Because the girl’s male soul is in the clitoris, it must be excised to rid her
of the dangerous duality.
But Tashi’s personal anguish cannot be assuaged by Pierre’s anthropologi-
cal facts, the Old Mans analytical psychology, or Raye’s empathy alone, so she
premeditates killing the old circumciser M’Lissa. Tashi returns to Africa with
a banner that reads, “If you lie to yourself about your own pain, you will be
fulaboutherancientpracticeof excisingandinbulatingtheOlinkangirls;
she even expects to be martyred, robbing Tashi of satisfaction. Walker, as
embodied in Possessing, speaks directly to the tribal mothers who she believes
ders of the spirit.
Detractors say Walker’s novel is overwrought sensationalism and polem-
ics and should not be read as a fact-based anthropological study of FGM, in
decline since 1920. They say that while Walker’s feminist ideology in Possessing
has impacted FGM legislation here and cultural interventions abroad, it tends
to subsume the myriad of issues facing African women into the reduction-
ist’s view they are only mutilated genitals. Hence, the “yuck factor” eclipses
productive debate. On the other hand, the cultural relativists believe tribal cus-
Illness and Culture 97
toms are an integral part of each society and should be observed but not inter-
fered with. In the mid-twentieth century their controversial views superseded
the late nineteenth-century Social Darwinians whoclassiedsocietiesonthe
basis of race.
Regrettably, when First World organizations attack tribal practices per-
ceived as objectionable, nationalistic backlashes occur, as seen in Possessing.
Furthermore, the notion of women as oppressed victims of men becomes
terhoods and elevates their tribal status, says Efua Dorkenoo in Cutting the Rose.
Critics contend that Walker created an explosive topic with some misrepresen-
tation and started a mass media trend toward First World voyeurism, leaving to
be desired practical approaches to address the issues it raises.
In sum, Possessing is about one woman’s struggle with her African heri-
tage and her right to self-determination beyond cultural constraints. It is not
a factual anthropologist’s case study but rather has the emotional power of
dialogue on human rights and health issues. In principle, it foregrounds a num-
ber of issues of cultural, medical, and legal importance. It shows women com-
plicit in a world run by male ideologies, culture intersecting with gender and
health issues, and Walker’s ethical basis for a controversial worldwide stance. In
a postscript Walker claims Tashi as her sister, even though she does not know
where her own African ancestors came from. While Possessing powerfully ad-
dresses FGM and highlights AIDS, for some her Western feminist approach
remains problematic.
ciardi’s African Saga, underscoring Walker’s interpretation of possessing the
secretof joy:“Oh,Isay.Thesesettlercannibals.Whydonttheyjuststealour
land, mine our gold, chop down our forests, pollute our rivers, enslave us to
friends and family hold a sign: “resistance is the secret of joy!” And only af-
ter dying, when her divided selves unite into her whole Self, has Tashi resisted
whatisevil(thepoweroverher)topossessthesecretof joy.
98 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• Compare and contrast Kesey’s Chief and Walker’s Tashi as examples
of howmentalandphysicalillnessderivesfromaspeciccultureas
well as from disease. How have Cuckoo’s Nest and Possessing had the
power to change the system?
• With increasing global awareness of human rights violations effected
tain cultural practices like FGM continue? What are cultural relativism
and Social Darwinism?
• Reecting on Tashi’s painful physical abnormalities, describe how
it affects her mental state, as she describes it to her various mental
health professionals. How in particular does the Jungian analytical
psychologist work with her to ultimately achieve her Self?
• While the Olinkan male leader appears to mandate FGM, how and
why are the tribal women complicit in maintaining the ritual?
• Compare and contrast the tortured Tashi and the free-spirited Lisette.
How do these two women interrelate?
• Discuss how Pierre and Benny represent their respective mother’s au-
• How does Walker, an imaginative storyteller, use symbols (Tashi,
M’Lissa, termitehill, clay),parables,and mythsto tellTashi’s story
and to teach a lesson?
• As highlighted in Possessing, how has the Tuskegee Syphilis Study im-
pactedthequestionof trustintreatingAIDSinAfrica?
• What is M’Lissa’s perspective on FGM and her actions, as told to
Tashi, before her death?
• On Tashi’s journey toward wholeness, what is her resistance to, in
Dorkenoo, Efua. Cutting the Rose: Female Genital Mutilation, the Practice and Its
Prevention. London: Minority Rights Group, 1994.
Jung, Carl. Man and His Symbols. New York: Dell, 1968
Illness and Culture 99
Ngugi wa Thiong’o. The River Between. New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1965.
Ricciardi, Mirella. African Saga. London: Collins, 1982.
Understanding Violence Against Women. National Research Council. Washington:
National Academy Press, 1996.
Walker, Alice. Possessing the Secret of Joy. New York: HBJ, 1992.
— and Pratibha Parmar, eds. Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the
Sexual Blinding of Women. New York: Harcourt, 1993. Book and video.
Suggested Further Reading
Atwood, Margaret. The Handmaid’s Tale. New York: Fawcett, 1986. Power
Chase, Cheryl. “‘Cultural Practice’ or ‘Reconstructive Surgery’? U.S. Genital
Cutting, the Intersex Movement, and Medical Double Standards.Genital
Cutting and Transnational Sisterhood: Disputing U.S. Polemics. Ed. Stanlie
M. James and Claire C. Robertson. U of Illinois P, 2002: 126-51. Is it a
double standard to call FGM a barbaric ritual and sexual reassignment
surgery a necessity?
Chopin, Kate. The Awakening. New York: Bard-Avon, 1972. A desperate
woman swims out to sea.
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin, 1999. Marlow travels
to the dark interior of Congo searching for his European self in Mr.
Eugendies, Jeffrey. Middlesex. NewYork:Farrar,2002.WonthePulitzerPrize.
Hemingway, Ernest. “Hills Like White Elephants.” E-text available.
Kassindja,Fauziya.Do They Hear You When You Cry? New York: Delacorte,
Kristof, Nicolas and Wudunn, Sheryl. Half the Sky. New York: Knopf, 2009.
Robertson, Claire C. “Getting Beyond the Ew! Factor: Rethinking U.S.
Approaches to African Female Genital Cutting.Genital Cutting and
Transnational Sisterhood: Disputing U.S. Polemics. Ed. Stanlie M. James and
Claire C. Robertson. U of Illinois P, 2002: 54-86.
Thiam, Awa. Speak Out, Black Sisters: Feminism and Oppression in Black Africa.
London:Pluto,1978.Graphicdescriptionsof FGM;cultural
100 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Walker, Alice. “Advancing Luna—and Ida B. Wells.You Can’t Keep a Good
Woman Down: Short Stories. New York: Harvest-Harcourt, 1981: 85-104.
A white woman raped by a black civil-rights leader remains silent to
advance the cause.
The Color Purple.NewYork:WashingtonSquareP,1982.
Whitney, Ruth Linnea. Slim. Dallas, Texas: SMU P, 2003. Novel about AIDS
in Africa.
Chapter Five
End of Life—Disease and Death: An Analysis of
John Updikes Rabbit at Rest and Margaret Edsons
While chapter 4 shows clashing cultural extremes, chapter 5 focuses more on
ourcommonalityof movinginexorablytowarddeath.Thequalityofourpas-
sage may depend on how we care for our bodies, minds, and spirits.
inaquartetof famousnovels:Rabbit, Run(1960),Rabbit Redux (1971),Rabbit is
Rich(1981),andRabbit at Rest (1990).ByupdatingRabbit’slifeeverydecade—
from his 20s to mid-50s—Updike portrays his high school basketball star’s
turning into a self-indulgent car salesman. Updike’s everyman lives through the
1960s “decade of discontent,” the 1970s “Me Decade,” and the AIDS-plagued
1980s,emphasizingthehealthconsequencesof thesexualhabitsof thetime.
Years of self-abuse lead to Rabbit’s rapid decline during the last years of his
life, leaving him little reason to live.
In Rabbit at Rest Updike artfully dissects middle-class dysfunctional life,
givinga powerfulculturalcritiqueof America. Hejuxtaposestechnicaland
metaphorical language to describe Rabbit’s various diseases, symptomatically
expressed as morbidly depressed, chest pains, and a bloated body worn “like
a set of blankets the decades have brought one by one,” all leading to a fatal
heart attack. Rabbit at Restilluminatesspecicallyhowuntimelydeathsoccur
when contemporary medicine records life expectancy at an all-time high. Other
topics it covers are cocaine addiction, patient experience, family relationships,
and American hedonism.
Dr. Vivian Bearing’s courageous and protracted death from cancer in
Margaret Edson’s play WitcountersRabbit’sself-inictedearlydemisefrom
102 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
heart disease in John Updike’s Rabbit at Rest. InthePulitzerPrize-winningplay,
poetry, science, and death interrelate for Bearing, a John Donne professor and
to knowledge, even without therapeutic value for her. During eight months
of chemotherapy the dedicated scholar turns from erudite to vulnerable.
She has only one hospital visitor, having valued ideas over personal relation-
ships. Special insights on the medical professional-patient relationship come
through two supporting characters: the compassionate nurse who knows how
to emotionally nurture and the unfeeling young research doctor with so-called
detached concern.Theplaygivesscenariosthatdeneempathy and compassion.
It asks, how do you treat the dying patient? What do you say to soothe rather
Edson puts the American medical system on trial in Wit by boldly looking
at doctor paternalism, patient autonomy, and human rights in clinical trials.
She shows how hope, kindness, and a sympathetic touch can interface with
research ethics. In a layered approach using metaphysical poetry to shed light
ontwenty-rstcenturymedicalresearch,Wit also ponders serious philosophi-
receivinglove?Furthermore,inourmedicalizedsystemof dying,howcanwe
Wit dramatically evokes a spirituality to bring catharsis: “And death shall
benomore,Deaththoushaltdie”(JohnDonne,Devotions upon Emergent Occa-
sions, London1624).Notwithstandingthepoeticrevelationthateverlastinglife
follows death, the play’s themes underscore the present-day need for better
trained end-of-life and palliative-care medical professionals. Lastly Wit, by
dying, and death.
End of LifeDisease and Death 103
Food to the indolent is poison, not sustenance.
