Original Research
Battery Fitness Testing in Law Enforcement: A Critical Review of the Literature
, J. JAY
Faculty of Health Science and Medicine, Bond University, Robina, QLD, AUSTRALIA;
Tactical Research Unit, Bond University, Robina, QLD, AUSTRALIA;
School of Kinesiology,
Applied Health, and Recreation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK, UNITED STATES;
Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, UNITED
Denotes graduate student author,
Denotes professional author
International Journal of Exercise Science 14(4): 613-632, 2021. Police trainees undergoing training to
prepare them for the occupational demands of policing are often subjected to fitness testing. The aim of this review
was to critically appraise research studies employing police fitness tests. Method: A comprehensive search of four
databases (PubMed, EMBASE, and Ebscohost [CINAHL and SportDiscus]) was conducted by two authors
independently. After duplicate articles were removed, articles that did not meet the pre-determined inclusion
criteria and met the exclusion criteria were removed. The remaining studies were critically appraised by two
authors independently using a Downs and Black Checklist. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to measure the
level of agreement between appraisers and calculated by a third author. The grading system proposed by Kennelly
was used to grade the methodological quality of the studies. Results: From an initial 7384 identified studies,
including four from additional sources, 11 studies met the criteria for review. The mean critical appraisal score for
the articles was 74.36 1.48%) being considered ‘good’ quality and a ‘substantial’ level of agreement was found
between the two appraisers (k = 0.75). The most common measures assessed were muscle endurance (push-ups
and sit-ups) and aerobic capacity (running), with the least common measure being agility. Assessments of push-
ups and the 2.4-km (1.5-mile) run had the strongest correlations to law enforcement academy graduation across the
studies. Grip strength may predict occupational performance (marksmanship) as well as longevity. Conclusion:
The push-up and 2.4 km (1.5-mile) run fitness tests were the most popular fitness assessments and had the strongest
positive correlation to law enforcement academy graduation.
KEY WORDS: Police; aerobic capacity; assessment; recruits; tactical
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
Tactical personnel, such as police officers, offer a sense of security in an endangered world.
Accordingly, police officers have physically and mentally demanding requirements to fulfil as
part of their occupation (10). Examples of these challenging tasks include grappling with
suspects or running towards an emergency situation (10). Without the service of incumbent
officers, the protection of society and maintenance of law and order may become compromised
(38). For this reason, the preservation and longevity of police officers is vital for society (5). The
tasks that police officers perform when protecting society from danger and eliminating threats
in real time has been shown to require adequate physical capacity to be performed effectively
and safely (10). These tasks exemplify the need for police officer to attain and maintain a certain
level of health and occupational physical fitness (2).
Recent research supports the notion that police officers’ fitness can improve occupational
performance (14, 28). For example, grip strength was positively correlated with a police officer’s
firearm marksmanship with increased grip strength found to be correlated with increased
accuracy (28). Agility tests have been shown to be related to policing tasks such as ascending
and descending stairs, a situation that may present itself during search and rescue tasks or
chasing offenders through an urban area (2). Likewise, lower body power may be required when
jumping over barriers and when chasing suspects (19). The importance of fitness in this
occupation is further highlighted whereby, upon recognizing that more physically fit law
enforcement officers have an increased ability to handle physical, emotional, and mental stresses
related to their occupation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation initiated a fitness program for
its agents (14). This physical training program mainly consisted of aerobic based training in the
form of running, however, certain challenges included obstacle courses, combining elements of
upper and lower body strength (14). Due to the evident need for fitness in police officers, it is
only logical that potential recruits partake in a thorough, yet efficient, physical screening process
for the safety of the officers as well as the civilian population.
Research shows that decreased muscular power, strength, metabolic fitness, and muscular
endurance are components of physical fitness that may be associated with injury amongst police
officers (27-30). A study conducted by Orr et al. (29) examined the relationship that push-ups
(muscle endurance), vertical jump (muscle power), and grip strength (muscle strength) had on
injury rates amongst police recruits. Recruits with the lowest push-up scores were more than
seven times as likely to develop an injury in comparison to recruits who scored highest in the
push-up category (29). Vertical jump and grip strength scores also had significant correlations
to injury risk (29). In a separate study a clinically significant relationship was found between
low vertical jump scores and the occurrence of injury or illness amongst police recruits (27).
Furthermore, Nabeel et al. (24) found that police officers that were more physically fit had lower
instances of musculoskeletal injuries. A possible explanation as to the decreased occurrence of
injury amongst physically fit police officers in contrast to their less fit colleagues may be due to
the reduced likelihood of reaching aerobic, muscular, and neuromuscular fatigue during
training or when performing occupational tasks (27). As physical fitness provides further
potential benefits beyond injury reduction for officers, it may be even more paramount.
