AWS Whitepaper
Practicing Continuous Integration and
Continuous Delivery on AWS
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Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS:
AWS Whitepaper
Copyright © 2024 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Table of Contents
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ 1
The challenge of software delivery ............................................................................................... 2
What is CI/CD? ................................................................................................................................. 3
Continuous integration ................................................................................................................................ 3
Continuous delivery and deployment ...................................................................................................... 3
Continuous delivery is not continuous deployment ............................................................................. 4
Benefits of continuous delivery ...................................................................................................... 5
Automate the software release process .................................................................................................. 5
Improve developer productivity ................................................................................................................ 5
Improve code quality ................................................................................................................................... 5
Deliver updates faster ................................................................................................................................. 5
Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery .................................................. 7
A pathway to continuous integration/continuous delivery ................................................................. 7
Continuous integration .......................................................................................................................... 8
Continuous delivery: creating a staging environment ..................................................................... 9
Continuous delivery: creating a production environment ............................................................ 10
Continuous deployment ...................................................................................................................... 10
Maturity and beyond ........................................................................................................................... 11
Teams ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Application team ................................................................................................................................... 12
Infrastructure team .............................................................................................................................. 12
Tools team .............................................................................................................................................. 13
Testing stages in continuous integration and continuous delivery ............................................ 14
Setting up the source ................................................................................................................................ 15
Setting up and running builds ................................................................................................................ 15
Building ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Staging .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Production .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Building the pipeline ..................................................................................................................... 18
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration ............................................. 18
Continuous delivery pipeline ................................................................................................................... 26
Adding Lambda actions ............................................................................................................................ 27
Manual approvals ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Deploying infrastructure code changes in a CI/CD pipeline .............................................................. 30
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
CI/CD for serverless applications ............................................................................................................ 30
Pipelines for multiple teams, branches, and AWS Regions ........................................................ 31
Pipeline integration with AWS CodeBuild ............................................................................................. 31
Pipeline integration with Jenkins ........................................................................................................... 32
Deployment methods .................................................................................................................... 34
All at once (in-place deployment) .......................................................................................................... 35
Rolling deployment ................................................................................................................................... 35
Immutable and blue/green deployment ............................................................................................... 35
Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline .................................................................................... 37
Pre-commit hooks ...................................................................................................................................... 38
IDE tools and plugins ................................................................................................................................ 38
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) ........................................................................................... 38
Software Composition Analysis (SCA) .................................................................................................... 38
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) ...................................................................................... 39
Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) .................................................................................... 39
Penetration testing .................................................................................................................................... 39
Red/Blue/Purple teaming ......................................................................................................................... 39
Software Bill of Materials (SBoM) ................................................................................................ 40
Why is SBoM important? .......................................................................................................................... 40
Software Supply Chain ............................................................................................................................. 40
Database schema changes ............................................................................................................ 42
Summary of best practices ........................................................................................................... 43
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Further reading .............................................................................................................................. 46
Contributors ................................................................................................................................... 47
Document revisions ....................................................................................................................... 48
Notices ............................................................................................................................................ 49
AWS Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 50
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous
Delivery on AWS
Publication date: July 24, 2023 (Document revisions)
This paper explains the features and benefits of using continuous integration and continuous
delivery (CI/CD) along with Amazon Web Services (AWS) tooling in your software development
environment. Continuous integration and continuous delivery are best practices and a vital part of
a DevOps initiative.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
The challenge of software delivery
Enterprises today face the challenges of rapidly changing competitive landscapes, evolving security
requirements, and performance scalability. Enterprises must bridge the gap between operations
stability and rapid feature development. Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
are practices that enable rapid software changes while maintaining system stability and security.
Amazon realized early on that the business needs of delivering features for retail
customers, Amazon subsidiaries, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) would require new and
innovative ways of delivering software. At the scale of a company like Amazon, thousands of
independent software teams must be able to work in parallel to deliver software quickly, securely,
reliably, and with zero tolerance for outages.
By learning how to deliver software at high velocity, Amazon and other forward-thinking
organizations pioneered DevOps . DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices,
and tools that increases an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high
velocity. Using DevOps principles, organizations can evolve and improve products at a faster pace
than organizations that use traditional software development and infrastructure management
processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more
effectively in the market.
Some of these principles, such as two-pizza teams, microservices, and service-oriented architecture
(SOA), are out of the scope of this whitepaper. This whitepaper discusses the CI/CD capability that
Amazon has built and continuously improved. CI/CD is key to delivering software features rapidly
and reliably.
AWS now offers these CI/CD capabilities as a set of developer services such as Amazon
CodeCatalyst and AWS CodePipeline. Developers and IT operations professionals practicing
DevOps can use these services to rapidly, safely, and securely deliver software. Together, they
help you securely store and apply version control to your application's source code. Amazon
CodeCatalyst is a fully managed, unified software development service that makes it faster to build
and deliver software on AWS. For an existing environment, AWS CodePipeline has the flexibility
to integrate each service independently with your existing tools. These are highly available, easily
integrated services that can be accessed through the AWS Management Console, AWS application
programming interfaces (APIs), and AWS software development toolkits (SDKs) like any other AWS
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
What is continuous integration and continuous delivery/
This section discusses the practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery and explains
the difference between continuous delivery and continuous deployment.
Continuous integration
Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice where developers regularly merge
their code changes into a central repository, after which automated builds and tests are run. CI
most often refers to the build or integration stage of the software release process and requires
both an automation component (for example a CI or build service) and a cultural component
(for example learning to integrate frequently). The key goals of CI are to find and address bugs
more quickly, improve software quality, and reduce the time it takes to validate and release new
software updates.