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
(Rabbit at Rest epigraph)
Historical Context
John Hoyer Updike was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, in 1932 but grew up
in nearby Shillington. His mother, an unpublished writer, encouraged him to
Updike, president and covaledictorian of his Shillington High School class
of 1950, said he entered Harvard “a true tabula rasa,” absorbing whatever
it offered. He drew cartoons for its famous humor magazine, the Harvard
Lampoon. After he graduated with an English degree in 1954, he and his wife
Mary Pennington moved to Oxford, England, where Updike studied art at
the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Arts. In 1955 his rst jobwas as
a New Yorker staff writer. Two years later Updike became a full-time writer,
movingtoIpswich,Massachusetts.Hisrstbook,The Carpenter Hen and Other
Tame Creatures, a collection of poetry, was published in 1958. The next year he
publishedhisrstnovel,The Poorhouse Fair (1959). During the 17 years Updike
lived in Ipswich, he keenly observed its suburban couples, writing about their
sexual antics in Couples(1968).Adulteryanddivorcecontinuedasathemein
his Rabbit tetralogy.
The prolic John Updike published more than 50 volumes, including
poetry,essays,novels,andshort stories,muchof it scrutinizingcontempo-
rary American culture.Herendered theawsof hischaractersin eloquent
language, often writing autobiographically, as most authors do. He received
two PulitzerPrizesforction:Rabbit is Rich(1982)andRabbit at Rest(1991).In
2003 Updike was honored with the National Humanities Medal. After Updike
1977. He was the father of four children and lived in rural Massachusetts, near
Boston, until his death in 2009.
104 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Updike gives a powerful cultural critique of American life in Rabbit at
Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom, has abused his body, mind, and spirit for most of
his life, culminating in a fatal heart attack. When the average life expectancy
exceeded82(IRSTableI),hediedat55.To understand Rabbit’s plight, study
theamazingfour-chamberedhumanheartwith its complex of arteries, veins,
and valves. It is a dynamic double-pump action organ with an all-important
pace-making sinoatrial node, beating 100,000 rhythmic beats a day. The right
of blood daily to the entire body from head to toe. Indeed, a healthy heart,
looking like a valentine, is a masterwork of nature that we relate to feelings,
often referring to it as the seat of the soul.
When the heart for any number of reasons fails to deliver its oxygen-laden
and nutrient-rich blood all over the body, including to the lungs, liver, kidneys,
and the brain, it causes a number of systems’ failures. In particular, when the
brain has been deprived of oxygen for as little as two to four minutes, brain
death occurs, as partly determined by an electroencephalogram(EEG)read-
ing. Brain death, pronounceable by a doctor, is a legal term.
Some medical context, focused specically for discussing this novel, is
useful. Heart attack warning signs for males, as described in Rabbit at Rest, are
listed by the American Heart Association:
• Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center
of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away
fullness or pain.
• Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include
• Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
• Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light-
ing an impending sense of doom. The signs may come and go, as Updike
chronicles in Rabbit at Rest, and not all of them may appear in every attack.
If thereisnobreathingorpulse(cardiopulmonaryarrest),cardiopulmo-
End of LifeDisease and Death 105
called.If anautomatedexternaldebrillatorisnearbywithatrainedoperator,
it should be used immediately to restart the heart. Only a doctor will make the
actual diagnosis of a heart attack after a physical examination including patient
medical history, an EKG that ascertains heart abnormalities, and a blood test
every year and many of them die.
There is good news. Studies of centenarians show how to extend longev-
ity. The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator relates ways to a healthier,
longer life: keeping an optimistic attitude to manage stress, avoiding tobacco
and excessive alcohol, and maintaining an ideal weight. Obesity, the silent epi-
demic,isdenedas20percentaboveidealweightoraBMIof 30ormore.It
affects over 30 percent of adults and 25 percent of our children. Even one in
four pets is overweight. Rabbit at Rest describes one mans indolent lifestyle and
how his obesity, stress, and depression culminate in a fatal heart attack.
Synopsis of the Novel
It is the end of December 1988. Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom is a white, middle-
class, married male with a dysfunctional family, whose years of self-abuse
surface in this last novel of Updike’s famous Rabbit series. Now 55, he is a
grandfather who has lived anxiously through the end of the Cold War and into
the War on Drugs with both his family and country still in crisis. The social
backdrop includes political references to the Ronald Reagan and George H.W.
Bush administrations and multiple death references, including to AIDS, Roy
Orbison, and Pan Am 103 exploding over Scotland. Thus, the novel’s tone is
elegiac, echoing the past decades of discontent and foreshadowing Rabbit’s
Rabbit and his wife, Janice, meet their son, Nelson, and his wife, Pru, and
away the family situation becomes stressful when Rabbit takes Judy to buy
Disneyland trip and making sleeping arrangements. Additional problems arise
because the drug-addicted Nelson has taken over the family car sales business
Three days later Rabbit saves Judy from drowning after their sailboat cap-
106 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
in a world of Demerol, Rabbit learns he has a typical American heart: “tired
and stiff and full of crud.” The whole family visits him. The doctor explains
the diagnosis, and then he discusses interventions like angioplasty and bypass
grafting surgery. He recommends a new dietary plan. Nelsons family returns
home to Brewer, Pennsylvania.
In Part 2 it is mid-April, and Rabbit and Janice return to springtime
ing his ill former lover, Thelma, whose disease, systemic lupus erythematosus,
has depleted her family’s income and spirit. He learns from her that Nelson
is a cocaine addict, causing Rabbit additional worry about AIDS. He visits
Springer Motors, discovering Nelson has taken down his old basketball star
Lyle, refuses to show him the books.
Janice takes Penn State extension real estate courses, while Rabbit frets
about Nelson. They talk about Nelson’s drug addiction and his bleeding the
company. They receive threatening calls from his unpaid drug dealers. They
are guilt-ridden for raising Nelson to be so troubled. Rabbit asks his friend,
Charlie Stavros, for advice, and they discuss Brewer’s drug problem at large.
Late one evening after the drugged-up Nelson attacks Pru, she calls Janice and
Rabbit for help. They are divisive in their approach to Nelson.
In mid-May Rabbit undergoes a hospital angioplasty, fully described in
the novel, to widen the narrowing arteries to his heart. He feels sandbagged
when he learns that what was described to him as a simple Mickey-Mouse
procedure requires the surgeon, two attending nurses, and a bypass team
standing by. His nurse may even be his illegitimate daughter. Rabbit resents
and Rabbit feels threatened by her taking charge of the business rather than
managing their household. Dr. Breit tells Rabbit his angioplasty was not totally
successful because there is still 80 percent blockage in his right coronary artery.
Dr. Breit strongly recommends the more drastic coronary artery bypass graft.
“They split you right open like a coconut and rip veins out of your legs,” Rab-
bit tells his sister, Mim, during a depressing phone call.
Rabbitis distrustful of Dr.Breit, suspectinghehas asurgical quotato
achieve. Janice, too busy with classes, has not visited him in the hospital, but,
End of LifeDisease and Death 107
when she does, she relates how the car lot revenue has gone to Nelson’s drug
habit and Lyle’s AIDS medicines. Thelma and her husband, Ronnie, visit Rab-
rehabfacility,learningtheNarcoticsAnonymousrstprincipleof “admitting
you’re powerless and dependent on a higher power.” Rabbit, released from the
hospital into Pru’s care because Janice is busy taking real estate tests, makes
love to her. Back running the car lot, Rabbit uncovers Nelsons malfeasance
and reinstalls his own enlarged high school basketball photos on the wall. Rab-
bit, whose strange brand of religion has been replaced by cynicism, reluctantly
attends family counseling. To Rabbit’s chagrin, Nelson, who reminds him of
In part 3, appropriately called “MI,” Rabbit marches as Uncle Sam in the
Mount Judge Fourth of July parade. He attends Thelma’s funeral, where her
husband Ronnie argues with him. In early August the Toyota representative
visits Rabbit on the lot and cancels the franchise. Janice warns Rabbit about
his health habits, and Nelson returns from rehab, his life plan being to change
“a day at a time with the help of a higher power.” Janice and Nelson dash
Rabbit’s high expectations about running the business again. They want to get
grant money to turn it into a drug treatment center. The Toyota loan is paid
with a second mortgage on the property. When Janice talks of moving in with
Nelson and Pru to save money, the latter tells Janice of her affair with Rabbit,
who then takes off on a marathon drive to their Florida condo.
51. Alone in the condo, Rabbit becomes depressed and makes an appointment
with Dr. Morris who advises him on a health plan: eat right, walk, and get
absorbed in “something outside yourself and your heart will stop talking to
you.” Nelson, Pru, and Janice are moving forward with their lives, while Rabbit
black man in a pickup basketball game and suffers a massive heart attack.
But Rabbit assures his son, “It isnt so bad,” and thinks laconically to himself:
108 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Literary Analysis
Updike, his creator, led parallel lives. Both were born in the early 1930s and
grew up around Reading, Pennsylvania. There, however, the similarities end.
While Rabbit was a “beautiful brainless guy” whose glory days peaked at 18,
Updike became a world-famous author, an ability seeded in a Harvard educa-
The Rabbit series derived from Updike’s early blank verse poem, “The
Ex-Basketball Player,” in which the speaker mocks the title character with
no appreciable talents to transfer into the bigger world. The ex-jock Flick
Webb accepts his mediocre fate as a small town gas station pump-jockey.
The townspeople who once lived vicariously through his high school
of gurativelanguageandimagesbuildsthecontrastbetweenFlick’slackluster
adult life and his short-lived fame. The poem, replete with sports analogies,
correlates Flick’s cut off, bleak future with having never learned a trade—the
life further into the future, becoming the Rabbitquartet.
This analysis focuses on how Rabbit, an everyman middle-class, white
Protestant male, embodies late twentieth-century American culture. He
experienced adolescent and young adult sexuality during the postwar boom of
the mid-1940s through the 1950s. He was a married man and adulterer with
of discontent).Infact,authorTomWolfe coined the term the Me Decade to
sexually-obsessed Rabbit who shirked commitment. By the time we catch up
to Rabbit in Rabbit at Rest, it is now the AIDS-plagued 1980s, foreshadowing
Updike’s deep theme, “the blossoming and fruition of the seed of death we
in the life of Rabbit Angstrom, who has a lot of baggage. He is all of these
things: racist, xenophobic, misogynist, and homophobic. It is all described in
three chapters titled after his states of being: “Florida,” “Pennsylvania,” and
weight, making him late middle-aged and obese. He and his long-suffering
wife, Janice, are semi-retired in Florida. After they pick up their estranged son
End of LifeDisease and Death 109
and his family at the airport “a sense of doom regrows its claws around his
heart.” Thereby, right from the beginning at their unpleasant and stressful
family reunion, Updike artfully interweaves into the scene a classic symptom
of heart disease, following it with a description of the gluttonous lifestyle
supporting it. That is, Updike’s omniscient narrator speaking for the brooding
Rabbit fully orients descriptions of his stress, overeating, and depression to
his angina pains, bloated body, and the frightening sensation there is “nothing
under you but black space.
