Final Arrangements
Resource Guide
Funeral and Burial-Related
Rules and Regulations in Iowa
Summaries of 48 Funeral Home
General Price Lists
(collected in Iowa City/Cedar Rapids, Des Moines, and Sioux City)
Third Edion, November 2016
The School of Social Work
The Aging Studies Program
This guide is provided as a public service. It was compiled by students and faculty at the
University of Iowas School of Social Work, and supported, in part, by the Aging Studies
Program. The Guide is available to the public from the School of Social Work website. It is
included under the tab: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:
University of Iowa Social Work students who reviewed state laws in 2015 for this guide:
Anna Hepker
Lindsey Sinn
Social Work students who collected and analyzed funeral home General Price Lists in the
summer 2016 include:
Marcelina Cockburn
Jacqueline Gloede
Bonnie Heikens
Ellen Petersen
Tarrah Syfert
and SSW alum: Andrea Walker
Project faculty supervisor: Mercedes Bern-Klug, PhD, MSW.
Please email quesons or comments to: Mercedes-bern-[email protected]
© 2016, University of Iowa School of Social Work.
Death trends in Iowa
Purpose of this guide
Social workers and nal arrangements
Ideas for people who want to keep costs low
Checklist of things to do at me of death (includes link to death cercate)
Pre-plan versus pre-pay, and average costs in Iowa
Organ donaon in Iowa
Body donaon in Iowa
Declaraon of Designee for Final Disposion
Iowa Laws
Is embalming required?
Can a loved one be buried on private property?
Is a casket required for burial, cremaon or entombment?
Can the family (or a friend) transport the body for a body donaon?
What paper work is needed if the family wants to handle nal arrangements?
Who is authorized to make nal arrangements on behalf of someone else?
What happens if a person dies in Iowa with no funds to pay nal arrangements?
Where can I nd out about rules related to funeral insurance sales?
What is the Iowa Oce of State Medical Examiner?
Federal Laws
Veterans burial benets
Social Security burial benet
The Federal Trade Commissions Funeral Ruleand the General Price List (GPL)
GPL terms explained
Recommendaons for making GPLs easier for families to understand
Funeral Home Prices & Opons
How GPLS were collected for this project
Sioux City (and Moville) (7 general price lists)
Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area funeral homes (13 general price lists)
Des Moines area funeral homes (28 general price lists)
Table of Contents
Death Trends in Iowa
In 2014, the populaon of the state of Iowa was approximately 3 million people
(3,107,126). That year, there were almost 29,000 Iowan deaths (28,934) and just over
39,000 babies born (39,465 births).
Table 1: Leading Cause of Death in Iowa in 2014 (all ages)
1.Heart Diseases 22.4% of all deaths in Iowa in 201
2.Cancer 22.2% of all deaths
3.Chronic Obstrucve Pulmonary Disease 7%
4.Unintenonal Injuries 6%
5.Cerebrovascular Diseases 5%
6.Alzheimers Disease 5%
7.Diabetes 4%
8.Flu and Pneumonia 2%
9.Infecve and Parasic Diseases 2%
10.Suicide 1%
Other informaon:
9 maternal deaths in 2014
191 infant deaths (under one-year-old)
123 neonatal deaths (under one month old)
178 fetal deaths (over 20 weeksgestaon)
Accessed October 2016:
Table 2: Number of Deaths in Iowa by Age Group: 2013
Total number of deaths: 28,815
Source: Iowa Department of Public Health Bureau of Vital Statistics 2013.
Report last revised: December 16, 2014
< age 1 162
1-14 90
15-29 368
30-44 751
45-59 3,004
60-74 6,172
75-89 12,031
90+ 6,237
Purpose of the Final Arrangements Resource Guide
The purpose of this guide is to help educate social workers and the general public
about nal arrangements opons and costs in Iowa.
The Core Values of Social Work:
Service Social workers are commied to helping people in need and addressing
social problems.
Social Jusce Social workers challenge social injusce in all forms.
Dignity and Worth Social workers value and respect every person.
Relaonships Social workers recognize the central importance of relaonships in
human well-being.
Integrity - Social workers value and protect the trust earned with clients and
Competence –Social workers pracce within their abilies and work to enhance
professional experse.
Source: Naonal Associaon of Social Workers
Definition of Social Work
Social work is a pracce-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes
social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberaon
of people. Principles of social jusce, human rights, collecve responsibility and respect
for diversies are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social
sciences, humanies and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and
structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing.
Source: The Internaonal Federaon of Social Workers hp://
Social Workers and Final Arrangements
Most deaths in the United States occur in a hospital, nursing home, or hospice. Social workers
are employed with each of these organizaons, and are held responsible for discharge
planning. Part of a social work educaon is learning to help individuals and families in crisis.
In most cases, the death of a loved one is a crisis. Many families are facing emoonal, social,
spiritual, and possibly nancial stress resulng from their loved ones dying process, and from
the actual death. The Naonal Associaon of Social Workers Code of Ethics directs social
workers to help vulnerable people. This includes people who are experiencing a crisis (such as
the dying and death of a loved one) and people who are nancially vulnerable.
Social workers can be of assistance to people interested in learning about their nal
arrangement opons and costs. Social workers can encourage families to organize their
quesons and talk with funeral directors about specic opons. It is not appropriate for a
professional social worker to refer families to one parcular funeral home; social workers
should be familiar with a variety of local funeral homes and provide informaon to families so
that they can make their own informed decisions. Social workers should encourage people to
contact the funeral director to discuss specic arrangements.
Social workers can encourage people to keep important papers, or copies of important
papers, in a special place and to nofy family, to make it easier for survivors to locate in a
Social workers should:
· Know that the Federal Trade Commission requires all funeral homes to make a General
Price Listavailable to the public, and should share this knowledge with clients and
communies (page 30).
· Keep current copies of local funeral home General Price Lists on hand for families to
review at their convenience. If the funeral home posts the general price list on-line,
simply direct the client to check the website. Please note: As of now, many funeral
homes choose to NOT post their General Price List on-line—we hope this will change, to
make it easier for families to understand their opons.
· Have an appreciaon for the many decisions to be made, or overseen, when a death
occurs and how to support families (page 8).
· Learn about nal arrangement pracces of the dierent cultures in their area.
Ideas for People Who Want to Keep Costs Low
Many funeral homes will discount the visitaon cost if held immediately before the funeral.
· Purchase a simple casket, pine box, or alternave container(heavy cardboard container).
If you dont like the looks of the casket, place a quilt or aracve fabric over it during the
service. Display a collecon of photos of the person who died or items associated with
hobbies or creave expressions to draw aenon to his or her life.
· In some cemeteries, two (or more) people can be buried in each plot.
· If the cemetery requires an outer burial container(see page 31) consider purchasing a
concrete grave liner rather than a more expensive vault.
· If the body is buried or cremated within 48 hours, somemes embalming can be avoided.
· A family can host a simple funeral ceremony and then follow with cremaon or body
donaon (page 12), or hold a memorial service when and where they desire.
· The grave marker does not have to be purchased immediately.
· Consider making the casket or grave marker. Mother Earth News posts casket-making
instrucons: hp://n.aspx
· Ask the funeral director for ideas about other ways to minimize your costs or to add
meaning to your arrangements. Sometimes they may have slightly damaged
merchandise that may be reduced in price. If you are interested, ask.
Especially if you are interested in any of the services listed below, consider comparing prices
within 100 miles.
Direct cremaon- should be a low cost opon; explanaon on page 31
Immediate burial should be a low-cost opon; explanaon on page 32
Forwarding remains- explanaon on page 31
Receiving remains explanaon on page 31
Body donaon should be a low-cost opon; explanaon on page 32
If you know you want to stay in one geographic area, it is sll worth your me to check on-line
for the GPL (page 26) or ask that one be mailed to you, or go pick it up.
Please note some low-income persons may be entled to some nancial assistance from
their county. Check the county burial (nancial) assistance program (page 17)
Checklist of Things to Do When a Loved One Dies
Social Security Number
Age Last Birthday in years
Date of Birth (month/day/year)
Birthplace (City and State or Foreign County)
Residence State, County, City or Town, Street Address, whether or not inside city
Veteran Status
Marital Status (at me of death)
Surviving Spouses Name (Give Maiden Name of Spouse, if applicable)
Fathers Name (First, Middle, Last)
Mothers Name (First, Middle, Last)
Informants Name, Relaonship to Descendent, Mailing Address
Place of Death, (Be able to Provide Details
Facility Name (If not instuon, give street address)
Method of Disposion
Place of Disposion (Name of Cemetery, Crematory, other place)
Locaon of Disposion (City, Town, State)
Name and Complete Address of Funeral Facility
Signature of Funeral Service Licensee or other Agent
Signature of Person Pronouncing Death (Only when Applicable)
Date when Pronounces Dead (Mo/Day/Yr.)
License Number
Cause of Death (Chain of Events Disease, Injuries, or Complicaons)
Tobacco Use Contribute to Death (Yes, No, Probably, Unknown)
If Female, Pregnant? (How Recent, if known)
Manner of Death
Cerer Signature, Name, Title, License Number, and Address
Decedents Educaon
Decedents Hispanic Origin (Yes or No?)
Decedents Race
Decedents Usual Occupaon
Decedents Business/Industry
To see what a blank death cercate looks like:
*1. Cemetery space (use of space-plot, crypt, niche as well as vault or grave liner)
*3. Funeral director (for merchandise as well as for services)
*2. Legal proof of age or birth cercate
*3. Social Security card or number
*4. Marriage license
*5. Cizenship papers
*6. Insurance policies (life, health, property)
*7. Bank books (on-line? Where is the log-in informaon?)
*8. Deeds to property
*9. Bill of sale of car
*10. Income tax returns, cancelled checks (may be on-line)
*11. Veterans discharge cercate
*12. Disability claims
*13. Cemetery Cercate of Ownership
*1. Burial locaon/which space
*2. Grave marker type/inscripon (can be postponed for months/years)
*3. Casket type
*4. Clothing for deceased
*5. Grave liner or vault (most—but not all cemeteries require)
*6. Selecons from scripture or other readings
*7. Selecon of funeral home
*8. Desired me/locaon for funeral service
17. Answering phone calls, emails, leers
18. Meeng with religious leader, funeral director, cemetery sta about details
19. Arrange to meet incoming relaves at airport
20. Locate/provide lodging for incoming relaves
21. Make list of callers and tributes
22. Check the will regarding special wishes
1. Physician (may already know if she or he signed the death cercate)
2. Funeral Director
3. Clergy
4. Cemetery
5. Relaves and friends (some have used FACE BOOK and email….)
6. Employers of family members
7. Pall bearers
8. Insurance agents
9. Religious, fraternal, civic, veteran groups
10. Aorney/Executor of estate
11. Neighbors who were close to the person who died
F) Cancel on-line subscripons
Pre-planning versus Pre-paying & Average Costs
Pre-Plan - Yes!