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
Research states that aerobic/cardiovascular fitness has several health benefits (16). This is
important to consider as police officers may spend a great deal of time engaged in sedentary
tasks (4). Birzer and Craig (3) estimated that police officers spend an average of about five hours
sitting while on the job. Nonetheless, the need to perform strenuous physical tasks is an expected
challenge for incumbents to overcome if an adverse situation presents itself (8). For example, an
analysis by Decker et al. (12) on Australian police found that officers must meet the challenge of
adapting to very high physiological demands in times of crisis. This study presented cases of
officers attending to occupational tasks with very high heart rate measures, at times well above
their age-predicted maximum heart rate. As an example, in one day a 40-year-old male officer
exceeded his age-predicted maximum heart rate three separate times while attending to
occupational tasks (12). As police officers have a relatively high risk of suffering cardiovascular
disease, (which can potentially be fatal) (34), instances that force an officer to go from a sedentary
state to a physiologically demanding state become much more concerning (33). It should also be
noted that while an officer may appear to be performing a sedentary act (i.e., driving), the
physiological response due to the sympathetic response and situational stress may elevate heart
rate under these conditions. Thus, the need for cardiovascular fitness is quite evident in this
Until a few decades ago, many police agencies selected police officers in the United States based
primarily off their height and body mass, as it was believed that taller and heavier officers had
higher levels of strength and endurance (3). Although this practice has generally been abolished,
it does highlight the perception that physical capacity of trainee police officers has been
considered for a substantial amount of time. More recently, attention has shifted from physical
characteristics of new trainees to the physical capabilities of these same trainees using fitness
testing. The importance of physical fitness testing extends to the point that liability for a police
officer’s lack of strength and ability may be placed on the department which hired the officer
(4). Therefore, the aim of this review was to critically appraise the research studies which report
on the employment of fitness tests in the police force.
To identify relevant literature to inform this review, a systematic search of key databases
(PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and SPORTDiscus) was conducted. Relevant search terms were
derived from known literature and subject matter experts conducting research in this field.
These terms were intentionally kept broad to reduce the risk of selection bias. Table 1 outlines
the databases used, filters applied, and database-specific search terms. Searches were performed
by two authors independently with all identified articles extracted into EndNote. Once
identified articles were extracted, all duplicates were removed with the remaining articles
independently screened by two authors by the study’s title and abstract for relevance. A further
four articles were provided by an external source that were used in this review. The remaining
articles were then subjected to dedicated inclusion and exclusion criteria which were developed
prior to screening (Table 2). A 15-year limitation was applied in the search process as part of the
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
inclusion criteria to ensure the studies used were more recent and therefore more relevant in the
current law enforcement climate (36). Articles which reported on only one measure of fitness
were excluded as the assessments conducted as part of a battery of tests were of interest to this
review. The PRISMA diagram (Figure 1) outlines the search process. Any discrepancies in the
process by the two reviewers were adjudicated by a third author so that consensus was reached.
Table 1. Databases and Relevant Search Terms
Search Terms
Police OR Patrol Officers OR Cadet OR Recruit AND Exercise Test OR “Physical Fitness
Assessment” OR Fitness Test* OR “Entry Test”
Filters: Humans; English; Field: Title/Abstract
Police OR sheriff OR cadet OR “incumbent officers” AND fitness test* OR physical test*
OR “evaluation” OR strength OR cardiorespiratory OR endurance OR aerobic OR
Filters: English; Year: 1997-2018; Humans
Police OR Patrol Officers OR Cadet OR Recruit AND Exercise Test OR “Physical Fitness
Assessment” OR Fitness Test* OR “Entry Test” AND OR aerobic OR strength OR exam*
OR screen* OR test* OR orientation
Filters: English; Year: 1997-2018; Humans; Peer Reviewed
“Police” OR patrol officer OR recruit OR cadets AND “Exercise Test” OR “Physical
fitness assessment” OR “Fitness test” OR “physical performance test” OR “Entry Test”
Filters: Published Date: 1997-2018; English; Peer Reviewed, Academic Journals
Statistical Analysis
To determine the methodological quality of the research, the Downs and Black (13) critical
appraisal tool was used. This tool employs a checklist of 27 questions with 25 of these questions
scoring either a ‘0’ or a ‘1’. Question five, identifying confounders, is marked out of 2 with ‘1’
point awarded for a ‘partial’ and ‘2’ points for a ‘yes’ for listing confounders. Question 27, which
discusses statistical power, is typically scored out of a possible ‘5’. However, it was modified for
this review to either a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ (power analysis reported). This approach has been used in
previous literature (25). Two authors independently appraised the articles with their results
provided to a third author who determined the level of interrater agreement using a Cohen’s
Kappa coefficient analysis. In the same manner as the reviewing process, any differences in final
scores for each article were adjudicated by the third author if consensus could not be met. Next,
a qualitative rating proposed by Kennelly was used to grade each study (17). The Kennelly grade
was then converted into a percentage score to provide a final grade reporting the quality of the
study. This was done by using the raw Downs and Black scores and dividing by 28, then
multiplying by 100 to receive a percentage. Scores < 45.4% were deemed ‘poor’ methodological
quality, while scores between 45.4% and 61% demonstrated ‘fair’ methodological quality. All
scores > 61.0% were deemed to be of ‘good’ methodological quality (15).
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
Figure 1: PRISMA (23) diagram summarizing the selection and screening process of the critical review
Table 2: Inclusion and Exclusion criteria applied to the literature search and examples
Inclusion Criteria
Must contain Law Enforcement Officers
Any study including police, cadets, recruits, patrol, incumbent
Must contain a fitness/physical measure
Any study containing a measure of fitness, i.e. 1-mile run,
strength, power.