Rabbit becomes a focal point around which an understanding of an era
develops. Having lived through the Cold War, Rabbit bursts with pride when
President Ronald Reagan tears down the symbol of communism, the Berlin
Wall. Readers who have seen the American and Russian Presidents, Bush and
nated to hear descriptions of students’ duck-and-cover desk drills during an
age of nuclear bomb threats. Rabbit also lived into the war on drugs, unsafe
sex, and AIDS concerns, leaving him with a sense of impending doom. A
sexually promiscuous antihero, he embodies the free-love culture and its con-
of Pan Am 103 over Scotland, foretells the age of terrorism.
The many cultural threads woven throughout the novel, namely historical,
political, economic, religious, and social, provide a backdrop for the emphasis
Updikeplaces onRabbit’s lifestyle withits consequentialmedical issues. In
particular, Rabbit is best understood by looking at what he relates to the most:
food, sex, and sports. Once an admired high school athlete, he is now an
and baseball player Deion “Prime Time” Sanders, helps him vicariously relive
his glory days of being the star of the show.
In the spring Rabbit’s egotism transfers wholly to baseball, as American
as apple pie and heart disease. The Philadelphia Phillies all-star third baseman
Mike Schmidt, a has-been, as reported in the media, hits two home runs in the
rsttwogamesof theseason.ItreinvigoratesRabbituntiltheinjuredSchmidt
retires at 39.
Moreover,the PeteRoseascoagitates Rabbit.Baseball Commissioner
Bart Giamatti imposed a lifetime ban from baseball on Rose for gambling on
his own team. Rabbit, whose muscle has turned to fat, is leading the type of
lifestyle that caused Giamatti’s massive heart attack death at 51. But, without
110 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
changing his bad habits, he rationalizes that, unlike Giamatti, he is a non-
smoker. When his son, Nelson, removes the old Rabbit basketball photos at
Springer Motors, the slender thread by which Rabbit’s fragile ego is tethered
snaps. He feels, “nothing matters very much, we’ll all soon be dead,” evoking
a chronic depressive state.
As the last book in the tetralogy, Rabbit at Rest fascinates by showing Rab-
bit and the century winding down together. Riding the cultural tides until his
energy gives out, he is “too oldfor ux.”He is also too close to his own
predicaments for self-awareness and too shortsighted to view change as an
opportunity for renewal. Sadly, he even sees the birth of his granddaughter as
Suffering from hardening both of the arteries and of ideology makes
Rabbit an average aging American male, in Updike’s view, who tends to react
instinctually rather than to act rationally with forethought. His actions in the
sexually promiscuous climate lead to adultery and an illegitimate child. In addi-
tion to living hedonistically, he feels spiritually alienated, fearing his own death
in a godless culture. Inhismid-fties,Rabbitmustfacetheconsequencesof
his past to live out a mediocre life with implacable regret. There will be no
golden years.
The smell of death is all around. Having no reserve, he is now “ready to
succumb to the heaviness of being.” Janice, on the other hand, embraces a
new feminist independence. Disinterested in her philandering husband, she
becomes a successful realtor. After running Springer Motors into the ground,
Nelson attends rehab for cocaine addiction. He achieves a new life despite his
enabling mother and his father’s refusal to continue family therapy.
But for Rabbit, his lack of inner resources causes his inability to change
and to embrace life, leaving him in a state of perpetual male angst. Note the
surname “Angstrom.” There is no redemption. The fourth part of an epic
American tragedy, Rabbit at Rest portrays not only an unsympathetic, aging
American malebut a disintegrating societyat large.It istting that Rabbit
Life goes on in Brewer without Rabbit, as Updike explains in the novella,
“Rabbit Remembered,” a postscript to the series published in Licks of Love
(2000). Now approaching the new millennium, Janice has married Rabbit’s
End of LifeDisease and Death 111
nemesis, Thelma’s former husband, and Nelson is a divorced father and a
drug-free social worker. Through them Updike somewhat redeems a culture
seen in decline, thereby expressing hope the old and new generation can
change for the better.
Inthenalanalysis,Updiketreatsthesubjectof diseaseanddeathinRab-
bit at Rest so artistically that he triumphs over its dire reality enough to make
Rabbit exemplar of a deteriorating body, teaching healthcare and ethics. It is
too late for Rabbit, whose rapid decline is metaphorically America’s story, but
there will be readers who identify with Rabbit’s downfall. And, as in the realm
of all great tragedy, they may be transformed by the novel’s events enough to
achieve catharsis and to embrace change. Otherwise, if Rabbit represents the
average man (or woman) who does not take personal responsibilityfor his
health, the real American tragedy extends beyond the pages of Updike’s book.
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• Describe how Rabbit is an antihero like Kesey’s Mack and how his
self-image and existential angst contribute to his unfortunate lifestyle
and health problems. Add to your discussion Updike’s poem “The
Ex-Basketball Player.
• CorrelateRabbit’slifestyle(diet, exercise,stress)withhis increasing
cardiac symptoms in a study of how it contributed to his cardiac
arrest. Use medical terms and apply the saying, “It’s time to pay the
• How did the decades through which Rabbit lived culturally acclimate
him to bad personal habits? In particular, how does Tom Wolfe’s
description of the Me Decade apply to Rabbit?
• In Rabbit at Rest, an American tragedy, apply the term free will to
Rabbit. If you were a medical professional who observed someone
like Rabbit, not your patient, who exhibited heart disease symptoms,
would you tell him to see a doctor?
• Describe how Nelsons cocaine habit affects his family relationships
with his wife, children, and his mother and father. Who enables him?
Who helps him?
• DenethetraitsUpdikeattributesRabbitwith,suchasnarcissistic,
hedonistic, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, and homophobic, then
argue both sides, that either he is or he is not the product of his times
112 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
and typiesan average agingAmerican male with apropensity for
heart disease.
• Describe, medically, the effects of Rabbit’s hedonism and indolence
onhisbody(heart),thendiscuss:1)the rstmedicalprocedure he
this be ethical?
• Because Rabbit vicariously relates to various sports heroes, how do
• How does isolation in Florida affect Rabbit’s failure to recover from
myocardial infarction?
• Describe how rehabilitation and feminism help Nelson and Janice,
respectively, reclaim their lives.
American Heart Association. www.heart.org.
The Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator: http://www.livingto100.com/
Oates, Joyce Carol. “A Beautiful Brainless Guy.” Books of the Century (The New
York TimesBookReviews),ed.CharlesMcGrathetal.NewYork:Three
Rivers P, 2000: 449-51.
Updike, John. “The Ex-Basketball Player.The Carpentered Hen and Other Tame
Creatures. New York: Knopf, 1982. [E-text]
— “From the Journal of a Leper. Problems. New York: Fawcett, 1981: 201-
Rabbit at Rest. New York: Fawcett, 1990.
— “Rabbit Remembered.” Licks of Love. New York: Knopf, 2000.
Suggested Further Reading
Gawande, Atul. “The Man Who Couldn’t Stop Eating.Complications: A
Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science. New York: Holt, 2002: 162-83.
Nuland, Sherwin B. How We Die: Reections on Life’s Final Chapter. New York:
Knopf, 1994.
Wolfe, Tom. “The ‘Me’ Decade and the Third Great Awakening.” New York
End of LifeDisease and Death 113
Once I did the teaching, now I am taught.
— Dr. Vivian Bearing, Wit
Historical Context
Margaret Edson was born on July 4, 1961, in Washington, D.C. Her medical
social worker mother and her newspaper columnist father encouraged her high
school drama interests. After she received a bachelor’s degree in Renaissance
history, magna cum laude, from Smith College in 1983, she traveled for two
patient clerk and volunteer social worker at the National Cancer Institute in
Bethesda, Maryland. She witnessed protocols being developed to treat patients
for ovarian cancer and HIV.
In 1991, from observing the medical teams and patients on the ward and
from listening, she wrote Wit (alsoknownasW;t),initiallyaregionaltheatre
and off-off Broadway production. Edson received a master’s degree in English
from Georgetown University in 1992, and then she taught English as a second
ruptedwhen sheaccepted thePulitzerPrize forDrama. Todayshe livesin
Atlanta with her partner, art historian Linda Merrill, and their two sons.
Withastherarequalityof beingsimultaneouslyfunnyandheartbreaking
as it deals with thesubject of ovarian cancer,an often fatal disease if not
caught in its early stages. The play also reviews clinical trial methods, includ-
ing the effects of experimental drugs administered to terminal patients with-
out offering any hope of cure. It dramatically depicts medical science in its
patient relationship, especially relating to respect shown for or withheld from
the patient whose palliative care may therefore be lacking.
Although there is no possibility of healing Wit’s protagonist, Dr. Vivian
Bearing, of stage 4 cancer, avoiding medical mistakes is also at issue. Patients
achieve autonomy, or the right to self-determination, in part when their medi-
114 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
cal professionals learn to listen to them, a skill that can be modeled in narrative
literature as illustrated here. Lastly, as a practicum in clinical trial methods, Wit’s
losophy from The Belmont Report and follow Federal Drug Administration
(FDA) regulations in drug studies. They oversee methods for ensuring the
study participant’s informed consent and privacy as well as work to avoid doc-
toranddrugcompanyconictsof interest.Managingthepatient’spainand
utilizinghopeforincreasingthequalityof lifearealsohands-ondoctor-patient
issues. In the mid-twentieth century One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest sharply
criticizedmentalhealthcare;nowintothetwenty-rstcenturyWit casts a light
on end-of-life issues.
Cancer is a leading cause of death in Americans, second only to heart
disease. While breast cancer kills the most women, many gynecological cancers
are part of the overall cancer statistic. Ovarian cancer, the so-called whispering
disease because of its insidious nature, is detected in one in 70 predominantly
undetected. Risk factors include family history of ovarian and breast cancer,
high dietary fat, delayed menopause, and no or late childbearing. The use of
oral contraceptives appears to decrease risk. Ovarian cancer often presents
itself with a cluster of three persistent and severe symptoms: a swollen abdo-
men, a bloated feeling, and urgent urination. Other symptoms associated with
the disease include gas pains, anorexia, backache, and indigestion.
Unfortunately, most women seek medical advice when their ovarian cancer
is in the advance stage because the symptoms might be associated with other
gynecological conditions. A routine pelvic exam or sonogram can detect an
blood test such as CA 125 and/or exploratory surgery may be needed to rule
out malignant tumors. The ovaries of postmenopausal women are small so an
enlargedmassisof signicantconcern.
Legislation proposed in 2003 as The Gynecologic Cancer Education and
who died from ovarian cancer, outlines a national early detection and awareness
program to give women and their healthcare providers the latest information
on the symptoms and risk factors of gynecologic cancers, with ovarian cancer
being the deadliest. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2013 about
22,240 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed and 15,500 women will
End of LifeDisease and Death 115
dieof itinthe UnitedStates.Therelativeve-yearsurvival rateisonly 44
percent, depending on the stage of diagnosis. At the U.S. National Cancer
Institute clinical trials are underway on a breakthrough proteomics diagnostic
test for detecting bloodstream proteins produced by early stage cancer cells.
