Talking Points
The 2018 digital
Staying relevant in the digital age
Introduction 3
The game has changed. Permanently 4
The power of emerging technologies 5
What are the barriers to going digital? 6
How to successfully harness digital 7
The digital blueprint 10
Digital in ‘everything we do’ – embedding digital
across all university departments
Conclusion 14
About PwC 16
Contacts 16
The very nature of Higher Education, how
it is delivered and the role of universities
in society and the economy is changing,
and will continue to change significantly
in the next decade. Universities are
competing globally for students,
academics and funding, and only those
that stay relevant and leverage new digital
capabilities will benefit in this digital age.
Our recent Talking Points, ‘The 2018
university – making the right choices,
making it happen’
considered how, in an
increasingly competitive Higher Education
sector, universities need to dierentiate
themselves through new and emerging
business models – one of which was to
become a Digital Leader.
Many universities are developing specific
digital strategies in reaction to the massive
shift towards using new technology, yet
lack the vision, capability or commitment
to implement them eectively. As a result
many institutions then invest heavily in IT
systems that don’t deliver the anticipated
benefits and outcomes. These universities
fail to appreciate that they don’t need a
digital strategy – just a business strategy
that is fit for the digital age.
Staying relevant in the digital age requires
a strategic vision for the whole institution,
a vision that is led by senior management
with support from many departments, not
just IT. A lack of digital literacy amongst
academics, students and sta means that
early engagement and interaction to build
the right support networks is essential to
achieving sustainable change across the
entire institution.
Universities that are not equipping
themselves to adapt to this new digital era
will be left behind. Whether you want to
be a digital leader or simply stay relevant
in the digital age, the time to act is now.
1 PwC, 2015, The 2018 university – making the right choices, making it happen www.pwc.co.uk/2018university
Digital is here and its here to stay. For
example: always connected mobile devices
are ubiquitous; social media is the primary
communication channel for many; new
cloud computing capabilities allows the
creation of new tools and products at a
rate not previously seen; geolocation
sensors create new tracking and targeting
opportunities; digital is now the first
choice for media consumption – the list
goes on. This disruption is impacting and
changing Higher Education and academia
and the change is set to continue.
Students have become customers who
bring their own digital world expectations
to university. These customers are more
savvy, better connected and more vocal
than ever. Many have preconceived ideas
of how universities will engage directly
with them and what outcomes they can
expect in return for their investment.
Students increasingly see universities as
the main means of securing their future
employment rather than simply learning
and self-development. The value
proposition for universities is therefore
changing and this means that
employability and the student experience
is more critical than it has ever been.
Although MOOCs (Massive Open Online
Courses) have yet to gain the traction that
many anticipated, a new wave of
innovative teaching techniques has
arrived and academics are exploring new
methods of teaching that are underpinned
by digital technologies. MOOCs are far
from being the end of the line for digital
disruption in teaching methods. As a
generation that is more digitally
sophisticated than any previously,
students expect to be taught and to learn
using methods that suit their personal
preferences and at a pace that they have
chosen, not one that is mandated to them.
This rapidly evolving young audience
takes on new tools and apps at a pace that
even the most agile university struggles to
keep up with. And as competition from
credible substitutes to Higher Education,
such as Higher Apprenticeships, continues
to grow, as does the fierce competition to
attract the best students in both the UK
and internationally, universities need to
demonstrate that they are able to provide
the digital experience that students now
take for granted. In today’s digital age
where the voice of the customer is more
prevalent than ever, turning your
customers into advocates for your
university is one of the most powerful
marketing tools available.
The game has changed. Permanently
The power of emerging technologies
New and emerging technologies such
as smart mobile/wearable devices and
sensors, cloud-based IT and advanced
analytics are changing business and
operating models across all sectors
including Higher Education. These
technologies present new opportunities
to improve or redefine the university
experience and campus through
activities including teaching and
learning, research and working on
complex projects with other universities
and partner organisations.