Must be within 15 year limitation to date of
Study must be within the years of 1997-2018
Exclusion Criteria
Testing only one fitness measure
Studies including only one fitness measure, obstacle course
Health Concerns
Studies including injuries, illnesses, i.e. fractures, cardiac
Perceptions/opinion surveys
Studies including surveys on perceptions/options on fitness
Data relevant to the research theme was extracted from each article, including fitness tests
results and individual physical characteristics. Data extracted from the studies included author,
year, title; any data on subject characteristics such as age, height, and body mass; any data
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
relating to fitness measures focusing on strength, power, endurance, flexibility, aerobic,
anaerobic measures and agility. The definitions used to categorize the fitness measures were
taken from the National Strength and Conditioning Association (1). Power was defined as the
maximum amount of work per given unit of time; i.e. the ability of a muscle to exert force while
contracting at high speed. Muscular endurance was defined as the ability of a certain muscle or
muscle group to perform repeated contractions against a resistance less than maximal. Muscular
strength was defined as the amount of force that may be exerted by an individual in one
maximum muscle contraction. Anaerobic capacity was defined as the maximum amount of ATP
(adenosine triphosphate) during a specific mode of short-duration maximal exercise. Aerobic
capacity was defined as the maximum rate at which an individual can produce energy oxidation
of energy resources. Flexibility was defined as the range of motion about a body joint. The ability
to change the direction of body parts quickly and in a precise manner was known as agility.
Extracted data is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Fitness measure information extracted from each article
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Beck, A. Q., et al.
(2015) (2)
"Relationship of Physical
Fitness Measures vs.
Occupational Physical
Ability in Campus Law
Enforcement Officers."
n = 16 male campus LEOs
A(y) = 33.1 ± 8.7
Weight = 87.2 ± 11.2 kg
Height = 179.0 ± 7.9 cm
Muscular endurance
Pushup (repetitions, n = 14) 34.8 ± 12.6 repetitions
Curlup (repetitions, n = 14) 55.6 ± 45.9 repetitions
Muscular strength (kg)
Absolute 1RM bench press (n = 15) 93.1 ± 19.8 kg
Absolute 1RM leg press (n = 16) 647.0 ± 116.4 kg
Relative 1RM bench press (n = 14) 1.10 ± 0.30 kg
Relative 1RM leg press (n = 15) 7.60 ± 1.63 kg
Handgrip, left hand (kg, n = 15) 52.5 ± 5.9 kg
Handgrip, right hand (kg, n = 15) 55.9 ± 6.4 kg
Muscular power
Vertical jump height (cm, n = 15) 51.4 ± 10.2 cm
Relative vertical jump height (cm, n = 15) 0.60 ± 0.14 cm
Agility (seconds)
Agility test (n = 16) 18.2 ± 1.6 seconds
Aerobic endurance
Absolute V
peak (ml/min, n = 14) 3.67 ± 0.45 L/min
Relative V
peak (ml/min/kg, n = 14) 42.7 ± 5.9 ml/kg/min
Sit and reach (cm, n = 16) 32.1 ± 9.8 cm
OPAT time (s)
Overall time (seconds) 107.2 ± 17.9 seconds
Stair ascent/descent (seconds) 2.9 ± 0.6 seconds
159 m run (seconds) 42.8 ± 7.8 seconds
Barrier manoeuvre (seconds) 16.7 ± 3.4 seconds
Rescue/arrest (seconds) 22.3 ± 7.2 seconds
Sprint (seconds) 2.8 ± 0.8 seconds
1. Agility, aerobic capacity and muscular endurance was correlated to
occupational physical ability of campus LEOs.
2. Muscular strength, endurance, aerobic capacity and anaerobic endurance
are important to officers when performing occupational tasks such as
chasing and combative tasks.
3. Only the officers age was positively correlated to the overall OPAT time.
72% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Cocke, C. et al.
(2016) (7)
"The Use of 2 Conditioning
Programs and the Fitness
Characteristics of Police
Academy Cadets."
n = 61 male police cadets
A(y) = 27.4 ± 5.9
Body Weight = 85.4 ± 11.8 kg
Randomized Training Group (n = 50)
Bench Press (kg) 88.45 ± 23.69 kg
Pushup (repetitions) 48.96 ± 15.15 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) 33.96 ± 9.02 repetitions
Vertical jump (cm) 55.32 ± 10.68 cm
Power (W) 5235.01 ± 866.29 W
Aerobic 2.4 km run (min) 12.54 ± 1.41 min
Anaerobic 300-m sprint (seconds) 53.36 ± 4.98 seconds
Periodized Training Group (n = 11)
Bench Press (kg) 106.20 ± 15.15 kg
Pushup (repetitions) 53.45 ± 14.40 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) 42.27 ± 8.51 repetitions
Vertical jump (cm) 55.32 ± 10.68 cm
Power (W) 5979.54 ± 762.59 (W)
Aerobic 2.4 km run (min) 11.49 ± 1.41 min
Anaerobic 300-m sprint (seconds) 51.75 ± 4.18 seconds
73% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Dawes, J. J., et al.