This exciting news builds hope for early diagnosis followed by new treatments
in development such as the anti-angiogenesis drugs that shut off a tumor’s
blood supply causing it to shrink.
With 1,600,000 cancer diagnoses in America in 2012, numerous clinical
trials help to develop other diagnostic tests and treatments beyond surgery
and chemotherapy. Researchers who enroll about two percent of adult can-
miracle.However,therealityof clinicaltrialsconductedrstinnonhumans
and then in humans often results in pure research promising no therapeutic
valuefortheparticipants,whichbringsintofocusthequestionof theirrights.
The process begins at hospital admission, when patients are asked about any
advance directives they have signed, including living wills, healthcare powers
of attorney,andorgandonation.Apatientadvocateisalwaysavailabletoeld
general complaints. The attending doctor reviews the patient’s medical history,
performs a physical examination, and presents a plan for healing. Along the
way, the patient may seek an ethics consultation, which is a reasoned conversa-
tion with a professional about the values and choices made in healthcare.
When the patient enrolls in a drug study, as Wit’s Dr. Bearing does, in
see research protocol. IRBs take their philosophy on what ethical research
is from The Belmont Report commissioned by the Department of Health
and Human Services. In 1974 the National Research Act created the National
CommissionfortheProtectionof HumanSubjectsof BiomedicalandBehav-
ioral Research. The Nuremberg Code, derived from the World War II war
crimes, was a prototype for the commissions guidelines.
For this discussion, the ethical principles and guidelines for the protec-
tionof humansubjectsincludedeninghowparticipantsareselected,how
informed consent is obtained, how to assess risk-benetratio, and howto
avoid conict of interest. The boundaries between practice and research
are dened.Thebasic ethical principlesit sets out are: respectfor persons
(acknowledging autonomy and diminished capacity), benecence (securing
116 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Besides monitoring these practices and obtaining legally effective informed
fully observe privacy regulations created by the Health Insurance Portability
andAccountabilityActof 1996(HIPAA).Therefore,respectforthepatient’s
autonomyandguardingagainstanypossibilityof deceitorundueinuence
in a potentially vulnerable participant is paramount. Furthermore, in drug tri-
als an IRB must carefully apply various titles of FDA codes of regulation.
Investigational new drugs (IND)go through three graduated phasesin the
investigational process, as determined by the FDA, before FDA approval is
sought and physician labeling procured.
Vivian Bearing is probably enrolled in a Phase 3 frontline drug study to
evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the drug. It may be deemed proper to
push the dosage. The distinction must be made between suffering the patient
would have as a part of her disease and that which may result from research
participation. Any toxicity in the full dosage given Bearing could be evalu-
ated by laboratory values and the parameters determined that could kill her.
That is, administering the full dose may not be necessarily painful. In particu-
lar, the duties of IRB watchdogs include giving the research participant the
When a patient becomes a study participant, like Wit’s Dr. Vivian Bear-
ing, facing illness—especially disease and dying—may take the courage of
a lion-tamer, to borrow from Virginia Woolf in “On Being Ill.” While such
studies are vital to medical training and can affect the future care of patients,
often they are not in the best interests of the terminal patients. In addition,
distraught family members may insist on keeping a patient alive through heroic
measures, merely prolonging their loved one’s suffering.
Therefore, economics becomes another primary concern in a healthcare
system in crisis. Ongoing interdisciplinary talks between clinicians and phi-
nology altering our conception of death. These concerned individuals assess
the implications for end-of-life caregiving to determine a reasonable duration
in the dying process. Until assisted-suicideislegalized,state-by-state,inthis
country, fortifying the doctor-patient relationship is one solution to enable
End of LifeDisease and Death 117
private, apolitical end-of-life decisions.
Besides all of the above, Edsons Wit incorporates topics such as having
hope, even in the terminal, and the importance of kindness, listening, and
touching by healthcare professionals, making for a better end-of-life experience.
Synopsis of the Play
ProfessorVivianBearing,aliteraryresearcher,isnowherself thesubjectof
cancerresearch.Thesetwodissimilareldsof studyformthefoundationof
a moving play looking at the boundaries of the intellect and the expanses of
the heart. Primarily set in a University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center
room, there are no action breaks between scenes and no intermission in the
90-minute play. Therefore, lighting changes signify important transitions.
Dr. Bearing enters an empty stage pushing an IV pole, giving immediacy
to her dire situation. She wears two overlapping hospital gowns for modesty
a cast of nine, Bearing carries the play, intermittently breaking the fourth wall
by addressing the audience: “Hi. How are you feeling today?” Then, slightly
In a ashback scene, Chief of Oncology Dr. Kelekian dispassionately
announcestoDr.Bearingin medicaljargonthatshe hasstage4 metastatic
contribute to knowledge. She must be very tough, he says, as she signs an
informed consent. Given this drastic news, Bearing retreats into her intellect,
making a mental note to create a bibliography for studying her disease. Both
doctors, as academics, commiserate on the state of their students’ scholarship.
Bearing learns the treatment for her insidious cancer will have pernicious side
effects, but she views her plight as a challenge, taking comfort in applying her
life-long discipline of exploring mortality in Donne’s Holy Sonnets.
Twenty-eight years earlier, Bearing’s mentor, E.M. Ashford, berates her
critically, with a correctly punctuated line: “And death shall be no more, Death
thou shalt die.” In this uncompromised version a mere comma, a breath, sepa-
rates life from everlasting life. A future academic, Bearing eagerly returns to
Back in the present, Bearing deals with the impersonal hospital regimen,
118 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
ally detached young doctor, Jason, once Bearing’s student, oversees the study
protocol. Bearing answers his battery of questions, her famous wit intact,
and treatments ensue, aligned with Bearing’s nausea and vomiting. Her only
visitors are medical students on rounds.
Inanotherashback,Dr.Bearingisve,readingBeatrixPotter’sThe Tale
of the Flopsy Bunnies toherfather,whoexplainstheword“soporic”(sleepy)to
her. Hence, her love of words began early and extended into the wonders of
metaphysical poetry, as it does now less evocatively to medical terms. She has
endured her outpatient chemotherapy but now rushes to the hospital shaking,
the full dose, which paradoxically may imperil her health but is done in the
interest of knowledge.
The scene shifts, putting Dr. Bearing in the spotlight as she lectures on the
metaphysical doctrine that teaches God forgives overweening intellect. Then
last scene.” However, Jason enters. He explains his enthusiasm for studying
cancer, but acknowledges he lacks the bedside manner he says only “troglo-
dyte” clinicians are trained for. Bearing tries to tap Jasons emotions but is put
the expense of humanity. Thinking her confused, Jason denies the touch of
human kindness she needs.
Bearing’s own inhumanity to her students is highlighted in her teaching
methods. A student who sees Donne as afraid, “so he hides behind all this
complicated stuff, hides behind this wit,” is put down. A consistently uncom-
grandmother’s death. This lack of compassion haunts her.
It is now the hospital’s graveyard shift, and the agitated Bearing is sun-
isafraid;sheisinneedof comfort.SuziesharesaPopsiclewithBearing,and
they talk about her advancing cancer and code status, noted in her chart as no
heroic measures to restart her heart. Only palliative care managing her pain
helps now. Jason enters the room as Bearing lapses into a drug-induced sleep.
End of LifeDisease and Death 119
never released from his salvation anxiety, and then he hastily adds, the senti-
mental meaning-of-life garbage is not for him.
In the all-important penultimate scene, retired Professor Emerita Ashford
visits the semi-conscious Bearing, crawls into her hospital bed, holds her, and
reads The Runaway Bunny,abookforherve-year-oldgrandson.Ashfordgen-
tly kisses the sleeping Bearing and softly says upon departing, “It’s time to go.
Andightsof angelssingtheetothyrest.”
Then Jason stridently enters the room, notes his patient’s lack of vital signs,
and without checking her chart calls code blue. He frantically pounds her chest
humility from making a medical mistake. The audience focuses on the bed
lights fade to black.
Literary Analysis
There is no mistaking who is in charge. Right from the beginning Wit’s pro-
tagonist, Dr. Vivian Bearing, a tough-minded Renaissance literature professor,
addresses the audience directly: “Hi. How are you feeling today?” This meta-
theatrical device, breaking the fourth wall, makes the audience self-consciously
aware of its role while preserving the illusion of unfolding action. Then Bear-
ing abruptly says, “I think I die at the end.” Such a declaration might reduce
the story in a way whimpering could not.
This analysis focuses on how Wit isaplayaboutBearing’sjourneytoward
knowledge through the capacity for love, then ultimately receiving God’s grace.
knowing when something is funny you hear the truth a little louder. Wit is used
to teach lessons on humanity in medical practices and procedures.
of an ovarian cancer patient, who typically ignores the disease’s vague physi-
120 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
cal symptoms. Now in stage 4 with metastatic spread to distant organs, late
detection means virtually no possibility of recovery. The play begins in medias
res with Bearing, a researcher herself, signed up for an eight-month research
protocol involving chemotherapy and high-dose experimental drugs given
with the cancer. By consenting to the study she contributes to knowledge but
suffers harsh side effects including hair loss, nausea and vomiting, compro-
mised immunity, fatigue, and pain. Cancer in a no-nonsense university profes-
Wit, a teachingplay beneting both actors and audiencealike, at rst
portrays Bearing unsympathetically. She is a disciplined professor who has
sonal battle for survival by drawing on the only resources she has built up:
the metaphysical poetry of John Donne(1572-1631). Donne was a seven-
teenth-century Anglican priest who became the dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in
London in 1621. Family deaths—including his wife, Anne More, and several
children—and his own extended illness caused him to write a series of spiritual
meditations, Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions. In these essays and in his earlier
Holy Sonnets,salvationanxietyquestioninghisfaithisprevalent.Hediedaftera
lingering illness, but hope of salvation swept into his later years.
ceits, complex poetic devices including simile, metaphor, puns, hyperbole, and
paradox. By integrating metaphysical poetry into the structure of her whole
play, Edson creates some surprising comparisons, as well as elaborate parallels
betweendissimilarthingsindisparateeldsof knowledge.For example, Bear-
ing compulsively researches her medical condition, as she had Donne’s Holy
dialogueonmetaphysicalwit contrastswiththe scienticjargon of ovarian
cancer protocols, showing how Bearing tries to understand her illness through
language. Set into the framework of the interrelated disciplines of literature
and medicine come lessons on kindness and detachment, hope and grace, and
ultimately life and death.
