University of Nevada Las Vegas
Department of Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology
MIS 762 Analysis, Modeling and Design
Fall 2020
Course Information
Course Title: Systems Analysis and Design
Course No.: MIS 762
Lecture: online on WebCampus, asynchronous
Course Content and Learning Outcomes
The course will provide the student with an understanding of the systems analysis
and software development process. The goal is to expose the student to various
methodologies and techniques for the design and development of information
systems, including structured and object-oriented methodologies. The course will
also raise the awareness of possible pitfalls of the process and discuss emerging
opportunities and new trends in software development. The course will also
explore scenarios in which the adoption of ready-made systems should be
preferred to custom application development (e.g., ERP systems). Upon
successful completion of the course, you should be able to:
Explain and apply the concepts associated with the analysis, design, and
implementation of business information systems.
Be able to assess how major issues related to software development, such as
process maturity, reuse, and agile development can improve the software
development process.
Understand how systems analysis and design methods apply to the
customization and implementation of commercial off-the-shelf systems,
including ERP software.
Understand systems thinking and ways that information technology can be
used to enhance effectiveness of the individual and organizations.
management, apply them in a team project, and communicate the results.
Required Textbook: Systems Analysis & Design An Object-Oriented
Approach with UML, Allen Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, David Tegarden,
fifth edition, © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 978-1-118-80467-4
Class Notes available on WebCampus
Diagramming Tools
We will need use diagramming software for the course project. However, its
 need to buy any
software; instead you can access use the free online version of Lucidchart
(http://www.lucidchart.com) or any other UML-capable diagramming tool
you chose.
Grading Policy
The course grade will be based on the overall weighted average as follows:
1. Midterm Exam (40 pts.)
2. Semester Project
i) Milestone 1 (20 pts.)
ii) Milestone 2 (20 pts.)
iii) Milestone 3 (40 pts.)
3. Advanced Topic Online Presentation (35 pts.)
4. Module Activities (Quizzes, Discussion, and Assignments) (30 pts.)
5. Introductions Online Discussion (5 pts.)
6. Professional Participation Requirement (10 pts.)
Total Course Score: 200 pts.
A score of 186+ is an A grade, 180-185.9 is an A- grade,
174 to 179.9 is a B+ grade, 166 to 173.9 is a B grade, 160 to 165.9 is a B- grade,
154 to 159.9 is a C+ grade, 146 to 153.9 is a C grade, 140 to 145.9 is a C- grade ,
134 to 139.9 is a D+ grade, 126 to 133.9 is a D grade, 120 to 125.9 is a D- grade,
below 120 is an F grade.
Contingent on the overall class performance, the instructor maintains the right to
adjust the scale.
Office Hours
Office hours are held online via WebEx. Appointment must be made in advance
for WebEx meetings during the office hours stated at the top of this syllabus. You
can make appointments by clicking on the Office Hour link provided in the
Questions Module of the Course pages on WebCampus.
If you cannot see me during regular office hours and need to make an
appointment at a different time, please contact me by email.
Assignment Schedule
Below is a schedule of topics and assignments. The instructor reserves the option
to make deviations from the schedule as and when necessary. Deadlines posted on
WebCampus supersede the schedule below.
Module / Topic
Chapter Scheduled Due Dates
for Group Projects and
Advanced Topic Presentations
Week 1 8/24 Getting Started: Syllabus and
other information
Module 1:
Intro to Systems Analysis
Week 2 8/31 Module 2: Project Mgmt.
Module 1 Activity Due
Presentation Preferences Due
Project Group Assignments Due
Week 3 9/7 Module 2 continued
Week 4 9/14 Module 3:
Requirements Determination
Module 2 Activity Due
Presentation: Resistance to Change
Week 5 9/21 Module 3 continued
Project Milestone 1 Due
Presentation: Capability Maturity Model
Integration (CMMI)
Week 6 9/28 Module 4: Business Process &
Functional Modeling
Module 3 Activity Due
Presentation: ERP System Adoption
Week 7 10/5 Module 4 continued
Present.: Software Vendor Selection
Week 8 10/12 Module 5:
Structural Modeling
10/13 Behavioral Modeling
Module 4 Activity Due
Prsnt: S/w Development Outsourcing
Week 9 10/19 Module 6:
Behavioral Modeling
Module 5 Activity Due
Component-Based S/w Development
Week 10 10/26 Module 6 continued
Presnt: Agile Development /SCRUM
Week 11 11/2 Module 7:
Moving on to Design &
Class and Method Design
7 & 8
Module 6 Activity Due
Project Milestone 2 Due
Presentation: Service-Oriented
Architecture (Web Services)
Week 12 11/9 Module 7 Continued
Presentation: IS Integration
Week 13 11/16
Module 7 Activity Due
Presnt: Mobile App Development
11/18 Mid-Term Exam Available
Mid-Term Exam Due
Week 14 11/23 Module 8:
Data Mgmt. Layer Design &
HCI Layer Design
Presentation: DevOps
Week 15 11/30 Module 9: Construction &
Installation and Operations
Module 8 Activity Due
Project Milestone 3 Due
Week 16 12/7
Module 9 Activity Due
Module Activity
The Module Activities are either Quizzes, Assignments, or Discussions on the materials covered
in the respective module. They are due on the Tuesday after the conclusion of each module and
reinforce what you will have learned in the current chapter(s).