Consumer groups like AARP and The Funeral Consumers Alliance (
encourage individuals and families to PREPLAN nal arrangements, but in most cases not to
PREPAY. Unless you are undergoing the process of qualifying for Medicaid (medical
assistance), it may not be in your best nancial interest to prepay for funeral-related
arrangements. See this AARP arcle: (hp://
Pre-pay - Think Twice!
Laws regarding the sale of preneed funeral contractsvary from state to state. There are
dierences in terms of what the funeral home is supposed to do with the money unl the me
of death, and if the funeral home goes out of business, and how much money the consumer
can get back if they change their mind, or move away, etc. In Iowa, funeral homes are
required to put at least 80% of the prepaid funds in trust funds unl the person dies.
What is the average cost of a funeral in Iowa?
According to the Iowa Funeral Directors Associaon, the average cost of a funeral service in
Iowa is $11,566. This cost is comprised of:
$6,525 for professional services, which includes embalming, cosmezing, visitaon/
viewing, having the funeral at the funeral home, transfer of remains to funeral home,
hearse, service car/van, and casket;
$718 for embalming;
$1,500 for a vault, which is a requirement for burial in most Iowa cemeteries; and
$2,823 for cash-advance items, which the funeral director assists the family in securing
but is not a product or service obtainable at the funeral home.
Examples of costs not included in the gure above:
Grave opening and closing ($500)
Minister fees ($131)
Flowers ($248+)
Copies of death cercates ($40+)
Obituary ($166)
Musicians ($79+)
Sales tax collected for remiance to the Iowa Department of Revenue ($299)
Source: Iowa Funeral Directors Associaon, downloaded September 15, 2015 from:
Organ Donaon in Iowa
What organs and ssues can be donated?
Organs that can be donated for transplantaon include: the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver,
pancreas and small intesne.
Tissue that can be recovered for donaon includes corneas, bone, tendon, skin, veins, and
heart valves.
For informaon on organ donaon, contact:
Iowa Donor Network
550 Madison Avenue
North Liberty, IA 52317
Telephone: (319) 665-3787
24-Hour Phone: (800) 831-4131
For Informaon on eye donaon, contact:
Iowa Lions Eye Bank
2346 Mormon Trek Blvd., Suite 1500
Iowa City, IA 52246
Telephone: (319) 356-2871
Iowa Lions Eye Bank
2500 Crosspark Road W300
Coralville, IA 52241
Telephone: (319) 335-4888
Body Donaon in Iowa
We are aware of three places in Iowa that accept donated,” “willed,or
Osteopathic School of Medicine in Des Moines
3200 Grand Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50312
Phone: (515) 271-1400
Palmer College of Chiropracc in Davenport
1000 Brady Street
Davenport, Iowa 52803
Phone (563) 884-5000; or toll free (800) 722-2586
The University of Iowa in Iowa City
Informaon on the Deeded Body Program
UI Carver College of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
51 Newton Road
100 Bowen Science Building
Iowa City, Iowa 52245
Phone: (319) 335-7762
Website: hp://nformaon/
A list of body donaon centers in other states is posted at:
If you would like addional informaon about body donaon, please contact the
program ahead of me to learn about the program and to complete the paperwork.
Guidelines for Body Donaon at the University of Iowa
The Need for Anatomical Gis in Medical Educaon and Research
The study of human anatomy constutes an indispensable part of medical educaon and research. There is
a connual need for anatomical gis in the teaching of medical and dental students, postgraduate
physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and students in related disciplines.
Who May Donate
Any competent person over 18 years of age may donate his or her body for medical educaon and research.
How One May Donate
The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology requires that a Deed of Disposion be on le in the
department prior to the donor's death. The department will provide the legal forms which require only a
few items of informaon, the donor's signature, and the signatures of two witnesses. A brief medical history
form must also be completed and returned to the department with the original of the completed Deed of
Disposion. Aer receiving these documents, the department will acknowledge acceptance of the deed,
review the informaon, and issue an idencaon card if the applicant meets the criteria. By law, a medical
college may not purchase any human body.
When Death Occurs
At the me of death, the person in charge of the donor's aairs should select and nofy a funeral director
and make arrangements concerning transportaon to Iowa City and any other professional services needed
or desired. Only donors transported by a licensed funeral facility will be accepted. If desired, visitaon and
a tradional funeral service may be held prior to the transfer to Iowa City. If there will be a delay of more
than eight hours because of a funeral service, distance, weather, etc., embalming will be necessary. The
cost of transportaon and the funeral director's professional service fees must be borne by the family or
When a Donor's Gi Cannot Be Accepted
Occasionally a problem may exist which would interfere with the intended use of a donor's gi for
educaon and research. Such problems may include extensive autopsy or trauma, the presence of a certain
highly contagious disease, or a weight problem which would prevent the opmal use of the gi. In such an
instance, the next of kin or the person in charge of the donor's aairs, if known to us, will be informed, and
other opons for nal disposion will be discussed.
When Studies with Donated Bodies Are Completed
A me of one to one and one-half years is usual before compleon of our studies. When studies are
completed the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology will comply with the wishes of the next of kin or
person responsible for the donor's aairs regarding nal disposion. Opons available include: cremaon
and the return of the cremains (cremated remains) in a burial urn to a
designated receiver at the expense of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology (any subsequent
expenses will be borne by the family or estate), or cremaon and interment of the cremains in Oakland
Cemetery, Iowa City, at the expense of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology. A Memorial Service is
held once each year and the next-of-kin, or person in charge of the donor's aairs, is noed and invited to
aend. This person may then nofy other family members and friends. If the cremains of a donor are not
claimed by the family within one year following the
compleon of studies, the cremains will be interred at the next Memorial Service.
Source: hp://
To Receive Informaon on the Deeded Body Program, write to:
UI Carver College of Medicine
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
51 Newton Road
100 Bowen Science Building
Iowa City, Iowa 52245
Telephone: (319) 335-7762
Declaraon of Designee for Final Disposion
In Iowa, an adult has the right to indicate who can make nal arrangement decisions on his or
her behalf and to document that decision in wring. The form (available from the Iowa State
Bar Associaon website) must be signed by two persons or notarized. On the form, people
can also indicate: whether they have a contract for funeral arrangements, whether they have
a cemetery space, and whether they wish to be an organ donor.
Universal Citaon: IA Code § 144C.3 (2014)
144C.3 Declaraon designee.
1. A declaraon shall name a designee who shall have the sole responsibility and discreon for making
decisions concerning the nal disposion of the declarants remains and the ceremonies planned aer
the declarants death. A declaraon may name one or more alternate designees and may include
contact informaon for the designees and alternate designees.
2. A declaraon shall not include direcves for nal disposion of the declarants remains and shall not
include arrangements for ceremonies planned aer the declarants death.
3. A designee, an alternate designee, and a third party shall act in good faith and in a manner that is
reasonable under the circumstances.
4. A funeral director, an aorney, or any agent, owner, or employee of a funeral establishment,
cremaon establishment, cemetery, elder group home, assisted living program, adult day services
program, or licensed hospice program shall not serve as a designee unless related to the declarant
within the third degree of consanguinity.
5. This secon shall not be construed to permit a person who is not licensed pursuant to chapter 156 to
make funeral arrangements.
2008 Acts, Ch. 1051, §8, 22; 2008 Acts, Ch. 1191, §124; 2009 Acts, Ch. 133, §46
Source: Accessed October 2016: hp://law.justle-iv/subtle-2/chapter-144c/secon
Under what circumstances is embalming required in Iowa?
In Iowa the state law does not require embalming if the body will be buried or cremated
within 48 hours. In Iowa, embalming is legally required if the death was due to a
communicable disease. (Iowa Administrave Code 645-100.6(4).
In addion, embalming or refrigeraon is required if nal disposion of the body will not
occur within an established period of me. A body may be held for up to three days without
embalming or up to six days if it is refrigerated between 38 and 42 degrees. (Iowa
Administrave Code 645-100.6(3).)
Can a loved ones body be buried on private property in Iowa?
Iowa Administrave Rule § 641101.6(4) If the nal disposion of a dead human body or fetus is burial,
interment, or entombment, local ordinances of the polical subdivision in which the nal disposion site is located
and any and all regulaons of the cemetery, if applicable, shall apply. In the absence of an applicable local
ordinance, the depth of the grave at its shallowest point shall be at least three feet from the top of the burial
The family would have to check with the local authories whether that would be a township, city/town, or
county would depend on the locaon. So, it is the polical subdivision in which the nal disposion site is located
to nd out if there are any local ordinances/laws that would prohibit the burial
Is a casket required by Iowa law, for burial, cremaon, or
Iowa Administrave Rule § 641101.6(1) A dead human body or fetus shall be transported only aer
enclosure in a container for transfer that will control odor and prevent the leakage of body uids, unless the body
or fetus has been embalmed, or is being transported by a licensed funeral director, emergency medical service, or
medical examiner. In addion, the transport of a dead human body or fetus shall be in a manner that, applying
contemporary community standards with respect to what is suitable, is respecul of the dead, the feelings of
relaves, and the sensibilies of the community.
Can a family transport a loved ones body for body donaon, within
the state of Iowa? What paperwork is needed?
Yes, upon securing a burial transit permit, and compleon of a death cercate. The Burial Transit Permit
shall be issued by the county medical examiner, a funeral director, or the county registrar of the county where the
cercate of death was led.
Source: Iowa Administrave Code § 641101.5 Burial Transit permit.
Can a family transport a loved ones body to a crematory, within the
state of Iowa? What paperwork is needed?
Yes, same requirements above for the Burial Transit Permit and a completed death cercate. NOTE: Now
that the death cercate is computerized in Iowa—it is much more dicult for a lay person to get one without
having to hire a funeral director. Lay people dont have access to the computer program. Also, some crematories
will only accept a body from a licensed funeral director.
If a family wanted to handle the nal arrangements themselves, what
paper work would be required?
