Computer Engineering Handbook Last Updated: June 20
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LAS VEGAS, NV 89154-4026
PHONE: (702) 895-4183
This handbook describes the undergraduate Computer Engineering major at the University
of Nevada, Las Vegas. The handbook includes the following sections.
1. Overview of the Computer Engineering Major 2
2. Mission, Program Objectives, and Outcomes 3
3. Computer Engineering Major Entrance Requirements 4
4. Computer Engineering Curriculum 5
5. Course Plans and Graduation Applications 9
6. Faculty 9
7. Course Descriptions 10
8. Example Course Schedules and Degree Worksheet 20
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Computer engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to
the design and analysis of hardware, software, and operating systems for a computer
system. Computer engineering integrates several fields of electrical engineering and
computer science, and it is one of the most vibrant and constantly changing fields in
engineering. Computational capability that was only possible by machines that weighed
tens of tons and required thousands of square feet of room space not long ago are now
afforded by chips smaller than a thumbnail. Billion-transistor chips and terabyte storage
are now a reality, and petaflop performance is within reach. On the other hand, software
consideration has become an essential aspect of the design process. Devices such as cell
phones, digital audio players, digital video recorders, alarm systems, x-ray machines, and
laser surgical tools all require integration of hardware and software.
This discipline covers the study of hardware, software, and their integration. As
such, students learn the principles of electricity, signals and systems, and technologies used
in making digital devices. They further study programming languages, data structure,
operating systems, and databases. The knowledge acquired in the first three years of
undergraduate program will culminate in architecture and design-related courses in which
students experience the cost-performance tradeoffs associated with mitigating hardware
issues to software. Computer engineers are employed by manufacturing and R&D
companies, federal and state government departments and research laboratories,
healthcare, transportation, financial institutions, and service oriented businesses.
The degree program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of
ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.) It
requires 120 credit hours, including at least 27 credits from UNLV’s General Education Core.
Graduates of the program will receive a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with a Major in
Computer Engineering.
The Department also offers a major in Electrical Engineering. For further information
about that major, a separate handbook is available on the Electrical and Computer
Engineering Department website.
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The mission of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to serve society as a
center of higher learning by providing an electrical and computer engineering education to society’s
future leaders, innovators, and engineers.
1. Provide undergraduate, graduate, and professional education.
2. Create knowledge through research.
3. Disseminate knowledge through publication.
4. Provide private and public service, in as much as said service educates, creates and
disseminates knowledge, or functions as a repository of knowledge.
The Program Educational Objective of the Computer Engineering program is to create, apply, and
disseminate knowledge immediately or within a few years after graduation the graduate
1. Can successfully practice and mature intellectually in the field of Computer Engineering or a
related field.
2. Can be admitted to and successfully progress through a post graduate program in Computer
Engineering or related program.
To achieve these objectives and goals, each graduate of the Computer Engineering Major will attain
the following outcomes before graduation:
1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social,
environmental, and economic factors.
3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations
and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in
global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership,
create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet
6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data,
and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning
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To enter the Computer Engineering (CpE) Major, a student must be admitted to the College of
Engineering. Students who have been admitted to the College of Engineering and are interested in
being admitted to the CpE Major will be placed in the Computer Engineering Pre-major (CpEPRE).
A student in the CpEPRE is eligible to submit an application to the Advising Center for advanced
standing in the CpE Major after completing the 18 credits of the 45-credit CpEPRE curriculum listed
below. Students who have not completed the CpEPRE curriculum and do not have advanced
standing in the CpE Major cannot enroll in upper division Computer Engineering courses except for
those listed below in the CpEPRE Extended Curriculum.
Sciences (4 Credits)
PHYS 180 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
PHYS 180L Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lab I
Mathematics (8 Credits)
MATH 181 Calculus I
MATH 182 Calculus II
Electrical and Computer Engineering (3 Credits)
CpE 100 Digital Logic Design I
Computer Science (3 Credits)
CS 135 Computer Science I
Sciences (4 Credits)
PHYS 181 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
PHYS 181L Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lab II
Mathematics (9 Credits)
MATH 251 Discrete Math I
MATH 431 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I
or CpE 260 or Signals and Systems for Computer Engineers
STAT 411 Statistical Methods I
Electrical and Computer Engineering (14 Credits)
CpE 200 Digital Logic Design II
CpE 200L Digital Logic Design Laboratory
CpE 300 Digital System Architecture and Design
EE 220 Circuits I
EE 220D Circuits I Discussion
EE 221 Circuits II
EE 221L Circuits II Laboratory
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The undergraduate Computer Engineering major requires the completion of courses in the
following areas, which are described in the remainder of this section.