Semester Project
The primary purpose of the project is to provide an opportunity for each student to
apply the techniques learned in class in an actual systems development project.
Five to Six-person teams will be formed by the third week of the semester.
Specific learning objectives include:
project management
requirements analysis
systems design
application development
quality assurance (including testing)
Groups will select their own projects. The instructor must approve the project
selected. You may choose a real world problem (e.g., from the workplace of one
of the group members) or come up with your own project.
Milestone 1: Project Proposal & Specifications. (25% of Project Grade)
A written proposal including background information and objectives. It will be
evaluated on content, completeness, and the use of appropriate business writing
style and good grammar.
The proposal will serve 
include the following:
Problem definition and analysis, description of company;
systems request;
feasibility analysis (e.g., technical, organizational, and economic)
function point estimate
work plan (i.e., time and cost estimates)
requirements determination - describe the specific needs that motivated the
project; i.e., how will this application help the organization attain specific
Milestone 2: Systems Requirements (25% of Project Grade)
Revision of Milestone 1
As-Is Organization
Use Case Diagram
Use Cases
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagrams (for each use case)
To-Be Organization
Use Case Diagram
Use Cases
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagrams (for each use case)
Initial Design of To-Be Information System
Use Case Diagram
Use Cases
Class Diagram
Milestone 3: Systems Design (50% of Project Grade)
Revision of Milestones 1 & 2
Final Systems Design of To-Be Information System consisting of:
Use Case Diagram
Use Cases
Class Diagram
Sequence Diagrams (for each use case)
Behavioral State Machine Diagrams (for classes where it is applicable)
User Interface Design
Conversion Strategy
Advanced Topic Presentation
Completion of this assignment involves independent research on one of several
topics offered. Students will prepare an online presentation. The instructor will
provide the teams with some papers on the topic that may be helpful to get started.
Each student should email the instructor his/her preferences before the class
meeting time in the second week of the semester. Four to Five person teams (not
identical with the semester project teams) will be assigned by the instructor based
on the preferences submitted. Presentations are due throughout the semester (see
Each team will make the presentation power point file available to the other
students. Uploaded presentation files will be made available on WebCampus.
Presentation Topics:
Resistance to Change
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
ERP System Adoption
Software Vendor Selection
Software Development Outsourcing
Agile Development / Extreme Programming / SCRUM
Component-Based Software Development
Service-Oriented Architecture (Web Services)
Information Systems Integration
Mobile App Development
Professional Participation Requirement
 
 740, 744, 746, 760, 762, 764, 766, 781
In the following courses, there will be a graded professional participation
Students enrolled in any of these courses will need to attend a minimum of 5
events during the semester. (Exemption: If you currently work full-time within the
technology profession and have more than 3 years of experience, then your
requirement is limited to 2 events. However, we would strongly encourage that
you attend the networking events as it not only serves to bolster your networking
opportunities but as a working professional, you can help to expand the network
of your classmates. To request an exemption, you must email
[email protected] at the beginning of each semester.)
Events will be announced through emails and by professors. Such events include:
MIS Society workshops and events
Graduate College workshops and events
LBS Speaker Series events
Career Services workshops and events
 nts
 
 
national competition)
You may also attend events outside of UNLV. If you have any questions about
whether an event can count towards participation, please email the Assistant
Because of COVID, you are encouraged to attend online events, rather than
in-person events. MIS Society events are held online this semester. However, if
you cannot find a sufficient number of online events, please email me at
[email protected] and I will be able to waive the requirement for
this course, however, you may need to make separate arrangements for other
To get credit, you are required to submit this Google Form for each event you
attend throughout the semester. (You are not required to submit this form for MIS
Society sponsored events. At these events, you will be asked to sign in and this
information will be provided to the Assistant Coordinator). The Assistant
Coordinator will keep a record of your event attendance. At the end of the
semester, the Assistant Coordinator will send the number of events you attended
and the number of events you were required to the necessary professors. The
professors will then evaluate your participation for grading.
