Unused Ticket Credit Management
‐User Instructions‐
Version 07/06/2023
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On the 18
of each month, if an agency has a balance of Unused Ticket Credits (airline credits), the
subscribed travel contacts (Manager Contact/Travel Coordinator/Accounting Contact) on file with the
Statewide Travel Program (STP) will receive an automated “Unused Tickets” email from
CalTravelStore. The email will contain a spreadsheet with a complete list of all Unused Ticket Credits
(UTC) and Miscellaneous Change Orders (MCOs) for all airlines. It is the responsibility of each agency
travel contact to monitor and manage the monthly Unused Tickets report to ensure the airline credits
are used before the listed “Expiry Date.”
To subscribe to the monthly “Unused Tickets” report, please email St[email protected]
and ‘cc’ the agency’s current Travel Manager/Manager Contact on file with STP. Subscribers should be
limited to only Travel Manager/Manager Contacts, Travel Coordinators and any Accounting staff that
manage travel tasks. Agency staff that are not tasked with managing UTCs should not have access to
this report.
If you ar
e aware a UTC exists but did not receive the monthly UTC report, please email
[email protected] for assistance.
Unused Ticket Credit Management
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Version 07/06/2023
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This report provides the agency with the complete list of UTCs and MCOs on file that must be used by
the Expiry Date. If the UTC or MCO is not used by or before the Expiry Date, the funds will be forfeited
to the respective airline.
Any agency that allows a UTC or MCO to expire, causing government funds to be
forfeited to an airline, may be required to write the cost off as a loss of government
funds. Please contact your agency’s fiscal accounting department to inquire further.
“Unused Tickets” report - Columns Defined:
N (No) = a UTC generated from a flight that was booked, then canceled. Credit must be
used to purchase a new flight before the Expiry Date by calling CalTravelStore - Travel
Agent (877-454-8785).
Y (Yes) = MCO, this is generated from a flight that was booked, then changed. When
there is a cost difference between the original ticket and the changed ticket,
CalTravelStore generates an MCO.
Note: MCOs expire on the Expiry Date provided on the “Unused Tickets” report.
An MCO must be used to purchase a new flight that must depart before the
Expiry Date by calling CalTravelStore - Travel Agent (877-454-8785).
Last and First name of the named traveler the flight was purchased for.
STP account number and agency name.
STP account number for the agency.
Unused Ticket Credit Management
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Version 07/06/2023
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Booking reference number, also referred to as Record Locator.
Numeric code assigned to each airline.
Southwest Airlines: 526
United Airlines: 016
Alaska Airlines: 027
Delta Airlines: 006
American Airlines: 001
JetBlue: 279
The number assigned to the specific flight(s).
Name of the airline the UTC belongs to. Reminder, a UTC can only be applied toward
the purchase of a new flight on the same airline.
Date the original flight was purchased.
The value of the UTC or MCO.
This number may occasionally appear on the report. To find all invoice numbers,
access the traveler’s itinerary.
The date the UTC or MCO will expire. If the UTC or MCO is not applied to a new flight
before that date, the funds expire and will be forfeited to the airline.
Days left until the UTC or MCO expires.
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Monthly - Unused Ticket Credit Management
Processes and Procedures
Sort “Unused Tickets” report by “Expiry Date*.”
Contact the named traveler and their supervisor to inform them of the airline credit and inquire if they
plan to use the credit before it expires or not.
If the traveler plans to use the airline credit prior to the Expiry Date, the traveler or travel liaison
must call a CalTravelStore Travel Agent (877-454-8785) to book a future flight.
Flights paid for with a UTC or MCO cannot be booked online in Concur. A Travel Agent must
book the flight and manually change the method of payment to the UTC or MCO.
Reminder: The traveler or travel liaison must provide the Travel Agent with the
airline credit details (First Name, Last Name, PNR, Ticket Number, Airline,
Estimated Remaining Value) for the Travel Agent to apply the airline credit to the
future flight.
Each month, monitor the UTC or MCO to ensure it is used by the Expiry Date.
If the traveler will not be using the credit (i.e., retired, transferred out of the agency, etc.),
email CalTravelStore to inquire if the airline is offering any options in lieu of forfeiting the
funds: Email CalTravelStore at [email protected].