General Education: 27-30 credits
Math, Computer Science, and Natural Science: 25 credits
Fundamental Courses: 43 credits
Core Courses: 12 credits
Labs: 1 credits
Professional Electives: 6 credits
Math/Science Elective: 6 credits
TOTAL: 120-122 credits
English Composition (6 credits)
ENG 101 Composition & Rhetoric I
ENG 102 Composition & Rhetoric II
Seminars (2-3 credits)
EGG 101/L Introductory Engineering Experience / Lab (1-2 Credits)
EGG 202 Second Year Hands-on Design Experiences in Engineering and Computer
Science (1 Credit)
Constitutions (4-6 credits)
HIST 100 Historical Issues and Contemporary Man
PSC 101 Introduction to American Politics (OR)
A combination of one course from each of the following two lists
o US Constitution
HIST 101 United States: Colonial Period to 1865
HIST 106 European Civilization Since 1648
o Nevada Constituion
HIST 102 United States: 1865 to Present
HIST 217 Nevada History
PSC 100 Nevada Constitution
Social Science (6 credits)
CEE 307 Engineering Economics
See the Faculty Senate General Education web-page for courses that satisfy this
requirement. (Not ECON)
Humanities (6 credits)
PHIL 242* Ethics For Engineers and Scientists
COM 216 Survey of Communication Studies
Fine Arts (3 credits)
See the Faculty Senate General Education website for courses that satisfy this requirement.
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Mathematics - Credits: (Fulfilled by Major Requirements)
MATH 181 - Calculus I
Multicultural and International Requirements (overlap)
Multicultural requirement (3 credits)
International requirement (3 credits)
The multicultural and international requirements can simultaneously fulfill other general education
core requirements; however, a single course cannot meet the multicultural and international
requirements simultaneously. To determine courses satisfying these requirements, consult the
Faculty Senate General Education Committee.
MATH 181 Calculus I
MATH 182 Calculus II
MATH 251 Discrete Math I
MATH 431 Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I
or CPE 260 or Signals and Systems for CpE
PHYS 180 Engineering Physics I
PHYS 180L Engineering Physics I Laboratory
PHYS 181 Engineering Physics II
PHYS 181L Engineering Physics II Laboratory
STAT 463 Applied Statistics for Engineers
or STAT 411 or Statistical Methods I
ABET Math Requirements of 1 year study or 30 credits are satisfied by taking MATH & SCIENCE
electives of 6 credits.
CpE 100 Digital Logic Design I
CpE 200 Digital Logic Design II
CpE 200D Digital Logic Design II Discussion
CpE 200L Digital Logic Design II Laboratory
CpE 300 Digital System Architecture and Design
CpE 301 Embedded Systems Design
CpE 301L Embedded Systems Design Laboratory for CpE
CpE 302 Synthesis and Verification using Programmable Devices
CS 135 Computer Science I
CS 202 Computer Science II
CS 302 Introduction to Data Structures
CS 370 Operating Systems
EE 220 Circuits I
EE 220D Circuits I Discussion
EE 221 Circuits II
EE 221L Circuits II Laboratory
EE 320 Engineering Electronics I
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EE 320L Engineering Electronics I Laboratory
EE 497 Senior Design Project I
EE 498 Senior Design Project II
Each student must complete at least two courses in two out of the four core areas below:
Digital Electronic Design
EE 421 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
CpE 404 Modern Processor Architecture
CpE 408 VLSI Physical Design and Testing
Computer Networks
CpE 400 Computer Communications Networks
CpE 405 Information Coding Systems
CS 445 Internet Security
Computer System Design
CpE 403 Advanced Embedded Systems
CpE 409 Embedded DSP
CpE 476 Mobile Robotics
CpE 477 Embedded Security and Machine Learning
Intelligent Systems:
CpE 407 Biometrics and Machine Learning
CpE 417 IoT Systems
CS 458 Introduction to Data Mining
Each student must complete one credit of laboratory from the following list:
CpE 300L Digital Systems Architecture and Design Laboratory
EE 420L Engineering Electronics II Laboratory
EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Each student must complete 6 credits of approved professional electives that are listed in Table 1.
Students are encouraged to select sequences within a particular core field. Students who want to
apply a professional elective that is not listed in Table 1 towards their CpE degree must obtain the
Department Chair’s and the Undergraduate Coordinator’s approval.
Table 1: Professional Electives for Computer Engineering
CpE 400 Computer Communications Network
CpE 403 Advanced Embedded Systems
CpE 404 Modern Processor Architecture
CpE 405 Information Coding Systems
CpE 407 Biometrics and Machine Learning
CpE 408 VLSI Physical Design and Testing
CpE 409 Embedded DSP
CpE 417 Internet of Things Systems
CpE 418 Cloud Computing in Engineering
CpE 476 Mobile Robotics
CpE 477 Embedded Security and Machine
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EE 310 Principles of Solid State and
Optoelectronic Systems
EE 330 Engineering Electromagnetics
EE 340 Power System Engineering
EE 370 Control System
EE 420 Electronics II
EE 421 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
EE 430 Transmission Lines
EE 431 Engineering Optics
EE 432 Antenna Engineering
EE 436 Active and Passive Microwave Eng.
