Information Technology and Management Science
ISSN 2255-9094 (online)
ISSN 2255-9086 (print)
December 2016, vol. 19, pp. 92–97
doi: 10.1515/itms-2016-0017
©2016 Juris Tihomirovs, Jānis Grabis.
This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, in the manner agreed with De Gruyter Open.
Comparison of SOAP and REST Based Web
Services Using Software Evaluation Metrics
Juris Tihomirovs
, Jānis Grabis
1, 2
Riga Technical University
Abstract – The usage of Web services has recently increased.
Therefore, it is important to select right type of Web services at the
project design stage. The most common implementations are
based on SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST
(Representational State Transfer Protocol) styles. Maintainability
of REST and SOAP Web services has become an important issue
as popularity of Web services is increasing. Choice of the right
approach is not an easy decision since it is influenced by
development requirements and maintenance considerations.
In the present research, we present the comparison of SOAP and
REST based Web services using software evaluation metrics.
To achieve this aim, a systematic literature review will be made to
compare REST and SOAP Web services in terms of the software
evaluation metrics.
Keywords – Literature review, REST, SOAP, Web services.
A. Problem Formulation
Nowadays the most common way to exchange data among
information systems is to use Web services. Web services are
self-contained, modular and dynamic applications by their
nature [1]. Most common implementations are based on SOAP
(Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representational
State Transfer Protocol) styles. Each of these approaches has its
own advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to choose
the right type of Web services, otherwise it can lead to certain
problems in data exchange or impose some restrictions. This
paper compares SOAP and REST approaches to give
recommendations on how to opt the right Web service type at a
project design phase.
There are a number of related studies on these protocols,
primary benefits and final value [2], [3], [4]. Other articles
review real implementation examples [5], [6]. This research
paper summarises these studies and gives a comparison, which
helps identify the key differences and benefits of SOAP and
REST protocols.
B. Aim and Tasks
The aim of the paper is to summarise the main SOAP and
REST protocol advantages and disadvantages.
To achieve this aim, the following tasks are set:
(1) to define the metrics by which it is possible to mutually
compare SOAP and REST protocols;
(2) to compare SOAP and REST by found metrics;
(3) to evaluate which protocol type is better on the basis of
software evaluation metrics.
This section addresses the key concepts that will be used in
the paper.
A. Web Services
A single Web service consists of service and service
description where service is a software module offered by a
service provider, which is available through the Web. A service
description contains the details of the service interface and
implementations, including data types, metadata, categorisation
information and the location where the service is exposed [3],
[1]. Service description is published in the service registry,
where services are displayed and grouped by their purpose.
A web service is the key element in the integration of different
information systems, as information systems can be based on
different platforms, programming languages and technologies.
SOAP compared to REST is an older protocol, which was
developed as an alternative to CORBA (Common Object
Request Broker Architecture) standard. To ensure data
transport in SOAP, protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, etc., are
used, while the data are sent in XML format [3]. The main
principle of this approach is as follows: a service provider
publishes a service description or interface to the service
registry, so the service requester can find a right service
instance and use it [7].
The amount of data sent by SOAP can cause some
performance problems because when forming the message
SOAP adds an additional header and body parts to the message.
SOAP-based Web services include a variety of standards, such
as WSDL, WSBPEL, WS-Security, WS-Addressing
(responsible for the Web service and message addressing) [8].
These standards were developed by standardisation
organisations, such as W3C and OASIS.
REST is a newer approach, which uses the HTTP protocol to
transmit data, while the data are formed by XML, JSON, etc.
formats [3]. It simplifies access to Web services by using the
existing and well-known standards instead of adding a new data
processing layers on the transmission and communication stack
[9]. Thus, REST tends to be a lighter alternative to the heavy
SOAP protocol. REST Web services are based on self-defining
resources where the HTTP protocol is used to reach them.
A service is provided as a resource that can be identified by URI
(Uniform Resource Identifier) [8]. For example, if URI is opened in the Web
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browser, the Web service will return information about a user
whose ID is “1”. In order to perform data operations with the
service, standard HTTP methods, such as GET, PUT, POST,
DELETE, etc., are used [10].
D. Software Evaluation Metrics
There are two types of metrics, which are used in terms of
software development [2]: direct, measurable metrics (errors,
cost, etc.) and indirect or non-measurable metrics (complexity,
maintainability, etc.). The most popular evaluation metrics are
summarised in Table I.
Direct Indirect
Cost Functionality
Effort Quality
Lines of code Complexity
Execution speed Efficiency
Memory Reliability
Errors Maintainability
These metrics will be used to compare SOAP and REST in
this paper.