Wit is also a character-driven quest narrative. The others on Bearing’s
illness journey include cancer specialist Dr. Harvey Kelekian, an academic
professor like Bearing who mirrors her emotional distancing from students.
End of LifeDisease and Death 121
They have an intellectual exchange that soon collapses under the stark reality
of her dire situation. Told her prognosis, she signs an informed consent for
the full dose of an investigational drug. Paradoxically, while this protocol may
help to distinguish useful from useless treatment, contributing to knowledge
Kelekian is obligated to inform Bearing fully about the drug, including
whether it is FDA approved and has possible side effects. There is an ethical
dilemma,groundedinHippocrates’“rst,donoharm,”of deliveringanon-
data.Periodicreviewof Bearing’spainlevelandqualityoflifeisimperative.At
as a number rather than a person, causing her to become cynical. Bearing is
terminally ill, in intractable pain from the cancer and its treatment, and alone.
Like Kelekian, his research fellow Dr. Jason Posner is in a relentless pursuit
of knowledge,alsoforgettinghissubjectisapersonlikehimself.Jasonmind-
of detached concern, or a medical professional’s learned ability to compart-
greetingdefensivelydisconnectshim froma patientto maintainobjectivity.
Bearing feels proud that Jason, once her undergraduate student, is a dedicated
researcher also. But as a scientist he is more interested in his patient’s cancer
cells than he is in her emotions, humiliating her during a disrespectful pelvic
exam. He callously observes and records Bearing’s suffering without offering
Underneath it all, Bearing tries to mask her loneliness with bravissima rep-
artee. For example, after taking her medical history Jason remarks, “Well that
about does it for your life history,” to which she wittily replies: “Yes, that’s all
there is to my life history.” The sarcasm is lost on the busy doctor who had not
chosen his words carefully. In the beginning both Bearing and her like-minded
young doctor are dispassionate, but with increasing pain her arrogance gives
way to fear. For Edson, once a hospital worker herself, kindness and humility
needtobalanceoutthefervorof scienticendeavor.
In stark contrast to the detached, fact-oriented Jason, nurse Suzie,
fessor Bearing is a master teacher of the highest intellectual order with an
122 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
professional career, she does not have a fundamental understanding of com-
needs by listening and by showing simple human kindness. Of course, there
is no way to know when given the bad news how anyone, whether the most
learned theologian or a cancer-stricken child, will face a date with mortality.
But with hope of recovery lost—the cancer is not in remission and only pal-
liative measures are undertaken—Bearing appears to subsume her fear and
acceptherfatewithequanimity.Inthecomfortof Suzie’sarms,sheisgetting
“the medicine of friendship,” as put by Jerome Groopman’s patient in The
Anatomy of Hope(135).
head, and splits a Popsicle with her while having a talk about codes. Bearing
signs a do-not-resuscitate order, thus taking some control over her life. It is
indeanceof Jason’sandKelekiansdesiretokeepheralivetocollectmore
research data. Ironically, in so doing Bearing has deprived death of its power
do for him. Suzie’s time-consuming interactions with Professor Bearing of
in extremis, shows how, combined, they become an ideal caregiver. That is, the
faculties of reason are not weakened by the growth of compassion and need
not be mutually exclusive.
There is a moment of dramatic irony when Professor Ashford comes to
Vivian Bearing, about Donne’s “Holy Sonnet Six and its profoundly simple
meaning. Citing the authentic text, “And death shall be no more, Death thou
shalt die,” Ashford states that “nothing but a breath—a comma—separates
life from life everlasting.” How can a simple human truth and uncompro-
mising scholarly standards inform each other, Bearing wonders. Her lifelong
immersion in the Holy Sonnetssparkedheruseofwit,certainly;however,other
than providing an intellectual challenge, it did not engage her in real life.
From the beginning it is clear Bearing is terminal. Feeling secure in life, she
hadignoreddeathuntilherillnessbecameashortjourneyof self-discovery.In
the play’s most sentimental, albeit realistic scene, Ashford crawls into bed with
End of LifeDisease and Death 123
the dying Bearing. Nestled in her mentor’s arms, Bearing has regressed from
intellectual posturing into childlike trust as Ashford reads to her not Donne
but an uncomplicated child’s tale, The Runaway Bunny. Simply put, no matter
the soul that shows God’s love.
Eight months of cancer treatments seemed interminable, but Bearing’s
death is swift. Now others must tell her story. Jason enters Bearing’s room, and
pleads for him to stop. Compassion dictates it is time to stop intervening. In
As the soul departs the body in a transcendent scene that surprises, Bearing
experiences grace through her ability to give and to receive love.
Margaret Edson’s play is both intellectually challenging and emotionally
immediate. Bearing is an unforgettable character whose intractable pain and
dehumanizing end-of-life isolation is not unusual. She goes from being an
intellectual scholar, vociferously in charge, to being friendless and quietly
humility precedes her courageous death. Other themes are preserving human-
course, how wit, the play’s salient characteristic, evokes both verbal skill and an
ability to understand.
Besides wordplay that delights, surprises, and lightens the mood, Wit’s
metatheatrical elements and dramatic devices drive the play. An important
tothelineartrajectory—research,teach,publish—of herbusyprofessor’slife,
contrast with seeing what her life is like during the last months and hours.
Friendless, she is embroiled in a struggle for her life. Bearing’s repeatedly
addressing the audience is powerful, “Hi. How are you feeling today?,” becom-
ing a leitmotif that mocks detached concern, inbred into medical professionals
who may not be listening anyway. Later her silence makes it necessary to shift
sions—with the hustle and bustle of diurnal medical schedules to be met,
realistically portraying what a patient endures. A play of opposites—hope
and kindness are revealed by showing characters without them—Wit’s layered
literature-and-medicine approach ultimately pits life against death.
Wit has been called sentimental and melodramatic, as well as been criti-
124 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
cized for portraying stereotypical medical professionals. Unfortunately, it is
for end-of-life patients, including lack of respect, failure of physicians to com-
At rst Bearing appears one-dimensional as a prideful professor, until
cancer drains the life out of her. It is fully ironic that a scholar who studies
matter;rather,onlyBearing’sobsessionwithlanguageandretentionof asem-
blance of Donne’s wit are easily communicated to the audience. Arguably, she
learned from Donne’s writings neither courage nor his faith and beliefs. Only
a caring nurse can tap into Bearing’s emotions to assuage her fears.
The hospital’s busy environment, with beeping technology and rushed
medical personnel, is incongruently lled with silences, both metaphorical
and literal, that disease and dying create. Critically ill patients need answers to
room with light. In particular, the medical issues and ethics Wit evoke concern
must be tough, then without further counsel she signs the informed consent.
This is not a clinical research study report, but rather a play, so there is no men-
tionof therisk-benetratioforheraggressivetreatmentnoranassessment
of anyconictof interest.But,lateron,insufcientdiscussionsof palliative
caremeasuresresultinincreasedpain,lesseningthequalityof hershortlife.
All institutions have their own ethics policies, and, hypothetically, readers
might imagine a scenario in which Drs. Kelekian and Posner try to further use
last friend on earth, wants to retain her dignity and will not let them. However
much Wit talks about death, though, it focuses more on Bearing’s struggle
to reassess her life, and within rising life-to-death plot action many ethical
questionsareprobed.TherebyWit maintains its momentum from the begin-
ning even through Bearing’s death. Wordplay provides relief, offsetting the
comitragedy’s paradox that Bearing had to experience dying before kindness
brought meaning to her life.
End of LifeDisease and Death 125
Topics for Oral and Written Discussion
• What different healthcare lessons do Rabbit Angstrom and Dr. Vivian
Bearing teach? Apply the sayings memento mori and carpe diemspeci-
cally to each.
• Describe the medical professional-patient relationship that Vivian
• Correlate Jasons and Bearing’s personality characteristics to show
cause each to turn pride into humility?
• Describe how Wit denes the role of communication in treating
patients, specifying how listening, empathy, hope, humor, and silence
• Distinguish detached concern from compassionate care in research
• DiscussDonne’smeditationonhumilityanddeath,amajorthemein
Wit, and relate it to Bearing’s saving grace.
• Describe ovarian cancer and the tests and legislation hoping to elimi-
nate this silent killer.
• Thesubjectof diseaseanddeathisdoneartfullyinRabbit at Rest and
Wit, but the latter work is uplifting. Describe the literary devices, wit,
dramatic irony, and audience metatheatrical self-consciousness, that
• In clinical trials doesusingexperimentaldrugsthatmaynotbenetthe
study participant and may even eliminate the last peaceful moments,
sacrice patient autonomy to advance research? Review IRB rules,
regulations, and philosophies as set out in The Belmont Report and
FDA regulations. Argue both sides.
• Atlast,whatspecicissuesdoes Wit illuminate to help bring reform
in end-of-life care, as One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nestcriticizedmental
institutions to bring sweeping changes?
Donne, John. Devotions upon Emergent Occasions and Death’s Duel: New York:
126 Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature
Vintage Spiritual Classics, 1999. Meditations on illness and recovery.
Edson, Margaret. W;t. New York: Faber, 1999.
Federal Drug Administration: www.fda.gov
GeneralRequirementsforInformedConsent.Title45Codeof Federal
Regulations Part 46.116. http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/policy/
“Gynecology and Obstetrics.The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy.
LeadingCausesof Death(CDC):http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance: http://www.ovariancancer.org
Teno, Joan M., et al., eds. “Family Perspectives on End-of-Life Care at the
Last Place of Care.” JAMA 291(2004):88-93.
Suggested Further Reading
Albom, Mitch. Tuesdays with Morrie. New York: Doubleday, 1997. A teacher’s
dying lesson.
Broyard, Anatole. “Doctor, Talk to Me.On Doctoring. Ed. Richard Reynolds,
et al. New York: Simon, 1995: 175-81. Pathography.
Butler, Sandra and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices. Spinsters Ink,
Kübler-Ross,Elizabeth.On Death and Dying. New York: Macmillan, 1969.
Olsen, Tillie. Tell Me a Riddle. New York: Dell, 1977. Woman’s cancer affects
Nuland, Sherwin B. “Hope and the Cancer Patient.How We Die. New York:
Knopf, 1994: 222-41.
Tolstoy, Leo. The Death of Ivan Illych. New York: Bantam, 1988. Emotions of
dying man.
Williams, W. C. “A Face of Stone.The Collected Stories of William Carlos
Williams. New York: New Directions, 1996: 167–76. Paternalistic doctor
lashes out.