EE 442 Power Electronics
EE 446 Photovoltaic Devices and Systems
EE 450 Solid State Devices
EE 451 Electronic & Mag. Materials & Devic.
EE 452 Intro to Optical Electronics
EE 453 Introduction to Nanotechnology
EE 460 Analog and Digital Communication
EE 462 Advanced Digital Communication
EE 466 Wireless and Mobile Comm.
EE 472 Digital Control Systems
EE 480 Digital Signal Processing
EE 482 Intro to Biomedical Signals and
EE 493 Independent Study
EE 495 Special Topics
CHEM 121 Chemistry I
CHEM 121L Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 122A General Chemistry II
MATH 271 Elementary Probability
MATH 283 Calculus III
MATH 330 Linear Algebra
MATH 432 Mathematics for Engineers &
Scientists II
MATH 451 Foundations of Mathematics I
MATH 468 Applied Finite Element Analysis
PHYS 182 Physics for Scientists & Engineers III
PHYS 250 Special Relativity
PHYS 411 Modern Physics I
PHYS 461 Light and Physical Optics
PHYS 462 Modern Optics
PHYS 483 Special Topics in Physics
STAT 467 Intro. to Mathematical Statistics
STAT 493 Applied Regression Analysis
STAT 495 Nonparametric Statistics
MGT 497 Business Plan Creation
EGG 460 Technology Commercialization
All majors must also take 6 credits of elective math (MATH or STAT) or science (BIOL, CHEM, or
PHYS) courses.
All EE, CpE, ME, CS, BIOL, CHEM, MATH, PHYS, and STAT courses must be completed with a grade
of C or better.
Each student must also meet all College of Engineering requirements including those relating to
college suspension and readmission. The Department can refuse to accept any course taken more
than eight years prior to graduation.
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Every student must consult an advisor in the Engineering Advising Center every semester before
registering and make or update a Degree Worksheet. One year before graduation the student
should submit a Graduation application. The example schedules and degree worksheet located at
the end of this handbook are provided to help guide students while planning their class schedules.
Electrical engineering students should expect to study about 2 to 3 hours per week outside class for
each credit. For example, a student taking 16 credit hours should expect to spend 32 to 48 hours
each week studying outside of class. Combined with time in class, this works out to a total of 48 to
64 hours spent on academic work. Students who are working while attending school should adjust
their academic load accordingly. The following serves as an overall guideline.
Academic Load Expected Study Time Maximum Non-Academic Work Load
Fall or Spring Summer
16 credits 6 credits 32 to 48 hours / week 0 to 8 hours / week
12 credits 3 credits 24 to 32 hours / week 8 to 16 hours / week
8 credits 16 to 24 hours / week 16 to 22 hours / week
3 credits 6 to 9 hours / week 32 to 40 hours / week
The faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering are:
Yahia Baghzouz Emma Regentova
Jacob Baker Ebrahim Saberinia
Biswajit Das, Chair Robert Schill, Jr.
Sarah Harris, Undergraduate Coordinator Henry Selvaraj
Yingtao Jiang Sahjendra Singh
Pushkin Kachroo Peter Stubberud
Shahram Latifi Ke-Xun (Kevin) Sun
Brendan Morris Rama Venkat
Venkatesan Muthukumar Mei Yang, Graduate Coordinator
William L. Brogan (Emeritus) Eugene McGaugh, Jr.(Emeritus)
Ramon Martinez (Emeritus) John Tryon (Emeritus)
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All prerequisites must be completed with a grade of C or higher.
EGG 101 - Introduction to Engineering Experience
Seminar: Introduction to UNLV learning outcomes and the programs that reside within the College
of Engineering. Topics include professional ethics, technical communication, the design process,
and technology’s impact on a global society. 1-2 Credits.
Prerequisites: For undergraduate degree-seeking students only.
Notes: Combination of EGG 101 and EGG 202 satisfies First Year Seminar requirement.
EGG 202 - Second Year Hands-on Design Experiences in Engineering and Computer
A holistic experience for second-year engineering and computer science students. Lab work,
improve study skills, strengthen/solidify their sense of community, career paths exploration,
update of their academic plan. 1 Credit.
Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and EGG 101.
Notes: Combination of EGG 101 and EGG 202 satisfies First Year Seminar requirement.
CpE 100 Digital Logic Design I
Number systems, including unsigned binary and two’s complement numbers. Logic gates. Boolean
algebra. Combinational circuits. Introduction to sequential circuits. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: MATH 127 or MATH 128 or MATH 181
CpE 200 Digital Logic Design II
Sequential circuits, finite state machines (FSMs), and integer arithmetic circuits. Timing analysis.
Programmable logic devices (PLDs). Hardware Description Language (HDL). Assembly language. 3
Corequisite: CpE 200D; Prerequisite: CpE 100
CpE 200D Digital Logic Design II Discussion
HDL tools and assembly language.
