U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Disability Rights Section
Enforcing the ADA:
October-December 2001
A Status Report from the Department of Justice
ADA Litigation ................................... 2
Formal Settlement Agreements ............ 6
Other Settlements .............................. 9
Mediation ........................................ 11
Technical Assistance ........................ 13
Other Sources of ADA Information ..... 15
How to File Complaints ..................... 16
2001, Issue 4
This Status Report covers the ADA activities of the Department of Justice during the
fourth quarter (October - December) of 2001. This report, previous status reports, and a
wide range of other ADA information are available through the Department’s ADA Home
Page on the World Wide Web (see page 13). The symbol (**) indicates that the
document is available on the ADA Home Page.
I. Enforcement
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a comprehensive civil rights law for
people with disabilities. The Department of Justice enforces the ADA’s
requirements in three areas --
Title I: Employment practices by units of State and local government
Title II: Programs, services, and activities of State and local government
Title III: Public accommodations and commercial facilities
Through lawsuits and both formal and
informal settlement agreements, the
Department has achieved greater access
for individuals with disabilities in hundreds
of cases. Under general rules governing
lawsuits brought by the Federal
Government, the Department of Justice
may not file a lawsuit unless it has first
unsuccessfully attempted to settle the
dispute through negotiations.
A. Litigation
The Department may file lawsuits in
Federal court to enforce the ADA and may
obtain court orders including compensatory
damages and back pay to remedy
discrimination. Under title III the
Department may also obtain civil penalties
of up to $55,000 for the first violation and
$110,000 for any subsequent violation.
1. Decisions
Accessible Bathroom Door Requirement in
Newly Constructed Hotels Is Mandatory --
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit held in Long v. Coast Resorts, Inc.,
that a large, newly constructed Las Vegas
hotel and casino must redo bathroom doors in
over 800 guest rooms in order to comply with
the ADA’s 32-inch width requirement. Of the
839 hotel guest rooms, 819 included bathroom
doors that were only 28 inches wide.
Although the district court found that the
bathroom doorways were too narrow, it
refused to order any relief to correct the
violation, because it thought the “minimal”
inconvenience to people with disabilities was
outweighed by the expense of widening the
doorways. The Ninth Circuit agreed with the
Department’s amicus brief which argued that
the inaccessible doorways would seriously
impede access by persons with disabilities and
that the ADA does not allow courts to ignore
new construction violations. The Court also
agreed with the Department that each of four
slot change kiosks in the casino must comply
with the ADA. The hotel had argued that only
the casino’s main counter needed to comply.
Private Plaintiffs Have Right to Enforce
Title II Curb Cut Requirements -- The U.S.
District Court for the Northern District of
Ohio agreed with the Department’s amicus
brief and ruled in Ability Center of Greater
Toledo v. City of Sandusky that private
plaintiffs have a right to enforce the curb cut
requirements of the ADA title II regulation.
The plaintiffs alleged that Sandusky, Ohio,
failed to properly install curb cuts in streets
altered or constructed after the ADA went into
effect. The district court had earlier ruled that
the city violated the ADA. Soon after that
decision, the Supreme Court ruled in
Alexander v. Sandoval that plaintiffs do not
have a private right of action to enforce
regulations issued under title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 that prohibit neutral
policies or practices that have discriminatory
effects. (Title VI prohibits discrimination on
the basis of race, color, or national origin in
programs that receive financial assistance
from the Federal Government and was earlier
interpreted by the Supreme Court to prohibit
only intentional discrimination.) Because of
the Sandoval decision, the defendants in
Sandusky asked the district court to reconsider
its decision and dismiss the case. They
argued that plaintiffs did not have the right to
file a suit against Sandusky for enforcement of
the curb cut regulations because the curb cut
requirements target effects-based, rather than
only intentional, discrimination.
In response, the Department’s
brief asserted that the curb-cut
regulations may be enforced by a
private suit because they fall
squarely within the scope of the ADA, which
was meant to address not only intentional
exclusion but also a much broader range of
discrimination including the effects of
architectural, transportation, and
communication barriers.
Court Finds U.S. Suit Challenging
Employment Discrimination Barred by
Sovereign Immunity -- The U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Mississippi
dismissed the Department’s lawsuit on behalf
of a cadet with diabetes who allegedly was
expelled from the Mississippi State patrol
training academy because of his disability.
