Terms and Conditions Governing the Issuance and
Use of the American Express
Credit Cards
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
To make whatever credit investigations necessary to ascertain CARDMEMBER’s credit standing
and nancial capability;
To ask and/or release, disclose, submit, share, or exchange any CARDMEMBER’s credit history or
CARD account information and reports as they may deem t including, but not limited to,
delinquent, past due or litigation status of CARD account, full payments or settlement of
previously reported CARD account and other CARD account updates to consumer reporting or
reference agencies, government regulatory agencies, and to banks or nancial institutions, credit
card companies, creditors, loyalty program partners, merchant partners or third parties;
To submit, disclose, and transfer to any and all credit information service providers of any
information, whether positive or negative, relating to CARDMEMBER’s basic credit data (as
dened under R.A. 9510) with the ISSUER as well as any updates or corrections thereof;
To inform CARDMEMBER about its promotional oers, advertisements and surveys through mail,
email, fax, short messaging service (SMS), telephone or any other means of communications. For
this purpose, CARDMEMBER allows ISSUER to use or share with Related Companies, third parties,
agents and representatives information CARDMEMBER has provided and/or information derived
from external sources for Related Companies, third parties, agents and representatives to oer
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
products to CARDMEMBER;
To send broadcast and push messages as well as notices and announcements via broadcast
messaging service, multimedia messaging service, and SMS to CARDMEMBER.
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
To make whatever credit investigations necessary to ascertain CARDMEMBER’s credit standing
and nancial capability;
To ask and/or release, disclose, submit, share, or exchange any CARDMEMBER’s credit history or
CARD account information and reports as they may deem t including, but not limited to,
delinquent, past due or litigation status of CARD account, full payments or settlement of
previously reported CARD account and other CARD account updates to consumer reporting or
reference agencies, government regulatory agencies, and to banks or nancial institutions, credit
card companies, creditors, loyalty program partners, merchant partners or third parties;
To submit, disclose, and transfer to any and all credit information service providers of any
information, whether positive or negative, relating to CARDMEMBER’s basic credit data (as
dened under R.A. 9510) with the ISSUER as well as any updates or corrections thereof;
To inform CARDMEMBER about its promotional oers, advertisements and surveys through mail,
email, fax, short messaging service (SMS), telephone or any other means of communications. For
this purpose, CARDMEMBER allows ISSUER to use or share with Related Companies, third parties,
agents and representatives information CARDMEMBER has provided and/or information derived
from external sources for Related Companies, third parties, agents and representatives to oer
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
products to CARDMEMBER;
To send broadcast and push messages as well as notices and announcements via broadcast
messaging service, multimedia messaging service, and SMS to CARDMEMBER.
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
3% of the outstanding balance less installment amortizations and new transactions posted within
the current statement period, or P200, whichever is higher
3% of installment amortization
Overdue Amount
Over-Limit Amount
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
CARD account of the CARDMEMBER turns delinquent;
False information is provided in the CARD application form or required information is not disclosed;
ISSUER receives any legal process against a substantial portion of the property, income, assets of
CARDMEMBER is suspended or separated from employment or his business operations are
suspended or closed;
CARDMEMBER is charged with, convicted, or is under investigation for violation of Republic Act
No. 8484 (Access Devices Regulation Act of 1998) or the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines or
any other penal laws or regulations; or when ISSUER finds prima facie evidence to charge
CARDMEMBER with a violation of any of the provisions of the said laws or regulations;
CARDMEMBER fails to pay any other amount due and owed to ISSUER or its Related Companies,
or fails to fulfill any other undertakings or obligations to ISSUER or its Related Companies;
CARDMEMBER dies or becomes legally incapacitated or insolvent; or
An event or circumstance transpires that, in ISSUER’s reasonable opinion, will adversely aect the
CARDMEMBER’s performance or payment of obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
The entire unpaid obligation and all other fees, charges, and amounts payable to ISSUER shall
become due and payable without demand or notice of any kind, all which are deemed expressly
waived by CARDMEMBER;
ISSUER may, and is hereby authorized by the CARDMEMBER to set o as full or partial payment,
and/or withhold, to the extent permitted by law, at ISSUER’s option and without need of prior
notice, all monies, funds, and/or proceeds of securities, investments or receivables which may
come into the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies, to apply the
same in satisfying any or all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER, whether left with
them for safekeeping or otherwise, or coming into any of their hands in any way, to settle any and
all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER. CARDMEMBER irrevocably authorizes
ISSUER and/or its Related Companies to debit such amounts as may be necessary to implement
this provision from any of the CARDMEMBER’s accounts with the ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies, immediately after which due notice shall be sent to the CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER further authorizes ISSUER to hold the release of documents, including without
limitation, collateral documents, in the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or Related
Companies until any or all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER is satised. In addition,
all such properties, receivables or securities in the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or its
Related Companies are hereby ceded, transferred and conveyed by way of assignment unto
ISSUER in order that the same may be used to satisfy any and all obligations of the CARDMEMBER
to the ISSUER in accordance with this provision. For such purpose, and to eectively carry out the
powers herein granted, CARDMEMBER hereby unconditionally or irrevocably names and
constitutes ISSUER and/or its Related Companies to be his/her true and lawful attorney-in-fact,
with full power of substitution, to do or cause to be done any and all acts that are necessary to
carry out the purposes of this paragraph, including the power to sell in accordance with law, based
on zonal value or fair market value for real or personal properties, respectively, without the need
for any further notice, demand or deed, and to apply the proceeds of the sale to the satisfaction of
the CARDMEMBER’s obligations to the ISSUER. The appointment of ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies is coupled with interest and is, therefore, irrevocable until any and all obligations to
the ISSUER are fully settled. For the foregoing purposes, the CARDMEMBER hereby waives
his/her rights in favor of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies under Republic Act 1405 (The
Bank Secrecy Act of 1955), as amended, Section 55 of Republic Act 8791 (The General Banking Law
of 2000), as amended, Republic Act 6426 (Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the Philippines of
1974), as amended, Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012) and other laws/regulations,
including all subsequent amendments or supplements thereto, relative to the condentiality or
secrecy of bank deposits/accounts, placements, investments and similar or related assets in the
custody of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies. CARDMEMBER shall hold ISSUER and/or its
Related Companies, their directors, ocers, employees, representatives and agents, free and
harmless from any liability arising from ISSUER’s, and/or its Related Companies’ exercise of their
remedies and authorities hereunder, or from any action taken by ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies on the basis of and within the framework of the foregoing appointment.