Corequisite: CpE 200
CpE 200L Digital Logic Design II Laboratory
Sequential circuits, finite state machines (FSMs), and integer arithmetic circuits. Timing analysis.
Programmable logic devices (PLDs). Hardware Description Language (HDL). Assembly
language. Modeling, verification, simulation and testing of design solutions using
programmable logic devices and hardware description language (HDL). 1 credit.
Corequisite: CpE 200; Prerequisite: CpE 100
CpE 260 Theory of Systems
Real and complex signals and linear time invariant (LTI) systems. Signal analysis using linear
combinations of signals from linear signal spaces. Analysis of LTI systems described by linear
constant coefficient differential equation using zero input and zero state responses, homogeneous
and particular responses, and the Laplace transform. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: MATH 182
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CpE 300 Digital Systems Architecture and Design
Design of dedicated digital systems and general microprocessors using HDL and CAD tools. RISC-V
Instruction set and assembly language. Performance analysis. Memory systems. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: CpE 200
CpE 300L Digital Systems Architecture and Design Lab
Design of dedicated digital systems and general purpose RISC microprocessors using HDL tools and
design platforms. Instruction sets and Assembly language. Datapath and control unit design.
Performance analysis. Memory systems. 1 credit.
Corequisite: CpE 300; Prerequisite: CpE 200L
CpE 301 Embedded Systems Design
Microcontrollers and their application to a broad range of engineering problems. Microcontroller
architecture, instruction set, and interfaces with sensors, actuators, motors, peripheral devices, and
communication modules. Assembly and C programming for microcontrollers. Use of simulation and
emulation tools. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: CpE 200 or CS 218
CpE 301L Embedded Systems Design Laboratory for CpE
Hands-on study of microcontroller applications for a broad range of engineering problems. Use of
simulation and emulation tools. Assembly and C microcontroller programming. Hardware interface
design and programming. Advanced projects using sensors, actuators, and communication
protocols. 1 credit.
Corequisite: CpE 301; Prerequisites: CpE 200L
CpE 310L Embedded Systems Design Laboratory for EE
Hands-on study of microcontroller applications for a broad range of engineering problems. Use of
simulation and emulation tools. Assembly and C microcontroller programming. Hardware interface
design and programming. Advanced projects using sensors, actuators, and communication
protocols. 1 credit.
Prerequisite: CpE 200L and (EE 221L or EE 292)
CpE 302 Synthesis and Verification Using Programmable Devices
Advanced methodologies in the design of digital systems. Hardware Description Languages (HDLs).
Simulation, synthesis, verification of digital system designs using FPGAs. FPGA placement, routing,
and timing analysis tools. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 200 or CS 302
CpE 400 Computer Communications Networks
Computer network architecture; OSI model; network protocols; local area networks;
communication technologies; network performance analysis, with emphasis on hardware design
issues. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 300, CS 370, and (MATH 431 or CpE 260).
CpE 403 Advanced Embedded Systems
Hardware and software for embedded systems using 32-bit microcontrollers. High-level language
programming, simulators, and emulators. RTOS (real-time operating systems) for embedded
systems. Project-based course. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: CpE 301
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CpE 404 Modern Processor Architecture
Instruction-, data-, and thread-level parallelism. Scalar and superscalar pipelines. Instruction and
data flow techniques. Memory hierarchy. Input/Output subsystem. Advanced architectures. 3
Prerequisite: CpE 300
CpE 405 Information Coding Systems
Information coding for efficient data storage and communication. Design and implementation of
coding methods. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: (MATH 431 or CpE 260) and EE 220
CpE 407 Biometrics and Machine Learning
This course is designed to cover fundamentals of Biometrics Science and Technology with a
balance between the basic theoretical background (probability theory, statistics, pattern
recognition, signal processing) and practical applications. Some relevant topics from Machine
Learning will also be covered. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 260 or EE 360 or MATH 431
CpE 408 VLSI Physical Design and Testing
VLSI CAD algorithms for partitioning, floor planning, placement, routing, layout, and compaction.
Test process and equipment, fault modeling and simulation, defects, Automatic Test Pattern
Generation (ATPG), built-in self-test, design for testability. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 300 and EE 320
CpE 409 Embedded DSP
DSP operations in spatial and transform domains. Hardware mapping techniques. Design of
accelerator circuits for embedded audio and video processing. Introduction to high-level
synthesis. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 300
CpE 417 - Internet of Things Systems
Principles and design of Internet of Things systems. IoT operation, sensors, and node types. Data
management, IoT operating systems, and security. Project-based. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 135 and (CpE 200 or CS 218).
CpE 418 Cloud Computing in Engineering
Principles and design of Internet of Things systems. IoT operation, sensors, and node types. Data
management, IoT operating systems, and security. Project-based. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 135 and Advanced Standing.
CPE 476 Mobile Robotics
Design, implementation, and programming of autonomous mobile robots (UAVs and Rovers),
kinematics and dynamics of robots, basic control theory, sensors and actuators for robots,
autopilots and autonomous control, and robot application development. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 135 and either CS 218 or CpE 200.