Continuous integration focuses on smaller commits and smaller code changes to integrate. A
developer commits code at regular intervals, at minimum once a day. The developer pulls code
from the code repository to ensure the code on the local host is merged before pushing to the
build server. At this stage the build server runs the various tests and either accepts or rejects the
code commit.
It takes time to automate builds as well as testing of projects into a full continuous integration
process. A few common challenges in this process are caused by the increased frequency of
commits, as this causes a higher maintenance burden on the single source code repository,
and increases hardware requirements to accommodate the testing of every change. Additional
challenges include the creation of testing environments that represent production without
inclusion of sensitive data, providing visibility of the testing process to the team, and providing
easy access to any version of the application.
Continuous delivery and deployment
Continuous delivery (CD) is a software development practice where code changes are automatically
built, tested, and prepared for production release. It expands on continuous integration by
deploying all code changes to a testing environment, a production environment, or both after
the build stage has been completed. Continuous delivery can be fully automated with a workflow
Continuous integration 3
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
process or partially automated with manual steps at critical points. When continuous delivery is
properly implemented, developers always have a deployment-ready build artifact that has passed
through a standardized test process.
With continuous deployment, revisions are deployed to a production environment automatically
without explicit approval from a developer, making the entire software release process automated.
This, in turn, allows for a continuous customer feedback loop early in the product lifecycle.
Continuous delivery is not continuous deployment
One misconception about continuous delivery is that it means every change committed is applied
to production immediately after passing automated tests. However, the point of continuous
delivery is not to apply every change to production immediately, but to ensure that every change is
ready to go to production.
Before deploying a change to production, you can implement a decision process to ensure that the
production deployment is authorized and audited. This decision can be made by a person and then
run by the tooling.
Using continuous delivery, the decision to go live becomes a business decision, not a technical one.
The technical validation happens on every commit.
Rolling out a change to production is not a disruptive event. Deployment doesn’t require the
technical team to stop working on the next set of changes, and it doesn’t need a project plan,
handover documentation, or a maintenance window. Deployment becomes a repeatable process
that has been carried out and proven multiple times in testing environments.
Continuous delivery is not continuous deployment 4
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Benefits of continuous delivery
CD provides numerous benefits for your software development team including automating the
process, improving developer productivity, improving code quality, and delivering updates to your
customers faster.
Automate the software release process
CD provides a method for your team to check in code that is automatically built, tested, and
prepared for release to production so that your software delivery is efficient, resilient, rapid, and
Improve developer productivity
CD practices help your team’s productivity by freeing developers from manual tasks, untangling
complex dependencies, and returning focus to delivering new features in software. Instead of
integrating their code with other parts of the business and spending cycles on how to deploy this
code to a platform, developers can focus on coding logic that delivers the features you need.
Improve code quality
CD can help you discover and address bugs early in the delivery process before they grow into
larger problems later. Your team can easily perform additional types of code tests because the
entire process has been automated. With the discipline of more testing more frequently, teams
can iterate faster with immediate feedback on the impact of changes. This enables teams to
drive quality code with a high assurance of stability and security. Developers will know through
immediate feedback whether the new code works and whether any breaking changes or bugs were
introduced. Mistakes caught early on in the development process are the easiest to fix.
Deliver updates faster
CD helps your team deliver updates to customers quickly and frequently. When CI/CD is
implemented, the velocity of the entire team, including the release of features and bug fixes, is
increased. Enterprises can respond faster to market changes, security challenges, customer needs,
and cost pressures. For example, if a new security feature is required, your team can implement
Automate the software release process 5
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
CI/CD with automated testing to introduce the fix quickly and reliably to production systems with
high confidence. What used to take weeks and months can now be done in days or even hours.
Deliver updates faster 6
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Implementing continuous integration and continuous
This section discusses the ways in which you can begin to implement a CI/CD model in your
organization. This whitepaper doesn’t discuss how an organization with a mature DevOps and
cloud transformation model builds and uses a CI/CD pipeline. To help you on your DevOps journey,
AWS has a number of certified DevOps Partners who can provide resources and tooling. For more
information on preparing for a move to the AWS Cloud, refer to the Building a Cloud Operating
A pathway to continuous integration/continuous delivery
CI/CD can be pictured as a workflow or pipeline (refer to the following figure), where new code is
submitted on one end, tested over a series of stages (source, build, staging, and production), and
then published as production-ready code. If your organization is new to CI/CD it can approach this
pipeline in an iterative fashion. This means that you should start small, and iterate at each stage so
that you can understand and develop your code in a way that will help your organization grow.
CI/CD pipeline
Each stage of the CI/CD pipeline is structured as a logical unit in the delivery process. In addition,
each stage acts as a gate that vets a certain aspect of the code. As the code progresses through
the pipeline, the assumption is that the quality of the code is higher in the later stages because
more aspects of it continue to be verified. Problems uncovered in an early stage stop the code from
progressing through the pipeline. Results from the tests are immediately sent to the team, and all
further builds and releases are stopped if software does not pass the stage.
These stages are suggestions. You can adapt the stages based on your business need. Some
stages can be repeated for multiple types of testing, security, and performance. Depending on the
complexity of your project and the structure of your teams, some stages can be repeated several
A pathway to continuous integration/continuous delivery 7
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
times at different levels. For example, the end product of one team can become a dependency in
the project of the next team. This means that the first team’s end product is subsequently staged
as an artifact in the next team’s project.
The presence of a CI/CD pipeline will have a large impact on maturing the capabilities of your
organization. The organization should start with small steps and not try to build a fully mature
pipeline, with multiple environments, many testing phases, and automation in all stages at the
start. Keep in mind that even organizations that have highly mature CI/CD environments still need
to continuously improve their pipelines.
Building a CI/CD-enabled organization is a journey, and there are many destinations along the
way. The next section discusses a possible pathway that your organization could take, starting with
continuous integration through the levels of continuous delivery.