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
The entire unpaid obligation and all other fees, charges, and amounts payable to ISSUER shall
become due and payable without demand or notice of any kind, all which are deemed expressly
waived by CARDMEMBER;
ISSUER may, and is hereby authorized by the CARDMEMBER to set o as full or partial payment,
and/or withhold, to the extent permitted by law, at ISSUER’s option and without need of prior
notice, all monies, funds, and/or proceeds of securities, investments or receivables which may
come into the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies, to apply the
same in satisfying any or all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER, whether left with
them for safekeeping or otherwise, or coming into any of their hands in any way, to settle any and
all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER. CARDMEMBER irrevocably authorizes
ISSUER and/or its Related Companies to debit such amounts as may be necessary to implement
this provision from any of the CARDMEMBER’s accounts with the ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies, immediately after which due notice shall be sent to the CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER further authorizes ISSUER to hold the release of documents, including without
limitation, collateral documents, in the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or Related
Companies until any or all obligations of the CARDMEMBER to the ISSUER is satised. In addition,
all such properties, receivables or securities in the possession or control of the ISSUER and/or its
Related Companies are hereby ceded, transferred and conveyed by way of assignment unto
ISSUER in order that the same may be used to satisfy any and all obligations of the CARDMEMBER
to the ISSUER in accordance with this provision. For such purpose, and to eectively carry out the
powers herein granted, CARDMEMBER hereby unconditionally or irrevocably names and
constitutes ISSUER and/or its Related Companies to be his/her true and lawful attorney-in-fact,
with full power of substitution, to do or cause to be done any and all acts that are necessary to
carry out the purposes of this paragraph, including the power to sell in accordance with law, based
on zonal value or fair market value for real or personal properties, respectively, without the need
for any further notice, demand or deed, and to apply the proceeds of the sale to the satisfaction of
the CARDMEMBER’s obligations to the ISSUER. The appointment of ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies is coupled with interest and is, therefore, irrevocable until any and all obligations to
the ISSUER are fully settled. For the foregoing purposes, the CARDMEMBER hereby waives
his/her rights in favor of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies under Republic Act 1405 (The
Bank Secrecy Act of 1955), as amended, Section 55 of Republic Act 8791 (The General Banking Law
of 2000), as amended, Republic Act 6426 (Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the Philippines of
1974), as amended, Republic Act 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012) and other laws/regulations,
including all subsequent amendments or supplements thereto, relative to the condentiality or
secrecy of bank deposits/accounts, placements, investments and similar or related assets in the
custody of the ISSUER and/or its Related Companies. CARDMEMBER shall hold ISSUER and/or its
Related Companies, their directors, ocers, employees, representatives and agents, free and
harmless from any liability arising from ISSUER’s, and/or its Related Companies’ exercise of their
remedies and authorities hereunder, or from any action taken by ISSUER and/or its Related
Companies on the basis of and within the framework of the foregoing appointment.
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
Terms and Conditions for the Rewards Program of
American Express
Explorer Credit Card
The CARD. The CARD is the sole property of BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER). It is non-transferable and
its use shall be subject to ISSUER’s existing policies, regulatory rules and regulations, and to the
parameters, rules or guidelines of American Express as the same may be amended or supplemented
from time to time.
Upon request of the CARDMEMBER and/or if deemed qualied by the ISSUER, CARDMEMBER
agrees to the issuance of another CARD.
CARDMEMBER. The CARDMEMBER refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to
whom the CARD is issued.
When oered and made available by ISSUER as a CARD feature, Basic CARDMEMBER may apply for
issuance of Supplementary Cards. Basic CARDMEMBER shall be liable for all purchases and cash
advances made through the use of the Supplementary Cards. The use of Supplementary Cards shall
also be governed by these Terms and Conditions. Any reference to the CARD issued to the Basic
CARDMEMBER shall also apply to Supplementary Cards. Should the Basic CARDMEMBER request
for cancellation of a Supplementary Card, Basic CARDMEMBER agrees to pay all outstanding
obligations incurred by Supplementary CARDMEMBER.
Use of the CARD. Use of the CARD is subject to these Terms and Conditions or as amended from
time to time. CARDMEMBER’s signature at the back of the CARD and/or his/her use of the CARD,
with or without signing any CARD application form, signies his/her agreement with the Terms and
Conditions here.
CARD Validity, Renewal and Replacement. Unless terminated or cancelled earlier, the CARD shall
be valid from the issue date up to the last calendar day of the month indicated on its face. Renewal or
replacement of the CARD will be at the sole discretion of ISSUER. Should ISSUER opt not to renew or
replace the CARD, ISSUER may demand immediate full payment of CARDMEMBER’s outstanding
ISSUER may change the CARD number or expiry date, or both, of a replacement CARD issued to
CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER is responsible for communicating this change to any party with
whom CARDMEMBER may have existing payment arrangements.
CARD Activation. Unless otherwise permitted by law or regulation, the CARD shall be activated
upon the request of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER also agrees that for as long as the CARD is
active, and unless ISSUER has received a request to cancel it, the CARDMEMBER’s account will
continue to incur fees even if the CARD has not been used.
CARDMEMBER Information and Consent. CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER, its parent company,
and its subsidiaries and aliates (“Related Companies”) to the extent allowed by law to do the
If CARDMEMBER wishes to be excluded from the recipient lists, CARDMEMBER has to call BDO
Customer Contact Center or follow the opt-out instructions regularly sent to CARDMEMBER.
Moreover, if CARDMEMBER nds any incorrect entry in the information held by ISSUER or in the
information provided by ISSUER to a consumer reporting or reference agency, he/she has to call
BDO Customer Contact Center for the appropriate action to be taken.
Responsibilities of CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER shall be liable to ISSUER for any and all
amounts charged to the CARD, including cash advances, nance charges or interests, applicable
fees, and other charges, whether incurred in the Philippines or abroad, and whether authorized
or unauthorized by CARDMEMBER, subject only to the provisions of Section 9 here.
CARDMEMBER also agrees to accept and pay for such charges without the necessity of proof of
a signed charge or sales slip, even without actually receiving a Statement of Account (“SOA”),
and regardless of the manner of collection used.
For CARD products billed in Philippine Pesos, all transactions made in foreign currencies will be
converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express before being converted to Philippine Peso by ISSUER.
A foreign currency factor of: (a) 1% will be applied to converted U.S. Dollar amounts, which will be
retained by American Express; and (b) 1.5% will be applied to converted Philippine Peso amounts.
For CARD products billed in U.S. Dollars, all transactions made in foreign currency other than U.S.
Dollars will be converted to U.S. Dollars by American Express. A foreign currency factor of 2.5% will
be added to the converted U.S. Dollar amounts, of which 1% is retained by American Express.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate for the day. Application of said
payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/service charges, including late payment charges,
if any, and (b) principal amount.
All Peso transactions incurred by CARDMEMBER via installment may be subject to the regular
monthly add-on interest rates or zero percent interest. 0% interest is applicable if CARDMEMBER
pays his/her monthly installment amortization in full. Request for acceleration of charging the total
remaining unbilled balance may be accommodated subject to a fee. Peso transactions with mail,
telephone order, internet or retail merchants located outside the Philippines may be subject to an ad
valorem tax at the applicable rate, added to the Peso transaction. For transactions made by the
CARDMEMBER in the Philippines in currencies other than the billing currency, 1.5% will be applied
to the converted amount.
For drawing Cash Advances from designated Automated Teller Machines (ATM), ISSUER shall assign
to CARDMEMBER a Personal Identication Number (PIN). At all times, CARDMEMBER shall keep
the PIN condential. CARDMEMBER agrees that all Cash Advances using the CARD shall be
conclusively presumed to have been personally made or authorized by him/her. A Cash Advance Fee
will be imposed per Cash Advance transaction.
To purchase the foreign exchange necessary to cover all non-trade transactions using the CARD, the
charge or sales slip signed by CARDMEMBER for every purchase, or the transaction record for Cash
Advances drawn using the CARD from any authorized ATM, shall serve as the written application
from CARDMEMBER as required by the Manual of Regulations on Foreign Exchange Transactions.