CPE 477 Embedded Security and Machine Learning
Design of hardware and software for embedded systems focused on security and machine learning.
Introduction to embedded security, Cryptography, current embedded security features, and
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security in practice. Introduction to TinyML, quantization techniques, optimization of TinyML, and
online-/offline-training. Project-based, requiring the design/construction of an embedded system.
3 credits.
Prerequisites: CpE 301
EE 220 Circuits I
Introduction to linear circuit analysis. Kirchhoff’s laws, operational amplifiers, node and loop
analysis. Thevenin, Norton, and other network theorems, first order RL and RC circuits, second
order RLC circuits. 3 credits.
Corequisite: EE 220D; Prerequisite: MATH 182
EE 220D Circuits I Discussion
Introduction to PSpice simulation tool for electrical circuits, problem solving using SPICE. 0
Corequisite: EE 220
EE 221 Circuits II
Sinusoidal steady state analysis using phasors, sinusoidal steady state power, three-phase circuits
the Laplace transform and its application to circuit analysis, transfer functions, frequency response,
magnetically coupled circuits and transformers, two-port networks. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 220 and (CS 117 or CS 135)
EE 221L Circuits II Laboratory
Basic measurements and instrumentation. Principles of experimentation. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 221
EE 292 Fundamentals of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Introduction to electric circuit analysis, electronic devices and circuits, transducers, electric
machines, and power transmission. For non-electrical engineering majors only. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: MATH 182 and (PHYS 180 or PHYS 151)
EE 320 Engineering Electronics I
Circuit design and analysis using diodes and transistors. Introduction to semiconductor physics.
Circuit simulation with SPICE. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CHEM 121, EE 221, PHYS 181, PHYS 181L, and (MATH 431 or CpE 260)
EE 320L Engineering Electronics I Laboratory
Laboratory based analysis and design of electrical and electronic systems. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 320; Prerequisites: CHEM 121, EE 221, MATH 431 or CpE 260, PHYS 181, and
EE 330 Engineering Electromagnetics
Static electric and magnetic fields. Dielectric and ferromagnetic materials. Laplace's equation. Time
varying electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell's equations. Engineering applications. 3 credits.
Corequisite: MATH 432 and EE 330D; Prerequisites: EE 221, PHYS 181, and MATH 431
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EE 330D Engineering Electromagnetics Discussion
This discussion class reinforces electromagnetic theory and problem solving by applying the laws
of nature in a vector calculus manner. 0 credits.
Corequisite: EE 330
EE 340 Power System Engineering
Electric energy sources and energy conversion principles, modeling and analysis of synchronous
generators, transmission lines, transformers, AC and DC machines, brief introduction to power
system analysis including power flow, fault calculation and economic dispatch. 3 credits.
Corequisite: EE 330; Prerequisite: EE 320
EE 340L Power System Engineering Laboratory
Measurement of different electric powers, measurement of equivalent circuit parameters and
characteristics of electric generators, transformers, transmission lines, AC and DC motors, use of
software packages for fault calculation and load flow. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 340; Prerequisite: EE 320L
EE 360 Signals and Systems I
Deterministic signals and linear systems. Time domain description and analysis of analog and
discrete linear systems. Analysis of linear systems using the Laplace transform and the z-transform.
Block diagram and flow graph representation of signals and linear systems. Introduction to state
space representation and analysis. 3 credits.
Corequisite: EE 360D and (MATH 432 or MATH 459); Prerequisites: (EE 221 or EE 292) and
(MATH 431 or CpE 260)
EE 360D Signals and Systems I Discussion
Programming methods in signals and systems. Topics include generating signals, implementing
systems including direct form and state space implementations, determining zero input and zero
state responses of linear systems, plotting linear system frequency responses and generating pole
zero plots from system functions. 0 credits.
Corequisite: EE 360; Prerequisites: (EE 221 or EE 292) and (MATH 431 or CpE 260)
EE 361 Signals and Systems II
Stochastic and deterministic signals and linear systems. Analog and discrete Fourier series, analog
and discrete Fourier transforms, basic probability theory, stochastic processes, stochastic signals
and linear systems. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 360 and (MATH 432 or MATH 459)
EE 370 Classical Feedback and Control Systems
Introduction to control systems. Feedback control characteristics, performance, stability. Analysis,
synthesis and design of feedback control systems including digital techniques. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 360 and (MATH 459 or MATH 432)
EE 370L Classical Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory
Introduction to using MATLAB to model/simulate control systems, feedback control characteristics,
performance, stability, analysis, synthesis and design of feedback control systems including digital
techniques. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 370; Prerequisites: EE 360 and (MATH 459 or MATH 432)
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EE 414 Quantum Communication
Review of quantum mechanics and wave optics. Quantum harmonic oscillators. Field quantization.