The court ruled in
U.S. v. Mississippi
Department of Public Safety that, because the
Department’s suit was based upon an
individual charge filed by the cadet with the
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, the government was barred by
sovereign immunity from suing the State for
money damages – just as the individual would
be barred if he brought his own private
lawsuit against the State. The Department
unsuccessfully argued that a State is not
protected by sovereign immunity from suits
by the Federal Government and that the
Attorney General, in bringing a suit based on
an EEOC charge, is not merely representing
the individual, but also the broader public
interest in Federal enforcement of Federal
employment discrimination laws. The
Department has filed a notice of appeal.
Persons at Risk of Institutionalization May
Challenge Denial of State Home Health
Care Services -- The U.S. District Court for
the Middle District of Tennessee ruled in
Newberry v. Menke that individuals who
reside in the community, but who are at risk
of institutionalization, have “standing” to
challenge aspects of the Tennessee Medicaid
program that allegedly create incentives for
institutionalization in violation of title II’s
integration requirement. The
plaintiffs allege that they have
been denied home health care
services as a result of certain
financial incentives in the
TennCare system and that, without home
health care services, plaintiffs’ only
alternative is to enter nursing homes despite
the fact that the care they require is more
appropriately provided in the community.
The Department filed an amicus brief
opposing the State’s argument that only
people who are currently institutionalized are
entitled to sue. The brief successfully urged
the court to allow not just those who are in
institutions, but also those at risk of
institutionalization, to challenge the
Tennessee program.
Court Rejects Flawed Department Store
Class Action Settlement -- In response to
objections filed by the Department and
disability rights advocates, the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Florida
refused to approve a proposed nationwide
class action settlement agreement in
Now v. The May Department Stores
Company. The proposed agreement
addressed the physical accessibility of store
aisles, check-out counters, bathrooms, and
fitting rooms at over 350 May-owned
department stores nationwide, including those
of the Filene’s, Hecht’s, Foley’s, Lord and
Taylor, and Robinson’s-May chains. The
Department objected to the agreement for a
number of reasons, including an overly broad
class definition, a lack of an “opt out”
provision for class members, and expansive
language protecting defendants from future
claims. Together, these provisions would
have made it difficult or impossible for people
with disabilities or the Department to bring
future ADA claims challenging barriers and
discriminatory policies at May-owned stores,
including even those barriers or policies that
were not addressed by the proposed
agreement. The court ordered the May
Company to make accessibility modifications
to its six department stores located in Florida.
District Court Dismisses U.S. Suit for
Accessible “Stadium-Style” Theaters -- The
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of
Ohio ruled in U.S. v. Cinemark USA, Inc. that
the ADA’s requirement for comparable lines
of sight only requires stadium-style movie
theaters to provide unobstructed views of the
screen and does not require accessible seating
within the tiered, stadium portion of the
theater. The Department filed suit against
Cinemark alleging that three of Cinemark’s
Ohio theaters, as well as its 68 other stadium-
style theaters across the country, violated the
ADA by providing accessible seating only on
the flat portion of each theater in front of the
stadium-style seating, offering an inferior and
uncomfortable line of sight for wheelchair
users. The Department has filed a notice of
2. New lawsuits
The Department intervened in the
following lawsuit.
Title II
Department Defends Constitutionality of
Private Title II Damages Suits -- The
Department intervened in Thomas v. Nakatani
in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Circuit in order to defend the constitutionality
of private ADA lawsuits for damages against
State agencies. The case involves a suit
brought by a deaf inspirational speaker, who
uses a hearing guide dog, against a Hawaii
State agency and State official challenging the
State’s animal quarantine laws. The
Department argued that title II is appropriate
legislation to enforce equal protection rights
in light of the long history of widespread
discrimination against people with disabilities
and therefore that damages suits against States
are consistent with the Constitution. The brief
also argues that, even if a damages suit were
not permitted, the plaintiff could still proceed
against the State official in his official
capacity to seek an injunction to change the
State’s policy.
3. Consent Decrees
Some litigation is resolved at the time
the suit is filed or afterwards by means of
a negotiated consent decree. Consent
decrees are monitored and enforced by the
Federal court in which they are entered.
Title III
Bell v. Captain D’s, Inc. -- The U.S.
Attorney for the Western District of
Tennessee intervened in, and resolved by
consent decree, Bell v. Captain D’s, Inc. and
Shoney’s, Inc., a private lawsuit alleging that
a person who uses a service animal and her
husband and son were evicted from a Captain
D’s restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee,
because of her service animal. The
defendants -- Captain D’s, Inc., the current
owner of the restaurant in which the incident
occurred, and Shoney’s, Inc., the parent
corporation of Captain D’s and previous
owner of the restaurant at issue -- agreed to
provide employee training and post signs
welcoming persons with their service animals
throughout the 570 franchiser-owned
Shoney’s and Captain D’s restaurants in 28
states. They also agreed to pay $8,000 in
compensatory damages to the private plaintiff.