CARDMEMBER acknowledges that the care and safety of the CARD is his/her responsibility, and
agrees to safeguard it against loss, theft, and fraudulent or unauthorized use.
Membership Fees. To be entitled to the CARD’s privileges and benets, CARDMEMBER shall pay
Membership Fee as the ISSUER may require. ISSUER reserves the right to amend the privileges and
benets of the CARD as well as the CARD’s Credit Limit. The continued use of the CARD shall be
construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended terms, benets, credit limit, and fees.
All paid Membership Fees are non-refundable even if the credit privileges are suspended or
terminated, or even if CARDMEMBER cancels the CARD before its expiry date.
Loss of the CARD. The Lost Card Protection (LCP) feature relieves the CARDMEMBER of any nancial
liability resulting from fraudulent or unauthorized use of the CARD from the time the report of loss or theft
is received by BDO Customer Contact Center. Prior to the receipt of such report, CARDMEMBER
expressly agrees to be held liable to ISSUER and to pay for any and all transactions, purchases, and
charges made or incurred from the use of the lost or stolen CARD even if the signature of the
CARDMEMBER is proved to be forged. A reasonable fee shall be charged to CARDMEMBER to cover the
replacement cost of a lost CARD.
Use of the Credit Limit. CARDMEMBER will be given a Credit Limit expressed in the Philippine
currency, inclusive of the Cash Advance Limit. This will be CARDMEMBER’s maximum allowable
outstanding balance, at any given time, to be shared with all of his/her Supplementary
CARDMEMBERs. CARDMEMBER agrees that installment purchases form part of the approved
Credit Limit unless a separate installment limit is specically designated by ISSUER, and the principal
amount of any installment transaction shall be debited from the available Credit Limit.
If the CARD has a dual currency feature, CARDMEMBER’s individual Credit Limit will be shared
between his/her Peso and Dollar accounts. CARDMEMBER’s U.S. Dollar Credit Limit is the same as
his/her Philippine Pesos Credit Limit only expressed in U.S. Dollar, based on the prevailing rates.
Local purchases will be billed in Philippine Pesos and posted in CARDMEMBER’s Peso account.
International (U.S. Dollar or other foreign currencies) purchases will be billed in U.S. Dollar and
posted in the CARDMEMBER’s Dollar account.
CARDMEMBER agrees to monitor his/her balance so as not to exceed the approved Credit Limit.
CARDMEMBER further agrees that ISSUER may reduce CARDMEMBER’s Credit Limit or Cash
Advance limit to an amount to be determined by ISSUER. Should the Outstanding Balance at any
time exceed the approved Credit Limit, ISSUER reserves the right to decline any transaction or
suspend the Credit Card privileges of CARDMEMBER and his/her Supplementary CARDS. The
excess of the Credit Limit shall be considered immediately due and demandable without need of
further notice or demand.
Credit Card Limit refers to the maximum total amount for purchases, cash advances, balance
transfers, nance charges, service fees, penalties and other charges which can be charged to the
CARDMEMBER’s Credit Card. In case the CARDMEMBER is issued two (2) or more BDO Credit
Cards, CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may, at its sole discretion, give the CARDMEMBER a
separate Credit Card Limit for each of his CARDS. The total of all credit limits (Customer Credit Limit
or CCL) becomes the maximum total amount that can be charged to a CARDMEMBER. The
CARDMEMBER may also be given a Shared Credit Card Limit (SCCL) for all existing and future BDO
Credit Cards whereby the SCCL is the same as the CCL. SCCL is the Credit Limit assigned to a
CARDMEMBER across all issued BDO Credit Cards. Request for increase in Credit Limit may be
accommodated subject to the submission of required documents. In case CARDMEMBER has a dual
currency card, ISSUER may also allow CARDMEMBER to use his dual currency card for foreign
transactions to be billed in his Dollar Account even if the Peso Account of his dual currency card no
longer has sucient limit provided that there is still an available limit in his CCL.
In case of default in the payment of CARDMEMBER’s obligation on one or more CARDS, ISSUER may
at its sole discretion revoke CARDMEMBER’s right to use all or any of the CARDS and demand
immediate payment of all outstanding amounts under the CARDS.
Accredited Establishment. ISSUER has an agreement with American Express where the CARD bearing the
label of American Express shall, at all times, be honored in all their accredited establishments worldwide.
ISSUER shall not be liable to CARDMEMBER if, for any reason, any of such accredited establishments does
not honor the CARD. CARDMEMBER agrees to hold ISSUER free and harmless from any and all claims for
damages as a result of the refusal of any accredited establishment to honor the CARD.
CARDMEMBER shall not hold the ISSUER responsible for any defective product or non-performance
of a service. Any dispute between CARDMEMBER and the establishment shall not aect
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligation to the ISSUER arising from the use of the CARD.
In cases of a return of goods, tickets, and/or services obtained through the use of the CARD where
the merchant permits a refund, the ISSUER will not be accountable for any loss on the part of the
CARDMEMBER due to foreign exchange dierence between the transaction date and the refund
posting date.
Statement of Account (SOA). SOA will be sent to CARDMEMBER’s email address provided in the
Card application form or in the latest notice of change of email address in the records of ISSUER’s
credit card unit or at the available email address on record of CARDMEMBER with the ISSUER. A
printed form of the SOA shall only be sent to the CARDMEMBER’s registered billing address as
indicated in the Card application form or in the latest notice of change of billing address in the
records of ISSUER’s credit card unit or at the available address on record of CARDMEMBER with the
ISSUER only when 1) no email address was provided or available on record with ISSUER, or 2)
CARDMEMBER requested to receive a printed form. ISSUER may also send the SOA via other means
of delivery.
CARDMEMBER shall examine the SOA and notify ISSUER in writing for any billing error, discrepancy
or question not later than thirty (30) calendar days from Statement Date. CARDMEMBER agrees that
in the event of any reported error or fraudulent transaction, ISSUER reserves the right to make a
correction in the SOA only after investigating and conrming such error or transaction within a
reasonable time. In case of non-receipt of SOA, CARDMEMBER must immediately inform the ISSUER
about it and ask for the amount due. CARDMEMBER agrees that the obligation to pay the amount
due on or before Payment Due Date is not in any manner dependent upon the receipt of the SOA.
All other Terms and Conditions stated in the SOA shall form an integral part of these Terms and
Conditions by way of reference. In case of conict between the SOA and these Terms and
Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
Minimum Amount Due. The Minimum Amount Due is the amount to be paid by CARDMEMBER on
or before the Payment Due Date. It is the sum of the following:
In case of default, ISSUER may demand payment of the outstanding obligation in full.
Card Payment. CARDMEMBER must pay in cleared funds the Outstanding Balance or at least the
Minimum Amount Due on or before the due date (“Payment Due Date”) as indicated in the SOA.
CARDMEMBER who, upon determination by the ISSUER, is, or subsequently becomes Director,
Ocer, Stockholder (“DOS”) or a Related Interest (“RI”) of the DOS (spouse or relative within the rst
degree of consanguinity or anity [i.e. children, children-in-law, parents, parents-in-law]), as dened in
the Manual of Regulations for Banks (“MORB”) may be required by the ISSUER to pay the entire
Outstanding Balance, including unbilled installment amortizations, on or before the Payment Due Date
as required by existing regulation. The ISSUER reserves the right to suspend or cancel the CARD upon
determination that the CARDMEMBER is DOSRI. If the Payment Due Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday
or a regular national holiday, Payment Due Date is automatically moved to the next business day.