Single mode, two mode, and multi-mode quantum optics. Quantum information. Semiclassical and
quantum photo-detection. Fiber optics and free space communication channels. Quantum key
distribution. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 310
EE 416 Space Sensors and Instruments
Astrophysical and space science concepts. Space environments. Spacecraft orbits. Spacecraft
sensors for electromagnetic waves, photons, and particle radiation. Radiometry. Interferometry.
Telescope design. Arrayed sensors. Remote sensing. CubeSats. Constellation flight. Case study of
spacecraft, payload, and mission design. May involve hands-on projects. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 310
EE 420 Engineering Electronics II
An introduction to the design, layout, and simulation of analog integrated circuits including current
mirrors, voltage and current references, amplifiers, and op-amps. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 320
EE 420L Electronics II Laboratory
Applications and study of modern electronic analog and digital circuits. Advanced instrumentation.
1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 420; Prerequisite: EE 320L
EE 421 Digital Integrated Circuit Design
An introduction to the design, layout, and simulation of digital integrated circuits. MOSFET
operation and parasitics. Digital design fundamentals including the design of digital logic blocks. 3
Prerequisites: CpE 100 and EE 320
EE 421L Digital Integrated Circuit Design Laboratory
Digital circuit analysis. Discrete and integrated circuit technology, logic families, A/D-D/A circuits,
comparators, Schmitt triggers. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 421; Prerequisite: EE 320L
EE 430 Transmission Lines
Telegraphist’s equation; transient response, steady state response; reflection diagrams; Smith
chart; matching techniques and designs; narrow and broadband impedance; scattering matrix;
introduction to stripline and microstrip devices. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 330
EE 431 Engineering Optics
Engineering applications of optics. Includes aperture and grating antennas, holography, optical
image processing, optical waveguides, and tomography. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 330 and (MATH 432 or MATH 459)
EE 432 Antenna Engineering
Fundamentals of antennas and antenna design; linear wire, loop and antenna arrays; antenna
measurements. 3 credits.
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Prerequisites: EE 330 and (MATH 432 or MATH 459)
EE 436 Active and Passive Microwave Engineering
Waveguides, dispersion diagrams, microwave network analysis, broadband impedance matching,
open and closed resonators, power dividers, directional couplers, filters, circulators, phase shifters,
introduction to solid state amplifier or oscillator design. 3 credits
Prerequisites: EE 330 and (MATH 432 or MATH 459)
EE 438 Radar in Industry
Fundamentals of radar including industry applications such as mapping, imaging and electronic
warfare. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 320 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
EE 442 Power Electronics
Diode circuits and rectifiers, power semiconductor diodes and transistors, thyristors and static
switches, controlled rectifiers, AC voltage controllers, DC choppers, inverters, AC and DC drives,
power supplies, protection of devices and circuits. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 320 and EE 340
EE 446 Photovoltaic Devices and Systems
Solar resource characteristics, solar cell physics and technologies, cell electrical characteristics, PV
module design, DC-AC inverters, battery energy storage and charge controllers, design of stand-
alone and grid-connected PV Systems, economic considerations. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: MATH 182 or consent of instructor.
EE 450 Solid State Devices
Semiconductor physics, pn diode, bipolar junction transistor, metal semiconductor FET devices,
metal oxide semiconductor FET devices. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 320 and (MATH 431 or CpE 260)
EE 450L Solid State Devices Laboratory
Capacitance and voltage, Hall mobility and carrier concentration, oxidation and etching silicon
dioxide processing of silicon. 1 credit.
Prerequisite: EE 450
EE 451 Electronic and Magnetic Materials and Devices
Semiconductors, dielectrics, ferroelectrics, antiferromagnetics, ferromagnetics, ferrimagnetics,
crystal structure, structure-property relations, device applications. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 330
EE 452 Introduction to Optical Electronics
Topics include: modulation of light, display devices, lasers, photodetectors, fiber optics, engineering
applications, and systems. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 330
EE 453 Introduction to Nanotechnology
Overview of Nanotechnology, Physics of the Solid State, Properties of Individual Nanostructures,
Bulk Nanostructured materials, magnetic nanoparticles, Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots, Self-
Assembly and Catalysis, nanoscale Biological materials. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 320
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EE 460 Analog and Digital Communications
An introduction to analog and digital communication systems. Communication channels,
modulation and demodulation, DSB, AM, SSB, FM and PM modulation schemes. Analog to digital
conversation, sampling theorem, quantization noise and PCM systems. Line coding and digital
carrier modulation schemes including ASK, PSK, FSK and QAM. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 361
EE 460L Communication Systems Laboratory
An introduction to analog and digital communication systems. Communication channels,
modulation and demodulation, DSB, AM, SSB, FM and PM modulation schemes. Analog to digital
conversation, sampling theorem, quantization noise and PCM systems. Line coding and digital
carrier modulation schemes including ASK, PSK, FSK and QAM. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 360
EE 462 Advanced Digital Communications
Fundamentals of digital communication systems including Line Coding, ASK, PSK, FSK and QAM
modulations, receiver design and performance evaluation, band-limited channels. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 460
EE 466 Wireless and Mobile Communication
The study of wireless systems including cellular telephone systems, wireless local area networks
and other wireless data services. Topics include digital modulation techniques, frequency reuse,
diversity techniques, multiple access schemes and channel modeling including path loss,
shadowing, fading and multipath interference. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: EE 460
EE 472 Digital Control Systems
Introduction to discrete time of control. State space representation of linear systems; stability; the
concepts of controllability and observability. Sample data control system design techniques,
including pole placement, observer design. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 370
EE 480 Digital Signal Processing
Review of discrete linear system theory including the z-transform, the Fourier transform, discrete
and fast Fourier transform. Sampling, reconstruction and multirate systems, IIR and FIR digital
filter design including digital filter structures and finite word length effects. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 361
EE 480L Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Laboratory projects and exercises in digital signal processing including the design and
implementation of FIR, IIR, and multirate systems. 1 credit.