Continuous integration
Continuous integration—source and build
The first phase in the CI/CD journey is to develop maturity in continuous integration. You should
make sure that all of the developers regularly commit their code to a central repository (such as
one hosted in CodeCatalyst, CodeCommit or GitHub) and merge all changes to a release branch
for the application. No developer should be holding code in isolation. If a feature branch is needed
for a certain period of time, it should be kept up to date by merging from upstream as often as
possible. Frequent commits and merges with complete units of work are recommended for the
team to develop discipline and are encouraged by the process. A developer who merges code early
and often, will likely have fewer integration issues down the road.
Continuous integration 8
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
You should also encourage developers to create unit tests as early as possible for their applications
and to run these tests before pushing the code to the central repository. Errors caught early in the
software development process are the cheapest and easiest to fix.
When the code is pushed to a branch in a source code repository, a workflow engine monitoring
that branch will send a command to a builder tool to build the code and run the unit tests in a
controlled environment. The build process should be sized appropriately to handle all activities,
including pushes and tests that might happen during the commit stage, for fast feedback. Other
quality checks, such as unit test coverage, style check, and static analysis, can happen at this stage
as well. Finally, the builder tool creates one or more binary builds and other artifacts, like images,
stylesheets, and documents for the application.
Continuous delivery: creating a staging environment
Continuous delivery—staging
Continuous delivery (CD) is the next phase and entails deploying the application code in a staging
environment, which is a replica of the production stack, and running more functional tests. The
staging environment could be a static environment premade for testing, or you could provision and
configure a dynamic environment with committed infrastructure and configuration code for testing
and deploying the application code.
Continuous delivery: creating a staging environment 9
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Continuous delivery: creating a production environment
Continuous delivery—production
In the deployment/delivery pipeline sequence, after the staging environment, is the production
environment, which is also built using infrastructure as code (IaC).
Continuous deployment
Continuous deployment
The final phase in the CI/CD deployment pipeline is continuous deployment, which may include
full automation of the entire software release process including deployment to the production
environment. In a fully mature CI/CD environment, the path to the production environment is fully
automated, which allows code to be deployed with high confidence.
Continuous delivery: creating a production environment 10
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Maturity and beyond
As your organization matures, it will continue to develop the CI/CD model to include more of the
following improvements:
More staging environments for specific performance, compliance, security, and user interface (UI)
Unit tests of infrastructure and configuration code along with the application code
Integration with other systems and processes such as code review, issue tracking, and event
Integration with database schema migration (if applicable)
Additional steps for auditing and business approval
Even the most mature organizations that have complex multi-environment CI/CD pipelines
continue to look for improvements. DevOps is a journey, not a destination. Feedback about the
pipeline is continuously collected and improvements in speed, scale, security, and reliability are
achieved as a collaboration between the different parts of the development teams. Having a single
place to collaborate across the teams for example, using Amazon CodeCatalyst, allows the teams
to have visibility to build and deliver software products with confidence.
AWS recommends organizing three developer teams for implementing a CI/CD environment: an
application team, an infrastructure team, and a tools team (refer to the following figure). This
organization represents a set of best practices that have been developed and applied in fast-
moving startups, large enterprise organizations, and in Amazon itself.
Maturity and beyond 11
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Application, infrastructure, and tools teams
Application team
The application team creates the application. Application developers own the backlog, stories,
and unit tests, and they develop features based on a specified application target. This team’s
organizational goal is to minimize the time these developers spend on non-core application tasks.
Amazon CodeCatalyst allows the application team to maintain and manage issue tracking within
the tool for collaboration.
In addition to having functional programming skills in the application language, the application
team should have platform skills and an understanding of system configuration. This will enable
them to focus solely on developing features and hardening the application.
Infrastructure team
The infrastructure team writes the code that both creates and configures the infrastructure needed
to run the application. The infrastructure team is responsible for specifying what resources are
needed, and it works closely with the application team.
The team should have skills in infrastructure provisioning methods, such as AWS CDK, AWS
CloudFormation or HashiCorp Terraform. The team may also need to develop configuration
automation skills with tools such as Ansible, and Puppet.
Application team 12
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Tools team
The tools team builds and manages the CI/CD pipeline. They are responsible for the infrastructure
and tools that make up the pipeline. They create a tool that is used by the application and
infrastructure teams in the organization. The organization needs to continuously mature its tools
team, so that the tools team stays one step ahead of the maturing application and infrastructure
The tools team must be skilled in building and integrating all parts of the CI/CD pipeline. This
includes building source control repositories, workflow engines, build environments, testing
frameworks, and artifact repositories. This team may choose to implement a tool such as Amazon
CodeCatalyst, and AWS CodePipeline as well as Jenkins, GitHub, or other similar tools. Some
organizations might call this a DevOps team, but AWS discourages this and instead encourages
thinking of DevOps as the sum of the people, processes, and tools in software delivery.
Tools team 13
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Testing stages in continuous integration and continuous
The three CI/CD teams should incorporate testing into the software development lifecycle at
the different stages of the CI/CD pipeline. Overall, testing should start as early as possible. The
following testing pyramid is a concept provided by Mike Cohn in Succeeding with Agile. It shows the
various software tests in relation to their cost and speed at which they run.
CI/CD testing pyramid
Unit tests are on the bottom of the pyramid. They are both the fastest to run and the least
expensive. Therefore, unit tests should make up the bulk of your testing strategy. A good rule of
thumb is about 70 percent. Unit tests should have near-complete code coverage because bugs
caught in this phase can be fixed quickly and cheaply.
Service, component, and integration tests are above unit tests on the pyramid. These tests require
detailed environments and therefore, are more costly in infrastructure requirements and slower
to run. Performance and compliance tests are the next level. They require production-quality
environments and are more expensive yet. UI and user acceptance tests are at the top of the
pyramid and require production-quality environments as well.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
All of these tests are part of a complete strategy to assure high-quality software. However, for
speed of development, emphasis is on the number of tests and the coverage in the bottom half of
the pyramid.