4. Amicus Briefs
The Department files briefs in selected
ADA cases in which it is not a party in
order to guide courts in interpreting the
Title I
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Echazabal -- The
Department filed an amicus brief in the U.S.
Supreme Court urging the Court to uphold an
ADA title I regulation issued by the U.S.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
that permits an employer to deny employment
to individuals with disabilities whose
performance of a job would pose a direct
threat to their own health or safety. Mario
Echazabal, who has hepatitis C, worked at a
Chevron oil refinery as an employee of
various maintenance contractors for more than
twenty years. When he applied to work
directly for Chevron, he was denied
employment on the ground that exposure to
the liver-toxic chemicals at the refinery could
Baltimore City Schools Agree to Pay Blind Teacher $55,000 to Settle Title I
Discrimination Suit -- The Baltimore City Public School System agreed to pay
$55,000 as part of a consent decree to resolve a disability discrimination charge filed
by a blind elementary school teacher who uses a service animal. She alleged that the
school system offered her a teaching position after two interviews during which she
had used a cane. After she mentioned that she would soon be picking up her new
service animal, the school principal allegedly withdrew the offer rather than allow her
to bring a dog in the building. The charging party later found employment as a teacher
with another school system. Under the consent decree in U.S. v. Baltimore Public
School System, the system will ensure that all personnel who participate in
employment decisions are trained in the requirements of the ADA. The school system
will also designate an employee to serve as an ADA coordinator for employment
matters and to serve as a liaison with people with disabilities. The coordinator will
attend annual ADA training. The school system will also post notices about the ADA in
every school or other location in which its employees work. The United States Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission’s regional office in Baltimore investigated the
employee’s ADA charge, found reasonable cause to believe that the school system had
violated the ADA, attempted to conciliate the matter, and then referred it to the
Department of Justice.
seriously endanger his health or even be fatal.
He sued under title I claiming that Chevron’s
action violated the ADA. The U.S. District
Court for the Central District of California
ruled in favor of Chevron but the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reversed.
The Ninth Circuit held that the EEOC
regulation allowing the employer to use a
direct threat to the employee’s own health or
safety as a defense was inconsistent with the
language of the statute, which only mentions
direct threat “to others.” The Department’s
brief in the Supreme Court argues that the
EEOC regulation is a reasonable interpretation
of the statute because the employer has a
legitimate interest in protecting employees
from a significant risk of injury or death,
because the employee is protected from
paternalism by the requirement that the
employer engage in an individualized and
objective assessment of the risk in each case,
and because the “threat to self” provision is
consistent with earlier court and EEOC
interpretations of the Rehabilitation Act.
Title III
Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America et
al. v. Regal Cinemas, Inc. -- The Department
filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the Ninth Circuit arguing that the
viewing angles for wheelchair users in
stadium-style movie theaters must be
comparable to those offered to the general
public. The plaintiffs alleged that the
wheelchair seating locations provided at
several Regal stadium-style theaters are very
close to the screen and require wheelchair
users to look up at the screen at sharp angles,
often resulting in a blurry or distorted image
and severe discomfort. They also alleged that
because the wheelchair locations are not
located in the stadium-style portion of the
theaters, wheelchair users are effectively
segregated from most other patrons. The
district court held that the ADA regulation’s
requirement for comparable “lines of sight”
means only that the wheelchair users must
have an unobstructed view of the movie
screen. The court also concluded that failing
to place the accessible wheelchair seating in
the stadium portion of the theaters does not
violate the regulation’s requirement that
wheelchair areas “be an integral part of any
fixed seating plan.” On appeal, the
Department argued in its amicus brief that
both rulings are incorrect and that the ADA
regulations require that wheelchair users be
provided lines of sight within the range of
viewing angles offered to most of the patrons
of the cinema and that wheelchair seating be
integrated into the elevated, stadium portion
of the theater.
Karr v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. -- The
Department filed an amicus brief in the U.S.
District Court for the Southern District of
Alabama, Northern Division arguing that the
plaintiff, who has Tourette Syndrome (TS), is
a person with a disability within the meaning
of title III of the ADA. The lawsuit alleges
that Wal-Mart violated title III of the ADA
when it forcibly removed plaintiff from its
store. Plaintiff alleges that while shopping at
Wal-Mart she experienced manifestations of
her TS, including uncontrollable vocal and
body tics. In response to these manifestations
of her TS, a Wal-Mart employee allegedly
summoned a security guard to remove
plaintiff from the store. Wal-Mart argued that
the case should not be allowed to go forward
because she is not substantially limited in any
major life activity and therefore is not a
person with a disability. The Department
disagreed and argued in its amicus brief that,
because of her TS, plaintiff is substantially
limited in the major life activities of
interacting with others and working.