Netiquette, a set of rules for behaving appropriately online. Your instructor and
fellow students wish to promote a safe online learning environment. All opinions
and experiences must be respected in the context of academic discourse. You are
expected to comment, question, or critique and idea but you must not attack an
Netiquette Guidelines:
a. Be aware of possible miscommunication when face-to face interaction is
absent; compose your responses in a positive, supportive, and constructive
b. Do not dominate the discussion
c. Give other students the opportunity to join the discussion
d. Do not use offensive language
e. Present ideas appropriately
f. Do not capitalize all letters, doing so suggest shouting
g. Avoid using slang language
h. Share tips with fellow students
i. Keep an open mind and be willing to express even your minority opinion.
Minority opinions must be respected
j. Think and edit before you push the send button
k. Do not hesitate to ask for feedback
Course Structure
This online course will be a blend of self-paced and group activities using
WebCampus/Canvas and other Web sites. Activities will consist of discussion
forums, email, assignments, and web posting.
This course is designed to be entirely delivered online. You will use your ACE
ount to login to the course on Webcampus. If you have not set up an ACE
yet, please contact the OIT Help Desk.
Technology Needed
Because this course is being delivered 100% online, you will need to have
cceptable technology. For this course you will need:
1. A computer/laptop/tablet
2. A web browser that is up-to-date
3. Canvas requires the following browser components:
i. Flash is required for media recording, streaming, viewing, and
ii. The Java plug-in is required for several features in Canvas.
iii. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view documents in your
Campus Resources
1. Academic policies, visit the UNLV's academic integrity policies
2. To learn more about UNLV policies, go to the University's policy page
3. For all technical help, contact the Office of Information Technology / IT
Help Desk with your questions. The telephone number is (702) 895-0777.
4. For support with WebCampus (powered by Canvas), review the Canvas
Student Guide for guidance.
5. For supplemental resources, visit LinkedinLearning.com.
Online Activity Expectations
The key to a successful course is active participation from both the instructor and
students. Active participation looks like:
1. Class Expectations
i. Keep up with the material covered every week
ii. Seek help when you do not understand a topic (Instructor,
discussion boards)
2. Discussion Board
i. Discussion assignments must be completed by the assignment due
date and time
ii. Responding in the (weekly/bi-weekly - change this to the correct
frequency) discussion board with your thoughts, comments, and
response to the discussion prompt.
iii. Reading the responses on the discussion board
iv. Responding to your classmates via the discussion board
v. My role as the instructor is to moderate the discussion and provide
guidance on the topic
vi. Responses can be submitted in the form of a text, a video, a link to
an online resource,a picture or any other medium you might deem
appropriate. Try to use a variety of media to enrich the content and
expand your technological knowledge
3. Assignments
i. All assignments are to be submitted electronically in Canvas
ii. Review the posted assignments ahead of time to be sure you
understand the requirements
iii. Be sure to pay close attention to deadlines (date and time), as late
work is not accepted without a serious reason and instructor
iv. Submit the assignments on time
v. Due dates time zone is Pacific Standard time
4. Assessments (Quizzes, tests, etc.)
i. Quizzes in this class will be open book
ii. Exams in this class will be closed book
iii. Respondus Monitor will be used for the exams, therefore you will
need a webcam or comparable video recording device
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University Policies
Public Health Directives Face coverings are mandatory for all faculty and students in the classroom. Students
must follow all active UNLV public health directives while enrolled in this class. UNLV public health
directives are found at https://www.unlv.edu/coronavirus/health-requirements. Students who do not comply
with these directives may be asked to leave the classroom. Refusal to follow the guidelines may result in further
disciplinary action according to the UNLV Code of Student Conduct,
https://www.unlv.edu/sites/default/files/page_files/27/StudentConduct-Code.pdf, including being
administratively withdrawn from the course.
Academic Misconduct Academic integrity is a legitimate concern for every member of the University
community. We all share in upholding the fundamental values of honesty, trust, respect, fairness, responsibility,
and professionalism. By choosing to join the UNLV community, students accept the expectations of the Student
Academic Misconduct Policy, and are encouraged to always take the ethical path whenever faced with choices.