The following sections discuss the CI/CD stages.
Setting up the source
At the beginning of the project, it’s essential to set up a source where you can store your raw code
and configuration and schema changes. In the source stage, choose a source code repository such
as one hosted in GitHub, Amazon CodeCatalyst, or AWS CodeCommit.
Setting up and running builds
Build automation is essential to the CI process. When setting up build automation, the first task is
to choose the right build tool. There are many build tools, such as:
Ant, Maven, and Gradle for Java and Kotlin
esbuild, Rollup, Webpack, and Vite for JavaScript and TypeScript
Cargo for Rust
Make for C/C++
Go Build for Go
Rake for Ruby
The build tool that will work best for you depends on the programming language of your project
and the skill set of your team. After you choose the build tool, all the dependencies need to be
clearly defined in the build scripts, along with the build steps. It’s also a best practice to version the
final build artifacts, which makes it easier to deploy and to keep track of issues.
In the build stage, the build tools will take any change to the source code repository as input, build
the software, and run the following types of tests:
Unit Testing – Tests a specific section of code to ensure the code does what it is expected to do.
The unit testing is performed by software developers during the development phase. At this stage,
Setting up the source 15
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
a static code analysis, data flow analysis, code coverage, and other software verification processes
can be applied.
Static Code Analysis – This test is performed without actually running the application after the
build and unit testing. This analysis can help to find coding errors and security holes, and it also can
ensure conformance to coding guidelines.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) – This test is used to analyze code against security
violations such as XML External Entity Processing ,SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting. As soon
as violations are detected, the build will fail and any progress will be blocked in the pipeline. For
further details, see Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline.
Secrets Detection – This check is used to identify secrets such as usernames, passwords, and access
keys in code. As soon as secrets are discovered, the build will fail immediately. For further details,
see Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA) – SCA tools enable users to manage and analyze the
open-source components in their applications. They also verify licensing and assess security
vulnerabilities. SCA tools can launch workflows to fix these vulnerabilities. Any findings that exceed
the configured threshold will immediately fail the build and stop any forward progress in the
pipeline. These tools also require a software bill of materials (SBOM) existence. For further details,
see Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline.
Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) – SBOM is a reporting mechanism to detail all the components
and dependencies involved in the development and delivery of an application. This will allow
visibility of product components, assure file integrity, leverage licensing governance, and robust
vulnerability scanning. For further details, see Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline.
In the staging phase, full environments are created that mirror the eventual production
environment. The following tests are performed:
Integration testing – Verifies the interfaces between components against software design.
Integration testing is an iterative process and facilitates building robust interfaces and system
Component testing – Tests message passing between various components and their outcomes. A
key goal of this testing could be idempotency in component testing. Tests can include extremely
large data volumes, or edge situations and abnormal inputs.
Staging 16
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
System testing – Tests the system end-to-end and verifies if the software satisfies the business
requirement. This might include testing the user interface (UI), API, backend logic, and end state.
Performance testing – Determines the responsiveness and stability of a system as it performs
under a particular workload. Performance testing also is used to investigate, measure, validate,
or verify other quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability, and resource usage.
Types of performance tests might include load tests, stress tests, and spike tests. Performance tests
are used for benchmarking against predefined criteria.
Compliance testing – Checks whether the code change complies with the requirements of a
nonfunctional specification and/or regulations. It determines if you are implementing and meeting
the defined standards.
User acceptance testing – Validates the end-to-end business flow. This testing is performed by an
end user in a staging environment and confirms whether the system meets the requirements of the
requirement specification. Typically, customers employ alpha and beta testing methodologies at
this stage.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) - This type of testing is used to check for security
problems in an application while it is running. DAST tools evaluate the application by attacking
like a malicious user would from outside. For further details, see Security in every stage of CI/CD
Finally, after passing the previous tests, the staging phase is repeated in a production environment.
In this phase, a final Canary test can be completed by deploying the new code only on a
small subset of servers or even one server, or one AWS Region before deploying code to the
entire production environment. Specifics on how to safely deploy to production are covered in
Deployment methods.
The next section discusses building the pipeline to incorporate these stages and tests
Production 17
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Building the pipeline
This section discusses building the pipeline. Start by establishing a pipeline with just the
components needed for CI and then transition later to a continuous delivery pipeline with more
components and stages. This section also discusses how you can consider using AWS Lambda
functions and manual approvals for large projects, plan for multiple teams, branches, and AWS
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous
Your organization’s journey toward continuous delivery begins with a minimum viable pipeline
(MVP). As discussed in Implementing continuous integration and continuous delivery, teams can
start with a very simple process, such as implementing a pipeline that performs a code style check
or a single unit test without deployment.
A key component is a continuous delivery orchestration tool. To help you build this pipeline,
Amazon provides you with services such as Amazon CodeCatalyst.
Amazon CodeCatalyst workflows are continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
pipelines that enable you to easily build, test and deploy applications. CodeCatalyst Workflows
help you reliably deliver high-quality application updates frequently, quickly and securely.
CodeCatalyst uses a visual editor or YAML to quickly assemble and configure actions to compose
workflows that automate your CI/CD pipeline, test reporting and other manual processes. You can
get started with a new project from scratch or by using a blueprint from a library of blueprints for
popular cloud architecture and application types. if you use a blueprint, a default workflow will
be created from the main branch of your repository, that you can then customize. To create a new
workflow, once you launch a new project in Amazon CodeCatalyst, navigate to CI/CD > Workflows
and create a new workflow.
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 18
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
The following is an example of a workflow that includes actions to build, test and deploy backend
and frontend code.