Glossary of Terms
abortion.Theterminationof apregnancy.(SeeRoev.Wade1973.)
absurdism. Philosophy espousing that human life is irrational, morally
indifferent, and rendered meaningless by death.
advancedirectives.Signedauthorizationsincludingmedicalpowersof attorney
in living wills designating another person, or proxy, to make healthcare
decisions in your stead.
affective family. The family entity evolving from freely expressed emotions.
AIDS. Acquired immunodeciency syndrome. A human immune-system
disease caused by HIV infection transmitted through blood and
bodily secretions, rendering its victim susceptible to life-threatening
pneumonia and Kaposi’s sarcoma. See also HIV.
allegory. A narrative with a primary and secondary meaning. Related to fable
and parable, it is understood on two levels. After reading an allegory,
ask yourself, What is the story also about?
alphamale.Thetopdog;exempliedby“BullGooseLoony”inOne Flew Over
the Cuckoo’s Nest.
alterego. The second self or other side of the personality.
alternative medicine. A mind-body-spirit approach to self-healing.
amalgamate. Integrate, fuse, merge.
amoral. Existing outside of a standard moral code of right and wrong.
angina. Sharp, spasmodic pain attacks, indicative of heart disease. See also
angioplasty. An artery-clearing procedure (also known as cardiac balloon
heart muscle, followed by clot-busting drugs.
anthrax. An acute infectious disease caused by spore-forming bacterium
Bacillus anthracis, infecting warm-blooded hoofed animals like cattle
128 Glossary
and sheep but transmittable to humans. Characterized by external
ulcerating nodules or lung lesions. See also bioterrorism.
that is, deductive.
archetype.Primordial,structuralelementsof thehumanpsyche(Jung).
ars moriendi. Latin, meaning “the art of dying.
ars vivendi. Latin, meaning “the art of living well.
arteriosclerosis. Arteries progressively blocked or narrowed by cholesterol
generating a “protest” or angina pain.
asylum. A mental institution or a sanctuary and inviolable place of refuge.
behavioral and learning disorders.
autonomy. Each persons individual right to respect and self-determination.
back shots. Painful spinal taps used to procure neurological evidence for study.
bad blood. The vernacular, or common term, for syphilis-infected blood.
bariatrics. From the Greek baros, meaning “weight” and –iatrics, meaning
“medical treatment.” A branch of medicine relating to obesity and its
treatments, including surgery.
Beat Generation. An American post-World War II literary and social movement
promoted by 1950s writers Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs, Jack
Cassady, and Jack Kerouac, who attacked capitalism, the military,
racism, consumerism, and the destruction of the environment. At the
end of the 1960s hippies replaced beatniks as an alternative American
bildungsroman. A novel about the main character’s moral and psychological
and healthcare disciplines. Van Rensselaer Potter coined the term in
1970 to describe “a new discipline that combines biological knowledge
with a knowledge of human value systems” (Jonsen, The Birth of
biotechnology. The use of biological processes to produce a product or
Glossary 129
processes such as making beer and cheese as well as producing
genetically altered bacteria to solve a horticulture problem or altering
genes for recombinant DNA in an attempt to cure human diseases or
inhumanreproductionprocesses.Oftenthestuff of sciencection,
it merges science and engineering. See Schacter, Issues and Dilemmas of
bioterrorism. Terrorist acts using biological weapons like anthrax or smallpox.
blank verse. Common, unrhymed verse (usually in iambic pentameter
[vefeetperline,stressingthesecondbeatof eachfoot]).Seenin
libre)thatcommonlyhasnoxedmeterandnumberof feet.
blood pressure. A pressure cuff placed around a patient’s arm measures
the“push”of the circulationsystem (i.e.,thetop,systolic,number
measuresthepressureof theheartpumpingbloodout;thebottom,
diastolic, number measures the pressure in between pumps. A reading
over 120 systolic means the heart is working too hard, stressing
arteries, leading to heart disease, stroke.
botulism. An inhaled or eaten bacterial toxin causing a muscle-paralyzing
braindeath.AsdenedbytheUniformDeterminationof DeathAct,brain
death is “irreversible loss of all functions of the entire brain, including
the brain stem.” However, these activities of the brain may continue:
1)evokedpotentialsof auditoryandvisualpathways;2)brainwave
activity; and 3) neurohormonal regulation producing the arginine
bubonic plague. From Greek boubon, meaning “groin.” A disease caused by the
bacterium Yersinia pestisthatisspreadtohumansbyeasfrominfected
rodents and that causes swelling of lymph glands. Early symptoms
include headache, nausea, vomiting, and aching joints, followed by
fever and chills. In advanced cases the skin turns black, hence the
alternate name Black Death. See also plague.
Calvinism. The theological system of John Calvin and his followers, marked
byemphasizingthesovereigntyof God,thedepravityof mankind,
and the doctrine of predestination.
130 Glossary
cardiac arrest. Sudden stoppage of the heart resulting in heart damage and
death unless immediate resuscitation is achieved.
cardiac death. The irreversible loss of circulatory and respiratory functions, as
denedbytheUniformDeterminationof DeathAct.Thetraditional
cardiopulmonary criterion of death is when blood stops circulating.
Non-heart-beating protocols determine the exact time an organ can
be harvested for transplantation to reduce degradation.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR. An emergency procedure involving
external cardiac massage and articial mouth-to-mouth respiration,
attempting to restore blood circulation and prevent brain damage.
Also know as “the kiss of life.” Consult American Heart Association
carpe diem.Latin,meaning“seizetheday.”Enjoymentofthemomentwithout
concern for the future.
catch-22. Derived from Joseph Heller’s novel, Catch-22; a contradictory
situation, paradox, or absurdity in which the only solution is denied
by a circumstance inherent in the problem and is therefore impossible
to achieve.
catharsis.Anartisticpurgingof emotions(pityandfear,forexample),bringing
about renewal.
cholera. An acute diarrheal illness caused by intestinal bacterial infection.
cholesterol. A type of liver-produced fat found in the blood and used by the
body to make hormones and build cell walls. Elevated cholesterol
levels may increase the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol became a
common household term in the 1970s.
chronic. Having a long duration or always troubling.
cingulotomy. Psychosurgery in which the trigeminal cranial nerve and
intracranial lesions are targeted, often with a noninvasive Gamma
Knife in an outpatient procedure to relieve intractable depression,
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), chronic pain, and other
civilrightsand liberties. Every U.S.citizen isentitledto protectionagainst
infringement by the government; other specic rights include
freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly, as well as having
Glossary 131
Constitutionsrst10amendments(Billof Rights)andCivilRights
Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1968.
cloning. Creating a genetic duplicate through somatic cell nuclear transfer
code blue. A signal for calling a hospital resuscitation team.
colonialism.Thestateof beingcolonial;thatis,acolonyissubjecttoanother
government’s policies, which may involve cultural oppression and the
domination of one country over another.
coma.Astateof unarousableunconsciousnessrequiringamedicalevaluation.
in agriculture, a grain-threshing machine. In Cuckoo’s Nest the Chief
world, both inside and outside of the institution. A metaphor for
repressive America.
comitragedy. A dramatic mixture wherein comic elements offset the tragic.
compassion. From Latin com + pati, meaning “to bear with” the consciousness
of another’s distress, together with a desire to alleviate it. Syn. Pity.
See also patient.
simile, metaphor, oxymoron, hyperbole, and puns.
concomitant. Accompanying in an incidental way.
condentiality. In the medical practitioner-patient relationship there is an
express and implied oath standing since Hippocrates’ time that no
bohemian, beat, hip.
states, “Criminal responsibility is excused where the actor, because of
mental illness, does not understand the nature of his actions or does
not understand that those actions are wrong.” That is, he is criminally
insane because he does not know the difference between right and
cultural relativism. A philosophical concept that claims moral rules are customs
are universal. Advocates for international human rights, by their very
132 Glossary
cyberterrorism. Terroristic acts (such as computer hacking and spreading
viruses and worms) inltrating computer systems in the nation’s
infrastructure (nancial institutions, government databases, water
cyborg. Cybernetic or bionic organism with automatic brain and nervous
cynicism. Showing a character or attitude of pessimism, misanthropy, gloom,
and distrust. It incorporates a growing emotional distance and sense
of futility.
Dante’s Inferno. Part I, Hell, of the Divine Comedy. Virgil conducts Dante
appropriate to their sins. In the anteroom reside those who did nothing
in life, neither good nor evil. What follows are nine levels of Hell,
descending conically into the earth.
death. A legal term describing the cessation of brain function. Death usually
occurs within two to four minutes of oxygen deprivation to the brain.
Initially,thepupilsof theeyesbecomexedanddilated.Finallyan
electroencephalograph determines lack of brain activity.
depression. A common depressive mood disorder ranging from mild to
severe. When clinical, it is characterized by persistent sadness
interfering with daily activities. Other symptoms include headaches,
crying, loss of interest, feelings of worthlessness, sleeplessness, low
in concentrating and a preoccupation with dying.
detached concern. In a doctor-patient therapeutic relationship, as taught by
Sir William Osler, a defense mechanism medical professionals use to
dissociate emotionally from a patient.
disease. A harmful medical condition inhibiting normal human functioning.
DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid. The nucleic acids that are the molecular basis
of heredity reconstructed as a double helix. See also recombinant
doctor-patient relationship. Emphasizes the human bond or partnership
between doctor and patient that is essential to the art of medicine.
do not resuscitate order. Called a “no code,” a hospital order to respect the
Glossary 133
wishes of a patient not to undergo CPR or other resuscitation if his
heart or breathing stops.
based on a Greek word for a woman who assists mothers in childbirth.
dramatic irony. A tension built into the play, usually occurring when the
audience understands the unfolding situation and its meaning but the
characters do not.
dystopia. Anti-utopia.
Ebola virus. AFiloviridae named after ariverin Zaire,identied in1976,
affecting humans and nonhuman primates with severe outbreaks and
electroshock therapy (EST). Also called electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
Administering electroshocks to an anesthetized patient to relieve
depression or mania.
elegiac. Mournful, sad, expressing sorrow.
elixir. A medical concoction capable of prolonging life.
emigrate. To leave one’s country to live elsewhere.
empathy. Observing and vicariously understanding another’s feelings but
keepingasafedistancebetweenyourself andtheother;experiencing
the feelings of another as your own.
empirical thought. New scientic discoveries are often based on empirical
says about the issue; 2) make several observations; and 3) derive
general or probable principles on the matter from both 1 and 2.
endemic. Prevalent in a particular area or environment.
Enlightenment, the. Also called the Age of Reason. An eighteenth-century
philosophical movement in which rational thought prevailed and
individual happiness was paramount.
epidemic. A contagious disease outbreak affecting a large number of
individuals within a population.
epistolary novel. The plotunfolds throughaseries of letters; notewhois
speaking to whom.
ethics. From Greek ethos, meaning character. The discipline focusing on
what is good and bad and what is one’s moral duty and obligation.
decisions, or at least ones with which a person can live.
