Proposal for an Individualized or
Cover and Signatures
This form is for students who enrolled at AU for the first time for the fall 2014 semester, or
were readmitted for fall 2014 or later.
Before completing this form, please read the guidelines at
Minors- Processes_2014.pdf.
Name AU Email
AU ID Expected Graduation
Home Academic Unit Degree
Proposal type
Completed credits Cumulative GPA
Must be 3.5 or above
Contact person for this proposal
Student Name (print) Student Signature Date
Faculty Sponsor Name (print) Faculty Signature Date
Faculty Advisor Name (print) Faculty Signature Date
Program Chair/Director
Signature Date
Home Academic Unit Dean Name (print) Dean Signature Date
Second Dean Name Dean Signature Date
Third Dean Name Dean Signature Date
Select One
Select One
Select One
Please attach the following:
a. A statement of the central concept of the major or minor, and, if applicable, an
explanation of its
character. This statement should include how the
major or minor contributes to the student’s academic goals along with an
explanation of how existing programs of study do not satisfy those goals.
b. An outline of the academic requirements of the major or minor, including a list of all
required courses with their
corresponding prerequisites
and a tentative semester-
by-semester schedule for their completion. Include both the course number and
course title.
c. Electronic copy of your AU transcript, including the evaluation of your transfer
credits that was completed by your advisor when you enrolled at AU (if applicable).
Once you have collected all the necessary signatures, please scan this page to PDF, and
combine it into a single PDF file with elements a, b and c.
Order of Review
1. Complete template and all required signatures. Submit all in one PDF document to
Faculty Sponsor.
2. Faculty Sponsor submits the proposal to for a
3. After receiving the recommendation of the Faculty Sen ate committee, the Vice
Provost for Undergraduate Studies will approve or will not approve the program.
3a. If app roved, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies will notify the Office of
the University Registrar, an d all signatories on the proposal.
3b. If not approved, the Vice Provost for Under graduate Studies will notify all
signatories on the proposal.
This form is for students who enrolled at AU for the first time for the fall 2014 semester,
or were readmitted for fall 2014 or later.
Office for
Process for Writing Proposals and
for Review
Effective fall 2014
This information is for students who enrolled at AU for the first time for the fall 2014 semester, or were
readmitted for fall 2014 or later.
The Individualized Major
The university’s Individualized major program allows students the opportunity to design their own
discipline or interdisciplinary major. The program is offered for those students who have a minimum
cumulative GPA of 3.5 and wish to study several subjects concurrently. This gives the student the
flexibility to create a major which is specially adapted for the student to pursue a particular academic or
career path. An individual major should only be considered after thorough research by the student in
collaboration with his or her faculty advisor and only if the outcome of the student’s research of
American University’s existing curriculum does not meet the students needs.
An individualized major within one discipline or program requires oversight from at least two faculty
members from that discipline or program. An individualized interdisciplinary major program requires
faculty oversight from more than one academic unit or more than one department or program within an
academic unit. The faculty advisor(s) must be from the disciplines required for the individualized
interdisciplinary major
The Individualized Minor
An individualized minor is similar to the individualized major as described above, but requires a smaller
number of credit hours. As is the case for any minor, an individualized minor should complement the
major(s) being pursued by the student.
Students intending to pursue an individualized major must submit his or her proposal at least a year
before their intended graduation date. A maximum of 18 credit hours completed prior to the semester
in which the application is being submitted may be included in an individualized major. No such
restriction applies to an individualized minor. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in order to
submit proposals for individualized majors and for individualized minors.
Faculty Sponsor and Advisors
The student is responsible for securing the advice and approval of at least two faculty members: one
faculty sponsor (who must be a full-time faculty member) and one or two faculty advisors. The faculty
members should represent the core disciplines involved in the student’s chosen field. The faculty
sponsor will advise the student actively for the rest of the students undergraduate career and assist the
student in selecting courses appropriate to the program of study.