For instance, imagine a ‘Digital Campus’
that senses when students, tutors,
professors and other university sta are
on campus and then provides them with
relevant interactive information on their
devices to help them do their jobs better.
Or, imagine a scenario where virtual and
augmented reality is used to give
prospective students a richer digital
experience before and during an open
day or to make dierent campus
environments digitally explorable for
students in their everyday lives.
Alternatively, consider a university in
which telepresence solutions are routinely
used to support better remote working
or where artificial intelligence is used to
intelligently, accurately and rapidly
respond to queries coming via the web
or by phone.
Advanced analytics is also transforming
what universities can do for students,
professors and tutors. A wealth of data is
now being collected from a range of
internal systems and external sources
such as mobile and wearable devices that
can be analysed and presented back to the
user in an interactive and highly visual
fashion. Universities that are able to
harness the potential of data by analysing
it intelligently and using it to deliver
outcomes, such as improved academic
performance, employability rates or
student retention, will give themselves
a considerable advantage.
Finally, cloud-based IT is transforming
the art of the possible and is delivering
a step change in terms of agility for those
organisations that are able to adopt the
modular and scalable approach to IT that
it oers. New ideas can now be tried out
with a minimum of upfront investment,
and this reduction in the ‘cost of curiosity
means that trying to predict the future is
becoming almost impossible. It is far more
important to invest in gaining the true
agility that comes as a result of being able
to rapidly respond to changing market
conditions and take advantage of the new
opportunities presented in the digital age.
All of this can be the dierence between a
20th century university and a 21st century
one. We expect that over time, the most
desirable students will be attracted to
those universities that embrace the digital
age on their terms rather than being
overwhelmed by it. This means that being
aware of new trends in emerging
technologies and having the ability to
rapidly harness their potential to drive
improved outcomes will become a key
dierentiator within Higher Education.
What are the barriers to going digital?
Many universities lack a clarity of vision
on the disruptive impact of digital on
Higher Education or are unable to respond
eectively. Common reasons can be:
Understanding that universities have a
new breed of customers that they need
to engage with, and competitors that
they need to compete with, in new and
dierent ways
An inability to simultaneously evolve
existing ways of working whilst adding
new techniques, tools and capabilities
A culture that inhibits the rapid
development and release of new
A lack of trust in digital services and
cloud technologies, or concerns about
their reliability, security and resilience
Another major inhibitor to digital uptake
in universities is digital literacy. By this
we mean the knowledge, skills and
confidence to use the available technology
and devices to deliver the outcomes you
want. Academics and sta can be fearful
of using tools in which they lack
confidence and are nervous about
engaging in digital spaces where they can
feel at a disadvantage to students (or
‘digital natives, who have grown up
around technology). Despite these digital
natives being always-connected, with
mobile devices to hand, they seldom
possess the skills to use this technology
eectively in a learning context. So
universities have a real responsibility to
embrace digital, particularly when
teaching, to ensure students are getting
the most from new technology.
Digital technology has enabled many
innovative teaching techniques such as
flipped classrooms, richer distance
learning experiences and hybrid (a
combination of online and face-to-face)
teaching models. However, even though
they don’t always like to admit it, many
universities and academics view teaching
as being secondary to research.
Getting the most out of learning
platforms such as Blackboard, Canvas or
Moodle requires a significant investment
of a universitys time – an investment
that is only made when teaching is
recognised as a valued activity. As a
result, many learning platforms have
simply become repositories where lecture
notes are stored for download, delivering
little benefit for the student or the
provision of data for use in analytics.
With the government announcing the
imminent introduction of the Teaching
Excellence Framework (TEF) the need to
improve is now even more heightened.
In addition, university IT departments
who need to support digital initiatives are
not always well equipped to do so.
Inflexible policies, aging infrastructure
and inexperience working with digital
agencies can delay or prevent new digital
initiatives from taking shape. Academics,
sta and students that try and use digital
technology in new and innovative ways
can often be ‘shut down’ by IT
departments fearing a loss of control or
with concerns about risk and compliance.
