Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Surgical Patient Education
A central line, also known as a central venous access device
(CVAD), is a thin, soft, exible tube. This long tube, also
called a catheter, is placed in a vein that leads to your heart.
The other end of the CVAD catheter either exits near the
surface of the skin or sits directly underneath the skin.
The CVAD contains a single or multiple channels. These channels
are called lumens. Depending on your medical condition, your care
team will determine how many lumens are needed for your CVAD.
What Is a Central
Venous Access Device
Jugular vein
Vein entry
under skin
Lumen 1
Lumen 2
End of central catheter
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Who Needs a Central Venous
Access Device (CVAD)?
Your doctor may suggest a central venous access device
(CVAD) if a medical condition requires:
f Chemotherapy medication as part of your cancer treatment
f Long-term medications, such as antibiotics
f Frequent blood transfusions
f Hemodialysis
f Parenteral nutrition (PN) or total parenteral nutrition
(TPN): nutrition given through a vein
f Frequent blood tests
CVADs are used for long-term delivery of medication, nutrition, and
uids. A CVAD can stay in anywhere from a few months to years. Most are
threaded under the skin, and the delivery tip is in a central vein far from
the skin insertion site. This helps decrease the risk of infection and protects
it from minor bumps and tugs. Since the vein is large, medicine and uids
given through a central line typically do not irritate the vein lining.
While peripheral IV catheters are commonly used for most hospitalized
patients, peripheral veins are smaller, lie close to the surface of the skin, and
can easily be bumped or dislodged. Medicines can also irritate the lining
of a peripheral vein. Peripheral IV catheters are best for short-term use.
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
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Understanding Your Circulatory System
Since a central line goes into your vein and is placed near
your heart, its helpful to have an understanding about
your veins and how your circulation works.
The movement of blood through the heart and around
the body is called circulation. Your circulatory system
is made up of your heart and blood vessels.
The heart pumps blood through tubes called blood vessels. There are two
main types of blood vessels: arteries and veins. Arteries carry blood away
from the heart and deliver oxygen and nutrients to all of the cells. Veins return
the blood to your heart to be pumped through your circulatory system again.
A CVAD is a longer catheter with a tip that ends in a larger
vein near the heart, usually the superior vena cava.
Central Venous
Access Device (CVAD)
Circulatory System
Veins return the
blood to the heart
Arteries pump blood
away from the heart
Blood vessels
going to lungs
Superior vena cava
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Common Types of CVADs
There are 3 common types of CVADs for home use:
1. Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)
2. Tunneled catheters (Broviac®, Hickman®, Leonard®, Groshong®)
3. Implanted ports (Port-a-Cath®)
A hemodialysis catheter is another type of CVAD used only
for patients receiving treatment for renal failure. It is used
for dialysis access. See page 9 for more information.
The size, location of the vein, and type of CVAD will
depend on the specic reason you need the line.
Lets briey review each catheter type. This will help you understand
the care involved and will help you talk with your doctor about what
might work best for you or your family member.
Major Veins for CVAD Entry
Jugular vein
Subclavian vein
Superior vena cava
Cephalic vein
Basilic vein
Femoral vein
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Surgical Patient EducationAmerican College of Surgeons Division of Education
A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is placed through a puncture
into the vein. Typically, it is inserted into a vein in the arm. In infants, a leg
vein may be used. The PICC is advanced through larger veins toward the
heart. The tip sits near the entry of the heart or the superior vena cava.
The line can have one or more lumens that sit outside the body. PICC lines
can be left in for months, and most people nd them comfortable.
The care of a PICC includes the following:
f Taking care of the tubing that lies outside your body.
f The entry site has to be covered at all times
with a sterile dressing.
f The sterile dressing and needleless connector
need to be changed at least every 7 days.
f The tubing has to be ushed regularly, sometimes daily.
f The entry site should not get wet—you must
cover it during showering and bathing.
f The PICC can slip out, so you have to check it daily to make sure the
tubing is secure and the length of the tubing has not changed.
Catheter tunneled
through vein
Vein entry
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For a skin-tunneled catheter, a small cut is made on
the chest, usually near the collarbone. The tip of the
catheter is advanced into a large vein leading to the
heart. The other end of the catheter is threaded under
the skin and brought out through a small cut on the
chest. Most catheters will contain a cu that lies under
the skin at the entry site. After placement, there will be
a dressing over the insertion site. A tunneled catheter
can be left in place for years with proper care.