Compleon of a death cercate (which must be signed by the physician and is now harder to do without
hiring a funeral director because Iowa has computerized the Death Cercate compleon process) and a Burial
Transit Permit to move the body. If the body is to be cremated, a cremaon permit is needed also. Please note
some crematories will only accept a body from a licensed funeral director. Some body donaon centers will only
accept a body from a licensed funeral director. Check with your county medical examiner for addional details. If
you want to do as much of the work as possible (for personal sasfacon or to keep costs low) consider working
with a funeral director who will assist you.
In Iowa, who is authorized to make nal arrangement decisions
AFTER the person has died?
Competent adults can designate whom they appoint to make nal arrangements on her or his behalf (see
page 16). Please see details for necessary language and procedure as described in The Iowa Final Disposion Act
(2008 Acts, 2008 Acts, Ch. 1051, §11, 22; 2010 Acts, Ch. 1170, §3; 2011 Acts, Ch. 47, §8; 2012 Acts, Ch. 1050, §39, 60; 2012
Acts, Ch. 1072, §33) hps://
To read the Iowa law: hp://
To see the actual form (up-dated January 2016 by the Iowa State Bar Associaon):
If the deceased person had not appointed someone, in Iowa there is a law that species
who has the right to control what happens to human remains: Final disposion of remains
right to control.
The right to control nal disposion of a decedent's remains or to make arrangements for the ceremony aer a
decedent's death vests in and devolves upon the following persons who are competent adults at the me of the
decedent's death, in the following order:
A designee, or alternate designee, acng pursuant to the decedent's declaraon.
The surviving spouse of the decedent, if not legally separated from the decedent, whose whereabouts is
reasonably ascertainable.
A surviving child of the decedent, or, if there is more than one, a majority of the surviving children whose
whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
The surviving parents of the decedent whose whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
A surviving grandchild of the decedent, or, if there is more than one, a majority of the surviving
grandchildren whose whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
A surviving sibling of the decedent, or, if there is more than one, a majority of the surviving siblings
whose whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
A surviving grandparent of the decedent, or, if there is more than one, a majority of the surviving
grandparents whose whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
A person in the next degree of kinship to the decedent in the order named by law to inherit the estate of
the decedent under the rules of inheritance for intestate succession or, if there is more than one, a
majority of such surviving persons whose whereabouts are reasonably ascertainable.
A person who represents that the person knows the identy of the decedent and who signs an adavit
warranng the identy of the decedent and assuming the right to control nal disposion of the
decedent's remains and the responsibility to pay any expense aendant to such nal disposion. A
person who warrants the identy of the decedent pursuant to this paragraph is liable for all damages
that result, directly or indirectly, from that warrant.
The county medical examiner, if responsible for the decedent's remains.
2. A third party may rely upon the direcves of a person who represents that the person is a member
of a class of persons described in subsecon 1, paragraph "c", "e", "f", "g", or "h", and who signs an
adavit stang that all other members of the class, whose whereabouts are reasonably
ascertainable, have been noed of the decedent's death and the person has received the assent of a
majority of those members of that class of persons to control nal disposion of the decedent's
remains and to make arrangements for the performance of a ceremony for the decedent.
3. A third party may await a court order before proceeding with nal disposion of a decedent's
remains or arrangements for the performance of a ceremony for a decedent if the third party is aware
of a dispute among persons who are members of the same class of persons described in subsecon 1,
or of a dispute between persons who are authorized under subsecon 1 and the executor named in a
decedent's will or a personal representave appointed by the court.
Source: hps://
What happens if a person dies in Iowa, with no funds for nal arrangements?
Is there state money? Are certain arrangements required?
Refer to Iowa Code Chapters 252.27; Support of the Poor, the County General Relief oce can pay $250. Chapter
249.9 allows the Department of Human Services to pay $400 toward funeral expenses under condions dened in
the Code chapter. Another opon is in Iowa Code Chapter 142.1 Dead Bodies for Scienc Purposes.
252.25 County general assistance.
The board of supervisors of each county shall provide for the assistance of poor persons lawfully in the county
who are ineligible for, or are in immediate need and are awaing approval and receipt of, assistance under
programs provided by state or federal law, or whose actual needs cannot be fully met by the assistance furnished
under those programs. The county board of supervisors shall establish general rules as the board's members
deem necessary to properly discharge their responsibility under this secon.
All applicaons, invesgaon reports, and case records of persons applying for county general assistance under
this chapter are privileged communicaons and condenal, subject to use and inspecon only by persons
authorized by law in connecon with their ocial dues relang to nancial audits and administraon of this
chapter or as authorized by order of a district court. Examinaon of an individual's applicaons, reports, and
records may also be authorized by a signed release from the individual.
Source: hp://
35B.15 Expenses and audit:
Burial expenses shall be paid by the county in which the person died. If the person is a resident of a dierent
county at the me of death, the laer county shall reimburse the county where the person died for the cost of
burial. In either case, the board of supervisors of the respecve counes shall audit and pay the account from the
funds provided for in this chapter in the manner as other claims are audited and paid.
142.1 Delivery of bodies
The body of every person dying in a public asylum, hospital, county care facility, penitenary, or reformatory in
this state, or found dead within the state, or which is to be buried at public expense in this state, except those
buried under the provisions of chapter 144C or 249, and which is suitable for scienc purposes, shall be
delivered to the medical college of the state university, or some osteopathic or chiropracc college or school
located in this state, which has been approved under the law regulang the pracce of osteopathic medicine or
chiropracc; but no such body shall be delivered to any such college or school if the deceased person expressed a
desire during the person's last illness that the person's body should be buried or cremated, nor if such is the
desire of the person's relaves. Such bodies shall be equitably distributed among said colleges and schools
according to their needs for teaching anatomy in accordance with such rules as may be adopted by the Iowa
department of public health. The expense of transporng said bodies to such college or school shall be paid by
the college or school receiving the same. If the deceased person has not expressed a desire during the person's
last illness that the person's body should be buried or cremated and no person authorized to control the
deceased person's remains under secon 144C.5 requests the person's body for burial or cremaon, and if a
friend objects to the use of the deceased person's body for scienc purposes, said deceased person's body shall
be forthwith delivered to such friend for burial or cremaon at no expense to the state or county. Unless such
friend provides for burial and burial expenses within ve days, the body shall be used for scienc purposes
under this chapter.
Form of assistance condion:
The board of supervisors shall determine the form of the assistance. However, legal aid shall be only in civil
maers and provided only through a legal aid program approved by the board of supervisors. The amount of
assistance issued shall be determined by standards of assistance established by the board of supervisors. They
may require any able-bodied person to work on public programs or projects at the prevailing local rate per hour
in payment for and as a condion of granng assistance. The labor shall be performed under the direcon of the
ocers having charge of the public programs or projects. Subject to secon 142.1, assistance may consist of the
burial of nonresident indigent transients and the payment of the reasonable cost of burial, not to exceed two
hundred y dollars.
The board shall record its proceedings relang to the provision of assistance to specic persons under this
chapter. A person who is aggrieved by a decision of the board may appeal the decision as if it were a contested
case before an agency and as if the
person had exhausted administrave remedies in accordance with the procedures and standards in secon
17A.19, subsecons 2 through 12, except secon 17A.19, subsecon 10, paragraphs band g”, and secon
252.1 “Poor person" dened:
The words "poor" and "poor person" as used in this chapter shall be construed to mean those who have no
property, exempt or otherwise, and are unable, because of physical or mental disabilies, to earn a living by
labor; but this secon shall not be construed to forbid aid to needy persons who have some means, when the
board shall be of opinion that the same will be conducive to their welfare and the best interests of the public.
The following informaon is provided as an example of one county —Johnson County— and
its general assistance toward nal arrangements, as of August 2015:
Johnson County General Assistance (GA) provides monetary assistance for the burial and
cremaon of county residents for whom there are lile or no resources available for the
provision of these services. Listed below are the eligibility requirements, applicaon
procedures, and rules and regulaons regarding GA benets.
I. Eligibility Guidelines and Applicaon Procedures:
To be eligible for General Assistance, an applicant must meet the following requirements:
1. Speak with a General Assistance Assistant and complete an applicaon.
2. Be a U.S. Cizen or have documented legal status. Households that include a combinaon of undocumented
and documented individuals must report the income of all individuals in the household. Only household
members with legal documented status will be counted when determining household size for eligibility
3. Be 18 years of age, married, or an emancipated minor.
4. Applicants must apply for and follow through with all other assistance programs for which they may be
eligible such as, Veterans Aairs (VA), Family Investment Program (FIP), Food Assistance, Medicaid, Iowa
Health and Wellness Plan, Housing Assistance, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP),
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security, and/or Unemployment, prior to receiving General
Assistance. Applicants placed on a limited benet plan (LBP) by the Department of Human Services will be
deemed ineligible for assistance.
5. Persons must be working, or acvely seeking employment.
6. Meet income eligibility requirements as established by the guidelines and veried by the GA Assistant.
7. Applicants who are eligible for and/or have received maximum assistance benets from Johnson County
Veterans Aairs are not eligible for General Assistance.
8. Households that are currently receiving cash assistance or a subsidy from local (VA, MHDS) federal (SSI, SSDI,
Unemployment Assistance) and/or state (FIP) assistance programs are not eligible for General Assistance,
unless the General Assistance worker determines the situaon is exceponal in nature.
9. Rent Assistance will not be used to supplement Secon 8 Housing Assistance or other federally subsidized
units, unless the General Assistance worker determines the situaon is exceponal in nature.
10. An applicant, or household member of an applicant, who is registered in post high school training or
educaon is not eligible for assistance. This does not include applicants working towards their high school
diploma, GED, or engaged in unpaid vocaonal training provided through their employer, the Division of
Vocaonal Rehabilitaon Services, or a transional support services program. An applicant, or household
member of an applicant, who has voluntarily terminated employment or is terminated for poor work
aendance (without sucient explanaon) shall not be eligible for General Assistance for a period of three
(3) months aer the terminaon. Ineligibility for assistance is waived if applicant obtains a new job and
provides vericaon of hire.