This section describes the research method that will be used
for a systematic literature review.
A. Data Sources
For our research, we have included the following three
electronic library sources as data sources: SCOPUS, Web of
Science and IEEE Xplore Digital Library. We have constructed
a search string using “SOAP” and “REST” as the main
keywords (see Table II) and included synonyms and related
terms. The search string is constructed using Boolean AND and
OR operators to connect these keywords in query string (1).
Search query can be represented as follows:
... OR S
) AND (R
... OR R
), (1)
where S covers SOAP keywords and R covers REST keywords.
Simple Object Access Protocol
Representational state
SOAP Web services RESTful
SOAP Web service RESTful Web services
RESTful Web service
The resulting search string is shown in (2):
(SOAP OR “Simple Object Access Protocol” OR
“SOAP Web services” OR “SOAP Web service”)
(REST OR “Representational state transfer” OR
The search string has been executed in the digital library
services to titles, abstracts and metadata. In order to minimise
the found data sets, we have defined the criteria that the article
must be in the field of computer science or IT, as well as the
article must be written after 2010, as the earlier publications
may contain information that is no longer up to date. Number
of the found information sources is displayed in Table III.
No. Source Format
The number of information
1 Scopus Mendelay 190
Web of
MS Excel 93
IEEE Xplore
Digital Library
MS Excel 352
B. Study Selection
Since the result, which is obtained using the search query,
contains 635 entries where not all the entries correspond to the
theme of this study, it is necessary define the inclusion and
exclusion criteria in order to limit the result set. The inclusion
and exclusion criteria are defined in Table IV.
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
I1. A study in the form of a scientific peer-
reviewed paper.
Motivation: A scientific paper guarantees
high reliability and quality level.
E1. The study is
reported in a language
other than English.
I2. A study is focused on comparing SOAP
with REST or one of these protocols is
Motivation: The main focus of this research
is to compare SOAP with REST. There is no
particular need to look at other protocols.
E2. It is not a scientific
publication (e.g., book
E3. A study that is
related to other
protocol types than
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C. Data Synthesis
The search string was executed in the digital libraries a
that the study selection was extracted in an Excel
spreadsheet. The following details were included about the
study: title, authors, publication year, publication form (journal/
conference/etc.) and abstract. First selection round was based
on the title and abstract” of the study, where the study was
categorised as follows: (I) relevant, (II) irrelevant and (III)
moderate. Articles in the moderate category were reviewed in
full with the result that they were either included or not included
in the relevant studies group. This step resulted in 122 studies.
In the next step, articles were evaluated based on inclusion
and exclusion criteria, which resulted in 14 primary studies.
The review process can be summarised by four main steps:
Step 1: Creating a search string, executing search string in
the digital libraries and saving the results into the Excel
Step 2: The result relevance is rated based on the titles and
abstracts. This step also includes the duplicate checking;
Step 3: The inclusion and exclusion criteria are applied;
Step 4: This step covers the article analysis and after that the
conclusions are made.
Figure 1 shows the review process with a number of articles.
1. The review process with a number of studies.
the context of software development, there are direct and
indirect metrics [2]. These metrics will be taken as the basis for
the comparison method. These direct and indirect metrics will
be used to point out the key principles that should be taken into
the account when selecting between SOAP or REST
A. Cost
REST is based on a simple technological infrastructure,
where the service can be developed with minimal development
tool usage. It automatically reduces the cost that would be
needed to achieve the same result with the SOAP approach [4].
In addition, it is possible to work without REST client at the
beginning of the development or testing phases, as access to the
REST service can be ensured directly from the Web browser by
accessing the resource address.
B. Effort
In order to reduce maintenance costs when developing a
blishing Web services on the Web, it is advised to use the
REST approach. In turn, if there is a need to use any other Web
services to reduce maintenance costs, the recommendation
would be to use a SOAP WSDL approach [2].
C. Lines of Code
A recent study [2] compared SOAP with REST to find out
how many lines of code are needed to ensure the same
functionality. In order to develop a REST service, there were
4016 lines of code written. In turn, to develop a SOAP service,
there were 3844 lines of code written. Accordingly, in order to
implement the REST client, there were 1117 lines of code
written, and to realise SOAP client there were 509 lines of code
D. Execution Speed
Web service execution speed can be objectively measured by
response time when a Web service returns a response to the
client. Response time comparison between SOAP and REST
approaches was made by the University of North Florida [8]:
A SOAP client makes a request to the SOAP service, where it
selects or adds data to the database, depending on the type of
request. As a result, the response time from service was
measured. In the same way, requests through the REST service
were made. The experiment resulted in a conclusion that REST
showed shorter response times and better data throughput than
the SOAP protocol.