(2017) (9)
"Physical Fitness
Characteristics of High vs.
Low Performers on an
Occupationally Specific
Physical Agility Test for
Patrol Officers."
n = 476 Male patrol officers
A(y) = 39.7 ± 7.7
Weight(kg) = 93.9 ± 15.7
n = 19 Female patrol officers
A(y) = 37.7 ± 8.6
Weight (kg) = 77.2 ± 12.8
Variable Group 1 (Less fit officers) Group 2 (Fit officers)
Est. VO2 (ml/kg/min) 25.06 ± 3.27 34.57 ± 4.99
SU (repetitions) 27.84 ± 7.95 40.97 ± 7.28
VJ (cm) 45.74 ± 7.46 48.23 ± 7.57
MSFT (number) 24.05 ± 8.63 52.05 ± 15.84
PU (reps) 30.34 ± 11.71 47.17 ± 12.93
LBD (kg) 168.74 ± 34.43 172.74 ± 31.41
HGD (kg) 54.07 ± 9.05 54.83 ± 7.69
BMI 30.37 ± 3.96 26.15 ± 2.89
PAT (sec) 217.16 ± 18.33 82.79 ± 19.06
The multistage fitness test, number of situps and vertical jump height best
predicted performance in the Physical Agility Test (PAT).
72% Good
Dawes, J. J., et al.
(2017) (10)
"A physical fitness profile
of state highway patrol
officers by gender and age."
n = 597 Male state troopers
A(Y) = 39.52 ± 8.09
Weight = 93.66 ± 15.72 kg
Height = 180.72 ± 7.06 cm
n = 34 Female state troopers
A(Y) = 36.20 ± 8.45
Weight(kg) = 74.02 ± 14.91
Height = 169.62 ± 6.65 cm
Group 1: Ages 20-29
Group 2: Ages 30-39
Group 3: Ages 40-49
Group 4: Ages 50-59
Group 5: Ages 60-69
Measure Female Officers Male officers
Vertical Jump (cm) 36.80 ± 5.69 50.74 ± 8.89
Leg/Back Dynamometer (kg) 116.53 ± 20.85 170.68 ± 37.46
Grip (kg) 37.875 ± 5.34 55.04 ± 7.77
Pushups (repetitions) 24.24 ± 11.63 39.09 ± 15.61
Situps (repetition) 31.06 ± 9.52 34.46 ± 10.29
Shuttles (number) 26.19 ± 10.86 38.04 ± 19.87
1. General decline in mean performance between male officer age groups in
weight, vertical jump, number of situp and pushups, and number of
shuttles completed.
2. Females did not vary considerably across the age groups.
3. Body weight in male officers tend to increase with age.
4. Isometric strength tests were similar for the male and female officers
across all age groups.
5. Older officers reported that previous injury or joint stress limited their
ability to finish the MSF, not their aerobic fitness.
6. Certain physical characteristics may decline with age across both male
and female law enforcement officers.
74% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Dawes, J. J., et al.
(2016) (11)
"Associations between
characteristics and physical
performance in male law
enforcement officers: A
retrospective cohort study."
n = 76 Male LEOs
A(Y) = 39.42 ± 8.41
Weight = 84.21 ± 12.91 kg
All subjects belonged to a
volunteer fitness program
Measure Cohort Mean ± SD N = 76
Chest skinfold (mm) 13.74 ± 5.52 mm
Abdominal skinfold (mm) 24.57 ± 8.85 mm
Thigh skinfold (mm) 12.72 ± 4.99 mm
Sum of all skinfolds (mm) 51.01 ± 14.56 mm
Estimated body fat (%) 16.89 ± 4.60 %
Estimated lean mass (%) 70.21 ± 11.45 %
Estimated fat mass (kg) 14.24 ± 4.50 kg
Pushups (repetitions) 55.58 ± 17.35 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) 41.05 ± 6.96 repetitions
Vertical jump height cm) 61.26 ± 7.96 cm
Estimated peak power (W 5478.38 ± 829.96 W
Bench press (kg) 93.79 ± 25.91 kg
Bench press ratio (BPR) 1.10 ± 0.23 BPR
300 m (seconds) 56.03 ± 10.67 seconds
1.5 mile run (min:secs) 12.75 ± 2.30 seconds
Estimated VO2 max (ml/kg/min) 41.31 ± 6.50 ml/kg/min
1. Except for situps, 300-m run and 1.5 mile run, estimated body fat
percentage was significantly and negatively correlated with all the other
fitness measures.
2. For pushups, 1RM bench press, and vertical jump height, percentage of
lean body mass was significantly and positively correlated.
3. From the results of this study, percentage of body fat or fat mass or lean
mass is associated with physical fitness performance.
4. The percentage of lean mass may be more important than fat mass when
measuring strength and muscular endurance. Conversely, fat mass is a
greater predictor for aerobic fitness than lean mass. Correlations between
lean mass and performance measures were stronger in strength, muscular
endurance and power. Therefore, it suggests focusing on training to
increase lean muscle mass to improve these areas of performance.
75% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Lockie, R. G., et al.