II. Descripon of Benets and their Regulaon:
Maximum benets are $2,100 for funeral service expenses. These expenses may include but are not limited to;
funeral home services and memorials for burial or cremaon, embalming, casket or urn, grave liner, transfer of
deceased to funeral home and cemetery, and preparaon and ling of the death cercate. In addion, GA may
provide up to $900 for cemetery expenses including the opening and closing and purchase of a plot. The family
will be nancially responsible for any printed materials, clergy or music honorariums, owers, limousines or
family cars, death cercate, and luncheon or recepon charges. The assistance is intended to cover the full cost
of funeral home services associated with burial or cremaon, as well as expenses related to the internment of
remains. Payment for out-of-state funerals will not be provided. General Assistance will pay $250 for burial or
cremaon of those deceased persons deemed non-resident transients, as per Iowa Code 252.27. The deceaseds
household income and available resources for the previous 30 days must be at or below the 100% Federal
Poverty Guidelines.
A. Covered Funeral Home Expenses Include (up to $2,100.00):
1. Burial Expenses:
Funeral Home Services
Fees and Permits
Memorial Service
2. Cremaon Expenses:
Funeral Home Services
Fee and Permits
Cremaon of Remains
Memorial Service
B. Covered Cemetery Expenses Include (up to $900.00):
1. Plot
2. Opening & closing
C. The family will be nancially responsible for the following:
1. Printed materials—register book, service folders
2. Clergy or music honorariums
3. Flowers
4. Limousine or family cars
5. Death cercates
6. Luncheon or recepon charges
7. Other cash advance items
D. Condions:
1. The assistance available through the General Assistance program is intended to cover the full cost of
funeral home services associated with burial or cremaon, as well as expenses related to the internment
of remains (i.e. cemetery fees). The funeral home will work with the next of kin or ocially designated
representave to limit the services to meet this requirement.
2. The funeral home must furnish complete and accurate invoices to General Assistance as well as to the
next of kin or ocially designated representave. The total cost of services is not to exceed $3,000.00,
and the burden for any cost in excess of this total is to be borne by the funeral home, cemetery, or
parcipang vendors.
3. Payment for out of state funerals will not be provided.
4. $250.00 will be available for the burial or cremaon of those deceased persons deemed non- resident
Source: hp://
Where can I nd informaon about the Iowa law regulang the sale
of funeral insurance by funeral homes? What happens to the
Whenever an agreement is made by any person, rm, or corporaon to furnish, upon the future death of a
person named or implied in the agreement, funeral services or funeral merchandise, a minimum of eighty percent
of all payments made under the agreement shall be and remain trust funds unl occurrence of the death of the
person for whose benet the funds were paid, unless the funds are sooner released to the person making the
payment by mutual consent of the pares.523A.1 Trust fund established—insurance
Source: hps://
Informaon about medical examiners:
a. What is the role of the medical examiners oce?
The Iowa Oce of the State Medical Examiner (IOSME) provides support, guidance, educaon,
consultaon, and training to County Medical Examiners and Invesgators (CME-Is), who are
responsible for invesgang violent, suspicious, and unexpected natural deaths. We provide
forensic autopsy and invesgave services when requested by county medical examiners and
law enforcement agencies. Our mission is to establish credibility in death invesgaon in a
system that will operate eciently and serve the needs of the cizens of Iowa.
b. What types of cases do does the medical examiner get involved in?
Deaths that aect public interest. Including accidents, suicides, homicides, natural, and
unexpected deaths.
c. What is the medical examiners relaonship with funeral homes? Police?
Funeral homes and police have a mutual interest in the body because their services both deal
with them. Somemes funeral directors are on the scene with them. The Medical Examiners
oce supplies them with cremaon permits and death cercates. Police are also at the scene
where the body is located. Both help each other get informaon at the scene and nd out who
is next of kin. The Medical Examiners oce is solely interested in the physical body and what is
on the body. The police are not supposed to touch the body according to Iowa Code.
d. Is the medical examiner aliated with the process of organ donaon?
Any body in a Medical Examiners case cannot have organs donated unl the Medical Examiner
gives authorizaon. This authorizaon happens quite frequently.
This authority is absolute and cannot be overruled. The county pays for the costs for this unless
it is a non-medical examiner case and therefore the family pays for the costs.
Contact name for further informaon about medical examiners oce:
Source: 
Iowa Law: 691.5 State medical examiner The oce and posion of state medical examiner is
established for administrave purposes within the Iowa Department of Public Health. Other state
agencies shall cooperate with the state medical examiner in the use of state-owned facilies when
appropriate for the performance of non-administrave dues of the state medical examiner. The
state medical examiner shall be a physician and surgeon or osteopathic physician and surgeon, be
licensed to pracce medicine in the state of Iowa, and be board cered or eligible to be board
cered in anatomic and forensic pathology by the American board of pathology. The state
medical examiner shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the director of public health
upon the advice of and in consultaon with the director of public safety and the governor. The
state medical examiner, in consultaon with the director of public health, shall be responsible for
developing and administering the medical examiner's budget and for employment of medical
examiner sta and assistants. The state medical examiner may be a faculty member of the
University of Iowa College of Medicine or the College of Law at the University of Iowa, and any of
the examiner's assistants or sta may be members of the faculty or sta of the University of Iowa
College of Medicine or the College of Law at the University of Iowa.
691.6 Dues of state medical examiner
The dues of the state medical examiner shall be:
1. To provide assistance, consultaon, and training to county medical examiners and law
enforcement ocials.
2. To keep complete records of all relevant informaon concerning deaths or crime invesgaon
by the state medical examiner.
3. To adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A, and subject to the approval of the director of public
health, with the advice and approval of the state medical examiner advisory council.
4. To collect and retain autopsy fees as established by rule. Autopsy fees collected and retained
under this subsecon are appropriated for purposes of the state medical examiner's oce.
Notwithstanding secon 8.33, any fees collected by the state medical examiner that remain
unexpended at the end of the scal year shall not revert to the general fund of the state or any
other fund but shall be available for use for the following scal year for the same purpose.
5. To conduct an inquiry, invesgaon, or hearing and administer oaths and receive tesmony
under oath relave to the maer of inquiry, invesgaon, or hearing, and to subpoena witnesses
and require the producon of records, papers, and documents pernent to the death
invesgaon. However, the medical examiner shall not conduct any acvity pursuant to this
subsecon, relang to a homicide or other criminally suspicious death, without coordinang such
acvity with the county medical examiner, and without obtaining approval of the invesgang law
enforcement agency, the county aorney, or any other prosecutorial or law enforcement agency
of the jurisdicon to conduct such acvity.
6. To adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A relang to the dues, responsibilies, and operaons of
the oce of the state medical examiner and to specify the dues, responsibilies, and operaons
of the county medical examiner in relaonship to the oce of the state medical examiner.
Selected Federal Laws Regarding Final Arrangements
Veteran Burial Benets hp://
On December 27, 2001, President Bush signed Public Law 107-103, the Veterans Educaon and Benets
Expansion Act of 2001. This law includes a provision that allows the Department of Veterans Aairs (VA) to
furnish an appropriate headstone or marker for the graves of eligible veterans buried in private cemeteries,
whose deaths occur on or aer September 11, 2001, regardless of whether the grave is already marked with a
non-government marker. This new provision is codied at 38 U.S.C. § 2306(d).
Burial benets available include a gravesite in any of our 131 naonal cemeteries with available space, opening
and closing of the grave, perpetual care, a Government headstone or marker, a burial ag, and a Presidenal
Memorial Cercate, at no cost to the family. Some veterans may also be eligible for Burial Allowances.
Cremated remains are buried or inurned in naonal cemeteries in the same manner and with the same honors as
casketed remains.
Burial benets available for spouses and dependents buried in a naonal cemetery include burial with the
Veteran, perpetual care, and the spouse or dependents name and date of birth and death will be inscribed on the
Veterans headstone, at no cost to the family. Eligible spouses and dependents may be buried, even if they
predecease the Veteran.
Burial benets available for Veterans buried in a private cemetery include a Government headstone or marker, a
burial ag, and a Presidenal Memorial Cercate, at no cost to the family. Some veterans may also be eligible
for Burial Allowances. There are not NCA benets available to spouses and dependents buried in a private
To conrm your eligibility for burial benets, please call a Veterans Benets Counselor at:
Persons Eligible for VA Burial Benets (call for details or refer to web site):
a. Veterans and Members of the Armed Forces
b. Members of Reserve Components and Reserve Ocers' Training Corps
c. Commissioned Ocers, Naonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administraon
d. Public Health Service
e. World War II Merchant Mariners
f. The Philippine Armed Forces
g. Spouses and Dependents
h. Others
Such other persons or classes of persons as designated by the Secretary of Veterans Aairs
(38 U.S.C. § 2402(6)) or the Secretary of Defense (Public Law 95-202, § 401, and 38 CFR § 3.7(x)).
Persons NOT Eligible for Burial in a VA Naonal Cemetery
Former Spouses A former spouse of an eligible individual whose marriage to that individual has been
terminated by annulment or divorce, if not otherwise eligible.
Other Family Members Family members of an eligible person except those dened as eligible in
Secon III, paragraph g.
Disqualifying Characters of Discharge A person whose only separaon from the Armed Forces was
under dishonorable condions or whose character of service results in a bar to Veteransbenets.
Discharge from Dra A person who was ordered to report to an inducon staon, but was not actually
inducted into military service
Person Found Guilty of a Capital Crime
Subversive Acvies
Acve or Inacve Duty for Training, only
Other Groups: Members of groups whose service has been determined by the Secretary of the Air
Force under the provisions of Public Law 95-202 as not warranng entlement to benets administered
by the Secretary of Veterans Aairs.
Social Security Death Burial Benet: $255
A surviving spouse or child may receive a special ONE TIME lump-sum death payment of $255
if they meet certain requirements.
What to do when a Social Security beneciary dies:
A family member or other person responsible for the beneciary's aairs should do the
Promptly nofy Social Security of the beneciary's death by calling SSA toll-free at 1-800-772-
If monthly benets were being paid via direct deposit, nofy the bank or other nancial
instuon of the beneciary's death. Request that any funds received for the month of death
and later be returned to Social Security as soon as possible.
If benets were being paid by check, DO NOT CASH any checks received for the month in
which the beneciary died or thereaer. Return the checks to Social Security as soon as
One-me Death Benet payment
A one-me payment of $255 is payable to the surviving spouse if he or she was living with the
beneciary at the me of death; OR, if living apart, was eligible for Social Security benets on
the beneciary's earnings record for the month of death.
If there is no surviving spouse, the payment is made to a child who was eligible for benets on
the beneciary's earnings record in the month of death.