The care involved with a tunneled catheter includes:
f The tubing lies outside the body on the chest.
f The cu helps secure the
catheter, so it rarely slips out.
f The sterile dressing and
needleless connector are changed
at least every 7 days. Once healed,
catheters may not need a dressing.
f The tube has to be  ushed
regularly, sometimes daily.
f The entry site should not get wet—you must
cover it during showering and bathing.
Broviac CVAD with dressing
and tubing looped up and
secured to chest
Tunneled CVAD Catheter
Catheter tunneled
under skin
Superior vena cava
Subclavian vein
End of central catheter
Vein entry
Exit site
Needleless connector
Needleless port
Two lumens
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
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An implanted port has an entry port
that is a plastic or metal drum and
a catheter that extends toward the
heart. The port is surgically placed
under the skin in the upper arm
or chest wall. The catheter is in a
large vein with the tip ending right
outside the heart. The middle of
the port has a soft, rubbery section
where a needle can be inserted
called the septum. Ports can have
one or two septums. When your port
is inserted, you will have stitches
or a bandage over the site. Ports
can stay in place for several years.
Implanted Port (Port-a-Cath)
Subclavian vein
Vein entry
Implanted port
Incision site
Noncoring needle
Double septum
to vein
Single septum
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The care involved with a port includes the following:
f There may be discomfort at the port site or shoulder after insertion,
which could last for several weeks. You will need to work with your
surgical team to plan the best location for the port. Backpack use,
bra lines, seat belt use, and port access should all be discussed.
f When not used, the port is completely under the
skin, and only a small bulge is visible.
f A special angled needle has to be inserted through the skin
to give medication or uids. Numbing medication may be
placed over the port site before the needle is inserted.
f When the needle is in place, a sterile dressing covers the port site.
f There are fewer activity restrictions with a port.
f You may swim or shower without protection when the
port is disconnected from a needle and tubing.
Chest with noncoring needle inserted into the port
and covered with a sterile dressing
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Surgical Patient EducationAmerican College of Surgeons Division of Education
A CVAD can be used temporarily
for dialysis access. A common site
for a hemodialysis CVAD is the
internal jugular vein, located on
the side of your neck. The catheter
has two lumens that are used at
the same time. One allows blood to
ow out of the body to be cleaned
during hemodialysis, and the
other allows clean blood to return
to the body. A CVAD is used for
short-term hemodialysis or while
your permanent site is healing.
The care for a CVAD used
for hemodialysis includes
the following:
f Tubing sits outside the
body, usually on the right
side of your neck.
f Sterile dressings cover the site and are changed every 2 days
if gauze is used and every 7 days for transparent dressings.
Dressing changes are usually done during dialysis.
f Regular changing of the needleless connectors
and ushing of the tubing are required.
f The entry site should not get wet—you must
cover it during showering and bathing.
Jugular vein
Vein entry
under skin
Lumen 1
Lumen 2
End of central catheter
End tip
(placed near heart)
Venous lumen
(carries blood
to your heart)
Arterial lumen
(carries blood to
dialysis machine)
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CVAD Insertion
CVAD insertion will be di erent depending
on the type of catheter and location.
No matter the type of catheter you are
receiving, you can expect your care team will
obtain consent and review the reason for the
procedure. An ultrasound test may be done to
help  nd the largest and healthiest vein.
A surgical safety check will be done to con rm
the correct identi cation site and procedure.
Infection prevention procedures will be used:
f Your skin will be scrubbed with an antiseptic solution, and
sterile cloths will be placed around the insertion site.
f All team members will wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, and hats.
During the procedure, your medical team will make sure that you are
comfortable. Numbing medication may be used around the placement
site, and medicine may be given to help you sleep or relax.
The CVAD may be secured to your skin with
a special holder, stitches, or glue. The CVAD
or port site will be covered with a sterile
dressing. An X-ray may be done to make
sure the CVAD is in the correct location.
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Surgical Patient EducationAmerican College of Surgeons Division of Education
Skills Training:
CVAD Equipment
Now that we’ve reviewed the dierent types of central line catheters,
let’s discuss some of the specic parts and equipment you’ll be using.