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 19
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 20
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Amazon CodeCatalyst supports many purpose build actions developed by AWS as well as third
parties such as GitHub Actions. To deploy an application or resource through CodeCatalyst, you
can specify a deploy action inside the workflow. A deploy action is a workflow building block that
defines what you want to deploy, where you want to deploy it, and how you want to deploy it
(for example, using a blue/green scheme). Using deploy actions within a workflow, allows for
traceability, automatic rollbacks, and monitoring of your deployment as it progresses through the
various stages of your workflow and deployment.
AWS CodePipeline is a CI/CD service that can be used through the AWS Management Console
for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. AWS CodePipeline builds, tests, and
deploys your code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models you
define. This enables you to rapidly and reliably deliver features and updates. You can easily build
out an end-to-end solution by using our pre-built plugins for popular third-party services like
GitHub or by integrating your own custom plugins into any stage of your release process. With AWS
CodePipeline, you only pay for what you use. There are no upfront fees or long-term commitments.
The steps of AWS CodePipeline map directly to the source, build, staging, and production CI/CD
stages. While continuous delivery is desirable, you could start out with a simple two-step pipeline
that checks the source repository and performs a build action:
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 21
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS CodePipeline — source and build stages
For AWS CodePipeline, the source stage can accept inputs from GitHub, AWS CodeCommit,
Atlassian Bitbucket, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Automating the build
process is a critical first step for implementing continuous delivery and moving toward continuous
deployment. Eliminating human involvement in producing build artifacts removes the burden from
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 22
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
your team, minimizes errors introduced by manual packaging, and allows you to start packaging
consumable artifacts more often.
AWS CodePipeline works seamlessly with AWS CodeBuild, a fully managed build service, to make
it easier to set up a build step within your pipeline that packages your code and runs unit tests.
With AWS CodeBuild, you don’t need to provision, manage, or scale your own build servers. AWS
CodeBuild scales continuously and processes multiple builds concurrently so your builds are not
left waiting in a queue. AWS CodePipeline also integrates with build servers such as Jenkins, Solano
CI, and TeamCity.
For example, in the following build stage, three actions (unit testing, code style checks, and code
metrics collection) run in parallel. Using AWS CodeBuild, these steps can be added as new projects
without any further effort in building or installing build servers to handle the load.
AWS CodePipeline — build functionality
The source and build stages shown in the figure AWS CodePipeline — source and build stages, along
with supporting processes and automation, support your team’s transition toward a Continuous
Integration. At this level of maturity, developers need to regularly pay attention to build and test
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 23
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
results. They need to grow and maintain a healthy unit test base as well. This, in turn, bolsters the
entire team’s confidence in the CI/CD pipeline and furthers its adoption.
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 24
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Starting with a minimum viable pipeline for continuous integration 25
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS CodePipeline stages
Continuous delivery pipeline
After the continuous integration pipeline has been implemented and supporting processes have
been established, your teams can start transitioning toward the continuous delivery pipeline. This
transition requires teams to automate both building and deploying applications.
A continuous delivery pipeline is characterized by the presence of staging and production steps,
where the production step is performed after a manual approval.
In the same manner as the continuous integration pipeline was built, your teams can gradually
start building a continuous delivery pipeline by writing their deployment scripts.
Depending on the needs of an application, some of the deployment steps can be abstracted by
existing AWS services. For example, AWS CodePipeline directly integrates with AWS CodeDeploy,
a service that automates code deployments to Amazon EC2 instances and instances running on-
AWS has detailed documentation on how to implement and integrate AWS CodeDeploy with your
infrastructure and pipeline. If you are using Amazon CodeCatalyst, reference the documentation
for deploying using workflows. You can add a deploy action (for example, Deploy to Amazon ECS)
to your workflow that defines what you want to deploy, where you want to deploy it, and how you
want to deploy it (for example, using a blue/green scheme).
After your team successfully automates the deployment of the application, deployment stages can
be expanded with various tests. For example you can add other out-of-the-box integrations with
services like Ghost Inspector, Runscope, and others as shown in the following figure.
Continuous delivery pipeline 26
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS CodePipeline—code tests in deployment stages
Adding Lambda actions
AWS CodePipeline support integration with AWS Lambda. This integration enables implementing
a broad set of tasks, such as creating custom resources in your environment, integrating with third-
party systems (such as Slack), and performing checks on your newly deployed environment.
Lambda functions can be used in CI/CD pipelines to do many tasks based on your needs. Some
examples include:
Roll out changes to your environment by applying or updating an AWS CloudFormation
Create resources on demand in one stage of a pipeline using AWS CloudFormation and delete
them in another stage.
Deploy to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) Docker instances.
Back up resources before building or deploying by creating an AMI snapshot.
Add integration with third-party products to your pipeline, such as posting messages to an
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
Adding Lambda actions 27
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Manual approvals
Add an approval action to a stage in a pipeline at the point where you want the pipeline processing
to stop so that someone with the required AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions
can approve or reject the action.
If the action is approved, the pipeline processing resumes. If the action is rejected—or if no one
approves or rejects the action within seven days of the pipeline reaching the action and stopping—
the result is the same as an action failing, and the pipeline processing does not continue.
Manual approvals 28
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS CodeDeploy—manual approvals
Manual approvals 29
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Deploying infrastructure code changes in a CI/CD pipeline
AWS CodePipeline lets you select AWS CloudFormation as a deployment action in any stage of your
pipeline. You can then choose the specific action you would like AWS CloudFormation to perform,
such as creating or deleting stacks and creating or executing change sets.
A stack is an AWS CloudFormation concept and represents a group of related AWS resources.