Survivor Benets
A one-me payment of $255 can be paid to the surviving spouse if he or she was living with
the deceased; or, if living apart, was receiving certain Social Security benets on the
deceaseds record. If there is no surviving spouse, the payment is made to a child who is
eligible for benets on the deceaseds record in the month of death.
Certain family members may be eligible to receive monthly benets, including:
A widow or widower age 60 or older (age 50 or older if disabled);
A widow or widower at any age who is caring for the deceaseds child under age 16 or disabled;
An unmarried child of the deceased who is:
Younger than age 18 (or up to age 19 if he or she is a full-me student in an Elementary or
secondary school); or
Age 18 or older with a disability that began before age 22;
A stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild or adopted child under certain circumstances
Parents, age 62 or older, who were dependent on the deceased for at least half of their support;
A surviving divorced spouse, under certain circumstances.
The following document contains more informaon about ling for benets and can be downloaded from
website: hp://
Survivors Benets (Publicaon No. 05-10084) Social Security: Understanding the Benets (Publicaon No. 05-
10024) Source: (as of January 2011)
Federal Trade Commissions Funeral Rule
The Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) Funeral Rulewent into eect on April 30, 1984 and
was revised in 1994. The FTCs Funeral Rule is to be followed by all funeral providersin the
country. Funeral providermeans businesses that sell BOTH funeral goods AND funeral
services. Funeral goodsare dened as products sold directly to the public in connecon
with funeral services. Funeral servicesmeans 1) services used to care for and prepare
bodies for burial, cremaon, or other nal disposions, and 2) services used to arrange,
supervise, or conduct the funeral ceremony or nal disposion of human remains.
Funeral homes are funeral providers. Cemeteries, crematories, and other businesses can be
funeral providers if they market both funeral goods and services. If a business sells only
funeral goods (such as a casket store) but not services relang to the disposion of remains
they do not have to comply with the funeral rule. The FTC Funeral Rule requires that funeral
providers give consumers accurate, itemized price informaon. The keystone of The Funeral
Rule is the General Price List. The FTC requires that all funeral providers give a free wrien
General Price List(GPL) to ANYONE who asks for it, in-person, during regular working hours.
The person (potenal customer, TV reporter, competor, clergy member, etc.) must be given
the GPL to keep. The purpose of the GPL is to enable customers to comparison shop and to
purchase, on an itemized basis, only the goods and services they want.
The Funeral Consumers Alliance has prepared, The Funeral Directors Guide to Consumer-
Friendly General Price Lists—this document is also helpful to consumers. A hard copy can be
purchased or you may download it free from: hp://
The FTC requires that the GPL must list the price of at least the following items, if available:
Forwarding of remains
Receiving remains from another funeral home
Direct cremaon
Immediate burial
Basic services of the funeral director and sta, overhead
Transfer of remains to funeral home
Embalming and other preparaon of the body
Use of facilies and sta for viewing
Use of facilies and sta for funeral ceremony
Use of facility and sta for memorial service
Use of equipment and sta for graveside service
Hearse / Limousine
Casket prices
Outer burial container prices
The GPL must be provided to the customer at the beginning of the discussion about opons
and costs. This includes, but is not limited to:
The type of funeral or disposion that one can arrange
The specic goods and services that are oered
The prices of goods and services
People can also phone the funeral provider and ask for prices over the phone. Funeral
providers may mail out the GPL, but they are not required to. Some funeral homes post their
General Price List on-line.
The GPL must idenfy the funeral provider, say General Price List,and list the eecve date
of the price list. The GPL must list itemized prices for goods and services. The Funeral Rule
also requires that the GPL list accurate informaon about certain disclosures:
1. The consumer has the right to select only the goods and services desired;
2. Embalming: the funeral provider must not tell the customer that embalming is required,
when state law does not require embalming. In Iowa the state law does not require
embalming if the body will be buried or cremated within 48 hours.
3. The consumer has the right to purchase an alternave containerrather than a casket for
direct cremaon.An example of an alternave container is a heavy cardboard box. A direct
cremaonmeans there is no formal visitaon or funeral service with the body in a casket. In
other words, customers cannot be forced to purchase a casket for a direct cremaon. Funeral
homes must make available lower cost alternave containers for direct cremaons.
4. The funeral provider must provide an explanaon of their basic services feeon the GPL.
The basic services feeis a fee that the FTC allows funeral providers to charge for overhead
and for services that are provided to ALL customers (such as making arrangements, death
cercate paper work, etc.).
5. Casket price list: The GPL must provide at least basic price informaon about caskets. The
funeral provider can list all the caskets and prices on the GPL or they can prepare a separate
Casket Price List.If the funeral provider uses a separate Casket Price List,they must state
the range of prices for caskets and provide a complete price list at the funeral home.
6. Outer burial container price list: The GPL must provide price informaon about outer burial
contains (also known as burial vaults). The funeral provider can list all the outer burial
containers on the GPL or they can prepare a separate Outer Burial Container Price List. If
they prepare a separate price list, they are required to state the range of prices for the outer
burial containers and provide a complete price list at the funeral home.
The Funeral Rule, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), makes it possible for
people to choose and to pay for ONLY those goods and services wanted, whether you are
making arrangements aer a death occurs or in advance. The Rule allows one to compare
prices among funeral homes and makes it possible to select the funeral arrangements
preferred at the funeral home selected. (The Rule does not apply to third party sellers, such as
casket and monument dealers, or to cemeteries that lack an on-site funeral home). Finally,
The Funeral Rule may be applied Pre-need as well as when customers are learning about
their opons aer a death has occurred, i.e., at need.
Funeral providers who violate the Funeral Rule may be subject to penales of up to $16,000
per violaon.
Funeral providers can also oer package prices.But they must oer customers the opon of
buying funeral goods and services on an itemized basis.
GPL Terms Explained & Other Consumer-Oriented Informaon
by: Mercedes Bern-Klug
Basic Services and Facility Overhead: The Federal Trade Commission currently allows
funeral homes to tack on basic service feeto nal arrangements. Funeral providers can
include this fee on their GPL in two ways: 1) A disclosure that is appears on the basic services
page of GPL that states that the fee is already factored into the cost of: direct cremaon,
immediate burial, forwarding and receiving remains. [It should also be included in body
donaon—but it is not always clear from reading the GPL.] 2) Instead of charging a separate
basic service fee, the funeral provider may include the services fee in casket prices with a
disclosure. This cost is to reect the cost of doing business, or the overhead. It is supposed
only include costs that are common to ALL funeral arrangements. Some naonal consumer
groups have asked the Federal Trade Commission to abolish allowing this mandatory overhead
charge, and ask funeral homes to distribute the costs among the services and merchandise
purchased, so that consumers pay only for what they use, and to make it easier for consumers
to compare prices.
Embalming: This means replacing the blood with arterial uid for the purpose of retaining a
life likelook and for delaying decomposion. According to the FTC, the family must give
permission for embalming, or cannot be charged. If the body will be cremated or buried or
donated within a day or so, in most cases, there is no need to embalm. Note: if the funeral
home lists refrigeraon as an opon, you can choose that instead of embalming, but it may
aect the ability to have an open-casket viewing. If you want the body refrigerated, any
funeral home should be able to make those arrangements, although it may mean moving the
body o the premises. If you select direct cremaon or immediate burial, usually there is no
need for embalming.
Please Note: You may see, Other preparaon of the body”: This means preparaons --other
than embalming--of the body. Some GPLs list one price for other preparaons,while other
local GPLs list itemized prices for washing, dressing, caskeng, cosmetology, hair dresser, etc.
Some funeral homes charge extra for body preparaon when organs have been donated.
Some funeral homes charge more for bodies that have been autopsied. Some funeral homes
charge by the hour for reconstrucon services.
Transfer Body to the Funeral Home: The funeral home sends sta to pick up the body from
the place of death and bring the body to the funeral home. Funeral homes typically begin
charging a mileage rate beyond 30 miles, although others charge beyond 50 miles.
Viewing/Visitaon at the Funeral Home: For viewingthe body has been placed in a casket
or other container and family and friends gather to view the body, pray, or visit at the funeral
home (or other locaon). Visitaon can mean the same thing. This term is someme used if
the body will not be present-no body to view, or if the body is in a closed casket. If the
viewing/visitaon immediately precedes the funeral ceremony, some funeral homes will
discount (or eliminate) the cost of the viewing if held immediately before the funeral. If held
in the evening, or on the weekend, there may be extra fees; it depends on the funeral home.
Our price list summary does not include the discounted fees that are possible, nor the extra
fees (holidays, evenings); just the typical fee. Most GPLs also include a fee for use of their
sta and equipment for a visitaon/viewing held o the funeral home premises, such as at a
place of worship or a family home. Some funeral homes charge by the HOUR and others by
the DAY.
Funeral Service/Ceremony at the Funeral Home: The FTC denes a funeral ceremony as, A
service commemorang the deceased with the body present.This spiritual ceremony usually
includes the presence of the deceased person in an open or closed casket (or in an alternave
Funeral Service/Ceremony o the Funeral Home Premises: You may host a funeral
ceremony at the funeral home, at your place of worship, in your home, or elsewhere. The
funeral home may charge dierent prices for the ceremony depending on where it is
conducted. You may be asked to pay for using a church or other space, you may be charged to
transport the body from place to place.
Memorial Service at the Funeral Home: The FTC says that a memorial service is a ceremony
commemorang the deceased without the body present.A memorial service is a gathering or
ceremony in which the body is not present because it has been cremated (the cremated
remains or cremains may be present) or because it was not possible to have the body there.
People can host a memorial ceremony at a park, in their place of worship, at a community
center, at home, etc. If you decide to use a funeral home, the law forbids the costs for a
memorial service to exceed the cost of a funeral service.
Graveside Service: There is a lot of confusion about this term. The Federal Trade Commission
denes graveside service as a service to commemorate the deceased held at the cemetery
before burial.Families may choose to have graveside service instead of a funeral ceremony at
the funeral home. The FTC also gives this informaon to funeral providers: If your charge for
a funeral ceremony normally includes a commial service at the grave following the funeral,
you can connue this pracce, or you may oer a separate charge for commial service
following a funeral ceremony. It would be a great service to families if GPLs provided details
about graveside services. For example, exactly what is included (funeral director, tent? chairs?
program? Etc.). It would also be helpful if GPLs indicated if a commial servicecomes with
a paid funeral/memorial service, or if that is an extra charge.