In case CARDMEMBER is issued two or more CARDS, CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to the extent
permitted by law, without any obligation on its part and without prior notice, to apply CARDMEMBER’s
payments to any of the CARD account of the CARDMEMBER. CARDMEMBER further authorizes
ISSUER, without any obligation on its part and issue without prior notice, to likewise apply to any of the
CARDMEMBER’s outstanding obligations with ISSUER any payments made by CARDMEMBER or
amounts due the CARDMEMBER resulting from overpayments.
For payments made by CARDMEMBER in currency other than the billing currency, the payments will
be converted into the billing currency using ISSUER’s selling rate on the day payment was made.
Application of said payments will be in the following order: (a) interest/ service charges, including late
payment charges, if any, and (b) principal amount.
Finance Charge. If CARDMEMBER opts to (a) pay the Minimum Amount Due, (b) pay any amount
less than the Outstanding Balance, or (c) make a cash advance transaction, CARDMEMBER shall be
deemed as availing against his/her credit line with ISSUER and agrees to pay the corresponding
nance charges or interest rates on all obligations at a rate determined by ISSUER. The ISSUER may
change the rate from time to time and CARDMEMBER will be advised through the SOA or other
means of communication.
Using the average daily balance method (excluding current billing cycle purchase transaction), the
prevailing nance charge will be computed upon the following: the sum of (a) the outstanding
balance of the previous SOA as reected in the current SOA from the start to the end of the current
billing period, and (b) Cash Advance and Cash Advance fees posted during the current billing period
from transaction date to the end of the current billing period, less any payments and credits posted
during the current billing period, from their posting dates to the end of the current billing period.
Any unpaid amount as of the Payment Due Date shall be deemed payable on the next Payment Due
Date. If CARDMEMBER pays the Outstanding Balance in full by its Payment Due Date, but previously
had an outstanding balance from the previous SOA reected in the current SOA, the said outstanding
balance from the previous SOA will still incur Finance Charge computed from the start of the current
billing period up to the full payment date (“Residual Interest”). No nance charge will be computed
on any credit balance.
Late Payment Charge. If no payment is received on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in the
SOA or if payment made is below the Minimum Amount Due, a Late Payment Charge shall be
imposed for every month of delay or a fraction of a month’s delay. CARDMEMBER agrees to pay late
payment charges or other charges for any overdue amount at a rate determined by the ISSUER.
Unpaid Late Payment Charges shall form part of the Outstanding Balance and shall continue to incur
Finance Charges every month until the balance is fully settled.
Fees and Charges. Fees and charges such as Finance Charge, Late Payment Charge, Membership Fee,
Cash Advance Fee, Gambling or Gaming Fee, lost CARD replacement fee, returned check penalty fee,
fee for closed accounts and/or accounts with insucient funds under an Auto-Debit Arrangement
(ADA) Facility, if applicable, and other applicable fees may be charged to the CARD account from time
to time. ISSUER may revise the fees and charges mentioned in these Terms and Conditions.
Delinquency. The CARD account shall be deemed delinquent when the Outstanding Balance
exceeds the Credit Limit or when CARDMEMBER fails to pay at least the Minimum Amount Due, or
the entire Outstanding Balance, as the case may be, on or before the Payment Due Date indicated in
the SOA. In case of delinquency, ISSUER shall have the right to suspend or cancel CARD privileges,
and the Outstanding Balance shall become immediately due and demandable without notice or
demand. CARDMEMBER shall continue to pay membership fees until the obligation is fully settled.
Events of Default. CARDMEMBER shall be considered in default, irrespective of the reasons for its
occurrence and regardless of whether it is voluntary or involuntary, when any of the following events
Consequences of Default. The following shall be the consequences of default, whether singly,
concurrently, or successively:
CARD Suspension, Cancellation and Termination. ISSUER may, at its exclusive option and without
notice to CARDMEMBER, suspend, cancel, or terminate the CARD or its privileges at any time for
whatever reason. Any outstanding credit availment at such time shall be considered due and
demandable without notice to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may, at any time, terminate the Terms and Conditions or privilege to use the CARD
by written notice or by calling BDO Customer Contact Center even without returning the CARD to
ISSUER but the termination is subject to the immediate payment of any and all obligations incurred
in connection with the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER should destroy the CARD, otherwise,
CARDMEMBER shall become liable to ISSUER for any and all fraudulent/unauthorized charges and
transactions made on the CARD.
Should ISSUER allow CARDMEMBER to pay less than the full amount due, fees and charges
mentioned in these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be imposed, and membership fee will be
collected and will be pro-rated until such time that the amount due is paid in full.
Collection. Should the CARD account be endorsed to an agency for collection, ISSUER shall inform
CARDMEMBER in writing, at least seven (7) days prior to actual endorsement or transfer of
endorsement, the names and contact details of the agency to whom the account is endorsed or
If collection of CARD account is referred to a collection agency or enforced through court action,
CARDMEMBER agrees to pay the costs of collection or attorney’s fees, or both, equivalent to 25% of
the unpaid balance (including all nance and penalty charges), in addition to whatever damages
incurred by ISSUER. An additional amount equivalent to 25% of the unpaid balance, exclusive of
litigation expenses and judicial cost, shall be charged to CARDMEMBER as liquidated damages.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations. CARDMEMBER agrees to comply with all laws and
regulations related to the use of the CARD. CARDMEMBER further agrees not to use the CARD for
the purchase of items or goods whose importation in the Philippines is disallowed under the
provisions of BSP Circular No. 1389, as amended, and all other circulars, laws, rules and regulations
pertaining to importation. CARDMEMBER also agrees and warrants that the proceeds of any cash
advance availed abroad shall not be used for foreign investments or payment of foreign loans or for
any other purpose in violation of any existing foreign exchange rules and regulations.
Discretion. Without giving any reason or notice, and without prejudice to the other provisions here, ISSUER
has absolute discretion (a) to refuse to approve any proposed CARD transaction even if sucient credit is
available; (b) to limit the number or amount of gambling or gaming transactions even if sucient credit is
available; (c) to terminate or cancel CARDMEMBER’s right to use the CARD; (d) to increase or decrease the
Credit Limit; (e) to refuse to reissue, renew, or replace the CARD; (f) to introduce, amend, vary, restrict,
terminate, or withdraw the benets, services, facilities, and privileges in respect of, or in connection with
the CARD account, whether specically relating to CARDMEMBER or generally to all or specic
CARDMEMBERS; (g) to limit the number of CARDMEMBER’s purchases or cash advances in a day; (h) to
require CARDMEMBER to contact ISSUER or temporarily suspend CARD privileges in case ISSUER detects
any unusual or suspicious activity; or (i) to automatically enroll the CARDMEMBER in the One-Time PIN
Facility to secure online transactions; or to do all of the above. A One-Time PIN will be sent to the registered
mobile number which changes for every online transaction. CARDMEMBER shall keep the PIN
condential, under no circumstances should the CARDMEMBER disclose the One-Time PIN to any person
or compromise its condentiality.
Authorization and Indemnity for Telephone, Facsimile, Email and Other Form of Instructions.