Students enrolling at UNLV assume the obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with UNLV’s
educational mission. An example of academic misconduct is plagiarism. Plagiarism is using the words or ideas
of another person, from the Internet or any other source without proper citation of the source(s). See the Student
Conduct Code, https://www.unlv.edu/studentconduct/student-conduct.
Auditing Classes Auditing a course allows a student to continue attending the lectures and/or laboratories and
discussion sessions associated with the course, but the student will not earn a grade for any component of the
course. Students who audit a course receive the same educational experience as students taking the course for a
grade, but will be excused from exams, assessments, and other evaluative measures that serve the primary
purpose of assigning a grade.
Classroom Conduct Students have a responsibility to conduct themselves in class and in the libraries in ways
that do not interfere with the rights of other students to learn, or of instructors to teach. Use of electronic devices
such as pagers, cellular phones, or recording devices, or potentially disruptive devices or activities are only
permitted with the prior explicit consent of the instructor. The instructor may rescind permission at any time
during the class. If a student does not comply with established requirements or obstructs the functioning of the
class, the instructor may initiate an administrative withdrawal of the student from the course.
Copyright The University requires all members of the University Community to familiarize themselves with,
and to follow copyright and fair use requirements. You are individually and solely responsible for violations of
copyright and fair use laws. The University will neither protect nor defend you, nor assume any responsibility
for employee or student violations of fair use laws. Violations of copyright laws could subject you to federal
and state civil penalties and criminal liability, as well as disciplinary action under University policies.
Additional copyright policy information is available at https://www.unlv.edu/provost/copyright.
Disability Resource Center (DRC) The UNLV Disability Resource Center (SSC-A, Room 143,
https://www.unlv.edu/drc, telephone 702-895-0866) provides resources for students with disabilities. Students
who believe that they may need academic accommodations due to injury, disability, or due to pregnancy should
contact the DRC as early as possible in the academic term. A Disabilities Specialist will discuss what options
may be available to you. If you are registered with the UNLV Disability Resource Center, bring your Academic
Accommodation Plan from the DRC to the instructor during office hours, so that you may work together to
develop strategies for implementing the accommodations to meet both your needs and the requirements of the
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course. Any information you provide is private and will be treated as such. To maintain the confidentiality of
your request, please do not approach the instructor in front of others to discuss your accommodation needs.
Final Examinations The University requires that final exams given at the end of a course occur on the date and
at the time specified in the Final Exam schedule. The Final Exam schedule is typically available at the start of
the semester, and the classroom locations are available approximately one month before the end of the semester.
See the Final Exam Schedule, https://www.unlv.edu/registrar/calendars.
Identity Verification in Online Courses All UNLV students must use their Campus-issued ACE ID and
password to log in to WebCampus-Canvas.
UNLV students enrolled in online or hybrid courses are expected to read and adhere to the Student Academic
Misconduct Policy, https://www.unlv.edu/studentconduct/misconduct/policy, which states that “acting or
attempting to act as a substitute for another, or using or attempting to use a substitute, in any academic
evaluation or assignment” is a form of academic misconduct. Intentionally sharing ACE login credentials with
another person may be considered an attempt to use a substitute, and could result in investigation and sanctions,
as outlined in the Student Academic Misconduct Policy.
UNLV students enrolled in online courses are also expected to read and adhere to the Acceptable Use of
Computing and Information Technology Resources Policy, https://www.it.unlv.edu/policies/acceptable-use-
computing-and-information-technology-resources-policy, which prohibits sharing university accounts with
other persons without authorization.
To the greatest extent possible, all graded assignments and assessments in UNLV online courses should be
hosted in WebCampus-Canvas or another UNLV-managed platform that requires ACE login credentials for
Incomplete Grades The grade of “I” (Incomplete) may be granted when a student has satisfactorily completed
three-fourths of course work for that semester/session, but cannot complete the last part of the course for
reason(s) beyond the student’s control and acceptable to the instructor, and the instructor believes that the
student can finish the course without repeating it. For undergraduate courses, the incomplete work must be
made up before the end of the following regular semester. Graduate students receiving “I” grades in 500-, 600-,
or 700-level courses have up to one calendar year to complete the work, at the discretion of the instructor. If
course requirements are not completed within the period indicated, a grade of “F” will be recorded, and the
student’s GPA will be adjusted accordingly. Students who are fulfilling an Incomplete grade do not register for
the course, but make individual arrangements with the instructor who assigned the “I” grade.