Hearse: The vehicle used to transport the casket to the church or to the cemetery. Some
GPLs call this the casket coachor a funeral coach.
Limousine or Family Car: Generally means the car that the family rides in on the way to the
place of worship or to the cemetery. Most funeral homes charge an addional fee for the
ower car, pallbearers car, and a car to run errands.
Caskets: Caskets are rigid containers designed to hold human remains. Caskets are typically
made from wood, berglass, plasc, or metal (of various gauges). Caskets are lined with fabric
and are ornamented (compared to an alternave container, see # 14). Funeral homes have
two choices for communicang casket prices on GPLs. They may list all the casket prices as
part of the GPL, or they may just list the lowest and highest priced caskets on the GPL and
then provide a separate Casket Price Listwhich itemizes the prices. If you do not see a
casket that suits you (price-wise or otherwise) ask the funeral director to order whatever you
want. They can get almost any casket you want within 24 hours. The funeral home cannot
require that you buy a casket from them. You can buy one from a casket store, o the
Internet, or elsewhere. You can make your own casket. It is illegal for a funeral home to
charge you an extra fee if you dont buy a casket from them.
Rental Casket: Some funeral homes oer the opon of renng a casket so that a body can
be displayed in one casket, and then buried, cremated, or donated in a dierent container.
Usually the customer is required to purchase inserts.Inserts separate the body from
touching the rental casket sides. Each body to use the rental casket has its own insert. If you
are required to buy the inserts, funeral homes should list the rental casket price as the cost of
rental AND the cost of inserts combined.
Alternave Container for Body (non-casket): This may be an unnished wood box, heavy
cardboard box, berboard, pressed-wood, composion materials, or other non-metal
container which is designed to hold human remains. Alternave containers are not decorated
or lined. The use of an alternave container saves the purchaser the cost of a casket.
Alternave containers ought to be readily available for all cremaons, as well as burials or
entombments. A Google search revealed that a consumer can purchase an alternave
container for $100 - $400.
Outer Burial Container: In the FTC booklet, Complying with the Funeral Rule, an outer
burial container (OBC) is dened as any container which is designed for placement in the grave
around the casket, including but not limited to, containers commonly known as burial vaults,
grave boxes, and grave liners (business.
Many (but not all—check!) cemeteries require the purchase of an outer burial container (OBC)
to support the earth as the casket decomposes. Some also require an OBC when burying the
cremaon urn. The least expensive OBCs are made of reinforced concrete. Vaults do what
grave liners do and they also have a seal to keep air and moisture out. Expect to pay hundreds
or thousands of dollars more for a vault. Most funeral homes list only the lowest and highest
prices on their GPL and then present a separate Outer Burial Container Price List to families
during the arrangement conference. You can purchase an OBC from the funeral home or a
cemetery. The price listed on the GPL for an Outer Burial Container, may or may not include
the price of installaon. It would make it easier for families, if the installaon cost was
included, because not all families know to ask. Please note: The cemetery sets the rules for
outer burials containers. Some cemeteries require an OBC for cremated remains others do not.
Forwarding Remains to another Funeral Home: One funeral home picks up the body from the
place of death, and then prepares the body to be transferred to another funeral home (usually
in a dierent town). The rst funeral home (that is, the forwarding funeral home) also
prepares preliminary paperwork. This charge ranges from hundreds to thousands of dollars
depending on which funeral home is hired. Some funeral homes include a container to
transport the body, some dont, many do not say on their GPL. Please note: Not only will you
pay a forwarding fee to the rst funeral home; you will also be charged a receiving fee
from the second funeral home for receiving the body. **Always compare prices when
forwarding remains. We found that prices can vary by many hundreds of dollars.
Receiving Remains from Another Funeral Home: When two funeral homes are involved in
nal arrangements, the rst to handle the body is called the forwarding funeral homeand
the second is deemed the receiving funeral home.Generally, the two are located in dierent
cies (for example your mother wants to be buried back home in Atlanta aer she dies in
Cedar Rapids. The Cedar Rapids funeral home would forward the body to the Atlanta funeral
home who would receive it). **Always compare prices when forwarding remains.
Direct Cremaon in an Alternave Container: The FTC denes a direct cremaon as a
[cremaon] that occurs without any formal viewing of the remains or any visitaon or
ceremony with the body present.This should be one of the least expensive methods of nal
disposion, but again, it depends on the funeral home. The body is picked up from the place
of death and cremated. There is no ceremony with the body present. The FTC requires that
funeral homes include the basic services fee (see #1) in the cost of direct cremaons. Funeral
homes are required to make alternave containers (see # 13) available for direct cremaon.
You may choose instead to buy a casket from the funeral home (or somewhere else) or to
make a casket. Most local GPLs state that the fee for cremaon is included in the price of the
direct cremaon. The price listed in this report is for a direct cremaon buying an alternave
container from the funeral home.
Cremaon Fee: The fee paid to the crematorium to cremate the body. Note: cremaon can
take place aer an open (or closed) casket ceremony, if you wish.
Immediate Burial in a Minimum Casket: An immediate burial is a disposion of human
remains by burial, without formal viewing, visitaon, or ceremony with the body present,
except for a graveside service. There is no formal ceremony with the body present. This
report lists the price of an immediate burial in a minimum casket. If the GPL did not list the
opon for a minimum casket, we report the cost of the least expensive casket on the GPL.
Purchasers can choose to bury in any casket, but we list the cost of a minimum casket only. A
family-friendly funeral home will allow the immediate family to view the un-embalmed (there
would usually be no need to embalm if burial or cremaon is within 48 hours—in Iowa law)
body privately at the funeral home before burial. The FTC states that GPLs should include a
separate price for each immediate burial oered including a casket or alternave container.
Please Note: You can always ask the hospital or nursing home to keep the body for hours or
a day so that the family can have a private viewing there. The FTCs booklet includes this
A family wants to arrange an immediate burial, but does not want to pay for
embalming. Embalming is not required by Iowa state law. Before burial takes place,
one family member wants to look briey at the deceased by liing the lid of the casket.
Here you (funeral providers) may not tell the family that embalming is required. The
request to see the deceased does not constute a formal viewing (emphasis added).
*Always compare prices when forwarding remains.
Body Donaon: This is the cost of picking up the body at the place of death, transporng the
body to the donaon center (usually a medical center) and compleng all legal paperwork.
Please note: If the death occurs in the hospital where the Body Donaon Center is housed,
there should be no need to hire a funeral director. The body donaon sta can complete the
paperwork and the body is already onsite.
If the death occurs away from the hospital aliated with the donaon center, you may be
held responsible to pay a funeral home to transport the body to be donated. Some body
donaon centers will only accept a body from a licensed funeral director if the death did not
occur in the donaon centers hospital. Check with your local body donaon program.
Contact the county medical examiner for details, or the funeral director employed by the body
donaon center, or a local funeral home. Always compare prices, as the costs can vary by
many hundreds of dollars. An out-of-town funeral home may be less expensive.
How Iowa Funeral Homes Could Increase the User Friendliness of the GPLs
From our experience in collecng and analyzing funeral home General Price Lists, we make the
following recommendaons which we believe would make it easier for families to understand
their opons and costs. These recommendaons are not in any parcular order:
Funeral homes should include their General Price List on their website.
All General Price Lists should include the cost for cremaon fee unless the funeral home
does not serve families who opt for cremaon.
The price of the cremaon should be included in the cost of a direct cremaon. If the
lisng for direct cremaondoes not include the cost of the actual cremaon, funeral
homes should clearly indicate what the cost of cremaon is, and that it will be added to
the cost of direct cremaon.
There is much confusion about graveside services. How can these costs vary from
hundreds to thousands of dollars? All General Price Lists should clearly indicate what
services and merchandise are included in their graveside serviceand what commonly
requested items are not included.
List the cost and provide a denion of an alternave container and cremaon
container,and clarify that families can purchase these for burial or cremaon.
All General Price Lists should be typed in at least 12-point font (this document is 12-point
All General Price Lists should clearly indicate exactly what (services and merchandise)
comes with forwarding remainsand also what commonly purchased services or
merchandise are NOT included.
All General Price Lists should clearly indicate exactly what comes with receiving
All General Price Lists should indicate whether the funeral home is available to serve
families who choose body donaon, and if so, to clearly indicate exactly what services
and merchandise are included for the cost.
It would be helpful if the General Price List included a denion for viewing, visitaon,
and indicate if there is an addional charge (how much?) if the gathering exceeds a certain
me frame (what me frame?).
Although the Federal Trade Commission allows funeral homes to charge a basic services
fee,(somemes called,facility overhead) the funeral home is not required to. We
think most families will be surprised--if not shocked--by this non-declinable (i.e.,
mandatory) fee. We (and we think we speak for many consumers) were surprised for two
reasons: 1) we had never heard of it before, and 2) it is a high cost (on most GPLs it is one
of the highest costs listed). If the funeral home decides to include the non-declinable fee,
it should be clear what the charge covers, as according to our understanding of the Federal
Trade Commissions rules, funeral homes are not to be charging all families for services
that only some families use.
Collecng and Summarizing the General Price Lists
The next secon contains cost and opon informaon summarized from General Price Lists
(GPLs) collected by University of Iowa School of Social Work students (and one alum!) during
summer 2016.
Students did a google search in June of local funeral homes and contacted each one (by leer
and/or by phone) requesng a General Price List for this project, and explained the purpose of
the project. Most funeral homes mailed the GPL to the student. In some cases, the student
personally went to the funeral home to get a copy.
Students reviewed each GPL and looked to see whether each of the 23 items was available at
each funeral home, and the cost. In some cases, the costs were not clear. Rather than take
the chance of misrepresenng the cost, we entered unclear.
PLEASE check with the funeral home before making decisions based on the informaon in
this guide because the opons and prices may have changed, or we may have made a
mistake interpreng the price lists or entering the data.
This is our third edion of the Resource Guide. For this edion we are pung all our data in
one guide to make it easier for people to see opons across the state. In some cases, it is well
worth the consumers me to compare opons and costs, even outside their immediate
geographic area.
Especially if you are interested in any of the services listed below, consider comparing prices
within 100 miles. If you know you want to stay in one geographic area, it is sll worth your
me to check on-line for the GPL or ask that one be mailed to you, or go pick it up.