While there are many ways of provisioning infrastructure as code (IaC), AWS CloudFormation is a
comprehensive tool recommended by AWS as a scalable, complete solution that can describe the
most comprehensive set of AWS resources as code. AWS recommends using AWS CloudFormation
in an AWS CodePipeline project to track infrastructure changes and tests.
CI/CD for serverless applications
Amazon CodeCatalyst makes building CI/CD pipelines or workflows easy for serverless applications.
You can use one of the serverless blueprints from the library of blueprints to kickstart a project
within minutes. You can also use AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CloudFormation
to build CI/CD pipelines for serverless applications. Serverless applications integrate managed
services such as Amazon Cognito, Amazon S3, and Amazon DynamoDB with event-driven service,
and AWS Lambda to deploy applications in a manner which doesn’t require managing servers.
If you are a serverless application developer, you can use the combination of AWS CodePipeline,
AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CloudFormation to automate the building, testing, and deployment of
serverless applications that are expressed in templates built with the AWS Serverless Application
Model. For more information, refer to the AWS Lambda documentation for Rolling deployments for
Lambda functions.
You can also create secure CI/CD pipelines that follow your organization’s best practices with CDK
Pipelines or AWS Serverless Application Model Pipelines (AWS SAM Pipelines). AWS SAM Pipelines
are a new feature of AWS SAM CLI that give you access to benefits of CI/CD in minutes, such as
accelerating deployment frequency, shortening lead time for changes, and reducing deployment
errors. AWS SAM Pipelines come with a set of default pipeline templates for AWS CodeBuild/
CodePipeline that follow AWS deployment best practices. For more information and to view the
tutorial, refer to the blog Introducing AWS SAM Pipelines.
Deploying infrastructure code changes in a CI/CD pipeline 30
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Pipelines for multiple teams, branches, and AWS Regions
For a large project, it’s not uncommon for multiple project teams to work on different components.
If multiple teams use a single code repository, it can be mapped so that each team has its own
branch. There should also be an integration or release branch for the final merge of the project. If a
service-oriented or microservice architecture is used, each team could have its own code repository.
In the first scenario, if a single pipeline is used it’s possible that one team could affect the other
teams’ progress by blocking the pipeline. AWS recommends that you create specific pipelines for
team branches and another release pipeline for the final product delivery.
Pipeline integration with AWS CodeBuild
AWS CodeBuild is designed to enable your organization to build a highly available build process
with almost unlimited scale. AWS CodeBuild provides quickstart environments for a number of
popular languages plus the ability to run any Docker container that you specify.
With the advantages of tight integration with AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, and AWS
CodeDeploy, as well as Git and CodePipeline Lambda actions, the CodeBuild service is highly
Software can be built through the inclusion of a buildspec.yml file that identifies each of the build
steps, including pre- and post- build actions, or specified actions through the CodeBuild tool.
You can view detailed history of each build using the CodeBuild dashboard. Events are stored as
Amazon CloudWatch Logs log files.
Pipeline integration with AWS CodeBuild 31
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
CloudWatch Logs log files in AWS CodeBuild
Pipeline integration with Jenkins
You can use the Jenkins build tool to create delivery pipelines. These pipelines use standard jobs
that define steps for implementing continuous delivery stages. However, this approach might not
be optimal for larger projects because the current state of the pipeline doesn’t persist between
Jenkins restarts, implementing manual approval is not straightforward, and tracking the state of a
complex pipeline can be complicated.
Instead, AWS recommends that you implement continuous delivery with Jenkins by using the
AWS Code Pipeline Plugin. This plugin allows complex workflows to be described using Groovy-
like domain-specific language and can be used to orchestrate complex pipelines. The AWS Code
Pipeline plugin’s functionality can be enhanced by the use of satellite plugins such as the Pipeline
Stage View Plugin, which visualizes the current progress of stages defined in a pipeline, or Pipeline
Multibranch Plugin, which groups builds from different branches.
Pipeline integration with Jenkins 32
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS recommends that you store your pipeline configuration in Jenkinsfile and have it checked
into a source code repository. This allows for tracking changes to pipeline code and becomes even
more important when working with the Pipeline Multibranch Plugin. AWS also recommends that
you divide your pipeline into stages. This logically groups the pipeline steps and also enables the
Pipeline Stage View Plugin to visualize the current state of the pipeline.
The following figure shows a sample Jenkins pipeline, with four defined stages visualized by the
Pipeline Stage View Plugin.
Defined stages of Jenkins pipeline visualized by the Pipeline Stage View Plugin
Pipeline integration with Jenkins 33
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Deployment methods
You can consider multiple deployment strategies and variations for rolling out new versions of
software in a continuous delivery process. This section discusses the most common deployment
methods: all at once (deploy in place), rolling, immutable, and blue/green.
The following table summarizes the characteristics of each deployment method.
Method Impact
of failed
Deploy in
Downtime 1x
Re-deploy Existing
Rolling Single
batch out
of service.
l batches
prior to
Re-deploy Existing
Immutable Minimal 4x
Re-deploy New
Minimal 4x
traffic and
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Method Impact
of failed
Blue/green Minimal 4x
back to old
All at once (in-place deployment)
All at once (in-place deployment) is a method you can use to roll out new application code to an
existing fleet of servers. This method replaces all the code in one deployment action. It requires
downtime because all servers in the fleet are updated at once. There is no need to update existing
DNS records. In case of a failed deployment, the only way to restore operations is to redeploy the
code on all servers again.
Rolling deployment
With rolling deployment, the fleet is divided into portions so that all of the fleet isn’t upgraded
at once. During the deployment process two software versions, new and old, are running on the
same fleet. This method allows a zero-downtime update. If the deployment fails, only the updated
portion of the fleet will be affected.