B. Formal Settlement
The Department sometimes resolves
cases without filing a lawsuit by means of
formal written settlement agreements.
Title I
** Arizona State Compensation Fund --
The Arizona State Compensation Fund agreed
to pay $150,000 in compensatory damages to
resolve a charge that was filed with the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission by a
former employee with severe depression and
referred to the Department of Justice for
litigation. The complainant alleged that the
Fund unlawfully terminated her after failing to
grant her the reasonable accommodation of
additional leave without pay that she needed
in order to stabilize her condition. The former
employee, who worked with the State Fund
for a number of years while managing her
depression, took three months of unpaid leave
under the Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA) to recover from a severe episode of
depression. The employee stayed in
communication with her supervisor while on
leave and, toward the end of that leave, after
consulting with her doctor, advised her
supervisor that she planned to return to work
soon. The complainant alleged that shortly
after the expiration of her FMLA leave, the
State Fund terminated the employee instead of
granting her a brief additional period of
unpaid leave as a reasonable accommodation.
The employee’s termination came just one
day after she submitted to her employer a
release from her physician clearing her to
return to work the following week.
Title II
Deschutes County, Oregon -- The
Department entered into a settlement
agreement with the Deschutes County
Sheriff’s Office resolving a complaint filed by
a deaf individual who alleged that the sheriff’s
office failed to provide effective
communication when he was arrested. The
county agreed to provide auxiliary aids and
services, including qualified interpreters,
when necessary to ensure effective
communication and to instruct its employees
on the provisions of its new policy.
Saguache County, Colorado -- The
Department and Saguache County, Colorado,
entered an agreement resolving a complaint
that the county courthouse is not accessible to
individuals with mobility impairments. The
county agreed to make physical modifications
to its entrances and restrooms and to install an
elevator to provide access to services on the
second and third floors. The county also
agreed to ensure that all services are offered at
alternative accessible locations until
modifications have been completed.
Minnesota Board of Law Examiners, St.
Paul, Minnesota -- A law school graduate
complained that the Minnesota Board of Law
Examiners refused to recommend his
admission to the Minnesota Bar because of his
history of mental illness, even though he had
passed the bar examination and provided the
board with evidence of his recovery. The
board agreed to reconsider the individual’s
application under the same criteria that apply
to all other applicants without requiring him to
complete a new application or retake the bar
** More Project Civic Access Agreements
-- The Department has signed four additional
agreements under the Department’s Project
Civic Access initiative, a wide-ranging effort
to ensure that cities, towns, and villages
comply with the ADA. Project Civic Access
is dedicated to removing barriers to all aspects
of civic life, including courthouses, libraries,
polling places, police stations, and parks. The
new agreements cover --
Seaside, California
Kaua’i, Hawaii
State of Delaware
Robertsdale, Alabama
Forty-four agreements have been signed to
date. They require communities, depending
on local circumstances, to --
l Improve access to programs at city and
town halls, police and fire stations,
sheriff’s departments, courthouses, health
care delivery centers, childcare centers,
teen and senior activities centers,
convention centers, animal shelters,
libraries, baseball stadiums, golf course
clubhouses, and parks (including ice
skating rinks, skateboard rinks, public
pools, playgrounds, ball fields and
bleachers, and band shells);
l Alter polling places and provide curbside
or absentee balloting;
l Upgrade 9-1-1 emergency services for
people who use TTY’s;
l Install assistive listening systems in
legislative chambers, courtrooms, and
municipal auditoriums; and
l Provide delivery systems and time frames
for providing auxiliary aids, including sign
language interpreters and materials in
Braille, large print, or on cassette tapes.
Borough of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania --
In response to a complaint that it had failed to
provide a sign language interpreter in an arrest
situation, the Borough of Hollidaysburg
agreed to adopt a written policy for providing
appropriate auxiliary aids and services to
ensure effective communication. It also
agreed to publish notice of this policy in the
local newspaper and train its employees on
the ADA.
Polk County, Georgia -- A deaf
individual complained that a
Georgia county sheriff’s
department failed to provide
effective communication during
his arrest. The sheriff’s
department adopted and
implemented a policy ensuring
effective communication with
individuals who are deaf or hard
of hearing, including procedures for providing
on-call, qualified sign language interpreter
services when necessary, and making
available a TTY at department headquarters.