In [11] it is marked out that SOAP is not suitable in cases of
slow data transfer speed or the network has a large load.
In [10] a response time measurement experiment was made
by simulating a simple client-server scenario: (1) create a user,
user saves a message, (3) a request is made to query user’s
messages and (4) delete a user. The experimental results show
that the SOAP-XML service processing time is 45 times
higher compared to the REST approach (Fig. 2).
2. REST and SOAP response time measurements [10].
Initial selection of
studies - identify
relevant studies
Selection based on
titles and abstracts
Selection based on
inclusion and
exclusion criteria
Article analysis and
N =635
N = 122
N = 14
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In [7] an experiment was made to measure time when 100
and 1000 character messages were sent using REST and SOAP.
REST showed better performance in this experiment: response
time of 100 character message (2.56 s ± 0.10 s) and
1000 character message (3.45 s ± 0.10 s) was significantly
lower compared to SOAP time, when 100 character (5.64 s ±
0.17 s) and 1000 character (5.83 s ± 0.17 s) messages were sent.
This can be explained by the fact that it is not necessary to build
an XML (so the time reduces), which is required for data
transmission in the case of SOAP. Consequently, it can be
concluded that REST has a faster execution speed than SOAP.
E. Memory
Creating a SOAP request message from a mobile device, ten
times longer processing time is consumed in comparison with
the REST service [5], [6]. Thereby up to 8 times more memory
resources are consumed. This can be explained by the fact that
mobile devices are resource limited, which means that more
time to process a message is needed compared to the standard
PCs. In addition, it is mentioned that REST has an advantage
over SOAP when bandwidth and resources are limited [7].
F. Errors
It is possible to import a SOAP WSDL file when using IDE
tools, so the client-side code can be automatically generated by
the tools. This helps reduce the number of errors that could be
tainted if the code were written by a programmer manually.
However, it is possible to describe REST Web service using
WADL definition. WADL is the REST equivalent of SOAP’s
WSDL. In the study [2], which is about SOAP and REST
service comparison, it is mentioned that the automatic code
generation using the WSDL file helped students from the
University of Sao Paulo reduce the number of errors and made
source code maintenance easier. In addition, SOAP has built-in
error handling mechanism [7] that is an advantage over REST.
G. Functionality
One of the advantages of SOAP is that the same SOAP
message in the same format can be sent through several
middleware systems, which may be based on HTTP or any
other protocol [4]. There can be cases where the transport
protocol may change along middleware systems it is not a
nuisance to deliver SOAP messages from point A to B. As
another advantage of SOAP, it can be mentioned that it supports
asynchronous requests, which in turn is not possible when using
REST [7].
Nowadays the widely used system integration approaches are
point-to-point and distributed computing. By these two
approaches, the differences between REST and SOAP are
marked REST is not applicable in the distributed computing
environments and is suitable for point-to-point integrations,
while SOAP is suitable for use in the distributed computing
environments, where the message can be sent through one or
more intermediaries [7], [12].
H. Quality
The main Web service quality characteristics [13] are:
service time, reliability, execution price, availability,
performance, security, accessibility, transaction (atomicity,
consistency, isolation, and durability), capacity, integrity,
regulatory (conformance and compliance to the rules, laws,
standards and specifications) and reputation.
Since many of these qualities have been defined in this study
as a comparison metrics, this point is not viewed in detail.
I. Complexity
From the point of view of complexity, it is easier to develop
and implement Web services using REST. REST protocol uses
the Web architectural style that is closely related to the HTTP
protocol. Thus, the Web service development using REST is
more “Web-friendly” [10].
At the same time, SOAP is based on closely specified data
structures, API (Application Programming Interface), which is
specified in WSDL files [10], and the range of standards, such
as WSDL, WSBPEL, etc. [8]. In REST, this all has been
achieved by simplifying the API to the HTTP basic operations,
such as GET, PUT, POST, etc. [10], [14].
XML Schema is an effective language to define the data
model, but sometimes when developing the Web service it is
difficult to identify the right construct to express a data model
that later will be used in SOAP / WSDL implementations [4].
From the point of view of complexity, REST approach is
simpler since it uses widely known W3C / IETF standards
In the case of REST, HTTP clients and servers are available
for all major programming languages and operating systems, as
well as HTTP port 80 is generally open in most firewall
J. Efficiency
The REST protocol has caching, clustering and load
balancing mechanisms [4]. This ensures that the REST Web
service can be used by a large number of users at the same time.