A variation of the rolling deployment method, called canary release, involves deployment of the
new software version on a very small percentage of servers at first. This way, you can observe how
the software behaves in production on a few servers, while minimizing the impact of breaking
changes. If there is an elevated rate of errors from a canary deployment, the software is rolled
back. Otherwise, the percentage of servers with the new version is gradually increased.
Immutable and blue/green deployment
The immutable pattern specifies a deployment of application code by starting an entirely new set
of servers with a new configuration or version of application code. This pattern leverages the cloud
capability that new server resources are created with simple API calls.
All at once (in-place deployment) 35
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
The blue/green deployment strategy is a type of immutable deployment which also requires
creation of another environment. Once the new environment is up and passed all tests, traffic is
shifted to this new deployment. Crucially the old environment, that is the "blue" environment, is
kept idle in case a rollback is needed.
Immutable and blue/green deployment 36
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Security in every stage of CI/CD pipeline
Security must be applied to every component of the infrastructure, including CI/CD pipelines, from
the moment a single line of code is written to the stages where it's deployed. That deployment
can include multiple environments, identities, systems, and any applications which interact with
it. During its journey, it's modified and updated continuously. The following image shows different
stages of a typical CI/CD pipeline.
Due to the nature of continuous integration, every change needs to be monitored and made
sure that it's safe to release towards the environment you are building. For every stage, there are
multiple controls that can be embedded to the process whereas tool integrations are not sufficient
by themselves for a secure CI/CD pipeline. From the people, process and technology perspective:
People delivering, handling and monitoring the code must have the awareness towards secure
coding practices. They should stick to these guidelines and must never abandon them to deliver
Processes must be defined and reiterated continuously to make sure that your level of security is
consistent across each and every stage of the pipeline.
Technologies must be implemented to support the process mentioned above in each and every
stage and must never be circumvented.
Security checks must be applied throughout the build process which will stop the process if a
security concern exists. The following is a sample of some technologies that can be integrated
throughout the CI/CD pipeline. Review the Deployment Pipeline Reference Architecture for a more
complete list.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Security is a shared responsibility between AWS and customers. Refer to the security
documentation to understand how to apply the shared responsibility model when using Amazon
Pre-commit hooks
Pre-commit hooks are pieces of code or scripts that are run at the developer’s environment
(workstation, CodeCatalyst Dev Environments, AWS Cloud9, or any other environment where code
is developed) before a change to code is committed to the pipeline. Hooks are controls that can be
configured per general practices or company policies and any code update that is not compliant
against those policies are blocked till they are corrected.
IDE tools and plugins
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the tool which most developers use to write their
code. IDEs bring convenience to the developers with built-in or deployable plugins which can walk
through the code including but not limited to detecting potential issues, giving recommendations
for improvements, linting, formatting, beautifying and securing it.
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
SAST also known as static analysis or static code analysis are tools that detect bugs by analyzing
the source code. SAST tools are built with the general approach of working backwards by
dissecting the vulnerabilities to define possible attack methodologies and generate signatures
against them to act as a preventative measure.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
SCA is an automated process to identify the open-source packages that are in use within the code
to define vulnerabilities and potential compliance-based issues. SCA tools identify open-source
Pre-commit hooks 38
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
packages in an application and all the vulnerabilities that are present in them. They can also check
the licenses for each package, check dependencies and bring infrastructure as code (IaC) manifests
for potential vulnerabilities in containerized environments.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
DAST tools also named as black-box solutions, test the applications during the lifecycle of their
operations and give recommendations towards potential vulnerabilities and compliance issues.
Since they monitor the behavior of the applications, they tend to generate less false positives
compared to SAST tools.
Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)
IAST tools are a combination of SAST and DAST tools and embody both tools’ advantages within.
They are usually facilitated during the test and QA stages since it is the closest version of the
production-level code. While running dynamically to identify the issues like a DAST tool, it will also
be run inside the application server to evaluate the code like a SAST tool. The findings are real-time
and IAST tools are also useful for API testing.
Penetration testing
Penetration testing aims to make sure that no vulnerability or non-compliant assets go unnoticed
towards the end-product. Both tool and human based penetration testing methodologies are used
towards applications and both have their benefits towards detecting vulnerabilities. Penetration
testing should be done with a multi-directional approach while traversing the application to
monitor and detect possible different behaviors of the application and user experiences.
Red/Blue/Purple teaming
Red/Blue/Purple teams are security experts with different roles to simulate real-life cyber-attacks.
Their aim is to pinpoint system deficits, improve protection mechanisms and processes, and
maximize the efficiency of the infrastructure while minimizing the risk. Red teams represent the
attackers, blue teams operate as defenders, and purple teams include members from both teams
to fulfill a multi-faceted approach and bring various perspectives for security.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) 39
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Software Bill of Materials (SBoM)
SBoM is a complete, formally structured list of components, libraries and modules that are required
to build a given piece of software and the supply chain relationships between them. In the United
States, SBoMs are required in government contracts through Executive Order 14028.
Why is SBoM important?
SBoM serves three main purposes:
Intellectual Property (IP) Management: IP Management is a process that manages the creations
of the mind and human intellect. The main types of IP include but not limited to patents,
copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and source code. For that reason, export compliance,
open-source license compliance and regular audits are core components of the IP Management
Software Supply Chain Security: What goes into your software is quite critical and placing
proactive measures avoid managing failures during the production phases. Continuous
Vulnerability Management, implementation of End-Of-Life processes for software and building
standardized high assurance systems are important steps towards building a Secure Software
Supply Chain.
Asset Management: You cannot manage what you do not see therefore to know and understand
what your company has as assets, how they operate and interact individually and with each other
is important to make improvements. It is also crucial to monitor and document all the assets to
ensure only authorized parts are used to protect the supply chain.