(2018) (21)
"Are there similarities in
physical fitness
characteristics of successful
candidates attending law
enforcement training
regardless of training
n = 196 Male LEO candidates
n = 30 Female LEO candidates
Cohort 1 n = 90
A(y) = 28 ± 60
Height (m) = 1.76 ± 0.09
Weight (kg) = 82.56 ± 11.38
Cohort 2 n = 67
A(y) = 26 ± 50
Height (m) = 1.77 ± 0.08
Weight (kg) = 79.94 ± 11.54
Cohort 3 n = 69
A(y) = 27 ± 70
Height (m) = 1.74 ± 0.10
Weight (kg) = 78.12 ± 12.96
Overall (n = 226)
Pushups (repetitions) = 40 ± 13 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) = 40 ± 9 repetitions
75 PR (seconds) = 17.43 ± 1.23 seconds
Arm Ergometer (revolutions) = 128 ± 18 revolutions
2.4 km run time (min:sec) = 12:57 ± 1:49 min:sec
1. No significant differences for maximal number of pushups and situps in
1 minute, time to complete the 75-yard pursuit run, number of revolutions
on the arm ergometer test, time to complete 2.4-km run and age between
the three cohorts.
2. Regardless of cohorts attending physical training programs to prepare for
law enforcement agency (LEA) entry, candidates display similar levels of
physical fitness.
75% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Lockie, R. G., et al.
(2018) (20)
"Analysis of the effects of
sex and age on upper and
lower body power for law
enforcement agency
recruits before academy
n = 142 Male LEO recruits
A(Y) = 27.46 ± 6.10
Height(m) = 1.76 ± 0.08
Weight (kg) = 82.54 ± 12.96
n = 37 Female LEO recruits
A(Y) = 28.49 ± 6.52
Height (m) = 1.63 ± 0.06
Weight (kg) = 64.25 ± 7.88
Male Recruits (n = 142)
VJ (cm) = 38.20 ± 10.34 cm
PAPw (W) = 3,174.46 ± 744.40 W
P:BM (W/kg) = 49.35 ± 9.90 W/kg
MBT (m) = 4.01 ± 0.61 m
RMBT (m/kg) = 0.063 ± 0.009 m/kg
Female Recruits (n = 37)
VJ (cm) = 54.36 ± 11.21 cm
PAPw (W) = 4,984.20 ± 950.51 W
P:BM (W/kg) = 60.60 ± 8.79 W/kg
MBT (m) = 6.21 ± 0.99m
RMBT (m/kg) = 0.076 ± 0.013 m/kg
73% Good
Author/ Year/ Title
(Gender, Age, Weight, Height)
Measures and Key Findings
Lockie, R. G., et al. (2018)
"The Physical
Characteristics by Sex and
Age for Custody Assistants
from a Law Enforcement
n = 69 Male custody assistants
A(y) = 27.53 ± 6.74
Weight (kg) = 81.27 ± 15.22
n = 39 Female custody assistants
A(Y) = 28.56 ± 7.13
Weight (kg) = 65.68 ± 11.11
Grip Strength Left (kg) = 46.26 ± 15.22 kg
Grip Strength Right (kg) = 47.96 ± 9.70 kg
Pushups (repetitions) = 38.16 ± 12.29 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) = 39.23 ± 10.88 repetitions
201 m run (seconds) = 34.51 ± 8.91 seconds
2.4 km run (min:sec) = 13:48 ± 3:12 min:sec
VO2 max (ml/kg/min) = 40.29 ± 10.38 (ml/kg/min)
Grip Strength Left (kg) = 31.91 ± 4.83 kg
Grip Strength Right (kg) = 34.17 ± 6.28 kg
Pushups (repetitions) = 18.54 ± 11.13 repetitions
Situps (repetitions) = 33.67 ± 14.16 repetitions
201 m run (seconds) = 41.23 ± 6.03 seconds
2.4 km run (min:sec) = 16:30 ± 2:14 min:sec
VO2 max (ml/kg/min) = 34.25 ± 6.94 ml/kg/min
77% Good
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
After the initial search, 7,379 articles were identified, following which 918 articles were removed
as duplicates. Upon screening by title and abstract for relevance to the research topic, a further
6,438 articles were removed. The remaining articles were considered against both inclusion and
exclusion criteria (Table 2), and a total of eleven articles met the inclusion, but not the exclusion
criteria (2, 9-11, 19, 35, 40). The mean critical appraisal score was 74.36% (σ = 1.48) ranging from
68% (26) to 82% (40). The methodological quality, based on the Kennelly Grading System, was
considered to be of ‘good’ quality (17). The level of agreement between the reviewers (k = 0.750)
was considered a ‘substantial agreement’ (39). Of the 11 studies used in this review, two studies
did not state the location where the research took place (10, 11). The remaining nine articles were
from the United States (2, 7, 9, 19-21, 26, 35, 40). From the 11 studies used for this review, only
two studies (2, 11) did not include female participants while the remaining nine studies had a
combination of both male and female participants (7, 9, 10, 19-21, 26, 35, 40). Across the 11
studies included in this review, several components of fitness were measured using physical
fitness tests. Elements of fitness measured included muscular endurance (2, 7, 9-11, 20, 21, 26,
35, 40), strength (2, 7, 9, 10, 20, 26), power (2, 7, 9-11, 19, 26), anaerobic fitness (7, 11, 20, 26),
aerobic fitness (2, 7, 9-11, 20, 21, 26, 35, 40), occupation related fitness (2, 9, 21), and agility (2, 4,
9, 10, 21).