Title III
Drawbridge Estate Hotel, Fort Mitchell,
Kentucky -- An individual whose child has a
mobility impairment complained that the
Drawbridge Estate Hotel refused to allow
access to the hotel’s airport shuttle bus
because the child uses a wheelchair. The
hotel agreed to provide accessible
transportation services for guests who use
wheelchairs, to train its employees on
carrying out this new policy, and to notify the
public of the availability of the accessible
services in its publications.
** Georgetown University Hospital,
Washington, D.C. -- A wheelchair user
complained that the Georgetown University
Hospital did not assist her in
transferring from her wheelchair
to an examination table at a
gynecological examination for
possible uterine cancer. The
hospital agreed to pay the
complainant $15,000 in
compensatory damages and to
pay the United States a civil
penalty of $10,000.
** PSINet Stadium, Baltimore, Maryland --
The Department signed two settlement
agreements to resolve a complaint from a man
with a mobility impairment who alleged that
the parking lot at the PSINet Stadium was not
accessible during football games. The
Baltimore Ravens Limited Partnership agreed
to modify its existing policy to allow people
with disabilities who have club level or suite
seating to reserve accessible parking spaces in
advance in the same manner as people
** Las Vegas Hotel and Casino Agrees to Comprehensive Access Agreement --
The New York-New York Hotel & Casino entered a wide ranging agreement with the
Department of Justice to provide accessibility throughout its Las Vegas facility. The
agreement resolves a compliance review that began prior to the hotel’s construction and
took place over a two-year period. Under the agreement the hotel and casino will be
fully accessible in all respects, including accessible bathroom doors in all of its 2,023
guest rooms. New York-New York also agreed to provide 84 accessible guestrooms and
suites; accessible penthouse suites; in-suite accessible Jacuzzi tubs; lifts into the outdoor
swimming pool and Jacuzzi; accessible hydrotherapy tub for women and an accessible
Jacuzzi for men in the spa; accessible restaurant seating and Braille menus; state-of-the-
art assistive listening systems in all theaters, bars, and meeting rooms; accessible gaming
tables and slot machines; sign language interpreters upon request for live performances
and gaming lessons; and an accessible roller coaster.
reserving other spaces and to provide training
to Ravens employees in carrying out this
policy. In a separate agreement, the Maryland
Stadium Authority agreed to ensure that the
“accessible” parking at the stadium actually
complies with the ADA. It agreed to restripe
spaces and add signage, as appropriate,
maintain the accessible spaces, and perform a
weekly inspection of the parking area during
the football season.
Tri State Coach Lines, Gary, Indiana --
The Department entered into a settlement
agreement with Tri State Coach Lines, Inc.,
an airport shuttle bus company, resolving a
complaint that Tri State refused to allow an
individual with a mobility impairment to ride
one of its buses with his service animal. Tri
State agreed to change its policy and to
welcome individuals with disabilities and
their service animals. Tri State also agreed to
train its employees on the new policy and to
pay the complainant $3,000 in damages.
C. Other Settlements
The Department resolves numerous
cases without litigation or a formal
settlement agreement. In some instances,
the public accommodation, commercial
facility, or State or local government
promptly agrees to take the necessary
actions to achieve compliance. In others,
extensive negotiations are required.
Following are some examples of what has
been accomplished through informal
Title II
l An individual who has a hearing
impairment complained that an Oklahoma
county sheriff’s department failed to
provide effective communication. The
sheriff’s department adopted a policy for
providing effective communication,
including the use of a sign language
interpreter agency and a local sign language
interpreter on an on-call basis and making a
TTY available at headquarters.
l A wheelchair user who was a candidate for
city council was unable to independently
access a Texas city council platform to
address citizens. The city agreed to
acquire a portable ramp for the platform.
l The mother of a deaf student complained
that a local Ohio drivers’ training school
would not provide a sign language
interpreter to allow her daughter to
participate in drivers’ education. The
driving school adopted a written policy of
nondiscrimination with respect to hearing
impaired students, prominently posted a
notice of the policy in all of its locations,
and met with all staff to ensure that they
are aware of and follow this policy.
l A North Carolina Medical Center that
failed to provide effective communication
during an emergency room visit purchased
two TTY’s, entered into a contract with an
interpreter service agency, obtained a list
of freelance interpreters in the immediate
area, and adopted a policy ensuring
effective communication with individuals
who are deaf or hard of hearing or who
have speech impairments.
l An individual who uses a wheelchair
complained that an Oklahoma computer
lab in a city-run program was not
accessible. The city provided an
accessible route to the computer lab,
trained its employees on ADA
requirements for accessibility, installed an
accessible computer table in the lab, and
provided assistive technologies.