Library Resources Librarians are available to consult with students on research needs, including developing
research topics, finding information, and evaluating sources. To make an appointment with a subject expert for
this class, please visit the Libraries’ Research Consultation website,
https://guides.library.unlv.edu/appointments/librarian. You can also ask the library staff questions via chat and
text message at https://ask.library.unlv.edu/.
Missed Classwork Any student missing class, quizzes, examinations, or any other class or laboratory work
because of observance of religious holidays will be given an opportunity during that semester to make up the
missed work. The make-up opportunity will apply to the religious holiday absence only. It is the responsibility
of the student to notify the instructor within the first 14 calendar days of the course for Fall and Spring courses
(except for modular courses), or within the first 7 calendar days of the course for Summer and modular courses,
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of their intention to participate in religious holidays which do not fall on state holidays or periods of class recess.
For additional information, please visit the Missed Work policy, under Registration Policies, on the Academic
Policies webpage, https://catalog.unlv.edu/content.php?catoid=29&navoid=7326.
In accordance with the policy approved by the Faculty Senate regarding missed class time and assignments,
students who represent UNLV in any official extracurricular activity will also have the opportunity to make up
assignments, provided that the student provides official written notification to the instructor no less than one
week prior to the missed class(es).
The spirit and intent of the policy for missed classwork is to offer fair and equitable assessment opportunities to
all students, including those representing the University in extracurricular activities. Instructors should consider,
for example, that in courses which offer a “Drop one” option for the lowest assignment, quiz, or exam,
assigning the student a grade of zero for an excused absence for extracurricular activity is both contrary to the
intent of the Faculty Senate’s policy, and an infringement on the student’s right to complete all work for the
This policy will not apply in the event that completing the assignment or administering the examination at an
alternate time would impose an undue hardship on the instructor or the University that could be reasonably
avoided. There should be a good faith effort by both the instructor and the student to agree to a reasonable
resolution. When disagreements regarding this policy arise, decisions can be appealed to the Department
Chair/School Director, College/School Dean, and/or the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.
For purposes of definition, extracurricular activities may include, but are not limited to: academic recruitment
activities, competitive intercollegiate athletics, fine arts activities, liberal arts competitions, science and
engineering competitions, and any other event or activity sanctioned by a College/School Dean, and/or by the
Executive Vice President and Provost.
Rebelmail Rebelmail is UNLV’s official email system for students and by University policy, instructors and
staff should only send emails to students’ Rebelmail accounts. Rebelmail is one of the primary ways in which
students receive official University communications, information about deadlines, major Campus events, and
announcements. All UNLV students receive a Rebelmail account after they have been admitted to the
University. Emailing within WebCampus-Canvas is also acceptable.
Tutoring and Coaching The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring, academic success coaching,
and other academic assistance for all UNLV undergraduate students. For information regarding tutoring
subjects, tutoring times, and other ASC programs and services, please visit the ASC website,
https://www.unlv.edu/asc, or call 702-895-3177. The ASC building is located across from the Student Services
Complex (SSC). Academic success coaching is located on the second floor of SSC A, Room 254. Drop-in
tutoring is located on the second floor of the Lied Library, and on the second floor of the College of
Engineering building (TBE A 207).
UNLV Writing Center One-on-one or small group assistance with writing is available free of charge to UNLV
students at the Writing Center, https://writingcenter.unlv.edu/, located in the Central Desert Complex, Building
3, Room 301 (CDC 3–301). Walk-in consultations are sometimes available, but students with appointments
receive priority assistance. Students may make appointments in person or by calling the Center, telephone 702-
895-3908. Students are requested to bring to their appointments their Rebel ID Card, a copy of the instructions
for their assignment, and two copies of any writing they have completed on their assignment.
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Diversity Statement As an institution of higher learning, UNLV represents a rich diversity of human beings
among its faculty, staff, and students, and is committed to aspiring to maintain a Campus environment that
values that diversity. Accordingly, the University supports understanding and appreciation of all members of its
community, regardless of race, sex, age, color, national origin, ethnicity, creed, religion, disability, sexual
orientation, gender, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, veteran status, or political
affiliation. Please see University Statements and Compliance, https://www.unlv.edu/about/statements-
A successful learning experience requires mutual respect and trust between the students and the instructor.
Accordingly, the instructor asks that students be willing to listen to one another’s points of view,
acknowledging that there may be disagreements, keep discussion and comments on topic, and use first person,
positive language when expressing their perspectives.