Muscle Endurance: Push-ups were the primary measure for upper body muscular endurance and
were used in all but one study (19). Among the 10 studies that had included push-ups in their
fitness assessment, all but one study used an approach in which the personnel being tested were
to complete as many push-ups as they could within one minute (7, 9, 10, 19-21, 26, 35, 40). These
studies had similar guidelines to successfully completing the assessment, with the subject
starting in the “up” position with arms fully extended and then lowering down to a target
whether a partner’s fist, a sponge, or a bottle. The subject then returned back to the fully
extended elbow “up” position and repeated this as often as possible in one minute (7, 9-11, 20,
21, 26, 35, 40). In the remaining article that included push-ups as part of the fitness assessment,
there was no time constraint and law enforcement officers were directed to complete as many
pushups as they could in succession to volitional fatigue (2).
Sit-ups were another common method of muscular endurance testing used in included studies
to measure abdominal muscle endurance. The use of sit-ups was implemented in nine of the 11
studies (7, 9-11, 20, 21, 26, 35, 40). These studies had similar requirements for a successful sit-up,
as patients would start in a supine position with knees bent to 90° and feet flat on the floor, held
down by another person. The participant was then asked to complete as many sit-ups as possible
in a one-minute period (7, 9-11, 20, 21, 26, 35, 40). Another study also measured abdominal
muscle endurance using the curl-up test, which was a similar fitness measure to the sit-up. This
study, however, did not limit the completion of this fitness test to one minute as it had allowed
the participant to perform as many curl-ups as possible before reaching the point of fatigue (2).
Additionally, the methodology to complete a curl-up was slightly different, whereby although
adopting a similar starting position, the participant had their arms fully extended by their sides
with their third digit positioned at the level of a piece of tape. A second piece of tape was
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
positioned 10 cm further than the first piece of tape. The participants were given the cue to
complete a curl-up as many times as they could while their third digits touched the second piece
of tape. The participants were to match the speed of a metronome set at 50 beats per minute (2).
Muscle Strength: Muscle strength was measured in a total of six studies (2, 7, 9, 10, 20, 26). Out
of these six studies, five studies measured upper-body strength (2, 7, 9, 10, 20, 26). The most
common strength measure between all included studies was hand grip strength, which was
measured in four studies using a handgrip dynamometer (2, 9, 10, 20). Further, two studies
implemented the use of a one-repetition maximum (1RM) bench press assessment to measure
upper-body strength (7, 26). Another study also measured upper-body strength using a flat
bench press, the test differed in that it did not measure the participant’s 1RM bench press.
Rather, the subject would start the test completing five repetitions of 60-80% of their estimated
5RM and the load would progressively increase by approximately 2.3-4.5 kg (with a 3-5 minute
rest in between) until the subject could only complete between 2-5 repetitions with the weight
on the bar (2). A similar methodology was used to conduct a lower body strength test using the
leg press, but the load for the leg press was progressively increased by 6.8-9 kg until the subject
could only complete between 2-5 repetitions (2). Finally, two studies analyzed isometric leg and
back strength using a leg-back chain dynamometer to measure pulling force through the legs
and back (9, 10).
Muscle Power: Lower-body power was the most reported measure of power in this review, and
the vertical jump test was used in all of the seven studies that tested for lower-body power (2, 7,
9-11, 19, 26). Two of these seven studies assessed vertical jump height using the “Just Jump”
apparatus (9, 10). The Just Jump technology calculates vertical height by measuring the length
of time the participants’ feet are not in contact with a 68.58 cm x 68.58 cm mat (10). The remaining
five studies assessed vertical jump height using the Vertec apparatus (2, 7, 11, 19, 26). To measure
vertical jump height using a Vertec apparatus, subjects were measured for their standing
upward reach height before performing a countermovement jump as high as possible; the aim
was for the subjects to displace the highest plastic fin on the device that they could at the apex
of their jump (11). Out of the seven studies measuring vertical jump, only one study included
an additional measurement of power by testing the ability of law enforcement recruits to
generate isolated upper-body power using a medicine ball throw (19). For this test, the recruits
sat against a wall with their legs outstretched in front of them on the ground and, utilizing a
chest pass movement, these recruits projected a 2 kg medicine ball the farthest distance they
could (19).
Anaerobic Capacity: A total of four studies assessed anaerobic fitness in study participants (7, 11,
20, 26). Out of these four studies, three used the 300-meter sprint test to test for anaerobic fitness
capacity amongst subjects (7, 11, 26). The remaining study used a 201-meter sprint test as the
anaerobic fitness assessment measure (20).