Soap or Hand Sanitizer
If you use a hand sanitizer, be sure it is alcohol based. A hand
sanitizer is only eective if it contains at least 60% alcohol.
The alcohol evaporates within seconds as it dries.
Use clean gloves each time you handle the needleless connector.
You will use sterile gloves when doing dressing changes.
Face Mask
A face mask is worn when doing specic tasks,
such as changing the CVAD dressing.
Catheter Lumen and Needleless Connector
Your CVAD or access port can have one or more lumens or tubing. You may
hear your CVAD referred to as a single lumen, double lumen, or triple lumen.
Each lumen is covered by a
needleless connector.
The connector helps keep
bacteria from entering the
lumen. The lumen tubing will
have a clamp that should be
closed when uid is not going
through it.
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Antiseptic (Germ-Removing)
Cleaning Solutions
An antiseptic wipe is used to clean the
needleless connector during dressing
changes. An alcohol wipe is routinely
used to clean the needleless connector.
Chlorhexidine gluconate with alcohol (CHG)
is routinely used to clean directly around
the CVAD insertion site during dressing
changes. It is also used to clean the skin.
Antibiotics and
Fluid Bags
Some antibiotics are already
mixed in a bag or bulb with
sodium chloride or sterile
water. Others come in a
powder and you have to mix
them right before you use
them. That is because the
medication is only eective for
a limited time after it is mixed.
Clamps or clips are located directly on the CVAD tubing, usually
right above the needleless connector and as part of the IV tubing.
The clamp can be a clip clamp, rolling clamp, or sliding clamp.
Squeeze both
sides together
Clip clamp
both sides
Rolling clamp Sliding clamp
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Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Clamp for Emergency
You are often given an emergency
clamp to use in case the tubing
breaks above the clamp site.
Change Kit
The supplies for changing a
dressing are often available as
kits. The kit routinely contains
a mask, gloves, alcohol wipes,
sterile barrier, gauze, and a
transparent dressing.
Flushing Syringes
Each syringe has a needleless tip on one end and a plunger on the other.
The tip is inserted into the needleless connector, and you empty the
uid from the syringe by pushing on the plunger. The syringe is most
commonly lled with sodium chloride, also called normal saline.
Flushing syringe
Emergency clamp
Dressing change kit
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IV (Intravenous) Fluids
Fluids are given through your CVAD through a  uid bag. Dextrose (sugar)
with electrolytes or sodium chloride (saline) are common  uids.
IV tubing connects your  uid
solution to your needleless
connector. The tubing has 2
ends. The spike end is inserted
into the bag of  uid. The
other end is inserted into
the needleless connector. All
tubing includes a clamp that
helps you control the  ow of
uid. Some tubing contains
a device so you can set how
fast your  uid should  ow.
A soft, circular medicated sponge pad (Biopatch®)
may be placed around the tubing at the entry site.
A right-angle noncoring needle is a
special needle used to access the port of
an implanted catheter. Tubing is attached
to each noncoring needle, and the
tubing includes a clamp and a needleless
connector covering the access port.
Noncoring needle
Roller clamp
Clip clamp
Drip chamber
Injection port
Understanding Your Central Line (CVAD)
Surgical Patient EducationAmerican College of Surgeons Division of Education
Parenteral nutrition, also called PN or TPN, is liquid
nutrition given when you are not able to eat by
mouth or feeding tube. It is sometimes yellow in
color because of the vitamins that are added. The
PN is attached to IV tubing and a special  lter.
The access site is where the CVAD enters
the body or where the angled needle
enters the port. This should be covered
with a sterile adhesive barrier or dressing.
The barrier is water resistant and prevents
bacteria from entering your site.
A securement device (sometimes
called a StatLock®) is often used with
a PICC line to hold it in place.
If the  uids are going to be given over several hours, you
may be given an infusion (IV) pump. The pump allows you to
program how much  uid you should be giving each hour.
Topical anesthetic can be placed over the port site to numb the area. The
numbing agent can be a cream or given as an injection with a tiny needle.
Place the cream on the skin over the port entry site with a gloved hand
15 minutes to 1 hour before entry. Place a sterile occlusive dressing on
top of the cream. Injections can be given right before needle insertion.