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to rely upon and act in accordance with any notice, instruction or
other communication which may be given by telephone, facsimile, email, SMS or other means by
CARDMEMBER or on his/her behalf (the “Instructions”) which ISSUER believes in good faith to have
been made by the CARDMEMBER or upon his/her instructions or for his/her benet. ISSUER reserves
the right to require the Instructions to be contained or sent in a particular form or the submission of
supporting document/s, before it may decide to act or not to act upon the Instruction. ISSUER further
reserves the right to act upon Instructions and requests received from the Basic CARDMEMBER only.
In consideration of ISSUER acting in accordance with the terms of the Instruction, CARDMEMBER
hereby irrevocably undertakes to indemnify ISSUER and to keep ISSUER indemnied against all
losses, claims, actions, proceedings, demands, damages, costs and expenses of whatever nature,
arising out of or in connection with the implementation of the Instruction.
Any Instruction given by CARDMEMBER to ISSUER may be treated by ISSUER as valid and eective
until ISSUER receives from CARDMEMBER a written notice terminating or withdrawing the same,
save that such termination will not release CARDMEMBER from the liability and indemnity obligation
set forth above, with respect to any act performed by ISSUER in accordance with such Instruction,
prior to its termination/withdrawal.
Telephone Communications. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER may tape or record all telephone
communications. CARDMEMBER likewise agrees and expressly consents that such taped or
recorded Instructions may be used by ISSUER or any third party, for any purpose, particularly as
evidence in any judicial or administrative proceeding.
Notices and Change of Address and Other Data. Notices shall be deemed received by
CARDMEMBER on the date of receipt if delivered by courier; after fteen (15) days from posting, if
sent by mail; or on the date of transmission, if sent by facsimile, SMS, or email. CARDMEMBER shall
immediately notify ISSUER, through the BDO Customer Contact Center, of any change in residence,
oce or billing address, email address, and other data previously indicated in the CARD application
such as status and phone number. Until ISSUER is notied of such changes, ISSUER will continue to
use the current CARDMEMBER information and data on le with it, and notices shall be deemed
received by CARDMEMBER when sent to the available address/es of the CARDMEMBER on le with
The CARDMEMBER’s billing address should always be within areas specied by ISSUER, and in the
event that CARDMEMBER’s chosen billing address is not accessible through mail or courier delivery,
ISSUER shall have the option to use the other addresses provided by CARDMEMBER, if any.
CARDMEMBER must indicate a landline number in the preferred billing address provided in the
Credit Card application. In case the indicated landline number cannot be successfully contacted,
CARDMEMBER authorizes ISSUER to use CARDMEMBER’s contacted or veried location as the
billing address.
CARDMEMBER undertakes to notify ISSUER of any additional means of communicating with
CARDMEMBER aside from those disclosed in his/her CARD application. CARDMEMBER authorizes
ISSUER at its discretion but without any obligation to do so, to secure information from third parties
such as but not limited to utility companies, insurers, and nancial intermediaries, and to receive
information on how and where the CARDMEMBER can be contacted.
Should CARDMEMBER abandon or surreptitiously leave the place of employment, business, or
residence stated in CARDMEMBER’s credit card application, and if at that time CARDMEMBER’s
outstanding and unpaid balance is more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or its equivalent and
is past due for at least ninety (90) days, it shall be considered prima facie evidence that
CARDMEMBER used the CARD with intent to defraud ISSUER.
Limitation of Liability. CARDMEMBER hereby agrees to indemnify and render ISSUER, its directors,
ocers, employees, agents and assigns free and harmless from and against any claim, cause of action,
suit, liability, and loss or damage of whatever nature that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the
use of the CARD and the transactions made with it.
In the event of any action led against ISSUER for any cause whatsoever, CARDMEMBER agrees that
ISSUER’s liability shall not exceed the amount of P1,000.00 or the reasonable actual and direct damages
proven to have been suered by CARDMEMBER, whichever is lesser. In no event shall ISSUER be liable
for any special, consequential, or indirect damages suered by CARDMEMBER even if ISSUER has been
advised of the possibility thereof.
The above provision shall survive the termination, cancellation, or suspension of the CARD or the right to
use the CARD.
Venue of Actions. Venue of any action shall be in the proper courts of Metro Manila.
Non-Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay on the part of ISSUER in exercising any right or power
given here shall operate as a waiver of that right or power, and nor shall any partial or single exercise
of any such rights or powers preclude any of the other rights or powers provided here. No waiver by
ISSUER of any of its rights or powers under these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have
been made unless expressed in writing and signed by its duly authorized representative.
Amendments. ISSUER reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and for
whatever reason it may deem proper, and any such amendment shall be binding upon
CARDMEMBER upon notice by publication or other means of communication, electronic or
Assignment and Waiver. CARDMEMBER agrees that ISSUER, without notice to CARDMEMBER,
may assign, discount, or otherwise transfer part or all of its rights or obligations here or under any
CARD transaction. In the event of such assignment, CARDMEMBER irrevocably agrees not to assert
against the assignee set-o rights of any obligations that may be owed by ISSUER to CARDMEMBER.
CARDMEMBER may not assign his/her rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions
without ISSUER’s prior written consent.
Taxes, Fees and Expenses. CARDMEMBER agrees to assume for his/her sole account any and all
taxes, fees and expenses that may be due or payable in connection with the issuance and use of the
CARD or with any other credit facilities granted by ISSUER in connection with the CARD.
CARDMEMBER Complaint. Any complaint regarding the CARD or its use, or both, shall be
communicated to the BDO Customer Contact Center or through our BDO Consumer Assistance
Management System at https://www.bdo.com.ph/consumer-assistance. CARDMEMBER agrees and
understands that the ISSUER will endeavor to resolve any properly communicated complaint within 7
to 10 banking days from ISSUER’s receipt of the complaint with complete information, and that for
complaints requiring more time to investigate and resolve, ISSUER will advise the CARDMEMBER
accordingly, including the progress thereof. CARDMEMBER agrees to fully cooperate with any such
investigation by providing the necessary or required data, information, and documents.
Submission of ITR and Waiver of Condentiality of CARDMEMBER Information. Before the CARD
may be issued or upon its renewal or extension or upon the request of ISSUER during the CARD’s
eectivity, CARDMEMBER shall submit to ISSUER a copy of his/her most recent Income Tax Return
(ITR”) or, if CARDMEMBER is a xed income employee, a copy of his/her most recent Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR”) Form 2316 (Certicate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation) as led by
his/her employer with the BIR, then stamped RECEIVED” by the BIR or its authorized agent bank.
CARDMEMBER likewise irrevocably authorizes ISSUER to obtain a copy of such ITR or such BIR Form
2316 from the BIR or any reliable or competent source, and to conduct random verication with the
BIR to establish authenticity of the ITR or the BIR Form 2316 and its accompanying nancial
statements or documents. For this purpose, CARDMEMBER waives the condentiality of
CARDMEMBER information in those documents.
No PDIC Coverage. The CARD account is not a deposit account and is not covered by the Philippine
Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC).
Refers to the Membership Rewards Program where ISSUER will grant Membership Rewards Points to
CARDMEMBERS for every local or overseas transaction. The Terms and Conditions of the American
Express Membership Rewards® Program shall apply accordingly.
A. Membership Rewards Points
CARDMEMBERS shall earn Membership Rewards® Point in accordance with the Terms and Conditions
of the American Express Membership Rewards® Program.
Terms and Conditions for the Cashback Program of
American Express
Cashback Credit Card
The following denitions apply to the terms used here:
CARD refers to the American Express Cashback Credit Card issued by BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER).