It should be considered that REST uses JSON (which is a
lightweight data format) or even plain text to send messages that
in total reduces the server load.
K. Reliability
In the SOAP protocol, the WS-Security is used as one of the
standards [3] for signing and encrypting messages so that the
data transfer becomes safer. In turn, the REST approach is
missing its own security model. Communication model is based
on the HTTP (or HTTPS) built-in security mechanisms, and
additional security mechanisms can be written manually
depending on the project specifics. Transport layer security
mechanisms protect the point-to-point communication
channels, but if there are mobile devices involved, it becomes
problematic because TLS (Transport Layer Security) channel
must be frequently reset [9].
L. Maintainability
In [2] SOAP and REST are compared in terms of
maintainability perspective. It was concluded that from the
maintainability point of view it was easier to maintain RESTful
Web services on the server side. In turn, SOAP-WSDL Web
services were more maintainable on the client-side. This is
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explained by the fact that the SOAP Web services use WSDL
file to describe a service interface. In today’s integrated
development tools, such as Eclipse, a client-side code can be
automatically generated based on the available WSDL file.
M. Comparison Summary
Taking into account the previously viewed metrics relating
to the SOAP and REST service types, the results are presented
in Table V. Summarising the results, it is not possible to clearly
identify the best protocol to use to integrate internal information
systems and applications with other systems. This means that
each project has to be assessed individually by functional and
non-functional requirements. Taking into account these
requirements, it is possible to identify which of the
approaches – SOAP or REST – to use.
Cost (lower)
Effort (lower)
Server side
Client side
Lines of code
speed (faster)
Memory (low
Errors (less)
Server side
Client side
Having performed the research result analysis, it has been
concluded that that it is not possible to clearly identify the best
approach to ensure data exchange because each integration
project should be assessed individually. Each type SOAP or
REST – has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, it
is possible to highlight the main characteristics to ease the
choice of the right approach.
If the project requires greater scalability, compatibility and
performance, it is better to choose REST. REST
implementation complexity, execution speed, consumed
memory resources and performance were better compared to
SOAP protocol. Thus, if the project requires a simple point-to-
point integration or large-scale availability from the mobile
devices, REST is the right choice. Based on these reasons, the
major Web service providers use exactly REST: Twitter,
Yahoo, Flickr,, etc. [7].
SOAP is a better choice when the project requires security
and reliability, easier maintainability on the client side, as well
as a lower number of possible errors. In addition, many business
system integration projects require asynchronous data
processing requests, which are the SOAP advantage.
Consequently, the conclusion is that SOAP is more suitable in
large information system integration, such as banking
information system integration projects.
The choice of SOAP and REST approach, depending on the
project aims, is summarised in Table V. It should be noted that
this is not a strict rule how projects should choose the right data
exchange approach. Table V contains selection criteria based
on the literature analysis.
Main criteria Project example
Greater scalability;
Point-to-point communication
Limited bandwidth.
Mobile app integration with the
information systems;
Simple client-server data
exchange solutions.
Higher security and
Lower number of errors;
Asynchronous requests;
Distributed computing;
Support from other standards
Business information systems
Banking information systems;
Payment systems.
This paper provides a general comparison of SOAP and
REST services based on software evaluation metrics. The paper
contains a systematic literature review, where a conceptual
comparison method is applied to compare the SOAP and REST
approaches. Results do not clearly show which of the
approaches should be selected to make integration among the
systems. To select the right approach, functional and non-
functional requirements should be analysed before making the
choice about SOAP or REST. For example, if the project is
about to integrate two simple information systems, the right
choice will be REST. However, if the systems are complex and
they should have additional security levels, the right choice will
be SOAP, which supports many different standards (for
example WS-Security).
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The present paper only focuses on SOAP and REST service
types. In future, the research focus can be made on other Web
service types because it was not possible to find detailed
information on some software evaluation metrics, so this is left
for future research.
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Juris Tihomirovs is a student at the professional Master programme “IT Project
Management” at the Institute of Information Technology of Riga Technical
University (Latvia). He also works as a Systems Analyst at ZZ Dats Ltd.
Jānis Grabis holds a Doctoral Degree and is a Professor at Riga Technical
University (Latvia) and the Head of the Institute of Information Technology. His
main research interests lie within the application of mathematical programming
methods in information technology, enterprise applications and system
integration. He has published more than 80 scientific papers, including a
monograph on supply chain configuration. He has led a number of international
and national projects and has participated in five projects in collaboration with
the University of Michigan-Dearborn (USA) and funded mainly by industrial
partners, such as SAP America and Ford Motor Company.