Title III
l A shopping mall owner in Massachusetts
replaced improperly mounted signage for
accessible parking following a complaint
from a wheelchair user.
l An individual who is deaf complained that
a franchise hotel in Arkansas did not have
a TTY or a visual smoke alarm or door
knocker. The hotel owner purchased an
additional communication kit that includes
the required devices.
l An individual who is deaf complained that
a South Dakota medical clinic refused to
use a relay service to provide her with
effective communication. The clinic
adopted a policy on effective
communication, including instructions on
using the relay system, interpreter services,
and written communications to ensure
effective communication.
l A wheelchair user complained that a
California grocery store lacked accessible
check-out aisles. The grocery store made
three of its nine check-out aisles
l A deaf individual complained that a North
Carolina software company refused to
provide her with the auxiliary aids and
services necessary to provide effective
communication during a conference for
software users. The company agreed to
provide accommodations for participants
with disabilities.
l An individual with a mobility impairment
was unable to gain access to a Texas
restaurant. The restaurant added two
accessible spaces, including a van-
accessible space, to its parking lot and
installed a curb ramp to complete an
accessible route from the designated
spaces to the accessible front entrance of
the restaurant.
l An individual with multiple sclerosis who
uses a service animal filed a complaint
against a shopping mall in Montana
because the shopping mall manager
required her to divulge her disability in
order to remain in the mall with her service
animal. The mall adopted and
implemented a written policy regarding
service animals and trained its
management employees on their ADA
The U.S. Attorneys obtained informal
settlements in the following cases --
District of Arizona
A product retailer with representatives in
multiple states agreed to provide an interpreter
at its marketing meeting, to implement a
written ADA policy on providing reasonable
accommodations, to incorporate a notice in its
marketing materials that reasonable
accommodations will be provided to persons
with disabilities upon request, and to train its
employees on ADA policy.
A county superior court judge agreed to
provide an individual who is deaf with a real
time court reporter at a civil trial and to train
all court judges on the requirements of the
Southern District of Mississippi
A health care licensing board will now require
applicants for a nursing license to declare
their competency to perform required tasks
rather than certify the absence of disability.
II. Mediation
Under a contract with the Department of
Justice, The Key Bridge Foundation
receives referrals of complaints under titles
II and III for mediation by professional
mediators who have been trained in the
legal requirements of the ADA. An
increasing number of people with
disabilities and disability rights
organizations are specifically requesting the
Department to refer their complaints to
mediation. More than 450 professional
mediators are available nationwide to
mediate ADA cases. Over 75 percent of
the cases in which mediation has been
completed have been successfully
resolved. Following are recent examples of
results reached through mediation.
l In Arizona, a person with a mobility
impairment complained that she was
unable to access her town’s services
because many offices were located in the
basement of the town building and the
building had no elevator. The town
agreed to construct a new accessible office
complex. In the interim, the town agreed
to install an intercom for persons with
mobility impairments to use to call for
services, to make town forms available in
the accessible foyer of the town building,
and to hold town meetings in an accessible
room at the library.
l An individual who is severely hard of
hearing complained that she was not
allowed to bring her service animal with
her into the offices of a Georgia eye
doctor. The doctor agreed to place signs
at the building entrance and at the front
desk welcoming persons with service
animals, to train his staff about service
animals and how to ensure effective
communication with patients who are deaf
or hard of hearing, and to maintain a list of
qualified sign language interpreters. The
doctor also agreed to write an article for
his professional organization’s newsletter
outlining the obligations of doctors under
the ADA and to recommend that a
disability advocate make a presentation on
service animals at the organization’s next
meeting. Finally, the doctor agreed to
make a donation to Dogs for the Deaf.
l A wheelchair user complained that the
third floor of an Arkansas county
courthouse was not accessible. The
county agreed to install an elevator. The
county also agreed to provide access to
court services at an alternative, accessible
location until the elevator is installed.
l A wheelchair user complained that a
Maryland automobile dealership refused
to install hand controls in a car for him to
test drive. The company agreed to
provide hand controls for test driving upon
request. In addition, the company offered
the complainant the opportunity to
purchase a vehicle at cost within the next
two years.
l A person who is deaf complained that a
Mississippi hospital did not provide TTY
access to public pay phones and that the
hospital refused to provide a sign language
interpreter when she was a patient. The
hospital agreed to provide qualified
interpreters for deaf persons and their
immediate family members upon request,
to periodically review policies and
procedures to make sure that effective
communication is provided, and to
improve staff training on ADA
requirements. The hospital also agreed to
provide TTY access to public pay phones
on the premises.
l In Maryland, a wheelchair user
complained that vehicles often block the
curb ramp leading to a restaurant entrance.