Corequisite: EE 480
EE 482 Introduction to Biomedical Signals and Systems
Application of signals and system theory. Topics may include audio and speech signal processing,
image processing, multi-spectral imaging, biomedical signals, and active sensing technologies such
as Radar and Lidar. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 361
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EE 493 Independent Study
Independent study of a selected engineering topic. May be repeated once for credit. 1-3 credits.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in Electrical Engineering
EE 495 Special Topics
Covers experimental and other topics which may be of current interest. Topics and credits to be
announced. May be repeated once under a different topic. May have a laboratory. May be repeated
to a maximum of six credits. 1-4 credits.
Prerequisite: Upper division standing in Engineering
EE 497 Senior Design Project I
Capstone synthesis course to teach students the design process from problem definition, team
building, to project planning, paper design, written and oral communications. 1 credit.
Prerequisite: Senior Standing and consent of faculty advisor
EE 498 Senior Design Project II
Capstone synthesis course to teach students hardware and software implementation of their
projects proposed and paper-designed in EE 497, testing and recommendations, project
presentations. 2 credits.
Prerequisite: EE 497 and final semester senior
The Computer Courses listed here are only the courses required by the Computer Engineering
Program. For a complete list of Computer Science Courses please refer to the UNLV Catalog.
CS 135 Computer Science I
Problem-solving methods and algorithm development in a high level programming language.
Program design, coding, debugging and documentation using techniques of good programming
style. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours recitation. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: MATH 127 or MATH 128
CS 202 Computer Science II
Data structures and algorithms for manipulating liked lists. String and file processing. Recursion.
Software engineering, structured programming and testing, especially larger programs. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: CS 135
CS 302 Data Structures
Introduction to sequential and linked structures. File access including sequential indexed
sequential and other file organizations. Internal structures including stacks, queues, trees and
graphs. Algorithms for implementing and manipulating structured objects. Big-O notation. 3
Prerequisites: CS 202 and MATH 181
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CS 326 Programming Languages, Concepts, and Implementation
Design, evaluation and implementation of programming languages. Includes data types and data
abstraction, sequence control and procedural abstraction, parameter passing techniques, scope
rules, referencing environments and run-time storage management. Study and evaluation of a
number of current programming languages. 3 credits.
3 credits: CS 302 and either CS 219 or CpE 300
CS 370 Operating Systems
Operating systems organization, sharing and allocation of system resources, protection
mechanisms and integration of system components. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 302 and either CS 219 or CpE 300
CS 465 Computer Networks
Data communication fundamentals. The hardware components, topology, interconnections,
software, protocols and uses of computer networks. The OSI protocol. The physical datalink,
network, transport, session, presentation and application layers. 3 credits.
Prerequisite: CS 370
CS 472 Software Product Design and Development I
A formal approach to current techniques in software design and development. Students work in
teams in the organization, management, and development of a large software project. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 326 and CS 370
CS 445 Internet Security
Internet security theory and practice, advanced IP concepts, the concepts of stimulus and response
in the context of securing a network, network packet and traffic analysis, internet protocol (IP)
vulnerabilities, packet filtering, intrusion detection, internet exploits, exploit signatures, internet
forensics, network security investigation. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 370.
CS 458 Introduction to Data Mining
Introduction to basic concepts in data mining. Topics include association-rule mining, information
extraction, web mining, categorization, and clustering. 3 credits.
Prerequisites: CS 302 and MATH 251.