CARDMEMBERS refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to whom the CARD is issued.
CASHBACK CREDITS refers to the cash rebate earned through usage of the American Express
Cashback Credit Card.
CASHBACK DEBITS refers to the reversal of cash rebate adjustments made to the CARDMEMBER’s
Account if there are any cashback credits posted including those arising from returned goods or services
or from billing adjustments or disputes, calculated as the same way the CARDMEMBER earn cashback.
CARD ISSUANCE refers to the account on when the CARD was approved by ISSUER.
CASHBACK refers to the cash rebate Program (collectively referred to as
A. Privileges and Benets
The ISSUER reserves the right to amend, terminate or cancel the program benets and features of the
CARD at any time. The continued use of the CARD shall be construed as acceptance by the
CARDMEMBER of the amended program features and benets.
B. Cashback Program
ISSUER will grant American Express Cashback CARDMEMBERS 1% CASHBACK on local purchases
and 2% CASHBACK on overseas purchases of goods and services on CARDMEMBERS account.
These purchases exclude cash advances, charges posted using the recurring payment system, auto
charge, balance transfers, charge on demand, EasyPay Convert, EasyPay Cash, EasyPay Insurance
Installment and any other form of operational charges and fees (i.e. Annual Membership Fee, late
payment fees, interest payment, etc.). Transactions from casinos, betting, including lottery tickets,
o-track betting and wagers at race tracks and cryptocurrency are also excluded from earning
CASHBACK. Local and overseas transactions will earn CASHBACK based on the nature of
merchant’s business and location of each merchant establishment where the transaction is made.
CASHBACK generated by spending of the Supplementary CARDMEMBERS shall automatically
accrue to the Basic CARDMEMBER’S Account. Only those CARDMEMBERS
whose CARD Accounts
are valid (i.e. Card must not be delinquent, suspended or cancelled) and in good standing will be
eligible to have their CASHBACK transferred to their Account by the ISSUER.
The CASHBACK CREDITS shall be calculated based on the value of each purchase multiplied by the
CASHBACK rate. The CASHBACK CREDITS rounded o to the nearest centavo shall be posted to the
Account of the CARDMEMBER.
In the event that the CARD is terminated or cancelled at any time for any reason, whether by the Basic
CARDMEMBER or the ISSUER, all CASHBACK earned shall automatically be forfeited including all
pending CASHBACK CREDIT into the Account of the CARDMEMBER.
ISSUER reserves the right to retract, deduct and/or re-compute any CASHBACK CREDIT in cases
where the ISSUER, in absolute discretion, deem that there is an abuse of the CASHBACK program or
error in the computation and/or posting of the CASHBACK CREDIT.
C. Redemption of Cashback Earned
CASHBACK CREDIT will be paid to CARDMEMBERS by crediting the earned CASHBACK to Basic
CARDMEMBER’s Account and will be included in the SOA. Purchases that were charged to
CARDMEMBER’s American Express Cashback Credit Card but have not yet been posted and billed to
CARDMEMBER’s Account will not be taken into account for purposes of CASHBACK computation for
such month but will however be taken into account for CASHBACK computation in the following
month when the purchases have been posted and billed to CARDMEMBER’s Account. ISSUER will
only credit to CARDMEMBER’s Account the earned CASHBACK if Account is in good standing and
not delinquent.
CASHBACK reected in the SOA are computed based on posted and billed transactions within the
monthly cut-o of two (2) days prior to CARDMEMBER’s statement cycle. Unposted CASHBACK
earned after the cut-o will be reected on the CARDMEMBER’s succeeding SOA.
Should any transaction from the SOA be cancelled or refunded for whatever reason, the CASHBACK
CREDIT earned in respect to those transactions will be deducted or cancelled at the ISSUER’s
discretion. This will be reected as CASHBACK DEBITS in the SOA of the CARDMEMBER.
CASHBACK is not redeemable in cash and is deducted from the total outstanding payables of the
CARDMEMBER. However, it is not considered a payment to the CARD and cannot be used to oset
the Minimum Amount Due to CARDMEMBER’s account.
Installment purchases earn CASHBACK based on monthly amortization charging billed and reected
on the CARDMEMBER’s SOA and not based on the total principal amount of the goods and services
purchased. Any interest charges will not be entitled to earn CASHBACK.
D. Welcome Oer Program
ISSUER will grant newly approved Basic and Supplementary American Express Cashback
CARDMEMBERS 10% CASHBACK* who will activate and use their CARD for both local and/or overseas
purchases within the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance.
All qualied transactions shall earn the following corresponding cashback:
The total bonus cashback that a CARDMEMBER can earn shall be up to a maximum of P2,500 worth of
cashback. Succeeding transactions on the American Express Cashback Credit Card after reaching the
maximum cap mentioned in this item shall no longer earn bonus cashback but will continue to earn
regular cashback. The Basic and Supplementary transactions are considered separate from each other
but cashback earned are combined. For Supplementary Cardmembers, spend coverage for earning of
Bonus Cashback will be the rst three (3) months from the Basic Cardmember’s issuance date.
For straight transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account once the transaction is billed to the CARDMEMBER while the bonus
cashback earned shall be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after the rst
3 months of CARD Issuance.
For installment transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account when the monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to the
CARDMEMBER’s SOA. However, to qualify for bonus cashback, earning will be based on monthly
amortization charging billed and reected to the CARDMEMBERS SOA within the rst 3 months of
CARD issuance only. If rst monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to CARDMEMBER’s
SOA on the 4th month after the rst 3 months of CARD issuance, no bonus cashback will be given to the
The bonus cashback earned and accumulated by the Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS within
the rst 3 months period will be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after
the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance and will be reected in the Basic CARDMEMBER’s SOA nearest
E. Other Conditions
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right to modify or amend the CASHBACK Program and such
modications and/or amendments shall be eective on the dates as shall be determined solely by the
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary, delete or add any Terms and
Conditions from time to time.
Without prejudice to any of the ISSUER’S rights, the ISSUER is entitled at any time in its absolute
discretion, to terminate the Program or withdraw and cancel any CASHBACK CREDIT already posted.
Fraud and abuse relating to earning CASHBACK may result to forfeiture of CASHBACK CREDIT.
American Express is a trademark of American Express.
These Cards are issued by BDO pursuant to a license from American Express.
BDO Customer Contact Center: (02) 8631-8000
BDO Unibank, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas:
Tel. No. (02) 8708-7087; Email: consumera[email protected]; Webchat: bsp.gov.ph
The BDO, BDO Unibank, and other BDO-related trademarks
are owned by BDO Unibank, Inc.
Generic AMEX Terms & Conditions
Revised as of January 2023
B. Bonus Membership Rewards® Points
BASIC CARDMEMBERS shall earn 2,000 Bonus Membership Rewards Points on the card anniversary
date upon reaching the required annual spend of P600,000. Transactions from both BASIC and
SUPPLEMENTARY CARDMEMBERS, including the respective American Express Virtual Card linked to
the CARDMEMBER’s Basic Card, if any, shall be computed for the annual spend, and the Bonus
Membership Rewards Points will be credited to the BASIC CARDMEMBER’s account.