Aerobic Capacity: Aerobic fitness was a common measure used in studies included in this review,
and the test that was most often used to assess aerobic fitness was the 2.4 km (1.5 mile) run test
(7, 11, 20, 21, 26, 35, 40). Only one study included in this review did not assess aerobic capacity
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
of study subjects (19). Amongst the remaining 10 studies, only three studies did not use the 2.4
km run to measure aerobic fitness capacity (2, 9, 10). While two studies used the 20 Meter
Multistage Fitness Test (9, 10), Beck and colleagues assessed for VO2 peak aerobic capacity using
a metabolic cart to measure oxygen uptake of subjects on a treadmill with progressively
increasing speed every two minutes until the subject had reached self-reported exhaustion (2).
One study also tested the aerobic capacity of individuals with an upper body fitness test using
an arm ergometer, in addition to the 2.4 km run (21).
Occupation Related Physical Testing: Three studies incorporated a job-specific measure of physical
ability, focusing mainly on assessing the physical agility capacity of study subjects (2, 9, 21). One
of these studies had study participants complete an occupation related physical ability test
incorporating components of sprinting, direction changes, crawling, jumping, and overcoming
barriers while wearing unspecified tactical gear particular to these campus law enforcement
officers (2). The second study arranged a physical agility course that included a start from a
seated position and then required the subject to stand up, run in a pattern requiring constant
direction change for 30.48 meters, traverse through an obstacle of rings placed on the ground,
complete a simulated victim rescue, jump through barriers, crawl, and push a sled for a distance
of 14.64 meters (9). The participant was then required to repeat all these steps in the reverse
order. The third study required study subjects to complete a “75-Yard Pursuit Run” which
included linear sprints, direction changes, and stepping over barriers (21). This test simulated a
“foot pursuit” scenario that may be similar to what study subjects would do as part of their
occupation (21).
Agility: Only one study included a specific agility component to the fitness assessment that its
participants completed (2). Although there were components of agility measured during
occupation related physical assessments in studies included in this review (2, 9, 21), this study
did not include other components of job related tasks, and asked participants to complete an
agility course resembling a “Figure 8” pattern as fast as possible (2).
The purpose of this review was to analyze and critically appraise the available literature
regarding fitness testing in the police force while documenting and comparing the findings of
the fitness tests conducted in the studies. The fitness measures assessed in the studies included
in this review were muscle endurance, muscle strength, muscle power, anaerobic fitness, aerobic
fitness, occupation related fitness, and agility. The most common fitness tests employed across
the 11 studies used in this review were the push-up, the sit-up, and the 2.4 km run.
It was evident from this review that push-ups were a commonly used test in many law
enforcement agencies. This may be a beneficial test to include in a physical fitness battery
particularly for police recruits as push-ups are a better measure of trunk muscular endurance
when compared to sit-ups (11). Furthermore, a study by Beck et al. (2) found that push-up
performance was related to several law enforcement occupational tasks. The push-up fitness test
was also found to be a predictor of recruit success in police academy (35). A retrospective cohort
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
study analyzed the relationship between police academy graduation and fitness testing results
(35). The fitness tests were comprised of push-ups completed in one minute, sit-ups completed
in one minute, sit and reach scores, and a 2.4 km run. Out of these tests, the push-up test was
among the two tests with the strongest association with graduation from the police academy
(35). This may indicate that a strong performance on the push-up test may predict good
performance on other physical fitness tests recruits have to complete to successfully pass
academy training.
Another muscular endurance test that was commonly used for fitness testing in the law
enforcement agencies discussed in this review was the sit-up test. Dawes et al. (11) found that
sit-ups were different to other measures of muscular endurance in regard to anthropometric
measures, as sit-ups had a stronger correlation with fat mass as opposed to lean muscle mass.
This may indicate that poorer performance on sit-ups was more related to body fat distribution
as opposed to muscular endurance, which the test is designed to assess (11). As such,
conditioning to reduce fat mass, if required, in addition to muscular endurance training may
improve sit-up performance.
The most common measure of muscle strength amongst the studies included in this review was
handgrip strength. This measure of upper body strength was most commonly measured using
a handgrip dynamometer. Interestingly, although grip strength is a commonly used measure of
upper body strength in fitness assessments in law enforcement agencies, grip strength has also
been shown to predict marksmanship amongst police officers (28). Due to the nature of firearm
handling, an officer’s ability to hold their firearm in a static position may be influenced by the
grip strength of their non-shooting hand. Thus, officers with stronger grip strength in their non-
shooting hand may also have better marksmanship in comparison to their colleagues with
weaker grip strength.
Of research including muscle power, the most often reported measurement was that of lower
body power, particularly the vertical jump test. Vertical jump height is a measure of fitness that
has been shown to provide beneficial predictive information as to possible injury or illness risk
in the tactical population (27). In a study conducted by Orr et al. (27) it was found that when
compared to the group of subjects that performed best on the vertical jump test, the group that
performed the worst had a three times greater risk for experiencing injury or illness. It was
hypothesized in the study that the risk of injury may be due to several possible reasons including
the association of lower vertical jump height score and neuromuscular fatigue which may cause
altered biomechanics and lead to injury (27). Another possibility may be the need for those with
lower vertical jump scores (and thus decreased lower body strength and power) to increase their
training or performance intensity to match the intensity of police recruits with a higher amount
of lower body strength and power (and thus a better vertical jump score) (27). Strong
correlations between vertical jump scores, lower body strength scores, and sprinting scores have
also been highlighted in previous literature (41). Although not significant, Beck at al. (2) found
that vertical jump performance displayed strong trends in correlation to police occupational
performance measures. This may indicate that a vertical jump test may be predictive of more
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
information in a physical fitness battery than just lower body power and could be used as a tool
to ensure officers are healthy and fit to complete policing duties with minimized risk of injury.