Direct cremaon- explanaon on page 31
Immediate burial explanaon on page 32
Forwarding remains- explanaon on page 31
Receiving remains explanaon on page 31
Body donaon explanaon on page 32
1 2 3 4
Sioux City & Moville
Christy Smith
Home Larkin
Christy Smith
Christy Smith
Summer 2016
Sioux City Sioux City Moville Sioux City
712-239-9918 712-233-2489 712-873-5100 712-276-7319
General Price List on website in
July 2016?
No No No No
1 Basic Services of the Staff 2,195 2,195 2,195 2,195
2 Embalming 790 790 790 790
3 Other body preparation 290 290 290 150
4 Transfer body to FH 345 345 345 345
5 Viewing/visitation at FH 425 425 425 425
6 Funeral Service at FH 625 625 625 625
7 Funeral Service-off premise 625 625 625 625
8 Memorial Service at FH 450 450 450 450
9 Graveside Service 350 350 350 350
10 Hearse (funeral coach) 325 325 325 325
11 Limousine (family car) 125 125 125 125
12 Lowest price 750 750 750 750
13 Highest price 10,995 10,995 10,995 10,995
14 Casket rental 995 995 995 995
15 Alternative container 125 125 125 125
16 Lowest price OBC 970 970 970 970
17 Highest price OBC 13,250 13,250 13,250 13,250
18 Forward remains to FH 3,395 3,395 3,395 3,395
19 Receive remains from FH 1,915 1,915 1,915 1,915
20 Direct cremation (in alt cont) 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340
21 Cremation fee 425 425 425 Not listed
22 Immediate burial (min.casket) 3,615 3,615 3,615 2,865
23 Body donation 1,495 1,495 1,495 1,495
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Sioux City & Moville
Summer 2016
General Price List on website in July
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alt cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (min.casket)
Body donation
5 6 7
Sioux City Sioux City Sioux City
712-2550131 712-276-1921 712-255-5023
No No No
2,095 2,095 1,500
675 675 495
230 230 195
295 295 175
340 340 300
695 695 450
695 695 450
475 475 350
225 225 150
300 300 250
150 150 140
695 695 650
9,995 9,995 9,500
850 850 750
150 150 20
1,350 1,350 1,200
9,500 9,500 9,500
1,330 1,330 1,110
1,735 1,735 1,475
2,540 2,540 1,045
Not listed Not listed Not listed
3,385 3,385 2,575
Not listed Not listed Not listed
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Sioux City and Moville
Summary of 7 Funeral Home General Price Lists
Min Max Diff Mean Median
1 Basic Services of the Staff 1,500 2,195 695 2,067 2,195
2 Embalming 495 790 295 715 790
3 Other body preparation 150 290 140 239 230
4 Transfer body to FH 175 345 170 306 345
5 Viewing/visitation at FH 300 425 125 383 425
6 Funeral Service at FH 450 695 245 620 625
7 Funeral Service-off premise 450 695 245 620 625
8 Memorial Service at FH 350 475 125 443 450
9 Graveside Service 150 350 200 286 350
10 Hearse (funeral coach) 250 325 75 307 325
11 Limousine (family car) 125 150 25 134 125
12 Lowest price 650 750 100 720 750
13 Highest price 9,500 10,995 1,495 10,496 10,995
14 Casket rental 750 995 245 919 995
15 Alternative container 20 150 130 117 125
16 Lowest price OBC 970 1,350 380 1,111 970
17 Highest price OBC 9,500 13,250 3,750 11,643 13,250
18 Forward remains to FH 1,110 3,395 2,285 2,479 3,395
19 Receive remains from FH 1,475 1,915 440 1,801 1,915
Direct cremation (in alternative
cont) 1,045 2,540 1,495 2,212 2,340
21 Cremation fee 425 425 - 425 425
22 Immediate burial (in min. casket) 2,575 3,615 1,040 3,294 3,385
23 Body donation 1,495 1,495 - 1,495 1,495
This table was compiled from General Price Lists (GPLs) collected during the summer of 2016 by students
at the University of Iowa School of Social Work. People are encouraged to check the GPL from at least
two funeral homes before making nal decisions. Some funeral homes post the GPL on their website. All
funeral homes are required by the Federal Trade Commission to give a wrien copy of their GPL to
anyone who asks for it in-person.
1 2 3 4
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids
Brosh Chapel Brosh Chapel
Brosh Funeral
Cedar Memorial
Westside Chapel
Cedar Rapids Solon Norway Cedar Rapids
(319) 362-8837 (319) 624-3844 (319) 227-7331 (319) 362-1135
General Price List on website in July
No No No No
1 Basic Services of the Staff 2,450 2,450
Students were
told in August
that it was in
the mail; had
not arrived by
2 Embalming 1,250 1,250 995
3 Other body preparation 500 500 575
4 Transfer body to FH 525 525 600
5 Viewing/visitation at FH 500 500 630
6 Funeral Service at FH 500 500 750
7 Funeral Service-off premise 500 500 750
8 Memorial Service at FH 500 500 750
9 Graveside Service 500 500 630
10 Hearse (funeral coach) 325 325 360
11 Limousine (family car) 200 200 250
12 Lowest price 650 650 100
13 Highest price 30,000 30,000 22,750
14 Casket rental Not listed Not listed 1,000
15 Alternative container 75 75 100
16 Lowest price OBC 950 950 980
17 Highest price OBC 12,995 12,995 12,250
18 Forward remains to FH 3,525 3,525 2,780
19 Receive remains from FH 2,700 2,700 1,950
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
3,045 3,045 4,285
21 Cremation fee 290 290 605
Immediate burial in minimum casket
4,650 4,650 3,980
23 Body donation 2,450 2,450 1,950
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Cedar Rapids
(319) 378-3361
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Not listed
Iowa City & Cedar
General Price List on
website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in
alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial in minimum
Body donation
5 6 7
Cedar Memorial
Park and
Funeral Home
Gay & Ciha
Funeral and
Funeral Home
Cedar Rapids Iowa City Anamosa
(319) 393-8000 (319) 338-1132 (319) 462-3535
No No No
2,750 2,195
Students were
told in August
that it was in
the mail; had
not received by
995 895
575 375
600 450
630 655
750 895
750 895
750 895
630 500
360 420
250 150
100 995
22,750 10,650
1,000 Not Listed
100 75
980 825
12,250 8,995
2,780 2,495
1,950 2,195
4,285 2,000
605 500
2,980 4,300
1,950 1,125
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids
General Price List on website in July
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
20 Direct cremation (in alternative
21 Cremation fee
22 Immediate burial in minimum
23 Body donation
9 10
Lensing Funeral
& Cremation
Lensing's Oak Hill
Iowa City Coralville
(319) 338-8171 (319) 351-9362
No No
2,825 2,825
895 895
565 565
495 495
795 795
795 795
795 795
795 795
495 495
525 525
155 155
825 825
11,595 11,595
Not Listed Not Listed
Not Listed Not Listed
1,025 1,025
10,945 10,945
3,590 3,590
3,095 3,095
3,895 3,895
350 350
4,895 4,070
1,495 1,495
11 12
Murdoch Funeral
Home &
Funeral Home
& Cremation
Cedar Rapids Marion
(319) 364-1549 (319) 377-1553
No No
3,750 3,750
895 895
310 310
445 445
325 325
370 370
370 370
370 370
325 325
200 200
175 175
995 995
41,995 41,995
Not listed Not listed
450 450
895 895
12,195 12,195
2,720 2,720
2,200 2,200
2,825 2,825
Not listed Not listed
3,845 3,845
1,565 1,565
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids
General Price List on website in July
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
21 Cremation fee
Immediate burial in minimum casket
23 Body donation
13 14 15 16
Funeral Home &
Murdoch Funeral
Home &
Funeral Homes
Funeral Home
Center Point Central City Walker Cedar Rapids
(319) 849-1567 (319) 438-6113 (319) 448-4211 (319) 362-9032
No No No No
3,750 3,750
Students were
told in August
that it was in
the mail; had
not arrived by
895 895 750
310 310 395
445 445 400
325 325 375
370 370 475
370 370 475
370 370 475
325 325 375
200 200 375
175 175 125
995 995 1,175
41,995 41,995 8,725
Not listed Not listed Not listed
450 450 Not listed
895 895 650
12,195 12,195 8,625
2,720 2,720 2,945
2,200 2,200 2,145
2,825 2,825 2,395
Not listed Not listed Not listed
3,845 3,845 4,550
1,565 1,565 Not listed
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids
General Price List on website in July
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
21 Cremation fee
Immediate burial in minimum casket
23 Body donation
17 18 19 20
Phillips Funeral
Phillips Funeral
Stewart Baxter
Funeral &
Stewart Baxter
Funeral &
Vinton Blairstown Cedar Rapids Marion
(319) 472-2223 (319) 454-6521 (319) 362-2147 (319) 377-1538
No No No No
2,790 2,790 3,195 3,195
550 550 795 795
275 275 395 395
250 250 430 430
400 400 495 495
490 490 495 495
490 490 495 495
415 415 495 495
200 200 395 395
145 145 295 295
95 95 250 250
760 760 995 995
11,355 11,355 16,995 16,995
Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed
Not listed Not listed Not listed Not listed
925 925 855 855
3,025 3,025 5,295 5,295
1,995 1,995 2,495 2,495
1,295 1,295 2,095 2,095
2,395 2,395 1,995 1,995
295 295 300 300
Not listed Not listed 3,995 3,995
600 600 1,495 1,495
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
21 22 23
Stewart Baxter
Funeral &
Teahen Funeral
Van Steenhuyse-
Russell Funeral
Mt. Vernon Cedar Rapids Vinton
(319) 895-8425 (319) 396-2616 (319) 472-2233
No No No
3,195 2,965 2,495
795 895 795
395 500 150
430 490 200
495 550 475
495 600 575
495 600 575
495 Not Listed 575
395 400 295
295 325 225
250 100 Not Listed
995 100 950
16,995 10,395 6,625
Not listed Not Listed Not Listed
Not listed 100 100
855 450 950
5,295 10,250 3,795
2,495 2,540 2,150
2,095 2,045 1,425
1,995 2,395 3,410
300 Not Listed Not Listed
3,995 3,195 3,040
1,495 1,495 1,595
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids
General Price List on website in July
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
21 Cremation fee
Immediate burial in minimum
23 Body donation
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids Summary Table
Iowa City & Cedar Rapids: 2016
Min Max Diff Mean Median
1 Basic Services of the Staff
957 3,750 2,793 2,864 2,808
2 Embalming
550 1,250 700 884 895
3 Other body preparation
150 575 425 404 395
4 Transfer body to FH
200 600 400 439 445
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
325 795 470 499 495
6 Funeral Service at FH
370 895 525 557 495
7 Funeral Service-off premise
370 895 525 557 495
8 Memorial Service at FH
370 895 525 546 495
9 Graveside Service
200 630 430 406 395
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
145 525 380 302 295
11 Limousine (family car)
95 250 155 179 175
12 Lowest price
100 1,175 1,075 782 950
13 Highest price
6,625 41,995 35,370 21,408 16,995
14 Casket rental
1,000 1,000 - 1,000 1,000
15 Alternative container
75 450 375 210 100
16 Lowest price OBC
450 1,025 575 883 895
17 Highest price OBC
3,025 12,995 9,970 9,198 10,945
18 Forward remains to FH
1,995 3,590 1,595 2,751 2,720
19 Receive remains from FH
1,295 3,095 1,800 2,157 2,145
20 Direct cremation (in alternative
1,995 4,285 2,290 2,854 2,825
21 Cremation fee
290 605 315 375 300
Immediate burial (in min. casket) 2,980 4,895 1,915 3,981 3,995
23 Body donation
600 2,450 1,850 1,553 1,530
This table was compiled from General Price Lists (GPLs) collected during the summer of 2016 by students
at the University of Iowa School of Social Work. People are encouraged to check the GPL from at least
two funeral homes before making nal decisions. Some funeral homes post the GPL on their website. All
funeral homes are required by the Federal Trade Commission to give a wrien copy of their GPL to
anyone who asks for it in-person.