Software Supply Chain
Software Supply Chain represents everything that is part of an application or interacts with
it, during the entire software development life cycle (SDLC). It is composed of components,
libraries, tools, elements, sources, and processes with subcomponents including but not limited to
application dependencies, container (Operating System) packages, application package managers,
Operating System package managers, unmanaged source files, unmanaged binaries, and snippets
within proprietary code.
Security Risks towards any of those components will serve as the weakest link to the overall supply
chain therefore it is vital to monitor and handle each component vigorously.
Why is SBoM important? 40
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Mitigating all chain threats may not be possible at first but managing the risks and prioritizing
them while applying general security practices will have a positive impact to the overall risk. Some
of the practices including but not limited to are:
Apply least privilege to resources across the software supply chain, enable multi-factor
authentication and use strong passwords. Store password in encrypted password vaults and
facilitate password-less authentication systems where applicable.
Increase employee security awareness with regular trainings, enablement sessions and game
Continuously monitor, update, and harden your devices. Isolate, prioritize, and maintain systems
with critical vulnerabilities.
Know, monitor, and assess your suppliers starting with Direct (Tier-1) suppliers and going down
the line by covering all of your suppliers.
Implement secure coding practices and publish them internally for easy access so that they are
used across the board and become as part of a developers’ coding practice.
Apply security in every stage of the CI/CD pipeline.
Software Supply Chain 41
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Database schema changes
It’s common for modern software to have a database layer. While we do not recommend the use
of relational DBs for new projects due to scaling and other issues, many existing projects use
relational database technology and would like to adopt CI/CD. When a relational database is used,
it’s often necessary to modify the database in the continuous delivery process. Handling changes
in a relational database requires special consideration, and it offers other challenges than the ones
present when deploying application binaries. Usually, when you upgrade an application binary,
you stop the application, upgrade it, and then start it again. You don't really bother about the
application state, which is handled outside of the application.
When upgrading databases, you do need to consider the state because a database contains much
state but comparatively little logic and structure.
The database schema before and after a change is applied should be considered as different
versions of the database. You could use tools such as Liquibase and Flyway to manage the versions.
In general, these tools employ some variant of the following methods:
Add a table to the database where a database version is stored.
Keep track of database change commands and bunch them together in versioned change sets. In
the case of Liquibase, these changes are stored in XML files. Flyway employs a slightly different
method where the change sets are handled as separate SQL files or occasionally as separate Java
classes for more complex transitions.
When Liquibase is being asked to upgrade a database, it looks at the metadata table and
determines which change sets to run in order to bring the database up-to-date with the latest
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Summary of best practices
The following are some best practices for CI/CD.
Treat your infrastructure as code:
Use version control for your infrastructure code.
Make use of bug tracking/ticketing systems.
Have peers review changes before applying them.
Establish infrastructure code patterns/designs.
Test infrastructure changes like code changes.
Put developers into integrated teams of no more than 12 self-sustaining members.
Have all developers commit code to the main branch frequently, with no long-running feature
Consistently adopt a build system such as Maven or Gradle across your organization and
standardize builds.
Bake security into your code pipeline.
Have developers build unit tests toward 100% coverage of the code base.
Ensure that unit tests are 70% of the overall testing in duration, number, and scope.
Ensure that unit tests are up-to-date and not neglected. Unit test failures should be fixed, not
Treat your continuous delivery configuration as code.
Establish role-based security controls (that is, who can do what and when):
Monitor/track every resource possible.
Alert on services, availability, and response times.
Capture, learn, and improve.
Share access with everyone on the team.
Plan metrics and monitoring into the lifecycle.
Keep and track standard metrics:
Number of builds.
Number of deployments.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Average time for changes to reach production.
Average time from first pipeline stage to each stage.
Number of changes reaching production.
Average build time.
Use multiple distinct pipelines for each branch and team.
Have long-running branches with large complicated merges.
Have manual tests.
Have manual approval processes, gates, code reviews, and security reviews.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Continuous integration and continuous delivery provide an ideal scenario for your organization’s
application teams. Your developers simply push code to a repository. This code will be integrated,
tested, deployed, tested again, merged with infrastructure, go through security and quality reviews,
and be ready to deploy with extremely high confidence.
When CI/CD is used, code quality is improved and software updates are delivered quickly and
with high confidence that there will be no breaking changes. The impact of any release can be
correlated with data from production and operations. It can be used for planning the next cycle,
too—a vital DevOps practice in your organization’s cloud transformation.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Further reading
For more information on the topics discussed in this whitepaper, refer to the following:
Overview of Deployment Options on AWS
Amazon CodeCatalyst
Blue/Green Deployments on AWS
Setting up CI/CD pipeline by integrating Jenkins with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy
Microservices on AWS
Docker on AWS
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
The following individuals and organizations contributed to this document:
Brian Beach, Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Panna Shetty, Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Mert Simsek, Senior Application Architect, Amazon Web Services
Somanath Dange, DevOps Consultant, Amazon Web Services
Birant Akarslan, Senior Security Consultant, Amazon Web Services
Emil Lerch, Principal DevOps Specialist, Amazon Web Services
Amrish Thakkar, Principal Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
David Stacy, Senior Consultant - DevOps, AWS Professional Services
Asif Khan, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Xiang Shen, Senior Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Document revisions
To be notified about updates to this whitepaper, subscribe to the RSS feed.
Change Description Date
Major update Added TypeScript February 23, 2024
Major update Amazon CodeCatalyst added
and numerous updates
July 24, 2023
Minor update Whitepaper updated with
latest best practices.
October 27, 2021
Initial publication Whitepaper first published June 1, 2017
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in
this document. This document: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents current AWS
product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create
any commitments or assurances from AWS and its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS products or
services are provided "as is" without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether
express or implied. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by
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AWS and its customers.
© 2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS AWS Whitepaper
AWS Glossary
For the latest AWS terminology, see the AWS glossary in the AWS Glossary Reference.