Its not just all about barriers to
embedding and using new technology
though. Having the right voice on existing
social media platforms and being able to
respond quickly, consistently and in the
right tone can be a significant
dierentiator in this space. Many
universities though are unsure of how to
leverage these communication channels
eectively and what the appropriate
controls should be. Often this results in an
over-complicated approval process for
social media postings, deterring
academics and sta who have interesting
or unique points of view. The social media
postings that do make it through the
bureaucracy can often be stale or overly
corporate, creating a jarring social media
experience for many.
2 Link all digital activity to the
universitys overall vision
and strategy
All successful change programmes need
to be underpinned by a clear vision and
strategy defined by senior management.
Digital is no dierent and clarity on the
anticipated benefits and how these tie
back to the overall strategy is necessary
for success.
A lack of overall vision can lead to
disjointed programmes and this siloed
thinking leads to siloed IT systems
creating an infrastructure that is complex,
inflexible and unable to react quickly in a
changing marketplace. Before sta and
academics can buy into new strategic
programmes to improve digital
capabilities, they need to understand why
the programme exists and what their role
is in achieving the strategic outcomes.
Open and transparent communication is
essential to building trust, as is the need
for those involved to feel part of the
change – not that the change is being
‘done to them’.
3 Invest in communities built
around willing and capable
digital innovators
To make digital a success, universities
need to invest in giving sta, academics
and students the right training in
digital technologies and combine this
with eective support networks. This
is an ongoing commitment, and those
institutions that, for example, simply
provide students with an introduction to
a series of software applications during
Fresher’s Week with no follow up, should
not expect to achieve a significant uptake
in digital technologies from those students.
Sta and academics need to be given the
freedom and flexibility to try innovative
new ways of working, using digital
technology without fear of criticism or
retribution. Peer groups that provide
support on digital technologies and
techniques are necessary to embed digital
literacy for academics, sta and students.
Innovative thinkers who are pushing the
boundaries of what can be achieved
through digital technology should be
encouraged to act as ambassadors for
these support groups so they can act as a
catalyst for change and feel that their
actions are appreciated and encouraged.
1 Understand that digital
transformation aects
every part of the university,
not just IT
The idea that digital is all about
technology is a common misconception.
Of course, technology plays an important
role, but it is simply the canvas upon
which the digital experience is created.
Many universities looking for a digital
quick fix, procure new technology
platforms via their IT departments
without first understanding the wider
role of digital across the institution.
IT-led programmes seldom deliver the
anticipated benefits and can disadvantage
universities while they wait for outcomes
that never materialise.
IT departments need to be involved,
but involved in the right way. Cross-
department transformation programmes
that are driven primarily by those
who will receive the benefit, with
support from IT and the right enabling
technology, are necessary to achieve
sustainable outcomes.
How to successfully harness digital
4 Adopt a design approach
that focuses on customer
needs, not the university’s
internal structure
Delivering a great customer experience
means listening and being agile enough to
react to criticism and feedback. Designing
the digital experience around the way the
university is currently structured and
behaves rather than focusing on the
needs of the end user can lead to out-
dated behaviours, such as issuing email
addresses to students who don’t use email
regularly and already have an email
address anyway. Seeking honest opinions
through surveys, forums and opinion
polls brings valuable insight as does
information obtained from ocial and
unocial social media groups. Monitoring
what people are saying about your
competition can also be highly revealing
and can identify new opportunities for
Capturing and analysing this information
and using it to challenge the status quo
can identify areas where customer service
could be improved and how a unique
position within the market can be
developed even if this requires innovation
and the creation of new team structures.
The power of social media – are you managing it eectively?
Academics and sta don’t automatically
know how to use social media for the
benefit of the university without the
appropriate guidance and support.
Academics can be wary of entering
‘personal’ social spaces, such as groups
set up by students on Facebook, and
university representatives who appear
defensive when negative comments are
made on social media platforms, can
give the wrong outward impression.