Aerobic fitness testing was a measure of fitness that was assessed quite frequently in the studies
included in this review. The most common measure of aerobic capacity amongst the studies in
this review was the 2.4 km run. This is unsurprising as the 2.4 km run is assessed quite frequently
amongst tactical personnel (6). It has been found that the 2.4 km run times, along with the push-
up test, had the strongest association with graduation from the police academy (35). Given that
aerobic fitness has been found to be predictive of injury risk in military trainee populations (18,
22, 32), these results support the potential use of aerobic fitness measures, like a 2.4 km run, as
one screening tool to select candidates with the highest potential for training success.
The agility of officers was assessed either by a combination of occupationally specific tasks that
also measured agility, or by having personnel complete a pure agility task. An example of a pure
agility task would be completing a “Figure 8” course as fast as possible (2). Beck et al. (2) found
strong positive correlations between agility tests and police occupational performance tasks.
This finding is not unsurprising given that a law enforcement officer would most likely have to
change direction suddenly if chasing a suspect (6). What is unexpected was the limited use of
this measure in fitness testing batteries.
Given the commonality of some tests (e.g., 2.4 km run, push-ups, and sit-ups) across law
enforcement, for example the relationships between some tests (e.g., 2.4 km run, and push-ups)
and graduation success, and the relationships between some tests (e.g., push-ups, handgrip
strength, and agility fitness tests) and occupational performance measures, a battery of fitness
tests may be of benefit. Using a battery of tests inclusive of 2.4 km run, push-ups, and sit-ups
will allow for comparisons of fitness levels between agencies and likewise inform graduation
success potential. The addition of strength (e.g., handgrip strength) and agility (e.g., “Figure 8”
course) can inform potential occupational performance capability. Finally, a battery of tests, can
be used to identify which components of a recruit’s fitness (e.g., aerobic fitness, muscular
endurance, etc.) requires greater attention as well as inform the impacts of an academy physical
training program on discrete fitness components.
However, prior to employing a battery of fitness tests, three considerations are needed. Firstly,
the intent of the battery of fitness tests must be determined. For example, whether the tests are
used to identify trainees at a greater risk of injury and graduation failure, as a measure of general
fitness and health, or as a measure of occupational performance capability (31), must be
determined as each of these intents may require different standards or even tests employed in
the battery. Secondly, if the intent of the fitness battery is to predict injury, then an assessment
that meets with agency’s training focus is needed. Tomes et al. (37) found that aerobic fitness
was a strong predictor of injury risk during training. However, the authors also noted that this
is likely the case when the academy training involved a sufficient volume of running as part of
its training program. As such, if the agency did little running during its academy, then a 2.4 km
run assessment may not be the most appropriate assessment to determine injury risk during
training. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if the intent of the fitness test is to determine
Int J Exerc Sci 14(4): 613-632, 2021
International Journal of Exercise Science http://www.intjexersci.com
whether the recruit will be fit enough to complete occupational tasks, then assessments that best
mimic these tasks are needed. However, given the noted variances in occupational related
testing identified in this review, future research is needed to determine which occupationally
related tests are widely applicable to multiple agencies and as such which of these tests will be
employed to allow for comparisons between agencies while concomitantly ensuring graduating
officers are able to meet the physical requirements of policing.
Limitations to this literature review should be acknowledged. One notable limitation is the
limited amount of available peer reviewed literature that is specifically related to fitness testing
for the police population. While this is not anticipated to have affected this review as the studies
included were of high methodological quality and common themes presented in the results and
discussion were prevalent in these studies, further research is warranted for this topic to
accommodate the sheer volume and variations in police departments. A second limitation to
this review is the variety in measures of occupational-based performance in the studies. It is
difficult to compare the studies that included occupational related testing, definitively, since
these tests were not the same. As such, specificity to each measure could impact on the findings
presented in this review.
This review found that the 2.4 km run (measure of aerobic fitness) and the push-up and sit-up
tests (measures of muscular endurance) were the most common fitness measures conducted in
the law enforcement studies. The vertical jump was a common assessment for lower body power
and grip strength for upper body strength. Tests such as the 2.4 km run, and push-ups were
strong predictors of police academy graduation potential. Push-ups, handgrip strength, and
agility fitness tests were measures of physical fitness were correlated with occupational
performance. Due to the high risk of cardiovascular disease in this population, the use of aerobic
fitness measures (e.g., the 2.4 km run) may be of further benefit to assess fitness in law
enforcement populations. Ultimately, given the diversity of fitness requirements and
associations with injury risk, health, and occupational tasks, a battery of fitness tests, based on
the intent of the tests (e.g., predicting injury, health, occupation performance, etc.) may be of
most benefit.
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