134 Glossary
eugenics.Thescienticimprovingof hereditaryqualitiesof araceorbreed;
term coined by Francis Galton.
or doctor-assisted suicide. The practice of assisting in the death of
terminal patients. The countries that have legalized it consider it a
profoundly compassionate response to help end a life in suffering.
While the action is not necessarily devoid of reason, it’s illegal in most
of the United States.
existentialism. A twentieth-century philosophyemphasizing that individual
experience in an unfathomable but sometimes hostile or indifferent
universe, while inexplicable, offers freedom of choice without knowing
what is right or wrong or good or bad, and we are responsible for the
consequencesof ouractions.
are powerless to change them.
African, Middle Eastern, and Far Eastern countries that consists of
urination and menstruation.
First World (Third World). Having electricity, sewers, and governmental
fortunate fall. Latin, felix culpa. A theme in early American Literature, out
of evil comes some good, in which a persons painful experiences
becomeinstructiveand benecial. Putotherwise,a manstortured
heart may lead to spirituality and an understanding of the humanity
around him.
fourth wall. A theatrical term describing the invisible wall between the
audience and the on-stage actors. When an actor speaks directly to
the audience, as does the narrator stage manager in Thornton Wilder’s
Our Town, he breaks the fourth wall.
Frankenfood. A food that has been genetically engineered.
Examples include bioterrorism, cyberterrorism, and agriterrorism.
The term has it is origins in Shelley’s Frankenstein.
Glossary 135
free verse. Verse that has no metrical pattern but depends on internal rhyme,
images, etc.
free will. Freedom, without prior coercion or even divine intervention, to
choose or decide the course of one’s own life, whether another person
agrees with you or not. For example, “I do this of my own free will.”
Galenic. Of or relating to the work of Galen (A.D. 130-200), the Greek
physician who tried to synthesize what was known of medicine,
developing a theoretical framework for explaining the body and its
diseases. His anatomical and physiological discoveries included an
understanding of heart-muscle action, kidney secretion, respiration,
and nervous-system function. William Harvey’s seventeenth century
discoveryof bloodcirculationwasamajorstepawayfromGalenic
galvanism. Relating to the 1790s work of Italian physician Luigi Galvani
who jolted frog muscles with an electrostatic spark, demonstrating
twitching nerve impulses. In Frankenstein galvanism implied the release,
through electricity, of mysterious life forces.
to old people.
globalization.Theintegrationof nationsthatmakesapplyingsocial,medical,
and economic principles worldwide in scope.
gluttony.Overindulgence,especially eatingand drinkingtoomuch;oneof
the Seven Deadly Sins, along with pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, and
golden years. Usually the retirement years when people should be free to
explore life, ideally without health and money problems.
all gothic elements, which Hawthorne and Poe used to reveal or to
explain the supernatural.
grace. In Christian theology, the unearned benecence of God; that is, to
the salvation of sinners.
habeas corpus. Latin, meaning “you should have the body.” A habeas corpus writ
against illegal imprisonment.
136 Glossary
hallucinogenic drugs. Drugs that induce delusions, pushing the limits of
physical and psychological endurance. LSD, for instance.
head versus heart. Exalting the mind at the expense of the heart.
hedonism.Thedoctrinethatpleasure(happiness)isthechief goodinlife.
heroism. The qualities of a hero, especially fullling a higher purpose or
attaining a noble end.
hippies. A 1960s counterculture group that took psychoactive drugs, wore
psychedelic clothing, and as nonconformists reacted against wartime
by engaging in peace demonstrations.
HIV. Human immunodeciency virus. Any retroviruses that infect and
destroy immune-system T cells, becoming diagnostic of AIDS.
holistic. Relating to the whole system rather than to the analysis or treatment
of parts. For example, modern medicine attempts to treat the mind,
body, and spirit.
homeopathy. From Greek homos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning
“suffering.” The principle “like can cure like” is the basis of
homeopathy and dates back to the Greek physician Hippocrates in
hope. Expecting a good outcome. Hope, faith, and charity are three Christian
virtues. The opposite of hope is despair.
humor.Aqualityappealingtothesenseof theabsurdorridiculous;also,its
use can be a patient’s coping mechanism.
hypospadias. Abnormal urethral construction of the penis.
ideology. The aims, assertions, and theories constituting a sociopolitical view.
immigrate. To come into another country as a nonnative.
implacable. Not capable of being changed, appeased.
impostor syndrome. When a doctor feels he or she can never know enough.
infection. The state produced by an infective agent in a suitable host.
informed consent.A researchparticipant mustbe adequatelyinformed of
andfullyunderstandtherisksand/orbenetsof medicalprocedures
Glossary 137
consent can be freely given.
in medias res. Latin, meaning “in the middle of things.
insanity. A legal term, meaning having a deranged or unsound mind and lacking
mental capacity. It may remove the aficted person from civil or
and excludes mental retardation.
institutional review boards (IRBs). Multidisciplinary research institution
committees charged with reviewing human experimentation standards
of practice and ethics.
intern.Amedicalschoolgraduatewhobeginshisorherrstyearof residency
intersexuals. Also called hermaphrodites. People born with intermediate or
ambiguous genitals, neither completely male nor female. Conditions
that cause intersexuality include Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY
syndrome, and a host of other syndromes. Intersexual characteristics
are sometimes not determined until puberty.
in vitrofertilization.Combiningspermandovainaglassdishtoreapembryos.
irony. Using words to express the opposite of the literal meaning.
irresistible impulse. The legal principle stating that even if a person knowingly
performs a wrongful act he or she can be absolved of responsibility if
it was driven by an irresistible impulse, and therefore the person had
a diminished capacity to resist performing the act. It was the legal
principle used in the movie, Anatomy of a Murder.
Jim Crow Era. From 1870s to the 1950s discriminatory practices toward
blacks (often local custom, not law) proliferated, in spite of the
1863 Emancipation Proclamation and 14th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution. They included discrimination in education, sports,
hotels, restaurants, and so forth. For instance, blacks had to sit at the
back of the bus, and drinking fountains were labeled “White only”
and “Colored only,” with only water in the white fountain cooled. In
most areas of the South, the practice did not end until the 1960s. The
term derived from Jim Crow, a stereotypical black song-and-dance
laconically. Using concise, minimal words to make a point.
138 Glossary
leitmotiv. A recurrent theme in a work that represents an emotion or character.
litmus test. An acid-base indicator test that turns red in acid solutions and blue
in alkaline solutions.
logotherapy. Viktor Frankl’s term for understanding that the search for
meaning is mans primary motivating force.
LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide. An organic compound that induces psychotic
symptomssimilartothoseof schizophrenia.In1938Swisschemist
Dr. Albert Hofmann rst synthesized it from ergot fungus on the
rye plant as a headache remedy, and he was not immediately aware
of its hallucinogenic properties. In the 1950s American experiments
drug addiction, and behavior modication. The studies proved
inconclusive. More recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in
studying the use of LSD in terminal patients and to induce mystical
experiences, but widespread use of so-called psychedelic therapies has
not been approved by the FDA.
Luddite. One of a group of early nineteenth-century workmen who destroyed
technological change. The movement is probably named for the
eighteenth-century Leicestershire workman Ned Ludd who destroyed
a knitting frame. Today, the Unabomber, who targeted computer
industry executives and researchers, is considered a neo-Luddite.
Me Decade. Author Tom Wolfe coined this term to represent the period from
1971 to 1980, a self-centered time incorporating hedonism, hipness,
and tragedy.
medical humanism. A view or teachings that add professional values such as
how of medicine (clinical competence), combining into the art of
medical humanities. An interdisciplinary blend of medicine and humanistic
idealstorevealthebeautyinhealing.Initssubeldof literatureand
medicine, for instance, literature and scientic knowledge reveal a
healing art, giving insight into the human condition.
Glossary 139
medicalpowerof attorney.Authorizationsdirectinganothertomakespecic
medical decisions in your stead.
melancholia. A mental disorder with symptoms of depression, physical
complaints, and possibly delusions.
melodrama. A highly theatrical, sensationalized drama lled with intense
memento mori. Latin, meaning “remember that you must die.
mental illness. Various disorders of the mind often caused by inherited genetic
and learned environmental factors as well as external emotional
stresses. Major categories include psychoses like schizophreniaand
manic depression, neuroses like obsessive-compulsive disorder
and hysteria, and personality disorders like drug dependence and
and daily stresses.
mental retardation. Intelligence defects, a condition that affects 2 percent to 3
percent of the US population. Genetic advances help us understand
abnormalities in the brain. Related terms include feebleminded,
moron, imbecile.
Merry Pranksters. Philosophical existentialists, acting spontaneously against
authority. Namely, they are Ken Kesey and other psychedelic-era
compatriots such as Jack Kerouac.
Metamorphoses. A series of Latin verse tales written by Ovid around A.D. 8
metaphor.Agureof speechdescribingonethingintermsof another.
metaphysicalpoetry. Aseventeenth-century poetry denedin theworkof
John Donne that intellectually persuades, engages in discussion, and
seeks psychological analysis through images, analogies, elaborate
parallels between dissimilar things, and a dramatic event.
metatheatre. A play self-consciously declaring itself theatre, especially with
an actor speaking to the audience and breaking the fourth wall but
maintaining dramatic illusion. Also “in-yer-face” theatre or theatre
about theatre.
140 Glossary
moral.Relatingtoprinciplesof rightandwrongbehavior;ethical;virtuous.
morale. The mental and emotional level of psychological well-being.
morbid obesity. Having a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or 100 pounds
mutilation. Cutting off or destroying a persons or animal’s limb or other
essential body part.
nanotechnology. The branch of engineering that creates incredibly small
machines and materials dealing with things smaller than 100
nanometers(ametricunitof lengthequivalenttoonebillionthof a
the fundamental building blocks of nature within the laws of
physics. The far-reaching hope is that nanomedicine, by manipulating
molecules, will eliminate all common twentieth-century diseases, pain,
and suffering, as well as augment mental capabilities. Using devices
thesizeof afewnanometersofteninvolvesthemovementof asmall
number of electrons.
narrative ethics. The use of narrative, stories in particular, to help medical
professionals make ethical choices by illustrating in the literature clear
examplesof rightorwrongdecisions.Inctionalstoriesandcase
histories the viewpoint is considered. Also known as literary ethics
or narrative knowledge.
neurasthenia. An emotional disorder with psychosomatic symptoms involving
fatigueandfeelingsof inadequacy.
nontherapeutic research trial. A research trial performed to benet future
patients, not those of the instant study.