In addition to increasing the width of the
curb ramp to ensure it could not be
blocked by legally parked vehicles, the
restaurant also agreed to adjust the closers
on the entrance and restroom doors, to
remove the vestibule door, to provide
wheelchair access to the food order line
and the dining tables, and to remove a
partition in the restroom to increase
l A wheelchair user complained that a
basement conference area at a North
Carolina resort hotel was not accessible.
When it was determined that an accessible
ramp could not be fit into the space, the
hotel installed a wheelchair
l A disability advocacy group
filed a complaint on behalf of a
wheelchair user alleging that a
California bowling alley, which was in the
process of being sold, was inaccessible.
Both the current and prospective owners
participated in mediation and restriped the
parking lot to provide van accessible
parking and appropriate signage, installed
a wheelchair lift to the bowling lanes,
created an accessible unisex restroom, and
installed directional signage. In addition,
the advocacy group researched and
provided the respondent with information
about methods for cleaning or covering
some wheelchair tires to protect the
hardwood bowling lanes and about how to
interact appropriately with customers with
l In California, an individual complained
that his family was denied seating at a
restaurant because his daughter uses a
service animal. The restaurant reaffirmed
its policy of serving customers with
service animals and instituted an ongoing
training program for all of its employees
on this policy. The restaurant promised
that it would never exclude service
animals again and offered the family a
complimentary meal.
l A person who is deaf complained that a
Maryland restaurant repeatedly refused to
accept phone orders by TTY. The
restaurant reaffirmed its policy to respond
to TTY calls in the same manner as all
customer calls and informed the
complainant that the employees involved
in the denial of service had been fired.
The restaurant agreed to inform
all employees of the TTY policy
and offered to donate food to an
organization with which the
complainant is associated.
l In Virginia, a person who is deaf
complained that a doctor did not provide
interpreter services upon request. In
mediation, the doctor agreed to provide
such services.
l In New York State, a person with a
mobility impairment complained that
certain areas of a town hall, including the
court and the office of the town clerk,
were inaccessible. The town agreed to
install a van accessible parking space in
front of the town hall and directional
signage inside and outside the facility, to
remodel the public restrooms, to install an
accessible writing surface in the town
clerk’s office, and to create an accessible
route to the town meeting room. In
addition, the town agreed to install
accessible playground equipment at
designated parks and make the entrance to
the senior center accessible to persons
with mobility impairments.
The ADA requires the Department of
Justice to provide technical assistance to
businesses, State and local governments,
and individuals with rights or
responsibilities under the law. The
Department provides education and
technical assistance through a variety of
means to encourage voluntary compliance.
Our activities include providing direct
technical assistance and guidance to the
public through our ADA Information Line,
ADA Home Page, and Fax on Demand,
developing and disseminating technical
assistance materials to the public,
undertaking outreach initiatives, and
coordinating ADA technical assistance
ADA Home Page
An ADA home page is operated by the
Department on the Internet’s World Wide
Web (www.usdoj.gov/crt/ada/adahom1.htm).
The home page provides information about --
l the toll-free ADA Information Line,
l the Department’s ADA enforcement
l the ADA technical assistance program,
l certification of State and local building
l proposed changes in ADA regulations
and requirements, and
l the ADA mediation program.
The home page also provides direct access to --
l electronic versions of the ADA Standards
for Accessible Design, including
illustrations and hyperlinked cross-
l ADA regulations and technical assistance
materials (which may be viewed online
or downloaded for later use),
l online ordering of the ADA Technical
Assistance CD-ROM,
l Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) ADA
materials, including technical assistance
letters, and
l links to the Department’s press releases and
Internet home pages of other Federal
agencies that contain ADA information.
ADA Information Line
The Department of Justice operates a toll-free
ADA Information Line to provide information
and publications to the public about the
requirements of the ADA. Automated
service, which allows callers to listen to
recorded information and to order
publications, is available 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. ADA specialists are
available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Friday from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
and on Thursday from 1:00 p.m. until 6:00
p.m. (Eastern Time). Spanish language
service is also available.