A CalTravelStore Travel Agent will reply within 5 business days with available options.
*Effective July 28, 2022, Southwest Airlines eliminated the expiration date on all Southwest Airlines
UTCs (Type: E-ticket). Note, this does not apply to Southwest Airlines - MCOs. Southwest Airlines
MCOs expire on the Expiry Date listed on the “Unused Tickets” report.
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Concur Unused Ticket Credits Displayed in Concur
Named travelers can view their UTCs and MCOs for all airlines in Concur in three places.
Display #1:
The traveler must log into their Concur account. On the home page, under ALERTS, a notification
will appear that indicates “You have unused tickets.” The traveler can click the hyperlink and any
available Unused Tickets will appear as a pop-up.
[Pop-up Unused Tickets]
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Display #2:
While logged into Concur, the traveler can also access their Profile and scroll down to the Unused
Tickets section. If blank, the traveler does not have a UTC or MCO to use. If a UTC or MCO appears
in this section, the traveler must use the UTC or MCO before the listed “Expiration Date.”
Display #3:
Travelers can view their available UTCs and MCOs on the bottom row of the flight matrix.
To use any UTC or MCO, the traveler or travel liaison must call a CalTravelStore Travel Agent (877-
454-8785) to book a future flight on the same airline as the UTC or MCO. Reminder: The traveler or
travel liaison must provide the Travel Agent with the UTC or MCO details to apply the credit to the
future flight.
Once used, CalTravelStore will remove the used UTC or MCO from the traveler’s Concur profile
within 5-7 business days.
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CalTravelStore Email Communications
When a ticket is canceled in Concur or with a CalTravelStore travel agent, the named traveler and the
‘Assistants and Travel Arrangers’ listed in their Concur profile, will be sent notifications regarding the UTC
until its used.
Below is an example of the first email the named traveler and the ‘Assistants and Travel Arrangers’ can
expect to receive.
If the UTC remains unused, the same email will be sent 90 days before the Expiration Date, 60 days
before the Expiration Date and 30 days before the Expiration Date (total of four [4] email notifications).
The notifications will cease once the UTC is either used or it expires.
If the named traveler will not be using the credit (i.e., retired, transferred out of the department, etc.), and
there are no available options to transfer the UTC, please email CalTravelStore to inquire if the airline is
offering any options to transfer the credit to a different traveler. Email CalTravelStore at
Unused Ticket Credit Management
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Version 07/06/2023
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Unused Ticket Credit Audit & Track Use
The monthly “Unused Tickets” report provides the agency with a complete list of airline credits on file
that must be used by the “Expiry Date.” When an airline credit is used or it expires, it will no longer
appear on the report in future reports. It is the agencies’ responsibility to track and verify that each
UTC/MCO was used to book a future flight for state or local government business.
Track Airline Cr
edit Usage:
Tracking Process 1
Open the current and previous months’ “Unused Tickets” reports.
Compare reports and identify the travelers for UTCs and MCOs appearing on the previous
month’s report but are now missing from the current report.
Access each named traveler’s Concur account.
Navigate to the Trip Library, search through each of the booked future flights and scroll to
the ‘Total Estimated Cost’ section. There, you will see if a UTC or MCO was applied to pay
for all or a portion of the future flight.
Tracking Process 2
Access the invoice for the new flight.
On the upper left, the invoice will state “Exchange Ticket ####.” The accounting line will
reflect $0.00 or a smaller amount than the ticket total, if the new ticket is higher.
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Expired Ticket report
On the 18
of each month, if a UTC or MCO expired within the past 30 days, the subscribed travel
contacts (Manager Contact/Travel Coordinator/Accounting Contact) on file with STP will receive an
automated email from [email protected]
ontaining the “Expired Ticket for CALXXXX” report.
The Expired Ticket report will list all credits that remained unused, expired and were forfeited to the
airline during that period. If the agency does not receive an Expired Ticket report, that means no credits
expired during the past 30 days.
It is the responsibility of each agency travel contact to monitor and manage the monthly Expired Ticket
report to ensure the agency is aware of the loss of government funds to the airlines for not using the