Nuremberg Code. A code derived from the World War II Nuremberg Trials
setting permissible standards for approved medical research.
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Besieged by a neurotic state of
recurring obsessions and compulsions such as repetitive hand-
washing or counting.
Odysseus syndrome. Derived from an episode in Homer’s Odyssey in which
Odysseus asks his men to tie him to the mast so he does not become
crazedbytheSirensandhavehispowerof reasonaffected.When
Glossary 141
applied by a bioethicist, it states that medical professionals should rely
on a patient’s decision made in his right mind.
original sin. The state of sin in all human beings, according to Christian
theology, that results from Adam’s fall.
Orpheus. In Greek mythology, a poet and musician who almost rescues his
wife Eurydice from Hades by charming Pluto and Persephone with
be united.
pain. A subjective experience effecting an unpleasant emotion relating to
real or imagined touch. Medicine keeps revising and improving ways
patients can relate and describe their pain.
palliativecare.Improvingthequalityof lifeinpatients,addressingphysical,
pandemic. The outbreak of disease affecting a wide geographical area and a
high percent of the population.
Pandora’s box. Derived from ancient Greek mythology, a box lled with
implacable curses, but near the bottom there is hope.
pantheism.AdoctrineequatingGodwiththeforcesandlawsof theuniverse;
toleration of the worshipping of all gods of different creeds, etc.
Paracelsian.Relatingtotheteachingsof Paracelsus(1493-1541)whobelieved
theactivitiesof thehumanbodyarechemical;healthdependsonthe
properchemicalcompositionof theorgansanduids;andtheobject
of chemistry is to keep this essential balance.
Paradise Lost. John Miltons 1667 epic poem of the story of Adam and Eve,
Lucifer and Satan, and good versus evil.
passion. Emotions, as distinguished from reason, driving feelings and interests,
promoting enthusiasm and even anger.
pathography. Life writing on one’s own illness.
pathogens.Aspeciccausativeagentof disease,suchasabacteriumorvirus.
pathology. The study of the nature of disease, especially what deviates from
patient advocate. Usually a hospital employee who responds to patient needs
and complaints.
142 Glossary
patriarchalmedicine.Thedoctoris theall-knowingfather; thepatientisan
inexperienced child.
penicillin. A nontoxic acid produced by molds and found to be a useful
antibiotic against syphilis and other bacteria. It was accidentally
discovered by British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming in 1929.
personifying, personication. Attributing personal or human qualities to a
thing or abstraction.
placebo. Latin, meaning “I shall please.” An innocuous substance prescribed
efcacyof anotherprotocol.Alsoknownasasugarpill.
plague. An extremely contagious bacterial disease caused by the bacillus
Pasteurella pestis.
plug drugs. A new type of drug not related to genetic sequencing, but
polemics. Aggressively refuting the opinions and principles of another; a
controversial argument.
poliovirus. An enterovirus occurring in several antigenically distinct forms
causing human poliomyelitis.
post-traumaticstressdisorder(PTSD).Atermarisingoutof WWIIwhen
psychologists diagnosed returning soldiers with problems such as loss
of concentration,sleepdisturbances,nightmares,ashbacks,intrusive
thoughts, and emotional stress.
predestination. The doctrine that all-knowing God infallibly guides those
destined for salvation.
preimplantation genetic diagnosis. The technique for examining and
preselecting embryos to identify sex, inherited diseases, and even cell
donor capability. The selected in vitrofertilizationembryosarethen
presumed consent. A term facilitating the harvesting of organs from the
deceased unless individuals or families object. See also informed
preternatural.Existingoutsideof nature;exceedingthenatural;atypical.
prescient. Anticipating or having foreknowledge of events.
Prometheus. Greek, meaning “forethought.” In Greek mythology Prometheus,
Glossary 143
it to humans. As punishment, he was nailed to a mountain, where an
eagle tore out his liver by day and it grew back by night. According to
some stories, Prometheus was the creator of man, molding him from
mud. See Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
Prometheus syndrome. Relates to the Greek legend of Prometheus who
of technology, altering nature, including man, without thinking ahead
psychopathic personality. An emotional and behavioral disorder involving
perversion, or drug addiction.
psychosocial. Involving both psychological and social aspects, for instance as
psychosomatic. Physical symptoms caused by emotional disorders.
PublicHealthService(PHS).Anagencyof theU.S.governmentestablished
in 1798, now with the Department of Health and Human Services,
that promotes and safeguards national health and coordinates services
puerperal fever. Childbed fever or puerperal sepsis. An infection of the
placental site leading to fever, which in serious cases may infect the
uterine wall and then pass into the bloodstream leading to death.
Dr.OliverWendellHolmesrstidentieditinThe Contagiousness of
Puerperal Fever(1843).Dr.Semmelweistheorizedonprevention.
Puritanism. A doctrine preaching strictness and austerity especially in matters
of religion and conduct. Puritans were a sixteenth- and seventeenth-
century Protestant group in England and New England.
and experience over sense perception to gain knowledge.
recombinant DNA. In vitro genetically engineered DNA spliced together
from various organisms.
144 Glossary
regenerativemedicine.Aneweldof medicineresearchinghowtorestore
diseased organs with new healthy cells.
study design and give full and informed consent to being studied.
road literature. A literary genre in which the protagonist on a trip faces
challenges along the way. Examples include Homer’s Ulysses, Jack
Kerouac’s On the Road;TomWolfe’sElectric Kool-Aid Acid Test;Mark
Twains Huckleberry Finn, and the movie Thelma and Louise.
romantic love. A mode of sentimental feeling traced to eighteenth-century
novels such as Goldsmith’s The Vicar of Wakeeld(1766)andtothe
natural world described by the poets Keats, Coleridge, and Wordsworth.
A key element is sexual passion, with the premise that your mate’s
personality is ideal, without normal faults, and only one person in the
world can be your soul mate. Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft regarded
romantic love as an invention of male novelists adopted to mask
sexual lust.
sardonic. Scornful, mocking.
satire. A literary device holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn.
schizophrenia.Apsychosischaracterizedbylossof realityanddeterioration
psychosis have lost touch with reality, experiencing hallucinations
and delusions and often expressing hostility. Probable causation is a
complex interaction between heredity and environment.
and science. Science ction writers who imagine change tend to
scourge.Thecauseof greatafiction;sometimesusedinterchangeablywith
secular humanism. A humanistic philosophy antagonistic to traditional
self-actualization.Theprocessoccurringintheconstructionof identity;self-
self-esteem.Condenceandbelief inoneself.
sensual.Acarnalgraticationof thesenses.
Glossary 145
sentimental. Resulting from feeling rather than thinking; emotional rather
than rational.
sex-assignment surgery. For instance, genetically male babies born with
ambiguous genitals are surgically transformed into girls by reforming
the testes and secondary sexual characteristics and given female
hormones at puberty. In the 1950s American psychologist John
Money believed babies, a blank slate, can environmentally change
shaman. Wound healer. A person, usually a priest, who uses magical powers
and belief in gods, demons, and spirits to cure the sick.
silver bullet cure. Also called magic bullet. A miraculous solution to a
complicated problem.
small pox. A highly contagious disease with no cure caused by the variola
virus. Within two weeks of exposure symptoms include high fever,
fatigue, headache, and backache. Two to three days later a skin rash
week death occurs in 30 percent of the infected. It is spread by
infected saliva, by face-to-face contact, or through contaminated
fabric. Its warfare use dates to 1750s British soldiers who deliberately
spread smallpox among American Indians on contaminated blankets.
Vaccination wiped out smallpox in developed countries in the mid-
twentieth century. Routine vaccinations ended in the United States
in 1972 because the risk of side effects outweighed the risk of being
infected with the disease. The last known public case was in Somalia
in 1977. Worldwide vaccinations stopped in 1980, making it ironic
that medical victory over the disease leaves populations vulnerable to
bioterrorist attack.
Social Darwinism. Classifying a cultural system on Charles Darwins nineteenth-
century principles of survival of the ttest and natural selection;
individuals or countries fail due to inherent weakness. That is, social
social sciences. Social studies. They comprise the scientic study of the
relationships humans have within the world, including how a sense of
responsibility and civic competence develops.
solipsism. Each of us is the center of the universe.
146 Glossary
soul. The seat of faith where man and God connect and into which His grace
soul pain. Emotional in nature, such as described in DeVries’ Blood of the Lambs.
sterilization. To deprive of reproducing children; includes vasectomy or
sundowning. Unsettled behavior evident in patients in the early evening,
including agitation or restlessness.
symbolism.Anobjectstanding forsomething else(e.g.,the agsymbolizes
syphilis. A chronic, contagious usually venereal and often congenital disease
caused by a spirochete. Left untreated, it produces chancres, rashes,
and systemic lesions in a clinical course with three stages over many
systemic lupus erythematosus. An autoimmune disease with no known cure
or cause that runs in families. The body harms its own healthy cells
and tissues, leading to inammation and tissue damage, including
to the joints, skin, kidneys, and heart. Treatable symptoms include
extreme fatigue, arthritis, fever, reddish raised skin rashes, and kidney
tabula rasa. Latin, meaning “blank tablet.” A young mind is capable of
absorbing new knowledge.
technology. From Greek teche, meaning “art, skill.” The practical application
of knowledge in a particular area.
telemedicine. Rural medicine administered through broadband interest
systems to provide health care to sparsely populated areas where
medical professionals are scarce.
terminal illness. A diagnosis of no hope of recovery.
terminal wean. Patients with brain function who would die without life
thanatology. The study of death and dying.
totalitarian. Authoritarian; an autocratic leader having strict, centralized
Glossary 147
toxic. Poisonous. Some toxic plants include mistletoe, hyacinth, daffodil, and
tragedy. A literary genre describing a situation engendering pity and fear so
that it can bring catharsis or a purging of these emotions.
error or awed character, and whose life goes from happiness to
tuberculosis. A communicable disease of the lungs caused largely by the
tubercle bacillus andcharacterized byallergic and toxinsymptoms,
including chest pain and a bad cough that progresses into coughing
up blood.
vaccine. A preparation administered to produce immunity to a particular
disease;madeof killedmicroorganisms,livingattenuatedorganisms,
or living fully virulent organisms.
vivisection. Cutting into or operating on a living animal.
causing the elderly or immune-challenged to contract brain encephalitis
and/or a polio-like virus and die. Not spread from person-to-person.
wit. A mental ability or verbal skill evoking laughter or understanding.
women’s studies. A multidisciplinary academic program emphasizing the
contributions of women in society, history, politics, the humanities,
arts, and sciences.
xenotransplantation. From xeno(guest).Cross-speciestransplantation.
yellow fever. A warm-region, sudden onset, acute infectious disease with