Price List on website in July 2016?
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative
21 Cremation fee
22 Immediate burial (in min. casket)
23 Body donation
1 2 3 4
Funeral Care
Funeral Care
- Merle Hay
Care - South
Funeral Care
- Tonini
Clive Des Moines Des Moines Des Moines
515-277-8700 515-278-4633 515-277-8700 515-277-8700
No No No No
1,990 1,990 1,990 1,990
525 525 525 525
140 140 140 140
695 695 695 695
325 595 325 325
325 595 325 325
325 595 325 325
325 595 325 325
195 195 195 195
225 225 225 225
not listed not listed not listed not listed
970 970 970 970
53,600 53,600 53,600 53,600
995 995 995 995
185 185 185 185
995 995 995 995
15,900 15,900 15,900 15,900
2,410 2,605 2,410 2,410
1,190 1,385 1,190 1,190
2,315 2,565 2,315 2,315
not listed not listed not listed not listed
3,575 3,575 3,575 3,575
750 750 750 750
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Price List on website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (in min. casket)
Body donation
5 6 7 8
Home &
Celebrate Life
Society of
Urbandale Des Moines
West Des
Moines Clive
515-276-0551 515-244-5253 515-689-5522 515-277-8700
No No No No
1,595 1,885 245
550 895 not listed
200 510 125
325 215 550
425 Not 415 150
425 Available 415 not listed
425 415 not listed
425 415 not listed
250 395 not listed
250 299 not listed
200 not listed not listed
1,495 815 not listed
13,995 16,260 not listed
not listed not listed not listed
75 35 185
950 325 not listed
4,395 9,800 not listed
1,625 Not not provided not listed
1,075 Available 895 not listed
1,560 930 980
300 265 not listed
3,070 1,420 not listed
1,050 1,105 750
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Price List on website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (in min. casket)
Body donation
9 10 11 12
Memorial -
Funeral Home
and Crematory
Memorial -
Chapel &
Ernst Funeral
Ankeny West Des Moines Ankeny Waukee
515-964-4674 515-225-7225 515-964-7543 515-987-6881
No No No No
2,895 2,895 1,280 1,995
995 995 565 695
740 740 unclear 315
595 595 220 425
245 245 405 450
595 595 480 725
595 595 480 700
595 595 480 725
595 595 225 650
245 245 250 295
195 195 200 225
795 795 695 695
9,595 9,595 9,800 22,900
1,000 1,000 not listed not listed
145 145 45 395
995 995 570 995
5,295 5,295 10,200 9,995
3,195 3,195 1,407 2,595
1,945 1,945 951 1,995
2,895 2,895 1,400 2,895
570 570 not listed 625
3,540 3,540 1,250 3,290
1,070 1,070 not clear not listed
Price List on website in July 2016?
1 Basic Services of the Staff
2 Embalming
3 Other body preparation
4 Transfer body to FH
5 Viewing/visitation at FH
6 Funeral Service at FH
7 Funeral Service-off premise
8 Memorial Service at FH
9 Graveside Service
10 Hearse (funeral coach)
11 Limousine (family car)
12 Lowest price
13 Highest price
14 Casket rental
15 Alternative container
16 Lowest price OBC
17 Highest price OBC
18 Forward remains to FH
19 Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
21 Cremation fee
22 Immediate burial (in min. casket)
23 Body donation
13 14 15 16
Hamilton's on
Des Moines Des Moines West Des Moines Des Moines
515-243-5221 515-289-2442 515-224-0078 515-285-3911
Yes Yes Yes Yes
1,845 1,845 1,845 1,845
600 600 600 600
325 325 325 325
310 310 310 310
430 430 430 430
450 450 450 450
450 450 450 450
450 450 450 450
110 110 110 110
195 195 195 195
120 120 120 120
875 875 875 875
28,695 28,695 28,695 28,695
not listed not listed not listed not listed
60 60 60 60
800 800 800 800
3,775 3,775 3,775 3,775
1,310 1,310 1,310 1,310
1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260
1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400
380 380 380 380
2,350 2,350 2,350 2,350
470 470 470 470
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Price List on website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (in min. casket)
Body donation
17 18 19 20
Iles - Dunn's
Altoona Mitchellville Des Moines Des Moines
515-967-4272 515-967-0778 515-309-6550 515-244-2121
Yes Yes No No
1,845 1,845 2,295 2,195
600 600 750 570
325 325 300 375
310 310 225 375
430 430 295 525
450 450 695 650
450 450 695 650
450 450 695 650
110 110 3,565 395
195 195 295 275
120 120 100 225
875 875 895 795
28,695 28,695 6,800 17,495
not listed not listed 695 1,195
60 60 695 295
800 800 995 695
3,775 3,775 3,895 12,995
1,310 1,310 1,820 1,710
1,260 1,260 2,120 3,490
1,400 1,400 1,625 2,735
380 380 not listed 645
2,350 2,350 2,590 2,865
470 470 500 1,440
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Price List on website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (in min. casket)
Body donation
21 22 23 24
Iles -
Park Chapel
Iles -
Services of
Des Moines Des Moines Adel Ankeny
515-265-1652 515-276-4567 515-993-4240 515-964-0592
No No No No
1,595 1,925 2,195 2,635
570 570 695 1,295
375 375 495 175
375 375 295 395
395 495 695 950
495 575 695 950
495 575 695 950
495 495 695 950
395 395 695 390
275 275 295 250
225 225 295 250
795 795 295 750
17,495 17,495 9,995 23,640
1,195 1,195 not listed 950
295 295 95 45
695 695 795 895
12,995 12,995 17,595 9,744
1,710 1,710 2,360 1,898
3,100 3,360 2,380 1,650
2,535 2,685 2,995 1,999
645 645 895 525
2,670 2,815 2,805 2,748
1,440 1,440 1,920 550
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Price List on website in July 2016?
Basic Services of the Staff
Other body preparation
Transfer body to FH
Viewing/visitation at FH
Funeral Service at FH
Funeral Service-off premise
Memorial Service at FH
Graveside Service
Hearse (funeral coach)
Limousine (family car)
Lowest price
Highest price
Casket rental
Alternative container
Lowest price OBC
Highest price OBC
Forward remains to FH
Receive remains from FH
Direct cremation (in alternative cont)
Cremation fee
Immediate burial (in min. casket)
Body donation
25 26 27 28
Home -
Indianola Des Moines Carlisle Indianola
515-961-5121 515-288-6551 515-989-3510 515-961-2215
No No No No
2,190 1,950 1,950 1,950
895 850 850 850
225 375 375 375
395 325 325 325
525 550 550 550
525 750 750 750
525 750 750 750
525 600 600 600
300 600 600 600
265 400 400 400
100 175 175 175
1,025 995 995 995
6,990 38,000 38,000 38,000
995 not listed not listed not listed
150 100 100 100
775 990 990 990
15,000 14,800 14,800 14,800
2,460 1,400 1,400 1,400
1,780 1,600 1,600 1,600
2,145 1,850 1,850 1,850
600 595 595 595
3,771.50 4,065 4,065 4,065
1,100 850 850 850
Please check with the funeral home directly before making any decisions. Prices and opons may have
changed, or we may have unintenonally made a mistake when interpreng the GPL.
Des Moines Summer 2016
Summary of Funeral Home
General Price Lists
Min Max
Mean Median
Basic Services of the Staff 245 2,895 2,650 1,952 1,950
Embalming 525 1,295 770 703 600
Other body preparation 125 740 615 330 325
Transfer body to FH 215 695 480 406 325
Viewing/visitation at FH 150 950 800 445 430
Funeral Service at FH 325 950 625 552 488
Funeral Service-off premise 325 950 625 551 488
Memorial Service at FH 325 950 625 531 488
Graveside Service 110 3,565 3,455 465 275
Hearse (funeral coach) 195 400 205 261 248
Limousine (family car) 100 295 195 175 175
Lowest price 295 1,495 1,200 875 875
Highest price 6,800 53,600 46,800 26,255 23,270
Casket rental 695 1,195 500 1,017 995
Alternative container 35 695 660 159 100
Lowest price OBC 325 995 670 851 800
Highest price OBC 3,775 17,595 13,820 10,033 9,898
Forward remains to FH 1,310 3,195 1,885 1,903 1,710
Receive remains from FH 895 3,490 2,595 1,692 1,323
Direct cremation (in alternative cont) 930 2,995 2,065 1,990 1,850
Cremation fee 265 895 630 518 548
Immediate burial (in min. casket) 1,250 4,065 2,815 2,960 2,810
Body donation 470 1,920 1,450 872 750
This table was compiled from General Price Lists (GPLs) collected during the summer of 2016 by students
at the University of Iowa School of Social Work. People are encouraged to check the GPL from at least
two funeral homes before making nal decisions. Some funeral homes post the GPL on their website. All
funeral homes are required by the Federal Trade Commission to give a wrien copy of their GPL to
anyone who asks for it in-person.