ISSUER reserves the right to retract, deduct and/or re-compute the Bonus Membership Rewards Points
in case the ISSUER nds that there is an abuse in the use of the card or error in the computation and/or
posting of the Bonus Membership Rewards Points. CARDMEMBER can likewise report to the ISSUER any
case of discrepancy in the Bonus Membership Rewards Points posted within sixty (60) calendar days
from posting date.
ISSUER reserves the right to amend, terminate, or cancel the benets and features of the Rewards
Program including the Bonus Membership Rewards Points at any time. The continued use of the CARD
shall be construed as acceptance by CARDMEMBER of the amended program features and benets
unless CARDMEMBER expressly objects to them in writing within thirty (30) days from notice.
The following denitions apply to the terms used here:
CARD refers to the American Express Cashback Credit Card issued by BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER).
CARDMEMBERS refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to whom the CARD is issued.
CASHBACK CREDITS refers to the cash rebate earned through usage of the American Express
Cashback Credit Card.
CASHBACK DEBITS refers to the reversal of cash rebate adjustments made to the CARDMEMBER’s
Account if there are any cashback credits posted including those arising from returned goods or services
or from billing adjustments or disputes, calculated as the same way the CARDMEMBER earn cashback.
CARD ISSUANCE refers to the account on when the CARD was approved by ISSUER.
CASHBACK refers to the cash rebate Program (collectively referred to as
A. Privileges and Benets
The ISSUER reserves the right to amend, terminate or cancel the program benets and features of the
CARD at any time. The continued use of the CARD shall be construed as acceptance by the
CARDMEMBER of the amended program features and benets.
B. Cashback Program
ISSUER will grant American Express Cashback CARDMEMBERS 1% CASHBACK on local purchases
and 2% CASHBACK on overseas purchases of goods and services on CARDMEMBERS account.
These purchases exclude cash advances, charges posted using the recurring payment system, auto
charge, balance transfers, charge on demand, EasyPay Convert, EasyPay Cash, EasyPay Insurance
Installment and any other form of operational charges and fees (i.e. Annual Membership Fee, late
payment fees, interest payment, etc.). Transactions from casinos, betting, including lottery tickets,
o-track betting and wagers at race tracks and cryptocurrency are also excluded from earning
CASHBACK. Local and overseas transactions will earn CASHBACK based on the nature of
merchant’s business and location of each merchant establishment where the transaction is made.
CASHBACK generated by spending of the Supplementary CARDMEMBERS shall automatically
accrue to the Basic CARDMEMBER’S Account. Only those CARDMEMBERS
whose CARD Accounts
are valid (i.e. Card must not be delinquent, suspended or cancelled) and in good standing will be
eligible to have their CASHBACK transferred to their Account by the ISSUER.
The CASHBACK CREDITS shall be calculated based on the value of each purchase multiplied by the
CASHBACK rate. The CASHBACK CREDITS rounded o to the nearest centavo shall be posted to the
Account of the CARDMEMBER.
In the event that the CARD is terminated or cancelled at any time for any reason, whether by the Basic
CARDMEMBER or the ISSUER, all CASHBACK earned shall automatically be forfeited including all
pending CASHBACK CREDIT into the Account of the CARDMEMBER.
ISSUER reserves the right to retract, deduct and/or re-compute any CASHBACK CREDIT in cases
where the ISSUER, in absolute discretion, deem that there is an abuse of the CASHBACK program or
error in the computation and/or posting of the CASHBACK CREDIT.
C. Redemption of Cashback Earned
CASHBACK CREDIT will be paid to CARDMEMBERS by crediting the earned CASHBACK to Basic
CARDMEMBER’s Account and will be included in the SOA. Purchases that were charged to
CARDMEMBER’s American Express Cashback Credit Card but have not yet been posted and billed to
CARDMEMBER’s Account will not be taken into account for purposes of CASHBACK computation for
such month but will however be taken into account for CASHBACK computation in the following
month when the purchases have been posted and billed to CARDMEMBER’s Account. ISSUER will
only credit to CARDMEMBER’s Account the earned CASHBACK if Account is in good standing and
not delinquent.
CASHBACK reected in the SOA are computed based on posted and billed transactions within the
monthly cut-o of two (2) days prior to CARDMEMBER’s statement cycle. Unposted CASHBACK
earned after the cut-o will be reected on the CARDMEMBER’s succeeding SOA.
Should any transaction from the SOA be cancelled or refunded for whatever reason, the CASHBACK
CREDIT earned in respect to those transactions will be deducted or cancelled at the ISSUER’s
discretion. This will be reected as CASHBACK DEBITS in the SOA of the CARDMEMBER.
CASHBACK is not redeemable in cash and is deducted from the total outstanding payables of the
CARDMEMBER. However, it is not considered a payment to the CARD and cannot be used to oset
the Minimum Amount Due to CARDMEMBER’s account.
Installment purchases earn CASHBACK based on monthly amortization charging billed and reected
on the CARDMEMBER’s SOA and not based on the total principal amount of the goods and services
purchased. Any interest charges will not be entitled to earn CASHBACK.
D. Welcome Oer Program
ISSUER will grant newly approved Basic and Supplementary American Express Cashback
CARDMEMBERS 10% CASHBACK* who will activate and use their CARD for both local and/or overseas
purchases within the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance.
All qualied transactions shall earn the following corresponding cashback:
The total bonus cashback that a CARDMEMBER can earn shall be up to a maximum of P2,500 worth of
cashback. Succeeding transactions on the American Express Cashback Credit Card after reaching the
maximum cap mentioned in this item shall no longer earn bonus cashback but will continue to earn
regular cashback. The Basic and Supplementary transactions are considered separate from each other
but cashback earned are combined. For Supplementary Cardmembers, spend coverage for earning of
Bonus Cashback will be the rst three (3) months from the Basic Cardmember’s issuance date.
For straight transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account once the transaction is billed to the CARDMEMBER while the bonus
cashback earned shall be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after the rst
3 months of CARD Issuance.
For installment transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account when the monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to the
CARDMEMBER’s SOA. However, to qualify for bonus cashback, earning will be based on monthly
amortization charging billed and reected to the CARDMEMBERS SOA within the rst 3 months of
CARD issuance only. If rst monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to CARDMEMBER’s
SOA on the 4th month after the rst 3 months of CARD issuance, no bonus cashback will be given to the
The bonus cashback earned and accumulated by the Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS within
the rst 3 months period will be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after
the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance and will be reected in the Basic CARDMEMBER’s SOA nearest
E. Other Conditions
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right to modify or amend the CASHBACK Program and such
modications and/or amendments shall be eective on the dates as shall be determined solely by the
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary, delete or add any Terms and
Conditions from time to time.
Without prejudice to any of the ISSUER’S rights, the ISSUER is entitled at any time in its absolute
discretion, to terminate the Program or withdraw and cancel any CASHBACK CREDIT already posted.
Fraud and abuse relating to earning CASHBACK may result to forfeiture of CASHBACK CREDIT.
American Express is a trademark of American Express.
These Cards are issued by BDO pursuant to a license from American Express.
BDO Customer Contact Center: (02) 8631-8000
BDO Unibank, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas:
Tel. No. (02) 8708-7087; Email: consumera[email protected]; Webchat: bsp.gov.ph
The BDO, BDO Unibank, and other BDO-related trademarks
are owned by BDO Unibank, Inc.