Primary Teaching Unit
Some individualized major proposals may involve several teaching units or academic units, in which case
they must identify a primary teaching or academic unit. The primary academic unit is responsible for
confirming that the affected teaching or academic units will provide any courses or other support
Office for
Process for Writing Proposals and
for Review
Effective fall 2014
needed for the student to successfully complete the portion of the program that pertains directly to the
individualized major or minor.
Proposal Requirements
A successful proposal will be structured in the same format as a custom specialized major, as outlined in
the American University Catalog: with a narrative rationale and set of core courses. Faculty sponsors
may approve substitutions from the courses if the course becomes unavailable.
The rationale must answer the following questions:
What is the student’s academic goal?
If the goal is interdisciplinary, what disciplines contribute to achieving the student’s goal?
Why is it not possible to achieve the students academic goal by completing one of American
Universitys existing majors, together with a carefully chosen minor and electives?
What reasons can be given why each course is needed in order to complete the individualized
Complete the individualized major proposal form or individualized minor proposal form, as
appropriate, including a list of all required courses with their corresponding prerequisites and a
tentative semester-by-semester schedule for their completion.
Submitting for Review
After the student completes the proposal form and rationale, they must be submitted with a Cover
and Signatures page to the faculty sponsor for his or her preliminary review. Once the faculty
sponsor approves the proposal, the proposal will be submitted to the Office of the Dean of the
home academic unit. That office will ensure that the proposal meets all academic requirements. If
the student needs to register for courses in the proposed program, then the student must submit
the proposed program to the Office of the Dean at least 60 days before registration begins for those
When the proposal is completed and signed by the faculty sponsor, the faculty advisor(s) and the
Office of the Dean of the home academic unit, the Office of the Dean of the home academic unit will
email the proposal to The Faculty Senate Undergraduate Curriculum
Committee will make a recommendation for approval or non-approval to the Vice Provost. The Vice
Provost will make the final decision.
If the Vice Provost approves the proposal, she or he will notify the the faculty sponsor, the home
academic unit’s Office of the Dean, and the Office of the University Registrar.
Major Requirements
Individualized Major
Office for
Process for Writing Proposals and
for Review
Effective fall 2014
An individualized major requires 36 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of independent study.
At least 18 of the 36 credit hours of course work must be earned in residence at American University. At
least 18 credit hours of the 36 credit hours must be earned in upper-level courses in the major, and at
least 15 of those credit hours must be earned in residence. A maximum of 18 credit hours of courses
completed prior to the semester in which the application is being submitted may be included in the
program. Unless the academic unit specifies a higher grade, a grade of C or better is required for each
course chosen to satisfy the major.
Interdisciplinary Major
An Interdisciplinary major requires 36 credit hours of course work and 6 credit hours of independent
study selected to form an academically sound, unified, and well-defined program. At least 30 credit
hours of the course work must be upper level as defined by the teaching units that offer them and at
least 15 of these credit hours must be in residence. A maximum of 18 credit hours of courses completed
prior to the semester in which the application is being submitted may be included in the program.
Unless the academic unit specifies a higher grade, a grade of C or better is required for each course
chosen to satisfy the major.
Individualized and Interdisciplinary Majors Independent Study
As part of the 42 credit hours in the major, the student is required to take two independent study
courses or senior seminars (totaling 6 credit hours) supervised by the faculty sponsor and focused on the
program's central concept. If there is an available internship program appropriate to the
interdisciplinary theme, it may be substituted for all or part of this requirement. Also, with prior
approval, the student may substitute an appropriate advanced course (400 level) for one of the above
Individualized or Interdisciplinary Minor Requirements
An individualized minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours, at least 9 of which must be earned in
residence at American University. Academic units may have additional requirements including more
credit hours. At least 9 credit hours of the minor must be earned in upper-level courses. At least 12
credit hours of the minor cannot include courses required for any major or other minor the student is
pursuing. Unless the academic unit specifies a higher grade, a grade of C or better is required for each
course chosen to satisfy the minor.