Unintentional side eects of well-
intentioned actions can have a similarly
negative impact. For instance, an
academic or tutor entering a lively and
interactive social media community of
students discussing course content, can
bring the debate to a premature end as
they can be seen as a subject matter expert
rendering further debate unnecessary.
Senior management and marketing
departments fearful of the lack of
control resulting from allowing
academics and sta to post in social
channels or blogs can impose rigid
regulations, or review processes that
inhibits and stifles creativity.
Universities that have embraced the four
principles we have outlined are aware of
the power of social media and the
positive impact that it can have on
potential students, current students and
alumni. A university with a rich social
media presence can keep followers
up-to-date with relevant information,
and provide an alternative means of
interacting with the institution.
A strategic approach to embedding
social media will look dierent for each
individual institution. Removing
barriers and empowering individual
university departments to create their
own voices on social media can help
bring those departments to life digitally
within the context of the university’s
overall vision. This acts as a catalyst for
the further uptake of new digital tools
and techniques.
A community is needed to support and
maintain this transition and those
universities that are leading on this
digital initiative have created Digital
Hubs or Social Media Command Centres
at the heart of the campus to act as a
central point for the digital community.
In turn this provides the support and
advice necessary for academics and sta
that are less comfortable with the use of
social media in an academic context.
This approach embeds best practice
policies and behaviours without the
need for an overly bureaucratic process
or for individuals to feel that they are
being watched and monitored.
A digital blueprint for the
The modern university has to play many
dierent roles but must also have a well-
defined focus that sets it apart from the
competition. Finding the right balance is
the key to survival and success.
For example, students have changed
dramatically. They are now paying
customers and bring with them a set of
demands and expectations that modern
Higher Education providers must meet
and exceed. For sta working in Higher
Education, the digital age has created
huge new challenges and opportunities.
Teaching and learning, research,
working conditions and reward are all
changing fast.
Our digital blueprint considers how
being digital in everything you do will
connect a university directly to its
customers and sta.
There are many aspects to becoming a
successful digital university, and there is
not a single ‘one size fits all’ answer. There
are however, a number of key themes that
we see over and over again in those
institutions that are leading the way on
the digital agenda.
The digital blueprint
What to study?
Prospective students can easily find information about courses and drill down into
richer course content and communities
Where to go?
Students have a range of options about where to learn and how to consume learning materials
Simplify enrolment
The enrolment process is clear, and progress can be easily tracked. There is not a
‘communications gap’ between oer acceptance and the course commencing
Maximum impact in the first 100 days
Makes queries easy and reduces uncertainty for new students
Academic student support
Supports students with academic attainment and achievement using digital channels
Insight & analytics student support
Students understand their performance and potential from collated data
Postgraduate research support
PGR students track their progress and collaborate with other PGR students
Student life platform
Highlights student communities, extra-curricular activities and discounts in the local area
Employability and further academic options
Students are prepared for life after their undergraduate degree
Sta and academics
Professor/tutor support
Supports the professor/tutor with teaching activities
Insight & analytics professor/tutor support
Professor/tutor understands their students’ performance and
potential from collated data
Professor support
Supports professors with publications and research activities
Funding & collaboration support
Encourages collaboration across disciplines for research
opportunities and publication production
Professional services support
Enables sta to manage the ‘business’ of the university eectively
‘My portal’ self service
Provides all sta with a digital way of managing their key tasks
The university brand is used eectively in digital channels to
give the institution a ‘personality
Attracting students
The best students are attracted by understanding how the
university can help them achieve their goals
Attracting professors
The university attracts the best academic talent by being seen as
a leader
Attracting professional sta
Enables the university to attract the best professional
services talent
Attracting partners & funding
Builds and manages partnerships with other institutions
Co-creation with business
Establishes mutually beneficial partnerships with business
Alumni support & community
Alumni maintain a connection and sense of community
with the university
Content management
All content is digitised and stored securely
Digital in ‘everything we do’ – embedding
digital across all university departments
As well as embracing a digital blueprint for
customers and sta, thinking digitally also
means taking a whole departmental
approach across an institution – this is the
only way that the levels of innovation and
cultural change required to become a
digital university can be achieved.