To obtain general ADA information, get
answers to technical questions, order free
ADA materials, or ask about filing a
complaint, please call:
800-514-0301 (voice)
800-514-0383 (TTY)
III. Technical Assistance
ADA Fax On Demand
The ADA Information Line Fax Delivery
Service allows the public to obtain free ADA
information by fax 24 hours a day, seven days
a week. By calling the number above and
following the directions, callers can select
from among 32 different ADA technical
assistance publications and receive the
information, usually within minutes, directly
on their fax machines or computer fax/
modems. A list of available documents and
their code numbers may also be ordered
through the ADA Information Line.
Publications and Documents
Copies of the Department’s ADA regulations
and publications, including the Technical
Assistance Manuals for titles II and III, can be
obtained by calling the ADA Information
Line, visiting the ADA Home Page, or writing
to the address listed below. All materials are
available in standard print as well as large
print, Braille, audiotape, or computer disk for
persons with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section - NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
New Video Addresses Law Enforcement -- The Department announced a new
videotape entitled “Police Response to People with Disabilities” and distributed 150
copies at the annual convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police in
Toronto in October. This training videotape will educate law enforcement officers about
the ADA and how to respond appropriately to people with disabilities. The videotape
addresses situations involving people who have mobility impairments, mental illness,
mental retardation, epilepsy or seizure disorders, speech impairments, deafness or
hearing impairments, blindness or vision impairments or other disabilities. Produced
through a contract with the Law Enforcement Resource Center of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, it is available as a one-hour videotape for classroom training and as an eight-
part series intended for roll-call training. Over the next few months, this video and other
pertinent technical assistance materials will be distributed to 8,000 law enforcement
agencies, training academies, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices nationwide.
Some publications are available in foreign
languages. For further information please call
the ADA Information Line.
Copies of the legal documents and settlement
agreements mentioned in this publication can
be obtained by writing to --
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
FOIA Branch, NALC Room 311
Washington, D.C. 20530
Fax: 202-514-6195
Currently, the FOI/PA Branch maintains
approximately 10,000 pages of ADA material.
The records are available at a cost of $0.10
per page (first 100 pages free). Please make
your requests as specific as possible in order
to minimize your costs.
The FOI/PA Branch also provides access to
ADA materials on the World Wide Web at
www.usdoj.gov/crt/foia/records.htm. A link
to search or visit this website is provided from
the ADA Home Page.
IV. Other Sources of ADA Information
The Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission offers technical assistance to the
public concerning the employment provisions
of title I of the ADA.
ADA publications
800-669-3362 (voice)
800-800-3302 (TTY)
ADA questions
800-669-4000 (voice)
800-669-6820 (TTY)
The Federal Communications Commission
offers technical assistance to the public
concerning the communication provisions of
title IV of the ADA.
ADA publications and questions
888-225-5322 (voice)
888-835-5322 (TTY)
U.S. Department of Transportation,
Federal Transit Administration
ADA Assistance Line for regulations
and complaints
888-446-4511 (voice/relay)
The U.S. Architectural and Transportation
Barriers Compliance Board, or Access
Board, offers technical assistance to the
public on the ADA Accessibility Guidelines.
ADA publications and questions
800-872-2253 (voice)
800-993-2822 (TTY)
The Disability and Business Technical
Assistance Centers are funded by the U.S.
Department of Education through the National
Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation
Research (NIDRR) in ten regions of the
country to provide resources and technical
assistance on the ADA.
ADA technical assistance
800-949-4232 (voice & TTY)
Project ACTION is funded by the U.S.
Department of Transportation to provide ADA
information and publications on making
transportation accessible.
Information on accessible transportation
800-659-6428 (voice/relay)
202-347-3066 (voice)
202-347-7385 (TTY)
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is
a free telephone consulting service funded by
the U.S. Department of Labor. It provides
information and advice to employers and
people with disabilities on reasonable
accommodation in the workplace.
Information on workplace accommodation
800-526-7234 (voice & TTY)
V. How to File Complaints
Title I
Complaints about violations of title I
(employment) by units of State and local
government or by private employers should be
filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. Call 800-669-4000 (voice) or
800-669-6820 (TTY) to reach the field office
in your area.
Titles II and III
Complaints about violations of title II by
units of State and local government or
violations of title III by public
accommodations and commercial facilities
should be filed with --
U.S. Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Disability Rights Section - NYAV
Washington, D.C. 20530
If you wish your complaint to be
considered for referral to the Department’s
ADA Mediation Program, please mark
“Attention: Mediation” on the outside of the
The Attorney General has determined that publication of this periodical is necessary in
the transaction of the public business required by law of the Department of Justice.