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ENG 101 (3) ENG 102 (3)
Constitutional Requirement (4) MATH 182 (4)
MATH 181 (4) PHY 180 +L (4)
EGG 101/101L (1-2) CS 135 (3)
CPE 100 (3) Social Science (3)
15 Credits 17 Credits
PHY 181 + L (4)
CPE 200+L (4) CS 302 (3)
EE 220/D (3)
CS 202 (3)
CPE 301+L (4)
MATH 251 (3) EGG 307 (3)
EGG 202 (1) EE 221+L (4)
18 Credits 14 Credits
STAT 411 (3) EE 320 + L (4)
CPE 260 (3) CPE 302 (3)
CPE 300 (3) COM 216 (3)
CS 370 (3) CPE Concentration Area I/1 (3)
PHIL 242 (3) CPE LAB I (1)
15 Credits 14 Credits
CPE Concentration Area I/2 (3)
CPE Prof. Elective 1 (3)
CPE Concentration Area II/2 (3)
CPE Prof. Elective 2 (3)
CPE Concentration Area II/1 (3)
Fine Arts Elective/Multicultural (3)
Math & Sci. Elec. I (3)
Math & Sci. Elec. II (3)
EE 497 (1 ) EE 498 (2)
16 Credits 11 Credits
64 56
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ENG 101 (3) ENG 102 (3)
CPE 100 (3) MATH 182 (4)
MATH 181 (4) PHY 180 +L (4)
EGG 101 (FYS) (1-2) CS 135 (3)
11 Credits 14 Credits
PHY 181 + L (4) CPE 200 + L (4)
EGG 202 (1) COM 216 (3)
EE 220/D (3) CPE 260 (3)
MATH 251 (3) CS 202 (3)
11 Credits 13 Credits
CPE 301 + L (4) CEE 307 (3)
EE 221 + L (4) EE 320 + L (4)
Fine Arts Elective/Multicultural (3) CpE 300 (3)
STAT 411 (3) CS 302 (3)
14 Credits 13 Credits
Constitution Requirement (4) Math & Sci. Elec. I (3)
CPE 302 (3) PHI 242 (3)
CS 370 (3) CPE Concentration Area I/2 (3)
CPE Concentration Area I/1 (3)
CPE Lab (1)
13 Credits 10 Credits
CPE Concentration Area II/1 (3) CPE Concentration Area II/2 (3)
CPE Elective 1 (3) CPE Elective 2 (3)
Math & Sci. Elec. II (3) EE 498 (2)
EE 497 (1) Social Sci./Multicultural (3)
10 Credits 11 Credits
59 61
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2022 2023 CATALOG
UNLV General Education Core (27-30 credits)
English: 6 Credits
Sem Cred Grade
ENG 101 3
ENG 102 3
Seminars: 2-3 Credits.
EGG 101 / 101L 1-2
EGG 202 1
Constitution: 4-6 Credits. Choose from: PSC 101(4), HIST
100(4), or a combination from US Const: HIST 101 (3) or 106
(3); NV Const: HIST 102 (3), HIST 217 (3), or PSC 100(1).
Social Sciences: 6 Credits ***
*** (Not ECON) 3
CEE 307 3
***Social Science course from an area other than economics
Humanities: 6 Credits *
$ (Multi& Int) 3
PHIL 242** 3
$ humanities courses to satisfy Multi-cultural and International
Fine Arts: 3 Credits of appreciation or introduction courses in
art, music, theater, and dance*.
Departmental Requirements:
Major-Related Fields: 25 Credits
Sem. Cred Grade
MATH 181 4
MATH 182 4
MATH 251 3
MATH 431 or CpE 260 3
STAT 463 or 411 3
PHYS 180/L 4
PHYS 181/L 4
$ or * = A 3-credit multicultural and International
requirement must be completed
CpE Fundamentals: 43 Credits
Sem Cred Grade
CpE 100 3
CpE 200/D 3
CpE 200L 1
CpE 300 3
CpE 301 3
CpE 301L 1
CpE 302 3
CS 135 3
CS 202 3
CS 302 3
CS 370 3
EE 220/D 3
EE 221 3
EE 221L 1
EE 320 3
EE 320L 1
EE 497 1
EE 498 2
CpE Core: 12 Credits. Must complete at least 2 concentration
areas out of the following 4 areas.
Sem Cred Grade
Digital Design
EE 421 Digital IC Design F 3
CpE 404 Modern Processor Arch. S 3
CpE 408 VLSI Phys Design &
S 3
Computer Networks
CpE 400 Comp. Comm. Networks F 3
CpE 405 Information Coding Sys. S 3
CS 445 Internet Security 3
Embedded Systems
CpE 403 Advanced Embedded Sys. F 3
CpE 476 Mobile Robotics F 3
CpE 409 Embedded DSP S 3
CpE 477 Embedded Security and
Machine Learning
S 3
Intelligent Systems (IS)
CpE 407 Biometrics and Machine
S 3
CpE 417 IoT Systems F 3
CS 458 Intro. to Data Mining 3
CE Labs: 1 Credit. Must complete 1 credit of laboratory.
Sem. Cred Grade
CpE 300L
EE 420L F
EE 421L
Professional Electives: 6 Credits . 6 credits from EE/CpE
Sem Cred Grade
Math/Science Elective: 6 Credits. 6 credits from math (MATH or
STAT) or science (BIOL, CHEM, or PHYS)
Sem Cred Grade
Total Credits: 120 (min)