The digital agenda needs to be driven by
senior management who in turn need the
support of individual departments to take
ownership for their own contribution
towards achieving the necessary outcomes
and tying individual activities back to the
overall strategy and vision.
Estates & Facilities:
Create flexible digital collaboration
spaces with access to video screens and
power and provide good wireless
connectivity on campus and in halls of
Support a range of contracting models
and frameworks that give media agencies
scope to work using new flexible delivery
and implementation techniques
Become a forward-looking department
that tracks new technology trends and
advises on how these can be used to
deliver new capabilities and outcomes
for the university
Revise policies and procedures so that
the innovative use of digital technology
by sta, students and academics can be
Make access to information and systems
as open and accessible as possible so that
data can be consumed in new and
innovative ways
Leverage cloud technologies to drive
innovation and the fast turnaround of new
digital capabilities, products and systems
Develop employment contracts and
Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) programmes to support the ongoing
development of digital literacy skills
Support teaching as a valuable role on a
par with research to help drive innovation
in new teaching methods and techniques
that leverage digital capabilities
Faculties & Schools:
Develop optional or mandatory modules
within courses that promote digital
literacy to students
Support those academics that are
leading the way in the development of
digital skills and developing new
innovative teaching techniques, to
become advocates that support the
promotion of digital literacy within the
wider academic community
Encourage the advanced use of learning
platforms by academics to deliver better
outcomes for students and the university
and to capture valuable learning data for
use in analytics
Help to build support networks for
academics who are less confident with
digital technologies
Engage with sta, academics, students,
potential students and alumni across a
range of social channels, web sites and
apps to deliver a personalised service
that represents the universitys culture
Determine how the university’s brand is
perceived in its target markets through
surveys and monitoring social channels
and react accordingly to reflect the
preferred perception of the institution
Relinquish some control on social media
channels to encourage innovation and
the creation of digital communities.
Support the creation of digital
communities between individuals at
dierent stages of their academic
journey (such as applicants and alumni)
to help provide insight of life at the
university or on specific courses
Use captured data and analytics to
identify target customer segments and
develop personalised marketing
messages for each
Help the creation of digital literacy
support networks for students by
providing input and a space for students
to collaborate
International Oce:
Use digital channels to help overseas
students build a better sense of the
university environment
Engage with overseas students and
international agents through social
media and other digital channels such
as dedicated apps
Use digital to engage with and inform
applicants on progress of applications and
maintain contact with applicants after
they accept and before they enrol, to give
them a sense of what to expect at the
university and how they should prepare
Use insight and analytics to identify
and increase conversion rates of the
most desirable applicants, particularly
when it is anticipated that they will
accept an oer
Help to develop budgets that support an
Operational Expenditure budget model
that is required to strategically leverage
cloud technologies
Student Services:
Develop insight and analytics that can
help to identify struggling or disengaged
students so that targeted interventions
can be made and in turn improve
retention rates
Although the transition into the digital age can be daunting,
universities that develop the right business strategy that
includes responsibility for digital technologies within every
department can open up a host of exciting new opportunities
to engage with students, academics and sta.
There is no single way to deliver particular outcomes through
digital technology, but by listening to end users, valuable
insight can be gained and acted upon. By empowering
individuals across the institution to try new ways of working
with digital technologies and providing them with the
support and guidance they need, a university can transform
itself from a faceless organisation into a vibrant institution
with its own digital personality.
The opportunities are out there and universities are
learning how to survive and thrive in these changing
times. How will you take advantage of the digital age and
stay relevant for your academics, staff, and current,
former and future students?
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Caitroina McCusker
07764 331 623
Dan Babington
07715 034 892
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