Generic AMEX Terms & Conditions
Revised as of January 2023
American Express®
Cashback Credit Card
Any amount
Any amount
1% cashback
2% cashback
9% cashback
8% cashback
*Applicable to Cardmembers with cards issued starting September 1, 2022. Cardmembers with cards issued prior to September 1, 2022
will earn 5% cashback under the Welcome Oer Program.
The following denitions apply to the terms used here:
CARD refers to the American Express Cashback Credit Card issued by BDO Unibank, Inc. (ISSUER).
CARDMEMBERS refers to both Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS to whom the CARD is issued.
CASHBACK CREDITS refers to the cash rebate earned through usage of the American Express
Cashback Credit Card.
CASHBACK DEBITS refers to the reversal of cash rebate adjustments made to the CARDMEMBER’s
Account if there are any cashback credits posted including those arising from returned goods or services
or from billing adjustments or disputes, calculated as the same way the CARDMEMBER earn cashback.
CARD ISSUANCE refers to the account on when the CARD was approved by ISSUER.
CASHBACK refers to the cash rebate Program (collectively referred to as
A. Privileges and Benets
The ISSUER reserves the right to amend, terminate or cancel the program benets and features of the
CARD at any time. The continued use of the CARD shall be construed as acceptance by the
CARDMEMBER of the amended program features and benets.
B. Cashback Program
ISSUER will grant American Express Cashback CARDMEMBERS 1% CASHBACK on local purchases
and 2% CASHBACK on overseas purchases of goods and services on CARDMEMBERS account.
These purchases exclude cash advances, charges posted using the recurring payment system, auto
charge, balance transfers, charge on demand, EasyPay Convert, EasyPay Cash, EasyPay Insurance
Installment and any other form of operational charges and fees (i.e. Annual Membership Fee, late
payment fees, interest payment, etc.). Transactions from casinos, betting, including lottery tickets,
o-track betting and wagers at race tracks and cryptocurrency are also excluded from earning
CASHBACK. Local and overseas transactions will earn CASHBACK based on the nature of
merchant’s business and location of each merchant establishment where the transaction is made.
CASHBACK generated by spending of the Supplementary CARDMEMBERS shall automatically
accrue to the Basic CARDMEMBER’S Account. Only those CARDMEMBERS
whose CARD Accounts
are valid (i.e. Card must not be delinquent, suspended or cancelled) and in good standing will be
eligible to have their CASHBACK transferred to their Account by the ISSUER.
The CASHBACK CREDITS shall be calculated based on the value of each purchase multiplied by the
CASHBACK rate. The CASHBACK CREDITS rounded o to the nearest centavo shall be posted to the
Account of the CARDMEMBER.
In the event that the CARD is terminated or cancelled at any time for any reason, whether by the Basic
CARDMEMBER or the ISSUER, all CASHBACK earned shall automatically be forfeited including all
pending CASHBACK CREDIT into the Account of the CARDMEMBER.
ISSUER reserves the right to retract, deduct and/or re-compute any CASHBACK CREDIT in cases
where the ISSUER, in absolute discretion, deem that there is an abuse of the CASHBACK program or
error in the computation and/or posting of the CASHBACK CREDIT.
C. Redemption of Cashback Earned
CASHBACK CREDIT will be paid to CARDMEMBERS by crediting the earned CASHBACK to Basic
CARDMEMBER’s Account and will be included in the SOA. Purchases that were charged to
CARDMEMBER’s American Express Cashback Credit Card but have not yet been posted and billed to
CARDMEMBER’s Account will not be taken into account for purposes of CASHBACK computation for
such month but will however be taken into account for CASHBACK computation in the following
month when the purchases have been posted and billed to CARDMEMBER’s Account. ISSUER will
only credit to CARDMEMBER’s Account the earned CASHBACK if Account is in good standing and
not delinquent.
CASHBACK reected in the SOA are computed based on posted and billed transactions within the
monthly cut-o of two (2) days prior to CARDMEMBER’s statement cycle. Unposted CASHBACK
earned after the cut-o will be reected on the CARDMEMBER’s succeeding SOA.
Should any transaction from the SOA be cancelled or refunded for whatever reason, the CASHBACK
CREDIT earned in respect to those transactions will be deducted or cancelled at the ISSUER’s
discretion. This will be reected as CASHBACK DEBITS in the SOA of the CARDMEMBER.
CASHBACK is not redeemable in cash and is deducted from the total outstanding payables of the
CARDMEMBER. However, it is not considered a payment to the CARD and cannot be used to oset
the Minimum Amount Due to CARDMEMBER’s account.
Installment purchases earn CASHBACK based on monthly amortization charging billed and reected
on the CARDMEMBER’s SOA and not based on the total principal amount of the goods and services
purchased. Any interest charges will not be entitled to earn CASHBACK.
D. Welcome Oer Program
ISSUER will grant newly approved Basic and Supplementary American Express Cashback
CARDMEMBERS 10% CASHBACK* who will activate and use their CARD for both local and/or overseas
purchases within the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance.
All qualied transactions shall earn the following corresponding cashback:
The total bonus cashback that a CARDMEMBER can earn shall be up to a maximum of P2,500 worth of
cashback. Succeeding transactions on the American Express Cashback Credit Card after reaching the
maximum cap mentioned in this item shall no longer earn bonus cashback but will continue to earn
regular cashback. The Basic and Supplementary transactions are considered separate from each other
but cashback earned are combined. For Supplementary Cardmembers, spend coverage for earning of
Bonus Cashback will be the rst three (3) months from the Basic Cardmember’s issuance date.
For straight transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account once the transaction is billed to the CARDMEMBER while the bonus
cashback earned shall be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after the rst
3 months of CARD Issuance.
For installment transaction, the regular cashback that the CARDMEMBER earned shall be credited to the
Basic CARDMEMBER’s account when the monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to the
CARDMEMBER’s SOA. However, to qualify for bonus cashback, earning will be based on monthly
amortization charging billed and reected to the CARDMEMBERS SOA within the rst 3 months of
CARD issuance only. If rst monthly amortization charging is billed and reected to CARDMEMBER’s
SOA on the 4th month after the rst 3 months of CARD issuance, no bonus cashback will be given to the
The bonus cashback earned and accumulated by the Basic and Supplementary CARDMEMBERS within
the rst 3 months period will be credited to the Basic CARDMEMBER’s account on the 4th month after
the rst 3 months of CARD Issuance and will be reected in the Basic CARDMEMBER’s SOA nearest
E. Other Conditions
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right to modify or amend the CASHBACK Program and such
modications and/or amendments shall be eective on the dates as shall be determined solely by the
The ISSUER hereby reserves the right at its absolute discretion to vary, delete or add any Terms and
Conditions from time to time.
Without prejudice to any of the ISSUER’S rights, the ISSUER is entitled at any time in its absolute
discretion, to terminate the Program or withdraw and cancel any CASHBACK CREDIT already posted.
Fraud and abuse relating to earning CASHBACK may result to forfeiture of CASHBACK CREDIT.
American Express is a trademark of American Express.
These Cards are issued by BDO pursuant to a license from American Express.
BDO Customer Contact Center: (02) 8631-8000
BDO Unibank, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas:
Tel. No. (02) 8708-7087; Email: consumera[email protected]; Webchat: bsp.gov.ph
The BDO, BDO Unibank, and other BDO-related trademarks
are owned by BDO Unibank, Inc.
Generic AMEX Terms & Conditions
Revised as of January 2023