July 2023 Page 1 of 2 ESSEX Inbound Rules IB Audit 8
ESSEX Inbound Student Rules and Conditions of Exchange
Addendum to Long Term Application - Section G: Rules and Conditions of Exchange
As a Youth Exchange student sponsored by a Rotary club and/or district, you must agree to the following rules
and conditions of exchange. Violation of any of these rules may result in dismissal from the program and
immediate return home, at student’s expense. Please note that districts may add an addendum to this document
if needed to account for local conditions.
1. You are expected to do your best to maintain a positive attitude throughout the exchange year, and
act appropriately as an ambassador for Rotary and your country.
2. This is a school year program (generally late August to mid-June). Unless you are involved in a
Rotary-related trip, travel in the U.S. with your host family, or other legitimate activity (as
determined by your host District Rotary Youth Exchange Chair) after school ends for the year, you
will be expected to return home within fifteen days of the last day of school. Activities extending
beyond this deadline will require advance approval by your host District Rotary Youth Exchange
Chair, your host Rotary Club, and your host family.
3. An emergency fund of U.S. $300 is required by your host Rotary District under the control of the
host Rotary District or host Rotary Club. Funds used during the year must be promptly
replenished. This fund will be used for any insurance deductibles and co-pays for medical care,
emergencies, and unpaid charges and expenses. Before your departure for home at the end of the
year, you will need to pay any expenses, charges, and obligations that you have incurred to your
host family or others. The balance will be returned to you.
4. You may not reside with any relative during your exchange.
5. You may not be employed on either a full-time or part-time basis but may accept intermittent
employment such as babysitting or yard work. The purchase of tobacco and vaping products by
anyone under age 18 is illegal and prohibited.
6. Telephone, e-mail, and other communication should not become excessive, or interfere in any
way with your developing friends of your own here in the U.S. You are responsible for all charges
you generate by such use.
1. You must enroll and participate in a full course of study in your school.
2. School Credit - You must not expect to be placed in a certain grade level or receive a graduate
diploma from secondary school in your host country. Transferring course credits will depend on
the policies of your home school and the hosting school.
3. You may participate in school sanctioned and sponsored extra-curricular activities, including
athletics, if such participation is authorized by the local school district and by the State authority
responsible for determining athletic eligibility. Athletic eligibility or participation is not
1. You MUST purchase CISI Bolduc Health Insurance Plan B+ coverage PRIOR to your arrival.
For detail information visit: http://www.exchangestudent.org (You will receive a special link)
2. The Insurance coverage obtained is rated with the expectation that students are under the
protective umbrella of Rotary. Continued eligibility for the coverage requires that you be a Rotary
Exchange Students and under the guidance and supervision of Rotary.
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1. You must show proof of proper immunization as required by your hosting school district and
State. You could be asked to confirm other immunizations based on your hosting school
2. If any new medical issues occur that would change any answer on the medical or dental form of
the Rotary Long-Term Application, this change MUST be reported to your Hosting District Chair
within 10 days of the occurrence.
3. You are not allowed to possess or use any drug that has not been prescribed or drug-related
paraphernalia, described in applicable state or federal law.
1. Agree upon a mutually convenient arrival date with your first host family. You must arrive prior
to your hosting district orientation and the start of school. You must notify your Hosting District
and family of your travel arrangements.
2. You MUST purchase a ticket directly to the airport of your final destination (in your host Rotary
District). You must arrive with a return trip ticket to your home city.
a. You may not stop to visit friends or relatives in the USA or anywhere else in the world.
b. Your parents may not accompany you to the USA.
3. Travel is permitted with host parents or for Rotary functions authorized by the hosting Rotary
club or district with proper adult chaperones. Some travel must be approved by the host district
chair, host club, host family and student’s own parents/legal guardians in writing exempting
Rotary of responsibility and liability. Students may not travel alone or accompanied only by other
students. This is a cultural exchange, not a travel exchange.
4. You must follow these travel rules when traveling outside your host Rotary District. Under no
circumstances may you make your own travel arrangements and expect your host family, your host
Rotary Club, or your host Rotary District to agree.
APPROVED TRAVEL WITH: Host parents, Host Rotary Club, Rotarians, Host Rotary and
ESSEX sanctioned trips, Recognized school classes or school groups, Travel with recognized church
groups and Friends of host family age 25 and over.
5. You and your host family must always advise your host District Rotary Youth Exchange Chair
of any travel outside of the District.
a. Signed permission forms will be required in advance for all trips. (These forms will be
provided to you in the U.S. well in advance of any trip.)
b. For approved international travel (e.g. Canada), you must take along with you: (1) passport,
(2) J-1 Visa (inside passport it must list "multiple" NOT "single" entry), (3) DS-2019 form
re-endorsed within thirty days by a responsible officer of ESSEX. A Visa may also be
required by the country you are visiting.
We have read and understand the above Rotary and Eastern States Student Exchange (ESSEX) Program
Rules and Conditions of Exchange and Program Guidelines and will abide by these Rules& Conditions.
Student Signature __________________________________ Date______________
Parents Signatures __________________________________ Date______________
__________________________________ Date______________